2020 Queensland Tax Forum - 21-22 May 2020 | Stamford Plaza, Brisbane 13 CPD hours

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2020 Queensland Tax Forum - 21-22 May 2020 | Stamford Plaza, Brisbane 13 CPD hours
2020 Queensland Tax Forum
        21–22 May 2020 | Stamford Plaza, Brisbane

                                    13 CPD hours
2020 Queensland Tax Forum - 21-22 May 2020 | Stamford Plaza, Brisbane 13 CPD hours
Managing Tax in a Transparent World                                                                                               Thank you
                                                                                                                                  The Tax Institute gratefully acknowledges the generous
                                                                                                                                  assistance of the 2020 Queensland Tax Forum Organising
The exponential creation and use of data have forever changed the management of tax. Businesses must improve their                Committee:
analysis and interpretation of data to remain competitive. Data has changed the expectations for tax practitioners, in-house
tax functions and regulators alike. The tax community has already experienced the first wave of significant legislative and       Evan Last, CTA, Deloitte
administrative reform resulting from the G20’s response to the OECD’s BEPS project, and now faces the second wave of              (Chair, 2020 Queensland Tax Forum Organising Committee)
data-driven tax disruption. This program is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the changing landscape and to        SME Stream Committee:
equip tax professionals with the necessary technical skills and practical knowledge to manage tax in a transparent world.
                                                                                                                                  Angie Hicks, CTA, KPMG (Chair)
The 2020 Organising Committee is delighted to welcome John Dardo, who will set the scene by providing insight into the            Adam Hijazi, Deloitte Legal
ATO’s access to and use of data, including the ATO’s ongoing digital transformation under his role as Chief Digital Officer.
                                                                                                                                  Claire Roberts, ATI, Hoffman Kelly
We also look forward to a lively and thought provoking discussion with our expert commentators Mark Robertson QC, CTA,
Linda Tapiolas, CTA and Grant Wardell-Johnson, CTA on the design and effectiveness of the CGT rollovers following the             Joanne Casburn, FTI, Australian Taxation Office
Board of Taxation’s review. We’re confident this debate will continue at the networking drinks on Thursday evening and we         Katherine Patel, FTI, HLB Mann Judd
look forward to bringing together the SME, Corporate, and Young Tax Professionals streams – who knows, you might meet             Leisa Rafter, CTA, BDO
your future employer/employee or next client engagement!
                                                                                                                                  Melinda Peters, CTA, McCullough Robertson
The 2020 program has been unapologetically designed to focus on expert-led technical sessions that provide participants
                                                                                                                                  Corporate Stream Committee:
with the practical insights and skills to navigate the changing tax architecture in a transparent world. With sessions covering
topical issues surrounding tax consolidation, Div 100A, superannuation, M&A, capital management, and GST, and a plenary           Peter Dunn, EY (Chair)
session delivered by Jeremy Geale, CTA and Ali Noroozi, FTI on the evolution of taxpayer engagement with the ATO,                 Abhi Aggarwal, PwC
the Queensland Tax Forum will set the scene for the next decade of tax.                                                           Alison Feather, CTA, Aurizon
On behalf of the stream chairs, Angie Hicks, CTA, Peter Dunn and Dominic Moon, ATI, and the 2020 Organising Committee,            Dritton Xhemajlaj, ATI, Rio Tinto
I commend this program to you and look forward to seeing you in May at the 2020 Queensland Tax Forum.                             Elliott Cunningham, CTA, QIC
                                                                                                                                  Rhiain Garrihy, CTA, Suncorp
                                                                                                                                  Young Tax Professionals Committee:
                                                                                                                                  Dominic Moon, ATI, Deloitte Legal (Chair)
                  Evan Last, CTA, Deloitte
                                                                                                                                  Adam Hijazi, Deloitte Legal
                  Chair, 2020 Queensland Tax Forum Organising Committee
                                                                                                                                  Tom Polkinghorne, Grant Thornton
                                                                                                                                  Tom Walrut, FTI, Merthyr Law

Early bird offer
Register on or before Friday, 17 April 2020 to save!

2      THE TAX INSTITUTE – 2020 Queensland Tax Forum
2020 Queensland Tax Forum - 21-22 May 2020 | Stamford Plaza, Brisbane 13 CPD hours
Technical program

Day 1 – Thursday, 21 May 2020
Time             Plenary

8.00 – 8.30am    Registration

8.30 – 8.45am    President’s welcome
                 Speaker: Peter Godber, CTA, President – The Tax Institute

8.45 – 9.00am    Opening address
                 Speaker: Evan Last, CTA, Chair, 2020 Queensland Tax Forum Organising Committee

9.00 –10.00am    Session 1: Keynote: Data sharing
                 Speaker: John Dardo, Chief Digital Officer & Deputy Commissioner, Australian Taxation Office
                 Have you ever wondered what the ATO knows about you or your business? This is your chance to find out:
                 — What data the ATO has access to, including from international sources
                 — How the ATO uses this data to encourage voluntary compliance and to improve the client experience
                 — The future of the ATO’s digital transformation.

10.00 –10.20am   Morning tea

Time             SME stream                                                                                       Corporate stream

10.20 –11.20am   Session 2A: Road testing common tax strategies                                                   Session 2B: BEPS 2.0 – A whole new architecture for international tax?
                 Speaker: Tom Delany, CTA, Tax Partner Pty Ltd                                                    Facilitator: John Bland, Deloitte
                 Tax professionals use an abundance of strategies designed to deliver optimum                     Panellists: Jasmine Leonard, ATI, Rio Tinto; Tom Andersen, Dominos;
                 commercial and tax outcomes for their corporate and SME clients. However, with the               Karen Young, Flight Centre
                 expansion of the ATO Tax Avoidance Taskforce and increased use of data analytics tools           This session will consider the new OECD thinking on international tax and the
                 to identify tax risks, it is appropriate to “road test” some of those strategies. This session   digitalisation of the global economy. It will include a presentation and panel discussion,
                 will provide a critical evaluation of common tax strategies and identify where they can go       and cover the following issues:
                 wrong and how, in areas including:
                                                                                                                  — I am not in a digital business, so this doesn’t apply to me, right?
                 —   Managing Div 7A loans
                                                                                                                  — The existing approaches are 100 years old; why change them?
                 —   Accessing small business CGT concessions
                                                                                                                  — Revision of the current nexus and profit allocation approaches – how will this
                 —   Trust distributions                                                                            happen?
                 —   Dividend access shares                                                                       — Global anti-base erosion approach
                 —   Business structuring                                                                         — Discussion of industry-specific impacts from the panel – E&R, retail.
                 —   Recent developments.

                                                                                                                                                   2020 Queensland Tax Forum          taxinstitute.com.au      3
2020 Queensland Tax Forum - 21-22 May 2020 | Stamford Plaza, Brisbane 13 CPD hours
Technical program

Day 1 – Thursday, 21 May 2020 continued
    Time                   SME stream                                                    Corporate stream                                            Young Tax Professionals stream

    11.00 –11.20am         Registration for Young Tax Professionals Stream

    11.20am –12.20pm       Session 3A: Trusts – 100A reimbursement                       Session 3B: Hybrids – Lessons Learnt and                    Session 3C: Optimising Outcomes by Effective
                           agreements; identifying and reducing taxpayer risks           Responses                                                   Negotiation
                           Speaker: Michael McLaughlin, West Garbutt Pty Ltd             Speaker: Michael Chang, CTA, EY                             Speakers: Scott Wedgwood, Barry Nilsson Lawyers
                           Reimbursement agreements have been an ongoing                 The hybrid mismatch rules of Division 832 of the            Negotiation is inevitable in professional practice, regardless
                           area of focus for the ATO for many years. The highly          ITAA 1997 are now well and truly with us. By now            of your specific role, industry or organisation. Unfortunately,
                           anticipated draft ruling is expected to issue in 2020. This   most corporate taxpayers will have (or should have)         many of us engage in this most complex area of human
                           session will focus on discussing the current ATO view         considered the potential relevance of the rules to their    interaction without formal training or proven strategies
                           and also proactively managing and mitigating any risks        structure. This session will:                               to achieve success. As our client’s affairs become more
                           in relation to reimbursement agreements. In particular                                                                    transparent, developing skills to manage complex disputes
                                                                                         — Briefly recap on the broad strokes of the rules;
                           the session will cover:                                                                                                   and maximise negotiated outcomes is a minimum
                                                                                         — Consider issues that have emerged as taxpayers
                                                                                                                                                     expectation of our clients.
                           — The current ATO position – where has the draft ruling         have grappled with their application; and
                             landed and what is the current compliance activity?         — Consider the question as to what a taxpayer               This session will feature a series of real-world scenarios and
                           — When will s 100A apply and what are the                       should do where it is identified that the rules have      skill-building exercises to:
                             consequences?                                                 application.                                              — Identify and influence hidden drivers in negotiations
                           — What steps can taxpayers take to reduce any                                                                             — Successfully negotiate through a range of circumstances
                             identified risks, including documenting positions and
                                                                                                                                                     — Effectively and strategically prepare for negotiations.
                             gathering evidence, particularly about ordinary family
                             or commercial dealings?
                           — Looking to the future and identifying tax planning
                             strategies going forward.

      Young Tax Professionals stream
      The Young Tax Professionals (YTP) stream has been designed for those progressing through their tax careers,                                   The specialised stream offers:
      inclusive of advisers at an intermediate to senior level.                                                                                     — 3 technical sessions
      The three technical sessions focus on building practical skills by addressing tips, traps and technical landmines, through                    — 4.5 CPD hours
      case studies and practical examples.                                                                                                          — Opportunity to network with industry professionals
      The sessions have been designed to allow attendees to engage in discussion and ask questions to gain greater awareness                        — Attendance at Session 6
      of how to address relevant and important issues in relation to these areas.                                                                   — Affordable price
      Register for the Young Tax Professionals stream by completing the Individual Registration Form on page 19.

4          THE TAX INSTITUTE – 2020 Queensland Tax Forum
2020 Queensland Tax Forum - 21-22 May 2020 | Stamford Plaza, Brisbane 13 CPD hours
Day 1 – Thursday, 21 May 2020 continued
 Time            SME stream                                                     Corporate stream                                             Young Tax Professionals stream

 12.20 –1.20pm   Lunch

 1.20 – 2.20pm   Session 4A: Transparency when dealing with the ATO             Session 4B: Topical issues affecting cross-border            Session 4C: Objections and Audit Paper Responses –
                 Speakers: Fletch Heinemann, CTA, Cooper Grace Ward;            capital management                                           Drafting to Win!
                 Sarah Lancaster, Cooper Grace Ward                             Speakers: Kevin Griffiths, EY; Kim Christy, CTA, EY          Speakers: Florence Chen – Barrister
                 In an increasingly transparent tax landscape, the sharing of   This session will provide a technical summary of key         With the marked increase in transparency and access to
                 information between taxpayers and the ATO is becoming          topical tax issues affecting capital structures, including   information, disputes with revenue authorities are becoming
                 commonplace. However, there are many factors advisers          perspectives on current approaches and future trends         more commonplace for many professional tax practitioners.
                 should consider when receiving a request for information.      in responding to these issues. Specific matters to be        Whether you are responding to an ATO audit position paper
                 This session will focus on providing practical strategies in   considered include:                                          or lodging a formal objection, there are a number of key
                 managing ATO reviews and audits. Topics covered include:                                                                    steps and processes to be followed, to ensure you are best
                                                                                — Thin capitalisation developments
                                                                                                                                             placed to achieve your client’s goals. Through a series of
                 — Tips for the effective management of reviews from the        — Re-characterisation of debt and equity instruments
                                                                                                                                             drafting tips and traps, this session will take a deep dive
                   outset                                                         through operation of transfer pricing rules
                 — Responding to information gathering requests (including      — Other relevant income tax and transfer pricing matters.
                   formal requests for information, documents and                                                                            — Key preparatory steps to undertake before you
                   interviews)                                                                                                                 commence drafting
                 — Practical considerations in managing claims for                                                                           — Understanding your client’s position and that of the
                   accountants’ concession and legal professional                                                                              revenue authority
                   privilege.                                                                                                                — Drafting strategies to maximise value and get your client
                                                                                                                                               the best possible result.

 2.20 – 3.20pm   Session 5A: Corporate Tax Residency — A sensible               Session 5B: GST justified trust                              Session 5C: Managing Clients as the Trusted Advisor
                 Approach?                                                      Speakers: Tony Windle, ATI, Grant Thornton;                  Speakers: Paul Banister, CTA, Grant Thornton
                 Speakers: Adele Townsend, CTA, BDO                             Alison Feather, CTA, Aurizon                                 When it comes to your role as an advisor, it can be
                 Taxpayers have faced ongoing change and uncertainty            With the justified trust program for income tax being well   dangerous to assume that everything is clear and that
                 since the Bywater decision and ATO response through            progressed, the ATO has turned its attention to GST,         your client is on the same page regarding expectations.
                 TR2018/5 and PCG2018/9. This has impacted                      aiming to review approximately 320 large public and          Now, with regulatory scrutiny on the rise, it is essential
                 commercial enterprise and increased red tape and               multinational businesses over four years. This session       that advisors develop skills to manage expectations and
                 compliance particularly for start-ups and SMEs. Will           will cover:                                                  improve relationships with their clients to help them through
                 the Board of Taxation review trigger clear, practical                                                                       the many uncertainties faced in today’s transparent world.
                                                                                — An overview of the GST SAR program
                 and sensible reform? This session will analyse the                                                                          This session will draw on real experiences with clients
                                                                                — Analytics being undertaken by the ATO in respect of
                 ramifications for SMEs of the reforms proposed by the                                                                       and cover:
                                                                                  GST, including the GST analytical tool (GAT)
                 Board of Taxation review, including:
                                                                                — Common technical positions arising as part of the          — Setting and effectively managing client expectations
                 — Corporate tax residence redefined                              GST SAR program.                                           — Strategies for dealing with a range of clients in complex
                 — Interaction with other domestic income tax rules                                                                            situations
                 — Comparison with international tax reform including                                                                        — Handling difficult conversations and communicating with
                   tax treaties and other jurisdictions.                                                                                       impact.

 3.20 – 3.40pm   Afternoon tea

                                                                                                                                             2020 Queensland Tax Forum         taxinstitute.com.au           5
Technical program                                                                                                                                Lead the
                                                                                                                                                 way in tax
Day 1 – Thursday, 21 May 2020 continued
    Time                   Plenary                                                                                                               There is no time like the present to
    3.40 – 5.10pm          Session 6: CGT Rollovers: Policy, Practice and Points of Contention
                                                                                                                                                 join Australia’s premier tax body
                           Facilitator: John Ioannou, CTA, Deloitte Legal                                                                        and take advantage of the special
                           Speakers: Grant Wardell-Johnson, CTA, KPMG; Mark Robertson, QC, CTA, Queensland Bar, Linda Tapiolas,                  new member introductory offer.
                           CTA, Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers
                           The Board of Taxation’s review into CGT rollovers is a prompt to consider policy, practice and disputes. As private   For an additional $340 on the member
                           advisers move to consulting from compliance the growing use of provisions historically aimed at widely held           registration fee you will receive membership
                           enterprise by closely held enterprise is met head on by a narrowing of applicable circumstances.
                                                                                                                                                 through to June the following year.
                           Consequently, each speaker has in-depth experience respectively in policy, practice and disputes with a view to
                           the three being brought together to allow delegates to gain a whole of picture understanding of the issues at play.   Member benefits include:
                           The session will cover the growing day to day issues with use of the rollovers, current policy, what new law should   – Taxation in Australia journal
                           look like and areas of contention to be aware of for those utilising the provisions in the current climate.           – TaxVine e-newsletter
                                                                                                                                                 – CPD event discounts
    5.10 – 6.30pm          Networking drinks and canapés
                                                                                                                                                 – Publications and tax product discounts
                                                                                                                                                 – Business Alliance Partner discounts.

                                                                                                                                                 Become a member
                                                                                                                                                 See registration form or visit
       Join the conversation                                                                                                                     taxinstitute.com.au/events for a list
                                                                                                                                                 of upcoming events.

              facebook.com/thetaxinstitute                                             twitter.com/taxinstituteoz

              blog.taxinstitute.com.au                                                 linkedin.com/company/the-tax-institute

6          THE TAX INSTITUTE – 2020 Queensland Tax Forum
Day 2 – Friday, 22 May 2020
Time             Plenary

8.00 – 8.30am    Registration

8.30 –10.00am    Session 7: ATO engagement – Then, now and tomorrow
                 Speakers: Jeremy Geale, CTA, Deputy Commissioner, Australian Taxation Office; Ali Noroozi, FTI, PwC
                 The focus of the session is a balanced discussion around the evolution of taxpayer engagement with the ATO – what have we learnt from the past?, the current state of play and where do
                 we want to get to in the future? It will include:
                 — Brief overview on the topic
                 — Facilitated question and answer session with the audience.

Time             SME stream                                                                                   Corporate stream

10.00 –11.00am   Session 8A: Superannuation – Top five mistakes trustees and accountants are                  Session 8B: Managing information reporting obligations in a transparent
                 making                                                                                       environment
                 Speaker: Sharlene Anderson, Veritas Audit                                                    Speaker: Stephanie Lam, PwC
                 SMSFs hold more wealth than ever before and often hold unique assets. This session           This session will provide an overview and practical experiences of the different
                 looks at some common errors both accountants and trustees are making, which                  information reporting obligations and regimes regulated by the ATO that currently exist
                 jeopardise the wealth that has been accumulated. With an increasingly transparent            for Australian taxpayers. These obligations and regimes are relevant for both financial
                 compliance and audit environment, this session will provide case studies and practical       institutions and non-financial institutions (including in respect of any accounts or
                 guidance on how to avoid making these mistakes. Areas covered in this session will           investments held by such taxpayers in financial institutions). The session will cover:
                                                                                                              —   Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and Common Reporting Standard
                 —   Market valuation of assets                                                               —   Third-party reporting
                 —   Tax residency of an SMSF                                                                 —   Annual investment income reporting
                 —   Non-arm’s length income and expenses                                                     —   Tax Transparency Code and public reporting of tax information
                 —   In-house assets                                                                          —   Other cross-border initiatives on information sharing and multilateral conventions.
                 —   Liability for accountants and auditors.

11.00 –11.20am   Morning tea

                                                                                                                                               2020 Queensland Tax Forum         taxinstitute.com.au       7
Technical program

Day 2 – Friday, 22 May 2020 continued
    Time                   SME stream                                                                                    Corporate stream

    11.20am –12.20pm       Session 9A: Recruiting and retaining top talent                                               Session 9B: Managing uncertainty in a transparent environment
                           Speakers: Melinda Peters, CTA, McCullough Robertson; Aaron Dahl, McCullough                   Speakers: Abhi Aggarwal, PwC; Rohan Porter, Flight Centre
                           Robertson                                                                                     This session will provide an overview of recent taxpayer alerts, draft tax determinations,
                           With the war for talent across a range of industries, and employees increasingly looking      ATO public guidance and consultation papers, and various tax law amendments
                           to participate in the company they work for, many private companies are looking to            proposed or announced by Treasury. Despite best intentions, the existence of such
                           incentivise their staff via the use of equity incentives. There is no “one-size-fits-all”     materials creates some uncertainty and can make it challenging for taxpayers to comply
                           approach to incentive plans and there are a number of factors to be weighed in ensuring       with the requirements of the tax law and with their tax risk governance framework. The
                           that the plan operates as an effective incentive.                                             session will cover:
                           This session will take a practical look at the key issues which arise when employee           — Examples of relevant positions and scenarios that can create uncertainty
                           equity incentive arrangements are implemented by private companies – in particular:           — Practical strategies to identify and manage tax risk in such uncertainty
                           — Considerations when designing an appropriate incentive scheme and current                   — Reporting of positions taken in the reportable tax position schedule.
                             market trends
                           — Structuring alternatives and the current tax landscape
                           — Managing Corporations Act and reporting obligations
                           — Effective management of employee incentives in M&A transactions.

    12.20 –1.20pm          Lunch

    1.20 – 2.20pm          Session 10A: The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Taxation                                Session 10B: Corporate M&A at the outset of the 2020s
                           Speaker: Alex Ferguson, REDD Digital                                                          Speakers: Evan Last, CTA, Deloitte; Nick Allen-Waters, Deloitte
                           The window for competitive differentiation in AI is closing and organizations which           “Hindsight is 20/20” can be an uncomfortable reflection for organisations at the end
                           are not investing stand to fall behind in terms of their share of the estimated $3.9T of      of a complex M&A transaction process. This session will provide an update of topical
                           business value Gartner predicts will be created by 2022. One key concern is how to            issues relevant to corporates engaging in M&A transactions as we enter a new decade
                           build the competitive business advantages which Artificial Intelligence can offer and         and draw on practical examples of managing related opportunities and risks during a
                           recognising that Taxation is an industry that is prime for disruption. In this presentation   transaction process. Topics will include:
                           we address:
                                                                                                                         — Placing value on tax losses and the challenges posed by organisations with uneven
                           —   The future of Artificial Intelligence                                                       share structures
                           —   Artificial Intelligence and its applicability to managing tax affairs                     — Financing, including the growing complexity in obtaining certainty with respect to
                           —   Defining an AI expert in Tax Law and ITAA 1997                                              interest deductibility
                           —   A rise in Chatbots and Virtual Assistants for Tax                                         — Implications on diligence and transaction processes of the ATO’s continued roll-out
                           —   Case study: H&R Block an IBM Watson for Tax Preparation                                     of the justified trust program and other measures.
                           —   Case study: Regulation as a Platform by CSIRO-Data61

    2.20 – 2.40pm          Afternoon tea

8          THE TAX INSTITUTE – 2020 Queensland Tax Forum
Day 2 – Friday, 22 May 2020 continued
 Time             SME stream                                                                                  Corporate stream

 2.40 – 3.40pm    Session 11A: What happens where the intended use of property changes?                       Session 11B: Accounting standard and interpretation changes: what is the tax
                  Speaker: Sian Sinclair, CTA, Grant Thornton                                                 impact?
                  Real estate has traditionally been an accessible and versatile investment for SME’s and     Speakers: Ben Seumahu, KPMG; Michael Robbins, KPMG
                  high net worth individuals. Practitioners and advisors are often being asked to advise      Australian companies are in the midst of significant changes in accounting standards,
                  taxpayers on the taxation implications arising from a change in the intended use of their   impacting both measurement and disclosure in financial statements. Failure to fully
                  property over their ownership period. This session explores both direct and indirect tax    understand accounting profit can mean incorrect tax adjustments, incorrect financial
                  consequences arising from the change of intention, including:                               statement disclosures and, ultimately, an incorrect income tax return. This session
                                                                                                              will update you on accounting standards and interpretation changes impacting tax,
                  — Income tax consequences arising from change of purpose: starting and ceasing to
                    hold property as trading stock
                  — Capital Gains Tax outcomes when intended use changes                                      — Disclosure of uncertain tax positions
                  — GST consequences, adjustments and applicability of the GST Margin Scheme                  — The impact of new accounting standards such as AASB 16 (leases) and AASB 15
                                                                                                                (customer revenue)
                                                                                                              — Deferred tax accounting for intangible assets – expected IFRIC decision on the dual
                                                                                                                tax base approach for intangible assets.

 3.40 – 4.40pm    Session 12A: Tax consolidation                                                              Session 12B: Outbound investment issues
                  Speaker: Dominic Moon, ATI, Deloitte Legal                                                  Speaker: Paul Mills, Paul Mills Consulting Pty Ltd
                  Tax consolidation continues to grow in popularity for many SME groups and, in some          The OECD’s action plan with respect to base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), and
                  cases, may become a practical necessity. Although the regime is often associated with       particularly Australia’s legislative responses to the recommendations, have pushed
                  structuring of large corporations, there are many tax and commercial benefits in an         the focus of corporates and advisers to new developments such as our multinational
                  SME context. Consolidation also provides an opportunity for SME groups to alleviate         anti-avoidance laws (MAAL), diverted profits tax (DPT) and anti-hybrid measures.
                  structural pressures on compliance, which is relevant in light of numerous measures         Understanding these measures is imperative in an international tax landscape. Core
                  being introduced to increase transparency of tax information in Australia.                  international tax matters remain important. When it comes to outbound investment, key
                                                                                                              considerations are:
                  This session is based on a practical worked example and will cover:
                                                                                                              —   Tax residency for foreign subsidiaries
                  — The lifecycle of SME structures
                                                                                                              —   Controlled foreign company (CFC) rules
                  — Common pressure points and solutions for outdated structures
                                                                                                              —   Repatriation – taxation of dividends, conduit foreign income, withholding taxes
                  — Why consolidate in an SME context and who can do it?
                                                                                                              —   Foreign hybrid and anti-hybrid rules
                  — Membership rules and mixed entity groups (companies and trusts) – what’s in and
                    what’s out?                                                                               —   Disposal – active foreign business assets percentage (AFBAP).
                  — When the rules can change – bringing in or exiting subsidiaries and acquiring other
                    consolidated groups.

 4.40 – 5.30pm    Forum close drinks

                                                                                                                                               2020 Queensland Tax Forum        taxinstitute.com.au   9
Presenter profiles

Abhi Aggarwal is a Partner in PwC’s                corporate and indirect taxes, revenue           22 years and brings almost 35 years tax         the financial services industry, advising on
corporate tax practice in Queensland. He           authority audits, and tax related financial     experience to his role. Prior to working at     a range of matters including tax efficient
focuses on providing taxation advice to            reporting disclosures.                          Deloitte he served 10 years in the ATO in       structuring of domestic and foreign
local and multinational organisations and                                                          Brisbane. John has wide experience across       investments. She has been involved in
collective investment vehicles in relation         Sharlene Anderson is the principal              the gamut of transfer pricing technical         the tax aspects of a number of significant
to domestic and international mergers,             of Veritas Forensics which provides             issues, but has had a focus on energy and       capital raisings, including both initial and
acquisitions, divestments, refinancing             specialist audit services, litigation support   resources transfer pricing matters including    subsequent equity raisings for listed
arrangements and other transactions.               and business valuation services. Highly         commodity trading, financing and supply         and unlisted entities. Kimberley also has
In particular, Abhi specialises in providing       regarded in her field of expertise, Sharlene    chain issues.                                   broad experience advising clients in their
such advice to the financial services and          has significant experience auditing across                                                      interactions with the Australian Taxation
infrastructure industries.                         various legislative frameworks, and is known    Michael Chang, CTA is a partner with            Office and has assisted clients with both
                                                   for her practical approach. Sharlene is a       EY Brisbane with 18 years’ experience.          standard ATO programs such as top 1000
Nick Allen-Waters, is a Director at Deloitte       Registered Company Auditor, Approved            During his career he has worked in various      reviews and continuous engagement
with over 11 years experience advising             SMSF Auditor and a Forensic Accountant.         areas of corporate and international taxation   processes, as well as the strategic aspects
on transactions and other corporate tax                                                            in Australia. Michael works within the
                                                   Paul Banister, CTA is a Chartered                                                               of managing disputes.
matters. He regularly advises institutional                                                        Transaction Tax group, focussing on M&A
investors, private equity funds, government        Accountant and a Partner at Grant               transactions. Michael also leads the EY Oil     Aaron Dahl has extensive advisory and
and other domestic and foreign-owned               Thornton, leading their tax division in         & Gas industry tax focus in Queensland and      transactional experience in a broad range
groups in connection with M&A transactions,        Brisbane. He has over 30 years’ experience      is the head of EY Brisbane’s China Business     of corporate and commercial matters.
projects and restructures across a variety of      working with clients to help them navigate      Group.                                          Aaron’s experience includes mergers
industries including infrastructure, financial     through complex and potentially risky                                                           and acquisitions, recapitalisations, public
services and consumer sectors. Nick is a           tax and commercial issues. His expertise        Florence Chen is a barrister at Level 27        and private capital raising and general
member of Chartered Accountants Australia          includes domestic and international tax         Chambers and was named as a Doyle’s             commercial advisory in the resources
and New Zealand.                                   planning, transaction advisory and support,     Guide Leading Tax Barrister Queensland          and renewables, health, pharmaceutical
                                                   superannuation structuring and advice,          (Recommended) in 2019. She has had a            technology and not for profit sectors.
Tom Andersen, is the Group Tax Manager             succession planning and estate planning.        wide range of experience in both State and
for Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Ltd. He                                                                                                             Aaron is often engaged by clients to provide
                                                   Paul has presented at many professional         Federal tax and has advised and appeared        guidance on corporate governance issues
has over 12 years of experience working            and business forums, both in Australia and      in matters involving Payroll Tax, Land Tax,
in a variety of industries and roles with                                                                                                          and advice regarding directors’ duties.
                                                   internationally. He is a contributing author    Stamp Duty, Part IVC Proceedings, Income
the majority being tax focused. As the             to Thomson Reuter’s Financial Planning          Tax, and Superannuation. Florence is also       In providing advice, Aaron draws on the
Group Tax Manager for an Australian                Handbook. Paul is also the recipient of         a proactive member of the legal community       knowledge of his clients’ industries to ensure
headquartered company with subsidiaries in         The Tax Institute’s SME Tax Adviser of the      and currently sits on the Bar Association       he offers commercial and practical solutions.
9 countries he is responsible for ensuring the     Year Award for 2016.                            of Queensland Bar Council and is a former       Aaron is well versed and has a particular
group’s tax affairs are in order. Before this he                                                   President of the Queensland Young Lawyers.      interest in structuring and advising on
worked on the Australian and New Zealand           John Bland is a tax Principal (retired                                                          employee incentive arrangements and acts
tax of a Swiss based multinational. He             Partner) with the national transfer pricing     Kimberley Christy, CTA is a Director at         for a number of large offshore companies
has experience with foreign and domestic           team of Deloitte Australia. Based in            EY with 15 years’ income tax experience.        in relation to their Australian incentive
acquisitions, restructures, transfer pricing,      Brisbane, he has been with Deloitte for         Kimberley specialises in income tax for         programs.

10     THE TAX INSTITUTE – 2020 Queensland Tax Forum
John Dardo, is the ATO’s Chief Digital            tax experience, working in both professional     Kevin Griffiths is the Lead Partner of             succession and asset protection planning.
Officer and is responsible for setting            services for PwC and as an in-house tax          EY’s Transfer Pricing Group in Queensland          John has a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of
the ATO’s digital agenda, designing the           advisor for Aurizon. Alison is responsible       and also the Leader of the broader EY Tax          Laws and a Master of Law. He is Chair
end-to-end digital experience and delivery        for managing all of Aurizon’s tax matters,       Division in Queensland. With over 25 years         of the Tax Institute’s Queensland’s State
of key components of the digital agenda,          including tax aspects of infrastructure          of experience in corporate and international       Council in addition to being a State
including digital identity, authentication and    projects.                                        tax, Kevin has spent the last 20 years             Councillor.
authorisation services, ATO digital interfaces,                                                    working with clients to design, structure
SBR platforms, Application Programme              Alex Ferguson is the Director of Digital         and implement defendable transfer pricing          Stephanie Lam is a director in PwC’s
Interfaces, and the establishment of the          Projects at REDD Digital and is a degree         arrangements. During that time, Kevin has          financial services tax practice in Brisbane.
Digital Partnership Office.                       qualified aerospace engineer, executive          also led the successful management and             She has over 11 years’ experience in
                                                  MBA, and a passionate and effective leader.      resolution of significant transfer pricing         advising clients in the funds management,
John has worked as a senior executive
                                                  He enjoys helping people and organisations       disputes and advance pricing agreement             superannuation, banking, insurance,
managing a range of ATO functions including
                                                  implement business-improving solutions           negotiations across multiple jurisdictions.        property and infrastructure industries.
contact centres, digital transformation,
compliance and business registries. During        using Digital Best Practice. As a Registered     Kevin is a Chartered Accountant both in            Stephanie’s experience includes advising on
this time, he has delivered numerous              Project Manager (MAIPM, CPPM) he                 Australia and the UK, is a member of the           the taxation of trusts and superannuation
innovations such as the introduction of voice     has experience across a broad range of           Australian Institute of Company Directors          funds, domestic and international
biometrics for over 5 million ATO clients,        infrastructure, buildings and mission critical   and also sits as a Director on the Board of        investment structures, tax compliance,
myGov capability for 9.6 million clients and      systems with experience delivering Data          the Brisbane Powerhouse.                           and tax information reporting (including
new authentication techniques to retire           Intelligence including Machine Learning and                                                         FATCA and CRS). Stephanie is a member
                                                                                                   Fletch Heinemann, CTA is a partner in              of Chartered Accountants Australia and
AUSkey.                                           Artificial Intelligence solutions for small to
                                                                                                   Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers’ tax team.               New Zealand.
                                                  medium enterprise.
Tom Delany, CTA is the principal of Tax                                                            Fletch specialises in tax and customs
Partner Pty Ltd, which provides tax training,     Jeremy Geale, CTA is the Deputy                  disputes. His experience includes helping          Sarah Lancaster is a special counsel in the
and tax consultancy services to accounting        Commissioner for Review and Dispute              clients with private rulings, audits, objections   tax team at Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers.
and legal firms including a wide range of                                                          and litigation. He also assists clients            Sarah assists clients in all stages of a
                                                  Resolution, an independent area within
tax advisory services such as high-level tax                                                       by providing tax advice across a range             dispute with Australian revenue authorities.
                                                  the ATO responsible for the ATO’s
planning in addition to preparing tax advices,                                                     of commercial issues. Fletch has also              She has appeared in and managed
                                                  approach to dispute resolution for all
private ruling requests and objections on                                                          presented sessions at The Tax Institute’s          appeals in the Federal and State Tribunals,
                                                  taxpayers. This includes responsibility for
a variety of tax related topics. Tom holds                                                         Queensland seminars and national                   the Federal Court and Supreme Court of
                                                  Independent Review of large corporate
a Master of Taxation from the University of                                                        conferences and has published papers on            Queensland.
                                                  and small business audits, all objections
New South Wales, a Bachelor of Business                                                            topical tax and customs issues.
                                                  and litigation, the ATO in-house facilitation                                                       Evan Last, CTA is a Partner in the Deloitte
(with Distinction) from the University of
                                                  service, other ADR approaches, the               John Ioannou, CTA was admitted as a                Brisbane tax practice and leads the M&A
Southern Queensland, is a FCPA, FIPA,
                                                  Independent Assurance of Settlements             Solicitor in 2002 and is a Legal Practitioner      tax team. He has significant experience
Chartered Accountant, Tax Agent and a
                                                  service, the Test Case Litigation Panel and      Director of Deloitte Legal and a partner           in advising clients on the international
Chartered Tax Adviser.
                                                  Dispute Assist. Jeremy joined the ATO in         of Deloitte. He has experience in the              tax aspects of inbound and outbound
Alison Feather, CTA is Manager Group Tax          January 2016, as the Deputy Chief Tax            areas of taxation, structuring, commercial         investments, tax due diligence and
at Aurizon. She has over 10 years corporate       Counsel.                                         transactions, disputes, trusts and estates,        transaction support, tax consolidations,

                                                                                                                                             2020 Queensland Tax Forum   taxinstitute.com.au      11
Presenter profiles continued

cross-border financing and tax-effect           national tax education program, which            regulatory environment. During his tenure,    Michael Robbins is a partner at KPMG
accounting. Evan is a Queensland State          has allowed the development of technical         the office of the IGT grew four times in      Enterprise and has over 16 years’ tax,
Councillor for The Tax Institute and is also    expertise in a broad range of corporate          size and its role was expanded to that        accounting and business advisory
a Chartered Accountant.                         tax matters. Paul is now operating a tax         of an ombudsman with respect to tax           experience advising clients in a variety of
                                                consulting business of his own, Paul Mills       administration.                               industries, ranging from large companies
Jasmine Leonard, ATI is a Tax Advisory          Consulting Pty Ltd.                                                                            and corporate groups, private companies
at Rio Tinto. Jasmine has extensive                                                              Prior to becoming the IGT, Ali was the Tax
                                                                                                 Counsel at Chartered Accountants Australia    to high net wealth individuals. Michael’s
experience in advising on mergers and           Dominic Moon, ATI is a Special Counsel
                                                                                                                                               areas of focus include business sales and
acquisitions for Rio Tinto and has over         at Deloitte Private with expertise in            and New Zealand having already worked at
                                                                                                                                               acquisitions, restructures, tax consolidation,
15 years of experience in corporate and         taxation, estate planning and commercial         large accounting and law firms in Australia
                                                                                                                                               tax effect accounting, tax loss recoupment
mining taxation matters. Jasmine is a           law. Dominic’s strength is in his ability to     and the United Kingdom.
                                                                                                                                               and international transactions.
member of the Minerals Council of Australia     research, comprehend and implement
                                                                                                 Melinda Peters, CTA is a specialist tax
Taxation Committee and holds a Masters in       complex transactions for his clients with                                                      Mark Robertson, QC, CTA conducts
                                                                                                 and duty lawyer, focusing on corporate
Taxation Law.                                   a focus on achieving strong commercial                                                         an Australia-wide practice specialising in
                                                and taxation outcomes. Over the past few         and transaction structuring at McCullough
                                                                                                                                               revenue and trust law, Mark is listed as
Michael McLaughlin is a qualified lawyer        years, he has built a substantial following      Robertson. Melinda currently acts for
                                                                                                                                               a leading tax QC by Chambers & Partners
at West Garbutt specialising in transaction     of Accountants and Financial Planners who        multinational corporations with Australian
                                                                                                                                               Asia Pacific 2019 and listed as ‘Preeminent’
taxation and structuring as well as litigious   rely on his technical expertise to service the   resource interests, a number of ASX-listed
                                                                                                                                               by Doyle’s Guide 2018. He has appeared
disputes with the Australian Taxation           needs of their clients. While Dominic has        companies, widely held investment funds       for commonwealth and state revenue
Office (ATO). Michael has over ten years’       worked across many different industries,         and a number of Australian start-ups.         authorities, Australia’s leading corporate
experience providing technical advice           he has developed specialised knowledge in        In addition to providing transaction          groups, high net wealth individuals, as well
on various aspects of the taxation law,         professional services, pharmacy, transport       structuring advice and tax opinions,          as foreign investors in relation to proposed
drawing on his transaction and dispute/         and extractive industries.                       Melinda advises on employee incentive         and completed domestic and cross-border
litigation expertise and experience in roles                                                     arrangements for both listed and private      transactions (including in estate and family
with leading Australian law firms and major     Ali Noroozi, FTI has Bachelor degrees in         groups. She also regularly acts for clients   law contexts).
                                                Engineering and Law as well as a Master of       in taxation objections and disputes with
international accounting firms. Michael has
                                                Laws degree in Taxation. He has 27 years         the ATO.                                      Ben Seumahu, is a Director at KPMG,
acted for publicly listed and large private
                                                of experience in taxation and is currently a                                                   with over 25 years’ experience providing
groups in both buy side and sell side
                                                tax partner at PwC where his role includes       Rohan Porter, has over 20 years of tax        accounting advice to entities across a
transactions, as well as major restructures
                                                assisting clients in their engagement with the   experience shared evenly between the          range of industries, including mining,
and corporate dealings. His transaction
                                                Australian Taxation Office.                      profession and commerce. In his more          financial services, government and software
work often involves liaising with the ATO and
                                                Ali may be better known for his                  recent roles as Head of Tax at Virgin         companies. Ben also supports engagement
seeking clearance through the ruling and
                                                achievements as the Inspector-General            Australia, and as a senior member of the      teams resolve complex finance reporting
early engagement systems.
                                                of Taxation (IGT), a position he held for        Flight Centre Global Tax team, Rohan has      issues as part of his role in KPMG’s centre of
Paul Mills worked in the PwC corporate          10 years from 2008 to 2018. He became            engaged with Executives, Boards and the       excellence for technical accounting. Ben has
tax practice for 20 years, for the main part    known as an energetic senior statutory           ATO with managing corporate initiatives and   a specialisation in deferred tax accounting,
focusing on mining and energy clients. In       appointee who was highly respected by            strategies in the changing tax governance     and is a member of KPMG’s Asia Pacific
his last seven years at PwC, Paul ran the       all side of politics, overseeing a complex       and reporting environment.                    Income Taxes topic team.

12     THE TAX INSTITUTE – 2020 Queensland Tax Forum
Sian Sinclair, CTA is a Tax Partner and          Linda Tapiolas, CTA is a Partner in the          Coles Limited, Macquarie Group consortia           the Middle East to reduce the marginal cost
National Industry Leader for Real Estate         Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers Commercial             acquisitions of Boart Longyear Limited and         and streamline the management of indirect
& Construction, Grant Thornton Australia.        team. She provides a range of support            Dyno Nobel Limited and their subsequent            taxes affecting their business or transaction.
Sian’s real estate and construction expertise    services to accountants, financial planners      listing on the Australian Securities Exchange.     He works across many industries in
draws on twenty five years of experience in      and other professional advisers. This            Grant now leads the thought leadership             Australia with a focus on managing ATO
taxation, accounting and general business        includes technical advice on complex tax,        on tax policy and consultation on new law,         regulatory review, and also leads project
consulting. Advising clients from the start-up   CGT and Div 7A issues, as well as acting on      including KPMG’s response to base erosion          implementation teams for tax technology
and growth phases of business through            business sales and acquisitions to ensure        and profit shifting (BEPS) and the OECD            and system upgrades on a national and
to those looking to realise their wealth via     clients achieve commercial and tax-effective     Action Plan. He is Co-Chair of the National        global basis.
exit strategies, her input is focused and        outcomes. Prior to joining Cooper Grace          Tax Liaison Group, an Adviser to the Board
                                                 Ward, Linda worked as an accountant for          of Taxation, a member of the KPMG Global           Karen Young is the Global Tax Director
practical with real insight into the issues                                                                                                          at Flight Centre Travel Group Limited with
impacting businesses in the industry. With       18 years advising clients on capital gains,      BEPS Steering Group and the KPMG
                                                 business acquisitions and restructuring.         Responsible Tax Group.                             responsibility for all taxation matters across
experience managing tax risk for large                                                                                                               Flight Centre’s 30+ countries. Karen has
                                                 She also conducted seminars and training
groups, including advising on significant                                                         Scott Wedgwood is a principal in                   been a tax practitioner for over 17 years
                                                 sessions on various topics including CGT
transactions and group consolidations,                                                            the Barry Nilsson Lawyers family law               and was previously a Senior Manager within
                                                 small business concessions.
Sian oversees the compliance and planning                                                         team. He is an Accredited Family Law               EYs corporate tax division including 2 years
needs of Australian and international            Adele Townsend, CTA is a Tax Partner             Specialist and has practiced exclusively           in EYs international tax practice in New
business groups. Having worked with              at BDO. She is an experienced domestic           in this jurisdiction for more than 25              York. Karen has extensive experience in
Grant Thornton in Brisbane, Melbourne            and international taxation adviser with both     years. Scott advises on all family law             international and transaction tax, including
and the USA, she spent 4 years as the            listed and private clients in a wide range       issues, but he has particular expertise in         M&A, financing, structuring, due diligence
Global Head of Real Estate & Construction        of industries, including mining services,        high-end, complex property settlements,            and transfer pricing. During her time with
and remains the chair of Grant Thornton’s        transport, manufacturing, biotechnology and      especially those involving difficult taxation      Flight Centre Karen has also focused heavily
Global Industry Committee. Sian has been         property. She also has significant experience    issues. Respected for his extensive                on tax policy & strategy, board reporting and
the National Industry Leader for Real Estate     advising individuals on a range of complex       knowledge, technical skills and practical          tax risk management for the global group.
and Construction for Grant Thornton since        taxation matters such as divorce, death and      experience, Scott was named Lawyer
2011 and has extensive experience with           international residency.                         of the Year for Family Law Mediation
businesses in the property development                                                            in Brisbane in the 2020 edition of Best
                                                 Grant Wardell-Johnson, CTA is the Lead           Lawyers. Scott is a strong negotiator and
and construction industries and advises          Tax Partner of the Economics and Tax
a number of key industry participants on                                                          enjoys collaborating with other skilled
                                                 Centre at KPMG. Grant has a background in        professionals to reach the best possible
tax matters. As a current member of the          providing tax advice relating to international   outcome for his clients.
Property Council of Australia’s Queensland       and domestic tax structuring, international
Divisional Council and the Australian Tax        cross-border acquisitions and initial public     Tony Windle, ATI is a Partner in Indirect Tax
Office’s Property & Construction Forum, Sian     offerings. Grant has been the lead Tax           at Grant Thornton and is the Global Head of
regularly contributes to thought leadership      Partner on many high-profile projects in         Indirect Tax for Grant Thornton International.
and advocacy on tax matters impacting the        the Australian and international markets,        Tony advises clients throughout Australia
industry.                                        including the Wesfarmers acquisition of          and across Asia-Pacific and Europe and

                                                                                                                                             2020 Queensland Tax Forum   taxinstitute.com.au     13
Venue                                                              Event information

                                                              Registration options and inclusions
                                                                                                               Online access to    Lunch and
                                                                                                                                                     networking drinks
                                                                                                              presentations and     morning/                               How to register
                                                                                                                                                     and Friday forum
                                                                                                               technical papers   afternoon tea
                                                                                                                                                        close drinks

                                                                A   Full registration                                                                                      Register online or
                                                                    This registration option entitles one             ✔                ✔                     ✔             complete the form
                                                                    delegate to attend the entire event.                                                                   included in this brochure.

                                                                B   Day registration                                                   ✔                     ✔             Register online or
                                                                    This registration option entitles
                                                                                                                      ✔             for your              for your         complete the form
                                                                    one delegate to attend a full day
                                                                                                                                  selected day          selected day       included in this brochure.
                                                                    of technical sessions

                                                               C    Young Tax Professionals (YTP)                     ✔                ✔
                                                                    stream ticket                                                                            ✔             Register by completing
                                                                    This registration option entitles one        for the YTP       Lunch and                               the form included in this
                                                                    delegate to attend the YTP stream,          sessions and        Thursday                               brochure.
                                                                                                                                                     networking drinks
                                                                    plus Session 6.                             Session 6 only    afternoon tea

                                                               D    Employer ticket                                                                                        Please contact the
                                                                    This registration option allows one                                                                    Queensland Team on
                                                                                                                      ✔                                      ✔
                                                                    registration to be shared between                                                                      07 3225 5200 or at
Stamford Plaza Brisbane                                             multiple attendees from the same firm                                                                  qld@taxinstitute.com.au
Edward Street & Margaret Street, Brisbane City

Getting there                                                                                               Register online at taxinstitute.com.au/qtf
Stamford Plaza is conveniently located in Brisbane’s
CBD, near the Botanic Gardens and Brisbane River.            Discounts                                                            Confirmation of registration
If you are travelling from interstate, Stamford Plaza is a   Early bird registration                                              A confirmation will be sent via email. Please note you will
25-minute drive from the Brisbane Domestic Terminal.                                                                              receive two separate emails in the form of a confirmation
                                                             All full conference registrations received and paid for on or
                                                             before Friday 17 April 2020 will be entitled to an early bird        email and tax invoice.
Parking is available at the Stamford Plaza. Self-parking                                                                          CPD accreditation
will incur a rate of $45 per car, per day, and valet         Group discounts                                                      Full forum attendance counts for 13 hours of Structured
parking will incur a rate of $57 per car, per day.                                                                                Continuing Professional Development (CPD) accreditation
                                                             If you are registering four or more people from the same firm,
                                                             please contact the Queensland Team on 07 3225 5200 or at             with The Tax Institute. Attendance at Day 1 of the forum
                                                             qld@taxinstitute.com.au.                                             counts for 6.5 hours of Structured CPD and Day 2 counts for
                                                                                                                                  6.5 hours CPD. Employer ticket attendance will be allocated
                                                                                                                                  accordingly to each attendee.
                                                                                                                                  Please see page 19 for further Event information.
14     THE TAX INSTITUTE – 2020 Queensland Tax Forum
2020 Queensland Tax Forum		                                                                                                 40844 | WD

                                         Event                                                               A tax invoice and confirmation letter will be sent on receipt of your registration. Please photocopy for
                                         Registration form                                                   additional delegates and retain original copy for your records. All prices quoted are in Australian dollars
                                                                                                             and include GST where applicable. ABN 45 008 392 372.

1     Registration                                                                                            2         Delegate contact details

A Full conference registration (13 CPD hours)
                                                                                                             Member no.:
                                                              Member         New member*        Non-member
                                                                                                             If your member details are up-to-date, you can skip this section.
Early bird registration Received on or before 17 April 2020     $1,890            $2,230           $2,300
Standard registration Received after 17 April 2020                                                           Title:     Mr         Mrs         Miss         Ms                  Date of birth:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   DD/MM/Y Y Y Y
                                                                $2,090            $2,430           $2,500

  I acknowledge that I will receive electronic access to the available papers and presentations             First name:
   through The Tax Institute CPD app.
                                                                                                             Last name:

B Single day registration (6.5 CPD hours)
                                                              Member         Non-member
Registration                                                    $1,100            $1,350
  I acknowledge that I will receive electronic access to the available papers and presentations
   through The Tax Institute CPD app.
                                                                                                             Suburb:                                                                     State: 	                 Postcode:

                                                                                                             Telephone:                                                                  Mobile:

 *EVENT AND MEMBERSHIP OFFER                                         Signature:
 If you are not a member, bundle your membership with your
 registration. You will receive the member rate for registration and
                                                                                                             Dietary requirements:
 pay only $340 for membership through to June the following year.
 I hereby apply for membership of The Tax Institute and declare      Date of signature:                          Please tick this box if you do not wish your name to be included on the delegate list provided to all attendees for networking purposes.
 that I am a person of good fame, integrity and character and
 agree to be bound by the Constitution of The Tax Institute.          DD/MM/Y Y           Y Y
 Further information available at taxinstitute.com.au
                                                                                                             Promotional code:

 C   Young Tax Professionals stream                                            Young Tax Professionals stream ticket $195

     Attendees will gain a greater understanding of, and ability to recognise, key issues in relation to the following topics:

            Optimising Outcomes by Effective Negotiation                           Managing Clients as the Trusted Advisor                                Objections and Audit Paper Responses – Drafting to Win!
3       Technical sessions options                                                                                                                            4       Payment method
                                                                                                                                                                                 Please note: all registration payments must be made prior to the event, unless other arrangements have been made with The Tax Institute.
                   Thursday 21 May 2020
                   9.00–10.00am                           Session 1                                                                                                                    Cheque payable to The Tax Institute (in Australian dollars)
                   10.20–11.20am                          Session 2A                Session 2B
                                                                                                                                                                                       Credit card  Card type:                      AMEX             Visa           MasterCard               Diners
                   11.20am–12.20pm                        Session 3A                Session 3B               Session 3C
                   1.20–2.20pm                            Session 4A                Session 4B               Session 4C
                   2.20–3.20pm                                                                                                                                                   Name on card:
                                                          Session 5A                Session 5B               Session 5C
                   3.40–5.10pm                            Session 6
                                                                                                                                                                                 Card no.:                                                                                                            Expiry date:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          MM/ Y Y
                   Friday 22 May 2020
                   8.30–10.00am                           Session 7                                                                                                              Cardholder’s
                   10.00–11.00am                          Session 8A                Session 8B
                                                                                                                                                                                           For our refund, cancellation and replacement policy visit taxinstitute.com.au/professional-development/event-policy.
                   11.20am–12.20pm                        Session 9A                Session 9B
                   1.20–2.20pm                            Session 10A               Session 10B                                                                                  For event enquiries, please contact the Queensland Team on 07 3225 5200 or
                   2.40–3.40pm                            Session 11A               Session 11B                                                                                  qld@taxinstitute.com.au.
                   3.40–4.40pm                            Session 12A               Session 12B                                                                                  For registration enquiries, please contact customeradmin@taxinstitute.com.au

                     Collection notice
                   The Tax Institute (TTI) complies with its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) with respect to how it handles personal information. For information on how TTI collects, uses, holds and discloses personal information, please see its privacy policy at www.taxinstitute.com.au. [You can also request TTI’s
                   consultants to provide you with a copy of TTI Privacy Policy.] By submitting your application to TTI, you confirm that you have read TTIs Privacy Policy and you consent to your personal information being collected, used and held by TTI and disclosed to third parties in accordance with TTI’s Privacy Policy.

                      TO REGISTER

                             Online                                                          Mail                                                                                                        Email                                                                                     Fax
                             taxinstitute.com.au/qtf                                          L37, 100 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060                                                                customeradmin@taxinstitute.com.au                                                          02 8223 0077
2020 Queensland Tax Forum		                                                                                                  40844 | WD

                                             Employer ticket                                                    A tax invoice and confirmation letter will be sent on receipt of your registration. Please retain original copy
                                             Registration form                                                  for your records. All prices quoted are in Australian dollars and include GST where applicable.
                                                                                                                ABN 45 008 392 372.

 Registration information                                                                                        2        Employer ticket co-ordinator details
Employer registration                                                                                                                                                               If your member details are up-to-date, you can skip this section.
§ Multi-user registration (register up to 12 delegates from the same organisation)                              Member no.:

§ Attendance at any session of your choice (total 12 technical sessions)
                                                                                                                Title:	                            Mrs         Miss        Ms           Other (please specify)
§ Electronic access to download available technical papers and presentations
§ Morning and afternoon refreshments                                                                            Date of birth:
                                                                                                                                     DD/MM/Y Y Y Y
§ 13 CPD hours
                                                                                                                First name:
Session selection
Please complete the form overleaf indicating the sessions that each person is attending. Please note that
                                                                                                                Last name:
sessions will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so please make your selections as soon
as possible to avoid disappointment. Please ensure the form is correct as CPD hours will be allocated
accordingly.                                                                                                    Position:
Note: Employer tickets do not include attendance at the networking lunches.
Once you have registered
You will receive a tax invoice and confirmation letter including details of your session selections.            Address:
Please check your session details and contact The Tax Institute on 02 8223 0040 if any details are incorrect.
Early bird offer
Register on or before 17 April 2020 to save.
                                                                                                                State:                                    Postcode:                           Telephone:

                                                                                                                Fax:                                                                          Mobile:


                                                                                                                    Please tick this box if you do not wish your name to be included on the delegate list provided to all attendees for networking purposes.

                                                                                                                 3        Payment method

                                                                                                                       Cheque payable to The Tax Institute (in Australian dollars)

                                                                                                                       Credit card     $                              Card type:        AMEX             Visa          MasterCard              Diners
 1       Registration options
                                                                                                                Name on card:
  Early bird registration Received on or before 17 April 2020                                     $2,390
                                                                                                                Card no.:                                                                                                   Expiry date:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               M M/ Y Y
  Standard registration Received after 17 April 2020                                              $2,590
   I acknowledge that I will receive electronic access to the available papers and presentations through       signature:
    The Tax Institute CPD app.                                                                                              For our refund, cancellation and replacement policy visit taxinstitute.com.au/professional-development/event-policy.
You can also read