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Dear Friends, 1. INVITATION The African Chess Confederation (ACC) has the honour of inviting all African Federations affiliated to the World Chess Federation (FIDE) to participate in the 2021 African Online Individual Chess Championships (AOICC) The event will comprise the following categories: i. Open Section ii. Women’s Section iii. Seniors (Over 50) Section iv. Junior Open (Under 20) Section v. Junior Girls (Under 20) Section 2. PARTICIPATION AND REGISTRATION 2.1. Each National Federation in permitted to enter an unlimited number of players in each Section. 2.2. The African Chess Confederation President may also nominate additional players. 2.3 All participants should have a valid FIDE ID. 2.4 By competing in this event, each participant agrees that his/her real (legal) name will be shown on his/her personal card. The African Chess Confederation has the right to publish the real names of the participants in the starting and subsequent tournament lists. 2.5 By registering, each player agrees to abide by the Regulations of the championship, including the anti-cheating rules specified herein. By registering, each national federation affirms that their players shall abide by the Fair Play rules and regulations. 2.6 The deadline for registration is 22nd January 2021. 2.7 The completed registration form must include the surname, first name, FIDE ID number, FIDE rating, and title. It must also include the telephone number and email address of players and the federation official in charge of registering the players. 2.8 A digital scan of the passport/National ID and ID photo of each player must be sent by email to the African Chess Confederation Coordinator on Email address benard.wanjalaw@gmail.com with copies to accounts@tornelo.com 2
3. TOURNAMENT REGULATIONS 3.1 The tournament will be hosted on the Tornelo Chess Platform https://home.tornelo.com/africa/ 3.2 The tournament will be played as a 9 Round Swiss Tournament for all categories. 3.3 The Time Control shall be 25 min + 10 seconds per move from the first move. 3.4 Players are not permitted to offer a draw before black’s 30th move 3.5 The event will be played in the following categories: i. Open and Women Categories – For Participants of ALL ages ii. Seniors (50+) Combined Category – For Participants born on or before January 1, 1971 iii. Juniors (Under 20) Open and Girls Categories - For Participants born on or after January 1, 2001 4. PAYMENTS A Tournament Entry Fee of US$ 60 per player will be charged for each participant and must be paid at the time of registration. All the Tournament Fees shall be paid directly to the ACC account either online, by bank transfer, or by Credit or Debit Card. Proof of payment must be provided when registering with the Tornelo Platform. Tournament Fees, net of bank charges, must be paid by the registration deadline of 22nd January 2021 to the ACC bank account details as provided here below: Account Name: AFRICAN CHESS CONFEDERATION Account Number: 62789737396 Bank Name: FNB ZAMBIA Branch Name: Commercial Branch Sort Code: 260001 SWIFT Code: FIRNZMLXX Bank Address: PLOT NO. 22768, ACACIA BUSINESS PARK CNR OF GREAT EAST & THABO MBEKI ROAD, LUSAKA, ZAMBIA 3
It is the responsibility of the participants to ensure that the Proof of Payment is made available to the African Chess Confederation Coordinator on benard.wanjalaw@gmail.com and the Tornelo Chess Platform on accounts@tornelo.com. For ease of identification, Bank Transfers or Deposit Slips should have the reference of 2021 African Online Individual Chess Championships with the Federation name and names of players, being registered with the referenced payment. REFERENCE: Please use a payment reference of Category followed by Last Name, First Name for example, for payment to the Open Category for Judy Polgar one would use reference: “OPEN_POLGARJUDY” or for Junior Open entry for Magnus Carlsen one would use “JOPEN_CARLSENMAGNUS” Scanned copies of payment receipts must be e-mailed immediately to the African Chess Confederation Coordinator on benard.wanjalaw@gmail.com with a copy to accounts@tornelo.com 5. TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE Date Activity Time (EAT, GMT+3) Friday, January 22, 2021 Arbiters Meeting 16:00 Saturday, January 23, 2021 Players’ Technical 16:00 Meeting Sunday, January 24, 2021 Warm up event on 16:00 Tornelo Monday, January 25, 2021 Opening Ceremony 16:00 Round 1 16.30 Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Round 2 16:00 Round 3 19.00 Wednesday, January 27, 2021 Round 4 16.00 Round 5 19:00 Thursday, January 28, 2021 Round 6 16:00 Round 7 19.00 Friday, January 29, 2021 Round 8 16.00 Round 9 19:00 Sunday, January 31, 2021 Closing Ceremony 19:00 4
6. LIGHTING 6.1 Adequate and even lighting is required, including on the players’ faces. 6.2 Natural light can be sufficient but artificial lighting is highly recommended for consistency. 6.3 Please ensure that you and your surroundings will always be visible on camera. 7. PLAYING AREA 7.1 Each participant’s playing area should be clear of all electronic devices, except for the playing computer. 7.2 Cell phones and other handheld devices should be out of sight and out of reach. Players may be asked to have their belongings checked by an arbiter or proctor. 7.3 All software except for Zoom and Tornelo must have their tasks ended in the task manager and they may not be opened during play. 7.4 It is required that any social media notifications be turned off before the beginning of play each round. 7.5 Players should be alone in their playing area, ideally in a location with limited foot traffic. 7.6 Should a group of participants be playing in the same location (as specified in rule 7.1), this needs to be disclosed to the arbiters at least 96 hours in advance. 7.7 Players should be facing a wall in their playing area and are prohibited from directly facing a window or door. 7.8 Players may not have a second monitor connected to their playing computer. 7.9 Players may not have written notes or any reading material in their playing area. 7.10 The playing area will be checked by proctors and/or arbiters before the beginning of each round. If a player leaves the playing area view, they may be subject to a truncated security check upon returning. 7.11 Players are not permitted to leave the view of the camera at any time during the run of play. They may not leave the playing area for any reason and must always be visible on camera. 5
8. MICROPHONE 8.1 A working microphone is an essential requirement. The microphone may be built-in to the computer. 8.2 This will help ensure communications in both directions are understood and clear for all parties. 8.3 Most modern computers and webcams come with built-in microphones. If you have had web calls before, then you have a microphone. 9. SPEAKERS 9.1 Functioning speakers are mandatory. Players must be able to hear the arbiters. 9.2 Players must make sure speakers are turned on before the start of competition so arbiters can communicate with them. The arbiter may request that a player turn up the sound to observe noise originating from their call. Players must comply with this request. 9.3 During play, headphones will not be permitted. Players may use them before or after games. 10. DISCONNECTIONS AND TECHNICAL ISSUES 10.1 In case of a disconnection a player may reconnect and continue the game if he/she has time on the clock. 10.2 Only in special cases can the Chief Arbiter give back the player the time he/she lost during a disconnection if this disruption was caused by a major issue. 10.3 The Chief Arbiter may also suspend or postpone one or more games in case of major internet or electrical breakdowns. 10.4 Decisions of the Chief Arbiter under 10.2 or 10.3 of these Regulations cannot be appealed. 6
11. FAIR PLAY REGULATIONS Players must always follow all Fair Play regulations. Our objective is to build a community of players that trust one another, any player receiving unfair assistance during a game will be removed from the event and their entry fee forfeited. No appeals may be made on any Fair Play decisions, all such decisions are final. • Players must participate using their full, real name • Players must be always visible on Zoom video camera feed • Players must use screen-share • All games will be subject to statistical correlation analysis to verify fair play • Players must be willing to support arbiter ‘room checks’ and make themselves available for interviews upon request All results are provisional until the conclusion of Fair Play verification process. 12. AWARDS 12.1 Winners will be awarded titles "2021 African Online Champion " for each category. 12.2 The First, Second and Third placed players in each category will receive Gold, Silver and Bronze medals, respectively. 12.3 The First, Second and Third placed players will also receive Certificates of Merit whilst all players will receive digitally printable Certificates of Participation. 12.4 This event will not be FIDE Rated and no titles can be awarded during online play. 13. PRIZES OPEN SECTION WOMEN’S SECTION 1st Prize US$ 3,000 US$ 2,000 2nd Prize 2,000 1,000 3rdPrize 1,500 750 4th Prize 750 500 5th Prize 500 250 7
SENIORS (+50) COMBINED 1st Prize US$ 1,000 2nd Prize 750 3rd Prize 500 III. JUNIORS (UNDER 20) OPEN GIRLS 1st Prize US$ 400* US$ 300* 2nd Prize 300 200 3rd Prize 200 100 *First Prize for Juniors in both the Open and Girls Categories will include an economy class air ticket sponsorship to the 2021 World Junior Chess Championships. Dates and venue to be advised. 14. TIEBREAKS In case of two or more players finishing with the same number of points, the final order of placement will be determined by application of the following tie-breaking procedures in sequence, proceeding from 1. to 5. to the extent required: a) Buchholz (sum of opponents’ scores) b) Progressive (sum of progressive scores) c) Direct encounter d) Number of wins, the highest number wins e) Number of wins with Black, the highest number wins 15. CHIEF ARBITER The Chief Arbiter and other Members of the Arbitration Team for the 2021 African Online Individual Chess Championships will be appointed by the ACC President. 16. APPEALS COMMITTEE The Chairperson of the Appeals Committee for the 2021 African Online Individual Chess Championships will be appointed by the ACC President. The Appeals Committee will consist of 3 members. 8
The other two Appeals Committee members and two reserves will be chosen from among officials from the participating Federations. The Appeals Committee shall not accept or review any appeals against computer generated pairings, failed internet connections, decisions of the Chief Arbiter under articles 10.2 or 10.3, or any Fair Play decisions. Any appeal against a decision of the Chief Arbiter must be submitted to the Appeals Committee in written form to the Email address of the ACC Coordinator on benard.wanjalaw@gmail.com , not later than 30 minutes after the end of the particular round and must be accompanied by a commitment to pay an amount of US$ 100, as a deposit. If the appeal is successful, the deposit will not be charged. If the appeal is rejected, the deposit will need to be paid. 17. AFRICAN CHESS CONFEDERATION COORDINATOR Benard Wanjala Vice President African Chess Confederation Email: benard.wanjalaw@gmail.com Mobile: +254 763 591246 On behalf of the Board of the African Chess Confederation, I wish all participants a successful event! Yours in Chess AFRICAN CHESS CONFEDERATION Lewis Ncube PRESIDENT 9
2021 AFRICAN ONLINE INDIVIDUAL CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS REGISTRATION FORM Federation Name Contact Person Email Telephone Open Section Surname First Name FIDE FIDE FIDE Email Mobile ID Rating Title Address Number Rating Women’s Section Surname First Name FIDE FIDE FIDE Email Mobile ID Rating Title Address Number Rating To be emailed to the ACC Coordinator: benard.wanjalaw@gmail.com with a copy to accounts@tornelo.com by January 22, 2021 10
2021 AFRICAN ONLINE INDIVIDUAL CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS REGISTRATION FORM Federation Name Contact Person Email Telephone Junior Under 20 Open Section Surname First Name FIDE FIDE FIDE Email Mobile ID Rating Title Address Number Rating Junior Under 20 Girl’s Section Surname First Name FIDE FIDE FIDE Email Mobile ID Rating Title Address Number Rating To be emailed to the ACC Coordinator: benard.wanjalaw@gmail.com with a copy to accounts@tornelo.com by January 22, 2021 11
2021 AFRICAN ONLINE INDIVIDUAL CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS REGISTRATION FORM Federation Name Contact Person Email Telephone Seniors Over 50 Combined Section Surname First Name FIDE FIDE FIDE Email Mobile ID Rating Title Address Number Rating To be emailed to the ACC Coordinator: benard.wanjalaw@gmail.com with a copy to accounts@tornelo.com by January 22, 2021 12
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