2020 school leaver's guide to jobs and training - Career options and information Department of Employment, Small Business and Training

Page created by Virgil Mckinney
2020 school leaver's guide to jobs and training - Career options and information Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Department of
                                 Employment, Small Business and Training

2020 school leaver’s guide
to jobs and training
Career options and information
2020 school leaver's guide to jobs and training - Career options and information Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
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© State of Queensland, August 2020.

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2020 school leaver's guide to jobs and training - Career options and information Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
The 2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training has been developed by the
Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) to provide
information and resources to school leavers, senior students and those who
provide career advice to them.
The guide features industry-specific content in a pandemic environment—
COVID-19 factors influencing the industry and emerging skills and those needed
now to work within them. Featured on every industry page is a button “COVID-19
IMPACTS” where you can find specific details relevant to this industry and the
current industry impacts resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
While some industries are experiencing decline (retail and tourism for example),
others are staying steady (resources sector) or growing (health sector for example).
The impacts to each industry varies, with some to be felt for years to come.
However, great opportunities exist for most industries to work in new ways—the
future looks bright for digital skills and technology-based roles. Some industries
may adapt new ways of working now and maintain those for the foreseeable
future—there are exciting changes to be part of!
Consider which industries appeal to you, read about the roles and opportunities
that may be on offer, refer to the resources included for tips and advice on
applying for jobs or courses to support your first, or next career move.
Vocational education and training (VET) can provide you with strong pathways to
your desired career/job, give you skills employers value and may also be an
excellent pathway into higher education including university. This guide contains
resources to assist you in considering how VET can help you put your best foot
forward to reach your future career goals.
These are exceptional circumstances for the graduating cohort of 2020. DESBT
extends our congratulations to you for making it through, and our well wishes for
your future career choices.
We acknowledge and thank our industry stakeholders and partners for their
input and contributions throughout the development of this guide.
2020 school leaver's guide to jobs and training - Career options and information Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Industry specific career exploration
      Health and community services................................................................................. 1
      Advanced manufacturing............................................................................................. 2
      Agriculture, farming and forestry............................................................................... 2
      Public service and government................................................................................... 3
      Construction................................................................................................................... 4
      Australian Defence Force............................................................................................. 5
      Tourism and hospitality................................................................................................ 6
      Resources and energy.................................................................................................. 7
      Water................................................................................................................................ 8
      Property services, real estate and security.............................................................. 9
      Police............................................................................................................................. 10
      Banking and finance.................................................................................................... 11
      Retail.............................................................................................................................. 12
      Transport and logistics............................................................................................... 13
      ICT (Information and communications technology).............................................. 14
      Screen and media........................................................................................................ 15

General career exploration............................................................................................... 16

Vocational training and further study............................................................................. 18

Preparing to be job ready.................................................................................................. 18

Subsidised training and incentives................................................................................. 19

Assistance with finding a job............................................................................................20

Support for young people: mental health and disability support............................. 21

Support for Year 13 Indigenous youth............................................................................. 22

Preparing for employment................................................................................................. 22

Support for young people living out of home................................................................ 23
2020 school leaver's guide to jobs and training - Career options and information Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Industry specific career exploration

Health and                                          services, private services or clinics, aged and
                                                    residential care facilities, community based
community services                                  organisations and in people’s own homes.
Healthcare and social assistance (also known        Current jobs in demand include personal
as community services) is the largest employing,    support and aged care, pathology collectors,
and fastest growing sector in Queensland.           allied health assistants, Aboriginal and Torres
Throughout a person’s life, they will engage at     Strait Islander health workers and mental
least once with a health or community service.      health workers.
The industry covers everything between early
childhood to aged care. The variety of roles is      For more information about careers at entry
                                                     and VET level, check out:
immense with hands on direct client/patient
roles to supporting health care professionals
by providing necessary behind the scenes jobs        For more information on health professions
—cleaning/sterilising, food and nutrition, office    at higher level qualifications see:
administration, grounds and maintenance, or          https://www.myhealthcareer.com.au/
security. Health refers to the overall physical      See Careers in Disability for information
and emotional wellbeing of an individual and         about becoming a personal support worker:
specialisations include oral, mental, children,      https://www.careersindisability.com.au/
aged, or allied health.
                                                     Community services overview, careers
Community services form the foundation for           and jobs can be viewed at Australian
overall health and wellbeing and includes            Community Workers Association:
housing and homelessness, education,                 http://www.acwa.org.au/careers/getting-
employment and disability support, youth work,       started
child safety and early childhood.
Jobs may be available in all metropolitan and                                             COVID-19
rural areas, being found in hospital and health

                                                    2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training   1
2020 school leaver's guide to jobs and training - Career options and information Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Advanced manufacturing                                      technicians and trades, mechanical, welding,
                                                            labourers and process workers.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry
4.0) is innovative, creative, cutting edge and               For more information about opportunities
moving at a rapid pace! Welcome to advanced                  in manufacturing see:
manufacturing—artificial intelligence, 3D                    gatewaytoindustry/gisp-careers-tool-
(additive) printing, drones and laser technology.            manufacturing-engineering.html
This industry includes the design and
                                                             For details about engineering roles in
manufacturing of medical devices, autonomous                 manufacturing, check out Engineers
vehicles, robotics and technologies across                   Australia at:
diverse settings including aerospace, computer               https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/
gaming, agriculture and farming, food,                       For-Students-And-Educators/Engineering-
transport, defence and biomedical services.                  Careers/What-Is-Engineering
Jobs in demand include electrical engineers,                                                COVID-19

Agriculture, farming                                        including mechanics, sprayers, machine
                                                            operators, rural financial officers (counsellors,
and forestry                                                land valuers), and includes roles in education,
                                                            finance, trade and export, and the sciences. Jobs
Queensland boasts the largest portion of
                                                            can be set both on the land where the primary
agricultural land of any state in Australia and
                                                            function occurs, or city based roles including
is famous for producing bananas, pineapples
                                                            policy advisors, information technology
and mangoes. The farming sector is incredibly
                                                            specialists, processing, retail and sciences.
diverse and includes the production and export of
                                                            Current jobs in demand include entry-level jobs
sugar (cane), cotton, meat, fish, poultry, flowers,
                                                            and specialist roles to those emerging with
dairy and timber—providing materials to make
                                                            advancements in technology—agronomists,
the homes we live in, the clothes we wear and the
                                                            conservation and land management experts,
food we eat! The sector also supports regional
                                                            livestock specialists, agriculture engineers,
economies and communities across the state.                 data analysts, nursery hands, supervisors,
Jobs in the industry include farm hands and                 farm managers, food technologists, logistics,
managers, stockmen and women, trades                        machinery operators, technicians and millers.

                                                             For information about careers in Queensland
                                                             agriculture and farming, see:

2      Year 12 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training
2020 school leaver's guide to jobs and training - Career options and information Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Public service and                                 Queensland Government
government                                         Queensland Government department jobs
                                                   can be found in sectors such as transport and
Public service jobs are funded through tax         roads, health, police and ambulance services.
revenue, and can include jobs across the arts,
                                                    Jobs can be found by visiting:
culture and heritage, wildlife and conservation,
justice and law, education and training, health
and emergency services; and more broadly,          In some instances jobs can also be found directly
all jobs within government departments or          through Department websites (i.e. Queensland
agencies. Employment opportunities are offered     Police Service and Queensland Health advertise
across all levels of government:                   directly through their websites).
Local government                                    For Queensland Government departments
Brisbane City Council (BCC) and Ipswich City        and structure see:
Council (ICC) provide services directly to the      https://www.qld.gov.au/about/how-
communities where they are based. Jobs range        government-works/government-structure
from administration to trades and include
park and recreational facility management and
maintenance, community activity coordination,
                                                   Australian Government
libraries, local swimming pools and civil          Australian public sector jobs include Australian
construction.                                      Federal Police, the Australian Defence Forces,
                                                   national security, immigration, employment
 BCC jobs can be found by visiting:                services and government policy roles.
 council/ working-at-council/jobs-at-council        For more information on joining the
                                                    Australian Government visit:
 ICC jobs can be found by visiting:
 https://www.ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_              https://www.apsjobs.gov.au/s/
                                                    For the directory of Australian Government
                                                    departments and agencies visit:
The immediate local government areas                https://www.directory.gov.au/departments-
surrounding Brisbane and Ipswich are Scenic         and-agencies
Rim, Lockyer Valley, Somerset, Redlands City,
Moreton Bay and Logan City.
 Jobs can be found by visiting each local
 council website directly or through:
 For local government boundaries visit:

                                                   2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training    3
2020 school leaver's guide to jobs and training - Career options and information Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
The construction industry produces places to
live, work and play, and includes activities             To check out some of the major construction
                                                         projects underway in Queensland, visit:
across mining, quarrying, forestry, building
and manufacturing. Typically, careers in the             https://www.youtube.com/c/GrowingQld
construction industry are guided by well-defined
training and development pathways—providing              For information about opportunities and a
opportunity to obtain entry level qualifications         career in construction, see:
and progress your career. Apprenticeships are            http://www.buildyourcareer.com.au/
available across a range of trades including             students-apprentice
plumbing, electrical, tiling and carpentry.
Jobs in this industry include labourers, foremen,
surveyors, estimators, project and site
managers, landscapers, tower crane operators,                                          COVID-19
refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics
and environmental engineers.
Jobs can be found across a variety of settings
including residential, commercial, industrial,
environmental and heavy civil construction.
Current jobs in demand include painters,
bricklayers, glaziers, plasterers and

4      2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training
2020 school leaver's guide to jobs and training - Career options and information Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Australian Defence Force                              For defence opportunities and careers see:
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is                 https://www.defencejobs.gov.au
comprised of the Navy, Army and Air Force. The
role of the ADF is not only to protect the land,      Work at the leading edge of technical
sea, air and people of Australia in times of          innovation in the Navy, Army or Air Force,
                                                      making the most of your interest in Science,
unrest, but also to provide assistance here and
                                                      Technology, Engineering and Maths:
internationally in events of natural disaster and
to provide humanitarian and peacekeeping              https://www.defencejobs.gov.au/stem-
support. The ADF offers jobs across a broad
variety of fields including trades, professions,      To participate in work experience, or start
combat, support and technical roles, with             your defence force pathway through the
current jobs in demand amongst the trades,            Defence Reserves while still at school:
information and communications technology             http://www.defence.gov.au/
and engineering fields.                               WorkExperience/Default.asp
 The most recent student guide published
 by Defence Jobs can be found here:
 https://app.defencejobs.gov.au/static/                                                    IMPACTS

                                                    2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training   5
2020 school leaver's guide to jobs and training - Career options and information Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Tourism and hospitality
The Queensland tourism and hospitality                      in demand. These include chefs, hospitality
industry has so much to offer—beaches,                      staff in restaurants, hotels, tour guides and
islands, rainforests and nature encounters.                 middle management.
Jobs in the industry include front-of-house                 A career in this sector can literally take you
customer facing roles (front desk, porters,                 anywhere—flexible working conditions and
waiters, tour guides) to back-of-house                      transferable skills you can take with you
supporting roles which are critical to ensuring             around the globe!
quality customer experiences (cleaners,
maintenance and grounds, kitchen, laundry and                To learn more about the tourism and
office based roles such as travel consultants).              hospitality industry, and for more information
The tourism and hospitality industry employs                 about careers, visit the Queensland Tourism
corporate service staff as well, such as human               and Hospitality Careers Guide:
resource, information technology and finance                 http://qticcareersguide.azurewebsites.net/
professionals—the opportunities are endless!
The exciting expansion of tourism products                                                     COVID-19
and experiences within Brisbane City and Gold                                                  IMPACTS
Coast hotel and entertainment sectors means
there are wonderful careers awaiting which are

6      Year 12 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training
Resources and energy                              Current jobs in demand include trades,
                                                  particularly electricians, safety professionals
Queensland’s minerals and energy exports          and engineers.
include coal for energy and steel making,
gold, silver, lead, zinc, bauxite, rare earths     For information about starting your career in
and oil and gas. The resources sector also has     the resources sector, visit:
an expanding renewables industry including
                                                   Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy (QMEA):
solar, biomass, hydro and wind energy. It
offers a huge variety of careers from trades,
project management, quality and compliance,        The Oresome Futures publication:
to engineering, environmental professionals,       http://bit.ly/OresomeFutures
transport and logistics, geology, health,          Department of National Resources, Mining
cleaners and cooks, accountants and lawyers        and Energy:
and human resources.                               https://www.dnrme.qld.gov.au/home/careers
Jobs can be found from the beach to the bush
and technology means that numerous roles           Queensland Resources Council for an overview
                                                   of the industry:
previously based on-site may now be done           https://www.qrc.org.au/
from a city-based remote operations centre. The                                  COVID-19
Queensland resources sector is part of a global
industry, so who knows where you might end up.

                                                  2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training   7
Water                                                    Roles across the industry include water and
                                                         sewage plant operators, meter readers,
The supply of safe drinking water is essential           environmental officers, engineers, hydrologists
for consumption by people and animals, for the           and labourers. While some roles may have
irrigation of crops for farming and agriculture          you in boats on dams or on foot through the
and for hygiene and cleaning. The collection             wetlands, other roles, such as repair work, may
and treatment of waste water is also critical to         be undertaken in confined spaces. Current jobs
protect public and environmental health.                 in demand include pipe layers, technicians,
                                                         scientists, project planners and managers.
The treatment and supply of drinking water,
collection and treatment of waste water,
                                                          For more information about Queensland
management of dams and catchments and
                                                          water entities and responsibilities, visit:
monitoring of the environment are all key                 https://www.qld.gov.au/environment/
responsibilities of the Queensland water                  water/catchments/bulk-water-entities
industry. These responsibilities are shared
among a number of agencies—local councils                 For careers in the water industry visit:
(including a number of council-controlled                 https://www.qldwater.com.au/Skills_
statutory authorities) to provide drinking water          Career_Pathways
and dispose of waste water in Queensland                  https://www.seqwater.com.au/careers
communities; a number of entities provide bulk
water to councils and communities and various
state government agencies are responsible
for water management and planning as
well as monitoring and protection of water                                                COVID-19
environments (such as marine parks, wetlands
and springs).

8      2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training
Property services, real                            Jobs such as building design, security, cleaning
                                                   and property management, may be offered
estate and security                                across a broad range of environments including
                                                   retail, hospital and health services, food
Property services provide a range of essential
                                                   services, mining, tourism and transport and
services to ensure safe and hygienic living,
                                                   across both urban and suburban locations.
working and recreational environments, as
well as private and commercial real estate         Jobs in demand include security guards, real
leasing and sales. The property services           estate agents and domestic, commercial and
industry includes rural and city surveying         industrial cleaners—opportunities in cleaning
(measuring, recording, mapping), real estate       may be self-employed or on a contract basis.
and property sales (including auctioneers),        Jobs and careers in real estate and cleaning
waste management (biohazard, chemical and          opportunities are typically advertised directly
medical waste, recycling, bin collection), pest    through employers on standard job search sites.
control, security, swimming pool maintenance
and cleaning, and is applied across residential,     For more information about REIQ careers
industrial and commercial settings.                  visit:

                                                     For information about the careers and
                                                     opportunities in security, see Australian
                                                     Security Industry Association:


                                                   2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training   9
Police                                                   Policing at any level is an important part of
                                                         every Australian community.
“With Honour We Serve”.                                  Australian law enforcement offers employment
A job with the Queensland Police Service (QPS)           opportunities at a federal level (Australian
promises an exciting, challenging and ultimately         Federal Police, Australian Border Force,
rewarding career.                                        investigating immigration, crime and misconduct,
There are many pathways available within                 fraud and other white collar crimes); State
the QPS including general duties officers,               level (Queensland Police Service, investigating
detectives, Protective Services and civilian             crime and incidents and securing scenes where
staff members such as police liaison officers,           required, responding to emergencies including
administrative support, occupational health and          traffic crashes and directing traffic, protecting
safety, information technology and forensics.            witnesses, patrolling assigned areas to maintain
                                                         public safety and order) and local law enforcement
If you become a QPS police officer, there are lots       level (including council inspectors and local law
of specialty units to work in like the Mounted           enforcement officers who may issue fines).
Unit, Child Protection, Dog Squad, POLAIR,
Forensic Crash Unit and Water Police.                     Police recruitment website:
The QPS accepts applications on a rolling intake          https://www.police.qld.gov.au/units/police-
basis with recruitment subject to demand for              recruiting
policing and operational requirements.                    All staff member vacancies are published on
As police are given specific powers and                   the Smart Jobs Queensland website:
many will carry weapons, recruiting people                https://smartjobs.qld.gov.au
with the right skills, aptitude and attitude is
critical and expected by residents and visitors                                             COVID-19
to Queensland.

10     2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training
Banking and finance                               basis; other jobs allow you to work in an office
                                                  away from teller lines.
Working in the banking and financial sector is
                                                  Job positions in finance and banking include
exciting, fast-paced and can come with a lot
                                                  bank teller, loans officer, client services officer,
of perks for the pressure of making decisions
                                                  financial planner, analyst or manager. Financial
and providing advice about the management of
                                                  professionals work in investment firms, banks,
other people’s money! The finance and banking
                                                  government, non-profit organisations and
sector relates to all economic supports and
                                                  insurance companies and careers include
services for both individuals and businesses.
                                                  investment banker, stock broker, financial
Financial services may be found in banks,         service agent, budget analyst, personal
accounting companies, mortgage companies,         financial advisor and securities, commodities
savings and loan establishments and credit        and financial service sales agents.
unions, however opportunities can also be
                                                  Jobs in demand in the finance and banking
found in government agencies and not for profit
                                                  sector include customer service officers, risk
companies as they require financial services
                                                  analysts, financial analysts, accountants and
professionals to manage their portfolios and
                                                  loans officers.
statements and also to provide auditing and
regulatory roles.                                  Several jobs in this industry are advertised
A career in the banking and financial services     through job search sites (see page 20). For
industry could see you working anywhere from       information about relevant qualification/s
                                                   check the websites below (type banking or
a giant blue chip to a government-backed           financial into the search bar):
regulatory body. You might be involved in
investing, borrowing, raising, insuring or
managing funds. As industries grow, so too         https://www.gooduniversitiesguide.com.au/
does the demand for finance related roles in       course-provider
these industries­—such as health care and
The variety and level of roles is vast, for
example, some jobs at a bank require you to
work face to face with customers on a daily

                                                  2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training    11
Retail                                                   retailers/chain stores/franchises to boutique
                                                         outlets. Major shopping centres are expanding
The Queensland retail sector is vibrant and              and there’s an increase in online shopping—
varied! Retail is the second largest employing           both of these create different opportunities
industry in the state, there are jobs in every           across the state, and with both local and
region and it’s one of the largest employers of          international markets. Current jobs in demand
young people. There is a retail speciality suited        include senior and assistant store managers,
to everyone’s interests, including supermarkets,         people with bilingual skills, merchandisers,
floristry, department stores, pharmacies,                picker and packers, sales assistants, marketing
entertainment, fast food and take away,                  and analytics.
fashion, cars, fruit and vegetables, jewellery,
homewares, newsagencies, stationery, makeup               For information about starting your career in
and beauty, machinery and equipment,                      the retail sector, visit:
hardware, pets and pet goods.                             https://www.nra.net.au/resource-
There are strong links to manufacturing,                  Alternatively, make enquiries with a retailer you
transport, tourism and hospitality industries.            would like to work for. Jobs in this industry are
With all components of the supply chain having            often directly advertised through the retailer and
crucial roles to play in the retail industry, there’s     a high percentage of retail jobs are obtained by
opportunity in warehousing and distribution,              visiting the store in person.
customer service, import/export, management,
information technology, human resource, legal,
merchandising, marketing and advertising. Jobs
can be based in major shopping centres and

12     2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training
Transport and logistics                             Jobs in demand include pilots, drivers, operators,
                                                    logistics managers, warehouse assistants and
The transport industry is responsible for moving    forklift operators, storepersons, mechanics, trades
people (business, leisure, even non-emergency       and engineers.
patient transport), goods, produce, animals,
foods and consumables, hazardous materials,           For more information about careers and
resources—anything that requires shifting from        opportunities in logistics, road and rail visit
one place to another—via land, sea, rail or road.     Transport and Main Roads:
Logistics is the ‘how’ of coordinating all this       https://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/About-us/
movement.                                             Employment-and-careers
Road transport includes buses, trucks (local and      https://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Travel-and-
long-haul), taxi services, couriers, limousines,      transport
sea and maritime includes ocean liners, cruise
ships, water taxis, city-cats, and jobs within        Roles in aviation can be found at:
ports. Rail includes drivers and operators for        http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/
passenger and freight trains, trams and mono-         careers/
rails. Air travel includes large airbuses, light
                                                      Maritime industry and port-based roles
planes, helicopters, and leisure craft such as
                                                      can be viewed at:
hot air balloons. Jobs across transport sectors
include drivers, operator, pilots, support
crew, signal and traffic controllers, security,       Queensland Transport and Logistics
warehousing and storage, maintenance and              Council:
technicians. Not all roles require travel; ‘home-     https://www.qtlc.com.au/
base’ roles include station masters, customer
service, administration, safety officers,                                                 COVID-19
mechanics (all vehicles and vessels require                                                IMPACTS
maintenance), baggage handlers, engineers,
security and cleaning crews.

                                                    2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training     13
ICT (Information and                                     Marketing and Consulting—using IT and business
                                                         knowledge to market solutions to clients and
communications technology)                               industry. Understand how technology is applied
                                                         in specific industries and fields, and excel in
ICT roles can take you almost anywhere, from             roles such as project management, consulting,
small to medium enterprise, to large corporate           social media and analytics.
organisations. The term ‘global workforce’ applies
to no industry more than it does to ICT—working          Jobs in the highest demand are cyber security,
remotely takes on a new meaning when you                 software and applications developers, analysts,
could be working for an internationally based            database administrator and engineers.
company without even owning a passport!
                                                          Access these resources for more information
Depending on your field of ICT, determines how you        about careers, training, study, communities
apply your skills and what kind of organisation           and opportunities in ICT:
you may find yourself working in. Some roles may
                                                          Australian Computer Society (ACS)
offer lots of travel, some may see you never leave
                                                          professional community for students
your home office! IT professionals will solve             https://membership.acs.org.au/individual/
cybercrime, design robots, connect disadvantaged          student-graduate.html
Australians to essential services, create
inspirational multimedia and save lives using             ACS Foundation Scholarship students’ toolKit
Artificial Intelligence.                                  https://www.acsfoundation.com.au/static_promo.
Fields in ICT include:                                    ACS accredited university courses
Content and Design—using artistic skills to design        https://www.acs.org.au/cpd-education/accredited-
engaging and user–friendly digital content for            courses.html
apps, games, websites, advertising and movies.
                                                          Information Technology Level 4
Technical Services—using technical skills to              apprenticeship and traineeship details
securely manage and interpret data through                http://qtis.training.qld.gov.au/Qualification/
networking, cyber security, data storage,                 trainingCatalogNumber=0
telecommunications and digital forensics.
Product Development—using coding and                                                           COVID-19
engineering skills to create software and                                                       IMPACTS
hardware products. Design devices like phones,
tablets, computers, robots, drones and
automated technologies. Create operating
systems, software and apps to run on these devices.

14     2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training
Screen and media                                     Jobs in demand include mainstream roles within
                                                     these sectors such as lawyers, accountants,
The screen and media industry provides               cleaners, drivers, security, nurses, helicopter
opportunities for stories to be told through         pilots, builders (set), copywriters and caterers.
mediums such as film, television, radio,             With a strong commitment from the government
print journalism or online and digital content       to grow local content (story) creation and
delivery (new media). These stories can shape        attract overseas production to Australia, the job
communities and have the ability to influence        prospects and possibilities will continue to grow!
individual and group perceptions, have an
educative intent or can provide an escape from
the realities of our lives.                            For more industry insights visit:
                                                       Film and television
The delivery platforms are limitless ranging from
                                                       Screen Australia
live broadcast and simulcast, 3D and 4D, virtual       https://www.screenaustralia.gov.au/
and augmented reality technologies, animation,
                                                       Screen Queensland
digital games, video blogging, television,
documentary, films and online streaming.
                                                       Screen Producers Australia
Screen and media is rich with career possibilities     https://www.screenproducers.org.au/
and the roles are equally diverse depending on
                                                       Essential Crew
which sector you gravitate toward! Choose from         https://www.essentialcrew.com.au/
producer, director, art director, screenwriter,
                                                       Essential Screen Skills
director of photography, sound recordist, editor,      http://www.essentialscreenskills.com.au/
animator, make-up artist, costume designer,
colourist, distribution manager, location              Australian Children’s Television Foundation
manager, as well as some fewer known roles
such as grip, gaffer, drone operator and stunt
person within film and television. Roles in radio
                                                       Community Broadcasting Association
broadcasting can include program director,             of Australia
journalist, announcer, news and/or sport editor,       https://actf.com.au/
sound engineer, reporter and producer.
                                                       Commercial Radio Australia
A career in this industry can be based in any          http://www.commercialradio.com.au/hr-
number of places. With television and radio            training/internships-work-experience-programs
typically being hosted within specialised studios,
reporters being ‘on location’ or ‘in the field’                                            COVID-19
depending on where the current action is, and                                              IMPACTS
film locations could take you to any corner of
the globe!

                                                     2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training   15
General career exploration
Discover My Career Tool—Harrison                            Australian Apprenticeship Pathways
Assessment                                                  An Australia wide information hub for those
A tool designed specifically to help you choose             looking at a career pathway that requires an
not only to do something you’re good at, but                apprenticeship.
something you love. This tool can help you                  Apprenticeships and traineeships combine
narrow down all the different variables so you              training with working in a real job, with a
can feel confident in your decisions moving                 real boss, for a real wage, and work towards
forward. (Note: There is a cost involved with this tool.)   the completion of a nationally recognised
                                                            qualification while learning valuable skills at work.
                                                            On completion you may find yourself continuing
                                                            to work in a great place, go on to study or start
                                                            your own business.
My Future                                                     www.aapathways.com.au
Take the first steps to managing your career.
Discover your strengths to help make the right
career decisions for you.                                   The Foundation for Young Australians
  https://myfuture.edu.au/                                  (FYA)
                                                            FYA is all about backing the next generation
                                                            of young people who are going to rethink the
Skillsroad                                                  world and create a better future. A site for
A site that helps you work in a career that best            the young changemakers, the innovators, the
suits your skills and strengths.                            makers, the dreamers, the thinkers, the doers
                                                            and the creators.

The Good Universities Guide
This guide connects 400 job descriptions from
The Good Careers Guide with every accredited
                                                            Job Outlook
university course in Australia. Select a field of           A site to help you make decisions about study
work and start exploring.                                   and training or your first job.

  https://www.gooduniversitiesguide.com.au/                   https://www.joboutlook.gov.au/

16      2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training
General career exploration

Job Jumpstart                                     Occupational skill shortages
Tips and ideas about jobs and careers             The Department of Education, Skills and
                                                  Employment carries out research to identify
                                                  occupation skill shortages in the Australian
                                                  labour market. Click on the web link below to
                                                  see a list of occupations in demand including
Could a robot do your job?
(Australian Broadcasting Commission)
                                                  opportunities in metropolitan and regional
Search for a job of interest and read about the
parts which can be automated and those which        https://www.employment.gov.au/
are less likely to be replaced by automation.       occupational-skill-shortages-information


                                                  2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training   17
Vocational training and further study
myskills                                                  QLD Training Information Service
VET. It’s Right Now.                                      (QTIS)
The Australian Government site offers help for            A–Z of all apprenticeship and traineeship
young people preparing for study and work.                qualifications currently available in Queensland.

  https://www.myskills.gov.au/career-info/                  http://www.qtis.training.qld.gov.au/
  advising-on-careers/vet-its-right-now/                    Apprenticeship
TAFE Scholarships
Achieve your career goals with the help of a              Queensland Skills Gateway
TAFE Queensland scholarship. There are two                Once you have identified the vocational education
types of scholarships available:                          and training (VET) course you would like to do,
• Merit scholarships                                      this site helps you find a registered training
• Access and equity scholarships                          organisation (RTO) to complete your qualification
                                                          and any subsidies that may be available.

Indigenous Scholarships Portal                            QLD Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC)
A portal where you can search scholarship                 Provides a centralised tertiary study application
opportunities for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait         system and provides comprehensive information
Islander Australians.                                     on study pathways as well as the entry
                                                          requirements for a range of courses.
  nav/landing-page                                          www.qtac.edu.au

                               Preparing to be job ready
                               Be Smart Workbook
                               A practical booklet to help young people get and keep a job.

     Some things you will need
     • Up to date resume and cover letter for each job you are applying for
     •		 Tax file number                                  • Appropriate interview and work clothing
     •		 Driver’s license (may be required for some jobs) • Birth certificate
     • Bank account                                       • Passport/photo identification

     Job Active                                            myfuture
     How to write a resume; how to write a                 Job interview tips—preparing for your
     cover letter and handy tips by the                    interview; during the interview; as well as
     Australian Government.                                lots of other useful advice.
     https://jobsearch.gov.au/jobsearchtips                https://myfuture.edu.au/career-insight/

18      2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training
Subsidised training and incentives
                                                       Certificate 3 Guarantee (C3G)
                                                       If you don’t take advantage of the Free
                                                       apprenticeships for under 21s training above,
                                                       you may still be eligible for a government
                                                       subsided qualification. The Certificate 3
                                                       Guarantee supports eligible individuals to
                                                       complete their first post-school Certificate
                                                       III qualification. As you can only access the
                                                       Certificate 3 Guarantee subsidy once, it is
                                                       important you choose the right course for you to
                                                       take full advantage of this opportunity.


                                                       Higher Level Skills
                                                       The Higher Level Skills program provides
                                                       a government subsidy to support eligible
                                                       individuals to access subsidised training in
                                                       selected Certificate IV or above qualifications,
                                                       and priority skill sets.
Free apprenticeships for under 21s                     The aim is to assist individuals to gain
The Queensland Government is supporting                the higher level skills required to secure
young Queenslanders up to the age of 21 of age         employment or career advancement in priority
by providing access to fully subsidised training       industries or to transition to university to
across 139 priority apprenticeship and                 continue their studies.
traineeship qualifications. Free
apprenticeships for under 21s cover the cost of          https://desbt.qld.gov.au/training/training-
training for apprentices and trainees who                careers/incentives/highskills
commence or are undertaking a priority
apprenticeship or traineeship qualification from
1 July 2019 to 30 June 2023.                           VET Student Loans
  https://desbt.qld.gov.au/training/training-          VET Student Loans is an Australian Government
  careers/incentives/freeapprenticeships               loan program that helps eligible students pay
                                                       their tuition fees. If you’re studying a diploma,
                                                       advanced diploma, graduate certificate or
Fee free TAFE for year 12 graduates                    graduate diploma, you may be eligible for a VET
To support year 12 graduates into work, the            Student Loan. If you’re studying a degree course,
Queensland Government will cover the cost of           you may be eligible for FEE-HELP or HECS-HELP.
training for students who enrol and commence           To access a VET Student Loan, a student must
training in an approved, high priority qualification   be enrolled with a VET Student Loans approved
within the calendar year immediately after             training provider, approved to offer the VET
successful completion of year 12. See the below        Student Loans approved course.
link for more information, a list of approved
qualifications and eligibility criteria.                 https://www.employment.gov.au/information-

                                                       2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training    19
Assistance with finding a job
Group Training Organisations (GTOs)                      Volunteering Queensland
If you are keen to do an apprenticeship but              Not sure whether a particular pathway is right
cannot find an employer, this may be another             for you? Perhaps volunteering could help you
option for you.                                          make that decision before committing to a
Group training organisations (GTOs) employ               study pathway. Volunteering is also a valuable
apprentices and trainees and place them with             tool and pathway to employment.
host employers.                                            www.volunteeringqld.org.au
  https://www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au/            https://www.volunteer.com.au

The Youth Employment Program (YEP)                       Skilling Queenslanders for Work
An employment support program for young                  (SQW)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who         Are you a Queenslander aged 15 years or older, no
are finishing high school and looking for work or        longer at school and need help to secure a job?
considering further education.                           Skilling Queenslanders for Work training
                                                         projects help job seekers gain the skills,
  initiatives/youth-employment-program                   qualifications and experience you need to enter
                                                         and stay in the workforce.

Job search sites                                           https://desbt.qld.gov.au/training/
A list of sites that have job vacancies.
  www.adzuna.com.au     www.careerone.com.au             Centrelink
  https://au.indeed.com www.seek.com.au
                                                         A good place to start to see if you are eligible
  www.jobsearch.gov.au https://au.jora.com               for financial assistance while you consider your
  www.gumtree.com.au/jobs                                employment or training options. Centrelink is
                                                         managed by the Australian Government.
Explore available job opportunities at the
Australian Government’s Jobs Hub:                          https://www.humanservices.gov.au/

                                                         Transition to Work Program
Australian Apprenticeship Support
                                                         This is an Australian Government service that
Network (AASNs)                                          supports young people aged 15–24 on their
Provides free support services to apprentices            journey to enter employment or complete
and employers. There are four AASNs based in             education.
Brisbane and Ipswich:
• Busy at Work/Skill360 Australia Limited                  https://jobsearch.gov.au/transition-to-work
  Phone 132 879
• MEGT (Australia) Ltd                                   PaTH Internship Program
  Phone 3871 4444
                                                         Show an employer what you can do through
• MAS National Pty Ltd                                   a 4–12 week internship. Paid placements are
  Phone 1300 627 628
                                                         available through the Australian Government.
• Sarina Russo Job Access
  Phone 1300 178 776                                       https://jobsearch.gov.au/path
Services may vary, however, most offer job
vacancy lists and recruitment services.


20     2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training
Support for young people:
mental health and disability support
Your Mental Wellbeing                                Disabled Australian Apprentice Wage
                                                     Support Program (DAAWS)
                                                     An Australian Government payment that assists
                                                     employers of eligible Australian apprentices
                                                     with disability.
Your mental wellbeing is the unique way that
you handle your emotions, respond to stress            https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/
and also your general outlook on life. Having          disabled-australian-apprentice-wage-support-
a healthy sense of mental wellbeing has many           program
benefits. It lifts your mood, promotes resilience
in difficult situations and helps you get the most
out of life. It doesn’t matter who you are, where
you live or how you’re feeling – taking a few        Skills Disability Support
moments for yourself each day will help you be       Skills Disability Support provides specialised
a happier and more resilient you. This website       technology and support services to approved
provides a collection of easy, everyday mental       training providers to assist students with disability
wellbeing activities you can try right now. Select   gain nationally recognised skills and qualifications.
your favourites to create a personalised plan for
improving your mental wellbeing.

Job Access—Driving Disability                        Ticket to Work
Employment                                           Ticket to Work takes a partnership approach
                                                     to improving the employment and education
Find out about accessing support and
                                                     outcomes of young people with disability.
information on disability employment,
including information to help you get Australian       https://www.nds.org.au/resources/ticket-to-work
Government financial support for workplace
modifications. You can also find out about
other government support, tips on looking
for and changing jobs, understanding your
                                                     National Disability Coordination
workplace and flexible working arrangements,         Officer Program
how to feel comfortable about disclosing your        The Australian Government’s National Disability
disability and talking to colleagues about your      Coordination Officer (NDCO) Program works
disability, training and development courses         strategically to assist people with disability
and how to search for current vacancies.             access and participate in tertiary education and
                                                     subsequent employment, through a national
                                                     network of regionally based NDCOs.
National Disability Insurance Scheme
Information about funds to support eligible
people with a permanent disability in their daily    Independent Living Centres
lives to reach their goals.                          Information about products and services to help
                                                     people remain independent and improve their
 https://education.qld.gov.au/student/students-      quality of life.
 insurance-scheme-factsheet.pdf                        https://ilcaustralia.org.au/search_category_paths

                                                     2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training   21
Support for Year 13 Indigenous youth
Youth Employment Program (YEP)                           Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with
The Youth Employment Program (YEP) is                    a Certificate III or higher, who are not supported by
an employment support program for young                  a job agency, can also be supported through YEP.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who          https://www.datsip.qld.gov.au/programs-
are finishing high school and looking for work or         initiatives/youth-employment-program
considering further education.

Preparing for employment
My future, My choice videos                              The My future, My choice workbook (PDF,
The My future, My choice program was                     196KB or DOCX, 49KB) provides teachers,
developed in consultation with business,                 career advisors or parents suggested
industry, Indigenous groups, schools and                 learning activities for students to further their
students from the Darling Downs South West               understanding and preparation for gaining
region, and consists of a workbook and a series          meaningful employment.
of four videos tracing the stages of preparing           The Department of Employment, Small Business
for employment—from getting ready for an                 and Training (DESBT) owns the material,
interview to understanding the job landscape.            distribution and reproduction rights to the
We recommend the videos be viewed in                     material. DESBT would like to acknowledge
sequential order so the messages contained               Scott Alderdice from ‘OzPlays’ as the writer.
are viewed in context, and with guidance and             The link below will take you to the DESBT
direction from a facilitator who supports the            website to start the journey.
student in understanding how it applies to them
personally. Student suitability for Module 4 is at        https://desbt.qld.gov.au/training/training-
the facilitator’s discretion as it contains content       careers/career/my-future-my-choice
that may raise sensitivities—support may be
required for some students.

22     2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training
Support for young people living out of home

Create Foundation                                                                      Free Sortli app
CREATE Foundation is the national consumer body                                        Sortli is a pocket
representing the voices of children and young                                          guide companion
people with an out-of-home care experience.              to services and support. It provides a step-
                                                         by-step guide for all the important areas of a
                                                         young person’s life, such as finding a place
                      Go Your Own Way
                                                         to live, looking after their health, managing
                      (GYOW) kit
                                                         their budget, finding a job, doing training or
                      Our Go Your Own Way (GYOW)         education and general life skills. Sortli can be
                      kit is a resource for young        downloaded from Apple, Android and Windows
                      people aged 15 and above           stores. Notifications will be sent to app users
                      who are starting to plan for       each time the app is improved or updated.
                      their transition to adulthood
                      and independence. The kit is       How does it work?
filled with resources and information to assist the      By entering your income and your different
planning process and provide caseworkers, young          expenses in the app, you can work out what
people and carers with the information they need         you’re spending your money on and whether
to plan for a successful transition. This includes the   your income covers your expenses. The different
GYOW workbook which is full of information and           categories include:
useful links. For more information about the GYOW        • Home and utilities
kit please email create@create.org.au                    • Groceries
                                                         • Personal and medical
CREATE Your Future                                       • Entertainment and dining
                                                         • Transport
                            The CREATE Your Future
                                                         • Health and fitness
                            (CYF) program provides
young people aged 15–25 with the relevant skills         • Finance and insurance
and knowledge to effectively transition from care        • Children’s expenses
into independence. The life skills and self and          • looking after your health.
community-awareness required to successfully             It works by helping you to set your own personal
manage the challenges of everyday life are               goals and milestones, keep track of your
broad, and translating knowledge and values              progress and celebrate your successes.
into abilities that enable young people to excel
is the foundation of this program. The program is         Create Foundation website:
supported by a detailed website which contains            https://create.org.au/
the information from the GYOW workbook but also           Go Your Own Way kit:
stacks more state related information.                    https://create.org.au/wp-content/
Next Step Plus
                                                          Create Your Future information:
                             Next Step Plus is a          http://createyourfuture.org.au/
                             support system for
                                                          Next Step Plus information:
                             young people aged            https://nextstepplus.com.au/
15–25 in Queensland. With Next Step Plus, you
                                                          Sortli information:
can get in touch with people who will try and help
you sort out the things you’re having trouble with,
no matter how big or small. How involved we get           Install the Sortli app for Apple mobile device:
is totally up to you. So don’t be shy—reach out to        id927253683
your nearest provider and we’ll see what we can
work out together. If you know someone who you            Install the Sortli app for Android mobile device:
think could use some extra support you can call us        details?id=com.docs.sortli&hl=en
to work out how to help them too.

                                                         2020 school leaver’s guide to jobs and training      23
Email: Metro.Transitions@desbt.qld.gov.au

Produced by Metropolitan Training & Employment Pathways Team
                                    Version 1 – October 2020
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