        (As of October 2019)
What is a Board of Education?
The Board of Education is the official policy-making body of the school district,
and is comprised of nine members, elected by the public, who serve three-year
terms of office without paid compensation.

The areas of Board responsibility include:

   o Exercising educational leadership and drafting policies for the effective
     operation of the Mount Vernon City School District.

   o Employing the Superintendent of Schools.

   o Confirming appointments of administrators, teachers and other district
     staff members.

   o Setting goals for educational standards.

   o Adopting a yearly budget and authorizing certain expenditures.

   o Expressing and representing the views of the community in matters
     affecting educational programs and needs of the community.

The Board of Education works in concert with the Superintendent of Schools and
his cabinet to discharge these varied and necessary responsibilities.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                 Page 2
2017 - 2020 Mount Vernon Board of Education
 Trustee                        Term         Committees
 Arlene Torres                  2017-2020    Budget (Chair)
 Darcy Miller                   2018-2021    Facilities (Chair), Policy
 Vice President
 Dr. Serigne M. Gningue         2019-2020    Education (Chair)

 Warren Mitchell                2016 -2019   Family & Community
                                             Engagement (Chair)
 Micah J.B. McOwen              2018 -2021   Policy (Chair)

 Wanda White                    2018 -2021   Facilities (Chair), Education

 Melissa Muñoz-Patterson        2017 -2020   Audit (Chair)

 Adriane Saunders               2016 -2019   Health, Safety & Wellness
                                             Special Ed. Advisory Council
 Israel Williams                2017 -2020   Student Activities (Chair)

 Nicholas Justino               2019-2020    TBD
 Student Trustee

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                             Page 3
                        COMPREHENSIVE SAFETY PLAN
                      IN THE EVENT OF A SCHOOL CRISIS

                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

Page #
      6-9     Mission Statement & Summary of District Comprehensive Safety Plan
       10     Introduction
       11     MVCSD Incident Command
       12     District-Wide Crisis Response Team
       13     District Emergency Phone Tree AND Phone Tree Script
    14-15     Abduction
       16     Altercation/Violence between Students /Assault of a Student on Campus
    17-19     Bomb Threat
       20     Building Schematics &Floor Plans
       21     Child Abuse or Neglect Policy
       22     Child Abuse (Level 1)
    23-26     Child Abuse or Neglect (Accusation Against School Personnel -Level 2)
       27     Community or Political Protest Activity
       28     Contagious Disease
       29     Dangerous or Irate Person on Campus
       30     Death at School: Natural, Accident or Homicide
    31-32     Death of Student Family Member Off Campus: Natural, Accidental or Homicide
       33     Declaration of War or National Incident
       34     Earthquakes
    35-36     Environmental Hazards
       37     Evacuation Procedures
       38     Evacuation of Disabled Students &Staff
       39     Explosion, Fire or Plane Crash into Building
    40-43     Fire Drill and Evacuation
       44     Gas Leak

     MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                            Page 4
                        FOR SCHOOL CRISIS

                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

Page #
      44     Hurricanes
   45-47     Lockdown Procedures
      48     Lockout Procedures
      49     Media Policy
   50-51     Multiple Casualty Incidents with Severe Injuries or Fatalities
      52     Post Crisis Evaluation and Debriefing
      53     Preservation of Crime Scene
      54     Review & Conduct of Drills to Test Comprehensive Safety Plan for School
      55     School Bus Accident with Injuries (Accident Occurs in Transit)
      56     Serious or Terminal Illness of Student or Faculty Member
      57     Severe Weather
      58     Winter Storm
      59     Thunderstorm Safety
      60     Attachment 1 (Lightening)
      61     Attachment 2 (Tornado)
      62     Suicide Attempt
      63     Suicide (Cluster)
      64     Suicide Threat (High Risk)
      65     Taking Hostages or Sniper Gunfire
      66     Trespassing
      67     Violent Behavior of a Student
      68     Visitors Policy
      69     Weapon on Campus

   70-73     Appendix: Drill & Emergency Evaluation Form, Project S.A.V.E. List of
             Committee Members, List of Community Phone Numbers

  MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                Page 5

A. Purpose
     The Mount Vernon City School District's Comprehensive Safety Plan for School Crisis was
     developed pursuant to Commissioner's Regulation 155.17. At the direction of the Mount
     Vernon City School District Board of Education, a District-wide School Safety Team was
     established and charged with the responsibility and maintenance of the District's
     Comprehensive Safety Plan for-School Crisis.

B.   Identification of District Teams
     The Mount Vernon City School District has developed three Emergency Teams:
              1. District-wide School Safety Team
              2. District-wide Crisis Response Team (CRT)
              3. School-based Building Response Teams (BRT)

C.   Concepts of Operation
     The initial response to all emergencies within the District will be by the Principal or his/her
     designees who will determine whether the CRT needs to be convened. Upon the activation
     of the CRT, the Superintendent of Schools and his designee will be notified and, where
     appropriate, local emergency officials will also be notified. Where necessary, efforts may
     be supplemented by county and state resources through existing protocols.

D.   Plan Review & Public Comment

       • The plan will be reviewed periodically during the year as well as after crisis situations
         and will be maintained by the District. The required annual review will be completed
         on or before July 1st of each year after its adoption by the Board of Education.
       • Pursuant to Commissioner's Regulation 115.17(e)(3), a summary of this plan will be
         made available for public comment at least 30 days prior to its adoption. The District
         plan as well as the building-level plans may be adopted by the School Board only after
         at least one public hearing that provides for the participation of school personnel,
         parents, students and any other interested parties. The plan must be formally
         adopted by the Board of Education.
       • The District and building-level plans are 'CONFIDENTIAL" and shall not be made
         available for public disclosure under Article 6 of the Public Officers Law or any other
         provision of law, in accordance with Education Law Section 2801.
       • Full copies of the Comprehensive Safety Plan for School Crisis will be supplied to both
         local and state police within 30 days of adoption.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                 Page 6

A.       Designation of CRT and BRT Teams

        A1. Crisis Response Team (CRT): A District-wide Crisis Response Team (CRT), including
the members required by regulation, has been created. Members of the team include: school
safety personnel; local law enforcement officials; representatives of teacher, administrator, and
parent organizations; local ambulance and other emergency response-agencies; community
members; other-school personnel; and other representatives appointed by the Board of

        A2. Building Response Team (BRT): Each school is directed to create a Building
Response Team (BRT). The BRT, including the members required by regulation, has been
created. Members of the team include: school safety personnel; local law enforcement officials;
representatives of teacher, head custodian, administrator, and parent organizations; school
nurse, local ambulance and other emergency response-agencies; community members; other-
school personnel; and other representatives appointed by the Principal, whose chief
responsibility in times of crisis is to manage crisis in the building.

B.       Prevention/Intervention Strategies
     •   Training for emergency teams and safety officers, including de-escalation training, has
         been conducted as determined in the district-wide plan.
     •   Procedures for an annual review and the conduct of drills and exercises to test
         components of the District's plan, including the use of practice exercises, in coordination
         with local and county emergency responders and preparedness officials have been
         developed and will be implemented.
     •   The District-wide Comprehensive Safety Plan for School Crisis requires annual multi-
         hazard training for students and staff.

C.       Identification of Sites and Potential Emergencies

The Comprehensive Safety Plan for School Crisis requires an identification of sites of potential
emergency. The District's Safety Team has identified both internal and external hazards that
may warrant protective actions, such as the evacuation and sheltering of the school population.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                Page 7

A.       Assignment of Responsibilities
     •   A chain of command will be used in response to an emergency in the District. In the
         event of an emergency, the District's CRT may adapt the Crisis Team Response Plan
         based on the needs of the incident.

B.       Continuity of Operations
     •   The District has developed procedures to continue operations during an emergency.

C.       Access to Floor Plans
     •   Procedures have been developed to ensure that crisis response, fire and law
         enforcement agencies have access to floor plans, blueprints, schematics, or other maps
         of the schools' interiors, school grounds and road maps of the immediate-surrounding

D.       Notification and Activation
     •   Internal and external communication systems have been developed that will be used in
     •   Procedures are in place for notification and activation of the District's Comprehensive
         Safety Plan for School Crisis.

E.      Hazard Guidelines
The District-wide Comprehensive Safety Plan for School Crisis includes multi-hazard response
plans for taking actions in response to an emergency. The District's plan includes specific
guidelines for the following types of emergencies:

 Abduction                                        Hurricanes
 Altercation/Violence between students            Lockdown Procedures
 Assault of a Student on Campus                   Media Policy
 Bomb Threat                                      Multiple Casualty Incident/Severe Injuries or Fatalities
 Child Abuse or Neglect                           School Bus Accident with Injuries
 Community Protest or Political Activity          Serious/Terminal Illness of Student or Faculty Member
 Contagious Disease                               Severe Weather
 Dangerous or Irate Person on Campus              Suicide Attempt
 Death at School                                  Suicide - Cluster
 Death of a Student Family Member                 Suicide Threat
 Death off Campus                                 Taking Hostages/Sniper Gunfire
 Declaration of War/National Incident             Trespassing
 Earthquakes                                      Violent Behavior of a Student
 Environmental Hazard                             Visitors Policy
 Evacuation of Disabled Students                  Weapon on Campus
 Explosion, Fire, Plane Crash into Building
 Fire Drill and Evacuation

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                       Page 8
F.       Evacuation Procedures
     •   Policies and procedures have been developed for the safe evacuation of students,
         teachers, other school personnel and visitors to the schools in the event of a serious
         incident which include the following:
         1.   Evacuation before, during and after school hours (including security during
         2.   Evacuation routes (internal and external)
         3.   Sheltering sites (internal and external)
         4.   Procedures for addressing medical needs
         5.   Transportation
         6.   Emergency notification of persons in parental relation to the students
         7.   Other procedures as determined by the District-level CRT.
G.       Security of Crime Scene
     •   Policies and procedures have been established for securing and restricting access to the
         crime scene (See page 54) in order to preserve evidence from being disturbed or
         destroyed in cases of violent crimes on school property.

The District's Comprehensive Safety Plan for School Crisis will be coordinated with the
statewide plan for disaster. (See: Mental health
services will be available to assure that the school has access-to federal, state, and local mental
health resources in the event of a violent incident.
Short term actions for recovery include:
     •   Mental health counseling (students and staff)
     •   District and Building security
     •   Facility restoration
     •   Post-incident response critique
     •   Long term actions for recovery include:
     •   Mental health counseling for post-traumatic stress behavior
     •   District and Building security
     •   Mitigation to reduce the likelihood of occurrence and impact if it does occur again
     •   Other

Appendices include:
   • Mount Vernon City School District Street Map
   • Floor Plans and Schematics
   • Name, address and contact numbers of District staff
   • Script for Phone Tree Conversation
   • Mount Vernon City School District's resources' telephone numbers
   • Local resources' telephone numbers
   • Internal District phone lists
   • District Chain of Command

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                  Page 9

The Comprehensive Safety Plan for School Crisis is part of the Project SAVE Legislation and the Safe
Schools Against Violence in Education Act, passed by the legislature and signed by Governor Pataki
at the end of the 2000 Legislative session. The law is an outgrowth of four years of negotiations and
an in-depth report by Lieutenant Governor Donoghue's Task Force on School Violence. The primary
goal of Project SAVE is to stop school violence before it happens. Project SAVE requires every school
in the State of New York to work with local law enforcement officials and members of the Community
to develop a comprehensive Safety Plan that will limit the damaging effects of a violent incident.

As part of this undertaking, and in conjunction with the formulation of the Comprehensive Safety
Plan for School-Crisis, the District has provided training for its emergency teams and safety officers,
including de-escalation training.

For purposes of this plan, Crisis Response Team will be referred to as "CRT".

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                  Page 10
Mount Vernon City School District Incident Command

1. Incident Name:                          2. Operational Period: Date From:                          Date To:
                                                                  Time From:                          Time To:

                                                                                   Liaison Officer

                                      Incident Commander(s)
                                                                                Lead Security Officer

                                                                                    District Clerk/
    Operations Chief                                                             Information Officer
   Supt. of Buildings &

                           Staging Area
                           Develop by IC
                                                        Planning Chief              Logistics Chief              Finance/Admin Chief

                                                          Resource Person             Supply Person                 Procurement Person

                                                        Demobilization Person           Grounds Supervisor          Comp./Claims Person

                                                                                     Service Branch

                                                                                        Comms. Person

                                                                                        Medical Person

                                                                                         Food Person

                                           4. Prepared by: Name:                _______       Position/Title:         __________
ICS 207     IAP Page ___
                                           Signature:                                Date/Time:                       __________

       MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                                     Page 11
                                  Dr. Kenneth R. Hamilton

                                  Deputy Superintendent
                                     Dr. Jeff Gorman

                                 Assistant Superintendents
                                Dr. Waveline Bennett-Conroy
                                  Denise Gagne-Kurpiewski

                          Exec. Assistant to the Superintendent
                                    Donna M. Jackson

                        Administrator for Student Support Services
                                      Dr. Kim Smith

                         Administrator for Buildings and Grounds
                                    Michael Pelliccio

                                    Director of Security
                                       Emilio Rosario

                                Director of Special Education
                                       Dr. Felicia Gaon

                 Safe Schools/Healthy Students SAMHSA Project Director

                                       Main Medical
                                   Mireya Cuadra-Hibbert

                                   15 Building Principals

                                        PTA Council

                                  Local Law Enforcement
                                  Sergeant Joseph Starace

                                      Captain St. Johns

                                      Michael Pelliccio

                                       Food Services
                                     Sharlaine Holness

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                            Page 12
                                PHONE TREE

The District and Building Response Teams will maintain an emergency phone tree
which will be contained in each school's Comprehensive Safety Plan for School

For Security purposes, this information will not be made available to the public
but will be maintained at the Education Center.

                                PHONE TREE SCRIPT
"The facts of the crisis as currently known are ____________________________.”

   • The date, time and place of the Staff Meeting.
   • A request not to speculate about the crisis while carrying out the
     responsibilities associated with the Phone Tree.
   • A request to continue calling and giving out the same information.
   • A reminder to maintain confidentiality.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                Page 13
     SUGGESTED STEPS                                                PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
     Maintain written log of all crisis activities


l.   Notify Building Principal who will notify the superintendent         Witness/Staff Member
2.   Call 911 for immediate assistance                                    Building Principal
3.   Isolate Witness                                                      Building Principal
     Gather general facts about the abduction and a description of
4.                                                                        Building Principal/Staff
     the abductor from witnesses
     Notify custodial parent and/or staff of missing child after
5.                                                                        Building Principal
     consultation with the police.
6.   Notify Chair of CRT.                                                 Building Principal
7.   Assess needs and contact team members                                CRT Chair/Principal
8.   Convene Crisis Team                                                  Principal
     Decide on a plan of action: CRT                                      CRT
        • Meet with faculty and staff, if possible. Advise teachers       CRT
            about sharing information with students. Identify close
        • Provide group and individual counseling support as              CRT/Student Support Staff
        • Visit other classrooms, if requested                            Superintendent/Bldg. Principal
9.      • Consult the police about releasing information to media.        Superintendent/Bldg. Principal
            Prepare a media statement if so advised.
        • Prepare a fact sheet to help those answering phone              Principal/Foreign Language Dept.
        • If concern exists about additional abductions, send
            letters home to elementary parents. Translate into native

10   Provide for follow-up counseling as needed.                          Psychologist/Counselor/CRT
     Prepare Classmates/friends to be supportive when a child is          Counselor
12   Debrief faculty and staff at the end of school day                   Building Principal

     MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                              Page 14
ABDUCTION (cont'd)

      SUGGESTED STEPS                                               PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
      Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                    CRT Member


      Verify that the child is missing. Have building searched. Notify
l.                                                                        Witness/Staff Member
      Building Principal who will notify the superintendent.
2.    If child not found, call parent/unit                                Building Principal/Designee
3.    Explore when and where the child was last seen                      Building Principal
      Ask school personnel to assist in searching neighborhood if
4.                                                                        Building Principal/Staff
      student. Assign security staff.
5.    Question the child's friend(s) for information.                     Building Principal/Staff
6.    Call 911 if abduction is suspected. Notify the Superintendent       Building Principal
7.    Notify Crisis Team Chair                                            Building Principal/Designee
8.    Convene Crisis Team                                                 Principal
9.    Determine staff needs in the building                               Building Principal/CRT
      Decide on a plan of action: CRT                                     CRT
         • Meet with faculty and staff, if possible. Advise teachers      CRT
             about sharing information with students. Identify close
         • Provide group and individual counseling support as             CRT/Student Support Staff
         • Visit other classrooms, if requested                           Superintendent/Bldg. Principal
10.      • Consult police about releasing information to media.           Superintendent/Bldg. Principal
             Prepare media statement if so advised.
         • Prepare fact sheet to help those answering phone               Principal/Foreign Language Dept.
         • If concern exists about additional abductions, send
             letters home to elementary parents. Translate into native

11.   Provide for follow-up counseling as needed.                         Psychologist/Counselor/CRT
      Prepare Classmates/friends to be supportive when child is
13.   Debrief faculty and staff at the end of school day                  Building Principal

      MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                             Page 15
                       BETWEEN GROUPS OF STUDENTS
                     ASSAULT ON A STUDENT ON CAMPUS

SUGGESTED STEPS                                                    PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                         CRT Member


  1       Assess situation to decide if police involvement is necessary.      Building Principal
  2       Call 911 if deemed necessary                                        Building Principal/Designee
  3       Contact Security Staff if necessary                                 Building Principal
  4       Complete appropriate paperwork.                                     Building Principal/Staff
  5       Photograph assailant and injuries or lack thereof                   Building Principal/Security
  6       Follow District policy regarding disciplinary action, questioning   Building Principal
          of students, and students taken into custody.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                     Page 16

SUGGESTED STEPS                                              PERSON RESPONSIBLE OR DESIGNEES
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                    CRT Member

I. Bomb Threat

If threat is via telephone, document the threat:
     • Document contents of conversation using Bomb Threat Protocol Sheet (e.g. time and
        date; exact words of caller; description of voice, sex, age (if appropriate), tone, dialect;
        and background noises.
     • Attempt to signal to co-workers that call is a bomb threat
     • Try to have another person listen in on call.
     • Record call, if possible.
Secretarial Staff attempt to ascertain the following information:
     • Where is bomb located?
     • When will bomb go off?
     • What does bomb look like?
     • What type of explosive is involved?
     • What is your name? (caller may be caught off-guard and answer)

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                 Page 17

SUGGESTED STEPS                                             PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                 CRT Member

II. IF WRITTEN THREAT - Handling of note should be kept at an absolute minimum.

  1 Call 911, Central Office and District Security       Building Principal/Secretary
  2 If threat indicated bomb is located in school        Building Principal
    building or location is not given, prepare to
    evacuate the building, preferably to open space
    areas away from both the building and parking
  3 If threat indicated bomb is located in parking lot   Building Principal
    or front of school, evacuation may not be
    appropriate. Confer with emergency services.
  4 Routes of evacuation must be searched prior to       Security/Police/Fire Depts.
  5 Once evacuation routes are declared clear,           Staff
    evacuate the building
  6 Coordinate with law enforcement and fire             Building Principal/Staff/Etc.
  7 If no bomb is found, a decision must be made         Building Principal/Designee
    whether to re-enter the building.

      Options:                                           Superintendent
         • Re-occupy building and resume classes;
         • Relocate to another facility; or
         • Activate early dismissal procedures

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                            Page 18
BOMB THREAT (cont'd)
SUGGESTED STEPS                                                    PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                        CRT Member

  1       Call 911 & District Security                                   Building Principal/Secretary
  2       Isolate the area and restrict access                           Building Principal/Security
  3       If the fire alarm is used for evacuation, notify the fire      Building Principal/Secretary
          department the alarm was used because of a bomb.
  4       Evacuate the building in stages, starting with the rooms       Building Principal/Staff
          nearest the device.
  5       Notify the Superintendent                                      Building Principal
  6       Coordinate with Police and Fire Departments                    Building Principal/Superintendent
  7       Re-enter the building only after being advised to do so by     Building Principa1lPolice Dept.
          the Police and Superintendent
  8       Prepare statement for the media                                Superintendent/Building Principal
  9       Provide a fact sheet to help the school secretary and others   Building Principal/CRT/Central
          in answering the questions of concerned parents, including     Office
          location of evacuated students.
  10      Debrief faculty/staff                                          Superintendent/Building
                                                                         Principal/Central Office

Handling of Suspected Bomb: -- Detection:
      •   Letter bombs may feel rigid, appear uneven or lopsided or are bulky.
      •   Container is usually irregularly shaped and has soft spots: and bulges.
      •   The wrapper may have oil stains and emit a peculiar order.
      •   Package may be unprofessionally wrapped and include "FRAGILE",
      •   Labeling may contain cut and pasted letters.
      •   Package may not have postage or non-cancelled postage.
      •   Wires, foil, string or tape may protrude from package.
      •   Package may emit a ‘buzzing or ticking noise’.
      •   Suspect letter or package may arrive immediately before or after a telephone call from a
          person asking if the item was received.
      •   Do not open or squeeze package
      •   Do not pull or release any wire, strings, or hook.
      •   Do not turn or shake. Do not put in water or near heat.
      •   Do not touch letter or package - may compromise fingerprint identification.


MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                       Page 19

The District will have submitted building schematics and floor plans for each District
building to the appropriate community emergency response agencies, including
the Mount Vernon Police Department and the Mount Vernon Fire Department.

Those plans will also be maintained and available in an area within the District to
be designated by the Board of Education.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                  Page 20

   A. School officials, teachers, nurses; counselors, psychologists and social workers are
      legally required to report suspected abuse or maltreatment of any child coming before
      them in their professional or official capacity. Call Central Hearing Office in Albany (800)

   B. Any persons required to report cases of suspected child abuse or maltreatment shall
      have immunity from any liability, civil or criminal, that might have resulted by reason of
      such a report. Absolute certainty of abuse is not required under the law, only suspicion.

   C. A report of the suspected abuse or maltreatment must be made in writing within 48
      hours by the building supervisor or the mandated reporter. Send to: Department of
      Social Services, Attn.: CPS, 100 East First Street, Mount Vernon, New York 10553.

   D. An abused child is one who is less than 18 years of age' and whose parent or other
      person is legally responsible for his/her care:
         a. inflicts or allows to be inflicted upon such child by other than accidental means,
         b. creates or allows to be created a substantial risk of physical injury, or
         c. commits or allows to be committed a sex offense against such child, allows child
             to engage in such acts.

   E. The mandated reporters (initial reporter) obligation is not discharged unless the report
      is made.

   F. No one may prevent a staff member from making a report.

   G. The name of the person making the report IS NOT TO BE REVEALED TO PARENT, ETC.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                             Page 21

SUGGESTED STEPS                                                  PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                      CRT Member

I. Level 1

  l.   All cases of suspected child abuse must be reported to the            Initial Reporter/Building
       supervisor of each building, who will then also become                Principal
       responsible for reporting or causing a child abuse report to be
  2    Call Central Clearing Office in Albany at (800) 635-1522. The         Initial Reporter/Building
       number on the Child Abuse report from (800) 342-3720 is a public      Principal
       hotline and has a longer waiting time. DO NOT CALL THE PARENT.
  3    Ensure an oral report to Child Welfare or Child Protective Services   Building Principal
       and/or the police department is made within 48 hours by the
       person who identifies or suspects abuse or neglect.
  4    Do not attempt to verify the information                              Initial Reporter/Building
  5    A copy of the report sent to Child Protective Services (CPS) must     Building Principal
       be sent to the Administrator for Student Support Services.
  6    Permit an interview with the child by authorized and properly         Building Principal
       identified officials only.
  7    Do not notify parents. They will be notified by the investigators.
       The principal will be informed that this has been done before the
       child is released.
  8    Ensure that the personal who originally suspected the abuse or        Building Principal
       neglect files a written report within five days.
  9    Provide follow-up counseling when appropriate                         Building Principal/
  10 Document all decisions and action taken                                 Building Principal & Staff
  11 If the report is determined to be unfounded by CPS, all identifying
     data and reports will be sealed and retained in the office of
     Student Support Services.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                     Page 22
                                Accusations Against School Personnel
                                 Related to Illegal Activities such as
                                    Child Abuse or Molestation

SUGGESTED STEPS                                               PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                   CRT Member

II. Level 2

  1    Document what has been reported. Do not investigate or attempt        Building Principal
       to verify the information.
  2    Notify the Human Resources and follow their instructions. The         Building Principal
       usual procedure is to place the accused on administrative leave
       with pay until the investigation is complete

  3  Notify Superintendent                                                   Building Principal
  4  Notify Parent/Legal Guardian                                            Building Principal
  5  Report the accusation to the police department. If they choose not
     to investigate, report the incident to Child Welfare or Child
     Protective Services.
  6 Allow time for employee to be interviewed and arrange for a              Building Principal
     substitute if necessary.
  7 Convene the local school crisis team for the employee to be              Building Principal
     interviewed and arrange for a substitute if necessary.
  8 Provide for the police investigators if they come to the school.         Building Principal
     Notify the parents of the procedure
  9 Provide crisis counseling for the children only after their              CRT/Counselor
     statements have been taken by the police or child welfare workers.      Psychologists
  10 Notify parents of affected students that initial crisis counseling is   Building Principal
     being provided. If additional counseling is needed, it will be
     provided with their permission. Always use alleged" or "allegation"
     regarding the accusation. "

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                            Page 23
DEPENDING ON THE SITUATION, and in cooperation with the police and child welfare, prepare

     11        •   A written statement to the media                                  Superintendent
               •   Prepare a fact sheet for the secretary for telephone inquiries    Superintendent
                   from rate demanding and scared parents.
               •   A staff meeting to stop the spread of rumors and to update        Building Principal
                   participants on the facts as known.
               •   A meeting with district administrators to give reassurance that   Building Principal
                   safety measures are being taken to prevent future incidents and
                   allow questions and discussions

     12 Debrief with the school crisis team                                          Building Principal

1.        All district employees, including building administrators, teachers, registered nurses,
          doctors, psychologists or psychiatrists, and all other employees who come in contact with
          students are required to report all cases of suspected child abuse or maltreatment to the
          Building Principal. All district employees are mandated reporters.

2.      The Building Principal is required to:
      a. Inform the Administrator for Student Support Services who will in turn notify the
          Superintendent of Schools of the information received and either:
           i. Phone the New York State Child Abuse and Maltreatment Center at (800-342-3720)
              and inform them verbally of the problem; or
          ii. contact the above agency by telephone facsimile machine on a form supplied by the
              Commissioner of Social Services; and

      b. File a written report with the local child protective services agency and the statewide
         central registry of child abuse and maltreatment within forty-eight hours after the
         above report.

3.        The written report that must be filed shall include:
            • the name and address of the child and his/her parent(s) or guardian(s);
            • if applicable, the name and address of the residential care facility or program in
               which the child resides or is receiving care;
            • the child's age, sex, and race;
            • the nature of the child's injuries, abuse or maltreatment, including evidence of prior
               injuries, abuse or maltreatment to the child and his/her siblings;
            • if known, the name of the person(s) alleged to be responsible for causing the
               injury(ies), abuse or maltreatment;

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                      Page 24
•   the members of the family/family composition (e.g., father, mother, 2 sisters,
          grandmother, etc.;
      •   the source of the report.

4.   The Building Principal may take photographs or cause photographs to be taken of the
     areas of visible trauma on the child, and/or, if medically indicated, cause an examination
     to be performed. Such actions may be performed at public expense if they will provide
     appropriate documentation when filing the report. A camera and film shall be kept at the
     school and be available for this purpose:
       • the person making the report and where he/she can be reached.
       • the actions taken by the reporting source, including the taking of photographs
           and/or x-rays, removal or retaining of the child, and/or notifying the medical
           examiner or coroner; and
       • any other information which the Commissioner of Social Services may require.

5.   The school physician shall notify the appropriate police authorities or the local child
     protective service to take custody of any child the physician is treating, whether or not
     additional medical treatment is required, if he/she believes the child is in danger.

6.   If it should be necessary for Child Protective Services to interview a child at school to
     ascertain whether he/she has been abused or maltreated, or to obtain documentation of
     such acts, the interview should be conducted in the presence of a school official, unless
     circumstances require otherwise. The school official shall examine and verify the
     credentials of Child Protective Services workers before allowing such worker(s) to either
     interview the child or to examine the child's records.
     If sexual abuse is indicated, the presence of a same-sex staff member during the interview
     is appropriate.

7.   The Superintendent can request a summary report of an investigation of a case referred
     to Child Protective Services.

     The adult subject of a case of suspected child abuse or maltreatment has a right to a copy
     of all information in the State Central register. Personnel have the right to request that
     information which would identify the individual making the report be withheld if
     furnishing such data might prove detrimental to the safety or interest of that individual.

8.   All district employees who are required to report suspected child abuse shall be required
     to attend ongoing training sessions regarding identification and reporting of all cases of
     suspected child abuse.

9.   All district employees who are required to report suspected child abuse shall be provided
     with a copy of these regulations and the related Board Policy concerning Child Abuse and
     reporting requirements.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                              Page 25
10. Only one report of any suspected abuse is required.

11. School personnel who, in good faith, make a report to take photographs of injuries and
    bruises have immunity from any liability, civil or criminal. The good faith of any person
    required to report cases of child abuse or maltreatment is presumed.

12.   School personnel who have reasonable cause to suspect that a child has died as a result
      of child abuse or maltreatment shall report that fact to the appropriate medical examiner
      or coroner.

13.    Any person required to report suspected cases of child abuse or maltreatment and who
      fails to do so may be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and may be held civilly liable
      for the damages caused by this failure.

If a report of child abuse or maltreatment has been determined to be unfounded, all records,
       both in the State Central Register and in school files, shall be expunged.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                             Page 26
                                PROTEST ACTIVITY
SUGGESTED STEPS                                            PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                CRT Member

  1    Identify the group and the purpose of the protest.               Building Principal
  2    Notify Central Office/Superintendent. Notify Security Director   Building
  3    Determine if mediation or dialogue with protestors would be      Building Principal
  4    Notify Police, CRT                                               Building
  5    Prepare media statement                                          Superintendent
  6    Follow directions of police                                      Staff/CRT/Security
  7    Intensify-security. Insure that protestors do not enter the      Staff/CRT/Security
       school. Request those who entered the school to vacate the
       premises immediately. Lock all doors except main entrance.
       Place monitors and teachers on supervision at doors.
  8    Advise teachers to keep classroom doors closed and locked, if    Building
       necessary.                                                       Principal/Designee
  9    Keep administrative office locked; provide security measures     Building
       for files and records.                                           Principal/Secretary
  10   Keep faculty informed through memos, brief meetings or           Building
       other school communication systems.                              Principal/Designee
  11   Prepare for community meetings that may be needed to             Superintendent/Designee
       respond to the demands of the problems.
  12   Inform parents/unit through letter(s) and/or scheduled           Superintendent/Principal
  13   Debrief staff/faculty                                            CRT

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                           Page 27
SUGGESTED STEPS                                            PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                CRT Member


  l.     Contact Crisis Co-Chairs and nurse for information; find out if      Building Principal
         rumor is true.
  2      Convene CRT. Contact Superintendent.                                 Building Principal
  3      Decide on and execute a plan (memo to be read in all classes,        CRT
         announcement on speaker system, letter to parents, etc.).
  4      Meet with key students individually, or in groups, to provide        CRT
         accurate information.
  5      Prepare a fact sheet for the school secretary to answer questions.   Nurse/Building

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                             Page 28
                                 ON CAMPUS

SUGGESTED STEPS                                             PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                 CRT Member

  1     Notify Security Director.                                  Building Principal/Secretarial
  2     Call Police and request that they come to school.          Building Principal/Secretarial
  3     Notify Central Office/Superintendent.                      Building Principal
  4     Check identification and determine whether the person      Security Personnel
        has legitimate reason to be on campus.
  5     Police will ask the person to leave or, if necessary,      Police Department
        remove the person.
  6     If the person is identified as a parent or person with a   Police Dept./Bldg.
        legitimate reason to be there, utilize a combination of    Principal/CRT
        extreme politeness, courtesy and firmness to structure
        and de-escalate the behavior.
  7     If the person is coherent, listen to him/her and try to    Police Dept./Bldg.
        understand his/her concern.                                Principal/CRT
  8     Intensify Security                                         Police/Security Staff
  9     Debrief faculty and parents once the situation is          Principal/CRT

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                              Page 29
                      NATURAL, ACCIDENT OR HOMICIDE

SUGGESTED STEPS                                             PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                 CRT Member

I.     Call nurse, administer first aid. Call 911 for emergency          First Person on Scene
2      Clear students from immediate incident area. Station              School Staff
       monitors/teachers to block area. Provide immediate support
       for student witnesses.
3      Notify Central Office/Superintendent.                             Building Principal
4      Convene Crisis Response Team                                      Building Principal
5      Notify parents of the deceased student (this should be done in    Building Principal/Police
       person with the help of the Psychologist, Unit Representative.
6      Alert Administrators/Counselors at school(s) which siblings       Building Principal!
       are enrolled.                                                     Secretarial Staff/CRT
7      Inform staff and student body.                                    Building Principal/CRT
8      Provide counseling, paying particular attention to friends of     CRT/Counselors/
       the deceased, and persons with recent losses or a history of      Psychologists
       suicide threats or attempts. Set up support rooms/stations
       and call back-up counselors (CRT partner), if needed.
9      Give factual information to the media/prepare fact sheet for      Superintendent
       telephone inquiries.
10     Determine the most effective method to inform parents about       CRT
       the death, what the school is doing and what reactions to
       expect from their child.
II.    Hold faculty meeting as soon as possible to process feelings      Principal/CRT
       and plan for the anticipated reactions of students.
12     Relay additional information (funeral arrangements, etc.) as it   Principal/CRT
       becomes available. Respect tradition of various cultures,
       where indicated.
13     Hire subs to cover classrooms as needed.                          Principal
14     Prepare to hold community meeting, if necessary.                  CRT
15     Debrief Faculty & Staff.                                          CRT/Counselors/Psych.
16     Plan follow-up counseling for students and staff.                 CRT/Counselors/Psych.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                             Page 30
                              (PARENT, SIBLING, AUNT, UNCLE, ETC.):
                           NATURAL, ACCIDENTAL, HOMICIDE
    SUGGESTED STEPS                                              PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
    Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                  CRT Member

l. Assess the need for sharing information; assess the need of       Building Principal
   school involvement.
2 Contact the family to gather information about the                 Building
   circumstances of the death, funeral arrangements, needs of        Principal/Designee/Counselor
   the child and siblings.

3 Notify teachers of student                                      Building Principal/Counselors
4 After consultation with grieving family and written permission  Building Principal
  from parents of students wishing to attend the funeral, a
  selected number of students and staff could attend the funeral.

5 Prepare the classmates to be supportive when the student           Building Principal/Teachers/
  returns to school.                                                 Counselors/CRT

6 Crisis Team packet information should be distributed.              CRT/Teachers/Counselors

7 Provide counseling, as needed or requested, when the student       Teachers/Counselors/Psychologists/
  returns to school.                                                 CRT

8 Monitor the student's academic performance throughout the          Teachers/Counselors/Psychologists/
  year noting any difficulties, behavior problems or depression      CRT
  that might be related to the family death.

    MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                            Page 31

SUGGESTED STEPS                                              PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                  CRT Member

1    Verify information. Inform staff via memo or begin phone          Building Principal/Designee
     chain to alert staff and set up special meeting to discuss next
     steps, level of school involvement.
2    Begin log of activities and decision making process.          Building Principal/Designee
3    Contact guidance or main office to see if there are siblings in
     other buildings.                                              Principal/Secretarial
                                                                   Staff/Assistant Principal
4    Determine which building(s) teams need to be activated        Building Principal
5    Convene building Crisis Response Team and contact counselor CRT Member
     of student.
6    Create and deliver statement to faculty and students.         CRT Member/Counselors/
                                                                   Psych/ Superintendent
7    Set up support rooms-call for back-up, inform students        Superintendent/
     (before homeroom if possible).                                Co-Chairs/CRT
8    Provide counseling for friends and at-risk students. Have     Superintendent/
     counselors as needed. Teachers or other adults may also       Co-Chairs/CRT
     require counseling.
9    Prepare a media statement and fact sheet for telephone         Superintendent/Principal
     inquiries if necessary and with permission of family.
10   Send letters to parents about the death, how the school is     Building Principal
     responding and what reactions might be expected from their
     children. Invite them to contact the school counsel6r if they
     want assistance or have suggestion about how the counselor
     may help their child. (Make sure the letters are prepared in
     appropriate languages for non-English speaking families as
11   Appoint someone to serve as liaison with the family. Gather   CRT Members/Parent
     relevant information, funeral arrangements and needs of       Liaison
12   Inform students and staff about the funeral arrangements as    Building Principal
     soon as possible.
13   Hire subs to offer support to the teachers and cover           Building Principal
     classrooms as needed. CRT members available to support
     subs, if required.
14   Debrief with faculty.                                          Principal/Counselors/CRT
15   Plan Follow-up counseling for students and faculty as needed. CRT/Psych/Counselors

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                            Page 32
                                OR NATIONAL INCIDENT
SUGGESTED STEPS                                            PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                CRT Member

  1 Discuss what has happened with the students in small groups (e.g. a classroom)       CRT/Teachers
    encouraging them to share their emotional reactions to tragedy.
  2 Consult with counselor or CRT representative about any especially distressed         Teachers
  3 Sent letters to elementary school parents in appropriate languages (secure           Building
    interpreter in district, if needed). Describe what the school is doing and how the   Principal
    children may react. Include the phone numbers of the school for questions or for     Superintendent
    alerting the counselors about special problems children may have.
  4 Hold an after-school faculty meeting to discuss how the students are responding      CRT/Building
    and to clarify helpful approaches for dealing with the tragedy.                      Principal
  5 Specific announcements to students.                                                  Building

CRT Member
1. Verify information. Gather details.
2. Share facts with the faculty via memo or meeting.
3. Meet with Institution and Administrative staff.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                            Page 33

    SUGGESTED STEPS                                             PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
    Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                 CRT Member

1       Tune to battery powered radio for additional weather information.          Building Principal
2       If possible, convene CRT to arrange incident command center with           Building Principal
        communication capability on site to control the flow of people.
3       Announce that-students will not be permitted to change classrooms for      Building Principal
        any reasons and to stay away from windows until further notice.
4       Contact 911 if necessary - and possible. Contact Superintendent            Building Principal
        IF INDOORS
1       Take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture or against an inside wall.    Teachers/Staff
        Stay clear of glass (i.e. windows, bookcases, wall hangings, or any area
        where objects may fall or fall over, etc.)
2       Move students to secure areas without windows                              Teachers/Staff
3       Prepare special needs students for evacuation.                             Teachers/Staff
4       STAY INSIDE                                                                Building Principal/
5       Once shaking stops, contact 911. Remain in building until clearance        Building Principal/
        from authorities.                                                          Teachers/Staff
6       Help seriously injured or trapped persons. Give first aid where            Staff/Medical
        appropriate. Coordinate with emergency service.
7       Do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate         Staff/Medical
        danger of further injury.
8       If persons are hospitalized, keep records of those names and where         Staff
9       Prepare media statement                                                    Superintendent
10      Debrief with CRT and plan for follow-up support services for students      CRT/ Student
        and staff.                                                                 Support
1       Move into the open Stay clear or buildings, trees, overpasses, utility     -
        wires, etc.
2       Stay clear of buildings, trees, overpasses, utility wires, etc.

4       Follow steps 5-10 above

                             BE PREPARED FOR AFTERSHOCKS

    MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                            Page 34
                      LEAK OF TOXIC SUBSTANCE
SUGGESTED STEPS                                              PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                  CRT Member

  1 Verify information. Contact Superintendent, Custodian, officer, CRT Co-    Building Principal
    Chairs, Security Director, Main Medical and isolate the area. Call 911
    for emergency assistance. Ask for advice whether to evacuate or
    shelter in place. Contact School District Safety Officer and BOCES
  2 Estimate extent of injuries or potential physical danger with the school   Building Principal
    nurse/EMS staff
  3 Provide for emergency medical care. Assess effect on other students.       Building Principal/CRT
  4 Set up incident command center with communication capabilities on          Principal
  5 Convene CRT                                                                Building Principal
    Request assistance in notifying other affected families and institution.
  6 Keep a list of hospitalized and/or evacuated persons and where they        Building Principal
    are located or have been transported to.
    If instructed by Fire Department to shelter in place:                      Building Principal
         • Make an announcement over the Public Address System
         • Shut down main electrical power sources to close all
             ventilation sources
         • Turn off main gas supply
         • Provide portable hand-held-cellular communication to control
    If instructed by Fire Department to evacuate:
         • Evacuate in the direction given by emergency personnel              Teachers/CRT Members
         • Prepare special needs student's personnel for evacuation            Special Ed Staff/Faculty
         • Evacuate site using crosswind route to avoid fumes                  Staff/Superintendent
         • Prepare a fact sheet for parent and community inquiries             Public Info Officer
         • Prepare media response statement                                    Public Info Officer
         • Notify parents when and where the children will be released         Supt./Bldg. Principal
         • Debrief with CRT after crisis is over                               Special Ed Staff/Faculty
         • Make preparations for crisis teams to continue with follow-up       Co-Chairs/CRT/
             services at alternate location.                                   CRT Co-Chairs
         • Log all activities and decisions
         • Arrange for air sampling to determine status prior to re-
             entering the building for normal use.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                               Page 35
                                          (INTERIOR RELEASE)

    SUGGESTED STEPS                                                  PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
    Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                      CRT Member

1    Verify information. Contact Superintendent. (Custodian, HAZCOM Officer, Main         Building Principal/
     Medical.) Convene CRT.                                                               Designee
2    Contact 911 for emergency assistance. Ask for advice whether to evacuate or          CRT Co-Chairs/
     shelter in place.                                                                    Administration
3    Set up incident command center with communication capabilities on site.              Nurse/EMS
4    Estimate extent of injuries or potential danger with the school nurse/EMS staff.     CRT Member/Nurse/
5    Provide for emergency care                                                           Nurse/CRT Member/
6    Move staff and students from affected area                                           Teachers/CRT
7    Close up and secure affected area                                                    Custodial Staff/CRT
8    Post warning signs at entrance.                                                      Building Principal/
9    Keep a list of hospitalized and/or evacuated persons and where they are located or CRT/Secretaries/
     have been transported to.                                                            Psychologists
     If instructed by Fire Department to shelter in place:
         • Make an announcement over the Public Address System                            Building Principal
         • Shut down main electrical power sources to close all ventilation sources       Custodial Staff
         • Close all exterior doors and windows
         • Turn off main gas supply                                                       Custodial Staff
         • Provide portable hand-held-cellular communication to control building          Custodial Staff School
                                                                                          Safety Officer
     If instructed by Fire Department to evacuate:
         • Evacuate in the direction given by emergency personnel                         Teachers/CRT Members
         • Prepare special needs student's personnel for evacuation                       Special Ed Staff/Faculty
         • Evacuate site using crosswind route to avoid fumes                             School Safety Officer
         • Prepare a fact sheet for parent and community inquiries                        Supt./Principal
         • Prepare media response statement                                               Superintendent
         • Notify parents when and where the children will be released                    Teachers/Admin. Staff
         • Debrief with CRT after crisis is over                                          Principal/Teachers
         • Make preparations for crisis teams to continue with follow-up services at
            alternate location.                                                           Special Ed Staff/Faculty
         • Log all activities and decisions                                               Co-Chairs/CRT/
         • Arrange for air sampling to determine status prior to re-entering the building CRT Co-Chairs
            for normal use.                                                               Health Safety Officer

    MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                    Page 36
Administrator's Responsibilities
  • Signal an evacuation from the building by using the fire alarm.
  • Involve other staff as necessary.
  • Call 3-911 (on a cell phone, call the Police Department at 665-2500).
  • Call Central Office at 358-2400.
  • If students/staff need to leave the premises. Follow procedures outline in your building's
      safety plan
  • Take the Mobile Emergency Supply kit.
Custodial Responsibilities
   • Same as Administrator's Responsibilities except do not call Central Office.
   • Do call the “On-Call" Supervisor. For further direction.
Staff's Responsibilities
    • Follow the evacuation routes posted in the room unless otherwise advised.
    • Close your classroom doors when leaving the room.
    • Do not touch the light switches.
    • Take your record/attendance books.
    • See that special-needs students are physically assisted.
    • Take roll call.
    • Report missing student(s) ASAP to the Administrator-in-charge.

                                       UTILITY FAILURE
Administrator's Responsibilities
  • Contact The Custodian about the electrical outage.
  • Contact the Maintenance Department to address the problem (665-5189).
  • Contact Central Office at 358-2400.
  • Ensure that the utility company has been contacted.
Staff's Responsibilities
    • Remain in your classroom. Continue to teach and keep students calm.
    • Advise students who need to use the bathroom that the toilet cannot be flushed if there
        is a water main issue.
    • If school is dismissed early, refer to individual student emergency forms to confirm
        student destinations.
    • Make phone calls as necessary for alternate plans and document the change on the
        student emergency form.
Custodial Staff Responsibilities
   • Determine the full extent of the power outage for the Administrator-in-charge.
   • Keep the Administrator-in-Charge advised of the situation.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                         Page 37
                            STUDENTS & STAFF

In September of each school year, the Building Principal shall designate a staff
member to each disabled student or staff member within the building. This staff
member shall be provided with a copy, of the person's daily schedule and will keep
it on his/her person at all times. In the event of an emergency, the staff member
will immediately report to the area where the disabled person is in order to assist
him/her in evacuating the premises.

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                               Page 38
                                CRASH INTO BUILDING
SUGGESTED STEPS                                                      PERSON RESPONSIBLE or DESIGNEE
Maintain written log of all crisis activities                                          CRT Member

  1     Sound the fire alarm, or use runners and/or loud speaker or bullhorn if        Building Principal/
        power is out. Determine whether to evacuate or shelter in place.               School Staff
  2     Call 911 for emergency assistance                                              Building Principal/
  3     Evacuate building after quick damage assessment                                Building Principal/Fire
  4     Evacuate away from damaged area. Contact Central Office, CRT and               Building Principal
        HAZCOM office.
  5     Extinguish fire when it can be done safely (depends on the situation)          Building Principal/
                                                                                       Staff/Fire/Police Depts.
  6     Shut off gas/electricity. Close exterior windows and doors.                    Custodial Staff
  7     Provide First Aid                                                              School Nurse
  8     Keep list of hospitalized and/or evacuated persons and where they are          Bldg. Principal/
        located or have been transported to.                                           Secretarial Staff/Nurse
  9     Set up incident command center with communication capabilities on              School Safety Officer
        site. Have alternate command center site available, if primary is

  1       Keep students/staff away from building until area is declared safe.          Building Principal/
                                                                                       School Safety Officer
  2       If building cannot be re-entered, relocate students to pre-                  Supt./Bldg.
          determined location                                                          Principal/Safety Officer
  3       If building is safe for re-entry, follow instructions of school principal,   Teachers/Staff, etc.
          police, and fire department
  4       Prepare Media Statement                                                      Superintendent/Building

  1       Contact general maintenance supervisor to repair damaged area,               Building Principal/
          erect barricades, etc.                                                       Building & Grounds

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                          Page 39

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                Page 40
The MVCSD has a district-wide Drill Schedule consisting of one to two drills most months of the
school year. School administrators choose the day of the month and time of day to practice their
required monthly drills. Drills should be conducted during class time as well as during non-
instructional times like arrival, dismissal, lunch, recess, passing times, etc. This will give staff and
students practice at responding effectively to emergencies in different building environments.

New York State law requires that all schools conduct 12 fire drills per school year. (N.Y. EDN. LAW
§ 807: NY Code - Section 807: Fire drills.) The MVCSD also requires its schools to conduct the
following drills each year: Lockdown, evacuation, shelter in place, severe weather and rapid
dismissal drills.

After every drill (and in cases of real emergencies), school principals will fill out a Drill Evaluation
Form to review evacuation times (if applicable), what was done well and to make plans for
improvement. These forms will be reviewed by the building level and district level safety teams.

During drills the school Safety Team will be activated. The Safety Teams at each school facility
should actively participate in each drill in order to practice and learn how to assess and manage
emergencies effectively. They should do this even when the Administrator is present for the drill.

Each room in the school should have a map hanging near the exit door that shows a primary and
secondary Evacuation Route & Assembly Area. Parents should be notified of evacuation

When conducting lockdown drills, plain and specific language should be used. This "plain
language" is required by the Federal Government as it helps staff, students, and visitors
understand the general and immediate actions they should take. (See New York School Safety
Guide on Office 365).

Staff conducting classes, activities, or supervision outside on school grounds should take a two-
way radio with them for quick communication capabilities at all times.

All schools are provided with Emergency Kits. These supplies are available for immediate use
during drills and emergency situations when students/staff need to stay in their classrooms due

MVCSD Emergency Response Plan                                                                   Page 41
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