Page created by Allen Wolf

Overview                                              2

Takeovers                                             5

Run of site, home page targeting and
contextually targeted impressions	                    7

HTML email newsletters and channel sponsorships       8

Online sponsorships                                   10

Additional ad units                                   11

New products: newsletter & video series sponsorship   15
Overview 2018
Materials submission                            Rich media                                     Third-party networks
Creative units must be submitted to your       Rich media is defined as advertisements        • We accept creative from most major ad
 Digital Campaign Specialist a minimum of:      that users can interact within a web page         serving networks (please inquire).
 • Standard media: Three business days         format (as opposed to simple animation         • Third party tags must be live at the
    prior to campaign launch.                   without click through functionality).             time of submission to enable thorough
 • Rich media: Five business days prior        These advertisements can include sound,           testing before launch.
    to campaign launch to enable thorough       video. Rich media may appear in ad for-        • Reporting access must be provided for
    testing or campaign launch may be           mats such as banners and buttons as well          all third party served campaigns and a
    delayed.                                    as transitionals and various over-the-page        third party login must be set up to be
 • Pre-roll: 10 business days prior to         units such as floating ads, expandable/           linked to adops-adage@crain.com.
    campaign launch to enable thorough          retractable units and tear-backs. Rich         • JavaScript tags are preferred.
    testing or campaign launch may be           media also includes in-page and intext            Tags not accepted: Modernizr
    delayed.                                    digital video advertisements where the            JavaScript
                                                associated content is not streaming in a
Send creative files attached, not               player environment.
embedded.                                                                                      Audio Creative
                                                Please contact your sales representative       Any sound must be user-intiated and is
Text ads must be sent formatted exactly        for submission guidelines relating to over-    defined as a click-based interaction rather
how they are supposed to show. Crain            the-page units and video inbanner units.       than a mouseover or rollover.
Ad Ops does not format text ads.                All expenses related to serving third party
                                                rich media ads will be the responsibility of   All ads must be clearly labeled with “Play”
Linking URL: Linking URLs must be              the advertiser.                                and “Stop” controls.
 domain name based and cannot be the IP
 address (i.e., http://207.123.456.78).
                                                HTML5 ads
Send materials to:                              HTML5 creatives can be served directly
adops-adage@crain.com                           in our ad server as a raw file or served
                                                through a third party rich media vendor
                                                such as Doubleclick or Pointroll.
Basic .gif and .jpg
Static .jpg and animated .gif files accepted.   Initial load
                                                Asset files are immediately loaded when
                                                the ad tag is inserted in the page.
Static ads                                      • Desktop (970x90/970x250, 300x600,
15-second maximum or three times loop-            300x250): 200kb
 ing maximum (five seconds per loop).           • Tablet (728x90, 300x600, 300x250):
Creative with a white background must           • Mobile (300x250) (300x50) (mWeb or
have a minimum of 1-pixel border to dif-           In-App): 50kb for 300x50, 200kb for
ferentiate ad from editorial content.              300x250

                                                Politely loaded:
                                                All of the creative’s subsequent assets are
                                                loaded once the host webpage has com-
                                                pleted loading.
                                                • Desktop (970x90/970x250, 300x600,
                                                    300x250): 2.2 mb
                                                • Tablet (728x90, 300x600, 300x250):
                                                    2.2 mb
                                                • Mobile (300x250, 300x50)
                                                    (mWeb or In-App): 2.2 mb

                                                                                               Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   2
Overview 2018

Additional creative guidelines               Email ad specifications                        Pre-roll video specs
• Creative must match ad size and con-      • Only static .jpg and .gif files accepted.   • .mp4 (H.264 encoding with any
   form to specifications outlined herein.      Please specify the clickthrough link(s)         profiles or levels and AAC or HE-AAC
• Expansion can begin again on click,          that will be used.                              audio codes) format suggested, .flv
   but must close with click.                • Rich media is not accepted for email            will not play on Apple (iOS) devices.
• Creative with a white background             advertisements.                             • Video length: up to :15 maximum.
   must have a minimum 1-pixel border        • Creative with a white background            • Dimensions: 480x360 (4:3 standard)
   to differentiate ad from editorial           must have a minimum 1-pixel border              or 480x270 (16:9 widescreen).
   content.                                     to differentiate ad from editorial          • Frame rate: same as source or 1/2 of
• Up to 100K in polite download is             content.                                        source (15 to 30 fps).
   allowed. Polite download is the           • Crain Ad Ops is not responsible for any     • Video data rate: 700-1500 kbps.
   portion of the ad that loads once            changes to the ad creative itself. All      • Audio data rate: 200 kbps.
   content loads.                               changes have to be made by the client       • Total data rate: 648 kbps.
• Up to three additional polite down-          and resubmitted for trafficking.            • Keyframe: every 30 or 60 frames
   loads of up to 50K each may be initi-     • Any ads submitted over 40k run the              (two seconds).
   ated after a user moves their cursor         risk of being read as spam by some          • It is recommended to crop to TV-safe
   over or clicks on the ad.                    email programs.                                 area and de-interlace.
• Crain Ad Ops is not responsible for any   • Impression trackers are not accepted        • Video ad is clickable, please supply
   changes to the ad creative itself. All       for email.                                      a click-thru URL. A third party click
   changes have to be made by the client                                                        command is allowed for the click-
   and resubmitted for trafficking.          Video pre-roll                                     thru. iPhone does not support click
• Creative must have branding.               Crain Communications websites pre-                 function.
• No fake HTML or simulated                 dominantly utilize the BrightCove Video        • Video should not include a leader.
   interactivity.                            Platform. The Brightcove platform is a         • If third party tracking is desired, the
• No obscene or otherwise                   Flash environment and therefore the                advertiser can provide a VAST tag or
   objectionable images.                     advertising campaigns that run against             a tracking pixel (in standard form)
• Creative cannot use the ‘Publication’     the players must be developed in a format          to track the video pod. The video pod
   name or logo without pre-approval.        that Flash supports. The specs listed              consists of the pre-roll and any com-
• Ads click through to provided URL in a    below are reproduced from Brightcove               panion banners.
   new browser.                              and are for our most common execution.         • For maximum compatibility, use ste-
• Expandable ads can expand to two         Please confirm execution with your sales           reo or mono audio and avoid 5.1
   times the size of one side of the         representative.                                • Sample rates above 44. kHz do not
   creative.                                                                                    work on all players so they will be
                                                                                                re-sampled. Avoid this by sticking to
                                                                                                44.1 kHz or less.
                                                                                            • Normalize the audio tracks to stan-
                                                                                                dard levels such that you avoid
                                                                                                “clipping” while also avoiding a low
                                                                                            • Make sure that audio levels are con-
                                                                                                sistent across media that might be
                                                                                                viewed together.

                                                                                            Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   3
Overview 2018

Important                                       Disclaimers                                   Policy guidelines for ads that collect
Writing methods and properties to any           Click-through tracking is not available on    personal information:
Flash object’s prototype property will          the following advertising elements:           Crain Communications websites allow
cause it to be added to all instances of that   • HTML advertising elements that use         advertisers to collect personal identifying
object. Avoid modifying the prototypes              method=“POST” for form submittal.         information; however you may be asked
of Flash’s built-in objects like MovieClip,     • Rich media elements that use embed-        to make changes to the ad units or include
TextField or Button in the creatives.               ded or compiled URL information           additional disclosure in order to be accept-
Doing so will modify all instances of these         (Macromedia Flash creatives that do       able for advertising.
objects in the Brightcove player, bloating          not use the FS command, for example).
the player and possibly causing erratic                                                       If you wish to collect personal information
behavior. The recommended method for            Cache-busting is available automatically      within advertisements, those ad units will
developing in Flash using ActionScript          for preapproved third party served agen-      need to:
2.0 is that prototypes are not modified         cies, others by request only. Exception:      • Clearly identify your organization.
and that instead classes are created that       Third party served click URLs for hard-       • Provide a direct link to your privacy
extend the built-in objects.                    coded placements (text links, etc.) are           policy, adjacent to the submit button.
                                                not cache busted. Therefore, click data       • Clearly identify the purpose for collect-
Data reported                                   for hard-coded placements using third             ing the information.
If requested, Crain Communications              party served click URLs may not match
will provide reporting on campaign              click data from the third party agency.       Additional disclosure may be required.
impressions, clicks and CTR. Crain              Please enter the Cache busting tags; Crain    Please see your sales representative for
Communications will attempt to provide          Communications is not responsible for         more information on required notices.
the same reporting for third party served       entering these tags.
ads, but may be limited based on tagging
configurations.                                 Crain Communications reserves the right
                                                to preserve the user experience of its
                                                sites, and reserves the right to remove any
                                                advertisement which is deemed annoying
                                                and/or harmful to our users at any time.

                                                                                              Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   4
Advertiser must provide all                    Interstitial ads                                  stop. AdAge.com will take care of the
following units:                               General specifications                            redirect to www.AdAge.com.
• Interstitial ad: 640x480 (GIF/              HTML5 creative must be served through
    JPEG/3P) for desktop and tablet,           a third party rich media vendor such              Files required for submissions
    300x100 (GIF/JPEG/3P) for mobile           as Doubleclick or Pointroll. We cannot            • GIF/JPEG/third party tag
• Desktop ads (for Ad Age): 970x90            accept HTML5 assets to serve directly in          • The page featuring the introductory
    or 970x250, 300x600, 300x250 (GIF/         our ad server.                                       message will have an Ad Age logo and a
    JPEG/3P/rich media)                                                                             link directly to AdAge.com.
• Desktop ads (for Creativity Online):        Desktop & tablet
    970x90 or 970x250, 300x250 (GIF/           • 640x480 in dimension                            Rich media
    JPEG/3P/rich media)                        • 80 kb max file size                             We accept Java, HTML and others (please
• Tablet ads (for Ad Age): 728x90,            • Five to eight seconds max                       inquire). All expenses related to serving
    300x600, 300x250 (GIF/JPEG/3P)             • Due five days prior to run date                 rich media ads will be the responsibility
• Tablet ads (for Creativity Online):                                                           of the advertiser. Note: Third party tags
    728x90, 300x250 (GIF/JPEG/3P)              Mobile: 300x100 static                            are accepted for mobile placements.
• Mobile ads: 300x250, 300x50
    (GIF/JPEG/3P)                              GIF/JPEG/3P: 75 kb max file size; 15 sec-         Third party networks
                                               onds max; due five days prior to run date         We accept creative from most major third
                                                                                                 party networks (please inquire).
                                               When submitting a third party
                                               served interstitial                               Send materials to:
                                               Interstitial needs to play message and            adops-adage@crain.com

Ad units (file sizes/types/dimensions)
                                  Accepted          Static          HTML5               HTML5               Animation
Platform         Dimensions                                                                                                  Max. loops
                                  creative type     (GIF or JPEG)   (initial load)      (politely loaded)   length

                 640x480          GIF/
                                                    80 kb                                                   5-8 seconds      n/a
                 interstitial     JPEG/3P

                 970x90 or
Desktop          970x250                                            200 kb              2.2 mb
                                                                                                                             3 loops of
                 300x600          JPEG/3P/          40 kb                                                   15 seconds
                                                                                                                             5 seconds
                                  rich media
                                                    80 kb                                                   5-8 seconds      n/a

                 728x90           GIF/
Tablet                                                              200 kb              2.2 mb
                                  JPEG/3P                                                                                    3 loops of
                 300x600                            40 kb                                                   15 seconds
                                                                                                                             5 seconds
                 300x100                                                                                                     3 loops of
                                                    75 kb           200 kb
                 interstitial                                                                                                5 seconds
Mobile                                                                                  2.2 mb              15 seconds
                 300x250          JPEG/3P           40 kb           200 kb                                                   3 loops of
                 300x50                             40 kb           50 kb                                                    5 seconds

                                                                                                 Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   5

Desktop/Tablet Interstitial                                            Tablet banner ads

                                                                                 970x90 or 970x250



Mobile Interstitial            Mobile Banner Ads


                                     300x50        300x250

On-site banner ads


            970x90 or 970x250

                                                                       Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   6
Run of site, home page
targeting and contextually
targeted impressions
Advertiser must provide all                    Rich media                                      Materials submission
following units:                               We accept Java-script, HTML and others          All creative must be received at least
• Desktop ads (for Ad Age):                   (please inquire).                               three business days prior to start of
    970x90 or 970x250, 300x600,                                                                schedule.
    300x250 (GIF/JPEG/3P/rich media)           All expenses related to serving rich
• Desktop ads (for Creativity Online):        media ads will be the responsibility of the     Send materials to:
    970x90 or 970x250, 300x250                 advertiser.                                     adops-adage@crain.com
    (GIF/JPEG/3P/rich media)
• Tablet ads (for Ad Age): 728x90,            Third party networks                            See page 5 for examples of ad units.
    300x600, 300x250 (GIF/JPEG/3P)             We accept creative from most major ad
• Tablet ads (for Creativity Online):         serving networks (please inquire).
    728x90, 300x250 (GIF/JPEG/3P)              Note: Third party tags are accepted for
• Mobile ads: 300x250, 300x50                 mobile placements.

Ad units (file sizes/types/dimensions)
                                  Accepted          Static          HTML5             HTML5               Animation
Platform         Dimensions                                                                                                Max. loops
                                  creative type     (GIF or JPEG)   (initial load)    (politely loaded)   length
                 970x90 or
                 970x250          GIF/
                                                                                                                           3 loops of
Desktop          300x600          JPEG/3P/          40 kb           200 kb            2.2 mb              15 seconds
                                                                                                                           5 seconds
                                  rich media

                                  GIF/                                                                                     3 loops of
Tablet           300x600                            40 kb           200 kb            2.2 mb              15 seconds
                                  JPEG/3P                                                                                  5 seconds

                 300x250          GIF/              40 kb           200 kb            2.2 mb                               3 loops of
Mobile                                                                                                    15 seconds
                 300x50           JPEG/3P           40 kb           50 kb             2.2 mb                               5 seconds

                                                                                               Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   7
HTML email newsletters and
channel sponsorships
Newsletters include Mediabuzz,                  Rich media (excludes email newsletter          Third party networks
Digital, Agency News, CMO Strategy              banner ads and mobile ads)                     • For on site banner ads and mobile ads:
and Creativity                                  We accept Java-script, HTML and others            We accept creative from most major ad
Advertiser must provide all                     (please inquire). All expenses related to         serving networks (please inquire).
following units:                                serving rich media ads will be the respon-     • For newsletter banner ads: We accept
• Email newsletter banner ads: 300x250         sibility of the advertiser.                       click tracking tags but do not accept
  (GIF/JPEG only)                                                                                 third-party impression tags.
• Channel sponsorship banner ads: 970x90
   or 970x250, 300x600, 300x250, 728X90,                                                       Note: Third party tags are accepted
   300x50 (GIF/JPEG or rich media)                                                             for mobile placements, except on the
Special note about 2007 Outlook users:
Animated GIFS are not well supported.                                                          Send materials to:
Image defaults to first image in the ani-                                                      adops-adage@crain.com
mation series.

Newsletter Sponsorship Ad Units

 Platform        Dimensions       GIF or JPEG

 Desktop         300x250          40 kb

 Tablet          300x250          40 kb

 Mobile          300x250          40 kb

Channel Sponsorship Ad units (file sizes/types/dimensions)

                                  Accepted           Static          HTML5            HTML5               Animation
 Platform        Dimensions                                                                                                Max. loops
                                  creative type      (gif or jpeg)   (initial load)   (politely loaded)   length
                 970x90 or
                 970x250          GIF/
                                                                                                                           3 loops of
 Desktop         300x600          JPEG/3P/           40 kb           200 kb           2.2 mb              15 seconds
                                                                                                                           5 seconds
                                  rich media

                                  GIF/                                                                                     3 loops of
 Tablet          300x600                             40 kb           200 kb           2.2 mb              15 seconds
                                  JPEG/3P                                                                                  5 seconds

                 300x250          GIF/               40 kb           200 kb           2.2 mb                               3 loops of
 Mobile                                                                                                   15 seconds
                 300x50           JPEG/3P            40 kb           50 kb            2.2 mb                               5 seconds

                                                                                               Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   8
HTML email newsletters

Best practice recommendations:               Email client deliverability                Lotus Notes
• Animated gifs will only display the       Post-Outlook 2007                          • Using too many images or images that
   first image in the series when viewed     • No support for forms regardless of         are too large can cause them to be
   in Outlook 2007, so make sure that           how simple they are.                       misconfigured.
   important info is not included in later   • Background images will not load, and    • Lotus Notes does not support forms.
   images.                                      should not be used.                     • Lotus Notes strips out javascript (may
• Do not use javascript since most          • Animated gifs are not well supported.      vary by version).
   email clients do not support it due          Image defaults to first frame in the
   to security concerns.                        animation series.                       Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail/MSN
• Forms, such as search boxes, are not                                                 • Javascript doesn’t work and should
   recommended because they are not          Pre-2007 Outlook/Mac mail                     not be used.
   well supported by email clients.          • Image maps work correctly.               • Single background images defined in
• Combat image suppression by adding        • Background images can be used as           the  tag will appear, while back-
   alt text to your images. That way,           long as user clicks to view images.       ground images defined in the 
   if the image is not downloaded the        • Javascript doesn’t work and should        tag do not.
   subscriber will still be able to see a       not be used.
   description of the content.

On-site banner ads                                                                      Email newsletter banner ads

                 970x90 or 970x250



                                                                                        Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   9
Online sponsorships
Includes Special Reports, AdAge@                Video Pre-Roll                                  • It is recommended to crop to
and Honorifics                                  Crain Communications websites                      TV-safe area and de-interlace.
Advertiser must provide all                     predominantly utilize the BrightCove            • Video ad is clickable, please
following units:                                Video Platform. The Brightcove platform            supply a click-thru URL. A third party
• For co-branded promotions:                   is a Flash environment and therefore the           click command is allowed for the click-
    Advertiser logo (EPS, vector-graphic)       advertising campaigns that run against             thru. iPhone does not support click
• Desktop ads: 970x90 or 970x250,              the players must be developed in a format          function.
    300x600, 300x250 (GIF/JPEG or rich          that Flash supports. The specs listed           • Video should not include a leader.
    media)                                      below are reproduced from Brightcove            • If third party tracking is desired, the
• Table ads: 728x90, 300x600, 300x250          and are for our most common execution.             advertiser can provide a VAST tag or
    (GIF/JPEG/3P)                               Please confirm execution with your sales           a tracking pixel (in standard form)
• Mobile ads: 300x250, 300x50 (GIF/            representative.                                    to track the video pod. The video
    JPEG/3P)                                                                                       podconsists of the pre-roll and any
• Logo: 130x65 (GIF/JPEG + Click URL)           • mp4 (H.264 encoding with any profiles          companion banners.
                                                    or levels and AAC or HE-AAC audio           • For maximum compatibility, use stereo
Rich media                                          codes.) format suggested, .flv will not        or mono audio and avoid 5.1
We accept Java-script, HTML and others              play on Apple (iOS) devices.                • Sample rates above 44. kHz do not work
(please inquire). All expenses related to       • Video length: up to :15 maximum.                 on all players so they will be re-sampled.
serving rich media ads will be the respon-      • Dimensions: 480x360 (4:3 Standard) or           Avoid this by sticking to 44.1 kHz or less.
sibility of the advertiser.                         480x270 (16:9 Widescreen).                  • Normalize the audio tracks to standard
                                                • Frame rate: same as source or 1/2               levels such that you avoid “clipping”
Third party networks                               Wof source (15 to 30 fps).                      while also avoiding a low volume.
We accept creative from most major ad           • Video data rate: 700-1500 kbps.               • Make sure that audio levels are
serving networks (please inquire).              • Audio data rate: 200 kbps.                       consistent across media that might be
Note: Third party tags are accepted for         • Total data rate: 648 kbps.                       viewed together.
mobile placements                               • Keyframe: every 30 or 60 frames
                                                   (two seconds).

Ad units (file sizes/types/dimensions)

                                   Accepted          Static          HTML5             HTML5               Animation
 Platform         Dimensions                                                                                                 Max. loops
                                   creative type     (GIF or JPEG)   (initial load)    (politely loaded)   length
                  970x90 or
                  970x250          GIF/
                                                                                                                             3 loops of
 Desktop          300x600          JPEG/3P/          40 kb           200 kb            2.2 mb              15 seconds
                                                                                                                             5 seconds
                                   rich media

                                   GIF/                                                                                      3 loops of
 Tablet           300x600                            40 kb           200 kb            2.2 mb              15 seconds
                                   JPEG/3P                                                                                   5 seconds

                  300x250          GIF/              40 kb           200 kb            2.2 mb                                3 loops of
 Mobile                                                                                                    15 seconds
                  300x50           JPEG/3P           40 kb           50 kb             2.2 mb                                5 seconds

 All              130x65 (logo)                      40 kb           N/A               N/A                 N/A               N/A
                                   Click URL

                                                                                                Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   10
Additional ad units
Interscroller, desktop and tablet          Miniscroller, mobile only                  Sponsored logo
General specifications                     General specifications                     General specifications
• Image formats: PNG, GIF or JPG           • Image formats: PNG, GIF or JPG           • Static GIF or JPEG
• Max image weight: 80 kb                  • Max image weight: 40 kb                  • 130x65 pixels
• Image dimensions: 970x90/970x600,       • Image dimensions: 320x356, 20px         • 40 kb file load
   20px buffer on the top and bottom          buffer on the top and bottom to
   to accommodate the “Notice” bars.          accommodate the “Notice” bars
   Unit begins at 970x90 and expands to    • Video formats: MOV, AVI, MP4
   970x600.                                • Maximum video size: 3 mb
• Video formats: MOV, AVI, MP4             • Video dimensions: 640x360
• Maximum video size: 20 mb                • File length: 15 to 30 sec
• Video dimensions: 640x360
• File length: 15 to 30 sec                This unit is built by Ad Age but clients
                                           need to provide assets listed above
This unit is built by Ad Age but clients
need to provide assets listed above


                                                                                      Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   11
Additional ad units

Inread video unit                          • Video formats: All video formats : FLV,   • Codec: any Video Codecs format,
General specifications                        MP4, MOV, VAST, VPAID*, and YouTube          excepted: ProRes4444, HDV 720p60,
A video file is all we need. Runs across      video key                                    Go2 Meeting 3 & 4, ER AAC LD,
desktop, tablet and mobile.                • Video Length: 30 sec desktop, 15 sec         REDCODE
• Resolution: max 1920x1080 –                mobile recommended lengths                • Sound Setting: on
   min 640x360                             • Aspect ratio: 16:9 (4:3 not supported)    *VPAID does not currently work on mobile
• Maximum file size: 10 mb

Desktop                                                                                 Mobile

                      16:9 INREAD VIDEO
                                                                                            16:9 INREAD VIDEO


                 16:9 INREAD VIDEO

                                                                                        Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   12
Additional ad units

Facebook instant articles, mobile               If in-banner-video                                2. If built by Ad Age: Video file + Click
General specifications, statics                 Advertiser can provide third party tags           URL or 1x1 impression/click tracker
• Dimensions: 300x250 or 300x450                or Ad Age can create custom ad units and          • Resolution 640x360
• Static: GIF/JPEG 40 kb                        provide third party reporting (additional         • File size: 5 mb
• Animation: 15-sec cap (maximum               production fees apply)                            • File format: MP4, MOV, FLV, or WMV
   loops: 3 loops of 5 seconds)                 1. If provided by client: In-Banner-              • File length: 15 to 30 seconds
• File Size: 40 kb                              Video tag:
                                                • HTML5 initial load: 200 kb                      Materials submissions
                                                • HTML polite load: 2.2 mb                        All creative must be received at least five
                                                • Animation: 15 to 30 seconds                     business days prior to start of schedule.

                                    300X250 VIDEO OR
                                  STANDARD MOBILE UNIT               300X450 VIDEO OR
                                                                   STANDARD MOBILE UNIT

Expandable rich media units                     Additional notes                                  Materials Submission
• Desktop ads (for Ad Age): 970x90,            • Expansion and sound must be                    All creative must be received at least five
   300x600, 300x250                                user-initiated                                 business days prior to start of schedule.
• Desktop ads (for Creativity Online):         • Click to expand/click to close
   970x90, 300x250                              • Banner must be in closed state on              Send materials to:
                                                   page load                                      adops-adage@crain.com

Ad units (file sizes/types/dimensions)

                                          Maximum                                                                           Maximum
                                                            Direction of         HTML5                 HTML5
Platform      Dimensions                  expanded                                                                          in-banner -video
                                                            expansion            (initial load)        (polite load)
                                          dimensions                                                                        length
              970x90 or 970x250           970x418           Down

Desktop       300x600                     600x600           Left                 200 kb                2.2 mb               30 seconds
              300x250                     600x250           Left

                                                                                                  Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   13
Additional ad units

Programmatic advertising                      •    reatives cannot include inaccurate
                                                  C                                              •    ny audio and video must be user
spec guidelines                                   imagery or content.                                initiated with a clearly recognizable
• A 1-pixel border is required, or the       •   Creatives should have a clean aes-                on/off button.
   ad must be clearly defined within the           thetic look.                                  •   The action of clicking on an ad must
   allowable ad space.                        •    Disruptive designs intended only to               not initiate a download.
• Ads cannot be designed to blend into             attract attention using inappropriate        •    Ad units must launch a new browser
   page content.                                    imagery, revealing imagery is not                  window when clicked.
• Ads may not blink, shake, flicker or             allowed.                                     •     SWF files are not allowed
   flash in a disruptive manner.              •     The look and feel of the ad cannot          •     All ads are subject to review
• Animation should be limited to no                 match any device’s alert scheme (such
   more than 3 loops and no more than 15             as an iOS pop-up)
   seconds                                    •      No expandable ad units are allowed.
• Ads may not falsify information or         •      All rich media ads must have a fallback
   mislead users; they must reflect the               static creative.
   service or product being advertised.

Ad Age Online specs

                                 Accepted          Static            HTML5              HTML5               Animation
Platform           Dimensions                                                                                                 Max. loops
                                 creative type     (GIF or JPEG)     (initial load)     (politely loaded)   length

                                                                                                                              3 loops of
Desktop            300x600       JPEG/3P/          40 kb             200 kb             2.2 mb              15 seconds
                                                                                                                              5 seconds
                                 rich media

                                 GIF/                                                                                         3 loops of
Tablet             300x600                         40 kb             200 kb             2.2 mb              15 seconds
                                 JPEG/3P                                                                                      5 seconds

                   300x250       GIF/              40 kb             200 kb             2.2 mb                                3 loops of
Mobile                                                                                                      15 seconds
                   300x50        JPEG/3P           40 kb             50 kb              2.2 mb                                5 seconds

Creativity specs

                                 Accepted          Static            HTML5              HTML5               Animation
Platform           Dimensions                                                                                                 Max. loops
                                 creative type     (GIF or JPEG)     (initial load)     (politely loaded)   length

                   970x90        GIF/
                                                                                                                              3 loops of
Desktop                          JPEG/3P/          40 kb             200 kb             2.2 mb              15 seconds
                   300x250                                                                                                    5 seconds
                                 rich media
                   728x90        GIF/                                                                                         3 loops of
Tablet                                             40 kb             200 kb             2.2 mb              15 seconds
                   300x250       JPEG/3P                                                                                      5 seconds

                   300x250       GIF/              40 kb             200 kb             2.2 mb                                3 loops of
Mobile                                                                                                      15 seconds
                   300x50        JPEG/3P           40 kb             50 kb              2.2 mb                                5 seconds

                                                                                                 Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   14
New products: newsletter &
video series sponsorship
Wakeup Call Newsletter or Super Bowl News Alert

                                                                                                                      Static (Max
Platform        Dimensions    Unit description                         Accepted creative type                                          Animation
                                                                                                                      file size)

                300x250       Desktop rectangle                        GIF/JPEG + Click Tracker
Desktop                                                                PNG with transparent background +              40 kb            N/A
                75x15         Desktop logo
                                                                       Click Tracker
                300x250       Tablet rectangle                         GIF/JPEG + Click Tracker
Tablet                                                                 PNG with transparent background +              40 kb            N/A
                75x15         Tablet logo
                                                                       Click Tracker
                300x250       Mobile rectangle                         GIF/JPEG + Click Tracker
Mobile                                                                 PNG with transparent background +              40 kb            N/A
                75x15         Mobile logo
                                                                       Click Tracker

Video Series Sponsorship — Display + Pre-Roll

                                                                       Static                         HTML5
                               Unit              Accepted                           HTML5                             Animation
Platform        Dimensions                                             (GIF or                        (politely                        Max. loops
                               description       creative type                      (initial load)                    length
                                                                       JPEG)                          loaded)
                970x90 or      Desktop                                                                                                 3 loops of
                                           JPEG/3P/rich                             200 kb            2.2 mb          15 seconds
                970x250        leaderboard                                                                                             5 seconds
                               Desktop                                                                                                 3 loops of
Desktop         300x250                          JPEG/3P/rich          40 kb        200 kb            2.2 mb          15 seconds
                               rectangle                                                                                               5 seconds
                130x65                           PNG + click                        N/A               N/A             N/A              N/A
                               Tablet                                                                                                  3 loops of
                728x90                     GIF/JPEG/3P                              200 kb            2.2 mb          15 seconds
                               leaderboard                                                                                             5 seconds
                               Tablet                                                                                                  3 loops of
                300x250                          GIF/JPEG/3P                        200 kb            2.2 mb          15 seconds
Tablet                         rectangle                               40 kb                                                           5 seconds
                130X65         Tablet logo       PNG + click                        N/A               N/A             N/A              N/A
                               Mobile                                                                                                  3 loops of
                300x250                    GIF/JPEG                                 200 kb            2.2 mb          15 seconds
                               leaderboard                                                                                             5 seconds
                               Mobile                                                                                                  3 loops of
                300x50                           GIF/JPEG                           50 kb             2.2 mb          15 seconds
                               rectangle                               40 kb                                                           5 seconds
                130X65         Mobile logo       PNG + click                        N/A               N/A             N/A              N/A

Video Series Sponsorship — Display + Pre-Roll

                                                                                                      Video        Audio
Accepted                  Unit          Dimensions                           Pre-roll                                          Key         Frame
              Ad Unit                                   Aspect ratio                      File Size   data         data
file format               description   (WxH)                                length                                            frame       rate
                                                                                                      bitrate      bitrate
                          Desktop                  4:3 full screen                                    700-
MP4 or                                  480x360 or                 15 sec.                10 mb                    200         30 or 60
              Pre-Roll    Tablet/                  or 16:9                                            1500                                 30 fps
VAST                                    480x270                    max                    max                      kbps        frames
                          Mobile                   widescreen                                         kbps
                                                                                                                               (2 sec)

                                                                                                        Effective 2/5/18 ©Crain Communications Inc.   15
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