2020 New Titles January-June - Bonnier Books UK

Page created by Robert Santos
2020 New Titles January-June - Bonnier Books UK
New Titles January - June 2020
                                                                                                        New Titles
                                                                                                      January - June
                                                                                                        big picture press
                                                                                                         templar books
                                                                                                        p i c c a d i l ly p r e s s

                                                     b o n n i e r b o o k s u k c h i l d r e n’ s
                                                                                                          hot key books

Cover illustration copyright © 2020 by Jack Tite
              from Viking Voyagers

    I S B N 978-1-47140-921-9

    9    781471 409219
2020 New Titles January-June - Bonnier Books UK
Big Picture Press          4

Templar Books              14

Piccadilly Press           32

Bear Grylls                45

Ultimate Football Heroes   46

Hot Key Books              47

Contacts                   62
2020 New Titles January-June - Bonnier Books UK

                                                                                                                                                                                     WHO ARE WE, AND WHAT WE DO
                                                                                    Big Picture Press books are objects to be        Piccadilly Press books are fun, family-
              Hello, and welcome to the very first combined Bonnier Books           pored over and then returned to again and        orientated stories in any genre, that possess
              UK Trade Children’s catalogue showcasing our new books from           again, created by and made for the incurably     the ability to capture readers’ imagination
              January 2020 through to the end of June 2020.                         curious. Having made an indelible mark on        and inspire them to develop a life-long love
                                                                                    the children’s non-fiction market with their     of reading. Our titles can be standalone
                                                                                    boutique range of illustrated gift books, they   stories or part of a series, using design
              The catalogue features all our imprints, including Templar
                                                                                    create visually inspiring books for readers of   and illustration when appropriate that
              Books, Big Picture Press, Piccadilly Press and Hot Key Books.
                                                                                    all ages around the world.                       are integral to the content. We aim to
                                                                                                                                     create future classics for 5–12 year olds,
              The mix of board books, novelty books, picture books and              hello@templarco.co.uk                            in hardback, paperback, ebook and audio
              stunning illustrated non-fiction titles are brimming with                                                              formats.
              fun universal learnings. How to eat, feel, see and play are
                                                                                    press                                            hello@piccadillypress.com
              all creatively and ingeniously drawn and told in stories and
              integrated pictures across the Templar and Big Picture Press          @BigPicturePress                                 piccadillypress.co.uk
              publishing programme.
              Piccadilly Press continues with successful young illustrated
              fiction series featuring feisty girls, Cyborg cats, a dysfunctional
              hotel and uncontrollable dragons. Whilst at the slightly older
              range (up to 12 years) we are introduced to new adventures from
              Wilbur Smith, a variety of detectives and time travellers.

              With our key ingredients of original voices, emotional
              experience and fantastical worlds, Hot Key Books delivers the         Founded in 1978, Templar has become one          The content of a Hot Key book is defined
              best in teen and young adult books. A stellar line-up of new          of the world’s most respected publishers of      by originality of voice and challenging,
              and established award-winning writers will take readers on            illustrated children’s non-fiction, picture      thought-provoking stories that resonate
              journeys they will never forget.                                      books, fiction, gift and novelty books for       on a global stage. Always memorable and
                                                                                    all ages. With a reputation for innovation       stimulating, these books can create new
                                                                                    and creativity, Templar delivers cleverly        waves in any genre. We publish in hardback,
              We are all immensely proud to publish such talented authors           conceived concept publishing with an             paperback, ebook and audio formats. For
              and illustrators and hope you enjoy sharing our books with us in      emphasis on paper innovation, stylish            teen and older readers.
              2020 and beyond.                                                      design and contemporary illustration for a
                                                                                    high-end, international audience.
              Jane                                                                  hello@templarco.co.uk
              Jane Harris, MD


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2020 New Titles January-June - Bonnier Books UK
Viking Voyagers                                                                         Cities in Layers
                                    Jack Tite                                                                               Philip Steele & Andrès Lozano

                                                         In this stylish non-fiction book,                                                       Look at some of the world’s
                                                         Mega Meltdown creator Jack                                                              most famous cities through
                                                         Tite turns his attention to the                                                         the layers of their history in

                                                         Vikings.                                                                                this clever book with die-cut
                                                                                                                                                 windows through layers of
                                                         Delve into the Viking Age and                                                           time.
                                                         explore the fascinating home life of
                                                         these Scandinavian nomads, as well                                                      Walk around any famous city and
                                                         as culture, Norse religion, conquests,                                                  layers of history start to emerge. In
                                                         travel and trade. Want to take a                                                        London, ancient walls are dwarfed
                                                         closer look? Fold-out pages let you                                                     by skyscrapers. In Rome, treasures
                                                         view a Viking longship in full and                                                      like the Colosseum and Renaissance
                                                         see inside a home. With bold graphic                                                    masterpieces often occupy the
                                                         illustrations and lively, engaging text                                                 same square kilometre. In Cities in
                                                         by author/illustrator Jack Tite, this                                                   Layers six famous cities are shown at
                                                         book is a must-read for any history-                                                    different stages in history.
                                                         mad child.

                                                                                                                                                 Philip Steele was born in Surrey,
                                                         Jack Tite is a freelance illustrator and                                                England. He attended University
          Pub date: 23 Jan 20       Genre: Non-fiction
          ISBN: 978 1 78741 419 8   Format: Hardback     motion designer from the Midlands.                                                      College, Durham, graduating in
          Pub price: £16.99         H x W: 290 x 290mm   He graduated from De Montfort                                                           Modern Languages. In the 1970s he
                                    Extent: 64pp         University with a first-class BA Hons                                                   worked as an editor for various book
                                                         in graphic design and illustration.                                                     publishers including Hodder and
                                                         His work is influenced by vintage                                                       Hamlyn. In 1980 he moved to the Isle
                                                                                                    Pub date: 06 Feb 20     Genre: Non-fiction
                                                         and mid-century illustrators, with         ISBN: 978 1 787410794   Format: Hardback     of Anglesey, in North Wales, where he
                                                         simplified shapes, gritty textures and     Pub price: £15.99       H x W: 310 x 243mm   now lives. He has written on a wide
                                                                                                                            Extent: 64pp
                                                         a strict colour palette. He is extremely                                                range of topics, especially in the fields
                                                         interested in prehistoric wildlife and                                                  of history, junior biography, peoples
                                                         European/American history, which                                                        and cultures.
                                                         usually inspire his work. Jack is a dog-
                                                         lover, food enthusiast, computer nerd,                                                  Andrés Lozano is a Madrid-born
                                                         avid drummer and jogger. When he’s                                                      illustrator who now lives in London.
                                                         not glued to his screen he can be found                                                 He has worked for a wide range of
                                                         wandering around museums, walking                                                       international clients including the
          Other available titles                         his dogs or watching documentaries.                                                     New York Times, Virgin Atlantic and
                                                                                                                                                 McSweeneys. He has also published
                                                                                                                                                 several picture books in the UK and
                                                                                                                                                 the United States. He loves drawing
                                                                                                                                                 and painting, especially houses, plants
                                                                                                                                                 and people.

          Mega Meltdown
          ISBN: 978 1 78370 831 4
          Pub price: £16.99
  4                                                                                                                                                                                            5
2020 New Titles January-June - Bonnier Books UK
Sometimes I Feel...                                                                       Anatomicum Activity Book
                                     Sarah Maycock                                                                             Jennifer Z. Paxton & Katy Wiedemann

                                                           Extraordinary talent Sarah                                                               Informative, imaginative and
                                                           Maycock explores feelings —                                                              artistic activities for young
                                                           bravery, strength, curiosity,                                                            scientists everywhere.

                                                           happiness — in this beautifully
                                                           illustrated picture book.                                                                Following the incredible
                                                                                                                                                    Anatomicum, this activity book is
                                                           Sometimes I feel as big as a bear…                                                       bursting with fascinating facts and
                                                           But there will always be someone                                                         puzzles, perfect for budding artists
                                                           bigger than me.                                                                          and science enthusiasts. Activities
                                                                                                                                                    include amazing mazes, mix-and-
                                                                                                                                                    match brain-teasers, colouring,
                                                           There are lots of ways that we can                                                       drawing and much, much more.
                                                           feel, so many emotions big and small.
                                                           Sarah Maycock explores our feelings
                                                           through a collection of animal similes                                                   With pull-out pages, readers
                                                           and poetic prose imagined with                                                           can easily tear out their creative
                                                           sublime illustrations that perfectly                                                     masterpieces to proudly display.
                                                           embody each emotion. Even a big
                                                           bear can feel small sometimes.                                                           Jennifer Z. Paxton is a lecturer
                                                                                                                                                    in anatomy at the University of
                                                                                                                                                    Edinburgh and Principal Investigator
                                                           A thought-provoking one-off picture
                                                                                                                                                    of the Paxton Lab, a tissue engineering
                                                           book from an illustrator skyrocketing
                                                                                                                                                    laboratory. Jennifer has won the
                                                           in popularity.                                                                           Wellcome Trust I’m a Scientist
           Pub date: 06 Feb 20       Genre: Picture Book                                                                                             competition twice (2013, 2018). She
           ISBN: 978 1 78741 384 9   Format: Hardback
           Pub price: £14.99         H x W: 300 x 235mm    Sarah studied Illustration at Kingston                                                    loves bringing the science of anatomy
                                     Extent: 48pp                                                    Pub date: 05 Mar 20       Genre: Non-fiction    to a wider audience and working
                                                           University and in 2011 was selected as    ISBN: 978 1 78741 639 0   Format: Paperback
                                                           an It’s Nice That Graduate. She trained   Pub price: £9.99          H x W: 305 x 224mm    with primary schools to engage more
                                                           herself to draw animals from nature                                 Extent: 72pp          children with the subject.
                                                           documentaries. Her unique ability to
                                                           capture a creatures’ characteristics or                                                  Katy Wiedemann is an illustrator and
                                                           the forces of nature in just a few 		                                                    tattoo artist living and working in
                                     		                    swoops of ink is incomparable and         Other available titles                         Philadelphia, USA. Her work explores
                                     		                    truly impressive. Sarah lives in 		                                                      the field of scientific illustration,
                                     		                    Hastings, UK.                                                                            particularly that of anatomy. Working
                                                                                                                                                    in ink and watercolour, Katy uses
                                                                                                                                                    traditional techniques to blend realism
                                                                                                                                                    and scientific understanding. Katy is
                                                                                                                                                    a graduate of the Rhode Island School
                                                                                                                                                    of Design with a BFA in Illustration, as
                                                                                                                                                    well as an MA in Illustration from
                                                                                                                               		                   Edinburgh College of Art.

                                                                                                     ISBN: 978 1 78741 492 1

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                                                                                                     Pub price: £25.00
2020 New Titles January-June - Bonnier Books UK
A Year in the Wild                                                                      A World of Dinosaurs
                                         Helen Ahpornsiri                                                                        Jon Tennant & Vicky Woodgate

                                                              The four seasons are brought                                                            Explore a world of
                                                              to life in art made entirely                                                            dinosaurs in this fact-packed
                                                              from pressed flowers and                                                                compendium.

                                                                                                                                                      Travel back in time and discover
                                                              Take a journey through the seasons                                                      what the world looked like in the
                                                              in this beautiful book, made entirely                                                   age of the dinosaurs! Moving from
                                                              from hand-pressed plants. Artist                                                        continent to continent, readers will
                                                              Helen Ahpornsiri transforms petals,                                                     discover more than 60 incredible
                                                              leaves and seeds into bounding                                                          species, from favourites like T.rex to
                                                              hares, swooping swallows and                                                            new and exciting discoveries. Vicky
                                                              fluttering butterflies. Turn the page                                                   Woodgate’s vibrant illustrations
                                                              to watch flowers unfold, see birds                                                      are accompanied by insightful and
                                                              take flight or peek inside animal                                                       surprising text by palaeontologist
                                                              homes. Marvel at the magic of each                                                      Jon Tennant. Wood-free paper and
                                                              moment and rediscover the wonders                                                       a stylish design give this book a
                                                              of a year in the wild.                                                                  gifty feel, and mean it will appeal to
                                                                                                                                                      dinosaur-lovers young and old.
                                                              Helen Ahpornsiri creates intricate
                                                              collages using real flora. Each                                                         Jon Tennant is now an independent
                                                              illustration is made up of hundreds                                                     researcher, after completing his PhD in
                                                              of leaves and flowers which are                                                         Palaeontology. He currently works on
                                                              foraged or grown, then preserved by                                                     a number of projects around scientific
        Pub date: 05 Mar 20              Genre: Non-Fiction   traditional flower-pressing methods.                                                    communication and publishing,
                                                                                                       Pub date: 02 Apr 20       Genre: Non-fiction
        ISBN: 978 1 78741 665 9          Format: Paperback    The plants are organised by species or   ISBN: 978 1 78741 570 6   Format: Hardback     especially with Open Science. Alongside
        Pub price: £9.99                 H x W: 300 x 235mm   colour before being cut and delicately   Pub price: £15.99         H x W: 305 x 235mm   this, he continues to study dinosaurs
                                         Extent: 64pp                                                                            Extent: 96pp
                                                              arranged to form birds, insects and                                                     and the history of life.
                                                              other creatures, all filled with tiny
                                                              patterns and tangles of plant life.                                                     Vicky Woodgate has been illustrating
                                                              Helen lives in Eastbourne, Sussex, in                                                   for over 10 years. Having studied
                                                              the UK.                                                                                 design and illustration at Chelsea
        Other available titles                                                                                                                        College of Art, she found herself
                                                                                                                                                      working within the TV, film and
                                                                                                                                                      theme-park industries as a scenic
                                                                                                                                                      artist. After 10 years, she moved into
                                                                                                                                                      publishing, working on newspapers,
                                                                                                                                                      magazines, books and advertising.
                                                                                                                                                      Vicky has always had a passion for
                                                                                                                                                      wildlife, and loves travelling, writing
                                                                                                                                                      and drawing maps. She is based in
                                                                                                                                                      Brighton, UK.

        Beneath the Waves
        ISBN: 978 1 78741 380 1
        Pub price: £12.99

 8                                                                                                                                                                                               9
        Lily Murray & Helen Ahpornsiri
2020 New Titles January-June - Bonnier Books UK
Herbert’s Garden                                                                                 Beowulf
                                      Lara Hawthorne                                                                                   Nicky Raven & John Howe

                                                               A heart-warming picture book                                                                         The epic Anglo-Saxon legend
                                                               about finding your creativity.                                                                       is brilliantly recreated by
                                                                                                                                                                    an award-winning author/

                                                               Each creature in the garden has                                                                      illustrator team.
                                                               something special to offer, but what
                                                               about a slug? Slow, slimy and greedy,                                                                It is a tale that has been retold
                                                               Herbert wishes he could weave                                                                        countless times through the centuries
                                                               shimmering webs like spiders, or create                                                              and here, in a new paperback edition
                                                               wonderful underground worlds like                                                                    illustrated by a noted Tolkien artist,
                                                               ants. But when his lonely night-time                                                                 the mighty Beowulf is well set to
                                                               wanderings through the garden take                                                                   capture new legions of followers.
                                                               him up to the treetops, he and the other                                                             This contemporary retelling of the
                                                               creatures are astonished at the beauty he                                                            ancient epic follows the mythic hero
                                                               has created. A spotting guide to Herbert                                                             from his disarming of the gruesome
                                                               and his friends, plus advice on how to                                                               Grendel to his sword battle with the
                                                               care for your own garden, add to this                                                                monster’s sea hag mother to his final
                                                               inspired tale. A stunningly illustrated                                                              showdown with a dragon.
                                                               story about recognising your talents
                                                               and celebrating each individual, this is a
                                                                                                                                                                    Nicky Raven lives in Oxfordshire and,
                                                               beautiful picture book by the author and
                                                                                                                                                                    as an author, aims to combine a love
                                                               illustrator of The Night Flower and Alba
                                                                                                                                                                    of old and classic stories with a feeling
                                                               the Hundred Year Old Fish.                                                                           for modern popular culture. After
                                                                                                             Pub date: 14 May 20       Genre: Illustrated Fiction
                                                                                                             ISBN: 978 1 78741 643 7   Format: Paperback            working in children’s publishing for
                                                               Lara Hawthorne graduated from Falmouth        Pub price: £12.99         H x W: 272 x 238mm           over twenty years, Nicky’s first title for
        Pub date: 16 Apr 20       Genre: Picture Book                                                                                  Extent: 96pp
        ISBN: 978 1 78741 473 0   Format: Hardback             University in 2013. Her first picture book,                                                          Templar Publishing, The Snow Queen,
        Pub price: £12.99         H x W: 280 x 216mm           Herb, was published in 2014 and she was                                                              illustrated by Vladyslav Yerko, began
                                  Extent: 32pp                                                                                                                      the Collectors Classics series. Nicky
                                                               selected to illustrate Carol Ann Duffy’s
                                                               The King of Christmas (Picador, 2016).                                                               was also the author for Vampireology.
                                                               Inspired by nature, myths and legends,
                                                               Lara creates wonderful small worlds                                                                  John Howe is a renowned fantasy
                                                               with her distinct watercolour style. She                                                             artist and is best known for his work
                                                               currently lives in Bristol, UK.                                                                      based on J. R. R. Tolkien’s worlds.
        Other available titles                                                                                                                                      He worked alongside Alan Lee as a
                                                                                                                                                                    concept artist on Peter Jackson’s The
                                                                                                                                                                    Lord of the Rings film trilogy.

        Alba the Hundred Year        The Night Flower
        Old Fish                     ISBN: 978 1 78741 053 4

10                                                                                                                                                                                                               11
        ISBN: 978 1 78741 292 7      Pub price: £11.99
        Pub price: £11.99
2020 New Titles January-June - Bonnier Books UK
Creature Features: Oceans                                                                      Myths, Monsters and Mayhem
                                 Natasha Durley                                                                                 in Ancient Greece
                                                                                                                                James Davies
                                                           A bright board book packed
                                                           with a menagerie of ocean
                                                                                                                                                               A vivid and contemporary
                                                           creatures with fascinating

                                                                                                                                                               retelling of the Greek myths.

                                                                                                                                                               The Greek myths are some of the
                                                           Vibrantly illustrated by Creature
                                                                                                                                                               oldest and most famous stories in the
                                                           Features creator Natasha Durley,
                                                                                                                                                               world. This striking new comic-book
                                                           this is an animal book with a
                                                                                                                                                               collection is the perfect introduction
                                                           difference. Each page is bursting
                                                                                                                                                               to the world of the gods – containing
                                                           with unusual ocean creatures, all
                                                                                                                                                               eight tales full of love, loss, greed,
                                                           united by a common characteristic.
                                                                                                                                                               envy and bravery. From the mighty
                                                           From fantastic fins to shiny shells,
                                                                                                                                                               Zeus to Pandora and her little box of
                                                           and from giant squids to glowing
                                                                                                                                                               horrors, James Davies’s retellings of
                                                           jellyfish, this eclectic collection of
                                                                                                                                                               the Greek myths will breathe new life
                                                           species celebrates the diversity of
                                                                                                                                                               into these classic stories.
                                                           sea creatures. And with something
                                                           to look for on every page, it’s
                                                           guaranteed to inspire and fascinate                                                                 James Davies is an illustrator and
                                                           young animal-lovers.                                                                                author from Wales, now living in
                                                                                                                                                               Bristol. He has recently returned
                                                                                                                                                               to illustration with a uniquely bold,
       Pub date: 11 Jun 20       Genre: Non-fiction
                                                           Natasha Durley is an illustrator                                                                    graphic style, influenced by old
       ISBN: 978 1 78741 578 2   Format: Board Book        based on the sunny south coast of                                                                   cartoons and retro picture books, and
       Pub price: £10.99         H x W: 246 x 189mm        England. She enjoys creating playful                                                                is the author and illustrator of the
                                 Extent: 24pp
                                                           illustrations with an emphasis on                                                                   bestselling Meet the… series. His first
                                                           colour, texture and the natural world.                                                              picture book, Long Dog, came out
                                                           Her work has been used for a wide                                                                   in July 2018. James’s favourite food
                                                           range of projects including advertising,   Pub date: 11 Jun 20       Genre: Non-fiction             group is carbs and his worst enemy is a
                                                           marketing, editorial and creating          ISBN: 978 1 78741 641 3   Format: Paperback              bald chihuahua.
                                                           patterns.                                  Pub price: £12.99         H x W: 272 x 195mm
                                                                                                                                Extent: 80pp

       Other available titles
                                                                                                      Other available titles

       Creature Features         Creature Features: Dinosaurs                                         Meet the Ancient Romans        Meet the Ancient Greeks            Meet the Pirates
       ISBN: 978 1 78741 038 1   ISBN: 978 1 78741 381 8                                              ISBN: 978 1 78741 052 7        ISBN: 978 1 78741 275 0            ISBN: 978 1 78741 274 3

12                                                                                                                                                                                                       13
       Pub price: £10.99         Pub price: £10.99                                                    Pub price: £9.99               Pub price: £9.99                   Pub price: £9.99
2020 New Titles January-June - Bonnier Books UK
Jane Foster’s                                                                    The Dragon Machine
                                                                     Let’s Eat!                                                                       Helen Ward & Wayne Anderson
                                                                     Jane Foster’s
                                                                     Dress Up!                                                                                              This touching story about a
                                                                                                                                                                            lonely boy with a passion for
                                                                     Jane Foster                                                                                            dragons shows the power

                                                                                                                                                                            of the imagination to free
                                                                                                                                                                            the spirit, and highlights the
                                                                     Let’s eat and dress up with                                                                            importance of friendship.
                                                                     fun flaps and sliders in this
                                                                     adorable new offering from                                                                             The perfect introduction to the
                                                                     Jane Foster.                                                                                           legendary world of dragons, The
                                                                                                                                                                            Dragon Machine uses a clever mix of
          Pub date: 09 Jan 20          Genre: Pre-school                                                                                                                    text and illustrations to describe how
          ISBN: 978 1 78741 408 2      Format: Board Book            In this fun new series, little ones
          Pub price: £9.99             H x W: 210 x 165mm                                                                                                                   George, a young, overlooked boy,
                                                                     learn first words and experiences
                                       Extent: 10pp                                                                                                                         becomes aware of dragons hiding all
                                                                     by using satisfying sliders and sturdy
                                                                                                                                                                            around him. But when it becomes
                                                                     flaps. Each spread introduces a new
                                                                                                                                                                            apparent that they don’t belong
                                                                     scenario with characteristic vibrant
                                                                                                                                                                            in George’s ordinary world, he
                                                                     artwork from acclaimed artist
                                                                                                                                                                            endeavours to do the best for his new
                                                                     Jane Foster.
                                                                                                                                                                            friends and find them the home they
                                                                                                                                                                            deserve. A heart-warming reissue
                                                                     Jane Foster is a designer and                                                                          from award-winning illustrator
                                                                     illustrator whose work in screen-                                                                      Helen Ward.
                                                                     printing has gained her wide acclaim.        Pub date: 09 Jan 20                 Genre: Picture Book
                                                                     Her style is heavily influenced by           ISBN: 9781787416277                 Format: Paperback
                                                                                                                  Pub price: £6.99                    H x W: 287 x 247mm    Helen Ward trained as an illustrator
                                                                     Scandinavian trends ,with a nod to the                                           Extent: 40pp
                                                                     1950s and ’60s. Appealing to adults                                                                    at Brighton School of Art, under the
                                                                     and children alike, her work is bold,                                                                  direction of well-known children’s
                                                                     colourful and happy in its execution.                                                                  illustrators such as Raymond Briggs,
                                                                     Jane also screen-prints fabric to make                                                                 Justin Todd, Chris McEwan and
                                                                     toys, cushions, bags and toy kits. Jane                                                                John Vernon Lord. In 1985, her final
                                                                     lives in Devon.                                                                                        year at Brighton, Helen was awarded
                                                                                                                                                                            the first Walker Prize for Children’s
                                                                                                                  Other available titles
          Pub date: 09 Jan 20          Genre: Pre-school
          ISBN: 978 1 78741 294 1      Format: Board Book                                                                                                                   Wayne Andersen has been illustrating
          Pub price: £9.99             H x W: 210 x 165mm                                                                                                                   in his colour pencil style for over 40
                                       Extent: 10pp                                                                                                                         years and is renowned for his playful
                                                                                                                                                                            imagination and fantastic imagery.
          Other available titles                                                                                                                                            His work for Templar includes
                                                                                                                                                                            contributing illustrations to the
                                                                                                                                                                            worldwide best-seller Dragonology.

                                           Low Res                  Low Res                  Low Res
                  Low Res
                                         Effective size           Effective size           Effective size
                Effective size
                                            174 ppi                  174 ppi                  174 ppi
                   174 ppi

          Springtime                Summertime                Halloween                 Christmas                 ISBN: 978 1 84877 505 3
          ISBN: 978 1 78741 110 4   ISBN: 978 1 78741 154 8   ISBN: 978 1 78741 112 8   ISBN: 978 1 78741 111 1   Pub price: £7.99 with Mark Craste

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                    15
          Pub price: £6.99          Pub price: £6.99          Pub price: £6.99          Pub price: £6.99
2020 New Titles January-June - Bonnier Books UK
Mr Peek and the                                                                                You Can Tell a Fairy Tale:
                                     Misunderstanding at the Zoo                                                                    Pinocchio
                                     Kevin Waldron                                                                                  Migy Blanco
                                                           It may all just be a misunder-                                                             This picture book lets children retell

                                                           standing but there’s trouble                                                               Pinocchio in their own way. Every
                                                           aplenty when Mr Peek visits                                                                reading is a unique story.
                                                           the zoo in this hilarious picture
                                                           book.                                                                                      The You Can Tell a Fairy Tale series turns
                                                                                                                                                      young readers into the storytellers. They can
                                                           Poor old Mr Peek has a bad start to                                                        help the mischievous hero on his journey to
                                                           his day! Putting on his son’s jacket                                                       becoming a real boy. Where does he go when
                                                           by mistake, he goes about his daily                                                        he skips school? What animal will he turn into?
                                                           rounds at the zoo, grumbling about                                                         And just what does he say to make his nose
                                                           his seemingly growing belly and                                                            grow so long? Illustrated by picture-book rising
                                                           general appearance. Unbeknownst                                                            star Migy Blanco, You Can Tell a Fairy Tale:
                                                           to Mr Peek, all the animals think he                                                       Pinocchio
                                                           is talking about them and are not                                                          is an interactive retelling of the classic tale.
                                                           particularly happy with what they
                                                           hear. Mr Peek’s son, realising what                                                        Migy Blanco was born in Salford, England, went
                                                           has happened, trails his dad around                                                        to university in London, and then spent 10 years
                                                           the zoo to watch events unfold.                                                            working in advertising and editorial illustration.
                                                                                                                                                      After marrying, he moved to Buenos Aires. There,
                                                                                                                                                      surrounded by the vibrancy and colour of South
                                                           Kevin Waldron was born in Dublin.
                                                                                                                                                      America, he developed a children’s book style that
                                                           After deciding that children’s book
           Pub date: 06 Feb 20       Genre: Picture Book                                                                                              is bold, magical and eye-catching. Migy recently
                                                           illustration was for him, Kevin found
           ISBN: 978 1 78741 640 6   Format: Paperback                                               Pub date: 06 Feb 20        Genre: Picture Book   moved back to the UK and, for the first time in his
           Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 265 x 228mm    a studio in central London where          ISBN: 978 1 78741 502 7    Format: Paperback
                                                                                                                                                      life, he is living outside of a mega-city, enjoying
                                     Extent: 48pp          he works with other illustrators.         Pub price: £6.99           H x W: 300 x 235mm
                                                                                                                                Extent: 40pp          nature and exploring new inspiration.
                                                           Kevin’s first book, Mr Peek and
                                                           the Misunderstanding at the Zoo
                                                           (Templar Publishing), which unveiled
                                                           Mr Peek, his eccentric and amazing
                                                           new character, won the Bologna
                                                           Ragazzi Award Opera Prima Award
                                                           in 2009. He illustrated Tiny Little Fly
                                                           (Walker Books), a witty book of rhyme
                                                           by Michael Rosen, in 2009 before               Other available titles
                                                           emigrating to America. He now lives in
                                                           New York.

                                                                                                          You Can Tell a Fairy Tale: Little Red Riding Hood
                                                                                                          ISBN: 978 1 78741 389 4
                                                                                                          Pub price: £6.99
 16                                                                                                                                                                                                          17
Hello, Mrs Bear!                                                                              Anthology of Amazing Women
                                      Hello, Mr Whale!                                                                              Sandra Lawrence & Nathan Collins
                                      Sam Boughton
                                                                                                                                                         These trailblazers dared to be
                                                                                                                                                         different. The awe-inspiring
                                                          Say hello to all your favourite                                                                stories of 50 women from all

                                                          creatures in these bright lift-the-                                                            around the world.
                                                          flap books.
                                                                                                                                                         This beautifully illustrated collection
                                                          Little ones will love saying ‘hello’ to a                                                      tells the awe-inspiring stories of
                                                          whole host of friendly woodland and                                                            50 women who have pushed the
                                                          ocean creatures in these delightful lift-                                                      boundaries of human excellence
                                                          the-flap books. Sam Boughton’s vibrant                                                         and endeavour. Standing out for
                                                          illustrations bring facts to life with deft                                                    their achievements in sport, science,
                                                          humour and memorable comparisons.                                                              the arts, politics and history,
                                                          With big flaps to lift and a fantastic double                                                  these women have made huge
                                                          gatefold on the final spread, these books                                                      contributions to today’s society.
                                                          are sure to go down a storm with young                                                         Featuring incredible women from the
                                                          readers.                                                                                       past and present such as Beyoncé,
                                                                                                                                                         Sheryl Sandberg, Mary Anning,
                                                                                                                                                         Emmeline Pankhurst and Malala
           Pub date: 20 Feb 20       Genre: Pre-school    Sam Boughton is an award-winning artist                                                        Yousafzai.
           ISBN: 978 1 78741 572 0   Format: Board Book   based in South Devon. She graduated with
           Pub price: £9.99          H x W: 210 x 210mm
                                                          a BA in Illustration from Bristol UWE then
                                     Extent: 16pp
                                                          went on to be awarded a distinction for                                                        Sandra Lawrence is an author and
                                                          her MA in Illustration from the Cambridge                                                      journalist from London. She is the
                                                          School of Art. She works mainly in                                                             author of two history books for age
                                                          watercolour with an added element of collage    Pub date: 20 Feb 20       Genre: Non-fiction
                                                                                                                                                         9–12: Grisly History: Death and
                                                          paper. Her inspiration comes from many          ISBN: 978 1 78741 625 3   Format: Paperback    Destruction and Grisly History:
                                                          sources such as coastal walks, travel and       Pub price: £9.99          H x W: 246 x 190mm   Trials and Treachery, for Weldon
                                                                                                                                    Extent: 128pp
                                                          culture. As well as writing and illustrating,                                                  Owen. Sandra has written for all the
                                                          Sam also holds solo exhibitions of her                                                         broadsheets and regularly contributes
                                                          paintings.                                                                                     features to the Daily and Sunday
                                                                                                                                                         Telegraph. She has also written for
                                                                                                                                                         magazines, including Marie Claire and
                                                          Other available titles                                                                         Country Life.

                                                                                                                                                         Nathan Collins is an illustrator
                                                                                                                                                         currently working from a little studio
                                                                                                                                                         deep in the Welsh valleys. He can
                                                                                                                                                         often be found sketching away on the
                                                                                                                                                         hillsides – the natural surroundings
                                                                                Hello, Mr Dinosaur!
                                                                                ISBN: 978 1 78741 392 4
                                                                                                                                                         inspire him on a daily basis. He loves
                                                                                Pub price: £8.99                                                         the rawness of traditional mediums,
                                                                                                                                                         using them in a combination with
           Pub date: 20 Feb 20       Genre: Pre-school                                                                                                   digital media to create his work.
           ISBN: 978 1 78741 571 3   Format: Board Book                                                                                                  Nathan acquired his degree in
           Pub price: £9.99          H x W: 210 x 210mm
                                     Extent: 16pp                                                                                                        illustration in 2015 from University
                                                                                                                                                         of Wales Trinity Saint David, and has
                                                                                                                                                         worked freelance ever since.
                                                                                Hello, Mrs Elephant!
                                                                                ISBN: 978 1 78741 414 3

18                                                                                                                                                                                                  19
                                                                                Pub price: £8.99
Animal Scramble                                                                           I Can’t Sleep
                                  Lucy Volpin                                                                               Gracia Iglesias & Ximo Abadía

                                                       A beautifully illustrated                                                                  What is there to do when you
                                                       spotting book where every                                                                  can’t sleep? Why, count sheep
                                                       page is bursting with animals!                                                             of course!

                                                       From spotting the snowman in the                                                           It’s a universal problem – no matter
                                                       crowd of penguins, to finding the                                                          how hard they try, children just can’t
                                                       flamingo that’s in a fluster, young                                                        get to sleep! Perhaps counting sheep
                                                       children will love poring over                                                             will help? But these sheep aren’t
                                                       the detail of Animal Scramble’s                                                            content with merrily skipping over
                                                       humorous and engaging animal                                                               fences. Instead they come to life and
                                                       scenes. Each page presents a busy                                                          decide to explore the house! Falling
                                                       crowd of creatures, from beetles to                                                        through the chimney, nibbling at the
                                                       zebras, with lots of playful spotting                                                      rug, dancing on the stairs, bouncing
                                                       opportunities. Thought-provoking                                                           on the bed – will they ever be able to
                                                       questions prompt readers to find                                                           soothe a little girl to sleep? Perhaps
                                                       objects, count to 10 and consider                                                          a kiss from the littlest of lambs
                                                       their own opinions on the animals                                                          will help. Join one little girl as she
                                                       in front of them. And with extra                                                           struggles to close her eyes in this
                                                       questions at the very end, this is a                                                       fun picture book with dream-like
                                                       spotting book to be revisited and                                                          illustrations from Ximo Abadía.
                                                       enjoyed time and time again.
                                                                                                                                                  Ximo Abadía is a highly acclaimed
                                                       Lucy Volpin graduated from University                                                      artist living and working in Spain. He
        Pub date: 05 Mar 20       Genre: Non-Fiction   College Falmouth in 2011 with a                                                            has illustrated several books for Big
        ISBN: 978 17 8741 491 4   Format: Paperback                                                                                               Picture Press, including The Speed of
        Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 300 x 235mm
                                                       BA(Hons) in illustration. Usually using
                                                                                                  Pub date: 05 Mar 20       Genre: Picture Book   Starlight and The Language of the
                                  Extent: 32pp         pencils and watercolour, Lucy loves
                                                                                                  ISBN: 978 1 78741 391 7   Format: Paperback
                                                       to capture expression and movement         Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 300 x 220mm    Universe. His work was selected for
                                                       in her work along with humour and                                    Extent: 32pp          the Bologna Children’s Illustrator’s
                                                       silliness. She lives in rural Devon with                                                   Exhibition in 2017.
                                                       her husband and enjoys spending
                                                       time renovating their barn conversion,
                                                       walking, singing and making a mess in
        Other available titles                         her studio.                                Other available titles

        Crocodali                                                                                 Toto
        ISBN: 978 1 78741 093 0                                                                   ISBN: 978 1 78741 394 8

20                                                                                                                                                                                         21
        Pub price: £6.99                                                                          Pub price: £7.99
Number 7 Evergreen Street                                                                      The Bad Day
                                  Julia Patton                                                                                   Frann Preston-Gannon

                                                           When a little girl’s beloved                                                                This hilarious story about
                                                           home is threatened by                                                                       the mishaps of a group of
                                                           developers, she comes up with                                                               woodland friends contains

                                                           a green-fingered solution to                                                                a powerful message about
                                                           save it.                                                                                    working together.

                                                                                                                                                       Squirrel is left hanging when a
                                                           Pea lives in a flat at number 7
                                                                                                                                                       search for a tasty nut goes wrong.
                                                           Evergreen Street. It’s a grey building
                                                                                                                                                       Meanwhile, Woodpecker has his beak
                                                           in a grey street, in a grey city. Inside
                                                                                                                                                       buried in the tree trunk, Snake is
                                                           the building, however, it’s not grey
                                                                                                                                                       tied in a knot, Turtle is upside-down,
                                                           at all. Pea has lots of amazing,
                                                                                                                                                       and Fox? Well, Fox has a suspicious
                                                           colourful neighbours. One day,
                                                                                                                                                       tummy ache... These animals are all
                                                           construction workers turn up on the
                                                                                                                                                       having a VERY BAD DAY! But soon it
                                                           street and start putting up brand-new
                                                                                                                                                       turns out that little Mouse is having
                                                           buildings. When it looks as if number
                                                                                                                                                       the worst day of all, and his friends
                                                           7 Evergreen Street is going to be
                                                                                                                                                       can only help him – and each other
                                                           demolished, Pea has to think quickly
                                                                                                                                                       – if they work together.
                                                           to save her home. A special picture
                                                           book that explores the value
                                                            of community and nature.                                                                   Frann Preston-Gannon is a London-
                                                                                                                                                       based illustrator and designer. She
        Pub date: 20 Mar 20          Genre: Picture Book
        ISBN: 978 1 78741 628 4      Format: Paperback                                                                                                 has been widely published, including
                                                           Julia Patton is an author and illustrator
        Pub price: £6.99             H x W:287 x 247mm                                                                                                 by Nosy Crow, Vintage books, Lonely
                                     Extent: 40pp          of over 45 picture books. She works         Pub date: 02 Apr 20       Genre: Picture Book
                                                                                                                                                       Planet, Walker Books, Powerhouse
                                                           from a rustic woodshed in the wilds         ISBN: 978 1 78741 660 4   Format: Paperback
                                                                                                       Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 287 x 247mm    Publishing, Scholastic US, Chronicle
                                                           of Northumberland with her husband                                    Extent: 40pp          Publishing, Pavilion Books, The Times
                                                           and two boys. Some of Julia’s career
                                                                                                                                                       newspaper, Burt’s Bees and Page One
                                                           highlights include The Very Very Very
                                                                                                                                                       Theatre. Her first picture book, The
                                                           Long Dog being selected as #9 on
                                                                                                                                                       Journey Home, was published in
                                                           the US Kids Indie Next Picks List and
                                                                                                                                                       October 2012 and was shortlisted for
                                                           making it onto the Barnes & Noble
                                                                                                                                                       both the Waterstones Children’s Prize
                                                           ‘Character Wall Of Fame’.
                                                                                                                                                       and the Cambridgeshire ‘Read it Again’
                                                                                                                                                       Book Prize. It has also been shortlisted
                                                                                                       Other available titles                          by Junior Magazine for ‘Best Picture
                                                                                                                                                       Book’ and ‘New Talent’. It was
                                                                                                                                                       nominated for the Kate Greenaway
                                                                                                                                                       Medal in 2014.

                                                                                                       In the Swamp by the Light of the Moon
                                                                                                       ISBN: 978 1 78741 386 3

22                                                                                                                                                                                                23
                                                                                                       Pub price: £6.99
Paul Thurlby’s Alphabet Frieze                                                                                                I thought I saw
                                  Paul Thurlby                                                                                                                  a... Crocodile!
                                                                                                                                                                I thought I saw
                                                        A is for awesome, with this
                                                        pull-out edition of the award-
                                                                                                                                                                a... Panda!
                                                        winning book from Paul                                                                                  Lydia Nichols


                                                        A funky new format for the Bologna                                                                      Hide-and-seek silliness with
                                                        Ragazzi Award-winning title from                                                                        sturdy sliders!
                                                        Paul Thurlby. All 26 letters are
                                                        featured, from an awesome ‘A’
                                                                                                                                                                These silly but stylish slider books
                                                        to a zippy ‘Z’. Colour in the one-
                                                                                                                                                                are sure to give little ones a giggle.
                                                        colour versions on the back and           Pub date: 02 Apr 20       Genre: Pre-school
                                                                                                                                                                They’ll love joining in with a game
                                                        then remove the whole frieze from         ISBN: 978 1 78741 573 7   Format: Board Book
                                                                                                  Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 160 x 160mm                  of hide-and-seek as they move the
                                                        the book and hang it on your wall.                                  Extent: 10pp
                                                                                                                                                                sliders to reveal the crocodile or
                                                        The iconic artwork from Alphabet
                                                                                                                                                                panda hiding in every scene. Are they
                                                        has won legions of fans of all ages,
                                                                                                                                                                driving the digger? Or hiding behind
                                                        and the upmarket finish makes this
                                                                                                                                                                the wheelbarrow? Just push the
                                                        an irresistible addition to the Paul
                                                                                                                                                                slider to find out!
                                                        Thurlby brand.

                                                                                                                                                                Lydia Nichols is an illustrator and
                                                        Paul Thurlby graduated from the
                                                                                                                                                                designer. By day she doodles for
                                                        University of Buckinghamshire,
                                                                                                                                                                Google and by night she draws
                                                        England. His graphic style has
                                                                                                                                                                anthropomorphic objects and animals.
                                                        gathered much attention and been
                                                                                                                                                                Most people describe her work
                                                        featured in the Guardian, The Times,
                                                                                                                                                                as charming and whimsical. They
                                                        the Independent, the New Yorker and
        Pub date: 02 Apr 20       Genre: Picture Book
                                                                                                                                                                describe her as red-headed. Lydia lives
                                                        the Big Issue, and he is 2013’s Bologna
        ISBN: 978 1 78741 667 3   Format: Concertina                                                                                                            in Philadelphia, USA.
        Pub price: £8.99          H x W: 210 x 165mm    Ragazzi award winner. He lives in
                                  Extent: 52pp          London.

                                                                                                  Pub date: 02 Apr 20       Genre: Pre-school
                                                                                                  ISBN: 978 1 78741 574 4   Format: Board Book
                                                                                                  Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 160 x 160mm
                                                                                                                            Extent: 10pp

                                                                                                  Other available titles

                                                                                                  I thought I saw a... lion!          I thought I saw a... dinosaur!
                                                                                                  ISBN: 978 1 78370 762 1             ISBN: 978 1 78370 664 8

24                                                                                                                                                                                                        25
                                                                                                  Pub price: £5.99                    Pub price: £5.99
Nervous Nigel                                                                             Good Knight, Bad Knight
                                Bethany Christou                                                                          and the Flying Machine
                                                                                                                          Tom Knight
                                                      In this whimsical picture book
                                                      a small, anxious crocodile
                                                                                                                                                    In this second title in Tom
                                                      comes to terms with who he

                                                                                                                                                    Knight’s hilarious Good
                                                      really is.
                                                                                                                                                    Knight, Bad Knight fiction
                                                                                                                                                    series, Berk and Godwin get
                                                      Nigel loves swimming. The water
                                                                                                                                                    literally carried away!
                                                      is his favourite place to float and
                                                      think. But he doesn’t like swimming
                                                      competitions. As soon as the whistle                                                          Cousins Good Knight (Godwin) and
                                                      blows, his heart starts hammering,                                                            Bad Knight (Berk) are helping their
                                                      his tail starts trembling and his teeth                                                       friends Willow and Warrick and their
                                                      start chattering. Can Nigel find the                                                          families fix up their falling-down
                                                      courage to tell his family how he                                                             cottage. When Warrick botches a
                                                      really feels?                                                                                 spell, he and his sister are banned
                                                                                                                                                    from doing magic. Desperate for
                                                                                                                                                    something to bring him fame and
                                                      Bethany Christou is a children’s
                                                                                                                                                    fortune, Warrick decides to build
                                                      illustrator and author who lives in the
                                                      Hertfordshire countryside. She is a                                                           a flying machine. Will they make
                                                      recent graduate from the Cambridge                                                            the machine, tame the vengeful
                                                      School of Art and her picture book                                                            dragon and get back to Godwin’s
                                                      Slow Samson was highly commended                                                              island in time to defeat marauding
      Pub date: 14 May 20       Genre: Picture Book   for the Macmillan Prize in 2016, as                                                           barbarians? Hold on to your helmets
      ISBN: 978 1 78741 661 1   Format: Paperback
      Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 265 x 228mm
                                                      well as being shortlisted for New                                                             for a (mostly) chivalrous new
                                Extent: 40pp          Designer of the Year.                                                                         adventure from Tom Knight!

                                                                                                                                                    Tom Knight is an illustrator from the
                                                                                                                                                    east coast of England. After ten years
                                                                                                                                                    of working as a graphic designer, he
                                                                                                                                                    realised that true happiness lay in
                                                                                                                                                    drawing pictures in his garden shed.
                                                                                                Pub date: 14 May 20       Genre: 5-8 Fiction
                                                                                                ISBN: 978 1 78370 813 0   Format: Paperback
                                                                                                                                                    He has illustrated several picture books
                                                                                                Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 198 x 129mm        for other writers, including The Big
                                                                                                                          Extent: 176pp             Bed by Bunmi Laditan. Good Knight,
      Other available titles                                                                                                                        Bad Knight (Templar) was his first
                                                                                                Other available titles                              book as author and illustrator. He
                                                                                                                                                    is also author of Jimmy Finnigan’s
                                                                                                                                                    Wild Wood Band (Templar) and Good
                                                                                                                                                    Knight, Big Knight and the Big Game

                                                                                                                          Good Knight, Bad
                                                                                                                          Knight and the Big
                                                                                                                          ISBN: 978 1 78370 812 3
      Slow Samson                                                                                                         Pub price: £6.99
      ISBN: 978 1 78370 870 3

26                                                                                                                                                                                             27
      Pub price: £6.99
The Cockerel and the Fox                                                                       Grandmother’s Garden
                                              Helen Ward                                                                                     Dawn Casey & Jessica Courtney-Tickle

                                                                A beautifully illustrated retelling                                                           Grandmother’s garden is tangled
                                                                of the 12th-century French fable.                                                             with weeds, “Wildflowers, says
                                                                                                                                                              grandma, food for the bees.”

                                                                Chanticleer the vain cockerel rules the
                                                                roost at the farm and is loved by all. But                                                    A little girl visits her grandmother
                                                                pride comes before the fall.                                                                  in summer and winter and
                                                                                                                                                              together they explore the wonders
                                                                When a cunning fox trespasses at the                                                          of Grandmother’s garden.
                                                                farm it doesn’t take too much flattery
                                                                to set Chanticleer at ease and soon he
                                                                                                                                                              One day, Grandmother isn’t there any
                                                                is showing off his famous crow without
                                                                                                                                                              more, but as winter gives way to spring,
                                                                the slightest concern. The sly fox
                                                                                                                                                              the girl learns that life goes on and so
                                                                takes his chance, grabbing Chanticleer
                                                                                                                                                              does the memory of those we love.
                                                                and rushing off with him into the
                                                                surrounding woodland. But all is not lost
                                                                and Chanticleer is not the only one so                                                        Dawn’s work is inspired by her deep love of
                                                                easily tricked.                                                                               nature, her respect for the tales of old, and
                                                                                                                                                              her delight in the wonder of the world. Her
                                                                                                                                                              collection The Barefoot Book of Earth Tales
      Pub date: 28 May 20                 Genre: Picture Book   Convinced by Chanticleer that the other       Pub date: 11 Jun 20       Genre: Picture Book   won the Gold Nautilus Award for books
                                                                                                              ISBN: 978 1 78741 663 5   Format: Paperback
      ISBN: 978 1 78741 662 8             Format: Paperback     animals do not realise how clever he is,      Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 265 x 228mm
                                                                                                                                                              that ‘support conscious living, green values,
      Pub price: £6.99                    H x W: 240 x 280mm
                                          Extent: 40pp          the fox opens his mouth to boast, only to                               Extent: 40pp          spiritual growth and positive social change’.
                                                                lose his prize and allow Chanticleer the
                                                                opportunity for escape.                                                                       Jessica Courtney-Tickle is an illustrator
                                                                                                                                                              who graduated from Kingston University
                                                                                                                                                              in July 2014. She currently lives in
                                                                A beautiful retelling of a classic fable                                                      Cambridgeshire surrounded by lots of local
                                                                from the award-winning author/                                                                wildlife.
                                                                illustrator, Helen Ward.
                                                                                                                                                              Jessica is most influenced by vintage
                                                                Helen Ward trained as an illustrator at                                                       picture books, travel posters and folk art as
                                                                Brighton School of Art, under the direction                                                   well as numerous painters and printmakers.
                                                                                                                                                              She is the illustrator of The Story Orchestra
      Other available titles                                    of well-known children’s illustrators
                                                                such as Raymond Briggs, Justin Todd,                                                          (Frances Lincoln).
                                                                Chris McEwan and John Vernon Lord.
                                                                In 1985, her final year at Brighton, Helen
                                                                was awarded the first Walker Prize for
                                                                Children’s Illustration.

      ISBN: 978 1 84877 505 3
      Pub price: £7.99 with Mark Craste
28                                                                                                                                                                                                            29
World of Sport                                                                                                The Story of
                                 Sandra Lawrence & Violeta Noy                                                                                 Gigantosaurus
                                                      Wherever you go in the world
                                                      people play sport. There are
                                                                                                                                               Don’t Cave In
                                                      sports that everyone has heard

                                                      of, like football (according
                                                      to FIFA 270 million people                                                               The Lost Egg
                                                      – that’s 4% of the world’s
                                                                                                                                               Gigantosaurus is now on
                                                      population – are involved in
                                                                                                                                               television worldwide, created
                                                      playing football) and the ones           Pub date: 11 Jun 20       Genre: Picture Book
                                                                                                                                               by Cyber Group Studios and
                                                      that are a bit more obscure,             ISBN: 978 1 78741 569 0   Format: Paperback
                                                                                               Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 254 x 254mm    based on the picture book by
                                                      like the Dutch sport of canal                                      Extent: 32pp
                                                                                                                                               Jonny Duddle.

                                                                                                                                               With humour, engaging text and
                                                      This fascinating book is a celebration
                                                                                                                                               bright, colourful artwork, these
                                                      of our world of sport. What happened
                                                                                                                                               are the perfect introduction to the
                                                      at the ancient Olympic Games? Who
                                                                                                                                               world of Gigantosaurus. Meet the
                                                      first played football? How fast can
                                                                                                                                               characters, explore the Cretaceous
                                                      Usain Bolt run? What is ‘extreme
                                                                                                                                               world and, most importantly of all,
                                                      sport’? Find out in World of Sport.
                                                                                                                                               RUN when you see the fearsome
                                                      Sandra Lawrence is an author and
                                                      journalist from London. Sandra has
                                                      written for all the broadsheets and
                                                      regularly contributes features to the
       Pub date: 11 Jun 20       Genre: Non-fiction
       ISBN: 978 1 78741 664 2   Format: Hardback     Daily and Sunday Telegraph. She has
       Pub price: £15.99         H x W: 280 x 215mm   also written for magazines, including
                                 Extent: 64pp
                                                      Marie Claire and Country Life.           Pub date: 11 Jun 20       Genre: Picture Book
                                                                                               ISBN: 978 1 78741 314 6   Format: Paperback
                                                                                               Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 254 x 254mm
                                                      Violeta is an illustrator from                                     Extent: 32pp
                                                      Barcelona who makes books, prints
                                                      and websites. She studied Fine
                                                      Art at Universitat de Barcelona and
                                                                                                                                               Original book
                                                      recently completed an Illustration
                                                      MA at Falmouth University. Violeta
                                                      collaborates with Núria Pla under the
                                 		                   name of Tàndem.

                                                                                               Pub date: 11 Jun 20       Genre: Picture Book
                                                                                               ISBN: 978 1 78741 313 9   Format: Paperback     Gigantosaurus
                                                                                               Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 254 x 254mm    ISBN: 978 1 78370 051 6

30                                                                                                                                                                                   31
                                                                                                                         Extent: 32pp          Pub price: £6.99
Lalani of the Distant Sea                                                               Cookie and the Most Annoying
                                    Erin Entrada Kelly                                                                      Boy in the World
                                                                                                                            Konnie Huq
                                                          A gorgeous adventure,
                                                          inspired by Filipino folklore
                                                                                                                                     A brilliantly funny new series
                                                          and from a Newbery Medal-

                                                                                                                                     written and illustrated by BBC Blue
                                                          winning author, about
                                                                                                                                     Peter’s Konnie Huq, featuring chaotic
                                                          bravery, self-reliance and the
                                                                                                                                     family life and madcap school
                                                          choice between accepting fate
                                                                                                                                     science projects!
                                                          or forging your own path.

                                                                                                                                     ‘A fresh and funny story about an endearing
                                                          Life is hard on the island of
                                                                                                                                     British Bangladeshi nine-year-old. It’s
                                                          Sanlagita. To the west looms
                                                                                                                                     clearly going to be a hit’
                                                          a vengeful mountain, one that
                                                          threatens to collapse and bury the                                         Dame Jacqueline Wilson
                                                          village at any moment. To the north,
                                                                                                                                     ‘Snappier than a ginger snap, crazy as a
                                                          a dangerous fog swallows sailors
                                                                                                                                     cracker, a biscuit barrel of fun’
                                                          who dare to venture out, looking for
                                                          a more hospitable land. The women                                          Frank Cottrell Boyce
                                                          live in fear of the deadly mender’s
                                                                                                                                     ‘Cookie is so funny, I just can’t explain!’
                                                          disease, spread by the sharp needles
                                                          they use to repair the men’s fishing                                       Brendan, age 7
                                                          nets. When Lalani Sarita’s mother
                                                          pricks her finger and falls ill, she                                       As the longest-serving female Blue Peter
                                                          gives twelve-year-old Lalani an                                            presenter, from 1997 to 2008, Konnie Huq
                                                          impossible task – leave Sanlagita                                          is no stranger to the middle-grade market.
                                                          and find the riches of the legendary                                       She is an ambassador for the Prince’s Trust
                                                          Mount Isa, which towers on an                                              and the British Asian Trust. This is her first
                                                          island to the north. But generations                                       foray into children’s books and Cookie is
                                                          of men and boys have died on the                                           inspired by Konnie’s own London Bangladeshi
                                                                                                     Pub date: 06 Feb 20             background, her love of science and her
          Pub date: 16 Jan 20       Genre: 9-12 fiction
                                                          same quest. How can a timid young          ISBN: 978 1848128095
                                                                                                     Pub price: £6.99                unashamed nerdiness!
          ISBN: 978 1 84812 915 3   Format: Paperback     girl survive the epic tests of the
          Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 198 x 129mm
                                    Extent: 240pp
                                                          archipelago?                               Genre: 9-12 fiction
                                                                                                     Format: Paperback
                                                                                                     H x W: 198 x 129mm
                                                          Erin Entrada Kelly was raised in           Extent: 320pp
                                                          Louisiana, but now lives in Delaware,
                                                          near Philadelphia. She is a professor
                                                          of children’s literature in the graduate
                                                          fiction and publishing programs at
                                                          Rosemont College, where she earned
                                                          her MFA. She has a bachelor’s degree
                                                          in women’s studies and liberal arts
                                                          from McNeese State University and
                                                          an MFA in creative writing from

32                                                                                                                                                                                    33
Beatrix the Bold and                                                                                    Cyborg Cat and the
                                         the Balloon of Doom                                                                                     Masked Marauder
                                         Simon Mockler                                                                                           Ade Adepitan

                                                              An enchanting series full of humour                                                                      The third exciting Cyborg Cat

                                                              and heart and silliness – featuring                                                                      adventure... you’ve never met
                                                              bold and brilliant young heroine                                                                         a superhero who rolls like this!
                                                              Beatrix and her sidekicks Wilfred the
                                                              Wise, Oi the Boy and Dog the Dog.                                                                         Ade and his friends in the Parsons
                                                                                                                                                                        Road Gang have survived the threat
                                                              Beatrix the Bold is a queen. A very bold                                                                  from the deadly Night Spider after
                                                              queen. And she’s also only ten years old. But                                                             an eventful trip to the Creepy Crawly
                                                              that’s never stopped her from doing anything                                                              House at the safari park on a school
                                                              before, and it’s not going to stop her now.                                                               trip, and are looking forward to just
                                                              She’s on the run from the Evil Army AND her                                                               catching up, having a kick-around
                                                              evil aunt Esmerelda, but she’s getting closer                                                             in the park and perhaps practising a
                                                              to finding her long-lost parents, whom she                                                                bit of wheelchair basketball together.
                                                              hasn’t seen since she was a baby. She just                                                                There’s a new member of the gang
                                                              has to cross the Sea of Sinking Ships and                                                                 and life is good – even if Ade’s legs
                                                              the Volcanos of Doom to get to them – easy,
                                                                                                                  Pub date: 05 Mar 20            Genre: 9-12 fiction   are getting weaker and he needs the
                                                                                                                  ISBN: 978 1 84812 859 0        Format: Paperback
                                                              right? But when you’re Beatrix the Bold             Pub price: £16.99              H x W: 198 x 129mm
                                                                                                                                                                       wheelchair more, it’s OK because he’s
                                                              and you’ve got Oi the boy, Dog the dog and                                         Extent: 176pp         learned some cool moves with his
                                                              Wilfred the Wise by your side, you can do                                                                wheels. But of course, it’s not too long
                                                              anything . . .                                                                                           before Ade needs to call on his Cyborg
                                                                                                                                                                       Cat alter-ego to tackle an unexpected
                                                                                                                                                                       enemy where his new superpowers
                                                              Simon Mockler studied art at Camberwell Art
                                                                                                                                                                       will be put to their hardest test yet...
                                                              College and Modern Languages at Cambridge.
           Pub date: 06 Feb 20       Genre: 5-8 Fiction       He has worked as an artist, musician, teacher
           ISBN: 978 1 84812 840 8   Format: Paperback
           Pub price: £5.99          H x W: 198 x 129mm
                                                              and civil servant and now works as a consumer                                                            Having survived polio as a youngster,
                                     Extent: 256pp            law and advertising specialist. He lives in south   Other available titles                               Ade Adepitan has since succeeded
                                                              London with his wife and two children, who                                                               as an international Paralympic
                                                              keep asking him what he wants to be when he                                                              wheelchair basketball player and
                                                              grows up.                                                                                                has built up a wealth of broadcasting
                                                                                                                                                                       experience including appearing on
                                                                                                                                                                       X-Change, Travel Show, Dispatches
           Other available titles                                                                                                                                      and Unreported World. Ade supports
                                                                                                                                                                       a plethora of charities including
                                                                                                                                        Rise of the Parsons            Amnesty International, Unicef and
                                                                                                                                        Road Gang                      the NSPCC and in 2012 he opened
                                                                                                                                        ISBN: 978 1 84812 899 6        the Ade Adepitan Short Break
                                                                                                                                        Pub price: £5.99
                                                                                                                                                                       Centre – a community centre in
                                                                                                                                                                       Brent for young people with learning
                                                                                                                                                                       difficulties and physical disabilities.
                                                                                                                                                                       He has recently become a Patron
                                                                                                                                                                       of Rotary International UK and
                                                                                                                                                                       Ireland, supporting the ‘Purple4Polio’
                                                                                                                                                                       campaign, fighting to eradicate polio all
                                                                                                                                                                       over the world.
           Curse of the Wobblers         Riddletown Dragon                                                                              Night Spider
           ISBN: 978 1 84812 765 4       ISBN: 978 1 84812 767 8                                                                        ISBN: 978 1 78741 403 7

34                                                                                                                                                                                                                 35
           Pub price: £5.99              Pub price: £5.99                                                                               Pub price: £5.99
Potkin & Stubbs: Ghostcatcher                                                                     Cloudburst
                                  Sophie Green                                                                                      Wilbur Smith with Chris Wakling

                                                   A third spookily and dastardly brilliant                                                               A brand-new Wilbur Smith
                                                   adventure featuring detective duo Lil                                                                  series for readers of 9+,
                                                   and Nedly.                                                                                             starring fourteen-year-old

                                                                                                                                                          Jack Courtney.
                                                   After successfully ridding Peligan of Gallows’
                                                   murderous spook, Mr Grip, Lil and Nedly turn                                                            Jack Courtney has lived in London
                                                   their attentions to another suspected haunting –                                                        his whole life. But this summer
                                                   but Peligan City has had enough of ghosts, has                                                          his parents are travelling to the
                                                   hired ghost catchers, and Nedly finds himself                                                           Democratic Republic of the Congo
                                                   being hunted. Luckily, he has Lil on his side.                                                          for a gorilla conference, and they’ve
                                                   Now an apprentice reporter for the Klaxon, Lil                                                          promised to take Jack and his friends
                                                   manages to talk her way into a job shadowing                                                            with them. When his parents go
                                                   intrepid journalist Marsha Quake, who is writing                                                        missing in the rainforest, abducted
                                                   a feature on Ghostcatcher Inc, and so Nedly is                                                          by mercenaries, nobody seems to
        Pub date: 02 Mar 20                        able to stay one step ahead, but how long for? As                                                       have any answers. Jack is pretty sure
        ISBN: 978 1 84812 859 0
        Pub price: £6.99
                                                   Nedly develops his own inimitable and slightly                                                          that it’s got something to do with the
                                                   haphazard haunting style, hoping to become                                                              nearby tantalum mines, but he needs
        Genre: 9-12 fiction                        a hero of Peligan City by protecting the weak                                                           to prove it. Along with Amelia and
        Format: Paperback                          and thwarting the powerful, Lil finds herself
        H x W: 198 x 129mm                                                                                Pub date: 19 Mar 20       Genre: 9-12 fiction   Xander, Jack must brave the jungle to
        Extent: 256pp                              clashing with her mum, a journalist committed to       ISBN: 978 1 84812 853 8   Format: Paperback     save his parents. Standing in his way
                                                                                                          Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 198 x 129mm
                                                   uncovering the truth at all costs. Lil must protect                              Extent: 240pp         is a member of his own family – Caleb
                                                   Nedly by covering his tracks or risk losing him                                                        Courtney. There are western gorillas,
                                                   forever. Can she find a way?                                                                           forest elephants and hippos. But there
                                                                                                                                                          are also bandits, mercenaries and
                                                   Sophie Green writes children’s fiction and short                                                       hostile tribes. The three friends will
                                                   stories. She has a degree in zoology and an interest                                                   need their wits about them if they are
                                                   in folklore. She was born and still lives in Suffolk                                                   not only to save Jack’s parents, but
                                                   and works as a children’s librarian in the public                                                      their own lives too.
                                                   library service. Her first novel The Last Giant was
                                                   shortlisted for the Times/Chicken House Children’s
                                                                                                                                                          Wilbur Smith was born in Central
                                                   Fiction Competition in 2011. Her short stories have
                                                                                                                                                          Africa in 1933. He became a full-time
                                                   been highly commended for the Bridport Prize
                                                                                                                                                          writer in 1964 after the successful
                                                   2012, longlisted for BBC Opening Lines in 2013
                                                                                                                                                          publication of When the Lion Feeds,
                                                   and 2015 and won second prize in Words with Jam
                                                                                                                                                          and has since written over thirty novels,
                                                   in 2014. Her story Potkin and Stubbs was recently
                                                                                                                                                          all meticulously researched on his
                                                   shortlisted for the Bath Children’s Novel Award.
                                                                                                                                                          numerous expeditions worldwide. His
        Other available titles                                                                                                                            books are now translated into twenty-
                                                                                                                                                          six languages.

                                                                                                                                                          Christopher Wakling is a novelist and
                                                                                                                                                          travel writer whose previous books
                                                                                                                                                          include On Cape Three Points, The
                                                                                                                                                          Undertow and Towards the Sun. Born
                                                                                                                                                          in 1970, he was educated at Oxford, and
                                                                                                                                                          has worked as a teacher and a lawyer.
        Potkin and Stubbs         The Haunting of Peligan City                                                                                            He is also a lifelong fan of Wilbur!
        ISBN: 978 1 84812 761 6   ISBN: 978 1 84812 763 0                                                                                                 He lives in Bristol with his wife and
36                                                                                                                                                                                                    37
        Pub price: £6.99          Pub price: £6.99                                                                                                        children.
Eating Chips with Monkey                                                                      Mark Anchovy: Pizza Detective
                                    Mark Lowery                                                                                   William Goldsmith

                                                        A warm, bittersweet and wryly                                                                   A pizza job like no other… Meet
                                                        funny story of a family piecing                                                                 Mark Anchovy: pizza delivery
                                                        themselves back together after an                                                               boy and private detective – on

                                                        accident shatters their lives.                                                                  his first mission to Rome.

                                                         Ten-year-old Daniel is never happier                                                           Colin Kingsley is a pizza delivery
                                                         than when he is eating chips. Especially                                                       boy with a twist. He’s actually an
                                                         during his family’s annual Chip Shop                                                           aspiring private detective. He’s
                                                         Championships, the highlight of his                                                            desperate for an interesting case
                                                         year. And especially when he can also eat                                                      to solve – that is, until the Golden
                                                         chips with Monkey, his beloved soft toy                                                        Spatula League come calling, the
                                                         and trusty companion. But one terrible                                                         greatest of all detective agencies,
                                                         November day, the lives of Daniel and                                                          who only recruit children and have
                                                         his family are changed forever when an                                                         been hugely impressed by Colin’s
                                                         accident renders Daniel a shadow of                                                            amazing memory skills. To join their
                                                         his former self. As Daniel retreats into                                                       ranks, Colin – codenamed ‘Mark
                                                         himself, his family slowly begin to fall                                                       Anchovy’ – must fly to Rome to track
                                                         apart, without this bright boy at the heart                                                    the movements of known art forger
                                                         of their lives. When an impromptu trip to                                                      Mr Big Al Fresco, who is suspected
                                                         a chip shop seems to briefly engage Daniel                                                     of stealing the valuable painting Girl
                                                         with the real world, the family decide to                                                      with a Squirrel, worth something in
                                                         revisit their Chip Shop Championships,                                                         the region of 20 million US dollars.
                                                         on a quest to find the best chip shop in the                                                   With hilarious black and white
                                                         country. Along the way, as they attempt                                                        illustrations from start to finish.
                                                         to rebuild their family and regain Daniel,
        Pub date: 02 Apr 20       Genre: 9-12 fiction   they must contend with hungry giraffes,                                                         William Goldsmith is a British
        ISBN: 978 1 84812 737 1   Format: Paperback     nouveau cuisine, the loss of Monkey, the
        Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 198 x 129mm                                                                                                    writer and illustrator. Published by
                                  Extent: 240pp         theft of Grandma, and lots of chips.                                                            Jonathan Cape, his graphic novels
                                                                                                        Pub date: 09 Apr 20       Genre: 9-12 fiction
                                                                                                        ISBN: 978 1 84812 861 3   Format: Paperback
                                                                                                                                                        Vignettes of Ystov and The Bind were
                                                        Mark Lowery grew up in Preston and              Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 198 x 129mm    nominated for a Newton First Book
                                                                                                                                  Extent: 288pp         Award and British Book Design Award
                                                        now lives near Cambridge with his young
                                                        family. Some of the time he is a primary-                                                       respectively. His illustration clients
        Other available titles                                                                                                                          include the Independent, Goethe
                                                        school teacher. In the olden days he used
                                                        to spend his time doing lots of active stuff                                                    Institut, Royal Opera House and
                                                        like running, hiking, snowboarding and                                                          the Turner Prize-winning collective
                                                        swimming but now he prefers staying in                                                          Assemble. Mark Anchovy: Pizza
                                                        and attempting to entertain his children.                                                       Detective is his first book for children.
                                                        He has an MA in Writing for Children
                                                        and his first two books – Socks Are Not
                                                        Enough and Pants Are Everything – were
                                                        both shortlisted for the Roald Dahl Funny
                                                        Prize. Mark is also the author of the Roman
                                                        Garstang series (The Jam Doughnut That
                                                        Ruined My Life; The Chicken Nugget
                                                        Ambush; Attack of the Woolly Jumper, The
        Charlie and Me                                  Great Caravan Catastrophe). He is yet to
        ISBN: 978 1 84812 622 0                         find a cake that he doesn’t like.
38                                                                                                                                                                                                  39
        Pub price: £6.99
Hotel Flamingo: Fabulous Feast                                                                  Time Travel Diaries:
                                      Alex Milway                                                                                     Journey to Athens
                                                                                                                                      Caroline Lawrence
                                                            Welcome to Hotel Flamingo: the
                                                            sunniest hotel in town!
                                                                                                                                                           From the million-copy-

                                                                                                                                                           selling author of The Roman
                                                            On Animal Boulevard the snow is finally
                                                                                                                                                           Mysteries comes a nail-biting
                                                            melting after a long, quiet winter and Hotel
                                                                                                                                                           time-travel adventure series –
                                                            Flamingo is ready to embrace the new
                                                            season and new guests. Anna knows she                                                          where past meets present.
                                                            needs to come up with a plan to get the
                                                            hotel buzzing again! And what does Hotel                                                       Alex and his friend Dinu vowed never
                                                            Flamingo have that no one else has? One                                                        to time-travel again . . . But now it’s
                                                            of the best chefs in town – Madame Le Pig!                                                     summer and Alex’s gran has just won
                                                            In a stroke of inspiration Anna decides that                                                   a luxury summer holiday for two
                                                            the hotel will put on a Battle of the Chefs.                                                   adults and two children to Athens,
                                                            Madame Le Pig will go head to head with                                                        the city of her birth. Alex decides to
                                                            prestigious Animal Boulevard chefs Peston                                                      take Dinu, and his gran takes her
                                                            Crumbletart and Laurence Toot-Toot in a                                                        best friend, Trisha. After a welcome
                                                            thrilling live cooking show – and there will                                                   banquet at the hotel, all four come
                                                            be an accompanying feast for all who attend.                                                   down with food poisoning and take
                                                                                                                                                           to their luxurious rooms. After two
                                                            Alex Milway is a full-time children’s books                                                    days of purging Gran and Trisha are
                                                            author-illustrator and screenwriter. His most                                                  still too weak to move, but the boys
                                                            recent book series, Pigsticks and Harold                                                       feel well enough to venture out of the
        Pub date: 30 Apr 20       Genre: 5-8 fiction        (Walker Books), was optioned by Jam Media                                                      hotel. They are promptly abducted
        ISBN: 978 1 84812 839 2   Format: Paperback
        Pub price: £12.99         H x W: 250 x 250mm
                                                            and presented at the 2014 Cartoon Forum.                                                       by Solomon Daisy, the eccentric
                                  Extent: 192pp             He is the founder of the This Book Is Funny!                                                   bazillionaire who sent Alex to Roman
                                                            children’s book scheme working with schools                                                    London half a year before. This time
                                                            and libraries and has huge experience running                                                  he wants them to go back two and
                                                            children’s workshops around the UK, in China                                                   a half thousand years to see what
                                                            and the US.                                                                                    Socrates was really like. And two
                                                                                                            Pub date: 28 May 20       Genre: Fiction       million pounds is already in each of
                                                                                                            ISBN: 978 1 84812 847 7   Format: Paperback
                                                                                                            Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 198 x 129mm   their accounts.
                                                                                                                                      Extent: 240pp

                                                                                                                                                           Caroline’s Roman Mysteries books
                                                                                                            Other available titles                         were first published in 2001 and have
        Other available titles                                                                                                                             since sold over a million copies in the
                                                                                                                                                           UK alone, and been translated into
                                                                                                                                                           fourteen languages. The series was
                                                                                                                                                           televised by the BBC in 2007 and 2008
                                                                                                                                                           in ten half-hour episodes. Filmed in
                                                                                                                                                           Tunisia, Bulgaria and Malta, it was
                                                                                                                                                           the most expensive BBC children’s TV
                                                                                                                                                           series to date.

                                                                                                            The Time Travel
        Hotel Flamingo                       Holiday Heatwave                    Carnival Caper
        ISBN: 978 1 84812 775 3              ISBN: 978 1 84812 805 7             ISBN: 978 1 84812 807 1
                                                                                                            ISBN: 978 1 84812 800 2
40                                                                                                                                                                                                   41
        Pub price: £6.99                     Pub price: £6.99                    Pub price: £6.99
                                                                                                            Pub price: £6.99
The Invisible Boy                                                                        The Boy Who Dreamed
                                  Alyssa Hollingsworth                                                                     of Dragons
                                                                                                                           Andy Shepherd & Sarah Ogilvie
                                                        A powerful contemporary
                                                        novel for readers of 11+
                                                                                                                                       Dragons don’t just visit us in our dreams...
                                                        about slavery, friendship and

                                                        standing up for what is right.
                                                                                                                                       Eleven-year-old Tomas has a secret friend like no
                                                                                                                                       other: Flicker, a dragon with glittering eyes and scales
                                                        Twelve-year-old Nadia has                                                      that flicker from fiery orange to ruby red. But Tomas
                                                        discovered a new and dangerous                                                 is also having to get used to Flicker being away, now
                                                        secret: she is lonely. Then two things                                         that his dragon’s home is back in the frosty north.
                                                        happen that change everything.                                                 Adventure is never far away for Tomas, though – as
                                                        She meets Eli, who she suspects                                                he finds out when another dragon hatches on the
                                                        may be a superhero, and she finds a                                            dragonfruit tree at the bottom of the garden, a dragon
                                                        strange letter under the dried juniper                                         who quite quickly decides he is sticking firmly with
                                                        branches. The next day Nadia                                                   Tomas! Zing is a tiny dragon with oversized wings,
                                                        gathers her courage to take the letter                                         who causes havoc wherever he goes. When a new
                                                        to Eli. But something about Eli’s                                              girl, Aura, starts at school, proclaiming herself to be
                                                        family is very strange. Why doesn’t                                            a dragon expert, Tomas is thrown into confusion. He
                                                        he let her step close to the house?                                            is the one with the dragons and the dragonfruit tree,
                                                        And is her new friend hiding his own                                           after all! Before he knows it, Tomas has blurted out
                                                        secrets?                                                                       his secret to Aura, setting in motion a chain of events
                                                                                                                                       that lead to adventures and mayhem aplenty, and a
                                                         Alyssa is American and The Invisible    Pub date: 11 Jun 20                   very unexpected hidden past of Aura’s.
                                                         Boy is her second novel. Her sister     ISBN: 978 1 84812 925 2
                                                                                                 Pub price: £5.99
                                                         worked for an NGO in Afghanistan
                                                                                                                                       Andy Shepherd is a children’s writer working on
                                                         and Alyssa travelled to Afghanistan     Genre: 5-8 Fiction
                                                                                                                                       middle-grade fiction and picture books. She lives near
                                                         to spend time with her sister and the   Format: Paperback
                                                                                                 H x W: 198 x 129mm                    Cambridge with her husband, two sons and their border
                                                         Afghan people she works with. Alyssa    Extent: 288pp                         collie. She spends her spare time trying to figure out how
                                                         wrote an award-winning essay about
                                                                                                                                       to move this beautiful city closer to the sea.
                                                         that experience and continues to work
        Pub date: 11 Jun 20       Genre: 9-12 fiction   with refugees in the USA, helping them
        ISBN: 978 1 84812 799 9   Format: Paperback     to adjust to their new lives.                                                  Sara Ogilvie is an award-winning illustrator. She was
        Pub price: £6.99          H x W: 198 x 129mm                                                                                   born in Edinburgh in 1971 and now lives in Newcastle
                                  Extent: 288pp
                                                                                                                                       upon Tyne. Sara’s many picture books include The
                                                                                                                                       Detective Dog by Julia Donaldson, The Worst Princess
                                                                                                                                       by Anna Kemp, and Izzy Gizmo by Pip Jones. Her
                                                                                                 Other                                 middle-grade fiction includes Phil Earle’s Demolition
        Other available titles                                                                   available titles                      Man (and others in the Storey Street series).

       The Eleventh Trade                                                                        The Boy Who Grew          The Boy Who Lived            The Boy Who Flew
       ISBN: 978 1 84812 6893                                                                    Dragons                   with Dragons                 Dragons
       Pub price: £6.99                                                                          ISBN: 978 1 84812 649 7   ISBN: 978 1 84812 680 0      ISBN: 978 1 84812 735 7

42                                                                                                                                                                                                  43
                                                                                                 Pub price: £5.99          Pub price: £5.99             Pub price: £5.99
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