2020 SAFETY CALENDAR Texas City, Texas...What a home town should be - City of Texas City

Page created by Theresa Craig
2020 SAFETY CALENDAR Texas City, Texas...What a home town should be - City of Texas City
Texas City, Texas...What a home town should be
2020 SAFETY CALENDAR Texas City, Texas...What a home town should be - City of Texas City

Credit: Erica Hernandez                                              Credit: Donna Steele           Credit: Neal Ferguson

                                                          Credit: Marilyn Logan

Credit: Shawn Everhart                                                                                                             Credit: Dandaz Rocky

                                                                            Credit: Derrick Lewis

   When the siren system is activated with the high - low - high -
   low - high - low - high - low - high – low signal you should:

   • Go indoors; shut all windows and doors; turn off the air
   • Stay off the telephone.
   • Please monitor Texas City Emergency Management
     Facebook Page for further instructions.
   • Tune into any major television station in the Houston area
     for updates. The situation is often fluid and up-to-date
     information can be obtained by using these stations as they
     often have live broadcasts of the event.
   • Cars will be prevented from entering any area affected
     by the situation through the use of police road blocks or

                                                                                                                            Credit: Mercedes Harris
2020 SAFETY CALENDAR Texas City, Texas...What a home town should be - City of Texas City
DECEMBER 2019                                                                                                                                                                     FEBRUARY 2020

                                                              January 2020
       Sun      Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat                                                                                                                                           Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

           1    2     3     4     5     6     7                                                                                                                                                                                 1
       8        9     10    11    12    13    14                                                                                                                                            2     3     4     5     6     7     8
       15       16    17    18    19    20    21                                                                                                                                            9     10    11    12    13    14    15
       22 23 24 25 26 27 28                                                                                                                                                                 16    17    18    19    20    21    22
 23        24
       29 3130        31                                                                                                                                                                    23 24 25 26 27 28 29

                 Sunday                                Monday                              Tuesday                         Wednesday                    Thursday           Friday                             Saturday
                                         Q Parks Board - 2nd Tuesday every month at 5 PM
                                                                                                                    1                               2              3                                   4
 TEXAS CITY THROUGH                      D Zoning Commission - 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 5:15 PM           City Offices, Biosphere,
 THE DECADES EXHIBIT                     d City Commission Meeting - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5 PM   Bayou Golf Course
         Jan. 1-25                       i Staff Review - every Tuesday of the month at 3 PM                        CLOSED
    Texas City Museum                    2 Planning Board - every 1st and 3rd Monday every month at 5 PM            No trash collection                            Anime and Manga Club
                                         * Board of Adjustments - 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 5:15 PM                                                    (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
                                                                                                                    New Year’s Day                                 Moore Memorial Library

5                                        62                                    7 iD                                 8                               9              10                                  11

Davison Home at                                                                                                                                                    Board Game Fridays
Heritage Square Open                      Community Chess                       Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM       Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                  (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
2 PM– 4 PM                                6:30-8 PM - Carver Center             Moore Memorial Library              Moore Memorial Library                         Moore Memorial Library

12                                       13                                    14 i*Q                               15d                             16             17                                  18
                                          Youth Basketball                                                          Senior Citizen Meet & Greet
                                          Games Begin                                                               Carver Center 10 AM

                                                                                                                                                                   Dungeons and Dragons
                                          Community Chess                       Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM       Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                  (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
                                          6:30-8 PM - Carver Center             Moore Memorial Library              Moore Memorial Library                         Moore Memorial Library

19                                       20                                    21i D                                22                              23             24                                  25
                                          City Offices, Biosphere

                                                                                Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM       Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM
                                          Martin Luther King Jr. Day            Moore Memorial Library              Moore Memorial Library

26                                       27                                    28i*                                 29                              30             31
                                                                                                                                                                   Museum Afternoon
                                          Community Chess                       Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM       Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                  Family Activity
                                          6:30-8 PM - Carver Center             Moore Memorial Library              Moore Memorial Library                         1 PM– 3 PM
2020 SAFETY CALENDAR Texas City, Texas...What a home town should be - City of Texas City
• Make a habit of thinking about what calls
  or texts you need to send before you begin
  your trip. Before you start the car, take a
  moment to think about what information you
  might need during your trip.

• The idea of a designated driver has caught on
  for drunk driving, and choosing a substitute
  can be just as useful for distracted driving.
  Select a friend to be your designated texter
  while you’re behind the wheel.

• Place your phone somewhere you can’t peek
  at it. Try putting it in the glove compartment
  (lock it if you must) or inside a purse in the
  back seat.

• Silence notifications that tempt you to check
  your phone.

• Investigate apps that will help boost your
  willpower. There are several types of apps
  on the market, some of them free, that allow
  you to block incoming messages or send
  automatic responses to let your friends know
  you’re driving.

• Practice patience. Consider whether it’s
  worth risking your safety—and that of others
  in your car and on the road—to read a text
  while driving. Wait until you’ve reached your

• Make a promise. If you are a person of your
  word, consider signing the National Highway
  Traffic Safety Administration’s pledge against
  distracted driving. Seeing your name on the
  pledge could help you keep your thumbs off
  the phone.

• If you absolutely cannot wait, pull over when
  you can do so safely because swerving to
  the side of a busy highway is never a good
  option. If you are driving on a road with safe
  places to pull over, use them to stop and text.
                                                    FATHER/DAUGHTER DANCE
2020 SAFETY CALENDAR Texas City, Texas...What a home town should be - City of Texas City
JANUARY 2020                                                                                                                                                                              MARCH 2020
   Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri    Sat                                                                                                                                                Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

                                                   February 2020
                      1    2     3      4                                                                                                                                                  1     2     3     4     5     6     7
   5     6     7     8     9     10     11                                                                                                                                                 8     9     10    11    12    13    14
   12    13    14    15    16    17     18                                                                                                                                                 15    16    17    18    19    20    21
   19    20    21    22 23 24 25                                                                                                                                                           22 23 24 25 26 27 28
   26 27 28 29 30                31                                                                                                                                                        29 30       31

           Sunday                                Monday                    Tuesday                      Wednesday                          Thursday                       Friday                        Saturday
  Q Parks Board - 2nd Tuesday every month at 5 PM
  D Zoning Commission - 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 5:15 PM                                                       NOTE: BLACK HISTORY EXHIBIT
  d City Commission Meeting - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5 PM                                                        February 1-29
                                                                                                                                Texas City Museum
  i Staff Review - every Tuesday of the month at 3 PM
  2 Planning Board - every 1st and 3rd Monday every month at 5 PM
  * Board of Adjustments - 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 5:15 PM

2                                 32                             4 iD                            5d                                6                             7                               8
Davison Home at                                                  AARP Foundation Tax Aid
Heritage Square Open                                             Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM
                                                                                                                                                                 Anime and Manga Club             Rotary Club Dance &
2 PM– 4 PM                           Community Chess             Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM      AARP Foundation Tax Aid      (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM             Mainland Mardi Gras
Groundhog Day                        6:30-8 PM - Carver Center   Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library             Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM   Moore Memorial Library           Parade/5K

9                                 10                             11i*Q                           12                                13                            14
                                                                                                                                                                 Board Game Fridays
                                                                                                                                                                 (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
                                                                                                                                                                 Moore Memorial Library
                                                                 AARP Foundation Tax Aid                                                                         Father/Daughter Dance
                                                                 Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM                                                                      Doyle Convention Center
                                     Community Chess             Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM      AARP Foundation Tax Aid      6 PM - 9:30 PM
                                     6:30-8 PM - Carver Center   Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library             Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM   St. Valentine’s Day

16                                172                            18i D                           19d                               20                            21                              22
                                     Spring Swim Lessons                                         Senior Citizen Meet & Greet
                                     Registrations Begin         AARP Foundation Tax Aid         Carver Center - 10 AM
                                                                 Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM
                                                                                                                                                                 Dungeons and Dragons
                                     Community Chess             Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM      AARP Foundation Tax Aid      (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM             Bell House Open
                                     6:30-8 PM - Carver Center   Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library             Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM   Moore Memorial Library           1 PM– 3 PM
                                     President’s Day                                                                             Youth Basketball City Tournament

23                                24                             25i*                            26                                27                            28                              29
                                                                 AARP Foundation Tax Aid
                                                                 Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM      Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                   Museum Afternoon
                                                                                                 Moore Memorial Library                                          Family Activity
Youth Basketball City                                            Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                      AARP Foundation Tax Aid
    Tournament                                                   Moore Memorial Library          Ash Wednesday                      Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM   1 PM– 3 PM
2020 SAFETY CALENDAR Texas City, Texas...What a home town should be - City of Texas City
SPRING BREAK SAFETY                                                                            •   If you wear contact lenses, practice healthy wear and care when you’re on
                                                                                                   vacation. Carry a spare pair of glasses and contact lens supplies with you so
•   Be active. You’ve probably been sitting most of the year working at the computer,              you can take out your contacts safely. Remove contacts before swimming, as
    studying, or in class. During the break, take the opportunity to start a fitness               exposing contact lenses to water can lead to painful, sometimes blinding eye
    program. Do a variety of fun activities like walking, dancing, playing volleyball,             infections. Always take your contacts out before bed, even if you’re up late or
    swimming, and more. It doesn’t need to be rigorous to be beneficial. Avoid injury              traveling. Sleeping in contact lenses has been linked to serious eye infections.
    by starting any new activity slowly. Be active for at least 2½ hours a week. Include
    activities that raise your breathing and heart rates and that strengthen your              •   Protect yourself from the sun. After a cold winter, it’s tempting to stay in
    muscles.                                                                                       the hot sun all day. Although getting a little sun can have some benefits,
                                                                                                   excessive and unprotected sun exposure can result in premature aging,
•   Plan a successful trip. If you are going on a trip, be prepared. Are vaccinations              changes in skin texture, and skin cancer. Always wear sunscreen with at least
    required? Are there special food, destination, or other things you need to consider            SPF 15. For eye protection, wear wraparound sunglasses that provide 100
    ahead of time? If you are taking medications, do you have enough for the trip?                 percent UV ray protection.
    Know what’s happening en route or at your travel destination.
                                                                                               •   Eat healthy. Having fun takes energy and fuel. Be sure to eat a variety of
•   Watch your step. There may be temptations on your break that involve different                 foods, including plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grain products. Also
    or high-risk activities. Think twice before putting yourself at risk for injury. Be sure       include low-fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, and legumes. Drink
    to use appropriate safety gear such as seat belts, life vests, or knee pads before             lots of water and go easy on the salt, sugar, alcohol, and saturated fat. Good
    venturing out.                                                                                 nutrition should be part of an overall healthy lifestyle, including regular
                                                                                                   physical activity, not smoking, and stress management.
2020 SAFETY CALENDAR Texas City, Texas...What a home town should be - City of Texas City
FEBRUARY 2020                                                                                                                                                                                       APRIL 2020
  Sun   Mon    Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri    Sat                                                                                                                                                      Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

                                                                    March 2020
                                         1                                                                                                                                                                          1     2    3     4

   2    3      4     5     6     7       8                                                                                                                                                        5    6     7     8      9    10    11

   9    10     11    12    13    14     15                                                                                                                                                       12    13    14    15    16    17    18

  16    17     18    19    20    21     22                                                                                                                                                       19    20    21    22 23 24 25

  23 24 25 26 27 28 29                                                                                                                                                                           26 27 28 29 30

              Sunday                               Monday                       Tuesday                      Wednesday                       Thursday                         Friday                            Saturday

1                                      22                            3i D                             4d                              5                              6                                 7
                                                                      AARP Foundation Tax Aid
Davison Home at                        Community Chess                Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM                                                                      Anime and Manga Club              Movie & Fireworks
                                       6:30-8 PM - Carver Center
Heritage Square Open                                          Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM           Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   AARP Foundation Tax Aid         (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM              in the Park
2 PM– 4 PM                             Texas Independence Day Moore Memorial Library                  Moore Memorial Library          Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM      Moore Memorial Library            Bay Street Park

8                                      9
                                       Spring Swim Lessons
                                                                     10i*Q                            11
                                                                                                      Shooting Range Starts
                                                                                                                                      12                             13                                14
                                       Session I Registration         AARP Foundation Tax Aid         Daylight Saving
                                       Mathew T. Doyle Natatorium     Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM      Time Hours                                                      Board Game Fridays                St. Patrick’s Day Parade
                                       Community Chess                Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   AARP Foundation Tax Aid         (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM              10 am
                                       6:30-8 PM - Carver Center      Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library          Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM      Moore Memorial Library            El Cubano Chili Cook-off
Daylight Saving
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Downtown 6th Street
Time Begins                                                                                           SPRING BREAK CAMP

15                                     16 2                          17i D                            18d                             19                             20                                21
                                                                      AARP Foundation Tax Aid
                                                                      Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM
                                                                                                                                                                      Dungeons and Dragons              3rd Annual Maritime
                                                                                                      Senior Citizen Meet & Greet     AARP Foundation Tax Aid
                                                                      Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Carver Center - 10 AM           Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM      (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM              Exhibition
                                                                      Moore Memorial Library                                                                          Moore Memorial Library            Texas City Museum
                                       Community Chess                                                Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM
                                       6:30-8 PM - Carver Center      St. Patrick’s Day               Moore Memorial Library          Spring Begins                                TAAF Youth Basketball Tournament

22                                     23                            24i*                             25                              26                             27                                28
                                       Summer Swim Lessons
                                       Session II Begins              AARP Foundation Tax Aid                                                                                                           Lone Star Deluxe Car Show
                                       Mathew T. Doyle Natatorium     Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM                                                                                                        Downtown 6th Street

                                                                                                                                                                      Museum Afternoon                  Art Festival Opening
                                       Community Chess                Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   AARP Foundation Tax Aid         Family Activity                   Night Reception & Awards
                                       6:30-8 PM - Carver Center      Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library          Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM      1 PM– 3 PM                        Doyle Convention center
Youth Basketball cont.

29                                     30                            31i
                                                                      AARP Foundation Tax Aid
                                                                                                                                               Q Parks Board - 2nd Tuesday every month at 5 PM
                                                                      Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM                                               D Zoning Commission - 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 5:15 PM
                                       Community Chess                Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                            d City Commission Meeting - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5 PM

TEXAS CITY ART FESTIVAL                6:30-8 PM - Carver Center      Moore Memorial Library                                                   i Staff Review - every Tuesday of the month at 3 PM
Open to the Public                            T E X A S C I T Y A R T F E S T I VA L
                                                                                                                                               2 Planning Board - every 1st and 3rd Monday every month at 5 PM
1 PM– 4 PM                                                                                                                                     * Board of Adjustments - 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 5:15 PM
                                                     Open to the Public 8 AM - 8 PM
2020 SAFETY CALENDAR Texas City, Texas...What a home town should be - City of Texas City
Credit: Patti Landers              Credit: Wendy Wade                Credit: Sarah Mains                            Credit: Sarah Watson

                                   Credit: Derek Miller                                                Credit: United Way
                                                                                                       Galveston County Mainland
                                                                                                       Firefighter Games

Credit: Holly Esclavon           AROUND TEXAS CITY – PHOTO CONTEST

    BICYCLE SAFETY                                         •   When purchasing a helmet, look for a label or sticker   •   Do not push your child to ride a 2-wheeled bike
                                                               that says the helmet meets the Consumer Product             without training wheels until he or she is ready.
    •   A helmet protects your child from serious injury       Safety Commission (CPSC) safety standard.                   Consider the child’s coordination and desire to
        and should always be worn. Remember, wearing                                                                       learn to ride. Stick with coaster (foot) brakes until
        a helmet at all times helps children develop the   •   A helmet should be worn so that it is level on the          your child is older and more experienced for hand
        habit of safety.                                       head and covers the forehead, not tipped forward            brakes. Consider a balance bike with no pedals for
                                                               or backwards. The strap should be securely                  young children to learn riding skills.
    •   Your child needs to wear a helmet on every bike        fastened with about 2 fingers able to fit between
        ride, no matter how short or how close to home.        chin and strap. The helmet should be snug on the        •   Take your child with you when you shop for the
        Many injuries happen in driveways, on sidewalks,       head, but not overly tight. Skin should move with           bike so that he or she can try it out. The value of
        and on bike paths, not just on streets. Children       the helmet when moved side to side. If needed,              a properly-fitted bike far outweighs the value of
        learn best by observing you. Set the example:          the helmet’s sizing pads can help improve the fit.          surprising your child with a new one. Buy a bike that
        Whenever you ride, put on your helmet.                                                                             is the right size, not one your child has to “grow
  Sanders/Vincent Park                                                                                                     into.” Oversized bikes are especially dangerous.
2020 SAFETY CALENDAR Texas City, Texas...What a home town should be - City of Texas City
MARCH 2020                                                                                                                                                                                       M AY 2 0 2 0

                                                                     April 2020
 Sun    Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat                                                                                                                                                   Sun      Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

  1     2     3     4     5     6      7                                                                                                                                                                                     1     2
  8     9     10    11    12    13    14                                                                                                                                                    3        4      5    6     7     8     9
 15     16    17    18    19    20    21                                                                                                                                                    10       11    12    13    14    15    16
 22 23 24 25 26 27 28                                                                                                                                                                       17       18    19    20    21    22 23
 29 30        31                                                                                                                                                                                31   25 26 27 28 29 30

       Sunday                               Monday                      Tuesday                       Wednesday                       Thursday                       Friday                           Saturday
 Q Parks Board - 2nd Tuesday every month at 5 PM
                                                                                                     1d                              2                            3                                  4
                                                                                                     TEXAS CITY ART FESTIVAL
 D Zoning Commission - 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 5:15 PM                                    Open to the Public
 d City Commission Meeting - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5 PM                            8 AM - 8 PM
                                                                                                                                     Art Festival Art Walk
 i Staff Review - every Tuesday of the month at 3 PM                                                 Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Downtown 6th Street
 2 Planning Board - every 1st and 3rd Monday every month at 5 PM                                     Moore Memorial Library
                                                                                                                                                                  Anime and Manga Club
                                                                                                                                     AARP Foundation Tax Aid      (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
 * Board of Adjustments - 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 5:15 PM
                                                                                                     April Fool’s Day                Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM   Moore Memorial Library

5                                     62        Nessler Pool
                                                Reservations Begin   7 iD                            8
                                                                                                     City Wide Easter Egg Hunt
                                                                                                                                     9                            10                                 11
                                      Summer Swim Team                                               Carlos Garza Park
                                      Try Out Begins                                                 Marathon United Way Golf                                     City Offices
                                      Summer Youth Track & Youth     AARP Foundation Tax Aid         Tournament
                                                                                                     Bayou Golf Course                                            CLOSED                              1947 SURVIVOR
Davison Home at                       Tennis Registration Begins     Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                      REUNION PHOTO
Heritage Square Open                  Community Chess                Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   AARP Foundation Tax Aid                                          Texas City Museum
2 PM– 4 PM                            6:30-8 PM - Carver Center      Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library          Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM   Good Friday

12                                    13                             14 i*Q                          15 d                            16                           17                                 18
                                                                                                     Senior Citizen Meet & Greet     TC Disaster
                                                                                                     Carver Community Center         Memorial Service
                                                                                                     10 AM                           Memorial Park - 9 AM
Shooting Range                                                       AARP Foundation Tax Aid
                                                                     Carver Center 10 AM – 2 PM      Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM
CLOSED                                                                                               Moore Memorial Library                                       Dungeons and Dragons
                                      Community Chess                Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                                                (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
Easter Sunday                         6:30-8 PM - Carver Center      Moore Memorial Library          Tax Day                                                      Moore Memorial Library

19                                    20 2                           21i D                           22
                                                                                                     Senior National Volunteer
                                                                                                                                     23                           24                                 25
                                                                                                     Recognition Luncheon
                                                                                                     Nessler Senior Center Program
                                                                     Family Night
                                                                                                     Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM
                                                                     Sanders/Vincent Center 6-8 PM
                                                                                                     Moore Memorial Library                                       Museum Afternoon
                                      Community Chess                Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Administrative                                               Family Activity
                                      6:30-8 PM - Carver Center      Moore Memorial Library          Professional Day                                             1 PM– 3 PM

26                                    27                             28 i*                           29                              30
                                                                                                                                                                                 NOTE: 1947 DISASTER EXHIBIT
                                                                                                                                                                                         April 4 - May 30
                                                                                                                                                                                       Texas City Museum
                                                                                                                                     Krewe Babalu Golf
                                      Community Chess                Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Tournament
                                      6:30-8 PM - Carver Center      Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library          Bayou Golf Course
2020 SAFETY CALENDAR Texas City, Texas...What a home town should be - City of Texas City
Hurricane Safety
Before the Hurricane Hits
• Keep photos and/or videos of your home, its content
  and other personal property in a separate location, such
  as a safe deposit box
• Photocopy personal IDs, credit cards, insurance policies
  and other important documents and keep them in a
  watertight container with your emergency supplies
• Fuel and service family vehicles and consider investing
  in a fuel transfer tank
• Prepare to cover all windows and doors with shutters or
• Secure any outside items which may become projectiles
  and damage you and/or your neighbors’ homes.
• Keep extra cash on hand for emergency purposes
• Develop a family emergency plan, detailing how family
  members are to evacuate the house and where to meet
• Prepare a survival kit for 10 days or longer. Items should
  – Water (1 galllon per person per day)
  – Include food and water for pets
  – Non-Perishable food for 14 days
  – First Aid Kit
  – Medicine with 14 days’ worth of prescriptions
  – Cash                                                                               HURRICANE AWARENESS
  – Matches, batteries, flashlights, hand tools
  – Identification, personal papers, important documents
  – Safety equipment (fire extinguisher, whistle, hand
     crank radio)                                                such as a counter or shelf to protect expensive       • Save phone calls for emergencies. Phone systems
  – Personal Protective Equipment                                equipment from flooding                                 are often down or busy after a disaster. Use text
                                                               • If you have NOT been ordered to leave and decide        messages or social media to communicate with
• Sign up on County or City mass notification system if
                                                                 to remain in your home:                                 family and friends.
  you need assistance evacuating,
  – Register at: Mytcalerts.com                                  – Turn refrigerator to its coldest setting and keep   • Do not attempt to drive through or across flowing
  – Manual sign-up materials are at City Hall                        it closed                                           water, or cross areas where water is flowing (moving
                                                                 – Turn off propane tanks and unplug small               water as little as 6’’ deep can sweep you away)
During the Hurricane Storm                                           appliances
                                                                                                                       • Stay away from standing water (It may be electrically
                                                                 – Fill bathtub and large containers with water for
• Listen closely to a radio tuned to NOAA Weather Radio                                                                  charged from downed power lines)
                                                                     sanitary purposes
  or to official bulletins for hurricane information             – Stay in a small interior room or closet, ideally    • Be careful during clean-up. Wear protective clothing
• Evacuate to a safe location when instructed by officials           without windows                                     and work with someone else

• Notify family members and neighbors about your                                                                       • Take pictures of the damage to your property and
  evacuation plans and where you will be going                 After the Hurricane Storm                                 notify your insurance company

• If an evacuation is necessary, unplug all appliances, TV’s   • Listen to authorities for information on weather,
  and computers before leaving your home. If possible,           road conditions, updates and special instructions
  move important items to a higher floor or surface            • Return to your home ONLY when instructed to do
                                                                 so by authorities
APRIL 2020                                                                                                                                                                                 JUNE 2020
 Sun   Mon    Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri     Sat                                                                                                                                                Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

                                                                        May 2020
                     1    2     3       4                                                                                                                                                         1     2     3    4     5     6
  5    6      7     8     9     10      11                                                                                                                                                 7     8      9    10    11    12    13
  12   13     14    15    16    17      18                                                                                                                                                 14    15    16    17    18    19    20
  19   20     21    22 23 24 25                                                                                                                                                            21    22 23 24 25 26 27
 26 27 28 29 30                                                                                                                                                                            28 29 30

             Sunday                                  Monday                   Tuesday                          Wednesday                       Thursday                   Friday                            Saturday
  Q Parks Board - 2nd Tuesday every month at 5 PM
                                                                                                                                                                  1                              2
  D Zoning Commission - 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 5:15 PM
                                                                                                    NOTE: 1947 DISASTER EXHIBIT
  d City Commission Meeting - 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 5 PM                                                 April 4 - May 30                                                                      Nessler Park Pool Opens
  i Staff Review - every Tuesday of the month at 3 PM                                                     Texas City Museum                                                                       Weekends Only
  2 Planning Board - every 1st and 3rd Monday at 5 PM                                                                                                             Anime and Manga Club
                                                                                                                                                                  (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM            Cinco De Mayo Parade
  * Board of Adjustments - 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 5:15 PM
                                                                                                                                                                  Moore Memorial Library          & Festivities - 10 AM

3                                     42
                                      Summer Program
                                                                    5 iD                               6d                               7                         8                              9
                                      Registration Begins
                                      Summer Swim Lessons
                                      Registration Begins
                                                                    Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM
Davison Home at                                                     Moore Memorial Library                                                                        Board Game Fridays
Heritage Square Open                  Community Chess                                                   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                             (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
2 PM– 4 PM                            6:30-8 PM - Carver Center     Cinco De Mayo                       Moore Memorial Library                                    Moore Memorial Library

10                                    11                            12i*Q                              13                               14                        15                             16
                                                                                                                                                                                                  United State Coast
                                                                                                                                                                  Dungeons and Dragons            Guard 5K Run
                                                                                                                                                                  (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM            Rotary Pavilion
                                                                                                                                        Jimmy Fullen
                                                                                                                                                                  Moore Memorial Library          Armed Forces Day
                                      Community Chess               Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM       Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Golf Tournament
Mother’s Day                          6:30-8 PM - Carver Center     Moore Memorial Library              Moore Memorial Library          Bayou Golf Course                      FIREFIGHTER GAMES - 6th Street

17                                    182                           19i D                              20 d                             21                        22                             23
                                      Youth Track Practice Begins

                                                                                                                                        Nessler Preschool
                                      Community Chess                                                   Senior Citizen Meet & Greet     Graduation & Open House
                                      6:30-8 PM - Carver Center                                         Carver Center - 10 AM           6 PM

24                                    25                            26 i*                              27                               28                        29                             30
                                      City Offices
                                                                                                                                        Nights of Columbus        Museum Afternoon                Movie & Fireworks
                     31               Memorial Day
                                                                                                        National Senior Health &
                                                                                                        Fitness Day
                                                                                                                                        Golf Tournament
                                                                                                                                        Bayou Golf Course
                                                                                                                                                                  Family Activity
                                                                                                                                                                  1 PM– 3 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                  in the Park
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bay Street Park
•   Teach children water safety and swimming skills as early as

•   Always brief babysitters on water safety and emphasize the
    need for constant supervision.

•   Appoint a “designated watcher” to monitor children during
    social gatherings at or near pools.

•   Equip doors and windows that exit to a pool area with alarms.

•   Install a poolside phone, preferably a cordless model, with
    emergency numbers programmed into speed-dial.

•   Post CPR instructions, learn the procedures or become
    certified if possible.

•   Keep rescue equipment poolside. Don’t wait for the
    paramedics to arrive because you will lose valuable life-
    saving seconds. Four to six minutes without oxygen can
    cause permanent brain damage or death.

•   Keep a first aid kit poolside.

•   Install four-sided isolation fencing, at least five feet high,
    equipped with self-closing and self-latching gates, that
    completely surrounds the pool and prevents direct access
    from the house and yard.

•   Maintain constant visual contact with children in a pool or
    pool area. If a child is missing, check the pool first; seconds
    count in preventing death or disability.

•   Don’t use flotation devices as a substitute for supervision.
    Never allow a young child in a pool without an adult.

•   Don’t leave objects such as toys that might attract a child in
    the pool and pool area.

•   Never prop the gate to a pool area open.

•   Don’t rely on swimming lessons, life preservers, or other
    equipment to make a child “water safe.”

•   Never assume someone else is watching a child in a pool area.

•   Don’t leave chairs or other items of furniture where a child
    could use them to climb into a fenced pool area.

•   Don’t assume you’ll hear a child who’s in trouble in the water;
    children drowning can be a silent death and they might not
    splash to alert you or other bystanders.
                                                                      JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION
M AY 2 0 2 0                                                                                                                                                                                      J U LY 2 0 2 0
  Sun      Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat                                                                                                                                                          Sun    Mon    Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

                                                                         June 2020
                                   1      2                                                                                                                                                                                1    2     3     4
  3        4      5    6     7     8      9                                                                                                                                                              5   6      7     8     9     10    11
  10       11    12    13    14    15    16                                                                                                                                                            12    13     14    15    16    17    18
  17       18    19    20    21    22 23                                                                                                                                                               19    20     21    22 23 24 25
      31   25 26 27 28 29 30                                                                                                                                                                          26 27 28 29 30                  31

                 Sunday                              Monday                       Tuesday                      Wednesday                          Thursday                           Friday                             Saturday

                                         12                             2iD                             3d                                4                                5                                 6
NOTE: CHARLES BROWN &                                                                                                                                                       Anime and Manga Club              Nessler Park Pool Opens
1867 SETTLEMENT EXHIBIT                                                                                                                                                     (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM              Bell House Open 1-3 PM
         June 6-27                                                                                                                                                          Moore Memorial Library
     Texas City Museum                                                                                                                                                                   TAAF State Volleyball Tournament
                                         Community Chess                                                                                                                                                   HALL OF FAME FISHING
                                         6:30-8 PM - Carver Center                                                                         Last Day of TCISD School                                             TOURNAMENT

7                                        8
                                         Youth Summer Tennis Begins
                                                                        9 i*Q                           10                                11                               12
                                                                                                                                                                            Juneteenth Gospel Fest
                                         Summer Swim Lessons                                                                                                                7 PM
                                         Session 1 Begins                                                                                                                   Board Game Fridays
Davison Home at                          Community Chess                Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                       (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM              Juneteenth Parade &
Heritage Square Open                     6:30-8 PM - Carver Center      Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library                                              Moore Memorial Library            Festivities
2 PM– 4 PM                                                    SUMMER CAMP SESSION 1 - NESSLER, LOWRY, CARVER AND SANDERS CENTERS                                                                              3 PM
                                                                                  HALL OF FAME FISHING TOURNAMENT

14                                       15 2                           16i D                           17 d                              18                               19                                20
                                                                                                                                                                            Juneteenth Poetry Slam - 7 PM
                                                                        Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                                                       Dungeons and Dragons              Parks Department
                                                                        Moore Memorial Library                                                                              (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
    HALL OF FAME                                                                                                                                                                                              Kid Fish Event
                                         Community Chess                Juneteenth Golf Tournament      Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                       Moore Memorial Library
FISHING TOURNAMENT                                                                                                                                                                                            Carver Park
                                         6:30-8 PM - Carver Center      Bayou Golf Course               Moore Memorial Library                                              Juneteenth
Flag Day                                                             SUMMER CAMP SESSION 2 - NESSLER, LOWRY, CARVER AND SANDERS CENTERS                                                                       Summer Solstice

21                                       22                             23i*                            24                                25                               26
                                                                                                                                                                            Museum Afternoon
                                         Summer Swim Lessons                                                                                                                Family Activity 1 PM– 3 PM
                                                                                                        Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM
                                         Session 2 Begins                                               Moore Memorial Library                                              Movie in the Park
                                                                                                                                                                            Rotary Pavilion
                                         Community Chess                Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Texas City Museum
                                         6:30-8 PM - Carver Center      Moore Memorial Library          Appreciation Day                                                                  Tackle Time Fishing Tournament
Father’s Day
                                                                     SUMMER CAMP SESSION 3 - NESSLER, LOWRY, CARVER AND SANDERS CENTERS

28                                       29                             30 i                                                            LEGEND
                                                                                                                                        Q Parks Board - 2nd Tuesday every month at 5 PM
                                                                                                                                        D Zoning Commission - 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 5:15 PM
                                                                                                                                        d City Commission Meeting - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5 PM
                                         Community Chess                Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                   i Staff Review - every Tuesday of the month at 3 PM
                                         6:30-8 PM - Carver Center      Moore Memorial Library
                                                                                                                                        2 Planning Board - every 1st and 3rd Monday every month at 5 PM
                                    Tackle Time Fishing Tournament                                                                      * Board of Adjustments - 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 5:15 PM
Stay Cool in Hot Weather
•   Drink plenty of water. Avoid drinks with caffeine, alcohol and large         •   Certain medications may increase sensitivity to the heat. If you are concerned
    amounts of sugar because they can actually dehydrate your body.                  about the heat and the medications you are taking, check with your doctor. Do
                                                                                     not take salt tablets unless your doctor tells you to.
•   Have a beverage with you at all times, and sip or drink frequently. Don’t
    wait until you’re thirsty to drink.                                          •   Recognizing heat exhaustion and heat stroke. When your body can’t cool itself
                                                                                     quickly enough it can cause heat exhaustion. Symptoms of heat exhaustion
•   If you go outside, limit the time you are in direct sunlight.
                                                                                     include: muscle cramps, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting.
•   Do not leave infants, children, people with mobility challenges and pets         If you see someone with signs of overheating, move the person to a cooler
    in a parked car, even with the window rolled down.                               location, have them rest for a few minutes and then slowly drink a cool
                                                                                     beverage. Get medical attention for them immediately if they do not feel better.
•   Avoid or reduce doing activities that are tiring, or take a lot of energy.
                                                                                 •   Spend more time in air conditioned places. If you don’t have air conditioning,
•   Do outdoor activities in the cooler morning and evening hours.                   consider visiting a mall, movie theater or other air conditioned Memorial place.
•   Avoid sunburn. Use a sunscreen lotion with a high SPF (sun protection
                                                                                 •   Cover windows that receive morning or afternoon sun.
    factor) rating.
                                                                                 •   Dress in lightweight clothing.
•   Some people turn to local rivers to cool off, but drowning is a real
    concern. Please use caution and wear a personal flotation device (PFD)       •   Take a cool shower or bath, or place cool washcloths on your skin.
    on the water. If you want to swim, choose a safer location—visit a local
    pool or lifeguarded beach instead.
                                                                                 •   Check up on your older neighbors and relatives to ensure they take these
                                                                                     precautions too.
            JUNE 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                  Sun       Mon       Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat
Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

                                                                       July 2020
       1     2    3     4     5      6
                                                                                                                                                                                   2         3        4     5     6     7     8
7     8      9    10    11    12     13
                                                                                                                                                                                   9        10        11    12    13    14    15
14    15    16    17    18    19    20
                                                                                                                                                                                  16         17       18    19    20    21    22
21    22 23 24 25 26 27
                                                                                                                                                                                  23        24
                                                                                                                                                                                                      25 26 27 28 29
28 29 30                                                                                                                                                                               30        31

            Sunday                              Monday                         Tuesday                     Wednesday                      Thursday                Friday                                Saturday
Q Parks Board - 2nd Tuesday every month at 5 PM
                                                                                                     1d                              2                  3                                    4 Independence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - 10 AM
D Zoning Commission - 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 5:15 PM                                                                                         City Offices                            Concert - 7-9 PM
d City Commission Meeting - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5 PM                                                                                 CLOSED                                  Fireworks at Dusk
i Staff Review - every Tuesday of the month at 3 PM                                                  Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                       Independence Day
2 Planning Board - every 1st and 3rd Monday every month at 5 PM                                      Moore Memorial Library                              (Observed)                              Independence Day
* Board of Adjustments - 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 5:15 PM
                                                                                                                                         TACKLE TIME FISHING TOURNAMENT

5                                   62                              7iD                              8                               9                  10                                   11
                                                                                                                                                         Board Game Fridays
                                                                                                                                                         (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
                                                                                                                                                         Moore Memorial Library
                                    Community Chess                  Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                       Movie in the Park
                                    6:30-8 PM - Carver Center        Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library                              Rotary Pavilion
     TACKLE TIME                                                SUMMER CAMP SESSION 4 - NESSLER, LOWRY, CARVER AND SANDERS CENTERS

12                                  13                              14 i*Q                           15d                             16                 17                                   18
                                    Summer Swim                                                                                                          Dungeons and Dragons
                                    Lessons Session 3 Begins                                                                                             (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
                                    Matthew T. Doyle Natatorium                                                                                          Moore Memorial Library
                                    Community Chess                  Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                       Concert in the Park
                                    6:30-8 PM - Carver Center        Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library                              Bay Street Park
                                                                SUMMER CAMP SESSION 5 - NESSLER, LOWRY, CARVER AND SANDERS CENTERS

19                                  202                             21i D                            22                              23                 24                                   25
                                                                                                                                                         Movie in the Park
                                                                                                                                                         Rotary Pavilion
                                    Community Chess                  Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM
                                    6:30-8 PM - Carver Center        Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library                            TAAF YOUTH TRACK MEET
                                                                SUMMER CAMP SESSION 6 - NESSLER, LOWRY, CARVER AND SANDERS CENTERS

26                                  27                              28 i*                            29                              30                 31
                                                                                                                                                         Museum Afternoon                   NOTE: HOMETOWN HEROES:
                                                                                                                                                         Family Activity                     MILITARY MEMORABILIA
                                                                                                                                                         1 PM– 3 PM                               July 7 - August 29
                                    Community Chess                  Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                       Concert in the Park                     Texas City Museum
  TAAF YOUTH                        6:30-8 PM - Carver Center        Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library                              Bay Street Park
  TRACK MEET                                                     SUMMER CAMP SESSION 7 - NESSLER, LOWRY, CARVER AND SANDERS CENTERS
BACK TO SCHOOL SAFETY TIPS                            •   Know and follow school security and safety            •   Inform school staff about health and emotional
                                                          measures. These might include signing in                  concerns. Whether your child has a food
•   Learn the school’s emergency procedures.
                                                          when visiting the school, being escorted when             allergy, a physical disability, or has been subject
    Emergency plans and phone numbers are
                                                          walking through the building, or wearing a                to bullying, make sure to keep your child’s
    usually included in school handbooks and
                                                          visitor pass. Following these procedures also             teachers and principal in the loop.
    posted in classrooms. Taking a few extra
                                                          set a great example for your kids.
    minutes to familiarize yourself and your child
    with emergency information can give them                                                                    •   Get involved. Talk with the principal about what
    the confidence they need to act quickly in        •   Talk with your child about safety and be                  you can do to increase school safety, such as
                                                          specific. Talk about instinct and paying                  organizing parents to form a neighborhood
    emergency situations.
                                                          attention to funny feelings or fear. Explain what         watch before and after school. Sometimes
                                                          to do if they don’t feel safe (find a teacher, call       parent groups are highly successful in making
•   Know travel routes to and from the school.
                                                          911, etc.). Make sure they know how to contact            improvements in traffic safety during drop off
    Make sure you and your child know both
                                                          you or a trusted neighbor or friend who is likely         and pick up times.
    primary and alternate routes. In an emergency,
                                                          to be at home.
    roads can be blocked and it’s important to have
    a backup plan.
J U LY 2 0 2 0                                                                                                                                                             SEPTEMBER 2020
  Sun   Mon    Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri    Sat                                                                                                                                        Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

                      1    2     3       4                                                                                                                                                     1     2     3     4     5

                                                             August 2020
   5    6      7     8     9     10      11                                                                                                                                        6      7    8     9     10    11    12
  12    13     14    15    16    17     18                                                                                                                                         13    14    15    16    17    18    19
  19    20     21    22 23 24 25                                                                                                                                                   20    21    22 23 24 25 26
  26 27 28 29 30                 31                                                                                                                                                27 28 29 30

              Sunday                               Monday                            Tuesday                     Wednesday                     Thursday            Friday                          Saturday
 Q Parks Board - 2nd Tuesday every month at 5 PM
 D Zoning Commission - 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 5:15 PM                                                              NOTE: HOMETOWN HEROES:
 dCity Commission Meeting - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5 PM                                                        MILITARY MEMORABILIA
 i Staff Review - every Tuesday of the month at 3 PM                                                                                 July 7 - August 29
                                                                                                                                    Texas City Museum
 2 Planning Board - every 1st and 3rd Monday every month at 5 PM
 * Board of Adjustments - 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 5:15 PM

2                                      32                              4 iD                                5d                              6              7                               8
                                                                                                                                                          Anime and Manga Club
                                       Youth Volleyball                                                                                                   (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
                                       Registration Begins                 Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                  Moore Memorial Library
                                                                           Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library
Davison Home at                        Community Chess                                                                                                    Movie in the Park
Heritage Square Open                   6:30-8 PM - Carver Center                       MAYOR CHARITY SKEET SHOOT                 Rotary Pavilion
2 PM– 4 PM                                                         SUMMER CAMP SESSION 8 - NESSLER, LOWRY, CARVER & SANDERS CENTERS

9                                      10                              11i*Q                               12                              13             14                              15

                                                                                                                                                          Board Game Fridays              Movie & Fireworks
                                       Community Chess                                                                                                    (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM            in the Park
                                       6:30-8 PM - Carver Center                                                                                          Moore Memorial Library          Bay Street Park

16                                     172                             18 i D                              19 d                            20             21                              22
                                                                                                                                                          Dungeons and Dragons
                                                                                                                                                          (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
                                                                                                                                                          Moore Memorial Library
                                       Community Chess                                                     Senior Meet & Greet
                                       6:30-8 PM - Carver Center                                           Carver Center - 10 AM                          Senior Citizen Day

23                                     24                              25i*                                26                              27             28                              29
                                       Community Chess
                                       6:30-8 PM - Carver Center
                                                                                                                                                          Museum Afternoon
                     30                                       31                                                                                          Family Activity
                                                                                                                                                          1 PM– 3 PM

• Get to know your neighbors. While you may not be best friends, you should get to        •   Test smoke alarms weekly. You know to install smoke alarms, but your alarms only
    know your neighbors. Your neighbors are most likely to notice when something is           protect you if they have fresh batteries and are operating properly. Even if they
    wrong. Include neighbors on your emergency contact list.                                  aren’t dead, change batteries every six months when you reset your clocks for
                                                                                              daylight savings.
•   Pay attention to and remove tripping hazards. Stray electrical cords, rugs that
    don’t lie flat, low furniture, and poor lighting are common causes of falls within    •   The daily check-in. Ask a loved-one, neighbor, or friend to call each day just to
    your home. Make sure your bulbs are the proper wattage and install nightlights to         make sure everything is okay. Offer to do the same for them. Spend a minute or two
    illuminate your floors at night.                                                          on the phone just for the conversation. This is also a great way to remind yourself to
                                                                                              take any medications you might need.
•   Use a medical alert system. Medical alert systems provide very affordable access
    to emergency personnel at the push of a button. Often, during an emergency,           •   Put a lock box on your door. A lock box allows family members, friends, trusted
    finding a phone and dialing a number simply isn’t an option.                              neighbors and emergency personnel to access your home when you’re unable to
                                                                                              get to the door.
•   Avoid slippery conditions. This one may seem obvious, but it is often overlooked.
    Take care to make sure floors aren’t slippery. Use non-slip floor mats in your        •   Keep lists of medications and allergies in your wallet or purse. If you have a
    bathrooms and install safety bars (sometimes known as ‘grab bars’) in bath tubs           specific condition, wear a medical ID bracelet. This information can be invaluable to
    and showers, and next to toilets. Install mats at the entry points to your house so       emergency medical personnel when they come to your home, especially if you’re
    floors don’t get wet on rainy and snowy days.                                             unconscious or unable to communicate.
AUGUST 2020                                                                                                                                                                                  OCTOBER 2020
 Sun       Mon       Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

                                                     September 2020
                                              1                                                                                                                                                                                1     2     3
  2         3        4     5     6     7      8                                                                                                                                                        4     5     6       7   8     9     10
  9        10        11    12    13    14    15                                                                                                                                                        11    12    13    14    15    16    17
 16         17       18    19    20    21    22                                                                                                                                                        18    19    20    21    22 23 24
 23        24
      30        31   25 26 27 28 29                                                                                                                                                                    25 26 27 28 29 30                   31

                     Sunday                              Monday                        Tuesday                     Wednesday                      Thursday                          Friday                          Saturday

                                                                             1i D                            2d                              3                             4                                 5

                                                                                                             Shooting Range Starts                                         Anime and Manga Club
                                                                                                                                                                           (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
                                                                                                             Regular Hours                                                 Moore Memorial Library

6                                            7     City Offices
                                                                             8 i*Q                           9                               10                            11                                12
                                                   No trash collection
                                                                             Heights Gym After School                                                                      Board Game Fridays
                                             Nessler Family Aquatics         Program Begins                                                                                (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
                                             Center Last Day of the Season                                                                                                 Moore Memorial Library
                                                                             Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                                                    Old Smokey Cook-Off
                                             Labor Day                       Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library                                        Patriot Day                        6th Street

13                                           14                              15i D                           16d                             17                            18                                19
                                                                                                             Senior Citizens Meet & Greet
                                                                                                             Carver Center

                                                                                                                                                                           Dungeons and Dragons
                                             Community Chess                 Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                 (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
Grandparent’s Day                            6:30-8 PM - Carver Center       Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library                                        Moore Memorial Library

20                                           212                             22 i*                           23                              24                            25                                26
                                                                                                             Senior Dance
                                             Fall Swim Lessons                                               Nessler Senior Program
                                                                             Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM
                                             Registration Begins             Moore Memorial Library
                                                                                                             Doyle Convention Center                                       Museum Afternoon
                                             Community Chess                                                 Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                 Family Activity
                                             6:30-8 PM - Carver Center       Fall Begins                     Moore Memorial Library                                        1 PM– 3 PM

27                                           28                              29 i                            30                                  LEGEND
                                                                                                                                                 Q Parks Board - 2nd Tuesday every month at 5 PM
                                                                                                                                                 D Zoning Commission - 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 5:15 PM
                                                                                                                                                 d City Commission Meeting - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5 PM

                                                                                                                                                 i Staff Review - every Tuesday of the month at 3 PM
                                             Community Chess                 Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM       2 Planning Board - every 1st and 3rd Monday every month at 5 PM
                                             6:30-8 PM - Carver Center       Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library              * Board of Adjustments - 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 5:15 PM
                   SKATING AND HEELYS SAFETY
                   ​• All skateboarders and scooter-riders should wear
                      protective gear. Helmets are particularly important
                      for preventing and minimizing head injuries. Riders
                      should wear helmets that meet American Society for
                      Testing and Materials (ASTM) or other approved safety
                      standards and that are specifically designed to reduce
                      the effects of skating hazards.
                   ​• Communities should continue to develop skateboard
                      parks, which are more likely to be monitored for safety
                      than ramps and jumps constructed by children at home.
                   ​• While in-line skating or using Heelys, only skate on
                      designated paths or rinks and not in the street.
                   ​• Most injuries occur due to falls. Inexperienced riders
                      should only ride as fast as they can comfortably slow
                      down, and they should practice falling on grass or other
                      soft surfaces. Before riding, skateboarders should survey
                      the riding terrain for obstacles such as potholes, rocks,
                      or any debris. Protective wrist, elbow and kneepads
                      should be worn.
                   ​• Children should never ride skateboards or scooters in or
                      near moving traffic.
                   ​• Riders should never skate alone. Children under the age
                      of eight should be closely supervised at all times.

SEPTEMBER 2020                                                                                                                                                                           N OV E M B E R 2 0 2 0
 Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat                                                                                                                                                  Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

                                                       October 2020
             1     2     3     4      5                                                                                                                                                   1      2    3     4     5     6      7
 6      7    8     9     10    11    12                                                                                                                                                   8      9    10    11    12    13    14
 13    14    15    16    17    18    19                                                                                                                                                   15     16   17    18    19    20     21
20     21    22 23 24 25 26                                                                                                                                                               22 23 24 25 26 27 28
 27 28 29 30                                                                                                                                                                              29 30

             Sunday                              Monday                              Tuesday                      Wednesday                      Thursday                 Friday                        Saturday
 Q Parks Board - 2nd Tuesday every month at 5 PM
                                                                                                                                           1                     2                               3           Breast Cancer
 D Zoning Commission - 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 5:15 PM                                                                                                                                            5K & Kids K
 dCity Commission Meeting - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5 PM                                                                                                                                     Walk/Run
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Rotary Pavilion
 i Staff Review - every Tuesday of the month at 3 PM
 2 Planning Board - every 1st and 3rd Monday every month at 5 PM                                                                                                 Anime and Manga Club
 * Board of Adjustments - 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 5:15 PM                                                                    Youth Basketball      (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
                                                                                                                                           Registration Begins   Moore Memorial Library

4                                    52                                6 iD                                7d                              8                     9                               10
                                                                                                           Youth Volleyball
Davison Home at                                                                                            Games Begin                                                                            1867 Settlement
                                                                                                                                                                 Board Game Fridays
Heritage Square Open                 Community Chess                       Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                         (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM             Celebration
2 PM– 4 PM                           6:30-8 PM - Carver Center             Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library                                Moore Memorial Library           Carver Park
                                                                                                           FIRE PREVENTION WEEK

11                                   12                                13i*Q                               14                              15                    16                              17
                                     Fall Swim Lessons
                                     Session 1 Begins
                                                                                                                                                                 Dungeons and Dragons
                                     Community Chess                                                                                                             (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
                                     6:30-8 PM - Carver Center                                                                                                   Moore Memorial Library
                                                                           Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM
                                     Columbus Day                          Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library                                Boss’s Day

18                                   192                               20i D                               21d                             22                    23                              24
                                                                                                           Senior Meet & Greet
                                                                                                           Carver Center - 10 AM                                                                  Touch-A-Truck &
                                     Community Chess                       Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                                          Train Festival
                                     6:30-8 PM - Carver Center             Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library                                                                 Downtown 6th Street

25                                   26                                27i*                                28                              29                    30                              31
                                                                                                                                                                 Museum Afternoon
                                     Fall Swim Lessons                                                                                                           Family Activity                  Hallowpalooza Festival
                                     Session II Begins                                                                                                           1 PM– 3 PM                       Nessler Center Complex
                                                                                                                                                                                                  1-5 PM
                                     Community Chess                       Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                         Halloween Movie in the Park
                                     6:30-8 PM - Carver Center             Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library                                Rotary pavilion                  Halloween
Holiday Cooking Safety
                                                               •   Keep smoke alarms connected
• Stay in the kitchen while food                                   while cooking. Smoke alarms
    is cooking. Most fires in the                                  can save lives. Make sure smoke
    kitchen occur because food is                                  alarms are installed and working.
    left unattended.
                                                               •   Unplug small appliances that
•   Keep the cooking range free                                    aren’t in use. Not only will you
    of clutter. Even though you                                    save the energy, but you will
    have dishes to prepare, don’t                                  also avoid the potential dangers
    overload a cook top with too                                   if they were to be turned on
    many pots and pans. Trying                                     accidentally.
    to cook all your dishes at
    once could cause grease to                                 •   Keep a fire extinguisher in the
    accidentally spill onto a range                                kitchen in case of an emergency
    top and cause a fire.                                          and know how to use it. Make
                                                                   sure the fire extinguisher is UL
•   Always keep a potholder,                                       listed and rated for grease and
    oven mitt and lid handy while                                  electrical fires.
    cooking. If a small fire starts
    in a pan on the stove, put on a                            •   If using a turkey fryer, place
    flame-resistant oven mitt and                                  fryer in an open area AWAY
    smother the flames by carefully                                from all walls, fences, or other
    sliding the lid over the pan. Turn                             structures. Keep fryer in FULL
    off the burner and don’t remove                                VIEW while burner is on.
    the lid until the food has cooled.                         •   Raise and lower food SLOWLY
•   When removing lids on hot                                      to reduce splatter and avoid
    pans, tilt them away from you                                  burns.
    to protect your face and hands                             •   COVER bare skin when adding
    from steam. If there is an oven                                or removing food.
    fire, turn off the heat and keep
    the door closed to prevent                                 •   Check the oil temperature
    flames from burning you or                                     frequently.
    your clothing.
                                                               •   If oil begins to smoke,
•   Never wear loose fitting                                       immediately turn gas supply
    clothing when cooking. Long,                                   OFF.
    open sleeves could ignite and
    catch fire from a gas flame or
                                                               •   Never use gas grills IN, ON, or
                                                                   UNDER a garage, breezeway,
    a hot burner. Wear short, close                                carport, porch, or any structure
    fitting or tightly rolled sleeves                              that can catch fire.
    when cooking. If you have long
    hair, be sure to tie it back.                              •   If a fire occurs, immediately
                                                                   call 911. DO NOT attempt to
                                                                   extinguish fire with water.

                                         YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT
OCTOBER 2020                                                                                                                                                                                DECEMBER 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                              Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat
  Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri    Sat
                                                                                                                                                                                                          1     2     3     4     5

                                                 November 2020
                          1     2      3
   4    5      6    7     8     9      10                                                                                                                                                     6     7     8     9     10    11    12

   11   12    13    14    15    16     17                                                                                                                                                     13    14    15    16    17    18    19

   18   19    20    21    22 23 24                                                                                                                                                           20     21    22 23 24 25 26
  25 26 27 28 29 30                    31                                                                                                                                                     27 28 29 30             31

              Sunday                              Monday                    Tuesday                       Wednesday                       Thursday                          Friday                            Saturday

1                                     22                          3 iD                            4d                               5                              6                                  7
Davison Home at
                                                                                                                                                                   Anime and Manga Club
Heritage Square Open                                                                                                                                               (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
2 PM– 4 PM                                                        Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM
                                                                                                                                                                   Moore Memorial Library
Daylight Saving                       Community Chess             Moore Memorial Library           Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM
Time Ends                             6:30-8 PM - Carver Center   Election Day                     Moore Memorial Library                                             YOUTH VOLLEYBALL CITY TOURNAMENT

8                                     9                           10 i*Q                          11                               12                             13                                 14
                                      Fall Swim Lessons
                                      Session 3 Begins                                             Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Lowry Fitness Center
                                                                                                   Moore Memorial Library                                          Board Game Fridays
Veterans Day Salute                   Community Chess             Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                    Member Thanksgiving             (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
Rotary Pavilion                       6:30-8 PM - Carver Center   Moore Memorial Library           Veterans Day                    Luncheon - 11 AM                Moore Memorial Library

15                                    16 2                        17 i D                          18d                              19                             20                                 21
                                                                                                   Senior Meet & Greet
                                                                                                   Carver Center 10 AM
                                                                                                                                                                   Dungeons and Dragons
                                      Community Chess             Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM    Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                   (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
                                      6:30-8 PM - Carver Center   Moore Memorial Library           Moore Memorial Library                                          Moore Memorial Library

22                                    23                          24 i*                           25                               26
                                                                                                                                   City Offices
                                                                                                                                                                  27                                 28
                                                                                                                                                                   City Offices
                                                                                                                                   Shooting Range
                                                                                                   Shooting Range                                                  CLOSED
                                                                                                                                   Bayou Golf Course
                                      Community Chess             Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM    Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                                   Thanksgiving Day
                                      6:30-8 PM - Carver Center   Moore Memorial Library           Moore Memorial Library          Thanksgiving Day                (observed)                        Small Business Saturday

29                                    30                                                                                                     LEGEND
                                                                                                                                             Q Parks Board - 2nd Tuesday every month at 5 PM
                                                                                        NOTE:QUILT EXHIBIT                                   D Zoning Commission - 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 5:15 PM
                                                                                       November 7 - December 5                               d City Commission Meeting - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5 PM
                                                                                          Texas City Museum                                  i Staff Review - every Tuesday of the month at 3 PM
                                                                                                                                             2 Planning Board - every 1st and 3rd Monday every month at 5 PM
                                      Community Chess
                                      6:30-8 PM - Carver Center                                                                              * Board of Adjustments - 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 5:15 PM

HOLIDAY SHOPPING SAFETY                                            •   Shop with friends. There is safety in numbers. Arrange to
                                                                       shop with friends and relatives instead of going out alone.
•   Parking Lot Safety. Lock your vehicle and hide valuables,          Make sure everyone remains vigilant and looks out for
    preferably in the trunk or a locked compart­ment.                  each other.
    Before sunrise and after sunset, park and walk in well
    lit areas and carry keys in your hand. Stay alert to your      •   Holiday shopping with children. When shopping with
    surroundings and take a moment to glance around for                children, keep a close eye on them at all times. Consider
    possible suspicious persons, vehicles, and/or situations.          coaching them to go to a store clerk or security guard if they
    Prior to getting into your vehicle take a look inside              become separated and be sure they know their first and
    and around before entering. If you observe evidence                last name so they can advise someone who they are. Give
    of a possible burglary, call your local law enforcement            children a contact phone number that they can carry on
    agency.                                                            themselves in case they do become lost.

•   When you’re out shopping for the holidays, stay alert          •   Online Shoppers. Online shopping is becoming
    to surroundings. When in crowded places, be alert for              increasingly popular. The Internet does have risks so
    potential thieves. Don’t overload yourself with packages.          it is important to take steps to protect yourself when
    Maintain visibility and mobility to avoid potential threats.       shopping online. The National Cyber Security Alliance
    Be wary of strangers approaching you for any reason.               recommends that you make sure you have a security
    The holiday season is notorious for “con-artists” who              suite (firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware) installed
    may attempt to distract you with the intention of taking           and updated with the most current information before
    your money or belongings.                                          shopping online.
N OV E M B E R 2 0 2 0                                                                                                                                                                   JANUARY 2021

                                                 December 2020
 Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat                                                                                                                                               Sun      Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

  1     2    3     4     5     6     7                                                                                                                                                                                  1     2
 8      9    10    11    12    13    14                                                                                                                                                 3       4     5     6      7    8     9
 15     16   17    18    19    20    21                                                                                                                                                10       11    12    13    14    15    16
 22 23 24 25 26 27 28                                                                                                                                                                   17      18    19    20    21    22 23
 29 30                                                                                                                                                                                     31   25 26 27 28 29 30

             Sunday                              Monday                    Tuesday                      Wednesday                       Thursday                    Friday                              Saturday

                                                                 1i D                            2d                              3                        4                                     5
                                                                 Youth Basketball
                                                                 Practice Begins                                                                           Anime and Manga Club                  CASA of Galveston County -
                                                                 Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Texas City                (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM                  Walk A Mile in My Shoes
                                                                 Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library          Christmas Parade          Moore Memorial Library                Rotary Pavilion

6                                    72                          8 i*Q                           9                               10                       11                                    12

                                                                                                                                                           Board Game Fridays
                                     Community Chess             Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                             (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
                                     6:30-8 PM - Carver Center   Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library                                    Moore Memorial Library

13                                   14                          15i D                           16d                             17                       18                                    19
                                                                                                 Senior Meet & Greet
                                                                                                 Carver Center - 10 AM
Museum & Davison Home:                                                                                                                                     Dungeons and Dragons
Celebrate the Season                 Community Chess             Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM   Toddlerific Storytime - 10 AM                             (Ages 12-18) 4:15 PM
2 PM– 4 PM                           6:30-8 PM - Carver Center   Moore Memorial Library          Moore Memorial Library                                    Moore Memorial Library

20                                   212                         22i*                            23                              24                       25                                    26
                                                                                                                                                           City Offices
                                                                                                                                                           Shooting Range
                                                                                                                                 City Offices              Bayou Golf Course
                                                                                                                                 CLOSED                    CLOSED
                                     Community Chess
                                     6:30-8 PM - Carver Center                                                                   Christmas Eve             Christmas Day

27                                   28                          29i                             30                              31                 LEGEND
                                                                                                                                                    Q Parks Board - 2nd Tuesday every month at 5 PM
                                                                                                                                                    D Zoning Commission - 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 5:15 PM
                                                                                                                                                    d City Commission Meeting - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5 PM
                                                                                                                                                    i Staff Review - every Tuesday of the month at 3 PM
                                     Community Chess                                                                                                2 Planning Board - every 1st and 3rd Monday every month at 5 PM
                                     6:30-8 PM - Carver Center                                   Museum Appreciation Day         New Year’s Eve     * Board of Adjustments - 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 5:15 PM
2021 Overview
                    JANUARY                                        FEBRUARY                                    MARCH                                            APRIL
Sun       Mon       Tue   Wed    Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun       Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun   Mon    Tue    Wed     Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

                                       1     2                1     2    3     4     5     6            1      2      3      4     5     6                              1    2     3
 3         4        5      6     7     8     9      7        8     9     10    11    12    13    7     8      9      10      11    12    13    4     5      6     7    8     9     10
10         11       12     13    14    15    16     14       15    16    17    18    19    20    14    15     16     17      18    19    20    11    12    13    14    15    16    17
 17       18        19    20     21    22 23        21       22 23 24 25 26 27                   21    22 23 24 25 26 27                       18    19    20    21    22 23 24
     31   25 26 27 28 29 30                        28                                            28 29 30            31                        25 26 27 28 29 30

                          M AY                                          JUNE                                        J U LY                                  AUGUST
Sun       Mon       Tue   Wed    Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun       Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun   Mon    Tue    Wed     Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

                                             1                      1    2     3     4     5                                 1     2     3     1     2      3     4    5     6     7
 2         3        4      5     6     7     8      6        7      8    9     10    11    12    4     5      6       7      8     9     10    8     9     10    11    12    13    14
 9        10        11     12    13    14    15     13       14    15    16    17    18    19    11    12     13     14      15    16    17    15    16    17    18    19    20    21
16         17       18     19    20    21    22    20        21    22 23 24 25 26                18    19     20     21      22 23 24          22 23 24 25 26 27 28
23        24
     30        31   25 26 27 28 29                 27 28 29 30                                   25 26 27 28 29 30                       31    29 30       31

                SEPTEMBER                                          OCTOBER                                   N OV E M B E R                                DECEMBER
Sun       Mon       Tue   Wed    Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun       Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun   Mon    Tue    Wed     Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat

                           1     2     3     4                                       1     2            1      2      3      4     5     6                        1    2     3     4
 5         6        7      8     9     10    11     3        4      5    6     7     8     9     7     8      9      10      11    12    13    5     6      7     8    9     10    11
 12       13        14     15    16    17    18     10       11    12    13    14    15    16    14    15     16     17      18    19    20    12    13    14    15    16    17    18
19        20        21     22 23 24 25              17       18    19    20    21    22 23       21    22 23 24 25 26 27                       19    20    21    22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30                                          31   25 26 27 28 29 30                   28 29 30                                      26 27 28 29 30                31
                   (Area Code 409)
EMERGENCY                                911        Texas City Police Academy                           Street & Bridge Repairs                  643-5810

Mayor’s office                       643-5902         Citizens Alumni Association            643-5738   Tax Department                          643-5906

Accounts Payable                     643-5910       Memorial Works                           643-5810   Utilities                               643-5860

Bayou Golf Club                      643-5850       Purchasing                               643-5950   Water & Sewer Repairs                   643-5860

City Attorney                        643-5926       Recreation & Tourism                     643-5990        After Hours/Holidays/Weekends       643-5959

City Secretary                       643-5916           Administrative Office                949-3034   ___________________________________________

Community Development                643-5730           Athletics/Gyms                       643-5994   ___________________________________________

Economic Development Corporation     643-5927           Carver Center                        229-1277   ___________________________________________

Emergency Management                 643-5840           Charles T. Doyle Convention Center   643-5990   ___________________________________________

Fire Department                      643-5701           Facility Rentals & Reservations      643-5990   ___________________________________________

Foreign Trade Zone Corporation       643-5927           Lowry Fitness Center                 643-5984   ___________________________________________

Human Resources                      643-5930           Matthew T. Doyle Natatorium          643-5989   ___________________________________________

Inspections                          643-5946           Texas City Museum                    229-1660   ___________________________________________

Moore Memorial Library               643-5979           Nessler Park Family Aquatic Center   643-5710   __________________________________
Municipal Court                      643-5800           Nessler Senior Center                643-5877

Police Department                    643-5760           Shooting Range                       948-4291   Chamber of Commerce                      935-1408

		                                   948-2525           Sanders/Vincent Center               655-5573   Texas City Housing Authority             945-4011

Texas City Police Department         643-5720                                                           Community Family Center                 643-8260
Non-Emergency                                                                                           Mainland Youth at Risk                  643-8240
                                                                                                        Texas Workforce Commission               643-8370

CITY OF TEXAS CITY                                                                                      SCHOOL DISTRICTS
EMERGENCY ALERTS                                                                                        Texas City ISD                       409-916-0800
                                                                                                        Dickinson ISD                        281-229-6000
Register at: Mytcalerts.com
Emergency Alert Program

Get alerts about emergencies and other important community news by
signing up for our Emergency Alert Program. This system enables us to
provide you with critical information quickly in a variety of situations, such as
severe weather, unexpected road closures, missing persons and evacuations
of buildings or neighborhoods.

You will receive time-sensitive messages wherever you specify, such as your
home, mobile or business phones, email address, text messages and more.
You pick where, you pick how.
Dear Citizens and Friends of Texas City:

                                                   As we kick off 2020, this will be the last letter I will be writing to you as your Mayor. It has been my
                                                   distinct honor and privilege to serve the citizens of Texas City for the past twenty years — sixteen of
                                                   those as your Mayor. I want to thank each and every one of you for allowing me the opportunity to
                                                   serve this great City. It will be one of the fondest memories of my life.

                                                   I also want to thank the men and women with whom I have worked that also serve all the citizens and
                                                   families of Texas City. There is no finer or more conscientious group of people taking care of any city
                                                   in, not only this State, but these United States.

                                                   You have an exciting year ahead of you and a very bright future for Texas City. We have a wonderful
                                                   path to growth and an immense opportunity for our young people with our remarkable industrial
                                                   base and all the other service and business opportunities that our great City has to offer over the
                                                   next decade.

                                                   I want to call your attention to a few projects that have recently been completed or will be
                                                   completing in my final days as Mayor.

                                                   One of these is the Lagoon at Lago Mar. This will be a great tourist attraction for our City, and I
Mayor                                              cannot wait to see its success.

Matthew T. Doyle                                   Another is the African-American Cultural Park. If you have not visited this park, you need to take the
                                                   time to do so. It is a great celebration of the diversity and history of the City of Texas City.
                                 texascitytx.gov   Additionally, let me remind you about all the other recreational places that we offer here in
Phil Roberts, Mayor Pro Tem
                                                   Texas City ­— all the great parks, walking trails, and the Dike. Of special note is the new markings for
Bruce Clawson, At Large                            our bike paths. We are very proud to have those refreshed and renewed around the City as part of
Earl Alexander (District 1)                        our Livable City Plan. I cannot be happier about how that project turned out.
Abel Garza (District 2)
                                                   Remember to watch Channels 16 and 17 to stay informed of all the events taking place in our City.
Dorthea Jones (District 3)
Jami Clark (District 4)                    R
                                                   Also, please keep paying attention to all the improvements in our school district and the new schools
                                                   and the beautiful work going on at College of the Mainland at the entrance to our City. You will suffer
                                                   a bit during our I-45 construction, but, I promise, you will be delighted with how it looks at the end of
                                                   2022 and early 2023.
    Wishing you and your family a
                                                   In closing, Debbie and I and our family want to wish you all a Happy and Successful New Year. God
        safe and happy 2020                        bless your family, and may God bless Texas City!

             DISCOVER TEXAS CITY!                  Sincerely,
              Download our APP today;
    Search Visit Texas City on Apple App Store
                   and Google Play
                                                   Matthew T. Doyle, Mayor
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