Global Market Analysis 2014-2019 - Global Market for Sports Nutrition and Dairy Ingredients - 3A Business Consulting

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Global Market Analysis 2014-2019 - Global Market for Sports Nutrition and Dairy Ingredients - 3A Business Consulting
Global Market for Sports Nutrition
      and Dairy Ingredients

Global Market Analysis
        Published May 2015
                             3A Business Consulting
Global Market Analysis 2014-2019 - Global Market for Sports Nutrition and Dairy Ingredients - 3A Business Consulting
Report Outline

Introduction and Methodology

Sports Nutrition Market and Dairy Ingredients used
  Global Sports Nutrition Market Data and Trends
  Key Players and Distribution Channels
  Ingredient Volume Usage and Major Users
  Ingredient Applications and Product Launches
  Key Dairy Ingredient Companies
  Dairy Ingredient Trade Analysis

Report Summary

Appendix (Volume Estimates for Key Markets)

                                      3A Business Consulting
Global Market Analysis 2014-2019 - Global Market for Sports Nutrition and Dairy Ingredients - 3A Business Consulting
Market Research Approach
 - Sports Nutrition Markets and Dairy Ingredients used

                                                             Global             Dairy              Dairy
     Product              Market             Key
                                                             Market          Ingredients         Ingredients
      Scope               Scope             Players
                                                             Trends             in SN          Trade Analysis

Protein powder        Global            Top 20 global      Consumer         Application/         Import and
Ready-To-Drink           Western        sports nutrition   segments         usage of dairy       export per
RTD                      Europe         companies          Product trends   ingredients          market
Sports bars              Europe         Top 20 global      Consumer             WPC                 WPC
Other products –         North          brands per         trends               WPI                 WPI
gels, tablets, etc.      America        market                                  MPC                 MPC
                         Latin          Distribution                            MPI                 MPI
                         America        channels                            Competitive
                         Australasia                                        structure
                         Asia Pacific                                           Key dairy
                         Middle East                                            ingredient
                      Value per                                                 companies
                      market                                                    focusing on
                      Volume per                                                sports
                      market                                                    nutrition
                      CAGR 2014-

                                                                                3A Business Consulting
Global Market Analysis 2014-2019 - Global Market for Sports Nutrition and Dairy Ingredients - 3A Business Consulting
                            - Definition of Sports Nutrition
Sports Nutrition products are positioned in the marketplace as
improving physical endurance, increasing muscle
growth/development/mass, or speeding recovery after exercise
The products are sold in powder, bar, ready-to-drink, gel or
tablet formats
Both protein and non-protein based products are included
   However, sugar based drinks often positioned as sports nutrition (e.g.
   Gatorade), energy drinks (e.g. Red Bull), and energy bars (e.g.
   PowerBar) are not included
The Sports Nutrition category definition includes bars with more
than 20 grams of protein in absolute volume, irrespective of
packaging size

                                                   3A Business Consulting
Global Market Analysis 2014-2019 - Global Market for Sports Nutrition and Dairy Ingredients - 3A Business Consulting
Methodology for Research
                                               - Data Sources and Abbreviations
The building input blocks of this report:

          Euromonitor         access


                        UN             National
                                      bureaus of            Sports nutrition is some places
                                       statistics           abbreviated as SN
                                                            Whey protein concentrate / isolate is
                                                            abbreviated as WPC/WPI, and some
                                                            places as WP when mentioned together
                                  3A                        (including WPH)
            Mintel           publications
           database              and                        Milk protein concentrate / isolate is
                                                            abbreviated as MPC/MPI, and some
                                                            places as MP when mentioned together
                                                            (including MPH)
                                                            Ready-to-drink protein sports drinks are
                     Industry          Company
                                                            abbreviated as RTD’s
                   sources and
                    interviews          Reports

                                                                         3A Business Consulting
Global Market Analysis 2014-2019 - Global Market for Sports Nutrition and Dairy Ingredients - 3A Business Consulting
Methodology for Volume Estimations
                    - Calculating Product and Ingredient Quantities
    The percent retail value shares of the four categories within SN (e.g. 64% for protein
    powders) are multiplied with the market value for each market. This results in a value
    estimate for each SN category. These values are then divided by an estimate for the
    average price of the relevant product category (e.g. EUR 25/kg for protein powders),
    resulting in an estimate for the total volume of each product consumed in each market
    The resulting volume estimates are then multiplied by the average percentage of protein
    content of the respective product category (e.g. 75% for powder), and further multiplied by
    the percentage of the protein type out of the total amount of protein in the category (e.g.
    70% WP out of the total 75% protein by volume in protein powders, meaning that 52.5% of
    the total weight of protein powders is derived from WP)
    This respective protein volumes are then subsequently converted to ingredient volumes
    Summing the results of the above calculations for each product type in each market, leads
    to the reported estimates for WP and MP used in SN
    Below the assumed percentage shares of market value, protein content and protein types in
    the four product categories are summarized together with the assumed average retail prices
    (excl. VAT)

Note 1: The quantity estimates for RTD is for fluid RTD’s
Note 2: 3A assumes that the growth for each product category will be equal. Products such as bars and RTD's are favoured for their convenience,
however, protein powders are cheaper for the same amount of protein
Note 3: The protein ingredient category “Other” includes egg protein, soy protein and other vegetable proteins, together with dairy-based protein
ingredients at a lower protein concentration than 80%. Casein/caseinate at above 80% protein are included in the MP category and are assumed to
constitute approx. 15% to 25% of the quantities herein

                                                                                                         3A Business Consulting
Global Market Analysis 2014-2019 - Global Market for Sports Nutrition and Dairy Ingredients - 3A Business Consulting
Methodology for Application Analysis
   - Application Trends for Ingredients in Sports Nutrition
     Ingredients:                                  Time Frame:
                                  MP   MPI   MPC                  Geography:
                    WPI                            January 2010   Global and Key Regions
                                                   – March 2015
       WP                                                               ”Sport” and Word Variants

Methodology implications:

The used database (MINTEL)
does not record all launches in
SN, particularly given internet
sales. However, the examples
shown are thought to be
representative of all product

                                                                       3A Business Consulting
Global Market Analysis 2014-2019 - Global Market for Sports Nutrition and Dairy Ingredients - 3A Business Consulting
Methodology for Trade Analysis
              - Estimating Import and Export Quantities
Inter-EU trade of the protein ingredients are not directly
obtainable. Main sources used to assess trade flows include
national statistical bureaus combined with UN Comtrade
According to industry sources the following HS-codes are used
for WP and MP in the EU:
   WPC80+ and WPI are traded under HS code 35022091
      “Milk albumin, including concentrates of two or more whey proteins,
      dried (for example, in sheets, scales, flakes, powder)”
      Not all trade statistics are available to the 8-digit level, and in these
      cases the 350220 code is used. As this code also contains other
      related products, the methodology chosen to estimate WPC80+/WPI
      quantities is to only consider bilateral trade values at above USD 8/kg
   MPC 80+ and MPI are traded under HS-code 35040010
      “Other protein substances and their derivatives, not elsewhere
      specified or included  Milk protein concentrates”
      Before 2010, the HS code used was 350400, and thus includes other
      products than MPC80+/MPI. Thus, the methodology adapted for
      estimating trade quantities is to only look at import from countries
      known to export substantial amounts of MPC/MPI. These countries are
      Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, France, Lithuania,
      Hungary, New Zealand, Australia and the U.S. Further, only bilateral
      trade flows valued at above USD 6/kg are considered
                                                         3A Business Consulting
Global Market Analysis 2014-2019 - Global Market for Sports Nutrition and Dairy Ingredients - 3A Business Consulting
Global Sports Nutrition Market Data and Trends
                                                                        - Global Summary
                                           Forecast CAGR 2014-2019 in %                      2014 Regional Market Shares on
                                                                                8,1         Global Sports Nutrition Market in %
Forecast CAGR 2014 -2019 in %

                                                                    7,1                                   Eastern Europe
                                                                                          Latin America         2%            Middle East and
                                                              6,3                              6%                                  Africa
                                 6                      5,7                                                                         1%
                                            5,3   5,5
                                     4,9                                              Asia Pacific
                                 5                                                        6%


                                 2                                                               8%

                                 1                                                                                         North America
                                                                                             Western Europe

                                The North American Sports Nutrition market exhibits highest forecasted CAGR with 8,1%
                                in the period between 2014 and 2019
                                For Middle East and Africa a remarkable CAGR of 7,7% for the period 2014-2019 is
                                estimated which is above the estimated global CAGR of 7,1%
                                                                                                               3A Business Consulting
Global Market Analysis 2014-2019 - Global Market for Sports Nutrition and Dairy Ingredients - 3A Business Consulting
Global Sports Nutrition Market Data and Trends
                                                                   - North America to remain dominant
                                                                                                                                 North America
                                                       Bubble size and number in the bubbles
Expected value growth 2014-2019 in USD mn

                                                       represent actual market size in USD mn
                                            500                                                                                                      6202


                                                                                                                    Eastern Europe

                                                                                                   Western Europe                  Australasia
                                                                               Asia Pacific        1621                            765
                                            200                                590
                                                                                                                                                 Latin America

                                                                          Middle East and Africa

                                                  0        1          2              3             4           5             6           7            8          9    10
                                                                                                       CAGR 2014-2019 in %
                                               Vertical axis represents expected value growth per year within the respective region in USD mn over the period
                                               Horizontal axis represents the CAGR for the period 2014-2019
                                               This chart shows that North America will remain the major growth market over the forecast period

                                                                                                                                             3A Business Consulting
Ingredient Volume Usage and Major Users
- Calculating Global Ingredients Volume usage in 2014

  Applying the calculation method explained in the methodology, the
  estimated volumes of SN consumer products are used to calculate
  the volume of high-concentration protein ingredients used in SN
  This results in the 2014 volume estimates below:

                                                                        Protein ingredients
        2014 Volume                      Consumer
    estimates (‘000 MT)                  products                                            TOTAL
                                                               WP        MP     Other
  TOTAL                                       545              199        52       47           298

  Protein powder                              303              187        40       40           267

  Protein bars                                 32                   3     6        2             11

  Protein RTD                                 162                   5     5        4             14

  Other SN                                     48                   3     2        1              6

  Note: methodology described in the introduction section applied

                                                                               3A Business Consulting
Ingredient Volume Usage and Major Users
                   - Estimated Protein Ingredient usage in 2014
                   Companies                      % market share 2014          Estimated protein usage ('000 MT)

Glanbia Plc                                               14%                                  41
Hormel Foods Corp                                          7%                                  22
General Nutrition Centers Inc                              5%                                  13
NBTY Inc                                                   4%                                  13
MusclePharm Corp                                           3%                                   8
Post Holdings Inc                                          2%                                   7
GlaxoSmithKline Plc                                        2%                                   5
Abbott Laboratories Inc                                    1%                                   4
Twinlab Consolidation Corp                                 1%                                   4
Weider Global Nutrition LLC                                1%                                   4
Atlantic Grupa dd                                          1%                                   3
Vitaco Health Ltd                                          1%                                   3
Clif Bar & Co                                              1%                                   2
Hut Group Ltd, The                                         1%                                   2
Iovate Health Sciences Inc                                 1%                                   2
Labrada Nutrition Inc                                      1%                                   2
Sun Bros LLC                                               1%                                   2
Ajinomoto Co Inc                                           1%                                   2
Amino Active International Pty Ltd                         1%                                   2
Herbalife Ltd                                              1%                                   2
Meiji Holdings Co Ltd                                      1%                                   2
Private Label                                              1%                                   2
USN (Pty) Ltd                                              1%                                   2
Universal Nutrition Inc                                    1%                                   2
Otsuka Holdings Co Ltd                                     1%                                   2
Others                                                    49%                                 144
                       Total                             100%                                 297

 Note 1: Calculation based on % market share and total Global 2014 market of 298,000 MT of protein ingredients
 Note 2: Estimates may vary ±10%. Assuming constant market shares, 2019 estimates would be approx 35% higher

                                                                                      3A Business Consulting
Global Sports Nutrition Market Data and Trends
           - Worldwide SN Market will keep on growing

Market size (USD mn)                          CAGR     CAGR
                              2010    2014                        2019E
Volume estimates (‘000 MT)                    10-14    14-19

TOTAL VALUE                    6641   10096   11,0%

TOTAL VOLUME                   358     545                          768

  Protein powder               199     303                          427

  Protein bars                  21     32     11,0%    7,1%          46

  Protein RTD                  106     162                          228

  Other SN                      32     48                            68

  Despite the current difficult economic outlook, the global sports
  nutrition market is estimated to grow 7,1% annually towards 2019
  Protein powder and protein RTD are the two big product categories

                                                 3A Business Consulting
Global Sports Nutrition Market Data and Trends
                    - Global Sports Nutrition Trends (1)

                 Unlike many packaged food and other consumer packaged goods
                 industries, sport nutrition is witnessing strong growth rates across a
                 wide spectrum of global markets, including some of the most mature
Global Growth    consumer markets in the world (e.g. North America). The prospect of
                 growth in stable, business-friendly markets is a major draw for

                 Growing fitness and health trend to stave off lifestyle diseases are
                 opening the minds of mainstream consumers. A growing number of
Entering mass    producers are capitalizing on the opportunity by reformulating and
                 repackaging sports nutrition to appeal to less sophisticated consumers
                 and retailers alike

                 Protein products account for the vast majority of sports nutrition
                 sales. While ingredient preferences vary by market, in general,
                 protein has benefited from its “food-like” character and has
Protein on top   established itself as the category’s most ubiquitous ingredient. Whey
                 derived ingredients are the most important proteins, however there is
                 a increasing trend among health and environmentaly concerned
                 consumers towards plant derived proteins (e.g. Soy protein, pea

                                                               3A Business Consulting
Key Players and Distribution Channels
                                                                - Top 20 Brands in Sports Nutrition
                                                                                                Brand                           Owning Company
                                      2014 Top 20 Global Brands
                                                                                                Optimum Nutrition               Glanbia Plc
         Aussie Bodies           76,00
                                                                                                Muscle Milk                     Hormel Foods Corp
           Multipower            78
                                                                                                BSN                             Glanbia Plc
           Sunwarrior            79
                                                                                                GNC                             General Nutrition Centers Inc
Worldwide Pure Protein           80
              Labrada            82                                                             MusclePharm                     MusclePharm Corp

               Clif Bar          83                                                             Cytosport                       Hormel Foods Corp

  Precision Engineered           87                                                             Maxinutrition                   GlaxoSmithKline Plc
              Myoplex             98                                                            Body Fortress                   NBTY Inc
               Isopure            100                                                           MET-Rx                          NBTY Inc
               Weider                 117
                                                                                                PowerBar                        Post Holdings Inc
              Twinlab                 125
                                                                                                Twinlab                         Twinlab Consolidation Corp
             PowerBar                 129
                                                                                                Weider                          Weider Global Nutrition LLC
               MET-Rx                 131
                                                                                                Isopure                         Glanbia Plc
         Body Fortress                 143
         Maxinutrition                                                                          Myoplex                         Abbott Laboratories Inc
             Cytosport                       220                                                Precision Engineered            NBTY Inc

         MusclePharm                           260                                              Clif Bar                        Clif Bar & Co
                 GNC                                                                            Labrada                         Labrada Nutrition Inc
                  BSN                                         467                               Worldwide Pure Protein          NBTY Inc
          Muscle Milk                                               533                         Sunwarrior                      Sun Bros LLC
    Optimum Nutrition                                                         775
                                                                                                Multipower                      Atlantic Grupa dd
                          0,00        200,00         400,00     600,00      800,00   1.000,00   Aussie Bodies                   Vitaco Health Ltd
                                               Retail Value RSP in USD mn

                                                                                                                         3A Business Consulting
Key Players and Distribution Channels
                            - An Internal Analysis of Muscle Pharm Corp
    Capabilities                    Resources                                 VRIO                       Competitive Advantage

Spotting trends and          High investments in R&D as       Value: Yes, female, consumer health     MusclePharm did very well in the last
meeting mass markets         well as acquisitions of          and wellness products are stongly       five years but their market orientation
needs in order to develop    established companies like       demanded                                and innovativeness are not the key
products that are            BioZone Pharmaceuticals                                                  source for a CA. Rather they are a
demanded                                                      Rare: No, many companies follow the     prerequisite to be able to compete with
                                                              trend of producing for mass market      companies like Glanbia
                                                              and new customer segments
                                                                                                      Strong market orientation, building in
                                                              Imitable: Yes                           the voice of the consumer and
                                                                                                      innnovativeness are a must in this
                                                              Organization: -                         branch to succeed

Strong communication         High advertising budget (28      Value: Yes, trustworthy sources have    The social capital and the strong effort
and advertising via          mio USD, 16% of revenue)         high value for the company and high     in advertising are the (temporary) CA of
celebrity and athlete        and social capital               value to the customer                   MusclePharm Corp and definitely their
endorsers                                                                                             key to success. Tying important people
                             A strong network of famous       Rare: Yes, social capital and           to the company and linking them with
                             endorsers spreading and          networks of contacts are rare and       consumer and products have been key
                             promoting the products also      difficult to built up                   to success and will probably remain it in
                             via private channels, which                                              the near future
                             gives MusclePharm free           Imitable: No, difficult to imitate or
                             coverage and high/               copy
                             trustworthy reach within their
                             targets (e.g. Arnold             Organization: Network well
                             Schwarzenegger, Tiger            established in the organisation and
                             Woods or Jan Selter)             endorsers are tied to the company
                                                              (e.g. Arnold Schwarzenegger with his
                                                              own product lline)

Note 1: VRIO= Valuable, Rare, Imitable, Organization
Note 2: Method applied from B. Barney, J. (1995). Looking inside for competitive advantage

                                                                                                        3A Business Consulting
Ingredient Applications
                                      - ”Sport” and Milk Protein 2010-2015
                Top 10 Countries in Milk Protein
                 Product Launches per Region
                     between 2010 - 2015
                                                         Number of Variants per Category







                                                                 410 launches
Germany                                                          recorded globally

            0     20   40   60   80   100   120    140

                                                                        3A Business Consulting
Ingredient Applications
- “Sport” and Milk Protein 2010-2015 product examples

     Company:        Nutrition & Santé

     Country:        Romania

     Date Published: Mar 2015

     Sub-Category:   Snack/Cereal/Energy Bars

     Company:        Enervit
     Country:        Italy

     Date Published: Feb 2015

     Sub-Category:   Snack/Cereal/Energy Bars

     Company:        Activlab
     Country:        Poland
     Date Published: Feb 2015

     Sub-Category:   Meal Replacements & Other Drinks

     Company:        DM Drogerie Markt
     Country:        Germany
     Date Published: Feb 2015
     Sub-Category:   Snack/Cereal/Energy Bars

                                                        3A Business Consulting
- SWOT for Sports Nutrition facing the Global Market (1)
                                Strengths                                                  Weaknesses

            •       Fastest and easiest way to get proteins                      • Taste and mouth feel of many
                    after exercise                                                 flavoured products are still somewhat
            •       Young and healthy image                                        flat

            •       The industry has managed to become                           • SN products are not as appealing as
                    mainstream                                                     fresh food
            •       Expanding distribution platform                              • High product prices exclude potential
            •       investment in lifestyle branding and                           consumers
                    gourmet formulations, helping to
                                                                                 • Unhealthy additives (e.g. creatine) in a
                    overcome lingering perceptions of bad
                                                                                   health-care market
                    taste and texture

                                                              SWOT                            Threats
                •   Sports nutrition as fastest growing
                    category in consumer health segment                          • Non-threatening formulas, formats and
                                                                                   retail channels will become increasingly
                •   Growth stimulates investment                                   important

                •   People are taking more control of their health
                                                                                 • Competition is intensifying, e.g. increase
                    and looks
                                                                                   in private label products
                •   Obesity fighting
                                                                                 • Consumer trends towards more natural
                •   Aging people becoming more focused on                          products with similar benefits, e.g.
                    retaining muscle mass
                                                                                   chocolate milk
                •   Increased gym membership rates
                                                                                 • Tainted products damage consumer trust
                •   Customers wants to be incorporated and
                    engaged -> co-creation of value                              • Increased government regulations

                                                                                                 3A Business Consulting
Global Sports Nutrition Report
                    – Project Management and Costs

Team   3A Business Consulting team:
        – Managing partner - Tage Affertsholt

        – Junior consultant - Stefan Raff

Time   Report available in PDF format – in total
       more than 90 slides – from June 2015

       EUR 3,400

                                       3A Business Consulting
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