2020 Student Handbook - (MAC) - Elim Christian College

Page created by Freddie Tate
2020 Student Handbook - (MAC) - Elim Christian College
Student Handbook

Botany Campus                      Golflands Campus
     (BC)                                 (GC)

                Mt Albert Campus
2020 Student Handbook - (MAC) - Elim Christian College

 Welcome to the 2020 school year at Elim Christian College, one school on three
 sites! We are so glad to have you and your family as part of our school community.
 In fact, this is your school and we look forward to a wonderfully productive

 Students I encourage you to allow God to challenge, shape and grow your
 character this year. It is the depth and quality of your character that will open
 doors for you, enable you to face hard situations and to help you pursue your
 dreams. I love the ARISE Elim culture that repeatedly emphasizes Achievement to
 be the best you can be; taking Responsibility and acting with respect; being
 Inspired in your thinking and developing an impressive backpack of Skills; all laid
 on a deep foundation of Christian character and Elim values.

 Again this year you will hear the right time, right place, right thing and right
 attitude message. We make no apology for this because you must be highly
 focused to achieve academically and grow socially, emotionally and spiritually.
 With dogged determination we take seriously our responsibility to facilitate your
 highest growth in all areas.

 Murray Burton MNZM

2020 Student Handbook - (MAC) - Elim Christian College

Parents/Caregivers who send their children to Elim Christian College do so as a matter of personal choice. In so doing, they make a firm commitment to
support the philosophy, goals and practices of the school and agree to abide by its policies and procedures, in particular:

    •    Support the teacher as the classroom manager and learning facilitator.

    •    Send students to school on time and pick them up after school on time.

    •    Respond promptly to school communications which require a reply.

    •    Expect students to be responsible for their own behaviour and take some responsibility for their own learning.

    •    Send students to school, encouraging them to have a positive attitude toward learning, by expecting them to do their best work at all times.

    •    Send students to school clean, healthy, rested and adhering to the uniform dress code.

    •    Encourage respectful attitudes towards school and all staff.

    •    Become involved in school programmes, activities and events wherever possible.

    •    Review and sign any papers on which the teacher requires a parent/caregiver signature.

    •    Encourage systematic study and celebrate positive student performance and effort.

    •    Seek to provide conditions at home conducive to study and homework.

    •    Attend parent-teacher-student conferences.

    •    Support the disciplinary measures recommended by the college.

    •    Access all current communication / newsletters via the website: www.elim.school.nz click on the communication tab.


 This group is a great way for parents/caregivers to become actively involved in school life, giving support and helping with fundraising. Each year we rely on
 these wonderful parents/caregivers to run activities, raise funds, pray for and assist the school. Parents/Caregivers who wish to join should contact
 ariseparents@elim.school.nz and watch for notices in the newsletter.


 Each week, Mothers and Fathers gather to pray for the school. There is usually coffee, sometimes cake and always lots of chatter as the Mums share
 prayer needs and praise reports. Staff and parents are invited to pass on anonymous prayer needs to the prayer group. It is the vision and desire of
 Mums/Dads in Prayer group, that every child be covered in prayer each day and that they have an opportunity to encounter God in a significant way along
 with a positive school experience.

 Please contact the campus school office for further information regarding days and times.


 There are plenty of opportunities for parents/caregivers to become involved through ARISE Parents, prayer, helping in the Library, assisting with school
 camps, transport for offsite school activities, helping with sports teams, serving on the Board of Trustees, working bees and many more. We
 welcome and greatly appreciate your help. All volunteers must have a police clearance. You may obtain forms from any of the school offices.


 Please ensure that you do not park across driveways and are parked at least 1m from any driveway or vehicle entrance.

 If you need to drive, please observe the following guidelines:

 Golflands Campus

  1.     Please do not drop-off or pick-up in any of the local cul-de-sacs around the campus or in the front bus bay.

  2.     NO U-turns or parking on the yellow lines in front of the school, please use Golflands Drive loop or Bob Charles Drive.

  3.     Always use the Kea Crossing to cross the road.

  4.     Do not wave or call your child across the road.

  5.     Drive slowly near the school and watch out for pedestrians and cyclists.
2020 Student Handbook - (MAC) - Elim Christian College
6.        Parking: Staff cars and buses are the only vehicles permitted to park on the Golflands Campus site. The drop-off bay in front of the office
              is for buses only.

  Botany Campus
    1.        Students may park along the sides of Botany Road. If you park on the opposite side from the school, please cross under the bridge.
    2.        Parents may pick up or drop off their children in the church carpark.
  Mt Albert Campus
    1.        Students may park on the roadside outside the school.
    2.        Parents may pick up or drop off their children in the school front carpark, but please be mindful of pedestrian traffic.


  The Botany and Golflands Campuses served by Kiwi Coach Buses and Howick and Eastern Buses.

  Private buses from the South Auckland area: Kiwi Coach Buses also provide a bus service to the school from the South Auckland area. For
  route and timetable information contact: Calvin West on 636 5232 or www.kiwicoachcharters.com

  School Bus Services: Bus services from the Maraetai and Beachlands area are available. For route and timetable information contact: Howick and
  Eastern Buses on 273 3660 or www.howbus.co.nz

  Shuttle Bus from Botany Campus to Golflands Campus: There is a shuttle bus available from the Botany Campus to the Golflands Campus. In the
  morning, the shuttle leaves Botany Campus at 8:10am to bring students to Golflands Campus. In the afternoon, the shuttle leaves Golflands Campus at
  3:10pm to take students to Botany Campus. All tickets can be purchased via this link https://kiwicoaches.co.nz/school-bus/ and any enquiries can be
  directed to Kiwi Coaches at 09 636 5232 or 021608548.


  In emergencies, an important message can be conveyed to a student during school time through the school office. It is not appropriate for parents to go
  directly to the classroom during the teaching time or to ring or text students directly during class time. Students are not allowed to wear phone/smart
  watches or use their devices or phones to call or message during class time.


Students are only permitted to use the office phone for emergencies, not to request parents/caregivers to bring equipment/lunches/sports gear, etc. left at
home. Arrangements to visit the homes of friends or any similar arrangements must be made outside school hours. Calls to mobile phone numbers are actively
discouraged. Students must not use their cellphones/phone watches or devices to contact their parents duirng the day.


   1.        All clothing and personal property must be clearly named.

   2.        Personal property that is found lying around will be brought to the office. A lost property box is maintained in the administration area. In
             general, unnamed items left at the end of each term will be given to a second-hand outlet.

   3.        The belongings of others may not be interfered with or borrowed without permission.

   4.        Any damage to school property will be reported to the Property Manager. Careless and irresponsible behaviour will result in the payment of all or
             part of the costs involved in damage and breakage.

   5.        Valuables: e.g. watches, jewellery, etc. should never be left in bags or classrooms. The bringing of additional and often unnecessary, personal items
             to school is strongly discouraged. Cash or cheques should not be left in the classrooms or school bags. The school cannot be held responsible for any
             lost or stolen property.


  It is a legal requirement that ALL VISITORS, including PARENTS/CAREGIVERS w h o v i s i t the school site during the day, MUST first report to
  Reception, and sign in on the electronic tablet before entering classrooms or playground areas. They must sign out again before leaving the school
  site. In an emergency, if a child’s lunch/gear has been forgotten, parents/caregivers may bring it to the school office and the runner will take it to the


        1.      A leaving form available from the school office must be completed by all students prior to leaving the school.
2.       Under our school’s policy, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing of your intention to withdraw you child from school. Failure
            to comply with this requirement will result in a penalty fee of one-half term’s fees being payable to the Proprietors.

   3.       A leaving certificate is issued only to senior students who are leaving school to enter the work force or tertiary education.


Are unable to come to school

        Fill in the absence webform on the school website: http://www.elim.school.nz/absences/

Are late to school

        Bring a note to office and sign in on the electronic tablet.

Are ill whilst at school

        Get a note from your teacher and go to office.

Lose something

        Check lost property with the Pastoral Care teacher or Office staff.

Have an appointment during school time

        Y0-Y6           Students need to be signed out at the office by a parent/caregiver. Please remember to sign in on return.

        Y7-Y13          Students need to provide a note from their parents / caregivers to the office when signing out. If a note is not available, students
                        will need to be signed out at the office by their parents / caregivers. Students are to sign in on return.

Have a request for leave – please email request to your child’s Campus office:
      Botany Campus - botany@elim.school.nz
      Golflands Campus - golflands@elim.school.nz
      Mt Albert Campus - mtalbert@elim.school.nz

Have an accident

        Report to duty teacher or the office.

Change address or telephone number

        Inform school office.

Want to talk to the Principal

        See the Principal’s P.A.

Need to talk to the Head of Department/Campus Lead Mt Albert / Assistant Principal Botany Campus /Whanau Leaders / Middle Years Leads / Assistant
Campus Leads of Golflands Campus

        Email the person you wish to speak with to make an appointment – all staff emails are in the format firstname.lastname@elim.school.nz

 We ask that all students arriving after 8:40am sign in at the office using the electronic tablet provided. The office staff will assist smaller children with
 this. Parents / Caregivers will be contacted where ongoing patterns of lateness continue. It is expected that all students are on site before the 8:30am

  1.   Students are expected, at all times, to do their best and are responsible for achieving their maximum learning potential. Students
       are expected to work within the school policies, procedures and rules, and uphold the student learning charter.

  2.   Christian Living is expressed in respect for others, respect for the possessions of others, loyalty to one another and above all, loyalty to God.

         a.        Respect for others includes honesty, kindness, consideration, and caring for others, and, in particular, towards those who are
                   weaker, younger, quieter, or less able.

         b.        Respect for possessions of others means articles will not be interfered with, damaged, or borrowed without the owner’s permission.

         c.        Loyalty to God and obedience to His will means that there will be a dedication to work towards what is worthy and pleasing to Him.

  3.     Students are required to:
         a.        Uphold and respect our Christian values at all times.
         b.        Obey and respect all staff members as stated in the learning charter.
         c.        Be where they are supposed to be, as per their time-timetable.
         d.        Use good manners, treating others with respect, courtesy and fairness.
         e.        Respect the rights and property of others.
         f.        Be responsible to care for all materials, equipment, furniture and fittings.
         g.        Behave in a safe manner at all times.
         h.        Show good sportsmanship.
         i.        Follow playground and game rules.
         j.        Aim for their personal best, work with determination and enthusiasm and allow others to do the same.
         k.        Work neatly and in an orderly manner.
         l.        Complete assigned work, on time and at an acceptable level.
         m.        Make up work missed during absences.
         n.        Develop self-discipline and exercise self-control in all situations.
         o.        Accept the consequences of their own actions.
         p.        Wear correct P.E. uniform for P.E. classes.

  4.          Mufti Days
         a.        We expect that students will dress appropriately and sensibly for all mufti days.
         b.        No bare midriffs showing (open waistlines).
         c.        No coloured hair.
         d.        Inappropriate dress on mufti days can result in students being asked to return home to correct the clothing choice.
         e.        No item of clothing should have inappropriate slogans or images.

  5.   BYOD

         The use of IT devices such as iPods, iPads, digital translators, laptops and mobile phones are now being actively integrated into learning activities.

         Between school hours devices may only be used for planned educational activities. Any device found being used for other purposes will be
         confiscated. This includes break times and common rooms. No argument – no exceptions! The device will remain with the Campus Lead
         / Deputy Principal until the parent/ caregiver personally arranges to come to the relevant campus and request its return. Students may
         approach the campus office to phone out. Such requests will be decided on a case by case basis. On a school trip, the teacher in charge will
         make it clear before the trip the boundaries around the use of mobile devices.

         The school is not responsible for the loss or damage of personal devices. Each student takes responsibility for their own device. The sharing
         of devices is not encouraged.
Before and After School

     Bus Students (after school) – make your way to your designated buses promptly. Buses will leave at their appointed times. If you miss the bus, please go to
     the school office to make contact with your parents to make arrangements to get home.

     GOLFLANDS CAMPUS – please access information via our website for before- and after-school care.

     At the end of the day, students are expected to
              •     promptly make their way home.
              •     be off-site by 3.30pm.
              •     push bikes, scooters, etc. out of the school grounds before riding home.
              •     leave stairs at the front of the school free for foot traffic

     Junior Years (Years 0—6)

     There is no supervision at school until 8:15am.

              •     Early students are to wait outside the hall on the steps until 8.15am, when the Duty Staff member opens the hall.
              •     All students must be in the hall between 8.15am and 8.30am. All students arriving on the Kiwi and Beachlands/Maraetai buses must
                    go to the hall and wait until 8.30am.
              •     Students must not play ball games/tag or run around in the hall. Sit or stand quietly in groups until the bell goes. At the 8.30am bell,
                    students are
              •     dismissed to walk quietly to their classrooms.
              •     For Health and Safety reasons, the playground must be vacated by both parents and students by 3.30pm.

     Middle Years (Years 7 – 10)

              •     Early students are to wait in the designated area – the Quad.
              •     Students must not play ball games/tag or run around. Sit or stand quietly in groups until the bell goes.
              •     At the 8.40am bell, students walk quietly to their classrooms.


              •     Students need to be at school by 8.30am to be ready to start at 8.40am. There is no supervision for students before school.
              •     At the end of the day, students should leave the site promptly or be collected from the gymnasium area. No children should remain at
                    school without parent/caregiver supervision after 3.30pm.


              •     Students need to be at school by 8.30am to be ready to start at 8.40am. There is no supervision for students before school.
              •     Students are to wait under the covered veranda area. At the 8:30am bell, students are to walk quietly to their classrooms.
              •     At the end of the day, students should leave the site promptly. No children should remain at school without parent/caregiver supervision
                    after 3.30pm


Mondays and Tuesdays are wrapper free lunch days i.e. no packaging in lunch boxes please.

     Junior Years

          •       All students must be seated whenever they are eating at morning tea and at lunchtime. Students sit inside the classroom or on mats just
                  outside the classroom.
          •       Food scraps must be put in the green worm farm buckets. Paper and cardboard in the grey bins in the classroom. General rubbish in
                  the large bins.
          •       From 12pm to 12.30pm student are free to play, at 12.30 pm—12.40 they will be asked to sit down to eat their lunch to start class again
                  at 12.45. Junior classes will be given more time by their teachers, if necessary.
          •       No food to be eaten on the field.

     Middle Years

          •       Students must be seated when they are eating their food lunch and morning tea.
          •       No food to be eaten on the field.


          •       Students are expected to clear up their litter at lunchtimes.
•        No food and drink is to be consumed in the gym or classrooms unless permission has been given by a teacher.
          •        Only Year 12 & 13 students may walk up the road at lunchtime to the dairy.


  No-waste policy – students must take home all landfill waste. Food scraps can be placed into the worm farm plastic bins provided. A yoghurt bucket is
  available for rinsing containers outside the middle school block, managed by student monitors. Cans, plastics recycling bin is outside the middle school block.
  Secondary students use the bins as appropriate outside the hall.

  Rubbish must be put in the bins and the duty teachers will check the areas before students are released. Confectionery must not be brought to school
  (except cough lozenges). Food must not be eaten in classrooms, except on wet days when a wet lunch-hour has been signaled.

Playground Rules and Behaviour

          Junior Years                                                                        Middle Years
     •    Balls are to be used only on the field or the court and not near             •     Balls are to be used only on the field or the court and not near
          classrooms or on the playground. No kicking balls on the court.                    classrooms or on the playground. No kicking balls on the quad.
     •    All uneaten lunches must be taken home and rubbish put in                    •     All uneaten lunches must be taken home and rubbish put in
          bins. Any food scraps are to be placed into the worm farms bins                    bins. Students must be seated whenever they are eating.
          provided. Students must be seated whenever they are eating.                  •     In Terms 1 and 4, students must wear a cap. The cap is to be
     •    In Terms 1 and 4, students must wear a hat. The hat is to be                       worn correctly and should be an Elim school cap for Y7 - 10. No
          worn correctly and should be a royal blue bucket hat for Y1 - 6.                   cap, No play. Any student not wearing a cap must stay in a
          No hat, No play. Any student not wearing a hat must stay under                     shaded area.
          the shade of the verandah.                                                   •     Valuable items, toys, dangerous items, and large sums of
     •    The Adventure Playground can be used by all students, but care                     money are not to be brought to school. These items should
          must be taken to respect each other’s safety, e s p e c i a l l y on               never be left in classrooms or schoolbags. The school cannot
          the roundabout – see roster displayed on window nearest to                         be held responsible for lost or stolen property. Students’
          playground.                                                                        devices should be stored in the classrooms during break time or
                                                                                             a locker if the student has one.
     •    No riding of bikes/scooters/skateboards in the school grounds. Students put their helmets on and wheel their bike/scooter/skateboard out
          of the grounds before riding home.
     •    Students are not allowed to retrieve balls without permission, etc. from the road, car park or roof. Report the missing ball, etc. to the duty
          teacher for retrieval.
     •    Students must stay within the fenced off boundary limit at all times. Jumping over the fence to retrieve a ball is not allowed.
     •    Walking only under the verandahs.
     •    Students may be in the hall only under ADULT supervision.
     •    Keep clear of gardens so no plants will be spoilt.
     •    Students are not permitted in classrooms at interval or lunchtime unless with a teacher.
     •    On wet-days, sensible behavior is expected in the classrooms. No digital devices are to be used. Tidy up carefully at the end of the break.
          Listen and obey your wet-day monitor.
     •    No students must play on the playground without adult supervision.
     •    Playground should be cleared by 3.30pm.
     •    Students waiting for their parents, sit on the steps by the hall to wait for their parents. No ball games in this area please.
     •    All ARISE afterschool students go to the hall as soon as the bell rings.


     1.       Follow playground and game rules.

     2.       Balls are to be used only on the asphalt car park and away from classrooms or close proximity to glass, windows or motorcars.

     3.       Uneaten lunches must be taken home. Only waste or inedible parts of food are to be put in the bins.

     4.       Students are not permitted to talk to outside visitors over the perimeter fence.


     1.   Allocated playground areas:
                Year 0-3: Can play on the top field with the boundary ending at the footpath at the top carpark—Egg Island. Climbing up on
                the top playground is allowed in the huge pohutukawa tree.
                  Year 4-8: Middle play gym
                  Year Y7-13: Lower field and turf
     2.   Ball games are encouraged.
     3.   Trees may be climbed up to lowest branches no higher than 2m.
     4.   Year 13 privilege to go to the BP at lunch time and care must be taken crossing the road.
     5.   Students are not permitted to talk to outside visitors over the perimeter fence.
Term Dates

2020 Golflands Campus Junior Years Bell Times

 8.40-9.10 am                     Assembly/Devotions/Fitness

 9.10-10.30 am                    Block 1

 10.30-10.50am                    Interval

 10.50-12.00 pm                   Block 2

 12.00-12.45pm                    Lunch

 12.45 - 1.45 pm                  Block 3

   1.45-2pm                         Afternoon break

 2.00-3.00 pm                     Block 4

2020 Golflands Campus Middle Years Bell Times

 8.40-9.20 am                     Tutor Group or Assembly

 9.20-10.50 am                    Block 1

 10.50-11.15 am                   Interval

 11.15-12.50 pm                   Block 2

 12.50-1.40 pm                    Lunch

 1.40 - 2.25 pm                   Block 3

 2.25-3.00 pm                     Block 4

2020 Botany & Mount Albert Campus BELL TIMES

  8.40-9.20 am                     Tutor Group or Assembly

  9.20-10.50 am                    Block 1

  10.50-11.15 am                   Interval

  11.15-12.50 pm                   Block 2

  12.50-1.40 pm                    Lunch

  1.40 - 2.25 pm                   Block 3

  2.25-3.10 pm                     Block 4


  Each term a trial evacuation is held. Staff and students follow well-documented instructions based on best practice models. Following each trial, a review is

  The medical rooms are located by the school reception. Teachers send students to the medical room if they feel unwell or have been injured. All teaching
  staff and administration staff hold First Aid certificates and are trained to deal with emergencies.

  In the event of an accident at school, and the parent/caregiver cannot transport the child safely, an ambulance will be called. If a student becomes ill in
  class and does not improve within half an hour, parents/caregivers are contacted to collect the student. Please keep the school up to date with all your
  contact details. Emergency caregivers should be listed on the medical information form. Please email the appropriate address below with any changes
  to contact details or medical information.
  Botany Campus – botany@elim.school.nz

  Golflands Campus – golflands@elim.school.nz

  Mt Albert Campus – mtalbert@elim.school.nz

  Golflands Campus

  Parents may order lunch directly from the school canteen at www.lunchorders.co.nz

  Year 1-6 will have their lunches delivered to the classroom and Years 7-10 can pick up their lunches directly from the canteen.

  Botany Campus

  We ask that parents/caregivers, as far as possible, do not come to school at lunchtime bringing children’s lunches. In an emergency, if a child’s lunch has
  been forgotten, parents/caregivers may bring it to the school office and the runner will take it to the classroom. Y12 and Y13 students have the privilege
  of walking to the dairy / bakery on the corner of Mirrabooka and Botany Road during lunch time only.

  Mount Albert Campus

  There is no canteen available at this stage at the Mt Albert Campus.
  Year 13s have the privilege of walking to the BP during lunch time only.

Useful Links
Internet Agreement Y3-6
Internet Agreement Y7-13
Student Contract: Y0-6
Student Contract: Y7-13
Bus Code of Conduct
School Bus Incident Reporting
Assessment for National Qualifications Policies and Procedures
Request to use a private motor vehicle for transport to and from school
Uniform and Personal Code of Presentation
Student Guidance (flow chart)
Formal Complaint
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