Page created by Sheila Rogers

Purdue Federal Credit Union is proud
    to sponsor the Purdue Jazz Festival.

                 Federally insured by NCUA.


Welcome back to the 32nd annual Purdue Jazz Festival!       Trumpeter Rex Richardson has been hailed by The
While our online festival last year was a great success,    Brass Herald as “One of the Finest Virtuosos of our
there’s nothing like meeting together hearing and           time” and by DownBeat magazine as “A Standout
experiencing the exceptional high school and middle         Soloist with the power, range and flexibility to rival
school jazz musicians who come to be inspired by the        Freddie Hubbard and Wood Shaw.” Just as ‘at home’
pros, to show off their skills during intense competition   on concert classical stages as in major international
and to hear what is happening in jazz study with their      jazz clubs, Rex has been a headliner on venues on
peers in America’s Midwest. Today, January 22, 2022         all six continents. His incredible number of musical
the Jazz Department of Purdue Bands & Orchestras, in        collaborations range from Benny Carter, Kurt Elling, and
collaboration with Purdue Convocations, will once again     Dave Holland to James Morrison, Arturo Sandoval, Allen
be featuring performances by nearly 100 outstanding         Vizzuttti and Keith Lockhart. Jazz Trumpet star Dave
high school and middle school jazz bands, as well as        Douglas calls him “A national treasure”. Richardson has
clinics and concerts by some of the most outstanding        degrees in anthropology and music from Northwestern
jazz musicians and educators from around the country        and Louisiana State and has taught at Virginia
and the world!                                              Commonwealth University since 2002. He served as
                                                            International Tutor in Trumpet at the Royal Northern
For our Friday evening program, Purdue Convocations         College of Music in Manchester, U.K. from 2012-2015. In
and Purdue Bands & Orchestras are excited to present        2018 he was appointed International Tutor in Trumpet at
one of the most acclaimed and charismatic jazz artists      JAM Music Lab University in Vienna, Austria.
to emerge in the 1990’s. Son of legendary saxophonist
Dewey Redman, Joshua Redman graduated from Harvard          The 2022 Artist in Residence for this year’s Purdue Jazz
College summa cum laude in 1991 and had already been        Festival is saxophonist, composer and master educator
accepted to Yale Law School. To the future delight of       Sharel (Sha-Relle) Cassity . Prominent on the New York
jazz fans everywhere he instead immersed himself into       and Chicago jazz scenes, Sharel has been listed as
the New York City jazz culture and within five months       “Rising Star Alto Saxophone” in Downbeat Magazine
was the winner of the Thelonious Monk International         for the past 12 years, Sharel has appeared on the Today
Saxophone Competition. He has since garnered top            Show, Good Morning America, The Colbert Show, is in
honors in critic and reader’s polls of DownBeat, Jazz       the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame, and is a recipient of the
Times, The Village Voice and Rolling Stone. He will be      ASCAP Young Jazz Composers Award.
joined by two longtime collaborators Matt Penman on
bass and Marcus Gilmore in the tradition of Sonny Rollins   These amazing artists and over 23 other outstanding
and Joe Henderson and many others in the piano-less         adjudicators and clinicians will be sharing their
jazz saxophone trio format.                                 knowledge and musical insights with thousands of
                                                            students from all over the Midwest at the 2022 Purdue
Saxophonist and educator Mark Gross will join us            Jazz Festival!
on Saturday bringing a wealth of jazz history and
experience. He has toured the world with his own
quartet as well as with the Dizzy Gillespie Big Band,       Have a GREAT Day!
Delfeayo Marsalis, Nat Adderly, Dave Holland, Mulgrew
Miller, Nicholas Payton, Jimmy Heath, The Village
Vanguard Orchestra, Tom Harrell Big Band and many,
many others. He has appeared on Broadway in “FIVE           Dr. M. T. “Mo” Trout
GUYS NAMED MOE” and “KAT AND THE KINGS”, and                Director of Jazz Bands
“SWING”. He also appeared in Spike Lee’s movie
“Malcolm X’, and was a featured musician on the HBO
series “Boardwalk”. He’s also a faculty member of
Rutgers University Mason Gross School of the Arts. We
are honored to host this incredible musician.

            GRADES 5-12
     JUNE - AUGUST 2022

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                                     Purdue Jazz Festival
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      Proudly Serving Our Community since 1929

McCutcheon High School                                                                        Lafayette Jefferson High School
Jacob Rowe, Director                                                                          Chris Paulson, Director
Program announced from stage                                                                  It’s Only a Paper Moon.....................................arr. Rick Stitzel
                                                                                              The Preacher......................Horace Silver/arr. Bob Lowden

West Lafayette High School                                                                    Harrison High School
Dan Peo and Kelso Daning, Directors                                                           Steve Cotten, Director
Autumn Leaves..............Joseph Kosma/arr. Peter Blair                                      Topsy...............................................Eddie Durham/Count Basie
La Suerte de los Tontos...........................Johnny Richards                             Armando’s Big Band.................................................Allen Wittig
                                                   arr. Victor Lopez
Purdue Jazz Band, featuring Artist-in-Residence, Sharel Cassity, saxophone
The Claw.................................................................................................................................................................................Terry Gibbs
Bodysnatchers............................................................................................................................RadioHead / arr. Fred Sturm
Say What....................................................................................................Sharel Cassity /arr. Michael Philip Mossman
                                                                      Sharel Cassity, saxophone
Without You No Me.....................................................................................................................................................Jimmy Heath
                                                                      Sharel Cassity, saxophone
Angel Eyes.................................................................................................................................................................arr. Mark Buselli
Dragonfly...............................................................................................................................................................................Steve Allee
A Sound for Sore Ears...............................................................................................................................................Jimmy Heath
                                                                      Sharel Cassity, saxophone

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     9:30 am    West Lafayette Jazz Band                      10:30 am         Valaparaiso Lab Jazz Band
    10:00 am    Wm. H. Harrison - Harrison Jazz Band           11:00 am        Champaign Central Lab Band
    10:30 am    Lebanon Jazz Band                              11:30 am        Pike Jazz Ensemble II
     11:00 am   Franklin Central Jazz Ensemble                  1:30 pm        Greensburg Jazz Ensemble
     11:30 am   -Break-                                        2:00 pm         Shawano Jazz I
     3:00 pm    Noblesville Jazz I                             2:30 pm         Owen Valley Jazz Ensemble
     3:30 pm    Floyd Central Big Band                         3:00 pm         Mundelein Jazz Orchestra
     4:00 pm    Naperville North Jazz Ensemble                  3:30pm         West Aurora Jazz Bands
     4:30 pm    Homestead Jazz Band I                          4:00 pm         -Break-
     5:00 pm    Castle 12 O’Clock Jazz Ensemble                4:30 pm         Concord Jazz Ensemble II
      7:00 pm   Awards & Final Concert                         5:00 pm         Decatur Central Jazz Ensemble II
     ADJUDICATORS                                                ADJUDICATORS
     Mark Buselli                                                Matt Murdock
     Mike Tracy                                                  Scott Pazera
     Rodrigo Villanueva                                          Darius Hampton

     9:30 am    Lafayette Jefferson Jazz Ensemble           10:30 am          Shawano Jazz II
    10:00 am    Perry Meridian Meridian Street Blues         11:00 am         Beloit Memorial Jazz Ensemble
    10:30 am    Badger Jazz Ensemble                         11:30 am         Zionsville Silver Jazz Band - NC
     11:00 am   Joshua Redman Band Clinic                   12:00 pm          -Break-
    12:00 pm    Purdue Jazz Band with Sharel Cassity and     2:00 pm          Valparaiso Studio Jazz Band
                special guests                               2:30 pm          Penn Intermediate Jazz Ensemble
    1:00 pm     Bob Lark Clinic w/Purdue Lab Band I          3:00 pm          Goshen Crimson Jazz Ensemble
    2:30 pm      Pike Jazz Ensemble I                        3:30 pm          Park Tudor Jazz Band
    3:00 pm     Concord Jazz Ensemble I                      4:00 pm          Greenfield Central Jazz Ensemble II
    3:30 pm      Decatur Central Jazz Ensemble I             4:30 pm          DeKalb Jazz II
    4:00 pm      Penn Advanced Jazz Ensemble                 5:00 pm          Kokomo H.S. Jazz Ensemble
    4:30 pm      Mundelein Jazz Ensemble
    5:00 pm      Champaign Central Jazz Ensemble               ADJUDICATORS
    5:30 pm      Carroll Jazz Ensemble I                       Ned Boyd
      ADJUDICATORS                                             Joseph Jefferson
      Chip McNeil                                              Jeff Parthun
      Tom Marko
      Bob Lark

     FOWLER HALL (STEWART CENTER)                              HANSEN THEATRE (PAO HALL)
    10:00 am    Zionsville Green Jazz Band                   10:00 am         Riverside Jr. High Jazz Band
    10:30 am    Crown Point Royal Regiment                   10:30 am         Wea Ridge MS Jazz Ensemble
     11:00 am   -Break-                                       11:00 am        New Augusta North Jazz Band
      1:30 pm   Oswego Jazz Ensemble I                        11:30 am        Woodrow Wilson MS Jazz Ensemble - NC
     2:00 pm    West Aurora Jazz Ensemble                      1:00 pm        Old Quarry MS Jazz Band
     2:30 pm    Greenfield Central Jazz Ensemble I             1:30 pm        Honey Creek MS Jazz Band
     3:00 pm    DeKalb Jazz I                                 2:00 pm         -Break-
     3:30 pm    Beloit Memorial Jazz Orchestra                2:30 pm         Southport H.S. Jazz Band 2 - NC
     4:00 pm    Valparaiso Jazz Ensemble                      3:00 pm         Washington Township Senator Jazz - NC
     4:30 pm    -Break-                                       3:30 pm         Terre Haute South Jazz Band - NC
     5:00 pm    Fishers Jazz Ensemble                         4:00 pm         Southport Cardinal Jazz Band 1 - NC
                                                              4:30 pm         Taylor Jazz Band - NC
      ADJUDICATORS                                             ADJUDICATORS
      Tim Coffman                                              Peter Brockman
      Amanda Gardier                                           Lennie Foy
      Gene Markiewicz                                          Judd Danby
                                                           *NC indicates a band that is not playing to compete in the festival awards.

10:00 am     Oswego Combo I
10:30 am     Morgan Twn. Jazz Ens. - NC
 11:00 am    Penn Kaleidoscope Jazz Combo
 11:30 am    -Break-
  1:30 pm    Mundelein Jazz Combo
 2:00 pm     Champaign Central Lynn Street Combo
 2:30 pm     Champaign Central New Street Combo
  Michael Stryker
  Marlin McKay
  Ron Jones




     Birch Creek Music Performance Center                                            Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp
                  Jazz Session I (July 17-30)                                Two week sessions in Music, Dance, Art, Theater, and
              Jazz Session II (July 31-August 13)                              Creative Writing for grades 5 – 12. Since 1966.
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                                       Indiana University Summer Music Clinic
                                                    Indiana Univeristy, Bloomington, IN
                                         Residential camp offering band, orchestra, and jazz.

                                                          June 12-18, 2022
                                                              Dr. Jason Nam
                                                          Jacobs School of Music
                                                             1201 E. 3rd Street
                                                          Bloomington, IN 47405


    All clinics last 50 minutes and are located in the PMU Sagamore Room and Loeb Playhouse

    10:00 a.m.............Joshua Redman Clinic
    Sagamore Room PMU
    11:00 a.m.....Joshua Redman Trio
    Joshua Redman – saxophone, Matt Penman – bass, Gregory Hutchinson – drums
    Loeb Playhouse
    12:00 p.m.......Purdue Jazz Band Concert
    featuring Sharel Cassity with appearances by Mark Gross and Rex Richardson
    Loeb Playhouse
    1:00 p.m......Bob Lark Clinic - “Big Band Rehearsal Techniques”
    Acclaimed Jazz Educator Dr. Bob Lark will use the Purdue Lab Band I as a guide to correcting and encouraging great big band performance
    Loeb Playhouse
    1:00 p.m..............Jamey Aebersold Clinic - “Anyone Can Improvise”
    American Jazz Master and Innovative Jazz Educator will share his improvisation ideas and techniques
    Sagamore Room PMU

    2:00 p.m...... Mark Gross, saxophone clinic - “The Art of the Lead Alto”
    Sagamore Room PMU
    3:00 p.m......Rex Richardson, trumpet clinic - “Fundamentals of Technique and Improvisation for Brass”
    Sagamore Room PMU

    4:00 p.m......Sharel Cassity, saxophone clinic - “Building Jazz Vocabulary”
    Sagamore Room PMU

    7:00 pm......Purdue Jazz Band
    featuring Mark Gross and Rex Richardson
    Elliott Hall of Music


                                                                                                      Rex Richardson
                                                                                                      Saturday Afternoon &
                                                                                                      Evening Guest Artist with
                                                                                                      Purdue Jazz Band and
                                          Joshua Redman                                               Clinician
                                      Friday Night Concert
                                             and Clinicians     “A startling display of virtuosity...This was something very
Joshua Redman is one of the most acclaimed and                  different, played by a performer of rare gifts indeed.” --
charismatic jazz artists to have emerged in the 1990’s.         4barsRest.com, in a review of Rex Richardson’s performance
Born in Berkeley, California he is the son of legendary         at the 2013 World Music Championship in Kerkrade,
saxophonist Dewey Redman and dancer Renee Shedroff.             Netherlands.
In 1991 Redman graduated from Harvard College summa             Renowned as champion of new, genre-busting music
cum laude and had already been accepted by Yale Law             featuring the trumpet as a solo voice, Yamaha Performing
School, but deferred entrance for what he believed was          Artist Rex Richardson was named the 2008 Brass Herald
only going to be one year. Instead, he moved to New York        International Personality of the Year, has been called “One of
City and immediately found himself immersed in the              the finest virtuosos of our time” (Brass Herald, 2018).
city’s burgeoning jazz scene. Five months later Redman          A veteran of the acclaimed chamber ensemble Rhythm
was named winner of the prestigious Thelonious Monk             & Brass, jazz legend Joe Henderson’s Quintet and Sextet,
International Saxophone Competition. Since then, Redman         William Russo’s Chicago Jazz Ensemble, and the world-
has worked and played with a vast array of jazz luminaries,     renowned Brass Band of Battle Creek, his hundreds of
released over twenty albums (Warner & Nonesuch), and            soloist appearances include festivals and ensembles on six
has garnered top honors in critics and readers polls of         continents, such as the Phoenix Symphony and Thailand
DownBeat, Jazz Times, The Village Voice and Rolling Stone.      Philharmonic Orchestras, the U.S. Army Field Band and
                                                                Tokyo Symphonic Winds, England’s Fodens Brass Band, and
                                                                the U.S. Air Force’s Airmen of Note Jazz Ensemble.
                                                                His latest CD Freedom of Movement: 21st Century Trumpet
                                                                Concertos was released to critical and public acclaim, and
                                                                named a top-ten finalist for 4barsrest.com’s 2018 Solo CD
                                                                of the Year. The Journal of the International Trumpet Guild
                                                                called it “A triumph of virtuosity and musicianship”(March,
                                                                Richardson has taught at Virginia Commonwealth University
                                                                since 2002, served as International Tutor in Trumpet at
                                           Mark Gross           England’s Royal Northern College of Music from 2012-2015
                                      Saturday Afternoon &      and at Austria’s JAM Music Lab University since 2018.
                                   Evening Guest Artist with
                                      Purdue Jazz Band and

“Gross is a new and powerful alto sax player who is a Cannonball type player. As you may presume ... funky is his flavor.
He...shows his modern modality which is reflected in his sound.” Takao Ogawa Swing Journal, Japan (Preach Daddy). Gross
recently signed and recorded his latest recording ‘Blackside’ for his new record label JAZZ LEGACY PRODUCTIONS (JLP).
“This music is movin’ and groovin’ with historic elegance and euphoric relevance. I am proud to say these are the young
‘Giants I Walk With’.” Jimmy Heath jazz legend (Blackside). His consistently professional musicianship has led to live and
recorded efforts with many of his fellow pacesetters in jazz music. Mark has toured the world with the Mark Gross Quartet,
Buster Williams ‘Something More’ Quartet, Delfeayo Marsalis, Dizzy Gillespie Big Band, Philip Harper, Nat Adderley, Dave
 Holland, Mulgrew Miller, Nicholas Payton, Dizzy Gillespie, Nancy Wilson, James Moody, Jimmy Heath, John Lee, Village
 Vanguard Jazz Orchestra, Tom Harrell Big Band, Duke Ellington Orchestra, Frank Foster and the Loud Minority, Charles Mingus
 Big Band, Freddie Hubbard, Donald Harrison, Mark Whitfield, Joe Dukes, Captain Jack McDuff, Joe Chambers, Neal Smith, Cyrus
 Chestnut, Regina Carter, Lionel Hampton, Stephon Harris, Walter Booker, Jimmy Cobb, Don Braden, Vincent Gardner, Lenora
 ‘Zenzalai’ Helm, Marlon Saunders, SEPIA, Jann Parker to name a few. His professional relationships with these musicians and
 others have been long lasting and farreaching.                                                                              9

                                                                                                                      Dr. M.T. “Mo” Trout
                                                     Sharel Cassity
                                                                                                               Director, Purdue Jazz Band
                                                                                                                 and Festival Coordinator
                                                Noon Concert Guest
                                             Artist with Purdue Jazz          Dr. Marion T. “Mo” Trout is an active clinician, adjudicator,
                                                 Band and Clinician           trumpet soloist, and guest conductor for jazz bands, concert
                                                                              bands and orchestras throughout the United States. He has
     Saxophonist, Composer and Educator Sharel Cassity (pron. “Sha-           conducted numerous All-District, Region, Area and All-State
     Relle”) is prominent on the New York and Chicago jazz scenes.            Jazz Bands. As a Professor of Music and director of the jazz
     Listed as “Rising Star Alto Saxophone” in Downbeat Magazine for          program at Purdue University since 1997, Dr. Trout directs
     the past 12 years, Sharel has appeared on the Today Show, Good           the Purdue Jazz Band, the American Music Repertory
     Morning America, The Colbert Show, is in the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of       Ensemble (a big band with vocalists that specializes in
     Fame, and is a recipient of the ASCAP Young Jazz Composers Award.
                                                                              performing transcriptions of American big band music), and
                                                                              the Concert Jazz Band. He has also integrated a Jazz Rock
     Sharel has worked with Multi-Grammy Award-winning artist Jennifer
     Hudson; Top 40 hit singer-songwriter Natalie Merchant, Aretha            group, known as the Purdue Tower of Power Band into the
     Franklin, Vanessa Williams, Trisha Yearwood, Ruben Blades, & DJ          program that focuses on more contemporary and popular
     Logic among others. Sharel has also worked with NEA Jazz Masters         styles of performance. Under his direction, the Purdue Jazz
     Herbie Hancock, Wynton Marsalis, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Jimmy              Band has collaborated with numerous world-renowned
     Heath, and Christian McBride; she has also appeared as a guest           artists and toured throughout the US, South America, and
     soloist with the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra. As a bandleader, Sharel’s    Europe. The Indianapolis Jazz Foundation honored Dr.
     five albums have received top-rated reviews in publications like         Trout as the Indiana Jazz Educator of the Year in 2015. He
     the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, JazzTimes, Jazziz, Downbeat         received his Bachelor of Music Education with Honors from
     & American Indian News, & Saxophone Journal. Cassity runs her            Texas Christian University and both his Master of Music
     record label “Relsha Music” and directs the educational program          Education degree and Doctor of Musical Arts degree from
     “Jazz Up.”                                                               the University of North Texas.

                                                                                                                          Jarrard Harris
                                                                                                                     Assistant Director of
                                                                                                                      Purdue Jazz Bands
                                                                             A native of Louisville, Kentucky, saxophonist and educator
                                                                             Jarrard Harris is the clinical assistant professor of bands at
                                                                             Purdue University. Harris is a graduate of the University of
                                                                             Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music where he studied
                                                                             with Rick VanMatre, Pat Harbison, and Marc Fields. Upon
                                                                             Graduation from CCM Harris moved to Chicago in 1998 to
                                                                             attend DePaul University where under the tutelage of Bob
                                                                             Lark, Tim Coffman, and Marc Colby he earned his master’s
                                                                             degree in jazz studies. Harris currently lives in Chicago with
                                                                             his wife and young son. He has served on the jazz faculties
                                                                             of Northwestern University, Columbia College Chicago and
                                                                             the City Colleges of Chicago and also as the director of jazz
                                                                             studies with the Chicago Public Schools Advanced Arts
                                                                             Education Program at Gallery 37. He maintains an active
                                                                             private teaching studio in addition to serving as a director,
                                                                             clinician, guest artist and adjudicator at college and high
                                                                             school festivals, and state band festivals. Jarrard was a
                                                                             founding board member of the Jazz Education Network and
                                                                             serves as a current board member for the Jazz Institute
                                                                             of Chicago. Jarrard plays Vandoren saxophone Reeds and
10                                                                           mouthpieces and is currently a Vandoren Performing Artist.
Purdue Jazz Band
                                     Performing at Thursday
                                         Showcase, Saturday                                                      Judd Danby
                                      Afternoon Concert, and                                            Master of Ceremonies
                                     Saturday Finale Concert                                                 and Adjudicator
Though Purdue University does not have a school of music,          Judd Danby is a concert music composer, a jazz pianist,
there are seven different jazz ensembles and numerous jazz         composer/arranger, and served as a music teacher at Jefferson
combos involving over 200 students in the high-profile Jazz        High School in Lafayette, Indiana, where he worked with students
Studies program directed by Dr. M.T. “Mo” Trout. Purdue’s          in the areas of music theory and composition, and as director
premier ensemble, the Purdue Jazz Band, has received               of the school’s jazz combo. Danby has been a frequent guest
numerous awards at collegiate jazz festivals in recent years,      on WBAA-920 AM Purdue’s “Inside Jazz” with Don Seybold and
including the North Texas Jazz Festival, the Notre Dame Jazz       has presented pre-show talks on the music of Vijay Iyer, Brad
Festival, and the Elmhurst Collegiate Jazz Festival. In addition   Mehldau, Chris Potter and Cécile McLorin Salvant for Purdue
to tours and performances throughout the United States, the        Convocations. His compositions have been performed at venues
band has participated in a number of international tours since      throughout the U.S. and several of his jazz works appear on the
2000, performing at such prestigious venues as the Montreux,        Los Blancos Latin Jazz Band CD Receta Original (Red Pepper
Alpine and North Sea International Jazz Festivals. They have        Records CD374). As a jazz pianist, Danby performs as a soloist
taken study-abroad tours to Italy (2008), Central and Eastern       and with his own duo/trio/quartet, the Los Blancos Latin Jazz
Europe (2011), Madrid and Barcelona (2015), and Portugal            Band. He is also Artistic Director of The Jazz Club, a member-
(2017). In June 2014, Purdue jazz students were invited to join     supported jazz concert series in Lafayette, IN. Danby holds
groups and faculty members from William Paterson University         degrees from Rutgers University (B. Mus. in Jazz Performance)
and the Berklee School of Music to present clinics and              and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (M. Mus. and
concerts in Colombia, South America as guests and faculty           A.Mus.D. in composition-theory).
of the Colombo Americano Annual Jazz Camps in Medellin
and Manizales. The Purdue Jazz Band has performed with
numerous world-renowned jazz artists in past years including
Bob Mintzer, Tom Harrell, Eddie Daniels, Donny McCaslin, Eric
Marienthall, Byron Stripling, The New York Voices, Marvin
Hamlish, and Allen Vizzutti, to name a few.

Jay S. Gephart....................................................................Al G. Wright Chair of University Bands & Orchestras
Dr. Marion “Mo” Trout...................................................................................................................................................Professor
Dr. Pamela J. Nave..................................................................................................................................Associate Professor
Matthew R. Conaway............................................................................................................................Associate Professor

Adam Bodony.............................................................................................................................................Assistant Professor
Dr. Jonathan Sweet.................................................................................................................................Assistant Professor
Jarrard Harris............................................................................................................................Clinical Assistant Professor
Dr. David M. Blon.....................................................................................................................Clinical Assistant Professor
Douglas R. Fletcher...........................................................................................................................Director of Operations
Max Jones...........................................................................................................................................................................Instructor
Morgan Loetz.................................................................................................Director of Auxiliaries & Twirling Coach
Natalie Hess.........................................................................................................................Golduster Dance Team Coach
Jef Furr................................................................................................................................Golden Silks Color Guard Coach
Janet Baker.......................................................................................................................................Administrative Assistant
Kim Delks..................................................................................................................................................................Account Clerk
Aaron Yoder...........................................................................................................................Director of External Relations
Caitlin Cotten Benner.....................................................................Manager of Recruitment & Student Success
Trudy Guthrie...........................................................................Asst. Director of Development & Donor Relations

                              JAZZ FEST STUDENT LEADERSHIP
Adam Sieferman.................................................................................................................................Volunteer Coordinator
Jacob Descoteau..................................................................................................................Operations Team Supervisor
Katie Sloup.............................................................................................................................................Tech Team Supervisor
Emily Horst.............................................................................................................................................Band Host Supervisor
Annabelle Johnson...................................................................................................Homeroom Volunteer Supervisor
Krupa Patel..............................................................................................Performance Room Announcer Supervisor
Jackson Kouns..................................................................................................................................Bus Greeter Supervisor
Ian Ostermann...................................................................................................................................................PAO Supervisor
Emily Muller..........................................................................................................................................................Graphic Design 13
        Purdue Jazz Band Featuring Sharel Cassity with Rex Richardson and Mark Gross

        The Claw..........................................................................................................................................................Terry Gibbs

        Bodysnatchers.....................................................................................................RadioHead / arr. Fred Sturm

        Say What..............................................................................Sharel Cassity /arr. Michael Philip Mossman
                                                   Sharel Cassity, saxophone
        Without You No Me..............................................................................................................................Jimmy Heath
                                                                 Sharel Cassity, saxophone
        Dragonfly........................................................................................................................................................Steve Allee

        Tao of Heavy D....................................................................................Rex Richardson / arr. Adam Meckler
                                                     Mark Gross, saxophone
                                                    Rex Richarson, trumpet
        A Sound for Sore Ears........................................................................................................................Jimmy Heath
                                                                    Sharel Cassity, saxophone

     Dr. M.T. “Mo” Trout, Director
     Vocalists                                                   Trumpets                                                       Piano
     Sirena Linton                                               Matt Weaver                                                    George Gelis
     Julia Maletta                                               Wes Turnbull
     Krisha Kothuru                                              Eric Durban                                                    Guitar
     Cynthia Rossi                                               Brandon Wells                                                  Ben Hodonicky
                                                                 Dan Gui                                                        Isabel Sioson
     Saxes                                                       Tyler Swedes
     Evan Johnson                                                                                                               Bass
     Sean Richmond                                               Trombones                                                      Anthony Hegarty
     Kevin Braner                                                Liam Coyne
     William Woodard                                             Kellen Neff                                                    Drums
     Ryan Chalmers                                               Ben Johnston                                                   Ben Kriebel
                                                                 Alex Perry                                                     Jackson Ferry-Zamora
                                                                 Ish Mistry

Purdue Jazz Band featuring Rex Richardson, trumpet & Mark Gross, alto saxophone
Master of Ceremonies – Judd Danby

You Can Have it......................................................................................................................................Frank Foster

Dragonfly .....................................................................................................................................................Steve Allee

T Rex ..........................................................................................Dean Sorenson/featuring Rex Richardson
                                                                 Rex Richardson, trumpet

Footprints....................................................................................................Wayne Shorter /arr. Mike Tomaro
                                                           Rex Richardson, trumpet

Lush Life.......................................................................................................Billy Strayhorn /arr. Bobby LaVell
                                                              Mark Gross, saxophone

It Don’t Mean a Thing if it Ain’t Got that Swing..................................Ellington /arr. Bobby LaVell
                                                   Mark Gross, saxophone
Miss Otis Regrets.....................................................................................................................................Cole Porter

Lefty in the Clover.........................................................................................................................Rex Richardson
                                               Rex Richardson, flugelhorn
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes..........................................................................Jerome Kerns /arr. Mark Gross
                                         Mark Gross, saxophone

Tao of Heavy D.................................................................................... Rex Richardson /arr. Adam Meckler
                                            Rex Richardson and Mark Gross

A Night in Tunisia .............................................................................................................................Dizzy Gillespie
                                          Rex Richardson and Mark Gross

Award Announcements

     Ned Boyd                                 Matt Murdock
     Top call Indianapolis saxophonist        Coordinator of Jazz Studies, Trevecca
     (Buselli/Walarab Jazz Orchestra and      Nazarene University and trumpeter in
     Steve Allee Big Band)                    New Millennium Jazz Orchestra
     Peter Brockman                           Jeff Parthun
     Low Brass specialist performing all      Jazz Percussionist, educator and
     over Indiana                             Award Winning Director of Bands
                                              Tecumseh Middle School
     Mark Buselli
     Director of Jazz Studies at Ball State   Scott Pazera
     University; Education Director of        Acclaimed jazz educator and top-call
     Buselli/Wallarab Jazz Orchestra          Midwestern acoustic bass, electric
                                              bass and guitarist
     Tim Coffman
     Jazz Studies faculty at DePaul           Randy Salman
     University, top Chicago-area             Retired Director of Jazz Studies
     trombonist and educator                  DePauw University, in demand on jazz
                                              and classical saxophone and clarinet
     Judd Danby                               throughout the Midwest
     Jazz Pianist and composer
                                              Michael Stryker
     Leonard Foy                              Director of Jazz Studies, Clinical
     Professor of Trumpet at DePauw           Professor of Music University of Illinois
     University and Instructor of Jazz        Chicago
     Trumpet Interlochen Arts Camp
                                              Michael Tracy
     Amanda Gardier                           Director of Jamey Aebersold Jazz
     Professor Jazz Saxophone, Ball State     Studies Program at University of
     University                               Louisville
 Joseph Jefferson                             Rodrigo Villanueva
 Asst. Professor of Trombone/                 Assistant Professor of Jazz Studies
 Euphonium and Director of Jazz               at Northern Illinois University;
 Studies at Southeast Missouri State          percussionist, arranger, composer and
 University                                   drummer with famed bassist Eddie
 Darius Hampton                               Gomez
 Chicago saxophonist and educator.
 Northwestern University Jazz
 Ensemble director
 Ron Jones
 Louisville saxophonist and educator.
 Leader of Ron Jones Quartet
 Bob Lark
 Retired Director of Jazz Studies DePaul
 University, currently Director of Jazz
 Studies Valparaiso University
 Gene Markiewicz
 Top call Indianapolis Drummer and
 Tom Marko
 Director of Instrumental Jazz
 Studies Illinois State University and
 outstanding jazz drummer
 Marlin McKay
 Acclaimed Jazz Trumpeter, Director
 of Bands at Georgetown College and
 Adjunct Jazz Trumpet Instructor at the
 University of Kentucky
 Chip McNeil
 Former lead tenor and Music Director
 for Maynard Ferguson Professor of
 Jazz Studies University of Illinois


ANDERSON PREPARATORY ACADEMY                                 at Jazz @ Lincoln Center. This was the ninth time
Anderson, IN | Chris Drabyn                                  the band has been selected in the last 12 years
The Anderson Preparatory Academy Jazz Band is a              (2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020).
curricular ensemble that meets every other day for           In April of 2017, the Jazz Orchestra made their first
90 minutes. The group focuses on swing, latin, and           appearance at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage
rock style with an emphasis on improvisation. The            Festival.
APA Jazz Band has performed at the Pendleton, Ball           Each year the jazz band is featured with a guest
State, and Fort Wayne Area Jazz festivals and ISSMA          artist. Over the years the band has performed with
Contests earning gold ratings in group 1 each year.          such jazz greats as: Brian Lynch, Conrad Herwig,
                                                             Bob Mintzer, Jeff Hamilton, Greg Abate, Mark Colby,
BADGER HIGH SCHOOL                                           Victor Goines, and Kenny Rampton.
Lake Geneva, WI | Greg Bunge
The band program at Badger consists of three                 BLOOMINGTON HIGH SCHOOL NORTH
concert bands and three jazz bands. Each group               Bloomington, IN | John Sorsen, Thomas Wilson
meets daily and is offered for credit. The Badger            The BHSN Advanced Jazz Ensemble is of the nation’s
Jazz ensemble and workshop are the two top jazz              top high school jazz ensembles. Its members are
groups, and admission to each group is available to          frequently recognized as outstanding soloists.
any student who wishes to audition in the Spring.            They have performed at conventions, festivals,
The school has had the honor to work with Wycliffe           and competitions in Toronto, New Orleans, Long
Gordon, Denis Diblasio, Phil Woods, Tim Ries, Steve          Beach, Omaha, New York City, and elsewhere. The
Smith, Jeff Hamilton, Byron Stripling, Terrell Stafford      Studio Jazz has been recognized with top ratings
and many other fantastic musicians. The Jazz                 at numerous events in recent years. North student
Ensemble is a three time finalist in the Essentially         musicians organize their own jazz combos with the
Ellington Festival in NYC. This is their fifth year at the   assistance of the band directors. Most perform at
Purdue Jazz Festival, and they are looking forward to        various festivals and competitions and receive top
the tradition.                                               awards.

Beloit, WI | Chris Behrens                                   BUFFALO GROVE, IL | Henry Kappler
“Under the leadership of Mr. Chris Behrens (now in           Buffalo Grove High School has a long tradition
his 22nd year as director), the Beloit Memorial High         of excellence in the realm of jazz. The band has
School Jazz program continues to bring to young              consistently been in the top five bands in their class
people the jazz traditions of such big bands as Duke         in the highly competitive AA class at Jazz in the
Ellington, Count Basie and Thad Jones. The program           Meadows. The band was also selected to perform at
has grown from one jazz band to two full size big            the Illinois Music Educators Conference in 2019, and
bands and jazz combos. Beginning in 2012, the Jazz           was selected as a demonstration ensemble at the
Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Improvisation are          2018 Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic. The BGHS
now curricular class offerings. The groups have won          Jazz Program consists of two big bands and a jazz
many competitions over the past years, including             combo.
top honors at Purdue University, UW-Platteville,
UW-LaCrosse, Carrol College, UW-Eau-Claire, Western          CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL
Illinois University, and Loyola University (New              Fort Wayne, IN | Doug Hassell
Orleans). In 2020 the BMHS Jazz Orchestra was                Carroll High School’s Jazz Ensemble #1 is one of 3 big
selected as a finalist for the Essentially Ellington         bands and 2 combos that make up the jazz program.
Jazz Festival and Competition, held annually in NYC          Jazz Ensemble #1 has a tradition of performance

FESTIVAL BANDS                                          jazz festivals. The Jazz Ensemble has a long history
                                                             of awards and honors, the Jazz Ensemble was
     excellence and has been named as honor band             selected to perform at the ILMEA State Convention
     and top honor band ensemble at multiple festivals       twice (2006, 2016). In 2011, 2012 and again in 2016,
     including the North Side, Snider, Northrop, Purdue,     the Jazz ensemble was selected for the Savannah
     and ISSMA State Jazz finals. Jazz Ensemble #1 is        Swing Central Jazz Festival in Savannah, Georgia,
     thrilled to be performing at the Purdue Jazz Festival!  The Stage Band was also selected to perform in
                                                             Savannah in 2012. The Jazz Ensemble has also
     CASTLE HIGH SCHOOL                                      been selected as a Finalist five times for the
     Newburgh, IN | Mark Eifler                              Essentially Ellington Festival in NYC. (2005, 2008,
     The Castle High School 12 O Clock Jazz Ensemble is      2012, 2017, 2018) The Jazz Ensemble has performed
     quite active in the community performing concerts at at the Midwest Clinic 5 times (1975, 1987, 2002, 2007,
     the Freidman Park Amphitheater and the Downtown         2016) The Ensemble and many of its individual
     Newburgh Amphitheatre. We endeavor to give back         musicians have been the recipients of numerous
     as much as possible to the community that is so         awards at jazz festivals including: Berklee College
     supportive of us. On the Jazz Festival front this group of Music, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, North
     has been named Honor Band at the University of          Texas University, Next Generation Jazz Festival
     Louisville and the Indiana State University Jazz        in Monterey California, Purdue University, The
     Festival as well as received many soloist awards and University of Louisville, Eastern Illinois University,
     scholarships to our students. Additionally, the 12 O’ Swing Central, and Essentially Ellington. Over the
     Clock Jazz Ensemble has been named Honor Band at years, the Central High School Jazz Ensemble has
     the Indiana State Jazz Festival sponsored by ISSMA.     performed or worked with many artists including:
     In fact, this band is the only jazz ensemble in Indiana Cat Anderson, Eric Alexander, David Baker, Shelly
     that has been a State Finals every year since the       Berg, David Berger, Wycliffe Gordon, Larry Gray,
     inception of the State Festival. Additionally at State  Dana Hall, Sal Lozano, Eric Marienthal, Chip McNeill,
     Jazz Finals the 12 O’ Clock Jazz Ensemble has been Jim McNeely, Rodger Pemberton, Jim Pugh, Perry
     awarded top trumpet soloist, best sax soloist, best     Rask, Kim Richmond, Terell Stafford, Chip Stephens,
     rhythm section and best sax section (last two years in Tom Streeter, Clark Terry, Reggie Thomas, Stanley
     a row). This band is the top one of four jazz ensembles Turrentine, Tom Wirtel, and Rodney Whitaker.
     and combos at Castle. In addition to mentioned
     performances, our groups sponsor a Jazz Festival on CONCORD COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL
     Fat Tuesday and a dinner/dance program that is very Elkhart, IN | Steve Peterson
     popular to our community. This will be our fourth year Jazz I & II are part of the daily curriculum at Concord
     to participate in the Purdue Jazz Festival.             High School. Jazz Band is offered 1st and 2nd
                                                             semesters and meets for 84 minutes each day.
     CHAMPAIGN CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL                           Along with preparing music for many festivals and
     Champaign, IL | John Currey, Nick Schulze               community events, students study jazz history,
     The 60 students in the 2019-2020 jazz program were      theory, and improvisation. Both bands have won
     chosen by audition at the beginning of the school       several outstanding soloist awards in recent years
     year. This year Central has three Big Bands and         and have been named honor band at various high
     3 Combos. The auditions for these ensembles are         school and university jazz festivals. The jazz bands
     highly competitive, and participation in the program    at Concord pride themselves on delivering musical
     requires a considerable commitment, rehearsing          performances of great big band literature and
     before school two or three mornings a week, plus        performing with an energy that brings a smile and a
     occasional sectional rehearsals. Combos rehearse        toe-tapping production to the audience.
     after school one night a week. The groups perform at
     local establishments and travel to local and national

CROWN POINT HIGH SCHOOL                                   EDISON MIDDLE SCHOOL
Crown Point, IN | Johann Sletto                           Champaign, IL | Kimberly Branch
Crown Point is the county seat of Lake County,            The Edison Jazz Ensemble has performed at
Indiana. Located in the heart of “The Region,” it is a    numerous locations and events including the
growing community that maintains it’s small town          Midwest Clinic in Chicago, and the Illinois Music
feel while it continues to expand. Crown Point has        Education Conference in Peoria. The Jazz Ensemble
a rich heritage in music, going back to it’s state        has also performed at local events and festivals
championship marching band in 1969 and it’s jazz          around the surrounding area.
band appearances at Midwest in the 1970’s. Crown
Point music continues to thrive today with it’s           ELK GROVE HIGH SCHOOL
offerings in band, choir and orchestra. Ensembles         Elk Grove Village, IL | Ron Fiorito, Jr
regularly achieve high ratings at contest, and the        Elk Grove High School has two jazz bands (Jazz
Wind Ensemble qualified for ISSMA State Concert           Ensemble, Jazz Band) and one combo. The Jazz
Finals in 2017. The music department regularly earns      Ensemble is an audition based group that performs
the ISSMA Total Department Music Award. The jazz          in many community events and 2-3 competitions
band is currently an extra curricular offering as part    per year. The Jazz Band is mostly an activity and
of a well rounded instrumental education.                 will perform 3-4 times per year, and the combo is a
                                                          student run group.
Indianapolis, IN | Tim Cox, Zach Crowder                  FISHERS HIGH SCHOOL
The Decatur Central HS Band department has a rich         Fishers, IN | Todd McCready
tradition of excellence and is made up of two concert     Fishers High School Jazz Ensemble is the top jazz
bands, two curricular jazz ensembles, percussion          band at Fishers HS, directed by Todd McCready.
ensemble class, color guard class and a rock history      They perform several local concerts and events
class. Both jazz bands have received ISSMA Gold           each year, including many of the jazz festivals in
ratings for more than 20 years and the #1 band            central Indiana. The band has consistently received
has been featured at the Indiana Music Educators          positive ratings and outstanding soloist awards.
Association two times (most recently last year) with      The band has backed up many great jazz artists
guest artist Dr. Matt Pivic of Butler University. The     over the years as well. They are excited to perform
Marching band is a three time BOA Regional Class          at the Purdue Jazz Festival for the first time this
Champion. DC also has a strong indoor Percussion,         year!
Winds and guard program.
                                                          FLOYD CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL
DEKALB HIGH SCHOOL                                        Floyds Knobs, IN | Briston Hatchell
Waterloo, IN | Shanna Lank, Colby Stackhouse              The Floyd Central Jazz department has consistently
DeKalb Jazz 2 is an extracurricular ensemble              received superior ratings from ISSMA festivals and
students audition to be a part of. This ensemble          events. In recent years the department has been
rehearsed 3 days a week after school. They are a part     expanding with the addition of a beginner jazz lab
of the ISSMA Jazz circuit and continually receive gold    band and intermediate jazz big band.
ratings with multiple soloist awards. DeKalb Jazz #1 is
an extracurricular ensemble that rehearses 3 times        FRANKLIN CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL
a week. On top of many community performances,            Indianapolis, IN | Evan Cooper, Tony Maas
DeKalb Jazz 1 competes within the ISSMA Jazz circuit.     The Franklin Central Jazz program is booming. In
They are a 5 time State Finalist.                         the past two years, we have added a second full
                                                          big band as a daily class, earned Gold ratings at
                                                          ISSMA in Group 1, and most recently (thanks to
                                                          some COVID changes) have really started to lean
FESTIVAL BANDS                                         Goshen High School Red Wire Jazz String Ensemble
                                                            has become a notable string jazz ensemble in
     into creating outstanding improvisers. We have         Indiana with achievements in the ISSMA Jazz
     performed for 4 years now at the Jazz Kitchen in       Festival, award winning performances at the 2016 &
     Broadripple and have 4-5 other events throughout       2017 Purdue Jazz Festivals, 2019 Snider Jazz Festival,
     the year. Building close relationships with university and a performance at the IMEA State Conference in
     professors Dr. Matt Pivic, Dr. Mark O’Connor, and most 2017.
     recently Professor Sean Dobbins are very important
     to us and we’ve seen tremendous improvement            GREENFIELD CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL
     with our ensembles because of their involvement.       Greenfield, IN | Jeremy Basso, Chris Wing
     Our program will likely expand to 3 curricular jazz    Greenfield Central has three curricular jazz
     bands next year as long as we keep interest and        ensembles at the high school and one extracurricular
     performance levels high. Getting in to Purdue Jazz     ensemble that meets after school at the junior high.
     Fest would be a great step forward.                    With over 80 students participating, the jazz program
                                                            has quadrupled in the past 5 years. Students
     GOSHEN HIGH SCHOOL                                     perform several times a year at various jazz festivals,
     Goshen, IN | Tom Cox, Josh Kaufman, Sean Patrick       local events, and concerts.
     The Goshen High School Band offers two curricular
     jazz ensembles. A strong emphasis is spent             GREENSBURG COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL
     creating a well-rounded jazz musician in the areas     Greensburg, IN | Jeremiah Boes, Lisa Cary
     of improvisation, style, history and musicianship.     The Greensburg Community High School jazz band
     The bands participate in jazz festivals around the     is an extra curricular ensemble made up of students
     Midwest have been named best in class at festivals grades 9-12. This will be the ensemble’s 6th year
     in Virginia Beach, Atlanta, Chicago and New York       performing at the Purdue Jazz Festival. We want to
     City. Goshen High School’s Jazz String Ensemble        thank our seniors Andrew Johnson, Alexa Powers,
     is a volunteer group comprised of about thirty         Sophie Taylor, Mason Wagner, and Alyssa Willard.
     students ranging from three to five years of playing
     experience. This jazz ensemble rehearses before        HINSDALE SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL
     school for one hour a week starting in September.      Darien, IL | Kirk Hickman
     The Goshen High School Red Wire Jazz String            The Hinsdale South jazz Ensemble is a before School
     Ensemble consistently earns a Gold Rating at the       Ensemble for curricular credit.
     ISSMA Jazz Festival, having been state finalist 3
     times. They have received the Judge’s Award for their HOMESTEAD HIGH SCHOOL
     room at the Purdue Jazz Festival in 2016 and 2017,     Fort Wayne, IN | Jason Witzigreuter
     and performed as an honor ensemble at the 2017         Students in the Homestead jazz program have
     Indiana Music Education Association Convention         opportunities to perform in one of two big bands
     in Fort Wayne. This ensemble is in their fifth year at and three combos, and are exposed to extensive
     Goshen High School. They focus on learning about       jazz pedagogy and a variety of jazz literature. The
     improvisation, swing styling, and jazz articulation.   Homestead Jazz Band #1 performs at local and state
     Goshen High School’s Jazz String Ensemble is a         jazz festivals, including consistently at the Purdue
     volunteer group comprised of twenty students           Jazz Festival. The band performs at all ISSMA
     ranging from three to five years of playing            festivals, including the State Championship Festival.
     experience. Started in 2013, this ensemble rehearses Most recently the band was accepted to perform at
     before school for just one hour a week starting        the Indiana Music Educators Association state music
     in late September. We focus on learning about          conference in January 2022.
     improvisation, swing style, and jazz articulation. The

Terre Haute, IN | Nathan Simpson                         Indianapolis, IN | Christopher Page
The Honey Creek MS band is made of students              The LMS JAZZ Band consists of students in the 7th
in 7th and 8th grade. The Honey Creek MS band            and 8th grade at Lincoln Middle School. As there is
program attends various jazz festivals and public        no jazz band class, the ensemble members practice
performances throughout the school year. The band        during their respective band classes. The common
program has received the ISSMA All-Music Award           goal of this ensemble is to spread the appreciation
numerous times as well as notable recognition at         and respect of jazz music from different genres and
various jazz events.                                     generations, as well as a wholesome commitment
                                                         for competing at the highest level of competition.
JOHN HERSEY HIGH SCHOOL                                  LMS JAZZ continues to enjoy the clinicians and
Arlington Heights, IL | Spencer Hile                     master classes that the Purdue University Jazz
John Hersey Jazz Ensemble I boasts a long                Festival provides; this is the ensemble’s 4th
tradition of success in jazz, including outstanding      appearance.
performances at jazz festivals and consistent
superior ratings at festivals attended. The jazz         MCCUTCHEON HIGH SCHOOL
program at John Hersey consists of two jazz              Lafayette, IN | Jacob Rowe
ensembles and two jazz combos with Jazz I meeting        The Big Red Jazz Band is the top jazz band at
every day as a class for graduation credit. Numerous     McCutcheon High School in Lafayette, Indiana.
Hersey students are accepted into the Illinois All-      They enjoy performing at many events in within
District and All-State Bands every year.                 Tippecanoe county as well as around the state,
                                                         and are once again proud to be performing at the
KOKOMO HIGH SCHOOL                                       Purdue Jazz Festival. The BRJB is under the direction
Kokomo, IN | Dylan Humburg                               of Mr. Jake Rowe.
The Kokomo Jazz Ensemble is an audition based
group that meets as an extracurricular after school      MORGAN TOWNSHIP MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL
two times a week. The students are composed of our       Valparaiso, IN | Darren Day
top musicians that show a great interest in exploring    The Morgan Township Jazz Program was created in
the jazz genre. This ensemble regularly performs for     2018 as an after school activity. In the Fall of 2019,
the community and hosts an annual event, Java and        Jazz Ensemble was added as a class during the
Jazz. Formally known as the Jazz Kats, there is a long   school day. The director, Darren Day, is excited to grow
history of jazz excellence at Kokomo High School         the program and attend their first PJF in 2022.
that spans over 40 years including honor bands
and festival winners at Ball State, Ft. Wayne, IU, and   MUNDELEIN HIGH SCHOOL
Purdue festivals.                                        Mundelein, IL | Andy Sturgeon, Jerry Shelato
                                                         The Mundelein High School Jazz Program consists
LAFAYETTE JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL                          of two curricular jazz bands that rehearse during
Lafayette, IN | Chris Paulson                            the school day. Both groups perform regularly at
The Lafayette Jefferson Jazz Ensemble is a part of a     concerts in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago,
vibrant band program at Jefferson High School. The       as well as various jazz festivals throughout the
Jazz Ensemble regularly performs at events in the        Midwest. The Jazz Ensemble is scheduled to
Lafayette School Corporation and at community            perform at the Illinois Music Education Conference
functions around Greater Lafayette. We are proud to      later this month. Mundelein High School hosts one
have attended the Purdue Jazz Festival every year        of the longest running jazz invitational festivals
since 2000, and would like to thank the outstanding      in the Chicago area. For more information: www.
faculty at Purdue for organizing this event each year!   mundeleinband.org

FESTIVAL BANDS                                          for decades and is excited for the opportunity to
                                                             continue the tradition.
                                                             NILES WEST HIGH SCHOOL
     Naperville, IL | Keith Pitner
                                                             Skokie, IL | Justin Johnson, Liam Jackson
     The NNHS Jazz Bands have received local, state,
                                                             The Niles West Jazz Band has experienced recent
     and national recognition, including awards at local
                                                             success after shifting to a curricular model after
     festivals and performances at the Illinois Music
                                                             being solely extra-curricular throughout its history.
     Educators Conference, Essentially Ellington Festival,
                                                             The Niles West Jazz Band is an active ensemble
     the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic, Naperville
                                                             and has performed with many great jazz artists
     Jazz Fest, and at the historic Jazz Showcase in
                                                             in recent years. They have shared the stage and
     Chicago. The Jazz program includes 3 Big Bands and
                                                             hosted musicians such as the Airmen of Note, Army
     a Jazz Combo and meets outside the school day.
                                                             Field Band Jazz Ambassadors, NIU Jazz Ensemble,
                                                             Bob Lark All-Star Big Band, the Nia Quintet, Jay
                                                             Jennings, Dan Wilson, Anthony Williams, Dr. Jack
     Indianapolis, IN | Ron Emmert
                                                             Cooper and the Ryan Erik Adamsons medium
     The New Augusta North Jazz Band has been a
                                                             ensemble amongst others. The Niles West Jazz
     feature around Pike Township since the school
                                                             Band recently performed at the 2020 Jazz Educators
     opened over 25 years ago. The current band is made
                                                             Network conference in New Orleans, LA and
     up of volunteers. The New Augusta North Jazz Band
                                                             frequently performs in historical venues such as the
     is made up of seventh and eighth grade students.
                                                             Jazz Showcase in Chicago.
     Some are have even learned secondary instruments.
     The band meets before school once a week. New
     Augusta has been attending the Purdue Jazz Festival

NOBLESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL                                  Northshore Jazz Festival, held at Glenbrook South
Noblesville, IN | Bethany Robinson                       High School. The OPRF Jazz Program continues
The Noblesville Jazz Program includes 5 high school      to be one of the most represented schools in All-
curricular big bands, three middle school big bands,     District I’s Illinois Music Educators Association Jazz
an extra-curricular jazz combo program, and a            Festival each year.
summer jazz academy offered to students of all ages.
NHS Jazz Bands enjoy attending festivals around          OLD QUARRY MIDDLE SCHOOL
the state of Indiana each spring, and host master        Lemont, IL | Frank Alongi
classes from local and national jazz performers and      Thank you to Jarrard Harris and the staff, faculty,
educators. The top NHS Jazz Ensemble has qualified       and volunteers at Purdue. We’re so glad to have the
for the ISSMA Jazz State Finals 4 times since it began   opportunity to perform here, and we look forward to
in 2016, and in 2021 placed second at the National       a great day of jazz education!
Jazz Fest, and was a finalist at the Jazz at Lincoln
Center Essentially Ellington Festival.                   OSWEGO HIGH SCHOOL
                                                         Oswego, IL | Kevin Schoenbach
Oak Park, IL | Anthony Svejda                            OWEN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL
The OPRF jazz program includes two jazz bands            Spencer, IN | Chris Halstead, Dylan Cramer
and a jazz combo with around 50-60 students              The Owen Valley Band is a 7th through 12th grade
who participate on a regular basis. The top group,       instrumental music program that sponsors a wide
Jazz Ensemble, has approximately 22-26 students          range of musical and arts activities including the
and rehearses 4 days a week at zero hour. They           Owen Valley High School Jazz Ensemble, which is
typically perform for 8-10 concerts in an around         an after school jazz program consisting of mainly
the community, as well as, compete at 2-3 festivals      9-12 grade students. The group regularly performs at
around the Chicago-land area. The second jazz band       local jazz festivals in and around the state of Indiana,
rehearses once a week for one hour and performs          and has received a gold rating from ISSMA each of
3-4 formal concerts during the school year. The          the past few years.
Jazz Combo rehearses once a week and consists of
6-8 members from the top curricular jazz ensemble.       PARK TUDOR HIGH SCHOOL
Students are also involved in small student led jazz     Indianapolis, IN | Chuck Flowers
combos that perform around the community. Over           The Park Tudor Jazz Band is an extracurricular
the past few years, the jazz students have performed     ensemble. Our dedicated students come for
with well-known artists including Russ Nolan, Orbert     rehearsals two days a week before school. Students
Davis, Jeremy Kahn, Tim Coffman, Mark Colby, Tamir       are introduced to improvisation and given a platform
Handelman, John Fedchock, Pharez Whitted, and            to explore this type of musical expression. Our
many others. They have opened for Rob Parton’s           students are also introduced to many different styles
Jazz Tech Big Band of Chicago and Kurt Elling. Over      and artists within the jazz idiom. We hope you enjoy
the past 10 years the jazz ensemble has received         our performance today.
outstanding awards for saxophone, trumpet,
trombone, and rhythm sections at many local and          PENN HIGH SCHOOL
regional festivals. Awards include honor band and/       Mishawaka, IN | Aaron Griesser, Lavon Oke
or in the top 3 at the last 7 Purdue Jazz Festivals in   The Jazz Program at Penn High School consists
Lafayette, IN. In addition, they have performed at       of two big band classes, a small combo class,
the Mundelein Jazz Invitational were they placed         and an extracurricular jazz orchestra. Penn’s
1st in the 2007 and 2009 and 3rd in 2006. In 2009        Advanced Jazz Ensemble has won top honors at
they participated and placed 3rd in their class at the   the Jazz in the Meadows Festival in Chicago, IL and
                                                         the North Side Jazz Festival in Fort Wayne, IN. The

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