Chapter four - A good public transport experience - Greater London ...

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Chapter four - A good public transport experience - Greater London ...
A GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORT EXPERIENCE                                          129

                                     Chapter four –
                                     A good public
                                     London has one of the most extensive
                                     public transport networks in the world,
                                     with more than 9 million trips made every
                                     day by bus, tram, Tube, train and river
                                     boat. Use of the public transport system
                                     has increased by 65 per cent since 2000,
                                     largely because of enhanced services
                                     and an improved customer experience.

                                     An easy to use and accessible public
                                     transport system is an essential part
                                     of the Healthy Streets Approach as it
                                     gives people alternatives to car use for
                                     journeys that are not possible on foot or
                                     by cycle. By providing the most efficient
                                     and affordable option for journeys that
                                     are either impractical or too long to walk
                                     or cycle, public transport has helped to
                                     reduce Londoners’ dependency on cars
                                     during the past 15 years and this trend
                                     must continue.

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                                           As it grows, the city requires the public                                       This chapter sets out the importance of             The whole journey
‘By 2041, the                              transport capacity to reduce crowding                                           a whole journey approach, where public              A good public transport experience
                                           and support increasing numbers of                                               transport improvements are an integral              means catering for the whole journey,
public transport                           people travelling more actively, efficiently                                    part of delivering the Healthy Streets              with all its stages, from its planning to
                                           and sustainably. Figure 18 shows that                                           Approach. The chapter then explains                 the return home. All public transport
system will need                           by 2041 the public transport system will                                        in four sections how London’s public                journeys start or finish on foot or by
                                           need to cater for up to around 15 million                                       transport services can be improved for              cycle, and half of all walking in London is
to cater for up to                         trips every day.                                                                all Londoners and also become a more                done to or from public transport stations
                                                                                                                           appealing option than car use by:                   or stops 1. It is essential to integrate
15 million trips                           FORECAST GROWTH IN PUBLIC
                                           TRANSPORT   TRIPS TO 2041
                                                                                                                                                                               bus, Tube, rail and tram services with
                                           FIGURE 18: FORECAST   GROWTH IN PUBLIC                                          a) Improving safety, affordability and              improvements to street environments
every day.’                                TRANSPORT TRIPS TO 2041                                                            customer service so the whole public             to provide Londoners with attractive
                                                                                 20                                           transport network becomes easier and             alternatives to car use.
                                     Public transport trips per day (millions)

                                                                                                                              more convenient to use for more people.
                                                                                                                                                                               The areas around and within stations,
                                                                                                                           b) Improving public transport accessibility         however, can be cluttered and difficult
                                                                                                                              so that disabled and older people can            to navigate, provision for cycle parking
                                                                                 10                                           travel spontaneously and independently.          can be inconsistent, and interchanges
                                                                                                                                                                               between services can be complex.
                                                                                                                           c) Shaping and growing the bus network to
                                                                                                                              provide convenient, reliable, accessible         Stations and stops will be designed for
                                                                                                                             public transport options where they               active, efficient and sustainable onward
                                                                                  0                                          are needed.                                       journeys. The first things passengers
                                                                                            2015                    2041                                                       will see on emerging from the station will
                                                                                                        Year               d) Making rail services the most                    be clear walking directions and maps,
                                                                                                                              efficient way for people to travel               cycle hire facilities, bus connections and
                                                                                 Committed investment          Strategy       longer distances by tackling crowding            an attractive, accessible and inclusive
                                                                                                                              and improving the reliability, comfort           public realm, rather than car parking and
                                                                                                                              and appeal of rail travel.                       pick-up/drop-off spaces.

                                                                                                                           1 London Travel Demand Survey (LTDS) 2013/14-2015/16, TfL analysis

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  Policy 10                                 system will be to achieve year-on-year         Proposal 50
  The Mayor, through TfL and the            increases in the proportion of people who      The Mayor, through TfL and the          a) Sufficient space and desire-line
  boroughs, and working with                walk or cycle for at least 20 minutes a day.   boroughs, will make improvements           connectivity for current and
  stakeholders, will use the Healthy                                                       measured and prioritised against           future volumes of people arriving
  Streets Approach to deliver co-           The healthy, efficient and sustainable         the Healthy Streets Indicators to          and leaving on foot.
  ordinated improvements to public          choice must be the easiest option              transform the design and layout of
  transport and streets to provide an       every time, particularly at places where       street space and transport facilities   b) High-quality provision for
  attractive whole journey experience       people change between transport                around bus, rail, Underground,             cycling, consistent with London
  that will facilitate mode shift away      modes. This will require good quality,         London Overground, DLR and other           Cycling Design Standards,
  from the car.                             secure cycle parking at a level that           stations, and around river piers,          including secure and well-located
                                            meets current demand and provides              as far as practicable, to create           cycle parking.
                                            for future growth. Buses, cycle hire,          safe, secure, accessible, inclusive,
The walk to and from the stop or station,   Dial-a-Ride and community transport            welcoming, well-designed gateways
however short, can be an important part     services will also need to be easy to          and routes to and from public
of staying healthy for many people. A key   access and navigate to, and taxi ranks         transport, including provision of:
measure of a more integrated transport      should be accessible.

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a) Improving safety,                                    transport system. All parts of the                   Policy 11
affordability and                                       public transport network will play an                The Mayor, through TfL and the          c) Training staff on their role in
customer service                                        important role in achieving Vision Zero,             boroughs, and with the DfT, Network        helping customers and users
                                                        eliminating deaths and serious injuries              Rail, train operating companies            stay safe.
Vision Zero for safe public transport                   from London’s transport system by                    and other transport infrastructure
Londoners rightly expect their public                   2041. The policies and proposals in                  providers and service operators, will   d) Developing new and
transport services to be operated                       this chapter, setting out investment                 work to eliminate deaths and serious       more innovative ways of
safely and to be managed and policed                    in new infrastructure and service                    injuries from London’s rail, Tube,         communicating safety messages
to ensure their personal security. After                enhancements, as well as other factors               London Overground, DLR, tram, river        to customers and users.
many years of safe operation, there                     such as staff training, will help develop            and cable car services by:
was a tram overturning on a curve at                    an even safer and more secure public                                                         e) Applying appropriate
Sandilands Junction in November 2016,                   transport system.                                    a) Ensuring that assets and                arrangements for maintenance
in which seven people lost their lives                                                                          infrastructure are maintained to        and other supporting services
and more than 50 people were injured.                   Priorities include reducing the danger                  the required safety standards           that are contracted or licensed.
This tragedy serves as a reminder that                  to users on the transport network itself,               and that all new assets and
safety is paramount. TfL will implement                 for example when boarding and alighting                 infrastructure are designed with     f) Working closely with the
the relevant lessons learnt from both                   trains, and also reducing the danger                    Vision Zero in mind.                    emergency services to ensure
the Rail Accident Investigation Branch                  posed to Londoners more generally, such                                                         rapid response to incidents.
(RAIB) report2 and TfL’s independent                    as that which can be associated with                 b) Identifying and implementing
investigation3 more widely across TfL’s                 level crossings and low railway bridges                 new approaches to reduce or
operations. TfL will continue to work                   over roads.                                             eliminate injuries.
with the wider tram industry to ensure
all the RAIB’s recommendations are                      Sadly, there are a number of suicides
implemented and tram safety continues                   each year on the transport system, and
to improve.                                             a range of measures will continue to be            The Vision Zero approach to road
                                                        taken to prevent this, including working           danger, including bus services, is set
Including and beyond this, the Mayor                    with the rail industry and organisations           out in Chapter three.
is committed to ensuring Londoners                      such as the Samaritans.
can travel safely throughout the entire

2 ‘Overturning of a tram at Sandilands Junction, Croydon, 9 November 2016’, Rail Accident Investigation
  Branch: Rail Accident Report, December 2017

3 ‘Tram overturning at Sandilands, Croydon on 9 November, 2016’, TfL Board Paper: Safety, Sustainability
  and Human Resources Panel – RAIB and TfL Investigations – Update, 22 January 2018

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Making public transport affordable             Policy 12                                   Enhancing customer service                    to accurate real-time information and
A fully inclusive public transport             The Mayor will ensure public                In London, almost every resident, worker      assistance along the way. There should
system would enable all Londoners to           transport fare levels are set to            and visitor is a customer on the city’s       be easy and accessible interchange
take advantage of the opportunities            enable access to affordable travel          transport system. The experience of           between different public transport
the city has to offer. An affordable fares     for all Londoners.                          travelling around London has improved         services and with walking and cycling.
system, both now and in the future, is                                                     significantly in recent years. However,
essential to encouraging a shift from car                                                  there are still too many inconsistencies      This means, for the rail and Underground
to public transport.                         Members of the public who use non-            across the network in terms of quality        network, more frequent and reliable trains;
                                             TfL services will still be subject to fares   and reliability, information provision and    fairer, simpler fares (including extending
To ensure that public transport is           increases, however. Should such rail          general integration between different         Oyster and contactless payment to more
available to those who may find it least     services be devolved to TfL, fares will be    transport options. This can cause stress      stations around the edge of London);
affordable, current concessions (such as     aligned with TfL’s affordable fares policy,   for individuals and, more broadly, weaken     modern, staffed stations; and information
the Freedom Pass) will be maintained. In     with affordability prioritised beyond         Londoners’ confidence in the public           at every stage of the journey. On the
addition, single fares across all current    the current 2020 timeframe. As many           transport system. An improved quality         bus network, there will be improved
TfL services have been frozen until          Londoners as possible should be able to       of service is needed to enable more           customer information during disruption
2020, reducing the cost of using TfL         benefit from affordable public transport      Londoners to positively choose to use         and delays, as well as enhanced on-board
services in real terms. A new ‘Hopper’       services, with the same fares structure       public transport as an alternative to         services (e.g. cleanliness, seating and
fare was introduced in September 2016        and policy applying across the whole          the car.                                      air conditioning). New customer service
and then extended in January 2018            transport system in London, whether or                                                      standards will be developed for bus
to allow customers to make unlimited         not it is provided by TfL.                                                                  stations, and customer-focused training
bus or tram transfers within the hour,                                                       Policy 13                                   – with a continuing emphasis on equality
even if other trips on Oyster modes are                                                      The Mayor, through TfL and                  issues, particularly for older and disabled
made in between. This has improved the         Proposal 51                                   the boroughs, and working with              people – will be delivered to all bus drivers
affordability of those trips that involve      While a Government decision on                stakeholders, will seek to make the         and front-line staff.
the use of multiple buses or trams. It         further devolution of rail to London          public transport network easier
has, in particular, delivered savings to       has not been forthcoming, the                 and more pleasant to use, enabling          With 27 million journeys taking place in
those who are unable to afford rail travel     Mayor will press the Government               customers to enjoy comfortable,             London every day, inevitably sometimes
over longer distances, and helped make         to match TfL’s fares freeze in                confident, safe and secure,                 things will go wrong, so it is important
the cost of travel by bus or tram more         London until 2020, and to prioritise          informed and stress-free travel.            that TfL and other transport service
competitive compared to journeys by car.       affordability beyond then.                                                                providers support customers when
                                                                                                                                         this happens. When there is service
                                                                                           Getting the basics right                      disruption, customers need to be given
                                                                                           Across all modes, what customers value        up-to-date information that enables them
                                                                                           the most is the service provider ‘getting     to make alternative travel arrangements.
                                                                                           the basics right’. This means providing a     Customers should be confident that
                                                                                           reliable public transport service that gets   staff are helpful, knowledgeable and
                                                                                           customers to their destination safely and     empowered to assist whenever they
                                                                                           on time. Customers should have access         need help.

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        Customers should feel that they can                                                 Consistent level of service
        trust the fares system. It is important                                             Customers value a consistently good
        that people are charged the cheapest                                                service. TfL’s management of more of
        fare and that any errors are fixed. As                                              London’s suburban rail network would
        part of that commitment, TfL and other                                              support this, bringing staffed stations
        operators should put in place initiatives                                           and a consistent level of service to areas
        to reduce the number of maximum fares                                               beyond the existing Tube and London
        charged should customers forget to                                                  Overground networks. TfL has a proven
        ‘touch out’, for example charging Oyster                                            record of improving customer satisfaction
        and contactless customers an average                                                on London’s transport system. Figure 19
        fare based on journey history. And, if                                              shows the improvement when TfL took
        customers need a refund for any reason,                                             over and invested in the London
        the process must be easy to follow.                                                 Overground network.

      JOURNEY STAGES, 2009/10-2016/17
                                     200                                                                                          200

                                     90                                                                                           180

                                     80                                                                                           160
Overall customer evaluation score

                                     150                                                                                                Journey stages (millions)
                                     70                                                                                           140

                                     60                                                                                           120

                                     100                                                                                          100

                                     40                                                                                           80

                                     30                                                                                           60
                                     20                                                                                           40

                                     10                                                                                           20

                                      00                                                                                          0
                                           2009-10    2010-11     2011-12     2012-13    2013-14    2014-15   2015-16   2016-17
                                    Overall customer evaluation score       Journey stages

Chapter four - A good public transport experience - Greater London ...

Londoners’ travel habits are changing and      On the rail and Underground networks,       Proposal 52
off-peak, weekend and night-time public        rolling out WiFi to more stations will      The Mayor, through TfL and the
transport services also need to be better      support staff in providing customer         boroughs, and working with other
developed, enabling London to become a         information. Staff will be equipped with    transport operators, will improve
fully 24-hour city that is open to everyone,   mobile devices to provide real-time         customer service across the
with a strong night-time economy.              information to customers, and               transport system with a focus on:
Devolution of suburban rail services           personalised and relevant live
to the Mayor would help integrate the          information will be integrated into         a) Improved staff training, including
provision of services and achieve a more       Journey Planner and Twitter travel             the training of bus drivers.
consistent experience for customers            alerts. The London Underground is
across the public transport system.            one of the most high-profile 'not-          b) Providing a more consistent level
                                               spots' in the country and, building on         of service across all transport
Innovation                                     the improvements in communication              modes (including rail services
More than 80 per cent of Londoners             technology for the emergency services,         where devolved from the DfT).
now use the TfL website and 5 million          4G mobile communications will be
people follow TfL on Twitter. In addition,     provided on the Underground. This           c) Making the most of new
more than 40 per cent of Londoners             gives a unique opportunity to provide          technology and innovations
use some of the 600 apps powered by            public cellular services and in 2019 the       in customer service, including
TfL data. Customer expectations will           Elizabeth line is planned to be one of         provision of mobile phone
continue to evolve as new information          the first lines to offer 4G connectivity.      access underground.
technology emerges. Innovations in
customer service are essential to attract      On the bus network, vehicle layouts
Londoners to public transport, walking         and branding could be varied to reflect
and cycling, and to make services more         customer needs on different types
accessible and inclusive.                      of route. New ‘mobility’ models could
                                               also be explored, for example demand-
                                               responsive services, where these can
                                               make public transport a more attractive
                                               alternative to the car.

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                                     b) Improving public transport                  Addressing these barriers, to create a           Policy 14
                                     accessibility and inclusivity                  more accessible and inclusive public             The Mayor, through TfL and the
                                                                                    transport system, will enable new trips to       boroughs, and working with
                                     Making the public transport system             be made by disabled and older people,            stakeholders, will seek to enhance
                                     more accessible and inclusive is critical      as well as making their current trips            London’s streets and public
                                     to delivering a better whole journey           easier and quicker. This will improve            transport network to enable
                                     experience for disabled people and the         social integration by giving more                disabled and older people to more
                                     growing number of older people, and will       people a chance to participate in the            easily travel spontaneously and
                                     also ensure that public transport is easier    opportunities that London has to offer,          independently, making the transport
                                     to use for all Londoners. The transport        helping create a more inclusive city.            system navigable and accessible
                                     system needs to be able to cater for                                                            to all and reducing the additional
                                     journeys made by people with a range of        Accessibility improvements should be             journey time that disabled and older
                                     visible and invisible disabilities. These      complemented by ensuring that the                users can experience.
                                     include mental health conditions, long-        transport network is better connected
                                     term health conditions, impaired mobility,     across and within all modes and spaces
                                     and visual or hearing impairments.             through which people travel. Vehicles,         Enabling spontaneous and
                                                                                    stops, stations and streets should             independent travel
                                     However, the current public transport          be designed to be as inclusive and             Currently, 45 per cent of disabled
                                     system can present a range of barriers         accessible as possible, taking account         Londoners find planning and making trips
                                     to its use by disabled and older people.       of the needs of all users. There should        by public transport stressful, sometimes
                                     These barriers include the need to             be a focus on the needs of customers           having to rely on staff assistance to
                                     frequently plan journeys across a              by providing good information and              board and alight trains, as well as often
                                     complex network in a high level of detail      communication, and passenger support           having fewer alternative options should
                                     and in advance, inconsistent levels of         and assistance should be available,            services be delayed or disrupted. This
                                     staff availability and assistance, and         particularly when services are delayed         can make it difficult for disabled and
                                     the often poor physical accessibility of       or disrupted. Accessibility and inclusion      older people to feel they can depend on
                                     stations and interchanges. The extent          also means that all members of the             public transport to travel spontaneously
                                     that these barriers limit travel varies from   public feel safe and secure when               and independently – to ‘turn up and go’.
                                     person to person, and some barriers            travelling. Transport operators must
                                     for some people can be so significant          place a greater focus on the needs
                                     that they prevent them from using the          of all those travelling to help improve
                                     network entirely.                              their services. They should embed
                                                                                    accessibility and inclusivity in all aspects
                                                                                    of their transport planning and delivery.

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Continuing to improve journey planning         • Where a lift is unavailable at a Tube,    Proposal 53                              Making bus services more accessible
tools and travel mentoring programmes            TfL Rail or Overground station, staff     The Mayor, through TfL and working       and inclusive
will be important in helping disabled and        will help customers plan an alternative   with transport operators, will enable    Buses are typically the most common form
older people feel confident in using the         route, or, where a reasonable             spontaneous and independent              of public transport used by older people,
public transport network. The availability       alternative is not available, will book   travel for disabled and older            disabled people and those travelling with
of staff to assist, should this be required,     a taxi (at TfL’s cost) to take them to    people by:                               children, often with prams or buggies.
is also important to enable journeys to be       their destination or another step-free                                             Buses are a relatively accessible form
made spontaneously and independently.            station to continue their journey         a) Improving journey planning tools,     of public transport – all London buses
                                                                                              ensuring advances in technology       meet strict accessibility requirements,
TfL has staff at all Tube, TfL Rail, and       • Staff on board DLR and trams are             make the tools more accessible        and 95 per cent of bus stops are now
Overground stations when services are            available to assist                          and easier to use; and guiding        wheelchair accessible. Specific training
running, while some piers, all boats, the                                                     people to the most accessible         on helping those users with accessibility
Emirates Air Line and Victoria Coach           • Staff should be easy to find at VCS,         journey options.                      needs is being delivered to bus drivers,
Station (VCS) are staffed. Trams and             Emirates Air Line terminals and on                                                 and TfL works with bus operators to
buses are staffed by the driver and the          piers and boats                           b) Providing travel mentoring and        ensure this training is put into practice
DLR has a Passenger Service Assistant                                                         other opportunities to help           in daily service provision. Nevertheless,
on every train. This means that:               • Help points can be found and easily          Londoners gain confidence to          on-board crowding, competition for
                                                 accessed for assistance throughout           use public transport.                 the designated wheelchair space and
• There is no need to book in advance to         TfL’s networks to request information                                              the internal layout of the vehicle can
  use TfL services                               or speak to staff in an emergency         c) Continuing to provide the current     negatively impact the experience of
                                                                                              ‘turn-up-and-go’ service at           using buses. There is therefore a real
• Station staff are able to accompany          ‘Turn up and go’ is provided on London         all TfL-operated stations, and        need to further improve bus accessibility
  customers to the train, help them            Overground and will be introduced on           providing it at additional stations   through future bus design.
  board, including providing a ramp            London’s other local stopping services         where national rail services are
  where step-free access is only to            (shown in Figure 29) where responsibility      devolved to TfL.                      In addition to making more bus stops
  the platform, and arrange for them           for them is devolved to TfL from the DfT.                                            wheelchair accessible, at key locations
  to be met at their destination. Staff                                                    d) Continuing to seek and act on         such as interchanges, a higher level of
  are also encouraged to offer help                                                           feedback from disabled and            improvements will include improving
  to anyone who looks like they may                                                           older Londoners regarding public      shelters, seating, interchange
  need assistance                                                                             transport services.                   information, and locating stops as close
                                                                                                                                    as possible to key destinations with
                                                                                                                                    excellent walking links.

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  Proposal 54                                                                              consistent wayfinding, tactile paving,
  The Mayor, through TfL and                       board space for wheelchair              soft-touch hand rails, accessible ticket
  the boroughs, will improve bus                   users, improved boarding ramps,         machines, more seating for people who
  accessibility by:                                induction loops and consistent          struggle to stand, and extending the use
                                                   signage and messages regarding          of hearing-aid induction loops across
  a) Continuing to provide improved                priority seating.                       the network. Most of the network now
     accessibility training to all bus                                                     has these features, but TfL will continue
     drivers and working with operators         d) Continuing to upgrade existing          to review them to make sure they are of
     to ensure they are meeting their              bus stops, including hail and           ongoing benefit to users.
     requirements for the level of                 ride route sections, so that they
     service that their drivers provide.           meet the wheelchair accessible          TfL has already set ambitious aims to
                                                   standard, and ensuring that             improve step-free access, and is working
  b) Reviewing existing bus design,                all new and amended bus stops           to make 40 per cent of the Tube network
     including opportunities for                   will be wheelchair accessible as        step-free by 2022 (a significant increase
     increasing wheelchair space and               a minimum.                              from the current 26 per cent). In this
     internal layout to ease movement                                                      time, TfL will develop proposals for a
     and improve safety.                        e) Delivering a higher level of            further tranche of step-free stations
                                                   bus stop accessibility at key           for delivery beyond 2022. The Mayor’s
  c) Ensuring that new buses                       locations, such as major transport      longer-term aim is for the majority
     provide better accessibility for              interchanges and key health and         of the Tube network to be step-free,
     all users, including more on-                 education hubs.                         recognising that some locations will be
                                                                                           very difficult to retrospectively make
                                                                                           step-free because of the age and layout
                                                                                           of the original station. Network Rail must
Making Tube, rail and other services          the quickest route on average across         continue to make national rail stations
more accessible and inclusive                 London, although this is considerably        step-free in parallel, so that the overall
London’s Tube and rail network brings         higher in areas served by Tube lines with    transport network is more accessible.
travel opportunities to millions of people,   few step-free stations (see Figure 21).      Level access, platform humps and
but for people who are older or disabled,                                                  boarding ramps must be available at
or who are travelling with luggage or         The inclusive and accessible design          stations so that people can board trains,
young children, it can sometimes be hard      of stations and services is essential to     with staff available who are trained to
to get around and journeys that require       open up the full potential of the rail and   assist, to provide a ‘turn-up-and-go’
a step-free route often take longer than      Tube network to all Londoners, including     service for those who require assistance
those that do not. TfL analysis suggests      disabled and older people. This includes     such as some people with visual
that journeys by step-free routes             providing accessible and up-to-date          impairments and wheelchair users.
take about 15 per cent longer than            information on access, appropriate and

A GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORT EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                                             149

Tube improvement programmes will              Proposal 55                              Figure 21 shows the reduction in the                   of extending flexibility and choice in how
benefit disabled and older people and         The Mayor, through TfL and working       difference in journey times between the                and when to use ATS. When completed,
those travelling with young children in       with the DfT, Network Rail and           step-free and the full network that the                there will be a single integrated service
two main ways. Firstly, they will provide     other stakeholders, will make the        strategy will deliver in the period to 2041.           that gives customers seamless access
greater capacity and thus reduce              transport network more accessible                                                               to a range of transport options, including
crowding (one of the most significant         and inclusive by:                        Assisted Transport Services                            London’s public transport and core ATS.
barriers to travel for disabled people).                                               The proposals set out above will make                  As the improved service is implemented,
Secondly, the new trains that will be         a) Using Inclusive Design, for           the public transport network more                      TfL will engage with other service
introduced as part of the programmes             example for station and train         accessible for disabled and older                      providers to investigate opportunities for
will incorporate inclusive design features       layout and facilities, including      people. However, there is also a                       further integration to establish a broader
such as spaces for wheelchairs and baby          signing, information and seating,     pressing need to deliver a more reliable               coverage of London.
buggies, improved lighting, and visual           giving consideration to those with    and convenient service for older and
and audible real-time information. Their         visible and invisible disabilities.   disabled Londoners who require door-
design, together with platform humps at                                                to-door transport services such as TfL’s                  Proposal 56
some stations, will also make it easier for   b) Providing step-free access at         Dial-a-Ride and the Taxicard scheme                       The Mayor, through TfL and the
those in wheelchairs to board and alight.        selected rail and Underground         operated by London Councils. Services                     boroughs, will design Assisted
                                                 stations and on all new               such as these, together with TfL’s travel                 Transport Services around the
New infrastructure will be designed              infrastructure, to halve the          mentoring service, are known collectively                 principles of safe and reliable
from the outset to be accessible and             additional journey time required by   as Assisted Transport Services (ATS).                     journeys, convenience, flexibility
inclusive, and new lines and extensions          those using the step-free network                                                               and choice, integration and
will therefore open up significant new           only, so that journey times on        TfL has undertaken a review of the                        innovation, delivering the Roadmap
journey opportunities for disabled and           the step-free network become          provision of ATS and developed a                          by 2021, and continuing to provide
older people. Notably, the Elizabeth line        comparable to those on the wider      Roadmap 4 for London to have world-                       the service to those who need it.
and Crossrail 2 will transform the ease          public transport network.             leading service provision by 2021.
with which disabled and older people can                                               The Roadmap identifies five design
access central London.                        c) Providing step-free access at         principles: safe and reliable journeys;                Figure 20 sets out the proposed
                                                 further national rail stations        convenience; flexibility and choice;                   timetable for delivering accessibility
In addition to bus, rail and Tube                in London.                            integration; and innovation. Actions in the            improvements.
services, to ensure the whole journey                                                  Roadmap include: establishing a simpler
is accessible, improvements to the            d) Improving the accessibility of taxi   way to access ATS that will initially
accessibility of taxi ranks, river piers         ranks, river piers and services,      be hosted on the TfL website; better
and services, and VCS (and its                   and Victoria Coach Station (and       informing Londoners of what services
potential replacement), should continue          its potential replacement).           are available to support them, their
to be made.                                                                            family or friends; and piloting new ways

                                                                                       4 ‘Assisted Transport Services’, TfL Board Paper: Customer Service and Operational Performance Panel,
                                                                                         1 November 2017

A GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORT EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                                                                              151

                                                                                                                                               Supporting        Service           Upgrading         Station       Network
FIGURE 20: ACCESSIBILITY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN                                                                                          Key:     programmes        enhancements      infrastructure    upgrades      extensions

                                                   NOW                             2020                          2025                          2030                          2035                         2040
Enabling              Accessible streets           Embed accessibility and inclusivity in the planning           Continue to deliver improvements to London’s streets, including safe and accessible walking routes, removing
spontaneous and                                    and design of Liveable Neighbourhoods, Vision Zero            obstacles, widening pavements, providing tactile paving and seating, making crossing easier and catering for
independent travel                                 schemes and other Healthy Streets programmes                  cycles used by disabled people
                      Customer service and staff   Improve accessible              Continue to improve on-street and online navigation and journey planning tools
                                                   journey planning and
                                                   information provision
                                                   Implement fare freeze and       Continue to ensure public transport fare levels are set to enable access to affordable travel for all Londoners
                                                   extend Hopper offering
                                                   Deliver staff training programmes
                      Safety and security          Ensure that crime and the fear of crime remain low on London’s streets and transport system through designing secure environments and by providing dedicated
                                                   specialist and integrated policing for London’s transport system
                      Public transport             Continue to deliver improvements that make public transport easier for all users, including embedding the principles of Inclusive Design at stations,
                                                   a review of ‘turn up and go’, and providing a more consistent level of service across all TfL operated services
                      Taxis                        Deliver accessible taxi ranks
Making bus services   Customer service and staff   Deliver bus driver training programmes
more accessible
and inclusive         Bus infrastructure           Deliver accessible bus stops
                                                   Deliver wheelchair accessible bus stops,
                                                   to achieve 95% in all boroughs
                                                   Deliver bus priority to improve reliability
                      Bus services                 Adjust bus service volumes to reflect changing patterns of demand

A GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORT EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                                                                                 153

                                                                                                                                                   Supporting        Service        Upgrading        Station        Network
FIGURE 20: ACCESSIBILITY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (CONTINUED)                                                                                  Key:     programmes        enhancements   infrastructure   upgrades       extensions

                                                         NOW                           2020                          2025                          2030                          2035                     2040
Making Tube, rail    National rail and                   Deliver step-free            Deliver Access for All step-free upgrades at rail stations (5-10 stations every 5 years)
and other services   London Overground                   upgrades at national rail
more accessible                                          and London Overground
and inclusive                                            stations (eg Blackhorse
                                                         Road, Brondesbury and
                                                         West Hampstead)
                                                         Deliver station capacity and improvement schemes on national rail network
                                                         Introduce new London
                                                         Overground rolling-stock
                     Tube stations                       Deliver 14 step-free         Deliver approximately         Deliver approximately         Deliver approximately 15 step-free Tube stations       Deliver additional
                     (step-free and capacity             Tube stations                25 step-free Tube stations    15 step-free Tube stations                                                           step-free Tube stations
                     upgrades including step-free)
                                                         Deliver Tube station         Deliver Tube station          Deliver Tube station
                                                         capacity and improvement     capacity and improvement      capacity and
                                                         schemes (eg Tottenham        schemes (eg Camden Town       improvement schemes
                                                         Court Road)                                                (eg Holborn)
                     Approximate number of               86                           111                            126                          141
                     step-free Tube stations
                     (end of period)

                     Tube improvement                    Deliver Four-Line modernisation programme                   Deliver Deep Tube            Deliver Deep Tube
                     programme                                                                                       upgrade – Piccadilly line    upgrade – Bakerloo,
                     (new trains and reduced crowding)                                                                                            Central and Waterloo
                                                                                                                                                  & City lines
                                                         Deliver Tube upgrade programme – Jubilee, Northern and Victoria lines
                     DLR & tram                          Deliver DLR and tram upgrades to increase capacity and improve reliability
                     River & coach                       Improve accessibility at river piers and Victoria Coach Station (and its potential replacement)
                     New infrastructure                  Deliver Northern line                                      Deliver Elizabeth line extension east of Abbey Wood
                     (new step-free and improved         extension (including                                       (step-free access in outer south east London)
                     connectivity by accessible
                     public transport)                   2 step-free stations)
                                                                                                                    Deliver Bakerloo line         Deliver Bakerloo line extension beyond Lewisham
                                                         Deliver Elizabeth line                                     extension to Lewisham         (step-free access in south east London)
                                                         (including 41                                              (step-free access in inner
                                                         step-free stations)                                        south east London)            Deliver Crossrail 2
                                                                                                                                                  (step-free access to and
                                                                                                                                                  through central London
                                                                                                                                                  from north and south
                                                                                                                                                  west London)
Assisted Transport                                       Deliver Assisted Transport   Continue to provide a single integrated Assisted Transport Service to those who need it
Services review                                          Services roadmap

A GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORT EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                                  155

2015 AND 2041
                                                                                              c) Shaping and growing the                     The role of the bus in reducing
2015                                                                                          bus network                                    car dependency
                                                                                                                                             The bus network has been carefully
                                                                                              Buses play a unique role in the life of        developed over the past decades to
                                                                                              London – they are the most accessible          accommodate changing travel demands.
                                                                                              form of public transport, and they             The transport network and passenger
                                                                                              provide the widest and densest network         expectations are ever changing and
                                                                                              of travel options for distances that are       further service development is required
                                                                                              too long to walk or cycle. Good bus            to adapt to these recent changes.
                                                                                              services are fundamental to achieving
                                                            Difference in journey time        less reliance on the car, making efficient     The beauty of the bus network is that
                                                                   Higher                     use of street space and supporting             it is flexible – routes are relatively easy
                                                                                              London’s sustainable growth.                   to add and remove compared to Tube
                                                                                                                                             and rail lines, so they can be much more
                                                                                              In parts of inner and outer London, making     responsive to changes in demand than
  0       5 miles                                                                             the bus a more attractive option than the      other forms of public transport. This means
                                                                                              car will require significant enhancements      that buses can be important in supporting
  0    5 km
                                                                                              to bus services. Trip times must be            regeneration and social integration –
                                                            Differences are indicative only
                                                                                              comparable to car journey times and good       where there may not be the justification
                                                                                              quality bus stations, bus stops and other      for investing in expensive, permanent
                                                                                              facilities are vital. Alongside this, better   rail infrastructure, new bus routes can be
2041                                                                                          customer communication and branding            planned to connect new communities and
                                                                                              are needed to make the bus network both        support housing and jobs growth.
                                                                                              easier to understand and more appealing
                                                                                              to existing and future customers.              This flexibility also makes buses the
                                                                                                                                             perfect means of providing convenient
                                                                                                                                             public transport options in areas of
                                                                                                Policy 15                                    London that are changing. As the Healthy
                                                                                                The Mayor, through TfL and the               Streets Approach is applied to realise
                                                            Difference in journey time          boroughs, and working with                   the benefits of more walking, cycling
                                                                   Higher                       stakeholders, will transform the             and public transport use across the city,
                                                                                                quality of bus services so that they         the character of many parts of London
                                                                                                offer faster, more reliable, accessible,     will change over time. Using buses to
                                                                                                comfortable and convenient travel            support these changes will allow public
                                                                                                by public transport, while being             transport links to be added where they
  0       5 miles                                                                               integrated with, and complementing,          are needed now, and potentially reviewed
  0    5 km                                                                                     the rail and Tube networks.                  as cycling and walking become more
                                                            Differences are indicative only                                                  common options in the future.

A GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORT EXPERIENCE                                                       157

The Healthy Streets Approach will            Re-shaping the bus network
support buses by reasserting the             The current strategy for bus network
priority of walking, cycling and public      development is to redistribute resources
transport over car use, and taking an        to reflect changing patterns of demand.
integrated approach to planning these        There has been, and will continue to
complementary modes. It is therefore         be, a fall in demand for buses in central
important at this pivotal moment in the      London as passengers transfer to
future of London’s transport system that     the new and upgraded rail network
a strategic view of how the bus network      (e.g. Elizabeth line) and to cycling and
operates is taken.                           walking. Demand for buses is expected
                                             to increase in outer London, where the
It is essential that TfL’s bus services      potential for mode shift to buses and
match demand from Londoners and              for housing growth is greatest. TfL will
visitors, and attract new users by being     therefore re-shape the bus network to
seen as a viable alternative to the car,     increase its focus on outer London. This
if they are to fulfil their potential for    will help improve bus services in outer
supporting London’s transport future. It     London – right now, and continuing in the
will be important to make the most of the    medium and longer term.
flexibility of the bus network to reduce
and remove existing services where           Bus services will be focused on streets
they are no longer required in central       where high-quality bus priority can
and inner London, and use this freed-        be provided, ensuring reliable and
up capacity to provide new or improved       quick services (see Figure 22). In
services in outer London. This may be        central London, bus services could be
in existing neighbourhoods that are          concentrated on streets where they
poorly served, locations of significant      can be given the high priority required
new housing growth where demand is           and thereby significantly increase
expected to increase, or in locations        reliability. Concentrating services on to
where buses can feed new or enhanced         fewer routes with higher frequencies
rail services, such as the Elizabeth line.   on these streets would reduce waiting
TfL will listen to borough views when        times for most passengers and offer a
making these changes. This will have an      simpler network for all bus passengers.
important part to play in achieving the      This would create a genuine network of
strategy’s aim of reducing the damaging      high-frequency, reliable bus services
effects of car dependency, particularly in   across central London, using the Healthy
outer London.                                Streets Approach to design in benefits

A GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORT EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                                          159

for people walking, cycling and using                  This strategic approach is supported           Across London, reasonable and reliable         Protecting buses from congestion will
public transport.                                      by focused reviews of services, such           bus journey times are essential to             require a bus priority programme that
                                                       as a recently completed study of bus           the attractiveness of bus services to          uses investment in specific, high-quality
In outer London, new or enhanced bus                   routes serving hospitals. This research        existing and potential customers. TfL          street changes that will protect bus
services will be introduced to reduce                  concluded that, while most hospitals           will make sure bus routes are adequately       journey times and improve reliability.
car dependency and support growth,                     have a good bus service, changes in            resourced, contracts are incentivised to
particularly around Elizabeth line stations            NHS service provision mean that some           ensure reliable journeys, and supporting       Bus priority programme
and in areas where housing growth is                   bus services could need to be adjusted.        infrastructure (e.g. bus priority, stops and   TfL will start by making the best use
expected, including Barking Riverside,                 A specific set of proposals 5 has been         stands) is protected and enhanced.             of existing bus priority by reviewing
Croydon, Royal Docks, Colindale and the                developed by TfL, which will require                                                          the hours of operation and reducing
Lee Valley.                                            additional funding and infrastructure          However, the greatest threat to journey        interference from general traffic. The
                                                       such as bus stands.                            times and reliability is from road             Mayor will review whether lanes that
As outer London becomes more                                                                          congestion caused by cars and other            do not currently operate in off-peak
densely populated, new types of                                                                       traffic as well as by the increasing           hours, late evening or on Saturdays and
service could allow buses to play an                      Proposal 57                                 volume of utilities road works. Buses          Sundays, should be extended to operate
increasing role in allowing longer trips                  The Mayor, through TfL, will adjust         therefore need to be given greater             at these times or on these days. This can
to be carried out without people having                   bus service volumes, and consider           priority on London’s streets.                  be delivered quickly and at low cost.
to rely on cars. These could include                      new types of bus service, to
‘express’ services, running on the same                   support measures to reduce car use                                                         Further bus priority will be essential to
corridors as ‘local’ routes, but with                     in conjunction with improvements              Proposal 58                                  give Londoners a good public transport
fewer stops so longer journeys can                        to rail services and walking and              The Mayor, through TfL and working           experience. This will be planned in
be conducted more quickly. To allow                       cycling environments.                         with the boroughs, will protect              a new, holistic way with other road
both express and local services to                                                                      buses from congestion by:                    users: for example, opportunities for
run smoothly, at high frequency, this                                                                                                                further improvements for cycling will be
approach works best where bus demand                   Improving bus journey times                      a) Putting people walking, cycling           integrated into the scheme design. This
is high, and where buses can be given                  and reliability                                     and using public transport at the         will achieve the best result for public
high priority and allowed to flow freely.              Taking the Healthy Streets Approach                 heart of street network design,           transport, walking, cycling and essential
In places where this is possible, express              in inner and outer London will require              with the needs of bus passengers          freight, as well as improving the public
routes could help to provide orbital                   a significant uplift in the number of               considered alongside those of             realm and reducing emissions.
connectivity around outer London,                      journeys made by bus instead of car.                people walking and cycling at the
something that was previously only                                                                         earliest stages of scheme design.         Central London is where there is the
thought achievable through rail provision.                                                                                                           greatest opportunity to improve bus
                                                                                                        b) Prioritising buses alongside              journey times and reliability through the
                                                                                                           walking and cycling provision             deployment of bus priority measures.
                                                                                                           in day-to-day management of               These will include 24-hour bus lanes
                                                                                                           disruption on the street network.         and bus- and cycle-only corridors, all
5 ‘Review of Bus Services to London’s Hospitals’, TfL Board Paper: Customer Service and Operational                                                  of which will help to make bus services
  Performance Panel, 13 July 2017

A GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORT EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                              161

in central London simple to use as well     must also work well for the communities         The provision of reliable bus services        Demand-responsive services
as improving air quality and future-        and town centres they pass through.             also requires infrastructure to support       New types of bus service, such as
proofing the bus network from further       Measures to improve bus reliability on          their operation, including suitably located   services that operate flexibly in response
congestion impacts.                         these routes will include revised bus           bus stands and facilities for drivers.        to levels and location of demand, are
                                            lane hours, traffic signal priority, policing                                                 being developed across the world
Many of the main radial roads in inner      and enforcement, behaviour change               Improved bus services and bus priority        as different business models and
London are key bus routes to central        initiatives and priority measures. To           are also essential in supporting the          technologies evolve. If designed well,
London. They carry large numbers of         improve air quality, low emission buses         provision of new homes and jobs. This is      these could complement walking, cycling
people and it is essential they continue    will be deployed along these routes.            addressed in Chapter five.                    and traditional public transport use in
to do this reliably. But these bus routes                                                                                                 London to support the shift away from
                                                                                            All of the above can only be successful       car dependency. However, services
                                                                                            if the public has an ongoing opportunity      that operate with the wrong vehicles or
                                                                                            to shape and comment on TfL’s plans.          in the wrong places could discourage
  Proposal 59                                                                               Accordingly, targeted consultation will       walking, cycling and public transport
  The Mayor, through TfL and the                 bus lane hours and to fill the gaps        be carried out on all service changes,        use, potentially threatening the viability
  boroughs, will seek to improve bus             in bus priority on the busiest             and TfL will work with boroughs to            of existing bus services, which many
  journey times and reliability by:              bus routes. These bus lanes                discuss aspirations for bus priority          people rely on. The proposed approach
                                                 represent a valuable transport             and local bus networks. This work will        to demand-responsive services and
  a) Developing a core network of                asset and they must be utilised            continue to benefit from the expertise        other new transport models is set out in
     reliable bus services in central            when bus passengers and people             of bus operators, who have an essential       Chapter six.
     London, through the provision of            cycling need them most.                    role to play in the delivery of a high-
     bus priority corridors.                                                                quality network.
                                              d) Improving conditions for buses
  b) Delivering bus priority to support          serving inner and outer London
     the low emission buses being                town centres and providing
     rolled out in the 12 Low Emission           orbital links.
     Bus Zones. Improvements will
     include signal schemes and               e) Delivering bus priority in areas
     reviewing bus lane hours.                   of growth to support frequency
                                                 increases, for example to new
  c) Delivering bus priority on the              developments, and for bus
     busiest passenger links, including          services providing links to
     working with the boroughs to                new rail services, such as the
     undertake a data-led review of all          Elizabeth line.

A GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORT EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                                                                                             163


                                                                                                                 E nfi eld


                                                                 Edgw a re

                                                                                                        G reen               Walthamstow

                                                               Ha r row                                                                                                   Upminster

                                  U x br i dge
                                                                                Old Oak                                              Stratford            Dagenham

                                                 S outh a ll     Ea lin g

                                                                       Ch is w ick
                                                                                                                                                                                        Central Activities Zone
                                                                                                                                                                                        Bus priority/transit in growth areas and town centres
                                                                  R ich mon d
                            H e a t h row                                                                                                    E ltham
                                                                                                                                                                                        Low Emission Bus Zones
                                                                                         Clapham                                   Lewisham
                                                                                                                                                                                        Busiest bus links
                                                                                         Junction                                                           Bexley
                                                                                                                                                                                        Proposed Silvertown Tunnel (potential new bus routes)
                                                                                     Wimble don                                                                                         Tram network
                                                                  Kin gs ton
                                                                                                            Croydon                        Bromley
                                                                                                                                                                                        Strategic interchange

                                                                                                                                                                                  Current and potential express corridors

                                                                                                                                                                                         Existing express and limited stop services

                                                                                                                                                                                         Potential orbital express and limited stop corridors
                                                                                              S utton
                                                                                                                                                                                         Potential radial express and limited stop corridors

                                                                                                                                                                                  Central London

                                                                                                                                                                                         Oxford Street transformation
 0                5 miles
                                                                                                                                                                                         Bus priority in central London
 0         5 km

A GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORT EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                               165

d) Improving rail services and                railways focused on central London           FIGURE 23: PUBLIC TRANSPORT TRAVEL TIME TO THE CENTRAL ACTIVITIES ZONE, 2015
tackling crowding                             enables the strong concentration of
                                              employment located there.
The importance of rail and Tube
London is more dependent on rail              Figure 23 shows that residents of
than any other city in the UK: 70 per         most of London can reach the Central
cent of all rail travel (including Tube       Activities Zone (CAZ) in under an hour,
journeys) in the UK is to, from or within     with most inner London residents able to
London. London’s success is bound up          reach the centre in less than 45 minutes.
with the future of its rail services.
The Mayor will continue to improve the        Tube and rail services are of essential
Tube, London Overground, DLR and              importance to the functioning of the city,
tram services. It is vitally important that   but too often the experience of using
Network Rail and the train operating          them is not good enough. Crowding
companies (TOCs) better serve London’s        is a real problem on most routes into
needs, and that the Mayor has greater         central London on a daily basis: people
input and influence over the planning         struggle to get on board trains and
and delivery of their services.               experience uncomfortable journeys.
                                              It is also a significant barrier to using                                                                       Central Activities Zone
Rail transport is critical to securing        public transport for certain users such as                                                                 Travel time
London’s economic growth and future           disabled people and those travelling with
                                                                                                                                                              less than 30 minutes
prosperity. The rail-based transport          young children.
                                                                                                                                                              30 to 45 minutes
network has enabled central London
to develop by facilitating access to                                                       0             5 miles                                              45 to 60 minutes
a wide labour pool from well beyond             Policy 16                                                                                                     more than 60 minutes
                                                                                           0      5 km
London’s boundaries, assisting business         The Mayor, through TfL and the
connections and allowing supply chain           boroughs, and working with
linkages. Rail-based modes of travel            stakeholders, will seek to transform
make up 80 per cent of the 1.3 million          London’s rail-based services to
trips to central London in an average           provide safer, modern, reliable,
weekday morning peak period. The                integrated, accessible and user-
network of national rail and TfL lines          friendly services, with improved
needed to concentrate and then                  journey times and an increase in
disperse such a volume of people is             capacity of at least 80 per cent
vast, and the ‘hyper-connectivity’ and          by 2041 to tackle crowding and
capacity of the existing network of             facilitate mode shift to rail.

A GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORT EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                                                  167

Growth and crowding on radial services       crowded parts of the network. This might     A sufficient increase in capacity can only          the network. Rail capacity improvements
to central London                            mean walking or cycling in the morning       be achieved through building new lines,             to central London are shown in Figure 25.
Crowding currently exceeds four people       peak, for example, rather than making a      in particular Crossrail 2, and getting the          All the improvements contained in this
standing per square metre on six out         short journey on a crowded Tube service.     most out of the existing network (see               strategy and set out in this chapter and
of ten Tube lines coming into central        The provision of information both            Figure 24). The strategy will increase              Chapter five are needed to achieve this
London. Crowding is also severe on           before and during the journey should         capacity on all routes to enable growth             capacity increase.
some national rail lines, such as those      be improved, making the most of new          and relieve the most crowded sections of
coming into Waterloo. At 60 per cent         technological opportunities as they arise,
of stations within Zone 1, Tube trains       to enable Londoners to make best use of
depart with crowding in excess of four       their available travel options.              FIGURE 24: PROPOSED RAIL AND TUBE CAPACITY INCREASES, 2015-2041,
people standing per square metre. This is                                                 MORNING PEAK HOUR
particularly challenging at Tube stations
serving national rail termini, with more       Proposal 60
than 75 per cent of stations affected.         The Mayor, through TfL, will seek to
This can make it difficult to board trains     consistently deliver real-time data,                                             Crossrail 2
in some cases, and delays journeys.            information and visualisations for
                                                                                                                                                                    Elizabeth line
                                               the Tube, rail, buses and streets                                   High
Employment growth will exacerbate              via multiple customer channels.                                    Speed 2

this, generating an increase in travel by      TfL will develop real-time tools for
all rail modes of more than 50 per cent        operational staff to improve the
by 2041. A step-change in capacity will        communication of overcrowding                   Elizabeth line
be needed to address both of these             and congestion information
challenges. If just the current investment     to customers.
programme (which excludes Crossrail                                                                                                                         Elizabeth line

2) were followed, crowding on the Tube
                                                                                                                                                           Bakerloo line
and rail networks would increase to well     Most people travelling on crowded parts                              Crossrail 2                               extension
in excess of tolerable levels on some        of the public transport system, however,
services in the morning peak by 2041,        have limited ability to alter their travel
as shown by Figure 33.                       patterns. The provision of significant
                                             additional public transport capacity is                                                          Thameslink                     Capacity increase in
The first step in tackling crowding is to    therefore essential to tackle crowding, to                                                        upgrade                       dominant AM peak
                                                                                                                                                                             direction (people)
inform the public of the best modes,         enable mode shift and to provide for the
                                                                                                                                                                                      more than 50,000
routes and times for their journey so that   expected growth in London’s population.
                                                                                          0             5 miles                                                                       10,000 to 50,000
they can, when possible, avoid the most
                                                                                          0      5 km                                                                                 less than 10,000

         A GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORT EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                                                                                                         169

                                                                                                                                                                              FOCUS ON: CROSSRAIL 2

        RAIL    25: PROPOSED
             CAPACITY         RAIL CAPACITY
                       IMPROVEMENTS         IMPROVEMENTS
                                     TO CENTRAL           TO CENTRAL
                                                LONDON, MORNING        LONDON,
                                                                PEAK, 2015 TO 2041,                                                                                           With London’s population and                    homes – more than 30 per cent of them
        MORNING PEAK, 2015-41                                                                                                                                                 employment growing, its transport               outside London.
                                            100                                                                                                                               infrastructure needs major improvements
                                                                                                                                                                              if it is to remain a successful city that can   More than that, Crossrail 2 is an
                                                                                                                                                                              support the UK economy and provide a            infrastructure scheme of national
                                                                                                                                                                              good quality of life for all its residents.     importance. It will be at the heart of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the UK’s post-Brexit economy, one of a
                                                                                                                                                                              London is the world’s pre-eminent               series of key regional projects to boost
                                                                                                                                                                              international financial and business            Britain’s competitiveness. Prioritising
                                             80                                                                                                                               centre and the most productive                  these schemes is not a zero-sum game:
                                                                                                                                                                              economic region in the UK. Home to just         a series of infrastructure investments
                                                                                                                                                                              over 13 per cent of the UK’s population,        for growth is needed in every region, and
                                             70                                                                                                                               it generates around 23 per cent of GVA          each new project will support growth
                                                                                                                                                                              and more than 25 per cent of national           across the whole country. This will send
                                                                                                                                                                              tax revenues. Through its trade and             a clear message that Britain is open for
Capacity increase into central London (%)

                                             60                                                                                                                               transport links, it also serves as an           business and ready to compete.
                                                                                                                                                                              international gateway to the whole of
                                                                                                                                                                              the UK, with the entire nation benefiting       Crossrail 2 involves connecting
                                                                                                                                                                              from trade and investment generated             existing national rail lines in Surrey and
                                                                                                                                                                              in London. Despite current successes,           Hertfordshire with two new 37km tunnels
                                                                                                                                                                              however, the city’s future international        from Wimbledon to Tottenham Hale and
                                                                                                                                                                              competitiveness is threatened by                New Southgate (see Figure 26). This main
                                             40                                                                                                                               significant transport challenges and a          section will carry up to 30 trains an hour
                                                                                                                                                                              severe housing shortage.                        in each direction, increasing London’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              overall rail capacity by 10 per cent.
                                             30                                                                                                                               Crossrail 2 is a major new rail project
                                                                                                                                                                              that must be at the heart of London’s           Combined with improved connectivity
                                                                                                                                                                              response to these challenges. It will           – the new line will connect with eight
                                                                                                                                                                              benefit businesses, residents and               Underground lines, the London
                                                                                                                                                                              commuters across London, the Wider              Overground, the Elizabeth line, High Speed
                                                                                                                                                                              South East and the whole nation. It             Two (HS2) and national and international
                                                                                                                                                                              will enable London’s highly productive          rail services – this extra capacity will
                                                                                                                                                                              economy to continue to grow by helping          allow Crossrail 2 to cut journey times to
                                                                                                                                                                              270,000 more people get into the centre         destinations across London. For example,
                                                                                                                                                                              in the morning peak. It will thereby            a journey from Clapham Junction to
                                              0   Elizabeth    Thameslink   HS2   Tube       Metroisation Overground    DLR        Bakerloo line Elizabeth line Crossrail 2
                                                                                                                                                                              support 200,000 new jobs, as well as            Tottenham Court Road will be reduced by
                                                  line         upgrade            upgrades   and other rail upgrades
                                                                                                                        upgrades   extension     frequency
                                                                                                                                                 enhancement                  unlocking 200,000 additional new                around 15 minutes.
                                                              Funded schemes                 Partially funded schemes                       New funding required

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