Parent - scholar handbook 2019 2020
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PARENT – SCHOLAR HANDBOOK Greetings, On behalf of the Board of Directors, Principal, Faculty, and Staff at Charlotte Choice Charter we welcome you here at CCC. We are excited that you have decided to enroll your scholars in our school and look forward to a rewarding school year. This handbook is designed to acquaint you with policies and expectations of the school as well as give parents information that will be beneficial throughout the school year. Please use the material as a guide to a successful year. The purpose of this guide is to provide you with valuable information that will help you better understand some of the routines and procedures of Charlotte Choice Charter School . You have chosen Charlotte Choice Charter as your school of choice and it is our desire to make sure CCC is a tuition free public school of choice. It is our endeavor to meet the academic, social, physical, and emotional needs of not only your scholar, but all scholars. Our goal is to provide a curriculum of rigor and a rich learning experience in the classroom. Thank you again for choosing Charlotte Choice Charter as your school of choice. We work very hard to meet your expectations and ours. In order to meet and exceed our expectations, we need the support of our parents. The support of parents will ensure that we are creating and maintaining a safe, clean, nurturing environment in which all scholars feel accepted, valued, respected, and ready to learn. We look forward to serving your scholars. High expectation equal high achievement for all. Page 2
MOTTO: High expectation equal high achievement for all. OUR MISSION: The mission for Charlotte Choice Charter School, Inc. (CCC) is to cultivate a passion for learning and community service. Scholars will reach high academic expectations and will be challenged at the appropriate level through an engaging curriculum that places an emphasis on math, reading, character education, and real life application. OUR VISION: Charlotte Choice Charter visualizes becoming an exemplary public charter school that serves scholars in grades K-8. We aspire to be an exceptionally innovative and socially responsible school dedicated to preparing scholars for success in the 21st century environment beginning in Kindergarten. To this end, we will strive to make sure all scholars will have the following: • Challenging learning experiences taught by highly qualified teachers, business partners, local artists, and other community partners working collaboratively to prepare scholars to become globally-conscious learners beginning in Kindergarten; • A challenging curriculum grounded in the Common Core and Essential Standards and national standards that utilize research-based instructional methodology to deliver instructions to a diverse body of learners; • A challenging curriculum designed to meet the needs of all learners that prepares them for diverse careers that utilizes 21st century skills, tools, technologies, and techniques beginning in Kindergarten; • Classes taught by educators who value learning and seek continual professional growth and development in their area(s) of expertise. To carry out this vision, a deep collaboration involving the entire school faculty, parents, scholars, and community partners will be essential to the success of the scholars at all grade levels. OUR GOAL: At Charlotte Choice Charter, our goal is to prepare scholars to possess the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and talents to become successful 21st century learners. TEACHER OBJECTIVE: To maximize the available time on task each day to provide high quality, well- planned, and differentiated instruction aimed at meeting the needs of all scholars in all grades and in all subjects. OUR BELIEFS: We believe in preparing scholars to become productive citizens through learning experiences that develop and encourage leadership, scholarship, citizenship, and community service beginning in Kindergarten. We believe that in order for our scholars to compete globally, we must provide hands-on learning experiences that incorporate technology, educational fieldtrips, economic literacy and financial-literacy skills throughout the curriculum for all scholars in grades K-8. We believe that as 21st century learners, scholars will have access to technology and other tools that will enable them to become global learners, critical thinkers, and socially conscious beginning in Kindergarten. We believe that parents and community members are vital to the success of our scholars, our school, and our staff. We believe that how a scholar starts out in Kindergarten is an excellent indicator of his/her future goals and aspirations. We Page 3
will inspire, motivate, and prepare our scholars for college and other highly skilled avenues for future success beginning in Kindergarten! CHARLOTTE CHOICE CHARTER PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my school, that I excel and follow every rule. To keep me safe and show respect, to be organized and attentive is what I expect. Responsibility is the key, patience and leadership was given to me. So panthers, panthers we shall soar, panthers, panthers hear me roar. Page 4
Academic Expectations Every effort will be made to insure a scholar’s academic success at Charlotte Choice Charter. Time for extended learning will be offered during the school day as well as after school. Teachers and parents must work closely together to ensure a scholar’s academic success. Parents with scholars experiencing academic and social difficulty are encouraged to meet with their respective teacher. Admission Policy The application of any eligible scholar and parent who agree to adhere to school’s policies will be accepted if space is available. The open enrollment period for each year’s new class will begin January through March of each year. Charlotte Choice Charter (CCC) will give priority pre-lottery status in admissions to the following scholars: • Scholars who are the sibling of an already admitted and continuing scholar enrolled in CCC. • Scholars who are the scholars of a current teacher or founding board member of the charter school (school’s first year). Scholars in these categories will be admitted automatically. If the number of applications received during open enrollment exceeds the available number of openings, then these applications will be placed in a lottery and assigned placement numbers as they are drawn. The lottery, if necessary, will be held shortly after the end of the enrollment period and is open to the public. Available classroom seats will be determined by the number of scholars reenrolling for the next school year. All scholars intending to re-enroll for the next year will be given the opportunity to do so by filling out a “Letter of Intent” to re-enroll. This form will be sent home prior to the end of the third quarter of school. If a parent fails to return the Letter of Intent by the given due date, they will not be guaranteed a seat and must reapply for enrollment. If, by the close of the open enrollment period, there are still openings available in a grade, then scholars will be admitted on a first come, first served basis. Applications received after open enrollment will be noted with the time and date received, and the scholars become eligible for admission in the order received until all currently available openings are filled. Applications will be accepted after classes begin. Once a class is full, applications will be placed on a waiting list in the order drawn by lottery or received after the lottery to be admitted to openings created by transfers as they become available. Incoming new scholars will not be enrolled until after January 15. After notification of acceptance, a scholar registration packet must be completed and submitted prior to the scholar’s attending class. This includes health forms, birth certificate, and other required information. No new scholars will be allowed to begin classes until proof of promotion from their previous school has been received by Charlotte Choice Charter. Charlotte Choice Charter will not enroll pupils over 19 years of age unless they have been continuously enrolled in a North Carolina public school upon turning age 19. Charlotte Choice Charter admits all scholars regardless of race, ethnic background, or religious preference. Page 5
Before & After School Program The Before & After School Program (BASEP) at Charlotte Choice Charter provides a warm, caring environment beyond school hours where your children have an opportunity to interact with school friends and get homework completed before they arrive home. BASEP offers exciting activities which stimulate children to be healthier and happier, including art activities, computer exploration, STEAM activities, EOG preparation, games and sports. BASEP utilizes age-appropriate materials and equipment for students. Using a curriculum correlated with the Common Core and Essential Standards, the BASEP coordinator, school administrators and teachers work together to ensure the program supports the learning taking place during the school day. Besides academic support, the BASEP program focuses on the development of students’ social skills. Program leaders are respectful and positive toward students, mindful of the importance of appropriate role models. Students are encouraged to develop friendships with schoolmates that for some will last many years. Registration Fee: $47.00 family registration fee payable at time of registration Weekly fees per student: Before school – only $ 35.00 per week After school – only $ 50.00 per week Before & After school $ 70.00 per week Teacher Workday $ 25.00 per day (additional per day) Break Care $100.00 per week Teacher Workday only $ 50.00 per day Important Information: Early closing: September 18, 2019; October 23, 2019, November 20, 2019; January 22, 2020; February 19, 2020; March 18, 2020; May 20, 2020 Optional Break Care: Registration is on a first come, first served basis. Enrollment cannot exceed staffing as ratios must be maintained. Proof of payment must be received prior to service being rendered. Payment is due by Monday of each week. Payment is late on Tuesday and a late payment fee of $20.00 will be assessed. Payment options: ACH checks, Credit, Debit and prepaid cards accepted Late pick up penalty: $1.00 per minute Compliance with Other Laws The school shall comply with all applicable federal laws and regulations, including, but not limited to such laws and regulations governing employment, environment, disabilities, and civil rights, scholars with special Page 6
needs, transportation, and scholar records. The School shall comply with all applicable health and safety laws and regulations, whether federal, state, or local. Equal Education Opportunities Charlotte Choice Charter provides equal education opportunities for all scholars and does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, disability, nationality, or religious affiliation. The school adheres to the legal obligations and requirements under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Act Amendments of 1997, including identification, evaluation, and provision of an appropriate education. Grievances During the academic year problems and misunderstandings between scholars, parents, and teachers may arise. The best way to resolve these problems is to keep an open, yet orderly channel of communication between all parties. The following is a strategy that will allow an open channel of communication between parents and the staff of CCC. The following steps are critical in maintaining a sense of discipline. Step 1: Make an appointment with your scholar’s teacher or team to discuss issues and concerns. Remember that teachers will not be able to have conferences and lengthy conversations in the classroom or in the hallway during class time. If you are not satisfied with the results from a teacher conference go to Step 2. Step 2: Contact the Principal and request a conference between yourself, the teacher, and the Principal. The Principal will contact you with the conference time and location. Please allow 3-5 days for a written response from the Principal unless it is an issue that threatens immediate safety, physical, mental, or emotional health or constitutes a criminal act. If you are not satisfied with the results of this conference go to step 3. Step 3: Fill out the conflict resolution form to request a meeting with the CCC Executive Committee. Please include your concerns and the results from the previous meetings. Please allow 3-5 days for a written response from the school unless it is an issue that threatens immediate safety, physical, mental, or emotional health or constitutes a criminal act. Retention Each scholar progresses at his/her own individual rate and level of preparation. There are times, however, when the teacher believes it would benefit a scholar to spend an additional year at the same grade level. If the scholar has made every effort to master the content, worked cooperatively with peers, and conducted himself/herself in a manner that demonstrated willingness and readiness for learning, the scholar will be guaranteed a space in the same grade the following year. On the other hand, if the scholar has not made consistent effort as noted by his/her teachers, the scholar will be retained and placed at the bottom of the waiting list. In such a case, the scholar may not be guaranteed a space for the following year due to space limitations. The decision to retain the scholar will be based on the evaluation of a number of assessments, including end-of-grade scores, achievement of mastery, and other academic considerations specific to grade level and the Charlotte Choice Charter School philosophy. Additionally, a scholar may be retained if the scholar exceeds the maximum number of allowable absences of twelve days. Page 7
The teacher’s responsibility is to present this recommendation to the Principal. After discussion with the teacher, a parent who does not agree with the decision to retain may appeal the decision to the Principal by requesting a hearing. Additionally, the charter school law was amended to include the following: Reading Proficiency and Scholar Promotion Scholars in the third grade shall be retained if the scholar fails to demonstrate reading proficiency by reading at or above the third grade level as demonstrated by the results of the State-approved standardized test of reading comprehension administered to third grade scholars. The charter school shall provide reading interventions to retained scholars to remediate reading deficiency, which may include 90 minutes of daily, uninterrupted, evidence-based reading instruction, accelerated reading classes, transition classes containing third and fourth grade scholars, and summer reading camps. Exceptions to the mandatory retention required by the law are available and should be discussed with the Principal. Solicitations All solicitations are prohibited without the permission of the administration. This includes the selling of tickets, candy, the distribution of political materials, the circulation of petitions, etc. General School Expectations Attendance All scholars are expected to be at school each day unless they are ill or there is an emergency. North Carolina law requires certain attendance information, including parent documentation when a scholar is absent. (Public School Laws 1 15C-3 78) In certain cases, travel for an educational purpose may be excused. Approval must be obtained before the travel. It is the policy of the Board that any scholar with more than 12 absences (excused or unexcused) shall be retained. Parents may appeal this if a medical condition exists which may have prevented normal attendance. If your scholar is absent from school, please send a note with your scholar on his/her return stating the reason for the absence. Notes should be received at school no later than 2 days after the absence. Undocumented absences cannot be excused. If the scholar is ill, the parent should call the office by 9:00 a.m. to report the absence each day that the scholar is out. In case of extended absences due to illness, the teacher(s) will work with the returning scholar to schedule make-up work and test arrangements within a reasonable time frame. Valid causes for absence will be illness, family emergency, and death in the immediate family. Anticipated Absence (Vacations) Page 8
When a parent knows in advance that his/her scholar will be absent for an extended period of time, the parent must inform the principal in writing two weeks before the absence will occur. It is the responsibility of the scholar to obtain all assignments prior to their absence. All assignments must be completed and submitted the first day that the scholar returns to class. Although these days may be excused, they will still count against the total number of school days missed. Vacations are limited to one per year. Absence Due to Religious Observances Notification of anticipated absences due to religious holidays not designated in the school year calendar must be submitted by the parent/guardian to the Principal at the beginning of the school year. This will be placed in the scholar’s file. It is the responsibility of the scholar to obtain all assignments prior to the absence. All assignments must be completed and submitted the first day that the scholar returns to class. Tardiness If a scholar arrives after 8:15 a.m., the parent and scholar will need to go to the office to sign the scholar in and get an admittance slip to present to the teacher. Please note that failure to get up on time does not excuse a tardy. Scholars need to be in the building in class no later than 8:00 a.m. All scholars who are tardy must be signed in by the parent or adult. Without the signature of a responsible parent or adult, the scholar will be marked absent. An older school-aged scholar does not count as the responsible adult. If a scholar reports to school after 11:30am they are counted absent for that day. Truancy Truant is defined as a scholar subject to compulsory attendance who is absent without cause from such attendance for a school day or portion of the day. Bloodborne Pathogens Any staff or scholar who is diagnosed as having blood borne diseases, e.g., AIDS, HIV, HBV, etc. shall be allowed to continue to attend duties/school unless it is determined that the staff/scholar is too ill to attend or presents a health risk to others. In any case of communicable disease, strict adherence to control measures as defined by OSHA and the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Health Services will be observed. Bullying Bullying, intimidation, repeated teasing or taunting, or use of offensive or degrading language including, but not limited to, remarks that demeans a person’s race, religion, sex, national origin, disability, intellectual ability or physical attributes are specifically prohibited. CCC has a zero tolerance for bullying. Celebrations The CCC wellness policy goals will be considered in planning all school-based activities, such as school events, field trips, parties and assemblies. Foods and beverages served will be consistent with USDA standards: no carbonated beverages; products that are high in fiber, low in added fats, sugar and sodium, in appropriate portion sizes. Examples of appropriate foods and beverages include: water, 100% fruit juice or non-carbonated drinks with less than 150 calories per container; non-fat, low-fat, plain or flavored milk Graham crackers, animal crackers, fresh fruit and fresh vegetables Cookies, cake, and candy should not be brought to school for birthday or holiday celebrations. Page 9
Classroom Supplies Each teacher will issue a list of supplies required for the class and post it on the website before the beginning of the school year. Parents are expected to replace used supplies throughout the year. Classroom Visitation Visitors are welcome at Charlotte Choice Charter School. In order to arrange a classroom visit at the optimum time for both the visitor and the teacher(s), all visits are to be scheduled in advance by contacting the school office during regular school hours. We ask that visitors sign in upon arrival and sign out upon departure in the school office. Cell Phones The leadership and staff of Charlotte Choice Charter School prefer that scholars not have cell phones at school. However, we know that a large majority of parents have purchased cell phones for their scholars and they bring them to school. Cell phone rules include: 1. Scholars may not use their cell phone to make calls or send texts during the school day. 2. The cell phone must remain in a book bag or purse during the school day. 3. Scholars may not use the cell phone to make calls or send texts while on the school bus. 4. School personnel will confiscate visible cell phones and turn them in to the office. 5. A conference with the Principal is required for the return of the cell phone. It is the expectation of the Charlotte Choice Charter School staff that parents will be proactive in making sure their scholar follows the rules regarding cell phones. A scholar will be expected to comply with the staff member who asks for his/her phone. Contacting Teachers Charlotte Choice Charter encourages frequent and open communication between the parents and teaching staff. Parents should use email as the first option for contacting their scholar’s teacher. Parents can also call the school and leave a message for the teacher. Teachers will return calls after scholar dismissal. Discipline Charlotte Choice Charter School is an academic institution and, therefore, all behaviors should reflect the seriousness of this endeavor. CCC regards each scholar as a valuable part of the school community - a community which values the dignity and worth of each individual is created by each member taking personal responsibility for his or her behavior and respecting the personal and cultural differences of other members in the community. CCC’s scholars are expected to display a courteous attitude at all times. When scholars fail to do this, disciplinary action may take place. Discipline and self-control are essential to the academic and social success of each scholar. CCC is committed to helping scholars develop as productive citizens who demonstrate self-discipline, sound moral character, and respect for our community of unique individuals. The purpose of the discipline policy is to ensure a safe, positive, learning environment in the school while taking into consideration the behavioral development of the scholars. For this reason, the aim of disciplinary measures is to correct the scholars and help them learn from their mistakes except in cases where the behavior is so severe that it puts the safety or integrity of the school in jeopardy. In most cases, Page 10
the appropriate faculty members within the classroom setting will handle situations requiring discipline immediately and effectively. In some circumstances, either due to the seriousness or repetitive nature of the offense, intervention by the principal or his or her designee is warranted. In any action requiring probation or suspension the principal will be included in the decision-making process, and the parent or guardian will immediately be notified. If the behavior could result in expulsion, the principal will suspend the scholar, notify the Board and schedule a meeting of the parent or guardian with the Board. The decision of the Board will be final. Charlotte Choice Charter is implementing PAW: P – Parent Action A – Action (Alternative Intervention Methods W – Written Referral Scholar Expulsion and Exclusion Policy A pupil generally will not be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion and/or exclusion unless the CCC Principal determines that the pupil has: • Caused or attempted to cause or threatened to cause physical injury to another person. • Possessed, sold or otherwise furnished any fire arm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object, unless in the case of possession of any such object, the pupil had obtained written permission to possess the item from a certified school employee, which is concurred by the principle or the designee of the principal. • Unlawfully possessed, used, sold or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of any controlled substance or alcoholic beverage or an intoxicant of any kind. • Unlawfully offered, arranged or negotiated to sell any controlled substance or an intoxicant of any kind, and then either sold, delivered or otherwise furnished to any person another liquid, substance, or material and represented the liquid, substance, or materials as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant. • Committed robbery or extortion. • Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property. • Stolen or attempted to steal school property or private property. • Possessed or used tobacco, or any products containing tobacco or nicotine cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, or chew packets or betel. This section does not prohibit use or possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription products. • Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity. • Unlawfully offered, arranged or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia. • Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials or other personnel engaged in the performance of their duties. • Knowingly received stolen school property or private property. Disciplinary consequences for behavior violation of the Scholar Code of Conduct Scholars and parents will understand that the following disciplinary actions could be implemented for acts enumerated in this section and related to school activities which occur at any time, including (but not limited to) any of the following: while on school grounds, while going to or coming from school, during the lunch period whether on or off campus, during, or while going to or coming from, a school sponsored activity. Page 11
Act of Violence • Fighting is not allowed at CCC. This behavior is considered one of the most severe infringements on the rights of others. It is also a direct attack on the educational process. Acts of violence, whether directed at another scholar, teacher or adult will carry a severe penalty. Possible disciplinary actions: On-campus suspension, home suspension or expulsion. Flagrant or repeat offenses may result in a maximum consequence of expulsion and/or exclusion. Fighting on school buses warrants a 911 call. • Threatening to cause physical harm detracts from the educational setting and places scholars in fear. Thus, depending on the severity of these actions, the following disciplinary actions may result: On-campus suspension, work details, home suspension or recommendation for expulsion and/or exclusion. Weapons and Dangerous Objects • Possession of a defined weapon will not be tolerated. Possession of a weapon will result in disciplinary action -- home suspension or expulsion. • Possession of fireworks and explosives or the use of these items will also result in home suspension or expulsion. Tobacco, Drugs, and Alcohol CCC is a tobacco, drug and alcohol-free campus. Any possession or use of these substances is strictly prohibited. Offenses of the rule may result in on campus suspension, home suspension or expulsion. This rule, as all school rules apply for after school events and school trips. Possession of these substances with the intent to distribute or sell will result in expulsion. The sale of look-alike drugs will result in home suspension for the first offense and expulsion for any subsequent offense. Drug paraphernalia, whether possessed for use or with the intent to sell or distribute, will be seen as an attempt to promote the distribution and use of illegal drugs and will result in suspension or expulsion. Stealing, Robbery, or Extortion These offenses will result in on-campus suspension, work detail, home suspension or expulsion. The severity of the crime and the number of offenses will dictate the punishment. Damage to Property: Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property will result in the replacement of the damaged property by the scholar. The parent or guardian will also be held responsible for the replacement of the damaged property. Severe cases of damaging, defacing or mutilating school property such as arson, damage to windows, playground equipment, computers, etc. may result in the suspension (on campus or home) or expulsion and/or exclusion. Profanity, Obscene Acts, Demeaning Racial Statements and Vulgarity: These acts will be construed as an attack on the rights and privileges of other scholars who are attempting to receive an education and the rights of teachers to teach. Therefore, the attempt or act of projecting the above named actions whether on clothes, written, verbal or through gestures is in violation of school policy. The resulting disciplinary action will require: changing offensive clothing, work detail, on-campus suspension, home suspension, expulsion and/or exclusion or a combination of any of these actions. Page 12
Willful Disobedience Willful disobedience is the intentional defiance of teachers and/or staff. Such action may be exhibited while coming to and from school, on the bus, during the normal school day or on fieldtrips. For the safety of the scholar and other scholars and the establishment of a nurturing learning environment, respect for faculty, staff, and parents is necessary. All scholars will come to understand this policy. It may take more time, patience and understanding to illuminate the younger scholars; however, scholar safety and a positive educational environment must be maintained. Therefore, timeout, work details, and on campus suspension may be employed. Repeated disobedience may result in a request to have a scholar evaluated by other Behavior professionals. Every attempt will be made to correct the in appropriate behavior before actions of home suspension and expulsion are considered. Scholars are expected to demonstrate good citizenship and act in a reasonable manner. Failure to do so will result in a reprimand, work detail, suspension, expulsion and/or exclusion. Public displays of affection fall under this category. Sexual Harassment Prohibited sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Submission to the conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of an individual's employment, academic status or progress. Submission to or rejection of the conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic or employment decisions affecting the individual. The conduct has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact on the individual's academic or work performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational or work environment and submission to or rejection of the conduct by the individual is used as the basis for any decision affecting the individual regarding benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities at or through the school. Other types of conduct that are prohibited and may constitute sexual harassment include: • Unwelcome leering, sexual flirtations or propositions • Unwelcome sexual slurs, epithets, verbal abuse, derogatory comments or sexually degrading descriptions • Graphic verbal comments about an individual's body, or overly personal conversation • Sexual jokes, stories, drawings, pictures or gestures • Spreading sexual rumors • Teasing or sexual remarks about scholars enrolled in a predominantly single-sex class • Touching an individual's body or clothes in a sexual way • Purposefully limiting a scholar's access to educational tools • Cornering or blocking of normal movements • Displaying sexually suggestive objects in the educational environment; and • Any act of retaliation against an individual who reports a violation of the school's sexual harassment policy or who participates in the investigation of a sexual harassment complaint. Enforcement The principal or designee will take appropriate actions to reinforce the Board's sexual harassment policy. These actions may include: • Removing vulgar or offending graffiti Page 13
• Providing staff in-service training and scholar instruction or counseling; or • Taking appropriate disciplinary action to include reprimand, detention, on-campus suspension or home suspension. • Notifying law enforcement in necessary cases. Act of Hate Violence Causing, threatening, or attempting to cause or participate in an act of hate violence can be defined as willfully interfering with or threatening another person's personal or property rights because of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability or sexual orientation. Speech that threatens violence, when the perpetrator has the apparent ability to carry out the threat, may be considered an act of hate violence. These offenses may call for reprimand, suspension, community service and/or expulsion. Other Harassment Intentionally engaging in harassment, threats or intimidation against a scholar or group of scholars when the harassment is severe and pervasive and disrupts classes or creates disorder or an intimidating or hostile educational environment will not be tolerated. These offenses may call for a reprimand, suspension, community service and/or expulsion. Appeal Procedures The identity of the scholars other than the scholar appealing the suspension shall be protected to the extent required by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). There are several levels to the appeals process to the long term suspensions, expulsions and/or exclusion. School-Level Disciplinary Hearings: held at the school and chaired by the appointed scholar due process officer. Administrative-Level Appeals: written appeals and school-level hearing materials reviewed by the Principal. Board-Level Appeal Hearings: held at special board meetings. Page 14
Code of Conduct Scholars will not: 1. Compromise the safety of oneself or others through inappropriate behavior (horseplay). 2. Fight on campus, off campus on field trips or on school buses 3. Use profane, rude, or disrespectful language or gestures towards other scholars and/or adults. 4. Display mean, unkind, or unpleasant behaviors towards others, i.e. bullying, negative name calling. 5. Possess or use alcohol, tobacco products, marijuana, controlled substances or associated paraphernalia on campus or while attending off-campus events. 6. Possess, threaten to possess, or use weapons of any kind as defined in NCGS 14-269 or powerful explosives as defined in G.S. 14-284.1 on campus or while attending off-campus events. 7. Fight, show physical aggression, or display any inappropriate physical contact. 8. Misuse school or personal property of others. 9. Engage in personal harassment of any kind. 10. Leave school grounds without express permission of parent and/or Principal. Being outside the boundaries of the school campus will be construed as leaving school grounds. 11. Engage in inappropriate displays of affection (full-body hugging, kissing, touching etc.). 12. Wear caps, do-rags, hair wraps, hoodies, and other gear that is not religiously affiliated indoors. 13. Litter or harm school property by damaging bathroom fixtures, writing on walls, destroying any property in and around the building. 14. Violate the Dress Code Page 15
Disciplinary Actions Most infractions of school rules will be addressed immediately by the teacher or staff member involved and appropriate consequences will be decided. The following steps will be taken when a scholar’s behavior is inconsistent with the school’s mission or standards of conduct: 1. The scholar will be expected to evaluate his/her behavior with the teacher, and to identify actions that will result in the unacceptable behavior. This should include describing the inappropriate behavior, identifying the rule or expectation, and alternatives to the behavior for the future. An apology or restitution, as appropriate, may be required. 2. The scholar will be expected to correct his/her behavior immediately. 3. Excuses for a recurrence of the behavior will not be accepted. 4. Fighting on campus or school buses is an automatic suspension 5. Bus drivers are instructed to call 911 in the event there is a fight on the school bus 6. If the action plan is not successful and the behavior persists, the teacher and Principal will determine appropriate disciplinary action which may include after-school community service, limits on free play, exclusion from off-campus activities, parental attendance in class, suspension, or expulsion for acts that are beyond the limits of Charlotte Choice Charter School expectations. The following behaviors will not be tolerated and will result in immediate dismissal or suspension from school without discussion. A recommendation for expulsion will be made by the principal to the board of directors. • Any action or threat of an action that could jeopardize the safety of others • Possession of a weapon • Defiance of a teacher or refusal to follow directions given by an adult in charge • Using profanity in the presence of adults while on campus or at off campus events. Appeals with regards to an expulsion and/or exclusion should be formally directed in writing to the Charlotte Choice Charter School Board of Directors or its designee within two (2) days of the scholar’s dismissal. The suspension will remain in place until the Board meets and reviews the appeal. Emergency Closing/Delay In the event that there is an emergency closing parents will be contacted and information will be placed on the website. Before School Closings During inclement weather if school closing is necessary a phone and email blast will be sent out to parents. Closing information will be on news flash. During School Closings During school closing parents will be contacted via phone and email blast. Emergency Contact Information Before the start of school, each scholar must have on file in the school office a Scholar Information Form that contains health information, emergency telephone numbers, and parent signatures. Changes in this information at any time during the school year should be reported to the office immediately. If an emergency occurs at school, first aid will be administered and parents will be immediately contacted. If parents cannot be reached, the emergency contact person listed on the Scholar Information Form or the Page 16
family physician will be contacted. If the situation warrants, the school will call the Emergency Medical Service. If a scholar becomes sick at school and needs to leave, the parents will be contacted, and the parent or other adult authorized to pick up the scholar (listed on the Scholar Information Form) must sign out the scholar from school. Electronic Devices Items such as CD players, MP3 Players, Game-Boys, tape recorders, toys, etc. are not allowed at school. Any electronic device or toy will be taken and returned to the parents after the first offense. After the second offense, the item will remain in the office and only returned at the end of school. Cell phones are an exception to this policy. Please refer to the cell phone policy for more information. Field Trips Charlotte Choice Charter School recognizes that school trips are a fun and necessary part of education. Permission slips and appropriate attire are required in order for the scholar to participate. Safety is a primary concern of the school. Scholars are expected to wear their Charlotte Choice Charter School embellished polo shirts on all field trips. In addition, scholars with persistent difficulty following classroom directions will not be allowed to attend fieldtrips unless chaperoned by a parent. Scholars who consistently disrupt the classroom have not received the necessary academic preparation to benefit from the trip. Therefore, if a parent cannot chaperone, the scholar will not be allowed to participate in the fieldtrip experience. Knives Charlotte Choice Charter School has a “No Knife” policy for scholars. This includes pocketknives, folding knives, Bowie knives, and all other knives. Any scholar with a knife in his/her possession will have the knife confiscated. The knife will be stored in the office until retrieved by a parent. A second incident may result in suspension from school. Any scholar who threatens or intimidates another scholar or staff member with a knife or any weapon will be immediately suspended and recommended for expulsion. Health and Safety Accidents/Injuries In the event of a serious injury, the school staff will use our Emergency Information Form to contact you or the person you have designated. If necessary, we will call 911 while we are still trying to reach you. Our staff will complete an accident report to keep on file for insurance purposes. If the injury is minor, the classroom teacher will exercise judgment in making a decision to call you. In most cases you will be alerted so that you will have the option of viewing the injury yourself. The faculty and staff of Charlotte Choice Charter School are required by law to report any suspected case of scholar abuse or neglect to the Department of Social Services. Dispensing Medicine - prescription and non-prescription All medication, prescribed and non-prescribed, may be administered, by office personnel only. Medication for all scholars will be kept in a locked file cabinet in the front office. All medication bottles shall be properly labeled with the scholar’s name, name of medication, dosage, how administered and the physician’s name who prescribed the medication. Scholars who need to take prescribed medication must have a current prescription, and have a completed “Dispensing Medications Form” from the parent on file in the office before the medication can be administered. Please stop by the office to fill out appropriate paperwork. Page 17
Please remember that the staff cannot dispense non-prescription medicine (such as aspirin or creams for itching, etc.) to scholars, nor should scholars bring non-prescription medicine to school. Sick Scholar If your scholar becomes seriously ill at school, we will contact you immediately. If we cannot reach you, we will use the Emergency Information Form to contact you or your emergency contacts. Please remember, we cannot keep seriously ill scholars at school. Do not send sick scholars to school especially when they are showing signs of sickness, such as malaise, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, symptoms of upper respiratory infection or if they are known to have had exposure to a communicable illness. Fever Scholars should not come to school with a fever of 100 degrees or higher. Pink eye, ringworm, chicken pox, and other contagious conditions To protect the school population, scholars with diseases that are easily spread must be kept at home until treatment renders the scholars non-contagious. • Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis): Scholar may return to school with a doctor’s note, or after 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has started, or when the eye is no longer red and swollen and discharge and itching has stopped. • Ringworm: Scholar may return to school after-treatment has begun. Placing patches and bandages over infected areas is not acceptable treatment. • Chickenpox: Scholars may return to school after all lesions are crusted. Homework It is the responsibility of parents to provide adequate time and place for homework assignments to be completed. Homework is not an optional activity. Scholars will receive a grade of zero (0) for any homework assignment not completed and submitted when due. All scholars are expected to complete assigned homework neatly, accurately, and on time. Parents can help with a scholar’s homework, but should not do the work for the scholar. Doing a scholar’s homework defeats the purpose of the homework and in essence a form of cheating. All homework is to be turned in the morning of the due date. Acceptance of late homework for partial credit will be at the discretion of the individual teacher. Hours of Operation: 6:30am – 6:00pm Office Hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm Scholar Hours: 7:30am – 3:05pm All scholars must be in the classroom by 8:00 a.m. Lost and Found Lost and found is located in the nurse’s office. We urge parents to put nametags on clothing and other articles. Individual teachers, at their own discretion, may or may not maintain a lost and found in their own classrooms. If teachers choose to maintain a lost and found, items not claimed at the end of the school year will be given away to local charitable organizations. Page 18
Meals Charlotte Choice Charter School offers breakfast, lunch and snacks; all meals are catered. Only poultry products are served – no pork or beef. Off Campus Activities The same Charlotte Choice Charter School rules of behavior and discipline as well as the consequences already outlined under Disciplinary Action will apply to Charlotte Choice Charter School scholars attending and participating in any off campus school sanctioned activities. Scholars who display any inappropriate behaviors will be subject to the severe consequences that may result in suspension or expulsion. Parent Conduct on Campus Parents are reminded that they are very visible role models while on campus and should conduct themselves with that in mind. The rules and standards of behavior for scholars apply to all adults on the campus. Specifically, parents are asked to keep these limits in mind: • Between 8:00 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. enter a class only if you have an appointment with the teacher. All parents must first check in with the school office before entering a classroom. Visitors will be issued a school pass by the school office which must be worn at all times during their visit. Parents are not allowed in the classrooms prior to the start of school (except by invitation only). • Enter an empty classroom, even if unlocked, only with permission of the teacher. • Grade books and academic records are highly confidential and are only available to parents by legitimate request to the teacher, and only when accompanied by a school employee. • Parents may not interrogate or discipline another family’s scholars under any circumstances. This includes scholars who are friends of the family. • Act civilly. Avoid using profanity or acting hostile while on campus. Disagreements may be resolved in calm and rational manner away from the scholars. Failure to observe these standards of behavior can result in a parent being denied the right to come on campus. Parent Volunteers Parent volunteers make an important difference in the lives of not only their own scholars but all of the scholars in the classroom. All volunteers must register for our volunteer pool by completing the Parent Volunteer Registration Form. All former and new parent volunteers must undergo a criminal background check in order to begin volunteer duties. *All volunteers must sign in at the Office for each visit to the school* Participation Scholars are required to participate in all school directed activities. Any exceptions must be approved by the Principal. Page 19
Pets in Class Scholars may not bring pets to school. A parent may bring the pet to the classroom, show it for that day, and then take it home. Please ensure that you check with your scholar’s teacher prior to bringing any pets into the classroom. Physical Education The State of North Carolina requires that all scholars “Recognize the joy of participating” in athletic activities. Teachers will make every effort to involve scholars in physical activity every day, through classroom activities and recess. Middle school scholars will also have the opportunity to participate in our physical education class. Promotion Requirements All scholars shall meet all attendance requirements as specified by the Charlotte Choice Charter School Board of Directors. Parents will be notified of possible retention by the end of March. The final decision for promotion will be made by May. The State of North Carolina has vested all final promotion authority with the Principal of the school. Re-Enrollment Prior to the end of the second quarter of school a letter will be sent to all parents concerning their intent to re-enroll their scholar. This letter must be returned to the school office no later than the date provided on the form. The letter of intent allows us to determine the number of scholars per grade for the following school year. It is very important that this be returned as quickly as possible Report Cards/Teacher Conferences Report cards will be completed every 9 weeks for parents to review. Report cards are to be signed and returned to the office. Please do not mark on the report cards or make any changes to them. Report cards are a part of your scholar’s permanent school record. Conferences will be scheduled as needed. Parents may schedule meetings with the Principal in advance by contacting the school office. Returned Check Fee Charlotte Choice Charter does not accept checks. NO EXCEPTIONS! Selling Items for Profit Scholars are not allowed to sell items at school such as candy, gum, games, toys, etc. All items intended for sale or sold for profit will be confiscated. The only exception to this expectation is the selling of goods for an approved school fundraiser. Signing Out of School If parents must take a scholar out of school during the school day due to a valid reason such as a doctor's appointment, they should come to the office and sign out with the secretary. Scholars shall be called from the office to go to the office to meet their parents. Scholars shall be considered present for the day if they Page 20
are in attendance through 11:30 a.m. Scholars will not be released from school between 2:00 and 2:45 unless there is an emergency or doctor's appointment. Please be considerate of all scholars’ learning time as instruction takes place until dismissal. Scholar Immunizations Charlotte Choice Charter School requires that all scholars attending school be immunized as per North Carolina rules delineated in 15A NCAC 19A.0400. Complete and up-to-date records of the scholar's immunizations must be provided by the parent/guardian to the school office within 30 days of enrollment. Scholars without up to date immunizations will not be allowed to attend school. Scholar Records Confidentiality of all scholar records is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Only authorized individuals, including parents/guardians and scholars eighteen and over, have access to these files. Charlotte Choice Charter School cannot make available any scholar information to unauthorized persons. Parents may review their scholar’s academic record; however, we will not provide copies nor are parents allowed to remove them from school property. Transportation Daily transportation, on safety-equipped, fully insured buses, is available from your Cluster Stop to School and return. To ensure short rides and reliable schedules, we've arranged convenient Cluster meeting points. Charlotte Choice Charter School provides safe, convenient and reliable transportation to and from your assigned Cluster Bus Stop when you sign up for our Transportation Program. Telephone Use The Charlotte Choice Charter School telephone is for business and emergency use only. Scholars will not be allowed to make routine calls from school at any point in the school day. Obviously, emergency use is unquestioned, but you are asked to make travel and after-school plans ahead of time so we don’t tie up the school telephone. Testing Charlotte Choice Charter scholars in grades 2 – 8 will participate in test that measure scholar’s ability. All scholars in grades 3-8 will participate in grade appropriate state required End-of-Grade testing in Reading and Mathematics. Grades 5 and 8 will participate in Science testing. All scholars in grades K-2 will participate in the appropriate state required testing. Text Book Fees Scholars will be held accountable for the condition of curriculum books they are assigned. If they are lost, damaged, or rendered un-useable, parents will be required to reimburse the school for the cost of the book, plus shipping. Uniform Policy Charlotte Choice Charter School scholars are to dress in the required school uniform. High standards of decency, cleanliness and grooming are expected at all times. The Administration believes these dress guidelines are reasonable and promote unity, builds character, and builds self-esteem. Page 21
Dress Code Policy Scholars must wear the required school uniform. Scholars are to be in uniform dress code upon arrival until departure from school property unless otherwise approved by administration. The administration reserves the right to determine appropriateness of dress in cases not covered by the Dress Code or in other cases as they may arise: 1. Tops — Purple (K - 5th) OR Black (6th - 8th) polo style shirt with Charlotte Choice Charter Logo. A. Shirts must be tucked into bottoms. B. Sweaters/Sweatshirts: with CCC logo or solid black only, no hoods. C. School wear: any top printed/embroidered with school name or crest (with or without collar) on designated days. 2. Bottoms - SOLID khaki A. Pants should not hang on the floor or be worn below the waist. B. Shorts/Skorts/Skirts/Jumpers: Hems should fall below fingertips when hands are extended to the side. C. Cargo style bottoms are not permitted. 3. Shoes and Socks/Tight A. Black tennis shoes or hard soled shoes including loafers and oxfords. B. Enclosed toe shoes only. C. No lights in shoes, no leggings. D. Socks/tights in black only – no designs, patterns, etc. 4. Coats/Jackets A. Coats or jackets of any color may be worn before and after school as well as during recess. They cannot be worn in the classroom or hallway areas during the school day. B. To be worn in class/hallways coats/jackets other than with the CCC logo must be solid black and have no logo, label, symbol or brand name visible. 5. Hair A. All scholars should have well-groomed hair in traditional styles. B. Boys’ hair should be kept neat and clean and be out of the eyes, clearly off the collar, and not below the ears. No bizarre, trendy haircuts (i.e. Mohawk’s) or pony tails of any type. Side burns must not be below the earlobe. Page 22
C. Bangs are not to hang in the eyes. D. No unnatural colored hair such as orange, green, purple, yellow etc. are allowed. 6. Other A. The following jewelry is permitted so long as it is in good taste: Girls: 1 pair earrings, 1 watch, 1 ring and/or one necklace Boys: 1 watch, 1 ring and/or 1 necklace B. Clothing is not to be tight or form fitting. C. Belts: black D. No visible tattoos or body piercing. E. Clothing should always be in good repair with holes mended. F. Scholars are to be clean. G. No head covering may be worn at school unless required for specific/approved reason. Enforcement Dress code will be checked at the beginning of each day. Scholars are expected to be responsible enough to observe dress code. Staff should not be expected to take up instructional time to address violations, therefore repeated or continual violations will be addressed as a discipline matter by administration. Uniform Dress Code: Purple or black polo style shirt with CCC logo Bottoms - Solid Khaki (No Cargo Pants) All Black Socks / Tights All Black Shoes *** Every 3 violations equal a 1 day in the Student Management Center *** Page 23
Charlotte Choice Charter’s Parent/Guardian Compact The school-parent compact is a written agreement between the school and parents, and provides an opportunity to create new partnerships in your school community. It is a document that explains what families and schools can do to help children reach high academic standards of excellence. The compact serves as a clear reminder of all stakeholders’ responsibility to take action at school and at home so that children can attain the state’s academic achievement standards. It is a written commitment indicating how all members of a school community – parents, teachers, principals, students, and concerned community members – agree to share responsibility for improved student achievement. We make a commitment to support our scholar’s education at Charlotte Choice Charter. Therefore... • We will make sure our scholar arrives at Charlotte Choice Charter everyday by 8:00 am. To achieve optimum learning, our scholars should be present each day, with no more than 2 absences a month). • We understand that “tardies” include arriving to school late and being signed out before the end of the school day. Excessive tardies (no more than 2 a month) can result in a day of absence (7 hours of tardies). • We will do whatever it takes for our scholar to learn. We will check our scholar’s homework folders and create time for him/her to read for thirty minutes every night. • We will attend both the Fall and Spring conferences, and other meetings, and volunteer to work at least 2 school events that support our scholar’s education. • We will always make ourselves available to provide support for our scholar. This means that we will notify the office if our scholar is going to miss school, read all the notifications that the school sends home to us, return necessary documents, and support the school-wide rules for arrival and dismissal. • We understand all awards/prizes at Charlotte Choice Charter are earned by working hard and being excellent scholars. • We understand all consequences at Charlotte Choice Charter are earned. When our scholar makes a poor choice, we will support the school’s consequences. • We will allow our scholar to participate in all field trips and activities that he or she earns. • We will make sure our scholars comply with the Charlotte Choice Charter dress code and wear tucked-in Charlotte Choice Charter uniform shirt, khaki pants/skirts, a black belt, black socks, black jackets/sweaters, and all black sneakers every day. • We understand that our scholars must follow the Charlotte Choice Charter policies to protect the safety, interests, and rights of all individuals in the school. • We understand that if our scholars have an infraction, the PAW strategy will be implemented. PAW- P - Parent Contact * A – Action (Alternative Intervention Methods) * W- Written Referral If we honor this commitment, we will ensure that our scholar have a successful school year at Charlotte Choice Charter. If we do not honor this commitment, we know our scholar will lose awards/prize opportunities, receive appropriate consequences, and can be removed from Charlotte Choice Charter. Parent/Guardians’ Signatures: __________________________________________________________ Page 24
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