2020 2021 District Informational Guide and Parents' Rights - LODI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT

Page created by Tom Lopez
District Informational Guide and
Parents’ Rights

2020 - 2021

    Board of Education                                               Administration
    Mr. Joe Nava, President                                          Dr. Cathy Nichols-Washer
    Mr. Ron Freitas, Vice President                                  Superintendent
    Mrs. Susan Macfarlane, Clerk
    Mr. Ron Heberle                                                  Mr. Leonard Kahn
    Mr. Gary Knackstedt                                              Chief Business Officer
    Mr. George Neely
    Mr. Courtney Porter                                              Mr. Mike McKilligan
                                                                     Assistant Superintendent, Personnel

    District Office                                                  Mr. Robert Sahli
    James Areida Educational Support Center                          Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction
    1305 E. Vine Street
    Lodi, CA 95240                                                   Mr. Scott McGregor
                                                                     Assistant Superintendent, Elementary Education
    331-7000/953-8111                                                Mr. Jeff Palmquist
    www.lodiusd.net (i.e. policies, rules, exhibits)                 Assistant Superintendent, Secondary Education

                                                       Mission Statement
Lodi Unified School District will provide the best education for all students to be successful in life.

                                                         District Vision
Lodi Unified School District, in partnership with our community, provides a world class student-centered safe learning
environment that cultivates character, fosters academic excellence, embraces diversity, and empowers all students to
achieve their full potential.

                                                         District Goals
 Prepare students with the integrity and skills required to adapt and succeed as responsible citizens in an ever-
  changing world.

 Be the employer of choice for highly qualified and creative people who reflect, value, and celebrate the rich diversity
  of the district.

 Provide curriculum and instruction that educates, challenges, and inspires all students.

 Create and support a school environment in which all students, staff, and parents feel safe, secure and valued.

 Ensure all students read at grade level by the end of third grade and maintain strong literacy skills throughout their
  educational career.

 Support a broad course of study that offers students the opportunity to develop and enhance interests, talents, and
  skills in core academic, career preparation, and elective fields.
                                                                                     Adopted by the Board of Education December 4, 2018

00143898.1                                                    2
                    Elementary Schools                                               Middle Schools
Ansel Adams           9275 Glacier Point Dr., Stkn. 95212    Christa McAuliffe         3880 Iron Canyon Cr, Stkn. 95209
Beckman               2201 Scarborough Dr., Lodi, 95240      Delta Sierra              2255 Wagner Heights Rd., Stkn. 95209
Clairmont             8282 Lemans Ave., Stkn. 95210          Henderson                 13451 N. Extension Rd., Lodi 95242
Clyde Needham         420 S. Pleasant Ave., Lodi 95240       Lodi Middle               945 S. Ham Ln., Lodi 95240
Creekside             2515 Estate Dr., Stkn. 95209           Millswood Middle          233 N. Mills Ave., Lodi 95242
Davis                 5224 Morada Ln., Stkn. 95212           Morada Middle             5001 E. Eastview Dr., Stkn. 95212
Elkhorn (4-8)         10505 N. Davis Rd., Stkn. 95209
Ellerth E. Larson     2375 Giannoni Way, Lodi 95242                                   High Schools
Erma B. Reese         1800 W. Elm St., Lodi 95242            Bear Creek                10555 Thornton Rd., Stkn. 95209
George L. Mosher      3220 Buddy Holly Dr., Stkn. 95212      Liberty                   660 W. Walnut St., Lodi 95240
George Washington     831 W. Lockeford St., Lodi 95240       Lodi High                 3 S. Pacific Ave., Lodi 95242
Heritage              509 E. Eden St., Lodi 95240            Middle College            5151 Pacific Ave., Stkn. 95207
Houston (K-8)         4600 Acampo Rd., Acampo 95220          Plaza Robles              9434 Thornton Rd., Stkn. 95209
Joe Serna, Jr. Charter 4600 Acampo Rd., Acampo 95220         Ronald E. McNair          9550 Robert E. McNair Wy.,Stkn. 95210
John Muir             2303 Whistler Way, Stkn. 95209         Tokay High                1111 Century Blvd., Lodi 95240
Julia Morgan          3777 A. G. Spanos Blvd., Stkn. 95209
Lakewood              1100 N. Ham Ln., Lodi 95240                                    Other Schools
Lawrence              721 Calaveras St., Lodi 95240          Adult Education           542 E. Pine St., Lodi 95240
Leroy Nichols         1301 S. Crescent Ave., Lodi 95240      Lincoln Tech Academy      542 E. Pine St., Lodi 95240
Live Oak              5099 E. Bear Creek Rd., Lodi 95240     Lodi Career Ed.           421 S. Pleasant St., Lodi 95240
Lockeford (K-8)       19456 N. Tully Rd., Lockeford 95237    Horizon School            9434 Thornton Rd., Stkn. 95209
Lois E. Borchardt     375 Culbertson Dr., Lodi 95240         Sutherland/LOC            550 Spring River Cr., Stkn. 95210
Manlio Silva          6250 Scott Creek Dr., Stkn. 95219      Valley Robotics Academy 13451 N. Extension Rd., Lodi 95242
Oakwood               1315 Woodcreek Way, Stkn. 95209        Walter J. Katnich         13451 N. Extension Rd., Lodi 95242
Parklane              8405 Tam O’Shanter Dr., Stkn. 95210
Podesta Ranch         9950 Windmill Park Dr., Stkn. 95209                Early Intervention/Child Development
Sutherland            550 Spring River Cr., Stkn. 95210      Preschool Services        701 Calaveras St., Lodi 95240
Victor                17670 N. Bruella Rd., Victor 95253
Vinewood              1600 W. Tokay St., Lodi 95242                         LUSD Alternative Learning Center
Wagner-Holt           8778 Brattle Pl., Stkn., 95209         Independence              13451 N. Extension Rd., Lodi 95242
Westwood              9444 Caywood Dr., Stkn. 95210
Woodbridge            1290 Lilac St., Lodi 95242                                    Special Education
                                                             Dorothy Mahin             5080 Armstrong Rd., Lodi 95240
                                                             Needham West              421 S. Pleasant Ave., Lodi 95240
                                                             Turner Academy            13520 E. Live Oak Rd., Lodi 95240

00143898.1                                                   3
School Rules…_____________________________
ATTENDANCE/ABSENCES                   approved. Students absent for
                                      these reasons shall be allowed to       Observation of Religious Holidays
The Board of Education believes       complete all assignments and            (Ed. Code §48205; District Policy
that regular attendance plays a       tests that can reasonably be            5113)
key role in the success a student     provided.
achieves in school. Maximum                                                   The Board of Education shall allow
classroom attendance and              Home/Hospital-Bound Students            students to be absent for the
participation are essential to the    (Ed. Code §48206.3-48208)               observance of a holiday or
student’s achievement and                                                     ceremony of his/her religion or
success. The Board of Education       Students who are expected to be         attendance at religious retreats.
encourages parents/guardians to       unable to attend school due to          Such absences shall be considered
schedule student’s non-school         serious injury or illness for a         excused, subject to administrative
activities and vacations during       period of two weeks or more may         regulations. Upon written request
non-instructional time.               apply for home instruction. A           by a student’s parent/guardian
The Board of Education recognizes     physician must verify each              and with the principal’s or
its responsibility under the law to   student’s condition. Students with      designee’s approval, a student
ensure that students attend           mental health conditions must           may be excused from school for
school on a regular basis.            present authorization from a            up to four (4) hours per semester
Parents/guardians of children         physician and a treatment plan          in order to attend a religious
between the ages of six and           from their therapist. A student         retreat.
eighteen are obligated to send        with a temporary physical, mental
their children to school unless       or emotional disability, who is         BEHAVIOR AND DISCIPLINE
otherwise provided by law.            hospitalized or receiving care in a     School Rules and Discipline
                                      residential health facility,
Residency Retention for               excluding state hospitals, may
Migratory Children                    receive individual instruction from     School rules are intended to
(Ed. Code 48204.7)                    the school district in which the        protect the rights of all students
                                      facility is located. Home               and to promote a safe learning
In accordance with State law, the     instruction applications are            environment. Students are
District permits a pupil who is a     available in the school office.         accountable for their behavior
migratory child, to continue                                                  during school and school activities,
attending their school of origin or   Responsibility lies with the            as well on their way to and from
a school within the school district   parent/guardian to notify the           school and school activities.
of origin, regardless of any change   school district regarding the           Students are expected to follow
of residence of the pupil.            student’s presence in the district.     school rules and the directions of
                                                                              all school staff. From the
Absences for Personal Reasons         Confidential Medical Services           beginning to the end of the class,
(Ed. Code §48205)                     (Ed. Code §46010.1)                     students must be free to learn.
                                                                              Students are expected to show
Absences for justifiable personal     By law, a student may be excused        respect for all school staff and for
reasons, as determined by Board       from school for the purpose of          other students at all times.
policy, shall be excused. Such        obtaining confidential medical          Students are required to come to
reasons shall include, but are not    services without the consent of         class prepared to work and to stay
limited to, an appearance in court,   the student’s parent/guardian.          on task for the class period.
or an employment conference           Otherwise, it is the practice of Lodi
when the parent/guardian has          Unified School District (LUSD) not      Additionally, students must
requested this absence in writing     to release students without             comply with the classroom rules
to the school principal and it is     parental consent.                       as described by each teacher.
00143898.1                                            4
When a student displays                        a parent conference;            be automatically placed for 45
disruptive behavior in the                     evaluation for placement        school days on social probation as
classroom, the teacher will first               in another school or            stated in Policy/Rule 6145 – Extra-
work with the student to alter that             program;                        Curricular, Co-Curricular Activities.
behavior. If that effort fails, the            a written contract              A student placed on a No Fighting
student who continues to disrupt                describing conditions for       Contract may also be
the learning process will be                    improvement;                    automatically placed on a 45
referred to other school                       referral to a community or      school day social probation.
authorities, administrators or                  law enforcement agency;
counselors for appropriate                     discipline, which may           A student who physically blocks
discipline or corrective measures.              include: restriction from       school staff from breaking up a
                                                participation in school         fight, fails to disperse when
The school will notify parents, who             activities, including recess    directed by staff to do so, runs to
will be expected to aid in                      and graduation                  observe a fight, crowds around a
correcting the behavior.                        /promotion; detention;          fight or interferes with any safety
                                                Friday/Saturday School          procedures at the scene of a fight
In general, students may not:                   (students bring school          MAY be recommended for
     have any weapon or                        work to do); removal from       expulsion if the principal finds that
        dangerous object;                       class and assignment to         other means of correction are not
     have or sell drugs or drug                another school program;         feasible or have repeatedly failed
        paraphernalia, tobacco,                 suspension; and                 to bring about proper conduct
        alcohol or other controlled             expulsion.                      and/or that due to the nature of
        substances;                                                             the act, the presence of the
     fight, harm, threaten,           Student Conduct Code                     student causes a continuing
        harass, bully, or intimidate                                            danger to the physical safety of
        anyone;                        The District has developed a             the student or others.
     damage or take property          Student Conduct Code, which
        of others;                     more specifically lists the grounds      Suspension and Due Process (Ed.
     defy school authorities;         for discipline and the range of          Code §48900; District Policy
     leave campus without             consequences that may be                 5144.1)
        permission;                    imposed. This Student Conduct
     falsify documents;               Code is annually reviewed by             Suspension is temporary removal
     disrupt a class or school        district staff and is available to all   of a pupil from regular classroom
        activity;                      parents and students each school         instruction or from school by a
     participate in any               year.                                    teacher or administrator for
        gambling activity;                                                      adjustment purposes. Pupils may
     skip school or be late to        When a student has been involved         be suspended from school in
        class.                         in one fight or the second fight of      accordance with law for a limited
                                       a high school career, the                period of time in an effort to
Students are required to meet          administration shall initiate            correct behavior. The grounds for
academic and citizenship               significant interventions by             suspension shall be those
standards in order to participate in   inviting parents and student to a        specified in Ed. Code 48900, and
extracurricular activities.            school conference to review and          no others.
                                       sign the No Fighting Contract,
A copy of school rules and             referring the student to conflict        In accordance with the positive
discipline policies is available to    management and/or counseling,            concept of discipline in this
parents at each school. If a           etc.                                     district, the suspension of pupils is
student’s behavior violates school                                              to be educational in nature and
rules, the school may make             A student who is in possession or        for the purpose of improving the
recommendations, including:            under the influence of a controlled      pupil’s adjustment and
     counseling;                      substance, alcohol or tobacco may        achievement in school. It should
00143898.1                                              5
usually be imposed only when          shall develop regulations for pupil       c. Upon reasonable
other means of correction fail to     expulsion that shall be in                   suspicion that a student or
bring about proper conduct.           compliance with Ed. Code Sections            individual is in possession
                                      48900-48925.                                 of a weapon or dangerous
Students have the right to due                                                     device.
process of law. Parents have the      Truancy
right to appeal. The Board of         (District Policy 5113)                Use of Tobacco Products
Education wishes to provide all of                                          (Ed. Code §48901)
the protection implicit in due        LUSD shall participate in a county
process, and if after exhaustion of   School Attendance Review Board        The district prohibits the use of
all administrative appeals, the       as allowed by law in order to meet    tobacco products at all times on
Superintendent or                     the special needs of students with    District property and in District
Superintendent’s designee             school attendance or school           vehicles. This applies to all
upholds the suspension by the         behavior problems.                    employees, students, visitors, and
Principal, there will be no further
                                                                            other persons at any school or
appeal.                               Possession of Weapons/
                                                                            school-sponsored activity or
                                      Dangerous Objects
The Superintendent shall develop      (20 USC 7151; Ed. Code §48900 &       athletic event. It applies to any
regulations for the use and control   48915; 49050-51)                      meeting on any property owned,
of pupil suspension, which shall be                                         leased or rented by or from the
in compliance with Ed. Code           State and federal laws require        District.
Sections 48900-48925.                 expulsion for not less than one
                                                                            Controlled Substances
                                      year of any student who is
                                                                            (Ed. Code §48900-48924; District
Expulsion                             determined to have brought a
                                                                            Policy 5131.6)
(Ed. Code §48900; District Policy     firearm to school or to have
5144.1)                               possessed a firearm at school.
                                                                            All cases of possession and/or use
                                      Students in possession of any
                                                                            of controlled substances or
Expulsion is removal of a pupil       knife, explosive or other
                                                                            alcohol on school premises, or
from the immediate supervision        dangerous object will be
                                                                            during school related activities,
and control or the general            suspended and possibly
                                                                            shall result in suspension
supervision of school personnel.      recommended for expulsion.
                                                                            procedures. Pupils found selling
Expulsion is action taken by the      State law mandates expulsion for
                                                                            controlled substances will be
Board of Education for severe or      students who knowingly possess a
                                                                            recommended for expulsion.
prolonged breaches of discipline      firearm or brandish a knife to
by a pupil. Expulsion, except for     another person. At the secondary
                                                                            If You Use, You Lose
single acts of a grave nature, is     level, the Board of Education has
                                                                            (Ed. Code §48902)
usually reserved for application      authorized a metal detector
where there is a history of           scanning and extended search
                                                                            School authorities are required to
misconduct and where other            program to deter the presence of
                                                                            refer students suspended for
forms of discipline, including        weapons and other dangerous
                                                                            drug/alcohol offenses to law
suspension, have failed.              devices. Such searches will take
                                                                            enforcement. A student convicted
                                      place at school or school related
                                                                            in juvenile court of drug/alcohol
The grounds for expulsion shall be    activities such as:
                                                                            offenses may either lose his or her
those specified in Ed. Code Section
                                                                            driver’s license for one year or
48900 and no others.                      a. Upon entrance into the
                                                                            have his or her driving privilege
                                             campus or school
                                                                            delayed for one year.
In accordance with the CA Ed.                buildings.
Code, students will be expelled for       b. Upon entrance into a
                                                                            Teacher Notification
committing serious crimes that are           special event or athletic
                                                                            (Ed. Code §49079)
related to school attendance or              contest.
activities. The Superintendent
00143898.1                                            6
The California Education Code                   discrimination based on                         Discord
requires school administrators to               sex: BR/BR 5145.7                              Websites offering
notify teachers of any student                                                                  comment forums
who has been suspended or                      Student’s Title IX rights:                      or sections:
expelled for any reason except                  https://www.lodiusd.net/                        Snapchat
tobacco use during the current or               district/educational-                           Whisper
prior three years.                              services/secondary-                             Monkey
                                                education/positive-school-                      MeetMe
Parental Class Attendance                       climate                                         Omegle
(Ed. Code §48900.1)                                                                             Yubo
                                               A link to CDE’s Title IX                        Amino
The law allows teachers who                     website:                                    Websites offering
suspend a student for committing                https://www.cde.ca.gov/re/                      image or video
an obscene act, engaging in                     di/eo/genequitytitleix.asp                      platforms:
habitual profanity or vulgarity,
                                               The District’s student                          Instagram
disrupting school activities and/or
                                                sexual harassment policy:                       Tik Tok
defiance of school authorities to
                                                BP/BR 5145.7                                    Tumblr
request the pupil’s parent or
guardian to attend the class(es)
                                               The District’s hate violence                    Housepart
from which the student was
                                                prevention policy:                              Live.me
                                                BP/BR 5137.1                                    YouNow
                                                BP/BR 5145.9                                    Snapchat
                                                                                      A link to the CDE’s state-
                                               The District’s anti-                   wide anti-discrimination,
                                                discrimination, anti-                  anti-harassment and anti-
Anti-discrimination, Anti-
harassment, Anti-bullying, and                  harassment policy:                     bullying resources.
Suicide Prevention (Ed. Code                    BP/BR 5145.3
                                                                                       CDE Anti-Bullying:
§231.5, §221.8 District Policy/Rule            The District’s policies and            https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls
                                                procedures on preventing               /ss/se/bullyres.asp
                                                bullying and cyberbullying:            CDE Equal Opportunity &
The Lodi Unified School posts
                                                BO/BR 5131.3                           Access:
specific information in a
prominent location on the                      A section on social medial             e/di/eo/
District’s website in a manner that             bullying with references to
is easily accessible to
                                                all of the following           Transgender Nondiscrimination
parents/guardians and students.
                                                possible forums for social     Policy
                                                media bullying:                (Board Policy/Rule 5145.3)
The links can be found at:
https://www.lodiusd.net                                Websites with free     The district will uphold the rights
                                                        registration and       of transgender students by
                                                        ease of                allowing transgender students
                                                        registration:          toparticipate in sex-segregated
                                                        Mylol                  school programs or activities
The linked information includes:
                                                                               based on their gender
                                                       Websites offering
            The District’s policy on                                          identification. The district will not
                                                        peer-to-peer           notify parents of individual
             student suicide prevention:                instant messaging:
             BP/BR 5141.2                                                      instances of transgender students
                                                        GroupMe                participating in a program or
            The District’s definition of               Kik Messenger          activity.
             harassment and                             WhatsApp
00143898.1                                             7
Parents may inform the school if       These guidelines may help you        Wellness Policy that, at a
they feel such participation would     help your student:                   minimum:
be against their student’s religious
beliefs and/or practices or a                 Make homework and                   Includes goals for nutrition
violation of his/her privacy. A                studying a priority, and             education, physical
determination of how best to                   praise good homework                 activity, and other school-
accommodate the student will be                habits.                              based activities that are
made.                                         Help your student solve              designed to promote
                                               problems.                            student wellness.
STUDENT PROPERTY                              Take an active interest in          Includes nutrition
                                               your students’ work.                 guidelines for all foods
LUSD is not responsible for the               Keep in touch with the               available on each school
loss, through acts of vandalism or             teacher and/or principal.            campus during the school
theft, of students’ personal                  Provide a quiet place with           day with the objectives of
property stored in lockers or                  good light for students to           promoting student health
vehicles left at the school site.              do homework.                         and reducing childhood
This includes but is not limited to                                                 obesity.
personal equipment, bicycles,          TEXTBOOKS                                   Establishes a plan for
backpacks, helmets, and                                                             measuring
skateboards. Some campuses             Parental liability                           implementation of the
have video cameras for the             (Ed. Code §48904)                            wellness policy.
purpose of detection and
investigation.                         Textbooks issued to students are     HEALTH
                                       the property of LUSD. All
Radios, boom boxes, iPods, iPads,      textbooks must be kept clean and     Immunization Requirements
eReaders, tablets, smart phones,       handled carefully. Students will     (Health & Safety Code §120335;
Cellular phones, other                 be required to pay for damaged or    District Policy 5141.31)
technological devices, and other       lost textbooks. The District may
items of a disruptive nature, are      withhold the grades, diplomas,       State law requires that for
not allowed. These items are           participation in graduation          unconditional admission to school,
subject to confiscation and may be     ceremonies or transcripts of         all pupils under 18 shall be fully
held until a parent or guardian        students responsible for damage      immunized according to
picks up the confiscated item or       or loss of books or other property   requirements of the State
until the end of the year.             until the student or his/her         Department of Health Services.
                                       parents or guardians have paid for
HOMEWORK                               the damages or loss.                 Admission to kindergarten
                                                                            requires protection against
Homework is an important part of       STUDENT WELLNESS                     measles/mumps/rubella (MMR),
the students’ educational                                                   diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis
program. Homework practices are        Physical Activity and Nutrition      (whooping cough) (DTP, DTaP, or
encouraged at all grade levels to      Policy                               Tdap), polio, Hepatitis B, and
fit the needs of the student.          (District Policy 5030)               Varicella (chicken pox).
Homework policies are available
from each school. Check with           School Wellness Policy, Section      All students entering into 7th grade
your school to see if they have a      204 of the Child Nutrition and       (only) will need proof of a Tdap
homework hotline. Support and          Women, Infants, and Children         shot to start school.
encouragement from parents and         (WIC) Reauthorization Act of 2004
guardians helps students succeed.      mandates that all local              All other entering pupils must be
Encourage your student to              educational agencies participating   up to date with immunization
understand homework                    in a federal meal reimbursement      according to district policy and the
assignments before leaving school.     program establish a Local School     schedule provided by the State
00143898.1                                            8
Department of Health Services.        waived upon presentation of an        Any pupil who is required to take,
Students may be exempted only         appropriate certificate from a        during the regular school day,
for medical reasons outlined in SB    physician or optometrist. School      medication prescribed for him or
277.                                  nurses also administer color vision   her by a qualified medical
                                      tests once to male students.          professional may be assisted by
A medical exemption requires a                                              the school nurse or other
written statement from a licensed     Physical Examination Refusal
                                                                            designated school personnel or
physician, including the specific     (Ed. Code §49451)
                                                                            may carry and self-administer
nature and probable duration of
medical condition and                 A parent or guardian may file         prescription auto-injectable
circumstances. In the event of an     annually with the school principal    epinephrine if the school district
outbreak of a disease for which       a statement noting that he/she        receives the appropriate written
the child has not been immunized,     will not consent to a physical        statements, including a written
he or she will be excluded from       examination of his/her child.         statement from the medical
school for the period of              However, if there is good reason      professional detailing the name of
communicability. Pupils who do        to believe that the child is          the medication, method, amount,
not comply with the requirements      suffering from a recognized           and time schedules by which the
shall be excluded from school. If     contagious or infectious disease,     medication is to be taken and a
you have questions about your         he/she shall be sent home and not     written statement from the
child’s immunization record           permitted to return until school
                                                                            parent, foster parent, or guardian
and/or admission status, please       authorities are satisfied that any
                                                                            of the pupil indicating the desire
contact your child’s school.          contagious or infectious disease
                                                                            that the school district assist the
                                      does not exist.
Health Examination                                                          pupil in the matters set forth in
Requirements                          Medication                            the statement of the physician
(Health & Safety Code §124085)        (Ed. Code §49423, §49423.1 )          and surgeon or physician
State law requires parents of first   Prescribed medication and over
grade students, upon enrollment,      the counter medication may be
to provide a certificate of health    given to your child at school or      In order for a pupil to carry and
examination or sign a waiver for a    your child may self-medicate          self-administer prescription auto-
health examination. The health        provided that:                        injectable epinephrine, the school
examination may be given up to
                                                                            district shall obtain both a written
18 (eighteen) months before               1. It is prescribed by a
                                                                            statement from a qualified
entering first grade. Parents are            physician (or other
encouraged to obtain the health              medical professional           medical professional detailing the
examination during their child’s             allowed by law) with           name of the medication, method,
kindergarten year.                           detailed instructions and      amount, and time schedules by
Kindergarteners are required to              has the physician’s            which the medication is to be
have an “oral health exam” by a              signature; and                 taken, and confirming that the
dentist.                                  2. Current written request by     pupil is able to self-administer
                                             the parent/guardian is on      auto-injectable epinephrine, and a
Eyesight                                     file. You may request an       written statement from the
(Ed. Code §49455)                            Administration of              parent, foster parent, or guardian
                                             Medication form from           of the pupil consenting to the self-
Visual acuity screening is done              your school site. You are
                                                                            administration, providing a release
with parent/guardian permission              required to bring your
                                                                            for the school nurse or other
upon first enrollment and at least           child’s medication to
every third year thereafter until            his/her school of              designated school personnel to
the student has completed the 8th            attendance.                    consult with the health care
grade. The evaluation may be                                                provider of the pupil regarding any

00143898.1                                           9
questions that may arise with           district does not maintain
regard to the medication, and           coverage for individual students.      Head Lice (Pediculosis)
releasing the school district and                                              (Ed. Code §48213; District Policy
school personnel from civil liability   Hearing                                5141.33)
if the self-administering pupil         (CAC Title 5, 2950-2951, Title 5,
suffers an adverse reaction as a        3027)                                  The Board of Education believes
                                                                               that the district’s head lice
result of self-administering
                                        Hearing screening is annually          management program should
medication pursuant to this
                                        mandated for each pupil in             emphasize the correct diagnosis
paragraph.                              kindergarten or 1st grade, 2nd, 5th,   and treatment of head lice in
                                        8th and 10th or 11th grade. This is    order to minimize disruption of
                                        done with your permission upon         the education process and to
The District will accept a written      first enrollment and at least every    reduce the number of student
statement provided by a physician       third year thereafter. The             absences resulting from
or surgeon relating to a pupil          evaluation may be waived upon          infestation. Therefore, students
carrying and self-administering         presentation of an appropriate         having evidence of this condition
inhaled asthma medication, from         certificate from a physician or        shall be excluded from school until
a physician or surgeon who is           audiometrist.                          they have been treated and
contracted with a prepaid health                                               determined to be free of live head
plan operating lawfully under the       Contagious or Infectious Disease       lice.
laws of Mexico that is licensed as a
                                        A child may be sent home, if for a     Resuscitation Orders
health care service plan in this
                                        good reason, he or she is believed
state. The written statement must       to be suffering from a recognized      The Board believes that staff
be provided in both English and         contagious or infectious disease.      members should not be placed in
Spanish and to include the name         The child shall not be permitted to    the position of determining
and contact information for the         return until school authorities are    whether or not to follow any
physician or surgeon. Statement         satisfied that any contagious or       parental or medical “do not
from such a physician or surgeon.       infectious disease does not exist.     resuscitate” orders. Staff shall not
                                                                               accept or follow any such orders
                                        If a student has any of the            unless they have been informed
Continuing Program of                   problems described below, they         by the Superintendent or designee
Medication                              must stay out of school until the      that the request to accept such an
(Ed. Code §49480)                       symptoms have been completely          order has been submitted to the
                                        gone for a minimum of 24 hours:        Superintendent or designee,
State law requires that                       Elevated temperature of         signed by the parent/guardian,
parents/guardians notify the                     100 degrees or higher         and supported by a written
school when their child is on                 Vomiting                        statement from the student’s
continuing medication for a non-
                                              Loose or runny bowel            physician and an order from an
episodic condition (such as                                                    appropriate court.
asthma, hay fever, hyperactivity,
                                              Coughing and/or sneezing
diabetes, or epilepsy).
                                                 in the extreme and has a
                                                 nasal discharge of a
Medical and Hospital Services
                                                 yellow-green to green
(Ed. Code §49472)
                                              Student has sores such as
Special voluntary medical
                                                 impetigo/ringworm that
insurance is available which will
                                                 are open and oozing and
cover pupils injured at school, at
                                                 the student will not
school-sponsored events, or while
                                                 tolerate having a bandage
being transported. The school
                                                 on for cover
00143898.1                                             10
Your Rights and Responsibilities…_______________

 PARENTS RIGHTS                            •   The right to fair,            Health Instruction Which Conflicts
                                               consistent and respectful     With Religious or Moral Beliefs
 Under the Elementary Secondary                treatment by staff            (Ed. Code §51240-51246)
 Education Act (ESEA) (Section                 members and other
 111(h)(6)(a)), parents of students            students.                     The education program in some
 attending Title I schools may             •   The right to a hearing        classes at some grade levels may
 request and receive information               before a penalty is           include instruction about health.
 on the professional qualifications            imposed. When a student       If such instruction conflicts with
 of the student’s classroom                    has been referred for         your religious or moral beliefs, you
 teachers and paraprofessionals.               some wrongdoing, that         may advise the principal of your
 To request this information,                  student should be             school, in writing, not to include
 please contact the site principal.            afforded the opportunity      your child in this phase of the
                                               to offer his or her version   instructional program.
 STUDENT RIGHTS                                of the incident to school
                                               authorities.                  Students’ Right to Refrain from
 Students have rights, as do all           •   The right to seek redress     Harmful or Destructive Use of
 citizens, under the Constitution, as          of grievances through the     Animals
 well as state law and district                district grievance            (Ed. Code §32255)
 policy. Their rights include:                 procedure.
      • The right to be heard.                                               Students may, with written
          Students are encouraged       CONSENT PROCEDURES                   parental consent, ask to be
          to voice constructive                                              excused from participation in
          criticism through             Emergency Cards                      activities they feel would
          appropriate channels,         (Ed. Code §49408)                    constitute the harmful and
          such as student                                                    destructive use of animals. If
          government, student           Your child’s school must have        possible, the teacher will develop
          advisory committees,          information on file to assist them   an alternate way for the student
          school newspapers,            in contacting the appropriate        to obtain the same knowledge,
          administrators, teachers,     persons in an emergency. Parents     information or experience.
          counselors, and any other     must fill in the cards completely
          channels of                   on both sides, including all         Unsafe School Option; Students
          communication as long as      pertinent health information and     Right to Intradistrict Transfer
          that process does not         telephone numbers to call in an      (USC7912; Ed. Code §5116.1)
          substantially disrupt the     emergency. Please fill out and
          orderly operation of the      return the cards to your child’s     The Unsafe School Option states
          school. (Ed. Code §48907)     school as soon as possible. If       that any student attending a
      • The right to an education       there is a change of address or      “persistently dangerous” school or
          in a safe, clean              phone number for any person          who becomes a victim of a violent
          environment.                  listed on the card during the        crime while in or on the school
      • The right to full use of        school year, please notify the       grounds must be allowed to
          class time for receiving      school immediately. California law   attend a safe public elementary
          instruction and for           allows students to leave school to   school or secondary school within
          learning.                     seek confidential medical services   the LEA.
                                        without parental consent.

 00143898.1                                           11
Sex Education, Venereal Disease        only to grades 7 through 12; LEAs     LUSD Nutrition Service
& HIV/AIDS                             must continue to obtain written       Department is not obligated to
(Ed. Code §51550-51551 & 51820)        parental permission prior to          provide a free lunch to any
                                       administration of the required        student unless the student is
Family life education programs         fifth grade module of the CHKS.       eligible for the free/reduced meal
may be provided in grades              Where prior written permission is     program under the National
Kindergarten through 12.               not required, SB 71’s provision for   School Lunch Program. New
Venereal disease instruction may       passive consent requires parental     students, including kindergartners,
be provided in grades 7 through        notification, opportunity for         are considered to be full price
12, and instruction about AIDS         inspection, and the ability to opt    status until an application is
may be provided in grades 6            their child out of participation.     approved. A new application must
through 12. If instruction about                                             be filled out each year.
human reproductive organs and          FINANCIAL LIABILITY
their functions, processes, and                                              INFORMATION & RECORDS
diseases is included in your child’s   Parents are responsible and
class, you will be notified in         financially liable for acts of        Privacy and Access
advance, and have an opportunity       vandalism by their children.          (Ed. Code §460-4979, 49408;
to inspect, review and evaluate        Students known to be involved         District Policy/Rule 5125)
the written or audiovisual             may be suspended and/or
materials to be used. You will also    expelled and subject to criminal      Federal and state laws grant rights
be asked to inform the principal of    charges. In addition, the district    of privacy and access to students
your school in writing whether or      may withhold a student’s grades,      and to their parents. Absolute
not you wish your child to             diploma, participation in             access to all personally identifiable
participate in this instruction.       graduation ceremonies and             written records maintained by the
                                       transcript until restoration for      school district must be granted to:
Safe Arms for Newborns Law             fines, fees and damages is made.
(Health & Safety Code §1255.7;                                                   •   Parents/guardians of
Penal Code §271.5)                     Students may choose to                        students younger than age
                                       participate in our meal programs              18, including the parent
Health and Safety Code 1255.7          but have a responsibility for all             who is not the student’s
and Penal Code 271.5 provide that      financial obligations. With the               custodial parent
a parent may voluntarily surrender     exception of students who are             •   An adult student, or a
physical custody of a minor child      eligible to receive meals under the           student under the age of
72 hours old or younger at a           free/reduced meal program,                    18 years who attends a
hospital emergency room or other       students shall pay on a per-meal              postsecondary institution,
designated location without being      basis or submit payments in                   in which case the student
subject to prosecution for a           advance. Students and their                   alone shall exercise rights
violation of certain crimes, such as   parents/guardians shall be                    related to his/her student
child abandonment.                     notified whenever their account               records and grant consent
                                       has reached a negative balance by             for the release of records
Parental Consent Requirements          letter, phone and/or notices sent         •   Parents/guardians of an
and the California Healthy Kids        home. A student is allowed a                  adult student with
Survey (CHKS)                          maximum charge up to three                    disabilities who is age 18
(Ed. Code §51938(b))                   lunches. A reimbursable courtesy              years or older and has
                                       meal with a choice of fruit,                  been declared
Effective January 1, 2004, districts   vegetable and milk may be                     incompetent under state
have the option of administering       provided by the cafeteria under               law
the CHKS in grades 7 through 12        certain circumstances of
using either active or passive         nonpayment for a full price meal.     The following persons or agencies
parental consent. However, the                                               shall have access to those
option for passive consent applies                                           particular records that are
00143898.1                                           12
relevant to their legitimate                     aid program, except when           to declaring the minor
educational interest or other                    students opt out or are            student a ward of the
legally authorized purpose:                      permitted by the rules of          court or involving a
                                                 the Student Aid                    violation of a condition of
     •       Parents/guardians of a              Commission to provide              probation, subject to
             student age 18 or older             test scores in lieu of the         evidentiary rules specified
             who is a dependent child            GPA                                in Welfare and Institutions
             as defined under 26 USC         •   Federal, state and local           Code 701
             152                                 officials, as needed for an    •   Any judge or probation
     •       Students who are age 16             audit, evaluation, or              officer for the purpose of
             or older or who have                compliance activity                conducting a truancy
             completed the 10th grade            related to a state or              mediation program for a
     •       School officials and                federally funded                   student or for the purpose
             employees with a                    education program and in           of presenting evidence in
             legitimate educational              accordance with a written          a truancy petition
             interest                            agreement developed                pursuant to Welfare and
     •       Members of a school                 pursuant to 34 CFR 99.8            Institutions Code 681
             attendance review board         •   Any county placing agency      •   Any foster family agency
             (SARB) who are authorized           acting as an authorized            with jurisdiction over
             representatives of the              representative of a state          currently enrolled or
             district and any volunteer          or local educational               former students for
             aide age 18 or older who            agency which is required           purposes of accessing
             has been investigated,              to audit or evaluate a             those students’ records of
             selected, and trained by            state or federally                 grades and transcripts and
             the SARB to provide                 supported education                any individualized
             follow-up services to a             program                            education program
             referred student                •   Any person, agency, or             developed and maintained
     •       Officials and employees of          organization authorized in         by the district
             other public schools,               compliance with a court        •   A student age 14 years or
             school systems, or                  order or lawfully issued           older who is both a
             postsecondary institutions          subpoena                           homeless student and an
             where the student intends       •   Any district attorney who          unaccompanied minor as
             or is directed to enroll,           is participating in or             defined in 42 USC 11434a
             including local, county, or         conducting a truancy           •   An individual who
             state correctional facilities       mediation program or               completes items 1-4 of the
             where educational                   participating in the               caregiver’s authorization
             programs leading to high            presentation of evidence           affidavit pursuant to
             school graduation are               in a truancy petition              Family Code 6552 and
             provided, or where the          •   A district attorney’s office       signs the affidavit for the
             student is already                  for consideration against a        purpose of enrolling a
             enrolled, as long as the            parent/guardian for                minor in school
             disclosure is for purposes          failure to comply with         •   A caseworker or other
             related to the student’s            compulsory education               representative of a state
             enrollment or transfer              laws                               or local child welfare
     •       The Student Aid                 •   Any probation officer,             agency or tribal
             Commission, for the                 district attorney, or              organization that has legal
             purpose of providing the            counsel of record for a            responsibility for the care
             grade point average (GPA)           minor student for the              and protection of a
             of all district students in         purposes of conducting a           student, provided that the
             grade 12 to the Cal Grant           criminal investigation or          information is directly
             postsecondary financial             an investigation in regards        related to providing
00143898.1                                             13
assistance to address the     writing by the person(s)                 organizations such as: the news
             student’s educational         authorized to have access to the         media; law enforcement; military
             needs                         pupil record. Access will be             recruiters; colleges/universities;
     •       Appropriate law               provided not later than five (5)         and companies that manufacture
             enforcement authorities,      business days following the date         class rings, publish yearbooks or
             in circumstances where        of the request. The principal will       provide photographs. In addition,
             Education Code 48902          see that explanations and                photographs of students may be
             requires that the district    interpretations are provided, if         taken occasionally by the news
             provide special education     requested.                               media and by the district for
             and disciplinary records of                                            publicity including print and social
             a student with disabilities   Parents or eligible students may         media venues. Student
             who is suspended or           seek to challenge any part of an         information which is released may
             expelled for committing       individual record they believe is        include the following:
             an act violating Penal        inaccurate or inappropriate. They               Name
             Code 245                      may receive a copy of the records               Grade level
     •       Designated peace officers     at a reasonable cost per page.                  Address
             or law enforcement            District policies and procedures                Telephone number
             agencies in cases where       relating to types of records,                   Date of birth
             the district is authorized    directory information, persons                  Major field of study
             by law to assist law          and organizations permitted                     Participation in officially
             enforcement in                access to student information, and               recognized activities and
             investigations of             procedures to challenge records                  sports
             suspected criminal            are available through the principal             Weight and height of
             conduct or kidnapping and     or from the district’s Coordinator               members of athletic teams
             a written parental            of Child Welfare & Attendance at                Dates of attendance
             consent, lawfully issued      (209) 331-7055.                                 Degrees and awards
             subpoena, or court order                                                       received
             is submitted to the           When a student moves to a new                   Most recent school
             district, or information is   district, records must be                        attended
             provided to it indicating     forwarded upon the request of the
             that an emergency exists      new school district. At the time of      If you do not want the district to
             in which the student’s        transfer to a California district, the   disclose directory information
             information is necessary      parent (or eligible student) will be     from your child’s education
             to protect the health or      notified by the receiving school         records without your prior written
             safety of the student or      district and may review/receive a        consent, you must notify the
             other individuals             copy (at a reasonable fee) and/or        district in writing by the end of the
                                           challenge the records. If you            second week following the start of
When disclosing records for the            believe the district is not in           the school year.
above purposes, the                        compliance with federal
Superintendent or designee shall           regulations regarding privacy, you       No directory information of a
obtain the necessary                       may file a complaint with the            student identified as a homeless
documentation to verify that the           United States Secretary of Health        child or youth as defined in 42 USC
person, agency, or organization is         and Human Services, Washington           11434a shall be released, unless
a person, agency or organization           D.C. 20202.                              the parent/guardian, or a student
that is permitted to receive such                                                   if he/she is 18 years old, has
records.                                   Student Information                      provided written consent that
                                           (District Policy/Rule 5125.1)            directory information may be
Parents or eligible students may                                                    released.
review their individual records by         Student directory information may
making a request to the principal.         be released, as permitted by law.
Requests should be made in                 This includes release to
00143898.1                                                14
EQUAL ACCESS                           opportunity policies and the filing             more major life activity
                                       of grievances, or requests for                  (these include, but are not
Nondiscrimination/Harassment           copies of the district’s grievance              limited to, caring for
Policy                                 procedures, may be directed to:                 oneself, performing
(Federal Regulation Title IX;          Positive School Climate                         manual tasks, seeing,
District Policy/Rule 5145.3)           Coordinator, Enrique Avalos, 1305               hearing, eating, sleeping,
                                       E. Vine Street, Lodi, CA 95240.                 walking, standing, lifting,
The Board of Education desires to      https://www.lodiusd.net/district/               bending, speaking,
provide a safe school environment      educational-services/secondary-                 breathing, learning,
that allows all students equal         education/positive-school-climate               reading, concentrating,
access and opportunities in the                                                        thinking, communicating,
district’s academic and other          LUSD recognizes its obligation to               and working. A major life
educational support programs,          provide overall program                         activity also includes, but
services and activities. The Board     accessibility throughout the                    is not limited to functions
prohibits, at any district school or   district for disabled persons.                  of the immune system,
school activity, unlawful              Contact the Positive School                     normal cell growth,
discrimination, including              Climate Coordinator, Enrique                    digestive, bowel, bladder,
discriminatory harassment,             Avalos at (209) 331-7976 to obtain              neurological, brain,
intimidation, and bullying of any      information about the existences                respiratory, circulatory,
student based on the student’s         and location of services, activities            endocrine, and
actual or perceived race, color,       and facilities that are accessible to           reproductive functions);
ancestry, national origin,             and useable by disabled persons.               Has a record of such
nationality, ethnicity, ethnic group                                                   impairment; or
identification, age, religion,         Inquiries regarding federal laws               Is regarded as having such
marital or parental status, physical   and regulations concerning non-                 impairment.
or mental disability, sex, sexual      discrimination or the district’s
orientation, gender, gender            compliance may also be directed         In order to fulfill its obligation
identity, or gender expression or      to: U.S. Department of Education        under Section 504, LUSD
association with a person or group     Office for Civil Rights, Old Federal    recognizes a responsibility to
with one or more of these actual       Building, 50 United Nations Plaza,      avoid discrimination in policies
or perceived characteristics.          Room 239, San Francisco, CA             and practices regarding its
                                       94102 (415) 556-7000; TTY (415)         personnel and students. No
This policy shall apply to all acts    556-6806.                               discrimination against any person
related to school activity or to       https://www2.ed.gov/about/offic         with a disability will knowingly be
school attendance occurring            es/list/ocr/docs/tix_dis.html           permitted in any of the programs
within a district school.                                                      and practices in the school system.
                                       Nondiscrimination Policy on
Any student who feels that he/she      Disability                              The school district has specific
has been subjected to unlawful         (Rehabilitation Act §504)               responsibilities under the
discrimination described above or                                              Rehabilitation Act, which include
in district policy is strongly         The Rehabilitation Act (Section         the responsibility to identify and
encouraged to immediately              504) is a federal law that prohibits    evaluate students, and if the child
contact the compliance officer,        discrimination against persons          is determined to be eligible under
principal, or any other staff          with a disability in any program        Section 504, to afford access to
member. In addition, any student       receiving federal financial             appropriate educational services.
who observes any such incident is      assistance. The law defines a           If the parents or guardians
strongly encouraged to report the      person with a disability as anyone      disagree with the determination
incident to the compliance officer     who:                                    made by the professional staff of
or principal, whether or not the            Has a physical or mental          the school district, there are
alleged victim files a complaint.               impairment that                specific steps identified as part of
Inquiries regarding the equal                   substantially limits one or    the appeal process, with the final
00143898.1                                            15
step being a hearing with an           education, consolidated               receipt of the complaint. This
impartial hearing officer. If there    categorical aid programs,             sixty (60) day time period may be
are questions on these policies,       career/technical, Indian              extended by written agreement of
please contact the district’s          education, migrant education,         the complainant. The LEA person
Administrative Director of Special     vocational education, child care      responsible for investigating the
Services/SELPA at (209) 331-7061.      and development programs, child       complaint shall conduct and
                                       nutrition programs and special        complete the investigation in
Uniform Complaint Procedure            education programs. Adult             accordance with sections 4680 –
(UCP)                                  Education, Consolidated               4687 and in accordance with local
                                       Categorical Aid Programs, Migrant     procedures adopted under section
For students, employees, parents       Education, Career Technical and       4621.
or guardians of its students, school   Technical Programs, Child Care
and district advisory committees,      and Developmental Programs,           The complainant has a right to
appropriate private school officials   Child Nutrition Programs, Special     appeal the LEA’s Decision to the
or representatives, and other          Education Programs, Federal           California Department of
interested parties.                    Safety Planning Requirements,         Education (CDE) by filing a written
                                       and as it relates to the Local        appeal within 15 days of receiving
The Lodi Unified School District       Control Funding Formula (LCFF)        the LEA’s Decision. The appeal
has the primary responsibility to      and the Local Control and             must include a copy of the
insure compliance with applicable      Accountability Plan (LCAP).           complaint filed with the LEA and a
state and federal laws and                                                   copy of the LEA’s Decision.
regulations and has established        Complaints must be filed in writing
procedures to address allegations      with the following compliance         Civil law remedies may be
of unlawful discrimination and         officer:                              available under state or federal
complaints alleging violation of                                             discrimination laws, if applicable.
state or federal laws governing        Name and/or title of Compliance       In appropriate cases, an appeal
educational programs.                  Officer: Enrique Avalos,              may be filed pursuant to
                                               Coordinator of Positive       Education Code Section 262.3. A
The Lodi Unified School District               School Climate                complainant may pursue available
shall investigate and seek to          Address: 1305 E. Vine Street, Lodi,   civil law remedies outside of the
resolve complaints using policies              CA 95240                      LEA’s complaint procedures.
and procedures known as the            Telephone: (209) 331-7976             Complainants may seek assistance
Uniform Complaint Procedure            https://www.lodiusd.net/district/     from mediation centers or
(UCP) adopted by our local Board.      educational-services/secondary-       public/private interest attorneys.
Unlawful discrimination                education/positive-school-climate     Civil law remedies that may be
complaints may be based on                                                   imposed by a court include, but
actual or perceived sex, sexual        Complaints alleging discrimination    are not limited to, injunctions and
orientation, gender, ethnic group      must be filed within six (6) months   restraining orders.
identification, race, ancestry,        from the date the alleged
national origin, religion, color,      discrimination occurred or the        A copy of the Lodi Unified School
mental or physical disability, age,    date the complainant first            District UCP policy and complaint
or on a person’s association with a    obtained knowledge of the facts of    procedures is attached to this
person or group with one or more       the alleged discrimination, unless    document as Exhibit A and shall be
of these actual or perceived           the time for filing is extended by    available free of charge at the
characteristics, in any program or     the Superintendent or his/her         district office.
activity that receives or benefits     designee.
from state financial assistance.                                             Uniform Complaint/Williams
The UCP shall also be used when        Complaints will be investigated       Settlement Procedures
addressing complaints alleging         and a written decision or report      (District Policy/Rule
failure to comply with state           will be sent to the complainant       1312.3/1312.4/3555)
and/or federal laws in adult           within sixty (60) days from the
00143898.1                                           16
Board Policies 1312.3 and 3555         STUDENT PROGRESS                      performance level is reported in
contains information regarding         REPORTING                             terms of:
the district’s uniform complaint       (District Policy 5124)
procedures (as required by Title 5                                                   1. Standard Not Met
of the California Code of              Student academic achievement                  2. Standard Nearly Met
Regulations). The uniform              and citizenship shall be evaluated,           3. Standard Met
complaint procedures have been         recorded, and reported to                     4. Standard Exceeded
adopted to ensure that the district    parents/guardians each marking        Our goal is that all students
complies with state and federal        period. The assessment of a           achieve a level of 3 or 4.
law in specific programs, including    student’s achievement shall be        Information about skills related to
assurance that sufficient              used to determine immediate and       responsibility and issues of
textbooks must be available to all     future guidance, development and      attendance are also included.
students, and school facilities        academic growth of the student.
must be clean, safe, and in good       Students, parents/guardians and       Individual parent conferences are
repair, along with allegations of      appropriate school personnel will     used to report student progress to
discrimination and sexual              be informed of the student’s          parents. During these
harassment.                            progress.                             conferences, tests and examples
                                                                             of student work and the student’s
The district’s uniform complaint       The first formal step in the          report card are discussed, as well
procedure describes the appeal         reporting procedure is Back-to-       as each child’s individual
and review processes. The              School-Night. The purpose of this     strengths, weaknesses and needs.
Coordinator of Positive School         meeting is to introduce parents to:   There is time to develop a
Climate has been designated as         the teacher, class, and school        cooperative assistance plan for
the person who is responsible for      rules, policies and procedures,       the child, discuss homework,
receipt and processing of              school programs and personnel.        minimum competencies, discipline
complaints, and following the          Parents are given grade level         issues, and answer parent
guidelines of the Williams Act         student expectations at this          questions and concerns. In
(SD550 & AB33301). Copies of the       meeting.                              addition, parents are encouraged
Uniform Complaint Form or                                                    to communicate with teachers
Williams Complaint Form may be         Elementary School Reporting           through personal notes and/or
obtained at the school office, at                                            telephone calls.
the district office, or downloaded     Quarterly report cards are a
from the district’s website at         vehicle for teachers to               1st Reporting Period
lodiusd.net. You may also              communicate a student’s
download a copy of the California      academic performance to parents.      Back-to-School-Night
Department of Education                All schools in California have been   Individual Parent Conferences
complaint form from the following      aligning teaching, learning, and      Student Report Card
website:                               assessments with the Common
http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cp/uc.        Core State Standards.                 2nd – 4th Reporting Periods
The person filing the complaint        Academic performance levels will
may pursue action in civil court or,   be reported in the areas of           Parent conference if:
in some instances, a complaint of      reading, writing, listening and            Student is working below
discrimination with a federal civil    speaking, English Language                    grade level.
rights agency. The district            Development (for English Learners          Quality of work is
prohibits retaliation against any      only), mathematics, social science,           unsatisfactory.
participant in the complaint           and science. Students will receive         Student did not meet
process. Each complaint shall be       an academic performance level for             minimum competency
investigated promptly, equitably,      each subject, which indicates                 criteria.
and in a way that respects the         achievement of the standards in
privacy of all parties concerned.      that content area. Academic           Middle School Reporting

00143898.1                                            17
You can also read