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                               2019           •    THE YEAR OF THE PIG
                  N E W S • B U S I N E S S & F I N A N C E • F E S T I V E E V E N T S • E D U C AT I O N • H E A LT H
                    D I N I N G O U T • M O T O R I N G • A R T S & C U LT U R E • L I F E S T Y L E • L I T E R AT U R E •
2                                        February 2019                                                                                                  Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Today   www.KCWToday.co.uk

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    Kensington, Chelsea
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020 7738 2348                                  February 2019                                Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Today                                                                          3

News                                                                                        online: www.KCWToday.co.uk

Heathrow                                       Environment Committee, said: “For too
                                               many people, including children, aircraft
                                                                                            and Southwark.
                                                                                               Communities currently living near
                                                                                                                                                                    been woken up by one flight a minute,
                                                                                                                                                                    according to the report.

consultation                                   noise is a major dominant intrusion into
                                               their everyday lives.
                                                                                            Heathrow are given 8 hours of respite
                                                                                            a day with runway alternating. City
                                                                                                                                                                        Night flights could be removed and
                                                                                                                                                                    restrictions on early morning flights

interrupts 25,000                                  “It is not an acceptable price to pay
                                               for air travel. It isn’t right and must be
                                                                                            operates six noise monitors close to the
                                                                                            airport and a mobile monitor that can be
                                                                                                                                                                    introduced, with flights before 7am

flight expansion                               challenged.”
                                                   She added how the airport
                                                                                            moved in response to complaints.
                                                                                               Respite areas could be extended
                                                                                                                                                                        Follow @LondonAssembly
                                                                                                                                                                    and tweet about the report using

plan                                           authorities ‘must prioritise the health
                                               and well-being of Londoners’.
                                                                                            with the North East, South and West
                                                                                            London boroughs claiming they have
                                                                                                                                                                    #AssemblyEnvironment and
                                                   The Independent Commission
                                               on Civil Aviation Noise (ICCAN)

          eathrow Airport’s recent plans       should act as a single point of contact
          to provide an additional 25,000      for Londoners with issues about noise
          flights a year could be cut short,   pollution, according to Russell.
according to a new report published by
the Environment Committee.
    London City Airport hopes to
                                                   Residents concerns over plane
                                               ‘stacking’: circling designated flight
                                               paths when they cannot land, were
                                                                                                 NOISE IMPACTS
increase their number of flights from
80,000 to 100,000 by 2021, meaning a
                                               addressed in the report with air
                                               traffic controllers recently introduced          Heathrow                                                            Third Runway
forty-five percent increase in journeys        to increase planes’ altitudes over
per hour.                                      London. NATS claimed a rotation for
    However, the London Assembly               departures and landing would reduce                                               Over                                 Around                   At least
Environment Committee’s Aircraft Noise         this over flying and improve airspace                                       950,000                                     140                   740,000
                                                                                                        Over                                                          million                  a year
paper provides evidence on why there           management.                                        750,000                                                                        475,000
should be a halt on air traffic growth,            London City Airport has been                                                                           76                       a year
detailing the current negative impact of       recommended to collaborate with                                                                           million
                                                                                                                                                         a year
plane altitude and early flights.              Heathrow in a joint time table which
    This gridlock comes at a time when         prevents their respective flight paths
                                                                                                   Population                 With a                     Current       With a     Current       With a
the London airport has proposed a new          overlapping and flying at low altitude.              currently              3rd Runway                   passenger   3rd Runway    aircraft   3rd Runway
runway, enabling it to exceed 500,000              Air traffic should maximise the                  impacted                                             numbers                 movements
                                                                                                    by noise*
flights a year in the future.These would       use of ‘continuous descent and ascent’
use new flight paths, meaning an               flying to reduce low-level landing;
additional 200,000 could be affected by        as staggering 70-75 decibel noise
the noise, according to the report.            readings have been reported in London
    Caroline Russell, Chair of the             neighbourhoods, including Lambeth                 (*Based on TfL Study 2017 and use of 55Lden contour)

Locals slam

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 © TfL
£350m Victoria
Coach Station
By Local Democracy Reporter
Talia Shadwel

West Londoners are gearing up to
protest against plans to shift Victoria
Coach Station out of its central city
location to nearer Paddington Station,
which they are labelling “hellish” and a
   It has emerged Westminster City
Council has already rejected Transport
for London’s (TfL) proposal, said to cost
more than £350 million, to shift the
major coach hub to Royal Oak’ sidings.         so far , and Bayswater councillor Emily      Buckingham Palace Rd art deco building                                  that we will need to adapt operations
The residents and councillors warned           Payne said a date in March had been          is partially owned by both TfL and                                      at Victoria Coach Station as the area
at a packed meeting on January 22 that         earmarked for a protest if TfL presses       Grosvenor, with various leases for the                                  is likely to change. “No decisions have
if Victoria’s 14 million visitors a year       on with the proposal. Westminster City       transport body at the site due to expire                                been made on a location and we are
shifted to their neighbourhood, it could       Council (WCC) planner Graham King            in sections over the next five to ten                                   looking at a wide range of options
cause pollution and chaos for Bayswater,       told residents' issues could be escalated    years. Grosvenor is eyeing development                                  across London that ensure the city is
Westbourne Park and Hyde Park areas            to Greater London and Government             opportunities for sprucing up the site,                                 adequately served by coaches, while
and swamp local roads and tube stations.       transport czars, as the coach hub was        which can’t be demolished because it                                    allowing them to operate more efficiently
   Petitions against the Royal Oak             both a national and international service.   became Grade-II listed in 2014.                                         and reduce both pollution and road
proposal have gathered 500 signatures             The land for Victoria Coach Station’s        A TfL spokesman said: “We know                                       danger.”
4                                           February 2019                               Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Today                             www.KCWToday.co.uk

                                                                                                    Seventy-two percent of Londoners         could be frozen for use in the future.
© TfL

                                                                                                are likely to bin wine or prosecco;              Whilst 24% of Londoners consider
                                                                                                opening a full bottle and drinking only      themselves wasteful, more than three
                                                                                                one glass.                                   quarters (89%) have claimed they want
                                                                                                    Spending money on clothes never          to be less this year.
                                                                                                worn also ranked high, with 67%                  New initiatives like taking reusable
                                                                                                confessing to this.                          cups to coffee shops (39%) and
                                                                                                    Jack Webster, mobile expert from         recycling (36%) are turning the capital’s
                                                                                                Sell My Mobile, said: “We’re guiltily        consumers more ethical.
                                                                                                aware that in some scenarios we’re not       See the full list of wasteful areas here:
                                                                                                even doing the bare minimum to try           1. Opening full size bottles of wine/
                                                                                                harder.                                      prosecco and drinking one glass - 72%
                                                                                                    “It’s easy to think that your            2. Spending money on clothing I
                                                                                                individual actions won’t make much           never wear – 67%
                                                                                                difference, but the huge environmental       3. Overusing the central heating/
                                                                                                success that forced charges for single use   having the thermostat set too high –
                                                                                                carriers shows that we all have the power    61%
                                                                                                to make a difference.”                       4. Physically throwing money in the
                                                                                                    He pointed out that recycling gadgets    bin (coppers, other coins, etc.)- 55%
                                                                                                can make an average of £141, as well as      5. Showering for longer than I need
                                                                                                freeing up drawer space.                     too - 51%
                                                                                                    There is a clear case of “eyes bigger    6. Throwing away food leftovers that I
        New West                                    stop bypasses on the Northside.
                                                    Consultations for these revised plans is    than the belly” at play, with 49%
                                                                                                throwing away food leftovers which
                                                                                                                                             could freeze and use in future – 49%
                                                                                                                                             7. Using the dishwasher for a couple of
        London cycle                                open until 26th February.
                                                    TfL and Hammersmith and Fulham
                                                                                                                                                                items - 41%
                                                                                                                                                                8. Hoarding items

                                                                                                                                                                                            © Sell My Mobile
        path                                        Council have agreed to look into an
                                                    opportunity for people to cycle and
                                                                                                                                                                that I could make
                                                                                                                                                                money from (e.g.
                                                    walk along the A4; running between
                                                                                                                                                                old tech/gadgets,
                                                    Hammersmith Town Hall and the                                                                               collectibles, etc.) - 39%
                                                    borough’s gyratory. A segregated two-
        Transport for London (TfL)                  way cycle route could also be created
                                                                                                                                                                9. Leaving the
                                                                                                                                                                water running whilst
        is moving forward with its                  along the A315. Councillor Stephen                                                                          brushing my teeth -
                                                    Cowan, Leader of Hammersmith and
        construction plans for the                  Fulham Council, said: “We listened
                                                                                                                                                                10. Throwing
        West London cycle path,                     to residents and cyclists and have since                                                                    recyclable items into
                                                    worked very closely with TfL on their
        making journeys safer and                   behalf to agree a safer cycle route along
                                                                                                                                                                the dustbin - 32%
        improving provision for                     King Street for riders of all abilities.”
                                                    He has collaborated with the resident-
        buses. The 7km route will run
        through Kensington Olympia,
                                                    led Independent Disabled People’s
                                                    Commission to review this scheme so it
                                                                                                 TRAFFIC WATCH                                   Strenuous efforts are made
                                                                                                                                                 by Kensington, Chelsea &
                                                    remains accessible.                          LONDON HOME FOOTBALL
        Hammersmith and Brentford                   Construction work on a cycle route
                                                                                                                                                 Westminster Today newspaper
        Town Centre.                                between Tower Bridge and Greenwich,           February 9,                                    to ensure that the content
                                                    begins this summer whilst construction        Fulham v Man Utd, 12:30                        and information is correct.
        Nearly 60% supported the proposals          work on routes between Camden and             February 9,                                    Kensington, Chelsea &
        at a public consultation on Cycle           Tottenham Hale, and Hackney and the           QPR v Birmingham City, 15:00
                                                                                                                                                 Westminster Today newspaper
        Superhighway 9 in 2017.                     Isle of Dogs could begin later in the         February 10,
            Ben Plowden, TfL’s Director of          year.                                         Tottenham v Leicester, 13:30                   reserves the right to report
        Strategy and Network Development,                                                         February 13,                                   unsolicited material being sent
        commented on how London’s growing                                                         Tottenham v Borussia Dortmund, 20:00           through to the publication.
        cycle network is ‘hugely important                                                        February 16,                                   Personal views expressed in
        for the Mayor’s Healthy Streets
        Programme’. By 2024, the Mayor’s plan       Londoner’s waste                              QPR v Leeds United, 15:00
                                                                                                  February 19,                                   this newspaper are solely those
        aims for 1.3 million trips to be made by
        bike every day, up from 0.7 million in      20% of weekly                                 QPR v West Bromwich Albion, 19:45
                                                                                                  February 21,
                                                                                                                                                 of the respective contributors
                                                                                                                                                 and do not reflect those of
            Plowden said: “The route will           food shop                                     Arsenal v BATE Borisov, 17:55
                                                                                                  February 21,
                                                                                                                                                 the publishers or its agents. All
                                                                                                                                                 materials sent to Kensington
        encourage even more people in west                                                        Chelsea v Malmö FF, 20:00
        London to cycle and walk and help us                                                      February 24,                                   Chelsea & Westminster Today
        to achieve the Mayor’s Vision Zero goal                                                   Arsenal v Southampton, 14:05                   are at the suppliers’ risk.
        of no deaths or serious injuries on the
        capital’s streets.”
                                                    Twenty percent of Londoners                   February 24,                                   Reproduction in whole or in part
                                                                                                  Chelsea v Brighton, 12:00
            TfL has now published a report with     weekly food shops ends up in                  February 27,
                                                                                                                                                 of this publication is strictly
        responses to the issues raised during the                                                                                                prohibited without prior consent.
        CS9 consultation. The research noted
                                                    the bin, according to a new                   Arsenal v AFC Bournemouth, 19:45
                                                                                                  February 27,                                   The appearance of advertising
        a 30% increase in retail spending from      study. Most shockingly, this                  Chelsea v Tottenham Hotspur, 20:00             in this newspaper, including
        walking or cycling into town centres.
        At Kew, the improved designs include
                                                    equates to over £820 in a year.               March 2,                                       inserts or supplements, does
                                                                                                  Fulham v Chelsea, 15:00
        two-way segregated cycle lanes on the          The survey carried out by                  March 2,
                                                                                                                                                 not constitute endorsement
        Southside of Kew Bridge Road and
        South Circular Road; ensuring cyclists
                                                    Sell My Mobile spoke to over                  Tottenham v Arsenal, 15:00                     by Kensington, Chelsea &
                                                                                                                                                 Westminster Today of the
        are fully segregated from traffic and       3,000 about the most common
        removes requirements for two bus                                                          Compiled and Edited by Fahad Redha             products or services advertised.
                                                    ways they are being wasteful.
020 7738 2348                                February 2019                               Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Today                                                5

News                                                                                     online: www.KCWToday.co.uk

Contactless                                  Bush Theatre                                Byron celebrates                              participating, serving up 100 free burgers
                                                                                                                                       each: the original Byron restaurant High

donation                                     wins ‘London                                return of B-Rex
                                                                                                                                       Street Kensington, nearby Byron King’s
                                                                                                                                       Road, Byron Old Brompton Road, Byron

                                                                                                                                       Earl’s Court & Byron Gloucester Road.
                                             Theatre of the                              burger with 500                                   In addition, there will be an all-day
                                                                                                                                       event at the High Street Kensington
raise £170,000 for
Capital’s homeless
                                             Year’ at Stage                              burger giveaway!                              restaurant (the very first Byron) with a
                                                                                                                                       make your own freak shake bar and live
                                             Awards                                      on 7th Feb throughout                         music.
                                                                                                                                           First launched five years ago in 2014,
                                                                                         West London                                   the B-Rex was one of the most popular
                                                                                                                                       burger specials ever released by Byron.
                                                                                                                                       The B-Rex will also be joined by the
                                             A west London theatre has                                                                 Cluck-osaurus Rex, or C-Rex (a chicken
                                             been awarded best London                                                                  version of the burger) and a new herbivore
                                                                                                                                       cousin the Veggie-saurus Rex, or V-Rex
                                             theatre at the Stage Awards,                                                              (with bean patty, hold the bacon). The
                                                                                                                                       whole B-Rex family of burgers (B-Rex,
                                             after two years of taking steps                                                           C-Rex, Veggie-Rex) will be included in
                                             to improve the accessibility for                                                          the West London burger preview day.
                                             youth and community groups.                                                               T&Cs:
                                                                                                                                       One free burger (B-Rex, C-Rex or

        he Mayor of London, Sadiq               The Bush Theatre is a modernised                                                       Veggie-Rex) per customer for the first
        Khan, has opened nearly              cultural building which saw a £4.2m                                                       100 customers at Byron High Street
        fifteen hundred emergency            re-development; transforming a library                                                    Kensington, King’s Road, Byron Old
shelters for the third time this winter      built by philanthropist John Passmore                                                     Brompton Road, Byron Gloucester Road
                                             into a more accessible space. It has been                                                 & Byron Earl’s Court. Dine in only (no
as temperatures plummet below zero
                                             designed by award winning architects                                                      takeaway). Burger lovers will need to
degrees.                                                                                                                               show a piece of ID (work pass, business
    Faith and community groups have          Haworth Tompkins and holds a world-
                                                                                         On Thursday Feb 7th, West London              card, letter etc.) with their postcode to
taken on six hundred sleepers and            famous home for new plays, and an           residents will be able to try the B-Rex       show they’re a West London resident or
City Hall and Boroughs have funded a         internationally renowned champion of        burger and the first 500 customers            worker. Thursday 7th of February only.
further seven hundred as part of Khan’s      playwrights.                                will receive a B-Rex burger free! West        Burgers will be served up on a first come
Rough Sleeping Innovation Fund. He              Many have been given national            Londoners will just need to show a piece      first serve basis (sorry no rain checks or
has worked with them to implement            recognition, nominated for nine Offie       of ID with their ‘W’ postcode (letter,        cash value!). At the Manager’s discretion.
the ‘In For Good’ principle which            Awards, four WhatsOnStage Awards, one       business card, work pass etc.) to show they
promises that when a homeless person         Evening Standard Award and one Olivier      live or work in West London.                  www.byronhamburgers.com
joins an emergency shelter, they will        Award.                                          Five Byron restaurants will be            @byronhamburgers
maintain their spot until a support plan        Arinzé Kene’s Misty production was
is put in place to get them off the street   a sell out; attracting more than 30,000
permanently.                                 and first time attenders. Whilst Bush
    Approximately ninety one ‘TAP            Theatre’s Iranian play, Nassim has toured
London Contactless’ donation terminals       seventeen countries.
have been dotted across the capital             In 2017-18, the Shepherd’s Bush
since the initial thirty five rolled out     theatre read seven hundred scripts, (a
in November, taking an easy on-the-          50% increase on the previous year) in
go £3 donation. This has raised more         one of the country’s only remaining
than £170,000 for London Homeless            Literary departments. Theatre
Charities Group so far, as part of Khan’s    practitioners continue to work in the
new initiative.                              Attic, Meeting Room and Writers’
    In two months, Londoners used the        Room spaces.
donation points over 10,000 times and           The auditorium has welcomed more
raised more than £30,000, according to       than 11,000 guests since April 2018 and
the GOV website.                             over 30,000 production tickets sold, a
    Sadiq Khan commented on how the          twenty three percent increase on sales
city has positively responded to this:       since the same time last year.
    “Londoners are playing their part too       They have made it their mission to
by referring any rough sleepers they see     make theatre accessible to all, with
to StreetLink, with over 5,000 referrals     twenty percent of the main house tickets
since our campaign began.                    being made available through the ‘Count
    “Together we will help thousands         Me In’ ticket scheme.
of Londoners this winter, but we must           The venue has piloted a Community
be clear that to truly end homelessness      Associate Companies programme
Government Ministers must stop               and engaged with over seven hundred
ignoring the fact that their policies are    community participants since April last
pushing more people onto the streets.”       year.
    Locations of TAP include Curzon             Eight hundred participants have
Victoria cinema in Westminster, City         attended workshops either at the Bush
Hall, Jack’s Bar at Waterloo and Holy        or in the local community and three
Shot Coffee in Bethnal Green.                hundred free tickets were distributed to
    Donate to the Mayor’s rough sleeping     Community Groups.
campaign via: www.gofundme.com/                 The London playhouse will soon be
endroughsleeping and view London’s           under the direction of Lynette Linton
TAP locations here: www.google.com/          with further details announced in the
maps/d/viewer?mid=1_iv-CbHSHfy1hv-           summer.
0NVXk0Qihe1mZ0eE_&usp=sharing                www.bushtheatre.co.uk
6                                              February 2019                                Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Today                             www.KCWToday.co.uk


                                                                                                                                                                                       © Pixabay
    B Y      S Q U I N C H

Housing Crisis
on Hold?

             hilst the Brexit fiasco
             continues, the ongoing
             crisis in housing the UK’s
population fails to receive adequate
government focus or funding.
    The National Health Service
has a new ten-year plan which will
inevitably have priority finance, as will
education and policing as they are more
newsworthy vote winners. Is it just
funding or head-in-the-sand lack of
understanding the roots of the crisis,
even those within government’s control?
The urgent delivery of sufficient,
appropriate affordable and market
housing for the wellbeing and pride
of our population is a decades’ long
problem needing action and remedy.
    If we are sick, accurate medical
diagnosis of our illness is fundamental
to curing the malaise. Without
diagnostic understanding, prescription
for cure is merely palliative, empty           priorities for both the local authority      years grown exponentially. Architects         councillor dialogue has taken place.
ministerial words. Nothing improves            and site owner / developer to agree          drawings illustrating layout, scale,          This all has to be drawn together by the
housing delivery from one government           acceptable solutions. Now, lack of           massing, materials and uses are of course     planning consultant who has to aim to
to the next.                                   resources and often, pure arrogant           essential to describe a proposal. This is     illustrate how all of the above complies
    The planning system in the UK is           obstinacy from some Local Authorities        not enough. If a scheme is large, then        as benignly as possible with the reams of
broken. It is under resourced, under           require pre-application submissions to       an Environmental Impact Assessment            Council policies (some of which will be
skilled, underpaid and over bureaucratic.      resemble what was once a full detailed       will be required; a transport plan and        contradictory).
It is negatively preventative of sound         application. This defeats the object,        highways report to justify the proposal.          The list of supplemental reports has
long term planning. Democratic re-             increases the costs and delays the           If the scheme is smaller, it will still       become endless and few local authorities
election becomes the priority over the         process it was intended to assist. There     require an Environmental Performance          have sufficient expertise to fully review
future forward delivery of the housing         are too many cases where, having paid        Assessment, sustainable drainage              the detailed information contained
and urban places that society deserves.        the fee, made the submission and held        proposals, noise reports, daylight            within these reams of costly expert
    Planning is the department of              the meeting, the written response takes      & sunlight calculations, flood risk           reports. Thus, they become mere box
“Retaining the Status Quo”. The crisis         months to arrive. This is not good           assessment (even if the site is on top of a   ticking exercises.
cannot be solved by the obstruction of         enough in the real world. Regrettably,       hill), structural and services engineers’         Many of the required reports would
sound prescription. The planning system        with some councils, there seems little       reports and a construction management         be better dealt with under building
requires root and branch overhaul;             point in using the pre-app process; better   plan. Then, of course, there is the           regulations, and other elements
more funding for greater resource and          to submit the full application and get       ecological survey, the arboricultural         controlled through planning conditions.
expertise if proactive solutions are to        on with the battle. Here is the issue; it    survey, the landscape design, refuse              The process needs to be overhauled
be found. The current procedures and           shouldn’t be a battle. All involved should   storage and collection strategy.              with the objective of clarity and
policies are inefficient, obstructive, often   be engaging to diagnose and hence, solve     Archaeology, heritage, conservation           simplicity.
contradictory and are a key part of the        the problem. If a site has redevelopment     area reports and townscape analysis will          It needs to be valued and resourcing
problem.                                       potential or an existing building has        be of varying relevance. The applicant        increased. It needs to be less subjective,
    It is rare good fortune to encounter       scope for reinvention, then what is the      will be expected to have consulted the        more positive and predictive. When risk
knowledgeable experienced development          best outcome for all concerned?              local crime prevention officer regarding      is reduced, funding is more available
and conservation officers. When                    It is unlikely to be a 4-year obstacle   “Secured by Design” and submit a              and less costly, whatever the project.
positive dialogue happens, the process         course littered with cost, risk and          “Statement of Community Engagement”           Uncertainty and risk inherent in the
and outcome is infinitely better for all.      uncertainty. That does make the              to show that local consultation and           planning system are the enemies of
Conversation brings results. It should         planning system seem like a perpetual                                                      solutions to the housing crisis.
be the expectation and intention of all        Brexit saga.
involved.                                          One major factor impacting on the
    Why do planning applications
frequently take years to resolve? The
                                               high cost of housing in the UK is the
                                               degree of risk that resides with the huge        SUBSCRIBE & SUPPORT
pre-application process was brought in         expense of preparing a full planning
to formalise and pay for the essential         application. The number and scope of             KCW Today. See page 28 for details
discussion of initial ideas, options and       supplemental expert reports has in recent
020 7738 2348                        February 2019   Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Today                           7

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                                                                                                           A third
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8                                                February 2019                                 Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Today                            www.KCWToday.co.uk

                         Statue & Blue Plaque
                                                                                                                        Blue Plaque:                                 accepted the Directorship of the
                                                                                                                                                                     London School of Economics and

                              STATUES                                                    wind when I went to
                                                                                                                        Sir William
                                                                                                                        Henry Beveridge
                                                                                                                                                                     Political Science where he stayed for 18
                                                                                                                                                                     years. He transformed it from a small
                                                                                                                                                                     college to a leading centre for the study
                                                                                                                                                                     of social sciences.
                                                                                                                                                                         During World War 11 he worked at
Photograph © Don Grant

                                                                                         see him for the second                                                      the Ministry of Labour for Ernest Bevin
                                                                                         time, but he had certainly                                                  who had invited him to be in charge of
                                                                                         altered his pose since the     1879-1963                                    the Welfare Department. Sir William
                                                                                         first time I saw him. This
                                                                                         piece of interactive art was
                                                                                                                                                                     refused saying he wished to work with
                                                                                         created by greyworld, an                                                    manpower. Bevin agreed. This led to him
                                                                                         artists’ collective founded        English Heritage has honoured Sir        being chairman of various committees
                                                                                         by Andrew Shoben,              William Beveridge with a Blue Plaque         and making reports.
                                                                                         Professor of Public Art        at 27 Bedford Gardens. Campden Hill.             In 1942 Sir William wrote The Report
                                                                                         at Goldsmiths College,         London where he lived from 1914 to           on Social Insurance and Allied Services,
                                                                                         London University. The         1921. It was erected last year.              known as The Beveridge Report.
                                                                                         monumental sculpture               Sir William was a progressive social         In his report he paved the way
                                                                                         stands in front of the         reformer, politician and civil servant. He   for post war success with a system of
                                                                                         monumental Blue Fin            is best known for The Beveridge Report       universal insurance 'from cradle to grave',
                                                                                         building, named after the                                                   supported by a comprehensive health
                                                                                         2,000 blue aluminium
                                                                                                                        which was used as a basis for the Welfare
                                                                                         fins that project from         State of today.                              service, and benefits for the unemployed,
                                                                                         the building’s facade and          Henry Beveridge, an Indian Civil         the sick, widows and family allowances.
                                                                                         change its appearance as       Service Officer and District Judge was       All people of working age would pay
                                                                                         one walks round it. It’s all   Sir William's father. Annette Ackroyd,       national insurance contributions. His
                                                                                         mind-altering stuff.           his mother was a scholar who founded         arguments for a welfare state were well
                                                                                              The statue was erected    the Working Women's College in Queen         received.
                                                                                         in 2007 and immediately        Square. London. Sir William was born             Social Justice was at the heart of the
                                                                                         gained fame around the         in Rangpur, now Bangladesh.                  report and the creation of a new ideal
                                                                                         world, helped by some              Sir William was educated at              society in the post war era.
                                                                                         of the 5 million visitors      Charterhouse followed by Balliol where           Sir William joined the Liberal Party
                                                                                         to Tate Modern at the                                                       after the War and was MP for Berwick
                                                                                         time. greyworld have been
                                                                                                                        he read Mathematics and Classics,
                                                                                         building a reputation for      gaining a first in both. Later he studied    upon Tweed. He lost his seat in the
                                                                                         innovative, fun, playful       Law. Henry Beveridge was a humanist,         General Election of 1945. In 1946
                                                                                                                                                                     the Labour Government introduced
                             Monument to                                  and interactive art in public places, from    also a Positivist and Activist and a great
                                                                          the sublime Garden of Light of 2017           admirer of the French Philosopher            the Welfare State on the basis of the
                                                                                                                                                                     Beveridge report and the National
                             the Unknown
                                                                          in the shadow of St Paul’s Cathedral,         Augustus Comte. Sir William was
                                                                          with thousands of underlit daffodils          influenced by his father's views all his     Health Service was introduced in 1948.
                                                                          to celebrate the quietly heroic work                                                           Sir William was elevated to the
                                                                          done by the Marie Curie nursing staff,            When Sir William left University he      House of Lords in 1953 as Baron
                                                                          mostly at night, to a deeply silly scheme,    worked at Toynbee Hall, a Settlement         Beveridge of Tuggal in in the county of
                             greyworld                                    whereby anyone can commission their           House in London. Having met Sidney           Northumberland.
                                                                          own radio-controlled animatronic
                             South Bank                                   tail, from a husky to a foxy brush and
                                                                                                                        Webb and Beatrice Webb, he developed
                                                                          a pink bunny to a red-hot Hellboy’s           a strong interest in social reform and           “The object of Government in peace
                                                                          naughty rear-end. In 2015 H M                 became an active promoter himself.           and in war is not the glory of the rulers

                                  n Sumner Road, a cut-through            Queen Elizabeth unveiled greyworld’s              In 1908 he was invited to join the       or of races, but the happiness of the
                                  from Southwark Street to the            installation at the new London Stock          Board of Trade and drafted The New           common man”
                                  new-ish Tate Modern Blavatnik           Exchange, in the heart of the city            Unemployment Act of 1916; the first of           Quoted from the Beveridge Report.
                                  Building, there is quite a larky        of London. To borrow their own                many of his papers on reform. Later
                                  statue. An enormous bronze man          description, ‘The Source is formed            he became Permanent Secretary at the         Sir William Beveridge died at home and
                             stands on a stone plinth in a classic        from a grid of cables arranged in a           Ministry of Food, responsible for pricing    is buried Thockrington in church yard on
                             artist’s pose, holding a paintbrush in       square, 162 cables in all, reaching eight     and rationing.                               the Northumberland Moors.
                             his outstretched hand. We are used to        stories to the glass roof. Nine spheres           In 1919 Sir William left the Civil
                             seeing street performers in Trafalgar        are mounted on each cable and are free                                                     Marian Maitland
                                                                          to move independently up and down
                                                                                                                        Service, and was knighted. He then
                             Square pretending to be static ‘living
                             statues’, but, in this case, it’s a statue   its length. In essence the spheres act
                             pretending to be a person. He was            like animated pixels, able to model
                             designed to be articulated in a number       any shape in three dimensions a fluid,
                             of different stances, turning his head,      dynamic, three dimensional television’.
                             raising his arms and letting his loose-           A whimsical inscription on the
                             fitting clothes and scarf blow in the        Monument plinth states Non Plaudite
                             breeze. Can this be bronze? Surely           Modo Pecuniam Jacite, which to those
                             not. His movements are regulated by          with a rudimentary knowledge of Latin
                             two cameras, mimicking those of the          means ‘Do not applaud, just throw
                             visitors standing in front of the edifice.   money’. Allegedly, the original caption
                             The man himself stands 2.8m. tall, and       read, Quidquid Latine Dictum Sit Altum
                             his head, hands and feet are made from       Videtur, which, as Latin scholars will
                             silicon, and he is wearing real clothes      surely know, translates as, ‘Whatever is
                             impregnated with silicon and dyed            said in Latin sounds profound’. One of
                             to match the rest of him. It would be        greyworld’s first ventures was to ‘tune’
                             most disconcerting to look at the statue     a run of metal railings in Paris, so that
                             in passing, look away, then look again,      when one ran a stick along them, they
                             only to find that he has moved in the        played The Girl from Ipanema. How cool
                             interim. Unfortunately, he appears to        is that?.
                             be rooted to the spot for the moment.
                             Maybe he was frozen by a chilly north        Don Grant
020 7738 2348                                   February 2019                                 Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Today                                                9

News                                                                                          online: www.KCWToday.co.uk

‘Safest’ borough                                crime rates increased by just over 10%.                                                                         has awarded around

                                                                                                                                                                                          © Westminster City Council
                                                    Opposition councillor Peter Buckwell                                                                        £30 million to projects

in London sees                                  from South Richmond claimed: ‘we
                                                have [seen] a rise in the number of
                                                                                                                                                                that support growth
                                                                                                                                                                and community

steepest hike in                                minor crimes, professional beggars,
                                                pickpockets, shoplifters and anti-social
                                                                                                                                                                development in
                                                                                                                                                                London. The bid

crime                                           behaviour.’
                                                    ‘to deter crime we need a daily visible
                                                                                                                                                                presented a draft
                                                                                                                                                                scheme, which was
                                                police presence in our town centres.                                                                            devised in close
                                                Our police do a great job but they need                                                                         collaboration with
                                                additional resources.’                                                                                          the Church Street
Despite Richmond historically                       Local councillors created a motion,                                                                         community and
being one of the safest                         calling on the government and Mayor                                                                             businesses.
boroughs in London, its                         of London, Sadiq Khan to provide more
                                                funding and resources to the police.          Council wins                                      The council will be seeking an
                                                                                                                                            experienced workspace operator to
crime rate has risen more
dramatically than anywhere
                                                    Cabinet member for community
                                                safety, Councillor Liz Jaeger, who            £1m Mayoral                                   collaborate on the project and manage
                                                                                                                                            the new spaces early next year and the

else in the city.
                                                proposed the motion said: ‘our local
                                                police work so hard to keep us safe. But,     fund to transform                             project is expected to be complete by late
                                                                                                                                            2020/early 2021.

Since 2011, police forces across the
                                                they can only work within the resources
                                                they have, they are stretched.’               Church Street                                     Cllr Rachael Robathan, Westminster
                                                                                                                                            City Council cabinet member for
country have lost £600m in funding,                 ‘the only way to fix the problem is                                                     finance, property and regeneration, said:
causing national crime rates to rise by         for the government and the mayor of           Westminster City Council has won              “This is a great opportunity to transform
more than 6% in the last year alone.            London to provide adequate funding.           almost £1m of funding from the Mayor’s        an underused space. We are putting local
    To accommodate these cuts the               Our safety is in their hands.’                Good Growth Fund to enhance the new           people’s views first and listening to how
police forces of Richmond, Kingston,                The motion was unanimously                ‘community heart’ of the Church Street        the community think we should improve
Wandsworth and Merton were merged               passed, with councillors from all parties     area.                                         the Church Street triangle, while
last May, to form the South West Basic          supporting the calls.                             The grant award for the Church            supporting the local business community
Command Unit (BCU)                                  South West BCU commander in               Street Triangle Project is matched by a       with opportunities for new spaces.”
    The unit has been struggling to             Chief Superintendent Sally Benatar            council investment of just under £1m.             This project is part of the Church
fund much needed resources and is also          said: ‘The metropolitan police is actively    The project will provide new affordable       Street Regeneration Programme,
failing to fill a significant number of job     recruiting police officers now; this          work and community space, revitalise          which is planned to deliver over 1,750
positions.                                      will enable us to fill the vacancies we       an underused public space and refresh         new homes, improved green spaces, a
    The borough of Richmond has                 currently have on the South West BCU          public toilet facilities for the market and   strengthened commercial offer, increased
consequently seen an almost 14%                 and allow us to continue to prioritise our    visitors.                                     pedestrian and cyclist accessibility and
increase in crime, tailed only by               preventative approach to tackling crime           The project was one of 33 that bid        ambitious health and wellbeing facilities
Kingston, Harrow and Redbridge whose            and violence.’                                successfully to the Mayor’s Fund, which       for local people.

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10                                          February 2019                                Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Today                            www.KCWToday.co.uk

Fulham Palace restoration                                                                New £400 fine as
                                                                                                                                      excluded residents and small businesses
                                                                                                                                      we will approach each incident on a case

underway after raising £3.8m                                                             H&F crack down
                                                                                                                                      by case basis, and issue this maximum
                                                                                                                                      fine where there is clear evidence of

                                                                                         on fly tippers
                                                                                                                                          Last year, a two hundred pounds
                                                                                                                                      fixed penalty was introduced, alongside
                                                                                                                                      an extensive CCTV network.
                                                                                                                                          Since then, local authorities have
                                                                                         Hammersmith and Fulham could see             been given the power to double the fine
                                                                                         tougher fines of £400 introduced for         for those who dispose their waste on to
                                                                                         people caught dumping their waste.           unlicensed carriers.
                                                                                             This new maximum fine is part of             The ‘Reduce and Reuse’ pages of the
                                                                                         the city’s zero tolerance crackdown on       Hammersmith and Fulham Council
                                                                                         crime. It is a major step in helping the     website offers advice on the various
                                                                                         council achieve its ambition of being the    charities who take reusable and large
                                                                                         greenest borough in Britain.                 items.
                                                                                             Councillor Wesley Harcourt, H&F              ‘Bulky waste’ collections can be
                                                                                         Cabinet Member for Environment, said:        booked with ten items picked up for
                                                                                         “This new level of fine shows we will        £25.65 at H&F. This covers household
                                                                                         not tolerate people who indiscriminately     electrical items; televisions, fridges,
                                                                                         blight our borough with rubbish.             freezers and similar items which exceed
                                                                                             “Removing unsightly flytips is an        25kg.
                                                                                         unnecessary burden on the taxpayer and           Social network, Nextdoor, allows
                                                                                         hopefully this fine will help us stamp it    people to talk online, donate items
                                                                                         out.                                         and share the cost within their
                                                                                             “However, to protect socially            neighbourhoods.

       ulham Palace will unveil its new     botanical garden for the spring of 2019.
       look at a public consultation on         The next phase will include installing
       February 6th, after raising £3.8m    the museum exhibitions; drawing on
for its restoration.                        the archaeology of the site, undertaking
    The ‘Discovering the Bishop of          restoration work in the Great Hall, cross
London’s Palace’ scheme started last        passage and porch.
March and will repair the Tudor                 It has received £1.88m from National
Courtyard; recreating the gardens           Lottery Funding trusts and foundations
developed by Bishop Compton in the          giving a total of £1.05m; £606,000 in
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.       donations from individuals, and £63,000
    This hopes to give visitors greater     from corporate donors.
insight into the palace which housed            Mariana Spater, Chair of Trustees
Bishops for 1,300 years. They were          at Fulham Palace, said how ‘delighted’
responsible for the Church of England       they are to have achieved their target.
overseas, including colonies in: America,       The Trust is still, however,
the Caribbean, Africa and India.            fundraising towards the restoration of
    Work to make the historic landmark      historic paintings to be hung in the                                                      and dementia treatments included.
more accessible is also underway, with
a new pathway being built through the
                                            Great Hall, and for further brick repairs
                                            in the Tudor Quadrangle.
                                                                                         Imperial builds                                  Professor Deborah Ashby, Director
                                                                                                                                      of the School of Public Health, said: “I
North range of the Tudor Quadrangle
and shrubs planted, enhancing the
                                                Fulham Palace remains open daily
                                            during the restoration period
                                                                                         new research hub                             believe that we will be in a very strong
                                                                                                                                      position to improve health on both a
                                                                                         and White City’s                             local and global scale .
                                                                                                                                          “By strengthening the public

Lambeth Council dedicates extra                                                          reputation for                               health science base, training the next
                                                                                                                                      generation of public health leaders,

£1m to curb youth violence                                                               bio-tech                                     and influencing health policies and
                                                                                                                                      programmes around the world.”
                                                                                                                                          The facility’s development is a result
Lambeth Council has pledged that they       develop a strong vision for the south                                                     of the local council’s Industrial Strategy
will dedicate an extra £1m for dealing      London region. This report includes                                                       Partnership with Imperial.
with serious youth violence in the          an additional £0.5m for youth violence       Imperial College is set to build a state-        Councillor Andrew Jones, H&F
borough.                                    in 2019/20, and plans to spend an            of-the-art School of Public Health in        Cabinet Member for the Economy
   With recent statistics showing the       additional £1m on preventing youth           White City, providing the opportunity        and the Arts, commented on how the
South London district is close to having    violence by 2020.                            to extend the already booming tech           research centre will ‘bring the local
the fifth highest crime rate in London,         This is part of a strategy aiming        industry.                                    economy into the 21st century’.
the local authorities are keen to develop   to change how Lambeth Council and                This medical hub will allow world            “We aim to make the borough one of
their approach.                             partners approach violence against           health researchers to collaborate and        the leading destinations in the country
   Between May 2017-2018, there have        young people.                                work together in their first dedicated       for the bio-tech, digital and creative
been 38,138 crimes reported in the              They have previously developed           building, bringing cutting-edge research     industries.”
borough, according to Finder website.       the ‘Tackling Violence against Young         to White City. They will work on                 He did point out: “At the same
   The proposals were discussed at          People’ initiative, using a public health    pioneering new approaches to various         time, we want to ensure that all
public consultations, as part of the        approach which addresses the risks           strands of health care affecting the local   residents benefit from the growth and
Lambeth Local Plan which hopes to           which caused violence in the first place.    community; fighting infectious diseases      development we’re seeing in H&F.”
020 7738 2348             February 2019      Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Today   11

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12                                                        February 2019                               Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Today                             www.KCWToday.co.uk

Opinion & Comment
                                                                                                      industry, the vacuum manufacturers, the       name away at Starbucks for the privilege

  MARIUS BRILL’S                                                                                      banks and the other economic backbones
                                                                                                      would actually relocate. They knew all
                                                                                                      that and voted for it anyway because,
                                                                                                                                                    of buying overpriced coffee and sell it
                                                                                                                                                    to Google for the price of a Kardashian

                                                                                                                                                    butt shot.
                                                                                                      as Nigel Farage when faced with the               Odysseus kept his name secret from
                                                                                                      facts of a tanking economy said, that is      Polyphemus in order to survive, only
                                                                                                      the “price for freedom”; as if it is better   when the giant learnt it could he call
  Meme: An element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another...       to starve as a sovereign Brit than break      on his father, the sea god Poseidon, to
                                                                                                      croissants with the Europeans. You may        wreak vengeance upon him. In this age
                                                                                                      go hungry, but it will be a democratic,       of internet giants, like Odysseus, we try

                                                         “English” or “A Kentish Man” or “Man         free, British hunger. By far the best sort    to keep our identities secret, making
                                                         of Kent” or some poor sod with a semi in     of hunger there is.                           fake spam-magnet email addresses or
                                                         Gillingham. I’ve had to nail my colours          Our sense of identity is one of the       sock puppets, but the gods of Google,
                                                         to a mast I never wanted to, I’ve had        world’s most powerful memes. In ancient       Amazon and YouTube, they know who
No one wants to look like                                to climb into bed with people that no        times a rich mythology grew around            we really are, what we really want, and
                                                         one would do so willingly; Tony Blair,       the idea that simply telling someone          they’ve got the cookies to prove it.
their passport photo. The                                George Osborne, Peter Mandelson and          your name meant giving them power                 The history of Western civilisation
tube-station photobooth is                               the plumber with the bog-brush hairdo        over you. Unbaptised children were at         has been a constant cycle between
                                                         Charlie Mullins – in order to lie back       risk of fairy kidnap leaving changelings      individualism and collectivism. In
actually designed to make you                            and think of Europe.                         in their place; Rumpelstiltskin was           the Renaissance the individual was
look as terrible as possible so                              And however dirty I feel, spare a        disempowered by his name being                celebrated, artists, pioneers, adventurers,
                                                                                                                                                    explorers. But then the Enlightenment’s
you’ll waste your money at                                                                                                                          discovery of scientific principles looked

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photograph © Sam McKechnie
least three or four times before                                                                                                                    at unifying ideas, categorisation, one
                                                                                                                                                    scientist’s results recreated exactly by
you realise that every photo                                                                                                                        another; to science humans, like animals,
is going to be heinous; there’s                                                                                                                     are all alike. This is the time the French
                                                                                                                                                    and American Revolutions were fought
never going to be a shot that                                                                                                                       as groups collected, identifying with
wouldn’t be improved by the                                                                                                                         their causes. Romanticism, a reaction
                                                                                                                                                    to the Enlightenment, promoted the
use of a bullet. The document                                                                                                                       individual again. The artist and poet’s
that represents you clearly                                                                                                                         unique experience was elevated as a
                                                                                                                                                    foil to the reach of science. As the
demands a photo that displays                                                                                                                       Industrial Revolution spawned factories
your inner psychopath.                                                                                                                              and mills, people proved more useful
                                                                                                                                                    as groups. Organising principles like

          f course your documents aren’t                                                                                                            socialism and capitalism were born. By
          your actual identity, but as we                                                                                                           WWII fascism loomed as the ultimate
          head into our Brexit “Freedom                                                                                                             subordination of individual free will to
Of Removement” you and I will need                                                                                                                  the faceless collective represented by
to be producing them far more often.                                                                                                                one individual dictator. Wars are fought
As we set to isolate and differentiate                                                                                                              as collectives, and the mentality of “a
ourselves from the continent and those                                                                                                              ministry for everything” lasted until
who would immigrate here, identifying                                                                                                               the 1960s when the hippy revolution
ourselves will become more integral                                                                                                                 started prioritising individual experience
to our lives. Never having to show                                                                                                                  again. The Vietnam War failed to inspire
“your papers” was once a proof of the                                                                                                               an entire generation to fight together.
superiority of British society. Now it’ll                                                                                                           By the 1970s individualism reached a
be: “You say you’re British… prove it!”                                                                                                             zenith in punk, when any conformity
As if the bad teeth, sallow skin, beer                                                                                                              was social death. But now, with the
belly, aggressive demeanour and die-                                                                                                                internet, the things that we thought
hard stubbornness to never admit a                                                                                                                  made us individual have allowed us to
mistake wasn’t proof enough anymore.                                                                                                                collect as groups again. So if you are an
     Unaccustomed to having to identify                                                                                                             opinionated middle aged, middle class,
myself, like many I’m struggling to                                                                                                                 white bloke with an interest in sleight of
work out who, or even what, I am.                                                                                                                   hand, good mystery fiction and liberal
It’s no wonder that Britain’s favourite                                                                                                             politics? There’s a Reddit group just
Christmas present this year was a DNA                                                                                                               for us stretching round the globe. The
testing kit from the likes of Ancestry.                                                                                                             cycle of individualism is falling away
com. We’ve seen the way the world is                                                                                                                again and we are being subsumed into
going and we’ve got questions: Where                                                                                                                collectives once more.
are we from? Where can we call home?                                                                                                                    My 80s teenhood was devoted to
Who are OUR people? Who’s that                                                                                                                      trying to start my own unique style
nutter in my passport photo?                             thought for the poor Leavers. Not just       discovered; in Jewish tradition, after        trends fusing charity shop tat, but
     So called “Identity Politics” and the               because of how hideous their bedfellows      a series of infant deaths the next born       now I watch my own children happily
populist backlash that is taking the                     are, but for all the contortions that they   is unnamed, believing that the Angel          conforming to brands, following an
West by storm, is forcing us all to take                 must now go through to justify the           of Death cannot call a child who has          urge to meld in with everyone else on
sides, imposing a collectivism we would                  fallacies of their leaders’ retrospective    no name; in Puccini’s opera, Princess         SnapChat, Instagram and Twitter.
never have imagined even five years ago.                 groupthink. They’re forced to rewrite        Turandot must learn the name of her           The collective is coming, but we must
In the back of my mind I was always a                    their past and say that they knew we         unwanted suitor to execute him, if she        beware. It is in the collectivist periods
European, despite being born in the UK,                  were being lied to; they knew that there     doesn't, she must marry him; even Bilbo       of history when all the world’s bloodiest
but now I have to stand up and fight                     was never going to be £350 million for       Baggins in The Hobbit, speaks in riddles      conflicts are fought and, as Bertrand
for it as fiercely as any Leaver believes                the NHS; they knew that there would          to Smaug, the dragon, to keep him from        Russell said, “War does not determine
they’re standing up for being “British” or               be job losses; they knew that the car        learning his name. Now we give our            who is right, only who is left.”
020 7738 2348                                  February 2019                                         Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Today                                           13

Opinion & Comment                                                                                    online: www.KCWToday.co.uk

The Votes with                                 all goods we send to the EU being held

                                                                                                                                                                                             Photograph © PxHub
                                               up by European customs and subjected

the Loudest                                    to automatic WTO tariffs or, in the case
                                               of agriculture and food, the automotive

Voice have it...                               and textiles industries, significantly
                                               higher rates, or, indeed, to maintaining
By Peter Burden                                the flow of skilled medical workers we
                                               will need in our hospitals when the post
                                               Brexit cash they were promised starts
                                               pouring in.
                                                   One of the difficulties, even among
How wise of Her Majesty to                     long-standing friends, is that it is often
                                               hard to guess correctly the point of view
choose the uncontroversial                     of people with whom one engages in
Sandringham Women’s                            discussion about the topic. I find myself
                                               watching carefully as people whom
Institute as an audience for her               one might have assumed didn’t want
thoughts on our politicians’                   Britain to turn its back on all its nearest
                                               neighbours, start wincing awkwardly
behaviour in the current                       at the first hint of the views I hold. As
national turmoil.                              an exercise in gauging reactions from
                                               Brexiters in general, I have spent some
   ‘As we look for new answers                 time talking to people who live among
in the modern age,’ she told                   the bucolic beauty of South Shropshire,
                                               where I spend a lot of my time.
them, ‘I for one prefer the                        I decided that it might help if I                                                             see hundreds of companies move their
tried and tested recipes, like                 made my position clear by pinning to
                                               the lapel of my tweed jacket (standard
                                                                                                     I am                                        offices to Europe, to willingly know that
                                                                                                                                                 Brexit will mean a substantial hike in
speaking well of each other
and respecting different points
                                               attire at this time of year in Shropshire)
                                               a small metal EU flag. Walking into
                                                                                                     embarrassed.                                taxes, is shameful. All those promises
                                                                                                                                                 that Liam Fox and David Davis made
                                               several rural pubs with as affable and                I am embarrassed by what                    about how easy it would be leaving and
of view.’                                      open a demeanour as I could muster,                                                               how simple a trade deal was and how
                                                                                                     has gone on and is going on

                                               my entrance, as soon as my flag was                                                               WTO was a walk in the park. How dare
           ow right she is; and how her        spotted, was generally met with palpable              in Parliament and the White                 they.
           advice resonates with my own        hostility, in some cases, blank hate stares                                                           As for the Prime Minister, it was bad
           annual resolution to cease or,                                                            House on our behalf.
                                               from bar staff and some of the other                                                              enough that her predecessor thought a
at least, to cut down my bad-mouthing          punters; I sensed that I was getting an               By Derek Wyatt                              referendum was a simple Yes/No exercise
of others. It is vital, for the ongoing        idea of what it might be like to enter a                                                          and would be over in a day, but sadly
maintenance of national harmony that,          rustic English boozer wearing a Jeremy                                                            she has no vision for the UK. Ramsay
whatever the outcome of the current            Corbyn mask, or with a non-white face.                                                            MacDonald and Neville Chamberlain
impasse, both sides in the Brexit debate       I was more aware than I have ever been                                                            were weak and feeble. This situation has
should accept that there are alternative       that for some of the population our                                                               made us a complete mockery across the
                                                                                                     It is a disgrace. The people representing
points of view.                                unequivocal departure from Europe is                                                              free and not so free worlds. The Prime
                                                                                                     us should be banished. They should be
    Europhiles should listen to                not up for debate; it’s a matter of blind                                                         Minister seems unable to comprehend
                                                                                                     utterly ashamed of their doings. At the
leavers’ fears that the EU, as currently       conviction that will not countenance any                                                          how low we appear as a nation.
                                                                                                     next election opportunity they should all
constituted, is a far from perfect             other perspective.                                                                                    As for Jeremy Corbyn, he could not
                                                                                                     be thrown out. Nothing more: nothing
organisation, as well as to their concerns         It is beginning to look possible that                                                         spell “Leadership” even if he tried. He
                                                                                                     less. We will look back at the 1997
about perceived corruption which, if so        Brexit, even without a deal, will happen                                                          has allowed his own prejudices about
                                                                                                     Election when the Tory government fell
far unproven, is at least plausible. There     simply because those on one side of the                                                           the EU, despite the promises and votes
                                                                                                     through the ice, as just tokenism. The
are undoubtedly legitimate anxieties           debate are more polite and considerate                                                            at the Labour Party Conference, to rule
                                                                                                     next election both the Tory and Labour
about accountability and the lack of           than those on the other… that the                                                                 the roost. He is no more a democrat
                                                                                                     parties will haemorrhage millions of
legislative powers in the European             noisier, more aggressive side, who                                                                than the late Fidel Castro. He is more
                                                                                                     votes. The public has had enough.
Parliament. Even-handed Remainers              politicians fear may foment civil unrest if                                                       interested in matters Cuban, Mexican or
                                                                                                         In the White House, President
will acknowledge these shortcomings,           they don’t get what they want, will win.                                                          Venezuelan than serving the people of
                                                                                                     Trump has lied over six hundred times
while believing that Britain has an            We should be genuinely afraid that in                                                             this country. He thinks that he will be
                                                                                                     according to CNN research. He is an
important and responsible role to play         the most momentous decision of our era,                                                           Prime Minister. He is in for a surprise.
                                                                                                     imposter. He has demeaned his nation.
in encouraging European institutions           the Trumpist tactics and oratory of the                                                           At the next election voters will spurn
                                                                                                     He might be impeached: he should be
to develop in ways that will ultimately        Leavers will prevail, despite all logical                                                         both parties. We are in to sea-changing
                                                                                                     impeached. He is a scoundrel. He has
make them assets to world peace and            objections, and the expressed support of                                                          politics.
                                                                                                     given away all that America stands for.
international trade, with a significantly      just 38% of the people.                                                                               Of those that have come out of this
                                                                                                     He prefers the company of Putin to the
greater impact than we could achieve on                                                                                                          well, thank you: Ken Clarke, Dominic
                                                                                                     company of any other political leader
our own.                                                                                                                                         Grieve, Yvette Cooper, Kier Starmer
                                                                                                     in the world. He is hard to fathom. He
    It is noticeable that less consideration                                                                                                     and Caroline Lucas. Thank you for
                                                                                                     must not be re-elected. Anyone who
is offered to Remainers by committed                                                                                                             trying to shape the debate and to hold to
                                                                                                     shuts down the public sector knowing
Leavers and I am compelled to observe                                                                                                            your principles. There will be no knight
                                                                                                     it will cost the Treasury more than he
that the more avid the Brexiter, the more                                                                                                        or dame-hoods in the post but you know
                                                                                                     wants for his wretched Wall needs his

raucous and intolerant the demeanour.                                                                                                            how grateful we all are.
                                                                                                     head examined. As for that Wall, it is a
While stalwart Remainers appear                                                                                                                      This century will be the century
                                                                                                     mad idea. You can see, though, Trump
generally to be more measured and                                                                                                                of Asia. In thirty years time we will
                                                                                                     trying to make it an Election issue in
less abusive in expounding their views,                                                                                                          be making things for the Indian and
                                                                                                     2020: “Vote for me and I will build that
the Leavers stance is characterised by                                                                                                           Chinese economies. The world is moving
                                                                                                     Wall.” He has no hope even in hell.
impatient calls for MPs to ‘Just get on                                                                                                          to a different place which we have failed
                                                                                                         As for both of our own major
with it!’, without explicitly offering                                                                                                           to comprehend. I am sorry for my nation
                                                                                                     parties, they are both a sandwich short
solutions to the crisis this will create on                                                                                                      and as sorry for my children and grand
                                                                                                     of a picnic. To threaten our standard
the Eire/Ulster border, to the problem of                                                                                                        children who will inherit this mess.
                                                                                                     of living, to threaten house prices, to
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