Page created by Pedro Richardson


~ Past and Upcoming Tournaments
~ 2019 Tournament Schedules
~ Useful Links

                                                                            Golf Australia
                                      Level 1, 47A Wangara Road, Cheltenham Vic 3192
                                                                      Tel: 03 8545 6229
                                            www.golf.org.au/victoria | timw@golf.org.au

                                About    ______________ 3

                Golf Department Staff    ______________ 4

Golf Victoria Board & Match Committee    ______________ 4

             Victoria Event Philosophy   ______________ 5

                         Development     ______________ 6

                              Juniors    ______________ 8

            2018 Competition Results     ______________ 9

               Club Qualifying Events    ____________ 10

                     Individual Events   ____________ 12

        2019 Women’s Event Calendar      ____________ 13

          2019 Senior Event Calendar     ____________ 14

          2019 Junior Event Calendar     ____________ 15

                 Transportation Policy   ____________ 16

                          Useful Links   ____________ 17


Golf Australia                                            2019 Women’s Handbook

Golf Australia (formerly Golf Victoria) is the National   Golf Australia is pleased to provide the 2019
Sporting Organisation for golf in Australia.              Women’s Handbook to Victorian women golfers.

We manage game and industry development,                  The Handbook contains useful information on:
handicapping, play management, rules, the men’s               ▪   Board & Committee
and women’s Australian Opens and State Opens
                                                              ▪   Golf Department Staff Contacts
(including the Vic Opens), and conduct various
amateur events for a wide range of players.                   ▪   Development & Participation Programs
                                                              ▪   Past and Upcoming Tournaments (Individual
In October 2018, Victoria joined Queensland, South                Events & Club/District Qualifying Events)
Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory in             ▪   Transportation Policy
signing service agreements with Golf Australia, that
                                                              ▪   2019 Victorian Tournament Schedules
will deliver an alignment and coordination between
all the bodies.                                               ▪   Useful Links

Therefore, Golf Victoria is now known as Golf             The purpose of the Women’s Handbook is to
Australia, with the office at Cheltenham maintaining      provide members, Captains, Club Managers,
the delivery of all existing services and events          Districts and Secretaries a comprehensive resource
throughout Victoria.                                      on the Victorian Women’s Program.

                    Simon Brookhouse                                Therese Magdulski
                General Manager, Golf Operations           Golf Operations & State Senior Manager, Vic

                        simonb@golf.org.au                              theresem@golf.org.au
                          (03) 9626 5050                                   (03) 8545 6216

                           Brian Hill                                      Tim Witherow
                    Rules & Handicapping, Vic                      Golf Events Coordinator, Vic

                        brianh@golf.org.au                                 timw@golf.org.au
                         (03) 8545 6203                                     (03) 8545 6229

     Dylan Grandell                                Olivia Kline                                 Lachlan Scott
     Golf Events Officer, Vic                   Golf Events Officer, Vic                      Golf Events Officer, Vic

      dylang@golf.org.au                          oliviak@golf.org.au                          lachlans@golf.org.au
        (03) 8545 6205                              (03) 8545 6219                                (03) 8545 6207

                2019 BOARD & MATCH COMMITTEE
                          GOLF DEP
                    Golf Victoria Board                                 Match Committee

                Stephen Spargo AM (President)                           Alison McCaig (Chair)
                 Peter Nash (Finance Director)                             Chris Collingwood
                          Ross Anderson                                      Anthony Hyde
                            Luci Bryce                                      Gabrielle Keating
                          Mark Dunstan                                        Brian Lasky
                        Dorothy Hisgrove                                    Graeme Mathers
                          Alison McCaig                                         Sue Rea
                         Lucinda McLeish                                       Peter Ross
                          David Shilbury

                                         TMENT STAFF


Victoria, in partnership with affiliated Clubs and        Golf Australia has worked hard over recent years on
Districts, is proud to host one of the most extensive     aligning men’s & women’s and boys’ & girls’ state
golf programs in Australia. We conduct and                championships. Gender equality is a key value for
coordinate approximately 220 events annually,             our organisation, and we strive to lead the way in
which is continually reviewed based on the level of       ensuring gender equality where possible.
participation, financial viability and overall strategy
for the game.                                             This has been highlighted by the success of the
                                                          Oates Vic Open, showcasing men’s and women’s
Our aim is to deliver the highest possible standard       golf played side by side for equal prize money. Its
to all participants, whether it be at State               inclusion on the European Tour and LPGA for 2019
Championships, Club & District individual or team         is testament to the achievements over recent years.
events, or participation and charity events. We hope
to provide a platform for players to network and          One of our goals for 2019 is to increase the number
develop relationships, engage with the local              of women competing in the senior events. There are
communities, and showcase the many regions and            a large array of senior events and it is a great
clubs that form the framework of golf in Victoria         opportunity to play on some of our wonderful golf
through a balanced program.                               courses and meet new people.

Golf is a changing landscape. Our program must            We would like to acknowledge all of our clubs,
adapt to the various pressures the game faces such        volunteers and participants for the continued
as course access, financial sustainability and            support in assisting the growth and development of
changing player demographics. We aim to provide a         the game, and we look forward to delivering another
fluid program that can adapt to changes while             year of playing opportunities in 2019.
keeping with tradition and providing an enjoyable
experience for the participant.

Golf Australia’s tournament management system
(GolfBox) was extremely well received in 2018 and
will continue to enhance user experience in 2019.         Tim Witherow
As always, our team is available to assist with any       Golf Events Coordinator, Victoria


Victorian Golf Foundation
The Victorian Golf Foundation provides grants to
clubs and District Associations and for support to
state-level golf development programs. Most of this
funding is directed towards junior golf development
and women’s participation initiatives. Since the
commencement of its annual funding and grants
program in 1995, the VGF has injected a total of
over $3.1 million towards keeping Victorian golf and
golf clubs healthy. The application process was also
amended in 2015 to allow Golf clubs to apply online
for funding.

Swing Fit is Australia’s national female program to
encourage and promote female participation in golf.

It is an innovative golf health, fitness and skill
development program with a focus on:

   ▪ Being welcoming and fun
   ▪ Skill acquisition
   ▪ Health and conditioning
   ▪ The social aspect of golf


PlayGolf Clinics give people of all ages the
opportunity to learn golf in a cost effective and
relaxed group. People can enrol in female only,
male only or mixed group clinics at various golf
venues across Victoria, all year round.

Get On Course is a program for women who have
had a hit but are not quite ready to play golf on a
golf course just yet. Laugh your way through air
swings, lost balls and grass divots with other like-
minded women and a qualified mentor.

Along the way, your on-course mentor will step you
through the basic rules, how to score and the
etiquette of the game, empowering you with the
knowledge and confidence to play golf
independently on course.

Sessions run for just two hours and you can attend
as many, or as few, as you'd like!

MyGolf Junior Program

MyGolf is Australia’s national junior introductory
program designed to develop and promote
participation in golf.

The MyGolf program offers a fun, social and
accessible introduction to the sport of golf while
promoting physical activity and skill development.

Sporting Schools

Sporting Schools is a $100 million Australian
Government initiative designed to help schools to
increase children’s participation in sport, and to
connect children with community sport.

In partnership with more than 30 National Sporting
Organisations (NSOs), Sporting Schools helps to
coordinate coaching providers, coaches and
teachers to deliver sport before, during and after
school hours.

Community Instructor

The Community Instructor Program adopts a
modulated approach to accreditation, with
individuals receiving a comprehensive education
that is tailored to specific national participation

The Community Instructor Program is fully online
and is facilitated through the PGA’s eLearning
platform, The Fairway.


Golf Australia offers a range of junior events for       Handicap events
golfers of all abilities. Our junior events are in two   These events range from 72-hole State
categories – events where a handicap is required,        Championships to 18-hole single day competitions.
and events where a handicap is not required.
Further information:                                     To enter a player must have an official Golf Australia
https://www.golf.org.au/victorian-junior-events-         handicap or overseas equivalent and meet the
calendar                                                 specific handicap requirement of the event
                                                         conditions. In addition to the events administered by
Non-handicap and School events                           Golf Australia, clubs also run an array of junior
These events are designed for a wide range of            tournaments.
players, from those with little or no competition
experience, to players that are frequently competing
in events. These competitions provide a great            Victorian Junior Averages
challenge for regular junior players and a stepping      The Victorian Junior Averages is the overarching
stone for those looking to transition into some of       junior program from Golf Australia in Victoria that
their first competitive experiences.                     combines both the Geoff Ogilvy Trophy for junior
                                                         boys, and the Future Champions Trophy for junior
All events that fall into this category have modified    girls.
rules to suit the profile of the players competing.
Players do not need to have an official Golf Australia   The trophies are played throughout the year and are
handicap to compete but if they do they are still        awarded to the boy and girl who has the lowest
eligible to play.                                        scoring average in ‘Geoff Ogilvy Trophy’ and ‘Future
                                                         Champions Trophy’ events. Players will be able to
Rookie Series                                            view their ranking throughout the year and be able
                                                         to compare their playing average with other junior
The Rookie Series provides a great challenge for
                                                         golfers across Victoria.
regular junior players and the perfect opportunity for
children looking for their first competitive
                                                         Players aged between 14 and 15 as at 1st January
experience. The events provide the ideal stepping
                                                         and with a handicap of 20 or less will be eligible to
stone for those that have completed golf clinics and
                                                         join the Under 16 Circuit and players aged under 14
are looking to play events, or for established golfers
                                                         with a handicap of 20 or less will be eligible to join
transitioning into 18-hole competitions.
                                                         the Under 14 Circuit, both of which are components
                                                         of the Geoff Ogilvy and Future Champions Trophies.
The Series encompasses two types of events, 18-
                                                         The players who have the lowest scoring average in
hole Pitch n Putt competitions and 9-hole events at
                                                         these age categories at the end of the year will be
golf courses across Victoria. All events are suited to
                                                         awarded the Under 16 Award and Under 14 Award
players from age 6 to 15 years.
                                                         in the Geoff Ogilvy and Future Champions Trophies
In the Pitch n Putt Rookie events there are sections
for U8, U10, U12, U14 and U16 age groups. In the
9-hole competitions there are sections for boys and
girls aged under 9, 12 and 16, with course
distances controlled accordingly.

EVENT                                  2018 DATE         WINNER/S
Mid-Amateur Championship               14-15 January     Sue Wooster (The National)
GV Heart Open                          13 March          Anne Slattery (Commonwealth)
Vic Four-Ball State Final              19-20 March       Women’s: Ellis Tickell (Peninsula-Kingswood) & Jane
                                                         Rawlinson (Victoria)
                                                         Mixed: Maree & Noel Fitzgerald (Coleraine)
Autumn Country Tournament              23-24 April       Helen Pascoe (Buninyong) – Ruby McKenzie
                                                         Tracey Clouston (Numurkah) – Vi Teesdale
GV Friday Women’s Pennant Finals       11 May            Div 1 - Huntingdale                Div 3 - Woodlands
                                                         Div 2 - Kingston Heath             Div 4 - Spring Valley
GV Women’s Pennant Finals              20 May            Div 1 - Commonwealth               Div 3- Keysborough
                                                         Div 2 - Royal Melbourne            Div 4- Rossdale
Par 3 Championship                     6-7 June          Piper Stubbs (Huntingdale)
VGF Paul Rak Memorial Trophy Day       2 July            Women’s: Julie Gray (Commonwealth) & Sienna Voglis (PGA)
                                                         Mixed: Fiona Langford & Tony Rule (Royal Melbourne)
Country Foursomes Championship         23 July           Rebecca Thomas (Leongatha) & Helen Pascoe (Buninyong)
Country Championship                   25-26 July        Steffanie Vogel (Cobram-Barooga)
Glenelg Cup                            25-26 July        Sharyn Wilson (Yarrawonga-Mulwala)
Sand Greens Championship               5-6 September     Mary-Anne Davis (Murray Downs)
Senior Amateur Championship            10-12 September   Kim Burke (Shelly Beach)
Joan Fisher (inc. Champion of          14 September      Joan Fisher - Jeneath Wong (Metropolitan)
Champions)                                               Champion of Champions - Jeneath Wong (Metropolitan)
Spring Country Tournament              20-21 September   Helen Pascoe (Buninyong) – Ruby McKenzie
                                                         Marian McKenzie (Warrnambool) – Vi Teesdale
Women’s Country Week Teams’            1-3 October       Div 1 - North Eastern
Matches                                                  Div 2 – East Gippsland
                                                         Div 3 – Murray Darling
Doris Chambers State Finals            5 & 11 October    State Final #1 - Chris Munday & June Pusmucans (Maffra)
                                                         State Final #2 – Beth Murray & Jenny McSwain (Kyneton)
Royal Women’s Hospital - State Final   22 October        Maree Fitzgerald & Helen McIntosh (Coleraine)
Victorian Foursomes                    30 October        Women’s: Taylah Robinson (Southern) & Jazy Roberts (Belvoir)
                                                         Mixed: Danika Coyne & Caleb Bovalina (Commonwealth)
Sir Dallas Brooks Trophy               31 Oct – 2 Nov    Dallas Wickenden (Keysborough) & Philip Wickenden (Yarra Yarra)
Silver Spoon – State Final             12 November       Catherine Robinson (Royal Melbourne)
Victorian Family Championship          25 November       Women’s: Lorinda Hartley & (Peninsula Kingswood) &
                                                         Bettine Hartley (GSM Golf)
                                                         Mixed: Paul & Sharon McClusky (Ballarat)
Women’s Captains’ & Presidents’ Day    26 November       Jen Ashman & Robyn Cashio (Woodlands)
Mona Macleod Brooch                                      Bronze Metropolitan: Lorraine Ritchie (Centenary Park)
                                                         Bronze Country: Beverley Simpson (Howlong)
                                                         Silver Metropolitan: Suzanne Cripps (The National)
                                                         Silver Country: Fiona Fitzpatrick (East Geelong)
Victorian Amateur Champion             6-12 December     TBA
Susie Tolhurst Champion                                  TBA


Royal Women’s Hospital (RWH) 4BBB                          Second Stage (Country District Final & Metropolitan
The RWH 4BBB Stableford Competition is a state-             ▪ Played by the winning and runner-up pairs of
wide competition that raises funds to purchase new              the First Stage from each club qualifying
equipment and to train specialist doctors in                    round.
urogynaecology, for the Urogynae unit (all matters          ▪ Each respective Country District will host their
Pelvic Floor) unit at the RWH. The event                        own Country District Final, with Golf Australia
commenced in 2005 to commemorate the                            staging the Metropolitan Final.
centenary year of Women’s Golf Victoria. All funds          ▪ Districts are to advise the winning pairs by 4
raised are donated to the RWH Foundation. In                    October 2019.
2018, Golf Australia & affiliated Victorian clubs
raised $10,000.                                            Third Stage (State Final – 28 Oct; Southern GC):
                                                            ▪ Played by the winner and runner-up pairs of
Competition Procedure                                           each Country District Final, and the top 12
The RWH 4BBB is played in three stages:                         pairs from the Metropolitan Final.
                                                            ▪ There is no additional cost for entry into the
First Stage (Club Qualifying):                                  State Final, however all qualifiers are
 ▪ Played at clubs and Victorian Golf League                    encouraged to attend the Presentation Lunch
      Clubs separately or in conjunction with an                following the round (a fee is charged for the
      existing club 4BBB Stableford event between 1             lunch).
      January and 13 September.                             ▪ There is also a raffle held at the State Final
 ▪ Once the event is played at club level, clubs                where all proceeds go to the RWH.
      enter the winning pair (including the entry fee
      of $10 per pair for all pairs who played at club     Note: Players must be a financial member of the
      level) via GolfBox by 13 Sept 2019. Please           club they are representing at all stages.
      know the winners’ Golflink numbers and email
      addresses when entering the information into         Substitutions
      GolfBox.                                             In the event where the winning and/or runner-up
 ▪ Clubs are also required to notify their                 pair(s) cannot participate in the Second Stage, they
      respective district of the winning and runner-up     may be substituted with the highest placed available
      pairs. (Note: GA can forward to the Country          pair that competed in the club qualifying.
      Districts the names of the qualifiers if required)
                                                           In the event where the winning and/or runner-up
                                                           pair(s) cannot participate in the Third Stage, they
                                                           may be substituted with the highest placed available
                                                           pair that competed in the Second Stage.

                                                           Click here for RWH 4BBB conditions of play,
                                                           State Final information, and to enter online.

Doris Chambers Cup                                           Silver Spoon
The Doris Chambers Cup is an 18-holes Foursomes              The Silver Spoon was first played in 1921 and
Stableford event. The perpetual trophy was donated           commences with Club qualifying rounds with
by Miss Doris Chambers OBE, former Ladies Golf               winners proceeding to the State Final.
Union President and was first played in 1950.
Competition Procedure                                        Competition Procedure
The Doris Chambers Cup is played in two stages.              The Silver Spoon is played in two stages:
Both stages take the form of 18-holes Foursomes
Stableford.                                                  First Stage (Club Qualifying):
                                                             ▪ Each club arranges four (4) Stroke or Stableford
First Stage (Club Qualifying):
                                                                 rounds on dates decided by the club, between 1
▪ Club Qualifying round date to be decided by                    January and 13 September.
    each participating club, to be played between 1
                                                             ▪ The entry fee for the Silver Spoon is $5 per
    January and 13 September.
                                                                 player who plays in any round at club level. This
▪ The pair recording the best 18-Hole Foursomes                  is to be paid to Golf Australia (clubs may request
    Stableford score will proceed to the State Final.            this entry fee from participating players over and
▪ Once the event is played at club level, clubs                  above any standard daily competition fee, or the
    enter the winning pair (including the entry fee of           club may make the payment on behalf of all
    $8 per pair for all pairs who played at club level)          players). Players may enter in one or all four of
    via GolfBox by 13 Sept 2019. At this time clubs              the Club Qualifying rounds.
    also indicate whether their club winner will             ▪ The winner of each round, plus ties, contest a
    attend the State Final. Note: the minimum entry              play-off in a 5th round, on a date decided by the
    fee is $35.00. Please know the winner’s Golflink             club, to determine the First Stage Silver Spoon
    number and email address when entering the                   winner.
    information into GolfBox.
                                                             ▪ Once the event is played at club level, clubs
                                                                 enter the winning player (including the entry fee
Second Stage (State Final – 4 and 10 October):
                                                                 of $5 per player for all players who played at
▪ There are two State Finals, both conducted by                  club level) via GolfBox by 18 October 2019. At
   Golf Australia.                                               this time clubs also indicate whether their club
▪ Club qualifiers compete at their respective venue              winner will attend the State Final. Note: the
   as listed on the entry form.                                  minimum entry fee is $35.00. Please know the
                                                                 winner’s Golflink number and email address
Note: Players must be a financial member of the                  when entering the information into GolfBox.
club they are representing at all stages.
                                                             ▪ The winner represents the club in the Second
                                                                 Stage where they receive a Silver Spoon.
If either player of the winning pair in the First Stage
                                                             Second Stage (State Final – 18 Nov; Keysborough GC):
(Club Qualifying) is unable to compete in the
                                                              ▪ Winners from each Club Qualifying play
Second Stage (State Final), the club may substitute
                                                                 individual 18-hole Stableford in the State Final.
the next pair. They may continue this process until a
                                                              ▪ The player recording the best 18-Hole
pair is available to play. Clubs must contact Golf
                                                                 Stableford Score is presented with a Case of
Australia with the substitute players’ names. Clubs
                                                                 Spoons and their name engraved on the
are asked to only advise Golf Australia should a
                                                                 perpetual Burtta Cheney Trophy.
team not be present after having entered the club in
the Second Stage.

Click here for Doris Chambers Cup conditions of              Click here for Silver Spoon conditions of play,
play, State Final information, and to enter online.          State Final information, and to enter online.

Given the large number of women’s participation events within the Golf Australia Victorian events calendar, it has
been determined to discontinue the conduct of the Mona MacLeod Brooch. With existing events such as the
Doris Chambers Cup and the Silver Spoon, and more recently the Royal Women’s Hospital 4BBB, it is felt these
events better promote interaction between women of different clubs and have a more defined purpose. In recent
years, only 20% of all Victorian clubs have participated in the Mona MacLeod Brooch. Golf Australia is also keen
to explore and promote different formats of the game such as the successful Play 9 competition.


Entering events

In 2019, all entries for events will continue to be
taken online via the GolfBox registration portal at

Players no longer need a username and password
to login as GolfBox asks for the player’s Golflink
Number and Last Name. GolfBox uses contact
information stored in Golflink, so players should
ensure their details in Golflink are correct by
contacting their home club. Once registered,
players receive instant confirmation and a payment
receipt. Please note that cheques and cash will no
longer be accepted for payment.

The Victoria events team is happy to assist with the
registration process or any related questions.
Please contact (03) 8545 6229 or email

Players are reminded to visit
www.golf.org.au/victoria for event conditions and
any amendments to events.

The full Victorian calendar can be accessed at:

Order of Merits
                                                        Women’s Senior Order of Merit
Susie Tolhurst Trophy
                                                        The Victorian Women's Senior Order of Merit was
The Susie Tolhurst Trophy is the Women’s State
                                                        introduced in 2016 following the growing success of
Rankings. Tolhurst competed around Australia in
                                                        introducing a women's section into various events
Amateur Championships and Opens before making
                                                        on the men's senior calendar.
a move on the international golf scene in the British
and the French Opens. Tolhurst represented
Victoria on numerous occasions and notable              Women's Senior Scratch Trophy: The player who
achievements include multiple Australian and            accrues the highest scratch stableford average for
Victorian Women’s Amateur Championship titles.          performances in designated Women's Senior events
                                                        throughout the course of the year will win the
                                                        Women's Senior Scratch Trophy.
Eligible players are female amateurs with a GA
handicap of 12 or below at the time of entry. There
                                                        Women's Senior Stableford Trophy: The player who
is no registration or fee required for 2019. The
                                                        accrues the highest stableford average for
rankings work on an adjusted stroke average with
                                                        performances in designated Women's Senior events
the player’s best twelve (12) rounds to count. Once
                                                        throughout the course of the year will win the
a player plays more designated rounds, her worst        Women's Senior Stableford Trophy.
performance(s) drops off for each additional round

Legend: Blue Text = Club Entry Events

 Month       Date                     Event                                                              Venue
             Mon 1 Jan - Fri 13 Sep   Royal Women’s Hospital 4BBB – Club Qualifying (18)                 Club
             Mon 1 Jan - Fri 13 Sep   Silver Spoon – Club Qualifying                                     Club
             Mon 1 Jan - Fri 13 Sep   Doris Chambers – Club Qualifying                                   Club
             Various                  Vic Four-Ball Championship                                         Various
             Sun 13 – Mon 14          Victorian Women’s Mid-Amateur Championship (36)                    Southern & Cranbourne
             Thu 7 – Sun 10           Women’s Vic Open (72) (ST)                                         13th Beach
             Tue 19                   Victorian Heart Open* (Inc Open Heart Title) (18)                  Huntingdale
             Tues 23 – Wed 24         Victorian Women’s Autumn Tournament (36) (ST)                      Mornington & Flinders
             Fri 26                   Friday Women’s Pennant Finals – Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4               Various
             Sun 28                   Women’s Pennant Finals – Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4                      Various
             Wed 5 – Thu 6            Victorian Women’s Par 3 Championship (36)                          Kyabram Parkland
             Mon 1                    VGF Paul Rak Memorial Trophy Day (18)                              Royal Melbourne (West)
             Mon 22                   Victorian Women’s Country Foursomes Championship (18)              Tocumwal
             Tue 23 – Wed 24          Glenelg Cup (36)                                                   Tocumwal
             Tue 23 – Thu 25          Victorian Women’s Country Championship (36 + MP)                   Tocumwal
             Wed 4 – Thu 5            Victorian Women’s Sand Greens Championship (36)                    Avoca
             Mon 16 – Wed 18          Victorian Women’s Senior Amateur (36 + MP)                         Barwon Heads & 13th Beach
             Fri 20                   Joan Fisher Plate (inc. Vic Champion of Champions) (36 - cut       Metropolitan
                                      after 18) (ST)
             Mon 30 - Wed 2 Oct       Men’s & Women’s Country Week (MP)                                  Various
             Fri 4                    Doris Chambers Cup – State Final #1 (18)                           Chirnside Park (Gardiners Run)
             Mon 7                    Royal Women’s Hospital 4BBB – Metropolitan Final (18)              Patterson River
             Thu 10                   Doris Chambers Cup – State Final #2 (18)                           Sanctuary Lakes
             Thu 17 – Fri 18          Victorian Women’s Spring Tournament (36) (ST)                      Bright & Myrtleford
             Mon 28                   Royal Women’s Hospital 4BBB – State Final (18 - AM)                Southern
             Thu 14 – Sat 16          Port Phillip Open Amateur (inc. Vic Am Qualifying Rds) (72) (ST)   Kingston Heath & Commonwealth
             Mon 18 – Wed 20          Victorian Women’s Amateur Championship (MP)                        Kingston Heath
             Mon 18                   Silver Spoon – State Final (18)                                    Keysborough
             Sun 24                   Victorian Family Championships (18)                                Barwon Heads
             Mon 25                   Women’s Captains’ & Presidents’ Day                                La Trobe
                                      Sir Dallas Brooks Mixed Foursomes (inc Victorian Men’s and
             Tue 26 – Fri 29                                                                             Metropolitan
                                      Women’s Amateur Foursomes – Tuesday 26 Nov)

     Month       Date              Event                                           Venue
                 Mon 7             Keysborough Senior Amateur* (18)                Keysborough
                 Mon 21            Yarra Courses Senior Amateur* (18)              Eastern
                 Tue 19 – Wed 20   Kooringal Senior Amateur* (36)                  Kooringal
                 Mon 25 – Tue 26   Cranbourne Senior Amateur* (36)                 Cranbourne
                 Thu 28            Gardiners Run Senior Amateur* (18)              Chirnside Park (Gardiners Run)
                 Thu 14 – Fri 15   Alpine Senior Masters* (36)                     Bright
                 Tue 16 - Wed 17   Eureka Senior Amateur* (36)                     Midlands (16) & Buninyong (17)
                 Fri 26            Box Hill Senior Amateur* (18)                   Box Hill
                 Mon 6 – Thu 10    Cobram-Barooga Senior Amateur* (54)             Cobram-Barooga
                 Thu 23 – Fri 24   Hepburn Springs Senior Amateur* (36)            Hepburn Springs
                 Sun 16            Heathcote Senior Amateur* (18)                  Heathcote
                 Mon 17 – Tue 18   Shepparton Senior Amateur* (36)                 Shepparton
                 Thu 20 – Fri 21   Tocumwal Senior Amateur* (36)                   Tocumwal
                 Mon 8 – Wed 10    Coomealla Senior Open Championship* (54)        Coomealla
                 Thu 1 – Fri 2     Yarrawonga Senior Amateur* (36)                 Yarrawonga Mulwala
                 Mon 12            Yarra Yarra “Ray Barned” Senior Amateur* (18)   Yarra Yarra
                 Thu 15            Huntingdale Senior Amateur* (18)                Huntingdale
                 Mon 26            Royal Melbourne Seniors Classic* (18)           Royal Melbourne (West)
                 Mon 9 – Tue 10    Bendigo Senior Amateur* (36)                    Bendigo
                 Mon 16 – Wed 18   Victorian Women’s Senior Amateur* (36 + MP)     Barwon Heads & 13th Beach
                 Fri 4             Lang Lang Senior Amateur* (18)                  Lang Lang
                 Mon 21 – Fri 25   Australian Women’s Senior Amateur               Nelson Bay (NSW)
                 Mon 28 – Tue 29   Melbourne Senior Classic* (36)                  Spring Valley (28) & Woodlands (29)
                 Tue 19 – Wed 20   Warrnambool Senior Amateur* (36)                Warrnambool
                 Thu 21 – Fri 22   Moyne Senior Classic* (36)                      Port Fairy
                 Mon 2 – Tue 3     Mornington Peninsula Senior Amateur* (36)       Flinders (2) & Portsea (3)

*Denotes Mixed Event


Month       Date               Event                                               Venue
            Wed 2 – Sat 5      Golf Victoria Junior Tournament (72)                Spring Valley
            Thur 10 – Fri 11   Southern Junior Classic (36)                        Southern
            Mon 14             Victoria Junior Tournament (18)                     Metropolitan
            Fri 25             Victoria Rookie Series Pitch n Putt                 Waverley Pitch n Putt
            Mon 8              Rookie Series                                       Yarra Bend
            Wed 10             Victoria Junior Tournament (18)                     Kooringal
            Fri 12             Victoria Rookie Series Pitch n Putt                 Waverley Pitch n Putt
            Thu 18             Rookie Series                                       Eastern
            Sat 4              Rookie Series                                       Oakleigh
            Sun 26             Victoria Junior Tournament (18)                     Curlewis
            Sat 1              Rookie Series                                       Edithvale
            Thu 4              Victoria Junior Tournament (18)                     Keysborough
            Fri 5              Victoria Junior Tournament (18)                     Woodlands
            Mon 8              Rookie Series                                       Northern
            Thu 11- Fri 12     Yarrawonga Junior Open (36)                         Yarrawonga Mulwala
            Fri 12             Victoria Rookie Series Pitch n Putt                 Waverley Pitch n Putt
            Sat 3              Rookie Series                                       Riverside Essendon
            Sun 18             Victoria Junior Tournament (18) and Rookie Series   Sandhurst
            Mon 23 – Thu 26    Boys & Girls Championships of Victoria (72)         TBC
            Wed 2 - Thu 3      Peninsula Junior Open (36)                          Portsea & Sorrento
            Fri 4              Victoria Rookie Series Pitch n Putt                 Waverley Pitch n Putt
            Sat 12             Rookie Series                                       The Dunes (Cups)
            Sat 2              Rookie Series                                       Oakleigh
            Sun 17             Signature Tournament (18)                           Gardiners Run (Chirnside Park)
            Sun 8              Junior Pennant Finals                               Huntingdale
            Wed 11 – Fri 13    Murray River Junior Masters (54) TBC                Cobram & Tocumwal
            Mon 16 – Thu 19    Junior Victorian Open (72)                          13th Beach & Barwon Heads

  The provisions of the Transportation Policy apply to      ▪    The medical certificate must specify the period
  all amateur Championship and State events, except              of time that the exemption has been requested
  where the event Conditions specifically note                   for. (i.e. 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, or
  otherwise.                                                     indefinitely);

  During play in Victorian events conducted by Golf         Once the use of motorised transport is approved,
  Australia (unless otherwise stated in the event           an applicant will receive a confirmation letter/email
  conditions), it is prohibited for a player or their       informing of the outcome. Approved applicants can
  caddie to ride in or on a motorised vehicle unless        use Motorised Transport at any Victorian GA event.
  specific written permission has been granted by the
  Match or Championship Committee in accordance             Note: No specific medical conditions or contact
  with this policy.                                         details for the applicant will be on the list. It will be
                                                            only the applicant name, home club and the expiry
  Exceptions:                                               date (if not permanent).
 i.       Rules Referees or a Championship Committee
          member may utilise mechanical locomotion to       Authorised players must book and pay for the golf
          transport a player/caddie in the interests of     carts with the Pro Shop at the hosting venues. Cart
          pace of play where necessary without penalty.     usage is also subject to each golf club’s motorised
                                                            transport policies.
ii.       Permission to use motorised transport is not
          required by any player, caddie or official upon
                                                            Golf Australia accepts no responsibility for the
          reaching 75 years of age. Cart usage during
                                                            availability of automotive locomotion at Host Clubs,
          any GA event would still require any individual
                                                            or as to whether or not permission is granted to use
          to comply with any club requirement and/or
                                                            automotive locomotion. When an exemption is
          cart availability.
                                                            granted, the use of such locomotion must solely
iii.      Where a player is granted permission to utilise   serve the purpose of transportation — the use of
          motorised transport during the Victorian          mechanical locomotion must not provide the player
          Pennant season, the player’s caddie is            or caddie with a benefit greater than a walking
          permitted to ride with the player for any         player or caddie may achieve.
          stipulated Pennant round without separate
          permission being required.                        Subject to the approval of the Host Club, where the
                                                            Match Committee authorises caddies to use
  A permanent or temporary exception to use                 transportation, during the stipulated round, the
  motorised transport will be made in the case of a         following requirements must be adhered to:
  player/caddie affected by a disability.
                                                            a. The player does not accept a ride at any time.
  Players/Caddies requiring the use of motorised            b. The player does not accept advice from any
  transport for a particular event are required to             other person travelling with the caddie.
  complete and return the Motorised Transport
  Request Procedure Form found:
                                                            The Penalty for breach of this Policy/Competition
                                                            Condition is:
  As part of this process, applicants are required to
                                                            The player gets the general penalty for each hole
  complete all details on the form and comply with the
                                                            during which there is a breach of this Local Rule. If
                                                            the breach occurs between the play of two holes, it
                                                            applies to the next hole.
      ▪   Attach a copy of your medical certificate which
          specifies the period of time that the exemption
          has been requested for. For example, 1 week,
          1 month, 1 year, or indefinitely.

          (Note: Only medical certificates from general
          practitioners will be accepted. Medical
          certificates from osteopaths, physiotherapists,
          podiatrists etc are NOT recognised and will
          consequently not be accepted.)


    Golf Australia Victorian Events            www.golf.org.au/victorian-events

           Victorian Junior Events              www.golf.org.au/victoria-juniors

                       RWH 4BBB          www.golf.org.au/victorian-open-events

             Doris Chambers Cup          www.golf.org.au/victorian-open-events

                      Silver Spoon       www.golf.org.au/victorian-open-events

          GolfBox Training Videos     www.golf.org.au/victorian-event-resources

              Motorised Transport     www.golf.org.au/victorian-event-resources

        Senior Women’s Rankings               www.golf.org.au/victoria-rankings

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