2019 Cámara Badajoz Short Sustainability Report - Julia Graber - Project Manager Integrated Report

Page created by Julie Riley
2019 Cámara Badajoz Short Sustainability Report - Julia Graber - Project Manager Integrated Report
Sustainability Report
Cámara Badajoz
Julia Graber

The PMIR Project aims at crea ng a new professional          iden fied with graduates in Economics and Engineering (in
figure that is the Project Manager of Sustainability          par cular management engineering), business and tax
Repor ng. The idea, born as a response to the 2014/95/UE     consultants and employees willing to acquire new skills for
Direc ve, represents a significant step forward in raising    professional growth within the organiza on.
awareness on the themes of sustainability and on the
                                                             The PMIR Project has also some indirect targets such as
benefits of implemen ng sustainable prac ces for all
                                                             public and private companies (small, medium and large
organiza ons, regardless of their size.
                                                             companies), opera ng in different sectors, including the
The professional figure created by the Project will be able   third sector.
to support organiza ons and coordinate the Sustainability
                                                             The PMIR Project has been funded under the European
Repor ng process by iden fying economic, environmental
                                                             Erasmus+KA2 Ac on Programme.
and social strategic objec ves and monitoring them
through a selec on of a significant KPIs (Key Performance     Promoter
Indicators) panel.                                                 Estra S.p.A. (ITA)

Therefore, the Project Manager of Sustainability Repor ng    Partner
will have a role in connec ng the different business areas          University of Siena (ITA)
of a company. The knowledge, competences and skills                Chamber of Commerce of Badajoz (ESP)
provided by the training modules of the Project were               ITKAM (DEU)
developed following the ECVET methodology and could                OpenCom (ITA)
consequently be recognized throughout Europe.                      BXL Europe (BEL)
                                                                   Euromasc (NOR).
The PMIR Project addresses a direct target (the future
Project Managers of Sustainability Repor ng) to be

                                                                      Training and Employment
                                                                      Innova on and Projects
Cámara Badajoz is the chamber of commerce, industry and               Interna onaliza on and Foreign Markets
handcra for the province Badajoz. It was founded in 1886              Consolida on and Development
and is an independent Public Law Corpora on with the
                                                               The chamber of commerce, industry and service operates
func on of a democra c law corpora on.
                                                               both with public and private ac vi es. Public ac vi es mean
The chamber works as an advisory body to collaborate with      that these ac vi es have to be done due to law, private
Public Authori es and is supervised by the Department of       ac vi es are offered independently by the organisa on.
Employment, Enterprise and Innova on of the government
                                                               Services that are offered are:
of Extremadura. The corpora on represents over 40,000
businesses and owners in the industry sector as well as in            Promo on of entrepreneurship of young and
services. There are 13 specific commi ees which are                    unemployed people
composed of entrepreneurs in the sector as well as                    personalized advice in dra ing a business plan
recognized experts in a certain field. Services and support            free processing for business crea on
are provided through five own centers distributed in the               hos ng and support through business incubators
whole province and seven business incubators located in               processing of public grants and seeking funding
Territorial Development Centers of the provincial council of          legal advice: contracts: legal applica on and other
Badajoz.                                                              issues
                                                                      foreign investors accompaniment
                                                               Each service department is engaged in several networks and
The main services that are provided can be allocated to
                                                               collabora ons.
these five departments:

       Entrepreneurship and Business Crea on

                                                      Cámara Badajoz                                                     1
                                                                with the companies, pres ge at ins tu onal level and
The mission of Cámara Badojoz is to represent, promote and
                                                                an cipa on to the needs of stakeholders. All ini a ves and
defend the general interests of the businesses and to provide
                                                                projects that are offered are considered as necessary and
services to businesses in the province. The chamber wants to
                                                                beneficial for the general interests of the regional economy.
promote the crea on, consolida on and growth of
                                                                The ac vi es are based on informa on provided by
businesses, especially for SMEs. The corpora on is aiming to
                                                                companies and collabora ons with public authori es.
become a reference for SMEs due to performing excellent
with high quality services, through closeness and empathy

The values of Cámara Badajoz are manifold and are
                                                                       Personal development
represented in their daily work. These values are:
       Economic Development                                            Innova on
       Social Development                                              Global orienta on and interna onalisa on
       Compe veness                                                    Representa on and open par cipa on
       Assistance and support spirit

                                                       Cámara Badajoz                                                      2
Cer fica ons
                            Camára Badajoz has a cer fied Quality Management System
Quality Management
                            according to AENOR ISO 9001.

                     Cámara Badajoz                                              3


Cámara Badajoz, the chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services for the region of Badajoz is a Public Law Corpora on. It has
a democra c structure and opera on and is supervised by the Department of Employment, Enterprise and Innova on of the
Government of Extremadura.

The organiza onal structure contains a plenary, an execu ve commi ee, a president, and a general Management, with a
communica on department and a general secretary. The General Management leads seven departments:

      Innova on
      Training and Employment
      Interna onaliza on
      Chamber delega ons

At the moment, the Execu ve commi ee contains of the president, Mariano García Sardiña, two Vice Presidents, Francisco
Javier Peinado Rodríguez and Pilar Coslado San báñez and the Treasurer Luisa Santana Muñoz.

The vowels are:

      Andrés de la Villa Vega
      Antonio Romero Valdeón
      Angel Luis Gómez Díaz

All businesses and owners that are represented by the chamber have the right to vote for the elec on of the management
bodies: the Plenary, the Execu ve Commi ee and the Presidency.

From 2018 to 2019 the Governance of the chamber did not change significantly. A significant point is a striking inequality of
gender distribu on in the Board of Directors, which does not represent the general workforce.

                                                     Cámara Badajoz                                                       4
Board of Directors

       Number of Board of Directors' members                Number of Board of Directors' members by gender

             Year            Value (number)
            2018                    7                                   29%                                29%
            2019                    7
                                                               71%                              71%

                                                                    2018                            2019

                                                              Number of women in the Board of Directors
                                                              Number of men in the Board of Directors

     Average age of Board of Directors' members                       Board of Directors' annual salary

             Year              Value (years)                             Year                 Value (€)
            2018                    48                                  2018                 174.572,10
            2019                    49                                  2019                 174.572,10

                                                  Cámara Badajoz                                                 5
Board of Auditors

       Number of Board of Auditors' members              Number of Board of Auditors' members by gender

            Year             Value (number)
            2018                    3                               33%                               33%
            2019                    3
                                                           67%                             67%

                                                                2018                            2019

                                                          Number of women in the Board of Auditors
                                                          Number of men in the Board of Auditors

          Board of Auditors annual salary

            Year                Value (€)
            2018                  5.000
            2019                  5.000

                                              Cámara Badajoz                                                6


At Cámara Badajoz, Human resources are seen as the main asset. The employees have a mul disciplinary background, many of
them with an university grade, leading to a widespread knowledge in economics, business administra on, laws, documenta on
sciences, transporta on engineering, environmental science, chemical engineering, compu ng, tourism, audiovisual
communica on, educa on and so forth.

From 2018 to 2019 the total number of employees did not change, thus there were 5 new employees in 2019. What is
remarkable is that 80% of the employees have a degree, all of them have a high school diploma.

Most of the employees are between 30 and 50 years old and have an fixed-term contract. The number of work related injuries
has risen in 2019. What is no ceable is that mostly women have a part- me contract. One reason for that could be obliga ons
in childcare and family, so it is conceivable that the chambers offers possibili es to combine work and family. To get further
hints on this topic, an evalua on of women coming back to work a er pregnancy could be an indicator.

                                                      Cámara Badajoz                                                        7
Number of employees

            Number of employees                              Number of employees by gender

          Year           Value (number)
          2018                31                      39%
          2019                31                                                  48%        52%

                                                            2018                        2019

                                                      Number of women employed
                                                      Number of men employed

                                          Cámara Badajoz                                           8
Number of employees by posi on

                                 Number of employees by posi on

                                    3%                     Managers
                                      23%                  Execu ves
                                                           Employees
                                 74%                       Workers


                Managers               Execu ves                  Employees   Workers
    2018           1                       7                         23         0
    2019           1                       7                         23         0

                                         Cámara Badajoz                                 9
Qualifica on

                                      Number of employees by qualifica on

                                    1%                      Post-graduate
                                 26% 21%                    Degree
                                                            High school diploma
                                 26% 26%                    Junior high school diploma
                                                            Primary school degree


        Post-graduate   Degree   High school diploma     Junior high school diploma       Primary school degree
 2018        1           25              31                          31                            31
 2019        1           25              31                          31                            31

                                                Cámara Badajoz                                                    10

      Employees' average age                Average age of women employed   Average age of men employed

        Year       Value (years)                 Year       Value (years)       Year        Value (years)
        2018          39,55                      2018           39,48          2018               39,55
        2019          40,55                      2019           40,48          2019               40,55

                                              Number of employees by age

                         29 years or less                 30-50 years          51 years or more
      2018                         0                          21                       5
      2019                         1                          25                       5

                                                   Cámara Badajoz                                           11

                        Number of employees by contract (Permanent contract and fixed-term contract)

           Permanent contract         Fixed-term contract
  2018                27                       4                                                       Permanent contract
  2019                25                       6                                                       Fixed-term contract



 Number of employees on a permanent contract by gender           Number of employees on a fixed-term contract by gender

                                                                      25%                             25%
         41%                                       48%
                  59%                  52%
                                                                              75%                             75%

               2018                          2019                         2018                             2019

     Number of women employed having a permanent contract          Number of women employed having a fixed-term contract
     Number of men employed having a permanent contract            Number of men employed having a fixed-term contract

                                                         Cámara Badajoz                                                       12
Number of employees by contract (full- me or part- me)

         full- me contract         Part- me contract
2018              24                         4                                                      full- me contract
2019              24                         6                                                      Part- me contract



Number of employees on a full- me contract by gender           Number of employees on a part- me contract by gender

                                                                      10%                            10%
   52%       48%
                                                                         90%                             90%

         2018                              2019                         2018                           2019

  Number of women employed having a full- me contract           Number of women employed having a part- me contract
  Number of men employed having a full- me contract             Number of men employed having a part- me contract

                Smart working employees

             Year               Value (number)
            2018                       0
            2019                       0

                                                       Cámara Badajoz                                                    13
New employee hires and termina ons

              New employee hires                                           New employee hires by gender

           Year               Value (number)
           2018                       3
           2019                       5

                                                                        2018                           2019

                                                                  New employee hires: women
                                                                  New employee hires: men

                                          New employee hires by age group

                   29 years or less                     30-50 years                       51 years or more
    2018                  1                                  4                                   0
    2019                  0                                  0                                   0

            Number of termina ons

           Year               Value (number)
           2018                       4
           2019                       8

                                                 Cámara Badajoz                                                    14

             Total number of injuries

           Year              Value (number)
           2018                     1
           2019                     3

                                              Cámara Badajoz   15
Internal climate surveys carried out and their descrip on

                           2018                                                  2019
No climate surveys were carried out in 2018.         In 2019, there were also no climate survey carried out.

                                               Cámara Badajoz                                                  16


The Customers of Cámara Badajoz are the companies and organisa ons of the region. Thereby the Chamber maintains an
ins tu onal approach whereby it develops ac vi es to address the whole economic sector, including a wide range of users,
from SMEs to young students.

All customers of the chamber are located in the area of Badajoz. The number of costumer has increased by ten from 2018 to
2019, the main contact channel remains the website and phone calls. The chamber also enters in contact with interested
par es via Facebook, Instagram and Twi er. The Instagram channel was created in 2019.

The collec on period of payments is rela vely fast and did not change in the two years. A very posi ve aspect is that there are
no complaints about the services of the chambers. During the two years, there were no wri en complaints, no disputes and no
products returned which speaks for a very good customer orienta on and service.

                                                       Cámara Badajoz                                                        17
Customer sa sfac on surveys

                         2018                                                   2019
No customer sa sfac on services were conducted in 2018.   In 2019, the chamber did not carry out a customer
                                                          sa sfac on journey.

                                                  Cámara Badajoz                                          18
Customer care

                        2018                                                     2019
The main channels for customer care are by mail and by   As in 2019, the chamber mainly provides customer care
phone.                                                   through mail and by phone.

                                                Cámara Badajoz                                               19
Our Customers

The customers of Cámera Badajoz are companies in the region. The chamber offers them different services like support for the
founda on of companies consul ng offers. All customers are in one geographic are, the province of Badajoz. The Chamber of
Commerce only operates there.

                    Number of customers

                 Year             Value (number)                            80
                2018                    75
                2019                    85


                                                                                     2018         2019

                                                    Cámara Badajoz                                                      20
Number of customers by geographic area

       100%                    100%

        2018                      2019

 Province of Badajoz

                                    Number of new customers

             Year       Value (number)
            2018              7                                7.5
            2019             10


                                                                     2018   2019

                                         Cámara Badajoz                            21
Sustainable Products

                                Number of sustainable products

            Year       Value (years)
            2018            1
            2019            1

                                        Cámara Badajoz           22
Returns, complaints and disputes

  Total amount of products returned       Number of wri en complaints received   Number of disputes fostered by clients

         Year      Value (number)                  Year     Value (number)                Year      Value (number)
        2018             0                         2018           0                      2018              0
        2019             0                         2019           0                      2019              0

Collec on of money

                 Average collec on period

                Year                Value (days)
                2018                    10
                2019                    10

                                                    Cámara Badajoz                                                    23
Contact Channels

                      2018                                                    2019
The main contact channels to communicate with the   In 2019 the main contact channels did not change. S ll the
companies are the web and the phone.                communica on mostly happens through we and phone.

                                            Cámara Badajoz                                                   24


Camára Badajoz refers mainly to local suppliers from the Extramadura region, whereas some are na onal providers, for
example for telecommunica on. Since the chamber is an Official Body, detailed informa on about suppliers is available.

Over the two years, the number of suppliers has risen by 18, but not the total value that was purchased. Most of the suppliers
have the legal form of sole proprietorship.

There were no returns or disputes in the inves gated period of me.

                                                      Cámara Badajoz                                                        25
Suppliers' Main Features

                                                   Number of suppliers



                                            0      50        100   150       200    250

                                       Number of suppliers by type of company

        Associa on Coopera ve and Consor um Sole proprietorship Ins tu on Partnership Corpora on Foreign company
 2018       8                   5                       54               0           8    0             0
 2019       8                   4                       68               0           8    0             0








                                            2018                             2019

                                                    Cámara Badajoz                                                 26
Number of suppliers by geographic area

      100%                             100%

          2018                             2019

 Spain

                 Number of new suppliers

             Year               Value (number)
            2018                      13
            2019                      18

                    Cámara Badajoz                27
Value of suppliers

                                         Total value of purchases from suppliers



                                              0        200000    400000       600000     8000

                                             Value of supplies by type of company

        Associa on Coopera ve or Consor um Sole proprietorship Ins tu on Partnership Orpora ons Foreign companies
 2018       0             13.677,42                 176.206,30            0            30.873   0       0
 2019       0             18.313,77                 168.310,10            0        39.715,50    0       0









                                              2018                              2019

                                                      Cámara Badajoz                                                28
Value of suppliers divided by geographic area

                                         100%                        100%

                                           2018                       2019

                                  Spain
Return and disputes

       Number of products returned to suppliers           Number of disputes fostered by suppliers against the company

             Year              Value (number)                                Year           Value (number)
             2018                    0                                     2018                   0
             2019                    0                                     2019                   0

                                                  Cámara Badajoz                                                    29

           Average payment period to suppliers

               Year               Value (days)
              2018                    47
              2019                    47

                      Cámara Badajoz             30


Due to its character as a public organiza on, Cámara Badajoz offers various programs to promote the region. It cooperates
with several organisa ons and ins tu ons, such as the University of Extremadura. Coopera ons with partners are aiming to
offer be er services for users which provides for example access to the Erasmus program or ICT companies. The chamber is
also involved in various European projects. Examples for projects are an business support program for women, a branch
network to connect companies, programs to support SMEs and micro-SMES and the promo on of innova on.

The internet presence of the chamber gained more a en on in 2019 than in 2018 on the website, but lost nearly 2000
followers on Facebook. In addi on to the Facebook page the chamber established an Instagram page in 2019.

The number of dona ons and of sponsorship has risen in 2019, the amount of money sponsored has almost tripled, which shows
that the social engagement of the chamber has evolved in the two years.

                                                    Cámara Badajoz                                                      31

           Number of visits to the website

             Year              Value (number)
             2018                  1.980
             2019                  2.441






                    2018          2019

                                                Cámara Badajoz   32
Social Medias

                Followers on Facebook                       New followers on Facebook


         2000                                             100

            0                                              0
                    2018          2019                            2018         2019

                Followers on Instagram                      New followers on Instagram

          700                                             700
          600                                             600
          500                                             500
          400                                             400
          300                                             300
          200                                             200
          100                                             100
            0                                              0
                    2018          2019                            2018         2019

                                         Cámara Badajoz                                  33
Sponsorships and dona ons

             Number of sponsorships                                  Amount of sponsorships

           Year             Value (number)                       Year                  Value (€)
           2018                    1                             2018                   1.815
           2019                    3                             2019                   5.025







                                                                         2018          2019

              Number of dona ons                                      Amount of dona ons

           Year             Value (number)                       Year                  Value (€)
           2018                    0                             2018                      0
           2019                    1                             2019                    500






                                                                         2018          2019

                                             Cámara Badajoz                                        34

                            2018                                                             2019
The main focus of Camára Badajoz is to strenghen the             In 2019, there were also 20 projects for the collec vity and
region. As a result of this, there is much emphasis put on       the territory. As public service body, all of the projects and
projects to support collec vity and the territory. 20 projects   ini a ves are focused on t he development of the territory an
and ini a ves were ongoing 2018 which were aiming to             to supprot the local entrepreneurs and firms,
favour the collec vity and the territory.

                                                       Cámara Badajoz                                                         35
Research and innova on

                                         Products, Services and Innova ve Projects

                           2018                                                          2019
In 2018 there are 12 innova on projects ongoing. Most of       The number of ongoing innova on did not change in 2019.
them are in coopera on with the EU, for example the PMIR
project or projects to strenghen the boarder region of Spain
and Portugal.

                                  Agreements with Reserch Ins tutes and/or Universi es

                           2018                                                          2019
The chamber collaborates with the University of                The number of agreements did not change in 2019. The
Extremadura. There are three agreements with the               chamber s ll collaborates with the University of
University.                                                    Extremadura.

                                                      Cámara Badajoz                                                     36


Financial resources are provided by European funds and through private offers such as direct services to companies,
administra on management or compe ve grants. A detailed list of the grants for the chamber can be found on the website.

In 2019 the total revenues was higher than 2019. The EBIT did not significantly change in the two years. It seems that the
organisa on has performed significantly be er in 2019 since the EBITDA is posi ve while in 2018 the value is nega ve. The
amount of investments did slightly decrease in 2019.

Due to its character as a Public Law Body the chamber does not have to generate massive profits which they can distribute to
their shareholders. In the end, the opera on should preferably make no debts and earn enough money to run in the best
possible way.

                                                     Cámara Badajoz                                                      37
Main economic and financial values

           Total revenues                              EBITDA                          EBIT

2500000                              200000                              8000

                                     100000                              6000
                                          0                              4000
                                     -100000                             2000

     0                               -200000                               0
             2018             2019                 2018         2019               2018           2019

             Net income                        Net financial posi on                Fixed assets

          Year          Value (€)               Year        Value (€)           Year          Value (€)
          2018          2.074.893              2018        -796.493,70          2018          3.068.134
          2019          2.259.672              2019        -1.416.251           2019          3.427.916

                 Net assets

          Year          Value (€)
          2018          7.272.421
          2019          7.515.000

                                                 Cámara Badajoz                                           38
Added value

                                                 Gross value added

              Year               Value (€)
              2018             -171.322,07
              2019               234.695                             100000



                                                                                 2018     2019

                                       The distribu on of gross value added

                                           10%                   Human resources
                                             10%                 State and ins tu ons
                                              10%                Money lenders
                                   70%                           Partners/shareholders
                                                                 Company
                                                                 Collec vity


        Human resources   State and ins tu ons      Money lenders    Partners/shareholders       Company     Collec vity
 2018      17.132,21           17.132,21                 0                     0                 17.132,21    11.992
 2019      23.469,53           23.469,53                 0                     0                 23.496,53    164.266

                                                 Cámara Badajoz                                                            39

                 Value of total investments







                       2018          2019

                     Cámara Badajoz           40


The chamber of commerce, industry and services of Badajoz only operates in offices, unlike for example the produc on
industry. That also means that the impacts on environment are rela vely low, compared with other branches. Main
environmental impacts are generated through the energy consump on and travel ac vity. The waste generated is mostly like
the one of normal households, mostly paper from the offices and packaging of meal, which indicates that there is no problem
with hazardous waste.

In the two years, the environmental figures did not change very much. The energy consump on and the Diesel consump on
slightly increased, this could be linked to the slightly be er economic performance in 2019.

                                                    Cámara Badajoz                                                     41
Consump on of the company loca ons

     Energy intensity ra o

      2018          6,78
      2019          6,78

                                     Cámara Badajoz   42
Company vehicles

                  Number of vehicles                                                 Average age of vehicles

           Year                Value (number)                                      Year                 Value (years)
           2018                        2                                           2018                      11
           2019                        2                                           2019                      12

                                               Number of vehicle by type of fuel

                                                  0%                         Petrol
                                                                             Diesel
                                           50%         50%                   Methane gas
                                                                             Lpg
                                                                             Electric


                    Petrol             Diesel                      Methane gas                    Lpg             Electric
    2018              1                    1                            0                         0                     0
    2019              1                    1                            0                         0                     0

                                                    Vehicles consump on

                                                  0%                         Petrol
                                                                             Diesel
                                           50%         50%                   Methane gas
                                                                             Lpg
                                                                             Electricity


                   Petrol          Diesel                      Methane gas                  Lpg               Electricity
    2018           1.000           1.000                            0                       0                     0
    2019           1.000           1.000                            0                       0                     0

                                                        Cámara Badajoz                                                       43
Energy efficency

                      2018                                                      2019
There are now energy efficiency interven ons made in   Also in 2019, no energy efficiency interven ons took place.

                                             Cámara Badajoz                                                      44
Waste produced

                                                Total amount of waste produced


                Year                   Value (kg)                           400
               2018                       675                               300
               2019                       675                               200
                                                                                     2018        2019

                       Paper consump on                                     Paper consump on per employee

                Year                   Value (kg)
               2018                       160
               2019                       160                                    3



                                                                                     2018        2019

                            2018                                                        2019
In 2018, no recycled paper was used.                           The same applies to 2019, there is no usage of recycled

                                                       Cámara Badajoz                                                45
Numerous developments in recent years have shown that sustainability is no longer seen as something nice to have, but
that serious commitment is required and desired. With the direc ve on non-financial repor ng, the EU has introduced an
obliga on for certain large companies, which is for sure also groundbreaking for the further development of sustainability
repor ng. Sustainability reports are no longer just informa on reports for analysts, but can be used to inform as many
stakeholder groups as possible about a company's commitment in sustainability topics. This commitment is increasingly
being recognized, whether in the financial sector, by the public or by customers.

Bodies of the public laws such as the Cámara Badajoz can be a good example for communica on of sustainability topics. As
chamber of commerce, industry and services, the organisa on can a reference for the enterprises in the region, mo va ng
them to increase their efforts in sustainability and the repor ng.

The data gathering process showed which indicators were easy to fill and which not. It was not very surprising that social
indicators were rela vely easy to fill, also indicators about suppliers and governance. As official body, transparency is key, so
the a lot of informa on, for example about the governance, was available and is also communicated on the homepage. The
governance of the chamber did not change in the two years. No ceable is the low number of women in the Board of
Directors, because the rela on of genders for the employees is rather balanced, there are even more women than man. A
more representa ve picture of this situa on in the Board of Directors would be desirable.

The mission of the chamber is to support companies in the region, so social engagement is already anchored in the purpose
of the organisa on. Not only for the region the chamber seems to aim for a posi ve development, also for its employees.
Most of the employees do have a permanent contract and the rela on of gender is balanced. The educa onal background
seems to be very high, since 80% of the employees have a degree.

The chamber is very engaged in the region and has expanded their social engagement in 2019 with higher numbers and
amounts of sponsorship and dona ons. It is also very engaged in projects which are aiming to support their customers and
ul mately promote the region.

The customers, which are the companies, organisa ons and entrepreneurs in the region seem to be very sa sfied since
there were no complaints or disputes nor were products returned. This could be seen as an indicator for the customer
orienta on of the company.

The supply chain of the organisa on is very local, with suppliers mostly from the region. It seems that regional and smaller
businesses are supported, most suppliers are a sole proprietorship.

Economic-wise the total revenues, the EBIT and other economic values such as net assets and net income did not change
very much throughout the two years, a slight be er performance is no ceable in 2019. Significant increases in 2019 are in
the EBITDA, the gross value added and the net financial posi on. Most of the gross value is added to collec vity.

The environmental values did not change very much and are o en probably not very expressive, but this is fully
understandable since the chamber only operates in offices, which means that environmental impacts are rela vely small.
Improvements could be made with energy saving measures, the switch to a renewable energy supplier if possible, a paper
saving measures through a prin ng policy or the use of public transporta on instead of travel by car.

This report shows that Cámara Badajoz has room for improvements in their sustainability performance, but they are
already performing very good in their main fields of ac on. Especially their social engagement can be emphasized, as well
as their indirect contribu on to the regional economy.
Originally, this Erasmus+ project was planned to be a mobility were the the student has the opportunity to visit the company
and conduct the data gathering and the report in a 12 day mobility. Due to the outbreak of Covid-19 and the global
pandemic, the mobility part was cancelled and the project was carried out virtually. This led to several changes in the
organisa on, the student was not able to get direct insights into the organisa on, all mee ngs were on Skype and the
communica on was mainly via Mail.

For the data gathering process, a table with all the indicators was set and the organisa on tried to fill out as much as
possible. Where no exact values could be found but an educated guess was possible, this methodology was applied.
Indicator which were not available are marked. The two years that were examined are 2018 and 2019.

The main task of the student was the project management and the data transmission into a program which was provided by
the PMIR Project Team. With the help of this program, the final report could be generated, but only if the threshold of
minimum 60% of indicators per category was reached.

First of all I would like to thank Francisco Cerrato, who was my contact person at Cámara Badajoz for his me and
engagement, the support with the data and necessary informa on. The communica on was always very posi ve and

I also want to thank the PMIR Project Team which was always available and very suppor ve and understanding.
Sustainability Report
2019 - Cámara Badajoz
Julia Graber

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