Page created by Martin Barnett

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                 06                                                                                                                            24
        WEL COME TO K ODI A K                                                                                                           F O O D & D R I NK
                                                                                                                             BAR & LOUNGE • CATERING • COFFEE
                                                                                                                                     DINING • GROCERY

          GET TING A ROUN D
           AIR • VEHICHLES
       MARINE TRANSPORTATION                                                                                                              S H O P L O C AL
         MOVING & SHIPPING                                                                                                      ART, PHOTO & MUSIC • RETAIL &
                                                                                                                             CLOTHING • HOME GOODS • GIFT SHOP
                                                                                                                                HOME SUPPLIES • AUTOMOTIVE

                                                                                                                            TECHNOLOGY SHOPS • OUTDOOR GOODS

         MOVING TO K ODI A K
INSURANCE • STORAGE• HOME SERVICES &                                                                                           T H E C O AS T G U AR D IN KO DI A K

                                                                                                           © Fred O'Hearn
                                                                                                                                     G E T T I N G I N V O LV E D
 T H E KODIA K RE A L ES TATE M A RK ET                                                                                        CLUBS & SERVICE ORGINIZATIONS
                                                                                                                                   TRADE ORGINIZATIONS

                                                                  W I L D L I F E O F K O D I AK

                                                                      L I F E I N K O D I AK
                                                         PRE SCHOOL • CHILDCARE • EDUCATION
                                                         WORSHIP • LOCAL MEDIA • GOVERNMENT
                                                         ORGINIZATIONS • NATIVE ORGINIZATIONS

                                                                    W H AT T O S E E & D O
                                                          CULTURE & HISTORY • ENTERTAINMENT

                                                           I N TR O D U C T I O N T O T H E AL U T I I Q
                                      © Jena Lowmaster

                                                                                                                                                                      © Kelly Parker

                                                                             PE O PL E
40                                           2020 OFFICAL KODIAK
                                                     E A R T H Q U AK E & T S U N AM I                           R E L O C AT I O N G U I D E
                                                            PR E PAR E D N E S S                                   is published annually by the
                                                                                                                 Kodiak Chamber of Commerce.

                                                                   42                                                        STAFF
                                                                                                                       Executive Director
                                                      P I L L AR M O U N TAI N W I N D                               SARAH PHILLIPS
                                                                   44                                               Community Relations Director
                                                      A D J U S T YO U R AL T I T U D E                              J E N A LO W M A S T E R

                                                                   46                                                 Administrative Assistant
                                                    2 02 0 C AL E N D AR O F E V E N T S                           A N A S TA S I A PA I N T E R
                                   © Fred O'Hearn

                                                                   48                                          All photography is copyrighted by the
                                                                                                                   listed photographer or agent.
                                                           M AP O F K O D I AK
                                                                                                                          Publication Design:
               34                                                                                                    J E N A LO W M A S T E R

         P ERSONA L C A RE
                                                                                                                   The Kodiak Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                                                   gratefully acknowledges those who
               36                                                                                                 submitted photos for inclusion in the
                                                                                                                     2020 Kodiak Relocation Guide.
         WHERE TO STAY
        PET CARE • LODGING                                                                                          Main Cover Photo: Shane Parker
                                                                                                                     Overall Photo Contest Winners:
                                                                                                                   Bradley Pigage, Gretchen Powers &
               36                                                                                                             Fred O'Hearn
                                                                                                                   Additional Credits: Aimee Williams
       BUSINESS S ERVI C ES                                                                                   Ashley Walkner, Barb Large, Carolyn Hawes,
    MISCELLANEOUS • ENGINEERS                                                                                Jena Lowmaster, John Cannon, Jonathan Lally,
           DISTRIBUTORS                                                                                      Julie Rodgers, Kelly Champagne, Kelly Parker,
                                                                                                               Lauren Steenson, Liz Demerest, Liz Jones,
                                                                                                                     Lydia Olsen,Pancho Valladolid,
               38                                                                                            Patrick Saltonstall, Risha Isom, Sarah Phillips,
                                                                                                                           Sunanne Abraham
                                                                                           © Julie Rodgers

        HARBOR & MARINE                                                                                       The Chamber of Commerce makes every effort to
    FISHERIES • FISHING VESSELS                                                                              ensure accurate listings, but does not guarantee the
         SEAFOOD SERVIES                                                                                      accuracy, service or products represented herein.
                                                                                                                    Updated information may be sent to:
                                                                                                                    KODIAK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
                                                                                                                          100 Marine Way, Ste. 300
                                                                                                                            Kodiak, Alaska 99615
2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E
© Bradley Pigage

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                WELCOME TO
  Welcome to the Emerald Isle, the second largest island in the
                       United States!

        Rain or shine, rain being more likely, the beauty of
  Kodiak captivates residents and visitors alike. Whether an avid
outdoors lover, artist, or someone that simply appreciates a tight
knit community and scenic vistas, history and culture, or the quiet
      and seclusion, there is a place for everyone in Kodiak!

       The Kodiak Archipelago spans sixteen major islands
  consisting of seven communities, Kodiak, Port Lions, Ouzinkie,
Larsen Bay, Karluk, Old Harbor, and Akhiok. Kodiak is the largest of
                         the communities.

   Much of the Kodiak area commerce is driven by the thriving
  commercial fishing industry. Virtually every business in Kodiak
 benefits from commercial fishing dollars, with nearly 20% of the
  population fishing commercially. Kodiak also boasts the largest
 Coast Guard Base in the US, and the first privately owned rocket
                         launch facility.

   Rich in beauty, history, and culture, there is plenty to explore
throughout the island. Start exploring your new home by stopping
 by Discover Kodiak at the Visitor's Center for maps, helpful tips,
                      and plan your adventure.

  Stop by the Chamber of Commerce to begin your job search, or
 learn more about business, starting your own business and social
                   networking opportunities.

                  We’ll see you around the rock!

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                 GETTING AROUND                                                                      There are a surprising
                                                                                                   number of ways to arrive
                                                                                                                 in Kodiak!

                                                                                                    Whether you arrived on
                                                                                               Alaska Airlines, Ravn, one of
                                                                                                  their partners, by ferry, or
                                                                                                 private charter, it’s time to
                                                                                              begin exploring our 100 miles
                                                                                                of road system and beyond!
© Fred O'Hearn

                                   Our way of saying, “Welcome, friend.”

                                                         Join today at alaskaair.com/club49

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                                                           Lynden Transport
AIR                                        VEHICLES                        3027 Rampart Drive
                                                                           Anchorage, AK 99501
Alaska Airlines                            Avis Rent-A-Car                 (907) 276-4800
1647 Airport Way                           1647 Airport Way                www.Lynden.com
Kodiak, AK 99615                           Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 487-2663                             (907) 487-2264                  Matson
www.AlaskaAir.com                                                          727 Shelikof Street
Moving to Kodiak? Here’s one way to        Kodiak Car Rentals              Kodiak, AK 99615
fit right in. Join your Alaska neighbors   (907) 654-7356                  (907) 481-4210
as a member of Club 49, Alaska             www.KodiakCarRentals.com        www.Matson.com
Airlines’ free travel benefits program                                     Samson Tug & Barge
just for Alaskans. Free bags, discounts    MARINE TRANSPORTATION           8046 West Rezanof Drive
and more. Military? This includes you                                      Kodiak, AK 99615
too! Join at alaskaair.com/club49.         Alaska Marine Highway System    (907) 487-4908
                                           PO Box 112505                   www.SamsonTug.com
Andrew Airways
                                           Juneau, AK 99811
500 Trident Way                                                            Span Alaska
                                           (907) 465-3941
Kodiak, AK 99615                                                           3420 East Rezanof Drive
(907) 487-2566                                                             Kodiak, AK 99615
www.AndrewAirways.com                      Lynden Transport                (907) 486-8501
                                           3027 Rampart Drive              www.SpanAlaska.com
Harvey Flying Service
                                           Anchorage, AK 99501
5279 Airport Way                                                           World Wide Movers
                                           (907) 276-4800
Kodiak, AK 99615                                                           111 Bartel Avenue
(907) 487-2621                                                             Kodiak, AK 99615
www.HarveyFlyingService.com                Matson                          (907) 486-5354
                                           727 Shelikof Street             www.World-WideMovers.com
Island Air Service
                                           Kodiak, AK 99615
1420 Airport Way
                                           (907) 481-4210
Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 478-6196
www.FlyADQ.com                             Samson Tug & Barge

                                                                                                                     © Suzanne Abraham
                                           8046 West Rezanof Drive
Ravn Alaska
                                           Kodiak, AK 99615
1647 Airport Way
                                           (907) 487-4908
Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 487-4363
                                           MOVING & SHIPPING
Sea Hawk Air
506 Trident Way                            AAA Moving & Storage/Kodiak
Kodiak, AK 99615                           Transfer Co.
(907) 486-8282                             5152 Old Tom Stiles Road
www.SeaHawkAir.com                         Kodiak, AK 99615
Top rated Bear Viewing &                   (907) 487-9765
Transportation for all your Outdoor        www.KodiakTransfer.com
Activities. The locals will tell you to
go with Rolan & Jo! Find us in Trident     APL Logistics
Basin.                                     727 Shelikof Street
                                           Kodiak, AK 99615
Vertigo Air                                (907) 486-4701
1623 Mill Bay Road                         www.APLLogistics.com
Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 512-2030
2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                          LARSEN RENTAL PROPERTIES
    Looking for a place to call home? Larsen Properties are all state of the art in design and
construction! Most units are on Sharatin Road, a paved road, in a complex that is professionally
                                  landscaped and maintained.
 The Landscaping and attention to detail are some of the first things you notice when you visit.
  Complete with lots of natural lighting, the apartments are bright and roomy - important on
                                       Kodiak grey days!
    Decorative touches like appliances and mini blinds that compliment the room decor, the
    apartments come in a wide variety of layouts ranging in size from 1300-1650 sqft and 2-3
 bedrooms. All units are equipped with Energy Star rated appliances and rent includes heat oil.
   Cable TV included in some units. Laundry facilities are on site and each unit has additional
        storage available. All common areas are professionally cleaned and maintained!

In business for over 30 years, Larsen Properties provides a quality home with conveniences and
 amenities you would expect in larger communities. Looking for top of the line design, layouts,
                                color, and size, time to reach out!

                          (907) 942-7260 or (907) 350-8767
                              LarsenProperties@hotmail.com or Alayne@gci.net
2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                                                                      Alaska USA Federal Credit Union
PROPERTY RENTALS                           REAL ESTATE                                2685 Mill Bay Road
                                                                                      Kodiak, AK 99615
Alaska 1 Realty                            Alaska 1 Realty                            (907) 486-0900
1712 Mill Bay Road, Ste. C                 1712 Mill Bay Road, Ste. C                 www.AlaskaUSA.org
Kodiak, AK 99615                           Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 486-4663                             (907) 486-4663                             Credit Union 1
www.Alaska1Realty.com                      www.Alaska1Realty.com                      111 Lower Mill Bay Road
                                                                                      Kodiak, AK 99615
Associated Island Brokers Inc              Associated Island Brokers Inc.             (907) 486-9485
202 Center Avenue, Ste. 101                202 Center Avenue, Ste. 101                www.CU1.org
Kodiak, AK 99615                           Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 486-2000                             (907) 486-2000                             Edward Jones Investments
www.SoldOnKodiak.com                       www.SoldOnKodiak.com                       2705 Mill Bay Road, Ste. 201
                                                                                      Kodiak, AK 99615
Fields Rentals                             Cliff Point Estates                        (907) 486-5000
PO Box 1691                                PO BOX 1275                                www.EdwardJones.com
Kodiak, AK 99615                           Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 486-8370                             (907) 942-0714                             First National Bank Alaska
wfields@gci.net                            wwwCliffPointEstates.com                   218 Center Avenue
                                           Cliff Point Estates offers 400 acres       Kodiak, AK 99615
Kodiak Island Housing Authority            of pristine oceanfront property on         (907) 486-7900
3137 Mill Bay Road                         Kodiak Island with stunning views in       www.FNBAAlaska.com
Kodiak, AK 99615                           every direction, and a short 45-minute
(907) 486-8111                                                                        Key Bank Association
                                           flight from Anchorage. 167, two-acre       422 West Marine Way
www.KodiakIslandHousing.com                homesites nestle along beaches, cliffs     Kodiak, AK 99615
Large Vacation Rentals                     and among tall Sitka spruce providing      (907) 486-6104
1723 Mission Road                          privacy and unmatched vacation or          www.Key.com
Kodiak, AK 99615                           primary residence opportunity. Call for
(907) 486-4224                             a private tour – and find the              Kodiak Tax Service
alanbarb@acsalaska.net                     Unexpected Adventure waiting for you       1120 Baranof Street
www.LargeVacationsRentals.com              at Cliff Point Estates.                    Kodiak, AK 99615
Available year round & locally owned.                                                 (907) 486-4833
                                           RE/MAX of Kodiak
Coming to Kodiak can be stressful, we      204 E. Rezanof Drive, Ste. 101             Reith Pediangco & Company
rent the whole home. Fully furnished       Kodiak, AK 99615                           218 Center Avenue, Ste. B
with its own laundry, making the           (907) 512-2771                             Kodiak, AK 99615
incoming families as comfortable as        www.KodiakIslandRealEstate.com             (907) 486-3100
possible. Homes are located in town                                                   www.KodiakCPAS.com
with views of the channel and some         Western Alaska Land Title Co.
are lake front properties. All utilities   314 Center Avenue                          Residential Mortgage, LLC
included with Wi-Fi. Pets welcome on       Kodiak, AK 99615                           2011 Mill Bay Road, Ste. 1
approval. Rates are seasonal, call or      (907) 486-4433                             Kodiak, AK 99615
e-mail rates.                              WALTCO@Alaskan.com                         (907) 481-1044
Larsen Rental Properties
PO Box 29                                  FINANCIAL SERVICES                         Wallstrum Stevens CPA
Kodiak, AK 99615                                                                      2705 Mill Bay Road, Ste. 205
(907) 942-7260 or (907) 350-8767           Alaska Housing Finance Corp.               Kodiak, AK 99615
LarsenProperties@hotmail.com               521 Maple Avenue                           (907) 512-2726
Different decors, different layouts,       Kodiak, AK 99615                           JStevens@AK.net
different locations, different prices.     (907) 486-5513
Something for everyone!                    www.AHFC.us

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                                                                        Friend Contractors LLC
 FINANCIAL SERVICES, CONTINUED                   STORAGE                                1950 Mill Bay Road
                                                                                        Kodiak, AK 99615
 Wells Fargo                                     Ice House                              (907) 486-3908
 202 West Marine Way                             1318 Mill Bay Road
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                Kodiak, AK 99615                       Golden Alaska Excavating
 (907) 486-3126                                  (907) 486-3367                         2011 Mill Bay Road
 www.WellsFargo.com                                                                     Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                 Mill Bay Storage                       (907) 539-6490
                                                 2521 Selief Lane                       www.GoldenAlaska.biz
 UTILITIES                                       Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                 (907) 486-8351                         Lightfoot, Inc.
 Alaska Waste                                    www.MillBayStorage.biz                 PO Box 1934
 1621 Mill Bay Road                                                                     Kodiak, AK 99615
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                World Wide Movers                      (907) 486-6229
 (907) 486-5308                                  111 Bartel Avenue                      light@gci.net
 www.AlaskaWaste.net                             Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                 (907) 486-5354                         Olson Construction
 GCI                                             www.World-WideMovers.com               PO Box 32
 170 Von Scheele Way                                                                    Kodiak, AK 99615
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                                                       (907) 539-1519
 (907) 486-3334
                                                 HOME SERVICES & REPAIRS
                                                                                        Red Hook Construction
                                                 Scott’s Heating and Plumbing Service   4545 East Rezanof Drive
 Kodiak Electric Association (KEA)               1414 Mill Bay Road                     Kodiak, AK 99615
 1614 Mill Bay Road                              Kodiak, AK 99615                       (907) 486-2948
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                (907) 486-5405                         redhook@alaska.net
 (907) 486-7700
 www.KodiakElectric.com                          Sparkling Windows
                                                 PO Box 204
 Petro Marine Services                           Kodiak, AK 99615
 104 East Marine Way                             (907) 486-5391
 Kodiak, AK 99615
 (907) 486-3421                                  CONSTRUCTION & REMODELLING
 Petro Star Inc                                  Bering Industrial Contractors, Inc
 715 Shelikof Street                             8300 Rezanof Drive
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                Kodiak, AK 99615
 (907) 486-3245                                  (907) 486-8300
                                                 Bernie Brothers
 Threshold Recycling Services                    654 Anderson Way
 380 Von Scheele Way                             Kodiak, AK 99615
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                (907) 481-3900
 (907) 486-6551                                  berniebrothers@hotmail.com
                                                 Brechan Construction
                                                 2705 Mill Bay Road
 INSURANCE                                       Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                 (907) 486-3215
 Sweeney Insurance                               www.BrechanConstructionLLC.com
 122 West Rezanof Drive
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                Emerald Isle Security & Consulting
 (907) 486-3101                                  1419 Mill Bay Road
 www.SweeneyInsurance24-7.com                    Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                 (907) 942-0386
2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

  En jo y y o u r stay in Kodiak wh ere
      y o u c a n pu t y ou r feet u p ,
        r e la x, an d feel a t h ome.
 Ava i l a bl e yea r- ro u n d • L o c al l y o w n e d
  We ha ve fou r h o m e s to c h o o se f r o m
  Rent the w h o l e h o u se • Pe t f ri e n dly
    Sea sona l rate s • F u l l y f u rn i sh e d

               (907) 486-4224
     Email us: alanbarb@acsalaska.net

                                                                                      Carrie Morton
                                                                                      Mortgage Loan Originator
Choosing the right lender is as important                                             NMLS #196016

as choosing the right home.
                                                                                      Office: (907) 481-1044
                                                                                      Cell: (907) 539-1235
As your hometown lender since 1991, I’m here to assist with all of your               2011 Mill Bay Road, Suite 1
home loan needs. Residential Mortgage offers a full range of loan                     Kodiak, AK 99615
products, including VA, HUD 184, and ones specifically for Alaskan
home buyers.
Apply online at www.carriemorton.com or call me today to get started.

THE KODIAK REAL ESTATE MARKET                            Kodiak Island is located in the north    The sale of residential property in
                                           BOB BRODIE
                        ASSOCIATED ISLAND BROKERS INC.
                                                         Pacific ocean 250 miles southwest of     Kodiak has continued to enjoy a
                                                         Anchorage. It is the second              stable market.
                                                         largest island in the US, home to
                                                         approximately 13,345 residents, the      The 2019 sales have ranged from
                                                         largest US Coast Guard base, 1.7         $104,000 to $667,000 with a
                                                         million acre National Wildlife Refuge    median sale price of $319,000.
                                                         and one of the top 5 fishing ports in    Buyers can select from a wide
                                                         the United States. Kodiak receives       variety of choices from the
                                                         approximately 67 inches of rain          downtown of Kodiak, suburban
                                                         annually.                                neighborhoods, ocean front homes
                                                                                                  to rural tree covered multi acre lots.
                                                         The farthest one can drive from          New home sales have been selective
                                                         the City of Kodiak is approximately      and there are contractors with an
                                                         50 miles putting nearly every home       inventory of residential building lots.
                                                         within commuting distance.
                                                                                                  Kodiak offers many opportunities to
                                                         For the past several years the Kodiak    those thinking of relocating. For
                                                         housing market came be most              outdoors enthusiasts there are hiking
                                                         characterized as ‘Stable’ as Kodiak      trails galore and for boaters the sea
                                                         has been fairly immune to the boom       is at your doorstep. Fishermen can
                                                         and bust cycles as experienced in        choose from halibut, bass, cod & 5
                                                         many parts of the US. Being in a semi    species of salmon, while
                                                         isolated location combined with a        hunters can choose from elk, deer,
                                                         stable government & fishing              goat & bear. Nature lovers can
                                                         economy has allowed Kodiak to            photograph whales, otters, flowers,
                                                         enjoy modest growth without major        eagles and other birds. The annual
                                                         fluctuations.                            Audubon Christmas bird count is one
                                                                                                  of the highest in the state. Kodiak
                                                         The rental housing market seen some      has 4 elementary schools, a middle
                                                         easing from the formerly ‘tight’         school and new $65 million dollar
                                                         market of years past. This may be        high school. Youth activities include
                                                         attributed to the construction of over   Kodiak Kingfishers swim club, Kid
                                                         60 new rental units in the past 3        Wrestling, Little League, Kodiak
                                                         years, a reduction in capital            youth football, Little Dribblers,
                                                         construction spending by the State       Kodiak youth hockey, Kodiak
                                                         of Alaska and some reorganization        volleyball club, scouting and more.
                                                         in the Kodiak processing industry.       Adult activities include the Kodiak
                                                         Where previously a new resident          Arts Council productions, Lions, Elks,
                                                         coming to town was faced with            Rotary, Kiwanis, Masons, quilters
                                                         limited rental choices there are now     guild, community band and others.
                                                         a variety of apartments and homes        As they say here in Kodiak, “if you are
                                                         from which to choose.                    bored here you aren’t trying”

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                                                                                                  © Liz Jones
© Fred O'Hearn

                     Local News For Alaska's Emerald Isle
                     1419 SeligADVERTISING                   RATES

                                St. • 486-3227 • info@kodiakdailymirror.com

                                 Open Rate $11�99 per column inch
                                       all rates are subject to 7% local sales tax

                      Column Sizes                                     Popular Sizes
                    1 column     1.53”
                    2 column     3.22”                                   3 COLUMNS X 5”
                    3 column     4.92”
                    4 column     6.61”
                    5 column     8.31”
                    6 column     10”
                    OPTIONAL UPGRADES:
                                                      © John Cannon

                       CMYK - $200/run
                        Spot - $125/run
                          Placement                                      2 COLUMNS X 2”
                      Specific Page - 20%

                                                                                                                  © Suzanne Abraham
                     3 Day Flyerboard - $25
                     5 Day Flyerboard - $50

                                                                                                                  © Jena Lowmaster
 © Ashley Walkner

                                                      © Liz Demerest

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

 Kodiak Bears are some of the
 largest bears in the world, and
 are a unique subspecies of the
 brown bear. Kodiak is home to
 about 3,500, meaning nearly a
 bear every square mile!

                                                                            © Shane Parker

                                                   CREATURES WITH HOOVES
                                                   Roosevelt Elk can be found
                                                   sparsely throughout Afognak
                                                   and Raspberry Islands. Watch
                                                   for the small Sitka Black Tailed                                 © Pancho Valladolid

                                                   Deer as you drive on the road
                                    © Risha
                                 © Shane    Isom
                                         Parker    system, and go shed hunting for           CREATURES WITH WINGS
                                                   their antlers in the late winter          With more than 240 species of
 CREATURES ON LAND                                 and early spring. Just look up            birds on the Archipelago you're
 Keep your eyes peeled for the                     into the peaks of rocky                   sure to find something to take
 small, cunning, and quick                         mountains to find the white                your breath away in the skys.
 Ermine! They are white in the                     Mountain Goats. Venture out to            Some of our most popular
 winter and brown with white                       the Southwest side of the island          residents are Bald Eagles,
 chest in the warmer months.                       for a glimpse of Reindeer                 Golden Eagles, Puffins,
 Silver, Red, and Cross Foxes,                     wandering about.                          Magpies, King Fishers, and a
 are also abundant throughout                                                                wide variety of Ducks and other
 Kodiak and may even be casing                                                               water fowl including Swans.
 our resident Hares.

                               © Kelly Champagne                           © Carolyn Hawes                           © Ashley Walkner

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                                     CREATURES IN WATER
                                                     There’s a whole ocean full of them! Kodiak is
                                                     fortunate to have five varieties of Salmon in
                                                     addition to Halibut, Lingcod, Dolly Varden, and
                                                     Trout for the avid fisherman. Some of the
                                                     non-fishing creatures favorites in the Kodiak Area
                                                     are the transient Killer Whales, and seasonal
                                                     Humpbacks, Fin, and Gray Whales. Looking for
                                                     something of the furry variety, Kodiak is also
                                                     home to Sea and River Otters, Sea Lions, Seals
                                    © Fred O'Hearn   and many many more!

                                                        Remember When walking
                                                     through the woods, make noise
                                                          and sing this song:
                                                              “Hey bear, ho bear.
                                                             What you gonna do?
                                                            I’m here, you’re there.
                                                          I’m just passing Through.

                                                               Hey bear, ho bear.
                                                             It’s such a lovely day.
                                                                This is your l and,
                                                                  I understand,
                                                              so I’ll be on my way!”
Photo by Risha Isom

                      Be Bear, aware!                         Song & book by Stacy Studebaker

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                                                                         St. Mary’s Catholic School
 PRE SCHOOL / CHILDCARE                          EDUCATION                               2932 Mill Bay Road
                                                                                         Kodiak, AK 99615
 Kodiak Baptist Mission                          Kodiak Christian School                 (907) 486-3513
 1944 East Rezanof Drive                         3300 East Rezanof Drive                 www.SMSKodiak.org
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                Kodiak, AK 99615
 (907) 486-4126                                  (907)-486-4905                          UAF Kodiak Seafood & Marine
 www.KodiakBaptistMission.org                    www.KCSEagles.org                       Science
                                                                                         118 Trident Way
 Kodiak Christian School                         Kodiak College
                                                                                         Kodiak, AK 99615
 3300 East Rezanof Drive                         117 Benny Benson Drive
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                Kodiak, AK 99615                        (907) 486-1500
 (907) 486-4905                                  (907) 486-4161                          www.SFOS.UAF.edu/FITC
 www.KCSEagles.org                               www.KOC.Alaska.edu
 River of Life Christian Fellowship              Kodiak Island Borough School District
 Daycare Center                                  722 Mill Bay Road
                                                                                         Abba Father’s Christian Fellowship
 2050 Selief Lane                                Kodiak, AK 99615
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                (907) 486-7550
                                                                                         515 East Marine Way
 (907) 486-7652                                  www.KIBSD.org
                                                                                         Kodiak, AK 99615
 WomenofServanthood@gmail.com                       • Ahkiok: (907) 836-2223
                                                                                         (907) 942-7171
                                                       Alternative Education
 St. Mary’s Catholic School                                                              ronyharden@gci.net
                                                       Services: (907) 486-7544
 2932 Mill Bay Road                                 • Chiniak: (907) 486-8323            About My Father’s Business
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                   • East                               PO Box 471
 (907) 486-3513                                        Elementary: (907) 481-6500        Kodiak, AK 99615
 www.SMSKodiak.org                                  • Karluk: (907) 241-2217             (907) 654-0470
 St. Paul Lutheran Preschool                        • Kodiak Middle                      www.AboutMyFathersBusinessAK.com
 3077 East Rezanof Drive                               School: (907) 481-2200
                                                    • Kodiak High                        Community Baptist Church
 Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                       School: (907) 486-4700            216 Mill Bay Road
 (907) 486-5317
                                                    • Main                               Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                       Elementary: (907) 481-2100        (907) 486-3458
 USCG Child Development Center                      • Northstar                          cbcchurch@gci.net
 Building 2 Storis Drive                               Elementary: (907) 481-2000        Kodiak Baptist Mission
 Kodiak, AK 99619                                   • Old Harbor: (907) 286-2213         1944 East Rezanof Drive
 (907) 487-5481                                     • Ouzinkie: (907) 680-2204           Kodiak, AK 99615
 www.KodiakMWR.com/cdc.shtml                        • Peterson                           (907) 486-4126
                                                       Elementary: (907) 481-6400        www.KodiakBaptistMission.org
                                                    • Port Lions: (907) 454-2237

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                                                                 KVOK 98.7 | Hot 101.1
WORSHIP, CONTINUED                       LOCAL MEDIA                             1315 Mill Bay Road, Ste. A
                                                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615
Oceans United                            Kodiak Daily Mirror                     (907) 486-5159
3300 East Rezanof Drive                  1419 Selig Street                       www.KVOK.com
Kodiak, Alaska 99615                     Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 240-0678                           (907) 486-3227                          TBC Radio
www.OceansAK.com                         www.KodiakDailyMirror.com               717 Hemlock Street
                                                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615
River of Life Christian                  KMXT 100.1 | KODK 90.7                  (907) 486-0210
Fellowship International Church          Public Radio
2050 Selief Lane                         620 Egan Way
Kodiak, AK 99615                         Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 486-7652                           (907) 486-3181
WomanofServanthood@gmail.com             www.KMXT.org
                                         Kodiak Public Broadcasting
Time of Grace Ministry                   Corporation - KPBC | KMXT 100.1 FM
403B Polaris Ave                         and KODK 90.7 FM. Kodiak’s
Kodiak, AK 99615                         public radio stations. Bringing you
(907) 521-0766                           local, statewide, and national news
www.TimeofGrace.org                      daily. We are proud to serve as your
Can’t get to church? Take God

                                                                                                                           © Bradley Pigage
                                         community radio stations.
underway, on the trail, in the air, or
into your home via podcast!

                                                  Now Available

                     BEACHFRONT PROPERTY
                     The luxury of solitude. The convenience of an easy commute.

                          cliffpointestates.com | 907-942-0714 | sales@cliffpointestates.com

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                                 Koniag Incorporated                       Sun’aq Tribe of Kodiak
 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS                        194 Alimaq Drive                          312 West Marine Way
                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615                          Kodiak, AK 99615
 Alaska Army National Guard                      (907) 486-2530                            (907) 486-4449
 125 Powell Avenue                               www.Koniag.com                            www.Sunaq.org
 Kodiak, AK 99615
 (907) 231-9746                                  Leisnoi Incorporated
 www.state.nationalguard.com/alaska              326 Center Avene, Ste. 206                CULTURE & HISTORY
                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615
 City of Kodiak                                  (907) 512-2055                            Kodiak Maritime Museum
 710 Mill Bay Road #220                          www.Lesnoi.com                            PO Box 1876
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                                                          Kodiak, AK 99615
 (907) 486-8640                                  Native Village of Afognak                 (907) 486-0384
 www.City.Kodiak.AK.US                           323 Carolyn Street                        www.KodiakMaritimeMuseum.org
                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615                          KMM has been preserving and
 Kodiak Island Borough                           (907) 486-6357                            interpreting Kodiak's maritime
 710 Mill Bay Road                               www.Afognak.org                           heritage since 1992. Although we
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                                                          remain a "museum without walls," we
 (907) 486-9301                                  Natives of Kodiak
                                                 215 Mission Road, Ste. 212                have produced many programs,
 www.Kodiak.AK.US                                                                          including the Thelma C Interpretive
                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615
 US Coast Guard Air Station                      (907) 486-3606                            Exhibit and the Harbor Lights Festival
 Hanger 2 Building 20                            www.NativesofKodiak.com                   each December. We also lead a unique
 Base Kodiak, AK 99619                                                                     90-minute waterfront tour which gets
 (907) 487-5836                                  Old Harbor Native Corporation             visitors up close to the boats, gear, and
 www.USCG.mil/d17/AirstaKodiak                   PO Box 71                                 fishermen of Kodiak's commercial fishing
                                                 Old Harbor, AK 99643                      fleet.
 US Coast Guard Base Kodiak                      (907) 286-2286
 PO Box 195000                                   www.OldHarborNativeCorp.com
 Kodiak, AK 99619
 (907) 487-5760

 NATIVE ORGANIZATIONS                                                        Kodiak Maritime Museum
 Afognak Native Corporation
 300 Alimaq Drive                                                            Telling the stories of
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                                            Kodiak’s maritime heritage
 (907) 486-6014                                                              since 1992.
 Kodiak Area Native Association
 3449 East Rezanof Drive
 Kodiak, AK 99615
 (907) 486-9800
 Our patient-centered approach to
 Medical, Dental, Behavioral Health
 and Community Services to the Kodiak
 communities guides our mission: “To
 Elevate the Quality of Life of the
 People We Serve”.

                                                                                      PO Box
                                                                                      PO   ox 187
                                                                                                  6 Kod
                                                                                                      diiaak, AK 999966115
                                                                                      (907)486-0384 www.kodiakmaritimemuseum.or
                                                                                                                 Photo Kaaren
                                                                                                                    to:   re Du
2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                             City of Kodiak Parks & Recreation      The Rookery
CULTURE & HISTORY, CONTINUED                 410 Cedar Street                       104 Center Avenue, Ste 100B
                                             Kodiak, AK 99615                       Kodiak, AK 99615
Alutiiq Museum                               (907) 486-8665                         (907) 486-0052
215 Mission Road                             www.City.Kodiak.AK.US/ParksRec         www.TheRookeryFiberShop.com
Kodiak, AK 99615                             Ice Rink | (907) 486-8665              Quality yarn, fabrics, and threads.
(844) 425-8844                               Teen Center | (907) 486-8665           Kindle your fiber fascination. Make it
www.AlutiiqMuseum.org                        Swimming Pool | (9907) 481-2519        Mondays–every Mon-day night
                                                                                    6:30-8:30. Learn to knit, crochet, sew,
Kodiak History Museum                        Discover Kodiak Visitor Information    or get help on a project.
101 East Marine Way                          Center
Kodiak, AK 99615                             100 East Marine Way                    Sea Hawk Air
(907) 486-5920                               Kodiak, AK 99615                       506 Trident Way
www.BaranovMuseum.org                        (907) 486-4782                         Kodiak, AK 99615
                                             www.Kodiak.org                         (907) 486-8282
Kodiak Military History Museum                                                      www.SeaHawkAir.com
Fort Abercrombie State Park                  Kodiak Deer Hunts                      Top rated Bear Viewing &
Kodiak, AK 99615                             354 Diane Lane                         Transportation for all your Outdoor
(907) 486-7015                               Soldotna, AK 99669                     Activities. The locals will tell you to
www.Kadiak.org                               (907) 252-4803                         go with Rolan & Jo! Find us in Trident
                                             www.KodiakDeerHunts.com                Basin.
ENTERTAINMENT                                Kodiak Public Library
                                             612 Egan Way
Alaska Aerospace                             Kodiak, AK 99615
4300 B Street, Ste 101                       (907) 486-8686
Anchorage, AK 99503                          www.City.Kodiak.AK.US/Library
(907) 561-3338

                                                                                                                              © Lydia Olsen
                                             Kodiak Rodeo & State Fair
                                             PO Box 507
Alaska Aerospace Corporation
                                             Kodiak, AK 99615
welcomes you to Kodiak. The state
                                             (907) 487-4440
owns and we operate the Pacific
Spaceport Complex-Alaska. PSCA is a
state of the industry, small satellite       Kodiak Seafood & Marine
launch facility offering all indoor          Science Center Touch Tank
processing, providing optimal support        118 Trident Way
for small lift rockets into polar orbits.

                                                                                                                               © Fred O'Hearn
                                             Kodiak, AK 99615
Except during active launch activities,      (907) 486-1500
the public access to Fossil Beach areas      www.SFOS.UAF.edu/FITC
remain open for your enjoyment.

                                             The Rookery
                              Quality yarns, fabrics and threads
                                            Kindle your fiber fasination

 104 Center Avenue, Suite 100D                                                Folllow us on Facebook and Instagram
 907-486-0052                                                                          www.therookeryfibershop.com

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                             AN INTRODUCTION
                           TO THE ALUTIIQ PEOPLE
                                        COURTESY OF THE ALUTIIQ MUSEUM

 The Alutiiq are Kodiak’s first
 settlers, an Alaska Native
 people closely related to the
 Yup’ik of southwestern Alaska.
 Today there are about 1,800
 Alutiiq people in the Kodiak
 region. The live in the City of
 Kodiak and six rural villages—
 Akhiok, Karluk, Larsen Bay,
 Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, and Port

 HOW LONG HAVE ALUTIIQ PEOPLE                                                                               © Patrick Saltonstall

 LIVED ON KODIAK?                                fluent speaker left. Today, Alutiiq elders are teaching the language
 Alutiiq ancestors came to
                                                 to younger generations. In addition to English, many Alutiiq people
 Kodiak more than 7,500 years
                                                 speak some Russian, the language of the Russian Orthodox Church.
 ago. Archaeologists believe they
 paddled to the island from the
 Alaska Peninsula and that the                   WHAT RESOURCES DO ALUTIIQ PEOPLE HARVEST?
 modern Native community is                      The Alutiiq are a maritime people who have always made their
 descended from these first                      living from the sea. Alutiiq ancestors built sturdy boats from
 residents. When Russian                         driftwood and animal skins, and used them to harvest sea
 traders arrived in 1764, there                  mammals, fish, and bird to feed their families. Most Alutiiq families
 were about 10,000 Alutiiq                       continue to harvest wild foods, both for the dinner table and the
 people living in the region.                    commercial fishing industry.

 LANGUAGE?                                       The arts are a central part of Alutiiq culture and one of the
 Kodiak’s Native language is                     important ways that Native people express their identities. Kodiak
 called Alutiiq or Sugcestun. This               is home to many talented Alutiiq artists who practice beading,
 language was heavily                            carving, ceramics, drawing, boat building, painting, photography,
 suppressed in the twentieth                     skin sewing, and weaving. Kodiak also has active Native dance
 century and there are just a few                groups, who perform with songs, instruments, and choreography.

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

The Alutiiq Museum in downtown Kodiak offers exhibits,
educational programs, events, and publications that tell the Alutiiq
story. People of all heritages are invited to explore Alutiiq traditions
at the museum and to shop in the museum store. Popular events
include Craft Saturday—a monthly art activity for families, a Holiday
Bazaar, and opportunities to volunteer on archaeological research.

Tuesday–Friday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday Noon – 4:00 pm
215 Mission Road, First Floor

The memorial is a public park in downtown Kodiak created by the
City and the Alutiiq Museum to honor the Alutiiq people. Located
at the corner of Kashevaroff Street and Mill Bay Road, the park
offers seating, educational panels, and a place to remember
community members.                                                                                        © Patrick Saltonstall

                                         HOT 101.1 FM — From the 90’s to Now
                                            DJ Manic 6am-10am Monday-Friday
                                            Retro Lunch Noon-1pm Monday-Friday
                                            Jenifer 2pm-6pm Monday-Friday & Noon to 4pm Saturdays
                                            Ryan Seacrest AT40 4pm-8pm Saturdays
                                            Saturday Night HOT MIX 8pm-Midnight
                                            Sunday Night Slow Jams with RDub 8pm-Midnight
                                            Request Line 907-486-1011
        The Voice of Kodiak              98.7FM KVOK — Kodiak’s Country Station
                                            Megan Bravo 6am-10am Monday-Friday
                                            HOTLINE 10am-11am Entertainment & Issues
                                            Sarah California 2pm-6pm Monday-Friday
                                            American Country Countdown 8am-Noon Saturdays
                                            Country Mix Show Saturdays 5pm-9pm
                                            Your Official Seahawks Station
                                            Bears Varsity High School Sports
                                            Request Line 907-486-6011
Your Homeport Radio Stations—Kodiak Island Broadcasting Co. Inc.—Office 907-486-5159
Download our Free Mobile Apps at the App Store or Google Play; Like us on Facebook & Instagram
                     Visit our office at 1315 Mill Bay Road Ste. A; Kodiak, AK

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                                                                       Henry’s Great Alaskan Restaurant
 BAR & LOUNGE                                    COFFEE                                512 West Marine Way
                                                                                       Kodiak, AK 99615
 Chart Room                                      Fly-By Coffee                         (907) 486-8844
 236 West Rezanof Drive                          1715 Mill Bay Road                    www.HenrysGreatAlaskan.com
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                Kodiak, AK 99615
 (907) 486-5712                                  (907) 486-5864                        Kings Diner
 info@kodiakinn.com                                                                    1941 Mill Bay Road
                                                 Harborside Coffee & Goods             Kodiak, AK 99615
 Kodiak Island Brewery                           210 Shelikof Avenuve, B               (907)481-4100
 117 Lower Mill Bay Road                         Kodiak, AK 99615
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                (907) 486-5862                        Kodiak Hana Restaurant
 (907) 486-5712                                                                        516 East Marine Way
 www.KodiakBrewery.com                           Monks Rock                            Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                 202 East Rezanof Drive                (907) 481-1088
                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615                      www.KodiakHana.com
 CATERING                                        (907) 486-0905
                                                 susannahdamiano@gmail.com             Monks Rock
 Chart Room                                                                            202 East Rezanof Drive
 236 West Rezanof Drive                                                                Kodiak, AK 99615
 Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                 DINING                                (907) 486-0905
 (907) 486-5712                                                                        susannahdamiano@gmail.com
 info@kodiakinn.com                              Aquamarine Café
                                                 508 West Marine Way                   Subway of Kodiak
 MeLanies Crazy Cakes                            Kodiak, AK 99615                      326 Center Street
 (907) 512-9601                                  (907) 486-2999                        Kodiak, AK 99615
 hurst1n2@aol.com                                aquamarinecafe@gmail.com              (907) 486-7676
 Monks Rock                                      Big Al’s Pizzeria
 202 East Rezanof Drive                          2161 Mill Bay Road
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                (907) 486-0044                                            The Den
 (907) 486-0905                                  costsave@ptialaska.net                             CATERING & EVENT PLANNING

 susannahdamiano@gmail.com                       Grab a slice or a whole pizza, we bake
                                                                                                The  Den

                                                 or you bake. Going out for the day,
                                                                                                 The Den

 The Den Catering
 4207 Cliffside Road
                                                 select a lunch box to take with you. Try
                                                                                                  The Den
                                                                                            CATERING & EVENT PLANNING
                                                 our salads, they are the best in Kodiak! CATERING & EVENT PLANNING
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                Cost Savers is locally owned and           CATERING & EVENT PLANNING
 (907) 202-1139                                  operated for over 20 years. Open
 thedencatering@gmail.com                                                                          907.202.1139
                                                 Daily!                                      THEDENCATERING@GMAIL.COM
 Custom catering and event planning                                                    THEDENCATERING@GMAIL.COM
 for private parties, business                   Chart Room
 meetings, receptions, and more!                 236 West Rezanof Drive
 Providing high quality, sustainable, and        Kodiak, AK 99615
 locally sourced ingredients;                    (907) 486-5712
 catering to all dietary needs.                  info@kodiakinn.com
 Subway of Kodiak                                Galley Gourmet
 326 Center Street                               1223 Kouskov
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                Kodiak, AK 99615
 (907) 486-7676                                  (907) 486-5079
 www.Subway.com                                  www.Kodiak-Wildlife-Viewing-Dinner-
                                                                                                                              © Jena Lowmaster

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                        Kodiak Island Smokehouse
GROCERY                                 1011 Mill Bay Road
                                        Kodiak, AK 99615
Cost Savers                             (907) 486-6455
2161 Mill Bay Road                      www.KodiakIslandSmokehouse.com
Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 486-2408                          Pacific Seafood
costsave@ptialaska.net                  317 Shelikof Street
Cost Savers Grocery has it all! Fresh   Kodiak, AK 99615
produce, chilled & frozen foods,        (907) 486-8575
canned goods & paper products. Our      www.IslandSeafoods.com
Liquor store has a wide variety of
beers, wines and liquors. Before your
next party, come in & check us out!
Cost Savers is locally owned and
operated for over 20 years.
Kodiak Harvest Food Cooperative
PO Box 8110
Kodiak, AK 99615

                                                                                                                                       © Pancho Valladolid
                                                                         © Jena Lowmaster

                                        Serving Kodiak Since 1957
                                                   Opens at 11:30 for
                                                    Lunch & Dinner

     Local Alaskan                        Burger, Steaks &                                     20 Draft Beers on
        Seafood                                Salad                                             Tap & Full Bar

      Located Downtown Across the Street From the Harbor Masters Office
  (907) 486 8844 | 512 W Marine Way, Kodiak, AK 99615 | www.henrysgreatalaskan.com

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                                                                           Dejavu Cannabis Company
 ART, PHOTOS & MUSIC                             RETAIL & CLOTHING                         11676 West Rezanof Drive
                                                                                           Kodiak, AK 99615
 Bella Aqua Photography                          Big Ray’s                                 (907) 486+3352
 400 West Marine Way                             212 Lower Mill Bay Road                   Dejavu-Cannabis-Company.Business.
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                Kodiak, AK 99615                          Site/
 (251) 391-8633                                  (907) 486-4276
 From maternity, newborn, sitter                 www.BigRays.com/KodiakStore               Emily’s Alterations & Design
 sessions, and first birthday cake               Kodiak's premier fishing, hunting and     326 Center Avenue, Ste. 101
 smashes to princesses, styled sessions,         outdoor store! Great selection of         Kodiak, AK 99615
 senior year, and boudoir Bella Aqua is          outdoor clothing and footwear for the     (907) 486-5699
 here to capture all the important               whole family. Quality, name brand         EmilyAnnSalter@yahoo.com
 moments.                                        products for work and play, and a         Grand Slam Toys & Games
                                                 friendly, knowledgeable staff at your     1420 Mill Bay Road, Ste. A
 Island Style Mobile Entertainment               service seven days a week. Your next
 2574 Spruce Cape Road                                                                     Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                 adventure begins at Big Ray's-The         (907) 486-5400
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                Alaskan Outfitter.
 (907) 539-1542                                                                            GrandSlamToys@gmail.com
 Ise_mcshaggy@yahoo.com                          Daniel’s Fine Jewelry                     High Rise
                                                 414 West Marine Way                       104 Center Avenue, Ste. 102
 The Frame Shop                                  Kodiak, AK 99615
 2017 Mill Bay Road                                                                        Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                 (907) 486-0400                            (541) 961-2778
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                DanielsJewelry@gci.net
 (907) 654-4452                                  We specialize in sales, design, repair,
 www.TheFrameShopAK.com                          watch batteries, wedding &
                                                 engagement and certified diamonds.

                                                                                                                           © Risha Isom

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                Made in Kodiak
                                Kodiak, AK 99615
The Islander Bookshop           (907) 539-1365
1315 Mill Bay Road              www.MadeInKodiak.org
Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 539-2023                  Ovations
www.IslanderBookshop.com        1220 Rezanof Street
                                Kodiak, AK 99615
Kodiak Marine Supply            (907) 539-8996
332 Shelikof Street
Kodiak, AK 99615                The Rookery
(907) 486-5752                  104 Center Avenue, Ste. 100B
www.KodiakMarineSupply.com      Kodiak, AK 99615
                                (907) 486-0052                               Daniel 's Fine
Kodiak Powersports & Marine     www.TheRookeryFiberShop.com
1720 Mill Bay Road              Quality yarn, fabrics, and threads.
Kodiak, AK 99615                Kindle your fiber fascination. Make it
(907) 486-0333                  Mondays–every Mon-day night
www.KodiakPowerSports.biz       6:30-8:30. Learn to knit, crochet, sew,
                                or get help on a project.
                                                                             Sales • Design • Repair
Kodiak Sticker Company
100 East Marine Way, Ste. 100   Wal-Mart
                                                                                4141-B West Marine Way
Kodiak, AK 99615                2911 Mill Bay Road
                                                                                   Kodiak, AK 99615
(808) 397-1059                  Kodiak, AK 99615                                    (907) 486-0400
www.KodiakStickerCo.com         (907) 481-1670

                                                                                                                           © Bradley Pigage

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                                 Kodiak Furniture
 HOME GOODS                                      1420 Mill Bay Road, Ste. B                 HOME SUPPLIES
                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615
 Ardinger’s Fine Furniture                       (907) 486-5969                             Kodiak Rental Center
 1710 Mill Bay Road                              www.KodiakFurniture.net                    101 Center Avenue
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                Selling a wide variety of classic,         Kodiak, AK 99615
 (907) 486-5554                                  contemporary and modern furniture          (907) 486-3662
 Furnishingnetwork.com/ArdingersFurniture        and décor, with a great selection of       jskrents@ptialaska.net
                                                 mattresses, sofas, recliners and more at
 Cost Savers                                                                                Spenard Builders Supply
                                                 very competitive pricing. Family owned
 2161 Mill Bay Road                                                                         1600 Mill Bay Road
                                                 and operated.
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                                                           Kodiak, AK 99615
 (907) 486-2408                                                                             (907) 486-4168
 CostSave@ptialaska.net                          GIFT SHOP                                  www.SBSAlaska.com
 Cost Savers Grocery has it all! Fresh
 produce, chilled & frozen foods,                Norman’s Fine Gifts                        Sutliff Ace Hardware
 canned goods & paper products. Our              414 Marine Way                             210 Shelikof Street
 Liquor store has a wide variety of              Kodiak, AK 99615                           Kodiak, AK 99615
 beers, wines and liquors. Before your           (907) 486-3315                             (907) 486-5797
 next party, come in & check us out!             www.Normans-Fine-Gifts.Business.site       www.AceHardware.com
 Cost Savers is locally owned and oper-                                                     The Great Alaskan Flooring Company
 ated for over 20 years.                                                                    2017 Mill Bay Road
                                                                                            Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                                                            (907) 481-3800

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

AUTOMOTIVE                                  TECHNOLOGY SHOPS                        OUTDOOR GOODS
Midtown Auto Repair Services                Aksala Electronics                      Big Ray’s
2181 Mill Bay Road                          1417 Mill Bay Road, Ste. B              212 Lower Mill Bay Road
Kodiak, AK 99615                            Kodiak, AK 99615                        Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 486-4008                              (907) 486-4700                          (907) 486-4276
www.MidtownAutoRepair.net                                                           www.BigRays.com/KodiakStore
Serving Kodiak residents since 2006         Frontier Micro Systems                  Kodiak's premier fishing, hunting and
with honest and quality auto repair.        1513 Kouskov Street                     outdoor store! Great selection of
Our ASE Certified Technicians               Kodiak, AK 99615                        outdoor clothing and footwear for
perform brakes, steering and                (907) 486-4646                          the whole family. Quality, name brand
suspension repairs, alignments, tire        FontierMicro@gci.net                    products for work and play, and a
mount and balancing, oil & filter           J’s-ound                                friendly, knowledgeable staff at your
changes, scheduled maintenance, and         1419 Mill Bay Road                      service seven days a week. Your next
so much more… You can now                   Kodiak, AK 99615                        adventure begins at Big Ray's-The
schedule your appointment online at         (907) 486-2720                          Alaskan Outfitter.
our website.                                J.Sound@yahoo.com                       Orion’s Sports
R.C. Enterprises                            Rat Logic Computing                     1247 Mill Bay Road
2111 Mill Bay Road                          3189 Peninsula Road                     Kodiak, AK 99615
Kodiak, AK 99615                            Kodiak, AK 99615                        (907) 486-8380
(907) 486-8476                              (907) 252-2907                          www.OrionsSports.com
FrontDesk@RCEnterpriseinc.com               rat.logic.computing@gmail.com

                                                                           KODIAK’S PREMIER
                                                                         FISHING, HUNTING, AND
                                                                            OUTDOOR STORE

    Serving Kodiak residents since 2006 with Honest &
          Quality Auto Repair. Our ASE Certified
          Technicians perform Brakes, Steering &
      Suspension repairs, Alignments, Tire Mount &
        Balancing, Oil & Filter changes, Scheduled
             Maintenance, and so much more…
         You can now schedule your appointment
                  online at our website:
             www.midtownautorepair.net                                                                     D E
                                                                                                            R  SSED
                    M - F: 8:30 - 5:30                                                                      ALA
             907-486-4008 · 2181 Mill Bay Road                       212 LOWER MILL BAY ROAD
                                                                     KODIAK, AK 99615
                                                                     (907) 486-4276                     BIGRAYS.COM

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                   THE COAST GUARD IN KODIAK

                                                                                                                            © Sarah Phillips
                                                 SUPPLIED BY MR. RONY HARDEN

 Being stationed on Kodiak, a beautiful island approximately 250 miles southwest of Anchorage, leads to
 some amazing experiences for most who are assigned here. Life on Alaska’s “Emerald Isle” can be
 wonderful and wild. Summers are full of long periods of daylight, hiking, fishing, hunting, and surfing,
 biking, boating, and exploring the second largest island in the United States. Winters on “The Rock” bring
 darkness, heavy wind and rain, and occasional bouts of ice and snow, but we still find ways to have fun!

 If you’re bringing a family, Coast Guard Base Kodiak is the home of “Rock Solid Support” to all Coast
 Guard units on the island and here at Base Kodiak we offer an exceptional array of opportunities.
 On-base facilities include a commissary, exchange, movie theater, bowling alley, and a modern gym with
 an indoor swimming pool. Off-base there is a Safeway and Wal-Mart approximately eight miles away.
 Low crime rates, good schools, a close-knit community, and plenty of year-round activities make it so that
 many families who get stationed here don’t want to leave.
                                                                                                         © Jonathan Lally

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

In addition to the Base, there are
several large commands
located on Kodiak. Coast Guard
Air Station Kodiak is a
Seventeenth Coast Guard
District (D17) unit. The Air
Station was commissioned as an
Air Detachment April 17, 1947,
with one PBY Catalina aircraft,
seven pilots, and 30 crewmen. It
represented the first permanent
Coast Guard aviation resource
in Alaska. It is the largest Coast
Guard command in D17 and the
entire Pacific Area (PACAREA).
The present complement of
HC-130Hs, MH-60Ts,

                                                                                                                                      © Lauren Steenson
MH-65Ds support the mission
and save lives.

                                                      The Coast Guard Cutter                for a wide array of missions in
                                                      DOUGLAS MUNRO (WHEC                   “The Final Frontier” of Alaska.
                                                      724), the finest 378-foot cutter      Primarily focused on homeland
                                                      in the Coast Guard, is                security, search and rescue, and
                                                      homeported here as well.              international/domestic
                                                      Named after the only Coast            fisheries enforcement, the crew
                                                      Guard Medal of Honor recipient,       has operated throughout the
                                                      Signalman First Class Douglas         Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands,
                                                      Munro, the cutter enjoys a            into the western Pacific and Sea
                                                      reputation for excellence             of Japan, and north into the
                                                      resulting from the pride and hard     Arctic Circle. As the largest
                                                      work of the crew. Serving aboard      Medium Endurance Cutter in
                                                      a high endurance Coast Guard          the Coast Guard’s fleet, it boasts
                                                      cutter is quite an experience. The    a stable design that supports a
                                                      missions can be very                  better ride in heavy seas.
                                                      demanding, and the key to
                                                      success is the high caliber of the    Coast Guard Cutter SPAR (WLB
                                                      men and women assigned to             206), The Aleutian Keeper, and
                                                      DOUGLAS MUNRO                         its crew support the Aids to
                                                                                            Navigation mission in Alaska, an
                                                      Coast Guard Cutter ALEX               experience of a lifetime. Coast
                                © Pancho Valladolid

                                                      HALEY (WMEC 39), The Bulldog          Guard Cutter SPAR also has the
                                                      of the Bering, is a former Navy       distinct privilege of being the
                                                      rescue and salvage ship. The          adopted ship of the Sun'aq Tribe
                                                      ALEX HALEY is uniquely suited         of Kodiak.

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                                 Kodiak Lions Club                          Kodiak Morning Rotary Club
 CLUBS & SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS                   PO Box 1735                                PO Box 1963
                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615                           (907) 486-3269
 American Legion Post 17                         (907) 539-1623                             Kodiak, AK 99615
 318 Center Avenue                               www.KodiakLionsClub.org                    www.portal.clubrunner.ca/2469
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                Lions around the world are united by a
 (907) 486-3258                                  great spirit of giving and dedication to   Kodiak Afternoon Rotary Club
 www.AlaskaLegion.org                            helping others. Every day the Kodiak       PO Box 652
                                                 Lions Club works to fulfill the            Kodiak, AK 99615
 American Red Cross of Alaska                                                               (907) 486-6929
                                                 International mission: To support the
 610 Mill Bay Road                                                                          www.portal.clubrunner.ca/2468
                                                 efforts of Lions clubs worldwide in
 Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                 serving their local communities and the    Kodiak Special Olympics
 (907) 486-4040
                                                 world community as they carry out          610 Egan Way
                                                 essential humanitarian service projects.   Kodiak, AK 99615
 Ducks Unlimited                                                                            (907) 512-6633
 P.O. Box 2315                                                                              www.SpecialOlympicsAlaska.org
                                                 Kodiak Public Library Association
 Bethel, AK 99559
                                                 PO Box 1824                                Kodiak Teen Court
                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615                           610 Upper Mill Bay Road
 Elks Lodge/B.P.O.E. 1772                        (907) 942-5552                             Kodiak, AK 99615
 102 West Marine Way                             www.KodiakPublicLibraryAssociation.org     (907) 486-3550
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                                                           darlene@kodiakteencourt.org
 (907) 486-1772
 Kiwanis Club of Kodiak
 PO Box 2644
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                                   J o in K o d ia k L io n s
                                                                         C lu b To d a y !
 Kodiak Area Mentor Program
 412 Marine Way                                     Lions around the world are united by a great spirit of giving
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                     and dedication to helping others. Every day the Kodiak
 (907) 486-2919                                       Lions Club works to serve their local community and the
 www.KodiakMentors.org                                      world community as they carry out essential
                                                                   humanitarian service projects.
 Kodiak Arts Council
 722 Mill Bay Road                                                                 Local pr ojects
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                        C oats-for-K i ds, Vi si on S creeni ng, C rabfest saw dust pile,
 (907) 486-5291                                              E yecare, speci al requests, support for sports and
                                                                          groups and the l i st goes on.
 Kodiak Crime Stoppers                                                        Fundr aising pr ojects
 PO Box 1329                                         L a rge tent rental s, Warm A ugust N i ghts, P ul l -tabs, R aff les, Ar m
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                               Wrestl i ng tournament,R ubber D uck race, etc.
 (907) 486-3113
                                                      "We work hard, make money, give it all away and have a
 www.KodiakCrimeStoppers.com                                           good time doing it."
 Kodiak Football League
 PO Box 973                                              New members, New ideas and New projects Always
 Kodiak, AK 99615
 (907) 539-7472                                                     Come help today...WE SERVE!!!

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                          Alaska Whitefish Trawlers Association
                                          Kodiak, AK 99615
Resource Development Council              (907) 654-9888
121 W Fireweed Lane, Ste. 250             www.AlaskaWhitefishTrawlers.org
Anchorage, AK 99615
(907) 486-3550                            Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory
Senior Citizens of Kodiak, Inc            8195 Keni Spur Hwy
302 Erskine Drive                         Kenai, AK 99611
Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                                                          American Legion
                                          (907) 283-7222
(907) 486-6181                            www.CIRCAC.org                                    i s a f u ll s e r v i c e
www.KodiakSeniorCenter.org                                                           Veterans Club located
                                          Kozack and Associates
                                                                                      at 318 Center Ave
                                          326 Center Avenue #202
TRADE ORGANIZATIONS                       Kodiak, AK 99615                              W e l c o m e t o all
                                          (907) 486-8824                                Active Duty and
Alaska Groundfish Databank                lkozak@gci.net
363 Curlew Way
                                                                                         Retired Service
Kodiak, AK 99615                          United Fisherman’s Marketing                    members and their
(907) 486-3033                            Association                                             families!
agdb@gci.net                              PO Box 1035
                                          Kodiak, AK 99615                                (907) 486-5757
                                          (907) 486-3453

            COST SAVERS                                          Protecting Cook Inlet and Kodiak Island
                                                                   waters and shorelines since 1990.
 Fresh produce, chilled and frozen foods.
 Get your favorite warehouse store items
         without the membership.
   Our liquor store has a wide variety of
         beers, wines and liquors.
   We buy local and Alaskan products,
      including farm/boat to table.

 2161 Mill Bay Road | Kodiak, AK 99615
            (907) 486 2408

 Enjoy a slice of pizza here or buy a whole Take-n-Bake for
  people who want fresh and flavorful pizza at home for
   family or friends. We also have wonderful salads and
  sandwiches. Come in or call to order (907) 486-0044
        Inside Cost Savers. costsave@ptialaska.net

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

                                                 LifeMed Alaska                           Creighton Chiropractic Clinic
 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES                         3838 West 50th Avenue                    814 East Rezanof Drive
                                                 Anchorage, Ak 99502                      Kodiak, AK 99615
 Brother Francis Shelter                         (907) 249-8356                           (907) 487-9798
 410 Thorsheim Street                            www.LifeMedAlaska.com                    Lmc3@hotmail.com
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                                                         Dr. Laura Creighton is grateful for the
 (907) 486-5610                                  Salvation Army                           opportunity to live and work in this
 bfskinc@yahoo.com                               1855 Mission Road                        beautiful community for over 15 years.
                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615                         Thank you, Kodiak, for your support.
 Consumer Direct                                 (907) 486-8740
 1941 Mill Bay Road, Ste. B                      www.Kodiak.SalvationArmy.org             Eyecare Excellence
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                                                         3450 East Rezanof Drive
 (907) 481-3070                                  Senior Citizens of Kodiak, Inc           Kodiak, AK 99615
 www.ConsumerDirectKodiak.com                    302 Erskine Drive                        (907) 486-5504
                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615                         www.EyeCareExcellence.com
 Guardian Flight                                 (907) 486-6181                           We are committed to provide each
 3474 Old Int'l Airport Road                     www.KodiakSeniorCenter.org               patient with the highest quality eye
 Anchorage, AK 99502
                                                                                          health care. We will seek continuing
 (907) 245-6230
                                                 HEALTHCARE                               education to remain at the forefront of
                                                                                          our profession and will offer the
 Hospice & Palliative Care Kodiak                Arctic Chiropractic Rehabilitation and   latest eye care technology, professional
 1915 East Rezanof Drive                         Physical Therapy                         service, and products. Our mission is
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                326 Center Street, Ste. 100              to provide the highest quality of life for
 (907) 512-0600                                  Kodiak, AK 99615                         you, your family, and our community in
 www.HospiceAndPalliativeCareOfKo-               (907) 486-4042                           the years ahead.
 diak.org                                        www.ArcticChiropractic.com
                                                                                          Kodiak Area Native Association
 Kodiak Women’s Resource Crisis                  Arctic Physical Therapy                  3449 East Rezanof Drive
 Center                                          813 Mill Bay Road                        Kodiak, AK 99615
 422 Hillside Drive                              Kodiak, AK 99615                         (907) 486-9800
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                (907) 486-4499                           www.KodiakHealthCare.org
 (907) 486-6171                                  www.ArcticPhysicalTherapy.com            Our patient-centered approach to
 www.KWRCC.org                                                                            Medical, Dental, Behavioral Health and
                                                 Bridgeview Dental Group                  Community Services to the
 Kodiak Funeral Chapel                           413 East Rezanof Drive                   Kodiak communities guides our mis-
 303 Erskine Avenue                              Kodiak, AK 99615                         sion: “To Elevate the Quality of Life of
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                (907) 486-3257                           the People We Serve”.
 (907) 486-3422                                  www.BridgeviewDentalGroup.com

                                            KODIAK COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER
                                             KCHC is a non-profit, community owned family medicine
                                            clinic offering primary care services for patients of all ages,
                                           from newborn to senior. We accept all insurances and offer a
                                              sliding fee discount to patients who qualify. We are open
                                           extended hours Monday thru Saturday for your convenience.
                                          1911 E Rezanof Dr Kodiak AK 99615       907.481.5000        WWW.KODIAKCHC.ORG

2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

Hospice & Palliative Care of Kodiak       Alexandra’s Salon
1915 East Rezanof Drive                   1710 Mill Bay Road
Kodiak, AK 99615                          Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 512-0600                            (907) 486-4640
www.HospiceAndPalliativeCareOfKo-         AlexandrasSalon@gmail.com
                                          Vizhunz Salon Unlimited
Kodiak Community Health Center            450 East Marine Way
1911 East Rezanof Drive                   Kodiak, AK 99615                 ArcticChiropractic.com
Kodiak, AK 99615                          (907) 486-7008                326 Center St Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 481-5000                            www.Vizhunz.com
Kodiak Vision Clinic
214 West Rezanof Drive, Ste. 1
Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 486-6117
Providence Kodiak Island                                                 Laura Creighton, D.C.
Counseling Center
1915 East Rezanof Drive                                                        Specializing in Myofacial Release
Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 481-2400                                                             907.487.9798 | 817 East Rezanof Drive
www.Alaska.Providence.org                                                     P.O.Box 8963 | Kodiak, AK 99615

Providence Kodiak Island Medical
1915 East Rezanof Drive
Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 486-3281
Kodiak Psychology Services
104 Center Avenue, Ste. 202
Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 486-0311
                                                                        "If you don't like your new body,
                                                                        we'll give you your old one back!"
                                                                                   539 • 7298
FITNESS                                                                      3689 East Rezanof Drive
A Balanced Approach
3833 Rezanof Drive
Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 512-0860
Offering group fitness classes and
one-on-one personal training in a
private setting. Childcare is available
and your first class is free! Check
us out online at ABAKodiak.com
Kodiak Athletic Club
3689 East Rezanof Drive
Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 486-8770                                                                                                     35
2 0 2 0 KO D I A K R E LO C AT I O N G U I D E

 WHERE TO STAY                                                                              BUSINESS SERVICES
                                                 Large Vacation Rentals                     Geiger
 PET CARE                                        1723 Mission Road                          5929 Westgate Boulvard, Ste. D
                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615                           Tacoma, WA 98406
 Humane Society of Kodiak                        (907) 486-4224                             (888) 953-9340
 2409 Mill Bay Road                              alanbarb@acsalaska.net                     www.Geiger.com
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                www.LargeVacationsRentals.com
 (907) 486-8077                                  Available year round & locally owned.      Educational Concepts
 www.KodiakAnimalShelter.org                     Coming to Kodiak can be stressful, we      PO Box 3016
                                                 rent the whole home. Fully furnished       Kodiak, AK 99615
 Kodiak Veterinary Clinic                                                                   (907) 539-1419
                                                 with its own laundry, making the
 1914 Mill Bay Road                                                                         nwooten@gci.net
                                                 incoming families as comfortable as
 Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                 possible. Homes are located in town        Environmental Contracting Solutions
 (907) 486-5418
                                                 with views of the channel and some         1314 Mill Bay Road
                                                 are lake front properties. All utilities   Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                 included with Wi-Fi. Pets welcome on       (907) 942-0297
 LODGING                                         approval. Rates are seasonal, call or      www.ECSAK.com
                                                 e-mail rates.
 Best Western Kodiak Inn                                                                    Foraker Group
 236 West Rezanof Drive                          Munsey Bear Camp                           161 Klevin Street
 Kodiak, AK 99615                                Amook Pass                                 Anchorage, AK 99508
 (907) 486-5712                                  Kodiak, AK 99615                           (907) 743-1200
 www.BestWestern.com                             (907) 847-2203                             www.ForakerGroup.org
 Downtown convenient location, pet               www.MunseyBearCamp.com
                                                                                            Human Resource Centers Alaska
 friendly and hot continental breakfast          Shelikof Lodge                             202 Center Avenue
 daily to start your day right.                  211 Thorsheim Avenue                       Kodiak, AK 99615
 Restaurant/lounge, guest freezer and            Kodiak, AK 99615                           (907) 486-7614
 fitness center on site. Come keep our           (907) 486-4141                             hrcofa@alaskan.com
 friendly staff company!                         www.ShelikofLodgeAlaska.com
                                                                                            Jeffries Web Design, LLC
 Quality Inn Kodiak
                                                                                            (907) 539-5282
 1395 Airport Way                                LAW OFFICES                                JeffriesWebDesign@gmail.com
 Kodiak, AK 99615
 (907) 487-2700                                  Elizabeth W. Fleming, Attorney             Kodiak Chamber of Commerce
                                                 305 Center Avenue, Ste. 5                  100 East Marine Way
 Compass Suites
                                                 Kodiak, AK 99615                           Kodiak, AK 99615
 203 Alder Way
                                                 (907) 512-0790                             (907) 486-5557
 Kodiak, AK 99615
                                                 www.LawOnKodiak.com                        www.KodiakChamber.org
 (907) 486-1086
 www.KodiakCompassSuites.com                                                                Kodiak Print Masters
 Nicely appointed kitchenette rooms,             PROMOTIONAL RESOURCES                      325 A Shelikof Street
 many with balconies overlooking the                                                        Kodiak, AK 99615
 harbors of downtown Kodiak. Light               Ace USA                                    (907) 486-3023
 continental served daily, sundry shop,          3812 Spenard Road, Ste. 100                www.KodiakPrintMaster.comcom
 guest freezer and fitness center on             Anchorage, AK 99517
 site. Constructed Spring of 2018.               (907) 263-0337                             State of Alaska Job Center
                                                 www.AceUSA.net                             211 Mission Road, Ste. 103
 Katmai Wilderness Lodge                                                                    Kodiak, AK 99615
 Kukak Bay                                       Bases Loaded                               (907) 486-3105
 Katmai National Park and Preserve, AK           202 Center Avenue, Ste. 315                Kodiak.JobCenter@Alaska.gov
 (907) 486-8767                                  Kodiak, AK 99615
 www.Katmai-Wilderness.com                       (907) 486-5100

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