2015-2018 Sustainable Development Action Plan - Sustainable development for life - ulaval ULAVAL

Page created by Suzanne Scott
2015-2018 Sustainable Development Action Plan - Sustainable development for life - ulaval ULAVAL
2015-2018 Sustainable Development
                       Action Plan
              Sustainable development for life
Our brains      Our brains         Our brains
are responsible   get organized     are innovative

    Our brains       Our brains        Our brains
    assimilate       propagate      find solutions

    Our brains      Our brains          Our brains
aim for carbon        bathe in        are selective
     neutrality    biodiversity

    Our brains       Our brains         Our brains
breathe health     are altruistic   run on oxygen
Table of contents

        4    Sustainable development for life
        5    Evolution of the sustainable development approach: 2007 to the 2015-2018 goals
        7    10 ACTIONS
        8       1 : Education
        9       2 : Research and creation
       10       3 : Governance, responsible management, and economic viability
        11      4 : Fighting climate change
       12       5 : Sustainable transportation
       13       6 : Responsible purchasing and consumption
       14       7 : Sustainable infrastructure
       15       8 : Healthy lifestyle habits
       16       9 : Social involvement
       17       10 : Culture, living environment, and global awareness
Sustainable development for life
“The deep commitment and daily efforts of our community members are what make Université Laval a leader in sustainable development
and a source of inspiration for society as a whole.”
We are very proud of the gains we have made with respect to sustainability in recent years, and especially the support and receptivity
the faculty and department heads have shown by committing to making sustainable development integral to their operations. Together
we are demonstrating our drive and desire to continue making Université Laval a better place to live and our determination to further
the mission of improving quality of life.
A special thanks to the members of our University community (employees, students, and industry partners) who adhere to sustainable
development values on a daily basis and work together to ensure sustainability is not just a vision, but a legitimate approach with tangible
and significant benefits.
By achieving STARS accreditation, Université Laval is now recognized as a sustainability leader by social actors and other universities
in Québec and around the world. We continue to pursue our goal of being a testing ground and a driver of social and technological
innovation that delivers solutions to society’s sustainable development challenges.

                                                  Éric Bauce, Executive and Development Vice Rector, and Denis Brière, Rector

     Broad-based actions that guide
     joint and individual efforts
     Université Laval has divided the concept of sustainable development into
                                                                                               2015–2018 goals
     ten major categories of action. These guidelines, inspired by the University’s            Over the next few years, Université Laval
     sustainable development policy, provide a structured overarching vision                   would like to promote sustainable
     and a cohesive framework for decision making and foster a better                          development for life through mobilization
     understanding of sustainability challenges.                                               and action by:
                                                                                               • Incorporating sustainable development
     1. Education
                                                                                                   into operations, in line with each unit’s
     2. Research and creation                                                                      role within the University
     3. Governance, responsible management, and economic viability                             • Getting faculties and units to
     4. Fighting climate change                                                                    participate more
     5. Sustainable transportation                                                             • Informing each sector how they
     6. Responsible purchasing and consumption                                                     can contribute to the sustainable
     7. Sustainable infrastructure                                                                 development approach
     8. Healthy lifestyle habits                                                               • Being a testing ground for internal
     9. Social involvement                                                                         and external projects
     10. Culture, living environment, and global awareness

Evolution of the sustainable development
approach: 2007 to the 2015-2018 goals
                                       Since its beginnings, Université Laval has actively worked to preserve and improve people’s quality
                                       of life without compromising that of future generations. In 2007 the administration decided to formally
                                       incorporate the principle of sustainable development into its operations. A structured approach was
                                       developed, allowing the University to rally various stakeholders around a single cause and to obtain
Definition                             lasting, scalable results.
of sustainable
                                       This third sustainable action plan is a continuation of our past efforts and the result of broad
To preserve and improve the quality
                                       consultation with managers of various units to identify courses of action consistent with their mission.
of life of people and our community
through actions that affect people’s
way of life, living environment,
and quality of life.

 The vision behind
 the University                        Table – Strategic evolution of the sustainable development approach
                                        Three-year      Goals                                              Examples of actions
 In its role as an institute            plan
 of higher learning,                    2009–2012       Define the basics of sustainable development       –   Implement a sustainable development policy
 Université Laval organizes             plan            Incorporate sustainable development into           –   Create the issue table
 activities aimed at                                    major University initiatives                       –   Update academic regulations
 acquiring, transferring,                                                                                  –   Create the sustainable development fund
                                                        Communicate the sustainable development
 and disseminating                                      vision
 knowledge for the
 wellbeing of people
 and society.                           2012–2015       Build awareness of sustainable development         – Form the network of local stakeholders
                                        plan            Rally community members around a single            – Roll out the Mon Équilibre UL program
 The sustainable                                                                                           – Launch the voluntary offset program
 development approach                                                                                      – Develop responsible purchasing product
 aligns perfectly with this                             Make members of the University community             sheets
                                                        aware of individual actions they can take          – Create the Entrepôt UL
 vision and is a fundamental
                                                                                                           – Hold the first Responsible Christmas Market
 aspect of the University
 It is also part of Horizon             2015–2018       Incorporating sustainable development into         – Consult with managers from various units
 2017: Orientations                     plan            operations, in line with each unit’s role within   – Make sustainable development part of
 de développement de                                    the University                                       day-to-day spheres of activity
 l’Université Laval, which                              Getting faculties and units to participate more
 aims to grow the University                            Informing each sector how they can contribute
 by staying true to                                     to the sustainable development approach
 its mission and values.

Sustainable development governance at Université Laval

Université Laval has implemented a number of measures to ensure the successful implementation and monitoring of the sustainable
development approach, bringing together stakeholders from all campus units. The table below shows the various organizational committees
that coordinate the sustainable development approach on a daily basis and help maintain collaborative partnerships among faculties and

 Organizational level                               Intermediary                                          Administrator, roles, authority
 University                                         Sustainable development issue table                   Members named or appointed by their unit
 Responsible for coordinating the overarching       Administrator: VREX                                   – Ensure the coherence and continuity
 sustainable development approach                                                                           of the sustainable development approach
                                                                                                          – Offer opinions and recommendations to VREX
                                                    EDS Institute                                         Researcher and student members
                                                    Administrator: VRRC/VREAI                             – Foster multidisciplinarity and exchanges
                                                                                                             between researchers interested in sustainable
                                                                                                          – Act as sustainable development knowledge
                                                                                                             hub and share that knowledge

 Units                                              Network of local sustainable development              One representative appointed per unit
 Unit managers are responsible for making           stakeholders                                          – Liaise and share knowledge concerning local
 sustainable development part of their operations   Administrator: VREX                                      and University issues
                                                                                                          – Help engage people in sustainable
                                                                                                             development at the local level
                                                    Advisory committee on sustainable development         One representative per faculty and University
                                                    educational offerings                                 development unit
                                                    Administrator: DGPC/FESP                              – Offer opinions and recommendations
                                                                                                             on integrating sustainable development
                                                                                                             into educational offerings
                                                                                                          – Rally faculty partners
                                                    Stakeholders specializing in certain aspects of the   Professional resources in certain units dedicated
                                                    sustainable development approach                      to implementing specific aspects:
                                                                                                          – DGPC: integrating the educational offering
                                                                                                          – SI: sustainable infrastructure
                                                                                                          – SSP: sustainable transportation
                                                                                                          – VREAI : Mon Équilibre UL
                                                                                                          – VREX: engagement and the fight against
                                                                                                               climate change


This action plan includes performance indicators,
targets, and deadlines to promote sustainable
development day-to-day in every sphere
of operation.

1: Education
Sustainability principles and
concepts are more present than                            Our brains assimilate
ever in Université Laval teaching                         Over 325 courses in 75 academic programs address
and learning activities and have been                     sustainable development.

incorporated into the curriculum
of more than 325 courses

Development focus
Consolidate sustainable development
educational offerings and promote
the University as an institution
of higher learning in sustainable
development locally and
internationally, especially
in French-speaking parts
of the world
                                        Examples of unit engagement
                                        •   Undergraduate Program Office and Faculty of Graduate and
                                            Postdoctoral Studies: Support and guide the Placement Service (SPLA)
Indicator                                   in creating a survey on the demand for sustainable development
                                            skills in the job market
Number of courses in sustainable
development                             •   Faculty of Pharmacy: Propose sustainable development themes
                                            in student exploration projects
                                        •   Faculty of Philosophy: Integrate the sustainable development profile
Target                                      into the bachelor’s degree in philosophy program
500 courses in sustainable              •   Faculty of Business Administration: Create a mixed course of study
development                                 in social responsibility and sustainable development in the BAA
                                        •   EDS Institute: Develop or support the development of online teaching
                                            tools, like MOOCs, to offer forums of exchange and training programs
Key action                                  focused on sustainable development to professionals, practitioners,
Sustainable development courses              and decision-makers
and programs recognition process        •   Placement Service: Make SPLA partners (employers) aware
                                            of the benefits of various sustainable development programs offered
                                            to students and what sets these programs apart from courses offered
How to get involved                         by other institutions
Register for sustainable development
educational activities and courses

2: Research and creation
Through scientific research
                                                         Our brains propagate
we can change the world. Creation,                       knowledge
innovation, and knowledge sharing                        91 educational and research chairs are affiliated with
deliver concrete solutions                               a sustainable development challenge.

to challenges facing society

Development focus
Further our leadership in social
and technological innovation related
to sustainable development

Percentage of research chairs,
institutes, centres, and groups        Examples of unit engagement
recognized in connection               •   Faculty of Medicine: Promote teaching and research activities related to
with sustainability policy                 sustainability and sustainable health
                                       •   Faculty of Social Sciences: Lay the groundwork for the creation of a
Target                                     teaching leadership chair in occupational health
                                       •   Faculty of Science and Engineering: Incorporate sustainable development
Maintain and, where possible,
                                           (e.g., the Eggenius project, a research and industry networking forum),
improve on 2014–2015 results (57%)
                                           specifically with respect to promoting entrepreneurship in green
                                           technology or social innovation
Key action                             •   EDS Institute: Use the Web and social media to promote the institute’s
                                           knowledge transfer efforts, to inform the public about sustainable
Institut nordique du Québec,               development challenges, and to galvanize people to get involved in the
Alliance santé Québec                      institute’s programming or current sustainability issues
                                       •   Office of the Vice Rector, Research and Innovation: Integrate the
How to get involved                        sustainable development dimension into decision-making tools for
                                           responsible research
Highlight sustainability challenges
in research and development efforts

3: Governance, responsible management, and economic viability
The University is committed to
ensuring the longevity of its mission,                      Our brains find solutions
specifically by establishing short-,                        63 projects were funded by the sustainable development
medium-, and long-term economic                             fund in 2014–2015.


Development focus
Strengthen local and international
perception of the University as an
organizational model for sustainable
development; strengthen the
University’s economic resilience
with an eye toward responsible,
sustainable management
                                         Examples of unit engagement
Indicator                                •   Student Recruitment Office: Make internal and external partners aware
                                             of sustainability-related educational opportunities and activities
STARS accreditation score;                   and incorporate these offerings into the student recruiting message
balanced budget
                                         •   Communications Department: Ensure aspects of sustainable
                                             development are highlighted in various University and unit projects
Target                                       for which the Communications Department offers consulting, media
                                             relations, and publishing services
Achieve 5th place worldwide;
                                         •   IT Department: Integrate sustainable development criteria into standard
maintain balanced budget
                                             frameworks and templates for IT projects and make people aware
                                         •   Faculty of Medicine: Obtain international recognition for social
Key action                                   responsibility
Major campaign – Sustainable impact      •   Faculty of Education: Raise the awareness of strategic stakeholders
                                             in education (CAPFE, ADEREQ, MELS, etc.) regarding the importance
                                             of developing sustainable development skills for both teachers
How to get involved                          and students
                                         •   Financial Services: Assist units in developing plans to retool their
Collaborate on the sustainable
                                             operating processes related to the University’s financial context
development approach by proposing
innovative projects

4: Fighting climate change
The University limits the amount
                                                            Our brains aim for carbon
of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted                           neutrality
from its day-to-day operations and                          Right now the University directly emits approximately
encourages members to get around                            22,500 tons of CO2 equivalent

without driving

Development focus
Inspire others by being Canada’s first
carbon-neutral University campus

Net tons of direct GHG emissions
(in equivalent tons of CO2)
                                         Examples of unit engagement
                                         •   Campus Events Office: Offer carbon-neutral packages to event
Target                                       organizers to offset GHG emissions from participant travel
Attain and maintain carbon neutrality    •   Student Services (BVE): Encourage those in charge of managing
for the campus’s net direct emissions        student projects to incorporate eco-friendliness, responsible
                                             consumption, and carbon neutrality into their practices, especially
                                             through BVE activities
Key action
                                         •   Faculty of Forestry, Geography and Geomatics: Pursue Montmorency
Campus carbon neutrality                     Forest’s collaboration in the University’s approach to carbon-neutrality
                                         •   Faculty of Pharmacy: Make the Faculty’s events environmentally friendly
                                             and carbon-neutral
How to get involved
                                         •   Sports Office: Aim for the Rouge et Or clubs’ activities to be green
Offset GHG emissions through the             and carbon-neutral
University’s voluntary offset program
                                         •   Office of the Executive and Development Vice Rector: Produce
                                             a climate change plan

5: Sustainable transportation
The University offers a broad range
 of services to encourage sustainable                     Our brains run on oxygen
travel, including self-service bikes,                     Université Laval has 7.7 km of bike paths
walking trails, a guaranteed ride                         and 2,035 designated bike parking spots.

home program, L’abonne BUS,
and ride sharing

Development focus
Make it easier for University
community members to use
sustainable transportation

Proportion of annual parking            Examples of unit engagement
pass sold as compared to the full       •   Safety and Prevention Services:
time student and employee
equivalent (FTE)                            –   Continue adding sections to the bike path as identified
                                                in the master plan
                                            –   Offer cyclists a safe bike enclosure at Pavillon
Target                                          Jean-Charles-Bonenfant
Reduce the proportion of annual             –   Analyze and implement L’abonne BUS enhancements
parking pass sold by FTE by 8%                  for employees
from 2012–2013 levels                       –   Make drivers pay for event parking more often

Key action
Flex plan for sustainable
transportation users (employees) -
occasional daily parking

How to get involved
Opt for sustainable modes
of transport

6: Responsible purchasing and consumption
At Université Laval, goods and
services for administrative operations                       Our brains get organized
and teaching and research activities                         50 green events were certified in 2014–2015.
are procured with an eye toward
reducing the University’s
environmental footprint

Development focus
Expand the University’s expertise
and maintain its leadership in green
consumption and procurement

Percentage of goods and services         Examples of unit engagement
purchased with sustainability criteria   •   Library: Virtualize library work stations
taken into account
                                         •   Campus Events Office: Make environmental friendliness a basic
                                             condition for holding on-campus events
Target                                   •   Registrar’s Office: Start the transaction-based process of converting
                                             forms for study management advisors
                                         •   CADEUL: Where possible, buy products and services that minimize
                                             harm to the environment in terms of design, production, distribution,
Key action                                   consumption, and disposal, specifically by inventorying products
                                             overwrapped in subsidiaries
Roll out a responsible food offering
in the University’s various points       •   Faculty of Medicine: Make faculty members aware of the concepts
of service                                   of carbon neutrality and eco-friendliness in the context of faculty events
                                             and student travel for internships
                                         •   Copy Service: Collaborate on creating a green office culture
How to get involved                          (use multi-function devices wisely, cut back on desktop printer use,
                                             promote sustainable printing practices, etc.)
Organize green events, adopt
responsible office practices,
and manage laboratory procurement

7: Sustainable infrastructure
On the Université Laval campus,
energy and water are used efficiently,                     Our brains are selective
waste is managed properly,                                 844,000 kg of waste is recovered annually through
and infrastructure is modernized                           sorting bins.

Development focus
Pursue an integrated, sustainable
approach to campus infrastructure

Energy consumption in Gj/m2;
amount of waste generated in kg/FTE
                                         Examples of unit engagement
                                         •   Faculty of Planning, Architecture, Arts and Design: Improve
Target                                       the management of waste from products used in workshops
Reduce project-related energy                in the La Fabrique building with help from Safety and Prevention
consumption by 36,150 Gj; achieve            Services’ hazardous materials management team
a waste recovery rate of 70%             •   Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences: Ensure the development
                                             of the Roger-Van den Hende Garden by carrying out its strategic
                                             development plan
Key action
                                         •   Faculty of Science and Engineering: Integrate sustainability
Energy efficiency measures;                  considerations with the help of Building Services (e.g., water
20th anniversary of the waste                and energy consumption, responsible purchasing) in the Faculty
management program                           teaching laboratory renovation project
                                         •   Sports Office: Encourage responsible behavior on the part of sports
                                             facility users (e.g., water consumption in showers)
How to get involved
                                         •   Building Services: Assess and measure the impacts of implementing
Adopt responsible water and energy           construction waste recovery practices
consumption behaviour and make
                                         •   Residence Office: Incorporate sustainable development issues into
efforts to reduce the amount of waste
                                             projects to renovate existing residences or build new ones
generated at the source

8: Healthy lifestyle habits
The benefits associated with healthy
lifestyle habits, proper nutrition,                        Our brains breathe health
 and physical activity encourage the                       3,735 individuals have experienced the benefits
wellbeing of individuals and society                       of the Mon Équilibre UL program.

Development focus
Consolidate and expand
Mon Équilibre UL, the University’s
healthy lifestyle program

Number of individuals whose
awareness is heightened through
Mon Équilibre UL activities             Examples of unit engagement
                                        •   Student Recruitment Office: Offer team members opportunities
                                            to discuss sustainable development issues, including the benefits
Target                                      associated with healthy lifestyle habits, proper nutrition,
5,000 individuals whose awareness           and physical activity
is heightened through                   •   Faculty of Music: Reduce joint, skeletal, and muscular accidents
Mon Équilibre UL activities                 and discomfort that can be attributed to poor instrument practice habits
                                        •   Faculty of Education: Include Mon Équilibre UL courses in the list
                                            of optional or add-on courses in programs where possible
Key action
                                        •   Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies: Assess the possibility
Expand the accredited course offering       of helping develop a new Mon Équilibre UL course that would highlight
to include a micro-program                  aspects of spirituality and inner life
on healthy lifestyle habits
                                        •   Office of the Vice Rector, Academic and International Activities:
                                            Solidify and develop the Mon Équilibre UL program
How to get involved                     •   Office of the Vice Rector, Human Resources: Promote actions
                                            in keeping with the values of the Entreprises en santé standard
Develop and maintain a healthy

9: Social involvement
Social involvement is important
for society to progress, prosper,                     Our brains are altruistic
and offer its members a good                          68.7% of our employees are involved in one
quality of life                                       or more social causes.

Development focus
Highlight the culture of social
involvement and entrepreneurship
within the University community

Percentage of members
of the University community
involved in a social cause          Exemples d’engagement dans les unités
                                    •   Student Services: Continue collaborating to develop the hub of social
                                        involvement and entrepreneurship by sitting on its steering committee,
Target                                  working on its action plan, and evaluating the possibility of creating
Maintain or improve                     a bank of student volunteers for campus activities
on 2012 results                     •   Faculty of Dentistry: Consider adding a social involvement component,
                                        for instance with Clinique SPOT and Centre d’excellence pour la santé
                                        buccodentaire et le vieillissement
Key action
                                    •   Faculty of Music: Improve access to the practice of music in
Hub of social involvement               communities with low standards of living by continuing to work with
and entrepreneurship                    the Jeunes musiciens du monde organization
                                    •   Faculty of Nursing: Promote Faculty professors’ participation
                                        in Accès savoirs, an innovative program that pairs students
How to get involved                     with non-profit organizations to foster the transfer of knowledge
Get involved in a social or         •   Office of the Executive and Development Vice Rector:
humanitarian cause                      Set up the Hub of social involvement and entrepreneurship
in the community

10: Culture, living environment, and global awareness
In an effort to promote global
                                                           Our brains bathe
awareness, the University helps                            in biodiversity
provide access to cross-border                             In addition to its planted and large grassy areas,
experiences and welcome members                            the campus is home to a dozen mammal species
                                                           and more than 120 bird species.
from all over the world

Development focus
Make Université Laval an exceptional
living environment and promote
sustainable development as a cultural
feature and value of the University

                                         Exemples d’engagement dans les unités
General degree of student satisfaction   •   Library: Promote the preservation and presentation of the University’s
with their University experience             scientific heritage
(based on NSSE and CGPSS surveys)
                                         •   Faculty of Forestry, Geography and Geomatics: Improve the University
                                             community’s access to and interest in Montmorency Forest
Target                                   •   Faculty of Business Administration: Encourage students and employees
                                             to take part in Faculty-led activities aimed at improving the wellbeing
Maintain or improve 2011 and 2013
                                             of society and the University community
results (CGPSS – 91% in 2013;
NSSE – 87% in 2011)                      •   Building Services: Continue implementing aspects of the master plan
                                             related to the protection of trees, preservation of planted areas,
                                             and safeguarding of biodiversity on campus
Key action                               •   Office of the Vice Rector, Administration and Finance: Improve the living
Agenda 21 de la culture                      environment (common areas, cafeterias, etc.) as part of special projects
                                             and major building projects
                                         •   Office of the Vice Rector, Human Resources: Apply the equality access
How to get involved                          employment program (provincial) and the Employment Equity Act
                                             (federal), especially to encourage representativeness
Buy into and experience sustainable
development as a key feature
of our University culture

Executive Vice Rector, Development
                Pavillon des Sciences de l’éducation
                2320, rue des Bibliothèques
                Suite 1646
                Université Laval
                Quebec City (QC) G1V 0A6

        Our brains
   are responsible
Sustainable development influences the
way of life of 50,000 people on campus.

                    It inspires us to act.

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