MILLTOWN ROAD MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6 - For Sale / To Let - Prime Residential Development Opportunity (S.P.P) - Knight Frank

Page created by Wanda Bush
MILLTOWN ROAD MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6 - For Sale / To Let - Prime Residential Development Opportunity (S.P.P) - Knight Frank
          MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6
                 For Sale / To Let

 Prime Residential Development Opportunity (S.P.P)
                  Approx. 1 Acre
                 Zoned Residential
MILLTOWN ROAD MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6 - For Sale / To Let - Prime Residential Development Opportunity (S.P.P) - Knight Frank
A Superb Residential Location

                                                                             Milltown Road
                        VILLAGE            11                           2    Eglington Road

                                                               10       3    Clonskeagh Road

                                                                        4    Sandford Road
                                                2                       5    River Dodder

                                                                        6    Cowper LUAS stop
                                                                        7    Gonzaga College

                                                                        8    Mount St Annes
                                                                        9    Wilde & Green

                                                                             Donnybrook Church
                                                                        10   Of The Sacred Heart

                                                                        11   Energia Park

                 7                                                      12   Clonskeagh Hospital




                                   8                      9

                                                                            MILLTOWN ROAD
                                                                                MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6
MILLTOWN ROAD MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6 - For Sale / To Let - Prime Residential Development Opportunity (S.P.P) - Knight Frank
                                                       IN THE HEART OF MILLTOWN
                                                            1 ACRE (APPROX.)
         1 Acre (approx.)                                                                      Zoned Residential

    A Prime Residential site in the heart of                                             The site is zoned Z1 Residential under the
                   Milltown                                                             Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022.

        Ideally Positioned                                                                   Feasibility Study for
                                                                                                   67 Units
    Situated close to a wealth of amenities
    including Milltown Golf Club, the River                                                 Reddy Architecture have prepared a
  Dodder Walk, the RDS and Energia Park.                                                Feasibility Study for the site which allows for
                                                                                                    67 apartments S.P.P.

         Highly Accessible                                                                High Existing Use Value

Both Luas and Dublin Bus are easily accessible                                          The existing facility would command a high
and St. Stephen’s Green is within approx. 2.5                                          existing use value for negotiations surrounding
                      km.                                                                                  Part V.

        Potential for Short                                                                Ideal PRS Opportunity
          Term Income
                                                                                       Given the high end residential location, superb
 The existing facility is of a high standard and                                          public transport infrastructure and close
allows for potential short term income during a                                          proximity to key employment hubs, the site
            pre-construction period.                                                       represents an idyllic PRS opportunity.

                                                   4                               5
MILLTOWN ROAD MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6 - For Sale / To Let - Prime Residential Development Opportunity (S.P.P) - Knight Frank

                        Location/ Description

                        The property is located on Milltown Road in the heart of Milltown,       The entire site extends to approx. 1 acre and benefits from approx.
                        Dublin 6. The area is an established and sought after residential        43 metres of frontage onto Milltown Road. The property comprises
                        neighbourhood just 2.5km from St. Stephen’s Green. The property          the former Murphy & Gunn motor dealership and adjoining former
                        is situated close to Wilde & Green and the Milltown Centre retail        school buildings. The motor dealership is built to a high standard
                        scheme which includes EuroSpar and Daisy Chain Montessori &              and extends to approx. 15,770 sq.ft. (1,465.1 sq.m.) while the
                        Childcare.                                                               former school builds extend to approx. 4,352 sq.ft. (404.3 sq.m.).

                        Milltown Luas stop is within a 1km walk while Dublin Bus runs            Donnybrook Village > 1 km
                        multiple services on Milltown Road providing easy access to
                        Dublin City centre.                                                      Ranelagh Village > 1.25 km

                                                                                                 St. Stephens Green > 2.5 km
                        The area is well serviced with high quality schools including
                        Gonzaga College, Sandford Park School, Alexandra College
                                                                                                 Grand Central Dock > 3.0 km
                        and Muckross Park College all within close proximity. Also, both
                        UCD and Trinity College Dublin are easily accessible.                    Temple Bar > 3.5 km

           6                                                                                 7                                           For identification purposes only
MILLTOWN ROAD MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6 - For Sale / To Let - Prime Residential Development Opportunity (S.P.P) - Knight Frank
                                                             MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6

Town Planning

The property falls under the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022.

The site is zoned Z1 Residential under the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022, that is ‘To protect, provide and improve
residential amenities’.

The Development Plan states that under zoning objective Z1 ‘In both new and established residential areas, there will be a range of uses
that have the potential to foster the development of new residential communities. These are uses that benefit from a close relationship
with the immediate community and have high standards of amenity, such as convenience shopping, crèches, schools, nursing homes,
open space, recreation and amenity uses.’ Subsequently, there may be scope to achieve ground floor convenience retail on site given
the location, existing use and high profile onto Milltown Road (S.P.P.).

                                                                     8                                                                     9
MILLTOWN ROAD MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6 - For Sale / To Let - Prime Residential Development Opportunity (S.P.P) - Knight Frank
                                                          MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6

                                                                               Feasibility Study

Reddy Architecture have produced a feasibility study for the
site which allows for the demolition of all structures and for
                                                                                                                            APARTMENT MIX
the construction of 67 apartments over a basement car park
                                                                                                   NAME                                            COUNT
                                                                                                   1 Bed Apartment                                     27

The study provides for 27 no. 1 beds, 36 no. 2 beds and 4 no.                                      2 Bed Apartment                                     36

3 beds in 3 blocks which range in height from 3 to 5 storeys.                                      3 Bed Apartment                                      4

The study allows for generous public and communal open                                             GRAND TOTAL                                         67

space and the resultant development will respect any potential                                                         GROSS INTERNAL FLOOR AREA

privacy issues to the residential properties to the south and                                      Block 01 = 1604m2

the Gheel Community Services to the west. Additionally, the                                        Block 02 = 2200m2

development will strive to remove as far as possible any                                           Block 03 = 1648m2

north facing apartments with apartments following the east/                                        TOTAL                                           5452m2

west orientation of the site. The site also has the potential                                                             APARTMENT SCHEDULE

                                                                                                   Comments                   Name                  Count
to encapsulate the views over the Gonzaga College playing
                                                                                                   Block 01                   1 Bed Apartment          14
fields to the west and the Dublin skyline.
                                                                                                   Block 01                   2 Bed Apartment          8

                                                                                                   Block 03                   1 Bed Apartment           5

                                                                                                   Block 03                   2 Bed Apartment          20

                                                                                                   Block 03                   1 Bed Apartment          8

                                                                                                   Block 03                   2 Bed Apartment          8

                                                                                                   Block 03                   3 Bed Apartment           4

                                                                                                   TOTAL                                              67

                                                                 10                                                               11
MILLTOWN ROAD MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6 - For Sale / To Let - Prime Residential Development Opportunity (S.P.P) - Knight Frank

JACK DEVLIN                                                      JAMES MEAGHER
Tel: +353 1 676 2711                                             Tel: +353 1 634 2466
Mob: +353 87 262 3411                                            Mob: +353 86 255 4060
Email:                                            Email:

                                                                 FINÍN O’DRISCOLL
                                                                 Tel: +353 1 634 2466
                                                                 Mob: +353 86 049 2114
Showroom Building:
BER: B3 444.73 kWh/m²/yr. No: 800664690
Rear Site Building:
BER: D1 488.73 kWh/m²/yr. No: 800664682

Freehold subject to rights of way.

                                                                              CONDITIONS TO BE NOTED

                                                                              These particulars are issued by GVA Donal O’Buachalla and HT Meagher O’Reilly Limited trading
                                                                              as Knight Frank on the understanding that all the negotiations are conducted through them.
                                                                              These particulars do not constitute, nor constitute any part of, an offer or contract. All statements,
                                                                              descriptions, dimensions, references to condition, permissions or licenses of use or occupation,
20-21 Upper Pembroke Street          86 Merrion Square,                       access and other details are for guidance only and are made without responsibility on the part of
Dublin 2                             Dublin 2,                                GVA Donal O’Buachalla or HT Meagher O’Reilly Limited trading as Knight Frank or the vendor/
Tel: +353 1 634 2466                 Tel: +353 1 676 2711                     landlord. None of the statements contained in these particulars, as to the property are to be relied
                                                                              upon as statements or representations of fact and any intending purchaser/tenant should satisfy                                             themselves (at their own expense) as to the correctness of the information given. Prices are quoted
                                                                              exclusive of VAT (unless otherwise stated) and all negotiations are conducted on the basis that the
PSRA Registration Number:            PSRA Registration Number:                purchaser/tenant shall be liable for any VAT arising on the transaction. The vendor/landlord do
001266                               001234-001237                            not make or give, and neither GVA Donal O’Buachalla or HT Meagher O’Reilly Limited trading
                                                                              as Knight Frank or any of their employees has any authority to make or give any representation or
                                                                              warranty whatsoever in respect of this property.
                                                                              Knight Frank is a registered business name of HT Meagher O’Reilly Limited. Company licence Reg.
                                                                              No. 385044. PSR Reg. No. 001266
MILLTOWN ROAD MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6 - For Sale / To Let - Prime Residential Development Opportunity (S.P.P) - Knight Frank MILLTOWN ROAD MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6 - For Sale / To Let - Prime Residential Development Opportunity (S.P.P) - Knight Frank MILLTOWN ROAD MILLTOWN, DUBLIN 6 - For Sale / To Let - Prime Residential Development Opportunity (S.P.P) - Knight Frank
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