2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix Reading Language Arts - Spanish - Prekindergarten - Grade 5

Page created by Leroy Keller
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                      Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
      Prekindergarten                     Kindergarten                        Grade 1                                Grade 2                             Grade 3                      Grade 4                          Grade 5
Strand 1: Foundational Language Skills
SLA.1 Developing and Sustaining Foundational Language Skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and thinking—oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and discussion. The student is
expected to do the following:
II.A.1 Child shows                SLA.K.1A Listen actively and     SLA.1.1A Listen actively, ask           SLA.2.1A Listen actively, ask    SLA.3.1A Listen actively, ask   SLA.4.1A Listen actively, ask   SLA.5.1A Listen actively to
understanding by responding       ask questions to understand      relevant questions to clarify           relevant questions to clarify    relevant questions to clarify   relevant questions to clarify   interpret verbal and non-verbal
appropriately.                    information and answer           information, and answer                 information, and answer          information, and make           information, and make           messages, ask relevant
II.A.3 Child show                 questions using multi-word       questions using multi-word              questions using multi-word       pertinent comments.             pertinent comments.             questions, and make pertinent
understanding of the language     responses.                       responses.                              responses.                                                                                       comments.
being spoken by teachers and
II.B.3 Child provides
appropriate information for
various situations.
II.E.3 Child uses sentences
with more than one phrase.
I.B.1.a Child follows             SLA.K.1B Restate and follow      SLA.1.1B Follow, restate, and           SLA.2.1B Follow, restate, and    SLA.3.1B Follow, restate, and   SLA.4.1B Follow, restate, and   SLA.5.1B Follow, restate, and
classroom rules and routines      oral directions that involve a   give oral instructions that             give oral instructions that      give oral instructions that     give oral instructions that     give oral instructions that
with occasional reminders         short, related sequence of       involve a short, related                involve a short, related         involve a series of related     involve a series of related     include multiple action steps.
from teacher.                     actions.                         sequence of actions.                    sequence of actions.             sequences of action.            sequences of action.
II.A.2 Child shows
understanding by following
two-step oral directions and
usually follows three-step
I.C.1 Child uses effective        SLA.K.1C Share information       SLA.1.1C Share information              SLA.2.1C Share information       SLA.3.1C Speak coherently       SLA.4.1C Express an opinion     SLA.5.1C Give an organized
verbal and nonverbal              and ideas by speaking audibly    and ideas about the topic               and ideas that focus on the      about the topic under           supported by accurate           presentation employing eye
communication skills to build     and clearly using the            under discussion, speaking              topic under discussion,          discussion, employing eye       information, employing eye      contact, speaking rate,
relationships with                conventions of language.         clearly at an appropriate pace          speaking clearly at an           contact, speaking rate,         contact, speaking rate,         volume, enunciation, natural
teachers/adults.                                                   and using the conventions of            appropriate pace and using       volume, enunciation, and the    volume, enunciation, and the    gestures, and conventions of
II.B.1 Child is able to use                                        language.                               the conventions of language.     conventions of language to      conventions of language to      language to communicate
language for different                                                                                                                      communicate ideas               communicate ideas               ideas effectively.
purposes.                                                                                                                                   effectively.                    effectively.
II.C.1 Child’s speech is
understood by both the
teacher and other adults in the

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                          1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                         2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                   5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                   6. Composition                                                                      © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                         3. Response Skills                                        7. Inquiry and Research                                                                           2021-2022
                                                                         4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                        Page 1 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                       Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
       Prekindergarten                   Kindergarten                          Grade 1                                Grade 2                             Grade 3                        Grade 4                         Grade 5
Strand 1: Foundational Language Skills
II.B.4 Child demonstrates        SLA.K.1D Work                      SLA.1.1D Work                          SLA.2.1D Work                     SLA.3.1D Work                    SLA.4.1D Work                    SLA.5.1D Work collaboratively
knowledge of verbal              collaboratively with others by     collaboratively with others by         collaboratively with others by    collaboratively with others by   collaboratively with others to   with others to develop a plan
conversational rules.            following agreed-upon rules        following agreed-upon rules            following agreed-upon rules       following agreed-upon rules,     develop a plan of shared         of shared responsibilities.
I.C.4 Child increasingly         for discussion, including taking   for discussion, including              for discussion, including         norms, and protocols.            responsibilities.
interacts and communicates       turns.                             listening to others, speaking          listening to others, speaking
with peers to initiate pretend                                      when recognized, and making            when recognized, making
play scenarios that share a                                         appropriate contributions.             appropriate contributions, and
common plan and goal.                                                                                      building on the ideas of
I.B.2.b Child can                SLA.K.1E Develop social            SLA.1.1E Develop social                SLA.2.1E Develop social           SLA.3.1E Develop social
communicate basic                communication such as              communication such as                  communication such as             communication such as
emotions/feelings.               introducing himself/herself,       introducing himself/herself            distinguishing between asking     conversing politely in all
II.E.7 Child uses single words   using common greetings, and        and others, relating                   and telling.                      situations.
and simple phrases to            expressing needs and wants.        experiences to a classmate,
communicate meaning in                                              and expressing needs and
social situations.                                                  feelings.
II.B.4 Child demonstrates
knowledge of verbal
conversational rules.
II.B.5 Child demonstrates
knowledge of nonverbal
conversational rules.
SLA.2 Developing and Sustaining Foundational Language Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking—beginning reading and writing. The student develops word structure knowledge through phonological
awareness, print concepts, phonics, and morphology to communicate, decode, and spell. The student is expected to do the following:
                                 SLA.2A Demonstrate phonological awareness by doing the following:
II.C.2 Child perceives           SLA.K.2A.i Demonstrate             SLA.1.2A.i Demonstrate
differences between similar      phonological awareness by          phonological awareness by
sounding words.                  identifying and producing          producing a series of rhyming
II.C.3 Child investigates and    rhyming words.                     words.
demonstrates growing
understanding of the sounds
and intonation of language.
III.B.6 Child can recognize
rhyming words.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                          1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                         2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                    5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                    6. Composition                                                                        © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                         3. Response Skills                                         7. Inquiry and Research                                                                             2021-2022
                                                                         4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                           Page 2 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                       Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
       Prekindergarten                    Kindergarten                          Grade 1                      Grade 2                         Grade 3   Grade 4   Grade 5
Strand 1: Foundational Language Skills
II.C.3 Child investigates and     SLA.K.2A.ii Demonstrate            SLA.1.2A.ii Demonstrate
demonstrates growing              phonological awareness by          phonological awareness by
understanding of the sounds       recognizing spoken alliteration    recognizing spoken alliteration
and intonation of language.       or groups of words that begin      or groups of words that begin
II.B.7 Child can produce a        with the same simple syllable      with the same simple syllable
word that begins with the         or initial sounds.                 or initial sounds.
same sound as a given pair of
III.B.1 Child separates a         SLA.K.2A.iii Demonstrate           SLA.1.2A.iii Demonstrate
normally spoken four-word         phonological awareness by          phonological awareness by
sentence into individual          identifying the individual words   recognizing the change in
words.                            in a spoken sentence.              spoken word when a specified
                                                                     syllable is added, changed, or
III.B.5 Child can segment a       SLA.K.2A.iv Demonstrate            SLA.1.2A.iv Demonstrate
syllable from a word.             phonological awareness by          phonological awareness by
                                  identifying syllables in spoken    segmenting spoken words into
                                  words.                             individual syllables.
III.B.4 Child blends syllables    SLA.K.2A.v Demonstrate             SLA.1.2A.v Demonstrate
into words.                       phonological awareness by          phonological awareness by
                                  blending syllables to form         blending spoken complex
                                  multisyllabic words.               syllables, including sílabas
                                                                     trabadas, to form multisyllabic
III.B.5 Child can segment a       SLA.K.2A.vi Demonstrate            SLA.1.2A.vi Demonstrate
syllable from a word.             phonological awareness by          phonological awareness by
                                  segmenting multisyllabic           segmenting spoken words into
                                  words into syllables.              syllables, including words with
                                                                     sílabas trabadas.
II.C.3 Child investigates and     SLA.K.2A.vii Demonstrate
demonstrates growing              phonological awareness by
understanding of the sounds       identifying initial and final
and intonation of language.       sounds in simple words.
III.C.2 Child recognizes at
least 20 distinct letter sounds
in the language of instruction.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                            1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                           2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                       5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                       6. Composition                            © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                           3. Response Skills                          7. Inquiry and Research                                 2021-2022
                                                                           4. Multiple Genres                                                                                Page 3 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                       Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
       Prekindergarten                    Kindergarten                          Grade 1                                 Grade 2                              Grade 3                          Grade 4                         Grade 5
Strand 1: Foundational Language Skills
III.B.9 Child recognizes and      SLA.K.2A.viii Demonstrate
blends spoken phonemes into       phonological awareness by
one syllable words with           blending spoken phonemes to
pictorial support.                form syllables.
III.B.5 Child can segment a       SLA.K.2A.ix Demonstrate           SLA.1.2A.vii Demonstrate
syllable from a word.             phonological awareness by         phonological awareness by
III.B.4 Child blends syllables    manipulating syllables within a   manipulating syllables within
into words.                       multisyllabic word.               words.
                                  SLA.2B Demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge by doing                  SLA.2A Demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge by doing the following:
                                  the following:
III.C.2 Child recognizes at       SLA.K.2B.i Demonstrate and        SLA.1.2B.i Demonstrate and              SLA.2.2A.i Demonstrate and          SLA.3.2A.i Demonstrate and          SLA.4.2A.i Demonstrate and     SLA.5.2A.i Demonstrate and
least 20 distinct letter sounds   apply phonetic knowledge by       apply phonetic knowledge by             apply phonetic knowledge by         apply phonetic knowledge by         apply phonetic knowledge by    apply phonetic knowledge by
in the language of instruction.   identifying and matching the      identifying and matching                decoding multisyllabic words.       decoding words with a               decoding palabras agudas,      decoding palabras agudas,
III.C.3 Child produces at least   common sounds that letters        sounds to individual letters.                                               prosodic or orthographic            graves, esdrújulas, and        graves, and esdrújulas (words
20 distinct letter sound          represent.                                                                                                    accent.                             sobreesdrújulas (words with    with the stress on the
correspondences in the                                                                                                                                                              the stress on the last,        antepenultimate, penultimate,
language of instruction.                                                                                                                                                            penultimate, and               and last syllable and words
                                                                                                                                                                                    antepenultimate syllable and   with the stress on the syllable
                                                                                                                                                                                    words with the stress on the   before the antepenultimate.
                                                                                                                                                                                    syllable before the
III.C.3 Child produces at least   SLA.K.2B.ii Demonstrate and       SLA.1.2B.ii Demonstrate and             SLA.2.2A.ii Demonstrate and         SLA.3.2A.ii Demonstrate and
20 distinct letter sound          apply phonetic knowledge by       apply phonetic knowledge by             apply phonetic knowledge by         apply phonetic knowledge by
correspondences in the            using letter-sound                decoding words with sílabas             decoding words with multiple        decoding words with multiple
language of instruction.          relationships to decode one-      trabadas such as /bla/, /bra/,          sound spelling patterns such        sound spelling patterns such
                                  and two-syllable words and        and /gla/; digraphs; and words          as c, k, and q and s, z, soft c,    as c, k, and q and s, z, soft c,
                                  multisyllabic words, including    with multiple sound spelling            and x.                              and x.
                                  CV, VC, CCV, CVC, VCV,            patterns such as c, k, and q
                                  CVCV, CCVCV, and CVCCV.           and s, z, soft c, and x.
III.C.3 Child produces at least   SLA.K.2B.iii Demonstrate          SLA.1.2B.iii Demonstrate and            SLA.2.2A.iii Demonstrate and        SLA.3.2A.iii Demonstrate and
20 distinct letter sound          and apply phonetic knowledge      apply phonetic knowledge by             apply phonetic knowledge by         apply phonetic knowledge by
correspondences in the            by decoding words with silent     decoding words with silent h            decoding words with silent h        decoding words with silent h
language of instruction.          h and consonant digraphs          and words that use the                  and words that use the              and words that use the
                                  such as /ch/, /rr/, and /ll/.     syllables que-, qui-, gue-, gui-,       syllables que-, qui-, gue-, gui-,   syllables que-, qui-, gue-, gui-,
                                                                    güe-, and güi-.                         güe-, and güi-.                     güe-, and güi-.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                           1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                          2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                       5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                       6. Composition                                                                          © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                          3. Response Skills                                           7. Inquiry and Research                                                                               2021-2022
                                                                          4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                               Page 4 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                       Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
       Prekindergarten                   Kindergarten                       Grade 1                                Grade 2                            Grade 3                       Grade 4                           Grade 5
Strand 1: Foundational Language Skills
                                                                  SLA.1.2B.iv Demonstrate and            SLA.2.2A.iv Demonstrate and     SLA.3.2A.iv Demonstrate and     SLA.4.2A.ii Demonstrate and       SLA.5.2A.ii Demonstrate and
                                                                  apply phonetic knowledge by            apply phonetic knowledge by     apply phonetic knowledge by     apply phonetic knowledge by       apply phonetic knowledge by
                                                                  decoding words with                    decoding words with             becoming very familiar with     using orthographic rules to       using orthographic rules to
                                                                  diphthongs such as /ai/, /au/,         diphthongs and hiatus.          the concept of hiatus and       segment and combine               segment and combine
                                                                  and /ei/.                                                              diphthongs and the              syllables, including diphthongs   syllables, including diphthongs
                                                                                                                                         implications for orthographic   and formal and accented           and formal and accented
                                                                                                                                         accents.                        hiatus.                           hiatus.
                                                                  SLA.1.2B.v Demonstrate and             SLA.2.2A.v Demonstrate and
                                                                  apply phonetic knowledge by            apply phonetic knowledge by
                                                                  decoding contractions such as          decoding common
                                                                  al and del.                            abbreviations.
                                                                                                                                         SLA.3.2A.v Demonstrate and      SLA.4.2A.iii Demonstrate and      SLA.5.2A.iii Demonstrate and
                                                                                                                                         apply phonetic knowledge by     apply phonetic knowledge by       apply phonetic knowledge by
                                                                                                                                         decoding and differentiating    decoding and differentiating      decoding and differentiating
                                                                                                                                         meaning of a word based on a    the meaning of a word based       meaning of word based on the
                                                                                                                                         diacritical accent.             on the diacritical accent.        diacritical accent.
                                                                  SLA.1.2B.vi Demonstrate and
                                                                  apply phonetic knowledge by
                                                                  decoding three- to four-
                                                                  syllable words.
III.B.2 Child combines words                                      SLA.1.2B.vii Demonstrate
to make a compound word.                                          and apply phonetic knowledge
III.B.3 Child deletes a word                                      by using knowledge of base
from a compound word.                                             words to decode common
                                                                  compound words.
III.B.4 Child blends syllables   SLA.K.2B.iv Demonstrate          SLA.1.2B.viii Demonstrate              SLA.2.2A.vi Demonstrate and     SLA.3.2A.vi Demonstrate and     SLA.4.2A.iv Demonstrate and       SLA.5.2A.iv Demonstrate and
into words.                      and apply phonetic knowledge     and apply phonetic knowledge           apply phonetic knowledge by     apply phonetic knowledge by     apply phonetic knowledge by       apply phonetic knowledge by
III.B.5 Child can segment a      by recognizing that new words    by decoding words with                 decoding words with prefixes    decoding words with prefixes    decoding words with prefixes      decoding words with prefixes
syllable from a word.            are created when syllables are   common prefixes and suffixes.          and suffixes.                   and suffixes.                   and suffixes.                     and suffixes.
                                 changed, added, or deleted.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                        1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                       2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                6. Composition                                                                        © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                       3. Response Skills                                       7. Inquiry and Research                                                                             2021-2022
                                                                       4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                         Page 5 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                       Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
      Prekindergarten                    Kindergarten                         Grade 1                                Grade 2                             Grade 3                        Grade 4                          Grade 5
Strand 1: Foundational Language Skills
                                  SLA.2C Demonstrate and apply spelling knowledge by doing                SLA.2B Demonstrate and apply spelling knowledge by doing the following:
                                  the following:
III.C.3 Child produces at least   SLA.K.2C.i Demonstrate and      SLA.1.2C.i Demonstrate and              SLA.2.2B.i Demonstrate and        SLA.3.2B.i Demonstrate and       SLA.4.2B.i Demonstrate and       SLA.5.2B.i Demonstrate and
20 distinct-letter sound          apply spelling knowledge by     apply spelling knowledge by             apply spelling knowledge by       apply spelling knowledge by      apply spelling knowledge by      apply spelling knowledge by
correspondences in the            spelling common letter and      spelling common letter and              spelling multisyllabic words.     spelling palabras agudas and     spelling palabras agudas and     spelling words with more
language of instruction.          sound correlations.             sound correlations.                                                       graves (words with an accent     graves (words with the stress    advanced orthographic
                                                                                                                                            on the last and penultimate      on the last and penultimate      patterns and rules
                                                                                                                                            syllable).                       syllable) with an orthographic
                                  SLA.K.2C.ii Demonstrate and     SLA.1.2C.ii Demonstrate and                                               SLA.3.2B.ii Demonstrate and      SLA.4.2B.ii Demonstrate and      SLA.5.2B.ii Demonstrate and
                                  apply spelling knowledge by     apply spelling knowledge by                                               apply spelling knowledge by      apply spelling knowledge by      apply spelling knowledge by
                                  spelling words with common      spelling words with common                                                spelling palabras esdrújulas     spelling palabras esdrújulas     spelling palabras agudas,
                                  syllabic patterns such as CV,   patterns such as CV, VC,                                                  (words with the stress on the    (words with the stress on the    graves, and esdrújulas (words
                                  VC, CCV, CVC, VCV, CVCV,        CCV, CVC, VCV, CVCV,                                                      antepenultimate syllable) that   antepenultimate syllable) that   with the stress on the
                                  CCVCV, and CVCCV.               CCVCV, and CVCCV.                                                         have an orthographic accent.     have an orthographic accent.     antepenultimate, penultimate,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              and last syllable) with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                              prosodic or orthographic
                                                                                                                                                                                                              SLA.5.2B.iii Demonstrate and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              apply spelling knowledge by
                                                                                                                                                                                                              spelling palabras
                                                                                                                                                                                                              sobresdrújulas (words with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              stress on the syllable before
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the antepenultimate syllable)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              with a prosodic or
                                                                                                                                                                                                              orthographic accent.
                                                                  SLA.1.2C.iii Demonstrate and
                                                                  apply spelling knowledge by
                                                                  spelling words with silent h;
                                                                  consonant digraphs such as
                                                                  /ch/, /rr/, and /ll/; and sílabas
                                                                  trabadas such as /bla/, /bra/,
                                                                  /gla/, and /gra/.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                         1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                        2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                   5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                   6. Composition                                                                        © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                        3. Response Skills                                         7. Inquiry and Research                                                                             2021-2022
                                                                        4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                           Page 6 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                   Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
     Prekindergarten                 Kindergarten               Grade 1                                 Grade 2                              Grade 3                           Grade 4                            Grade 5
Strand 1: Foundational Language Skills
                                                    SLA.1.2C.iv Demonstrate and             SLA.2.2B.v Demonstrate and          SLA.3.2B.vii Demonstrate
                                                    apply spelling knowledge by             apply spelling knowledge by         and apply spelling knowledge
                                                    spelling multisyllabic words,           spelling words with silent h        by spelling words with silent h
                                                    including words with que-,              and words that use the              and words that use the
                                                    qui-, gue-, gui-, güe-, and güi-.       syllables que-, qui-, gue-, gui-,   syllables que-, qui-, gue-, gui-,
                                                                                            güe-, and güi-.                     güe-, and güi-.
                                                    SLA.1.2C.v Demonstrate and
                                                    apply spelling knowledge by
                                                    spelling contractions such as
                                                    al and del.
                                                    SLA.1.2C.vi Demonstrate and             SLA.2.2B.ii Demonstrate and         SLA.3.2B.iii Demonstrate and        SLA.4.2B.iii Demonstrate and       SLA.5.2B.iv Demonstrate and
                                                    apply spelling knowledge by             apply spelling knowledge by         apply spelling knowledge by         apply spelling knowledge by        apply spelling knowledge by
                                                    spelling words with                     spelling words with diphthongs      spelling words with the             spelling words with                spelling words with diphthongs
                                                    diphthongs such as /ai/, /au/,          and hiatus.                         concept of diphthongs and           diphthongs and hiatus.             and hiatus.
                                                    and /ie/ as in quie- ro, na-die,                                            hiatus and their implications
                                                    and ra-dio and hiatus such as                                               for orthographic accents.
                                                    le-er and rí- o.
                                                                                                                                SLA.3.2B.iv Demonstrate and
                                                                                                                                apply spelling knowledge by
                                                                                                                                using accents on words
                                                                                                                                commonly used in questions
                                                                                                                                and exclamations.
                                                                                                                                SLA.3.2B.v Demonstrate and
                                                                                                                                apply spelling knowledge by
                                                                                                                                spelling words based on the
                                                                                                                                diacritical accent such as
                                                                                                                                se/sé, el/él, and mas/más.
                                                                                                                                SLA.3.2B.vi Demonstrate and         SLA.4.2B.iv Demonstrate and        SLA.5.2B.v Demonstrate and
                                                                                                                                apply spelling knowledge by         apply spelling knowledge by        apply spelling knowledge by
                                                                                                                                marking accents appropriately       marking accents appropriately      marking accents appropriately
                                                                                                                                when conjugating verbs in           when conjugating verbs in          when conjugating verbs in
                                                                                                                                simple and imperfect past,          simple and imperfect past,         simple and imperfect past,
                                                                                                                                perfect, conditional, and future    perfect, conditional, and future   perfect, conditional, and future
                                                                                                                                tenses.                             tenses.                            tenses.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                           1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                          2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                       5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                       6. Composition                                                                              © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                          3. Response Skills                                           7. Inquiry and Research                                                                                   2021-2022
                                                          4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                                   Page 7 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                   Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
     Prekindergarten                 Kindergarten             Grade 1                                Grade 2                            Grade 3                 Grade 4   Grade 5
Strand 1: Foundational Language Skills
                                                                                           SLA.2.2B.iii Demonstrate and
                                                                                           apply spelling knowledge by
                                                                                           spelling common
                                                    SLA.1.2C.vii Demonstrate               SLA.2.2B.iv Demonstrate and
                                                    and apply spelling knowledge           apply spelling knowledge by
                                                    by spelling words with                 spelling words with prefixes
                                                    common prefixes and suffixes.          and suffixes.
                                                                                                                           SLA.3.2B.viii Demonstrate
                                                                                                                           and apply spelling knowledge
                                                                                                                           by spelling words that have
                                                                                                                           the same sounds represented
                                                                                                                           by different letters, including ll
                                                                                                                           and y; c, k, and q; soft c, soft
                                                                                                                           x, s, and z; and soft g, j, and
                                                                                                                           SLA.3.2B.ix Demonstrate and
                                                                                                                           apply spelling knowledge by
                                                                                                                           spelling words with hard and
                                                                                                                           soft r.
                                                                                                                           SLA.3.2B.x Demonstrate and
                                                                                                                           apply spelling knowledge by
                                                                                                                           spelling words using n before
                                                                                                                           v; m before b; and m before p.
                                                                                                                           SLA.3.2B.xi Demonstrate and
                                                                                                                           apply spelling knowledge by
                                                                                                                           spelling words with sílabas
                                                                                                                           SLA.3.2B.xii Demonstrate
                                                                                                                           and apply spelling knowledge
                                                                                                                           by spelling the plural form of
                                                                                                                           words ending in z by replacing
                                                                                                                           the z with c before adding -es.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                          1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                         2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                  5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                  6. Composition                                          © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                         3. Response Skills                                       7. Inquiry and Research                                               2021-2022
                                                         4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                           Page 8 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                        Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
       Prekindergarten                     Kindergarten                         Grade 1                                Grade 2                              Grade 3           Grade 4   Grade 5
Strand 1: Foundational Language Skills
                                   SLA.K.2D Demonstrate print       SLA.1.2D Demonstrate print
                                   awareness by doing the           awareness by identifying the
                                   following:                       information that different parts
                                                                    of a book provide.
                                   SLA.K.2D.i Demonstrate print
                                   awareness by identifying the
                                   front cover, back cover, and
                                   title page of a book.
III.E.2 Child demonstrates         SLA.K.2D.ii Demonstrate
understanding of print             print awareness by holding a
directionality including left to   book right side up, turning
right and top to bottom.           pages correctly, and knowing
                                   that reading moves from top to
                                   bottom and left to right with
                                   return sweep.
II.E.1 Child typically uses        SLA.K.2D.iii Demonstrate
complete sentences of four or      print awareness by
more words and grammatical         recognizing that sentences
complexity usually with            are comprised of words
subject, verb, and object          separated by spaces and
order.                             recognizing word boundaries.
II.E.3 Child uses sentences
with more than one phrase.
III.E.1 Child can distinguish      SLA.K.2D.iv Demonstrate
between elements of print          print awareness by
including letters, words, and      recognizing the difference
pictures.                          between a letter and a printed
III.C.1 Child names at least 20    SLA.K.2D.v Demonstrate
upper and at least 20              print awareness by identifying
lowercase letters in the           all uppercase and lowercase
language of instruction.           letters.
                                                                    SLA.1.2E Alphabetize a                  SLA.2.2C Alphabetize a             SLA.3.2C Alphabetize a
                                                                    series of words to the first or         series of words and use a          series of words to the third
                                                                    second letter and use a                 dictionary or glossary to find     letter.
                                                                    dictionary to find words.               words.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                           1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                          2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                      5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                      6. Composition                                    © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                          3. Response Skills                                          7. Inquiry and Research                                         2021-2022
                                                                          4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                        Page 9 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                       Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
       Prekindergarten                     Kindergarten                          Grade 1                                 Grade 2                              Grade 3                        Grade 4                           Grade 5
Strand 1: Foundational Language Skills
IV.C.1 Child writes own name       SLA.K.2E Develop                   SLA.1.2F Develop                        SLA.2.2D Develop                   SLA.3.2D Write complete          SLA.4.2C Write legibly in        SLA.5.2C Write legibly in
(first name or frequent            handwriting by accurately          handwriting by printing words,          handwriting by accurately          words, thoughts, and answers     cursive to complete              cursive.
nickname) using legible letters    forming all uppercase and          sentences, and answers                  forming all cursive letters        legibly in cursive leaving       assignments.
in proper sequence.                lowercase letters using            legibly leaving appropriate             using appropriate strokes          appropriate spaces between
IV.C.4 Child uses appropriate      appropriate directionality.        spaces between words.                   when connecting letters.           words.
directionality when writing (top
to bottom, left to right).

SLA.3 Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking—vocabulary. The student uses newly acquired vocabulary expressively. The student is expected to do the
                                   SLA.K.3A Use a resource            SLA.1.3A Use a resource                 SLA.2.3A Use print or digital      SLA.3.3A Use print or digital    SLA.4.3A Use print or digital    SLA.5.3A Use print or digital
                                   such as a picture dictionary or    such as a picture dictionary or         resources to determine             resources to determine           resources to determine           resources to determine
                                   digital resource to find words.    digital resource to find words.         meaning and pronunciation of       meaning, syllabication, and      meaning, syllabication, and      meaning, syllabication,
                                                                                                              unknown words.                     pronunciation.                   pronunciation.                   pronunciation, and word
II.D.4 Child uses a large          SLA.K.3B Use illustrations         SLA.1.3B Use illustrations              SLA.2.3B Use context within        SLA.3.3B Use context within      SLA.4.3B Use context within      SLA.5.3B Use context within
speaking vocabulary, adding        and texts the student is able to   and texts the student is able           and beyond a sentence to           and beyond a sentence to         and beyond a sentence to         and beyond a sentence to
several new words daily.           read or hear to learn or clarify   to read or hear to learn or             determine the meaning of           determine the meaning of         determine the relevant           determine the relevant
                                   word meanings.                     clarify word meanings.                  unfamiliar words.                  unfamiliar words and multiple-   meaning of unfamiliar words      meaning of unfamiliar words
                                                                                                                                                 meaning words.                   or multiple-meaning words.       or multiple- meaning words.
                                                                      SLA.1.3C Identify the                   SLA.2.3C Use affixes,              SLA.3.3C Identify the            SLA.4.3C Identify the            SLA.5.3C Identify the
                                                                      meaning of words with affixes,          including re-, pre, -ción, and     meaning of and use words         meaning of and use base          meaning of and use base
                                                                      including -s, -es, and -or.             ísimo/ísima, to determine the      with affixes, including in-,     words with affixes, including    words with affixes, including
                                                                                                              meaning of words and               des-, ex-, -mente, -dad, -oso,   mono-, sobre-, sub-, inter-,     trans-, super-, anti-, semi-,
                                                                                                              subsequently use the newly         -eza, and -ura, and know how     poli-, -able, -ante, -eza,       -logía, -ificar, -ismo, and -ista
                                                                                                              acquired words.                    the affix changes the meaning    -ancia, and -ura, and roots,     and roots, including audi,
                                                                                                                                                 of the word.                     including auto, bio, grafía,     crono, foto, geo, and terr.
                                                                                                                                                                                  metro, fono, and tele.
II.D.1 Child uses a wide           SLA.K.3C Identify and use          SLA.1.3D Identify and use               SLA.2.3D Identify, use, and        SLA.3.3D Identify, use, and      SLA.4.3D Identify, use, and      SLA.5.3D Identify, use, and
variety of words to describe       words that name actions;           words that name actions,                explain the meaning of             explain the meaning of           explain the meaning of idioms,   explain the meaning of idioms,
people, places, things, and        directions; positions;             directions, positions,                  antonyms, synonyms, idioms,        antonyms, synonyms, idioms,      homographs, and                  adages, and puns.
actions.                           sequences; categories such         sequences, categories, and              and homographs in context.         homophones, and                  homophones such as
II.D.5 Child increases listening   as colors, shapes, and             locations.                                                                 homographs in a text.            abrasar/abrazar.
vocabulary and begins to           textures; and locations.
develop vocabulary of object
names and common phrases.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                             1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                            2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                        5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                        6. Composition                                                                          © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                            3. Response Skills                                          7. Inquiry and Research                                                                               2021-2022
                                                                            4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                             Page 10 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                   Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
     Prekindergarten                  Kindergarten                         Grade 1                                 Grade 2                             Grade 3                        Grade 4                          Grade 5
Strand 1: Foundational Language Skills
                                                                                                        SLA.2.3E Differentiate            SLA.3.3E Differentiate           SLA.4.3E Differentiate           SLA.5.3E Differentiate
                                                                                                        between and use                   between and use                  between and use                  between and use
                                                                                                        homographs, homophones,           homographs, homophones,          homographs, homophones,          homographs, homophones,
                                                                                                        and commonly confused             and commonly confused            and commonly confused            and commonly confused terms
                                                                                                        terms such as                     terms such as                    terms such as                    such as porque/porqué/por
                                                                                                        porque/porqué/por qué/por         porque/porqué/por qué/por        porque/porqué/por qué/por        qué/por que, sino/si no, and
                                                                                                        que, sino/si no, and              que, sino/si no, and             que, sino/si no, and             también/tan bien.
                                                                                                        también/tan bien.                 también/tan bien.                también/tan bien.
                                                                SLA.4 Developing and Sustaining Foundational Language Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking—fluency. The student reads grade-level text
                                                                with fluency and comprehension. The student is expected to use appropriate fluency (rate, accuracy, and prosody) when reading grade-level text.
                              SLA.4 Developing and              SLA.5 Developing and Sustaining Foundational Language Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking—self-sustained reading. The student is
                              Sustaining Foundational           expected to:
                              Language Skills: listening,
                              speaking, reading, writing, and
                              reading. The student is
                              expected to:
                              SLA.K.4A Self-select text and     SLA.1.5A Self-select text and           SLA.2.5A Self-select text and     SLA.3.5A Self-select text and    SLA.4.5A Self-select text and    SLA.5.5A Self-select text and
                              interact independently with       interact independently with             interact independently with       interact independently with      interact independently with      interact independently with
                              text for increasing periods of    text for increasing periods of          text for a sustained period of    text for a sustained period of   text for a sustained period of   text for a sustained period of
                              time.                             time.                                   time.                             time.                            time.                            time.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                       1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                      2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                 5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                 6. Composition                                                                        © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                      3. Response Skills                                         7. Inquiry and Research                                                                             2021-2022
                                                                      4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                          Page 11 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                      Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
      Prekindergarten                      Kindergarten                           Grade 1                                Grade 2                             Grade 3                        Grade 4                          Grade 5
Strand 2: Comprehension Skills
                                   SLA.5 Comprehension                SLA.6 Comprehension Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student uses metacognitive skills to both develop and
                                   Skills: listening, speaking,       deepen comprehension of increasingly complex texts. The student is expected to do the following:
                                   reading, writing, and thinking
                                   using multiple texts.
III.A.3 Child recognizes that      SLA.K.5A Establish purpose         SLA.1.6A Establish purpose              SLA.2.6A Establish purpose        SLA.3.6A Establish purpose       SLA.4.6A Establish purpose       SLA.5.6A Establish purpose
text has meaning.                  for reading assigned and self-     for reading assigned and self-          for reading assigned and self-    for reading assigned and self-   for reading assigned and self-   for reading assigned and self-
                                   selected texts with adult          selected texts with adult               selected texts.                   selected texts.                  selected texts.                  selected texts.
                                   assistance.                        assistance.
III.D.3 Child asks and             SLA.K.5B Generate questions        SLA.1.6B Generate questions             SLA.2.6B Generate questions       SLA.3.6B Generate questions      SLA.4.6B Generate questions      SLA.5.6B Generate questions
responds to questions              about text before, during, and     about text before, during, and          about text before, during, and    about text before, during, and   about text before, during, and   about text before, during, and
relevant to the text read aloud.   after reading to deepen            after reading to deepen                 after reading to deepen           after reading to deepen          after reading to deepen          after reading to deepen
                                   understanding and gain             understanding and gain                  understanding and gain            understanding and gain           understanding and gain           understanding and gain
                                   information with adult             information with adult                  information.                      information.                     information.                     information.
                                   assistance.                        assistance.
III.D.4 Child will make            SLA.K.5C Make and confirm          SLA.1.6C Make and correct,              SLA.2.6C Make, correct, or        SLA.3.6C Make, correct, or       SLA.4.6C Make, correct, or       SLA.5.6C Make, correct, or
inferences and predictions         predictions using text features    or confirm predictions using            confirm predictions using text    confirm predictions using text   confirm predictions using text   confirm predictions using text
about text.                        and structures with adult          text features, characteristics of       features, characteristics of      features, characteristics of     features, characteristics of     features, characteristics of
                                   assistance.                        genre, and structures with              genre, and structures.            genre, and structures.           genre, and structures.           genre, and structures.
                                                                      adult assistance.
                                   SLA.K.5D Create mental             SLA.1.6D Create mental                  SLA.2.6D Create mental            SLA.3.6D Create mental           SLA.4.6D Create mental           SLA.5.6D Create mental
                                   images to deepen                   images to deepen                        images to deepen                  images to deepen                 images to deepen                 images to deepen
                                   understanding with adult           understanding with adult                understanding.                    understanding.                   understanding.                   understanding.
                                   assistance.                        assistance.
III.D.2 Child uses information     SLA.K.5E Make connections          SLA.1.6E Make connections               SLA.2.6E Make connections         SLA.3.6E Make connections        SLA.4.6E Make connections        SLA.5.6E Make connections
learned from books by              to personal experiences, ideas     to personal experiences, ideas          to personal experiences, ideas    to personal experiences, ideas   to personal experiences, ideas   to personal experiences, ideas
describing, relating,              in other texts, and society with   in other texts, and society with        in other texts, and society.      in other texts, and society.     in other texts, and society.     in other texts, and society.
categorizing or comparing and      adult assistance.                  adult assistance.
III.D.4 Child will make            SLA.K.5F Make inferences           SLA.1.6F Make inferences                SLA.2.6F Make inferences          SLA.3.6F Make inferences         SLA.4.6F Make inferences         SLA.5.6F Make inferences
inferences and predictions         and use evidence to support        and use evidence to support             and use evidence to support       and use evidence to support      and use evidence to support      and use evidence to support
about text.                        understanding with adult           understanding with adult                understanding.                    understanding.                   understanding.                   understanding.
                                   assistance.                        assistance.
                                   SLA.K.5G Evaluate details to       SLA.1.6G Evaluate details to            SLA.2.6G Evaluate details         SLA.3.6G Evaluate details        SLA.4.6G Evaluate details        SLA.5.6G Evaluate details
                                   determine what is most             determine what is most                  read to determine key ideas.      read to determine key ideas.     read to determine key ideas.     read to determine key ideas.
                                   important with adult               important with adult
                                   assistance.                        assistance.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                             1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                            2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                       5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                       6. Composition                                                                        © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                            3. Response Skills                                         7. Inquiry and Research                                                                             2021-2022
                                                                            4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                          Page 12 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                      Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
      Prekindergarten                      Kindergarten                        Grade 1                               Grade 2                             Grade 3                     Grade 4                        Grade 5
Strand 2: Comprehension Skills
                                   SLA.K.5H Synthesize              SLA.1.6H Synthesize                    SLA.2.6H Synthesize              SLA.3.6H Synthesize            SLA.4.6H Synthesize            SLA.5.6H Synthesize
                                   information to create new        information to create new              information to create new        information to create new      information to create new      information to create new
                                   understanding with adult         understanding with adult               understanding.                   understanding.                 understanding.                 understanding.
                                   assistance.                      assistance.
III.D.3 Child asks and             SLA.K.5I Monitor                 SLA.1.6I Monitor                       SLA.2.6I Monitor                 SLA.3.6I Monitor               SLA.4.6I Monitor               SLA.5.6I Monitor
responds to questions              comprehension and make           comprehension and make                 comprehension and make           comprehension and make         comprehension and make         comprehension and make
relevant to the text read aloud.   adjustments such as re-          adjustments such as re-                adjustments such as re-          adjustments such as re-        adjustments such as re-        adjustments such as re-
                                   reading, using background        reading, using background              reading, using background        reading, using background      reading, using background      reading, using background
                                   knowledge, checking for visual   knowledge, checking for visual         knowledge, checking for visual   knowledge, asking questions,   knowledge, asking questions,   knowledge, asking questions,
                                   cues, and asking questions       cues, and asking questions             cues, and asking questions       and annotating when            and annotating when            and annotating when
                                   when understanding breaks        when understanding breaks              when understanding breaks        understanding breaks down.     understanding breaks down.     understanding breaks down.
                                   down with adult assistance.      down.                                  down.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                          1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                         2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                   5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                   6. Composition                                                                    © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                         3. Response Skills                                        7. Inquiry and Research                                                                         2021-2022
                                                                         4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                     Page 13 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                       Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
       Prekindergarten                       Kindergarten                          Grade 1                                 Grade 2                              Grade 3                         Grade 4                        Grade 5
Strand 3: Response Skills
                                    SLA.6 Response Skills:             SLA.7 Response Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student responds to an increasingly challenging variety of
                                    listening, speaking, reading,      sources that are read, heard, or viewed. The student is expected to do the following:
                                    writing, and thinking using
                                    multiple texts.
                                    SLA.K.6A Describe personal         SLA.1.7A Describe personal              SLA.2.7A Describe personal          SLA.3.7A Describe personal         SLA.4.7A Describe personal     SLA.5.7A Describe personal
                                    connections to a variety of        connections to a variety of             connections to a variety of         connections to a variety of        connections to a variety of    connections to a variety of
                                    sources.                           sources.                                sources.                            sources, including self-           sources, including self-       sources, including self-
                                                                                                                                                   selected texts.                    selected texts.                selected texts.
III.D.3 Child asks and              SLA.K.6B Provide an oral,          SLA.1.7B Write brief                    SLA.2.7B Write brief                SLA.3.7B Write a response to       SLA.4.7B Write responses       SLA.5.7B Write responses
responds to questions               pictorial, or written response     comments on literary or                 comments on literary or             a literary or informational text   that demonstrate               that demonstrate
relevant to the text read aloud.    to a text.                         informational texts.                    informational texts that            that demonstrates an               understanding of texts,        understanding of texts,
                                                                                                               demonstrate an understanding        understanding of a text.           including comparing and        including comparing and
                                                                                                               of the text.                                                           contrasting ideas across a     contrasting ideas across a
                                                                                                                                                                                      variety of sources.            variety of sources.
                                    SLA.K.6C Use text evidence         SLA.1.7C Use text evidence              SLA.2.7C Use text evidence          SLA.3.7C Use text evidence         SLA.4.7C Use text evidence     SLA.5.7C Use text evidence
                                    to support an appropriate          to support an appropriate               to support an appropriate           to support an appropriate          to support an appropriate      to support an appropriate
                                    response.                          response.                               response.                           response.                          response.                      response.

III.D.1 Child retells or reenacts   SLA.K.6D Retell texts in ways      SLA.1.7D Retell texts in ways           SLA.2.7D Retell and                 SLA.3.7D Retell and                SLA.4.7D Retell, paraphrase,   SLA.5.7D Retell, paraphrase,
a story after it is read aloud.     that maintain meaning.             that maintain meaning.                  paraphrase texts in ways that       paraphrase texts in ways that      or summarize texts in ways     or summarize texts in ways
                                                                                                               maintain meaning and logical        maintain meaning and logical       that maintain meaning and      that maintain meaning and
                                                                                                               order.                              order.                             logical order.                 logical order.
                                    SLA.K.6E Interact with             SLA.1.7E Interact with                  SLA.2.7E Interact with              SLA.3.7E Interact with             SLA.4.7E Interact with         SLA.5.7E Interact with
                                    sources in meaningful ways         sources in meaningful ways              sources in meaningful ways          sources in meaningful ways         sources in meaningful ways     sources in meaningful ways
                                    such as illustrating or writing.   such as illustrating or writing.        such as illustrating or writing.    such as notetaking,                such as notetaking,            such as notetaking,
                                                                                                                                                   annotating, freewriting, or        annotating, freewriting, or    annotating, freewriting, or
                                                                                                                                                   illustrating.                      illustrating.                  illustrating.

II.D.4 Child uses a large           SLA.K.6F Respond using             SLA.1.7F Respond using                  SLA.2.7F Respond using              SLA.3.7F Respond using             SLA.4.7F Respond using         SLA.5.7F Respond using
speaking vocabulary, adding         newly acquired vocabulary as       newly acquired vocabulary as            newly acquired vocabulary as        newly acquired vocabulary as       newly acquired vocabulary as   newly acquired vocabulary as
several new words daily.            appropriate.                       appropriate.                            appropriate.                        appropriate.                       appropriate.                   appropriate.
II.E.8 Child attempts to use
new vocabulary and grammar
in speech.
                                                                                                                                                   SLA.3.7G Discuss specific          SLA.4.7G Discuss specific      SLA.5.7G Discuss specific
                                                                                                                                                   ideas in the text that are         ideas in the text that are     ideas in the text that are
                                                                                                                                                   important to the meaning.          important to the meaning.      important to the meaning.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                              1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                             2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                          5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                          6. Composition                                                                        © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                             3. Response Skills                                           7. Inquiry and Research                                                                             2021-2022
                                                                             4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                            Page 14 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                       Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5

       Prekindergarten                    Kindergarten                          Grade 1                                 Grade 2                              Grade 3                          Grade 4                           Grade 5
Strand 4: Multiple Genres
                                  SLA.7 Multiple Genres:            SLA.8 Multiple Genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts—literary elements. The student recognizes and analyzes literary
                                  listening, speaking, reading,     elements within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse literary texts. The student is expected to do the following:
                                  writing, and thinking using
                                  multiple texts—literary
                                  SLA.K.7A Discuss topics and       SLA.1.8A Discuss topics and             SLA.2.8A Discuss topics and         SLA.3.8A Infer the theme of a     SLA.4.8A Infer basic themes       SLA.5.8A Infer multiple
                                  determine the basic theme         determine theme using text              determine theme using text          work, distinguishing theme        supported by text evidence.       themes within a text using text
                                  using text evidence with adult    evidence with adult                     evidence with adult                 from topic.                                                         evidence.
                                  assistance.                       assistance.                             assistance.
III.D.2 Child uses information    SLA.K.7B Identify and             SLA.1.8B Describe the main              SLA.2.8B Describe the main          SLA.3.8B Explain the              SLA.4.8B Explain the              SLA.5.8B Analyze the
learned from books by             describe the main                 character(s) and the reason(s)          character's (characters')           relationships among the major     interactions of the characters    relationships of and conflicts
describing, relating,             character(s).                     for their actions.                      internal and external traits.       and minor characters.             and the changes they              among the characters.
categorizing, or comparing                                                                                                                                                        undergo.
and contrasting.
III.D.1 Child retells or re-      SLA.K.7C Describe the             SLA.1.8C Describe plot                  SLA.2.8C Describe and               SLA.3.8C Analyze plot             SLA.4.8C Analyze plot             SLA.5.8C Analyze plot
enacts a story after it is read   elements of plot development,     elements, including the main            understand plot elements,           elements, including the           elements, including the rising    elements, including rising
aloud.                            including the main events, the    events, the problem, and the            including the main events, the      sequence of events, the           action, climax, falling action,   action, climax, falling action,
III.D.2 Child uses information    problem, and the resolution for   resolution, for texts read aloud        conflict, and the resolution, for   conflict, and the resolution.     and resolution.                   and resolution.
learned from books by             texts read aloud with adult       and independently.                      texts read aloud and
describing, relating,             assistance.                                                               independently.
categorizing, or comparing
and contrasting.
III.D.1 Child retells or re-      SLA.K.7D Describe the             SLA.1.8D Describe the                   SLA.2.8D Describe the               SLA.3.8D Explain the              SLA.4.8D Explain the              SLA.5.8D Analyze the
enacts a story after it is read   setting.                          setting.                                importance of the setting.          influence of the setting on the   influence of the setting,         influence of the setting,
aloud.                                                                                                                                          plot.                             including historical and          including historical and
III.D.2 Child uses information                                                                                                                                                    cultural settings, on the plot.   cultural settings, on the plot.
learned from books by
describing, relating,
categorizing, or comparing
and contrasting.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                           1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                          2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                       5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                       6. Composition                                                                           © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                          3. Response Skills                                           7. Inquiry and Research                                                                                2021-2022
                                                                          4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                               Page 15 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                      Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
      Prekindergarten                    Kindergarten                            Grade 1                                Grade 2                              Grade 3                          Grade 4                            Grade 5
Strand 4: Multiple Genres
                                 SLA.8 Multiple Genres:              SLA.9 Multiple Genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts—genres. The student recognizes and analyzes genre-specific
                                 listening, speaking, reading,       characteristics, structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse texts. The student is expected to do
                                 writing, and thinking using         the following:
                                 multiple texts—genres.
                                 SLA.K.8A Demonstrate                SLA.1.9A Demonstrate                    SLA.2.9A Demonstrate               SLA.3.9A Demonstrate               SLA.4.9A Demonstrate               SLA.5.9A Demonstrate
                                 knowledge of distinguishing         knowledge of distinguishing             knowledge of distinguishing        knowledge of distinguishing        knowledge of distinguishing        knowledge of distinguishing
                                 characteristics of well-known       characteristics of well-known           characteristics of well-known      characteristics of well-known      characteristics of well-known      characteristics of well-known
                                 children's literature such as       children's literature such as           children's literature such as      children's literature such as      children's literature such as      children's literature such as
                                 folktales, fables, fairy-tales,     folktales, fables, fairy-tales,         folktales, fables, and fairy-      folktales, fables, fairy-tales,    folktales, fables, legends,        folktales, fables, legends,
                                 and nursery rhymes.                 and nursery rhymes.                     tales.                             legends, and myths.                myths, and tall tales.             myths, and tall tales.
III.B.6 Child can recognize      SLA.K.8B Discuss rhyme and          SLA.1.9B Discuss rhyme,                 SLA.2.9B Explain visual            SLA.3.9B Explain rhyme             SLA.4.9B Explain figurative        SLA.5.9B Explain the use of
rhyming words.                   rhythm in nursery rhymes and        rhythm, repetition, and                 patterns and structures in a       scheme, sound devices, and         language such as simile,           sound devices and figurative
                                 a variety of poems.                 alliteration in a variety of            variety of poems.                  structural elements such as        metaphor, and personification      language and distinguish
                                                                     poems.                                                                     stanzas in a variety of poems.     that the poet uses to create       between the poet and the
                                                                                                                                                                                   images.                            speaker in poems across a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      variety of poetic forms.
VIII.C.1 Child creates or        SLA.K.8C Discuss main               SLA.1.9C Discuss elements               SLA.2.9C Discuss elements          SLA.3.9C Discuss elements          SLA.4.9C Explain structure in      SLA.5.9C Explain structure in
recreates stories, moods, or     characters in drama.                of drama such as characters             of drama such as characters,       of drama such as characters,       drama such as character tags,      drama such as character tags,
experiences through dramatic                                         and setting.                            dialogue, and setting.             dialogue, setting, and acts.       acts, scenes, and stage            acts, scenes, and stage
representations.                                                                                                                                                                   directions.                        directions.
                                 SLA.8D Recognize                    SLA.9D Recognize characteristics and structures of informational text, including:
                                 characteristics and structures
                                 of informational text, including:
III.D.2 Child uses information   SLA.K.8D.i Recognize                SLA.1.9D.i Recognize                    SLA.2.9D.i Recognize               SLA.3.9D.i Recognize               SLA.4.9D.i Recognize               SLA.5.9D.i Recognize
learned from books by            characteristics and structures      characteristics and structures          characteristics and structures     characteristics and structures     characteristics and structures     characteristics and structures
describing, relating,            of informational text, including    of informational text, including        of informational text, including   of informational text, including   of informational text, including   of informational text, including
categorizing, or comparing       the central idea and                the central idea and                    the central idea and               the central idea with              the central idea with              the central idea with
and contrasting.                 supporting evidence with adult      supporting evidence with adult          supporting evidence with adult     supporting evidence.               supporting evidence.               supporting evidence.
                                 assistance.                         assistance.                             assistance.
III.D.2 Child uses information   SLA.K.8D.ii Recognize               SLA.1.9D.ii Recognize                   SLA.2.9D.ii Recognize              SLA.3.9D.ii Recognize              SLA.4.9D.ii Recognize              SLA.5.9D.ii Recognize
learned from books by            characteristics and structures      characteristics and structures          characteristics and structures     characteristics and structures     characteristics and structures     characteristics and structures
describing, relating,            of informational text, including    of informational text, including        of informational text, including   of informational text, including   of informational text, including   of informational text, including
categorizing, or comparing       titles and simple graphics to       features and simple graphics            features and graphics to           features such as sections,         features such as                   features such as insets,
and contrasting.                 gain information.                   to locate or gain information.          locate and gain information.       tables, graphs, timelines,         pronunciation guides and           timelines, and sidebars to
                                                                                                                                                bullets, numbers, and bold         diagrams to support                support understanding.
                                                                                                                                                and italicized font to support     understanding.
GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                            1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                           2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                       5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                       6. Composition                                                                             © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                           3. Response Skills                                          7. Inquiry and Research                                                                                  2021-2022
                                                                           4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                                Page 16 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                      Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
      Prekindergarten                    Kindergarten                           Grade 1                                Grade 2                              Grade 3                          Grade 4                            Grade 5
Strand 4: Multiple Genres
III.D.2 Child uses information   SLA.K.8D.iii Recognize             SLA.1.9D.iii Recognize                  SLA.2.9D.iii Recognize             SLA.3.9D.iii Recognize             SLA.4.9D.iii Recognize             SLA.5.9D.iii Recognize
learned from books by            characteristics and structures     characteristics and structures          characteristics and structures     characteristics and structures     characteristics and structures     characteristics and structures
describing, relating,            of informational text, including   of informational text, including        of informational text, including   of informational text, including   of informational text, including   of informational text, including
categorizing, or comparing       the steps in a sequence with       organizational patterns such            organizational patterns such       organizational patterns such       organizational patterns such       organizational patterns such
and contrasting.                 adult assistance.                  as chronological order and              as chronological order and         as cause and effect and            as compare and contrast.           as logical order and order of
                                                                    description with adult                  cause and effect stated            problem and solution.                                                 importance.
                                                                    assistance.                             explicitly.
                                 SLA.K.8E Recognize                 SLA.1.9E Recognize                      SLA.2.9E Recognize                 SLA.9E Recognize characteristics and structures of argumentative text by:
                                 characteristics of persuasive      characteristics of persuasive           characteristics of persuasive
                                 text with adult assistance and     text with adult assistance and          text, including:
                                 state what the author is trying    state what the author is trying
                                 to persuade the reader to          to persuade the reader to
                                 think or do.                       think or do.
                                                                                                            SLA.2.9E.i Recognize               SLA.3.9E.i Recognize               SLA.4.9E.i Recognize               SLA.5.9E.i Recognize
                                                                                                            characteristics of persuasive      characteristics of                 characteristics of                 characteristics of
                                                                                                            text, including stating what the   argumentative text, including      argumentative text, including      argumentative text, including
                                                                                                            author is trying to persuade       identifying the claim.             identifying the claim.             identifying the claim.
                                                                                                            the reader to think or do.
                                                                                                            SLA.2.9E.ii Recognize              SLA.3.9E.ii Recognize              SLA.4.9E.ii Recognize              SLA.5.9E.ii Recognize
                                                                                                            characteristics of persuasive      characteristics of                 characteristics of                 characteristics of
                                                                                                            text, including distinguishing     argumentative text, including      argumentative text, including      argumentative text, including
                                                                                                            facts from opinion.                distinguishing facts from          explaining how the author has      explaining how the author has
                                                                                                                                               opinion.                           used facts for an argument.        used facts for or against an
                                                                                                                                               SLA.3.9E.iii Recognize             SLA.4.9E.iii Recognize             SLA.5.9E.iii Recognize
                                                                                                                                               characteristics of                 characteristics of                 characteristics of
                                                                                                                                               argumentative text, including      argumentative text, including      argumentative text, including
                                                                                                                                               identifying the intended           identifying the intended           identifying the intended
                                                                                                                                               audience or reader.                audience or reader.                audience or reader.
                                 SLA.K.8F Recognize                 SLA.1.9F Recognize                      SLA.2.9F Recognize                 SLA.3.9F Recognize                 SLA.4.9F Recognize                 SLA.5.9.F Recognize
                                 characteristics of multimodal      characteristics of multimodal           characteristics of multimodal      characteristics of multimodal      characteristics of multimodal      characteristics of multimodal
                                 and digital texts.                 and digital texts.                      and digital texts.                 and digital texts.                 and digital texts.                 and digital texts.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                           1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                          2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                      5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                      6. Composition                                                                             © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                          3. Response Skills                                          7. Inquiry and Research                                                                                  2021-2022
                                                                          4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                                Page 17 of 24
2021-2022 Vertical Alignment Matrix
                   Reading Language Arts – Spanish – Prekindergarten - Grade 5
      Prekindergarten                  Kindergarten                        Grade 1                                 Grade 2                              Grade 3                             Grade 4                            Grade 5
Strand 5: Author’s Purpose and Craft
                              SLA.9 Author's Purpose and       SLA.10 Author's Purpose and Craft: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors'
                              Craft: listening, speaking,      choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop
                              reading, writing, and thinking   his or her own products and performances. The student is expected to do the following:
                              using multiple texts.
                              SLA.K.9A Discuss with adult      SLA.1.10A Discuss the                   SLA.2.10A Discuss the               SLA.3.10A Explain the                SLA.4.10A Explain the              SLA.5.10A Explain the
                              assistance the author's          author's purpose for writing            author's purpose for writing        author's purpose and                 author's purpose and               author's purpose and
                              purpose for writing text.        text.                                   text.                               message within a text.               message within a text.             message within a text.
                              SLA.K.9B Discuss with adult      SLA.1.10B Discuss how the               SLA.2.10B Discuss how the           SLA.3.10B Explain how the            SLA.4.10B Explain how the          SLA.5.10B Analyze how the
                              assistance how the use of text   use of text structure                   use of text structure               use of text structure                use of text structure              use of text structure
                              structure contributes to the     contributes to the author's             contributes to the author's         contributes to the author's          contributes to the author's        contributes to the author's
                              author's purpose.                purpose.                                purpose.                            purpose.                             purpose.                           purpose.
                              SLA.K.9C Discuss with adult      SLA.1.10C Discuss with adult            SLA.2.10C Discuss the               SLA.3.10C Explain the                SLA.4.10C Analyze the              SLA.5.10C Analyze the
                              assistance the author's use of   assistance the author's use of          author's use of print and           author's use of print and            author's use of print and          author's use of print and
                              print and graphic features to    print and graphic features to           graphic features to achieve         graphic features to achieve          graphic features to achieve        graphic features to achieve
                              achieve specific purposes.       achieve specific purposes.              specific purposes.                  specific purposes.                   specific purposes.                 specific purposes.
                              SLA.K.9D Discuss with adult      SLA.1.10D Discuss how the               SLA.2.10D Discuss the use of        SLA.3.10D Describe how the           SLA.4.10D Describe how the         SLA.5.10D Describe how the
                              assistance how the author        author uses words that help             descriptive, literal, and           author's use of imagery, literal     author's use of imagery, literal   author's use of imagery, literal
                              uses words that help the         the reader visualize.                   figurative language.                and figurative language such         and figurative language such       and figurative language such
                              reader visualize.                                                                                            as simile, and sound devices         as simile and metaphor, and        as simile and metaphor, and
                                                                                                                                           such as onomatopoeia                 sound devices such as              sound devices achieves
                                                                                                                                           achieves specific purposes.          alliteration and assonance         specific purposes.
                                                                                                                                                                                achieve specific purposes.
                              SLA.K.9E Listen to and           SLA.1.10E Listen to and                 SLA.2.10E Identify the use of       SLA.3.10E Identify the use of        SLA.4.10E Identify and             SLA.5.10E Identify and
                              experience first- and third-     experience first- and third-            first or third person in a text.    literary devices, including first-   understand the use of literary     understand the use of literary
                              person texts.                    person texts.                                                               or third-person point of view.       devices, including first- or       devices, including first- or
                                                                                                                                                                                third-person point of view.        third-person point of view.
                                                                                                                                           SLA.3.10F Discuss how the            SLA.4.10F Discuss how the          SLA.5.10F Examine how the
                                                                                                                                           author's use of language             author's use of language           author's use of language
                                                                                                                                           contributes to voice.                contributes to voice.              contributes to voice.
                                                                                                       SLA.2.10F Identify and              SLA.3.10G Identify and               SLA.4.10G Identify and             SLA.5.10G Explain the
                                                                                                       explain the use of repetition.      explain the use of hyperbole.        explain the use of anecdote.       purpose of hyperbole,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   stereotyping, and anecdote.

GLOBAL GRADUATE                                                      1. Foundational Language Skills
                                                                     2. Comprehension Skills
                                                                                                                                  5. Author’s Purpose and Craft
                                                                                                                                  6. Composition                                                                               © Houston ISD Curriculum
                                                                     3. Response Skills                                           7. Inquiry and Research                                                                                    2021-2022
                                                                     4. Multiple Genres                                                                                                                                                   Page 18 of 24
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