Burlington Notre Dame Elementary School Student/Parent Handbook 2019-2020 - 700 S. Roosevelt Burlington, IA 52601 (319) 752-3776 ...

Page created by Jeanette King
Burlington Notre Dame Elementary School Student/Parent Handbook 2019-2020 - 700 S. Roosevelt Burlington, IA 52601 (319) 752-3776 ...
Burlington​ ​Notre​ ​Dame
   Elementary​ ​School
Student/Parent​ ​Handbook

   700​ ​S.​ ​Roosevelt
  Burlington,​ ​IA​ ​52601
    (319)​ ​752-3776

Welcome to Notre Dame Elementary!
This handbook is given to students and parents to inform them of some school policies, regulations, and procedures.
We ask that you read it carefully and completely so that all of us can cooperate in creating a positive learning
environment for each student. A complete list of school policies set by the Burlington Notre Dame Schools, Inc. Board
and the Diocese of Davenport can be found on the school website.

The Burlington Notre Dame Schools, Inc. Board has reviewed this handbook. The Board supports the policies,
regulations, and procedures stated in this handbook and support the staff in their enforcement of them. This
handbook was approved by the Board of Education.

The administration reserves the right to amend the handbook during the course of the year should the need arise.
Parents will be notified if changes are made.

The education of your child is a partnership between you and the school. If, in the opinion of the administration,
that partnership is irretrievably broken, the school reserves the right to require you to withdraw your child.

Burlington Notre Dame Schools, Inc. is dedicated to fulfilling the teaching ministry of the Church by promoting
Catholic values and assisting students in reaching their full personal potential through Christ-centered academic and
co-curricular programs.

The Burlington Notre Dame School System exists because we believe that God has a central place in the education
of our children. As Christians, we believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, and we strive to carry out His last command to “go
forth and teach all nations.” We seek to build a Christian community through word and example and to help each
other to become all that God wants us to be.
Because each human person is precious and totally unique, we recognize a great responsibility not only to impart
cultural and scientific knowledge about life but also to provide moral values for life.
Through an academically sound and balanced curriculum and through co-curricular activities, we desire to meet the
intellectual, physical, spiritual, and social needs of our students with their many interests and talents.
In this way, we hope to prepare our young men and women to assume their rightful place in the human family where
they will contribute to the building of a just and peaceful society.
We want them to become the architects of a new world that always seeks truth, cherishes goodness, appreciates
beauty, and respects the dignity of each person as the reflection of the glory of God.
The Burlington Notre Dame School System recognizes that education is a lifelong process, and that its schools and
faculties are facilitators in encouraging each individual to grow in his/her knowledge and faith.

It is the policy of the Diocese of Davenport to provide equal employment and educational opportunities and not to discriminate. The
educational system of the Diocese of Davenport is committed to equal opportunities to the extent required by law, and does not
discriminate on the basis of age, color, creed, national origin, race, religion, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,
physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political party preference, political belief, socioeconomic status,
or familial status in educational programs or activities which it operates.
As a religious institution, we affirm the right to consider creed a bona fide qualification in certain cases. The educational system
policy is not to discriminate in educational programs and activities extends to the employment in, and admission to, such programs,
activities, and services. It does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, employment policies, admission
policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other school and parish administered programs.

Further, the Board affirms the right of all persons to be treated with respect and to be protected from intimidation, discrimination,
physical harm and harassment, thereby meeting the requirements of Title VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the 1972
Education Amendments and the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Code of Iowa.

Table of Contents
Accidents and Illnesses_________________________________________________________________________ 3
Addressing the School Board at Scheduled Meetings__________________________________________________4
Admission Criteria_____________________________________________________________________________ 4
Arrival and Dismissal___________________________________________________________________________ 5
Athletics_____________________________________________________________________________________ 5
Birthday Treats________________________________________________________________________________7
Cell Phones__________________________________________________________________________________ 8
Change of Address_____________________________________________________________________________8
Committees and Groups_________________________________________________________________________8
Computer and Internet Use______________________________________________________________________ 8
Curriculum___________________________________________________________________________________ 9
Daycare/Early Arrival Programs___________________________________________________________________9
Notre Dame Behavior Expectations _​ ______________________________________________________________ 9
Discipline and Conduct_________________________________________________________________________11
Due Process Procedure for Disciplinary Action______________________________________________________ 14
Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco____________________________________________________________________14
Grading System______________________________________________________________________________ 15
Parent Teacher Organization(PTO)_______________________________________________________________ 15
Lost and Found_______________________________________________________________________________16
Lunch Program_______________________________________________________________________________16
Mass______________________________________________________________________________________ 16
Music Programs______________________________________________________________________________ 16
Parent-Teacher Conferences____________________________________________________________________16

Parties_____________________________________________________________________________________ 16
Sacramental Preparation_______________________________________________________________________16
Student Abuse by School Employees_____________________________________________________________ 17
Telephone and Personal Contacts________________________________________________________________17
Uniform/Dress Code Policy_____________________________________________________________________ 17
Weapons Policy______________________________________________________________________________18
Diocese of Davenport Policy – Initiations, Hazing, Bullying, or Harassment________________________________ 19
Appendix A: Car Line Dismissal Procedure_________________________________________________________ 21

In case of an injury, the student must notify the playground supervisor, teacher, secretary, or other adult immediately.
Accident reports are filled out for serious injuries.​ ​If a student becomes ill during school hours, the administration,
secretary, teacher, or other authorized adult will notify parents. If the parent cannot be reached, the school will
attempt to reach one of the alternate individuals listed on the emergency form.

Emergency​ ​Procedures​ ​for​ ​Accidents​ ​and​ I​ llness
At the beginning of each school year parents must fill out an emergency information/record sheet. If a student
becomes ill or is injured at school, school personnel will:

a) Call 911 if the situation requires immediate medical attention b) Contact the parent(s) or alternate
c) Administer first aid for minor injuries

d) Provide medication only if the student brings the medication with a completed Medication Permission Form
e) In the event of an injury, complete a ​Student Accident/Injury Report
Medication​ ​for​ ​illness​ ​during​ ​the​ ​school​ ​day:
1. Iowa State Law requires that when a student brings medication to school:
           a) It must be identified, be in the proper prescription bottle and have the following information on the bottle:
student’s name, doctor’s name, and dosage. You can request an extra prescription bottle for school use from your
           b) A current authorization form must be completed and on file in the school office.
           c) The parent/guardian should contact the school when there is a change in dosage or
2. All medication will be kept in a central location, preferably in the office.
3. BNDS adheres to a self-administration medication policy. Students who take medication during the school day
must administer it to themselves. If a parent/guardian so chooses, she/he may come to school and administer the
medication to the child. The ability of the child to self-administer medication is to be determined by the
4. If a student needs medication for a short period of time, it should be regulated by the parent/guardian so that it is
not taken during school hours. The parent/guardian may come to school with the medication to administer it.
5. Any deviation from these policies/procedures is outside of our jurisdiction, and the school cannot be held
responsible. (This is intended to protect the school when students continue to bring medication without the knowledge
of school personnel.)
6. The procedure for non-prescription drugs is the same as for prescription drugs. This includes antihistamines,
aspirin, Tylenol, ointments, etc. Parental permission is needed for students to bring and take cough drops on their

​Regular meetings of the BNDS School Board are held each month. The Board members welcome any input

from parents and/or interested parties; the moreinformation we have can help in our decision-making.

To address the Board on specific issues, these guidelines must be followed:
              ○   Follow the chain of command. The School Board is not the starting point for most concerns. If it is a
                  personnel problem, talk to that individual. If this isn’t possible, then go to the administration to
                  discuss the concerns. When no solution is reached using these avenues, bringing the issue to the
                  Board is the next step or last resort.
              ○   To bring a concern or problem to the Board, notify the Board Secretary at least 1 week prior to the
                  scheduled meeting to be added to the agenda. If a written presentation is preferred, present that to
                  the Secretary at least 1 week prior to the scheduled meeting.
              ○   Discipline issues that come under the jurisdiction of the Board must first follow Due Process as
                  noted in the handbook and come before the School Board only if the issue cannot be resolved.
              ○   There is a 5-minute limit to any presentation to the Board by each individual.
              ○   Don’t expect Board action that same night. Many topics require discussion and research by the
                  Board members. An attorney’s opinion may be needed, review by the Policy Committee, or
                  consulting other affected parties are all tools the Board uses for research.
              ○   When action is taken on an issue, the Board will notify the individual(s) or group spokesperson of
                  the action.
              ○   Please note that the school board email, ​ndschoolboard@bnotredame.org​ is for general inquires
                  and policy clarification only. It is not an appropriate venue for bringing a matter to the school board.

Thank you for working with the Board. We are all dedicated in making our school the


A child entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old by September 15​th​. A copy of the birth certificate (and Baptismal
Certificate if applicable) must be presented with the registration forms. Kindergarten Round-Up is held during the
second semester. Registration for the new school year is held during the second semester of the school year.

BNDS has a nondiscrimination admission policy if the class is not full. However, if the class is full, preference is
given to families who are registered in one of the Des Moines County parishes​.​ ​Admission may​ b   ​ e​ ​denied​ ​if​ ​it​ i​ s
determined​ ​that​ ​BNDS​ ​is​ n
                               ​ ot​ ​able​ t​ o​ m
                                                  ​ eet​ ​the​ n
                                                               ​ eeds​ ​of​ ​the​ ​child.

For students not using bus services, please follow the drop off and pick-up process. ​This​ ​process​ ​has​ ​been​ ​created
for​ ​the​ ​safety​ ​of​ ​all​ ​students.

Arrival​: Please drop off your students at the school doors between 8:15 and 8:30, so that students have time
to get to their classrooms before the     tardy bell.

Dismissal​: See Appendix A for a detailed description of the dismissal procedure.

Inclement​ ​Weather​ ​Procedures​ ​for​ ​Arrival​ ​and​ ​Dismissal
All announcements regarding ​school cancellations, delays, or early dismissals​ will be broadcast on local radio
stations and sent out as a JMC Blast via text or email. Please do not call the school, staff, or radio station.

When there is a morning delay, the school doors will open one, two, or three hours later, as follows:

      ●     1 hour delay -- doors ​open at ????**
      ●     2 hour delay -- doors open at ????**
      ●   3 hour delay -- doors ​open at ????**
** Students are not to arrive on school premises early. Teachers will not be on duty before 8:00. Any student who
must arrive before the stated “doors open” times must enroll in the Extended Day Care Program. (There is a fee for
this service.)

When there is any early dismissal the schedule is as follows:

      ●     1 hour early out -- 2:20 PM dismissal
      ●     2 hour early out -- 1:20 PM dismissal
      ●     3 hour early out -- 12:20 PM dismissal

BNDS offers boys and girls basketball for grade 5. In order to participate in basketball, students must turn in a
permission slip signed by their parents or guardians. A student who has been absent may not participate in that day’s
practice(s) or game(s). Each person will play at least two minutes in a game providing he/she adheres to the practice
requirements of the coach.

Notre Dame is very serious about the role of the student as a participant in extracurricular activities. For the student
to best represent Notre Dame he or she must be in good academic standing.

Weekly​ ​Eligibility
Students will not be allowed to participate in school related extra-curricular activities if they have an F in 1 or more
classes. Students will be allowed to participate in school related extracurricular activities once their grades are above
failing. Eligibility will be reported to the elementary office by 12:00 PM on the first school day of each week. Parents

be notified if their student is academically ineligible by administration or staff. Students are permitted a two week
grace period at the start of each quarter. The first eligibility report will be generated the third week of each new
quarter. Ineligibility during shortened weeks due to holiday breaks may be overturned by the administration.

Quarter​ ​Eligibility
Any student that fails two courses at the end of a quarter will be considered ineligible for the entire following
quarter. The student cannot become eligible during the quarter of ineligibility.
In addition students must earn a 2.0 grade point average for the reporting quarter in order to be considered eligible
for extracurricular activities. In the event the grade point average is below a 2.0 the student will be considered
ineligible starting from the time grades are reported to the office until such time that eligibility is reinstated. An
ineligible student may become eligible at midterm if they are earning a 2.0 or higher grade point average.
Any student with repeated detentions or disciplinary action will not be allowed to participate in school sponsored


                           ​ lementary​ ​Daily Schedule: ​
Burlington​ ​Notre​ ​Dame​ E                                           ​Doors​ ​unlocked:​ 8:00 AM

           ​ ell:​ ​8:0​5 ​AM
   ​Tardy​ b
   Bus​ ​dismissal:​ 3   ​ :10​ P
                                ​ M ​
   Regular​ ​dismissal:​ ​3:20​ ​PM

**Please​ ​note​ ​that​ s                                         ​ tudents​ ​prior​ ​to​ ​8:00 AM.
                        ​ upervision​ ​is​ ​not​ ​provided​ ​for​ s

Definition:​ Students are expected to be in class and make attendance a priority. Only through regular attendance
and class participation do students fully realize the benefits of the educational program. Learning lost to an absence
can never be replaced. Regular attendance and being well prepared for class helps in school as well as prepares
students for adulthood. A student must be present for the entire school day to participate in extra-curricular activities.
 ​Compulsory attendance age includes children at or between the ages of 6 (by September 15) and 16 years old.
Students are required to attend school until the end of the school year that they turn 16.

Burlington​ ​Notre​ ​Dame​ ​is​ ​required​ ​to​ ​follow​ ​the​ ​State​ ​of​ ​Iowa​ ​Law​ ​and​ ​report​ ​excessive​ ​absences​ ​and
tardiness​ ​to​ ​the​ ​Des​ ​Moines​ ​County​ ​Truancy​ ​office​.

Excused​ ​absence:​ For an absence to be excused, a parent/guardian must write a note or call the elementary school
office with the reason for the absence. Excused absences include: illness, doctor appointments, family emergencies,
funeral (bereavement), and recognized religious observances. ​Extended absences or out-of-town​ ​family vacations
may ​ be excused if the parent/guardian notifies the administrator in writing prior to the event.​ In the event of extended
absences, please make arrangements with classroom teachers for work to be made up when the child returns, unless
the teacher gives out work prior to the absence. Generally, textbooks are ​not​ to be taken on trips. It’s very difficult for
teachers to assign homework without the student being in attendance for the instructional time. We understand that
parents cannot always plan their vacations around the school calendar. While many vacations can provide worthwhile
educational experiences, children do miss out on valuable school time. We ask for your cooperation in keeping our
children in school as much as possible and your understanding when assignments cannot be given in advance.

     ●     A five-day absence letter (“letter of concern”) may be sent home after a student has missed five days of
           school (excused or unexcused).
     ●     A ten-day absence letter may be sent home after a student has missed ten days of school (excused or
           unexcused), placing the student on the “doctor’s excuse list.” A doctor’s note will be required for any further

absences beyond ten days. If a doctor’s note is not produced, the absence will be recorded as unexcused
          (truant). (​NOTE:​ This letter may be mailed sooner than ten days if the building principal deems that a
          student needs to be placed on the list soon.)

Unexcused​ ​absence​ ​(truancy):​ Truancy is any absence from school without both parent/guardian ​and​ school
permission. Truancies are reported periodically as required by law to the County Attorney.
    ● At 6 unexcused absences, the Des Moines County Attorney’s office is notified. The student is placed on the
         “doctor’s excuse list” immediately. Parents/guardians will be served papers by the County Attorney’s office.
     ●    At 8 unexcused absences (or 2 additional unexcused absences after being served papers), a mediation
          referral will be made and mediation hearing conducted at the county attorney’s office.
     ●    At 10 unexcused absences (or 2 additional unexcused absences beyond the mediation hearing), a referral
          for prosecution will be filed with the County Attorney, which could result in up to 30 days in jail and/or a fine
          of up to $1000 for the parent/guardian.

REMEMBER:​ ​The​ ​individual​ b
                              ​ uilding​ a
                                         ​ dministration makes​ ​the​ ​final​ ​determination​ ​as​ ​to​ ​what​ ​absences​ ​are
excused​ ​and​ ​unexcused​ . Parents are encouraged to minimize this subjective decision-making by maintaining
consistent communication with teachers and administrators.

Tardiness:​ A student is tardy if they miss up to 80 minutes during the school day. This includes leaving prior to
dismissal and arriving after 8:30 AM. (ex. Students arriving before 9:45 AM are considered tardy, but students
arriving after 9:45 AM are considered absent for the morning. Students leaving before 1:57PM are considered
absent for the afternoon, but students leaving after 1:57 PM are considered tardy.)

Other​ ​policies​ ​to​ ​remember:
     ●    If a child has a truancy referral on file from a previous school year, that student will be placed on the
          “doctor’s excuse list” when five absences (excused or unexcused) have been accumulated.
     ●    If a child had a mediation hearing on file from a previous school year, that student will be placed on the
          “doctor’s excuse list” ​immediately​ for the current school year.

Participation in instrumental music (band) is offered to students in grade 5. The band enhances school spirit -- a spirit
of cooperation, unity, support, and enthusiasm. ​Students who join band are required to continue with it​ ​throughout the
school year. Band may be dropped only at the end of the year. ​Parents must contact the​ ​band director before a
student may drop band​.

Parents/guardians are asked to keep birthday treats simple. When balloons, flowers, and other gifts are sent/brought
to school for a student, they are kept in the office until dismissal. Parents are reminded that balloons on buses may
be hazardous as they can obscure the driver’s vision. Parents shall consult with classroom teacher and
administration prior to bringing in treats.
All books are school property and are rented by students. Please check your books occasionally to make sure they
are being handled carefully. Payment for damage to a textbook or library book is the responsibility of the
student/student’s parent(s). Textbooks are to be covered at all times.

Bus transportation is provided through the Burlington Community Schools for eligible riders and through the
Burlington Urban Service.
Students who live two miles or more from school are eligible to ride the public school buses. Those not eligible may
ride the city buses. The Burlington Transit Bus System sets the fee for the city buses. For information call 753-8162.

Information phone numbers and transportation directors are: Public Schools Bus 753-1444

City Bus (BUS)     753-8162

You must complete a transportation form with the Notre Dame Business Office to use any of the bus services.
Students are to conduct themselves in a Christian manner at all times. They are to show respect and courtesy to the
bus driver and other students. Unacceptable language, hitting, fighting, name calling, moving around, standing,
kneeling on seats, and other inappropriate behavior will not be permitted. Parents will be notified of any misconduct
on the bus. If the misconduct continues, the students and parents may be notified that the student will be suspended
from riding the bus. If a student is written up three times for misconduct on the bus, she/he will be automatically
suspended from riding the bus.

Cell phones are not allowed during school hours. Cell phones should be on silent or turned off and placed in students
lockers. If students need to call parents/guardians, they need to ask a teacher if they can go down to the office to
make a phone call.

If a student is caught with a cell phone:
    ●    1​st ​offense: Phone is taken away and the student may retrieve it at the end of the day from the teacher. The
         teacher will call home to notify the parents.
    ●    2​nd ​offense: Phone is taken away and the students’ parents must retrieve it at the end of the day from the
         office. The school will notify the parents.
    ●    3​rd ​offense: Phone is taken away and the students’ parents must retrieve it at the end of the day from the
         office. The students will also serve a detention. The school will notify the parents.

​You are asked to report any change in address, telephone number, parents occupation, health information,
babysitter full name, address, and telephone number, etc. to the school office to keep school and emergency
records up-to-date.
Burlington Notre Dame has sponsored and endorsed the following committees and groups:
Board​ ​Directed​ C
                  ​ ommittees​: Marketing, Policy, Academic Excellence/School Improvement, Finance, and Building
and Grounds
Booster​ ​Groups:​ PTO, Music Boosters and Athletic Boosters

Student Guidelines
1. Students must have permission from the teacher or staff member in the room before using any computer. School
use of the Internet is at the discretion of school staff and is limited to educationally appropriate sites which are
recommended by the teacher(s).
2. Students must complete an Internet instruction class before they will be allowed to use school computers for
Internet access. This instruction should be reviewed each school year.
3.When using the Internet, students must respect the intellectual property rights of others. They must give credit to
sources that are used and are not to copy information word for word. Students are to get permission from the teacher
before printing any quoted or copied material.
4.Elementary students may be given email access on school computers to be used for instruction under direct
teacher supervision, and with signed parental permission.
5.The following are not permitted on the school network: subscribing to any mailing lists or services over the Internet;
making purchases; signing up on visitor or guest lists; giving out names, addresses, or other personal information;

participating in CHAT groups; accessing personal email; intentionally transmitting any material in violation of any
BNDS/school policy, or any local, state, or federal law.
6.Students should be aware that network storage areas may be treated like school lockers and may be checked at
any time to be sure students are using the system responsibly.
7.Students should be aware that individual computers may not always be available for Internet access depending on
the needs of the classes or teachers.
8.Students should immediately report any known misuse to a teacher or principal.

Parental Guidelines
1.Parents should be aware of BNDS policies and guidelines for Internet use.
2.Parents are encouraged to question their children regarding their use of the Internet.
3.Parents must sign the information and consent form and understand that compliance with this is a condition of
access to Notre Dame Schools’ computers and electronic resources and that non-compliance may have other
consequences as well.

The curriculum includes subjects required by the State of Iowa. In all subjects, Christian values are the central core.
The following subjects are included in the curriculum: Religion, Reading, Mathematics, English, Spelling, Handwriting,
Social Studies, Science, Art, Music, Physical Education, and Human Growth & Development.

Our elementary facility has before and after school daycare for students in kindergarten through grade 5 and all day
for preschool students. Daycare is open from 7:00 AM until 5:30 PM during the school year. There is a fee for this
service. Please contact the daycare director at 319.752.3776.
 ​If your elementary student has a middle school/high school sibling, they are eligible to attend our early arrival
program in the library. This service is only available from ​ AM until    AM. There is a fee for this service.
Please contact the elementary office at 319.752.3776 for more information.

The administration of Notre Dame reserves the right to enact more severe consequences than identified if
deemed appropriate. Teachers are responsible for issuing discipline in the classroom for classroom
behavior violations. The principal, assistant principal, or their designee shall issue school discipline.
Any behavior not addressed shall be handled by the administrator with consequences deemed appropriate
on an individual basis
A student may be suspended or recommended for expulsion based on one incident or multiple incidents
depending on the type and severity of the situation.

 Expected        Infraction                                                                                Consequences

 Proper          Dishonesty​, ​cheating​, ​littering​, ​loitering​, ​running​ ​in the halls​, ​excessive   1​st​ offense – 1
 behavior at     familiarity​, ​unassigned​ ​areas​(ie:gym, auditorium), ​open food/drink​, ​profanity​,   detention
 school          immodest/inappropriate​ ​clothing​, ​sunglasses​,​headwear​, ​gang attire                 2​nd​ offense – 2
 functions &                                                                                               detentions
 activities is
 expected.                                                                                                 Teachers may
                                                                                                           assign classroom

Students shall Unassigned areas outside of the school building​.                                        1​st​ – Detention
not be in                                                                                               2​nd​ – 2
parking lots                                                                                            Detentions
or outside

Students          Use of ​vulgar​, ​inappropriate​ ​language​, or ​swearing​, directed at students or   1​st​ – Detention
shall not use     groups of individuals.                                                                2​nd​ – 2
unacceptable                                                                                            Detentions
on school

Students          Insubordination​ or ​defiance​ ​to authority                                          1​st​ – 1
shall follow                                                                                            Detention
directions                                                                                              2​nd​ – 2
given by                                                                                                Detentions

Students          Harassment, threats, intimidation​ (verbally/nonverbally)                             Possible police
shall treat all                                                                                         notification-
staff                                                                                                   depending on
members                                                                                                 severity
with respect                                                                                            1​st​ – 3 day
                                                                                                        2​nd​ –5 day
                                                                                                        3​rd​ ​– Long term
                                                                                                        suspension or

Students shall Name calling, teasing, provoking, and intimidating others​. To include, but not          1​st​ – Detention
treat other    limited to, racial or ethnic implications, and ​sexual​ ​harassment ​(pinching,          2​nd​ ​– 3 day
students with unwanted touching, verbal comments, repeated propositions, etc.).                         suspension
respect on                                                                                              3​rd​ –5 day
school                                                                                                  suspension

Students         Fighting​ or encouragement of physical contact.              1​st​ ​– May result
shall settle                                                                  in a 3 day
differences                                                                   suspension
through                                                                       Repeated
nonphysical                                                                   infractions​ will
means.                                                                        result in
                                                                              to the Board of
                                                                              Education for

Respect for      Vandalism​, ​alterations,​ and ​damage to property​.         1​st​ ​– Detention to
the property                                                                  suspension
of other                                                                      based on
students,                                                                     incident and
staff, and the                                                                replacement/rep
school                                                                        air of property

Stealing of      Theft or being in possession of stolen property.             1​st​ – 1 to 3 day
property of                                                                   suspension
students,                                                                     Repeated
staff, guests,                                                                infractions
and the                                                                       could result in
school                                                                        recommendation
district.                                                                     for expulsion.

Possession,      Alcohol, drugs​, and​ paraphernalia                          1​st​ – 3 day home
or under the                                                                  suspension
influence, of                                                                 2​nd​ – 5 day home
alcohol,                                                                      suspension
drugs, or                                                                     3​rd​ – 7 day home
paraphernali                                                                  suspension.

Buying,          Sale or distribution ​of ​alcohol, drugs, or paraphernalia   Possible
selling, or                                                                   referral to
delivery of                                                                   police. ​Home
alcohol or                                                                    suspension with
drugs during                                                                  possible
school, or                                                                    recommendation
school                                                                        for expulsion.

Possession       Verbal or written threats of the intended actions.                                    Referral to
 of firearms,     Possession of the weapons or devices​ that could be used to harm students.            police:​ for a long
 ammunition,      Bomb threats​ or be an ​accessory                                                     term suspension
 explosives,      Pull fire alarms​ or be an ​accessory​.                                               pending an
 weapons, or                                                                                            expulsion
 devices                                                                                                hearing.
 which may
 to be a
 shall not call
 in bomb
 threats or be
 shall not pull
 fire alarms or
 be an

Out of school suspension:
1​st​- One to Three day home suspension
2​nd​- Three to Five day home suspension
3​rd​- Seven day home suspension with possible recommendation for expulsion
I.​ ​Progressive Discipline
Notre Dame elementary is committed to ensuring our schools are safe and orderly environments in which teaching
and learning takes place. Discipline is meant to serve as a teachable moment for students. The progressive discipline
model uses incremental interventions to address inappropriate behavior, with the ultimate goal of teaching students
appropriate social behavior. The Notre Dame Elementary Discipline Plan seeks to prevent the recurrence of negative
behavior by helping students learn from their mistakes. Corporal punishment and physical restraint are not used.

II.​ ​Level 1 Discipline: Parents and Students
Notre Dame Elementary wants to support parents and families in their educational efforts at home. We believe that
parents are their student’s primary teacher. The first level of discipline starts with parents and students. This level of
discipline provides a framework for students before they enter the classroom and is the first step to avoiding the
discipline process at school. Parents are encouraged to discuss with their students what constitutes appropriate
behavior while they are at school. Here are some basic guidelines and expectations for students to follow while they
are at school:
    ●    Respect for self, respect for others, respect for property
    ●    Use appropriate language and body posture
    ●    Dress appropriately and within the school uniform policy
    ●    Arrive to school on time
    ●    Accept responsibility for their actions

●    Try their best and work hard

III.​ ​Level 2 Discipline: Teachers/Staff and Students
Teachers are responsible for managing discipline in their respective classrooms. Each teacher will have their own
system of rules, guidelines, and consequences. Teachers will send information home to parents explaining their
classroom procedures in regards to student discipline.
A. Guidelines
1. Teachers can only influence behavior, not control it.
2. Document all discipline action.
3. Treat students with respect.
4. Be proactive when it comes to student discipline and try to prevent potential issues.
5. Student engagement is a great tool to prevent negative behavior.
B. Punishment vs. Discipline
1. Punishment is an emotional response that requires judgment and invites more conflict.
2. Discipline is a planned response that allows students to recognize what he or she has done wrong.
3. Discipline is not ridicule, sarcasm, or embarrassment.
C. Consequences
1. Consequences should be realistic for both the student and teacher. Consistency is the key to behavioral change.
Consistency means that you say what you mean, mean what you say, and do what you said you would do.
Teacher consequences may include, but are not limited to, the following:

    ●    Verbally correcting or warning students
    ●    Proximity
    ●    Moving student to a different seat
    ●    Holding a conference with a student
    ●    Contacting parent
    ●    Keeping student after school

IV.​ ​Level 3 Discipline: Referral to the Principal
When teachers or staff members have tried all of their classroom discipline methods with no success, the student is
referred to the administration. This level of discipline constitutes more stringent consequences. The student will be
given a discipline form that outlines their behavior and consequence. This form will be sent home to student’s
parents. Students will complete an “Action Plan” form after their third office referral. The administration has the
authority to utilize several levels of discipline which may include, but are not limited to:

1. Restitution to the offended party
2. Loss of privileges
3. Detention
4. Parent conference
5. Alternative placement/In-school study
6. School Suspension

The administration has the authority to distribute any level of discipline he or she deems appropriate based on
prior student history and the severity of the offense.

Severe​ ​Clause
The Severe Clause is also a part of the discipline procedure and will be enforced if there is any inappropriate
behavior that requires immediate attention (i.e. fighting, repeated bullying and harassment, deliberate intent to harm
another person). The Severe Clause calls for parents to be notified and the student to be sent home for the
remainder of the day. The student may also serve a detention the next school day.​ ​It is important to note that the

above is not intended to be an exhaustive list of rules and consequences. Individual teachers may have other
classroom rules and procedures students are expected to follow and may utilize other consequences. Corporal
punishment will never be used.

Building​ ​Guidelines​ ​for​ ​Respect
Our goal is to have a safe and clean environment at Notre Dame Elementary School. We ask that students respect
the school property and those who care for it. Below are general guidelines for safety and respect. Common sense
and common courtesy need to be modeled by all to maintain an environment conducive to positive learning.
Students will be reminded to be quiet, orderly, and safe in the hallways. Specific requests for a clean and safe
building are: no gum in the building, no toys, handheld games, cd players, iPods, etc. or trading cards. This includes
daycare situations.​ ​The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Lockers may be checked at any time. ​
                         ​ re required to take home PE clothes after each PE class.
Grades 4 and 5 students​ a

1.       A student must have a written appeal to the administrator no later than two school days after the discipline
has been imposed.
2.       The adminstration will review both the appeal and the discipline decision imposed.
3.       If the student wishes to appeal the administration’s decision, a Hearing Council will meet. The student must
give a written request to the administration for a meeting of the Hearing Council within two school days of receiving
the administrator’s decision.
4.       The Council will meet no later than one week after the written request has been made.
5.       The Hearing Council will be composed of two faculty members and one school board member. The school
board member shall be the chairperson of the board’s policy committee or the president of the board. At the
beginning of each year, the administration will designate two faculty members and one alternate to serve each
quarter. The student or designated faculty members may request the alternate to serve when a Hearing
Council meeting is requested.
6.       The student and her/his parent(s) will be able to attend the Hearing Council meeting. The Hearing Council
may request administration, faculty, and other students to be present for all or part of the meeting. The
Hearing Council decides whether to uphold or modify the administration’s decision and notifies the student
and her/his parent(s) in writing within two school days of the Council’s meeting.
7.       No outside legal counsel will be able to attend the meeting of the Hearing Council, as this is not a court of
8.       If the student wishes to appeal the Hearing Council’s decision, the student may appeal the decision to the
school board. This appeal must be in writing and made no later than two school days after the Hearing
Council’s decision.
9.       The school board will act on the appeal not later than ten school days after the appeal has been received.
The decision of the school board is final.

Intoxicants or other controlled substances in any form including but not limited to drugs, marijuana, beer, wine, or
alcohol may not be brought onto, consumed, or utilized on campus or at any school sponsored activity. A student
shall not sell, possess, use, transmit, or be under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug,
amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind. Violators will be subject to
immediate expulsion as well as any action deemed appropriate by civil authorities for violation of any law. Proper use
of a drug authorized by a medical prescription from a registered physician shall not be considered a violation of this
rule. A student on such medication must provide the administration with written notification from the parent/guardian if
the medication is to be consumed or utilized on campus or at any school sponsored activity or on school grounds. By
acceptance of enrollment, students, their parents, and guardians consent to and authorize all reasonable action on
the part of the school authorities to enforce this rule including, but not limited to, the utilization of searches,
questioning, and other investigative tools. Students possessing or using alcohol or drugs in school or during school
activities or on school grounds will be dealt with as follows:

a) Report incident to police
b) Parent conference

c) Disciplinary action ranging from a minimum of a 2-day in-school suspension to expulsion

Student Assistance - Realizing that drugs and alcohol possession and/or usage may constitute a serious dependency
and/or other psychological problem, the administration may recommend any of the following assistance programs:
1) Further education of the dangers of using alcohol and drugs through or attendance by the student and parent(s) at
a local substance lecture or lecture series.

2) Referral for professional assessment of substance use and abuse by ADDS, Riverview, Young House, or other
professional treatment facilities.

Use of or possession of tobacco is never permitted at school or school events. In the event of a violation, parents will
be contacted and a conference may be scheduled.

​Notre Dame Elementary School utilizes the quarter report card system. Students in grades 1-5 will receive report
cards each quarter. Students in grades 2-5 will also receive mid-term reports indicating progress. Mid-term grades
are not a part of a student’s permanent record. Students in Kindergarten will receive semester reports.

Grades 4 and 5 will receive letter grades:
95-100% A                                                        77-79% C
92-94% A-                                                        74-76% C-
89-91% B+                                                        71-73% D+
86-88% B                                                         68-70% D
83-85% B-                                                        65-67% D-
80-82% C+                                                        ≤64% F

Students in grades 4 and 5 are recognized each quarter for exemplary achievement. Placement on the Honor Roll is
given to those whose grade point average is B or better. A grade of “D” or “F” in any subject will keep the student off
the Honor Roll.

Grades 1-3 will receive other symbol grades:
100-92% --        +
91-83% --         S+
82-74% --         S
73-65% --         S-
64-0% --          -

Kindergarten will receive a 1, 2, or 3: 1 = making progress, 2 = more growth needed, and 3 = not applicable.

Parent Teacher Organization
PTO is an association consisting of parents and faculty. Active participation in this organization is a great way to
support your school. Meetings are held as provided by the Executive Committee. Officers for the following year are
elected during the spring meeting. At least one project per year, usually a Fun Fest, is undertaken by the ​PTO​ to
finance school needs. The cooperation and support of each family is expected in order to make this event a success.
Each family is asked to pay $15.00 dues per year.

K - 3 students may withdraw a book from the school library for a period of one week. Grades 4 - 5 may withdraw
books for a period of two weeks. A fine of 5 cents per day is charged for overdue books. Students are responsible for
books charged to them. The borrower must pay for a lost or damaged book.

Students should report lost items immediately to the office. Anything found should be brought to the office. Lost and
Found items may be disposed of if they are not claimed within two weeks. ​ALL CLOTHING AND PERSONAL

Our School Lunch Program operates on a subsidy from the Federal Government under the National School Lunch
Act. The cost of lunch is determined at the beginning of each school year. Extra milk for those participating in the
program may be purchased.
The lunch program is automated. Each child has a scan card to present at lunch time. You can add any amount of
money to your child’s account. When the account balance falls below $6.00, you will receive a reminder notice to
deposit more money into the account. Return the money in an envelope with your child’s name and teacher’s name
clearly marked.
Free and reduced price meals are available to those who qualify under the guideline issued by the Federal Lunch
Program. Information concerning free and reduced price lunches is given to all families at the beginning of each
school year. We encourage all families who are eligible to take advantage of the free and reduced lunch prices. This
program actually provides money for our lunch program. The funding for Title I and Title II programs is tied into free
and reduced price lunch eligibility. It is to your benefit and the school's benefit to take advantage of this program if
you are eligible. ​All information is kept confidential​.
BNDS reserves the right to increase school lunch prices second semester if cuts in federal and/or state subsidies
and/or price increases to the program warrant such an increase.
Students are not to bring soda pop to school for lunch. Food from outside vendors -- McDonald’s, Hardee’s, etc. --
should not be brought to school.

All K-5 students attend weekly Mass or Faith Service. Teachers will review the appropriate demeanor and respect
expected for Mass and other reverent services. Families are welcome to attend, but all students sit with their class.
Periodically, mass will be held at one of the parish churches in Burlington or West Burlington. Notification will be
provided to families prior, and students will be transported by bus.

Music programs are, in a way, the student “test” over the previous weeks of preparation. Therefore, attendance at
programs is required​.​ Students' report card grade will be lowered if a student has an unexcused absence from a
program. The music program dates are provided on the official Notre Dame Academic Calendar, which is available
on the school’s website.

​Cooperation between the parents and the school is most important. Parent-Teacher Conferences provide such an
opportunity. The conference is a scheduled meeting of parents and teachers for the purpose of discussing the
academic and social progress of the student. Formal Parent-Teacher Conferences are held in the Fall and in the
Spring. Informal conferences may be requested by contacting the teacher and setting up a time convenient to both

Invitations to parties may not be distributed at school unless every child in that class, all girls/all boys are

Second grade students are prepared for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance) and the Sacrament of the
Eucharist (First Communion).

Policies and procedures for investigating allegations of abuse by school employees are required to be adopted by all
schools (Iowa Code 280.17 - 1989). It is based on administrative rules adopted by the State Board of Education and
found in Iowa Administrative Code 281-102.
The Davenport Diocesan School Office and the Diocesan Board of Education have designated the building principal
as the Level I investigator. This is the building administrator of Notre Dame (319.752.3776) or (319.754.8431).
If a parent/guardian has a reasonable belief that her/his child has suffered abuse by a person responsible for the care
of that child, contact the Level I investigator immediately. A parent/guardian always has the option of bypassing the
Level I investigator and contacting the local law enforcement agency directly.

Students should be advised by parents before school each day of after-school schedules and the means of
transportation home. Changes to this can be called in to the secretary no less than 45 minutes before dismissal.
Unless it is absolutely necessary, no teacher or child will be called to the telephone during class time. Important
messages will be relayed to the teacher to give to the student.
Parents who wish to make an appointment with a teacher should send a note with their child, call the teacher, or
email the teacher. The teacher will contact the parents to set a day and time. Parents may also leave a message with
the secretary and she will see that the teacher gets it.
Please do not go to classrooms when you drop off items for your children, as it can be disruptive to the
teaching/learning atmosphere. Take items to the office and they will be delivered to the classroom.​You​ ​must​ ​report
to​ ​the​ ​office​ ​and​ ​sign​ ​in​ ​before​ ​going​ ​anywhere​ ​in​ ​the​ ​building.​ ​You​ ​must​ ​also​ ​sign​ ​out​ ​before​ ​leaving.

The purpose of the uniform/dress code is to ensure that all students are wearing the same style, color, and fabric of
clothing. It is important that parents assist the staff in enforcing this policy by purchasing garments that meet
specifications. Students who are out of uniform will be given a notice to that effect. Parents are expected to assist the
child in complying with the code. It is critical to have clothing fit appropriately. Please see the guidelines below for
length and fit. Clothing that is too tight or too big impedes a child from learning by making them uncomfortable.
Students​ ​who​ ​repeatedly​ ​violate​ ​the uniform​ ​code​ ​may​ ​be​ ​subject​ ​to​ ​detention​.

Girls’ Uniform Dress Code
Pants and Skirts:
     ●    Blue plaid jumper or skirt (hem no shorter than 1” above the knee and longer than the fingertips
          when standing straight). Navy blue or khaki skirts are okay.
     ●    Navy or white shorts, leggings, or tights are to be worn under the jumper or skirt.
     ●    The jumper may be purchased through Mother Goosebumps, 77 S. Seminary St. Galesburg,
          IL (309.342.2867).
     ●    The uniforms may also be purchased at Amazon.com, then search school uniforms, French Toast plaid
          skirt or jumper.
     ●    Pants in navy or tan color and plain front or pleated style.
     ● Dress casual navy or tan cargo pants and corduroy are allowed.
     ●    Solid white, navy, light yellow, or gold long or short-sleeved shirts with a collar.
     ●    Only school-colored long sleeved or school-colored turtleneck or mock turtlenecks shirts may be worn under
     ●    Oxford style dress shirts in white, navy, or gold/yellow are acceptable; no flannel shirts are allowed.
     ●    Plain white or navy blue cardigan sweater/pullover (blouse/shirt with a collar must be worn underneath)
     ●    “Notre Dame Nikes” sweatshirt may be worn anytime (blouse/shirt with collar must be worn underneath).
          These orders are placed through the PTO/Nike Spirit Store.

●     Students should have no trouble tucking in the shirt and being able to keep the shirt tucked in. Shirt should
          extend a minimum of 4 inches below the waistband of the pants being worn.
    ●     Shirts should contain no logo or writing larger than can be covered by a dollar bill unless it is a Notre Dame
         School logo.
Shoes and Socks
Closed toed shoes with socks.
No dangling earrings, excessive jewelry, makeup, perfume, cologne, or removable tattoos. Visible body piercing other
than the ear is not permitted.
Boys’ Uniform Dress Code
    ● Pants in navy or tan color.
    ●     Pants may be plain front or pleated style.
    ●     Dress casual navy or tan cargo pants and corduroy are allowed.
    ●     Solid white, navy, or light yellow, or gold long or short-sleeved shirts with a collar.
    ●     Only school-colored long sleeved or school-colored turtleneck or mock turtlenecks shirts may be worn under
    ●     Oxford style dress shirts in white, navy, or gold/yellow are acceptable; no flannel shirts are allowed.
    ●     Plain white or navy blue cardigan sweater/pullover (blouse/shirt with a collar must be worn underneath)
    ●     “Notre Dame Nikes” sweatshirt may be worn anytime (blouse/shirt with collar must be worn underneath).
          These orders are placed through the PTO/Nike Spirit Store.
    ●     Students should have no trouble tucking in the shirt and being able to keep the shirt tucked in. Shirt should
          extend a minimum of 4 inches below the waistband of the pants being worn.
    ●    Shirts should contain no logo or writing larger than can be covered by a dollar bill unless it is a Notre Dame
         School logo.
Shoes and Socks
Closed toed shoes with socks.
No excessive jewelry, body piercing, cologne, or removable tattoos.
Jeans Day:
Students will be allowed to wear jeans on the last Friday of each month.
Students are allowed to wear jeans and a school appropriate top- no drugs, weapons, or alcohol on the top.
Jeans should not have holes or rips in them.
Hot Weather Dress Code- May 1​st ​to November 1
Students may wear plain navy blue, white, or plain tan dress walking shorts (length should be one inch above the
knee and below the finger tips when standing straight). Girls may wear solid tan, solid navy or solid white capri
pants when the hot weather dress code is in effect. Plain skorts that are tan or navy blue and plaid skirts that fall
an inch above the knee and below the fingertips when standing tall with arms at the side, are acceptable.

       The Davenport Diocesan Catholic School Office/BNDS Office believes that weapons and other dangerous
objects in Diocesan School Facilities cause material and substantial disruption to the school environment and present
a threat to the health and safety of students, employees, and visitors on the school premises or property within the
jurisdiction of the school/school.
     School facilities are not an appropriate place for weapons or other dangerous objects. Weapons or other
dangerous objects shall be taken from students and others who bring them onto the school property or onto
property within the jurisdiction of the school or from students who are within the control of the school.

Parents of students found to possess a weapon or dangerous objects on school property shall be notified
of the incident. Confiscation of weapons or dangerous objects may be reported to law enforcement officials, and
the student may be subject to disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion.
       Students bringing a firearm to school shall be expelled for not less than twelve months. The superintendent
shall have the authority to recommend this expulsion requirement be modified for a student on a case-by-case basis.
For purposes of this portion of this policy, the term “firearm” includes any weapon which is designed to expel a
projectile by the action of an explosive, the frame or receiver of any such weapon, a muffler or silencer for such a
weapon, or any explosive, incendiary or poison gas.
       The Burlington Notre Dame School system will not accept any student who has been expelled from another
school system for a weapons violation during the last twelve months.

Approved: May 15, 1995      Revised: Dec. 16, 1996        Revised: Dec. 7, 1998



Anti-Bullying/Harassment​ ​Policy
Harassment and bullying of students and employees are against federal, state and local policy, and are not tolerated
by the Diocesan Board of Education. The board is committed to providing all students with a safe and civil
school/faith formation environment in which all members of the school/parish community are treated with dignity and
respect. To that end, the board has in place policies, procedures, and practices that are designed to reduce and
eliminate bullying and harassment as well as processes and procedures to deal with incidents of bullying and
harassment. Bullying and harassment of students by other students, by school employees, and by volunteers who
have direct contact with students will not be tolerated in the school/parish.
The board prohibits harassment, bullying, hazing, or any other victimization, of students, based on any of the
following actual or perceived traits or characteristics: age, color, creed, national origin, race, religion, marital status,
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political
party preference, political belief, socioeconomic status, or familial status. Harassment against employees based upon
the employee’s race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age or disability is also prohibited.
This policy is in effect while students or employees are on property within the jurisdiction of each local boards of
education/faith formation committee; while on school/parish-owned or school/parish-operated vehicles; while
attending or engaged in school/parish-sponsored activities; and while away from school/parish grounds if the
misconduct directly affects the good order, efficient management and welfare of the school/parish.
If, after an investigation, a student is found to be in violation of this policy, the student shall be disciplined by
appropriate measures which may include suspension or expulsion. If after an investigation a school/parish employee
is found to be in violation of this policy, the employee shall be disciplined by appropriate measures which may include
termination. If after an investigation a school/parish volunteer is found to be in violation of this policy, the volunteer
shall be subject to appropriate measures which may include exclusion from school/parish grounds. “Volunteer”
means an individual who has regular, significant contact with students.
When looking at the totality of the circumstances, harassment and bullying mean any electronic, written, verbal, or
physical act or conduct toward a student which is based on any actual or perceived trait or characteristic of the
student and which creates an objectively hostile school/faith formation/youth ministry environment that meets one or
more of the following conditions:
    ●    Places the student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or property;
    ●    Has a substantially detrimental effect on the student’s physical or mental health;
    ●    Has the effect of substantially interfering with the student’s academic performance; or
    ●    Has the effect of substantially interfering with the student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the
         services, activities, or privileges provided by a school/parish.

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