2019 Media Kit - Elks.org

Page created by Gregory Ward
2019 Media Kit - Elks.org
2019 Media Kit
About The Elks Magazine
Since 1922, The Elks Magazine has been the official publica on of the Benevolent and
Protec ve Order of Elks of the USA. The magazine is published 10 mes per year for the
Order’s more than 770,000 members, all of whom are 100-percent paid subscribers
(AAM audited). The Elks Magazine provides members with news about the organiza on,
regular business and health ar cles, travel ar cles, and general interest stories covering
topics such as Americana and US military history. Subscribers are highly engaged and
spend an average of 1.5 hours reading each issue. With such a large audience of
predominantly mature males, The Elks Magazine is an effec ve marke ng tool for
na onal adver sers.

Who Are the Elks?
In 2018, the more than 770,000 members of the BPO Elks proudly celebrated the 150th
anniversary of the Order’s founding as a fraternal service organiza on that provides
support to the needy. Each year, the Order donates about $90 million in cash and
$585 million in goods and services to individuals in need and organiza ons that help
those in need. Also among these yearly dona ons is more than $6 million that is
provided to assist homeless and needy veterans.

The BPO Elks can count a number of famous Americans among its past and current
members. Clint Eastwood, Jim Cramer, and Richard Moll are all members, and over the
last 150 years, the Order’s ranks have included presidents, generals, and sports legends.
Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Gerald R.
Ford were all Elks, as were Generals John J. Pershing, Douglas MacArthur, and George S.
Pa on and sports legends Vince Lombardi, Babe Ruth, and Mickey Mantle.

Fame is not, however, the bond that most members of the BPO Elks share. The typical
Elks member is a civic- and community-minded business person who is ac vely involved
in na onal and local charitable programs and is strongly devoted to family and country.
2019 Media Kit - Elks.org
Who are The Elks Magazine Readers?

Elks are . . .
85% ......... Men                                                                             “Our clients obtain solid advertising leads
74% ......... Married                                                                         and experience continuous growth through
68 yrs. ...... Average Age
43% ......... Military Veteran                                                                The Elks Magazine.”
36% ......... Employed                                                                                                       Julie Cohn, Media Buyer
                                                                                                                             Benedict Advertising
61% ......... Retired

Almost twice as wealthy as the average American . . .
Average Income: $95,800.
The average income for US adult males is $53,196. Elks earn 80% more. They have significant disposable income.

White Collar . . .
26.6% are CEOs, Presidents, Owners or Partners, 44% higher than average for US adult male population.
Profession                                             % Elks                % US Average                  % Above Average
Management ....................................... 31.9 ..................... 14.3 ......................... 123
Business & Finance ............................... 7.4 ....................... 3.0 ......................... 147
Legal .................................................... 4.3 ....................... 0.9 ......................... 378
Education, Training, Library .................... 4.3 ....................... 3.5 ........................... 23

Educated . . .
15.6% hold post graduate degrees, 51.4% higher than average for US adult males.

Home Owners . . .
92% of Elks own their primary residence, compared to only 67.4% average for US adult males.

Source: Mediamark Research, Inc. (MRI), 2016.

                                                Readers of The Elks Magazine do not watch life go by.
                                            They are active and contribute to their communities and to society at large.
                                                        For advertising rates and information, contact:
            JWK Media Group • 212 SE 8th Street, Suite 101, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 • Phone: (954) 406-1000 • E-mail: info@jwkmediagroup.com
2019 Media Kit - Elks.org
Elks Travel Habits

Readers of The Elks Magazine are people you want to reach, because . . .
79.9% stayed in a hotel in the last 12 months
On average, only 38.7% of US adult males stayed in a hotel in the last year. Elks are more than twice as likely to travel and stay in hotels, making
The Elks Magazine a better buy than general interest media, like newspapers.

83.9% took multi-day trips in the continental US in the last 12 months
On average, only 51.3% of US adult males traveled in the US last year. Elks are 63% more likely to travel than the average American, giving you a
higher percentage of viable distribution than you get with general interest media.

21.4% rented a car in the US in the last 12 months
Only 8.9% of adult males in the US rented a car in the last 12 months. 140% more Elks rented cars . . . more than twice as many as the average
American male. The Elks Magazine gives you more useful reach than general interest television and general interest print media. More useful reach
equals better sales results.

41.7% travel outside the continental US
41.7% took a foreign trip in the last 3 years; almost 20% plan to take a foreign trip in the next 12 months.
Only 23.3% of US adult males travel to foreign countries. Elks are 79% more likely than the rest of the US population to travel outside the continental
US and three and a half times more likely (236%) to take a cruise than the average US adult male.

Source: Mediamark Research, Inc. (MRI), 2016.

Readers of The Elks Magazine want more travel information. And 98.4% want to travel more and to multiple
locations. They are most interested in visiting:
75.6%–Continental US; 68.4%–Alaska; 60.0%–Europe; 59.7%–Hawaii; 52.8%–Australia/New Zealand; 55.6%–Caribbean; 51.3%–Canada.
They are interested in and searching for more information about where to go in the US and the world. Help them choose your destination.

                                                              Elks travel . . . a lot.
                           They use every mode of transportation and travel to all four corners of the country and the globe.
                                                        For advertising rates and information, contact:
            JWK Media Group • 212 SE 8th Street, Suite 101, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 • Phone: (954) 406-1000 • E-mail: info@jwkmediagroup.com

Readers of The Elks Magazine want more health and healthcare information.
Elks have health concerns and want to know how to stay healthy. You can provide needed information to them.

Elks have or have had these ailments in the last 12 months:

Health Conditions                    % Elks % US Average % Above Average          Health Conditions                % Elks % US Average % Above Average

High Cholesterol ................ 38.5 .......... 12.3 .................. 213     Diabetes ........................... 16.9 ............ 8.1 .................. 109

Hypertension                                                                      Sinus Congestion/Headache 15.6 ............ 7.6 .................. 105
  (High Blood Pressure) ..... 42.2 .......... 15.5 .................. 172
                                                                                  Prostate Problems .............. 15.6 ............ 3.2 .................. 388
Backaches ........................ 37.5 .......... 17.4 .................. 116
                                                                                  Constipation ..................... 12.8 ............ 4.1 .................. 212
Muscle Aches/Pain ............. 13.9 ............ 3.3 .................. 321
                                                                                  Athlete’s Foot ...................... 8.1 ............ 4.6 .................... 76
Arthritis/Rheumatism ......... 17.6 ............ 3.7 .................. 376
                                                                                  Hair Loss .......................... 10.1 ............ 2.5 .................. 304
Allergy/Hay Fever ............... 30.1 .......... 11.1 .................. 171
                                                                                  Eczema/Skin Itch/Rash ......... 6.4 ............ 3.0 .................. 113
Heartburn/Acid Reflux ........ 30.7 .......... 10.7 .................. 187
                                                                                  Overactive Bladder ............... 6.4 ............ 1.3 .................. 392
Hearing Loss ..................... 21.6 ............ 3.5 .................. 517
                                                                                  Asthma .............................. 6.4 ............ 3.4 .................... 88
60.9% of Elks own a blood glucose and/or high blood pressure monitor
Only 42.2% of Elks have high blood pressure, yet more than half own equipment to monitor themselves. Elks are vibrant and concerned with their

376% more Elks own hearing aids than average. 350% more Elks than average purchased hearing aids in the last 12 months.
Elks wear and buy more hearing aids than average.

Source: Mediamark Research, Inc. (MRI), 2016.

                                       Elks have more health concerns than the average American.
                                   They treat their ailments more than average, and they want to know more about them.
                                                         Elks are prime candidates for your products.
                                                        For advertising rates and information, contact:
            JWK Media Group • 212 SE 8th Street, Suite 101, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 • Phone: (954) 406-1000 • E-mail: info@jwkmediagroup.com
Readers of The Elks Magazine are financially savvy . . .
                                                                                                                                             “The Elks Magazine
Elks carry more insurance than the average American                                                                                          reaches a very
Insurance Carried                                                      % Elks Own                 % US Average            % Above Average
Homeowner’s / Personal Property ............................ 96.0 ....................... 49.4 ...................... 94                     responsive audience
Medical / Hospital / Accident .................................. 90.4 ....................... 71.0 ...................... 27                 for all our clients.”
Life ...................................................................... 67.5 ....................... 46.0 ...................... 47      Rita Vaccaro, Executive VP
None of these .......................................................... 1.3                                                                 DK & Assoc. Advertising Agency

Elks invest considerably more than the average American
Investments Owned                                                    % Elks Own                 % US Average             % Above Average
Mutual Funds ........................................................ 54.3 ......................... 9.6 .................... 466
Stocks .................................................................. 46.0 ......................... 8.5 .................... 441
Money Market Funds .............................................. 40.8 ........................ 4.6 .................... 787
CDs ..................................................................... 24.2 ......................... 3.6 .................... 572
US Government Bonds ........................................... 20.4 ......................... 5.7 .................... 258
Corporate Bonds .................................................... 11.8 ......................... 0.8 ................. 1,375
Other (e.g., commodities, options) ........................... 15.9 ......................... 8.0 ...................... 99
Investments are important to 83% of Elks, making them excellent customers for financial vehicles.

Elks have impressive portfolio values
The average Elk’s investment portfolio is valued at $416,800. The average US male’s portfolio is valued at only $117,900.
14.2% have portfolios of $250,000 - $500,000, 18.8% have portfolios of $500,000 - $1 million, and 9.6% have portfolios over $1 million.

When do Elks plan to retire?
Number of Years                                   % Elks  Number of Years                                  % Elks            Number of Years                                  % Elks
1 - 2 years ........................................ 10.0 6 - 10 years ...................................... 31.0           16 - 19 years ...................................... 5.0
3 - 5 years ........................................ 15.2 11 - 15 years .................................... 13.0            20 years or more ................................. 9.0
On average, nonretired Elks have 9.2 years to invest before retiring.

Source: Mediamark Research, Inc. (MRI), 2016.

                                                 Elks are significantly wealthier than average.
                                   Elks are highly interested in and searching for ways to manage their personal finances.
                                          They invest and protect themselves. Do they know about your company?
                                                        For advertising rates and information, contact:
            JWK Media Group • 212 SE 8th Street, Suite 101, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 • Phone: (954) 406-1000 • E-mail: info@jwkmediagroup.com
Hobbies & Activities

Readers of The Elks Magazine are interested in information about leisure activities.
Elks are involved in many hobbies and activities. You can provide them with ideas and products to help them enjoy them more.

Elks participate in these activities . . .
Activity                          % Elks % US Average % Above Average                        Activity                        % Elks % US Average % Above Average
Walking ......................... 65.8 ........... 21.8 ................. 202                Motorcycling .................. 10.9 ............. 4.2 ................. 160
Gardening ...................... 39.6 ........... 32.4 ................... 22                Whitewater Rafting ........... 3.5 ............. 1.1 ................. 218
Golf1 ............................. 33.9 ........... 13.1 ................. 159              Camping ........................ 24.3 ........... 14.3 ................... 70
Fishing2 ......................... 34.5 ........... 18.8 ................... 84              RV Travel3 ...................... 10.8 ............. 2.0 ................. 440
  Five times more Elks purchased golf equipment in the last 12 months than the average for US adult males.
  Twice as many Elks purchased fishing equipment in the last 12 months as the average for US adult males.
  Four times as many Elks traveled by RV in the last 12 months as the average for US adult males.

Equipment Elks own . . .
Equipment                         % Elks % US Average % Above Average                        Equipment                       % Elks % US Average % Above Average
Binoculars ..................... 57.2 ........... 23.8 ................. 140                 Treadmill ....................... 26.3 ............. 9.3 ................. 183
Fishing .......................... 52.6 ........... 31.0 ................... 70              Bowling Balls ................. 19.7 ............. 8.6 ................. 129
Golf .............................. 52.0 ........... 21.4 ................. 143              Computers ..................... 92.3 ........... 84.5 ..................... 9
Elks enjoy leisure activities and are active buyers of sports and leisure equipment and supplies.

Cars Elks drive . . .
Type of Car                             % Elks Own or Lease                % U.S. Average              % Above Average
Sedan/Hard Top/4 Door ................... 56.8 .......................... 51.8 ......................... 10
                                                                                                                                     “The Elks Magazine
Sports Utility Vehicle ....................... 48.8 .......................... 42.1 ......................... 16                     readers respond well to
Van/Mini-Van .................................. 13.2 .......................... 12.9 ........................... 2                   direct mail offers.”
Truck ............................................. 46.2 .......................... 33.3 ......................... 39                Christine Silvestri
Convertible .................................... 13.5 ............................ 4.3 ....................... 214                   Fairview Advertising
98.4% of Elks own or lease a vehicle compared to only 87.8% of the the US adult male population.

Source: Mediamark Research, Inc. (MRI), 2016.

                                                                     Elks participate in life.
                        From expensive hobbies (golf, RVs) to working out to less-strenuous pastimes (walking, fishing),
                  Elks spend their time actively doing things, not watching life go by. Are they doing them with your products?
                                                        For advertising rates and information, contact:
            JWK Media Group • 212 SE 8th Street, Suite 101, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 • Phone: (954) 406-1000 • E-mail: info@jwkmediagroup.com
How Important is The Elks Magazine to Readers?

Regular readers of the magazine are ideal prospects.
On average, our readers have been reading The Elks Magazine regularly for 16.3 years. The Elks Magazine is an important part of their lives.

Years of Readership
Age                 No. Years
18-64 .................... 11.3
65+ ...................... 18.5

Readers of The Elks Magazine are loyal. They look forward to and read the magazine regularly, issue after issue. Many decisions to act on
advertising take time to cultivate. The more your ad is seen, the higher your response rate. The Elks Magazine gives you the perfect environment
for creating a desire for your product.

Avid readers are key to your success.
62.4% read all of the last four issues.
On average, they read 3.2 issues out of the last four issues.

Elks spend 30.9 minutes on average reading their magazine, and almost half (40.1%) spend more than a half hour reading each issue.
Busy or not, Elks make sure to read their magazine.

Other readers create expanded exposure for your ad.
47.7% of our issues are read by more than one person. Of those, 39.7% are women.
There are 1.6 readers per copy, so reach is more than half again of circulation.

Readers buy products by mail, telephone, and Internet.
83% of readers have purchased products from home. Every purchase method receives a statistically significant higher response than the US average

Purchase Method               % Elks           % US Average            % Above Average
Telephone, Mail ........... 50.5 ............... 21.0 ...................... 140
Internet ...................... 70.2 ............... 49.1 ........................ 43

83% of Elks order by mail, telephone, or Internet, almost half again the national average (56.3%).
(Multiple responses add up to more than 100%.)

Source: Mediamark Research, Inc. (MRI), 2016.

                                    Readers of The Elks Magazine are active and financially secure.
                                                           They take care of themselves and others.
                                        They respect their relationships and respond to those who connect with them.
                                                                 Advertisers reap the rewards.
                                                        For advertising rates and information, contact:
            JWK Media Group • 212 SE 8th Street, Suite 101, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 • Phone: (954) 406-1000 • E-mail: info@jwkmediagroup.com
You’re in Good Company

These companies have benefited from advertising in The Elks Magazine . . .

               Clothing                                           Health                                    Insurance & Law
               Haband                                              Pfizer                                         MetLife
                 Blair                                    Bristol-Meyers Squibb                                   Humana
         Chilbert & Company                                  MD Hearing Aid                                  Kazan, McClain
         Uniformal Wearhouse                                  Neutronic Ear                               Satterley & Greenwood
                                                             Monroe Hearing
             Collectibles                                 The Prostate Formula                                   Jewelry
        The Bradford Exchange                                  Perma Labs                                         Stauer
          US Money Reserve                                         Eargo                                       Danbury Mint
               Gov Mint
          Littleton Coin Co.                                     Home                                       Other Products
                                                           SunSetter Products                                  Rock Auto
             Electronics                                   American Standard                                 Omaha Steaks
          Consumer Cellular                                  Safe Step Tubs                                Figis Gift Baskets
             Great Call                                    Premier Bathrooms                              Harbor Freight Tools
               TV Ears                                         My Pillow                                        Car Cane
                VC TV                                        Acorn Stairlifts                                  FirstStreet
              Gardening                                          Travel                                  Kardwell International
             Aquacide Co.                                     YMT Vacations                                 Dorrance Books
                                                                                                        Mountain Edge Pet Frames

                    Elks have income that they use to take care of themselves and enjoy life.
                         The Elks Magazine is the perfect vehicle for advertising your products or services.
                                                  For advertising rates and information, contact:
      JWK Media Group • 212 SE 8th Street, Suite 101, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 • Phone: (954) 406-1000 • E-mail: info@jwkmediagroup.com
Rates & Closing Schedules

General Advertising – Display Ads
                                            1x                     5x                  10x
             Two-page spread ........ $43,200        ......... $39,600     ......... $36,000
                    Full page .......... 24,000      ........... 22,000    ........... 20,000
              Two-thirds page .......... 19,200      ........... 17,600    ........... 16,100
                    Half page .......... 15,600      ........... 14,300    ........... 13,000
               One-third page ............ 9,600     ............. 8,800   ............. 8,000

                    Full page ........ $21,600       ......... $19,800     ......... $18,000
              Two-thirds page .......... 17,300      ........... 15,800    ........... 14,400
                    Half page .......... 14,000      ........... 12,900    ........... 11,700           Payment Terms and Discounts
               One-third page ............ 8,600     ............. 7,900   ............. 7,200          New advertisers must pay with order for the
                                                                                                        first three insertions. Payment is due from es-
               Black & White                                                                            tablished advertisers by the 30th of the publi-
                    Full page ........ $19,800       ......... $18,200     ......... $16,500            cation month. A 15% discount is allowed on
              Two-thirds page .......... 15,800      ........... 14,500    ........... 13,200           the gross amount only if space is purchased
                    Half page .......... 12,900      ........... 11,800    ........... 10,700           by a bona fide agency.
               One-third page ............ 7,900     ............. 7,300   ............. 6,600          Additional advertising terms on reverse side.

  Premium Positions (4-C)
                 Back cover ........................................................ $33,600
          Inside front cover .......................................................... 32,400
            Page facing IFC .......................................................... 31,900
  Inside front cover spread .......................................................... 59,100
          Inside back cover .......................................................... 32,400
  Other premium positions ............................................. Rates on request

2019 Deadlines
Issue         Space          Material       BRCs                  Onsale             Issue         Space          Material       BRCs             Onsale
Feb ......   12/10/18 ..... 12/14/18 .... 01/01/19        ....   01/24/19            Jul/Aug .    05/10/19 ..... 05/15/19 .... 06/03/19   ....   06/27/19
Mar ......   01/10/19 ..... 01/15/19 .... 02/04/19        ....   02/28/19            Sep ......   07/10/19 ..... 07/15/19 .... 08/05/19   ....   08/29/19
Apr ......   02/11/19 ..... 02/15/19 .... 03/04/19        ....   03/28/19            Oct ......   08/09/19 ..... 08/15/19 .... 09/03/19   ....   09/26/19
May .....    03/11/19 ..... 03/15/19 .... 04/01/19        ....   04/25/19            Nov ......   09/10/19 ..... 09/16/19 .... 09/30/19   ....   10/24/19
Jun ......   04/10/19 ..... 04/15/19 .... 05/06/19        ....   06/01/19            Dec/Jan      10/10/19 ..... 10/15/19 .... 11/04/19   ....   11/28/19

                                              Maximize Sales. Plan Repeated Exposure.
                                                     For advertising rates and information, contact:
         JWK Media Group • 212 SE 8th Street, Suite 101, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 • Phone: (954) 406-1000 • E-mail: info@jwkmediagroup.com
Advertising Policies and Provisions

    • All advertising rates are subject to change without notice. Further rate protection exists only if a
      contract for multiple insertions has been signed prior to the rate change.

    • The submission of a signed insertion order is construed to be an acceptance of the rates, policies,
      and provisions under which advertising is sold at the time.

    • Contracts and insertion orders must specify a definite schedule of insertions, issues, sizes of space,
      and rates.

    • Failure to make an insertion order correspond in price, or in any other way, with the rates, terms, and
      provisions in effect at the time is regarded as a clerical error and publication is carried out and
      charged for based on current rates without further notice.

    • No deduction for an error in a key number is allowed.

    • Cancellations or space alterations will be accepted only if received before the space closing date. If
      acceptable materials are not received by the materials due date, the magazine reserves the right to
      repeat the last advertisement run, or to charge for the space reserved if no advertisement is avail-

    • Frequency discounts are earned by running five or more insertions within a twelve-month period.
      Frequency rates are not earned unless a contract stipulating the frequency rate is signed prior to the
      first insertion. Ad insertions ordered at a frequency rate that is not earned within the twelve-month
      period will be short-rated, and the advertiser will be billed the difference between the contracted
      frequency rate and the rate for the frequency actually used.

    • Advertisers and their agencies assume all responsibility for the content of advertisements placed and
      printed and are liable for any and all claims arising therefrom against the publisher.

    • Advertisements that resemble editorial matter will be marked “Advertisement” by the publisher. In
      some instances, the advertiser or agency may be required to reformat or redesign advertisements
      that too closely resemble editorial matter.

    • The magazine does not accept advertisements for liquor, alcohol, firearms, sex-related products, or
      political or religious messages.

    • All advertising copy and illustrations are subject to the publisher’s approval prior to the execution of
      an order. Regardless of whether the publisher has previously accepted an insertion order or adver-
      tisement, the publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement submitted which in the
      publisher’s opinion does not conform to the standards of the magazine. The publisher shall not be
      held liable for damages if an advertisement is refused for any reason.

    • Conditions, printed or written, appearing in an insertion order or other instructions which conflict
      with the publisher’s policies and provisions will not be binding on the publisher.
Mechanical Specifications

Trim Size
8" (width) x 10.5" (height)

Saddle stitched

                                    Make sure all type and copy you do not want cut off is placed
                                       within the non-bleed (live image area) specifications.

                         Ad Size                                                        Bleed                       Non-Bleed (Live Image Area)
                                                                                    Width x Height                                    Width x Height

          2-Page Spread, bleed all sides ................................... 16.25" x 10.75" ............................ 14.25" x 9.75"

          2-Page Spread, bleed across gutter only ..................... 14.50" x                  9.75" ............................ 14.25" x 9.75"

          1 Page ...................................................................... 8.25" x 10.75" ............................ 7.125" x 9.75"

          2/3 Page - Vertical (2 columns) ...................................................................................... 4.6875" x 9.75"

          1/2 Page - Horizontal ...................................................................................................... 7.125" x 4.875"

          1/3 Page - Square (2 columns) ....................................................................................... 4.6875" x 4.875"

          1/3 Page - Vertical (1 column) ........................................................................................... 2.25" x 9.75"

          1/6 Page .......................................................................................................................... 2.25" x 4.875"
          The Elks Magazine is printed via the computer-to-plate, heat-set Web offset process. Digital formats are required.

Media Accepted
  • Mac/PC Formatted Options: Send via CD-ROM, DVD, flash media, or electronically via FTP site.

Desktop Element Formats
  • High resolution PDFs.

Media Labeling Requirements
  • Agency name, contact name, phone number, ad number and name, vendor contact, return address, and list of contents.

  Content & Position Proofs
  • Supply 2 final SWOP standard color proofs for each 4/color advertisement.
  • Supply 2 final black and white laser print outs at actual size (100%) with no corrections noted. If possible, output the laser with registration
  Off-Press Proof Cover Sheet
  • The off-press proof should be accompanied by a cover sheet or equivalent (e.g., label) stating the proofing product or system used, name,
    address, contact person of the prepress service supplier, and information relating to conformance to the manufacturer's Application Data
  Contract Proof Options
  • Proofs are subject to annual SWOP certification. Visit www.swop.org/certification for a complete up-to-date listing of SWOP approved color
  Control Bar
  • All off-press proofs should include a color bar. This color bar should be at 133-line screen on all halftone proofs - analog or digital. All color
    bars should include a solid and 25%, 50%, and 75% tints of each process color; solid overprints and at least one gray balance patch (cyan
    =50%, magenta & yellow=39%). Two-color overprints at 25%, 50%, and 75% are also recommended. This color bar could take the form
    of a manufacturer's color control guide, a GCA/GATF Proof Comparator, or a GATF/SWOP Proofing Bar or their digital equivalents. An exposure
    control element may also be included where appropriate.

                                                                                                                             Additional specifications on reverse side.
Mechanical Specifications

Miscellaneous Desktop Instructions
  • Build pages to trim size and extend bleed beyond page edge.
  • Do not stylize fonts from layout application such as making the type bold or italic. While the appearance of the font will look good on the
    screen, the unstylized font will be what is printed.
  • All elements must be at 100% size. Scale images outside the page layout program.
  • Rotation and cropping of images in layout program should be avoided.
  • If any solid black type or solid black type boxes need to be knocked out of a background, a separate color should be created in the
    applications color palette with the following tint values assigned to it: 100% black, 25% cyan, 25% magenta, 25% yellow.
  • All PDFs must be in CYMK mode for 4/c ads.
  • All images must be in Grayscale mode for B&W ads.
  • All colors in the page layout program should be changed to CYMK. Spot colors should be turned off except when a spot color is required.
  • Four-color solids should not exceed SWOP density of 300%.

Delivery of Ad Files / Proofs
  • Ship digital files on CD or DVD to:
   Advertising Department, The Elks Magazine, 425 W. Diversey Parkway, Chicago, IL 60614
   Phone: 773-755-4902 Fax: 773-755-4792 E-mail: magnews@elks.org

FTP Site Instructions
  • Send E-mail request to brish@elks.org for instructions on sending files to our FTP site.

For More Information
  • Please contact: Bris Hernandez, Phone number: 773-755-4902.

                                                    For advertising rates and information, contact:
        JWK Media Group • 212 SE 8th Street, Suite 101, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 • Phone: (954) 406-1000 • E-mail: info@jwkmediagroup.com
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