October 17-20, 2021 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Hilton Riverside New Orleans - AWCI

Page created by Marie Meyer
October 17-20, 2021 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Hilton Riverside New Orleans - AWCI

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center • Hilton Riverside New Orleans

               October 17-20, 2021

                   Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and join us on LinkedIn.
October 17-20, 2021 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Hilton Riverside New Orleans - AWCI
CONTENTS                                                                           WELCOME

AWCI President’s Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Right          Dear Colleagues,
AWCI’s Emerging Leaders Meeting and Session. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
                                                                                               Please join me for AWCI’s Convention
AWCI’s Opening Session & Brunch and Keynote Speaker. . . . . . .  3                            & Intex Expo in New Orleans! I have
 • AWCI President’s Address                                                                    missed seeing my AWCI friends in person
 • Passing of the Gavel
                                                                                               and can’t wait to see everyone.
 • State of the Association Address
 • AWCI’s Pinnacle Award                                                                       New this year will be a State of the
 • AWCI’s Distinguished Service Award                                                          Association update from AWCI CEO
AWCI Professional Development Sessions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6                  Mike Stark during AWCI’s Brunch
                                                                                               on Tuesday morning with most of the
AWCI Elective Education Sessions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
                                                                                               awards presentations taking place during AWCI’s Dinner,
Solutions Showcases in the Exhibit Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9            Awards and Foundation Fundraisers event on Tuesday
Foundation Raffles and Silent Auction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11               evening.
Registration Information, Code of Conduct                                                      In addition to the always popular Doing It Right seminars
and Registration Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-15     offered on Wednesday, we have education sessions on Tuesday
Convention Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17   and Wednesday mornings featuring what you need to know
 • AWCI Spouse/Guest Lunch                                                                     about drug screening, a tech-know session, how to have elite
 • AWCI Spouse/Guest Optional Tour                                                             performance during times of chaos (something we are all
 • AWCI’s Emerging Leaders Happy Hour                                                          experiencing now), negotiating oppressive contract language
 • AWCI President’s Welcome Reception                                                          and much more.
 • AWCI’s Opening Session and Brunch
 • AWCI’s Dinner, Awards and Foundation Fundraisers                                            Read through the information, reserve your hotel room, and
    AWCI’s Excellence in Construction Quality Awards                                           sign-up when registration opens July 19! See you there.
    AWCI’s Excellence in Construction Safety Awards
    AWCI’s Excellence in Construction Innovation Award
Schedule of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19
Intex Expo Exhibitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
AWCI Convention Sponsors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21          Shawn Burnum
                                                                                               AWCI President
Intex Expo Sponsors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23
Welcome to New Orleans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
 • Welcome to New Orleans!
 • AWCI Convention Mobile App
 • Attire Suggestions
 • Hotel Accommodations
 • Travel Information
 • Busing
 • Registration & Exhibit Hall Hours

 2                     AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana
October 17-20, 2021 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Hilton Riverside New Orleans - AWCI
MONDAY OCTOBER 18                                                  AWCI OPENING SESSION & BRUNCH
11:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m.                                               KEYNOTE SPEAKER
                                                                   9:30 a.m.—12:15 p.m.

Emerging Leaders Committee Meeting                                 AWCI’s Opening Session & Brunch includes the opening address
and Session:                                                       presented by AWCI President Shawn Burnum, the State of the
                                                                   Association address, presentation of AWCI’s Pinnacle Award, the
Critical Components for Leadership Progression+
                                                                   new Distinguished Service Award, and passing of the gavel.
The first learning module in AWCI’s Emerging Leaders Program
will focus on the core components that separate a manager from
                                                                   Ben Nemtin
a leader and set the stage for participants’ journey through the
program. A spectrum of current and future leaders will lead
                                                                   Named One of the World’s Top 30
discussions on their journeys and outline lessons learned—and      Organizational Culture Professionals by
what they’d wished they had known—on their paths. Later,           Global Gurus; Co-founder of MTV’s “The Buried
they’ll join AWCI’s volunteer and staff leaders at a special       Life Movement”
Emerging Leaders happy hour welcoming them to AWCI’s
Convention & Intex Expo.                                           Ben Nemtin is the #1 New York
                                                                   Times bestselling author of “What
                                                                   Do You Want to Do Before You
                                                                   Die?” and was a star of the MTV
                                                                   show “The Buried Life.” An
                                                                   acclaimed keynote speaker, Nemtin
                                                                   has presented his “5 Steps to Make
                                                                   the Impossible Possible” to business
                                                                   conferences and corporate leadership
                                                                   teams around the world, garnering
                                                                   standing ovations from Amazon,
                                                                                                             Ben Nemtin
                                                                   FedEx, Harvard, Levi’s, Microsoft,
                                                                   Verizon and more.
                                                                   A decade ago, Nemtin was knocked off his feet by a heavy
                                                                   depression. In an attempt to feel more alive, he created the
                                                                   world’s greatest bucket list with his three best friends. Every time
                                                                   they accomplished a dream, they helped a complete stranger
                                                                   cross something off his/her bucket list. From playing basketball
                                                                   with President Obama to having a beer with Prince Harry, from
                                                                   raising over $400,000 for charity to placing a record-breaking
                                                                   $250,000 bet on roulette—Nemtin’s bucket list quest has inspired
                                                                   millions to chase their dreams.
                                                                   Meet Ben Nemtin following the Awards Brunch in USG’s
                                                                   booth #501 until 1 p.m. The first 50 people to visit USG’s
                                                                   booth will receive a free autographed copy of his book,
                                                                   “What Do You Want to Do Before You Die?”
                                                                   Sponsored by USG

                                                                                                +Assigned or Invited Members Only

 3              AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana
October 17-20, 2021 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Hilton Riverside New Orleans - AWCI
                                              PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                                    7:30 a.m.—9 a.m.

uMap™ (Session 1)                                                            • An overview of current state-specific marijuana and
It is highly recommended that you attend both uMap sessions                    cannabidiol laws.
Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.                                              • Discussion about the differences in the language of marijuana
uMap™ is a performance management
software platform used to know and                                           • Key court decisions.
understand your people at a deeper level                                     • Critical action steps for employers.
to drive connection, trust, teamwork                                         William J. Judge, JD, LLM, is an attorney with more than 33 years
and for personalizing the performance                                        of experience in the workplace drug and alcohol testing industry and the
experience.                                                                  co-founder of Drug Screening Compliance Institute focusing on state,
Join Mike Novakoski and Joe Novakoski                                        federal and subject-specific compliance consulting, training, education
as they share their story on how uMap™                                       and litigation support.
                                                    Mike Novakoski           Sponsored by Micro-Distributing
aligns employees in unique ways that
will leave you feeling energized. Sharing
and outlining the uMap™ tool will show
you how to connect to your company’s
culture, employees and values. You will
leave the session feeling inspired and
equipped to extend your individual self to                                   Tech-Know: Maximizing Contractors’ Software,
create and maintain deeper connections to                                    Data and Mobile Tools for Profit
others within your organization.
                                                                             Knowing what you need and know-
                                                    Joe Novakoski
Mike Novakoski is one of the founding                                        ing how to get it can be challenging for
partners at Become Unmistakable and co-                                      contractors trying to keep up with the
author of “Become Unmistakable: Start the Journey from Commodity             technological revolution. Each vendor
to Oddity.” He is also president/CEO of Elzinga & Volkers and EV             has a special pitch, workflow and use case
Group.                                                                       for their software. Yet, when it comes to
                                                                             getting the most out of your software,
Joe Novakoski is the vice president of operations at Elzinga & Volkers.
                                                                             understanding the data behind your KPIs
He holds a degree in civil engineering, is a licensed engineer, earned his
                                                                             and keeping the office and field aligned,          Kyle Hamer
MBA, and has completed various leadership certifications.
                                                                             it’s critical to know where to start, how to
The Changing Landscape of Drug Screening                                     move forward and what’s most important.
Compliance: What Employers Need to Know                                      At the end of this session you will
As it stands today, all but two states au-                                   • Understand the major tech challenges facing contractors
thorize some form of legalized marijuana                                       today.
(either medical or personal use) or can-
                                                                             • Have practical applications on how your peers are addressing
nabidiol. These new laws are evolving at a
                                                                               these challenges.
rapid pace and are increasingly impactful
to workplace screening programs. The                                         • Determine the best KPIs for your business and how to get
laws in some states specifically protect                                       them regularly.
employees, and others provide protec-                                        • Learn how others are best leveraging mobile technology to
tion for employers. In addition to the          William Judge                  keep the field and office aligned.
changing marijuana laws, employers are also                                  Roundtable facilitator Kyle Hamer is the president of Hamer
challenged with the nation’s opioid crisis, a shortage of avail-             Marketing Group and is passionate about helping businesses leverage
able workers and states with mandatory drug and alcohol testing              technology and data to grow their business. No stranger to technology, he
rules. This session will provide an overview of these issues and             previously held executive leadership positions with software, technology
touch on the key points the employers need to be aware of and                and service companies.
prepared for:

 4                AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana
October 17-20, 2021 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Hilton Riverside New Orleans - AWCI
TUESDAY OCTOBER 19                                                   WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                             PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
4 p.m.—6 p.m.                                                        8 a.m.—9:30 a.m.

Emerging Leaders Offsite Event:                                      uMap™ (Session 2)
Connecting the Dots: Understanding the Value                         It is highly recommended that you attend both uMap sessions
(and Necessity) of Building Your Network+                            Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.
                                                                     uMap™ is a performance management
AWCI’s Emerging Leaders Program shifts from classroom to
                                                                     software platform used to know and
“on the job” training as participants explore the importance
                                                                     understand your people at a deeper level
that connecting with peers has on their leadership development.
                                                                     to drive connection, trust, teamwork
Participants will begin the session with an interactive, Intex
                                                                     and for personalizing the performance
Expo—based “homework” assignment designed to help them
learn about the industry and how the puzzle pieces fit. Then,
participants will travel off-site to continue their learning—about   This interactive workshop will be a
their peers and themselves—in a relaxed, fun environment.            hands-on learning experience where you
                                                                     will start to complete your own uMap™.              Mike Novakoski
                                                                     Mike Novakoski and Joe Novakoski will
                                                                     also share exercises on how they utilize
                                                                     their uMap™ to connect with others
                                                                     throughout their organization.
                                                                     Mike Novakoski is one of the founding
                                                                     partners at Become Unmistakable and co-
                                                                     author of “Become Unmistakable: Start the
                                                                     Journey from Commodity to Oddity.”
                                                                                                                         Joe Novakoski
                                                                     Joe Novakoski is the vice president of
                                                                     operations at Elzinga & Volkers. He holds a degree in civil engineering,
                                                                     is a licensed engineer, earned his MBA, and has completed various
                                                                     leadership certifications.
                                                                     Elite Performance During Chaos and
                                                                     Critical Stress
                                                                     This session will show how the effects of
                                                                     critical stress on people in combat and law
                                                                     enforcement are similar to the effects on
                                                                     executives in business, while teaching tac-
                                                                     tics to overcome the effects and perform
                                                                     at an elite level. With consistent practice
                                                                     over time, you will learn to perform better,
                                                                     lead more effectively and work toward
                                                                     building a culture of production, despite       Chad Pearson
                                                                     the chaos of the trades. These skills will also
                                                                     help your personal and family relationships prosper.
                                                                     Chad Pearson with Plexxis Software brings a unique perspective to the
                                                                     industry mixing 12 years in construction technology with 30-plus years
                                                                     competing in combat sports, coaching world ranked fighters and a career
                                                                     in law enforcement where he focused on emergency response and criminal

                                                                                                     +Assigned or Invited Members Only

 5              AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana
October 17-20, 2021 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Hilton Riverside New Orleans - AWCI
                                               PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                                     8 a.m.—9:30 a.m.

Identifying, Understanding and Negotiating                                  Emerging Leaders:
Around Unfair and Oppressive Contract                                       AWCI’s Marketing & Technology Mini-Sessions+
Language                                                                    8 a.m.—8:45 a.m.: Corporate Digital
When you get down to it, general contrac-                                   Marketing 101: Building (and Protecting)
tors are in the business of shifting risk                                   Your Corporate Brand
with carefully worded contracts. It’s the                                   Join Carin Brewster, AWCI’s marketing
subcontractors who actually build things.                                   manager, as she leads participants through
General contractors invest millions in                                      the do’s and don’ts of crafting your corporate
coming up with contract language that                                       digital marketing content. Learn how to build
maximizes their profit and minimizes                                        content that strengthens brand identity—and
their risk. Come learn how to identify,                                     how to avoid the pitfalls that can lead to less      Carin Brewster
understand and negotiate around some of                                     profitable results.
the most unfair and oppressive contract             Rich Capriola
terms in use today.                                                         Carin Brewster, AWCI’s Marketing Manager has worked with over
                                                                            100 AEC industry-based companies across the globe to develop an array
Rich Capriola, Esq., is a partner with the
                                                                            of successful digital marketing campaigns. With social media, SEO, email
Atlanta law firm, Winter Capriola Zenner,
                                                                            and website marketing strategies, she has curated the fail-safe, digital
LLC. Capriola has extensive experience
representing subcontractors and owners and                                  marketing growth framework over the last several years to ensure high-
in all manner of construction issues including                              growth success and a return on investments.
delay claims, liens, bonds, negligent and
defective construction, prompt-pay claims and                               8:45 a.m.—9:30 a.m.: Unexpected Benefits: How Streamlining
related construction litigation, arbitration and                            Our Bid Process Improved Our Bottom Line
mediation.                                          Eric B. Coleman         Can something as simple as improving how a company tracks its
                                                                            bids uncover inefficiencies in how a company functions and, as
Eric B. Coleman, Esq., is a partner with the Atlanta law firm,
                                                                            a result, have a positive effect on a company’s bottom line? Join
Winter Capriola Zenner, LLC,.and serves as a board member for the
                                                                            AWCI contractor members and AWCI affinity partner BasisBoard
construction section of the Atlanta Bar Association. His practice focuses
                                                                            as they present personal experiences on how something as simple
on resolution of construction disputes, including delay, nonpayment
                                                                            as implementing bid process improvement can lead to a healthier
and defective-construction claims through mediation, arbitration and
                                                                            company all around.

                                                                                                             +Assigned or Invited Members Only

 6                 AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana
October 17-20, 2021 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Hilton Riverside New Orleans - AWCI
                                                 ELECTIVE EDUCATION
                                                    7:30 a.m.—5 p.m.

Elective Education                                                   The fee is $315 for AWCI members and $405 for nonmembers and
                                                                     includes a complimentary pass to Intex Expo on October 19 and 20.
(additional registration fees apply)
                                                                     This seminar includes a break (10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) to walk the trade show
7:30 a.m. –5 p.m.                                                    and for lunch.
Gypsum— and Exterior Envelope—Doing It                               Robert Grupe, AWCI’s director of technical services, spent more
Right® Combo centers on the challenges of achieving                  than 38 years with United States Gypsum Company where he held
successful projects in our industry by meeting the demands           various technical and management positions.
of stringent regulations and focusing on new performance             He currently is a consultant to the construction
requirements. This two-part course will provide the information      community where he has worked on several
to make the contractor more knowledgeable in this ever-              large scale international construction projects.
changing environment.                                                He has authored numerous articles and given
The first part of the seminar will focus on the installation of      presentations on fire, sound and environmental
gypsum board systems. Course content is based on industry stan-      issues as they relate to wall and ceiling
dards and best practices for installation. Topics covered include    assemblies.
codes and standards, design issues, types of gypsum systems,
red flags and solutions, finish systems and project management/
quality control.
The second part of the program will clarify the subtle but sig-
nificant differences between the IECC and ASHRAE 90.1 and
how that relates to LEED® initiatives. Moisture migration and
heat transfer are the fundamental elements that drive the codes
and standards, and they, too, can be confusing. Codes, standards
and building science link to high performance wall systems that
are substantially more sophisticated than what was designed and
built just a few years ago. Sophisticated high performing wall
systems rely heavily on proper detailing and installation. This
course starts with codes and standards, discusses the underlying
building sciences, and ends with information for the job site with
a goal to make a project successful.

 7              AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana
October 17-20, 2021 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Hilton Riverside New Orleans - AWCI
WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20                                                             WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20
ELECTIVE EDUCATION                                                               ELECTIVE EDUCATION
7:30 a.m.—10 a.m.                                                                1 p.m.—5 p.m.

7:30 a.m. –10 a.m.                                                           1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Stucco—Doing It Right®                                                       Stucco Inspector Program
This seminar is based on                                                     By attending this class,
ASTM C926 and C1063 and                                                      city, county and state
covers the application of port-                                              building inspectors as
land cement-based plaster ap-                                                well as architects will
plied to metal and solid bases.                                              learn how to identify
Also discussed is the one-coat                                               types of stucco cladding
stucco system. Topics covered                                                and key concerns about
include codes and standards,                                                 the wall cladding, in-
substrates, design consider-                                                 stallation or condition.
ations, materials, weather                                                   It does not include any
concerns and limitations of                                                  destructive testing, or
material/stress control/cracking. Additional conversation will               the use of any special-
include talk of how the energy code affects stucco.                          ized equipment.
The fee is $200 for AWCI members and $300 for nonmembers and                 This is for visual inspec-
includes a complimentary pass to Intex Expo on October 19 and 20.            tions using tools that
                                                                             a trained residential or
                                                                             commercial inspector
                                                                             should have with them
                                                                             on any inspection they
                                                                             perform. Attendees will
                                                                             learn to determine the type of stucco they are looking at, if there
                                                                             are concerns about the stucco and what they need to advise their
                                                                             clients their inspection. Course certificate earned upon course
                                                                             Those currently employed by contractors, manufacturers or
                                                                             distributors are not eligible for the Stucco Inspector Program.
                                                                             The fee is $325 for AWCI members and $425 for nonmembers and
                                                                             includes a complimentary pass to INTEX Expo on October 19 and 20.

                   In 2002, after 40 years successful experience as a plaster and drywall subcontractor,
                   Mike Boyd formed Boyd Consulting Group. His company serves architects,
                   building owners, developers, property managers, general contractors, exterior wall
                   subcontractors, attorneys, insurance companies, real estate agents and homeowners.
                   He is a Certified EIFS Inspector as certified by AWCI, the Exterior Design Institute
                   and the Moisture Warranty Corporation and an AWCI Past President.

 8               AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana
October 17-20, 2021 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Hilton Riverside New Orleans - AWCI

Tuesday, October 19                                                  2 p.m.—2:30 p.m.
                                                                     MOFFETT Truck Mounted Forklift Features
Solutions Showcases                                                  Be the first to learn about the latest truck mounted forklift
Think of it as TED Talks for the wall and ceiling industry.          MOFFETT model designed with custom solutions for the
Thirty-minute presentations will give you pointers and solutions     drywall industry. Launching exclusively at Intex Expo, this new
you can take back and use.                                           model is equipped with several exciting features to make drywall
                                                                     delivery easier in instances of low clearance and narrow pass-
12:40 p.m.—1:10 p.m.                                                 throughs. Safety is always top of mind at HIAB, so you can rest
Maximizing BIM Return on Investment with                             assured this model will keep your operator and load safe. Learn
Augmented Reality                                                    about all of the new MOFFETT drywall features directly from
                                                                     the MOFFETT product manager during this session.
BIM has transformed construction in many ways, including
the ability to detect clashes before construction and align teams    Presented by Hiab USA, Inc.
around a plan. It does, however have a limitation: It stops there,
in the computer. Augmented reality is empowering teams to
maximize that investment by bringing BIM to the field, making
it a necessary tool on the job site of the future.
Presented by Spectar                                                 2:45 p.m.—3:15 p.m.
                                                                     Drug Testing 101
                                                                     Why should I drug test? What are my options? What does it
                                                                     cost? How hard is it to implement? Is training available? How do
                                                                     I ensure my program complies with state laws?

1:15 p.m.—1:45 p.m.                                                  Presented by Micro-Distributing

BIM and Digital Tools You Need to Embrace
A quick look at BIM and online tools, and how contractors are
leveraging those tools on today’s projects
Presented by ClarkDietrich

 9               AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana
October 17-20, 2021 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Hilton Riverside New Orleans - AWCI
Two opportunities to win!
                                                                Raffle winners will be selected during AWCI’s Dinner, Awards and
                                                                Foundation Fundraisers on Tuesday, Oct. 19. You do not need to be
                                                                present to win. The winning tickets are valid only for the items being
Show Your Support for the Foundation                            raffled and are not redeemable for cash.
                                                                All raffle tickets ordered in advance can be picked up at registration.
                                                                Tickets will be available for purchase on-site at the registration desk
                                                                and during AWCI’s dinner. Contact Annemarie Selvitelli at
                                                                (703) 538.1608 or selvitelli@awci.org.

Foundation $5,000 Raffle
The Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry is raffling off a cash prize of $5,000 to the
winning ticket holder. Buy a chance to win money for yourself as well and the Foundation. Raffle
tickets are available for $100 each or five for $400 and can be purchased in advance with your
convention registration or on-site at the convention.
                                                          Sponsored by Grabber

AWCI CARES Jewelry Raffle                                    A Jewelry Trifecta!
Sponsored by Associated Drywall Partners, Baker Triangle,    Soak in this 14k white gold pendant with a white
Richter System and TJ Wies Contracting, Inc.                 Chinese cultured pearl and a round diamond.
                                                             On a 16–inch long cable chain, the
                                                             13 mm pearl has a very good AAA grade luster
                                                             and the diamond is 0.15 carats.
                                                             Pearl and diamond drop earrings in 14k white
                                                             gold dazzle! The earrings come with pushbacks
                                                             containing two 13 mm round white Chinese
                                                             cultured pearls and 0.15 brilliant diamonds
                                                             (carat total weight 0.15.).
                                                             Top off your jewelry with more diamonds.
                                                             The 14k white gold bangle bracelet contains
                                                             92 round diamonds and has a total carat weight
                                                             of 5.05.
                                                             These exquisite pieces are custom designed by
                                                             GeVandov Design Studio in Dallas.
                                                             The necklace, earrings and bracelet come with
      AWCI CARES is a program managed by the                 a jewelry appraisal. The retail value of these spectacular pieces of
       Foundation to provide financial support to            jewelry is $16,200.
     members of our association in times of financial
                                                             For centuries, pearls have been used as an adornment and now, these
       crisis. Tickets are $25 each or six for $125.
                                                             pearls and diamonds can be yours. It takes only one ticket to win!

10               AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana
Show Your Support for the Foundation

Silent Auction
Participate in the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry’s annual silent auction
with proceeds going to the Foundation’s education and research programs. Auction
items in the past have included dazzling jewelry and accessories, sporting equipment,
tickets to sports events, signed memorabilia, vacation packages, high-end tools and
equipment, and electronics. The silent auction will be available online and closes at
8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 19.
To donate an item to the silent auction, contact Annemarie Selvitelli at (703) 538.1608
or selvitelli@awci.org.
The mission of the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry is to be an active,
unbiased source of information and education to support the wall and ceiling industry.

11              AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana

                                                    Registration Hours
                               (Registration will be located at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.)

 Sunday, October 17           2 p.m.—6 p.m.                          Tuesday, October 19		                 7:30 a.m.—5 p.m.
 Monday, October 18           8 a.m.—5 p.m.                          Wednesday, October 20                 7 a.m.—12:30 p.m.

Registration Options                                                 Suitcasing Policy
You can register online at www.awci.org/convention or return         Please note that while all meeting attendees are invited to the
pages 13, 14 and 15 with a check or credit card information          exhibition, any attendee observed to be soliciting business in
to AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo, 11208 Waples Mill                 the aisles or other public spaces, in another company’s booth,
Road, Suite 112, Fairfax, VA 22030; phone: (571) 549.4547. If        or in violation of any portion of AWCI’s Intex Expo rules will
you pay by credit card, you may fax your registration to (703)       be asked to leave immediately. Additional penalties may be
574.8332. DO NOT mail a copy if you fax. We will email,              applied. Please report any violations you may observe to show
fax or mail you a confirmation of your registration. If you are      management.
bringing additional registrants, ordering additional tickets for
meal functions or events or registering others in your company,      Photography Policy
photocopy and complete a separate registration form for each         By registering, you agree to allow AWCI/CISCA/Intex Expo
person. Do not register more than one person (except spouse/         to use your name, photograph, image and/or likeness taken
guest) per form.                                                     during the convention and expo in any AWCI/CISCA/Intex
                                                                     Expo marketing materials made public via print or electronic
Under 40 Discount                                                    publications or website. You understand that your likeness may
AWCI is encouraging younger members of the industry to attend        be used in publications after your participation or membership in
the convention with a targeted discount. We are offering a           AWCI/CISCA/Intex Expo.
25% discount off the full convention registration for anyone
younger than 40 to attend. To receive this discount complete the     Privacy Policy
registration form (pages 13, 14 & 15) or register online at www.     By registering to attend you agree to share your attendee data
awci.org/convention and indicate that you are younger than age       (name, company name, address and phone number) with other
40 to receive the discount. Proof of age will be required at on-     attendees and exhibitors. Your attendee data will be shared in the
site registration when you pick up your badge.                       attendee directory and mobile app.

Cancellation Policy                                                  Badge Pickup
RISK FREE REGISTRATION UNTIL OCTOBER 1!                              A self serve badge kiosk allows you to print your own badge.
AWCI full convention registration, spouse/guest registration,        Bring your email confirmation to scan the bar code.
exhibitor registration and trade show passes cancelled in writing
on or before Oct. 1, 2021, will receive a full refund. No refunds
will be issued for written cancellations received after Oct. 1,                              Questions?
2021, or for no-shows. Tickets for Foundation raffle tickets and                Call AWCI Registration at (571) 549.4547 or
tours are not refundable.                                                         email awciregistration@spargoinc.com.
If you cannot attend, substitutions may be made if the request
is made in writing and emailed to awciregistration@spargoinc.
com. There is no substitution fee.
Refunds will be processed within 30 days to the original form of

12              AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana

Personal Accountability Commitment
By attending AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo you agree to abide by and engage in certain beneficial health and safety conduct
while attending the event. You are encouraged to wear a mask to cover your nose and mouth at all times in public areas and engage in
appropriate physical distancing if you are not fully vaccinated. Also, please do not attend the event if you are ill or have been recently
exposed to COVID-19.
     Before Leaving Home
     • Follow relevant guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and your local health authority.
     • Adhere to government issued travel restrictions and guidance issued by the region you will be traveling to and the region you are
       traveling from.
     • Evaluate your own health and that of people you are in close contact with and email Karen Bilak, AWCI’s director of convention &
       conferences, at bilak@awci.org if you have concerns.
     During AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo
     • Follow everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses including:
       o Washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
       o Avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth.
       o Covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. Discard used tissues in the trash.
       o Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces using an appropriate cleaning spray or wipe.
     • If you are not fully vaccinated you are encouraged to wear a mask over your nose and mouth except when actively eating and drinking.
     • If you are not fully vaccinated you are encouraged to adhere to social distance protocols (6 feet) and respect the personal space of others.
     • Contact on–site designated health professionals if you feel unwell or are experiencing flu-like symptoms.

     After AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo
     If you test positive for COVID-19 up to 14 days after returning home, immediately contact AWCI’s Karen Bilak at
     bilak@awci.org. Your name and other identifying information will remain confidential unless you provide your express,
     written consent to be identified.

     Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19
     COVID-19 has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the Centers for Disease Control. People can be infected and show no
     symptoms and therefore spread the disease. COVID-19 can cause serious and potentially life threatening illness and even death.
     The Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry (AWCI) cannot prevent you from becoming exposed to, contracting or
     spreading COVID-19 while attending its convention and Intex Expo. It is not possible to completely prevent the presence of
     the disease. Therefore, if you choose to attend AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo, you may be exposing yourself to and/or
     increasing your risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.
     ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I have read and understood the above warning concerning COVID-19. I hereby choose to accept
     the risks as stated.
     WAIVER OF LAWSUIT/LIABILITY: I hereby forever release and waive my right to bring suit against AWCI and its
     officers, directors, staff, hotel and convention center personnel, vendors or other representatives for fault in connection
     with exposure, infection and/or spread of COVID-19 related to attending AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo. I understand
     that this waiver means I give up my right to bring any claim based on negligence, including for personal injuries, death, disease
     or property losses, or any other loss, whether know or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen.
     CHOICE OF LAW: I understand and agree that the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia will apply to this contract.

     Print Name ____________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________

13                 AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana

Please answer the following questions:
What is your business?
(Please check all that apply.)                              What is your title/function?
                                                            (Please check one.)
___ Specialty Contractor
                                                            ___ Owner/Partner
___ Manufacturer
                                                            ___ President
___ Supplier/Distributor
                                                            ___ Vice President
___ Architect/Specifier
                                                            ___ General Manager
___ General Contractor
                                                            ___ Superintendent/Foreman
___ Independent Manufacturer’s Representative
                                                            ___ Project Manager
___ Service Associate
                                                            ___ Estimator
___ Other (Please specify)
                                                            ___ Field Personnel
      ________________________________                      ___ Sales
                                                            ___ Marketing
What is your primary business?                              ___ Other (Please specify)
(Please check all that apply.)
___ Access Floors
___ Ceilings/Acoustics
___ Drywall
                                                            What is your firm’s annual dollar volume?
                                                            (Please check one.)
___ EIFS                                                    ___ Under $1 million
___ Fireproofing                                            ___ $1 million – $4,999,999 million
___ GRG                                                     ___ $5 million – $9,999,999 million
___ Insulation                                              ___ $10 million – $19,999,999 million
___ Lath/Metal Framing                                      ___ $20 million – $49,999,999 million
___ Plaster                                                 ___ $50 million – $100 million
___ Spray Textures/Paint                                    ___ Over $100 million
___ Stucco
___ Windows/Doors/Trim                                      How did you hear about the Intex Expo?
___ Other (Please specify)                                  (Please check all that apply.)
                                                            ___ AWCI’s Construction Dimensions Magazine
                                                            ___ AWCI Website
                                                            ___ CISCA’s Magazine
How many Intex Expos have you attended in
                                                            ___ CISCA Website
the past 10 years?
                                                            ___ Direct Mail
___ First Time
                                                            ___ Email from AWCI
___ 2-3
                                                            ___ Email from CISCA
___ 4-5
                                                            ___ Intex Expo Website
___ 6-10
                                                            ___ Word of Mouth
                                                            ___ Other (Please specify)

14                     AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana
AWCI Registration Form
Attendee Information                                                   Please photocopy this form for each additional registrant, or register online at www.awci.org/events/awci-convention/register.

                                                                 formal first                                                                                           last                                                                                  badge first name

Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Province ___________________________________________________________________________________ ZIP_________________________

Phone _________________________________________________________ Fax ____________________________________________________________
Email Address _______________________________________________________ Cell (required for emergencies only)____________________________________
Spouse/Guest (list only if paying to register) ___________________ (An additional company employee is not considered a spouse/guest.)
Spouse/Guest Badge Name_____________________________________ Spouse/Guest Email Address_____________________________________________

Fees & Payment                                      (payable in U.S. Dollars)
Your Best Value! Full and Spouse/Guest Registrations (includes entrance into all convention events, education sessions and Intex Expo)
AWCI Member 								                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Amount
Full Convention 1st person (FULL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $820. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
Full Convention 2nd or more same firm (FULL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $655 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
   Any promo codes? ______________
Under Age 40 (FULL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $615 (25% discount). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
   Proof of age will be required at on–site registration when you pick up your badge.
Spouse/Guest (SG01). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $325 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
Non-Member Rate - Full Convention (FULL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
Convention Events (INCLUDED in Full and Spouse/Guest registration)
AWCI President’s Welcome Reception (PR) 10/18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How many? ________ $125 per person. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
AWCI Opening Session and Brunch (OS) 10/19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How many? ________ $125 per person. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
AWCI Dinner, Awards and Foundation Fundraisers (DIN) 10/19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How many? ________ $200 per person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
Education Sessions 10/19 and 10/20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How many? ________ $375 per person. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
Intex Expo Trade Show Pass Only (INCLUDED in Full and Spouse/Guest registration)
    Tuesday, 10/19 (TS1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
    Wednesday, 10/20 (TS2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
    Both Days, 10/19 & 10/20 (TS).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
Elective Education 10/20 (√ which seminar attending)
 Gypsum— and Exterior Envelope—Doing It Right® Combo (SEM1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  AWCI Member $315. . . . . . . Non-Member $405. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
 Stucco—Doing It Right® (SEM2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  AWCI Member $200. . . . . . Non-Member $300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
 Stucco Inspector (SEM3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AWCI Member $325 . . . . . . Non-Member $425 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________
Ghosts of New Orleans Walking Tour (TOUR1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How many? ________ $30 per person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total ____________
Foundation Tickets
$5,000 Raffle Tickets (A1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  How many? ________                                   $100 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total ____________
$5,000 Raffle Tickets Multiples (A5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How many sets of five? ________                                                         5 for $400. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total ____________
Jewelry Raffle Tickets (J1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  How many? ________                                 $25 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total ____________
Jewelry Raffle Tickets Multiples (J5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .  How many sets of six? ________                                                      6 for $125. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total ____________
Any special assistance needed or dietary restrictions? (Please describe)
Method of Payment  Check                                              Visa               MasterCard                      American Express
Card No. ____________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date________________ Security Code_________________
Name on Card __________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________________

 I have read and understand the Intex Expo Suitcasing Policy (see page 12).                                                                           I have read and understand the Privacy Policy (see page 12).
 I have read and understand the Photography Agreement (see page 12).                                                                                  I have read and understand the Code of Conduct and Waiver of Liability.
                                                                                                                                                        I understand that failure to comply could result in being asked to leave without
                                                                                                                                                        a refund of registration fees. (see page 13).

15                                  AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana

AWCI Spouse/Guest Lunch                                                AWCI’s Emerging Leaders
Monday, October 18                                                     Happy Hour+
Noon to 1:30 p.m.                                                      Monday, October 18
Catch up with old                                                      4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
friends and make                                                       (Immediately preceding AWCI’s President’s
new friends at this                                                    Welcome Reception)
complimentary                                                          Join AWCI’s board of directors and members of the Emerging
welcome lunch hosted                                                   Leaders Committee at a special invitation-only networking
by AWCI first lady                                                     reception to welcome the next generation of industry leaders to
Misty Burnum and                                                       AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo. Connect with mentors and
past first lady Shea                                                   peers, old friends and new, while enjoying your favorite beverage
McAlpin. Enter the         Misty Burnum         Shea McAlpin           and learning about how AWCI is helping prepare today’s
raffle for a chance to                                                 emerging leaders to become tomorrow’s CEOs.
win a door prize.
Dress is casual.                                                       Invitations will be emailed. Interested in learning more about
                                                                       AWCI’s Emerging Leaders Program? Contact Chris Williams at
Spouse/Guest Optional Tour                                             cwilliams@awci.org.

Monday, October 18                                                     AWCI President’s
Ghosts of New Orleans Walking Tour                                     Welcome Reception
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.                                                 Monday, October 18
$30 per person                                                         5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Come along on a                                                        Hosted by AWCI President Shawn
guided tour of the                                                     Burnham and his wife Misty, this is your
haunted side of the                                                    opportunity to network with colleagues
French Quarter,                                                        and catch up with old friends. Heavy hors
a neighborhood                                                         d’oeuvres and cocktails will be served.
brimming with eerie                                                    Sponsored by ClarkDietrich and Hilti
secrets and super-
natural activity. As
you walk to some
of the most haunted                                                    Be sure to pick up your badge and bring it to the event before
locations in the city, experience spooky stories and unexplained       registration closes at 5 p.m. Badges will be scanned for
events! Be enthralled with stories of New Orleans’ ghostly past        entrance to the event.
as well as eerie present-day events that still occur behind the very
buildings you’ll pass during your time here.

                                                                                                     +Assigned or Invited Members Only

16               AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana

AWCI’s Opening Session                                              The Foundation’s silent auction
                                                                    closes at 8 p.m. Later in the
and Brunch                                                          evening find out who will win
Tuesday, October 19                                                 the Foundation $5,000 and
9:30 a.m.—12:15 p.m.                                                AWCI CARES jewelry raffles.
AWCI Awards Brunch speaker Ben Nemtin                               AWCI’s Dinner includes presen-
will teach the five steps to make the                               tation of AWCI’s Excellence in
impossible possible as he shares from his                           Construction Quality Awards,
bestselling book, “What Do You Want to Do                           AWCI’s Excellence in Construction Safety Awards, and AWCI’s
Before You Die?”                                                    Excellence in Construction Innovation Award.
The program includes the opening address
                                                                    If you are registered as a full attendee, be sure to pick up your
presented by AWCI President Shawn
                                                                    badge and bring it to the event. If you are a trade show–only
Burnum, the State of the Association
                                                                    attendee or exhibitor, pre-register or purchase a ticket for this
address, presentation of AWCI’s Pinnacle Award, the New
                                                                    event prior to 5 p.m. at Intex Expo registration. Badges will
Distinguished Service Award, and passing of the gavel.
                                                                    be scanned for entrance to the event.
If you are registered as a full attendee, be sure to pick up your
badge and bring it to the event. If you are a trade show–only       Business casual attire is appropriate
attendee or exhibitor, pre-register or purchase a ticket for this   along with your best “Kentucky Derby”
event prior to 9 a.m. at Intex Expo registration. Badges will       style chapeau (hat).
be scanned for entrance to the event.
Meet Ben Nemtin following the Awards Brunch in USG
booth #501 until 1 p.m. The first 50 people will receive an
autographed copy of his book, “What Do You Want to Do               Sponsored by National Gypsum
Before You Die?”
Sponsored by USG

                                                                    Contact Annemarie Selvitelli at (703) 538.1608 or
                                                                    selvitelli@awci.org to make a donation to the silent auction.

AWCI’s Dinner, Awards and
Foundation Fundraisers
Foundation Night at the Races and
Silent Auction and Raffles
Tuesday, October 19
6:30 p.m.—10:30 p.m.
Time to race! You can feel the
excitement in the air as the
MC announces the first race
is about to begin. But wait,
where are our jockeys? Watch
your AWCI friends as they ride
hobby horses to victory. Place
bets on the winners and benefit
the Foundation of the Wall and
Ceiling Industry at the
same time.

17              AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana
                                  AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo
                             October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana
                                        (As of 6/28/21) Events and times are subject to change.

Sunday, October 17
9 a.m.—2 p.m.             AWCI Executive Committee Meeting & Lunch+
1 p.m.—5 p.m.             Construction Technology Council and Committee Meetings
                              Session 1–Interior & Exterior Steel Framing Committee
                              Gypsum Board Committee
                              Session 2–Plaster and Lath Committee
                              AWCI Tech Update
                              Session 3–EIFS & Related Products
                              Exterior Envelope
                              Session 4–Construction Management Technology
                              Specialty Products
                              Council Wrap-up
2 p.m.—3 p.m.             Foundation Board of Directors Meeting+
2 p.m.—6 p.m.             Intex Expo Registration Open
4 p.m.—5 p.m.             Continuing Study Committee Meeting
6 p.m.                    AWCI Executive Committee Dinner+

Monday, October 18
8 a.m.—5 p.m.             Intex Expo Registration Open
8 a.m.—10 a.m.            AWCI Union Contractors Council Meeting
                          (open to signatory contractors)
8:30 a.m.—9:30 a.m.       Safety Directors Committee Meeting
8:30 a.m.—10 a.m.         Supplier & Manufacturer Members Committee Meeting
9 a.m. —10 a.m.           Membership Marketing Committee Meeting
10 a.m.—11 a.m.           AWCI CARES Executive Committee Meeting+
10 a.m.—11 a.m.           Finishers’ Craft Committee Meeting (open to signatory contractors)
10 a.m.—1 p.m.            AWCI Chapter Executives Committee Meeting & Lunch+
11 a.m.—11:30 a.m.        AWCI CARES Fundraising Corps
11 a.m.—Noon              Plasterers’ Craft Committee Meeting (open to signatory contractors)
11:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m.      AWCI Emerging Leaders Committee Meeting & Program+ (See page 3)
Noon—1:30 p.m.            AWCI Spouse/Guest Lunch
1:30 p.m.—3:30 p.m.       AWCI Board of Directors Meeting
                          Refreshments sponsored by CertainTeed
2:30 p.m.—4:30 p.m.       Spouse/Guest Optional “Ghosts of New Orleans” Tour
3:30 p.m.—4:30 p.m.       AWCI Pinnacle Award Committee Meeting+
4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.     AWCI’s Emerging Leaders Happy Hour+
5:30 p.m.—7 p.m.          AWCI’s President’s Welcome Reception
                          Sponsored by ClarkDietrich and Hilti, Inc.
7 p.m.                    AWCI Past Presidents Dinner+                                            +Assigned or Invited Members Only

18                AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana

Tuesday, October 19
7:30 a.m.—5 p.m.         Intex Expo Registration Open
7:30 a.m.—9 a.m.         Education Sessions (See page 4)
                         Coffee Break Sponsored by Flex-Ability Concepts
                         uMap Session 1
                         The Changing Landscape of Drug Screening Compliance: What Employers Need to Know
                         Tech-Know: Maximizing the Contractors’ Software, Data and Mobile Tools for Profit
9:30 a.m.—12:15 p.m.     AWCI Opening Session & Brunch
                         Sponsored by USG
                         President Burnum’s Address
                         State of the Assocation Address
                         Passing of the Gavel
                         Presentation of the Pinnacle and Distinguished Service Awards
12:30 p.m.—5 p.m.        Grand Opening of Intex Expo
4 p.m.—6 p.m.            Emerging Leaders Offsite Event+ (See page 5)
6:30 p.m.—10:30 p.m.     AWCI’s Dinner, Awards and Foundation Fundraisers
                         Sponsored by National Gypsum
                         Presentation of the Innovation, Quality and Safety Awards
                         Silent Auction
                         Foundation Jewelry and $5,000 Raffle Winners Drawn

Wednesday, October 20
7 a.m.—12:30 p.m.        Intex Expo Registration Open
7:30 a.m.—10 a.m.        Elective Education: Gypsum— and Exterior Envelope—Doing It Right® Combo Seminar, Part 1 of 2
                         (See page 7)
7:30 a.m.—10 a.m.        Elective Education: Stucco—Doing It Right® Seminar (See page 8)
8 a.m.—9:30 a.m.         Education Sessions (See pages 5 & 6)
                         Coffee Break Sponsored by L&W Supply
                         uMap Session 2
                         Elite Performance During Chaos and Critical Stress
                         Identifying, Understanding and Negotiating Around Unfair and Oppressive Contract Language
                         Emerging Leaders AWCI’s Marketing and Technology Mini-Sessions+
  8 a.m.—8:45 a.m.         Corporate Digital Marketing 101: Building (and Protecting) Your Corporate Brand (See page 6)
  8:45 a.m.—9:30 a.m.      Unexpected Benefits: How Streamlining Our Bid Process Improved Our Bottom Line (See page 6)
10 a.m.—1 p.m.           Intex Expo Open
1 p.m.—5 p.m.            Business Forums 1-10*
1 p.m.—5 p.m.            Elective Education: Gypsum— and Exterior Envelope—Doing It Right® Combo Seminar, Part 2 of 2
                         (See page 7)
1 p.m.—5 p.m.            Elective Education: Stucco Inspector Program (See page 8)

                                                                                             +Assigned or Invited Members Only

19               AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana

                                    Exhibitors offer new technologies, products and tools to enhance your productivity and strategies to
                                    give you the competitive edge in your market.

Exhibitors (As of 6/28/21)
AboutTime                                   GypSorb, LLC                                Rapid Mixer
Aegis Metal Framing                         Gypsum Management and Supply                Regupol Acoustics
Alpine TrusSteel                            HIAB USA Inc.                               Safti-Seal Inc.
AMES Taping Tools                           Hilti, Inc.                                 Saint-Gobain ADFORS
Armstrong Building Products                 HyFlex                                      Senco Brands Inc.
Arrow Fastener Co., LLC                     Innovative Cast. Inc.                       Simpson Strong-Tie
Autodesk Construction Cloud                 International Fasteners, Inc.               Solutions Showcase
AWCI                                        JAACO Corporation                           Sound Seal
BASF Wall Systems                           Jiangsu Jiuding New Material Co., Ltd.      Spec Mix, Inc.
BASWA Acoustic North America                JN Linrose Mfg., LLC                        Specified Technologies Inc.
Blue Point Fasteners                        Kinetics Noise Control                      Spectar
Bouckaert Industrial Textiles               L&W Supply                                  Stanley Black and Decker
Brighton Best International                 L.D. Peters & Sons, Inc.                    Star Sales & Distributing Corp.
Cardinal Acoustics, Inc.                    LaborChart                                  Steel Framing Industry Association
Castle Access Panels & Forms Inc.           Lamvin                                      Sto Corp.
Ceilings & Interior Systems                 Magnum Tool Corp., Inc.                     Stockton Products
 Construction Association                   Marino\WARE                                 Studco Building Systems
CEMCO                                       Marlite                                     TapeTech Tool Co.
CertainTeed Corporation                     Master Wall, Inc.                           Telling Industries LLC
ClarkDietrich                               MAX USA Corp.                               The Leffler Group Structural Engineers
Clinch-On Cornerbead Company                MBA Metal Framing                           Trimaco
Columbia Taping Tools                       Metaltech Omega Inc.                        Trim-Tex, Inc.
CO.ME Tools                                 Micro-Distributing                          Trufast Walls
ConstructConnect                            MillSteel                                   USG
Crane Composites                            Mirka USA                                   Walls & Ceilings Magazine
Custom Truck One Source                     Nathan Kimmel Co., LLC                      XtremeInterior
Dri-Design                                  National Gypsum
Dura-Stilt Co. LP                           Nitroset, LLC
EDMA SAS                                    Nudo Products Inc.
Estimating Edge                             Nu-Wave Manufacturing, LLC
eSUB, Inc.                                  OPCMIA
E-Z Taping System                           PABCO Gypsum
Flex-Ability Concepts                       PAC International
Framecad America                            Palfinger USA, LLC
Franklin International                      Panel Rey
Frasch                                      Panolam Surface Systems
F-Sorb                                      Parkland Plastics, Inc.
Full Circle International Inc.              Phillips Manufacturing Company
Georgia-Pacific Gypsum                      Pinnacle Infotech Inc.
Glasteel                                    Pinnacle LGS DMCC
Grabber Construction Products               Plastic Components, Inc.
Graco, Inc.                                 Plexxis software
Gripple Inc.                                Raken

20              AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana

     Special thanks are extended to the following AWCI convention sponsors
                                        (as of 6/28/21)

                                    Platinum Level

                                        Gold Level

                                       Silver Level

                                      Bronze Level

21       AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana

     Intex Expo extends a special thank-you to the following sponsors:
                                     (as of 6/28/21)

                                     Gold Level

                                   Silver Level

22    AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana

                                Bronze Level

                                                                               Since 1969

23   AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana

Welcome to New Orleans!                                              AWCI Convention Mobile App
Laissez les bon temps rouler! (Let the good times roll!)             Sponsored by Hilti
New Orleans is one of the world’s most fascinating cities – it’s
home to a truly unique melting pot of culture, food and music.       Handouts
For complete information on everything to see and do in New          Handouts from AWCI’s Convention are posted to AWCI’s
Orleans and for restaurant and shopping discounts visit              website and placed on the convention’s mobile app about a
www.neworleans.com/AWCI21.                                           week before the convention. Attendees are encouraged to
Headquarters Hotel                                                   download and print the presentations ahead of time since
                                                                     handouts will not be distributed on site.
Room reservations open July 19.
AWCI’s official head-
quarters hotel is the
Hilton Riverside New                                                 Business casual attire is appropriate for all functions.
Orleans, Two Poydras
Street. AWCI attendees
are extended special group                                          Getting There
rates ranging from $254 to                                          Getting to New Orleans is easy. Fly directly into the Louis
$294 (single or double) per                                         Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (MSY). It’s only
night. Rates are based on                                           12 miles to the Hilton Riverside and Ernest N. Morial Convention
room size, views and additional amenity offerings. Sept. 21 is      Center.
the cut-off date for room reservations at the group rate or until
the hotel is sold out. Reserve your room early online at            Attire
https://tinyurl.com/xffvfh8d or call 1-800-HILTONS (800-445-        Business casual attire is appropriate for all functions.
8667) and tell the reservation agent you are with AWCI or
Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry, or mention the        Hours of Registration
group code AWI, to receive group rates.                             (Note: Intex Expo Registration will be located at the Ernest N.
                                                                    Morial Convention Center.)
Ensure hotel cancellations
are made at least 72 hours                                          Sunday, October 17 		                 2 p.m.—6 p.m.
prior to your scheduled                                             Monday, October 18		                  8 a.m.—5 p.m.
arrival date in order to
not be charged one night’s                                          Tuesday, October 19		                 7:30 a.m.—5 p.m.
room and tax. If you depart                                         Wednesday, October 20		               7 a.m.—12:30 p.m.
earlier than your booked de-
parture date, the hotel will                                        Badges and additional materials for all attendees will be
charge a one night room                                             distributed on-site. Be sure to bring your confirmation with
and tax penalty. All guaranteed reservations that fail to arrive    you or put the QR code on your phone to use the touchless,
on the scheduled arrival date will be considered no-shows and a     self-serve registration kiosk.
charge of one night’s room and tax will be posted to the credit
card on file.
                                                                    Exhibit Hall Show Hours
                                                                    Tuesday, October 19
Room rate includes complimentary basic wireless in-room inter-      12:30 p.m.—5 p.m.
net. The Hilton Riverside New Orleans is a non-smoking hotel.
                                                                    Wednesday, October 20
Beware any outside call or emails you may receive for “discount-    10 a.m.—1 p.m.
ed” rates for New Orleans hotels. AWCI does not use a housing
company for room reservations. These calls are usually scams        Busing
that could result in your credit card information being compro-     Due to the distance from the Hilton Riverside New Orleans and
mised and no hotel room reserved.                                   Hall H of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, busing will be
                                                                    provided. Check on–site for more information. Buses will depart
                                                                    every 15 minutes during specified convention and show hours.

24              AWCI’s Convention & Intex Expo • October 17-20, 2021 • New Orleans, Louisiana
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