2021/2022 Message from the Prime Minis ter Britain Bac ks the Abraham Accords A-Z of Israeli Innovations

Page created by Sean Gallagher
2021/2022 Message from the Prime Minis ter Britain Bac ks the Abraham Accords A-Z of Israeli Innovations


Message from the Prime Minister

Britain Backs the Abraham Accords

A-Z of Israeli Innovations
2021/2022 Message from the Prime Minis ter Britain Bac ks the Abraham Accords A-Z of Israeli Innovations
2021/2022 Message from the Prime Minis ter Britain Bac ks the Abraham Accords A-Z of Israeli Innovations
02   Introducing CFI                                         18   A-Z of Israeli Innovations

03   Welcome                                                 21   Combating Antisemitism in its Evolving Forms,
                                                                  Saqib Bhatti MBE MP
05   A Message from Prime Minister Boris Johnson
                                                             22   Four Elections in Two Years: Explaining Israel’s
06   A Message from H.E. Tzipi Hotovely,                          Political Illness, Prof. Reuven Hazan
     Israeli Ambassador to the United Kingdom
                                                             24   Radicalisation Should Have No Place in the Palestinian
07   A Message from H.E. Neil Wigan OBE,                          School Curriculum, Caroline Ansell MP
     British Ambassador to Israel
                                                             26   Conservatives and Israel, A Timeline: 2010 to Today
08   Conservatives On…
                                                             30   Misinformation in the Instagram Age,
10   Reclaiming Zionism from Israel’s Detractors,                 Rt. Hon. Robert Halfon MP
     Rt. Hon. Theresa Villiers MP
                                                             32   The Importance of the UK’s Holocaust Memorial,
12   Britain Backs the Abraham Accords,                           Rt. Hon. The Lord Pickles
     Rt. Hon. Dr. Liam Fox MP
                                                             34   CFI’s Calendar 2020/21
14   Britain Must Lead on Countering the Threat from Iran,
     Rt. Hon. Stephen Crabb MP                               36   Supporting Peace and the Future of the Two-State
                                                                  Solution, Miriam Cates MP
16   In Conversation with Israel’s Ambassador to the UK,
     H.E. Tzipi Hotovely

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2021/2022 Message from the Prime Minis ter Britain Bac ks the Abraham Accords A-Z of Israeli Innovations
PARLIAMENTARY GROUP                                                DIRECTORS OF CFI Ltd
Chairman (Commons)         Rt. Hon. Stephen Crabb MP               Honorary President     Lord Polak CBE

Chairman (Lords)           Rt. Hon. The Lord Pickles               Chairman               Andrew Heller

Vice-Chairmen              John Howell OBE MP                      Deputy Chairman        Hilda Worth
                           Andrew Percy MP
                           Rt. Hon. Theresa Villiers MP            Treasurer              Stephen Massey

Officers                   Baroness Altmann CBE
                           Siobhan Baillie MP                      PROFESSIONAL TEAM
                           Bob Blackman MP
                           Andrew Bowie MP                         Executive Director     James Gurd
                           Rt. Hon. Karen Bradley MP
                           Miriam Cates MP                         Political Director     Elkie Clark
                           Peter Gibson MP
                           Robert Largan MP                        Communications Manager Sedef Akademir
                           Damien Moore MP
                           Dr. Matthew Offord MP                   Projects Manager       Sarit Ben Lulu
                           Nicola Richards MP
                           Mary Robinson MP
                           Lord Shinkwin                           INFORMED MAGAZINE
                           Craig Tracey MP
                           Rt. Hon. Lord Trimble                   Editor                 Sedef Akademir
                           Christian Wakeford MP
                           Craig Williams MP                       Design                 Graphical

                                                                   Print                  Cambrian Printers

                                                                   Front Cover Image      PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

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London, SW1P 9LB           Company no. 8114952

T: 020 7262 2493           Registered Office:
E: contact@cfoi.co.uk      C/O Blick Rothenberg, 16 Great Queen Street,

                                                                                   ISRAEL AND
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    Conservative Friends of Israel

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2   Informed Magazine 2021/2022
2021/2022 Message from the Prime Minis ter Britain Bac ks the Abraham Accords A-Z of Israeli Innovations

  Andrew Heller                    Lord Polak CBE                    James Gurd
  CFI Chairman                  CFI Honorary President          CFI Executive Director

After a second year of unprecedented        The Government also has a proud               these crucial visits and showcase
global uncertainty, we are delighted        record of taking a “zero tolerance”           Israel, and its importance to the
to report that CFI has continued to         approach towards Antisemitism                 success and health of the UK, to
rise to the challenge.                      in the UK and beyond. The Prime               this new generation of leaders.
                                            Minister and his Cabinet led the
Throughout the pandemic we have all         strong and immediate condemnation             CFI’s fantastic Professional Team
been reminded of the importance of          of a surge in Antisemitic incidents in        has continued to do a tremendous
friendship. All of us involved with the     the UK during the May 2021 Israel-            job and shown great skill and
organisation are incredibly grateful        Hamas conflict. The UK also took a            commitment in adapting to
for the friendship CFI has received         principled stand with its decision to         ever-changing circumstances to
at all levels of the Conservative           not attend the latest iteration of the        deliver more output than ever –
Party. Hundreds of Conservative             notorious Durban Conference due to            they deserve a big congratulations.
parliamentarians have stood up in           its historic links to Antisemitism.
Parliament - in record numbers this                                                       We give thanks to our committed
year – to support Israel on a whole         We also applaud the UK for its election       members for their continuing support
host of issues and it has helped ensure     to chair the International Holocaust          and are looking forward to seeing
that the UK-Israel bilateral relationship   Remembrance Alliance in 2024. IHRA’s          you at our forthcoming in-person
is emerging from the pandemic               working definition of contemporary            events and campaign sessions. We
stronger than ever. These friends have      Antisemitism has been pivotal in the          thank our fellow Directors Hilda
been there through thick and thin and       fight against anti-Jewish racism and          Worth and Stephen Massey and CFI’s
we pay tribute to all of them.              this success would not have been              Advisory Board. We’d also like to give
                                            possible without the incredible work          thanks to CFI’s Parliamentary Officer
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his        of our great friend, Rt. Hon. The Lord        group who do so much to support
Conservative Government have been           Pickles, who leads the UK delegation to       Israel day in, day out. And, of course,
especially resolute in their support for    IHRA. The UK was the first country in         a huge thank you to the best double
Israel on all fronts. The UK steadfastly    the world to adopt the IHRA definition        act in Conservative politics – our two
asserted Israel’s right to self-defence     and we support the Government’s               Parliamentary Chairmen, Rt. Hon.
against the Hamas terror group. In          ongoing efforts to ensure all                 Stephen Crabb MP and Rt. Hon.
a letter to CFI, the Prime Minister         universities and local councils adopt         The Lord Pickles.
confirmed the UK’s opposition to            this critical tool in our collective effort
the International Criminal Court’s          to stamp out Antisemitism.                    We’d like to reiterate how deeply
controversial probe into Israel. At                                                       grateful we are to all of our friends
the United Nations Human Rights             All of us in the CFI organisation have        for your continued support, without
Council, the UK voted against biased        enjoyed getting to know the 107 new           which none of our work would be
anti-Israel motions. The Government         Conservative MPs elected in 2019.             possible. Thank you.
is also set to deliver on its manifesto     Many of these members have already
commitment to stop public bodies            spoken in support of Israel, attended         We send our warmest wishes to all
engaging in divisive and politically-       CFI events and joined the ever-               of you and look forward to seeing
motivated boycott, divestment and           growing waiting list for a delegation         you in person again soon.
sanctions activities against Israel.        to Israel. We’re excited to resume

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2021/2022 Message from the Prime Minis ter Britain Bac ks the Abraham Accords A-Z of Israeli Innovations
2021/2022 Message from the Prime Minis ter Britain Bac ks the Abraham Accords A-Z of Israeli Innovations
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2021/2022 Message from the Prime Minis ter Britain Bac ks the Abraham Accords A-Z of Israeli Innovations
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2021/2022 Message from the Prime Minis ter Britain Bac ks the Abraham Accords A-Z of Israeli Innovations
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2021/2022 Message from the Prime Minis ter Britain Bac ks the Abraham Accords A-Z of Israeli Innovations
Ariel Schalit/AP/Shutterstock

                                RT. HON. BORIS JOHNSON MP                                        RT. HON. LIZ TRUSS MP
                                PRIME MINISTER                                                   FOREIGN SECRETARY

                                “I have always been proud to be considered a friend of Israel.   “As two democratic free trading nations, both with thriving
                                From my first expeditions to Israel as a young man to my         technology industries, I’m looking forward to deepening
                                recent visits as Mayor and Foreign Secretary, I have always      the historic ties between the UK and Israel. Together
                                been struck by the ingenuity and fortitude of the Israeli        we will work to remove barriers to trade between our
                                people – and by the great achievements of the State of Israel    two countries and work towards an advanced free trade
                                in the face of ever-present threats and intimidations”.          agreement that supports jobs and drives growth”.
                                CFI Informed Magazine, September 2020                            Visit to Israel, June 2021

                                “As we emerge from COVID-19, this is an exciting time for        “The UK and Israel are both leaders in technology,
                                the UK and Israel to continue working together to advance        from agri-tech to gaming to med-tech, and there are
                                peace and prosperity for all”. Congratulating new Prime          huge opportunities for us to work together. What we
                                Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett, Twitter, June 2021           will be seeking in the new trade deal with Israel is an
                                                                                                 advanced digital data and technology chapter that
                                “We oppose the ICC’s investigation into war crimes in            looks to the industries of the future to give both
                                Palestine. We do not accept that the ICC has jurisdiction        countries more opportunities”.
                                in this instance, given that Israel is not a party to the        House of Commons, June 2021
                                Statute of Rome and Palestine is not a sovereign state.
                                This investigation gives the impression of being a partial
                                and prejudicial attack on a friend and ally of the UK’s”.
                                Letter to CFI, April 2021

                                8   Informed Magazine 2021/2022
Ilyas Tayfun Salci/Shutterstock
“We celebrate the extraordinary contributions that the
Jewish community have made to life in the UK over the
centuries. We are committed to ensuring that this remains
a country where our Jewish friends and neighbours will
always feel safe and where Jewish communities continue
to thrive. The existence of Antisemitism in modern Britain,
and the spike in Antisemitic incidents that we have
witnessed, should be felt by all as a stain on the UK.
It is the duty of every decent person to call out and
combat Antisemitism wherever it is encountered. This                            Foreign Secretary Liz Truss
is a Government steadfastly committed to doing so”.
Letter to the Jewish Chronicle, May 2021

RT. HON. SAJID JAVID MP                                           RT. HON. NADHIM ZAHAWI MP
HEALTH SECRETARY                                                  EDUCATION SECRETARY
“Israel has a right to security and a duty to defend its          “[Israel is] leading the way and in many ways we look to
people, just as much as we do… Imagine living in London           them for the real life, real world data that’s now coming
while terrorists indiscriminately fire 1000s of rockets at your   through, which to us is very, very positive. They’ve done
family’s neighbourhood. You’d expect the government to do         an extraordinary job of protecting the most vulnerable,
everything in its power to find and target those attackers”.      and now, taking the vaccine to other age groups. We share
Twitter, May 2021                                                 ideas all the time. And we share data all the time. And I’m
                                                                  very grateful to them for all the work that they’re doing”.
                                                                  Mass vaccination event organised by Hatzola and the local
RT. HON. DOMINIC RAAB MP                                          Hackney Jewish community, February 2021
AND JUSTICE SECRETARY                                             RT. HON. JAMES CLEVERLY MP
“We have stood up for Israel when it has faced bias and,          MIDDLE EAST MINISTER
frankly, politicised attacks in the UN and other forums. We
will continue to press for the abolition of [UNHRC] Item 7,       “The UK unequivocally condemns the firing of rockets
because it is the only country-specific standalone agenda         at Jerusalem and other locations in Israel. We strongly
item and it focuses on Israel, and that cannot be right”.         condemn these acts of terrorism from Hamas and other
House of Commons, March 2021                                      terrorist groups, who must permanently end their incitement
                                                                  and rocket fire against Israel… There is no justification for
                                                                  any targeting of civilians. Israel has a legitimate right to
RT. HON. JACOB REES-MOGG MP                                       self-defence and to defend their citizens from attack”.
LEADER OF THE HOUSE                                               House of Commons, May 2021

“We expect higher education providers to be at the                RT. HON. OLIVER DOWDEN CBE MP
forefront of tackling Antisemitism, making sure that              CO-CHAIRMAN OF THE
higher education is a genuinely fulfilling and welcoming
experience for everyone. Providers should have robust
                                                                  CONSERVATIVE PARTY
policies and procedures in place to comply with the law,          “I believe in a two-state solution and I believe that Jewish
to investigate and to swiftly address hate crimes, including      people have the right to a homeland in Israel and that is the
any Antisemitic incidents that are reported. Antisemitism         essence of Zionism so, yes, I support it in that sense and I
is one of the most evil creeds and thoughts. It has been a        support the right of the State of Israel to defend itself”.
blot on the history of the world for hundreds of years and        Jewish Chronicle, May 2021
it has no place in our society. Universities must be part of
ensuring that Antisemitism ceases to exist”.
House of Commons, February 2021

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10   Informed Magazine 2021/2022
Rt. Hon. Theresa Villiers MP

CFI Vice-Chair

I have always felt a strong affinity        Zionism should not be seen as a             it helped to deliver the only real
to the State of Israel and the UK’s         pejorative; it does not reject the          democracy in the Middle East and a
Jewish community. During my 20              establishment of a Palestinian state        refuge for people who had suffered
years in elected office, I have taken       alongside Israel and is compatible          centuries of persecution, culminating
part in many campaigns in support of        with a two-state solution. Support          in the horrors of the Holocaust.
Israel – from combating the pernicious      for the notion of two states for two
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions           peoples implicitly embraces support         Zionism has also led to the
(BDS) movement to proscribing the           for Zionism – the right to self-            establishment of the only state in the
Hezbollah terror group.                     determination for the Jewish people in      Middle East where women enjoy equal
                                            their ancestral homeland.                   rights and where the LGBT community
I am, therefore, greatly troubled that                                                  does not face victimisation and injustice.
attempts to delegitimise Israel still       During the debate on that 1975
permeate our political discourse, and in    resolution, the Israeli Ambassador to       The country which Zionism created is
some respects seem to be worsening.         the United Nations, Chaim Herzog,           also a scientific powerhouse that has
                                            said in his historic speech, “Zionism       benefitted the world in so many ways,
It seems to me that Israel-hate has         is nothing more – and nothing less          including medical breakthroughs that
been normalised at the highest              – than the Jewish people’s sense of         have saved countless lives.
levels. It is scandalous that the           origin and destination in the land”.
United Nations, the body tasked with                                                    Over 70 years since Israel’s rebirth,
promoting international peace and           “Historically, it is based on a unique      the Abraham Accords have signalled a
cooperation, is so often the source of      and unbroken connection, extending          new age of Israeli-Arab relations that,
blatant hostility to Israel and entirely    some 4,000 years, between the People        until recently, was unimaginable. The
disproportionate criticism of its action.   of the Book and the Land of the Bible”.     landmark peace agreements between
                                            The name ‘Zion’ appears 152 times           Israel and her Gulf neighbours have
Though the infamous “Zionism is             in the Old Testament referring to           demonstrated that, with willing
racism” UN resolution of 1975 was           Jerusalem, Mr Herzog recalled.              partners, the opportunities for
revoked in 1991, the intention behind                                                   increased cooperation and mutual
the motion lives on.                        He famously ripped up the 1975              understanding are vast.
                                            declaration, stating: “For us, the Jewish
The latest conflict between                 people, this is no more than a piece of     I will continue to do everything
Israel and Hamas has shown that             paper, and we shall treat it as such”.      possible to promote peace, standing
Israel’s critics still deliberately                                                     firmly against Israel’s detractors, and
distort the meaning of the term             Today’s pro-Israel movement now             clear in my support for Zionism –
‘Zionism’ beyond all recognition            needs to reclaim the word Zionism           without which the world’s only Jewish
to stoke divisions.                         and work to educate people on how           State would never have been created.

“ The latest conflict between Israel and Hamas has shown that
  Israel’s critics still deliberately distort the meaning of the term
  ‘Zionism’ beyond all recognition to stoke divisions”.

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BRITAIN BACKS                      noamgalai/Shutterstock

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Rt. Hon. Dr Liam Fox MP

Chair of the UK Abraham Accords Group

One of the most encouraging                 climate change, and develop renewable     Daily commercial flights now shuttle
developments in the recent history          energy. It is also the education and      back and forth between Tel Aviv
of the Middle East was the signing in       healthcare sectors, as well as future     and the UAE. Emirati hotels and
September last year of the Abraham          technologies yet to be invented.          restaurants have developed kosher
Accords in Washington DC.                                                             menus for Israeli visitors. Israel
                                            I will be making the case for the         and the UAE have set up student
These agreements saw the UAE and            Abraham Accords being one of the          exchange programmes and made
Bahrain commit to having normal             biggest opportunities we have to          commitments to jointly fight against
diplomatic and commercial relations         promote peace and stability. There        food insecurity and climate change.
with Israel. With the stroke of a pen,      are still some people who doubt this.
the Accords ended decades of futile         There are those who dislike Israel so     Tax treaties have been signed. So
standoff. No longer would these key         much that they are hostile to peace.      have agreements intended to give
Persian Gulf nations reject any form of     Others are still trapped in the old       investors the confidence to strike
cooperation with the Jewish State.          thinking that saw normalisation as a      deals in each other’s countries.
                                            reward for reaching a final settlement    Entrepreneurs and businesspeople
The Accords created an opening for          with the Palestinians.                    are already putting their money to
dialogue, deradicalisation and peace                                                  work in joint ventures and startups.
building. They created a path for           None of this means that the
other countries to follow, including        Palestinians have been forgotten.         The Abraham Fund, a joint project
Morocco and Sudan which have                Their cause still matters to the Arab     with the U.S., will see more than
already followed suit. And they have        states. But some of those states have     $3 billion in private sector-led
unleashed an extraordinary burst of         realised that it can be promoted better   investment and development
pent-up economic activity.                  through friendship and dialogue than      initiatives. Put together, they
                                            through enmity and boycott.               will promote regional economic
This is an agenda we should all get                                                   cooperation and prosperity. It all
behind. And it is why I am proud            Happily the case for the Abraham          adds up to a truly transformational
to have been appointed by the               Accords is becoming overwhelming          opportunity for Israel, the region and
ambassadors of the UAE and Bahrain          as the signatories forge ahead and        the world. The Abraham Accords
as chair of a new organisation called       make a new future for themselves.         deserve our forthright support.
the UK Abraham Accords Group.
The group will promote the ideals of
the Abraham Accords among policy
makers as well as key figures within
industry, finance and technology.

British business has a role to play in
ensuring the Accords meet their full
potential. As Global Britain pursues its
free trade agenda, the UK should use
future trade deals, and existing trading
relationships, to help integrate Israel’s
economy into the rest of its region.

There are many sectors where we
can play a role. It is not just trade and    UK Abraham Accords Group launch in Parliament, September 2021
investment. It is also our work to tackle

                                                                                       Informed Magazine 2021/2022           13

                        BRITAIN MUST LEAD
                        ON COUNTERING THE
                        THREAT FROM IRAN
                        14   Informed Magazine 2021/2022
Rt. Hon. Stephen Crabb MP

CFI Parliamentary Chairman (Commons)

Six short years ago the Joint              was killed. It continues to launch        The establishment of a realistic
Comprehensive Plan of Action               missile strikes against U.S. bases in     and respectful relationship must be
(JCPOA) nuclear deal between Iran          the region, with little to no response.   based on a new framework founded
and world powers was heralded              It deliberately takes British citizens    on three key areas: unfettered and
by many as a landmark moment               hostage as diplomatic bargaining          indefinite IAEA verification of nuclear
in international nuclear non-              tools. Meanwhile, the country has just    activities both historic and present;
proliferation. Yet the hope that Iran’s    installed a new hard-line President who   rolling back Iranian support for
leaders would look to become a force       is personally subject to U.S. sanctions   terror proxies; and constraining Iran’s
for good within the international          for his alleged involvement in the        ballistic missile programme.
community in return for sanctions          execution of thousands of Iranians.
relief and rapprochement has been                                                    To demonstrate that it cannot be
comprehensively disproved. It is time      It was a strategic error by the JCPOA     business as usual, the UK Government
for a long-overdue strategic rethink.      signatories not to include terms          must show its renewed commitment
                                           relating to Iran’s financing of wars,     to rooting out Iran’s support for
Under the cover of the pandemic            terrorism and proxy militias throughout   terrorism by proscribing the very
and despite a new White House              the region and beyond, not only for       nucleus of Iran’s global terror
administration, Tehran has shown no        the impact it has had on the wellbeing    network, the Islamic Revolutionary
hesitation in ratcheting up tensions.      of Iran’s own citizens but for the many   Guard Corps, and leading essential
The International Atomic Energy            casualties of its violent exports.        international efforts to strangle its
Agency (IAEA) has repeatedly                                                         financing of terror surrogates.
sounded the alarm over Iran’s nuclear      The UK, alongside its E3 partners –
transgressions, even discovering man-      France and Germany – are sluggishly       A successful cessation of Iranian
made uranium particles at previously       waking up to this danger and have         terror financing would offer a precious
undeclared facilities suggesting the       begun to increasingly call out Iran for   chance to usher in a period of regional
country is operating a clandestine         its provocative attacks and nuclear       peace and stability. In the absence
nuclear weapons programme.                 activities which patently go beyond       of emboldened terror groups, a
                                           those of a country engaged in a           stronger civil society will emerge.
Iran is now decisively moving towards      legitimate peaceful, domestic nuclear
possession of weapons-grade uranium        energy programme.                         As a world leader in the field of
through its installation of advanced                                                 international development and soft
centrifuges and production of 60%          Iran’s systemic non-compliance leaves     power to strengthen civil society,
enriched uranium – a short jump            the UK with little alternative but to     the UK can – and must – play a
towards the 90% required for an            reimpose swingeing sanctions; the         leading role. Simultaneously, trade
explosive nuclear device. Add to this      most effective coercive tool at its       opportunities would abound, providing
Iran’s stockpiling of enriched uranium     disposal. The absence of consequences     Iranians and those throughout the
at unprecedented quantities and its        has merely incentivised Iran to take      region, a chance to enjoy the benefits
production of uranium metal, a key         incrementally larger acts of defiance.    of economic growth.
ingredient in nuclear weapon cores.
IAEA inspectors have at times even         Faced with reimposed sanctions,           These measures are the first necessary
flown blind after Iran’s refusal to        Iran’s leaders would have little          steps towards welcoming Iran as a
allow them access to cameras installed     alternative but to re-engage – as         responsible world power. The growing
at its nuclear facilities.                 they have before when faced with          hopes for shared regional prosperity
                                           severe sanctions. Concerted efforts       will be in jeopardy for as long as Iran
Iran has attacked vessels peacefully       must then begin to reshape Iran’s         goes unchecked - it is time for a clear-
navigating international shipping lanes.   dangerous behaviour through a newly       sighted assessment of this reality.
In one such incident, a British citizen    negotiated long-term framework.

                                                                                      Informed Magazine 2021/2022         15
H.E. Tzipi Hotovely became Israel’s Ambassador to the UK in 2020, and is the
first woman to be appointed to the position. Ambassador Hotovely previously
held a number of roles in the Israeli Government, including Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs 2015-20, and served as a Member of Knesset from 2009-2020.

CFI sat down with Ambassador Hotovely to hear about her experience in the
UK so far, and her views on the UK-Israel partnership.

16   Informed Magazine 2021/2022
How are you finding your time in          Just recently, Foreign Secretary Liz      During May’s conflict between
the UK and your role so far?              Truss visited Israel and started talks    Israel and Hamas, there was a great
                                          for an updated trade agreement.           deal of online misinformation and
The first year was very challenging       This agreement will be tailored to        Antisemitism. What in your view
due to COVID. I received a warm           the advantages of both countries          can be done to combat this?
welcome from everyone, and                to maximise the added value and
London is a great city with many          competitive advantage of Israeli          During the last conflict, I saw the
opportunities. However, I missed          and UK trade. Increasing economic         demonstration in front of the Israeli
the personal touch and now when           relations is one of my top priorities     Embassy with the burning of Israeli
things open up again, I look forward      since the UK is Israel’s second largest   flags and chanting Antisemitic
to many more in-person meetings.          trade partner in commodities and          slogans. Next to my house, there was
This is the heart of diplomacy,           services, and I would like to expand      a convoy of cars chanting “death
meeting people and telling them           this collaboration.                       to Jews”. This is the same ideology
the Israel story.                                                                   we see with Hamas in Gaza that
                                                                                    is now coming to the streets of
                                                                                    London. Social media plays a big
                                          In what areas would you like to see       role in spreading hate and we need
How will you promote the UK-Israel        more cooperation between Israel           to fight it. Education is the main tool.
relationship?                             and the UK?                               We need to educate people about
                                                                                    modern Antisemitism and inspire
I would like to reach out to as many      During the pandemic we increased          them to tolerance.
people as possible. In government,        our cooperation between our Health
business, academia, media and             establishments. We had visits by
civil society. My aim is to have the      then-Cabinet Office Minister Michael
Embassy as the focal point for            Gove and by Deputy Chief Medical          Is there anything that has surprised
everyone that wants to cooperate          Officer Jonathan Van-Tam. Our             you about the United Kingdom?
with Israel and to showcase the           systems have regular discussions
mutual benefits to both our               on a variety of issues including          I thought that London is the best
countries. I would like to focus          sharing best practices to cope with       part of the UK, and only after
mainly on the younger generation.         the pandemic. I believe this is a very    restrictions were lifted I found out
I think that being the first woman        good model since both our countries       that actually the countryside is
Ambassador here and also relatively       have so much to share with each           beautiful. Coming from Israel I really
young could be important when             other in many other scientific fields.    enjoyed the green landscape and the
engaging with those audiences.                                                      historical heritage of the UK.

                                          What in your view are the biggest
What in your eyes are the                 challenges Israel faces on the            What do you think are the biggest
greatest strengths of the UK-Israel       international stage?                      similarities and biggest differences
partnership?                                                                        between the UK and Israel?
                                          The threat of Iran is a threat not only
The biggest strength is the values we     to Israel but to our region and the       The biggest similarity is our
and the UK are sharing. Democracy,        entire international community. Iran      values. Both our countries care
rule of law and promoting human           is led by the Butcher from Tehran         for democratic values, freedom,
rights. We trust each other. Therefore,   [Ebrahim Raisi], who is responsible       safeguarding human rights,
we could cooperate in the most            for the execution of 30,000               international law and the rights of
sensitive issues. Our security            dissidents, journalists and human         women and minorities. Of course,
cooperation is saving lives and           rights activists and continues to         the main difference is an obvious
growing constantly. We recently           accelerate the Iranian nuclear project    one - the weather.
had a visit by the Commander of           with the enrichment of uranium and
the Royal Air Force and there is          supports Jihadi groups around the
a growing understanding we are            region. The international community
facing similar challenges in the          needs to come together to stop Iran.
growing influence of Jihadi groups,       We saw only recently the attack of
such as Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah            Iran on international shipping and the
etc. In addition, the economic            death of a UK citizen. Iran is a threat
cooperation is extremely important.       we all need to come together to fight.

                                                                                     Informed Magazine 2021/2022          17
Since Israel was founded, an enormous number of inventions and innovations
have emerged from the country, despite the challenges of geography, size
and security threats. The country is home to the highest density of startups
(6,500) anywhere in the world, earning its title as the ‘Startup Nation’.

Anobit                                    EluNIR
Israeli flash memory developer Anobit     The flexible stent has helped save
developed a chip that significantly       millions of people’s lives since it was
improves the endurance, performance       first developed in 1996. The tube-
and cost of flash storage systems and     shaped device is commonly used to
products. The chips can be found          open up arteries to treat patients
in all Apple products and numerous        with coronary heart disease thereby
Samsung devices.                          avoiding risky open-heart surgery.

Babysense                                 Firewall Software
Babysense is a no-contact, no-            The first commercial firewall security
radiation device designed to prevent      software was developed in 1993 by a
crib death by monitoring a baby’s         team of Israeli computer scientists at
breathing and movements through the       Check Point Software Technologies
mattress during sleep. The device was     protecting millions of technology
developed by Israeli company Hisense      users from malicious cyber activity.
in 1992 and is widely sold across Asia,
Europe and the United States.             Gaming
                                          Circuit technology engineers at the
Copaxone                                  IBM Haifa Development Lab were
Copaxone (glatiramer acetate) was         key to the development of the cell
originally developed by a doctor at       broadband engine chip controller
the Weizmann Institute of Science in      that has powered Sony PlayStation
Rehovot, and has become the world’s       video game consoles.
top-selling treatment for multiple
sclerosis since its introduction. The     HP Indigo
drug is marketed by Petah Tikvah-         Benny Landa, an Israeli inventor,
based Teva Pharmaceuticals.               launched the E-Print 1000 in 1993
                                          with his Rehovot company, Indigo. It
Deep Breeze                               was a turning point for the printing
The Or Akiva-based company, Deep          industry enabling printers to print
Breeze, has developed an innovative       directly from a computer file. Landa
medical device that allows patients       now has more than 500 patents to
with chronic obstructive pulmonary        his name worldwide.
disease (COPD) to be monitored
remotely from home.

18   Informed Magazine 2021/2022
Intel                                         OrCam                                         Voice-Over-Internet
Semiconductor chip maker Intel was            OrCam harnesses the power of                  Protocol (VoIP)
one of the first multinationals to            artificial vision by incorporating            Voice-Over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) is
go to Israel, setting up a small chip         pioneering technology into a wearable         a technology that lets users make calls
design centre in Haifa in 1974 and is is      platform which improves the lives             using a broadband Internet connection
now the corporation’s headquarters            of individuals who are blind, visually        instead of a standard phone line.
for global R&D. The 8088 processor,           impaired, and have reading difficulties.
and the Centrino and SandyBridge                                                            Watergen
processor chips, were designed and            Pillcam                                       Watergen, developed in the late
developed by Intel Israel, powering           Pillcam is a digestible, disposable           2000s, allows water to be condensed
millions of laptops worldwide.                medical camera developed to help              out of thin air. It is often used in many
                                              diagnose and treat infections, such           disaster zones to provide drinking
Judean Date Palm Revival                      as intestinal disorders, and cancers          water for millions of people.
An international team of scientists           affecting the digestive system.
from Israel, the US, France and the                                                         Xvision by Augmedics
United Arab Emirates has successfully         Quicktionary                                  Xvision, a revolutionary headset,
sequenced and analysed the genomes            The Quicktionary TS Premium is a              uses augmented reality to translate
of seven Judean date palms that were          handheld scanning and translation             a patient’s CT scan into a 3D
germinated from 2,000-year-old                device that offers single word or full line   visualisation, with the potential
seeds recovered from archaeological           translations in 45 languages, including       to help surgeons during delicate
sites in the Southern Levant.                 slang, idioms and phrases in real-time        procedures and to see what is under
                                              on its LCD touchscreen display.               the skin without the need for an
Kamada Ltd                                                                                  operating table.
Kamada is a plasma-derived protein            ReWalk Exoskeleton
therapeutics company, and is                  ReWalk is a battery-powered                   Yokneam-based
leading research and development              exoskeleton that was developed                Syneral Dental Lasers
of alpha-1 antitrypsin and specific           to aid paraplegic patients in                 In 2012, Syneral Dental Lasers
immunoglobulins, which have                   learning to walk again. The ReWalk            of Yokneam Israel developed
helped COVID-19 patients.                     has been available to the public              an innovative wireless system
                                              since 2014 and has made numerous              – LiteTouch - that now plays a
Leviathan Energy                              appearances in the London                     pivotal role in transforming the
Leviathan Energy created the Wind             Marathon and Paralympics.                     way practitioners perform dental
Tulip, a cost-effective, vibration-free                                                     treatments.
turbine. The device is used as an             SMS Text Messaging
aesthetic environmental structure             SMS text messaging was pioneered              Zebra Medical Vision
which produces clean energy and high          by Israeli companies Amdocs and               Shefayim-based healthcare startup
efficiency from any direction while           NICE Systems.                                 Zebra Medical Vision has transformed
allowing people to enjoy living next to it.                                                 the world of triage. The company’s
                                              TrialJectory                                  technology uses deep-learning and
MobilEye                                      The service, named after the Israeli          artificial intelligence to automatically
MobilEye was developed in 1999                company that developed it, uses               identify medical conditions from
by Israeli inventor Amon Shashua.             artificial intelligence to quickly examine    patient scans, and quickly enable
MobilEye systems consist of tiny              thousands of potential clinical trials        radiologists to prioritise urgent cases.
cameras that are placed in cars to            and match them to specific cancer
alert drivers of potential hazards like       patients for the best results.
pedestrians or other obstacles.
                                              USB Flash Drive
Netafim                                       The first ever patent for what is known
Netafim, developed by Israeli engineer        today as the USB flash drive was an
Samkhya Blass in the 1960s, is an             Israeli one with M-Systems, a company
innovative drip irrigation system and         founded by three Israelis, producing
the global leader in precision irrigation     the now ubiquitous device in 1999.
solutions for sustainable agriculture.

                                                                                             Informed Magazine 2021/2022          19
Saqib Bhatti MBE MP

Last month, the Community Security         I highlighted the need for accounts to   open-minded, progressive, academic
Trust (CST) released its Antisemitic       be registered with IDs, so that anyone   establishments. There are still too many
Incidents Report for January to June       who engages in racist abuse can be       universities who have refused to adopt
2021, showing a staggering 1,308 anti-     traceable and should know that they      the IHRA definition, exacerbating the
Jewish hate incidents nationwide in        can and will be prosecuted.              suffering of our Jewish students. This is
a mere six-month period. This was a                                                 nothing other than a dereliction of the
49% increase compared to the same          Additionally, specific terms and         moral duty that these institutions have
period last year. There is no denying      racial slurs must be recognised by an    towards their students.
this alarming rise of anti-Jewish hate     algorithm and should be dealt with
taking place right on our streets.         immediately. It should not be left to    Misrepresentations of the definition
                                           other users to spot racist abuse and     as a constraint on free speech must
Many of us witnessed the horrific          report it, the mechanisms for dealing    not be indulged; this argument
video of thugs circling Jewish             with it must be a central priority for   instead provides cover for those who
communities in London in May 2021,         all social media platforms. Those who    want to engage in Antisemitic abuse.
chanting hate and threatening families.    engage in such racism must know
The chilling footage put into sharp        that there will be significant real-     At times in 2021 it may have felt as
focus the sheer scale of the problem       world consequences.                      though efforts to combat the growing
at hand. It served as an important                                                  cancer that is Antisemitism in our
reminder that we have some way             The ongoing debate surrounding the       society were worthless. However, we
to go until Jewish communities in          IHRA definition also illustrates how     cannot lose hope. Collectively, we
Britain can practise their religion free   Antisemitism has evolved. Campus         must – and we will – take a stand until
from hate and discrimination.              Antisemitism remains a depressing        British Jews are free from the hate
                                           reality for Jewish students and is in    and discrimination that has become
Noteworthy too, is the vile                complete contradiction to the ethos of   so prevalent in our society.
Antisemitism taking place online.
According to the CST report, the
first half of this year saw the second
highest ever reported number of
online anti-Jewish hate incidents.
And that’s just the reported ones.
The actual scale of online abuse
goes much further, with coordinated
campaigns against Jewish accounts
now commonplace on social media.

As forms of Antisemitism evolve, so
must our solutions to the problem.

This is why I am calling on social
media companies to do more to
tackle online abuse where they see
it. In July 2021, I wrote to Facebook,
Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram,
Twitter and Reddit calling on
                                            Convoy of cars filmed on London’s Finchley Road, with passengers yelling
them to be more proactive in
                                            Antisemitic obscenities
dealing with online racism.

                                                                                      Informed Magazine 2021/2022         21
Gil Cohen Magen/Shutterstock

                               FOUR ELECTIONS
                               IN TWO YEARS:
                               EXPLAINING ISRAEL’S
                               POLITICAL ILLNESS
                               22   Informed Magazine 2021/2022
Prof. Reuven Y. Hazan

Professor of Political Science and
Chair in Israeli Democracy and Politics
at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Israel and the UK share several                    first place, each with 35 seats, yet the    split, half supporting a Netanyahu-led
democratic attributes, for example,                result was clear: the two blocs that        government and half opposing. After
both are parliamentary democracies                 had governed together since 2015            three elections in under one year, Israel
and both lack a written constitution.              (hawkish-right and ultra-religious) won     finally had a government, one born
However, the two are also very                     a majority. However, by 2019 a new          of necessity rather than ideological
different; they do not share the same              issue had risen to prominence in Israeli    coherence. It soon began to fall apart,
electoral system, party system, type of            politics, which focused on support for      and could not agree on a budget – by
government or legislature.                         or opposition against embattled Prime       law if one is not passed the Knesset is
                                                   Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel’s       dissolved and new elections held.
Elections in Israel are proportional               longest serving PM, facing multiple
and take place in a single, nation-wide            criminal indictments). One of the           The success of the vaccines returned
electoral district. Each party presents            hawkish-right parties refused to sit in a   personal animosities to the political
a list of candidates and voters can                government headed by Netanyahu. As          forefront, and the March 2021 election
vote only for a party. The electoral               a result there was no majority, neither     was a referendum on Netanyahu.
threshold is 3.25% of the valid votes.             for the hawkish-right and ultra-religious   The results were again similar, with
Israel has a highly fragmented                     parties nor for the other three blocs.      the hawkish-right and ultra-religious
multiparty system, there has never                 Feeling that this was an ‘accidental        increasing their majority, but now two
been a majority party, and all of its              outcome’, Netanyahu gathered enough         hawkish parties refused to govern
governments have been coalitions.                  parliamentary support to dissolve the       under Netanyahu. The anti-Netanyahu
                                                   Knesset and hold new elections only six     forces came together, across four of
Israel’s 120-member unicameral                     months after the previous ones.             the five blocs, and Yair Lapid (head of
legislature is called the Knesset. The term                                                    Yesh Atid, the second largest party)
of the Knesset is four years, but in recent        The results in September 2019 were          announced that he had succeeded in
decades early elections have become                similar. While Blue and White won one       forming a government.
the norm. However, we had never before             seat more than Likud, the hawkish-
seen the Knesset dissolve itself (in March         right and ultra-religious parties           Israel’s new government is one of
2019) or be automatically dissolved (in            increased their majority – but still came   the strangest ever. It has a razor-thin
September 2019) immediately after an               short without the party that refused        majority of only 61, is composed
election without forming a government,             to govern under Netanyahu. Benny            of eight parties including an Arab
nor seen the new government lasting less           Gantz (the leader of Blue and White)        Islamic party for the first time, and
than one year (in 2020).                           could not form a majority government,       covers most of the security dimension
                                                   and neither could Netanyahu, leading        – meaning that no agreement or
Israeli politics, unlike those in the UK, focus    to automatic dissolution and a third        progress can be made here. The
on security as the dominant issue, and             election in March 2020.                     Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, leads a
are based on party blocs, not individual                                                       party of only six seats, and will rotate
parties. Israeli voters are loyal to a bloc, not   The 2020 results were similar, but          with Yair Lapid in August 2023. After
a party, and coalitions tend to be formed          different. The hawkish-right and            a budget is passed, in November
between blocs. There are three blocs               ultra-religious parties again increased     2021, this government may well stay
on the main security dimension: dovish-            their majority, yet came short without      in power until then. Its focus will be
left, centrist, and hawkish-right. The two         the party that refused to govern            internal, mending the rifts that have
remaining blocs represent Israel’s social          under Netanyahu. By March 2020,             torn at the fabric of Israeli society.
minorities: ultra-religious Jews (hawkish)         COVID-19 had reached Israel, and            As long as Netanyahu remains the
and Israeli Arabs (dovish).                        many politicians promised to put their      polarising, criminally indicted, leader of
                                                   ideological and personal differences        the opposition, the glue that holds this
In the March 2019 elections, the Blue              aside in order to form a government         large group of ideologically disparate
and White party tied with Likud for                to tackle the crisis. Blue and White        parties together might endure.

                                                                                                Informed Magazine 2021/2022           23
Caroline Ansell MP

24   Informed Magazine 2021/2022
“Give me a child until he is seven and
I will show you the man” – Aristotle.

As someone with a teaching
background myself, there is an
undeniable truth to this old adage. Early
learning experiences shape hearts and
minds in profound and lasting ways.

And yet, it is with this same knowledge
that the Palestinian Authority provides
its young population with a school
curriculum which carries Antisemitic
material, honours violence and negates
the very existence of Israel. What hope
then for the future?

I have closely followed this issue           Caroline Ansell MP leading Westminster Hall debate on PA incitement
throughout my time in Parliament
and it has persisted too long. The
curriculum and its materials are            Israel and of Jews, including repeat      response to these moves was to
of primordial importance because            glorification of the “heroine” Dalal      double down on its existing curriculum.
nothing will perpetuate conflict as         al-Mughrabi, who killed 38 Israelis,
much as seeding it in young children,       including 13 children, in an infamous     But change is possible where there
generation after generation.                terror attack (as seen in the image       is political will and leadership. From
                                            from a textbook to the left of this       Tunisia and Egypt through to Saudi
In the summer of 2021, the European         article). The material is present,        Arabia and the UAE, there is a clear
Union published a landmark report           regardless of the school grade or         trend across the region for improving
into the Palestinian Authority’s school     subject (from maths through to            curricula through the removal of
curriculum. It is a report that must        geography and all in between).            regressive anti-Israel and racist
act as the catalyst for change and the                                                narratives and instead promoting
reason why I led a Westminster Hall         The teaching of Palestinian children      peace and coexistence. Inspiring the
debate following its publication.           in this way will inevitably underpin      PA to embrace this quiet revolution in
                                            harmful real-life consequences for        the region would be the very best way
The much-anticipated UK-backed              Palestinians and Israelis today. Young    the UK could serve future generations
report recognises greater focus             students at UNRWA schools have            of Palestinians and Israelis.
on human rights, tolerance, mercy,          been quoted saying things such as
forgiveness and justice in the PA           “I am ready to stab a Jew and drive       Since 2018, UK Ministers have vowed
curriculum but significantly, notes         a car over them”. Painfully, some         to take action should the EU review
that these universal values are not         children have been inspired to carry      find evidence of incitement and they
applied or connected to Israel or           out such acts of violence.                have a longstanding commitment
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The                                                 to a zero-tolerance approach to
report highlights the persistence           The UK and the EU directly fund the       Antisemitism. In this light, the report
of anti-Jewish racism and features          salaries of Palestinian teachers who      necessitates a meaningful response
example after example of racist             are involved in the production and        from the UK.
material across 156 textbooks and           implementation of these educational
16 teachers guides used between             materials. British taxpayers would be     Repeated representations over
2017-2019. It notes that coverage of        appalled to learn of the harm this        decades from UK Ministers – and
the peace process had in fact gone          UK-sponsored curriculum is causing.       those of international partners –
backwards or been downgraded                                                          have not moved the dial; now must
since 2014. It should have made             Our closest international partners are    be the time for the UK to join our
for very uncomfortable reading for          already starting to take a stronger       international partners in considering
international aid donors to the PA.         stance in combating this material. Both   aid conditionality linked to essential
                                            the EU and the Biden administration       curriculum reforms. Perpetuating
This EU review lifts the bonnet by          have begun discussing the idea of         conflict has no place in school, nor
detailing examples of encouragement         conditionality for financial assistance   will it secure the peaceful future for
of violence and demonisation of             in the educational sector. The PA’s       the Middle East we all hope for.

                                                                                       Informed Magazine 2021/2022         25
Marmalade Photos/Shutterstock

                                CONSERVATIVES AND ISRAEL,
                                A TIMELINE: 2010 TO TODAY
                                The UK-Israel partnership has gone from strength to strength during the
                                Conservative Party’s last ten years in power. Let’s look back at the friendship
                                between the Conservative Party and Israel over this time.

                                         JULY 2017                                 MARCH 2017                                      DECEMBER 2016
                                     The UK Government                      The UK Government delivered an                    Then-Prime Minister Theresa May
                                announced an unprecedented              unprecedented condemnation of the UN                 announced at CFI’s Annual Business
                                £3 million in funding towards            Human Rights Council’s (UNHRC) bias                 Lunch that the UK was adopting the
                                peaceful coexistence projects         against Israel, announcing that it was putting           broad definition of Antisemitism
                                 for Israelis and Palestinians          the UN body “on notice” and would vote                  drawn up by the International
                                                                       against every motion on the conflict unless            Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
                                                                       the body ends its “disproportion and bias”              (IHRA) - the first country in the
                                                                                 against the Jewish State                              world to do so

                                                     NOVEMBER 2017                               FEBRUARY 2018                             APRIL 2018
                                         Theresa May invited Israel’s then-Prime Minister          The UK and Israel’s                  Over 50 Conservative
                                           Benjamin Netanyahu to London, where the              Science Ministers signed                  parliamentarians
                                            UK and Israel celebrated the centenary of             a joint declaration to               celebrated Israel’s 70th
                                            the Balfour Declaration. 100 Conservative            increase cooperation,                   birthday, at a lunch
                                          parliamentarians co-signed a CFI-coordinated          building on the research               hosted by CFI with the
                                            letter celebrating the Balfour Declaration,         and innovation strengths                Ambassador of Israel,
                                                    published in The Telegraph                       of both nations                       H.E. Mark Regev

                                                                                  JULY 2021                                          JUNE 2021
                                                                       The Government approved the UK’s                     Then-International Trade Secretary
                                           Since 2010,                   first national Holocaust Memorial              Liz Truss celebrated UK-Israel ties in her
                                       CFI has taken over              and Learning Centre in Westminster.              first ever visit to the Jewish State, ahead
                                       250 Conservative                The memorial, set to be built next to               of an expected advanced free trade
                                      parliamentarians and               Parliament, will commemorate the              agreement between the two countries. The
                                      activists to Israel on           lives of six million Jews murdered in             then-International Trade Secretary said
                                           delegations.                 the Holocaust, and other victims of             that she aims to build on the existing £5
                                                                                   Nazi persecution                         billion trade partnership with Israel

                                 26     Informed Magazine 2021/2022
SEPTEMBER 2011                                OCTOBER 2011                                        MAY 2013
    The Government amended                  Under then-Prime Minister David              BIRAX, the Britain Israel Research and
Universal Jurisdiction legislation         Cameron’s leadership, the UK Israel            Academic Exchange Partnership, was
to end the controversial practice        Tech Hub was launched by the British           launched to fund cutting-edge research
 of anti-Israel activists obtaining        Embassy in Israel and was the first             to tackle some of the world’s most
    arrest warrants for alleged            of its kind in the world to promote         challenging conditions and diseases. The
    war crimes aimed at Israeli             partnerships in technology and             initiative has awarded over £13 million to
  dignitaries who visited the UK         innovation between the two countries          more than 20 research projects bringing
                                                                                         together scientists in Britain and Israel

        JANUARY 2015                                          MARCH 2014                                    JULY 2013
David Cameron pledged that Britain               David Cameron addressed Israel’s Knesset in              The UK led the
 would have a National Memorial to             Jerusalem, in his landmark visit to Israel as Prime      EU-wide proscription
  the Holocaust and a world-class               Minister, expressing his “unbreakable” support             of Hezbollah’s
  Learning Centre, which was later              for the Jewish State in a rousing speech to the            military wing
 chosen to be beside the Houses of            Israeli parliament. He signed deals with top Israeli
Parliament in Victoria Tower Gardens          medical and pharmaceutical companies, bringing
                                                       in £70 million investment to the UK

        JANUARY 2019                                  JANUARY 2019                                   FEBRUARY 2019
         The UK agreed one of                    Jeremy Hunt became the first                    Then-Home Secretary Sajid
       the first post-Brexit free                Foreign Secretary to recognise                    Javid made the decision
        trade deals in principle                    that Britain’s 1939 White                     to proscribe the entirety
               with Israel                        Paper capping immigration                        of Hezbollah as a terror
                                                    to Palestine was a “black                  organisation, making it illegal
                                                 moment” in history, speaking at                  for the group’s flag to be
                                                 CFI’s Parliamentary Reception                 flown on the streets of Britain

    JUNE 2021                         APRIL 2021                      DECEMBER 2019                          JULY 2019
  UK withdrew from                Prime Minister Boris            Prime Minister Boris Johnson           Then-Home Secretary
controversial Durban            Johnson confirmed UK            underlined in the Queen’s Speech           Sajid Javid made
IV conference due to              opposition to an ICC        debate that the Government will stop          an historic visit
historic concerns over          investigation into Israel      public bodies from developing their          to Jerusalem’s
     Antisemitism                   in a letter to CFI         “own pseudo foreign policy against            Western Wall
                                                                 countries” and stop them from
                                                               boycotting Israeli goods, upholding
                                                                 Conservative manifesto pledge

                                                                                          Informed Magazine 2021/2022         27
Twin Design/Shutterstock

                           THE INSTAGRAM AGE
                           30   Informed Magazine 2021/2022
Rt. Hon. Robert Halfon MP

Chair of the Education Select Committee

In May 2021, violence tragically           The Gaza terror group was, of course,      and shocking attempt to intimidate
broke out once again in Israel and         quick to congratulate the Taliban on       Jewish Londoners.
Gaza. Over 3,500 rockets were fired        their lightning takeover of Afghanistan,
indiscriminately at Israel by the terror   giving an insight into who they see        As a proud British-Jewish MP, I never
organisation Hamas, and acting in          as their ideological bedfellows. It also   imagined that I would live at a time
defence Israel struck over 900 targets     came as little surprise that the only      when myself and the Jewish community
in Gaza. This violence resulted in many    country on earth that the Taliban          would question whether Britain is a safe
casualties and heartbreak for Israelis     have stated they will refuse to engage     place for Jews anymore.
and Palestinians alike.                    with is Israel – perhaps some food for
                                           thought for the social media warriors.     The CST found that that Antisemitic
This time, what also erupted was an                                                   incidents during the conflict
avalanche of online misinformation         As Chair of the Education Select           disproportionately affected the
that was spread on social media            Committee, it was especially               educational sector in Britain, with
by celebrities and ‘influencers’ that      disheartening to see this rampant          154 of the total incidents occurring in
had very little understanding of           misinformation spread like wildfire        schools and universities.
the situation through simplified,          online. And this barrage has led to
one-sided, and often extremely             consequences not only on our streets       It is abhorrent to hear of incidents
inflammatory Instagram posts.              but also at our schools.                   where Jewish students received death
                                                                                      threats and were targeted on their way
In reality, and as most who have           The Community Security Trust (CST)         to or from school. I was very concerned
visited the region can attest to, the      charity reported a wave of “racist         by one case reported by a Jewish
situation on the ground is much more       hatred, abuse and intimidation” in         school teacher in north London who
complex and cannot be packaged             the wake of the conflict, recording        spoke of how they became a magnet
neatly into a social media infographic.    an “unprecedented number” of               for harassment from pupils. The teacher,
                                           Antisemitic incidents in the month         who works in a non-Jewish school,
Many of those posts omitted any            from 8th May to 7th June.                  said pupils competed to see who could
reference to the double war crime                                                     stick the most amount of Free Palestine
Hamas commits when it locates              At demonstrations across the UK,           stickers on their hair and clothing.
military infrastructure within densely     the chant “from the river to the
populated civilian areas, including        sea, Palestine will be free” was           I am proud that the Conservative
near schools and hospitals, and then       commonly heard – implying that the         Government was resolute in their
uses this to attack Israeli citizens.      whole of Israel should be replaced         support for Israel during this tense time,
                                           with a Palestinian state. In addition,     unequivocally condemning the rocket-fire
In the effort to gain social media kudos   numerous placards praised the Hamas        and backing Israel’s right to self-defence
points, armchair activists ate into the    terror group and drew comparisons          against the Hamas terror group. Currently,
hands of a terror group that shares        between Israel and the Nazis.              Hamas’s ‘military wing’ is banned, but
very little of their purported values.                                                now is perhaps the right time for the UK
                                           Perhaps the most vile incident during      to send a message about terrorism by
As well as advocating for the              this period featured a convoy of           proscribing the whole of Hamas.
destruction of the Middle East’s           cars draped with Palestinian flags
only Jewish state and democracy,           shouting despicable Antisemitic            However small, we all have a part to
Hamas continues to commit heinous          abuse through a megaphone. The             play in speaking up for Israel - a beacon
crimes against the people of Gaza          convoy had driven from northern            in the region - against the tidal wave
and hinders the development of the         England to Golders Green and               of abuse it faces. As Education Select
territory by diverting international       Finchley, both areas with large            Committee Chair, and in my position as
funds into their own pockets.              Jewish populations, in a deliberate        an MP, I will continue to raise my voice.

                                                                                        Informed Magazine 2021/2022          31
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