2021 2022 IODE War Memorial Scholarship - WWW.IODE.CA - IODE Canada

Page created by Jaime Gonzales
2021 2022 IODE War Memorial Scholarship - WWW.IODE.CA - IODE Canada
2021 - 2022
IODE War Memorial Scholarship
                          NEW DEADLINES
                   01 October 2020 * Letter of Intent
                01 November 2020 * Application and All
                      Supporting Documentation

2021 2022 IODE War Memorial Scholarship - WWW.IODE.CA - IODE Canada
2021 - 2022
IODE War Memorial Scholarship
     The National Chapter of Canada IODE initiated War         Today, applicants are judged on academic excellence,
Memorial Doctoral Scholarships in 1918 to                 potential and volunteerism. Candidates must be Canadian
commemorate Canadians who sacrificed their lives for      citizens and in at least their second year of a doctoral
peace and freedom. Initially, bursaries were granted to   program at a Canadian or Commonwealth university.
children of men and women who lost their lives or who
                                                              Three scholarships of $15,000 for study in Canada
were permanently disabled while fighting for Canada.
                                                          or for study within the Commonwealth will be awarded
    Since the first scholarships were awarded in          for the 2021-2022 academic year. A maximum of three
1921, IODE War Memorial Scholars have made                scholarships will be offered.
important contributions to Canada and the world
in medicine, science, business, politics and                    Founded in 1900, IODE Canada is a national women’s
academia.                                                 charitable organization dedicated to enhancing the quality
                                                          of life for individuals through education support,
                                                          community service and citizenship programs.
2021 2022 IODE War Memorial Scholarship - WWW.IODE.CA - IODE Canada
Application Process 2021 - 2022

Biographies of past winners of IODE War Memorial Scholarships are posted on our website at www.IODE.ca

Conditions                               Start of Tenure                          Method of Selection
     Candidates must be Canadian               Payment of scholarships awarded         In each province, a seven-member
citizens and must hold a first degree    for the 2021 - 2022 academic year will   Committee of Selection composed of
from an accredited university or         be presented in two installments. The    IODE members and university
degree-granting college in Canada.       first payment will be presented in       professors will consider the academic
At the time of applying, a candidate     September 2021 and the final             attainments and promise as well as
must be enrolled in at least the         installment in January 2022.             personal character and career goals of
second year of a program at the                                                   applicants. NOTE: Provincial
doctoral level or equivalent. The        Value of Award                           Committees of Selection do not award
                                             Three scholarships of $15,000 for
appointment is subject to cancellation                                            the scholarships: they recommend
                                         study in Canada or for study within
if the winner does not continue to                                                candidates to the National Committee
                                         the Commonwealth will be awarded.
show high academic and personal                                                   of Selection.
                                         Payment will be in Canadian funds.            The National Committee of
qualities. Winners are expected to
seek employment in Canada upon                                                    Selection, composed of up to five
completion of their studies. Proof of                                             IODE members and three university
registration is required prior to                                                 professors, will meet in March 2021.
payment for each installment. Former                                              All recommended applicants will be
War Memorial Scholarship holders are                                              contacted by letter. Winners must
ineligible for a second scholarship.                                              inform the National War Memorial
                                                                                  Officer within two weeks of their
                                                                                  intention to accept or relinquish the

     IODE Canada 40 Orchard View Blvd. Suite 219 Toronto, Ontario M4R 1B9 416-487-4416 1-866-827-7428 www.IODE.ca
2021 2022 IODE War Memorial Scholarship - WWW.IODE.CA - IODE Canada

Documentation Requirements
                                          IODE War Memorial Scholarship Application
                                          Download and complete the Letter of Intent and
                                          Application form at www.IODE.ca

                                          The following information must be submitted:
                                          * Certified copies of academic transcripts (undergraduate
                                          and graduate) must be submitted directly by the Registrar to
                                          IODE Canada. Electronic transcripts are acceptable if
                                          certified and submitted directly by the Registrar.

                                          * Three letters of reference must be submitted to IODE Canada.
I                                         it is the responsibility of each candidate to ensure that letters
                                          have been received by IODE Canada on or before the
                                          application deadline of 01 November 2020.

                                          The information below should be submitted in one file in
                                            the order outlined.

             Please Note:                 * Completed and signed Letter of Intent and Application form.
       No submitted material will be
                returned.                 * Statement of research topic and reasons for its
                                             importance (250 words or less) and working title.
    The applicant’s name must appear
     on all pages submitted and in the
                                          * Summary of graduate work completed and in progress
    subject line of each email message.
                                             including reasons for choice of university (250 words or less).
        Deadline for receipt of the
             Letter of Intent             * Future plans and statement of career goals (250 words or less).
          is 01 October 2020.
                                          * List of post-secondary awards received including
    Deadline for receipt of Application      the value and dates held.
     and all supporting documentation
                                          * Complete bibliographic list of publications / research.
       submitted to IODE Canada is
                                             Please indicate peer-reviewed publications.
            01 November 2020.
                                          * List of extra-curricular interests, including current
                                             volunteer activities.

                                          * List of other scholarships for which you are applying.

                                          * Proof of Canadian citizenship. Please provide a photocopy of
                                            Canadian birth certificate or Canadian passport.

                                                                IODE War Memorial Scholarship
                                                                40 Orchard View Blvd., Suite 219
                                                                Toronto, Ontario M4R 1B9
                                                                416-487-4416 1-866-827-7428
                                                                Email: iodewarmemorial@gmail.com
2021 2022 IODE War Memorial Scholarship - WWW.IODE.CA - IODE Canada 2021 2022 IODE War Memorial Scholarship - WWW.IODE.CA - IODE Canada 2021 2022 IODE War Memorial Scholarship - WWW.IODE.CA - IODE Canada 2021 2022 IODE War Memorial Scholarship - WWW.IODE.CA - IODE Canada 2021 2022 IODE War Memorial Scholarship - WWW.IODE.CA - IODE Canada 2021 2022 IODE War Memorial Scholarship - WWW.IODE.CA - IODE Canada
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