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AN AUTOMATIC ALGORITHM TO DATE THE REFERENCE CYCLE OF THE 2021 SPANISH ECONOMY Documentos de Trabajo N.º 2139 Máximo Camacho, María Dolores Gadea and Ana Gómez Loscos
AN AUTOMATIC ALGORITHM TO DATE THE REFERENCE CYCLE OF THE SPANISH ECONOMY (*) Maximo Camacho (**) UNIVERSITY OF MURCIA María Dolores Gadea (***) UNIVERSITY OF ZARAGOZA Ana Gómez Loscos (****) BANCO DE ESPAÑA (*) We thank seminar participants at Banco de España seminar. M. Camacho and M. D. Gadea are grateful for the support of grants PID2019-107192GB-I00 (AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and 19884/GERM/15, and ECO2017- 83255-C3-1-P and ECO2017-83255-C3-3-P (MICINU, AEI/ERDF, EU), respectively. Data and codes that replicate our results are available from the authors’ websites. The views in this paper are those of the authors and do not represent the views of the Banco de España, the Eurosystem, or the Spanish Business Cycle Dating Committee. (**) Department of Quantitative Analysis, University of Murcia. Campus de Espinardo 30100 Murcia (Spain). Tel: +34 868 887 982 and e-mail: mcamacho@um.es. (***) Department of Applied Economics, University of Zaragoza. Gran Vía, 4, 50005 Zaragoza (Spain). Tel: +34 976 761 842 and e-mail: lgadea@unizar.es. (****) Banco de España, Alcalá, 48, 28014 Madrid (Spain). Tel: +34 91 338 58 17 and e-mail: agomezloscos@bde.es. Documentos de Trabajo. N.º 2139 November 2021
The Working Paper Series seeks to disseminate original research in economics and finance. All papers have been anonymously refereed. By publishing these papers, the Banco de España aims to contribute to economic analysis and, in particular, to knowledge of the Spanish economy and its international environment. The opinions and analyses in the Working Paper Series are the responsibility of the authors and, therefore, do not necessarily coincide with those of the Banco de España or the Eurosystem. The Banco de España disseminates its main reports and most of its publications via the Internet at the following website: http://www.bde.es. Reproduction for educational and non-commercial purposes is permitted provided that the source is acknowledged. © BANCO DE ESPAÑA, Madrid, 2021 ISSN: 1579-8666 (on line)
Abstract This paper provides an accurate chronology of the Spanish reference business cycle by adapting the multiple change-point model proposed by Camacho, Gadea and Gómez Loscos (2021). In that approach, each individual pair of specific peaks and troughs from a set of indicators is viewed as a realization of a mixture of an unspecified number of separate bivariate Gaussian distributions, whose different means are the reference turning points and whose transitions are governed by a restricted Markov chain. In the empirical application, seven recessions in the period from 1970.2 to 2020.2 are identified, which are in high concordance with the timing of the turning point dates established by the Spanish Business Cycle Dating Committee (SBCDC). Keywords: business cycles, turning points, finite mixture models, Spain. JEL classification: E32, C22, E27.
Resumen Este trabajo proporciona una cronología precisa del ciclo económico de referencia de la economía española. Para ello, se adapta el procedimiento de fechado, que considera la posibilidad de múltiples puntos de cambio en la fase del ciclo, propuesto por Camacho, Gadea y Gómez Loscos (2021). En dicho enfoque, cada par individual de picos y valles específicos, obtenidos a partir de un conjunto de indicadores económicos, se considera como una realización de una mixtura de un número no especificado de diferentes distribuciones gaussianas bivariantes, cuyas medias son los puntos de cambio en la fase del ciclo de referencia y cuyas transiciones se rigen por una cadena de Markov restringida. En la aplicación empírica, se identifican siete recesiones en el período comprendido entre 1970.2 y 2020.2. Este fechado es muy similar al establecido por el Comité de Fechado del Ciclo Económico Español. Palabras clave: ciclos económicos, puntos de cambio en la fase del ciclo, modelos de mixturas finitas de distribuciones, España. Códigos JEL: E32, C22, E27.
An automatic algorithm to date the reference cycle of the Spanish economy 2 1 Introduction Although it seems a truism truth, the business cycle turning points, the dates at which the economy switches from expansion to recession and vice versa, are not directly observable. Indeed, determin- ing the reference cycle peaks and troughs is very crucial for policy makers, for businesses and for the academia because they are used to determine the causes of recessions, to design public policies, to guide investors and to test competing economic theories, among others. Aware of this requirement, Martin Feldstein established a Business Cycle Dating Committee of National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) scholars and gave it responsibility for business cycle dating when he took over the institution in 1978. In sum, the committee looks at various coincident indicators to make informative judgments on when to set the historical dates of the peaks and troughs of the past US business cycles. Following these guidelines, other countries have been creating similar committees, such as the Euro Area Business Cycle Dating Committee of the Center for Economic Policy Research, founded in 2002, and the Spanish Business Cycle Dating Committee (SBCDC) of the Spanish Economic Association, created in 2014. Despite the interest in establishing and maintaining a historical chronology of the business cycle, the dating methodology of the Committees has received some criticism as their decisions represent the consensus of individuals. Thus, their dating methodology is neither transparent nor reproducible. In addition, the dating committees date the turning points with a considerable lag, which last more than two years in some cases. This reduces the interest of the committees’ decisions to provide real-time assessments of the business cycle changes. To overcome these drawbacks, this paper codifies in a systematic and transparent way a his- torical chronology of business cycle turning points for Spain. Following the business cycle concept of Burns and Mitchell (1946), we consider the reference cycle as a set of dates of wave-like move- ments occurring at about the same time and in many economic activities. Its computation requires collecting a number of coincident indicators and determining global change-points, from which the reference cycle can be extracted using average-then-date or date-then-aggregate methods. The first case consists on summarizing the coincident information in a single composite indicator from which the turning points are determined. The second case first identifies turning points in the individual indicators and looks for common turning points. Although the literature has focused primarily on average-then-date methods, the date-then-average alternative has recently proved to be successful in dating the turning points. Examples of the latter are Harding and Pagan (2006, 2016), Chauvet and Piger (2008), and Stock and Watson (2010, 2014). Against this background, Camacho et al. (2021) recently proposed a novel date-then-average methodology that views the reference cycle as a multiple change-point mixture model. They con- sider that the reference cycle is a collection of increasing change-points (peak-trough dates) that segment the time span into non-overlapping episodes. With the help of a Markov-switching mix- ture model representation, the method classifies the dates and the specific turning points, which are viewed as realization of a mixture of Gaussian distributions. This method has a number of important advantages over other date-then-average methods. An automatic algorithm to date the reference cycle of the Spanish economy 3 First, the number of historical change-points are data-driven, so the estimates are not conditioned by the known occurrence of a phase shift as in Stock and Watson (2010, 2014). Second, the estimation is simple as it is estimated using standard Bayesian techniques of finite Markov mixture models. Third, the reference dates are population concepts, which allows us to make inferences in contrast to Harding and Pagan (2006, 2016). Four, missing data for some coincident indicators is 7 DOCUMENTOas not a problem BANCO DE ESPAÑA they only imply determining some reference cycles from less observations. Five, DE TRABAJO N.º 2139 the detection of phase changes in real time is a simple as it reduced to a classification problem. This method was successfully applied to date the US business cycle by using several monthly coincident
estimation is simple as it is estimated using standard Bayesian techniques of finite Markov mixture models. Third, the reference dates are population concepts, which allows us to make inferences in contrast to Harding and Pagan (2006, 2016). Four, missing data for some coincident indicators is not a problem as they only imply determining some reference cycles from less observations. Five, the detection of phase changes in real time is a simple as it reduced to a classification problem. This method was successfully applied to date the US business cycle by using several monthly coincident indicators. This paper addresses the challenge of applying this methodology to achieve the reference cycle dates in Spain in a quarterly basis. This poses us several difficulties. Our first challenge was col- lecting a set of coincident economic indicators with homogeneous quality information throughout the entire sample given that the Spanish economy has suffered from dramatic transformations in the last five decades, especially in the seventies and eighties. Our second challenge was adapting the method to a quarterly basis. In order to date the turning points of each quarterly indicator, we employ either the so-called BBQ algorithm -proposed by Harding and Pagan (2002), who ex- tend the monthly algorithm of Bry and Boschan (1971) to a quarterly basis- or the parametric Markov-Switching procedure -proposed by Hamilton (1989)- depending on the characteristics of each indicator. We evaluate the extension of the Camacho et al. (2021) algorithm developed in this paper in terms of its capacity to generate the SBCDC reference cycle for Spain. The results of this exercise suggest that our approach is capable of identifying the SBCDC turning points with reasonable accuracy. Leaving aside the period of the late 1970s and early 1980s, where some deviations occur with respect to the chronology established by the SBCDC, the method clearly identifies the crisis of the 1990s, the double dip with which Spain received the impact of the Great Recession and, finally, the current impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, we consider that this method can be very useful to complement and guide the work carried out by the SBCDC in dating the Spanish business cycles. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 summarizes the methodology proposed in Camacho et al. (2021) which estimation technique is described in Section 3. Section 4 presents the empirical application to date the reference cycle of the Spanish reference cycle since the 70s. Finally, Section 5 concludes. 2 Multiple change-point model Reference cycle dates can be obtained from the estimates of a multiple change-point model with an unknown number of K breaks. In practice, we have data in the bivariate time series τ = {τ1 , ..., τN } of the specific pairs of turning point dates collected from a set of coincident economic indicators. Each of these turning points, τi , contains a peak date, τiP , and a trough date, τiT , and determines the start and the end of one specific recessions for a particular coincident indicator. For estimation purposes, the observed pairs of turning point dates are stacked in ascending order, meaning that An automatic algorithm to date the reference cycle of the Spanish economy 4 τiP ≤ τi+1 P and τ T ≤ τ T , for i = 1, . . . , N − 1. i i+1 The approach described in Camacho et al. (2021) assumes that each individual pair of peak and trough dates in a reference cycle k, τi , is a realization of a density conditioned by τ i−1 = {τ1 , ..., τi−1 } that depends on the two dimension vector µk = (µPk , µTk )′ and a covariance matrix Σk . The reference cycle dates are viewed as the means of these distributions, around which the specific turning point dates dates are clustered. The means and covariances change at unknown time periods breaking the time span of interest into segments corresponding to the periods occupied by the k = 1, 2, . . . , K business 8 cycles. BANCO DE ESPAÑADOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO N.º 2139 We collect the distribution parameters in the reference cycle k in θk = (µk , Σk ) and assume that these parameters remain constant within each regime and change their values when a regime change occurs. Then, given that the state is k, τi is drawn from the population given the conditional
that depends on the two dimension vector µk = (µPk , µTk )′ and a covariance matrix Σk . The reference cycle dates are viewed as the means of these distributions, around which the specific turning point dates dates are clustered. The means and covariances change at unknown time periods breaking the time span of interest into segments corresponding to the periods occupied by the k = 1, 2, . . . , K business cycles. We collect the distribution parameters in the reference cycle k in θk = (µk , Σk ) and assume that these parameters remain constant within each regime and change their values when a regime change occurs. Then, given that the state is k, τi is drawn from the population given the conditional density τi |Ti−1 , θk ∼ p(τi |τ i−1 , θk ) (1) for k = 1, . . . , K, where p(τi |τ i−1 , θk ) is the Gaussian density N (µk , Σk ). Let us collect all the unknown distribution parameters in θ = (θ1 , ..., θK ). This multiple change-point model can be formulated in terms of an integer-valued unobserved state variable s referred to as the state of the system and that controls the regime changes. In particular, the discrete random variable is allowed to take values in the set {1, . . . , K} in the whole sequence of realizations, which are collected in S = (s1 , . . . , sN ). Thus, si = k indicates that τi is drawn from p(τi |Ti−1 , θk ). The indicator variable si is modeled as a discrete time, discrete-state first-order Markov chain, which implies that the probability of a change in regime depends on the past only through the value of the most recent regime. In this case, the probability of moving from regime l to regime k at observation i conditional on past regimes and past observations τ i−1 is Pr(τi = k|si−1 = l, ..., s1 = w, τ i−1 ) = Pr(si = k|si−1 = l) = plk . (2) In this context, the transition probabilities are constrained to reflect the one-step ahead dy- namics of the multiple change-point specification. In particular, the order constraints of the break point model hold when the transition probabilities hold the following restrictions pll if k = l ̸= M 1 − p if k = l + 1 ll P r(si = k|si−1 = l) = . (3) 1 if l = K 0 otherwise The restrictions imply that when the process reaches one regime, for example regime l, it remains in this regime with probability pll or moves to regime l+1 with a probability 1−pll . The process starts at regime 1 and moves forward (never backward) to the next regime until it reaches regime K in which the process stays permanently. Let us collect the transition probabilities {p11 , . . . , pK−1K−1 } in the vector Anπ. automatic algorithm to date the reference cycle of the Spanish economy 5 3 Bayesian estimation The problem is assigning each specific turning point τi to an unknown reference cycle by making inference on the unobserved allocation si . To perform the estimation of the parameters collected in θ and π and the inference on the set of allocations S, Chib (1998) describes a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. From the set of observations, the algorithm is implemented using the Gibbs sampler by simulating the conditional distribution of the parameters given the states, and the conditional distribution of the states given the parameters. BANCO DE ESPAÑA 9 DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO N.º 2139 3.1 Simulation of the parameters Let us consider sampling the transition probabilities and the parameters of the Gaussian distribu- tions given the observations and their corresponding allocations, which are assumed to be inde-
Gibbs sampler by simulating the conditional distribution of the parameters given the states, and the conditional distribution of the states given the parameters. 3.1 Simulation of the parameters Let us consider sampling the transition probabilities and the parameters of the Gaussian distribu- tions given the observations and their corresponding allocations, which are assumed to be inde- pendent. Starting with the transition probabilities, Albert and Chib (1993) showed that the full conditionalAn distribution automaticπ|S, τ is independent algorithm of reference to date the τ given S.cycle Following Chib of the (1998), Spanish we simulate the5 economy transition probabilities from π|S using independent Beta priors, pkk ∼ Beta(a, b). The posteriors remain independent and also follow Beta distributions 3 Bayesian estimation pkk |Sturning The problem is assigning each specific ∼ Beta(a + nτkk to point ,b + an1), (4) unknown reference cycle by making i inference on the unobserved allocation si . To perform the estimation of the parameters collected in where nkk is the number of periods the process stays in regime k, with k = 1, . . . , K.1 θ and π and the inference on the set of allocations S, Chib (1998) describes a Markov Chain Monte To sample θ conditioned to the data and their allocations, we propose an independent normal Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. From the set of observations, the algorithm is implemented using the inverse-Wishart prior. Conditional on the mean µk the prior of the inverse covariance matrix is Gibbs sampler −1 by simulating the conditional distribution of the −1parameters given the states, and Σ−1 k ∼ W (c 0 , C 0 ) and the posterior is Σ−1 |S, τ, muk ∼ W (c k , C ), where the conditional distribution of the states kgiven the parameters. k c k = c 0 + Nk (5) 3.1 Simulation of the parameters ′ Ck = C 0 + (τi − µk ) (τi − µk ) . (6) Let us consider sampling the transition probabilities i:s i =k and the parameters of the Gaussian distribu- tions given the observations and their corresponding allocations, which are assumed to be inde- In addition, conditional on the covariance matrix, the prior distribution for the means is µk ∼ pendent. Starting with the transition probabilities, Albert and Chib (1993) showed that the full N (b0 , B0 ), and its posterior is µk |S, τ, Σk ∼ N (bk , Bk ), where conditional distribution π|S, τ is independent of τ given S. Following Chib (1998), we simulate the transition probabilities from Bπ|S = � independent using −1 −1priors, pkk ∼ Beta(a, b). The posteriors k B0−1 + Nk (S)ΣBeta k (7) remain independent and also follow Beta distributions bk = Bk (S) B0−1 b0 + Σ−1 k τi . (8) pkk |S ∼ Beta(a + nkk , b +i:s1), i =k (4) Given nthe where data, one can easily sample means and covariances from their conditional kk is the number of periods the process stays in regime k, with k = 1, . . . , K. 1 posterior An automatic algorithm to date the reference cycle of the Spanish economy 6 distributions. To sample θ conditioned to the data and their allocations, we propose an independent normal 1 Note that NKK+1 inverse-Wishart = 1. Conditional on the mean µk the prior of the inverse covariance matrix is prior. 3.2 Σ−1 Simulation−1 of the states −1 −1 k ∼ W (c0 , C0 ) and the posterior is Σk |S, τ, muk ∼ W (ck , Ck ), where Let us consider now the question of sampling the states from the distribution S|θ, π, τ . Using the c k = c 0 + Nk (5) properties of the first-order Markov chain, this distribution can be ′stated as Ck = C 0 + (τi − µk ) (τi − µk ) . (6) −1 i:si =k N N Pr (S|θ, π, τ ) = Pr sN |θ, π, τ Pr si |si+1 , θ, π, τ i , (9) In addition, conditional on the covariance matrix, the i=1 prior distribution for the means is µk ∼ N (b0 , B0 ), and its posterior is µk |S, τ, Σk ∼ N (bk , Bk ), where where the last of these distributions is degenerated because we assume that the process starts at s1 = 1. � −1 Bk = B0−1 + Nk (S)Σ−1 k (7) Chib (1996) showed that each of the probabilities in expression(9) holds bk = Bk (S) B0−1 b0 + Σ−1 τi . (8) P r si |si+1 , θ, π, τ i ∝ Pr (si+1 |sik) Pr si |θ, π, τ i . i:s =k (10) i The Givenfirst theingredient data, oneincan thiseasily expression samplerefers to and means the transition covariancesprobabilities, which are simulated from their conditional posterior from the distribution. distributions. 1 The second ingredient in (10), Pr s |θ, π, τ i , refers to the filtered probabilities and requires Note that NKK+1 = 1. i a recursive calculation. Starting from an initial value Pr s0 = k|θ, π, τ 0 , with k = 1, . . . , K, the 10 DOCUMENTO following BANCO DE ESPAÑA two steps are carried out recursively for i = 1, ..., N .2 First, the one-step ahead prediction DE TRABAJO N.º 2139 with the information up to turning point i − 1 K
The first ingredient in this expression refers to the transition probabilities, which are simulated The first ingredient in this expression refers to the transition probabilities, which are simulated The from first ingredient in this expression refers to the transition probabilities, which are simulated the distribution. from the distribution. fromThe the second distribution. An automatic ingredient algorithm in (10), to Pr dates |θ,the i , refers to π, τreference cycle the of the Spanish filtered economy probabilities and requires6 The second ingredient in (10), Pr sii |θ, π, τ ii , refers to the filtered0probabilities and requires The second a recursive An ingredient calculation. automatic in (10), Starting algorithm from Pr date to si |θ, an π, τreference initial the , refers value Pr to cycle s0the= k|θ, filtered of the probabilities π, τSpanish , with k economy= and 1, . . . requires , K, the7 a recursive calculation. Starting from an initial value Pr s0 = k|θ, π, τ 00 , with k = 1, . . . , K, the afollowing recursive two calculation. steps are Starting outfrom an initial for value i = 1, Pr 2 ..., Ns0. =First, k|θ, π,the τ one-step , with kahead = 1, . prediction . . , K, the 3.2 following Simulation two steps are of carried the states carried recursively out recursively for i = 1, ..., N .22 First, the one-step ahead prediction following two steps areupcarried with the information to turning point i − 1for i = 1, ..., N . First, the one-step ahead prediction out recursively withusthe distinct Let information cluster consider separate now up from the to turning question point otherofclusters sampling i −of1specific business cycle turning point dates. Notably, with the information up to turning point i − 1the states from the distribution S|θ, π, τ . Using the despite properties theofhuge effort made the first-order Markovin thischain, area, this the problem K distribution of choosing can be stated the number of clusters is still i−1 K i−1as unsolved. So, with thePr Praim s = k|θ, π, τ = p Pr s = l|θ, π, τ (11) siiof= robustness, k|θ, π, τ i−1 we follow K lk several i−1 = l=1 plk Pr si−1 = l|θ, π, τ i−1 i−1different approaches i−1 in the empirical (11) analysis. Pr si = k|θ, π, τ = l=1 plk N Pr −1 si−1 = l|θ, π, τ (11) Pr (S|θ, π, τ ) = Pr sN |θ, π, l=1 τN Pr si |si+1 , θ, π, τ i , (9) Among theSecond, is computed. likelihood-based when the methods, i-th turning thepointsimplest is i=1 case is the added, to choose filtered the model probability with is the number updated as is computed. Second, when the i-th turning point is added, the filtered probability is updated as is of computed. componentsSecond, follows K thatwhen reaches the thei-th highest turning marginal point is added, likelihood, the filtered |θK, MK , from log p τprobability is updateda set as of followsthe last of these distributions is degenerated where Pr si = k|θ, becauseπ, τ i−1 p τ |θ , τ i−1 we assume i that the process starts at follows values of {1, ∗ ∗ k potential Pr..s.i, = K k|θ, π, τ ii =the }, where si = k|θ, Prupper bound π, τ i−1 K pisτspecified i−1 i−1 i−1 the user, M i |θk , τ i−1by , is a K (12) = smixture 1. Pr s i = k|θ, π, τ = Pr s i = k|θ,p (τ π, |θ,τ π, τ p τ ) i |θ k , τ , (12) τ i θ= i 1 model of K Pr components, si = k|θ, π, and K is the dK -dimensional p (τi |θ, π, τ i−1 ) vector of its, maximum likelihood (12) Chib (1996) showed that K each of the probabilities p (τ in i |θ, π, τi−1 ) (9) holds expression estimated where p τiparameters. |θ, π, τ i−1 K Pr s = k|θ, π, τ i−1 p τ |θ , τ i−1 . Now, one can obtain the condi- |θ, i−1 = K Pr sii = k|θ, π, τ i−1 p τii |θk i−1 . Now, one can obtain the condi- where Sincep τ i this π, τ method = tends k=1to choose models τ i−1 withpa τlarge k , τnumber i−1 . Now, of components, we also consider where p τi |θ, π, τ i−1 = Pk=1 Pr s k|θ, = π, |θ , τ tional distribution of the k=1 r si |si+1 states, i Pr ,θ, π,i+1 si |s i τ , θ,∝π,Prτ i(s i ,i+1 i k by|sbackward π, τ i one i ) Pr si |θ,recursion. . can obtain the condi- (10) selecting criteria that tional distribution introduce of the states, an Pr explicit θ, π, τ i ,term si |si+1 ,penalty by backwardfor modelrecursion. complexity. The Akaike model tional The distribution unconstrained of the MCMCstates,samplerPr si |sdescribedi+1 , θ, π, τabove , by could backward haverecursion. identifiability problems because selectionThe procedure is based unconstrained MCMC on sampler choosingdescribed the valueabove of K could for which have AIC K = −2 log identifiability p y|θK because problems + 2dK The it is The first subject ingredient unconstrained to potentialin this MCMC expression label sampler refers switchingdescribed to issues. To the above transition identifycould the probabilities, havemodel, identifiability we use thewhich are problems simulated because identifiability reaches it is subject a minimum.to potential Alternatively, label switching one can choose issues. Tothe identifymodelthe that minimizes model, we use Schwarz’s criterion, the identifiability from it constraint the distribution. is subject thatto potential the drawslabel mustswitching imply a issues. segmentation To identify of thethe time model, span weinto useK the identifiability non-overlapping which is often constraint thatformulated the drawsinmust terms implyof minimizing i BIC = the −2 log p span y|θK into + dKKlog (N ). 4 episodes,The second constraint thatµthe i.e., ingredient P < draws µ T
We also decide the number of components by choosing the model with the number of com- ponents that maximizes the quality of the classification. For this purpose, we define the entropy as N K ENK = − p (si = k|τi , θ) log p (si = k|τi , θ) , (13) i=1 k=1 An automatic algorithm to date the reference cycle of the Spanish economy 8 which measures how well the data are classified given a mixture distribution. The entropy takes the value of 0 for a perfect partition of the data and a positive number that increases as the quality 3.4 of the Data problems classification deteriorates. One interesting option is to combine the aim of selecting a model with an optimal number of The application of finite Markov mixture models to turning point data presents two data challenges. components (as in the case of the likelihood-based methods) with the aim of obtaining a model The first is that finite mixtures of Gaussian distributions are defined for continuous data. However, with a good partition of the data (as proposed by model selection criteria based on entropy mea- the turning point dates are obtained from coincident indicators that are usually sampled at monthly sures). For this purpose, we also consider choosing a model whose number of components minimizes or quarterly frequencies and this generates a discontinuity challenge. BICK +ENK , which is a metric that penalizes not only model complexity but also misclassification. For example, when the coincident indicators are sampled at quarterly frequencies, turning In this context, Kass and Raftery (1995) show that a useful way to compare two models with points are dates in the format Y Y Y Y.q, which refers to quarter q of year Y Y Y Y . In this case, the different numbers of clusters Ki and Kj , is to compute twice the natural logarithm of the Bayes distance between the third month and the forth month of a year is lower than that between the foth factor Bij , which is the ratio of the two integrated likelihoods that correspond to the models with quarter of the same year and the first quarter of the following year. To overcome this drawback, we Ki and Kj clusters, respectively. Fraley and Raftery (2002) point out that this measure can be propose the transformation of the turning points to dates Y Y Y Y.d, where d = 1/4(q − 1), which approximated by the difference between the two corresponding BIC can obviously be changed back to recover the results in the standard quarterly calendar dates.5 The second challenge of this approach is that the individual turning points are collected from 2 log (Bij ) ≈ BIC(Ki ) − BIC(Kj ). (14) sets of disaggregated economic indicators and some of them might not be available for the full span. In practice, This quantitysome indicators provides are reported a measure of whetherwiththe lags dataexhibiting increasesmissing observations or decreases the oddsinofthe latest a model months with Ki while others clusters are to relative available a modelonly withfor Kja clusters. diminished time Kass andspan because Raftery they (1995) are not propose available that values at of 2the logbeginning of the2 sample. (Bij ) less than In our correspond context, to weak this is evidence in rarely a problem favor of the modelsince withitKonly impliesvalues j clusters, that the probability between 2 and 6distributions of turning to positive evidence, points 6atand between early 10 toand end dates strong mustand evidence, be greater estimated thanfrom a 10 to relatively An automatic algorithm to date the reference cycle of the Spanish economy lower number of observations due to missing data. 8 very strong evidence. 4 In practice, Akaike’s criterion tends to favor more complex models than Schwarz’s criterion since the latter 3.4 Data penalizes 4 problems over-fitted models more heavily. Empirical application The application of finite Markov mixture models to turning point data presents two data challenges. In this section we apply the proposed automatic algorithm to generate the reference cycle of the The first is that finite mixtures of Gaussian distributions are defined for continuous data. However, Spanish economy. Using the multiple change-point model described above to date the reference the turning point dates are obtained from coincident indicators that are usually sampled at monthly cycle turning point dates requires several steps in practice. To serve as an example to other or quarterly frequencies and this generates a discontinuity challenge. application, we review these steps in this section. For example, when the coincident indicators are sampled at quarterly frequencies, turning points are dates in the format Y Y Y Y.q, which refers to quarter q of year Y Y Y Y . In this case, the 4.1 Collect a set of business cycle indicators distance between the third month and the forth month of a year is lower than that between the foth The national quarter of the Business same yearCycle Dating and the Committees first quarter of theoffollowing the National Bureau year. To of Economic overcome Research this drawback, we (NBER) examines propose the the behavior transformation of aturning of the broad set of economic points to datesindicators. Y Y Y Y.d, Because where da=recession 1/4(q −influences 1), which the can economy obviouslybroadly and back be changed is nottoconfined recover to theone sector, results the standard in the committees emphasize quarterly economy-wide calendar dates.5 measures of economic The second activity. challenge of thisTypically, approachthe committees is that view real the individual gross domestic turning points areproduct (GDP) collected from as setsthe of single best measure disaggregated of aggregate economic indicatorseconomic and someactivity. of them might not be available for the full span. Figure 1some In practice, showsindicators that GDP aredoes not increase reported every with lags single year exhibiting in Spain. missing Instead, observations there in the are latest particular identifiable months while episodes others are during available onlywhich GDP sharply for a diminished falls. time spanThe downturns because occur they are notatavailable around the periods at the designated beginning as recessions of the sample. In ourbycontext, the SBCDC, this is which rarely aare markedsince problem as shades it only areas in that implies the 6 The committee identified six recessions since the 1970s: the impact of the two oil crises in graph. the probability distributions of turning points at early and end dates must be estimated from a the seventies relatively andnumber lower early eighties, the briefdue of observations crisis to of the nineties, missing data. the double dip caused by the global 5 In a similar fashion, when the coincident indicators are sampled at monthly frequency, the dates Y Y Y Y.mm are transformed into dates Y Y Y Y.d, where d = 1/12(mm − 1). 4 6 Information Empirical aboutapplication the Committee and the Spanish turning point dates can be found at http://asesec.org/CFCweb/en/ BANCO DE ESPAÑA 12 DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO N.º 2139 In this section we apply the proposed automatic algorithm to generate the reference cycle of the Spanish economy. Using the multiple change-point model described above to date the reference cycle turning point dates requires several steps in practice. To serve as an example to other
the probability distributions of turning points at early and end dates must be estimated from a relatively lower number of observations due to missing data. An automatic algorithm to date the reference cycle of the Spanish economy 8 4 Empirical application An automatic An automatic algorithm algorithm to to date date the the reference reference cycle cycle of of the the Spanish Spanish economy economy 98 In 3.4thisData sectionproblems we apply the proposed automatic algorithm to generate the reference cycle of the Spanish economy. Using the multiple change-point model described above to date the reference 3.4 financial Data The applicationcrisisproblems inof2008 finiteandMarkov mixture models the European sovereignto turning debt crisispointindata 2010 presents two data and, finally, thechallenges. economic cycle turning point dates requires several steps in practice. To serve as an example to other The firstofisCovid-19 impact that finitepandemic. mixtures ofTo Gaussian determine distributions when a particularare definedrecession for continuous begins data. However, and ends, the The application application, of finitethese we review Markov steps mixture in thismodels section.to turning point data presents two data challenges. the turninguses committee point dates are obtained from coincident indicatorsdifficult that aretousually sampled at monthly The first is that judgments finite mixtures and of their decisions Gaussian are, therefore, distributions are defined for replicate. continuous data. However, or quarterly To overcome frequencies this and this generates inconvenient, in this a discontinuity paper we date challenge. peaks and troughs from economic indica- 4.1 Collect the turning pointa dates set of arebusiness obtained from cycle indicators coincident indicators that are usually sampled at monthly tors For usingexample, thefrequencieswhenBBQ so-called the coincident indicators are sampled at quarterly frequencies, turning or quarterly and mechanical this generates algorithm, which a discontinuity ischallenge. an implementation of the methodology The points outlined national areindates Business Harding in the Cycle andformat Pagan Dating Y(2002). Y Y Y.q, Committees which In short, refersof to the thequarter National q ofBureau year Y YofY Economic Y Research . In thispeaks case, and the For example, when the coincident indicators arenonparametric sampled at quarterly algorithm provides frequencies, turning (NBER) distance of troughs examines between a time thethird the behavior bymonth of aand broad the set forthof month economic of aindicators. year is lower Because a recession than that between influences the foth points are dates in series the format following Y Y Y Y.q, three which steps: refers(i)toitquarter estimates q of the yearpossible Y Y Y Y .turning In this points case, the in the the economy quarter of the series broadly same year by picking and theand is not local confined themaxima first quarter to one of sector, the following the committees it year. emphasize Toalternating overcome this economy-wide thedrawback, we distance between the third month and theand forth minima; month of (ii)a year ensures is lower than that between troughs and the foth measures propose the peaks; of theandeconomic transformation (iii) year activity. it applies Typically, of atheset turning the committees pointsoftorules view datesthat real Y Y meet gross domestic Y Y.d,pre-determined where d = 1/4(q product (GDP) − 1), of which quarter of the same and the firstofquarter censoring of the following year. To overcome this criteria drawback, the we as the duration single can obviously and best measure be changed of amplitudes of back aggregate to recover phases and economic the results complete activity. 7 in the To cycles. standard ease of quarterly comparison, calendar the dates.and peaks 5 propose the transformation of the turning points to dates Y Y Y Y.d, where d = 1/4(q − 1), which trough Figure Thedates 1 identified second shows that challenge withGDP of this BBQ does arenot approach increase plotted is that every the in Figure 1single individual year asstandard red in Spain. turning vertical points Instead, are can lines. calendar As there collected be seen are from 5 in can obviously be changed back to recover the results in the quarterly dates. particular sets figure, the identifiable of disaggregated episodesin is noeconomic there challenge instance during which indicators and GDPsome of sharply them is falls. might The not be downturns available occur for atfull around thealgorithm, span. The second of this which approach a SBCDC is that recession the individual not turning identified by the points areBBQ collected from the which periods In practice, picks designated some up an as indicators additional recessions are reported recession byat the with the SBCDC, which lags exhibiting begging of the are marked as shades areas missing observations in the latest eighties. in the sets of6disaggregated An automatic economic algorithm indicators to date and some the of themcycle reference mightofnot thebeSpanish available for the full span.9 economy graph. months The committee while Although others isare GDPindicators identified the available most six only recessions since the for aindicator, diminished 1970s: thetime span thebecause impact of theythearetwonotoil recession crises in available In practice, some are prominent reported with lags exhibiting committees missingemphasize observations thatina the latest the at theseventies involves beginning a and of significantearly the eighties, sample. decline in the In ourbriefcontext, economic crisis ofthis activity the thatnineties, is rarely is athe double problem widespread dip caused since across it only the by the global implies economy. that Thus, months while others are available only for a diminished time span because they are not available financial crisisfashion, the5 Inprobability they aindistributions 2008 and theof European turning sovereign points debtand at sampled early crisis endindates2010 and, must finally, bedates the Y Y Yeconomic estimated fromarea at theconsider variety of indicators toindicators determine turning points. In this paper, it we onlyhave collected a similar when the coincident are at monthly frequency, the Y.mm transformed beginning into dates of Ythe Y Y sample. Y.d, where Ind =our context, 1/12(mm − this 1). is rarely a problem since implies that impact arelatively broad ofsetCovid-19 lower of 51 number pandemic. specific of To determine observations indicators of due both to when a data. missing aggregate particular activity and recession employment,beginsand andothers ends, of the 6 the Information probability about distributions of turningand the Committee points the atSpanish early and end dates turning point mustdatesbecan estimated be found from ataa committee sectoral uses judgments and theirbothdecisions are, softtherefore, difficult TabletoA1 replicate. relativelynature, which includes harddueand indicators. in the Appendix shows http://asesec.org/CFCweb/en/ lower number of observations to missing data. the details of the definitions and the acronyms that will be used in the rest from 4 To overcome this Empirical application inconvenient, in this paper we date peaks and troughs of theeconomic work as indica- well as tors using the the sources andso-called samples. BBQ mechanical Overall, algorithm, the sample begins which is an implementation in 1970.2 and ends in 2020.3,of thealthough methodologyeach 4 series Empirical outlined In thishasin Harding section application and we apply a different lengthPagan theand (2002). proposed combines In short, automatic the nonparametric monthlyalgorithm algorithm to generate and quarterly provides the reference frequencies. peaks cycle of The monthly and the series troughs Spanish are of a time economy.into transformed series Using by following the multiple quarterly by takingthree steps: change-point the average (i) it model estimates of the described the possible above to corresponding turning date the points referencein In this section we apply the proposed automatic algorithm to generate the3 reference months, although cycle of theall the cycleseries series have by turningbeenpicking point the local dates previously maxima requires seasonally andsteps several minima; to in (ii) it ensures practice. To alternating serve the troughs as an example and to other Spanish economy. Using the multiple adjusted change-point their original model frequency. described above to date the reference the peaks; application, and we (iii) reviewit applies a turning these steps setinofthis censoring section. of rules that datedmeet pre-determined criteria ofalgo- the cycleThe specific turning business point datescycle requires points several have steps in been practice. by applying To serve as either an the example BBQto other duration rithm, andthe when amplitudes series have of phases andthecomplete cycles.7 Toprocedure ease of comparison, therepresented peaks and application, we review thesea steps trend,inor this Markov-Switching section. ,when they are trough by dates identified 4.1a composite Collect aindex set of with or BBQrates. business growth arecycle plotted in2Figure indicators Figure 1 as red vertical plots series-specific lines. As recession can bewhere episodes, seen ina the figure, there series-specific is no instance recession (inbusiness red) iniswhich defineda SBCDC recession toindicators be the is not aidentified by totheaBBQ BBQalgorithm, 4.1 CollectBusiness The national a set of Cycle Dating cycle Committees ofperiod from the National BBQ Bureau peakof Economic trough Research or which periods picks up an additional recession at the begging of the eighties. (NBER)with a probability examines the behaviorof being in recession of a broad above 0.5.indicators. set of economic In addition, Figurea recession Because 3 displaysinfluences the esti- The mated national Although probabilityBusiness GDP is thatandCycle the most Dating Committees prominent all isindicators indicator, are intorecession of the the in eachNational committees Bureau quarter, adding of emphasize Economic that the SBCDC a Research recession turning the economy broadly not confined one sector, the committees emphasize economy-wide (NBER) involves points examines a significant as red the behavior decline vertical lines. inof a broad economic set of activityeconomic that isindicators. widespread Because across a recession the economy. influences Thus, measures of economic activity. Typically, the committees view real gross domestic product (GDP) the economy they consider The SBCDC broadly a varietyand is not clearly of indicators confined to one to determine in sector, turning the committees points. In thistheemphasize paper, two we oil economy-wide have crisescollected as the single best recessions measure ofare visible aggregate economic these activity.figures. Dating is quite measures achallenging broad set of due economic of activity. 51tospecific Typically, indicators of the both committees aggregate view activity real and gross domestic employment, product and others (GDP) of a Figure 1 shows the thatscarce GDP numberdoes notand low quality increase every of available single year in series in the Spain. seventies Instead, there when are as the was sectoral Spain single bestwhich nature, under measure the late of aggregate includes years both of economic hard Franco’s and activity. soft indicators. dictatorship. The Table first A1 inofthe impact the Appendix oil price shows rise in particular identifiable episodes during which GDP sharply falls. The downturns occur at around the the Figure details 1 of shows the that definitions GDP and does the not increase acronyms that every will single be used year in thein Spain. rest of Instead, the work there as well are as the fall periodsof 1973 only became designated noticeable as recessions byinthetheSBCDC, Spanish whicheconomy areinmarked 1975, and the implementation as shades areas in the particular the of sources several identifiable and samples. accommodative episodes Overall, during the which sample GDP begins sharply in 1970.2falls.and Theendsdownturns in 2020.3, occur at around although each graph. 6 The committee identified six recessions since the 1970s: the impact of the two oil1979, policies delayed its impact on the real sector until 1977. In crisesthein the periods series economy designated has suffered a different from as recessions length serious andstructural combinesby the SBCDC, monthly problems, and which while quarterly it are hit was marked frequencies. by theassecond shades areas The monthly rise in in the series the oil the seventies and early eighties, the brief crisis of the nineties, the double dip caused by the global 6 The committee graph. are transformed price, plunging intocountry the identified quarterly intobyasix recessions taking the and recession since average the a longof the1970s: period theweakness corresponding of impact3of thelasted months, that twoalthough oiluntil crises in all well 5 In a similar the seventies series have fashion, and been when the early eighties, previously coincident the brief seasonally indicators crisis of adjusted are sampled tothe at nineties, their monthly originalthe frequency, the dates Y Y Y double dip caused by the global frequency. Y.mm are into the next decade. transformed into dates Y Y Y Y.d, where d = 1/12(mm − 1). 6 The specific business cycle turning points have been dated by applying either the BBQ algo- 5 Information In a similar The SBCDC about fashion, the the when identifies Committee twocoincident and1974.4, thearesignaling peaks: indicators in Spanish sampled atturning amonthly point recession dates frequency, between can the1975.1 beand dates Y Y Y found Y.mm at are 1975.2, http://asesec.org/CFCweb/en/ transformed rithm, when into thedates Y Yhave series Y Y.d,awhere trend,d=or1/12(mm the − 1). Markov-Switching procedure ,when they are represented 7 6 For example, aabout Information complete thecycle must last four Committee andquarters the at least. Inturning Spanish addition, point the minimum dates duration can beof afound recession at by is a composite two quarters. index or growth rates. Figure 2 plots series-specific recession episodes, where a http://asesec.org/CFCweb/en/ series-specific recession (in red) is defined to be the period from a BBQ peak to a BBQ trough or periods13with BANCO DE ESPAÑA DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO N.º 2139 a probability of being in recession above 0.5. In addition, Figure 3 displays the esti- mated probability that all indicators are in recession in each quarter, adding the SBCDC turning points as red vertical lines.
the sources and samples. Overall, the sample begins in 1970.2 and ends in 2020.3, although each series has a different length and combines monthly and quarterly frequencies. The monthly series are transformed into quarterly by taking the average of the corresponding 3 months, although all series have been previously seasonally adjusted to their original frequency. The specific business cycle turning points have been dated by applying either the BBQ algo- rithm, when the series have a trend, or the Markov-Switching procedure ,when they are represented by a composite index or growth rates. Figure 2 plots series-specific recession episodes, where a series-specific recession (in red) is defined to be the period from a BBQ peak to a BBQ trough or periods with a probability of being in recession above 0.5. In addition, Figure 3 displays the esti- mated probability that all indicators are in recession in each quarter, adding the SBCDC turning points as red vertical lines. The SBCDC recessions are clearly visible in these figures. Dating the two oil crises is quite challenging due to the scarce number and low quality of available series in the seventies when Spain was under the late years of Franco’s dictatorship. The first impact of the oil price rise in the fall of 1973 only became noticeable in the Spanish economy in 1975, and the implementation of several accommodative policies delayed its impact on the real sector until 1977. In 1979, the economy suffered from serious structural problems, while it was hit by the second rise in the oil price, plunging the country into a recession and a long period of weakness that lasted until well An automatic algorithm to date the reference cycle of the Spanish economy 10 into the next decade. The SBCDC identifies two peaks: in 1974.4, signaling a recession between 1975.1 and 1975.2, and7 For in example, 1978.3, aresulting in a must complete cycle recession between last four quarters 1978.4 at least. and 1979.2.theThe In addition, application minimum durationof of the BBQ a recession is two quarters. algorithm, delays the dating of each of these recessions by a quarter. The algorithm also identifies a third recession between 1981.2-1981.3, which captures the slow recovery of the Spanish economy in the face of the second oil price hike. This behavior differs from most of the rest of the European countries, which underwent a recovery at the beginning of the eighties. The crisis of the nineties took place between 1992.2 and 1993.2 according to the SBCDC and is delayed by a quarter if we apply the BBQ algorithm to GDP. It was a short intense recession after years of sound economic growth. The recession was synchronized with the cyclical phase of most European countries. A high percentage of series point to a recession: 71% of the 51 series detect the crisis in the quarters spanning from 1992.3 to 1993.1 and 54% lead or lag its effect. The global financial crisis and the European debt crisis had a strong impact on the Spanish economy, which involved two waves of recession separated by a brief interval of recovery. Most of the series accurately pinpoint the first hit of the crisis (Figures 2 and 3). Specifically, between 2008.3 and 2009.1 (official SBCDC dates) more than two thirds of the series identified the crisis, although 69% had already detected it in 2008.2. The second impact, dated between 2011.1 and 2013.2 according to SBCDC, is confirmed by 70% of the series analyzed. A non-negligible set of series, around 50%, did not detect the intermediate recovery period between both impacts. At the beginning of 2020, the world was suddenly hit by a global pandemic due to the coron- avirus disease. The pandemic triggered the most severe global economic crisis since World War II in terms of speed and intensity. To mitigate the propagation of the virus, governments implemented unprecedented measures, such as restrictions on movement and travel, population lockdowns, and social distancing in some targeted activities. Official institutions place the recession peak in the last quarter of 2019 or in February of 2020 at the monthly frequency. The SBCDC places the peak in the fourth quarter of 2019 and, therefore, the beginning of the crisis in the first quarter of 2020. More than 70% of the series detect the crisis, although there is a significant percentage of series, around 50%, that already pointed to a slowdown in the economy that was obviously not related to Covid-19 pandemic which, being an exogenous shock to the economy, was impossible to predict. Summing up, around the dates that the SBCDC identifies recessions there is a wide set of specific14indicators BANCO DE ESPAÑA that show a recession. However, there are indicators that either advance (usually DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO N.º 2139 related to the industrial sector), delay or extend the duration of recessions (for example, those associated with the labor market). Furthermore, not all the specific indicators have the same behavior in each recession.
More than 70% of the series detect the crisis, although there is a significant percentage of series, around 50%, that already pointed to a slowdown in the economy that was obviously not related to Covid-19 pandemic which, being an exogenous shock to the economy, was impossible to predict. Summing up, around the dates that the SBCDC identifies recessions there is a wide set of specific indicators that show a recession. However, there are indicators that either advance (usually related to the industrial sector), delay or extend the duration of recessions (for example, those associated with the labor market). Furthermore, not all the specific indicators have the same behavior in each recession. 4.2 Select a set of highly coincident indicators Although Figures 2 and 3 show that the set of indicators would be useful for ascertaining whether a turning point has occurred, it is evident that there is considerable dispersion of the specific- series turning points around the beginning and end of the recessions. As the multiple change-point method assumes that the series being dated have been chosen to be coincident indicators, we strongly recommend testing for this in advance by checking how synchronized the cycles are. An automatic algorithm to date the reference cycle of the Spanish economy 11 For this purpose, we address the issue of synchronization between each indicator and the SBCDC chronology by computing the index of concordance advocated by Harding and Pagan (2002), which measures the percentage of time units spent in the same phase. The index, whose values are plotted in Figure 4, confirms that there is a relatively high degree of synchronization within the SBCDC business cycles. To ensure strong synchronization, we pick only those indicators for which the concordance index exceeds 90%. Thus, the final set of indicators that exhibit the highest correlation with the SBCDC chronology is formed by six time series: SSAI, SAI, ESIS, ESIC, GDP and PC. This selection, which combines aggregated, sectorial, hard and soft indicators, is not very different from the one commonly used by the NBER. Employment indicators are not capable of pinpointing the Spanish cycle since they have a lagging behavior during expansions. We use the SBCDC chronology to select the coincident indicators, given the high coincidence of the modes detected in the set of indicators and the dating of the committee. Nevertheless, it should be noted that our methodology does not require any prior information or the existence of any dating committee. Alternatively, we could select the optimal set of coincident indicators with a search algorithm applied to different combinations of indicators, where the optimal combination could be selected on the basis of the number of clusters, the entropy and the variance of the confidence intervals. This procedure could allow us to discard leading or lagging indicators and to choose the combination of indicators that produces the largest modes. Since this option is computationally more expensive, external information of experts, such as that of the SBCDC, can be used to speed up the process. It should be noted that, in any case, the choice of coinciding indicators, a key element for the success of the procedure, requires the good judgment of the expert who must evaluate the characteristics of each country, such as its productive structure, the quality and methodological changes in the series or any other circumstance. Likewise, a qualitative assessment of the resulting chronology would also be helpful. This is the reason to establish expert committees in different countries. Figure 5 provides a preliminary inspection of the individual chronologies of turning points by plotting the kernel density estimator of the bivariate distribution of the resulting pairs of specific peaks and troughs computed with the BBQ algorithm or the Markov-Switching procedure. The distribution of turning points is multimodal, exhibiting various modes that cluster the individual turning points around periods of SBCDC-referenced recoveries and declines. In particular, the figure exhibits several modes around the seventies and the beginning of the eighties, the early nineties, the first 15 DOCUMENTO BANCO DE ESPAÑA decade DE TRABAJO N.º 2139 of the new century and, finally, a large concentrated mode at the end of the sample, in 2020. The figure also shows a larger variance of the turning point dates in the seventies and early eighties, probably due to the lower quality of the indicators in the late years of Franco’s dictatorship and the unstable political transition towards democracy. By contrast, this
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