20192019 College World Series

Page created by Kelly Hart
20192019 College World Series
                      S         T        U          D         Y

  The College World Series continues to grow as a major source of national visibility
  and economic impact for the City of Omaha and the State of Nebraska. Hard work,
 dedication, and commitment from our many volunteers, local business contributors,
and Omaha partners have built the College World Series from its humble beginnings to
                   the dynamic bucket-list sports event it is today.

   Continued fan support of the College World Series has made the event a very
     special place for teams that have had the opportunity to compete for the
             NCAA® Division I Men’s Baseball National Championship.
20192019 College World Series
Overall economic impact has increased to

                                                (up from 2014 data of $63.7 million)

          Year-round jobs                                                                          Tax Collections
            equivalent:                                                                             (combined):

              1,103                                                                         $
                                                                                               8.7 million
                                                                                                      Local $5.2 million
       versus 777 in 2015                                                                             State $3.5 million
       Total wages and salaries of
       approximately $29 million

           Total Attendance for                                         The number of CWS attendees coming
           the CWS in 2019 was                                            from outside of Omaha increased

             332,054                                                                            71.2 %
         up from 17,809 in 1950                                                        a rise of 12.2 percentage
              (first year in Omaha)                                                        points over 2010.
 Between 1970 and 2019, CWS attendance grew by                               59% of attendees from outside Nebraska
366% or at a 3.5 % compound annual rate of growth.                   13% of attendees from Nebraska are from outside Omaha

                                           Alabama 5               Kansas 41              Nevada 12             South Carolina 7
                                           Arizona 53              Kentucky 3             New Hampshire 1       South Dakota 17
        The CWS has                        Arkansas 5              Louisiana 24           New Jersey 3          Tennessee 7
        Season Ticket                      California 33           Maryland 2             New Mexico 4          Texas 91
        Holders from                       Colorado 25             Massachusetts 5        New York 5            Utah 3
                                           Connecticut 1           Michigan 6             North Carolina 6      Virginia 3

         45 U.S.                           Florida 41
                                           Georgia 6
                                                                   Minnesota 28
                                                                   Mississippi 4
                                                                                          North Dakota 2
                                                                                          Ohio 9
                                                                                                                Washington DC 1
                                                                                                                Washington 8

                                           Hawaii 2                Missouri 33            Oklahoma 7            West Virginia 1
                                           Illinois 20             Montana 2              Oregon 2              Wisconsin 10
                                           Indiana 8               Nebraska 2,147         Pennsylvania 8        Wyoming 2
                                           Iowa 216

                       CWS brings outside youth tournaments to Omaha
                             which adds to the economic impact
                           Triple Crown SlumpBuster®                                   Battle of Omaha
                         Attendees occupied 36,155 room                    Participants occupied 5,275 room
                           nights across 42 area hotels.                           nights across 34 hotels.
20192019 College World Series
provides grants for upkeep of P.A.C.E. fields,

A Homerun for                                   equipment donations and an annual skills
                                                clinic. P.A.C.E. athletes also join the eight

Our Hometown                                    participating teams for dinner, games and a
                                                parade for CWS Opening Celebration Day.

Since 1973, College World Series of Omaha,      Through the NCAA TeamWorks Readers
                                                                                                                        MEDIA IMPACT
Inc. (CWS, Inc.) and the NCAA have donated
nearly $5 million dollars to area baseball
                                                Become Leaders literacy program, CWS, Inc.,                             OF THE CWS
                                                Creighton University and the NCAA work
and softball groups through its annual                                                                                      • According to 2019
                                                with Omaha Public Schools (OPS) third-
grant program. In 2019, more than $100,000                                                                                    Media analysis by
                                                grade students to get them fired up to read.
was distributed to local fields impacted by                                                                                   Bozell, the 2019
                                                Exciting incentives are provided throughout
the devastating 2018 floods that plagued                                                                                      CWS generated $464
                                                the school year to encourage students to
Nebraska and Iowa.                                                                                                            million in media, public
                                                maintain grade-appropriate reading levels.
                                                                                                                              relations, and
                                                OPS students with the most reading hours
In addition, CWS, Inc., and the NCAA, have                                                                                    marketing value for the
                                                for the year are recognized at a CWS game.
contributed more than $200,000 to the City                                                                                    City of Omaha.
of Omaha Parks Department as part of a          The 1,500-pound Road to Omaha sculpture                                     • On June 26, 2019, the
partnership to refurbish playing fields. The    was a gift to the City of Omaha and Series                                    Championship game
annual Road to Omaha Run 5k race has            fans from College World Series of Omaha,                                      between Vanderbilt
injected an additional $70,000 to the Omaha     Inc. The sculpture, which has become the                                      and Michigan was
Parks Foundation since 2011.                    iconic symbol of the CWS, depicts four                                        the most-watched
                                                baseball players celebrating at home plate.                                   baseball game on ESPN
CWS, Inc., and the NCAA are proud
                                                It was dedicated on June 7, 1999, during                                      for the year, including
supporters of Police Activities for Community
                                                Omaha’s 50th year of hosting CWS games.                                       professional games.
Engagement (P.A.C.E.). P.A.C.E. is a
                                                Since 1999, a miniature replica of The Road
community program started by local law
                                                to Omaha sculpture, named in honor of John
enforcement that is dedicated to shaping
                                                D. Diesing Sr., has been awarded to the most
lives by offering athletic opportunities to
                                                outstanding CWS player.
at-risk youth completely free of charge.
By combining community policing, crime          CWS, Inc., owns the sole and exclusive right to make
                                                reproductions of The Road to Omaha sculpture. The
prevention, youth development and team
                                                sculpture cannot otherwise be reproduced in any way,
sports, P.A.C.E. serves more than 5,700         including by photograph, without the prior written consent
athletes in the Omaha metro area. The CWS       of CWS, Inc.

                      Visitor’s attended                       19.7%                                   12.8%                       11.8%
                  other areas of interest                      visited the                             visited the Joslyn          visited
                                                               Henry Doorly Zoo                        Art Museum                  Boys Town
                        and attractions:
                                                               17.3%                                   12.1%                       11.3%
                                23.5 %                         visited the                             visited the                 visited the
                                visited the Old Market         Capitol District                        Casinos                     Durham Museum
20192019 College World Series
How do Fans
                                          Describe the CWS

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           Goss & Associates, Economic Solutions, LLC      College World Series
             Principal Investigator: Ernie Goss, Ph.D.        of Omaha, Inc.
              Creighton University, Department of           808 N. 13th Street
                      Economics & Finance                   Omaha, NE 68102
             Senior Research Economist: Scott Strain         cwsomaha.com
20192019 College World Series 20192019 College World Series 20192019 College World Series 20192019 College World Series 20192019 College World Series 20192019 College World Series
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