2018 MEDIA GUIDE - Sydney Royal Easter Show

Page created by Julie Chang
2018 MEDIA GUIDE - Sydney Royal Easter Show
2018 MEDIA GUIDE - Sydney Royal Easter Show

                                                                                               2018 SYDNEY ROYAL
                                                                                               EASTER SHOW
Grand Champion

                                                                                               This annual event is run by the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS), a
                                                                                               not-for-profit organisation that promotes and rewards agricultural excellence.

                                                                                               First held in 1823, the Sydney Royal Easter Show is Australia’s largest
                                                                                               annual ticketed event, attracting over 850,000 attendees on average.
                                                                                               Revenue generated by it allows the RAS to invest in agricultural programs,
                                                                                               competitions, education, youth and rural NSW. In all, the RAS invests
                                Strategic Partner                                              almost $7 million annually in these activities which are designed to promote
                                                                                               agricultural excellence and keep our rural communities strong.

                                                                                               The Show is a celebration of Australian culture, from our rural traditions to
                                                                                               our modern day lifestyles, providing unique experiences for everyone. Every
                                                                                               Easter, the country and city join together at Sydney Showground, Sydney
                                                                                               Olympic Park, for 12 days of agricultural competitions, animal experiences, live
                                                                                               entertainment, carnival fun, shopping and much more.

                                                                                               Your Media Guide is filled with essential information and story ideas to help
                                                                                               you plan your coverage of the Show. There are so many surprising stories,
Blue Ribbon                                                                                    colourful characters and exciting experiences that make the Sydney Royal
                                                                                               Easter Show the iconic event that it is.

                                                                                               We hope you enjoy telling these stories.

                                                                                               MEDIA CENTRE                                                                    5

                                                                                               ESSENTIAL INFORMATION                                                           8

                                                                                               WHAT’S ON                                                                       9
Red Ribbon

                                                                                               DAILY TIMETABLES                                                                27

                                                                                               SYDNEY OLYMPIC PARK MAJOR EVENT BUSES                                           41

                                                                                               SHOW MAP                                                                    46

                                                              Correct as at 19 February 2018
                                                                                               MEDIA GUIDE                                                                      3
2018 MEDIA GUIDE - Sydney Royal Easter Show

                      SHOW DATES 23 March – 3 April 2018

          OPENING TIMES Show opens 9am. Pavilions open 9.30am

CLOSING TIMES Evening entertainment concludes 9pm. Showbag Pavilion
       closes 9.30pm. Coca-Cola Carnival stays open until late.

Excitement is in the air at Sydney           the accumulation of performance points
Showground for what is shaping up to be      from regional shows. There is pride the
an amazing Sydney Royal Easter Show.         whole state can revel in when the best of
Once again the country will come to the      the best compete in the city. It’s for that
city in a celebration of our world-class     reason the RAS works closely with country
agriculture industry.                        shows to share knowledge about event
                                             management, competition administration
Of all the events the Royal Agricultural     and bio-security messaging.
Society of NSW (RAS) holds through
the year, this is the pinnacle of what       Engaging young people in the industry
they strive toward as laid out in their      is a challenge which the RAS embrace.
mission, which is, ‘to promote, foster and   In consultation with government, key
encourage the sustainable development        industry stakeholders, and educators
of agriculture of the state’.                they work to ensure programs developed
                                             are relevant to today’s youth, igniting a
The Sydney Royal Competitions held           passion for agriculture.
during the Sydney Royal Easter Show

attract close to 30,000 Australia-wide       While the Sydney Royal Easter Show
entries each year. Exhibitors enter their    is its cardinal event, the RAS has
product, animal or skill in an attempt       established a diverse portfolio, including
to win the prestige of a Sydney Royal        world-class Sydney Showground which
award. The Sydney Royal Wine, Dairy, Fine    generates a total economic impact of
Food, Chocolate and Beer & Cider Shows       $615 million towards the NSW economy.
are held throughout the year rewarding
excellence in Australian produce.            Another aspect of the RAS portfolio is
                                             the Australasian Animal Registry - the
Country agricultural shows have an           most comprehensive not-for-profit
important role to play when it comes         animal registration and recovery service
to produce, art and craft. Some Sydney       in Australasia.
Royal competitions are only possible with

4                                                     SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2018         #EASTERSHOW
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2018 MEDIA GUIDE - Sydney Royal Easter Show
MEDIA CENTRE                                                                                                                                                      MEDIA CENTRE

The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW      MEDIA CENTRE TEAM                            MEDIA ACCESS TO VENUES                        SHOW WEBSITES
operates a hub for all accredited media    Tel: 02 9704 1042                            All requests for access to Spotless Stadium   The official Show website eastershow.
personnel reporting on the Sydney          Email: mediacentre@rasnsw.com.au             must be directed through the Media            com.au has the most up-to-date
Royal Easter Show. The Media Centre is     Website: eastershow.com.au                   Centre. All media on the stadium grounds      information about the Show including
located at:                                                                             must wear a white coat (provided by the       agricultural and entertainment timetables,
                                           Roger White, RAS                             Media Centre) and broad-brimmed hat           making it a useful resource tool for
Level 4, Sydney Royal Stand                Manager, Public Relations                    (provided by the individual). Under no        media. The Media Centre section (can be
Spotless Stadium                           M: 0478 092 425                              circumstances are media allowed to enter      found under the ABOUT tab) includes
Tel: 02 9704 1042                          E: rwhite@rasnsw.com.au                      Spotless Stadium during a Grand Parade        daily news releases and accreditation
Fax: 02 9704 1039                                                                       or the evening entertainment program.         information. For judging timetables and
Opening hours: 8am - 6pm                   Nicola Dalby, RAS                                                                          daily updates of judging results, visit
                                           Communications Coordinator                   All requests for access to Schmidt Arena,     rasnsw.com.au
The Media Centre provides accredited       M: 0434 579 906                              Channel 9 Woodchop Stadium and The
media with access to phone, fax,           E: ndalby@rasnsw.com.au                      Amphitheatre must be directed to the
internet access via wired CAT5 (RJ45)                                                   Media Centre.                                 MEDIA RELEASES
connection, light refreshments, and a      Justine Pirie, Cox Inall Communications                                                    The daily media release will be
limited number of lockers are available.   M: 0435 325 954                                                                            distributed to media and posted on the
                                           E: justine.pirie@coxinall.com.au             ACCESS FOR TV CREWS                           Show website early each morning.
Please note, leaving equipment and                                                      TV crews requiring onsite vehicle access
belongings in the Media Centre is at       Charlotte Thomson,                           for live-crosses and filming must advise
your own risk. The RAS accepts no          Cox Inall Communications                     the Media Centre, at least 2 hours in         HIGH-RES IMAGES
responsibility for any items.              M: 0428 374 985                              advance where possible, every time            The Media Centre maintains a library of
                                           E: Charlotte.Thomson@coxinall.com.au         they wish to enter Sydney Showground.         Show images. A selection of images will
Make this your first port of call for:                                                  TV crews arriving at the Showground           be available for media to download via a
• Show news and results                                                                 unannounced will not be admitted by           link provided by the Easter Show Team.
• Daily Show highlights                    MEDIA ACCESS TO THE SHOW                     Security. Crew cars and link trucks ONLY      Contact the Media Centre for access.
• Story ideas                              Pre-approved accredited media personnel      will be provided with on-site parking.
• Access to talent                         must go to the Exhibitor Services Centre                                                   Show photos are provided for publication
• Interview requests with authorised       (ESC) on their first visit to the Show to                                                  purposes free of charge, providing
  Show spokespeople                        collect their Show media accreditation.      MEDIA PARKING                                 the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
• Access to restricted areas including     The ESC is on Murray Rose Avenue,            A limited number of media parking spaces      (RAS) is credited. Commercial use of
  Spotless Stadium                         opposite Sydney Olympic Park Station         are available daily in P1. Exchange your      our photos is not permitted unless prior
• Maps                                     in the RAS Administration Building. On       P1 parking ticket for a validated parking     arrangement and a fee structure have
                                           arrival at the ESC, media personnel must     pass at the Media Centre but please note      been negotiated.
                                           present official media identification        parking is available on a first-in basis.
MEDIA ACCREDITATION                        or a business card in order to receive
All media representatives reporting        Show media accreditation. Show media
on the Show must be accredited by          accreditation must be visible at all times   AROUND SYDNEY SHOWGROUND
the RAS prior to the event. If you have    while on site at Sydney Showground.          Please be considerate of competition
not acquired accreditation prior to the                                                 judging and pay careful attention to
Show, contact the RAS Public Relations                                                  animals and exhibitors when filming,
Department so your request can be                                                       photographing or conducting interviews.

6                                                   SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2018                                                                                              7
2018 MEDIA GUIDE - Sydney Royal Easter Show

WH&S                                           PUBLIC TRANSPORT
All media representatives attending            The best way to get to and from the
Sydney Showground must adhere to the           Sydney Royal Easter Show in Sydney
RAS Workplace Health and Safety policy         Olympic Park is by public transport. With
(this policy can be found at eastershow.       plenty of extra trains and Sydney Olympic
com.au) and laws relating to WH&S.             Park Major Event Buses running regularly
                                               throughout the Show it’s easy to get there
                                               and back by public transport.
SHOW SPOKESPERSONS                                 Travel on public transport services is
Comment from any of the following              included in all ShowLink tickets. Showgoers

RAS spokespersons should be arranged           are encouraged to leave the car at home
through the Media Centre:                      and plan their trip to the Show by public
                                               transport ahead of time. For all the details
Robert Ryan OAM                                on the extra services and transport options
President                                      available, visit transportnsw.info.

Brock Gilmour
Chief Executive                                IMPORTANT TICKET INFORMATION
                                               ShowLink tickets are not available for
Murray Wilton                                  purchase at Sydney Trains and NSW
General Manager, Agriculture & Sydney          TrainLink stations or on-board Sydney
Royal Easter Show                              Olympic Park Major Event Buses or any
                                               other transport service. ShowLink tickets
Shane McGrath                                  are available at selected Woolworths outlets
Senior Manager, Operations & Product           or online via Ticketmaster. Tickets can be
Development                                    bought at the Sydney Showground ticket
                                               booths located at the entry to the Show.
                                                   There are no exchanges, refunds or
EMERGENCIES                                    cancellations on purchased ShowLink
St John’s First Aid stations are located at:   tickets.
• Corner of Olympic Boulevard and
  Channel 9 Grand Parade

                                                                                              WHAT’S ON
• Woolworths Fresh Food Dome foyer             SHUTTLE BUS AND TAXIS
• Opposite Domestic Animals Pavilion           Shuttle buses will run between the
• Behind the Showbag Pavilion                  northern bus terminal (plaza Show entry)
• Medical Centre on New England Ave.           and the P5 car park, and between the
                                               Dawn Fraser bus terminal and the P3 and
                                               P4 car park. All Showgoers travel for free.
POLICE AND LOST PROPERTY                       Service operates from 9am – 11pm.
Lost property should be handed into the
Police Station located on New England
Avenue opposite the Schmidt Arena              TAXIS
(under the Spotless Stadium concourse).        Taxis are available from Gate 13 on the
                                               corner of Dawn Fraser Avenue, adjacent
                                               to Australia Ave.

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2018 MEDIA GUIDE - Sydney Royal Easter Show
WHAT’S ON                                                                                                                                                                  WHAT’S ON

JUDGING DAYS                                                                              COMPETITION HIGHLIGHTS
ALPACA & FLEECE                                  HORSE
When 29 March -3 April                           When Daily                               Sydney Royal Easter Show competitions        these deserving dogs are rewarded
Where Alpaca Pavilion, New England Ave           Where Spotless Stadium & Schmidt Arena   are run by the Royal Agricultural            and acknowledged in two categories;
                                                                                          Society of NSW to measure and                AAR Service Dog Award and the AAR
ARTS & CRAFTS – PERISHABLE COOKING               PIG                                      maintain excellence in agriculture. The      Companion Dog Award. Whether
When 23 March                                    When 24 March                            competitions are judged by experts           they have shown incredible bravery
Where Arts & Crafts Pavilion                     Where Pig & Goat Pavilion                in their fields to ensure only the ‘best     or transformed a life in adversity, the
                                                                                          of the best’ are awarded a prestigious       common factor is these remarkable
AVIARY BIRDS                                     POLO                                     Sydney Royal ribbon.                         animals and their human companions
When 26-27 March                                 When 27, 29, 31 March & 2 April                                                       have enriched lives.
Where Pet Pavilion                               Where Spotless Stadium                   ALPACA COMPETITION                           When 2 April
                                                                                          The Sydney Royal Alpaca & Fleece Show        Where ADVANCE™ Dog Judging Lawn,
CATS                                             POULTRY                                  is Australia’s most prestigious Alpaca       Shoalhaven Street
When 24-25 March & 30 March - 1 April            When 22 March                            competition, with Huacaya (soft fleece
Where Pet Pavilion                               Where Steggles Poultry Pavilion          with a natural crimp) and Suri (long,        CAT COMPETITION
                                                                                          luxurious fibre) breeds competing in their   The CATSAN™ Sydney Royal Cat Show
CATTLE – BEEF                                    RABBIT                                   own sections for the title of Best Alpaca.   consists of two Championship shows,
When 23-27 March (Urquhart & Hordern             When 1 April                             When 29 March - 3 April                      as well as Cat Breed Display days. The
Trophies 26 March)                               Where Pet Pavilion                       Where Munro Pavilion, New England Ave,       shows are the largest feline events held in
Where Orana Pde, cnr New England Ave                                                      corner Macquarie Street                      Australia. Cats are judged in breeds, then
                                                 RAT & MOUSE                                                                           groups, leading to the ultimate prize of
CATTLE – DAIRY                                   When 23 March Where Pet Pavilion         AVIARY BIRDS                                 Best In Show. Judges take into account the
When 30 March – 3 April                                                                   The first two days of the Show feature       cat’s breed standard, coat, construction
Where Orana Pde, cnr New England Ave             RODEO                                    the Sydney Royal Aviary Bird Show. With      and temperament when judging.
                                                 When 23 March – 3 April                  600 birds of all varieties exhibited it’s    When 24-25 March and 30 March -1 April
DISTRICT EXHIBITS PRESENTATIONS                  Where Spotless Stadium                   known as the largest Royal bird display.     Where Pet Pavilion, Riverina Avenue
When 24 March                                                                             When 26-27 March
Where Woolworths Fresh Food Dome                 SHEEP & FLEECE                           Where Pet Pavilion, Riverina Avenue          DISTRICT EXHIBITS COMPETITION
                                                 When 22-28 March                                                                          Every year there’s regional pride
DOGS                                             Where Sheep & Wool Pavilion              BABY PUPPY COMPETITION                       at stake during the District Exhibit
When Daily (Best In Show 2 April)                                                         Cuteness overload! At just 3 – 6 months      competition. And they’re not just vying
Where Dog Judging Lawn                           SHOWGIRL AND RURAL ACHIEVER              old these little guys frolic more than       for the most creative artwork. It’s the
                                                 When 25 March                            flaunt their way around the ring. Every      produce that really counts.
FROG & REPTILE                                   Where The Amphitheatre                   afternoon, you will be treated to an             While the hardworking teams are putting
When 2 -3 April Where Pet Pavilion                                                        absolutely adorable display as Best Baby     the final touches on their displays, Sydney
                                                 SHOW LEGEND PRESENTATION                 Puppy of the day is awarded their trophy.    Royal Judges scrutinise the produce that
FLOWER & GARDEN                                  When 29 March                            When Daily 3pm – 5pm                         goes into creating them. Everything is
When 23, 25, 27, 29, 31 March & 2 April                                                   Where ADVANCE™ Dog Pavilion and Dog          judged individually – fruit, vegetables, grains,
Where Flower & Garden Pavilion                   WHIPCRACKING                             Judging Lawn, Shoalhaven Street              pulses, oils and fibres – to determine who
                                                 When 3 April                                                                          has the best in each region.
GOAT                                             Where Channel 9 Woodchop Stadium         CANINE HERO AWARDS                               Points from the different sections
When 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 31 March & 1, 2 April                                            Every year, among our tail-wagging           plus points for Effective Display and
Where Pig & Goat Pavilion                        WOODCHOP                                 friends, heroes emerge with unique           General Presentation are added together
                                                 When 23 March – 2 April                  stories. At the Royal Agricultural           to determine the overall winner of the
                                                 Where Channel 9 Woodchop Stadium         Society of NSW Canine Hero Awards            competition.

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2018 MEDIA GUIDE - Sydney Royal Easter Show
WHAT’S ON                                                                                                                                                                 WHAT’S ON

    Don’t forget, fresh produce from each    From 9.30am – 11am they’ll compete live.      Show awarding Gold, Silver and Bronze         Boars, they look for suitability for breeding
region is available for purchase from the    • NSW Smithers-Oasis Designz Cup              medals in the Southern Hemisphere.            stock and in Sows they judge on ability to
friendly farmers at the front of every       Competition 24 March 9.30am – 12.30pm.           Find out who the 2018 queen bees           carry strong litters. As you wander through
District Exhibit.                            Watch as floristry students compete by        are by seeing the Champions, Supreme          the Pavilion, the old established breeds
When Daily                                   creating an elaborate floral design.          Champions and Best Exhibit in Show on         such as Berkshire, Tamworths and Wessex
Where Woolworths Fresh Food Dome             • Professional Florists Association of        display in the Woolworths Fresh Food          Saddlebacks are definitely worth a look.
                                             NSW Competition 30 March 9.30am.              Dome, next to Honeyland.                      When Daily
DOG COMPETITION                              Floral designers will create a dramatic       When Daily                                    Where Pig & Goat Pavilion
The ADVANCE™ Sydney Royal Dog Show           floral design in under 3 hours. Watch as      Where Woolworths Fresh Food Dome
brings together thousands of dogs to         their creations take form.                                                                  POULTRY COMPETITION
find the champions of the canine world.      When Daily                                    HORSE COMPETITION                             The Sydney Royal Poultry Competition is
Attracting over 4,000 entries across         Where Flower & Garden Pavilion                The Sydney Royal Horse Show is the            considered the benchmark Poultry Show
Conformation, Agility, Obedience, Junior                                                   largest of its kind attracting over 5,500     in Australia. Birds in the Competition are
Handler, and Sweepstake classes, the         FROGS & REPTILES                              entries exhibiting the most prestigious       judged to the Australian Standards of
ADVANCE™ Sydney Royal Dog Show has           Take a walk on the wild side and meet         horses in Australia and New Zealand.          Perfection.
an impeccable global reputation. Here are    the Sydney Royal Frog & Reptile Show          There’s a competitive event every day             2018 will see around 4,000 birds
the special competition days:                competitors. Cute and cuddly they are not.    of the Show with classes including:           entered into the competition, all of which
   • Obedience Show: 23 March                But you’ll be amazed by these exotic and      Breeds, Hacks, Riding for the Disabled        will be on display in the Steggles Poultry
   • Conformation Show: 23 March -           extraordinary companions. Non-venomous        Association, Light and Heavy Harness,         Pavilion. Make sure you have a gander at
		 1 April                                   snakes, lizards, and frogs will be judged     Showjumping, Campdraft, Polo, Rodeo,          the geese and turkeys – they’re amongst
   • Best in Show: 2 April                   with the best of the best rewarded.           Pony Club, Tentpegging, Heavy Horse           the finest animals you’ll ever see.
   • Agility Competition: 3 April            When 2-3 April                                Obstacle Vaulting and Team Penning.           When Daily
When Daily                                   Where Pet Pavilion, Riverina Avenue           Showjumping is a crowd favourite. And         Where Steggles Poultry Pavilion
Where ADVANCE™ Dog Pavilion and Dog                                                        the event to watch will be the Grand
Judging Lawn, Shoalhaven Street              GOAT COMPETITION                              Prix Showjumping which offers $60,000         RABBITS
                                             The Sydney Royal Goat Show consists of        in prize money and attracts the best          Bounce on down to the Pet Pavilion for
FLOWER & GARDEN COMPETITION                  competitions for Dairy, Boer and Angora.      competitors Australia-wide. Don’t miss        the Sydney Royal Rabbit Competition.
Judging for this competition takes place     The goats compete in their breed classes      the Team Penning Competition in the           Every year, around 250 entries compete
early in the morning, every second day       for the highest accolade, Best in Show.       Schmidt Arena on 25 March from 11.00am.       by breed; Fur, Rex, Lop and Fancy. You
of the Show. You can see the best of the     Judges of these competitions are looking      Team penning is a western equestrian          can meet them and talk to their breeders
best as the amazing array of plants and      for trueness to type and breed, strong        sport requiring a whole lot of teamwork,      on their one big day of judging.
flowers stay on display for two days.        breeding lines along with strong yield        speed, skill, communication and a little      When 1 April
For the first four days of the Show          ability – whether for milk, meat or mohair.   bit of luck. Sydney Royal has selected        Where Pet Pavilion, Riverina Avenue
you’ll be able to view the National Floral   Judging these competitions will take place:   the best Team Penning Teams in NSW to
Designer competition exhibits. Respected         • Dairy Goats: 22-23 March                compete at the Show.                          RATS & MICE
floral demonstrator & arranger, Heather          • Angora Goats: 26-28 March               When Daily                                    Despite being small, these pets are great!
Hammond (New Zealand), will judge                • Boer Goats : 31 March - 2 April         Where Spotless Stadium and Schmidt Arena      First introduced to the Show as a non-
this event - she has over 40 years floral    When Daily                                                                                  competitive exhibit in 2003, the Rat &
design experience and is recognised          Where Pig & Goat Pavilion                     PIG COMPETITION                               Mouse Show was officially included in the
internationally for her leadership and                                                     The Sydney Royal Pig Show is Australia’s      Sydney Royal competitions the following
accomplishments in floristry services.       HONEY COMPETITION                             best display of pure breed stud pigs, which   year. The Sydney Royal Rat & Mouse Show
• Floristry Students Competitions 23         The Sydney Royal National Honey Show          compete in separate classes and ultimately    is self-administered by the Australian
March. Don’t miss the opportunity to see     is Australia’s most prestigious honey         for Best Pig In Show. The Judges always       Rodent Fanciers’ Society and attracts
the next generation of budding florists.     competition. It is the only National Honey    look for trueness to type and breed. In       over 250 entries.

12                                                    SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2018                                                                                                13
WHAT’S ON                                                                                                                                                                        WHAT’S ON

                                                                                              WHAT’S NEW IN 2018

When 23 March                                   The sale of livestock through auction is a    Get in on the fun with new experiences           animals that have to be seen to be
Where Pet Pavilion, Riverina Avenue             rural tradition. Regional competitions have   and amazing entertainment!                       believed. Life’s a circus, come along and
                                                been created to encourage and develop                                                          enjoy our parade!
RODEO                                           emerging talent in this field.                FARM OF THE FUTURE                               When Daily 4.00pm & 6.00pm
You can’t help but get drawn into the           To determine who has the gift of the          Drones, sensors, virtual fencing, agricultural   Where Spotless Stadium Concourse, Grand
heart-stopping excitement of the Sydney         gavel, finalists will auction prize-winning   robots are changing the lives of farmers         Parade, Showground Road, Riverina Street.
Royal Rodeo Series. Australia’s best            Sydney Royal Steer Show stock to high-        and producers across Australia and helping
cowboys will be competing for some of           profile buyers while aiming to get the best   them lead the way into the future. Discover      SHOW STOPPER BEER
the biggest rodeo prize money in the            price possible for vendors.                   all you need to know about modern                An all NSW beer to be served exclusively
country and they are ready to ride! Week        Prominent industry representatives will       farming and the incredible influence of          during the 2018 Sydney Royal Easter
one of the Show features Bullriding,            judge the competitors on clarity, diction,    innovation and information when you visit        Show. The Sydney Royal Easter Show Pale
Bareback, Saddle Bronc & Steer Wrestling        manner and livestock value knowledge.         the Farm of the Future.                          will be an easy drinking craft beer that will
in the Federation Challenge, whilst week        When 23 March 12pm                            When Daily 9.30am – 6.00pm                       appeal to the masses and will leave you
2 sees mate vs mate in the State of Origin      Where The Amphitheatre                        Where Orana Parade                               wanting more.
team series. Be there to watch the                                                                                                             Where The Stables
competitors give it their all!                  YOUNG FARMER CHALLENGE                        EVENING ENTERTAINMENT
When Daily 6.30pm (except 28 March              Sit back and watch the ultimate test          THE GREATEST EASTER SHOW                         FOOD TRUCK FEEDLOT
5.30pm)                                         of skills and ability as young farmers        SPECTACULAR                                      From tacos and waffles to boutique
Where Spotless Stadium                          showcase their expertise in a series of       Step right up and take a seat for the one        burgers, food truck dining has
                                                physical on-farm challenges. Mixed teams      and only, greatest ever, best show in town.      skyrocketed in terms of quality. In the
SHEEP COMPETITION                               of four, aged between 18 - 35 years, will     We’ve got Hot Air Balloon Trapeze, the           Food Truck Feedlot at the Show some
The Sydney Royal Sheep Show consists of         need to impress the judges with anything      Double Wheel of Death, Flying Trapeze,           of the nation’s finest motorized meal
Fleece, Merino, and Meat & Dual Purpose         thrown at them like animal handling,          Motorcycle Highwire Trapeze, Extreme             maestros will be strutting their stuff.
Breeds Competitions. A fascinating              fencing, tractor driving, firefighting,       Vaulting and gorgeous Glowing Horses.            When Daily 9.30am – 8.00pm
aspect of the Merino competition is the         first aid and heavy lifting. Emphasis is      You won’t believe what you are seeing as         Where Hawkesbury Street
Objective Measurement Class. In this            placed on completing each challenge           dare devils defy death, gymnasts perform
category Merino’s are judged on visual          with the correct technique and safest         on horseback, and for the first time ever in     FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR
characteristics, fleece type and on their       work method. Teams must have won a            an arena show trapeze artists will perform       The Greatest Easter Show Circus
subjective measurements including weight        Young Farmer Challenge at an agricultural     suspended from a hot air balloon. It truly       Spectacular will conclude with a
and data collected by scanning the sheep        show in regional NSW to qualify for the       is the Greatest Easter Show Spectacular          spectacular 12-minute aerial and ground
with an ultrasound to determine fat depth       Regional Final competition at the Sydney      every night in Spotless Stadium.                 fireworks finale - by globally-renowned
and muscle. The term Meat & Dual Purpose        Royal Easter Show which is the state          When Daily, 7.45pm – 8.20pm                      fireworks specialists Howards & Sons
Sheep is a collective for 13 different breeds   final. Winners from the Regional Finals       Where Spotless Stadium                           Pyrotechnics.
of sheep exhibited at the Show.                 held 10.00am in Schmidt Arena go to                                                                The night sky will be lit up with brilliant
When Daily                                      the State Final competition, also held in     THE PAW PATROL CIRCUS PARADE                     bright hues of pyrotechnic colour, as
Where Sheep & Wool Pavilion                     Schmidt Arena, from 4.05pm.                   Come one, come all to the greatest               dramatic effects erupt in choreographed
                                                When 31 March                                 parade in town! The PAW Patrol Circus            colour-changing scenes.
ALPA YOUNG AUCTIONEERS                          Where Schmidt Arena                           Parade is appearing at the Show for                  Howard & Sons Pyrotechnics are
COMPETITION                                                                                   the first time ever, with two sensational        imagineers, producers and providers of
Be there as the hammers go down as                                                            parades every day. From the Main Arena           spectacular fireworks and special effects,
the Sydney Royal Easter Show hosts the                                                        and through the Showgrounds, the                 and are responsible for some of the world’s
Australian Livestock & Property Agents                                                        parade will amaze audience members               best fireworks and unique special effects.
(ALPA) NSW State, and the Australian                                                          all over the grounds with dancers, stilt         When Every night from 8.50 pm
National Young Auctioneers Finals.                                                            walkers, amazing floats and animatronic          Where Spotless Stadium

14                                                       SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2018                                                                                                     15
WHAT’S ON                                                                                                                                                                     WHAT’S ON

NICK JR.’S PAW PATROL                          artist, Zoe performs with style, grace and      Mona Vale’s Modus Operandi Brewing             NATURAL FIBRE FASHION PARADE
Your favourite characters from                 an unusual collection of bizarre stunts and     using hops and barley from NSW.                On the Fashion & Style Stage you’ll
Nickelodeon’s number one tv show are           painful looking added extras.                   When Daily from 11am                           be treated to a fashion show featuring
coming to the Show! Could you be a PAW             Do not miss this year’s Sideshow for        Where The Stables, Hawkesbury Street           a stunning selection of natural fibre
Patrol trainee? Join Ryder, Chase and          some freakishly good fun as the performers                                                     garments from the Darnell Collection.
Marshall as they answer Mayor Goodway’s        push their body and stunts to the limit.        HERITAGE PAVILION                              Learn about Australia’s diverse range
call for help to save the “Adventure Bay       When 24 March – 3 April 12pm, 2pm and           Take a step back in time to the 1950s          of sustainably sourced natural fibres as
Talent Show”. Ryder and the Pups will take     5pm (no 2pm performance on 25, 28               and celebrate all that is vintage in the       vintage styles sashay down the runway.
you through all the moves for the Pup,         March; no 5pm performance 25 March)             Heritage Pavilion. Back then, livestock        Where Riverina Avenue, corner Monaro
Pup Boogie so you can dance along and          Where The Amphitheatre                          and sales at the Show were valued in           Street
help make Nick Jr.’s PAW Patrol Ready for                                                      pounds and pence, highlights included
Action Show the best rescue mission ever!      DESPICABLE ME 3™                                visits from the Royal family, the newly        SHEEP SHEARING DISPLAYS
When 24 March – 3 April (no show 27            It’s time to party with your favourite          introduced wonders of television and an        The sensational skills of super-speedy
March) 10.00am                                 Despicable Me 3™ characters, at the DM3™        excitement that only the Post-War era          champion shearers are showcased every
Where The Amphitheatre                         dance party. You’ll “Bust a Minion”, make       could bring, where on average over 65%         day of the Show, along with secrets from
                                               some “trouble on the dance floor”, and          of the population of Sydney attended the       the shearing sheds and stories straight
PSYCHO SIDESHOW                                “dance like you mean it”, at this epic 80’s     Show each year. Learn all about the Show       from the sheep-shearer’s mouths. And if
Psycho Sideshow makes its return with a        dance battle. Mel, Dave and your favourite      during the Post-War era, hop on a vintage      that’s not enough, each shearing session
‘best ever’ line-up of acts that will blow     super villain Gru, are ready to dance with      Showground bus, dress-up in the fashions       some audience members are invited to
your mind. The show will feature crowd         you and your friends in celebration of the      of the day, visit themed market stalls, make   take up the clipppers and give it a go. Jim
favourite Chayne ‘The Space Cowboy’            Despicable Me 3 movie release, so come          your own kewpie doll and test your history     Murray, Head-Shearer at the Show, will
Hultgren, one of the most innovative           along and “get into the groove”!                knowledge on the interactive timeline.         be joined by Ian Elkin and Dayne West to
sword swallowers performing today. His         When 24 March – 3 April (no performance             The magnificent collection of              explain the tricks of the trade and some
daring act also includes chainsaw juggling     27 March), 10.50am, 11.50am                     Perpetual Trophies will be on display and      facts about fleece. The Sheep Shearing
during a unicycle finale that simply has to    Where The Amphitheatre                          the RAS official carriage, the caleche, will   & Display is so popular and classically
be seen to be believed. The Lizardman                                                          be there for all to admire.                    Australian that it will be held in two
has tattooed his entire body for a reptilian   XSCREAM SOUNDWAVE                               When Daily 9.30am – 8pm                        locations at the Show.
look. Other modifications include four         A brand-new spinning sensation at the           Where Grand Parade, corner Hawkesbury          When Thursday 29 March – Tuesday 3
teeth sharpened as fangs, a bifurcated         Show. Take your seat and hold on tight as       Street                                         April 10.30am*, 12.30pm, 2.00pm, 3.30pm,
tongue and five Teflon horns subdermally       you start whirling and twirling, you’ll be                                                     4.30pm & 5.30pm
implanted above his eyes to create horned      turning around with the music pumping           D-MAX PRECISION DRIVING TEAM                   Where Sheep & Wool Pavilion
ridges. But what does he do? Everything        and your adrenalin jumping!                     Get your motor running and head down           *this session will not be held on Thursday
from fire eating to the bed of nails in        When Daily                                      to Spotless Stadium to catch Team              29 March
the freakiest freak show Showgoers             Where Coca Cola Carnival                        D-Max in all their engine revving glory!
can witness. Bending, contorting and                                                           From 180-degree spins to two-wheel             When Friday 23 March – Wednesday
manipulating, Captain Frodo will astonish,     THE STABLES                                     balancing acts and formation driving that      28 March 10.30am, 12.30pm, 2.00pm,
amaze and blow your mind. Pushing his          The award-winning Stables is back as            will have the crowd holding its collective     3.30pm, 4.30pm & 5.30pm AND Thursday
body to the limit, Frodo is an absolute        your on-trend fine food and beverage            breath, Team D-max have been thrilling         29 March – Tuesday 3 April 12.30pm &
one of a kind and perhaps the only man         destination with Australia’s finest producers   Showgoers for more than 50 years               2.00pm
alive who can squeeze his body through a       on show. The venue will feature exciting        and are looking forward to their much-         Where Outback Stockman Show – The
tennis racquet or two. The Pain Proof Pin      new pop-up eateries and the Sydney Royal        anticipated return this year!                  Daily Telegraph Paddock
Up, Zoe L‘Amore, combines circus skills        Beer and Wine Bar. Stop by for a refreshing     When Daily, 12.20pm
with sideshow thrills give or take a whip,     Show Stopper Beer - an exclusive Sydney         Where Spotless Stadium
power tool, fire or two. Truly a dare devil    Royal Easter Show brew by

16                                                      SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2018                                                                                                    17
WHAT’S ON                                                                                                                                                                         WHAT’S ON


Traditions, favourites and always               breaking the 50,000 mark for the first          competition of its kind in the world, axeman     South East Queensland and comprise
something for everyone...                       time in 2017 with a record-breaking             have shown their speed, balance and              fresh fruit, vegetables, pulses, wool, eggs,
                                                53,872 scones sold. Come and be part of         precision at the Show for well over a century.   beeswax, wine, jams, grain, bacon and
OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONY                       this delicious tradition, show your support         Held in a purpose built stadium the          more. In all, 50,000 pieces of produce are
His Excellency General the Honourable           and help the CWA make history in 2018.          competition is made up of 69 separate            used to create the exhibits and on the final
David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), Governor of         Where Home & Lifestyle Pavilion                 events and with $230,000 prize money             day of the Show, there is a sale offering the
New South Wales will officially open the                                                        on offer, over 240 local and international       chance to grab a bargain whilst supporting
2018 Sydney Royal Easter Show. Prestige         THE GREAT BACKYARD PUMPKIN                      competitors compete. In addition to our          our Australian farmers. All left-over
is added to the Official Opening through        CHALLENGE                                       Australian woodchoppers, 2018 entries            produce is then collected by Oz Harvest
the participation of the Australian Defence     Come and see the colourful, quirky and          include representatives from USA, New            and distributed out to the community.
Force. The spectacle will include Australia’s   down-right delightful entries in the Great      Zealand, Canada and Wales.                           Fresh produce can be purchased at
Federation Guard, a professional ceremonial     Backyard Pumpkin Challenge. Will this               Incorporating 5 World Title Events, the      the front of each District Exhibit every
unit that is manned by men and women of         year’s greatest great pumpkin beat the          competition is widely recognised as the          day of the Show.
the Navy, Army and Air Force. The defence       record set in 2015 with a 728kg whopper?        ‘Wimbledon of Woodchopping’.                     When Daily 9.30am – 8.30pm
band will add to the pomp of the occasion       While the big ones are hard to miss, you’ll     Do not miss these events*:                       Where Woolworths Fresh Food Dome
in addition to the NSW Mounted Police who       have to look harder for the tiniest. And the       • World Championship Tree Felling
will provide an escort to His Excellency in a   outrageous celebrity look-alikes always         		 Final: 3.50pm 30 March                        SCHOOLS DISTRICT EXHIBITS DISPLAY
horse-drawn caleche.                            generate a giggle. Seeds for the 2018              • World Championship Sawing                   Stop in the Dome foyer to see the Schools
When 24 March 4.30pm                            competition were kindly provided by Dale        		 Contest (Single handed): 2.50pm               District Exhibit displays and you’ll be
Where Spotless Stadium                          Oliver, one of Australia’s avid giant pumpkin   		 Saturday 24 March                             amazed by the hard work and dedication
                                                growers. The seeds are from pumpkins               • World Championship Sawing                   from incredibly passionate high school
BIG BUSH BBQ                                    ranging in weight from 500kg to 853kg.          		 Contest (Double handed): 3.00pm               students. The displays may be on a
Nothing beats a good old-fashioned              Where Flower & Garden Pavilion                  		 Sunday 25 March                               smaller scale than the District Exhibits,
sausage sizzle… and nothing makes                                                                  • World Championship Standing                 but they are definitely planned, sourced,
the snag taste as good as knowing all           RURAL ACHIEVERS AND SHOWGIRL                    		 Block: 1.30pm Monday 2 April                  designed and constructed with just as
funds raised are going straight back to a       PRESENTATIONS                                      • The Manny McMarthy Memorial                 much pride and enthusiasm.
regional community. The Big Bush BBQ            Find out which Rural Achievers have the         		 World Championship Underhand                  When Daily 9.30am – 8.30pm
is a sausage sizzle with a purpose – each       gift of the gab and who will take home          		 3.10pm Saturday 31 March                      Where Woolworths Fresh Food Dome
day of the Show a different NSW Show            the title of 2018 The Land Sydney Royal         *Times are subject to change
Society will pick up the tongs and fire up      Showgirl at this nail-biter of an awards        Where 23 March – 2 April                         FARMYARD NURSERY
the Barbie. You can enjoy a sausage or          ceremony. The RAS Rural Achiever Award          Where Channel 9 Woodchop Stadium                 Stroll along the Animal Walk and you will
two knowing all money made at the BBQ           and The Land Sydney Royal Showgirl                                                               find the Farmyard Nursery - an open-plan
will go to help our friends in the bush.        Competition are state-wide leadership           DISTRICT EXHIBIT DISPLAYS                        indoor paddock with over 800 free-
When Daily 8.00am – 4.00pm                      programs run by the Royal Agricultural          It simply isn’t a visit to the Show without      range animals you can pat. Here you’ll
Where Davidson Plaza                            Society of NSW to recognise future              a stop to see the District Exhibits displays     see playful ducklings on their waterslide,
                                                leaders.                                        in the Woolworths Fresh Food Dome.               fawns, piglets, geese, donkeys and much
CWA TEA ROOM                                    When 25 March                                   The idea originated in 1876, with Courts         more. Ask the carers for a brush so you
The aroma of freshly baked scones,              Where The Amphitheatre                          set aside for country societies to exhibit       can spruce up their coat while you get to
piping-hot tea, and the warmth of the                                                           their produce. In 1900, it became a formal       know each other. To remember this special
CWA ladies who serve the delicious              WOODCHOPPING COMPETITION                        Competition with prize money, trophies           Farmyard Nursery experience, purchase
treats with jam and cream are a Show            The swing of the axe and the thundering         and, most importantly, district pride on         a professional photo of yourself or one of
tradition not to be missed. Each year the       cracks of wood make the Sydney Royal            the line. Displays are entered by five           the family with a beautiful baby lamb.
CWA ladies keep a tally of how many             Woodchopping and Sawing Competition a           competing regions representing Southern,         Where Farmyard Nursery (entry via
scones are baked every day of the Show,         highlight for many Showgoers. The largest       Northern, Western, Central NSW and               Woolworths Food Farm)

18                                                       SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2018                                                                                                     19
WHAT’S ON                                                                                                                                                                   WHAT’S ON


The Show is the best of the best when it      Horse Experience where you can meet           entertainment, followed by a traditional        the Sydney Royal Easter Show. And you’re
comes to entertaining whilst educating.       an incredible variety of breeds that call     Welcome to Country involving all the            invited to watch events as they unravel.
                                              Australia home.                               children in the audience. RAS Patron, His           The drama and excitement of the sale
WOOLWORTHS FOOD FARM                          Where New England Avenue, corner              Excellency General The Honourable David         is met with enthusiasm from woolgrowers,
The Woolworths Food Farm is designed          Orana Parade                                  Hurley AC DSC (Retd), Governor of New           brokers and buyers – taking advantage
to teach little ones where food comes                                                       South Wales will act as Presiding Officer       of a fantastic opportunity to showcase
from with a host of free kids’ activities     BONNIE YARD DOGS                              for the Ceremony. He will be joined by          their industry to the public. And you don’t
like the opportunity to dig for vegetables,   Australia’s working dogs are renowned for     Robert Ryan, President of the Royal             have to just sit on the side lines, people
grind grains into flour and cooking           their precision and intelligence. See them    Agricultural Society of NSW to welcome          from the Australian Wool Exchange
sessions. And they’re all free with your      in action at the popular Bonnie Yard Dog      our new citizens of Australia to the Show.      and brokers will be on hand to help and
Sydney Royal Easter Show ticket. The          demonstrations in The Outback Stockman        Everyone is welcome to watch these new          answer any questions you might have
Woolworths Food Farm helps everyone           Arena. Watch as these highly-skilled dogs     citizens as they officially call Australia      during the action.
acknowledge the importance of our             keep a mob of sheep on track through          home. Why 196? It’s the number of years             It’s anticipated there will be more than
farmers. So write them a little thank you     a series of obstacles and drills. The         that the RAS has existed.                       14,500 bales offered during the two-day
note before you leave – they’ll love it.      engaging trainers will talk you through the   When 27 March 10.30am                           event with wool from across New South
Where Woolworths Food Farm                    demonstration, providing insight into how     Where The Amphitheatre                          Wales and Queensland going under the
                                              they work with their dogs to apply their                                                      hammer. Can they beat last year’s total of
LITTLE HANDS ON THE LAND                      natural intelligence and herding instincts    AGRICHATS                                       $20,560,309.33 in sales?
After welcoming over 28,000 little            to sheep-work.                                Agrichat is a unique insight into the           When 27 and 28 March
farmers in 2017, once again the Daily         Where The Outback Stockman Arena,             world of agriculture in an informative          Where Sheep & Wool Pavilion
Telegraph Paddock will be transformed         The Daily Telegraph Paddock                   and entertaining way, and this year
into a kid-sized working farm aimed to                                                      will not disappoint. Delving into the           DAIRY FARMERS WORKING DAIRY
teach 2 – 10 year olds about agriculture      BEE-ZEEBO                                     important issues surrounding the future         How do milk, butter and cheese get from
from crop-to-shop. Little Hands on the        Make a beeline for this live-action,          of agriculture, a panel of professionals will   grassy paddock to breakfast table? Dairy
Land is a free activity that takes children   interactive display where the Show’s          embark on a discussion into the depths of       Farmers Working Dairy takes you behind-
on a journey through ten stations             friendly beekeeper will demonstrate the       food waste within the Agriculture industry;     the-barn-door to see the inside workings
including a chook shed, fruit orchard,        most intriguing facets of his work. See the   from flourishing production to waste in         of a modern dairy.
sheep shed, vegie patch, cow shed, pony       inner-workings of a hive and learn how        your own home. ‘Waste not, Want not’                In this display of contemporary
barrel race and an outback tractor pull.      apiarists care for their bees and harvest     will highlight an important issue within        agricultural technology in action, you
Next stop, the farmers’ market where          delicious honey without a single sting.       our modern world and particularly within        will see state-of-the-art machinery in
produce collected along the way is traded     Once you’ve seen the demonstration            agriculture. According to the Australian        operation, watch as cows are milked and
for farm dollars which can be spent at the    you can ask all the questions buzzing in      Department of Environment and Energy,           learn how today’s dairy farmers monitor
final destination – the supermarket.          your head. Don’t forget to sample and         consumers discard nearly 3.1 million            their herd for maximum performance.
When Daily                                    purchase some liquid gold at the nearby       tonnes of edible food each year, while 2.2          Visit the Working Dairy and the nearby
Where The Daily Telegraph Paddock             Honeyland stand.                              million tonnes of waste is rejected by the      Dairy Farmers Milking Barn for a look at
                                              Where Woolworths Fresh Food Dome              commercial and industrial sector. Within        the incredible changes that present-day
SNOWY RIVER STATION                           (next to the Honeyland stand)                 our advancing industry, it is important we      technology has brought to the business of
Come, horse around and learn about                                                          are aware of the part we all play.              agriculture.
the Show’s most majestic creatures.           AUSTRALIAN CITIZENSHIP CEREMONY               When 24 March 11.00am                           Where Dairy Farmers Working Dairy
Take a seat in the shade and watch as         At the 2018 Show, 196 conferees will take     Where Fashion & Style Pavilion
the little ones have a High Country Pony      a pledge and oath to receive Australian                                                       PAT A LAMB
Ride or hop on the Alpine Express train       Citizenship in an event that will create      WOOL AUCTION                                    There are Show-wide opportunities to get
which chugs around farmyard friends.          memories for a lifetime. To celebrate, the    In conjunction with the Australian Wool         close to loveable farm animals and the
Here you’ll also find the Snowy River         ceremony will open with Aussie-flavoured      Exchange, a Wool Auction will be hosted at      Sheep & Wool Pavilion doesn’t disappoint

20                                                     SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2018                                                                                                 21
WHAT’S ON                                                                                                                                                                     WHAT’S ON

with arguably the sweetest chance for           * Pavilion will be closed March 28 & 29 to      of four individual lambs (four different     need NSW regional communities through
a selfie. Here you’ll be able to cuddle up      allow for stock movements.                      lots), generously donated by Robert          the RAS Foundation Community Kitchen
to a laid-back lamb against a gorgeous                                                          Ryan, President of the RAS and Managing      Grant Program following the Sydney
backdrop and hash tag #welovewool and           BE A JUNIOR FARM HAND                           Director of Schute Bell Badgery Lumby.       Royal Easter Show.
#myeastershow. Smile and say, ‘baaahh’!         There are loads of free Junior Farm Hands       The RAS Foundation is proud that 100%        When 23 March – 3 April 10.00am,
Where Sheep & Wool Pavilion                     activities in the Woolworths Food Farm that     of all fundraising activities go toward      11.00am, 12.00pm, 1.00pm, 2.00pm,
                                                will keep kids entertained for hours. Primary   enhancing education excellence and           3.00pm, 4.00pm, 5.00pm
CHOOK WASHING AND PAT A CHICK                   School aged kids will learn all about farming   ultimately helps to build strong, vibrant    Where The Woolworths Fresh Food Dome
Be sure to head to the Steggles Poultry         and where their food comes from through         communities in rural and regional NSW.
Pavilion to see some of the country’s           hands-on interactive learning like the          When 24 March 1.30pm                         PAT A PIG
most pampered poultry during their              opportunity to mill grain, trowel through the   Where Sheep & Wool Pavilion                  This is your opportunity to jump into the
daily beauty routine. You’ll never guess        vegetable digging plot, collect an egg from                                                  large pen and pat the cheeky, playful
what goes into preparing chooks for             the chook house, and so much more.              ALPACA PROMENADE                             piglets. It’s also the perfect time for a
competition. Watch as the birds are                 Kids can also experience a slice of         This is your opportunity to take an          photo. But don’t hog the limelight!
lathered, fluffed and blow-dried. All the       farm life by getting a tractor licence when     exotic alpaca for an amble! Looking like         Nearby, you can see a sow with her
while, an experienced commentator will          they climb up onto the orange Kubota            small llamas or miniature camels with        tiny newborn litter. The farmers here
talk you through the demonstration which        tractor or meet with NSW Farmers who            no humps, these gentle, curious animals      are waiting, ready to answer all your
is, quite literally, all for show!              will hand out Jillaroo and Jackaroo work        respond well to children.                    questions. They’re also happy to have a
    Children can then pat the friendly          cards if they can successfully answer some         With the help of an experienced           laugh and share their curly pig tales.
farmyard fowls in one of the Pat a Chick        simple questions or complete a Farm Play        handler, you, and even smaller members of    Where Pig & Goat Pavilion
sessions which is also a great photo            challenge on the mini farm.                     the family, can walk one of these gracious
opportunity.                                    Where Woolworths Food Farm                      and sociable creatures around an obstacle    YANDIAH SPINNERS & WEAVERS
Where Steggles Poultry Pavilion                                                                 course to get to know them better.           So, how does wool get from the sheep’s
                                                LANDSCAPING DISPLAYS                            When 29 March - 3 April                      back onto yours? You’ll find out in this
CATTLE PAVILION                                 TAFE NSW Landscaping students are               Where Munro Pavilion                         display which demonstrates how wool is
The Cattle Pavilions are a hive of activity     putting on a show of their own. Stunning                                                     collected, prepared, spun and knitted into
from sunrise to sundown, as Exhibitors          displays are for all to see, admire and be      THE AUSTRALIAN WOMEN’S WEEKLY                clothing.
set about preparing their stock for Show;       inspired by outside the Flower & Garden         THEATRE KITCHEN                                  Here you’ll also learn about other wool
washing, shampooing, blow-drying and            Pavilion. All year the students have been       Take a seat in the Theatre Kitchen and       craft including crocheting, disk braiding
clipping them.                                  working on a real-life build, practicing        pick up tips, brand new recipes and even     and latchhook. The Yandiah ladies, who run
    When they are exhibiting at the Show,       skills like designing, teamwork, industry       a taste of what’s cooking at the free        this display every day of the Show, have
farmers live in the lofts above their cattle,   networking, problem solving, project            live cooking demonstrations. Hosted by       volunteered their time for many years.
literally breathing in everything bovine.       management and working to a budget to           some of your favourite Australian food       They are tireless in their efforts to promote
They’re proud of their work and happy to        create these unique gardens.                    personalities, you’ll learn their kitchen    wool and its benefits.
have a yarn as you wander through.              Where Channel 9 Grand Parade, corner            tricks and get an insight into the dishes    Where Sheep & Wool Pavilion
    In the first week of the Show, there        Showground Road                                 they love to cook and the next big thing
will be beef cattle on display, including                                                       in flavours. Ask questions, discover how
Herefords – the feature breed with bulls        RAS FOUNDATION LAMB AUCTION                     to use the latest kitchen equipment
weighing an average 1,200kg! But there’s no     This is a major fundraising event during        and sample delicious dishes prepared
bulls at the Show during the second week        the Show. All proceeds from the sale            right before your eyes. Nothing goes
with only Dairy cows and heifers on display.    go toward providing scholarships to             to waste in the Theatre Kitchen; even
When Daily 9am – 7pm*                           students in rural NSW so they can achieve       the equipment - generously donated
Where Orana Parade, corner New                  their tertiary education goals. The RAS         by Euromaid – is gifted to the RAS
England Avenue                                  Foundation Charity Lamb Auction consists        Foundation and then presented to two at-

22                                                       SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2018                                                                                                23
WHAT’S ON                                                                                                                                                                    WHAT’S ON


Gourmet food to pop-up trends, there’s          Mr Tortillas                                   and vegetarian dishes available.              freshly cooked side-by-side in enormous
something for every taste and budget.           A truckful of tacos is yours for the taking,   When Daily 10am – 8pm                         woks. It’s an absolute trip for your
                                                along with authentic burritos and fries        Where Graze, Daily Telegraph Paddock          tastebuds.
TRADITIONAL HOT JAM DONUT VAN                   loaded with guac, salsa and sour cream!                                                      When Daily 10am – 8pm
A traditional treat you just can’t walk         Take a taco, choose the chicken or the         BIANCO KITCHEN                                Where Graze, Daily Telegraph Paddock
past without thinking ‘mmm donuts’!             beef (or the vego option) add some chips       What to do when you can’t choose
Handmade and served hot, rolled in              and a drink, then hand the man in the Mr       between your two favourites - spaghetti       RETURNING FAVOURITES:
sugary sweet cinnamon or filled with your       Tortillas van $10.                             or a burger… Go for the Bianco Spaghetti-     SNACK SHACK
choice of nutella or jammy deliciousness.       Satay Brothers                                 Bun Burger. A Sicilian inspired meatball      If you’re searching for a quick bite on a
The Hot Jam Donut Van is at the Show for        Flame grilled and chargrilled, and basted      served on a fresh, crispy spaghetti bun.      budget, look no further than the Snack
the first time, with their sweet treats in 6    with the taste of Thai street food. Satay      Nonna’s secret tomato sauce makes it          Shack. All food and drink options are
packs and singles.                              Brothers are serving classic satay and         even better! Bianco’s signature Italian       under $3 making it an excellent choice for
When Daily                                      noodles for your fast fix of Asian flavours.   dishes are on offer too.                      hungry families on the go.
Where President’s Plaza                         You can grab a side of tom yum fries with      When Daily 10am – 8pm                             All your favourites are here - crumbed
                                                lashings of flavour for $4.90 or a Thai milk   Where Graze, Daily Telegraph Paddock          chicken tenderloins, pizza singles, the
EASY EATS                                       tea for the true hawker experience.                                                          Snack Shack pie and more.
Looking for a simple hot dog and wedges,        The Hardstyle Kitchen                          GREEK STREET                                  When Daily 9:30am - 8:30pm
you’re in the wrong place. But if loaded        From the land of the free and the home         Slow cooked, marinated and authentic          Where Spotless Stadium outer concourse
wedges and a dog with the lot will hit the      of the brave comes old-school American         recipes from your Greek yaya. If the          under the Sydney Royal grandstand
spot, Easy Eats is the place to go.             BBQ. Cooked long and slow the burgers          flavours you crave include tzatziki, fetta
When Daily                                      are true to their roots where everything is    and oregano and you want to put them          THE CHEESE TOASTIE FACTORY
Where Riverina Avenue                           bigger and better and loaded with extras.      with pita bread, chicken, lamb and hot        At the 2018 Show you’ll find three
                                                Stop by The Hardstyle Kitchen for sriracha     chips take a seat in in Graze for fine        factories of deliciousness. All day, every
FLUFFY CRUNCH                                   mayo slaw, pulled pork, sweet bbq sauce,       alfresco dining.                              day, they’ll be churning out the most
Soft cloud like bundles of joy that look much   wood smoked brisket, pickles and more.         When Daily 10am – 8pm                         staggeringly tasty toasties. For just $2,
too pretty to eat, Fluffy Crunch is brand-      Stroop Bros                                    Where Graze, Daily Telegraph Paddock          these hot, crisp, cheese-oozers are made
new to the Show and delivers fairy floss        It’s not just a waffle, it’s a stroopwafel.                                                  while you wait. Grab a flavoured milk for a
with a difference. From Unicorn Dreams to       Take two waffles, add some sticky sweet        GELATO FRESCO                                 great value $5 meal deal.
Crushed Cookies and everything in between,      caramel to keep them together and you’ll       For gelato that is created using the          When Daily
there’s even a Flurrito, because someone        find you’ve got yourself a traditional         traditional Italian method and is beyond      Where Woolworths Fresh Food Dome
had to cross a burrito with fairy floss and     Dutch treat from the Stroop Bros. You          delicious visit Gelato fresco. The tempting   and Kids Carnival and Schmidt Arena
make our sweet dreams come true.                know they come as a sandwich with ice          treats include fruity granita and gelato
When Daily                                      cream and sprinkles too. There’s a reason      flavours of coconut, lemon, mango and         CWA TEA ROOM
Where Grand Parade                              stroopwafel translates to syrup waffle..       more.                                         The aroma of freshly baked scones,
                                                Where opposite The Stables                     When Daily 10am – 8pm                         piping-hot tea, and the warmth the CWA
FOOD TRUCK FEEDLOT                                                                             Where Graze, Daily Telegraph Paddock          ladies who serve the delicious treats with
Greek Street Truck                              GRAZE:                                                                                       jam and cream are a Show tradition not to
Slow cooked, marinated and authentic            BEYOND INDIA                                   SPANTHAI                                      be missed.
recipes from your Greek yaya. If the            For contemporary cuisine from India and        The fusion of paella with pad thai works         Nothing says Australian hospitality like
flavours you crave include tzatziki, fetta      beyond, head to this popular eatery in         deliciously well, catering for those who      the Country Women’s Association Tea
and oregano and you want to put them            Graze Alfresco Dining where samosas,           need noodles and those who would rather       Room at the Show.
with chicken, lamb and hot chips... make        curries, pakora and more are on offer.         have rice with their stirfry. The flavours    When Daily
your way to the Greek Street Truck.             There’s even a great range of gluten free      cross from garlic to sweet soy and are        Where Home & Lifestyle Pavilion

24                                                       SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2018                                                                                               25
WHAT’S ON                                                                                                      DAILY TIMETABLES

NOVELTY FOOD:                                   STROOP COOKIE ICE CREAM
DONUT PIE                                       SANDWICH
What happens when you put two all-              Custom made to order, these giant cookie
time Show favourites together? You get          ice cream sandwiches make Willy Wonka
a Donut Pie! It looks like a donut, but it      look like a bore. With sauce, sprinkles,
tastes like a pie. That’s right, traditional    toppings, caramel, choc chips and more,
golden pie pastry filled with tender            you’ll definitely need two hands and a
beef, bangers & mash, spinach & fetta or        craving for sweet indulgence.
dulce de leche & apple in a classic donut

shape. Your eyes will play tricks on your       SPAGHETTI-BUN BURGER
tastebuds, but it truly is a hole lot of        What to do when you can’t choose
deliciousness.                                  between your two favourites - spaghetti
                                                or a burger… Go for the Bianco Spaghetti-
MACSTICK                                        Bun Burger. A Sicilian inspired meatball
A takeaway twist on a family favourite…         served on a fresh, crispy spaghetti bun.
you can have your mac & cheese on the           Nonna’s secret tomato sauce makes it
go! It’s so easy-cheesey to enjoy the           even better!
ultimate comfort food, with a delicious
golden crumb, and oodles of noodles –
you’re not dreaming… mac & cheese is

Enjoy every last perfectly brewed drop
of your Instagram worthy coffee in a
waffle cone. Its true, each cone is carefully
coated with chocolate making it leak
proof… ignore the temptation to bite and
let the chocolate melt through the coffee
for a taste sensation too good to miss.

                                                                                            DAILY TIMETABLES
Decadence has a new friend and that
friend is Cheesecake on a Stick. The
ultimate grown-up dessert, it is so familiar
but so deliciously different and the most
adult sweet treat available at the Show.
Spoil your tastebuds with a hand-dipped
cheesecake and you’ll never eat from a
plate again!

26                                                      SYDNEY ROYAL EASTER SHOW 2018          #MYEASTERSHOW                27
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