202 2 CATALOGUE - Grandi & Associati

Page created by Martha Howell
202 2 CATALOGUE - Grandi & Associati
ny owl


202 2 CATALOGUE - Grandi & Associati
New 2022 Titles

                                                                          New Titles ................................................................     2
                                                                          Food and Community .................................................            6
                                                                          Non-Fiction ..............................................................     7
                                                                          Hope in a Scary World .................................................         8
                                                                          One Story, Many Voices ...............................................         11
                                                                          Early Years ...............................................................    14
                                                                          Modern Fables ..........................................................       15
                                                                          Backlist ...................................................................   16

                                                                          Picture books for everyone
                           Human Town
    Stop the Clock!
                           Alan Durant
    Pippa Goodhart
                           Anna Doherty                                   Hope prevails! Now that we have stepped into the storms and came
    Maria Christania
                           April 2022 (pg 3)                              out wiser and stronger, it's time to reflect on our experiences. Our
    February 2022 (pg 2)
                                                                          new titles are not directly about the pandemic, but looking back at
                                                                          what we have learned during this time.
                                                                          Talking about the experience of lockdown, Pippa Goodhart says
                                                                          that time had stopped for many of us. "Oddly, we found ourselves
                                                                          experiencing a kind of freedom within that lockdown. We were ‘given’
                                                                          time. In that time, we noticed our surroundings... We saw beauty
                                                 Delaram Ghanimifard,     and interest that had been there all along, previously unnoticed. We
                                                 Co-founder of Tiny Owl   noticed ourselves, and others too. We noticed our world, and maybe
                                                                          our priorities changed for the better.
                                                                          Life has sped up once more, but I wanted to capture something of
                                                                          that stopping of time before it gets forgotten."
                                                                          Elizabeth Laird's story is about a little girl who finds freedom from the
                                                                          confinement of her home by inventing a game. She looks outside the
                                                                          window and "...as she talks to the creatures she sees and gives them
                                                                          names, she begins to feel that they are her friends, and that with
                                                                          them she can find a kind of freedom."
   The Name Game           The Perfect Gift
   Elizabeth Laird         Alan Durant                                    Alan Durant's story of Human Town was inspired by seeing the critical
   Olivia Holden           Marjan Vafaeian                                situation of the elephants and the possibility of their extinction, long
   June 2022 (pg 4)        October 2022 (pg 5)
                                                                          before the pandemic. But spending the days in lockdown pressed the
                                                                          question of why is this happening? Where are we going wrong?
                                                                          Hope you enjoy our 2022 titles.

202 2 CATALOGUE - Grandi & Associati
New Titles

                                                                                                                         Human Town                                                    "The first time I visited the South Africa, I was taken
                                                                                                                         Alan Durant                                                   on a sundown safari and saw a group of elephants
                                                                                                                         Illustrated by Anna Doherty                                   up close, pulling up shrubs and munching and being
Stop the Clock!                                                          "I hope that ‘Stop The Clocks!’                                                                               quietly magnificent. I wondered what the elephants
                                                                                                                         Junior and his elephant family are excited to visit
Pippa Goodhart                                                           will give children the idea                                                                                   might think if they were observing us. There is a very
                                                                                                                         Human Town, where they can observe humans in their
Illustrated by Maria Christania                                          that they can sometimes                         own town. The novelty soon wears thin, as they notice         real and appalling prospect that within the lifetimes
                                                                         pause their lives, and notice                   major issues humans have caused, which are causing            of our children these amazing creatures will become
Joe’s is late for school AGAIN! On their dash to beat the bell, Mum
is stressed, Baby Poppy is crying, and Joe is missing all the exciting   things. They will discover                      them to become extinct. Junior hopes that this will           extinct, unless we humans change our behaviour
things happening around him as they blur into one. When given            more of their world to enjoy.                   never happen to the elephants.                                and look after our world more caringly. I hope this
a task by his teacher to draw everything he saw on his way to
school, Joe decides he must stop time to examine everything he           And maybe we’ll learn to take                   Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-83-5 |                         story will make children laugh but I also hope it will
saw and figure out why his sister was crying so much! Soon, literally,   better care of it."                             Publication: 07 April 2022 | Price: £7.99 |
                                                                                                                                                                                       make them think – and be moved to act, because
and metaphorically, things become much clearer, as Joe learns to                                                         32 pp | 240 x 275 mm | Age: 4+ |
appreciate the importance of taking your time and noticing what is       Pippa Goodhart - Author                         All rights available                                          they are the world’s hope. And good luck to them!"
happening around you.                                                                                                                                                                  Alan Durant - Author
Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-81-1 | Publication: 03 February 2022 |
Price: £7.99 | 32 pp | 240 x 275 mm | Age: 4+ | All rights available
                                                                                                                                               Alan Durant                                               Anna Doherty
                    Pippa Goodhart                                       Maria Christania                                                      Alan Durant has written over one                          Anna Doherty is an illustrator from sunny
                                                                                                                                               hundred books for children of all                         Scotland. She adores drawing, writing,
                    Pippa Goodhart is the author of over a               Born and raised in Indonesia, Maria gained                            ages — from picture books to poetry                       and every single dog in the world. She
                    hundred children’s books, including the              her BA in Design and Visual Communication                             to young adult thrillers. His picture                     owns too many pencils and she likes tiny
                    prize-winning picture book You Choose,               from Bandung Institute of Technology in                               books include the award-winning                           sketchbooks. Outside of illustration, her
                    and the Winnie the Witch series which                2008. In 2014 she moved to the UK, where                              Burger Boy, Always and Forever and                        main skills in life are rock, paper, scissors
                    she writes under the pen name of Laura               she currently lives. Maria received her MA in                         Dear Tooth Fairy. He regularly visits                     and swimming a long way under water
                    Owen. She trained as a teacher and                   Children’s Book Illustration from Cambridge                           schools, libraries and festivals in                       without breathing. Her other books
                    worked for many years in bookselling                 School of Art in 2016.                                                the UK and abroad, giving talks and                       include Big Ideas for Curious Minds, Sticky,
                    before becoming a mother and a writer.                                                                                     running writing workshops.
                                                                         www.mariachristania.com                                                                                                         and The Brontës.
                    http://www.pippagoodhart.co.uk/                                                                                            https://alandurant.co.uk                                  https://www.annadohertyillustration.com/

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202 2 CATALOGUE - Grandi & Associati
"My favourite line in all literature is “The
                                                                                                                                                                                                    people who walked in darkness have seen a
                                                                                                                                                                                                    great light,” because it carries the promise of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    love and hope, even in the darkest of times.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    And for many of us, these past two years have
                                                                                                                                                                                                    been just that. So this story, my gift, is my
                                                                                                                                                                                                    way of offering a little much-needed light."
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Alan Durant - Author

                                                                                                                                The Perfect Gift
                                                                                                                                Alan Durant
                                                                                                                                Illustrated by Marjan Vafaeian

The Name Game                                                                     "Playing with language,                       The queen has given birth to her baby and all animals are going
                                                                                  inventing words and names, is                 to visit them with their gift. But the kind rabbit can't find a
Elizabeth Laird                                                                                                                 gift that suits the queens baby. It's getting late for the party,
Illustrated by Olivia Holden                                                      a wonderful game for children,                so rabbit lights up a lamp and goes to the party without a gift.
The little girl is so bored at home. There’s NO-ONE to play with! That is until   and my hope is that children                  She's not aware that she's taking the perfect gift for the queen
she decides to play the name game with the nature and animals around              will be inspired to follow this               and the baby.
her, inventing fantastic names and personalities for all of them! Soon she is     little girl's example, and play               Hardback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-86-6 |
describing a fun imaginary world that she can play in by herself.
                                                                                  the Name Game too."                           Publication: 06 October 2022 | Price: £7.99 | 32 pp |
Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-85-9 | Publication: 02 June 2022 |                                                               230 x 280 mm | Age: 3+ | All rights available
                                                                                  Elizabeth Laird - Author
Price: £7.99 | 32 pp | 230 x 275 mm | Age: 3+ | All rights available

                      Elizabeth Laird                                              Olivia Holden                                                      Alan Durant                                                    Marjan Vafaeian
                      Elizabeth Laird is a multi-award winning                     Olivia has always been interested in art –                         Alan Durant has written over one                               Marjan Vafaeian is an award winning
                      author of many successful picture books                      as a child she would draw in sketchbooks                           hundred books for children of all ages —                       illustrator from Iran. Her very unique
                      and young fiction. Her travels across the                    while she went on adventures. Olivia                               from picture books to poetry to young                          art style is detailed and colourful, using
                      world have influenced her style of writing                   pursued art and design as an adult and                             adult thrillers. His picture books include                     ball-point pens to create the effect.
                      and choice of topics. She is well-known                      studied Fine Art, Textiles and English                             the award-winning Burger Boy, Always                           Among the books Marjan illustrated
                      for tackling a wide range of global issues                   Literature, obtaining a degree in Fashion                          and Forever and Dear Tooth Fairy. He                           for Tiny Owl are Cinderella of the Nile,
                      through her work. During the 1990s                           and Textile Design at the University of                            regularly visits schools, libraries and                        and The Parrot and the Merchant.
                      Elizabeth travelled round Ethiopia collecting                Huddersfield. She has worked on many                               festivals in the UK and abroad, giving
                      folk stories from traditional storytellers,                  wonderful projects including ‘Little                               talks and running writing workshops.
                      and the British Council produced them in a                   People Big Dreams’ and ‘Five Minute
                      series of readers for Ethiopian schools.                     Really True Stories’
                      elizabethlaird.co.uk                                         https://www.oliviaholden.com/

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202 2 CATALOGUE - Grandi & Associati
Food & Community

                                                                                                                                                                                            Stories of hope from Tiny Owl artists
                                                                                                                                                                                            in lockdown
                                                                                                                                                                                            By Tiny Owl illustrators
Neighbourhood Surprise
                                                                                                                                                                                            There is always hope and ways to bring joy and fun to your
Sarah van Dongen                                                                                                                                                                            life, even amid a global pandemic and lockdown. From
                                                                                                                                                                                            the fabulous family of Tiny Owl illustrators from around
Mrs Fig is moving to a retirement home. Koya and her
                                                                                                                                                                                            the world, fifteen have contributed to an anthology, each
friends want to be included in the preparations for a going
                                                                                                                                                                                            showing how they coped the lockdown through their
away party for their friend! They help their parents make
                                                                                                                                                                                            distinctive style of illustration.
yummy vegan and vegetarian food for everyone in the
neighbourhood to enjoy. The Neighbourhood Surprise is a                                                                                                                                     Hardback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-76-7 |
tale of a community coming together to celebrate one of                                                                                                                                     Publication: 04 March 2021 | Price: £12.99 |
their own. It introduces children to different kinds of diets,
                                                                                                                                 We All Celebrate!
                                                                                                                                                                                            32 pp | 240 x 275 mm | Age: 5+ |
namely vegetarian and vegan, and includes facts about                                                                            Chitra Soundar                                             All rights available
these lifestyles.                                                                                                                Illustrated by Jenny Bloomfield
Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-70-5 |
                                                                 Sorry Mrs Cake!
                                                                                                                                 We all celebrate birthdays and friendships, the onset      “This anthology is a beautiful reference to a
Publication: 08 April 2021 | Price: £7.99 |                      Kate Milner                                                     of seasons, religious events and national holidays. Our
32 pp | 230 x 275 mm | Age: 4+ |                                                                                                                                                            moment in history for children and adults to
                                                                 Mrs Cake has provided a lovely spread for all of her friends.   celebrations are full of colour, specially prepared food
Rights available (excl. North America)
                                                                 However, the fair is too noisy for anyone to hear about         and good cheer. We All Celebrate! introduces some
                                                                                                                                                                                            look back on in months and years to come -
                                                                 them! With the help of a little boy and his cat, Mrs Cake is    less mentioned celebrations from around the world to       remembering what it was like, how we dealt
                                                                 able to bring everyone together to enjoy her bakes and get      children, among those that are well known and bring good   with uncertainty, and how we made each other
"An appealing celebration of intergenerational                                                                                   memories.
                                                                 the thanks she deserves.                                                                                                   smile no matter how restricted we were.”
relationships and community. Back matter
includes a primer on vegetarianism and                           Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-73-6 |                           Hardback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-67-5 |                       Delaram Ghanimifard,
                                                                                                                                 Publication: 07 October 2021 | Price: £12.99 |
                                                                 Publication: 03 June 2021 | Price: £7.99 |                                                                                 Tiny Owl Publisher
veganism."                                                       32 pp | 240 x 275 mm | Age: 4+ |                                32 pp | 240 x 275 mm | Age: 5+ |
                                                                 Rights available (excl. North America)                          Rights available (excl. English- Indian subcontinent)
-Publishers Weekly

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202 2 CATALOGUE - Grandi & Associati
Hope in a Scary World
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Anne Booth
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Illustrated by Robyn Wilson-Owen
                                                                                                                                                                                                 There was once a beautiful flower and a little girl who
                                                                                                                                                                                                 talked to it every morning on her way to school. The owner
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of the flower shouted at her. The next day, the flower
                                                                                                                                                                                                 did not open. The angry man didn’t understand. He tried
                                                                                                                                                                                                 watering it. He tried giving it shade and he tried talking
                                                                                                                                                                                                 to it. He told it how wonderful he was, how important
                                                                                                                                                                                                 his job was and how lonely he felt. But it still refused to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 open. So, he asked the little girl. “Why don’t you tell it how
                                                                                                                                                                                                 wonderful it is and how much you love it?” she said. As
                                                                                                                                                                                                 he did so, his own heart filled with love. And the flower
                                                                                                                              "Filled with colour, creativity and warmth,                        The perfect book for young children to talk about feelings,
                                                                                                                              a metaphor for how we should treat each                            positive thinking and friendship.
                                                                                                                              other if we are all to flourish."                                  Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-44-6 |
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Publication: 11 June 2020 | Price: £7.99 |
                                                                                                                              The Sunday Times
                                                                                                                                                                                                 24 pp | 270 x 200 mm | Age: 4+ |
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Rights available (excl. North America)
                                                                                                                              "A story of hope, persistence,
                                                                                                                              and finding love in small things."
                                                                                                                              The Guardian

                                                                                                                              Felix After the Rain
                                                                                                                              Dunja Jogan
                                                                                                                              Translated by Olivia Hellewell
                                                                                                                              Felix hides all of his sorrow inside a large black suitcase that
                                                                                                                              he carries with him wherever he goes. One day, a small boy
                                                                                                                              opens the suitcase whilst Felix is sleeping. Felix wakes and
                                                                                                                              the tears that he had been carrying for so long suddenly
                                                                                                                              pour from him. Felix is uplifted, free and his heart is full of
Rock and Roll                                                 Last                                                            joy. Felix embraces the world, and the world embraces him.
                                                                                                                              A beautiful book about feelings of sadness and the power of
Hazel Terry                                                   Nicola Davies                                                   friendship from Slovenian picture book creator Dunja Jogan.
Rock and Roll are two boulders that are used to being alone   Inspired by the true story of Sudan, the last male white        Awarded the ‘Pen Translates’ grant which celebrates
together. However, when the people come and award             northern rhino, this is a deeply moving picture book            diverse writing from around the world and strong and
them with gifts and adornments, they become jealous of        about wildlife conservation from renowned zoologist and         innovative publishing projects.
each other. They become competitive over things they do       children’s book author, Nicola Davies. Last is Nicola Davies’
not need and things that do not matter. Rock and Roll is a    debut as illustrator.                                           Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-45-3 |
book that celebrates nature, the interconnectedness of                                                                        Publication: 24 February 2020 | Price: £7.99 |
                                                              Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-48-4 |                           32 pp | 230 x 275 mm | Age: 4+ |
our amazing world, whilst questioning the need for things
                                                              Publication: 22 September 2020 | Price: £7.99 |                 Rights available (excl. Slovenian and North America)
and the narcissism, jealousy and selfishness that ownership
                                                              32 pp | 235 x 235 mm | Age: 5+ |
promotes.                                                     Rights available (excl. North America, and Korean)

Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-75-0 |
                                                                                                                              "A jubilant, visually dramatic                     Read for
Publication: 02 September 2021 | Price: £7.99 |                                                                               allegory." Kirkus                                Empathy List
                                                              " A powerful conservation message."                                                                                 2021
32 pp | 235 x 235 mm | Age: 4+ |
All rights available                                          Kirkus

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202 2 CATALOGUE - Grandi & Associati
One Story, Many Voices
                                                                                                                                                                                        The Phoenix of Persia
                                                                                                                                                                                        Sally Pomme Clayton
                                                                                                                                                                                        Illustrated by Amin Hassanzadeh Sharif
                                                                                                                                                                                        This legend from Shahnameh, written by the Iranian poet
                                                                                                                                                                                        Ferdowsi between c. 977 and 1010 CE has echoes of Snow
                                                                                                                                                                                        White and firebird folklore.
                                                                                                                                                                                        * Includes an original Iranian musical composition and
                                                                                                                                                                                        downloadable teacher resources. Find out more here:

                                                                                                                                                                                        Hardback |
                                                                                                                                                                                        ISBN: 978-1-910328-43-9 |
                                                                                                                                                                                        Publication: 01 May 2019 | Price: £12.99 | 40 pp |
                                                                                                                                                                                        240 x 275 mm | Age: 6+ |
                                                                                                                                                                                        Rights available (excl. North America)

                                                                                                                                                                                        "A magical book takes readers
                                                                                                                                                                                        to another world."

Gloria’s Porridge                                                 Cinderella of the Nile                                    Under the Great Plum Tree
Elizabeth Laird                                                   Beverley Naidoo                                           Sufiya Ahmed
Illustrated by Toby Newsome                                       Illustrated by Marjan Vafaeian                            Illustrated by Reza Dalvand
Inspired by an Ethiopian folk tale, Gloria’s Porridge shows       Beautifully retold by the award-winning author Beverley   An unlikely friendship between a monkey and a crocodile
young children how one act can cause a chain reaction and         Naidoo, this earliest known version of Cinderella is      forms when the pair meet at the foot of a plum tree deep
affect other people’s lives. When Cat wanted some of Gloria’s
Porridge, he ignored her saying no and ate it all. Gloria then
                                                                  brought to life for the modern-day reader.                in the heart of India. One day their friendship is tested
scares Cat who tickles the donkey, who interrupts the bees                                                                  but with courage, trust and forgiveness they discover
                                                                  Paperback |
who then frighten the hen. It is up to the fox then to show the                                                             that living happily together tastes just as sweet as Miss
                                                                  ISBN: 978-1-910328-56-9 |
others the importance of not letting this setback slow them                                                                 Bandari’s golden plums.
                                                                  Publication: 27 August 2019 | Price: £7.99 | 40 pp |
down. This re-imagined folk tale tackles difficult ideas like
having to take responsibility and overcoming setbacks in a fun    240 x 275 mm | Age: 6+ |                                  Hardback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-46-0 |
and simple manner, ideal for young readers.                       Rights available (excl. North America and Turkish)
                                                                                                                            Publication: 01 October 2019 |
                                                                                                                            Price: £12.99 | 32 pp | 220 x 280 mm | Age: 5+ |
Toby Newsome's colourful illustrations, inspired by his South
                                                                                                                            Rights available (excl. North America)
African surroundings translates the story into a pan-African
                                                                  "In this delightful retelling of an ancient
                                                                  Greek varient by Beverley Naidoo, our                     "An originally designed, gorgeuosly
Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-68-2 |
                                                                  heroine wins the day without a fairy
Publication: 06 May 2021 | Price: £7.99 |                                                                                   illustrated new vision of an old tale"
32 pp | 220 x 280mm | Age: 4+ |                                   godmother or a fancy frock"                               Kirkus (starred review)
Rights available (excl. North America and Complex Chinese)        The Telegraph

"A contemporary-feeling folktale with
a message of community care,
interconnection, and moving forward."
Publishers Weekly

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202 2 CATALOGUE - Grandi & Associati
                                                                                                                                                                                              Elizabeth Laird
                                                                                                                                                                                              Illustrated by Jenny Lucander
                                                                                                                                                                                              Amir is worried about the little monster lurking under
                                                                                                                                                                                              the bed. What if it tries to eat him up?! And what if that
                                                                                                                                                                                              monster has a dad and a mum too? As Amir’s father tucks
                                                                                                                                                                                              him in, he wonders if the monster might become a friend

                                                                                                                                                                                              Paperback |
                                                                                                                                                                                              ISBN: 978-1-910328-61-3 |                Picked as
                                                                                                                                                                                              Publication: 01 July 2020 |             'Children's
                                                                                                                                                                                               Price: £7.99 | 32 pp |             Mental Health Week
                                                                                                                                                                                              250 x 250 mm | Age: 5+ |              Scheme by The
                                                                                                                                                                                              Rights available                     Reading Agency

The Secret of the Tattered Shoes                               Quill Soup                                                       The Parrot and the Merchant
Jackie Morris                                                  Alan Durant                                                      Retold by Ali Seidabadi (trans. Azita Rassi)
Illustrated by Ehsan Abdollahi                                 Illustrated by Dale Blankenaar                                   Illustrated by Marjan Vafaeian
The Secret of the Tattered Shoes is a fresh interpretation     Noko, the porcupine, is very hungry. On arriving at a village,   Mah Jahan, a rich merchant woman, collects and cages
of the beloved Brothers Grimm fairy tale about twelvE          he asks the other animals for some food and shelter. But,        beautiful birds but learns that to love someone, you must
princesses who are locked in at night, yet whose dancing       despite their full bellies, all the animals say they have        set it free... Retold for modern-day readers, this classic
shoes are worn down by morning. A young soldier is tasked      nothing to spare. Quill Soup is Alan Duran’s retelling of        tale by Rumi is brought to life by the award-winning
to discover their night-time adventures. But unlike the        Stone Soup in an African setting.                                illustrator Marjan Vafaeian.
story told by the Brothers Grimm, this soldier seeks a
                                                               Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-66-8 | Publication: 20            Paperback |
different ending.
                                                               June 2020 |                                                      ISBN: 978-1-910328-25-5 |
Hardback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-37-8 | Publication: 25           Price: £7.99 | 32 pp | 240 x 275 mm | Age: 5+ |                  Publication: 16 March 2017 | Price: £7.99 | 24 pp |
September 2019 |                                               Rights available (excl. South Africa- English, Afrikaans,        250 x 250 mm | Age: 5+ |
Price: £12.99 | 40 pp | 240 x 275 mm | Age: 8+ |               Xhosa, Zulu, Setswana, Sepedi, Siswati, Sesotho, Ndebele,        Rights available (excl. North America, Turkish, and English
Rights available (excl. North America, Spanish, and Turkish)   Tshivenda, Xitsonga- North America, French)                      for the Indian sub-continent)

                              "A Celebration of love           "An engaging variation on the traditional
      Celebrated as           and living to the full!"         tale of stone soup, remarkable for its                                    USBBY
                                                                                                                                                                      Read for
      one of the best                                                                                                                 Outstanding
     books of 2019 by         The Sunday Times                 original illustrations, in primary colours,                            International                 Empathy List
       The Guardian                                            which look like textiles or wallpaper,                                   Book List                      2018
                                                               incorporating the action into the pattern"
                                                               Sunday Times

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202 2 CATALOGUE - Grandi & Associati
Early Years                                                                                          Modern Fables

                                                                                                     Fair Shares                                                 Best Test
                                                                                                     Pippa Goodhart                                              Pippa Goodhart
                                                                                                     Illustrated by Anna Doherty                                 Illustrated by Anna Doherty
                                                                                                     Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-50-7 | Publication: 01       Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-74-3 | Publication: 04
                                                                                                     September 2019 | Price: £6.99 | 32 pp | 230 x 280 mm        February 2021 | Price: £6.99 | 32 pp | 230 x 280 mm |
                                                                                                     | Age: 3+ | Rights available (excl. North America, Dutch,   Age: 3+ | Rights available (excl. Korean, Simplified Chinese
                                                                                                     Korean, Complex Chinese and Simplified Chinese , Turkish,   and Estonian)
                                                                                                     Italian and Portuguese )

Where’s Baby Elephant?                                          Ali Kodai

Ali Khodai                                                      Ali Khodai is a children's book
                                                                illustrator with more than 80
There’s an elephant and her calf hiding somewhere in            books. His illustrations have been
this book — can you find them? Young children will love         described as 'striking' by the
unfolding the flaps in this fun, interactive book to reveal     Sunday Times, and 'stunning'
the adorable animals and their babies. The sturdy and thick     and 'vibrant' by Books for Keeps.
papers are difficult to tear and make it suitable for younger   Khodai has won many awards
children.                                                       for his illustrations in his home
                                                                country of Iran.
Hardback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-60-6 |
Publication: 01 October 2020 | Price: £12.99 |
24 pp | 170 x 290 mm | Age: 0+ | All rights available                                                The Snowman and the Sun                                     Paris Cat
                                                                                                     Susan Taghdis (trans. Azita Rassi)                          Dianne Hofmeyr
                                                                                                     Illustrated by Ali Mafakheri                                Illustrated by Piet Grobler
                                                                                                     Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-10-1 |                       Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-910328-59-0 |
                                                                                                     Publication: 01 September 2015 | Price: £7.99 |             Publication: 09 July 2020 | Price: £7.99 | 24 pp |
                                                                                                     24 pp | 235 x 235 mm | Age: 3+ |                            230 x 280 mm | Age: 5+ | Rights available (excl.
                                                                                                     Rights available (excl. Korean, Turkish, and Dutch)         North America, and Afrikaans)

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202 2 CATALOGUE - Grandi & Associati
Backlist                                                                                                                 Sales Enquiries

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                                                                         Front and Back cover illustration
                                                                         by Anna Doherty from Human Town
                                                                         written by Alan Durant


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