Incorporating social norms into a configurable agent-based model of the decision to perform commuting behaviour
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Incorporating social norms into a configurable agent-based model of the decision to perform commuting behaviour Robert Greener1,3,* , Daniel Lewis1 , Jon Reades2 , Simon Miles3 , and Steven Cummins1 1 Population Health Innovation Lab, Department of Public Health, Environments & Society, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 15–17 Tavistock Place, London, arXiv:2202.11149v2 [cs.MA] 26 Apr 2022 UK 2 Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, London, UK 3 Centre for Urban Science & Progress London, Department of Informatics, King’s College London, London, UK * Corresponding author: April 2022 Abstract part of the model in order to provide a more real- istic representation of the socio-ecological systems Introduction: Interventions to increase active in which active commuting interventions may be commuting have been recommended as a method to deployed. The utility of this model is demonstrated increase population physical activity, but evidence using car-free days as a hypothetical intervention. is mixed. Social norms related to travel behaviour In the control scenario, the odds of active travel may influence the uptake of active commuting in- were plausible at 0.091 (89% HPDI: [0.091, 0.091]). terventions but are rarely considered in the design Compared to the control scenario, the odds of ac- and evaluation of interventions. tive travel were increased by 70.3% (89% HPDI: Methods: In this study we develop an agent- [70.3%, 70.3%]), in the intervention scenario, on based model that incorporates social norms related non-car-free days; the effect of the intervention is to travel behaviour and demonstrate the utility of sustained to non-car-free days. this through implementing car-free Wednesdays. A synthetic population of Waltham Forest, London, UK was generated using a microsimulation approach with data from the UK Census 2011 and UK HLS Discussion: While these results demonstrate the datasets. An agent-based model was created us- utility of our agent-based model, rather than aim to ing this synthetic population which modelled how make accurate predictions, they do suggest that by the actions of peers and neighbours, subculture, there being a ‘nudge’ of car-free days, there may be habit, weather, bicycle ownership, car ownership, a sustained change in active commuting behaviour. environmental supportiveness, and congestion (all The model is a useful tool for investigating the effect configurable model parameters) affect the decision of how social networks and social norms influence to travel between four modes: walking, cycling, driv- the effectiveness of various interventions. If con- ing, and taking public transport. figured using real-world built environment data, it Results: The developed model (MOTIVATE) is may be useful for investigating how social norms a fully configurable agent-based model where social interact with the built environment to cause the norms related to travel behaviour are an integral emergence of commuting conventions. 1
1 Introduction pedestrian movement and limits interaction (Jacobs, 1962). Of particular interest has been the extent to Physical activity is important in the prevention of which the neighbourhood residential environment a range of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, shapes physical activity behaviour. Factors such as stroke, some cancers, Type 2 diabetes, and obesity neighbourhood walkability, residential density, land- and is also associated with reductions in premature use mix, street connectivity, access to greenspace, mortality. Physical activity can also reduce depres- and availability of public transport have been found sion and anxiety and supports healthy growth and to be associated with increased physical activity in development in young people (World Health Orga- the UK and elsewhere (Clary et al., 2020; Knuiman nization, 2020). Globally, 25% of adults and 80% of et al., 2014; Sallis et al., 2016). adolescents do not currently meet recommendations As a result, national and local governments are for daily physical activity. Thus, increasing popu- investing substantial resources to improve the urban lation physical activity is currently an important built environment to remove structural barriers to policy priority. In recent years, policies to increase active travel. However, evaluations of the impact physical activity have included action which aim to of environmental interventions such as Low Traffic rebalance the transport system, so that more jour- Neighbourhoods (LTNs) that encourage shifts to neys are made using more physically active modes more active transport modes with the aim of increas- of transport, particularly walking and cycling, as a ing physical activity are difficult, time-consuming, way of incorporating more physical activity into ev- and expensive, and few evaluations have produced eryday life (Dinu et al., 2018). In addition, reducing definitive evidence of health impact (Panter et al., dependency on motorised forms of transport, par- 2019). Moreover, there is good reason to think that ticularly private cars, is likely to mitigate a range of population level impacts often mask substantively other risk factors known to impact human health, different effects within population subgroups. Ev- such as noise and air pollution, and reduce the risk idence from the UK (Aldred et al., 2016; Aldred of road traffic injury (Andersen, 2017; Flint et al., and Dales, 2017) suggests that while bicycle use 2016; Jarrett et al., 2012). is increasing overall, this has not translated into More active modes of transport have been found an increase in its use by under-represented groups. to be associated with lower body-mass index and A recent meta-analysis (Lanzini and Khan, 2017) percentage body fat when compared to those who stresses the important role of habits and past use, as use private motorised transport (Flint et al., 2014; well as attitudes and social norms, in an individual’s Flint and Cummins, 2016) and that changing to choice of transport mode. a more active commute mode is associated with The simple logic model underpinning most built reductions in body weight (Flint et al., 2016). In environment interventions as a driver of behaviour addition, use of more active modes of travel has been change is that changing the environment will au- found to be associated with lower all-cause mortality tomatically result in individuals adapting their be- as well as cancer incidence and mortality (Celis- haviour accordingly (Cummins et al., 2007). How- Morales et al., 2017; Panter et al., 2018; Patterson ever, this largely ignores the role of underlying social et al., 2020). Consequently, there are thought to norms of travel behaviour in influencing the uptake be significant population health gains to be made of such interventions. A social norm is an informal by moving people to more active modes of travel in (unwritten) understanding held collectively by mem- both leisure time, such as short trips to the shops or bers of a population as to ‘proper’ or ‘acceptable’ to visit friends, and in the daily commute, even when behaviour in a given set of circumstances. Norms this includes a relatively small active component around mobility, for example, may relate to the per- such as walking to a train station or bus stop (Flint ceived social importance of owning or driving a car, et al., 2014). or the appropriateness of riding a bicycle. Social However, one of the biggest structural barriers to norms may differ according to population groups active travel is the built environment, the design (e.g., men vs. women or young vs. old), and may be of which has been strongly influenced by car usage. conditioned by environment (e.g., neighbourhood In the worst cases, car-centric design severs com- ‘walkability’) or culture (e.g., ‘Lycra lout’). Norms munities with roads acting as physical barriers to are socially and spatially patterned according to 2
both the context and composition of places, and, result, evaluations of active commuting programmes as a result, it is challenging to describe and char- may provide incomplete information for decision- acterise norms operating in particular places that making as they fail to capture the dynamic, adaptive may shape behaviours of interest. This is impor- and non-linear nature of intervention effects within tant in the design and evaluation of active travel the system (Yang and Diez-Roux, 2013). interventions as social norms that prioritise car use Agent-based models (ABMs) are a tool which may limit the effectiveness of such interventions. If can be used to tackle these questions since they these norms vary by socioeconomic status, they may allow the simulation of the dynamic processes of be- even serve to widen inequalities in active travel and haviour change at the population level (the model) physical activity. by accounting for interactions between heteroge- A social norm encompasses two strongly related neous individuals (the agents) and their environment ideas: first, that individual behaviour – and the (Filatova et al., 2013). While, there exist ABMs ex- willingness to change that behaviour – is strongly ploring transport systems at a low-level (Axhausen influenced by both previous performances of that be- and ETH Zürich, 2016), there do not exist mod- haviour (‘habit’) and the social context within which els that investigate the impact of social norms on the behaviour unfolds; and second, that the observa- transport behaviour. The majority of existing work tion of other people’s behaviour (peers, neighbours, is focussed on issues about traffic flow and specific the public, etc.) can either shift or reinforce a route decisions (Naiem et al., 2010; Hager et al., behaviour. Therefore, the behaviour of individu- 2015; Bernhardt, 2007); our work focusses on the als cannot be easily separated from the broader higher-level decision for the method of commuting social and community systems in which they are and is not focussed on accurately modelling the flow embedded. Environmental interventions to promote of people through a built environment. We aim to active commuting are complex interventions primar- produce a configurable agent-based model of the ily due to the social and physical systems within decision process which takes a wide range of inputs which these interventions occur, the contextually resulting in commuting behaviour. This differs from contingent nature of impacts, and the agency of existing transport simulations which tend to focus groups and individuals whose behaviours they aim on how agents flow through cities, with built en- to influence (Moore et al., 2019). This suggests vironment and socio-demographic attributes being that in order to generate more realistic representa- a key determinant of commuting behaviour. By tions of the social and physical systems into which focussing on the decision to, rather than the act of, active commuting interventions are deployed, incor- travel, we can focus our modelling efforts on how a poration of information on social norms related to diverse range of inputs, such as the actions of peers travel behaviour is required. A more explicit recog- and neighbours, habit, subcultures, congestion, bicy- nition of social norms related to travel behaviour cle and car ownership, and dynamic characteristics when assessing the effectiveness of active commut- such as the weather affect the decision to undertake ing interventions may help reduce uncertainty over different transport methods. This allows us to ex- effectiveness and support practitioners in making plore how interventions may be affected by these more informed policy-decisions. higher-level parameters, without being concerned To achieve this, a complex systems approach about how these affect traffic flow around a city. In where an individual’s habits and their openness short, ABMs allow simulations of the influences of to influence from peers and others is incorporated is habit and peer behaviour on individuals together required (Rutter et al., 2019). This framework may with changes to the built environment in order to also help identify potential leverage points for pub- better-understand how different groups may, or may lic health interventions in socio-ecological systems not, respond to interventions. ABMs are therefore (Rutter et al., 2017, 2019). Previous intervention likely to prove valuable for simulating the compara- research has tended not to capture the dynamic tive medium and long-term effects of policies and adaptive nature of complex systems which include: interventions compared to a counterfactual (Blok interactions between individuals; interactions be- et al., 2018) to help inform decisions about the tween individual and environmental factors; and intervention prioritisation. interactions between environmental factors. As a In this paper, we describe the development of an 3
agent-based model that incorporates social norms was combined with 2011 Census population data related to travel behaviour and then, to demonstrate for Waltham Forest (Office for National Statistics the potential utility of such a model, we simulate et al., 2017) using IPF to produce a realistic agent the relative impact of introducing car-free days. We population whose socio-demographic attributes and present MOTIVATE (Modelling Normative Change behaviours were highly correlated (99.9%). in Active Travel), a flexible, open-source, agent- Following integerisation and expansion using the based model, which can be configured with various Truncate, Replicate and Sample (TRS) approach built environments and populations, that simulates (Lovelace and Ballas, 2013) we identified an ab- the modal shift to more active commute modes of sence of questions about bicycle access from the travel as a result of these interventions. ‘ethnic boost’ component of the UK HLS dataset. To solve this, we modelled access to a bicycle us- ing a logistic regression model conditioned on sex, 2 Materials & Methods age group, ethnic group, employment status and car usage. Inferring access in this way yielded a To develop an ABM with real-world relevance, we se- synthetic population in which 46.5% of people had lected the London Borough of Waltham Forest (UK) access to a bicycle, similar to the National Travel as a reference population, which could be replaced Survey estimate of 42% (Department for Transport, by other users. With support from the Mayor of 2020). London via the ‘mini-Holland’ and ‘Liveable Neigh- Commute distances reported in the UK HLS data bourhoods’ schemes, Waltham Forest has been a were often rounded (e.g., 5, 10, 15, etc.) and thus leader in the implementation of interventions to sup- are subject to misclassification. To generate more port a modal shift towards active travel and away accurate measures of commute distance we used from private car use (Aldred et al., 2019). This drive data from a ‘safeguarded’ 2011 Census table (Office has, in part, been informed by data from the Lon- for National Statistics, 2014). For Waltham Forest, don Travel Demand Survey (LTDS) which indicates we generated a mean straight line walking distance that, in 2011/12 in London, 35% of all car trips of 2.64 km; cycling distance of 7.72 km (with a were shorter than 2 km, with another third (32%) bimodal distribution); car distance of 9.36 km; and being between 2 km and 5 km in length (Roads public transit commute of 10.72 km. The empir- Task Force, 2013), suggesting that there is potential ical distributions informed the choice of either a to encourage further shifts to more sustainable and log-normal or Gaussian Mixture Model to generate active modes of travel. individual agent commute distances. Commute dis- Our approach involved three steps: (i) create a tances could not be less than zero, or greater than synthetic population, mirroring Waltham Forest; (ii) 10 km (walking), 40 km (cycling) or 80 km (public create an ABM of active commuting, using the syn- transit or private car) as these are infeasible. Values thetic population; and (iii) demonstrate the utility outside these bounds were ignored, with another of such an ABM through a hypothetical intervention value being drawn until the attribute fell within the of car-free days on Wednesdays. expected range. Commutes were then classified as local (0 to 4 943 m; mean=2 588 m), city (4 944 to 2.1 Synthetic population generation 20 059 m; mean=10 536 m) or beyond (>20 059 m; mean=31 096 m), yielding the modal distribution To generate realistic agent behaviours, Iterative reported in table 1. Proportional Fitting (IPF) (Lovelace et al., 2014; Lovelace and Ballas, 2013) was used to assign at- 2.2 Model development tributes (e.g., sex, ethnicity, distance to workplace) as a constraint on behaviour (i.e., modal choice); The agent-based model was developed in Rust (Mat- this is a well-established for method for commut- sakis and Klock, 2014). The source code for the ing behaviour (Lovelace et al., 2014). Data from model and for the statistical analysis, as well as the UK Household Longitudinal Survey (UK HLS) the raw results, are publicly available to download (2014–16) (University of Essex et al., 2020) on ac- (Greener et al., 2022). tive commuting behaviour for London (n=6 310) In developing the model we deemed the following 4
Table 1: Modal distribution of commutes. Mode Local (%) City (%) Beyond (%) Car 43.5 25.9 54.0 Cycle 3.5 2.8 0.8 Public Transport 31.5 71.1 45.2 Walk 21.5 0.2 0.0 variables to be of importance: the weather, as it a given transport mode and, if parameterised in fu- would likely impact walking and cycling; environ- ture works, could be taken as a proxy for features mental supportiveness, as neighbourhoods better such as the number of public transport stations, supporting active travel should have more active number of cycle lanes, width of pavements, qual- travel; congestion, as people living in neighbour- ity of roads, etc. In our implementation, it simply hoods which have congested roads may be more means that the greater this value, the better the likely to walk or cycle; subculture, there exist cer- neighbourhood supports a given mode. For each tain mobility subcultures affecting their propensity neighbourhood and transport mode, there is also to adopt active travel models (Aldred, 2010); the a capacity beyond which there is congestion, which actions of neighbours and peers, as there is likely to serves a negative influence on an agent’s decision- be a peer influence; commute length, as at some dis- making. The more congestion there is for a mode, tances, some modes are impractical; habit, as what the less likely it is an agent will take the congested you have done before influences what you will do mode. in the future; bicycle ownership; and car ownership. We also define three subcultures to which agents The weather pattern, environmental supportiveness, can belong; these associate a desirability with each capacity (which determines congestion), subculture, mode which expresses how ‘desirable’ it is to an commute length, bicycle and car ownership are all agent belonging to that subculture. This also falls configurable parameters to the model. within the range 0 to 1. There is a substantive body There are two global-level variables which both of work surrounding the role of cultural norms in relate to the weather. These are given in table 2. mobility choices and policy formulation (Balkmar, The first is the weather pattern. This gives a weather 2019; Falcous, 2017). Informed by this work, we of Wet or Dry for each day. This was generated developed three hypothetical subcultures. Conse- by taking a Markov chain model with two states: quently, the first subculture, A, in which modes Wet and Dry. This was informed from historical are ordered cycling, driving, walking, and public weather data (Met Office, 2021) from 2017. Using transport. This group values active travel as part of daily rainfall data, days with over 4.4 mm of rain a healthy lifestyle, but also sees it as a consumption were chosen as Wet days, other days were Dry. The choice in which money is spent on both bicycles threshold of 4.4 mm was chosen as this was the and cars as signifiers of success, with public transit point at which daily cycle hires from Transport being seen as the least desirable in that sense. The for London’s Cycle Hire scheme fell. The second second subculture, B, is a pro-driving subculture, variable is the weather modifier, this states that in which modes are ordered driving, public trans- for a given weather and transport mode how is port, walking, and cycling. People belonging to the agent’s desire to take that mode changed. In this culture are averse to active commuting; this is our parameterisation, when bad weather there is a reflected in the ordering. The final subculture, C, negative influence on walking and cycling. is a pro-active-travel subculture, with the ordering: walking and cycling (equal), then public transport, We defined 20 neighbourhoods, based upon elec- then driving. People belonging to this subculture toral wards in Waltham Forest in London, UK. Each value physical activity and taking active journeys. of these neighbourhoods has a number of param- eters, given in table 3. The supportiveness value We defined 111 166 agents in the model, the num- describes how much a given neighbourhood supports ber of commuters as identified by the microsim- 5
Table 2: Global-level variables in the model. Parameter name Values Description Weather pattern f : Time → (Wet, Dry) For a specified time, is the weather in the model Wet or Dry. Weather modifier f : (Weather, TransportMode) → [0, ∞) For a given weather and transport mode, how is the agent’s desire to take a given mode af- fected. Table 3: Neighbourhood-level variables in the model. Parameter name Values Description ID String (text) The ID of the neighbour- hood Supportiveness f : TransportMode → [0, 1] How supportive the neighbourhood is of a given mode. Capacity f : TransportMode → [0, ∞) The maximum capacity for a given mode in a neighbourhood. Once exceeded there is conges- n1 tion. if capacity not exceeded Congestion 1− Journeys(t,m)−Capacity(m) otherwise This is calculated at Population every time step. The congestion modifier is a negative influence pro- portional to how much capacity for a mode m was exceeded at each time step t. ulation approach. The microsimulation approach network generated using the Barabási-Albert model described previously was used to generate the syn- of preferential attachment (Barabási and Albert, thetic population used in the model. The agents 1999). Each agent also has a habit value for each were randomly allocated to a neighbourhood and to mode which represents their recent actions. This a subculture with equal probability. Two networks is calculated as the exponential moving average of were also generated randomly. The first network their choices. The parameters used to configure the is a global social network across all agents, repre- agents are described in table 4. senting social and work relationships. The second In the simulation, we seek to explore how an in- is a neighbourhood-wide ‘neighbour network’, rep- dividual’s social and built environment influence resenting the observation of other local (i.e., within decisions related to choice of commute mode. We the same neighbourhood / electoral ward) agent assume that agents choose rationally, taking into behaviours by each individual network. The global account the benefits and cost of each mode. We network is a small-world network (Watts and Stro- calculate two constructs: a budget (representing gatz, 1998) and the neighbour network is a scale-free the benefits) and a cost. The budget describes, in 6
Table 4: Agent-level variables in the model. Parameter name Values Description ID 0–∞ Each agent has a unique identifier. Subculture ID of the subculture Each agent belongs to a subculture which has a desirability for each commute mode. Neighbourhood ID of the neighbourhood Each agent resides in a neighbourhood which has a supportiveness, capacity, and congestion modifier for each commute mode. Commute length Local, City, or Distant The length of the commute. Local means within the modelled borough; City means across boroughs; Distant means outside the city. Weather sensitivity 0–1 How sensitive the agent is to the weather when making commuting decisions. Higher values mean more sensitive. Consistency 0–1 How consistent the agent is; i.e., how much does their habit matter to them. Higher values mean more consistent. Social connectivity 0–1 How important the actions of an agent’s connec- tions in their social network are to them. The greater the value, the greater the importance the agent attaches to the actions of their friends. Subculture connectivity 0–1 How important the desirability of different com- mute modes from the subculture is. The greater the value, the more important the subculture is in their decision-making. Neighbourhood connec- 0–1 How important the actions of an agent’s connec- tivity tions in their neighbour network are to them. The greater the value, the greater the importance the agent attaches to the actions of their neighbours. Habit decay 0–1 How far into the recent past should affect the agent’s decisions. The greater the value, the longer in the past the agent will consider when determin- ing their habit. At each time step, the previous exponential moving average is multiplied by the habit decay; small values cause it to decay faster. Resolve 0.9, 1.0, or 1.1 This is calculated at every time step. This repre- sents the resolve an agent to perform an active mode despite poor weather. 0.9 if it was wet the previous day and an active mode was taken. 1.0 if it was dry the previous day. 1.1 if it was wet the previous day and an inactive mode was taken. Bicycle owner True / False Whether the agent owns a bicycle. Car owner True / False Whether the agent owns a car. 7
an ideal world, commuting preference, taking into was not taken. There is no effect of resolve if the account actions of friends, actions of neighbours, weather was dry the previous day. This weighted (by subculture, habit, and the previous congestion they weather sensitivity and resolve) weather modifier is have experienced. The cost describes how com- then multiplied by the average cost described ear- muting distance, environmental supportiveness, and lier. This is then ranked in reverse such that modes the weather prevents commuting from being under- with a higher cost will have a lower rank. This is taken. called the travel cost; it states that the modes with At each day, an agent will calculate the percent- a higher rank cost less to perform. age of agents in their social network who take each Agents will then add the ranked travel budget transport mode, weighting this value by their social and reverse ranked travel cost together, and will connectivity which defines how important the actions then choose to select the mode with the highest of their friends are in decisions around commuting. combined rank which is available to them. In other The percentage of agents in the neighbour network words, they cannot drive if they do not own a car, who take each commute mode is also calculated, and they cannot cycle if they do not own a bicy- weighting this by their neighbourhood connectivity cle. This means that agents choose the commute which defines how important the actions of their mode with the greatest gap between budget and neighbours are in decision around commuting. Sub- cost. This is primarily an economic calculation culture desirability is then weighted by subculture where the cost describes the (not fiscal) cost to an connectivity. These three values are then summed to individual, taking into account the weather and the form the norm – a representation of what commute environment, and the budget describes the willing- mode an agent’s friends, neighbours, and subcul- ness to perform an action, based upon perceived ture would most prefer the individual agent to use. benefit. This corresponds well to work identifying Added to the norm is the habit, discussed previously, the (not just fiscal) cost and benefits (such as health weighted by how consistent the agent is. This value benefits) of commuting as key drivers of commuting is then multiplied by the congestion modifier (ta- behaviour (Lyons and Chatterjee, 2008). ble 3). This is a weight for each transport mode The parameters of this agent-based model are in the range 0–1 which is inversely proportional to intended to be completely configurable. If a poten- the congestion at the previous day; i.e., the greater tial future agent-based model using this as a base the congestion, the lower the congestion modifier. is developed, it would be possible to configure it Finally, these values are ranked for the four modes as desired. However, depending on how important to create a preference. This is the travel budget; it the results are to the simulation user, calibration states that were there no practicalities preventing and validation against real-world data would be the use of the mode, this would be the order of required. preference between the modes. The cost of taking each mode is then calculated. 2.3 Intervention scenario First using a categorical commute distance (local, city, and distant), a cost between 0–1 is calculated In order to demonstrate the value of our model, we for each mode; longer commutes will have higher evaluate the implementation of a hypothetical inter- costs for some modes. A neighbourhood cost is vention of implementing car-free days on Wednes- calculated as 1 minus the supportiveness of the days. On Wednesdays, it was not possible to use neighbourhood in which the agent resides; the more cars to commute to work. This was compared to supportive, the lower the cost. These two costs a control scenario of no intervention. The car-free are then averaged. Each agent’s weather sensitivity days (CFD) scenario was implemented at day 365. is multiplied by the weather modifier for the envi- The model was then run for four further years. ronment (table 2). This is then multiplied by the agent’s resolve. This is a calculated value at each 2.4 Statistical analysis time step which reduces the cost of performing an active mode if there was wet weather the previous For each intervention tested, a one-year burn-in pe- day and an active mode was taken; it increases the riod after the intervention is excluded. This was cost if there was wet weather and an active mode chosen to ensure that the effect of the intervention 8
had become stable. A Bayesian binomial regression Prior predictive checks (Gelman et al., 2014; McEl- model was fitted predicting the number of active reath, 2020) were used to assess the suitability of commuting journeys made as a proportion of to- the prior distributions. Posterior predictive checks tal commute journeys between 1 and 4 years post- (Gelman et al., 2014; McElreath, 2020) were used intervention. The algebraic form of the model is to assess the fit of the model. The distribution was given in Model 1. summarised using the posterior mean and the 89% highest posterior density interval (HPDI) (Gelman et al., 2014; McElreath, 2020). 89% is used due to yij ∼ Binomial(nij , πj ) greater numerical stability (Kruschke and Safari, logit(πj ) = αj (1) 2014; McElreath, 2020). αj ∼ Student-T(3, 0, 1) yij is the number of active journeys (i.e., those 3 Results made by walking or cycling) in the ith scenario (1=control; 2=CFD) for the jth randomly gener- Since we observe the entire population in each sce- ated population, which varies only by the randomly nario, sample sizes are very large (n = 111 166 per generated social network structure. 200 randomly simulation – the adult population in Waltham For- generated social networks were used. nij is the total est), and we obtain daily results (n = 783 – every number of journeys (population multiplied by num- weekday for 3 years [from start of Y3 to end of ber of days). A Student-T(3, 0, 1) prior was used Y5]) which ensures that the credible intervals are for the intercept (αj ). This is a weakly informative narrow. For the first statistical model (Model 1), in prior that has heavier tails than the similar stan- the control scenario, the odds of an active journey dard normal distribution to allow for potentially (walking or cycling) (α1 ) were 0.091 (89% HPDI: extreme values. The odds ratio of CFD compared [0.091, 0.091]); i.e., for every inactive journey, in the to the control was calculated as exp(α2 − α1 ). control scenario, there were 0.091 active journeys. CFD increased active journeys by 77.7% (OR 1.777; 89% HPDI: [1.777, 1.777]) compared to the control yijk ∼ Binomial(nijk , πjk ) scenario across the four interventions. logit(πjk ) = αj + βj · Wednesday?jk (2) For Model 2, in the control scenario, the odds of αj , βj ∼ Student-T(3, 0, 1) an active journey on a non-Wednesday (α1 ) were 0.091 (89% HPDI: [0.091, 0.091]). In the CFD Model 2 gives an extension of the Model 1, scenario, the odds of an active journey on non- where k is 1 if the count of active journeys is Wednesdays were 70.3% (OR: 1.703; 89% HPDI: not from Wednesdays, 2 if it is. The value of [1.703, 1.703]) greater than non-Wednesdays in the Wednesday?jk is 1 if the observation is from a control scenario. In the control scenario, the odds Wednesday (i.e., k = 2), 0 otherwise. This separates of an active journey were 0.1% (OR: 1.001; 89% the results for the car-free days from non-car free HPDI: [1.001, 1.001]) greater on Wednesdays than days. Everything else remains the same. The odds non-Wednesdays. In the CFD scenario, the odds ratio of Wednesdays vs. non-Wednesdays in the con- of an active journey were 22.4% (OR: 1.224; 89% trol scenario is calculated as exp(β1 ); in the CFD HPDI: [1.224, 1.224]) greater on a Wednesday com- scenario it is exp(β2 ). The odds ratio for Wednes- pared to a non-Wednesday. Finally, the odds of an days in the CFD scenario vs. the control scenario is active journey were 108.2% (OR: 2.082; 89% HPDI exp ((α2 + β2 ) − (α1 + β1 )); for non-Wednesdays it [2.082, 2.082]) greater on Wednesdays in the CFD is exp (α2 − α1 ). scenario compared to the control scenario. Each model was fit using Julia (Bezanson et al., Figure 1 shows the CFD scenario in more detail, 2017) and Turing (Ge et al., 2018). Four chains with the moving average of active commutes sep- were used with 1 000 warm-up iterations and 1 000 arated by run and scenario. A run in the same sampling iterations per chain. Dynamic No U-Turn scenario differs only by the social network of agents, Sampling was used (Betancourt, 2018; Papp et al., which are generated randomly. We observe that 2021). Convergence was assessed using trace plots. car-free days causes a step change in levels of ac- 9
tive commutes. Also, it appears to introduce more gests that targeted behaviour change programmes instability, as shown in the figure. can change the behaviour of motivated subgroups, Figure 2 shows the CFD scenario’s effect across resulting in shifts of around 5% of all trips at a the 3 subcultures. In the control scenario, as ex- population level (Ogilvie et al., 2004). Interventions pected, the pro-driving subculture (B) has the least that promote accessibility to active travel infras- number of active journeys. This is followed by the tructure also appear to hold some promise (Panter pro-cycling subculture (A) and then the pro-active- et al., 2019); if our model was to be calibrated with travel subculture (C). The CFD intervention causes real-world environment data, it may be possible to the pro-driving subculture (B) to perform more investigate the effect of changing the environmental active journeys than the pro-active-travel subcul- supportiveness. ture (C) in the control scenario. The others are Attempts to increase active commuting are not greater in turn (C is greater than A which is greater always successful (Yang et al., 2010). Some interven- than B). The gap between the subcultures is also tions, such as some built environment interventions widened with the intervention having most effect in have worked well (Aldred et al., 2019). However, the pro-active-travel group. other types of interventions have not (Martin et al., 2012; Petrunoff et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2018). This study has identified that a ‘nudge’ of car-free days, 4 Discussion in our model, causes a lasting change in behaviour. As a result of people have fixed habits, unless they This paper describes and presents MOTIVATE, an have a need to divert from their habit, they will agent-based model which incorporates social norms not change from their preferred mode of transport. related travel behaviour in simulations of the im- Car-free days are one kind of intervention which pact of active commuting interventions. This model seeks to nudge people in to changing from habitual serves as a tool, which could be populated with car use, our model shows it has the potential to have real-world environment data, to investigate how so- a large relative effect. Car-free days are similar to cial norms influence active travel interventions. We congestion charging in London, where areas of Cen- demonstrated the utility of this model through the tral London (not including Waltham Forest) have implementation of a scenario introducing car-free a £15 daily charge, with an additional £12.50 for days against a control scenario. Overall, introduc- older vehicles (as of February 2022) in Inner London ing car-free days on Wednesdays increased the odds (within the North and South Circular Roads). This of active travel by 77.7% (OR 1.777; 89% HPDI: fiscal intervention attempts to push people in to not [1.777, 1.777]) in the four years following interven- using their vehicle. This has been shown to cause tion implementation. This is a large relative in- an increase in cycling, as people substitute vehicle crease; however, absolute effects are modest, given use for bicycle use (Green et al., 2020). that the odds of active commuting in the control Our model differs from existing models of trans- scenario were 0.091 (89% HPDI: [0.091, 0.091]). We port systems (Axhausen and ETH Zürich, 2016; simulated the impact of these interventions and Naiem et al., 2010; Hager et al., 2015; Bernhardt, compared them to a control scenario. 2007), as it is not a traffic simulation – we do not Car-free days force an individual to make a sig- aim to model traffic flow through a city. The in- nificant change to commuting behaviour once per tended purpose of our model is not to make accurate week. This constraint not only reduces the use of predictions of how people commute to work. Rather, inactive commute modes on that specific day but the purpose is to explore how a range of diverse form may also act as a ‘nudge’ to change overall commut- of inputs, including multiple social networks captur- ing preferences by exposing individuals to active ing the effect of peers, as well as neighbours, habit, commuting and shifting norms around active com- and variable environment parameters, such as the muting on non-car-free days. This is shown in our weather, affect the decision to perform behaviour. model, as on non-Wednesdays, in the car-free days For example, in 2 we show how the CFD intervention intervention scenario, the odds of active travel were may affect members of different psychological sub- 70.3% (OR: 1.703; 89% HPDI: [1.703, 1.703]) greater cultures differently. We also see that habit causes than the control scenario. Previous research sug- the CFD intervention to be sustained on non-car- 10
Figure 1: 14 day moving average of active commutes separated by scenario and run. The scenarios are CFD and Control. For 200 networks each with the same population, each scenario was run. The weather pattern was kept constant across all runs. The dashed vertical line indicates the date at which the intervention was introduced. n = 111 166 in all runs. free days, where there were 70.3% (OR: 1.703; 89% that car-free days are effective. Such information, HPDI: [1.703, 1.703]) move active journeys than the in the context of our model assumptions, may help control scenario. This model can be used to ex- decision-makers better select and prioritise active plore the effect of interventions on various aspects commuting interventions in the absence of a strong of the decision-making process, such as habit, so- evidence base on intervention effectiveness. Such cial networks, congestion, and the actions of peers models may also help research funders prioritise and neighbours. This is a complement to models primary evaluations of potentially promising active that more accurately model the spread of individ- commuting interventions identified by simulations uals through urban environments. By combining (Ogilvie et al., 2020). This model may help to gen- the evidence generated by real-world studies, traffic erate an understanding of currently radical policy simulations, and simulations of the decision-making options – such as weekly car bans – and how the process (such as ours), a greater understanding of underlying social structures impact the effectiveness transport behaviour may be attained. of these interventions. In common with all agent-based models, the re- sults presented in this paper are not necessarily an 4.1 Strengths and limitations accurate prediction of real-world intervention effects; the only way to obtain this is to perform the inter- The strengths in this approach have been the use of vention in the real-world. However, the utility of a microsimulation approach to generate a realistic the presented model is in allowing the comparison of synthetic population for use in the model. This has the relative effectiveness of a range of interventions been grounded in data from official statistics. The under consistent model conditions in order to aid open-source nature of the model allows for refine- public decision-making. In this study, we observe ment and adaptation of the MOTIVATE model and 11
Figure 2: 14 day moving average of active commutes separated by scenario, run, and subculture (A / B / C). The scenarios are CFD and Control. For 200 networks each with the same population, each scenario was run. The weather pattern was kept constant across all runs. The dashed vertical line indicates the date at which the intervention was introduced. n = 111 166 in all runs. use of the model by other researchers or policymak- economic or social influences as part of the travel ers for evaluation purposes. budget or travel cost as appropriate. There are weaknesses in our approach which fur- ther work could address. The environmental data is not grounded in real data. Further work could use geographic data to properly calibrate model The highest-posterior density intervals presented inputs. It also only considers commuting behaviour; in the results cannot be interpreted as intervals of personal journeys are excluded. Further work could what would happen in the real world. Normally, be undertaken to extend the open-source model to statistical models directly model real-world data, as allow for personal journeys to be modelled. Fur- such the statistical model is one of the real-world thermore, it does not consider the processes which data-generating process, and assuming that the may drive individuals to purchase cars or bicycles. model is not mis-specified intervals can be inter- Encouraging people to purchase bicycles or give-up preted in the terms of the real world. This is not cars may be a successful intervention, though our the case in this statistical model. Here, the statisti- model cannot currently assess this. The fiscal cost cal model it is directly modelling results from the of travel is also disregarded. Clearly, the financial agent-based model, and as such it can only be inter- costs of travel is a major factor in deciding how to preted in terms of the simulated model ‘world’ – the travel – if you cannot afford a car, you are unable agent-based model is the data-generating process. to drive. Future work could consider how pricing In order to interpret it in terms of the real world, affects commuting behaviour in the context of your we would need to strengthen the link between the social environment as well as the built environment. simulated model world and the real-world through There is room to include further environmental, further calibration and validation. 12
4.2 Conclusion Data accessibility The MOTIVATE model and the findings presented The software and results are available to download are an initial step in helping to improve under- under an open license ( standing in the design, prioritisation and impacts zenodo.5993329). of active commuting interventions. The presented agent-based model incorporates social norms related to travel behaviour in order to provide a more realis- Competing interests tic representation of the socio-ecological systems in which active commuting interventions are deployed. We have no competing interests. The utility of the model has been demonstrated by simulating introducing car-free Wednesdays. In silico studies are potentially a cost-effective way of References aiding public health decision-making and setting Rachel Aldred. ‘On the outside’: Constructing research priorities. Utilising In silico studies, such cycling citizenship. Soc Cult Geogr, 11(1):35–52, as MOTIVATE and more traditional traffic sim- 2010. doi: 10.1080/14649360903414593. ulations, could be a cost-effective way of aiding public health decision-making and setting research Rachel Aldred and John Dales. Diversifying and nor- priorities. It is also useful to see this ABM as a malising cycling in London, UK: An exploratory representative of a new class of model that draws study on the influence of infrastructure. J Transp on what we understand about both social and envi- Health, 4:348–362, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.jth.2016. ronmental effects in ways that point towards more 11.002. actionable insights across a range of applications not only in public health, but in any area where Rachel Aldred, James Woodcock, and Anna Good- place-based and network-based effects overlap. man. Does More Cycling Mean More Diversity in Cycling? Transp Rev, 34(1):28–44, 2016. doi: 10.1080/01441647.2015.1014451. Authors’ contributions Rachel Aldred, Joseph Croft, and Anna Good- man. Impacts of an active travel intervention DL, JR, SM, and SC designed the study. DL per- with a cycling focus in a suburban context: One- formed the synthetic population generation. All year findings from an evaluation of London’s in- authors designed the agent-based model. RG im- progress mini-Hollands programme. Transp Res plemented the agent-based model. RG conducted Part A Policy Pract, 123:147–169, 2019. doi: the statistical analyses of the results. All authors 10.1016/j.tra.2018.05.018. drafted and approved the manuscript. Lars Bo Andersen. Active commuting is beneficial for health. BMJ, 357:j1740, 2017. doi: 10.1136/ bmj.j1740. Funding statement Kay W. Axhausen and ETH Zürich. The Multi- Agent Transport Simulation MATSim. Ubiquity This research was funded by KCL–LSHTM Press, August 2016. ISBN 978-1-909188-75-4. doi: seed funding. RG is supported by a Medi- 10.5334/baw. cal Research Council Studentship [grant number: MR/N0136638/1]. SC is funded by Health Data Dag Balkmar. Towards an Intersectional Ap- Research UK (HDR-UK). HDR-UK is an initiative proach to Men, Masculinities and (Un)sustainable funded by the UK Research and Innovation, De- Mobility: The Case of Cycling and Modal partment of Health and Social Care (England) and Conflicts. In Christina Lindkvist Scholten the devolved administrations, and leading medical and Tanja Joelsson, editors, Integrating Gen- research charities. der into Transport Planning : From One to 13
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