2021 Best of Design: New Home

Page created by Lorraine Boyd
2021 Best of Design: New Home

                                                  April 2021

2021 Best of Design: New Home
Using nature as the guide, architect Mike Gwin designed a sustainable family
home in Cheswick that’s in harmony with its wooded environment.
By April Johnson

    When Renee Gwin discovered a           Mike had to first understand the        have both health and environmental
heavily wooded, 10-acre property in        landscape they’d just purchased —       benefits — wowed the judges and
Cheswick, pocked with deep valleys         the way the prevailing breeze moved     took Best New Home honors in this
and deemed practically unbuildable,        through the valleys, the amount of      year’s Best of Design competition.
she knew she’d found the perfect           noise trickling in from the road, the      “I love how they kept the finishes,
location for her family’s new home.        depth and breadth of each valley. So    colors, textures, and details minimal
After all, her husband, Rothschild         he and Renee spent long weekends        so as not to take away from the
Doyno      Collaborative     Principal     hiking and camping the property         outside views,” says Judge Carissa
Mike Gwin, loves a good design             with their three sons.                  Smith of Cleveland-based AoDK
challenge.                                    They finally chose a spot in the     Architecture. “It truly feels like a
    The couple, longtime city dwellers     center of their 10 acres, tucked        treehouse.”
who had previously renovated a             against a hillside in the midst of a       The home also won an AIA
Victorian-era house in Lawrenceville,      largely undisturbed tree canopy,        Pittsburgh Design Award Certificate
wanted their new home to be a              to construct their three-story,         of Merit last year.
21st-century sanctuary, existing in        2,800-square-foot home.                    “It’s beautiful in both form and
harmony with its environment and              The biophilic design — a concept     function, and it serves as an
filled with modern amenities. In           that increases the occupants’           exemplary example of designing
order to get the balance just right,       connection to nature and is said to     homes that can reduce our impact

                                   All content © Pittsburgh Magazine
2021 Best of Design: New Home

                                                April 2021

on the environment,” adds Judge          were eager to adopt the practices     home on the lowest level, sweep
Crystal DeCastro Knapik of Vocon.        in their own home. To minimize        up through the house in a chimney
  Much of the praise heaped upon         tree removal, they purposefully       effect, and exit via the top-floor
the home has been for its passive        positioned the structure within the   windows.
and sustainable design solutions,        trees, so naked branches allow           “That,” Mike says, “is just a good
including natural ventilation, shading   sunlight to warm the home in the      old design principle.”
and rainwater collection. Mike has       winter while leaves provide shade        The system for collecting and
long used sustainable concepts in        in the summer. The breezes that       processing 100 percent of the
his work with clients and the Gwins      regularly skim the valley enter the   rainwater that falls on the home is a
                                                                               seamlessly integrated sustainability
                                                                               feature. Greenscape roofing absorbs
                                                                               stormwater, a gravity-fed harvesting
                                                                               tank collects water for tending to their
                                                                               vegetable and pollinator gardens,
                                                                               and processing tanks with a drip
                                                                               irrigation system allow wastewater
                                                                               to return to the ground.
                                                                                  Though the wooded landscape
                                                                               and use of sustainable design have
                                                                               led many to believe the Gwins live in
                                                                               the middle of nowhere, the property is
                                                                               actually adjacent to a neighborhood
                                                                               and just off a main artery in Cheswick.
                                                                               Clever positioning of the house on
                                                                               the property and the windows on the
                                                                               house maintain that away-from-it-all
                                                                                  The side of the home that faces
                                                                               the road is covered in custom
                                                                               aluminum siding complemented with
                                                                               warm wood panels. A narrow bank
                                                                               of windows looks in on the home’s
                                                                               open staircase, flooding it with light.
                                                                               The back and opposite sides of the
                                                                               home are nearly full glass, offering
                                                                               unobstructed views of the flora and
                                                                               fauna that come and go with the
                                                                                  “Every space has a different
                                                                               feeling,” Renee says. “No matter
                                                                               how you’re feeling, there’s a space
                                                                               where you can go.”
                                                                                  Renee tends to retreat to the third-
                                                                               floor master bedroom, particularly on
                                                                               stormy nights when she can enjoy
                                                                               the calming effect of rain falling on

                                   All content © Pittsburgh Magazine
2021 Best of Design: New Home

                                                  April 2021

the metal roof. Plus, Mike says            of the home very simple and let        construction by allowing his son to
with a hint of glee, when you peer         the windows be the artwork,” Mike      tag along when he went to work.
out from the top-floor windows or          says.                                     “I grew up working on job sites,”
lounge on one of the balconies, “It’s         Well, save a few standout           Mike says. “He really shaped
kind of like living in a big treehouse.”   pieces. One is a starburst-shaped,     my appreciation for building and
  Despite the childhood nostalgia          custom coffee table designed and       construction and approach to
created at the top of the house,           built by friend Jason Boone of         making architecture.”
Mike prefers the cozy feeling of           Pittsburgh’s Urban Tree. Another is       Together, father and son poured
being tucked against the land on           an open-tread staircase, made from     the home’s polished, concrete
the first floor. And their boys — now      reclaimed, western Pennsylvania        floors, laid the stonework outside,
17, 15 and 12 years old — spend            barnwood, that twists from the         installed the wood panels and all
a lot of time in the hammock chair,        bottom floor to the top. And then,     the cabinetry and constructed the
which swings on a small balcony            there’s a sweet, personal touch        greenscape roofing, among other
built especially for the family-           — a trio of charcoal drawings that     projects. Both Mike and Renee are
favorite piece of furniture.               Mike made of the couple’s sons         reminded of those moments as they
  Eventually, though, everyone             when they were cherub-cheeked          move through their home.
tends to end up in the open-               toddlers.                                 It’s fitting, they say, because the
concept main level of the home,               In addition to providing artwork,   best parts of the house aren’t the
which features a kitchen stocked           Mike served as the architect,          physical spaces. The best parts
with custom cabinetry and topped           general contractor and builder on      are the satisfaction, work and the
with     leathered       granite. The      the project. That not only made        tranquility that comes from living
adjacent dining and living areas           for    seamless      communication     in harmony with nature. With each
have an expanse of windows and a           with construction manager Adam         day, each rise and set of the sun,
collection of large balconies.             Stickle of Stix and Stones, but also   each change in season, they learn
  The one thing it does not have is        allowed him to work closely with his   something new.
a lot of wall space.                       father, Alan Gwin, a builder who,         “Our house has taught us a lot,”
  “We purposefully kept the inside         years ago, sparked Mike’s love for     Mike says.

                                                                                  Architectural Design: Michael Gwin, Rothschild
                                                                                  Doyno Collaborative.
                                                                                  General Contractor: Gwin Construction.
                                                                                  Construction Manager: Adam Stickle, Stix and
                                                                                  Structural Engineer: Capstone Engineering.
                                                                                  Interior Design: Michael and Renee Gwin.
                                                                                  Windows and Doors: Marvin Windows, Allegheny
                                                                                  Window Install: Santico Inc, Don Santillo.
                                                                                  Exterior Siding and Roofing: Imetco.
                                                                                  Siding Fabrication and Install: Bryn Enterprises.
                                                                                  Exterior Wood Panels: Prodema, Barbara J. Sales.
                                                                                  Exterior Stone: Realstone, Architectural Clay
                                                                                  Exterior Railings: Wolfe Metal Fab.
                                                                                  Interior Railings: Temper+Grit / Wheaton Steel.
                                                                                  Mechanical: Jeff Chips. Electric: Lagamba Electric.
                                                                                  Plumbing: Wise Plumbing.
                                                                                  Plumbing Fixtures: Penstan.
                                                                                  Lighting: Cardello.
                                                                                  Cabinetry: Team Laminates Company.
                                                                                  Reclaimed Barn Beam Stairs: Barry Lang.
                                                                                  Countertops: Armina Stone.

                                     All content © Pittsburgh Magazine
2021 Best of Design: New Home
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