2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace Facilitator's guide

Page created by Roger Chapman
2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace Facilitator's guide
2021 BAE Systems
Business Conduct Training:
Voicing Values in the Workplace

Facilitator’s guide
2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace Facilitator's guide
Table of Contents
Chief executive officer message                                 3          Scenario 1:
Quick start guide                                               4          Delays—Part 1                   11
                                                                           Delays—Part 2                  12
Delivering the training                                         6
                                                                           Scenario 2:
         Before the training                                     6
                                                                           On the clock—Part 1            13
         During the training                                     7
                                                                           On the clock—Part 2            14
         After the training                                      8         Scenario 3:
                                                                           Defective parts—Part 1         15
Scenario selection matrix                                       9          Defective parts—Part 2         16
                                                                           Scenario 4:
                                                                           Team dynamics—Part 1           17
                                                                           Team dynamics—Part 2           18
                                                                           Scenario 5:
 Quick start guide                                                         Acting up—Part 1               19
 See page 4                                                                Acting up—Part 2               20
                                                                           Scenario 6:
 selection matrix                                                          Purposeful disruption—Part 1   21
 See page 9
                                                                           Purposeful disruption—Part 2   22

2   | Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace
2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace Facilitator's guide
Chief executive officer message

Dear Colleagues,
This year our annual Business Conduct Training focuses on Voicing Values in the Workplace. As you know, values
are a reflection of our belief systems, our compass for right and wrong guiding how we live and work. Our
company has a belief system as well, reflected in the principles in our Code of Conduct. Voicing Values in the
Workplace is about understanding those principles and speaking up when we see something that isn’t right, even
when we’re uncomfortable doing so.
When we feel uncomfortable speaking up, that’s usually a sign our values are being tested — that we’re
struggling to decide between doing the right thing and minding our own business. It is in those moments, when
our employees need to know that it is safe to give voice to those values. I expect all of our leaders — from the front
lines to the top of the organization — to be willing to listen, to provide thoughtful feedback when questions or
concerns arise, and to take action when that’s the right thing to do. Our employees deserve to have leaders that
create safe spaces and live our values every day.
This year’s Business Conduct Training is an important opportunity to reinforce our values and culture.
I encourage you to take the time to have meaningful conversations with your teams about how each of us can
speak up and more openly give voice to our values. If you can, try to give personal examples of areas you’re working
on to live our values or be willing to share stories of those times when you wish you had spoken up or done
something differently. We can all learn from each other.

Thank you for your active participation in our annual
workshop. Your engagement in these training sessions
demonstrates your dedication to meeting the high
standards of business conduct our customers,
communities, and colleagues expect and deserve.
Tom Arseneault
President & CEO, BAE Systems, Inc.

                                  Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace | 3
2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace Facilitator's guide
Quick start guide                                                              Before
                                                                               the training
The purpose of this guide is to help
managers and supervisors prepare to
facilitate a Voicing Values in the                                  1          Prepare
                                                                                Read the Facilitator Guide
Workplace workshop. On the
                                                                                Choose two scenarios most applicable
following pages you will find detailed,
                                                                                 to your team
step-by-step instructions on how to
                                                                                Decide whether to use the videos or
facilitate the 2021 Business Conduct                                              scenario scripts
Training, but below is a quick-                                                 Plan the training environment
reference overview.                                                              (physical and/or digital)

✓ Please use this checklist
as an easy way to prepare
for the training.
                                                                    2          Know the materials
                                                                                Watch the videos you’ve selected or
                                                                                 read through the scenario scripts
                                                                                Note the key messages
Each scenario is set in one of the working
environments experienced by our employees,                                      Familiarize yourself with the
but remember: the issues and dilemmas presented                                  participant handout
in the scenarios are relevant wherever we work. It’s
your role as a facilitator that will make the
dilemmas universally applicable.

 4 | Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace
2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace Facilitator's guide
During                                                               After
     the training                                                         the training
3    Introduce the training
       Explain the value of the training
                                                               6          Follow up
                                                                           Answer questions brought
         and how it relates to our work                                      up by your team
       Present the Chief Executive                                       Ensure all team members
         Officer message on page 3                                           have completed and recorded
                                                                             their training by the due date
       Play the introduction video or
         read the message

4	Share  selected
   training scenarios
       Present the chosen videos, or
         read the scenario scripts
       Ask the questions provided to
         start the conversation

5	Close the session
       Talk about ethics resources
         (Code of Conduct, HelpLine,
         Local Ethics Officers)
       Remind your team to record
         training completion in REACH,
         Success Factors, or by signing a
         class roster
       Thank the participants

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2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace Facilitator's guide
the training
The purpose of this guide is to help managers
and supervisors prepare to host a Voicing
Values in the Workplace workshop. This section
contains the detailed information you need to
facilitate a successful experience.

As a result of their participation in a facilitated
workshop, an employee should be better able to:
                                                                                We encounter ethical dilemmas and conflicting values on a
uu   Analyze scenarios to identify issues and behaviors                         daily basis. The key to effectively resolving the dilemmas is:
     that run counter to our values                                             Obtain information, ask questions, talk to others, and
uu   Engage as a team to identify strategies and                                reframe the concern.
     techniques for speaking up when decisions are
                                                                                The discussions in this workshop support strategies and
     being made counter to Company or personal values
                                                                                techniques for speaking up. The discussions you facilitate will
uu   Better understand and align with our commitments                           help participants learn how they might resolve dilemmas or
     under the Code of Conduct
                                                                                conflicts and overcome the fear of speaking up.
uu   Embrace the responsibility to ask questions and
     report concerns                                                            This training is designed to empower employees to act
                                                                                – to help them decide what to say or do – after they have
                                                                                determined what the “right thing” to do is. Open and

             Before                                                             transparent dialogue can create a positive work environment
                                                                                in which employees feel comfortable speaking up. As a
             the training                                                       manager, you play a critical role in listening and taking action
                                                                                when an employee asks a question or reports a concern.

Preparation                                                                     Select scenarios
uu   Familiarize yourself with this Facilitator’s Guide, the scenarios, and     Choose one scenario from Group A and one scenario from Group B.
     the key messages from each scenario.                                       Consider the issues explored in each scenario and pick the ones most
                                                                                applicable to your team. Decide whether to share the scenarios as
uu   Think about how to make this session engaging and valuable. Have
                                                                                videos or using the scenario scripts. There are six scenarios, each
     you delivered training before? Could your expertise support others,
                                                                                presented in two parts. The first part of the scenario depicts a situation
     or would you benefit from a discussion with a colleague who has
                                                                                in which an employee feels someone’s action or decision is being made
     delivered this training before?
                                                                                counter to our values. The second part of the scenario portrays the
uu   Workshops should be conducted in accordance with site safety               supervisor’s perspective as they weigh the options on how to best
     protocols. If it is a virtual meeting, consider turning on your cameras    handle the situation. This facilitator’s guide provides you with insights
     to promote engagement. Consider sharing the scenarios you have             and discussion questions for each scenario.
     selected with your team so participants can watch them in advance.
                                                                                Note: the key messages for each scenario part are intended to
     Involve participants using on-line chat tools like show of hands, text
                                                                                summarize the main themes of the scenario, once the primary
     chat, or polls to gather input. Be sure to test these methods first.
                                                                                discussions have taken place.
uu   If you cannot use the videos, scenario scripts are available. Either the
     facilitator or session participants can read the scenario scripts aloud.   Scenario Scripts
                                                                                You may download and print the scenario scripts by visiting the
Reserve your time and place                                                     intranet site.

Reserve a location to hold your hour-long workshop, or schedule                 Participant Handout
the online platform (WebEx, TelePresence, etc.). Remember to book a             Distribute the one-page participant handout as a tool for extending
room with the right technology and test that technology thoroughly              the learning of this workshop into daily work life.
in advance.
                                                                                Video Locations
                                                                                See the Inc. or your sector ethics page on OneSpace.

6 | Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace
2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace Facilitator's guide
          the training
     Supporting resources
                                                                                                    What makes a
•    Please contact your Local Ethics Officer with any questions about facilitating the workshop.
                                                                                                    successful session?
                                                                                                    A successful Business Conduct Training
•    If needed, copy or print additional copies of training materials.
                                                                                                    session requires great facilitation, active
•    Confirm access to training videos using the online links.                                      participation from all attendees, and relevant,
•    Contact your local IT helpdesk if you are experiencing difficulties playing the videos.        meaningful discussions.

•    If holding the session remotely, or if you have network connectivity problems, download        Here are some tips for achieving a
     a copy of the videos before the training, or use the scenario scripts.                         successful session:

                                                                                                    uu   Ask open-ended questions and actively
                                                                                                         listen to everyone’s contribution.

                                        “Welcome to BAE Systems’                                    uu   Encourage balanced participation
      You can use this                                                                                   from everyone; try to prevent one
      introduction for                  2021 ethics training, which                                      or two individuals from dominating
      the training                      this year is called Voicing                                      the discussion.
                                        Values in the Workplace.”                                   uu   Encourage participants to share relevant
                                                                                                         personal experiences; share your own
                                                                                                         experiences to demonstrate how the issues
Delivering the session                                                                                   may relate to your work environment.
As a result of today’s workshop, you should be better able to:                                      uu   Help your team consider similar
uu   Analyze scenarios to identify issues or behaviors that run counter to our values                    situations that could occur in their
                                                                                                         working environment.
uu   Engage as a team to identify strategies and techniques for speaking up when
     decisions are being made counter to Company or personal values                                 uu   Remember, you don’t need to have all the
                                                                                                         answers – if a question or challenge comes
uu   Better understand and align with our commitments under the Code of Conduct
                                                                                                         up that you can’t answer in the moment,
uu   Embrace the responsibility to ask questions and report concerns                                     make a commitment to get expert
                                                                                                         guidance and come back to the team.
uu   I’ll cover the key points from the CEO welcome (page 3) and play a short video.
     Then, we will look at a couple of scenarios.
After viewing or reading a scenario, we will discuss:
Part 1                                              Part 2
uu   How do the characters try to explain           In addition to the questions from part 1,
     their actions or perspective?                  discuss the questions below.
uu   How might the characters find common           uu   How can managers and employees
     ground, so they can work together to                bridge the difficulties given the
     solve their issues?                                 challenges of culture? How can they
                                                         build trust between them?
uu   How might the characters prepare before
     having a discussion that may be difficult?     uu   How might you prevent issues such as
                                                         these from arising, or discover them
                                                         before they become difficult to handle?

We will break up into groups for our discussions. This will give us an opportunity to look
at the situation from different perspectives, consider what may have led to a particular
situation, and determine what impact the situation can have on others.

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2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace Facilitator's guide
                                                                                                                 the training
Play the selected video/s or use the
scenario scripts
The outlines for each scenario are found beginning on page 11 of this
guide. For each chosen scenario, either watch the video or use the
scenario script. If you are using scripts, you can:

uu   Read the script aloud, or ask a volunteer to read the card.

uu   Share the script with team members to read
     (ensure you print enough copies).

After presenting the video /
scenario scripts
uu   Divide the participants into small groups, and answer the questions
     associated with the scenario.

uu   Assign each group a character from whose perspective the group
     will consider the scenario. Have each small group discuss the            uu   Make sure all of the scenario themes and key messages are covered.
     scenario from the assigned character’s perspective using the             uu   Encourage your team to share any relevant personal experiences,
     discussion questions.                                                         allowing time for discussion.

uu   From the perspective of your character:                                  Run through the second scenario. It is important to engage over an
                                                                              in-depth discussion of the issues.
Part 1
1.    How are the characters trying to explain their actions or
                                                                              Close the training
2.    How might the characters find common ground, so they can work           As appropriate, cover the following in your closing statement:
      together to solve their issues?                                         uu   Encourage your team to build discussions about ethical issues into
3.    How might the characters prepare before having a discussion that             day-to-day activities to raise concerns early and resolve issues at an
      may be difficult?                                                            earlier stage.
uu   Discuss each question, and be sure to bring up any important points      uu   Address any remaining questions already raised, and confirm the
     that the group did NOT think of.
                                                                                   process for unanswered questions.
Move on to Part 2 of the scenario. In addition to the questions from
part one discuss the questions below.                                         uu   Provide a reminder of the support available: Your manager, HR,
                                                                                   Local Ethics Officer or the Ethics HelpLine.
1.    How can managers and employees bridge the difficulties given the
      challenges of culture? How can they build trust between them?           uu   End the training and thank participants for sharing their views.
2.    How might you prevent issues such as these from arising, or
      discover them before they become difficult to handle?                   Recording the training
uu   This Facilitator’s Guide provides you with insights, along with          After the session, it is the responsibility of each individual to record
     questions and key messages for each scenario.                            their training in REACH, Success Factors, or by signing a class roster.
Note: the key messages at the end of each scenario are intended to            Leaders should ensure that all team members have completed and
wrap up or summarize the main points of the scenario, once the
                                                                              recorded their training by the due date.
primary discussions have taken place.
uu   Your role is to facilitate a discussion guided by those questions, and
     to demonstrate that you are a leader who welcomes diversity of
                                                                              Following up
     thought and opinion.                                                     Finally, follow up on any outstanding questions from your team.

 8 | Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace
2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace Facilitator's guide
Scenario selection matrix
    Below is a summary of each of the training scenarios, which can be presented using the videos or by using the
    scenario scripts. Choose one scenario from Group A and one scenario from Group B to share with your team.
    Select the scenarios with the most relevant themes faced by your team, and use your experiences and those of
    your team, both inside and outside work, to relate the scenario to your work environment.

        Scenario information                                                     Themes                                       Characters

A       Delays                                                                   uu Speak up culture                                           Skyler, employee
        Part 1
        Skyler tells Charlie he used some harsh language during a team
                                                                                                                                               Skyler's supervisor
        meeting and was overheard by Alex, a high-level manager.

        Delays                                                                   uu Retaliation                                                Charlie,
                                                                                                                                               Skyler's supervisor
        Part 2
                                                                                                                                               Alex, high-level manager
        Alex tells Charlie he wants Skyler moved off the project after he
        overheard Skyler at the team meeting.

        On the clock                                                             uu Use of Company assets                                      Sierra,
                                                                                                                                               senior-level employee
        Part 1                                                                   uu Time charging
                                                                                                                                               Jon, employee
        Sierra tries to counsel Jon, an employee with critical skills, that he   uu Workplace respect
        needs to be working and not spending his time on the internet.
                                                                                 uu Integrity

        On the clock                                                             uu Use of Company assets                                      Rohit, program manager
        Part 2                                                                   uu Time charging
        Rohit makes Carol aware of Jon’s inappropriate internet usage and uu Workplace respect
                                                                                                                                               Jon and Sierra’s manager
        derogatory comments.
                                                                          uu Integrity
                                                                                                                                     1 enecS

        Defective parts                                                          uu Quality                                                    Sara, employee
        Part 1                                                                   uu Loss of reputation
                                                                                                                                               Thomas, Sara's manager
        Sara tells Thomas she found a defective part while working on an uu Customer issues
        assembly and questions whether this requires a report and if there
                                                                                                                 Scenario 7

        could be a bigger issue.

        Defective parts                                                          uu Quality                                                    Thomas, Sara’s manager
        Part 2                                                                   uu Loss of reputation
                                                                                                                                               Marco, manager
        Thomas tells Marco he is not going to include Sara in future             uu Customer issues
        meetings because she is trying to make him look bad.
                                                                                 uu Retaliation

                                       Facilitator’s guide | | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace                     | 9
          Scenario information                                                 Themes                            Characters

  B       Team dynamics                                                        uu Speak-up culture                     Irina, employee
          Part 1                                                               uu Workplace respect
                                                                                                                       Lauren, employee
          Irina and Lauren discuss how Lisa talks over Sally during meetings   uu Inclusion
          and shoots down all her ideas.

          Team dynamics                                                        uu Integrity—lead by example            Tricia,
                                                                                                                       engineering manager
          Part 2                                                               uu Workplace respect
                                                                                                                       Michelle, supervisor
          Tricia comes to Michelle, concerned about Lisa’s behavior            uu Speak-up culture
          toward Sally.

          Acting up                                                            uu Inclusive workplace behavior         Paula, employee
          Part 1                                                               uu Favoritism
                                                                                                                       Roger, employee
          Paula and Roger discuss their coworker George’s public
          political activities.

          Acting up                                                            uu Bullying                             Camila, supervisor
          Part 2                                                               uu Retaliation
                                                                                                                       Adrith, supervisor
          Camila asks Adrith for advice about how to handle George’s
          political activities and their effects on the workplace.

          Purposeful disruption                                                uu Inclusive workplace                  Mauro, manager
          Part 1                                                               uu Respect
                                                                                                                       Angela, manager
          Mauro asks Angela to remove a controversial item from her desk.

          Purposeful disruption                                                uu Inclusive workplace                  Stephanie, manager
          Part 2                                                               uu Respect
                                                                                                                       Mauro, manager
          Stephanie tells Mauro that Angela’s controversial item is causing    uu Accountability
          a disruption among her team members.

10 | Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace
Scenario 1 Delays

                                              Stage 1:                                           Stage 2:
                                              Start the discussion                               Key messages for part 1
                                              Divide the participants into small groups.         uu   Open and transparent communication among
                                              Assign each group one of the following                  team members is crucial to a project’s
                                              perspectives:                                           success. In this scenario, it looks like Skyler’s
                                                                                                      approach of honesty has already had positive
                                              uu   Skyler, employee
                                                                                                      results—he has created an environment in
                                              uu   Charlie, supervisor                                which his team members proactively speak
                                                                                                      up if they see potential issues that could
                                              The small groups should spend 5-10 minutes
                                                                                                      impact a project.
                                              discussing the questions below.

  Scenario 1                                  From the perspective of
                                                                                                 uu   While it is understandable that Skyler wants
                                                                                                      to be honest with his team members, it may

  Delays: Part 1                              your character:
                                              1.    How are the characters trying to explain
                                                                                                      benefit him to talk to Charlie to find out why
                                                                                                      upper management has made decisions that
                                                                                                      are causing the delays. Without the full
                                                    their actions or perspective?                     context, Skyler may be unintentionally sowing
                                                                                                      mistrust or resentment of upper management
                                              2.    How might the characters find common
  Summary                                                                                             among his team members. In discussing the
                                                    ground, so they can work together to
  Skyler tells Charlie he used some                                                                   concern with Charlie, he may discover a new
                                                    solve their issues?
  harsh language during a team                                                                        perspective on the issue and find a better
  meeting and was overheard by                3.    How might the characters prepare before           way to frame the messaging with his team.
  Alex, a high-level manager.                       having a discussion that may be difficult?
                                                                                                 uu   The Company counts on employees raising
                                              Discuss each question and be sure to bring up           concerns on issues that may negatively
                                              any important points that the group did NOT             impact our business. Clearly, Skyler wants to
                                              think of.                                               do the right thing, by raising honest concerns.
                                                                                                      However, it may have helped to talk to his
                                              Once participants have provided their
                                                                                                      manager so he understands the reasoning
                                              thoughts, the facilitator should highlight the
                                                                                                      behind the decisions and management’s
                                              key messages listed on the right.
                                                                                                      perspective so he could have conveyed it
  Main Characters                                                                                     appropriately to his team. Then if Skyler still
                                                                                                      has concerns he could express those to his
         Skyler, employee                                                                             manager, Charlie, or upper management.

         Charlie, Skyler’s supervisor

                                        Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace | 11
Scenario 1 Delays

                                                Stage 1:                                         Stage 2:
                                                Start the discussion                             Key messages for part 2
                                                Divide the participants into small groups.       uu   Alex is asking Charlie to do something he is
                                                Assign each group one of the following                not comfortable doing—move a valuable
                                                perspectives:                                         team member off a project because he raised
                                                                                                      concerns in a disagreeable manner. Moving
                                                uu   Charlie, Skyler’s supervisor
                                                                                                      Skyler off the project could be seen as
                                                uu   Alex, high-level manager                         retaliation for raising concerns. Such a move
                                                                                                      could affect team members’ willingness to
                                                The small groups should spend 5-10 minutes
                                                                                                      speak up in the future.
                                                discussing the questions below.

   Scenario 1                                   From the perspective of
                                                                                                 uu   We will not tolerate adverse action against
                                                                                                      anyone for raising an issue or concern in good

   Delays: Part 2                               your character:
                                                1.    How are the characters trying to explain
                                                                                                      faith. Adverse action includes instances where
                                                                                                      an employee is dismissed, demoted,
                                                                                                      suspended, threatened, harassed, excluded or
                                                      their actions or perspective?                   deliberately marginalized. Any manager or
   Summary                                      2.    How might the characters find common
                                                                                                      employee found to have retaliated against
   Alex tells Charlie he wants Skyler                                                                 someone who has raised a concern in good
                                                      ground, so they can work together to
   moved off the project after he                                                                     faith will face disciplinary action, which could
                                                      solve their issues?
                                                                                                      include dismissal.
   overheard Skyler at the team
                                                3.    How might the characters prepare
   meeting.                                                                                      uu   Charlie has pointed out Skyler’s value to the
                                                      before having a discussion that may be
                                                                                                      team and the fact that the Company has
                                                                                                      already made a significant investment in
                                                4.    How can managers and employees                  providing special training for Skyler to work
                                                      bridge the difficulties given the               on the project. He has also pointed out
                                                      challenges of culture? How can they             potential adverse outcomes of moving Skyler
                                                      build trust between them?                       to help reframe the issue for Alex.
    Main Characters                             5.    How might you prevent issues such as       uu   For Alex it is critical that he approach
                                                      these from arising, or discover them            conversations in a way that demonstrates his
          Charlie, Skyler’s supervisor                before they become difficult to handle?         willingness to listen and understand others’
                                                Discuss each question and be sure to bring            perspectives, even when the news is negative.
                                                                                                      What he does with that understanding will
          Alex, high-level manager              up any important points that the group did
                                                                                                      either open the door for further
                                                NOT think of.
                                                                                                      communication or aggravate the situation.
                                                Once participants have provided their
                                                thoughts, the facilitator should highlight the
                                                key messages listed on the right.

 12 | Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace
Scenario 2 On the clock

                                            Stage 1:                                           Stage 2:
                                            Start the discussion                               Key messages for part 1
                                            Divide the participants into small groups.         uu   While the comments made by Jon about
                                            Assign each group one of the following                  Sierra’s age were inappropriate, Sierra
                                            perspectives:                                           needs to find a better approach with Jon.
                                                                                                    Since Sierra is not Jon’s manager, to bring
                                            uu   Sierra, senior-level employee
                                                                                                    concerns up with him she should consider
                                            uu   Jon, employee                                      the best way to frame her concerns.
                                            The small groups should spend 5-10 minutes         uu   Sierra could talk with other colleagues to
                                            discussing the questions below.                         formulate the best way to speak up.

  Scenario 2                                From the perspective of
                                                                                                    Abusive, humiliating or intimidating
                                                                                                    behavior is never acceptable. Allowing

  On the clock:                             your character:
                                                                                                    this type of behavior undermines BAE
                                                                                                    Systems’ commitment to fostering a

  Part 1
                                            1.    How are the characters trying to explain          constructive and productive workplace.
                                                  their actions or perspective?                     There are no special protections for
                                                                                                    employees, regardless of their status in
                                            2.    How might the characters find common
                                                                                                    the Company or the skills they bring to
                                                  ground, so they can work together to
                                                                                                    the job.
  Summary                                         solve their issues?
  Sierra tries to counsel Jon, an                                                              uu   In this scenario, Jon and Sierra both have
                                            3.    How might the characters prepare before
  employee with critical skills, that he                                                            very different work styles. They both
                                                  having a discussion that may be difficult?
                                                                                                    need to respect the other's styles and
  needs to be working and not
                                            Discuss each question and be sure to bring              treat each other with respect. Jon also
  spending his time on the internet.
                                            up any important points that the group did              needs to realize that he is part of a team
                                            NOT think of.                                           and by working on his own schedule
                                                                                                    without consideration of the team, he
                                            Once participants have provided their
                                                                                                    can be holding them up and causing
                                            thoughts, the facilitator should highlight the
  Main Characters                           key messages listed on the right.
                                                                                                    issues by not working at the same pace
                                                                                                    and during the same work time.
         Sierra,                                                                               uu   In addition, Jon needs to make sure he is
         senior-level employee                                                                      charging his time appropriately to the
                                                                                                    customer project. Timesheets form the
         Jon, employee
                                                                                                    basis of the costs we charge the
                                                                                                    customer, so it is vital that all project
                                                                                                    timesheets give a true and accurate
                                                                                                    representation of the time spent working
                                                                                                    on that job.

                                      Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace | 13
Scenario 2 On the clock

                                                Stage 1:                                          Stage 2:
                                                Start the discussion                              Key messages for part 2
                                                Divide the participants into small groups.        uu   Carol could discuss the issue with peers
                                                Assign each group one of the following                 to help her frame how to address the
                                                perspectives:                                          matter. She could also practice what she
                                                                                                       wants to say with Jon to more effectively
                                                uu   Rohit, program manager
                                                                                                       communicate her concerns and
                                                uu   Carol, Jon and Sierra’s manager                   expectations.
                                                The small groups should spend 5-10 minutes        uu   Carol could also set clear expectations for
                                                discussing the questions below.                        her work group regarding labor charging

   Scenario 2                                   From the perspective of
                                                                                                       and also foster a safe environment for
                                                                                                       speaking up.

   On the clock:                                your character:                                   uu   Now that Rohit has made Carol aware of
                                                                                                       Jon’s work attitude and behavior towards

   Part 2
                                                1.     How are the characters trying to explain
                                                                                                       his coworkers, Carol can hold Jon
                                                        EAB actions or perspective?
                                                     1 enecS
                                                                                                       accountable if he does not meet the
                                                     petS might the characters find common             Company’s standards for appropriate
                                                     ground, so they can work together to              workplace conduct.
   Summary                                           solve their issues?
                                                                                                  uu   We can generally use Company IT assets
   Rohit makes Carol aware of Jon’s             3.     How might the characters prepare                for limited personal use as long as this
   inappropriate internet usage and                    before having a discussion that may be          does not interfere with our business
   derogatory comments.                                difficult?                                      duties and is in line with Company
                                                4.     How can managers and employees
                                                       bridge the difficulties given the          uu   We are all responsible for protecting
                                                       challenges of culture? How can they             Company assets and make sure they are
                                                       build trust between them?                       not compromised, lost, damaged,
    Main Characters                             5.     How might you prevent issues such as
                                                                                                       misused or wasted.
                                                       these from arising, or discover them
           Rohit, program manager                      before they become difficult to handle?
                                                Discuss each question and be sure to bring
           Carol,                               up any important points that the group did
           Jon and Sierra’s manager             NOT think of.

                                                Once participants have provided their
             1 enecS

                                                thoughts, the facilitator should highlight the

                                                key messages listed on the right.

 14 | Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace
Scenario 3 Defective parts

                                                                 Stage 1:                                           Stage 2:
                                                                 Start the discussion                               Key messages for part 1
                                                                 Divide the participants into small groups.         uu   Sara could gather information and talk
                                                                 Assign each group one of the following                  with her colleagues to understand
                                                                 perspectives:                                           Thomas’s perspective and be open to
                                                                                                                         listening to his views. Sara could also
                                                                 uu   Sara, employee
                                                                                                                         practice with a colleague what she wants
                                                                 uu   Thomas, Sara’s manager                             to say to Thomas to more effectively
                                                                                                                         communicate her concerns and develop
                                                                 The small groups should spend 5-10 minutes
                                                                                                                         responses that are in alignment with their
                                                                 discussing the questions below.
                                                                                                                         shared goals.
                        Scenario 3                               From the perspective of                            uu   Sara has brought up a concern regarding

                        Defective parts:                         your character:
                                                                                                                         product quality, but Thomas seems more
                                                                                                                         worried about meeting the deadline than

                        Part 1
                                                                 1.    How are the characters trying to explain          addressing her concerns. If Sara has a
                                                                       their actions or perspective?                     concern about the safety or quality of a
                                                                                                                         product, Thomas should take her
                                                                 2.    How might the characters find common
                                                                                                                         seriously, even if he thinks her concerns
                                                                       ground, so they can work together to
                                                                                                                         are unfounded.
enario 7
                        Summary                                        solve their issues?
tra                     Sara tells Thomas she found a                                                               uu   While it is understandable that Thomas is
                                                                 3.    How might the characters prepare before
                        defective part while working on an                                                               under pressure to meet the deadline,
                                                                       having a discussion that may be difficult?
                        assembly and questions whether this                                                              overlooking a possible quality issue is
                                                                 Discuss each question and be sure to bring up           never acceptable. Faulty parts are
                        requires a report and if there could
                                                                 any important points that the group did NOT             potentially very serious, since product
                        be a bigger issue.
                                                                 think of.                                               quality issues can cause serious damage
                                                                                                                         to our business and reputation. The
                                                                 Once participants have provided their
                                                                                                                         safety of our products relies on the
                                                                 thoughts, the facilitator should highlight the
                        Main Characters                          key messages listed on the right.
                                                                                                                         application of our safety policies and
                                                                                                                         processes, and on the behaviors and
                               Sara, employee                                                                            attitudes of each of us.
                                                                                                                    uu   Any concerns regarding the safety of a
                                                                                                                         product, or the application of policies and
                               Thomas, Sara’s manager
                                                                                                                         processes, should be raised immediately
                                                                                                                         with your manager or Quality.
           Scenario 7

                                                          Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace | 15
Scenario 3 Defective parts

                                                Stage 1:                                         Stage 2:
                                                Start the discussion                             Key messages for part 2
                                                Divide the participants into small groups.       uu   Thomas could talk with his peers to
                                                Assign each group one of the following                understand Sara’s perspective and help
                                                perspectives:                                         him reframe the issue. Thomas could also
                                                                                                      practice what he wants to say to Sara to
                                                uu   Thomas, Sara’s manager
                                                                                                      ensure his messaging is in alignment with
                                                uu   Marco, manager                                   the shared goals of the organization.
                                                The small groups should spend 5-10 minutes       uu   In thinking that Sara is trying to make him
                                                discussing the questions below.                       look bad, it appears that Thomas has

   Scenario 3                                   From the perspective of
                                                                                                      forgotten to take the Company’s
                                                                                                      reputation into consideration. The

   Defective parts:                             your character:
                                                                                                      Company counts on every employee to
                                                                                                      speak up if they have concerns about an

   Part 2
                                                1.    How are the characters trying to explain        issue that might harm customers or cause
                                                      their actions or perspective?                   problems for the Company. While Sara’s
                                                                                                      concern may turn out to be unfounded,
                                                2.    How might the characters find common
                                                                                                      Thomas should take her concerns seriously
                                                      ground, so they can work together to
                                                                                                      and investigate the matter. Meeting a
   Summary                                            solve their issues?
                                                                                                      deadline will be overshadowed if the parts
   Thomas tells Marco he is not going to        3.    How might the characters prepare                are found to be defective.
   include Sara in future meetings because            before having a discussion that may be
   she is trying to make him look bad.
                                                                                                 uu   Not including Sara in future meetings
                                                                                                      because she challenged him about the
                                                4.    How can managers and employees                  report could be seen as retaliation for
                                                      bridge the difficulties given the               raising a concern. Each of us wants to be
                                                      challenges of culture? How can they             treated as a valued member of the team,
                                                      build trust between them?                       and given equal opportunities to
    Main Characters                             5.    How might you prevent issues such as            participate in team discussions without
                                                      these from arising, or discover them            fear of disparagement.
           Thomas, Sara’s manager                     before they become difficult to handle?    uu   As a manager, Thomas should be setting
                                                Discuss each question and be sure to bring            an example by serving as a role model for
                                                                                                      the high standards of conduct expected
           Marco, manager                       up any important points that the group did
                                                NOT think of.                                         throughout the Company. He should also
                                                                                                      be creating a positive work environment
                                                Once participants have provided their                 where his team feels comfortable raising
                                                thoughts, the facilitator should highlight the        concerns and asking for advice. In fact,
                                                key messages listed on the right.                     Thomas should be taking action to protect
                                                                                                      his team members from retaliation if they
                                                                                                      speak up about issues or concerns.

 16 | Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace
Scenario 4 Team dynamics

                                             Stage 1:                                           Stage 2:
                                             Start the discussion                               Key messages for part 1
                                             Divide the participants into small groups.         uu   Lauren and Irina could have a practice
                                             Assign each group one of the following                  conversation to coach Sally to help her
                                             perspectives:                                           speak up if she is comfortable doing so.
                                             uu   Irina, employee                               uu   To create a constructive and productive
                                                                                                     workplace, we must listen to others and
                                             uu   Lauren, employee
                                                                                                     value their input—even when their views
                                             The small groups should spend 5-10 minutes              differ from our own. Proactively seeking
                                             discussing the questions below.                         alternative views helps create an

  Scenario 4                                 From the perspective of
                                                                                                     environment in which others feel they
                                                                                                     can speak up.

  Team                                       your character:                                    uu   Each of us wants to be treated as valued

                                                                                                     members of the team, and given equal
                                             1.    How are the characters trying to explain
                                                                                                     opportunities to participate in team
                                                   their actions or perspective?
                                                                                                     discussions without fear of

  Part 1                                     2.    How might the characters find common
                                                   ground, so they can work together to
                                                   solve their issues?
                                                                                                     Abusive, humiliating or intimidating
                                                                                                     behavior is never acceptable. At BAE
                                             3.    How might the characters prepare before           Systems, all employees, without
  Summary                                          having a discussion that may be difficult?        exception, have a responsibility to
  Irina and Lauren discuss how Lisa                                                                  contribute to creating an inclusive,
                                             Discuss each question and be sure to bring
  talks over Sally during meetings                                                                   respectful work environment.
                                             up any important points that the group did
  and shoots down all her ideas.
                                             NOT think of.                                      uu   It is important to also discourage gender
                                                                                                     bias when identifying negative behavior.
                                             Once participants have provided their
                                                                                                     The term “queen bee” is an unhelpful
                                             thoughts, the facilitator should highlight the
  Main Characters                            key messages listed on the right.
                                                                                                     stereotype because it stems from an
                                                                                                     expectation that women should act a
                                                                                                     certain way (i.e., always be nice and
         Irina, employee
                                                                                                     smile). Further, women can be perceived
                                                                                                     negatively when acting assertively. To be
         Lauren, employee                                                                            clear, when being assertive crosses the
                                                                                                     line to being intimidating, it becomes
                                                                                                     unacceptable behavior.
                                                                                                uu   When we observe inappropriate or
  Supporting Characters:                                                                             unacceptable behavior, we have an
                                                                                                     obligation to do something about it.
   uu Sally—Younger, shorter-tenured
                                                                                                     This may mean talking to the person or
      employee (not pictured)
                                                                                                     people involved, discussing the matter
   uu Lisa—Longer-tenured employee                                                                   with our manager, or seeking advice from
      (not pictured)                                                                                 one of the many resources available to us.

                                       Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace | 17
Scenario 4 Team dynamics

                                               Stage 1:                                         Stage 2:
                                               Start the discussion                             Key messages for part 2
                                               Divide the participants into small groups.       uu   Now that Tricia has brought the matter to
                                               Assign each group one of the following                Michelle's attention, Michelle may want
                                               perspectives:                                         to speak with her direct employees as
                                               uu   Tricia, engineering manager                      well as other managers to see if they
                                                                                                     have also witnessed Lisa's behavior and
                                               uu   Michelle, supervisor                             gain their perspectives on the matter.
                                               The small groups should spend 5-10 minutes       uu   As a manager, Michelle has a
                                               discussing the questions below.                       responsibility to ensure she has created
  Scenario 4                                   From the perspective of
                                                                                                     an environment in which her employees

                                                                                                     feel comfortable coming to her with
                                               your character:                                       questions or concerns.

                                               1.    How are the characters trying to explain   uu   Michelle can analyze the arguments that
                                                     their actions or perspective?                   Sally may use to defend her behavior.
                                                                                                     Michelle could then develop responses

  Part 2                                       2.    How might the characters find common
                                                     ground, so they can work together to
                                                     solve their issues?                        uu
                                                                                                     that are in alignment with shared goals.
                                                                                                     An ethical workplace is one in which
                                                                                                     employees are treated fairly, and with
                                               3.    How might the characters prepare                mutual respect, and this positive
  Summary                                            before having a discussion that may be          workplace culture contributes to a
  Tricia comes to Michelle, concerned                difficult?                                      productive team.
  about Lisa’s behavior toward Sally.
                                               4.    How can managers and employees             uu   While it is important to recognize that
                                                     bridge the difficulties given the               people have different ways of
                                                     challenges of culture? How can they             communicating, it is equally important to
                                                     build trust between them?                       ensure that we respect and value others
   Main Characters                             5.    How might you prevent issues such as            as they would expect to be respected and
                                                     these from arising, or discover them            valued.
          Tricia,                                    before they become difficult to handle?    uu   Allowing bullying and other disrespectful
          engineering manager                                                                        behavior to continue undermines our
                                               Discuss each question and be sure to bring
                                               up any important points that the group did            Company’s commitment to fostering an
          Michelle, supervisor
                                               NOT think of.                                         inclusive workplace environment that
                                                                                                     emphasizes diverse perspectives,
                                               Once participants have provided their                 collaboration and mutual respect. Failure
                                               thoughts, the facilitator should highlight the        to take action makes us part of the
  Supporting Characters:                       key messages listed on the right.                     problem.
   uu Sally—Younger, shorter-tenured
      employee (not pictured)
   uu Lisa—Longer-tenured employee
      (not pictured)

18 | Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace
Scenario 5 Acting up

                                        Stage 1:                                           Stage 2:
                                        Start the discussion                               Key messages for part 1
                                        Divide the participants into small groups.         uu   Paula could identify common concerns that
                                        Assign each group one of the following                  others may have to reframe the
                                        perspectives:                                           conversation. She may want to consider
                                                                                                speaking with other peers who could
                                        uu   Paula, employee
                                                                                                provide coaching.
                                        uu   Roger, employee
                                                                                           uu   We respect the rights of employees to be
                                        The small groups should spend 5-10 minutes              involved in political activity on their own
                                        discussing the questions below.                         time. To ensure that our personal activities

  Scenario 5                            From the perspective of
                                                                                                are not mistaken for activities of the
                                                                                                Company, we must not use Company time,

  Acting up:                            your character:
                                                                                                property or equipment to carry out or
                                                                                                support our personal political activities; and

  Part 1
                                        1.    How are the characters trying to explain          always make it clear that our views and
                                              their actions or perspective?                     actions are our own and not the
                                        2.    How might the characters find common
                                              ground, so they can work together to         uu   While it may be true that George is
  Summary                                     solve their issues?                               politically active on his own time, he should
  Paula and Roger discuss their                                                                 be aware that those activities could become
                                        3.    How might the characters prepare before
  coworker George’s public                                                                      public and could be associated with the
                                              having a discussion that may be difficult?
                                                                                                Company, especially if he is recognized by a
  political activities.
                                        Discuss each question and be sure to bring              customer or if he is wearing clothing with
                                        up any important points that the group did              the Company’s name on it.
                                        NOT think of.
                                                                                           uu   George should also be aware that his public
                                        Once participants have provided their                   political activity could have a negative
                                        thoughts, the facilitator should highlight the          impact on his workplace relationships if his
  Main Characters                       key messages listed on the right.                       behavior is contrary to the Company’s
                                                                                                values. In this case, he has already had a
         Paula, employee                                                                        confrontation because of it at work.
                                                                                                Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but
                                                                                                those opinions also come with certain
         Roger, employee                                                                        responsibilities and consequences.

  Supporting Character:
   uu George (not pictured)

                                  Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace | 19
Scenario 5 Acting up

                                                Stage 1:                                         Stage 2:
                                                Start the discussion                             Key messages for part 2
                                                Divide the participants into small groups.       uu   Camila has taken the first step in asking
                                                Assign each group one of the following                Adrith for advice on how to handle the
                                                perspectives:                                         matter. She could also identify common
                                                                                                      concerns by talking with other
                                                uu   Camila, supervisor
                                                uu   Adrith, supervisor
                                                                                                 uu   We all have a right to participate in the
                                                The small groups should spend 5-10 minutes            political process. However, our political
                                                discussing the questions below.                       activities should not enter our workplace,

   Scenario 5                                   From the perspective of
                                                                                                      especially if those activities impact how
                                                                                                      we treat others and undermine our

   Acting up:                                   your character:
                                                                                                      Company’s commitment to fostering an
                                                                                                      inclusive workplace environment that

   Part 2
                                                1.    How are the characters trying to explain        emphasizes collaboration and mutual
                                                      their actions or perspective?                   respect.
                                                2.    How might the characters find common       uu   We are a large, global company bringing
                                                      ground, so they can work together to            together people from a wide variety of
   Summary                                            solve their issues?                             backgrounds, origins, experiences and
   Camila asks Adrith for advice                                                                      cultures. We are all responsible for
                                                3.    How might the characters prepare
   about how to handle George’s                                                                       respecting and valuing others as they
                                                      before having a discussion that may be
   political activities and their                                                                     would expect to be respected and
                                                                                                      valued. It is important that we maintain
   effects on the workplace.
                                                4.    How can managers and employees                  the high standards of behavior that are
                                                      bridge the difficulties given the               expected of us by the customers we serve
                                                      challenges of culture? How can they             and the communities in which we
                                                      build trust between them?                       operate. This means that we can hold
    Main Characters                             5.    How might you prevent issues such as            different views without having to agree
                                                      these from arising, or discover them            but should also be mindful that our views
           Camila, supervisor                         before they become difficult to handle?         shouldn’t influence our workplace
                                                                                                      decisions and how we interact with our
                                                Discuss each question and be sure to bring            colleagues.
           Adrith, supervisor                   up any important points that the group did
                                                NOT think of.
                                                Once participants have provided their
                                                thoughts, the facilitator should highlight the
   Supporting Character:                        key messages listed on the right.

    uu George (not pictured)

 20 | Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace
Scenario 6 Purposeful disruption

                                            Stage 1:                                           Stage 2:
                                            Start the discussion                               Key messages for part 1
                                            Divide the participants into small groups.         uu   In this situation, Mauro may want to discuss
                                            Assign each group one of the following                  the matter with a peer to determine next
                                            perspectives:                                           steps in preparation for a discussion with his
                                                                                                    supervisor. He could practice the discussion
                                            uu   Mauro, manager
                                                                                                    he will have with his supervisor on a
                                            uu   Angela, manager                                    respected colleague and get feedback on
                                                                                                    the communication.
                                            The small groups should spend 5-10 minutes
                                            discussing the questions below.                    uu   We are a large, global company bringing

  Scenario 6                                From the perspective of
                                                                                                    together people from a wide variety of
                                                                                                    backgrounds, origins, experiences and

  Purposeful                                your character:
                                                                                                    cultures. We value and celebrate the
                                                                                                    individual differences and perspectives each

                                            1.    How are the characters trying to explain          employee brings to the job every day.
                                                  their actions or perspective?
                                                                                               uu   We are all responsible for respecting and

  Part 1
                                            2.    How might the characters find common              valuing others as they would expect to be
                                                  ground, so they can work together to              respected and valued. Angela may argue
                                                  solve their issues?                               that she has just as much right to display her
                                                                                                    flag as other employees display items that
                                            3.    How might the characters prepare before
                                                                                                    show their cultural heritage, but her motive
  Summary                                         having a discussion that may be difficult?
                                                                                                    for doing so—to purposely cause others to
  Mauro asks Angela to remove a             Discuss each question and be sure to bring              feel uncomfortable—creates a negative
  controversial item from her desk.         up any important points that the group did              work environment.
                                            NOT think of.                                      uu   As a manager, Angela should be serving as a
                                            Once participants have provided their                   role model for the high standards of conduct
                                            thoughts, the facilitator should highlight the          expected throughout the Company.
  Main Characters                           key messages listed on the right.                  uu   Furthermore, actions or behaviors that
                                                                                                    reflect racist ideologies are not tolerated and
         Mauro, manager
                                                                                                    will be addressed immediately and with
                                                                                                    appropriate consequences. It is important
         Angela, manager                                                                            that we provide a safe workplace for
                                                                                                    employees to feel respected, heard and
                                                                                                    empowered to thrive.
                                                                                               uu   Angela’s behavior is creating obstacles that
                                                                                                    make functioning together difficult. It
                                                                                                    interferes with work, productivity, morale,
                                                                                                    and even the rights of fellow employees and
                                                                                                    our safety.

                                      Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace | 21
Scenario 6 Purposeful disruption

                                                Stage 1:                                           Stage 2:
                                                Start the discussion                               Key messages for part 2
                                                Divide the participants into small groups.         uu   Prior to Mauro having another
                                                Assign each group one of the following                  conversation with Angela, he could take
                                                perspectives:                                           several actions to increase his confidence
                                                                                                        to prepare for a more successful dialogue:
                                                uu   Stephanie, manager
                                                                                                        1) identify common concerns to use to
                                                uu   Mauro, manager                                     reframe the conversation; 2) analyze the
                                                                                                        arguments that Angela could use to
                                                The small groups should spend 5-10 minutes
                                                                                                        defend her behavior; 3) develop
                                                discussing the questions below.
                                                                                                        responses that are in alignment with
   Scenario 6                                   From the perspective of
                                                                                                        shared goals; and 4) practice what he

                                                                                                        wants to say to her with a peer who can
                                                your character:                                         provide coaching.

                                                1.    How are the characters trying to explain     uu   At BAE Systems, all employees, without
                                                      their actions or perspective?                     exception, have a responsibility to

   Part 2
                                                                                                        contribute to creating an inclusive,
                                                2.    How might the characters find common
                                                                                                        respectful work environment. Managers
                                                      ground, so they can work together to
                                                                                                        are held to a higher standard and it is
                                                      solve their issues?
                                                                                                        troubling that Angela’s direct reports are
                                                3.    How might the characters prepare before           refusing to work with her.
   Summary                                            having a discussion that may be difficult?
   Stephanie tells Mauro that
                                                                                                   uu   We will each contribute to creating an
                                                4.    How can managers and employees                    inclusive work environment, where
   Angela’s controversial item is
                                                      bridge the difficulties given the                 individuals are respected and where the
   causing a disruption among her
                                                      challenges of culture? How can they               value of having a diverse workforce is
   team members.                                      build trust between them?                         recognized. We do not tolerate
                                                5.    How might you prevent issues such as              harassment through any means or of any
    Main Characters                                   these from arising, or discover them              kind, including sexual, verbal, non-verbal
                                                      before they become difficult to handle?           and physical. We each have a personal
           Stephanie, manager                                                                           responsibility to make sure that neither
                                                Discuss each question and be sure to bring up           we nor anyone else behaves this way.
                                                any important points that the group did NOT
                                                                                                   uu   At BAE Systems, we do not allow display
           Mauro, manager                       think of.
                                                                                                        of symbols related to hate speech. This is
                                                Once participants have provided their                   not intended to weigh the value or
                                                thoughts, the facilitator should highlight the          specific meaning of any particular symbol
                                                key messages listed on the right.                       to an individual nor is it intended to
                                                                                                        declare someone’s personal views to be
                                                                                                        incorrect. Further, it does not mean that
                                                                                                        we prohibit all cultural items and apply
                                                                                                        these rules uniformly without discretion.
                                                                                                        Rather, we intend to advance an inclusive
                                                                                                        environment which reflects our values by
                                                                                                        limiting offensive or divisive displays that
                                                                                                        run counter to those values.

 22 | Facilitator’s guide | 2021 BAE Systems Business Conduct Training: Voicing Values in the Workplace
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