2020 Spring Summit Sponsorships - International Downtown ...
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2020 Spring Summit Sponsorships U N I V E R S I T Y & CO L L E G E T OW N S U M M I T | I O WA C I T Y, I A : A P R I L 1- 3 , 2 0 2 0 WO R L D T OW N S L E A D E R S H I P S U M M I T | C A P E TO W N , S O U T H A F R I C A : M A R C H 3 0 - A P R I L 3 , 2 0 2 0 PL AC E M A K I N G , O PE R AT I O N S & S E C U R I T Y S U M M I T | DA L L A S , T X : A P R I L 2 2- 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 E CO N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T S U M M I T | N O R F O L K , VA : M AY 13 -14 , 2 0 2 0 R E L E A S E D 0 9. 0 3 .19 P H O T O C R E D I T: D O W N T O W N N O R F O L K C O U N C I L 2 0 2 0 M A R K E T I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S D O W N T O W N . O R G 1
Sponsorship of a Summit allows you access to an audience of district leaders and professional placemakers who want to learn about products and services that will help their districts thrive. • Promote your products and services to urban leaders working to improve the urban core. • Expand your business, strengthen your brand and gain access to IDA’s unique audience of city movers and shakers looking to invest in their communities. • Network with downtown decision makers including district management organizations and local government leaders. • Highlight your company as an industry partner at this highly visible event. On average, each organization provides $1.2 million in services in their districts to help businesses thrive and to make the district a great place for workers, residents and visitors. The top 20 cities in the U.S. and Canada benefit from a combined investment of $500 million dollars in public space improvements financed by private sector assessments alone. The top 15 cities in the U.S. receive direct private investment of $400 million a year through BID assessments alone. REPRESENTATIVE ATTENDEE TITLE LIST COMMUNITY OUTREACH MANAGER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PLACEMAKING MANAGER DOWNTOWN MANAGER FIELD SERVICES COORDINATOR PRESIDENT & CEO DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER RESEARCH DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF POLICY AND PLANNING MEMBER SERVICES MANAGER TRANSPORTATION PLANNER EVENTS AND PROGRAM DIRECTOR OPERATIONS DIRECTOR VICE PRESIDENT, PUBLIC SAFETY RECENT SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS ABM CUBE84 ICSC SALTWATER SOFTWARE ALLIED UNIVERSAL SECURITY SERVICES DOWNTOWN DECORATIONS IKE SMART CITY SKY CONNECT NETWORKS BANNERSAVER DUKE ENERGY/CITYPOST LARISA ORTIZ ASSOCIATES SPRINGBOARD BDS PLANNING & URBAN DESIGN EARTHPLANTER MAY MOBILITY STANTEC BLACHERE ILLUMINATION ECO-COUNTER MIG STREET GRAFFITI SOLUTIONS BLOCK BY BLOCK GEOCENTRIC PAPE-DAWSON ENGINEERS STREETPLUS BIRD GOOGLE THE PORTLAND LOO VICTOR STANLEY CPS ENERGY ICE RINK EVENTS PUMA WESTON URBAN 2 0 2 0 M A R K E T I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S D O W N T O W N . O R G 2
URBAN CHAMPION $7,000 INVESTMENT CHOOSE ONE EXCLUSIVE OPPORTUNITY Breakfast Plenary Lunch Plenary Demonstration Space Welcome attendees Say hello to current Capture this unique as they gather the first clients and introduce audience while they gather morning and introduce your company to new to learn best practices your company! Enjoy two- prospects by addressing by showing attendees minute stage remarks and this powerful audience your innovative solutions! the benefits below. of attendees! Enjoy two- Answer questions and minute stage remarks and capture leads to help you the benefits below. develop your business, and enjoy the benefits below. PRE, POST AND ON-SITE RECOGNITION AS A SUPPORTER n Offer for attendees to set up appointments with you through an IDA electronic communication (if submitted 8+ weeks prior to event). n Podium recognition of your support by IDA leadership during the event. n 4 complimentary registrations to attend the event and network with prospective and current clients. n Linked logo on IDA event page and e-communications. n Company description in electronic communication (if submitted 4+ weeks prior to event). n Logo recognition on event signage and program. n Company logo highlighted on plenary screens. 2 0 2 0 M A R K E T I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S D O W N T O W N . O R G 3
DISTRICT ADVOCATE $5,000 INVESTMENT CHOOSE ONE EXCLUSIVE OPPORTUNITY Breakout Room Host Closing Reception with Table-Top Exhibit Opening Reception Confirmation Message with Table-Top Exhibit Your company will Enjoy a table- Get a head start Close the deal have exclusive top exhibit at the introducing your with relationships naming rights of opening reception company through developed the breakout space. plus program and a customized throughout the Welcome speakers signage recognition message delivered forum while and guests as they as you network with to attendees as they attendees gather enter the space, and attendees during register to attend to socialize before offer promotional the opening social the Forum. heading home. materials, snacks or event. amenities. Program Advertisement Tour Day Welcome Desk Branded Gift Be the sole Enjoy meaningful Be the first to greet Leave a lasting advertiser in the participation as attendees and offer impression with a official program attendees explore refreshments at the gift upon arrival that given to each the area and start welcome desk near attendees can take attendee for their making connections registration. home. use throughout the early; customized Forum. based on your goals. PRE, POST AND ON-SITE RECOGNITION AS A SUPPORTER n Logo on IDA event page and e-communications. n Company description in electronic communication (if submitted 4+ weeks prior to event). n 2 complimentary registrations to attend the event and network with prospective and current clients. n Logo recognition on event signage and program. n Company logo highlighted on plenary screens. 2 0 2 0 M A R K E T I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S D O W N T O W N . O R G 4
AMBASSADOR $2,500 INVESTMENT PRE, POST AND ON-SITE RECOGNITION AS A SUPPORTER n Company logo recognition on event webpage. n Company name recognition in program and e-communications. n Company name highlighted on event signage and plenary screens. n One (1) full conference registration to participate and network with attendees. FRIEND $1,000 INVESTMENT ON-SITE RECOGNITION AS A SUPPORTER n Organization/company name recognized as a supporter in the attendee program. 2 0 2 0 M A R K E T I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S D O W N T O W N . O R G 5
2020 Spring Summit Sponsorship Application A. Select a Marketing Package o Urban Champion: $7,000 Investment (choose one) o Breakfast Plenary o Lunch Plenary o Demo Space o District Advocate: $5,000 Investment (choose one) o Opening Reception o Closing Reception o Breakfast Room Host o Branded Gift o Program Ad o Welcome Desk o Tour Day o Confirmation Message o Ambassador: $2,500 Investment o Friend: $1,000 Investment B. 2020 Spring Event o University & College Town Summit o World Towns Leadership Summit o Placemaking / Operations Summit o Economic Development Summit E. Agreement & Payment Authorization C. Event Registration | Please list staff name, title, and e-mail address (not included in Friend) I/we abide by all requirements, restrictions and obligations and accept 1. the Terms & Conditions as posted on 2. the IDA website, www.downtown.org. As benefits begin immediately, sponsorship cancellations are not permitted. D. Contact Information If exhibit space is included, exhibit space is secured when payment is received with Full Name priority to sponsors and the previous year’s exhibitors. The exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for Title losses, damages, and claims arising out of exhibitor’s activities on the Venue premises and will indemnify, defend, Company and hold harmless the Venue, its owner, and its management company, as well Address as their respective agents, servants, and employees from any and all such losses, damages and claims. City State/Province Postal Code Country Telephone Authorized Signature E-mail Address Date Company Website E. Payment Information Submit payment with application (U.S. funds). Payable to: International Downtown Association. F. Submit Signed Form & Payment TOTAL $ Tracie Clemmer Director, Corporate Relations Mail: IDA 910 17th St., NW, Suite 1050 Check enclosed (preferred) Washington, DC 20006 Please charge my Visa MasterCard AmEx in the amount of $ . Email: tracie@downtown.org Questions: 202.798.5918 Name (please print as it appears on card) / Card Number CVN Exp. Date Billing Postal Code
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