Page created by Brenda Fisher

                                                                                                                                   CONTACTS / COVER

                                                                                                                                   PRINT ADVERTISING

                                                                                                                                   General Information


                                                                                                                                   Closing Dates

                                                                                                                                   Advertising Rates

2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD                                                                                                         Advertising Incentives &

                                                                                                                                   Discounts & Combinations

PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT                                           ADVERTISING / CONTRACTS /      PRINT PRODUCTION                    Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
                                                                INSERTION ORDERS
Since 1966, Ob.Gyn. News® has been the leading independent                                     REBECCA SLEBODNIK                   Printing Specifications
newspaper for obstetricians/gynecologists. Now in its           DIANNE REYNOLDS                Director of Production/
                                                                                                                                   Multi-sponsored Supplements
55th year, it serves the needs of physician readers with        Group Publisher                Manufacturing
breaking news and insightful commentary in a clear, concise,    973-206-8014                   240-221-2417
accessible format, allowing busy physicians to quickly          dreynolds@mdedge.com           rslebodnik@mdedge.com               INTEGRATED MEDIA
stay up to date on clinical advances that affect their daily                                                                       OPPORTUNITIES
practice. Ob.Gyn. News is published ten times a year and        JUDY M. HARWAY                 CLASSIFIED / RECRUITMENT
circulates to more than 44,000 obstetricians/gynecologists      Account Manager                TIM LAPELLA                         Digital Advertising
and related subspecialists. All news articles are researched,   13577 Country Heights Drive    Senior Director Classified Sales    Custom Programs
written, and produced by professional medical journalists.      Penn Valley, CA 95946          484-921-5001
The Ob.Gyn. News website, which can be found at                 530-575-2472                   tlapella@mdedge.com                 Conferences
                                                                efax : 877-832-2612
www.mdedge.com/obgyn, is the online destination and
multimedia property of Ob.Gyn. News and a part of               judy@harwaycorp.com
the MDedge® web portal. Award-winning daily news                                                                                   ABOUT FRONTLINE
coverage, columns and commentaries, and special
reports are immediately accessible online and through
e-blasts and newsletters. Physicians can engage online
by contacting editors and sharing articles via social media                                    Frontline Medical Communications
such as Facebook and Twitter. The Ob.Gyn. News website                                         7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 302
is the best way for the obstetrician/gynecologist to stay                                      PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054
up to date, save time, and gain valuable perspective.                                          973-206-3434

                                                                                                                                  For further information,
                                                                                                                                  contact the sales representative
2    Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                        www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                                                             CONTACTS / COVER

Ob.Gyn. News is published by Frontline Medical            b. F  MC reserves the right to inspect and approve           October Issue:
Communications (FMC).                                         all website advertising. Proof must be submit-            Global Congress of Minimally Invasive                PRINT ADVERTISING
                                                              ted to FMC no later than the ad space closing             Gynecology
⦁ I SSUANCE: 10x                                             date.                                                     Austin, TX; Nov. 14-18, 2021
⦁ E STABLISHED: 1966                                     c. S weepstakes ads are prohibited by AMA list                                                                    General Information
⦁ O RGANIZATION AFFILIATION: Independent;                    rental agreement.                                         November Issue:
  AMM; BPA Worldwide                                      d. FMC reserves the right to put the word “Ad-               Pelvic Anatomy & Gynecologic Surgery                 Circulation
                                                              vertisement” on advertising which, in FMC’s               Symposium
⦁ C
   IRCULATION SUMMARY: Ob.Gyn. News                          opinion, resembles editorial material.                    Las Vegas, NV; TBA                                   Closing Dates
  reaches over 44,884 patient-care ob.gyns. and           e. F MC guarantees uniform rates and discounts
  related sub-specialists.                                    to all advertisers using same amount and kind          b. Sales force bulk subscription discount avail-       Advertising Rates
                                                              of space. No exceptions to published rates.               able.
⦁ E
   DITORIAL                                              f. O
                                                              nly insertions of a parent company and                                                                        Advertising Incentives &
  The Ob.Gyn. News website, e-newsletters, and               subsidiaries are combined to determine the            ⦁ A
                                                                                                                      GENCY COMMISSION,                                     Opportunities
  print publication provide practicing physicians            earned rate.                                            CREDIT AND DISCOUNT TERMS
  with timely and relevant news, from coverage            g. R  ates are subject to change with 90 days’ no-        a. Agency Commission: 15% on all ads.                   Discounts & Combinations
  of medical conferences, journals, guidelines,               tice. Contracts accepted with the understand-          b. Agency is responsible for payment of all
  specialty societies, and the FDA and CDC.                   ing that rates will be guaranteed up to three              advertising ordered and published. If payment       Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
  News topics include breast cancer, contracep-               months beyond last issue closed. In the event              is defaulted, publisher shall have the right to
  tion, menopause, and transgender health, with               of a rate increase, contracts may be terminat-             hold the advertiser and the advertising agency      Printing Specifications
  commentaries from leaders in the field, adding              ed without penalty of short rate.                          jointly and severally liable for such monies due
  clinical perspective. Columnists offer insights on      h. After firm space commitment has been made,                 FMC for contracted and published ad space.          Multi-sponsored Supplements
  issues in maternal-fetal medicine, gynecologic              extensions will be given for reproduction mate-        c. 15% agency commission subject to withdrawal
  surgery, gynecologic oncology, and the unique               rials. If ad copy is not provided by closing date,        on accounts not paid within 60 days of invoice
  challenges of prescribing during pregnancy and              FMC reserves the right to repeat a former ad.             notice.                                              INTEGRATED MEDIA
  lactation. Our practice economics articles cover                                                                                                                           OPPORTUNITIES
  legislative, regulatory, and healthcare reform is-    ⦁ A
                                                           DVERTISERS’ INDEX                                      ⦁ C
  sues that affect physicians’ pocketbooks and how        Back-of-book                                               a. Notification in writing of space cancellations
                                                                                                                                                                             Digital Advertising
  they manage their practice. All news articles are                                                                      must be received by space closing deadline.
  researched, written and produced by profession-       ⦁ A
                                                           DVERTISING SERVICE                                       b. If space is cancelled after deadline or mate-
                                                                                                                                                                             Custom Programs
  al medical journalists.                                 a. Convention Bonus Distribution:                             rial received too late, the advertiser will be
                                                              *pending live conferences                                  charged for the insertion.
⦁ E
   DITORIAL/ADVERTISING RATIO                                                                                       c. Cover positions are non-cancellable within 60
  55% editorial/45% advertising                              April issue:                                               days of the issue’s closing date.
                                                             The American Congress of Obstetricians and
⦁ C
   ONTRACT AND COPY REGULATIONS                              Gynecologists                                                                                                  ABOUT FRONTLINE
  a. All contracts and contents of advertisements            Washington, D.C.; April 30 - May 2, 2021
     are subject to FMC’s approval. FMC reserves
     the right to reject or cancel any advertisement,        May issue:
     insertion order, space reservation or position          SDEF’s Women’s & Pediatrics
     commitment.                                              Dermatology Seminar
                                                              Newport Beach, CA; June 18-19, 2021

                                                                                                                                                                            For further information,
                                                                                                                                                                            contact the sales representative
3       Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                             www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                                                          CONTACTS / COVER

                                                                             CIRCULATION ANALYSIS
                                                                                                     Other Professional                                       TOTAL       PRINT ADVERTISING
                Specialty                    Office Based         Residents       Hospital Staff         Activity            Osteopaths       Semi-Retired   QUALIFIED
 Obstetrics & Gynecology                       29,459                  3,613          2,927                 792                3,065              273         40,129      General Information

 Obstetrics                                      106                     -             20                   15                  13                    3         157       Circulation

 Gynecology                                     1,515                    -             113                  55                  92                105          1,880      Closing Dates

 Gynecologic Oncology                            386                   179             110                  32                  18                    7         732       Advertising Rates
 Maternal & Fetal Medicine                       518                   323             144                  70                  45                    8        1,108
                                                                                                                                                                          Advertising Incentives &
 Reproductive Endocrinology                      611                   137             46                   46                  16                    14        870       Opportunities

 Ob/Gyn Critical Care                             5                      -              -                    2                   1                    -          8        Discounts & Combinations

 Total Distribution                            32,600                  4,252         3,360                 1,012               3,250              410         44,884      Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
Source: July 2020 BPA Circulation Statement
                                                                                                                                                                          Printing Specifications
For more detailed BPA circulation information, click here.
                                                                                                                                                                          Multi-sponsored Supplements

ISSUE AND CLOSING DATES                                                                            READERSHIP SCORES
                                                                                                                                                                          INTEGRATED MEDIA
         Issue Date                 Space Close                  Materials Due                         Office/Hospital-based High Readers (% Total)                       OPPORTUNITIES

 January/ February           January 25                     February 1                             Ob.Gyn. News                           60%
                                                                                                                                                                          Digital Advertising
                                                                                                   Publication A                          56%
 March                       February 23                    March 2
                                                                                                   Publication B                          54%                             Custom Programs
 April                       March 25                       April 1
                                                                                                   Publication C                          39%
 May                         April 21                       April 28
                                                                                                   Publication D                          32%
 June                        May 21                         June 1                                 Publication E                          26%
 July/ August                July 23                        July 30                                Source: Kantar Media, Medical/Surgical May 2020                        ABOUT FRONTLINE
                                                                                                   Media Measurement Study
 September                   August 23                      August 30
                                                                                                   © Copyright 2020 Kantar
 October                     September 24                   October 1

 November                    October 22                     October 29

 December                    November 22                    December 2

Stated Date of Mailing and Class: 15 of publication month. Periodicals class.

                                                                                                                                                                         For further information,
                                                                                                                                                                         contact the sales representative
4      Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                      www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                                                     CONTACTS / COVER

                                                               BLACK-AND-WHITE RATES
                                                                                                                                                                     PRINT ADVERTISING
 Page Size           1x          6x           12x           24x                 48x               72x              96x              144x         192x      240x
King               $9,850      $9,265       $9,075         $8,870             $8,795            $8,665            $8,355            $8,005      $7,585    $7,370
                                                                                                                                                                     General Information
3/4 Page            8,965       8,400        8,190          8,060              8,030             7,930            7,730             7,380        6,695     6,570
Island Page         7,490       6,870        6,680          6,580              6,520             6,395            6,140             5,870        5,565     5,415     Circulation
1/2 Page            7,335       6,850        6,645          6,460              6,410             6,345            6,095             5,840        5,400     5,330
1/4 Page            3,680       3,420        3,340          3,220              3,200             3,180            3,035             2,935        2,705     2,680     Closing Dates

                                                                                                                                                                     Advertising Rates
                                                       BLACK-AND-WHITE (ROB) + 4-COLOR RATES
 Page Size           1x          6x           12x           24x                 48x               72x              96x              144x         192x      240x      Advertising Incentives &
King               $13,675     $13,090      $12,900        $12,695            $12,620          $12,490           $12,180           $11,830     $11,410    $11,195    Opportunities
3/4 Page           12,790      12,225       12,015         11,885             11,855            11,755            11,555            11,205      10,520    10,395
                                                                                                                                                                     Discounts & Combinations
Island Page        11,315      10,695       10,505         10,405             10,345            10,220            9,965             9,695        9,390     9,240
1/2 Page           11,160      10,675       10,470         10,285             10,235            10,170            9,920             9,665        9,225     9,155     Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
1/4 Page            7,505       7,245        7,165          7,045              7,025             7,005            6,860             6,760        6,530     6,505
                                                                                                                                                                     Printing Specifications

COLOR RATES (In addition to black & white rates)                                                 SPECIAL POSITIONS                                                   Multi-sponsored Supplements
Metallic ink                               $185                       Page 3 – Earned king rate + 30% (plus color)
Four Color Rates                           $3,825                     Fourth Cover – Earned king rate + 60% (plus color)
                                                                                                                                                                     INTEGRATED MEDIA
Five Color Rates (4C + PMS)                $5,520                     Center Spread – Earned king rate + 25% (plus color)
                                                                      Please consult sales representative for additional special positions.
                                                                      BLEED Full-page bleed or gutter bleed (accepted for spreads only): no charge
                                                                                                                                                                     Digital Advertising

                                                                         INSERT RATES                                                                                Custom Programs
  Page Size               1x       6x          12x            24x                48x               72x               96x             144x        192x      240x
2-Page A-size        $15,430     $14,155     $13,765        $13,550            $13,425           $13,175          $12,650          $12,090      $11,455   $11,160
2-Page King          20,280      19,095       18,700         18,265             18,105           17,845            17,220           16,490      15,635    15,185
4-Page A-size        30,865      28,305       27,530         27,115             26,840           26,360            25,305           24,185      22,920    22,305
                                                                                                                                                                     ABOUT FRONTLINE
4-Page King          40,570      38,185       37,395         36,540             36,230           35,700            34,430           32,975      31,255    30,375
6-Page A-size        46,290      42,445       41,280         40,660             40,260           39,535            37,960           36,275      34,375    33,465
6-Page King          60,850      57,275       56,090         54,800             54,335           53,545            51,655           49,465      46,890    45,560
8-Page A-size        61,715      56,600       55,040         54,220             53,680           52,710            50,610           48,370      45,845    44,620
8-Page King          81,140      76,360       74,795         73,070             72,450           71,400            68,860           65,950      62,515    60,745

                                                                                                                                                                    For further information,
                                                                                                                                                                    contact the sales representative
5    Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                           www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                                                                        CONTACTS / COVER

King-Four Plus Discount Program
                                                                                                                                                                                        PRINT ADVERTISING
Any four-page or larger A-size ad unit (insert or ROB) is eligible to be converted to four or more king-size ROB pages. Rates apply to any four-page or larger
king ROB unit. Four-color charges included. Five-color carries an additional charge. Full-run only. Refer to Specifications for production requirements.
                                                                                                                                                                                        General Information
                                                                            King Conversion
  Page Size         1x              6x             12x            24x              48x              72x              96x               144x             192x             240x
 King 4 pg       $42,265         $39,735         $38,960        $38,550          $38,305          $37,795           $36,755           $35,655         $34,410          $33,800          Closing Dates
 King 6 pg        61,445          57,650          56,490         55,875          55,510           54,745            53,185            51,530           49,665           48,745
                                                                                                                                                                                        Advertising Rates
 King 8 pg        80,625          75,565          74,015         73,200          72,710           71,690            69,610            67,405           64,920           63,695

                                                                                                                                                                                        Advertising Incentives &

New Product Launch Program                                 Split Runs                                                            PLIT-RUN RATES—RUN-OF-BOOK
                                                                                                                              ⦁ S
                                                                                                                                                                                        Discounts & Combinations
                                                                                                                              1. If utilizing less than 25% of the publication’s
Place your new product launch unit in four (4) con-           PECIFICATIONS
                                                           ⦁ S                                                                   circulation—rate is 50% of the full-run cost
secutive issues of Ob.Gyn. News and receive 50%              1. S plit runs can be either geographic (state or                                                                         Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
                                                                                                                                 plus full color charges.
off the space and color charges of your fourth (4th)            zip code) or demographic. If FMC matches                      2. If utilizing 26-50% of the publication’s
insertion. Varying ad unit sizes will be averaged               supplied data, records must include Medical                                                                             Printing Specifications
                                                                                                                                 circulation—rate is 60% of the full-run cost
to determine free ad unit. Only NEW products or                 Education (M.E.) numbers.                                        plus full color charges.
line extensions are eligible for this program. Pre-          2. Inserts and run-of-book (ROB) advertising                                                                              Multi-sponsored Supplements
                                                                                                                              3. If utilizing 51% or more of the publication’s
launch units are not eligible. All FMC combination              units are accepted.                                              circulation—rate is 100% of the full-run cost
discounts apply. Free pages do not count toward              3. A ll split-run ROB advertising units must be the                plus full color charges.
the corporate discount. Launch Program free unit                same size.                                                                                                              INTEGRATED MEDIA
                                                                                                                              4. Split-run Production Charges—Run-of-book:
may not be combined with the Continuity Discount             4. S plit-run additional production charges are                                                                           OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                                                                 $900 per split-run insertion.
Program. Full-run ads only. Advertiser must pay                 commissionable.                                               5. A 20% premium is required on ROB splits of 6
premium position charges on free ad unit.                    5. S plit runs for a percentage of the circulation                 pages or more.                                         Digital Advertising
                                                                in any combination buy are calculated at the
Continuity Discount Program                                     individual publication’s rates.                             ISCOUNTS
                                                                                                                         ⦁ D                                                            Custom Programs
Please select one program. (Programs cannot be               6. T he Publisher (FMC) reserves the right                       plit-run advertisers do not qualify for combination,
combined.)                                                      to circulate a targeted advertisement to                      continuity, or new business/launch programs. Split-       Conferences
                                                                an audience greater than the contracted                       run insertions do count toward earned frequency
   a. Run an ad for the same product in six (6)
                                                                demographic/targeted list, unless specifically                and corporate discounts do apply.
issues of Ob.Gyn. News during 2021 and receive
                                                                noted on the insertion order.
50% off your 6th insertion. Ads do not need to run
consecutively, but ad unit size must be identical for                                                                    Business Reply Cards (BRCs)                                    ABOUT FRONTLINE
                                                              PLIT-RUN RATES—INSERTS
                                                           ⦁ S
all seven insertions. Premium position charges do                                                                        Business reply cards (BRCs) will be accepted on a
                                                             1. If utilizing less than 25% of the publication’s
not qualify for 50% discount.                                                                                            space-available basis. Cost = Earned frequency
                                                                circulation—rate is 50% of the full-run cost.
   b. Run an ad for the same product in every issue                                                                      rate of ROB island page + 20%. Please consult
                                                             2. If
                                                                  utilizing 26-50% of the publication’s
(10) of Ob.Gyn. News during 2021 and deduct 8.3%                                                                         Production Department for specifications, as
                                                                circulation—rate is 60% of the full-run cost.
off each insertion throughout the year.                                                                                  cards must be approved for compliance with
                                                             3. If utilizing 51% or more of the publication’s
 Program available to full-run and full cost split-run                                                                   bindery requirements (submit 5 samples or comp).
                                                                circulation—rate is 100% of the full-run cost.
advertisers; ROB production charges apply.                                                                               Client is strongly advised to get approval of cards
                                                             4. No production charges for inserts.
                                                                                                                         from the USPS Business Center.

                                                                                                                                                                                       For further information,
                                                                                                                                                                                       contact the sales representative
6    Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                      www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                                                     CONTACTS / COVER

                                                                                                                                                                     PRINT ADVERTISING
Corporate Discount                                       2020 Net
                                                                         $150K      $250K      $500K        $750K     $1.0M      $1.5M      $2.0M      $3.0M+
Corporate manufacturers and their subsidiaries                                                                                                                       General Information
will receive a discount on advertising purchased         Earned 2021
                                                                          0.5%       1.0%      1.5%         2.0%      2.5%       3.0%        4.0%        5.0%
from Frontline Medical Communications (FMC)                                                                                                                          Circulation
in 2021. Full year 2020 NET spend with FMC will
establish the minimum discount levels for all         advertisers, regardless of size. When number             the earned rate (B&W and color) in each of these      Closing Dates
advertising purchased in 2021. All manufacturer       of insertions is greater or less than indicated          MarketDUOs published by FMC: DermDUO |
promotional spend will be credited towards the        by contract, rates are adjusted accordingly. (All        Cutis®+ Ob.Gyn. News®; ObGynDUO | OBG                 Advertising Rates
corporate level, including electronic and print       FMC publications have the same frequency levels          Management®+Ob.Gyn. News®; PsychDUO |
advertising, reprints and programs (nonCME).          through the 240x. JFP, FPN and IMN extend to             Current Psychiatry®+ Clinical Psychiatry News®. In    Advertising Incentives &
Discounts will be applied to print advertising only   396x.)                                                   the Family MedicineDUO, receive a 15% discount        Opportunities
purchased in regularly issued FMC professional                                                                 off the earned rate (B&W and color) in The Journal
publications. The FMC Corporate Discount is           Combination Buys And Market Duos                         of Family Practice ®+ Family Practice News®. Full-    Discounts & Combinations
applied to the adjusted net cost after all other                                                               run only.
earned discounts have been applied (see Order         Advertise the same product in the same month
                                                                                                                                                                     Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
of Print Discounts). Spend levels and associated      in any TWO OR MORE FMC publications and                  Additional journal specific discounts/incentives
discounts are listed in the graphic on the right.     receive a 7.5% discount off the earned rate in each      (continuity or new business/launch, etc.) are
                                                                                                                                                                     Printing Specifications
                                                      publication (B&W and color). The PowerBuy™               available (see next page). Choose either the
                                                      discount (see separate rates) supersedes this            continuity program or the new business/launch
Earned Frequency                                      program; additional discounts are not applied to         program when using a combination buy. See Full
                                                                                                                                                                     Multi-sponsored Supplements

Rate is determined by the number of units within      these publications. PowerBuy™ (Family Practice           Integrated Media Kit and Rate Cards available at
a 12-month period (calendar or fiscal). A unit is a   News® + Internal Medicine News®) counts as 1             www.frontlinerates.com. Full-run only.
                                                                                                                                                                     INTEGRATED MEDIA
page or fraction of a page (e.g. a spread counts as   publication. Except for PowerBuy™, combination
2 units; a king page or fraction counts as a page).   discounts are applicable to full-run only.               Prescribing Information (PI) Page
Each page of an insert counts as a unit. Each
demographic/regional/split page counts as a unit.
                                                      Evaluate FMC cross market combinations by                Discounts:                                            Digital Advertising
                                                      Media Group in Kantar’s MARS Medical System
Insertions of parent companies and subsidiaries                                                                Advertisers with more than two PI pages qualify
                                                      by selecting Combination Non-Duplicated.                                                                       Custom Programs
are combined to determine the earned rate.                                                                     for a 50% discount on the earned B&W rate for the
                                                      Combinations not currently programmed can be
Co-marketed products may select the earned                                                                     3rd and remaining PI pages.
                                                      upon request. Discount only applicable on run of                                                               Conferences
frequency discount of either company.
                                                      book and inserts. Discount not available for cover
                                                      tips.                                                    Order of print ad discounts
Corporate Frequency Discount                                                                                   (As applicable)
                                                      Gain maximum specialty reach, duplicated and
Program                                               unduplicated, when you advertise the same                                                                      ABOUT FRONTLINE
                                                                                                               1) Corporate earned frequency; 2) Journal
Earned frequencies are determined by the              product in the same month and surround your              Combination; 3) Journal list match; 4) New
number of pages in all FMC publications to            ad with the optimal blend of clinical and medical        business or launch; 5) Journal continuity; 6)
provide maximum frequency discounts to                news content and receive a 7.5% discount off             Corporate discount; 7) Agency discount.

                                                                                                                                                                    For further information,
                                                                                                                                                                    contact the sales representative
7     Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                                 www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                                                               CONTACTS / COVER

7.5% off each publication                                                                                COLOR RATES (In addition to black & white rates)
                                                                                                                                                                               PRINT ADVERTISING
                                                                                                        Metallic ink                                      $2,645
Discounted rate schedule for advertisers who place the same prod-
uct, same size ad unit in the same issue date of Ob.Gyn. News and                                       Four Color Rates                                  $7,030
                                                                                                                                                                               General Information
OBG Management. Full-run only. Insertions count towards earned                                          Five Color Rates (4C + PMS)                      $10,405
frequency.                                                                                                                                                                     Circulation

                                                                                                                                                                               Closing Dates

                                                                          BLACK-AND-WHITE RATES                                                                                Advertising Rates
          Page Size             1x               6x              12x                24x                48x              72x            96x      144x       192x      240x
                                                                                                                                                                               Advertising Incentives &
King size + A-size page       $15,755          $15,165          $14,830            $14,525          $14,280        $13,895         $13,460     $12,790    $12,305   $12,005
King 3/4 + A-size page        14,935           14,365           14,010             13,775           13,575             13,215      12,880      12,210     11,480    11,265
Island + A-size page          13,570           12,950           12,610             12,405           12,180             11,795      11,410      10,815     10,435    10,200     Discounts & Combinations
King 1/2 + 1/2 A-size page    11,525           11,045           10,725             10,480           10,320             10,115       9,720       9,240      8,785     8,665
                                                                                                                                                                               Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints

                                                                                                                                                                               Printing Specifications
                                                                       INSERT RATES (KING + A-SIZE)
     Page Size           1x             6x               12x               24x                48x               72x              96x          144x        192x       240x      Multi-sponsored Supplements

2 page insert            NA          $30,855          $30,155            $29,510             $29,075          $28,330           $27,460      $26,100     $25,140    $24,515
4 page insert            NA            NA             59,820              58,505             57,660           56,150            54,430       51,730      49,765     48,535     INTEGRATED MEDIA
6 page insert            NA            NA             89,460              87,495             86,215           83,975            81,350       77,225      74,400     72,550     OPPORTUNITIES
8 page insert            NA            NA                NA              116,280             114,605          111,590           108,105      102,615     98,825     96,365
                                                                                                                                                                               Digital Advertising

                                                                                                                                                                               Custom Programs
                                                                INSERT RATES (A-SIZE (ISLAND)+A-SIZE)
     Page Size           1x             6x               12x               24x                48x               72x              96x          144x        192x       240x      Conferences
2 page insert            NA          $26,285          $25,590            $25,145             $24,750          $24,010           $23,230      $22,030     $21,275    $20,790
4 page insert            NA            NA             50,695              49,790             48,975           47,515            45,990       43,600      42,055     41,070
w6 page insert           NA            NA             75,760              74,415             73,195           71,015            68,680       65,025      62,825     61,360     ABOUT FRONTLINE

8 page insert            NA            NA                NA               98,845             97,240           94,305            91,225       86,355      83,405     81,450

Evaluate the above combination discounts by Media Group in Kantar's MARS Medical system by selecting Combination Duplicated.

                                                                                                                                                                              For further information,
                                                                                                                                                                              contact the sales representative
8     Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                    www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                                                  CONTACTS / COVER

                                                                                                                                                                  PRINT ADVERTISING

                                                                                                                                                                  General Information
7.5% Off Each Publication                                                                            COLOR RATES (In addition to black & white rates)
Discounted rate schedule for advertisers who place the same product, same                            Metallic ink                                         $340    Circulation
size ad unit in the same issue date of Ob.Gyn. News and Family Practice News.                        Four Color Rates                                   $6,600
Full-run only. Insertions count towards earned frequency.                                                                                                         Closing Dates
                                                                                                     Five Color Rates (4C + PMS)                        $9,835
                                                                                                                                                                  Advertising Rates

                                                                                                                                                                  Advertising Incentives &
                                                                BLACK-AND-WHITE RATES                                                                             Opportunities
     Page Size       1x          6x         12x         24x         48x            72x       96x      144x            192x         240x      288x      396x
                                                                                                                                                                  Discounts & Combinations
King size        $25,520     $24,315     $23,605     $22,865     $22,425        $21,880   $21,330   $20,720         $20,010   $19,650      $19,485   $19,295
3/4 page          23,245      21,985      20,790      20,045      19,890         19,620    19,105    18,475          17,535    17,265       17,130    16,805      Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
Island page       18,425      17,370      16,790      16,235      15,995         15,625    15,200    14,745          14,230    13,985       13,860    13,735
                                                                                                                                                                  Printing Specifications
1/2 Page          18,165      17,260      16,680      16,020      15,840         15,470    14,920    14,485          13,820    13,630       13,525    13,275
1/4 Page           9,235       8,700       8,205       7,845       7,795          7,695     7,450     7,250           6,915        6,835     6,755     6,650      Multi-sponsored Supplements

                                                                                                                                                                  INTEGRATED MEDIA
                                                               INSERT RATES (KING + A-SIZE)                                                                       OPPORTUNITIES

     Page Size       1x          6x         12x         24x         48x            72x       96x      144x            192x         240x      288x      396x
                                                                                                                                                                  Digital Advertising
2-Page A-size    $37,955     $35,800     $34,585     $33,435     $32,935        $32,195   $31,305   $30,360         $29,390   $28,810      $28,555   $28,315
2-Page King       52,565      50,105      48,640      47,090      46,185         45,070    43,940    42,695          41,350    40,490       40,155    39,745      Custom Programs
4-Page A-size     75,925      71,595      69,155      66,885      65,865         64,400    62,620    60,740          58,800    57,615       57,100    56,610
4-Page King      105,135     100,210      97,265      94,195      92,400         90,145    87,875    85,370          82,695    80,985       80,310    79,510
6-Page A-size    113,880     107,375     103,730     100,300      98,800         96,600    93,930    91,100          88,205    86,425       85,650    84,920
6-Page King      157,700     150,310     145,900     141,290     138,580        135,215   131,825   128,055         124,035   121,475      120,465   119,255
                                                                                                                                                                  ABOUT FRONTLINE
8-Page A-size    151,840     143,175     138,295     133,745     131,740        128,785   125,245   121,465         117,610   115,235      114,205   113,230
8-Page King      210,260     200,395     194,530     188,390     184,785        180,290   175,755   170,735         165,375   161,960      160,625   159,015

                                                                                                                                                                 For further information,
                                                                                                                                                                 contact the sales representative
9     Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                   www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                          CONTACTS / COVER

                                                                                                                                          PRINT ADVERTISING
7.5% Off Each Publication
Discounted rate schedule for advertisers who place the same product, same                                                                 General Information
size ad unit in the same issue date of Ob.Gyn. News and Dermatology News.
Full-run only. Insertions count towards earned frequency.                                                                                 Circulation

 COLOR RATES (In addition to black & white rates)                                                                                         Closing Dates
Metallic ink                                 $330
                                                                                                                                          Advertising Rates
Four Color Rates                           $5,500
Five Color Rates (4C + PMS)                $8,330                                                                                         Advertising Incentives &
                                                              BLACK-AND-WHITE RATES
 Page Size           1x          6x          12x            24x             48x        72x        96x       144x      192x      240x      Discounts & Combinations
King               $13,005     $12,330      $12,095       $11,820       $11,665       $11,455    $11,115   $10,700   $10,260    $9,990
                                                                                                                                          Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
3/4 Page            11,900      11,195       10,875        10,720           10,680     10,570     10,270     9,925     9,060     8,910
Island Page          9,940       9,200        8,970         8,820            8,705      8,515      8,245     7,950     7,615     7,430    Printing Specifications
1/2 Page             9,680       9,065        8,760         8,530            8,450      8,315      8,000     7,725     7,255     7,170
1/4 Page             4,870       4,535        4,410         4,270            4,225      4,170      4,000     3,895     3,650     3,610    Multi-sponsored Supplements

                                                                     INSERT RATES                                                         INTEGRATED MEDIA
  Page Size               1x       6x          12x           24x              48x       72x        96x      144x      192x      240x      OPPORTUNITIES
2-Page A-size        $20,370     $18,850     $18,350       $18,055          $17,820   $17,440    $16,895   $16,270   $15,575   $15,220
2-Page King           26,625      25,260      24,770        24,200           23,875     23,455    22,765    21,905    21,005    20,465    Digital Advertising
4-Page A-size         40,740      37,705      36,705        36,125           35,620     34,895    33,780    32,545    31,175    30,430
                                                                                                                                          Custom Programs
4-Page King           53,255      50,520      49,535        48,410           47,770     46,925    45,525    43,810    42,005    40,925
6-Page A-size         61,085      56,540      55,045        54,175           53,435     52,330    50,670    48,815    46,755    45,650    Conferences
6-Page King           79,890      75,770      74,310        72,615           71,640     70,380    68,295    65,700    63,020    61,390
8-Page A-size         81,445      75,380      73,405        72,245           71,255     69,775    67,565    65,090    62,350    60,865
8-Page King          106,505     101,015      99,085        96,820           95,535     93,845    91,050    87,595    84,020    81,845    ABOUT FRONTLINE

                                                                                                                                         For further information,
                                                                                                                                         contact the sales representative
10 Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                                www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                                                                               CONTACTS / COVER

                                                                                                                                                                                               PRINT ADVERTISING

PowerBuy rate + 7.5% off ObGyn News                                                                                           COLOR RATES (In addition to black & white rates)                 General Information
Discounted rate schedule for advertisers who place the same product, same                                                     Metallic ink                                             $465
size ad unit in the same issue date of Internal Medicine News, Family Practice                                                Four Color Rates                                       $7,650    Circulation
News, and Ob.Gyn. News. Full-run only. Insertions count towards earned
                                                                                                                              Five Color Rates (4C + PMS)                           $12,275
frequency.                                                                                                                                                                                     Closing Dates

                                                                                                                                                                                               Advertising Rates

                                                                                                                                                                                               Advertising Incentives &
                                                                      BLACK-AND-WHITE RATES
         Page Size               1x         6x          12x          24x             48x             72x             96x           144x            192x        240x       288x      396x
King size + A-size page         $35,065    $33,230     $32,125      $31,045         $30,650       $29,935           $29,160       $28,425         $27,765     $27,440    $27,045   $26,655     Discounts & Combinations

King 3/4 + A-size page           31,485     29,805      28,715       27,870          27,555          27,055          26,495         25,790         24,565      24,150     23,955    23,425     Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
Island + A-size page             24,315     22,880      22,075       21,390          21,125          20,600          20,040         19,525         19,055      18,820     18,560    18,310
                                                                                                                                                                                               Printing Specifications
King 1/2 + 1/2 A-size page       23,975     22,715      21,895       21,140          20,855          20,485          19,845         19,225         18,665      18,535     18,250    18,085
King 1/2 + 1/4 A-size page       11,780     11,150      10,675       10,285          10,150           9,970           9,630            9,375        9,020       8,945      8,910     8,735     Multi-sponsored Supplements

                                                                                                                                                                                               INTEGRATED MEDIA
                                                                               INSERT RATES                                                                                                    OPPORTUNITIES
   Page Size            1x          6x           12x          24x           48x             72x               96x              144x             192x         240x        288x       396x
2-Page A-size        $50,100     $47,145     $45,480      $44,065       $43,525            $42,435         $41,270         $40,230             $39,345      $38,780     $38,235    $37,745     Digital Advertising
2-Page King            72,225     68,465      66,185      63,935           63,135          61,650          60,080             58,565           57,335       56,515      55,715     54,900
                                                                                                                                                                                               Custom Programs
4-Page A-size        100,185      94,280      90,960      88,135           87,035          84,880          82,555             80,460           78,710       77,540      76,455     75,465
4-Page King          144,465     136,935     132,370      127,885       126,310            123,330         120,145         117,115             114,665      113,045     111,425    109,815     Conferences
6-Page A-size        150,280     141,405     136,425      132,195       130,560            127,320         123,840         120,695             118,060      116,320     114,690    113,200
6-Page King          216,690     205,400     198,545      191,815       189,440            184,980         180,230         175,680             172,000      169,570     167,145    164,720
8-Page A-size        200,360     188,540     181,895      176,265       174,080            169,750         165,115         160,915             157,420      155,085     152,910    150,940     ABOUT FRONTLINE
8-Page King          288,935     273,860     264,735      255,765       252,595            246,655         240,295         234,235             229,320      226,095     222,855    219,625

                                                                                                                                                                                              For further information,
                                                                                                                                                                                              contact the sales representative
11 Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                         www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                                                          CONTACTS / COVER

FMC will print all standard cover tips. Standard adheres to specs                   Note: Specifications not drawn to actual size
below.                                                                                                                                                                    PRINT ADVERTISING
⦁ Cost includes FMC printing of standard cover tips to                                                                              Width 10”
  specifications (one-sided, 4-color) as a value-added service. No
  rebates will be issued for client-supplied material.                                                                                Top                                 General Information
⦁ Issue polybagged per postal regulations
⦁ Cost is non-commissionable                                                                                                                                             Circulation
⦁ Non-standard cover tips are also available such as tips with extra
  flaps, PI’s, etc. These must be client supplied.                                                                                                                        Closing Dates
⦁ Sample of non-standard cover tips must be supplied to the

                                                                        Height 6”
  production manager for approval.                                                                                                                                        Advertising Rates
⦁ Full run only. Continuity discounts or combination discounts are
  not applicable for cover tips.                                                                                                                                          Advertising Incentives &
⦁ Contact your sales representative for pricing.                                                                                                                         Opportunities
Space Reservations
                                                                                                                                                                          Discounts & Combinations
Available on a first-come, first-served basis. Space closing dates
for issue are not applicable for cover tips. Agreements should be                                                                     Bottom                              Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
sent in as soon as approval is received. Please contact the sales
representative.                                                                                                                                                           Printing Specifications

Cover Tip Specifications                                                                                                                         Your Promotional         Multi-sponsored Supplements
                                                                                                                                                 Message Could
⦁ FINAL TRIM: 10” x 6”                                                                                                                           Be Here ...
                                                                                                                                                                          INTEGRATED MEDIA
⦁ BLEED SIZE: 10 1/4” x 6 1/4” (1/8” bleed on all four sides)                                                                                                            OPPORTUNITIES
⦁ LIVE AREA: 9 1/2” x 5 1/2” (1/4” on all four sides)
                                                                                                                                                                          Digital Advertising
⦁ STOCK: 80# Coated Text                                                             Note: Specifications not drawn to actual size                         ... or here
⦁ INK: CMYK                                                                                                                                                               Custom Programs
                                                                                                                                        1 3/4”
   UANTITY: As specified in contract. Check with your production
⦁ Q                                                                                                               5 5/8”                                                  Conferences
  manager for spoilage quantity.
Cancellation Policy: Tips can be canceled 60 days prior to the
issue space closing date. After this, agreement is considered non-                  Front Cover Banner Ad                                                                 ABOUT FRONTLINE
cancellable and will be invoiced in full.
                                                                                    ⦁ Advertisement runs on the lower right-hand corner
Deliver electronic files and color proof to:                                           of the cover
 Production Department                                                              ⦁ Cost is the same as a four-color King page at your
 Ob.Gyn. News                                                                          earned frequency rate
 2275 Research Boulevard
 Suite 400                                                                          ⦁ Corporate discount applies; commissionable
 Rockville, MD 20850
                                                                                       IZE: 5 5/8” x 1 3/4”
                                                                                    ⦁ S
Please indicate the four sides (top, bottom, etc.) of cover tips on
the color proof.                                                                                                                                                         For further information,
                                                                                                                                                                         contact the sales representative
12 Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                       www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                         CONTACTS / COVER

REPRINTS / EPRINTS                                                     OUTSERTS
Reprints are a basic necessity for medical meetings,                   Outserts are a great opportunity to capture high visibility
conferences, and exhibit booths. They are a valuable tool for          through Ob.Gyn. News that’s highly read and trusted. Your         PRINT ADVERTISING
direct mail, press kits, sales force education, sales calls, leave     preprinted Outserts are placed with a current issue and
behinds, new product launches, formulary kits, and much                polybagged for outstanding exposure. Please note: multiple
more. They are a welcome educational service to physicians,            items may appear within a polybag. Disease state exclusivity      General Information
nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare providers.                   within the polybag is guaranteed. This is a cost-effective way
Reprints/ePrints help your sales force speak to clinicians with        to get your message to an engaged audience with a brand           Circulation
knowledge and relevance. We can also recommend related                 they trust most.
articles to create a comprehensive review package for your                                                                               Closing Dates
                                                                       Note: Samples must be submitted for review. Availability
customers. Reprints of articles and custom reprints are
                                                                       contingent upon approval.                                         Advertising Rates

                                                                            Contact Dianne Reynolds at dreynolds@mdedge.com              Advertising Incentives &
                                                                            for details and pricing.                                     Opportunities
CONTACT:                                                                                                                                 Discounts & Combinations
Amy Trombetta, Sales Manager
Wright's Media                                                                                                                           Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
2407 Timberloch Place, Suite B
The Woodlands, TX 77386                                                                                                                  Printing Specifications
Direct: 281-944-7808
Office: 281-419-5725 x115                                                                                                                Multi-sponsored Supplements
Toll Free: 877-652-5295
Cell: 832-515-1736
Email: frontline@wrightsmedia.com
                                                                       CLASSIFIED ADS                                                    INTEGRATED MEDIA
www.wrightsmedia.com                                                                                                                     OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                       The MedJobNetwork consists of an interactive recruitment
                                                                       portal (www.medjobnetwork.com) recruiters use to leverage
                                                                       the reach of the Frontline brands trusted most by Physicians,     Digital Advertising
                                                                       NPs and PAs. It powers Ob.Gyn. News’s online Career Center
CONTACT:                                                               and recruitment eNewsletters with compelling content for our      Custom Programs
Ray Thibodeau, Executive Vice President                                loyal readers seeking new job opportunities. See classified
Content Ed Net                                                         rate card here.                                                   Conferences
350 South Main St., Suite 113B
Doylestown, PA 18901                                                   CONTACT:
Phone: 267-895-1758                                                    Tim LaPella
                                                                                                                                         ABOUT FRONTLINE
Cell: 215-933-8484                                                     Senior Director Classified Sales
Skype: raythibodeau1                                                   484-921-5001
Email: Ray.Thibodeau@contentednet.com                                  Email: tlapella@mdedge.com

                                                                                                                                        For further information,
                                                                                                                                        contact the sales representative
13 Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                           www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                                                     CONTACTS / COVER

Frontline Medical Communications publications           ⦁ INSERTS AND INSERT REQUIREMENTS                      ⦁ POLYBAGGING GUIDELINES
are printed offset in a tabloid news format. Black-       a. General Conditions                                   olybagging is available for promotional
                                                                                                                 P                                                   PRINT ADVERTISING
and-white, four, and five-color advertisements are           Publication accepts both full King-size and        outserts with all publications. All incur either
accepted.                                                     “A-size” (minimum size: 7 3/4” x 10 1/2”)          Ride-Along, Standard A, or Periodical postal
                                                              inserts for full run. Inserts not meeting          rates. Contact your sales representative for        General Information
   INDING: Saddle Stitch
⦁ B                                                           mechanical specifications are subject to a         details.
                                                              surcharge. Publication requires pre-clearance                                                          Circulation
⦁ F                                                           of all inserts by submission of sample           ⦁ SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS
  • Bleed size: 10 3/4” x 13 1/4”                            paper stock or paper dummy when insert             Send contracts and insertion orders to:             Closing Dates
  • Trim: 10 1/2” x 13”                                      is not standard. Please check with FMC for         Ob.Gyn. News
  • Keep live matter 3/8” from all trim edges                availability and quantities.                       Frontline Medical Communications                    Advertising Rates
                                                                                                                 7 Century Drive, Suite 302
⦁ HALFTONE SCREEN                                         b. Mechanical Specifications                           Parsippany, NJ 07054                                Advertising Incentives &
  • 133-line screen recommended                             Maximum Paper Weight:                               Attn: Dianne Reynolds                               Opportunities
                                                             • Two-page (single-leaf) and Four-page             Phone: 973-206-8014
⦁ R                                                             (double-leaf) inserts: 80 lb. text coated or     dreynolds@mdedge.com                                Discounts & Combinations
  a. B lack-and-White or Color Advertisements                  matte
                                                                                                                 Send color proofs to:
  • PDF/X-1a required                                       • L arger inserts: Consult FMC                                                                         Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
                                                                                                                 Ob.Gyn. News
  • All images must be CMYK (RGB not accepted)
                                                            Size Requirements:                                   2275 Research Blvd
  • All files must be at 100%                                                                                                                                       Printing Specifications
                                                            • Full King-size: 10 3/8” x 12 7/8”, must           Suite 400
  • Digital files will not be altered or manipulated
                                                               furnish trimmed; no portion will trim with        Rockville, MD 20850
  • Ads can be accepted via FTP                                                                                                                                     Multi-sponsored Supplements
                                                               publication                                       Attn: Advertising Production
                                                            • “A-size”: 7 3/4” x 10 1/2”, must furnish          Phone: 240-221-2417
Call Rebecca Slebodnik at 240-221-2417 for FTP
                                                               trimmed; no portion will trim with                rslebodnik@mdedge.com
instructions or e-mail at rslebodnik@mdedge.com                                                                                                                      INTEGRATED MEDIA
                                                            • Note: Multiple-leaf inserts to be furnished
  b. Color Proofs
     • SWOP digital proof with color bars
                                                            Quantity:                                                                                                Digital Advertising
                                                            • Consult FMC Production as quantity varies
  c. Provider Information
                                                                                                                                                                     Custom Programs
     Please provide the following with your media:
                                                            Shipping of Inserts:
      • Publication name and issue date
                                                            • Separate shipments by publication and                                                                 Conferences
      • Advertiser, product and agency name
                                                               issue date. Do not combine multiple issue
      • Contact name and phone number
                                                               dates on same skid.
      • Directory of disk or CD
                                                            Ship inserts to:                                                                                         ABOUT FRONTLINE
   ISPOSITION OF MATERIAL: Files are held one
⦁ D                                                         Ob.Gyn. News ISSUE DATE
  year and then destroyed, unless instructed                Attn: Jim Beekler
  otherwise in writing.                                     Fry Communications
                                                            Building 2 - 800 West Church Road
                                                            Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

                                                                                                                                                                    For further information,
                                                                                                                                                                    contact the sales representative
14 Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                                            www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                                                               CONTACTS / COVER

King-size Page                                      King-size Spread                                          3/4 Vertical Spread                          3/4 Vertical
                                                                                                                                                                               PRINT ADVERTISING

                         Bleed Size:                             Bleed Size:
                                                                                                                                                                  Ad Size:     General Information
                        10 3/4” x 13 1/4”                       211/4” x 131/4”                                           Ad Size:
                          Trim Size:                              Trim Size:                                            14 / ” x 11 3/4”
                                                                                                                           5 8                                     7 1/8” x
                         10 1/2” x 13”                            21“ x 13”                                                                                        11 3/4”     Circulation

                                                                                                                                                                               Closing Dates

                                                                                                                                                                               Advertising Rates
                                                                                                                                  1/4 Page                 1/4 Page
Island Page                Island Spread                                  Island Page + 3/4 Page Horiz.                           Vertical                 Horizontal          Advertising Incentives &

                                                                                                                                                                               Discounts & Combinations

  Ad Size:                                   Ad Size:                                             Ad Size:                                                                     Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
 7 1/8” x 10”                               14 5/8” x 10”                                        17 1/2” x 10”                               4 1 /2” x
                                                                                                                                              5 5 /8”              6 7/8” x    Printing Specifications
                                                                                                                                                                    4 1/4”
                                                                                                                                                                               Multi-sponsored Supplements

Island Spread + Island Page                                               3/4 Horizontal                         3/4 Horizontal Spread
                                                                                                                                                                               INTEGRATED MEDIA

                                                                                                                                                                               Digital Advertising
                 Ad Size:                         Ad Size:                         Ad Size:                                      Ad Size:
                14 5/8” x 10”                    7 1/8” x 10”                     9 1/2” x 10”                                   20” x 10”                                     Custom Programs


1/2 Page                                                                          1/2 Page
Horizontal                      1/2 Horizontal Spread                             Vertical                           1/4 Page Column
                                                                                                                                                                               ABOUT FRONTLINE
                                                                                                                                                Ad Size:
                                                                                                                                             2 1/8” x 11 3/4”
                                                                                                 4 1/ 2 ” x
     Ad Size:                                   Ad Size:                                         11 3/4”
   9 1/2 ” x 5 5 /8”                           20” x 5 5/8”

Journal Trim Size: 10 1/2” x 13“
Live matter: Allow 3/8” safety from all trim edges                                                                                                                            For further information,
Type of Binding: Saddle Stitch                                                                                                                                                contact the sales representative
15 Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                           www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                 CONTACTS / COVER

Multi-sponsored Special Issue Supplements:
                                                                                                 PRINT ADVERTISING
Multi-sponsored print and digital themed special issues focus on
specific diseases and/or topic areas to provide uniquely relevant
                                                                                                 General Information
in-depth content geared specifically toward physicians and other
HCPs with the market.
Available in print and on-line, these issues provide informative and
objective information on a topic of interest that HCPs can refer                                 Closing Dates
to again and again. This may include diagnosis and treatment
information around a disease state; content devoted to a subgroup                                Advertising Rates
of the primary specialty; or content produced on behalf of or in
collaboration with any of our medical association, patient advocacy                              Advertising Incentives &
group, or Society partners.                                                                      Opportunities

These unique opportunities provide advertisers with numerous                                     Discounts & Combinations
media placement opportunities, adding to increased reach and
exposures. Distribution may also expand beyond Ob.Gyn. News                                      Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
audience as well.
                                                                                                 Printing Specifications
⦁ Special issue supplements polybag and mail with regular issues
  of Ob.Gyn. News                                                                                Multi-sponsored Supplements

⦁ Special issue supplements are posted online in the education
  center of www.mdedge.com/obgyn                                                                 INTEGRATED MEDIA
⦁ Print versions receive Bonus Distribution at various medical                                  OPPORTUNITIES
  meetings and events.
                                                                                                 Digital Advertising

Pricing:                                                                                         Custom Programs
Please consult with the sales representative on advertising rates for
each special issue. Cover tips are also available, please consult with
the sales representative regarding availability and costs. Ads must
be approved for both print and digital placements.
                                                                                                 ABOUT FRONTLINE
Cancellation Policy:
Space may be cancelled prior to the space close date for each
supplement. After the space close date, insertions will be
considered non-cancellable and will be invoiced in full.

Closing Dates, Inserts, and Specifications:
Please consult your sales representative for closing dates, insert
quantity and print/digital advertising specs.
                                                                                                For further information,
                                                                                                contact the sales representative
16 Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |            www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                          CONTACTS / COVER

Targeted Communications Tactics | Increases Awareness | Informs & Educates | Expands Reach | Frequency
                                                                                                          PRINT ADVERTISING
Identify your objectives and work with our sales
experts and network of brands to integrate the      Digital Advertising
optimal solutions to get your message in front of                                                         General Information
the right targets at the right time.
Our wide-array of digital and print advertising
tactics, Custom Programs, and Medical
                                                                                                          Closing Dates
Conferences, built around our 25+ print and
digital brands in 20+ markets provide unique
                                                                                                          Advertising Rates
and tried and true opportunities to achieve
reach, generate engagement, and reinforce your
                                                                                                          Advertising Incentives &
messaging with multiple exposures, developed
around your marketing goals.
As an established medical communications                                                                  Discounts & Combinations
leader reaching 1.1M physicians, NPs, PAs,
payers, key healthcare decision makers and their    Custom Programs                                       Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
patients, we can support your pharmaceutical,
medical device or diagnostic brand’s marketing                                                            Printing Specifications
needs at nearly every point along your product’s
lifecycle. We’ll help you develop an integrated                                                           Multi-sponsored Supplements
marketing campaign that maximizes the
appropriate platforms/channels/devices, etc. to
achieve your brand’s strategic imperatives.                                                               INTEGRATED MEDIA
All print advertising rates and unique print                                                              OPPORTUNITIES
opportunities for each MDedge® brand are
accessible at www.frontlinerates.com.                                                                     Digital Advertising
Information for Digital Advertising, Custom
Multimedia Programs, and Conferences, are                                                                 Custom Programs
available in a single Integrated Media Kit.
Digital ad specifications are available here.

                                                                                                          ABOUT FRONTLINE

Medical Conferences

                                                                                                         For further information,
                                                                                                         contact the sales representative
17 Ob.Gyn. News | 2021 ADVERTISING RATE CARD |                            www.mdedge.com/obgyn

                                                                                                                                                                    CONTACTS / COVER

                                                                                                                                                                    PRINT ADVERTISING

As one of the healthcare industry's largest medical communications companies,
Frontline Medical Communications is a leader in digital, print, and live events.                                       MDedge®                                      General Information
The Company has multichannel “scale” and ranks 1st in combined web and print                      A Unified Multichannel Platform Built on Brand Equity
engagements. Through our MDedge® network of trusted brands and affiliated portal;              Cardiology News®                                                     Circulation
custom solutions group; BPA® audited print/digital publications; and conferences
group, FMC meets the marketing challenges of our clients by optimizing multi-                  CHEST Physician®                                                     Closing Dates
channel advertising programs and multi-faceted sponsorship opportunities. FMC                  Clinical Endocrinology News ®

is #1 in total print physician reach, #2 in combined web and print physician reach                                                                                  Advertising Rates
behind Medscape, and #2 in total combined web & print physician engagement with                Clinical Psychiatry News®
20.6 million reader/visitor engagements annually among the Kantar Medical/Surgical             Clinician Reviews® *                                                 Advertising Incentives &
universe.                                                                                                                                                           Opportunities
                                                                                               Cosmetic Dermatology® *
Our MDedge® integrated web portal is fueled by content from 25+ print and digital
                                                                                               Current Psychiatry®                                                  Discounts & Combinations
brands in 20+ markets. A single, comprehensive resource, MDedge saves HCP's time
and meets their practice needs through personalized medical news, indexed and                  Cutis®                                                               Cover Tips, Outserts, Reprints
peer-reviewed clinical and evidence-based reviews, conference coverage, quizzes,
KOL analyses and roundtables, board reviews, podcasts, videos, resource centers,               Dermatology News®
                                                                                                                                                                    Printing Specifications
practice management, medical education, disease state crossword puzzles, and                   Family Practice News®
more. Improved user experience, content categorization, and SEO optimization has
                                                                                               Federal Practitioner®                                                Multi-sponsored Supplements
increased visits and engagement by 40%.
                                                                                               GI & Hepatology News®
We provide access to 1.1 million physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants,
and other validated HCPs and key formulary decision makers.                                    Hematology News®                                                     INTEGRATED MEDIA
• Our pubs rank among the top 5 in readership in (nearly) all measured markets,               The Hospitalist®
   reaching more than half the measured physician universe at least 1x/month.
                                                                                               ID Practitioner® *                                                   Digital Advertising
• Our websites rank among the top 5 publication-affiliated sites by market, reaching
   more than one third of the measured physician universe an average of 6x/month.              Internal Medicine News®
• Combined with NPs/PAs, we reach more than 65% of these measured clinicians                                                                                       Custom Programs
                                                                                               Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management®
   (print + web) 4x/month.
• 20+ disease specific, multi-day live educational events, including                          The Journal of Family Practice®                                      Conferences
   hem/onc, globally
                                                                                               Journal of Hospital Medicine®
• 1,125 active KOLs - authors, editorial/advisory boards, accreditors, etc.
• 40+ partnerships with notable societies and key medical associations                        Neurology Reviews®
                                                                                                                                                                    ABOUT FRONTLINE
• Producers of innovative, engaging, educational programs.
                                                                                               OBG Management®
FMC | MDedge delivers your message to the right targets at the right time. Leverage
                                                                                               Ob.Gyn. News®
our primary care and specialty reach and earn advertising efficiencies through
our discount programs and incentive programs. For details contact your sales                   Pediatric News®
representative directly or call 973-206-3434.
                                                                                               Physicians’ Travel & Meeting Guide® *
Access all rate cards and our integrated media kit at www.frontlinerates.com for an            Rheumatology News®
extensive look at our multichannel/platform opportunities.
                                                                                              * Online only
Email us at sales@mdedge.com and visit www.frontlinemedcom.com.

                                                                                                                                                                   For further information,
                                                                                                                                                                   contact the sales representative
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