Scholar & Family Handbook 2020-2021 - Clarksdale Collegiate

Page created by Daniel Yates
Scholar & Family Handbook 2020-2021 - Clarksdale Collegiate
Scholar & Family Handbook


Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
Scholar & Family Handbook 2020-2021 - Clarksdale Collegiate
Dear Clarksdale Collegiate Families:

Thank you for choosing Clarksdale Collegiate Public Charter School and for trus ng us to prepare your child for
college success! The following pages will help you become familiar with school procedures, policies, and
prac ces, and should serve as a resource for families from the first day of school through the last. While we
cannot say this handbook will answer all of your ques ons, we do know there is a lot of valuable informa on in
here, so please take the me to read it carefully. In fact, read it twice or even three mes, and then please keep
it to refer to throughout the school year.

A quick note as well, we believe in every single one of our students and have incredibly high expecta ons
for them every day. As such, we refer to our students as scholars. You will see that in this handbook and
hear it in our hallways every day.

Finally, in this handbook, you’ll learn a lot of different things about Clarksdale Collegiate. You’ll learn about the
structure of the school, the policies that we have in place, and our expecta ons of members of our school
community. If a policy is changed at any point throughout the year, you will receive wri en no fica on in your
child’s Homework Folder.

If you ever have any ques ons, please feel free to ask any teacher or staff member.


Amanda Johnson, Execu ve Director

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
Scholar & Family Handbook 2020-2021 - Clarksdale Collegiate
 Our Mission
 Clarksdale Collegiate Public Charter School (“Clarksdale Collegiate”) prepares kindergarten through 8th grade students in the
 Mississippi Delta to excel in high school and college by providing rigorous instruc on within a structured, ambi ous, and
 jubilant school community.

  Our Vision
  Clarksdale Collegiate will be unapologe cally college preparatory, star ng in kindergarten. We envision a Mississippi Delta in
  which all students are inspired towards, work for, and successfully obtain a college degree, and we envision that work
  star ng with access to a high-quality K-8 educa onal founda on, ensuring all children are firmly and measurably on the path
  to high school success and college gradua on. We envision a public school rooted in research on what works for our target
  community and informed by prac ces of the highest performing charter schools in the na on.
  Our Core Beliefs
  We will achieve our mission by execu ng on our core beliefs:
  (1) All students excel within structured, ambi ous, and jubilant environments;
  (2) All students grow and achieve with hard work and effec ve teachers;
  (3) Comprehensive, targeted, and prac ce-based training ensures an effec ve teacher in every classroom;
  (4) College preparatory curriculum, rigorous assessments, and data-driven instruc on propel student achievement;
  (5) Transforma ve literacy – reading, wri ng, and speaking on or above grade level – is the founda on for all academic
  (6) Values-based character educa on supports students’ personal growth, academic achievement, and life success;
  (7) More me on task, priori zed on core subjects and individualized daily interven ons, accelerates student achievement;
  (8) Successful schools invest families in the mission, and provide clear strategies to support the success of their children; and
  (9) Successful schools close the achievement and opportunity gaps by strategically exposing students to their community
  and world.

  Our measures for success are clear. Success for our students will be evidenced by:
  (a) reading levels on or above grade level and drama c reading growth for every child every year;
  (b) strong levels of proficiency on state and na onal measures of reading and math;
  (c) demonstra on of Curiosity, Op mism, Gra tude, Grit, Self-Control, Social Intelligence, and Zest in all classrooms and
  across the school; and
  (d) all families invested in, inspired towards, and with the founda on for allowing our children to pursue their most
  ambi ous academic and life dreams.

  Clarksdale Collegiate holds members of Clarksdale Collegiate community – scholars, families, and staff – to the highest
  standards. We know that you have selected Clarksdale Collegiate because you hold the same high standards for your
  child as we do, and are eager to work with us to maximize your child’s success.
  To provide the best educa on for Clarksdale Collegiate scholars, we must all work together to create an atmosphere of
  excellence. Our Code of Conduct is based on expecta ons and accountability. The Clarksdale Collegiate Covenant outlines
  the expecta ons of the school, the family, and the scholar over the course of the coming year. The Covenant is not an
  exhaus ve list of what must be done, but it does represent essen al elements of our academic program.

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
Scholar & Family Handbook 2020-2021 - Clarksdale Collegiate
The Clarksdale Collegiate Covenant
                               We fully commit to the Clarksdale Collegiate mission for each scholar in the following ways:
                                  • We will provide a structured and safe learning environment for all scholars by establishing and
Teacher and Staff Commitment

                                       consistently reinforcing routines and procedures.
                                  • We will set ambitious academic and behavioral expectations and work relentlessly to support all
                                       scholars in meeting those expectations.
                                  • We will make learning fun and create space for jubilance throughout the school day.
                                  • We will provide high quality instruction on college preparatory standards and use assessments and data
                                       purposely to support scholar achievement.
                                  • We will be constant learners to ensure we become better teachers and leaders for all scholars.
                                  • We will model the values and exceptional character we expect of scholars.
                                  • We will embrace families as partners by communicating regularly and by making ourselves available.
                               Teacher’s Signature                                     Executive Director’s Signature
                               __________________________________________                                __________________________________________

                               We fully commit to the Clarksdale Collegiate mission for our child in the following ways:
                                   • We will make sure our child is present and on time to school daily. If our child is unable to attend school
                                       or will be late, we will notify the school of the absence or tardy.
                                   • We will ensure our child adheres to the dress code daily.
Family Commitment

                                   • We will support our child in reading and completing homework every night.
                                   • We will allow our child to attend field lessons and participate in additional learning opportunities.
                                   • We will communicate regularly with the school and attend report card conferences.
                                   • We understand that our child must follow the schoolwide rules to protect the safety, interests, and
                                       rights of all individuals in the classroom.
                                   • We will always help our child in the best way we know how and will do whatever it takes to support our
                                       child’s college bound journey.
                               Parent/Guardian’s Signature(s)
                               __________________________________________                                __________________________________________
                               I fully commit to the Clarksdale Collegiate mission for myself in the following ways:
                                    • I will follow the Clarksdale Collegiate schoolwide rules.
                                                                                                                       Schoolwide Rules
                                    • I know that working hard means always doing my best work, completing
                                                                                                                          Work hard.
                                         all classwork and homework on time, and coming to school on time every
                                                                                                                           Be nice.
Scholar Commitment

                                         day prepared for the day.
                                                                                                                          Stay safe.
                                    • I know that being nice means treating others the way I want to be treated.     Demonstrate urgency.
                                    • I know staying safe means following the expectations at all times especially
                                         when on the bus, playing on the playground or when on a field lesson.
                                    • I know that demonstrating urgency means staying on task at all times to learn and grow as much as
                                         possible in preparation for college success.
                               Scholar’s Name


A endance Policy
At Clarksdale Collegiate, we are commi ed to making every minute of learning me count. In order for scholars to learn and
to reach their academic poten al, they must be in school every minute of every day. Given our fast pace and high rigor,
missing even one hour of instruc on can result in scholars falling behind. Families should take advantage of 2:30 pm dismissal
on Wednesdays, as well as vaca on days, to schedule appointments and travel.
To maximize learning me, Clarksdale Collegiate has an extended day and school year.
    ●       The school calendar includes 185 days of instruc on.
    ●       Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday our day begins at 7:45 am and ends at 4:00 pm.
    ●       On Wednesdays, our day begins at 7:45 am and ends at 2:30 pm.
    ●       Scholars arriving in the building a er 7:45 am will be marked tardy.
    ●       The building will open daily at 7:15 am. For safety reasons, scholars should not be dropped off any earlier.
A scholar is allowed two parental absences per trimester grading period. Parents/guardians must no fy the office by phone, in
wri ng or in person no later than the day the scholar returns for the absence to be considered a parental excuse. All other
absences require medical or legal documenta on to be submi ed to the school office. Documenta on must be submi ed to
the office on the day the student returns for the absence to be considered excused. Medical documenta on will only be
excused full day if the excuse indicates it to be full day. If a doctor’s excuse indicates beginning and ending mes, the excuse
may only be accepted for those mes, not the en re day. Make-up work is required for all absences. Excessive absences (2 or
more unexcused absences in a trimester) will result in follow-up from administrators.

A scholar who exceeds 15 absences over the course of the year, may be retained.
  Clarksdale Collegiate may make excep ons to this policy in the instance of an extended absence due to extreme medical
  condi ons.
  The following support policy will be followed to help ensure that scholars do not exceed 15 absences:
  ●    At 3 absences, the parent/guardian will be contacted by a member of the Leadership Team.
  ●    At 5 absences in the first semester or a total of 10 absences, the parent/guardian will be required to a end a
       mee ng during which an A endance Plan will be established aimed at improving a endance pa erns.
  ●    At 15 absences, a second mee ng will be held to discuss the viola on of the A endance Plan.
  ●    Clarksdale Collegiate may retain scholars who exceed 15 absences.
  ●    Excessive absences for truancy may result in the repor ng of a family to relevant authori es.

In the event of an absence or tardy, we ask that parents/guardians no fy Clarksdale Collegiate by 7:45 am by emailing
Clarksdale Collegiate at a or by calling the office. Clarksdale Collegiate will call the
parent/guardian by 8:30 am if there has been no contact.
   ●       A scholar arriving one minute late is tardy. Scholars must be at school by 7:45 am.
   ●       An adult must accompany tardy scholars into the main office to be checked-in.
   ●       Excessive tardiness (5 or more in a trimester) will result in follow up by an administrator.

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
   ●       NO early dismissals allowed 15 minutes prior to dismissal.
   ●       Children will not be dismissed early unless a parent/guardian or authorized adult visits the office in-person and
           signs the scholar out.
   ●       At five early dismissals in a trimester, an administrator will schedule a conference with the parent/guardian.

    ●       Clarksdale Collegiate scholars end instruc on at 2:30 p.m. every Wednesday.
    ●       All teachers and staff par cipate in Professional Development on Wednesday a ernoons; as such, there will be no
            adults available for student care a er 2:30 pm.

  In the event of poor weather condi ons such as heavy snow or ice, please check your local television sta on, radio
  sta ons, contact the school at 662-351-0106 or visit our website at or our Facebook
  Clarksdale Collegiate follows the same delay and cancella on policies as local district schools. If local district schools
  close due to inclement weather, then so will Clarksdale Collegiate.

  Homework is an essen al component to your child’s academic success. Our teachers carefully create nightly
  homework that provides scholars the opportunity to prac ce and master their academic skills. Scholars receive
  nightly homework beginning in kindergarten, with the amount increasing as scholars are promoted. The
  opportunity to prac ce the skills learned throughout the day is cri cal to scholars’ academic success.
  Accordingly, scholars will not be excused from comple ng homework for any reason. If your child is absent,
  homework should be completed upon their return.
  If a scholar does not complete their homework, they may sit out of a non-core subject and complete their
  homework with the assistance of a staff member. Phone calls home may be made for incomplete homework.
  Homework comple on is also noted nightly on your child’s homework folder cover sheet.
  If homework is consistently late, missing, incomplete, or of poor quality, the parent or guardian will be no fied. If
  a scholar has completed less than 90% of homework assignments in a trimester, consequences include a parent
  ac on planning mee ng, deten on, and loss of privileges.

  We encourage families to designate a me and place for scholars to complete homework. We do not consider
  parental support on homework chea ng—parental support is a key component to scholar success. Scholars should
  be able to complete homework independently, but we encourage parents to check over work, and answer any
  ques ons. Addi onally, we may assign homework to be done jointly - for example, flashcards for learning sight
  words, or having scholars read a book out loud to a parent/guardian.
  Scholars are responsible for all missed work while absent. Homework is put in homework folders for the week each
  Monday. Scholars who are absent can move ahead on their homework folder on evenings they are sick. If absent
  on a Monday, scholars should pick up their homework folder when they return to school, and make-up any missed

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
  Our uniform policy is designed to minimize distrac ons, create uniformity, and increase school pride. Scholars are
  expected to wear their complete school uniforms to school every day, including field lessons. Scholars are expected to
  wear the following:

                                                              UNIFORM POLICY
                       Scholars wear school issued polo shirts with school logo which are available for purchase in the
                       office for $8.00 each.
                       Plain short or long sleeve undershirts are allowed.
                       Fridays Only: College t-shirts or school t-shirts may be worn. Jerseys are not allowed.
                       Black school logo sweatshirt or school logo cardigans. Sweatshirts are available in the office for
                       $12.00 each. Cardigans may be ordered in the office and start at $27.00 each. The Clarksdale
                       Collegiate polo shirt must be seen when a sweatshirt or cardigan is worn.
                       Shirts, sweaters and fleeces without the Clarksdale Collegiate logo are not allowed inside the
                       Fridays Only: College sweaters or sweatshirts may be worn.
                       Khaki pants.
                       Khaki shorts.
                       Khaki skirts, skorts or jumpers slightly above or at the knee or longer.
                       Fridays Only: Blue jean pants, shorts, skirts, or skorts may be worn.
                       Sneakers are required as scholars have recess daily.
                       Shoes must be closed toed, flat, rubber-soled shoes.
                       Snow or Rain boots can be worn to and from school, with a change of shoes brought in a
                       Light-up shoes, shoes with wheels, any type of boots or otherwise distrac ng shoes are not
        Belts          Belts must be worn if bo oms have belt loops.
                       Scholars are not allowed to wear disrup ve jewelry. (e.g. jewelry that distracts from learning)
                       Earrings must be dime sized or smaller.
      Jewelry          Scholars may not wear bracelets, rings, as they can prevent children from wri ng properly.
                       Talking, beeping or light up watches are disrup ve and are not allowed.
                       Ar ficial nails are not allowed.
     Headwear          Scholars are not allowed to wear hats or headwear unless worn for religious purpose.

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
School Supplies
  In order to limit disrup on and to build our culture of family, school supplies are communal at Clarksdale Collegiate.
  All supplies will be shared among all staff and scholars.
School Supplies
                                                                    ●   1 container of Clorox Disinfectant wipes
     ●    48 yellow #2 pencils
                                                                    ●   2 bo les of hand sani zer, at least 12 0z
     ●    1 box ziploc snack bags
                                                                    ●   1 box of dry-erase markers
     ●    1 box gallon ziploc freezer bags
                                                                    ●   2 boxes of Kleenex
     ●    1 box of crayons                                          ●   Kinder only - 1 extra pair of underwear, pants &
     ●    1 pair of child scissors                                      socks in a ziplock bag (labeled with scholar


   To limit distrac on, we ask that scholars leave all toys, cell phones, and electronic devices at home. If toys, cell
   phones, or other electronic devices are brought to school, they must be le in scholar backpacks. Given that
   Clarksdale Collegiate does not have lockers, scholar property will not be locked up. Clarksdale Collegiate is not
   responsible for lost or stolen, or damaged property.

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
2020 – 2021 School Calendar
             July 2020                              August 2020                            September 2020
Sun   M      Tu   W   Th     F    Sat    Sun   M    Tu   W    Th     F    Sat   Sun   M     Tu   W        Th   F    Sat
            1 2 3                  4                                       1                 1    2    3        4   5
5     6 7 8 9 10                  11     2     3 4 5           6    7      8     6    7      8    9   10       11   12
12    13 14 15 16 17              18     9     10 11 12       13    14     15   13    14    15   16   17       18   19
19    20 21 22 23 24              25     16    17 18 19       20    21     22   20    21    22   23   24       25   26
26    27 28 29 30 31                     23    24 25 26       27    28     29   27    28    29   30
                                         30    31
       10 Instructional Days                     20 Instructional Days                  21 Instructional Days
            October 2020                           November 2020                           December 2020
Sun   M      Tu   W   Th     F    Sat    Sun   M    Tu   W    Th     F    Sat   Sun   M     Tu   W        Th   F    Sat
               1 2                 3     1     2 3 4           5    6      7                 1    2    3        4   5
4     5 6 7 8 9                   10     8     9 10 11        12    13     14    6    7      8    9   10       11   12
11    12 13 14 15 16              17     15    16 17 18       19    20     21   13    14    15   16   17       18   19
18    19 20 21 22 23              24     22    23 24 25       26    27     28   20    21    22   23   24       25   26
25    26 27 28 29 30              31     29    30                               27    28    29   30   31

       19 Instructional Days                     16 Instructional Days                  13 Instructional Days

            January 2021                           February 2021                            March 2021
Sun   M      Tu   W   Th     F    Sat    Sun   M    Tu   W    Th     F    Sat   Sun   M     Tu   W        Th   F    Sat
                  1                2     31    1 2 3           4    5      6          1      2    3    4        5   6
3     4 5 6 7 8                    9     7     8 9 10         11    12     13    7    8      9   10   11       12   13
10    11 12 13 14 15              16     14    15 16 17       18    19     20   14    15    16   17   18       19   20
17    18 19 20 21 22              23     21    22 23 24       25    26     27   21    22    23   24   25       26   27
24    25 26 27 28 29              30     28                                     28    29    30   31
       18 Instructional Days                     18 Instructional Days                  18 Instructional Days

             April 2021                              May 2021                                June 2021
Sun   M      Tu   W   Th     F    Sat    Sun   M    Tu   W    Th     F    Sat   Sun   M     Tu   W        Th   F    Sat
               1 2                 3                                       1                 1    2    3        4   5
4     5 6 7 8 9                   10     2     3 4 5           6    7      8     6    7      8    9   10       11   12
11    12 13 14 15 16              17     9     10 11 12       13    14     15   13    14    15   16   17       18   19
18    19 20 21 22 23              24     16    17 18 19       20    21     22   20    21    22   23   24       25   26
25    26 27 28 29 30                     23    24 25 26       27    28     29   27    28    29   30
                                         30    31
       20 Instructional Days                     13 Instructional Days

      Professional Development
         No School for Scholars                Vacation/No School                186 Instructional Days
      1 Day of a Trimester
                                               Abbreviated Day-2:30 dismissal     16 Professional Development Days
      Last Day of School                       Report Card Night
  Grades are not given at Clarksdale Collegiate, but they are earned. Grades are based solely on academic achievement,
  not behavior or effort. Standards based assessments make up the majority of a scholar’s grade. Scholars must
  consistently demonstrate the ability to complete a skill or show content mastery in order to receive credit for mee ng
  a standard. The majority of the standards are derived from Common Core Standards or state standards. Addi onal
  standards are pulled from our college preparatory curriculum.

  The grading scale is as follows:
  90% - 100% - A
  80% - 89% - B
  70% - 79% - C
  60% - 69% - D
  0% - 59% - F

  Grades in the core subject areas of Reading, Wri ng, Math and Science/Social Studies include the following
  components to make up a scholar’s final grade:
  70% - Standards Based Assessments (Topic, Mid-Unit, and End-of-Unit Assessments)
  30% - Classwork (2 weekly grades – quizzes, independent work, exit ckets, or projects)

  In addi on to tradi onal classroom assessment measures, we use a standard assessment system to determine
  scholars’ reading levels.
  ●    The reading assessments will be administered five or six mes a year in grades K-3. This one-on-one reading
       assessment gives teachers and parents important informa on regarding reading fluency, phonics development,
       and comprehension. These results will determine the reading grade level that will be noted on the report
  ●    Interim assessments in Math, Reading and Wri ng will be administered 4 to 6 mes per year.
  ●    All scholars take the NWEA MAP test 3x annually, in fall, winter and spring.

  Teachers and staff will use daily DRIVE progress reports and report cards to communicate scholars’ academic and
  behavioral performance.
  Report Cards must be picked up in person at Clarksdale Collegiate during a Parent-Teacher conference at the end of
  every trimester. We require a conference each trimester between parents/guardians and their child’s teacher to
  discuss report cards. Report cards will not be sent home without a conference.

  Clarksdale Collegiate’s promo on policy is rooted in a balance of understanding that while scholars learn at different
  rates, and may experience plateaus at different mes as they grow, mastery of grade level academic standards is the
  best measure for promo on to the next grade level. It ensures that a scholar can be successful in the academic
  challenges of the next grade level.

  Below is a chart for grade promo on at Clarksdale Collegiate. Addi onally, we take into account the whole-child
  and may retain scholars who demonstrate significantly below grade level social development:

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
            Grade           A endance             Interim                   Reading Level
                                                                        K = Level E or higher
                                              Math unit tests
              K-2       Absent ≤ 15 days                               1st = Level K or higher              N/A
                                              average ≥ 70%
                                                                       2nd – Level N or higher
                                                                                                      Pass 3rd Grade
                                              Math unit tests                                            Reading
               3        Absent ≤ 15 days                               3rd – Level O or higher
                                              average ≥ 70%                                            Summa ve
                                               All unit tests
                                                                       4th – Level T or higher
                                                                       5th – Level W or higher
              4-8       Absent ≤ 15 days    ≥ 70% (ELA, Math,                                               N/A
                                                                       6th – Level Y or higher
                                            Science, and Social
                                                                           7th – 8th – Level Z

  We provide scholars mul ple ers of support during our extended day and extended year program, including daily
  tutoring, to ensure that scholars have the supports they need to master the skills necessary for promo on.
  Daily a endance is vital to scholar success, allowing Clarksdale Collegiate to support scholars as they pursue academic
  success and simultaneously teaching scholars to take responsibility for their educa onal futures. Thus, scholars who
  miss more than 15 days of school may be retained. We adhere to all regula ons regarding extended illness which does
  not impact a endance averages.
  We communicate regularly with families to ensure that every scholar is able to meet our a endance requirement,
  including through the use of biweekly progress reports, three formal report cards, and the sharing of teacher phone
  numbers. Clarksdale Collegiate’s front office closely monitors a endance, and all daily a endance averages are part of
  our Academic Accountability Dashboard monthly report to the Board.
  In compliance with the Individuals with Disabili es Educa on Improvement Act (IDEA), all scholars with Individualized
  Educa on Programs (IEPs) or Sec on 504 Plans will need to meet all promo on criteria for Clarksdale Collegiate unless
  their IEP indicates separate goals in par cular content areas. If this is the case, sa sfactorily mee ng those goals will
  sa sfy that component of the promo on criteria of Clarksdale Collegiate.
  Promo on recommenda ons are made by classroom teachers, and final promo on decisions will be made by the
  Execu ve Director. Clarksdale Collegiate reserves the right to make excep ons to this policy given special


  Clarksdale Collegiate believes in providing a free and appropriate public educa on (FAPE) to all scholars. FAPE mandates
  that the school provides access to general educa on and specialized educa onal services. It also requires that scholars
  with disabili es receive support free of charge as is provided to non-disabled scholars. It also provides access to general
  educa on services for children with disabili es by encouraging that support and related services be provided to children
  in their general educa on se ngs as much as possible. Clarksdale Collegiate provides a variety of special educa on
  programs for scholars iden fied as having a disability as defined by the Individuals with Disabili es Educa on
  Improvement Act (IDEA). A scholar may receive special educa on services only through the proper evalua on and
  placement procedure. Parent/Guardian involvement in this procedure is required. More importantly, Clarksdale
Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
Collegiate encourages the parent to be an ac ve par cipant. A parent or guardian who believes his/her scholar may
  have a disability that interferes substan ally with the scholar’s ability to func on properly in school should contact the
  Execu ve Director.

             Response to Interven on
                 o If a determina on is made that a scholar needs addi onal supports, Clarksdale Collegiate will u lize its
                     Response to Interven on Process (RTI)/ Mul -Tiered Support System (MTSS) to determine the specific
                     interven ons needed by the scholar. In the RTI process, a struggling scholar is provided with
                     increasingly intensive instruc on in his/her area of academic weakness. The scholar’s progress is
                     monitored, and if there is no posi ve response or improvement, the scholar will be referred for tes ng
                     to determine eligibility for special educa on services and what services the scholar needs to succeed.
             Educa onal Evalua ons
                 o Clarksdale Collegiate staff members are charged with monitoring scholar academics and behavior to
                     iden fy scholars who may need addi onal supports or interven ons for academic success. If a staff
                     member no ces a lack of improvement, the staff member may request an educa onal evalua on by a
                     school psychologist with consent from a parent/legal guardian. In that instance, a Case Conference
                     Commi ee is formed and consist of the Execu ve Director, the teacher, Coordinator of Students
                     Supports and/or special educa on teacher, parents/guardians, and other involved professionals. The
                     case conference commi ee will make recommenda ons appropriate to the scholar’s needs.
             Services Provided
                 o Scholars who are determined to be eligible for services by a school psychologist will be provided
                     services deemed appropriate as determined and recommended by the scholar’s Case Conference
                     Commi ee. The recommenda ons may include a general interven onal plan, a screening, or an
                     educa onal evalua on that will be conducted according to IDEA/Ar cle 7 regula ons. Scholars who do
                     not qualify for services under IDEA/Ar cle 7 may be considered for Sec on 504 services under the
                     Rehabilita on Act.

 If, for any reason, a scholar must withdraw from school, the scholar’s family should inform Clarksdale Collegiate office
 prior to or on their child’s last day of a endance. School records will be forwarded when the new school makes the
 request. We ask that all families complete a quick exit survey to help the school improve based on the feedback
 provided. The survey is op onal but highly encouraged.
 Parents have 48 hours to have scholars enrolled in another school or be reported to the appropriate child protec on
 authori es.
 There are a number of basic procedures Clarksdale Collegiate has in order to ensure the safety and security of its scholars
 and staff. Coopera on on everyone’s part will go a long way in guaranteeing that the business of Clarksdale Collegiate –
 teaching and learning – can take place. Clarksdale Collegiate may take reasonable ac on against a scholar and/or
 parent/guardian for failure to follow school policies and procedures that may risk the safety and security of scholars, staff
 and school community, including dismissal from Clarksdale Collegiate. Please refer to Clarksdale Collegiate Code of
 Conduct and Parent Comportment Policy.

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
 Under no circumstances are scholars to leave Clarksdale Collegiate building without permission. A scholar with
 permission to leave may only leave under the escort and supervision of an authorized adult. Families should be aware
 that Clarksdale Collegiate has several neighbors and should be respec ul and courteous of their needs. Once scholars
 have entered Clarksdale Collegiate in the morning, they may not leave the building unless they are escorted by a school
 staff member or other authorized adult.
 All visitors are required to report to the Front Desk upon entering the building. Visitors must wear a visitor badge on a
 CCPCS lanyard around their necks at all mes. Any visitor, including a parent/guardian, who does not report to the office
 or is found in the building without authoriza on will be asked to leave immediately. Parents are encouraged to visit
 Clarksdale Collegiate; parent involvement is discussed in more detail later in this handbook. Parents should give
 Clarksdale Collegiate 24 hour no ce of a visit so that we can be sure to accommodate them, and to ensure that we have
 an accurate list of all daily visitors to Clarksdale Collegiate.
  Please note, we do not allow parent visits for the first month of school, as scholars are acclima ng to Clarksdale

Clarksdale Collegiate is pleased to announce that we will begin using the Raptor Visitor Management System in our school to
strengthen our program of campus safety for students and faculty. Part of keeping students and faculty safe is knowing who is
in our buildings at all mes, and the Raptor system will allow us to do that. The Raptor system will be er allow us to screen
visitors, contractors, and volunteers in our schools and provide us with a safer environment for our students and staff.

Upon entering our building, visitors will be asked to present an ID such as a Driver’s License, which can either be scanned or
manually entered into the system. If a parent or guardian for any reason does not have a US government-issued ID, the school
staff member can use any form of iden fica on and manually enter the person’s name into the Raptor system. The Raptor
system will check to ensure that registered sexual offenders are not entering our school campuses without our knowledge.
The Raptor system checks the visitor's name and date of birth for comparison with a na onal database of registered sex
offenders. The registered sex offender database is the only official database checked by the Raptor system. No other data
from the ID is gathered or recorded and the informa on is not shared with any outside agency. Once entry is approved, Raptor
will issue a badge that iden fies the visitor, the date, and the purpose of his/her visit. A visitor’s badge will not be necessary
for those who visit our schools simply to drop off an item in the office or pick up paperwork.

The safety of our students is our highest priority and the Raptor visitor management system allows us to quickly iden fy those
that may present a danger to our students. Thank you in advance for your understanding and your support in enhancing the
school safety protocols in our school.

In case of an emergency – if a staff member sees fire or smells smoke – he or she will close the door and pull the fire
alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, school staff will assemble scholars in their rooms and proceed out of the building
according to the fire evacua on plan posted in each room. Scholars should follow the direc on of the staff, who will lead
scholars outside the building to the designated loca ons, where school staff will line up scholars by class and take
a endance.
During the first month of school and frequently throughout the year, scholars and staff will par cipate in fire drills to
ensure that the en re school community is familiar with the appropriate response in the event of an emergency.
Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
Clarksdale Collegiate is located at 1012 W 2nd Street, Clarksdale, MS 38614. Our
website is
Our phone number is 662-351-0106.
It is vitally important that Clarksdale Collegiate have methods of contac ng parents or other family members at all mes.
This is of cri cal importance in case of emergency, illness, or behavior requiring immediate family contact. Parents should
no fy the office of moves, changes of home or emergency telephone numbers, address and/or places of employment as
soon as possible.
In case of an emergency, parents or guardians should contact the Front Desk either by phone or in person. Under no
circumstances should parents or guardians contact scholars in their classrooms or a empt to withdraw scholars from the
building without no fying and receiving permission from staff members at the Front Desk.

  Parental involvement in a child’s educa onal life is cri cal to a child’s success. We encourage parents to develop strong
  posi ve partnerships with Clarksdale Collegiate.
  Visi ng Classes
  Our school has an open door policy that allows parents to sit in on class during any me a er the first month of school
  given 24-hour no ce. During the beginning of school, it is cri cal for scholars to transi on into their new se ng, and
  parental presence in the classroom can slow this process. A er our open house, we encourage parents to come into the
  classroom and see our amazing teachers and scholars at work. When observing in the classroom, parents are asked not
  to disrupt the educa on of their child or of other children or to a empt to conduct individual conversa ons with the
  teacher during instruc onal me. Parents who are disrup ve to the educa onal process will be asked to leave. Parents
  need to sign in at the Front Desk before visi ng a classroom and wear a visitor lanyard while at Clarksdale Collegiate.
  Clarksdale Collegiate Newsle er
  Newsle ers will be sent home once a month. The newsle ers will have cri cal informa on about upcoming school
  events, and parents are asked to read the newsle er carefully.
  Clarksdale Collegiate Weekly Update
  Weekly Updates that include upcoming events, important dates, and other important informa on are sent home weekly
  on Tuesdays. Please review the weekly newsle ers carefully for important informa on.
  Parent Conferences
  Parent-teacher conferences are a crucial component of our educa onal program. Parents are expected to a end
  conferences at the end of each trimester and at other mes as requested by the classroom teacher or Execu ve Director.
  Parent conference days are scheduled for the end of each trimester. Parents should plan on a ending a 15- minute
  conference during that school day or that evening. Parents may bring children with them, but are expected to supervise
  them while at school.

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
  Clarksdale Collegiate believes that a posi ve and construc ve working rela onship between Clarksdale Collegiate and a
  scholar’s Parent/Guardian(s) is essen al to fulfilling Clarksdale Collegiate’s mission and crea ng a culture in which
  scholars, parents, and school staff work together with respect, civility and trust. Should a Parent/Guardian’s ac ons,
  inac ons, or behavior while at Clarksdale Collegiate and toward school staff be in conflict with the mission of Clarksdale
  Collegiate, its goals, or in viola on of Clarksdale Collegiate policies stated herein, the Execu ve Director will inform the
  parent/guardian of the issue and provide the parent/guardian the opportunity to cure the situa on and, as applicable,
  change his/her problema c behavior.
  If any of parents/guardians believes that he or she, or their scholar has been subjected to harassment, he/she should file
  a complaint with the Execu ve Director (our Title IX Coordinator) at 662-351-0106 or This may be done in wri ng or orally.
  If any employee, whether a supervisor or manager, suspects that harassment is occurring, they are required to no fy the
  Execu ve Director, who is the Title IX Coordinator for Clarksdale Collegiate. In cases involving the Execu ve Director,
  report should go to the Director of Opera ons, Nikki N. Hall at

  All parents/guardians should take special note that, as stated above, retalia ng against an individual who has
  complained about harassment, and retalia ng against individuals for coopera ng with an inves ga on of a harassment
  complaint is unlawful and will not be tolerated by this organiza on.

  We strongly encourage families to ensure that scholars do not bring valuable objects to school. Any items that scholars
  bring to school that may cause a disrup on will be confiscated at Clarksdale Collegiate. We make every reasonable effort
  to return all personal property to the appropriate parent; however, Clarksdale Collegiate is not responsible for replacing
  lost, damaged or stolen property or compensa ng the family for the value of that property.
  Scholar Drop-Off
  Families who drive scholars to school in the morning must pull up to the lane outside the Clarksdale Collegiate entrance
  and wait their turn before allowing their child to exit the car. Our doors open at 7:15 am. At that me, a Clarksdale
  Collegiate staff member will be there to greet the car and escort the scholar safely into the building. Scholars should be
  seated in the passenger side of the car (curbside), with their backpacks in their laps and their coats on. Parents should
  not exit vehicles during drop-off.
  The safety and security of Clarksdale Collegiate’s scholars and staff is our priority. Accordingly, parents must adhere to
  the above pick-up and drop-off policies and are kindly requested to respect other families picking-up and dropping off
  their children.
  Scholar Pick-Up
  Parents/guardians or their designees may pick scholars up directly from school at dismissal me. Only individuals with
  prior wri en consent may pick up scholars. Parents may not go to the classroom to dismiss their scholars before the
  regular dismissal me as this is very disrup ve to class. No one other than designated par es will be permi ed to pick
  up a scholar. Car riders will line up silently in the hall and the staff will dismiss scholars one at a me for pick-up as
  parents arrive at Clarksdale Collegiate. Riders will be walked to cars via the Clarksdale Collegiate entrance on the
  eastside of the building.

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
  Clarksdale Collegiate par cipates in the Na onal School Breakfast and Lunch Program, which provides free or reduced
  price meals and free milk to eligible scholars. If necessary, each scholar will be given an applica on for families to
  complete at the beginning of the year.
  Breakfast is served from 7:20 un l 7:45 a.m. Scholars who arrive late may miss breakfast service. Scholars may either
  receive breakfast and lunch from Clarksdale Collegiate or bring their own lunches from home.
  Scholars are welcome to bring lunch from home. They will not have access to a microwave to heat lunch or a refrigerator
  to store lunch. Soda, sugary drinks, “junk food” and candy are not permi ed. We will send unhealthy food back home
  with the scholar.
  Because we want to ensure that our scholars are healthy, we have a healthy snack policy. Scholars have a ernoon snack
  and we always offer a fruit or other healthy snack (such as pretzels, whole wheat goldfish, yogurt, or string cheese).
  Scholars do not need to bring a snack from home, but if they do bring a snack from home, it needs to be healthy.
  Examples of healthy snacks include fruit bars, granola bars, celery, carrots, strawberries, grapes, apples, and 100% fruit,
  dried fruit snacks. Examples of unhealthy snacks include potato chips, Cheetos, cookies, fruit roll- ups, and cupcakes,
  even if the serving is in a 100-calorie pack. Please note that juice boxes are only permi ed if they are 100% juice. If a
  snack is not considered healthy by the classroom teacher, he or she will ask the child to take the snack home and eat
  one of Clarksdale Collegiate snacks instead.
  Clarksdale Collegiate will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate scholars with food allergies. Parents are
  required to inform Clarksdale Collegiate and fill out necessary health forms. Once parents have informed
  Clarksdale Collegiate, school officials will meet with the family in order to develop an Individual Health Care Plan.
  Sharing or trading of food is prohibited for all scholars.
  Clarksdale Collegiate maintains a nut-free environment due to mul ple scholar allergies. Accordingly, please do
  not pack any products containing nuts in your child’s lunch.
  In order to ensure every scholar is honored and celebrated on or close to their birthday, we will have a Monthly
  Birthday Party for the scholars with birthdays in that month. We will make this a special celebra on for every child
  which means we will not have individual classroom birthday par es.

  Also, on your child’s birthday, your child has permission to dress up. For that day or the school day closet to their
  birthday, they may come to school out of uniform in their favorite ou it.

  We will send party informa on to all parents/guardians when it is your child’s birthday month.
  If your child does not celebrate birthdays, or if they are not permi ed to celebrate birthdays, please send a note in
  wri ng informing us that your child is not to par cipate in birthday celebra ons. This note will be held in their file.
  Access and Request for Copies: A parent has the right to request access to his or her child’s temporary and permanent
  scholar record file. All requests to inspect or copy the scholar’s record must be in wri ng. Upon the review of the
  scholar’s record, if a parent or scholar finds that his or her scholar record includes inaccurate, misleading, unnecessary
  or irrelevant informa on, the family should bring any such informa on to the a en on of the Execu ve Director. All

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
requests to access and copy records should be directed to the Execu ve Director.
  Confiden ality: The Family Educa onal Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires consent of a parent, legal guardian, or
  eligible scholar in order to release scholar educa on records. An eligible scholar is a scholar who has reached the age of
  eighteen (18). Clarksdale Collegiate will not release a scholar’s school record to anyone who is not authorized to receive
  the record, without receipt of a valid, signed school record release form or valid court order.
  Clarksdale Collegiate may disclose records without consent under the following condi ons:
             ●     School officials with legi mate educa onal interest
             ●     Other schools to which a scholar is transferring
             ●     Specified officials for audit or evalua on purposes
             ●     Appropriate par es in connec on with financial aid to a scholar
             ●     Organiza ons conduc ng certain studies for or on behalf of Clarksdale Collegiate
             ●     Accredi ng organiza ons
             ●     To comply with judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena
             ●     Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies
             ●     State and local authori es, within juvenile jus ce system, pursuant to specific State law
   Photographs, Video, Audio, Recorded Comments: For the purpose of publicizing scholar and school accomplishments,
   and/or documen ng and studying teacher prac ce, Clarksdale Collegiate Charter School has a prac ce of recording
   scholar life through photography, video, audio, or otherwise recorded comments. In the event a parent or eligible
   scholar objects to the release or publica on of any of the above, the parent/eligible scholar may state that objec on in
   wri ng via the media release form to the Execu ve Director. Parents have already signed consent forms in their
   enrollment packets. Absent receipt of a wri en objec on, any of the above may be released without further no ce or
  Clarksdale Collegiate does not discriminate in admission to, access to, treatment in, or employment in its services,
  programs and ac vi es, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or na onal origin, in accordance with Title VI and Title
  VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI and Title VII); on the basis of sex, gender iden ty and/or expression, sexual
  orienta on or marital status in accordance with Title IX of the Educa on Amendments of 1972; on the basis of disability,
  in accordance with Sec on 504 of the Rehabilita on Act of 1973 (Sec on 504) and Title II of the Americans with
  Disabili es Act of 1990 (ADA); on the basis of age, in accordance with the Age Discrimina on in Employment Act of 1974
  (ADEA); or on the basis of any other protected category pursuant state and federal law.

  I. Acceptable Use
  The Internet is a global network linking computers around the world. Clarksdale Collegiate offers Internet access to
  scholars and staff. The primary purpose of providing access to the Internet is to support the educa onal mission of
  Clarksdale Collegiate. Clarksdale Collegiate expects that scholars and staff will use this access in a manner consistent
  with this purpose. While the Internet is a tremendous resource for electronic informa on, it has the poten al for abuse.
  Clarksdale Collegiate makes no warran es of any kind, whether implied or expressed, for the service it is providing.
  Clarksdale Collegiate shall be held harmless from and against any responsibility, liability, damages or suit that may arise
  as a result of or related to a scholar’s or staff’s use of Clarksdale Collegiate’s Internet, school network, and/or computers.
  Clarksdale Collegiate makes no guarantees, implied or otherwise, regarding the factual reliability of data available over
  the Internet. Users of Clarksdale Collegiate’s Internet service assume full responsibility for any costs, liabili es, or
  damages arising from the way they choose to use their access to the Internet.

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
II. Unacceptable Use
  The following is a list of prohibited behaviors. The list is not exhaus ve but illustrates unacceptable uses of Clarksdale
  Collegiate’s Internet Service:
        ●    Disclosing, using or dissemina ng personal iden fica on informa on about self or others including, but not
             limited to, Internet account numbers, passwords, etc.;
        ●    Accessing, sending or forwarding materials or communica ons that are defamatory, abusive, pornographic,
             obscene, profane, sexually explicit, threatening, harassing, racially or sexually offensive, or illegal;
        ●    Using the Internet service for any illegal ac vi es such as gaining unauthorized access to other systems,
             arranging for the sale or purchase of drugs or alcohol, par cipa ng in criminal gang ac vity, threatening
             others, transferring obscene material, or a emp ng to do any of the above;
        ●    Vandalizing school computers by causing physical damage, reconfiguring the computer system, a emp ng to
             disrupt the computer system, or destroying data by spreading computer viruses or by any other means;
        ●    Copying or downloading copyrighted material without authoriza on from the copyright holder, unless the
             copies are used for teaching (including mul ple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research as
             determined by school staff. Users shall not copy and forward or copy and upload any copyrighted material
             without prior approval of the Execu ve Director, nor shall users violate any so ware license agreements, or
             any applicable federal, state or local laws concerning copyright;
        ●    Using the network or Internet while privileges are revoked or suspended; and
        ●    Plagiarizing material obtained from the Internet. Any material obtained from the Internet and included in one's
             own work must be cited and credited by name or by electronic address or path on the Internet. Informa on
             obtained through E-mail or news sources must also be credited as to sources.

Any viola on of the above policy may result in the loss of computer, Internet and network privileges, and possible disciplinary
ac on and/or appropriate legal ac on (See Viola ons below).

Safety Issues
The following are basic safety rules pertaining to all types of Internet applica ons.
       •    Never reveal any iden fying informa on such as last names, ages, addresses, phone numbers, parents' names,
            parents' employers or work addresses, or photographs.
       •    Use the "back" key whenever you encounter a site that you believe is inappropriate or makes you feel
       •    Immediately tell a teacher if you receive a message that you believe is inappropriate or makes you feel
       •    Never share your password or use another person's password. Internet passwords are provided for each user's
            personal use only. If you suspect that someone has discovered your password, you should change it
            immediately and no fy a teacher.

Users should not have an expecta on of privacy or confiden ality in the content of electronic communica ons or other
computer files sent and received on Clarksdale Collegiate computer network or stored in the user's directory or on a disk
drive. Clarksdale Collegiate reserves the right to examine all data involved in the user's use of Clarksdale Collegiate’s Internet
service. Internet messages are public communica on and are not private. All communica ons including text and images may
be disclosed to law enforcement or other third par es without prior consent of the sender or the receiver. Network
administrators may review communica ons to maintain integrity system-wide and ensure that users are using the system
Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
Viola ons
Access to Clarksdale Collegiate’s Internet service is a privilege not a right. Clarksdale Collegiate reserves the right to deny,
revoke or suspend specific user privileges and/or to take other disciplinary ac on, up to and including suspension,
expulsion (scholars), or dismissal (staff) for viola ons of this policy. Clarksdale Collegiate will advise appropriate law
enforcement agencies of illegal ac vi es conducted through Clarksdale Collegiate’s Internet service. Clarksdale Collegiate
also will cooperate fully with local, state, and/or federal officials in any inves ga on related to any illegal ac vi es
conducted through the service.


Parents of Kindergarten scholars and of older scholars with a record of bathroom accidents are required to send an extra
pair of pants, underwear, and socks to school. Your child can quickly and easily change clothes if parents have provided a
change of clothes. If a child has an accident and does not have a change of clothes, we will provide loaner pants and
underwear for your child and require it to be washed and returned to school. Parents will be charged for clothing that is
not returned within 7 days.

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook

 Student Behavior
 The learning environment at Clarksdale Collegiate must be treated as sacred and special! It is essen al that we
 create and maintain a school culture that is suppor ve and safe for all scholars. In order to build a culture of
 community, growth, and achievement, everyone must act in a manner that promotes and maintains safety,
 posi vity, and respect for all. Conduct will be tracked and reported similarly to academic performance because we
 believe that sound choices and character are just as impera ve as grades. We “sweat the small stuff” because we
 believe that when you are inten onal about all of the details, you are able to be self- disciplined and take ownership
 for your choices. This means that we recognize scholars for posi ve choices, as well as hold scholars accountable for
 choices that have a nega ve impact. Like praise, recogni on, and awards, consequences are also earned.
 Consequences hold scholars accountable for their choices and give them an opportunity to learn and grow.
 Consequences are not a permanent measure of our character, they are responses to our individual choices to be
 remembered and learned from.

 School Rules
 Clarksdale Collegiate has four school wide rules and many expecta ons. All expecta ons fall under one of the four
        - Working hard means always doing my best work, comple ng all classwork and homework on me, and
            coming to school on me every day prepared for the day.
        - Being nice means trea ng others the way I want to be treated.
        - Staying safe means following the expecta ons at all mes especially when on the bus, playing on the
            playground or when on a field lesson.
        - Demonstra ng urgency means staying on task at all mes to learn and grow as much as possible in
            prepara on for college success.

 Behavior Management System
 Our discipline system is broken down into three- ers:
          ●    Tier 1 - Minor fixable misbehavior.
          ●    Tier 2 - Observable choices that violate school rules.
          ●    Tier 3 - Decisions that compromise the safety of others or are destruc ve in nature.
 The list below is not intended to address the en re spectrum of student behavior; instead it outlines a range of expected
 responses for certain inappropriate choices. The school will always address student misbehavior, even if it isn’t listed
 here. All choices will be tracked using DeansList.

Tier-1 Misbehaviors
 These misbehaviors are minor in nature, but are unacceptable choices that do not meet the expecta ons that Clarksdale
 Collegiate has outlined for scholars. Students will lose paycheck dollars for all er 1 infrac ons. You will consequently
 earn silent lunch or loss recess if you lose five or more paycheck dollars (or reach the third step on the ladder of
 consequences) for repeated poor choices.

              -Talking at an inappropriate me
              -Calling out

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
-Off Task
              -Disrup ve
              -Inappropriate response or non-responsive
              -Out of seat without permission
              -Sleeping in class/Head on the desk and observably not working
              -Ea ng candy or chewing gum

 Ladder of Consequences
       Tier-1 Misbehavior           Teacher Response
       1st Time                     Address the individual (opportunity to fix behavior w/o paycheck deduc on)
       2nd Time                     Address the individual and $1 paycheck deduc on
       3rd Time                     Address the individual, $1 paycheck deduc on and a logical consequence
                                    (si ng away from group, me out in class, silent lunch, etc.)

  Tier 2 Misbehaviors
  Tier 2 misbehaviors account for choices where scholars are observably disregarding the expecta ons or repeatedly
  choosing not to meet a clearly defined or stated expecta on. These types of infrac ons warrant an automa c paycheck
  deduc on and logical consequence.
          -Ignoring a teacher’s direc on
          -Being disrespec ul to teacher or scholar (verbal and non-verbal)
          -Using inappropriate language or gestures
          -Physically engaging with another student while horse playing
          -Leaving class without permission

       Tier-2 Misbehavior           Teacher Response
       1st Time                     Address the individual, $2 paycheck deduc on and logical consequence
       2nd Time                     Address the individual, $2 paycheck deduc on and a phone call home

  Tier 3 Misbehavior
  Tier 3 misbehavior includes any act that compromises the safety of a fellow scholar or any other member/visitor of the
  school community, inten onal destruc on of property, or deliberate non-compliance of a school expecta on. These
  types of infrac ons always earn a student a referral to an administrator and a $4 paycheck deduc on.
  -Repeated Tier 1 or 2 behaviors
  -Damaging school property
  -Tantrum that puts others in danger
  -Blatant disrespect to scholar or teacher
  -Physically engaging with another scholar maliciously

Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
Tracking Behavior
  In an effort to improve communica on regarding behavior, we have developed a partnership with DeansList to provide
  weekly informa on that scholars, parents, and teachers will be able to review and discuss. All scholars will be receiving a
  weekly paper progress report paycheck that a parent/guardian must sign.

  Below is a list of the deposits and deduc ons that the paycheck system will u lize to assess and provide feedback on
  your choices each week. THIS IS NOT REAL MONEY ☺ Scholar dollars will allow scholars to earn addi onal
  opportuni es, rewards and privileges throughout the year. You will begin the week with $10.

             $10 – $(deduc ons) + $(deposits) = $                                      (paycheck amount)

    Deduc ons                                                                                                -

     Uniform Viola on                                                                                  $2
    Missing Homework Assignment                                                                        $2
    Incomplete Homework Assignment                                                                     $1
    Tier 1 Misbehaviors:                                                                               $1
                 -Talking at an inappropriate me
                 -Calling out
                 -Off Task
                 -Disrup ve
                 -Inappropriate response or non-responsive
                 -Out of seat without permission
                 -Sleeping in class/Head on the desk and observably not working
                 -Ea ng candy or chewing gum
    Tier 2 Misbehaviors                                                                                $2
             -Ignoring a teacher’s direc on
             -Being disrespec ul to teacher or scholar (verbal and non-verbal)
             -Using inappropriate language or gestures
             -Physically engaging with another student while horse playing
             -Leaving class without permission

    Tier 3 Infrac on                                                                                   $4
              -Repeated Tier 1 or 2 behaviors
              -Damaging school property
              -Major tantrum that puts others in danger
              -Blatant disrespect to scholar or teacher
              -Physically engaging with another scholar maliciously
    Deposits                                                                                                +
    Being present and on me in the morning                                                            $3
    Being present but tardy in the morning                                                            $2
    Being present the en re a ernoon                                                                  $3
    Being present but checking out early in the a ernoon                                              $2
    Having all homework turned in and complete                                                        $2
Clarksdale Collegiate 2020– 2021 Handbook
You can also read