2019 Amtrak Marketing Update - Chris Smith Director of Policy, Communications, and Legislative - Hampton Roads Transportation ...

Page created by Micheal Robertson
2019 Amtrak Marketing Update - Chris Smith Director of Policy, Communications, and Legislative - Hampton Roads Transportation ...
Chris Smith
                                                     Director of Policy,
 2019 Amtrak Marketing Update                        Communications,
                                                      and Legislative

Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization
March 20, 2019
2019 Amtrak Marketing Update - Chris Smith Director of Policy, Communications, and Legislative - Hampton Roads Transportation ...
 Funding
                          $1.7M Annual Budget
                          DRPT direct spend budget
                          Amtrak national marketing budget
        Marketing      Partnership
        Program &         Amtrak and DRPT Marketing teams
        Initiatives       Consultant Support: Siddall Communications
                       Strategy
                          Data trend analysis informs media buys
                          Monitor and redevelop strategies to grow ridership

3/20/2019                                                                       2
2019 Amtrak Marketing Update - Chris Smith Director of Policy, Communications, and Legislative - Hampton Roads Transportation ...
Who rides the train?
                              Gender                        Age

     Marketing                                  55+

                                       Male    35-54


                                                       0%   20%   40%   60%

3/20/2019                                                                     3
2019 Amtrak Marketing Update - Chris Smith Director of Policy, Communications, and Legislative - Hampton Roads Transportation ...
Why are they riding the train?

       Marketing            Business
         Data                 31%


3/20/2019                                           4
2019 Amtrak Marketing Update - Chris Smith Director of Policy, Communications, and Legislative - Hampton Roads Transportation ...
Where are they going?
                     1. Richmond Staples Mill  Washington
                     2. Charlottesville  Washington
  Marketing Data     3. NYC  Richmond Staples Mill
  Top 5 City Pairs   4. Newport News  Washington
                     5. Charlottesville  NYC

3/20/2019                                                    5
2019 Amtrak Marketing Update - Chris Smith Director of Policy, Communications, and Legislative - Hampton Roads Transportation ...



  Virginia   60000

Sponsored    50000

                     FY2019 YTD
   Route     40000
                     3Y Average


 Ridership   20000



2019 Amtrak Marketing Update - Chris Smith Director of Policy, Communications, and Legislative - Hampton Roads Transportation ...
2018 YTD Monthly Ridership Totals vs. 3-Year Average
                                      Newport News


  Virginia   12000



   Route     6000
                                                                            FY2019 YTD
                                                                            3Y Average

 Ridership   4000



2019 Amtrak Marketing Update - Chris Smith Director of Policy, Communications, and Legislative - Hampton Roads Transportation ...
2018 YTD Monthly Ridership Totals vs. 3-Year Average


  Virginia   12000


Sponsored    8000

   Route     6000
                                                                            FY2019 YTD
                                                                            3Y Average

 Ridership   4000



2019 Amtrak Marketing Update - Chris Smith Director of Policy, Communications, and Legislative - Hampton Roads Transportation ...





      On-Time      50%



        (OTP)      20%



                                 On-Time Performance          Amtrak OTP Goal

                  • OTP is affected by many factors: capacity, equipment, operations, and weather.
                  • OTP can have predictable cycles:
                     - Construction season
3/20/2019            - Heat restrictions in Summer, snow in winter                                   9
2019 Amtrak Marketing Update - Chris Smith Director of Policy, Communications, and Legislative - Hampton Roads Transportation ...
Each State Sponsored Route is Unique
                   Hampton Roads is a 2-station market.
                      Amtrak Thruway Bus connects Newport News and
       Virginia       Newport News offers two daily round trips
                      Newport News offers midday service
     Sponsored        Hampton Roads riders “open-jaw” between both
        Route          stations
      Ridership    Richmond Route has the most options with
                    Hampton Roads, Long Distance, and the Carolinian.
                      Richmond has the busiest Amtrak station in the
                      Ridership in Richmond is down more than other Routes

3/20/2019                                                                     10
Goal: Increase Ridership
                 • Understand current train travel perceptions

                 • Understand current ridership barriers and develop
    Statewide      strategies to overcome them
    Research     • Identify key consumer insights to leverage for
                   creative messaging

                 • Forecast the impact of these efforts through on-
                   going measurement and assessment

3/20/2019                                                              11
Virginia Customer Satisfaction Index
            Reliability/OTP – How satisfied are you with the reliabilityYTD
                                                                        and on-time performance of the train?
            Value/Price – How satisfied are you with the value of Amtrak service received for the price paid for the trip?

                               Route               Factor          Very        YTD           Very              YTD
                                                                 Satisfied    Trend       Dissatisfied        Trend
                     Lynchburg/Roanoke       Reliability/OTP        75%        -8%            8%               +3%
                                             Value/Price            79%        -4%            4%               +2%
                     Richmond                Reliability/OTP        75%        -2%            9%               +2%
                                             Value/Price            75%        -3%            4%               +1%
                     Norfolk                 Reliability/OTP        80%        +3%            6%               -2%
                                             Value/Price            80%        -2%            4%               +2%
                     Newport News            Reliability/OTP        61%        -6%           19%               +9%
                                             Value/Price            71%        -6%            7%               +4%
                     Amtrak National         Reliability/OTP        74%        -2%           10%               +1%
                                             Value/Price            70%        -3%            6%               +2%

3/20/2019                                                                                                                    12
Project      QUALITATIVE
      Overview       (focus groups)                    (model)                       (survey)

                                              Develop a modeling tool to          Use findings from
                 Uncover the practical and     better assess and predict     qualitative phase to inform
                 emotional drivers Virginia   the potential effects of new   a large-scale, quantitative
                 consumers associate with         pricing strategies on      benchmark survey among
                  train travel and Amtrak               ridership                 Virginia travelers

3/20/2019                                                                                                  13
•   67% of respondents would take the train

              •   Four in five respondents are satisfied with their train travel
  Current     •   Satisfaction with train travel is significantly higher than
   Rider          satisfaction with Amtrak
Perceptions   •   Avoiding traffic are reported as the greatest benefits to
                  traveling by train in Virginia.

              •   Destinations and stations are reported as the greatest barriers
                  to traveling by train in Virginia.

                        Destination Options
       Tree of
        Travel    Y/N               Train Schedules

        Needs                 Y/N              Ticket Price
                                       Y/N        “First / Last-Mile” Hassle


3/20/2019                                                                      15
Getting to the station and parking
                    “Flying back to Norfolk late at night       “Hampton Roads sorely              “I love that there is a
                   and going to long term parking is one      lacks public transportation         station in Roanoke, but
                   thing. Arriving back in Newport News        which would help making              the parking is a big
                  late at night and who knows where you          getting to train station                  issue.”
                        parked your car is another..”                    easier.”                        — Student
                                — Leisure 55+                        — Leisure 55+
   Station Pain
                                 Departure times and destination options

                    “More train options from        “Adding a regular or hourly train       “For all the other investments
                   C-ville going westward in       schedule would probably increase.         the state could make, those
                   state, helping to minimize         It would be considered a more          focused on making sure that
                     travel on the interstate     reliable form of transportation such          the trains can meet the
                        which is seriously          as a bus service that usually runs      existing timetables (seem to be
                         overcrowded.”                          this way.”                      among the most vital.”
                          — Leisure -55                        — Business                              — Business

3/20/2019                                                                                                                     16
Proximity to Known and Trusted
                                                 Public Transportation
                                                                                “Location would come in to play too, how
 “First Mile /           “The train station destination is a
                           consideration, dropping off at
                         Union Station is ok as I can usually
                                                                                  far would the train station be from my
                                                                                 destination as with driving I can usually

Last Mile” Pain           get to anyplace I need to get to.”
                                   — Leisure 55+
                                                                                   just drive right up to my destination.”
                                                                                                 — Leisure -55

     and                                    Partner with ground transit and
  Solutions                                      ride sharing providers
                     “Pair with Lyft/Uber/Taxi to offer some sort of "door to door”           “This for me could very well
                   ticket whereby you'd have a voucher for the estimated cost of a          change my mind about driving
                       ride to your hotel/home. The ridesharing company would               all together. Especially if I can
                   automatically alert drivers and summon them as the train gets             go "Door to Door". For a little
                  there. I'd even settle for being able to book a taxi to pick me up at        more money this would be
                       some stations through some sort of centralized process.”                     worth it for me.”
                                              — Business                                              — Business

3/20/2019                                                                                                                       17
What are they willing to pay?
                              Discount          Terms             YTD Ridership   Impact on %
                   None                        Full-Fare            359,729         57.5%
                   14-Day Advance                25%                132,168         21.1%
                   AAA                           10%                 10,823          1.7%
       Marketing   Children              50% - 1 child: 1 adult      15,006          2.4%
         Data      Disabled                      10%                 11,999          1.9%
      FY2018 YTD   Military                      10%                 10,196          1.6%
                   NARP                          10%                 1,576           0.3%
                   Senior                     10% - 65+              49,062          7.8%
                   Veterans Advantage            15%                 22,482          3.6%
                   Students                      10%                 8,584           1.5%
                   VRE Step-Up                 15 – 20%              43,762          9.2%
                   Flash Sales                Terms Vary

3/20/2019                                                                                       18
Existing Promotions
                • Flash Sale Discount: 30 percent off flash sale (customers either
                  purchase quickly or lose). Assumed 25 percent of ridership would take advantage of
                  this discount.

                • Advance Purchase Discount: 25 percent off ticket price
     Fare         discount (with a 14 days advance purchase). Assumed 25 percent of all ridership
                  would take advantage of this discount.

  Scenarios    Potential Promotions
     and        • Intra-Virginia Discount: Permanently discounted tickets as a result
                  of Intra-Virginia travel (including Washington D.C.). This discount is applied to all riders.
 Assumptions    • Student Discount: Pre-paid student ticket pack (e.g. six-pack of tickets
                  at one upfront price). Assumed 20 percent of student ridership would take advantage of
                  this discount.

               Past Promotions
                • Demographic Discount: Permanently discounted tickets based on
                  demographics (e.g. student, senior, military). 10 percent off ticket price. Assumed 10
                  percent of all riders would take advantage of this discount.
3/20/2019                                                                                                         19
Estimated Increase in Annual Ridership

                                           Flash sale                                  2.8% (+23,800)

        of                         Advance purchase                               2.3% (+19,700)

       Fare                         Intra-VA discount                                                           6.1% (+51,100)

     Scenarios                    Student multi-pack              0.9% (+7,500)

                                Demographic discount        0.3% (+2,800)

                                                        0         1          2          3          4    5   6            7
                                                                                      Percent change

            FY2016 and FY2017
                                          Amtrak VA-Sponsored Trains served 844,434 riders in FY 2018
3/20/2019                                                                                                                        20
Estimated Change
                          Revenue      in Annual
                                  percent changeRevenue

   Amtrak                                                          0.6% (-$321K)            Flash sale

 Ridership in                                                       -0.4% (-226K)           Advance purchase

   Virginia                                                   -1.3% (-$683K)                Intra-VA discount

  Summary                                                           -0.2% (-$102K)          Student multi-pack

                                                                                            Demographic discount
                                                                            % (-$32K)

                -14   -12      -10      -8        -6     -4            -2               0
                                       Percent change

                      Total Virginia Revenue FY18 $46.5 million
3/20/2019                                                                                                          21
Messaging around destinations and prices
                           Option A                                     Option B

Awareness of
  Current        Focus groups reviewed and marked up two Amtrak Virginia Flash Sale ads.
 Discounts       Overall, Option B was the preferred choice.

                                        The scenic visual and text with the sale’s exact
                                        end date were the main points of preference.

                     B                           “I think of the scenery and the train riding through
                                               places in all of my visions! [Option B] is more attractive
                                              to the consumer, plus it has the sale details advertised!”
3/20/2019                                                            — Leisure 55+                          22

3/20/2019            23

3/20/2019           24

3/20/2019             25

3/20/2019            26
Students keen to see more
                       representation in advertising

                                “I would like to see more
              Key            advertisements that are geared
                         towards Millennials. I think that train
            Virginia      travel can become a cool and trendy
                          thing if marketed to the right group.
                           Millennials are traveling more than
            Insights        ever so that is the audience that
                                 needs to be catered to.”

                                       — Student

3/20/2019                                                          27
Communicating the
                                                     stress-free benefit of
                                                        reduced traffic.
                           Words such as calm,
              Key       friendly, soothing, enjoy,
            Virginia   and peaceful were favorite
                            descriptors among
            Insights          respondents.

3/20/2019                                                                     28
Short Term (1-5 Years)
                   • Develop strategies with Amtrak and Host RR to address
                     frequent issues affecting On-Time Performance
                   • Monitor Amtrak’s implementation of customer improvement
 Improve Service     plan and impact on customer service survey data
        &          • Develop Marketing Strategies based on survey results
                   • Improve Wi-Fi performance on Amtrak trains
  Grow Ridership
                   Medium Term (5-10 Years)
                   • Take an active role on multi-state committee to advise Amtrak
                     on re-fleeting of locomotives and train equipment
                   Long Term (10+)
                   • Advance project to add capacity

3/20/2019                                                                            29
                                                              •    Is clean
                         • Is the best value for my           •    Is timely and reliable
                           money                              •    Is comfortable
                                                              •    Has good customer service
                         • Has door-to-door                   •    Offers desirable destination options
                                                              •    Has easy pre-boarding and boarding
                           convenience (i.e. you                   experience

                                                                                                                 HIGH PERFORMANCE

                           can get to your final              •    Offers flexibility (ability to make changes
                                                                   and/or book with short notice)
                           destination easily)                •    Has hassle-free security
                                                              •    Has Wi-Fi and streaming services
                         •   Is quiet                         •     Is family-friendly
                         •   Offers quality food options      •     Provides appealing scenery
                         •   Offers a variety of food         •     Is good for professionals
                         •   Offers adult beverage
                         •   Is pet-friendly

                                                     LOW IMPORTANCE

                                                                  Average performance of attributes ⁒ Average importance of attributes
3/20/2019                                                                                                                                         30
Satisfaction                                  Interest in Amtrak
            with Amtrak                               for next out-of-town trip
                                     93%                                                       91%
             58%                      56%                                 59%
                                                                                    40%         68%
              37%         44%         37%                                           35%
               Low       Medium       High                               Low       Medium       High
            Knowledge   Knowledge   Knowledge                         Knowledge   Knowledge   Knowledge

                                            High Knowledge Score n = 97
                                            Med Knowledge Score n = 564
                                            Low Knowledge Score n = 364

3/20/2019                                                                                                             31

          Impact                                 65%
            of                                   31%

        Advertising                                                                   5 - Very

                                                 34%                                  4

                              NOT Aware of Advertisements   Aware of Advertisements

                        Aware of Ads n = 266
                      Not aware of ads n = 518
Implications and Recommendations
                     FINDING                                            IMPLICATION & RECOMMENDATIONS                                      NEXT STEPS

Amtrak is winning on sentiment, but losing on service.
                                                         Messaging should be focused on rational aspects of travel where
Fundamental practical issues such as reliability,                                                                                       Service Improvement
                                                         perception gaps exist (i.e. timeliness, reliability, value, and door-to-door
schedules, and routes get in the way of truly loving                                                                                             Plan
                                                         convenience) and DRPT’s service improvement plan.

DRPT mission awareness increases consideration of        For families in particular, let more customers know about DRPT’s mission          Commonwealth
Amtrak in the Commonwealth.                              and how it relates to Amtrak travel.                                                 Visibility

The more someone knows about Amtrak in the
                                                                                                                                         Implementation and
Commonwealth, the higher their satisfaction ratings      Reach out to people with the Service Improvement Plan. Emphasize
                                                                                                                                        Promotion of Virginia
and interest in traveling with Amtrak. Knowledge         DRPT’s service improvement plan specifics in communications with
                                                                                                                                        Specific Discounts and
about DRPT’s service plan especially lifts these         prospective and current riders.

 3/20/2019                                                                                                                                                    33
Implications and Recommendations
                      FINDING                                        IMPLICATION & RECOMMENDATIONS                                     NEXT STEPS

                                                                                                                                    Continuously Review
                                                       Increased media spend, especially for messages about service
Advertising recall for Amtrak is low, but has a                                                                                        and Improve
                                                       improvements, could go a long way toward increasing satisfaction ratings
significant impact.                                                                                                                 Marketing Strategies
                                                       and interest in taking Amtrak in the future.

                                                       There is no one solution for overall station improvement. Each station has
Amtrak stations are often mentioned as a barrier to                                                                                  Statewide Station
                                                       individual issues to be addressed. Quantico Station may need special
train travel, and specifics need to be addressed.                                                                                       Assessment
                                                       attention to improve military perceptions of Amtrak.

                                                       Less than expected satisfaction and NPS scores from Millennials warrant a
With lower ratings for trains and Amtrak all around,                                                                                  All of the Above
                                                       closer look from Amtrak, and a communications focus on riders ages 35 and
Millennials need a closer eye.

 3/20/2019                                                                                                                                               34
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