11 Year-Old In Critical Condition
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11 Year-Old In Critical Condition Tuesday 25th March 2014 A n t i g u a a n d B a r b u d a Vol.1 No.41 $2.00 Officer Questioned in Teen’s Murder ........ Pg 2 Top Cop Sends Top Half Breeds Fresh Milk, Better Moments and Bling in Action at Cassada Gardens Race Track. See story on pg 23 Warning ........Pg 3 A Aisha Caleb One of the vic- was one of five occupants 3, 5 and 9, along with the tims of Sunday evening’s in a motor vehicle being driver, were treated and vehicular accident in driven by Andre Wahl. released from hospital. Five Islands, just past Sources stated Reports are that the Bruce’s Nightclub, that the youth sustained the vehicle swerved off remains unconscious and injuries to his head and the road and ended up in critical condition at the lungs as a result of the striking two utility poles; Browne tells PM Mount St John’s Medical accident. the cause of the accident Invite Observers Centre (MSJMC). The other occu- is yet to be ascertained. .....Pg 2 The 11-year-old pants of the vehicle, ages Visit Our Website www.caribtimes.com for the Latest News
2 caribtimes.com Tuesday 25th March 2014 Police Officer Questioned took some time for the Mil- lett’s body to be identified, in Teen’s Murder Charges may be mer student of the Bethes- toll free tip line with any due to the body’s advanced state of decomposition. An initial suggestion by inves- pending against a police da Primary School. Prior information leading to the tigators was that the body officer within the Royal to the discovery of the al- child’s whereabouts. How- was of an adult female. Police Force of Antigua ready decomposing body, ever, and even with up to There was also and Barbuda in relation which was nude and cov- US $2,000 being offered some discrepancy after to the 2012 murder of ered with bruises, it was for any tips, there were no the body was found, as an 13-year-old Anisha Millett reported that the teenager reports. autopsy and toxicology whose lifeless body was had run away from home in While rumours tests failed to determine found on the shoreline of a June, several weeks before have, since the child’s de- the cause of Millette’s beach near Devil’s Bridge with claims by members of mise, surfaced about the death. Although she was on July 7th, 2012. The of- the populace that she was lawman’s linkage to the found near water, no for- ficer is being questioned spotted several times at investigations, this was not eign objects were found about the child’s death; different places around the made official until Mon- in her lungs thereby ruling this is the second time he island. day’s announcement. The out drowning as a possible has been hauled in before This prompted the police did state that they cause of death. The post his peers in relation to the local Crime Stoppers Unit were, at the time of her dis- mortem did however re- same incident. to begin making appeals to covery, treating the case as veal that several of her ribs Millett was a for- the populace to call into the “suspicious”. However, it were broken. ABLP Leader, Gaston Browne, Repeats Calls for Monitoring Elections Leader of the An- ther asked, why is Prime serted that “if Antiguans tire campaign,” said Gaston tigua & Barbuda Labour Minister Spencer “stoking and Barbudans are angry, Browne. Party (ABLP), the Honour- the flames in the already it is only because Spencer Not shying away able Gaston Browne, reiter- tense situation; one that he and the UPP have left this from calling for the imme- ated on Monday that Prime has created himself?” Ad- country in an economic cri- diate announcement on the Minister Baldwin Spencer ditionally,Browne was ad- sis and continue to deprive general elections, Gaston is creating public outrage amant that “we, the ABLP them of an opportunity to Browne challenged Bald- over delaying the elections members, have been very express themselves at the win Spencer “to show the and, therefore, is calling on clear that we do not con- polls.”Moreover, “we need courage of his convictions; the international commu- done violence of any kind. elections immediately, but and if he is so concerned nity to monitor the entire We want free, fair and safe we need them to be honest, about the management of campaign and election pro- elections so that the voters open and orderly. That is these elections, then the cess. of this country can choose a why I call on Mr. Spencer Prime Minister “should Gaston Browne different path.” to join me in calling on civ- stand with us,” a growing chided that it is Prime Maintaining that il society and the interna- majority of citizens and Minister Spencer’s words “it is Mr. Spencer, him- tional community to help residents, “in having trans- which “have gone from self, who has a history of monitor these elections, not parency and welcome the empty and self-serving to inciting violence among just on Election Day, but international community to dangerous.” Browne fur- the people, Browne as- over the course of the en- observe the elections.”
Tuesday 25th March 2014 caribtimes.com 3 PRESS RELEASE Still At Large The Royal Police Force of Antigua & Barbuda Office of Strategic Communications, yesterday at approx- imately 3:00 pm, issued a press release dated 24th March 2014, advising the following: The Police and the Prison Authorities In accordance with the powers vested in the Com- are appealing to any- missioner of Police under the Public Order Act, Chapter 357 of the Revised Edition of the Laws of one with informa- Antigua and Barbuda and having regards to the tion concerning the preservation of Public Order and Public Safety, all whereabouts of this political parties, prospective candidates, non-gov- inmate, to contact ernment organisations and constituencies in Anti- gua and Barbuda, who intends to host future mo- the nearest police torcades and or whistle stops within Antigua and station or Her Maj- Barbuda, please be advised that with effect from esty’s Prison at 462- Monday 24th March 2014, the Commissioner of Police, shall only authorise or permit the hosting 1300\462-0500. of only one (1) motorcade or whistle stop, at any given time within Antigua and Barbuda. Please Gordon Sheppard take note and govern yourselves accordingly.
4 caribtimes.com Tuesday 25th March 2014 Unacceptable their supplies as there was no directive given prior, that they could not Browne stated adamantly that the ABLP will resist this practice. A Aisha Caleb of the various government use posters on the posts, “I understand that The Antigua Pub- agencies including APUA a decision the opposition the Ministry of Agricul- lic Utilities Authority and I understand the Min- deemed unreasonable ture at the behest of Min- (APUA) has imposed a istry of Agriculture, as given the fact that there ister Baptiste has sent in- restriction on the coun- well as DCA. And we do was no dialogue with the structions to DCA to ask try’s campaigning politi- understand how the plas- respective political par- them to destroy all of our cal parties, barring them tic can create some hazard ties. billboards,” Browne dis- from posting any sort of to some extent, and there “APUA doesn’t closed. “Now I want to political paraphernalia on are some environmental belong to the managers; make it abundantly clear light posts across the is- issues in terms of pulling it does not belong to Es- that if they implement land. them down and they end worth Martin. It belongs any such decision, we’re The authority via a up in the sea. to all of us; all of us are going to resist it vigor- press statement last week “Not to say that stakeholders in APUA. ously.” indicated that all para- some leverage should not And if it is that He added, that phernalia, especially the be allowed, but remember they had issues ... one again, “the convention red and blue plastic wraps too that this is temporary of the things we did this has been that we’ve (buntings) used by the usage. time around, we made been able to utilise pub- two main political parties And we have giv- sure for instance that the lic spaces for campaign to adorn the posts, will be en a public, as well as a posters – rather than us- paraphernalia. You can’t removed as they were pre- private undertaking, to ing staples which they now come at the elev- venting the APUA techni- all of these agencies that said create a hazard to the enth hour, [and] change cians from effectively ex- within a matter of 14 days workers’ – we went ahead the rules,” and this is not- ecuting their duties. after the general elections and bought some plastic withstanding that they But Leader of Her we will ensure that what- straps to strap the posters, have changed the rules, Majesty’s Opposition the ever paraphernalia that thereby eliminating” any and “we are trying our Hon Gaston Browne, has we have in public places, dangers for APUA work- best to adhere. called the utility compa- that they will be removed ers. T h e y ’ v e ny’s stance unacceptable. promptly,” Browne add- Another grouse requested that we get ap- He said while he under- ed. emerging from the Min- proval from the Ministry stands APUA’s position The opposition istry of Agriculture and of Agriculture; we wrote so far as the plastic is leader indicated that for the DCA, as conveyed by to the ministry over two concerned, it has always APUA to come at this par- the political leader, is re- months ago and up to now been the practice of po- ticular hour and deny the garding that of billboards. they have not responded litical parties throughout use of their lamp posts is Browne conveyed that to us.” the years and particularly unacceptable, especially information obtained is The ABLP leader at the height of campaign- considering the conven- suggesting that instruc- said that he believes the ing, to post their para- tion has been established. tions were given to have move is politically moti- phernalia on posts. He explained that the par- all billboards erected vated and must be resist- “We have a major ty went ahead and bought by the ABLP, to be de- ed. problem with that position stroyed. Of this, however,
Tuesday 25th March 2014 caribtimes.com 5 No Respite in School Bus Drivers’ Strike A Aisha Caleb to their respective posi- pen; Carty still a work, ever, this has not been For the second week in tions at the end of last still a call the shots, accepted by Josiah, the a row, almost 40 school week, but have again still a deal with people CT source has revealed. bus operators and con- upped the ante on man- how he like and how he Representing ductors have indicated agement. On Monday, choose and we must sit the employees in the that they will continue they decided to resume and take it. Yes, arwe go disagreement is David protest action via a sit- the sit-in as a result of wit but is not to take any Massiah of the Antigua in, since the hierarchy what they view as man- stupidness but to show and Barbuda Workers’ of the Antigua and Bar- agement’s inconsider- that we are fed up.” Union, who stated that buda Transport Board ation to meet them half- As an arbitration he is supporting the (ABTB) has refused way. approach, the disgrun- workers’ position de- to respect their com- A source told tled workers’ have prof- spite accusations to the plaints regarding school CT that coming out of a fered the suggestion that contrary, noting that the bus manager, Anderson meeting last Wednesday Carty be removed from union is preparing itself ‘Andy’ Carty. with the General Man- his position temporarily to call a general meet- Last week, the ager of the ABTB, Har- pending the outcome of ing with all staff. impromptu action re- ry Josiah, they were told an investigation. How- sulted in a number of by Josiah to come to parents and guardians work, even as there was of children attending no resolution in sight. government and private The source primary and secondary claims that they were schools having to make given the assurance that last minute arrange- by Friday of last week, ments to secure trans- some results would portation for their child/ have been netted. To children. date, however, this has The school bus not been the case. operators and Carty “All we want is have reportedly been at Carty gone, that’s all. loggerheads for some If we get that, then ev- time now, and in Feb- erything is good, we ruary the situation came come to work and the to a head when a peti- children get to and from tion was signed by the school without mother drivers and operators to or father have to won- have Carty relieved of der how them children his post. go get around. The employees Now today were close to returning (Monday) nothing hap-
6 caribtimes.com Tuesday 25th March 2014 International Monitoring of Elections: Purpose and New Norm In the last cou- In addition, further asserted his pro- monitoring. ple of days, the Honour- through a statement car- active inclination towards Indeed, Caribbean able Gaston Browne, the ried in the press, the ABLP leadership by putting a Times will contend that leader of the Antigua and leader has challenged the time-frame in place which election observation is Barbuda Labour Party incumbent Prime Minis- demands international initiated by a country so has come out strongly ter to join with Browne presence and monitoring, as to signal to the inter- advocating for the inter- and the ABLP to invite “not just on Election Day, national community that national monitoring of an international and in- but over the course of the the particular country is the electoral process in dependent team to begin entire campaign.” committed to democracy. the country. Indeed, the a long-term monitoring Caribbean Times, There is no reason, and Browne and ABLP’s po- program of the campaigns as a member of civil soci- given the different machi- sition on the matter of the and elections. According ety and the fourth estate, nations that have evolved elections has been force- to Browne, the people “ while in no way present- over the last few years ful and spoken with one need elections immedi- ing a similar challenge that persons keen to em- accord in terms of what ately, but we need them to the Prime Minister, is brace the democratic Caribbean Times has to be honest, open and or- requesting a measure of practices of free and fair been hearing and sensing derly.” sympathy and attention elections would feel oth on the ground. The ABLP leader on the matter of election Cont’d on pg 7
Tuesday 25th March 2014 caribtimes.com 7 cont’d from pg 6 al monitors can actually Prime Minister Baldwin reputation before those in erwise than to be em- take or reduce some of Spencer. the international system? boldened that the calls the inferences and innu- As Susan Hyde, Caribbean Times are coming from the peo- endoes that seemingly an international re- will conclude by stat- ple, although the loudest make controversial the searcher has suggested, ing that there is ample voice at this time may be number of announce- “over time ... the expec- evidence from around the Leader of the Opposi- ments and counter-argu- tation became that all the world and right here tion. ments that have been put election-holding lead- in the Americas that “as In fact, a number into the public by both ers outside of the devel- the ability of incumbents of people, even in casu- major political parties. oped-democratic world to conceal cheating im- al discussion, and after Caribbean Times would invite internation- proves, so does the qual- more than five years, are is on the side of the peo- al election observers, and ity of election observa- still willing to point mis- ple, because this newspa- those leaders who do not tion.” chief at the electoral pro- per understands the role invite observers are now Caribbean Times, and a cess dating back to the of the media. It is the often punished.” widening collective of 2009 general elections. people of Antigua & Bar- Mr. Prime Min- the people, are joining The perceptions of han- buda that matters most, ister, Caribbean Times with Gaston Browne and ky-panky, therefore may and it is the country’s rep- sincerely believes that requesting that Mr. Spen- not go away with the an- utation that needs to be Gaston Browne has only cer does the right thing nouncing of an election, pushed to the ascendancy challenged you to do and have the monitors in- but the electorate in Anti- rather than genuflecting something that is expect- vited. gua & Barbuda may feel to the political spin and ed and has become the Caribbean Times fortified and satisfied that any counter-productive norm in and outside of cannot vote as an entity, an international panel of strategies intended only the Caribbean. The fact so there is nothing to fear independent monitors to muster partisan politi- is that, international ob- provided there is accura- could, at the very least, cal support from either of servers have become an cy in reporting the news, help the country to over- the mainstream political expected component of and fairness in the politi- come widespread claims camps. all internationally legiti- cal messages which have of electoral infelicities Caribbean Times, mate elections in the de- a right to be aired. with their vigilance of believes that in this day veloped and developing If anything, let it the process leading up and age, and with a back- world. be the international ob- to and including polling ground of controversies Why would Anti- servers to reject the invi- day. and court cases regarding gua not want to achieve a tation of the Government Caribbean Times elements in the electoral greater measure of legiti- and people. does not believe that the process, the only judi- mating its democracy for But for the sake Prime Minister has to cious thing that serves the eyes bent on democ- of country and society, view Gaston Browne’s the interest of this Anti- racy in the international do not let Antigua and challenge in a negative gua & Barbuda is for the system? Why cannot we Barbuda down in what light, or to interpret the international monitors be as a people and country, will surely be a highly ABLP’s call as backing cordially and officially have our politics, but be competitive if not con- him into a corner. An in- invited by the Chief ex- mindful that we are still tentious 2014 general vitation for internation- ecutive of the country - in need of repairing our elections.
8 caribtimes.com Tuesday 25th March 2014 UPP Ill Logic (3) When, at a public course that may have cre- meeting in mid-February, ated an impression in the the UPP Leader let off his mind of the public that on ment he made on March cal game, no other factor elaborate teaser about a March 15 the Prime Min- 15 would have to do with is more relevant to our forthcoming not-to-be- ister would at last remem- the forthcoming General country’s immediate fu- missed announcement of ber in which of his pock- Elections. Anything less ture. When Spencer let tremendous proportions, ets he had mislaid the Big than that would be, and off his teaser he intended everybody listening to Date would then be, as far was … well … bupkis. to generate a huge buzz his words immediate- as the UPP faithful were Yours Truly had to within the body politic, ly surmised that to meet concerned, a matter for go all the way to Yiddish and he succeeded – with that exacting standard the the media to explain. to find the right the word the welcome assistance news must have some- Yet – and this is a for what the electorate got of the media. In the end, thing to do with a date for matter of undeniable pub- out of Spencer’s anti-cli- the cornered PM found General Elections. lic record – on March 15, mactic cop-out on March that he had overplayed Now that their after their great leader had 15. The most scatological his hand: and unable to great leader’s trial bal- manifestly failed to make definitions for that bor- finesse his failure, Spen- loon has turned into a any announcement of any rowed word lean towards cer abandoned the field in damp squib, UPP spokes- significance whatsoever, “goat droppings”, but the helpless disarray. persons are scrambling many of the UPP faith- more civilised dictionar- The OECS Court to distance their hapless ful left the King George ies define “bupkis” as of Appeals had failed to Big Man from the con- V Grounds sorely disap- “something of little or act in accordance with the sequences of yet another pointed that Spencer had no value”. In the case of best interests of the ruling ruling party PR disas- not fulfilled their expec- poor, hapless, ill-advised party. You do not need to ter. After all, the earnest tations. Like every other Baldwin Spencer, the ef- be a rocket scientist to apologists point out tri- person in our two-island fect of his gross political figure out the strategy un- umphantly, Spencer nev- state of mind who has miscalculation is com- derlying the UPP Lead- er said he planned to an- even the tiniest vestige of parable to that awaiting er’s timing. Everybody nounce an election date a brain between his or her the husbandman who cast expected that the Ap- on March 15. ears, those UPP faithful pearls before a herd of peals Court would have That is the truth. know that we are in the hungry swine. issued its judgments on At no time did Mr final stage of the politi- The people came the Re-Registration and Spencer intimate that cal game that began on hungry for the “tremen- Boundaries cases by mid- his forthcoming and March 12 2009. dous” announcement their March. When Spencer let so-much-to-be-anticipat- To employ the great leader had promised off with his big “Watch ed news would have any- parlance of Baseball: We them. They expected that This Space” teaser, he thing at all to do with an are in the bottom of the the announcement would had every reason to be- election date. As a matter Ninth Inning with the have some connection to lieve that by March 15 he of fact, the UPP Leader bases loaded and two what they most wanted would have had sufficient gave no hint whatsoever Outs on the scoreboard. If to hear: a date for Gen- information to announce as to what the tremendous PM Spencer intended to eral Elections. They had an election date – or if news might turn out to “swing for the fence”, any that expectation because, not, be. Any subsequent dis- “tremendous” announce- at this stage of the politi- cont’d on pg 9
Tuesday 25th March 2014 caribtimes.com 9 The Power of Numbers By Sir Clare K. Roberts, – So Why Are Black People Invisible QC in the Western Hemisphere – Human Rights for All. cont’d from yesterdays issue are white countries and to 45% and as high as 65% life’s work is to stamp out Let us take Brazil. deny the reality of racial Black. In Columbia there discrimination in the re- Brazil has more people of diversity within their bor- is conflicting information gion, especially racial dis- African descent than any ders. For instance, if you on the exact size of the Af- crimination which is very country in Africa except watch the television in ro-Colombian population. much alive and well in the Nigeria, making Afro-Bra- these countries you would The Government relies on region. zilians the second largest not see black people por- statistics that suggest that There is the need population of Africans on trayed. There is a conspic- Afro-Colombians com- to bring together black the planet. Brazil alone uous absence of colour. prise 10.5 percent of the politicians, black artistes, has some 89 million Af- There is usually not population, or just under Black university profes- ro-descendants. The United even a token black in the 4.3 million. However many sors, and researchers and so States of America has the advertisements. Blacks are Afro-Colombian organiza- on. Unifying black people second largest population neither in front of the cam- tions estimate the number across the Americas and the of Afro-descendants in the era nor behind the camera. at 26 percent or near 11 Caribbean will build a sense Hemisphere but it is quick- Even Latin TV networks in million. Part of the reason of pride but more practical- ly followed by Colombia. the United States are guilty for the difference in the fig- ly unity among black peo- Cuba and the Dominican of the same conduct. ures has to do with relying ple will empower them to Republic also have signifi- Unlike in the Unit- on self-identification in ar- protect their right not to be cant Afro-descendant pop- ed States of America where eas where “being black” is discriminated against. Uni- ulations as does Peru, El once you have a drop of still strongly stigmatized. ty will force a change in the Salvador, Honduras, Costa black blood in you, you are current reality among black Rica and Venezuela. considered black, in Lat- The challenge is to spread people of being at the bot- The reason why in America, if you have a the awareness that Black tom of economic ladder to a we not aware of the num- drop of white blood in you, people form a very signif- place where they will enjoy bers of black people living you can choose to be white. icant part of the western a fair share of the wealth in Latin America is due to So this self-identification hemisphere. That is the of the nations. Unity is a deliberate attempt on the causes problems with the first step but there is also a strength. part of these countries to numbers. Brazil, for exam- need to have Afro-descen- portray an image that they ple, is said to be between dants unite. My dream and cont’d from pg 8 did worse than that: he the PM’s loss of the polit- ed his promise in light at least to dissolve Parlia- made an announcement ical initiative. of the judicial situation. ment with a date for gen- that demonstrated his The UPP Leader Instead, Spencer chose to eral elections set within own loss of control over could have found a way weasel his way out of a three months. the political agenda. His to retreat gracefully from tight spot; and the nega- PM Spencer‘s ma- illogical attempt to tag a hard-and-fast position tive results for his already jor error on March 15 was ABLP Leader Gaston on the expected big news. badly battered leadership not just that he failed to Browne with the respon- His worshipful supporters image are coming sadly make any announcement sibility for his own im- would have easily forgiv- home to roost. of any value. Spencer potence only emphasised en him if he had retract-
10 caribtimes.com Tuesday 25th March 2014 AUA College of Medicine’s Asthma League: 2nd Managing Your Asthma Event the island. Although the clude: AUA College of no admission fee. disease is extremely pre- Medicine’s Emergency To contact the ventable and easily treat- Medicine Training Cen- AUA Asthma League, able, misinformation and tre (EMTC) director and please email asthma- poor management can respiratory care practi- league@auamed.net or result in serious or even tioner, Vernon Solomon, telephone 484-8900 Ext. fatal complications. By medical students Avi- 5555 Vernon Solomon, hosting “Managing Your nash Oza, Fabiola Paul, Faculty Advisor, Asth- Asthma,” The Asthma and Karishma Amin as ma League & Director, League is serving the well as MSJMC physi- EMTC emtc@auamed. community by recogniz- cian and AUA adjunct net We welcome your ing the need to increase faculty member, Dr. feedback and information awareness of the disease Courtney Lewis. Topics on upcoming activities and its treatment. will include the epidemi- within the AUA College In addition to ology, pathophysiology, of Medicine community. Patel-Oza, other pro- triggers, and treatment of Please email us at be- the AUA College of Medi- fessionals expected to asthma. “Managing your well@auamed.net or call cine Public Relations Coor- make presentations on Asthma” is open to the 484-8900 Ext. 5555. dinator/Wellness Ambassa- asthma related topics in- general public. There is dor, Sumita Balooja American Uni- versity of Antigua (AUA) College of Medicine’s Asthma League will host its second “Managing Your Asthma” event on Wednesday, March 26, 2014 from 6 PM to 8 PM at Mount St. John’s Med- ical Centre (MSJMC). According to Amisha Patel-Oza, AUA medical student and head of the Asthma Awareness project, the event is a proactive response to the prevalence of asthma on
Tuesday 25th March 2014 caribtimes.com 11 Putting Climate Polluters in the Dock BRIDGETOWN have to go to the United ed that Caribbean people a “number of other coun- - Can Caribbean govern- Nations General Assem- “know it from days and tries in the world – the Pa- ments take legal action bly,” he added. nights that are hotter than cific countries – facing an against other countries that Sanders further said in the past, from more fre- even more pressing danger they believe are warming that the Caribbean Com- quent and more intense than we are at the moment. the planet with devastating munity (CARICOM) coun- hurricanes or freak years There are countries in Afri- consequences? tries could, “as a group, put like the last one when there ca that are facing this prob- A former regional forward a resolution stating were none, from long peri- lem, and countries in Asia.” diplomat argues the answer the case that they do be- ods of dry weather followed The former diplo- is yes. Sir Ronald Sand- lieve, and there is evidence by unseasonal heavy rain- mat was resolute that “if ers, who is also a senior to support it, that climate fall and flooding, and from they all join together, there research fellow at London change and global warming the recognisable erosion of is a moral case to be raised University, says such legal is having a material effect coastal areas and reefs.” at the United Nations and action would require all … on the integrity of their At the U.N. cli- maybe that is the place Small Island Developing countries.” mate talks in Warsaw last at which we would more States (SIDS) acting to- In addition, Sir November, developing effectively press it if we gether. Ronald indicated that countries fought hard for acted together. It would re- Sanders suggests “we’re seeing coastal ar- the creation of a third pillar quire great leadership, great that “there is a moral case eas vanishing and we know of a new climate treaty to courage and great unity.” to be raised at the United that if sea level rise contin- be finalised in 2015. After Pointing to the Nations...It would require ues large parts of existing two weeks and 36 straight OECD countries, Sir Ron- great leadership, great islands will disappear and hours of negotiations, they ald said they act together, courage and great unity.” some of them may even be finally won the Interna- consult with each other and He believes the Hague- submerged, so the evidence tional Mechanism for Loss come up with a programme based International Court is there.” Sanders pointed and Damage (IMLD), to go which they then say is what of Justice (ICJ) would be to the damaging effects of with the mitigation (emis- the international standard amenable to hearing their flooding and landslides in sions reduction) and adap- must be and the developing arguments, although the St. Vincent and the Grena- tation pillars. countries must accept it. court’s requirement that all dines, St. Lucia, and Dom- The details of that “Why do the de- parties to a dispute agree to inica as 2013 came to an mechanism will be ham- veloping countries not un- its jurisdiction would be a end. mered out at climate talks in derstand that we could re- major stumbling block. The Prime Min- Bonn this June, and finally verse that process? We can “It is most unlikely ister of St. Vincent and in Paris the following year. stand up together and say that the countries that are the Grenadines, Dr. Ralph As chair of the Alliance of look, this is what we are warming the planet, which Gonsalves, described the Small Island States (AO- demanding and the devel- incidentally now include flooding and landslides as SIS), Nauru will be present oped countries would then India and China, not just “unprecedented” and gave at a meeting in New Delhi have to listen to what the the United States, Canada a preliminary estimate next week of the BASIC developing countries are and the European Union of damage in his country group (Brazil, South Afri- saying,” Sir Ronald said. ... would agree to jurisdic- alone to be in excess of 60 ca, India and China) to try Following their tion,” Sanders said. “The million dollars. “People and build a common plat- recent 25th Inter-session- alternative, if countries who live in the Caribbean form for the international al meeting in St. Vincent, wanted to press the issue know from their own expe- talks. Jamaican Prime Minis- of compensation for the de- rience that climate change “It isn’t just the ter Portia Simpson Miller struction caused by climate is real,” Sanders said. Caribbean, of course,” praised the increased focus change, is that they would Sir Ronald insist- Sanders said, but there is that cont’d on pg 12
12 caribtimes.com Tuesday 25th March 2014 the International Court of Justice would make a huge difference. “We could get an opinion. If the United Nations General Assembly were to accept a resolution that, say, we want an opin- ion from the Internation- al Court of Jurists on this matter, I think we could get an opinion that would be favourable to a case for the Caribbean and other coun- tries that are affected by climate change,” Saunders suggested. “If there was a case where countries, govern- ments and large companies Workmen clear a road blocked by a landslide in Trinidad. Compensation for loss and dam- knew that if they continue age from climate change has become a major demand of developing countries. Credit: these harmful practices, ac- Desmond Brown/IPS tion would be taken against cont’d from pg 11 Ivan Rodrigues, blames cli- alised countries. “I think them, of course they would CARICOM leaders have mate change. what will cause [a reversal change their position be- placed on the issue of cli- “We know that the climate of their practices] is con- cause at the end of the day mate change, especially in is changing and what we sumer activism,” he said. they want to be profitable light of the freak storm last need to do is to cater for “The argument may not be and successful. They don’t year that devastated St. Lu- it and deal with it,” Ro- strong enough for a court of want to be having to fight cia, Dominica and St. Vin- drigues said pointedly. But law to actually penalise a court cases and losing them cent and the Grenadines. he is not sold on the idea government.” and then having to pay At that meeting, of international legal action But Sanders firmly compensation,” Sir Ronald the CARICOM Heads of against the large industri- believes an opinion from concluded. (IPS). Government agreed on the establishment of a task force on climate change and SIDS to provide guid- ance to Caribbean climate change negotiators, their ministers and political lead- ers in order to ensure the strategic positioning of the region in the negotiations. In Antigua, where drought has persisted for months, water catchments are quickly drying up. The water manager at the state- owned Antigua Public util- For the first time in several years, Antigua’s main water source, Potworks Reservoir, has run ities Authority (APUA), out of water as drought continues. Credit: Desmond Brown/IPS
Tuesday 25th March 2014 caribtimes.com 13
14 caribtimes.com Tuesday 25th March 2014 PM Skerrit: China/Dominica Relation Has Not Been Easy the China/Dominica re- say no to certain matters, lationship has positively there was “absolutely no impacted the life of Do- repercussion to our rela- minicans. “Every project tions and our deep bond of embarked upon and as- friendship.” sociated with China, and For his part Ji- our ten years of friendship angni said the occasion and association has been a marked an important mile- blessing to Dominica and stone in the relationship has positively impacted between the two countries. the living experience of “We have a lot to celebrate our people,” and main- and reflect upon,” he said. tained, that “for these, your “In my view the basis of PM Skerrit said the idea of a state house has not been ac- Excellency, we are very our success is based upon cepted by many in Dominica. Photo by Ambo Visuals Skerrit continued by say- grateful.” a few principles both of ROSEAU - Prime Skerrit also point- us adhere too, including ing that “up to recently, be- Minister, Roosevelt Sker- ed out the relationship mutual respect for each fore necessity warranted, rit, has said that the ten- between the two nations other’s sovereignty, in- you were vilified and de- year relationship between has been based on mutual dependence, equality and monised. The MOU signed Dominica and China has trust, understanding, “as mutual benefit as well as with good faith and with not been an easy one but it well as respect for each mutual understanding and the best intention by your has been a blessing to the other’s sovereignty and support.” The ceremony government was mocked island. freedom of thought.” He was held at the $27-mil- and ridiculed.” Speaking at a func- stated that Dominica has lion, Chinese-funded state The Prime Minis- tion last weekend to mark supported and continues to house. Dominica and Chi- ter noted that many have the anniversary the two support China on a number na established diplomatic refused to accept some nations established diplo- of issues of global impor- relations in March 2004. of the projects undertak- matic ties, Skerrit said the tance and, whenever Dom- (Dominica News). en in Dominica by China. Dominican experience has inica exercised its right to “There were those who ini- NOTICE been easy for successive tially even refused to enter Chinese ambassadors and the spanking new Windsor embassy staff. “I am well aware, Park Stadium and who to The Pigotts Sports Club invites all inter- this day, have berated the your Excellency, that the ested persons to a General Meeting on concept of a state house, past ten years in Domini- even though virtually ev- Wednesday, 2nd April, 2014 at the Pigotts ca has not been an easy or ery country in the region Playing Field @ 7:00PM. Please make an uneventful experience,” he said in remarks to Chinese boasts one,” he said. effort to be on time, as the meeting will Skerrit noted that ambassador Li Jiangni. begin promptly at 7:00PM.
Tuesday 25th March 2014 caribtimes.com 15 PNM’s Penny Beckles-Robinson’s Brother on Gun and Ammunition Charges nition. it is the time we are very Northern Divi- distraught and when your sion Senior superinten- courage is tested the most.” dant David Abraham on She said her eldest brother, Saturday commended the his wife, nephew and sister- officers for their diligent in-law’s brother were ar- work. Within the past few rested on Saturday at a raid years, the community has on a Malabar home. been described as a major But Beckles-Rob- “hot spot.” A quantity of inson, a lawyer, said she be- firearms and ammunition lieves in the justice system have been seized at various and is hoping for a speedy houses during a crackdown investigation. “I have faith A display of the guns seized by police on Saturday at Mala- in crime exercise in the Ari- in our criminal justice sys- bar. PHOTO: ABRAHAM DIAZ ma district. tem. I want the best possible Beckles-Robinson investigation to take place PORT OF SPAIN cuted at both houses after will come up against the in- and simply let the police - The eldest brother and months of surveillance. The cumbent political leader of do their work. Of course as three other relatives of Peo- arresting officers conducted the PNM, Dr Keith Rowley a sister and aunt, you un- ple’s National Movement a news briefing at the Ari- in the party’s May 18 inter- derstand the challenges we (PNM) political leader ma Police Station on Satur- nal elections. At a meeting all face,” she said. Beck- candidate Pennelope Beck- day where they displayed on Saturday night at Sangre les-Robinson said last week les-Robinson will appear the cache of arms and am- Grande, Beckles-Robinson she addressed the same is- before an Arima magistrate munition. They confirmed confirmed that her eldest sue of guns coming into on Monday to face gun and that one of the houses was brother, his wife, nephew the country and borders not ammunition charges. On owned by Beckles-Robin- and sister-in-law’s brother being protected. Saturday, Northern Divi- son’s relative. were arrested on Saturday “There is no one sion officers carried out a Police charged afternoon at a raid on a immune from crime and it raid at two houses in the the suspects from Swift Malabar home. can come home to anyone Malabar, Arima and seized Avenue yesterday after- Pennelope Beck- of us and not a single per- an AK-47 assault rifle, a noon with the possession les-Robinson, in her re- son is immune from crime. pump action shotgun, a .44 of firearms and ammuni- sponse at a political meet- Little did I know three days revolver and a .357 revolv- tion. Officers said up to ing at Foster Road, Sangre later ... it would come to er, and 72 rounds of assort- late last night, the suspects Grande, hours after her my front step. We all have ed ammunition at a house were all being charged and relatives were taken into to have faith in the judicial on Swift Avenue, Phase III, processed and were not re- custody, told the audience process and let the police Malabar. leased on bail. One of the that: “it was very unfor- do their work and all I ex- At a another house suspects has also worked tunate and they are being pect is a proper investiga- at Cocorico Avenue, Phase on Beckles-Robinson’s investigated for arms and tion and speedy investiga- III, police said they found campaign. The other sev- ammunition. Today has tion and we can take it from 37 rounds of ammunition en suspects in the Cocorico been a very difficult day there,” Beckles-Robinson and seven people were ar- Avenue home will also be for my family. The truth is said. (The Trinidad Guard- rested there. Police said appearing in court charged these things do happen and ian). search warrants were exe- with possession of ammu-
16 caribtimes.com Tuesday 25th March 2014 IMF Approves US$3.43 million Disbursement to St Kitts-Nevis WA S H I N G - deputy managing di- lection. The bulk be given to measures TON, DC - Last rector and acting of revenues from the to enhance revenues Wednesday, the exec- chair, issued the fol- Citizenship by Invest- by strengthening tax utive board of the In- lowing statement: ment program should administration and ternational Monetary “The St Kitts be saved to build buf- limiting tax exemp- Fund (IMF) complet- and Nevis authori- fers, facilitate a faster tions, and to stream- ed the seventh and ties have continued decline in debt, and fi- line public expendi- eighth reviews of St to make commend- nance productive cap- ture, including through Kitts and Nevis’s eco- able progress under ital projects. Contain- civil service reform. nomic performance their home-grown ing public sector wage “The banking under a program sup- Fund-supported pro- outlays and hiring sector remains resil- ported by a 36-month gram. Economic ac- will also be necessary. ient. Together with the stand-by arrangement tivity is picking up af- “Debt has fall- ECCB, the govern- (SBA). The comple- ter a four-year slump, en considerably due ment should continue tion of the review inflation remains low, to completion of a its close monitoring of enables the immedi- the financial sector large part of the debt- banks and their prog- ate disbursement of is stable, and the fis- land swap, but re- ress in reducing non- an amount equivalent cal and external posi- mains high. Complet- performing loans. to SDR 2.21 million tions are improving. ing the agreement on The sale of (about US$ 3.43 mil- Significant progress the remaining debt- lands involved in lion). has also been made to land swap should be the debt-land swap The authori- strengthen public fi- a top priority. New should commence ex- ties have decided to nancial management. measures should en- peditiously to bolster treat the arrangement “The 2014 bud- sure that external ar- banks’ profitability. as precautionary. get aims to protect rears do not recur. The authorities The SBA was the gains under the “While there have taken welcome originally approved program, continue have been significant steps to strengthen the on July 27, 2011, for the downward debt- advances in structural non-bank financial in- an amount equivalent to-GDP trajectory, reforms, greater effort stitutions supervisory to SDR 52.51 mil- and advance the re- will be needed to im- framework. Contin- lion (about US$81.55 form agenda. Achiev- plement the remaining ued efforts in this area million), or 590 per- ing these objectives planned reforms to are needed to support cent of St Kitts and will require sustained generate further effi- the stability of the fi- Nevis’s IMF quota. strict control of gov- ciencies in the public nancial system.” (Ca- Following the ernment spending and sector and foster pri- ribbean News Now). executive board’s increased efforts to vate sector growth. discussion, Min Zhu, improve revenue col- Priority should
Tuesday 25th March 2014 caribtimes.com 17 Full Statement by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on Flight 370 cluded that MH370 flew nity. We share this in- along the southern corri- formation out of a com- dor, and that its last posi- mitment to openness and tion was in the middle of respect for the families, the Indian Ocean, west two principles which of Perth. have guided this investi- This is a remote gation. location, far from any Malaysia Airlines possible landing sites. have already spoken to It is therefore with deep the families of the pas- sadness and regret that sengers and crew to in- Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, center, delivers a I must inform you that, form them of this devel- statement about the flight March 24 in Kuala Lumpur, Ma- according to this new opment. For them, the laysia. Razak's announcement came after the airline sent a data, flight MH370 end- past few weeks have been text message to relatives saying it "deeply regrets that we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH 370 ed in the southern Indian heartbreaking; I know has been lost and that none of those onboard survived." Ocean. this news must be harder We will be hold- still. I urge the media to KUALA LUM- have been able to shed ing a press conference respect their privacy, and PUR - In a full statement more light on MH370’s tomorrow with further to allow them the space given late Monday by flight path. details. In the meantime, they need at this difficult Malaysian Prime Minis- Based on their we wanted to inform you time. (The Associated ter Najib Razak, he said new analysis, Inmarsat of this new development Press). that satellite data showed and the AAIB have con- at the earliest opportu- Flight 370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean: This evening I was briefed by represen- tatives from the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB). They informed me that Inmar- sat, the UK company that provided the satellite data which indicated the northern and southern corridors, has been per- forming further calcula- tions on the data. Using a type of analysis never before used in an inves- A distraught relative of a missing passenger breaks down while talking to reporters at Kuala tigation of this sort, they Lumpur International Airport on Wednesday, March 19.
18 caribtimes.com Tuesday 25th March 2014 Asda to Axe around 200 Jobs discussions with them with the rest of the big this week about a new four, Asda recently an- structure.” nounced plans to step up The company de- its store expansion and clined to comment on spend £750m on new sites details of the redundan- this year to plug gaps in cy plan. Under pressure London and the south- from supermarket rivals east of England. The ex- such as Waitrose at one pansion drive would see Asda employee stocking shelves. Photograph: Alamy end and, discount chains the UK’s second-larg- LONDON - Asda on Monday. such as Aldi at the oth- est supermarket, which is to cut around 200 The moves were er, recent figures for the is owned by US-based jobs as it forges a new part of a package of rec- 12 weeks to March 2nd Wal-Mart, add 500,000 five-year plan to tackle ommendations put for- show Sainsbury’s was sq ft of new space, com- increasing competition ward by consultancy firm the only one of the big pared with 350,000 sq ft from rival supermar- McKinsey, which also in- four supermarkets not to in 2013. Its competitors kets and discounters. cluded calls for a widen- lose market share over have been scaling back Head office staff in Leeds ing of product ranges. An the year, holding steady from the so-called “space and the Leicestershire Asda spokeswoman said: at 17%. Tesco fell 0.6% race”, as they focus on market town of Lutter- “In the spirit of openness, to 28.7%, Asda by 0.3% smaller convenience worth, where its cloth- we’ve let our colleagues to 17.5%, and Morrisons stores and their online ing arm George is based, know that we will be hav- dropped 3.2% to 11.1%. businesses. (The Guard- were briefed on the plans ing some more detailed But, in contrast ian). Immigration Bill completes Committee Stage in House of Lords LONDON - On the political parties and It was confirmed by the port stage: 1, 3, and 7 19 March 2014, the Im- crossbenchers, includ- Government that the April, following which migration Bill complet- ing proposals to address landlord checks will be the Bill will undergo ed Committee Stage in inappropriate detention, trialled in a single geo- Third Reading in the the House of Lords. The maintain a right of ap- graphical location pri- Lords. Depending on any Bill has been subject to peal for international stu- or to national roll-out, amendments agreed in Committee stage scruti- dents in full-time study and that student lettings the Lords, the Bill may ny during six days over at a recognised UK high- will be exempted from a then return to the House the past three weeks. A er education institution, checking requirement. of Commons or receive wide range of proposed and various exemptions Three days have Royal Assent, thus pass- amendments were con- relating to the landlord now been set aside for ing into law. (Migration sidered by peers across checks. the House of Lords Re- Rights Network).
Tuesday 25th March 2014 caribtimes.com 19 DEAR KRIS HOROSCOPE DEAR KRIS: My no. I don’t want a copycat Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20 Libra Sept 23 –Oct 23 boyfriend, “Caleb,” and engagement so my boy- All the communication prob- I have been dating for friend can keep up with his lems you’ve endured for the A longtime end wants you last few weeks are due to ease to play an important part in three years. I’m sure he’ll best friend. Please advise. up and not a moment too a party he or she is planning. propose within the next -- COMING IN SECOND soon. Your interest in learning Fascinating folks you met few months. I’m having IN NEW YORK a language gets support from recently want to get to know a problem with this be- an unexpected quarter. you better. cause Caleb’s best friend, DEAR COMING “A.J.,” will be proposing IN SECOND: You ap- Taurus Apr 21 – May 21 Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 21 You and a family member You find yourself in a situa- to his girlfriend in the next pear to be frustrated be- fee! like going your separate tion only a sibling neighbor or month. They should be cause your boyfriend has ways after an argument that classmate can get you out. Do able to enjoy their time and a recessive personality centered around how difficult not be reluctant to ask for help let all their friends know. and is a follower. It is un- you are to live with some and vow to return the favor. Caleb has always followed likely that he is going to times. You know it’s true so A.J.’s lead. When A.J. change. F r a n k l y, apologize gracefully. Sagittarius Nov 22 – Dec 21 You need to get away from buys his girlfriend jewelry, Caleb doesn’t appear to be Gemini May 22 – Jun 22 your routines to get out of the I get jewelry. It makes me mature enough to be mak- You’re tempted to grouse at rut you’re in but your respon- feel like an afterthought ing decisions with lifelong an individual who’s behaving sibilities are likely to prevail. and that the gifts are not consequences. You might insipidly but you decide to use Don’t despair new experienc- sincere. be much happier with tact instead It’s easy to avoid es are coming your way. If Caleb does pro- someone who is his own hurting others’ feelings if you pay attention to what you say. Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20 pose close to the time that man. Running a business from your A.J. does, I’m going to say Cancer Jun 23-Jul 22 home could not only be wildly You get excited about a successful it could offer your Monday’s Crossword solution self-improvement program that sounds great but your ingenuity more of a challenge and allow you to utilize un- interest will wane if you’re used skills and talents. moving in the wrong direc- tion. Look within and do a lit- Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 18 tle soul-searching. You’re very aware of your home and family and just how Leo Jul 23 – Aug 23 much they mean to you. Let You’re predisposed to think family members know how the worst of your appearance much you love them even if but that attitude often turns you told them that yesterday. out to be the spur that forces you to present yourself in new Pisces Feb 19 – Mar 20 and interesting ways .A make- Your ability to do your work over isn’t always physical. effectively is hampered by personal stresses so resolve Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 22 to use meditation and creative You tend to seek solitude to visualization to release your dwell on a painful incident tensions. Exercise or a hobby from the past but since resolv- could also help. ing the issues involved is un- likely spend time alone those who love you instead.
20 caribtimes.com Tuesday 25th March 2014 Employment Education Rent Sales Unemployed or changing Fast tract and improve your ‘Special Prices on Yamaha jobs? The Job Coaching "FOR RENT: Furnished spa- Diesel Generators at Outdoor academic/business pro- cious two bedroom apart- World! Sizes range from 7KVA Workshop can help! March 31, 8:30 am – 12:30 file. Enroll today for a sev- ments ($1,200.00/month); – 20KVA. Prices reduced by up en weeks university-level unfurnished/partly furnished to $5000.00! Prepare for hurri- pm.Find a job through spacious one bedroom apart- cane season early. Visit us on non-conventional ways. Business Ethics Certificate ments ($700.00/month). Tele- Old Parham Road or call 460- This month only, 50% off Course. - Schedule: Tues- phone 562-6530." 7211!’ Anniversary Special. Spe- days from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. cial bonus for first five paid The next Training Period be- Interested in advertisting with registrations. Hurry, space is limited! gins on April 15, 2014. Call: Deadline: March 28. 764-8026, or 771-8026 NB. Call 721-9397 or email info@timberhenryconsultan- Caribbean Times Discount Caribbean Times? Offered. cy.com to register. Call us at 725-4666.
Tuesday 25th March 2014 caribtimes.com 21 Monday’s Sudoku solution SUDOKU C R O S S WO R D Across 53. Ready to eat a horse 1. Time for matzo 56. Smart remark 6. Incise with acid 59. Sordid 10. Film on water 62. Meadow murmur 14. Disintegrate 63. Collander 15. Ration 65. Copying of a role model 16. Leg enhancers 67. Hawkeye booster 17. ‘’The Pink Panther’’ star 68. Mention 18. Most elegant 69. Rice or Sexton 20. Diorama 70. Oktoberfest sight 21. Always, versified 71. Workout gait 22. Entertainer who is not re- 72. Condition of misfortune ally a physician 73.Addu 23. Stirrup’s site Down 24. Easily duped 1. Have a funny feeling 27. Workers all abuzz 2. ‘’Fear of Fifty’’ author 29. Complete failure Jong ner for country and pop 46. ___ up (accelerate) 32. Pan pursuer 3. Matthew Arnold poem 25. Dos Passos trilogy 47. Part of a prof’s address 34. Give out 4. Garden of delights 26. Colossal 50. Military band? 37. Diamond stat 5. Go back on your word 28. Sargasso Sea breeder 52. Alley-oop toss, e.g. 39. Domain 6. Ford named for a Ford 30. Most prized asset 54. Hardly everybody 41. Weekly weeder? 7. Low-tech hair dryer 31. Village Voice award 55. Kept 42. Often-pulled muscle 8. Sheds light on 32. ___ Lanka 57. Be of profit to 44. Big game org.? 9. Bantam, sometimes 33. Cry from the doorsill 58. Postage stamp comedian 45. Light a fire under 10. English counties 35. Harbor feature 59. Religious order 48. Bowls over 11. Sorority inductee 36. Pittance 60. Abu Dhabi ruler 49. Hartford skater 12. NATO target 38. Members of the elite 61. Compact, e.g. 51. Time for a wake-up call, 13. Apportion 40. Southeast Asian penin- 64. Minute amount perhaps 19. Canadian Grammy win- sula 66. It adds color 43. Inexperienced
22 caribtimes.com Tuesday 25th March 2014 Jeron Jones Slams Century, But Schools Draw By Vanroy Burnes son Atley scoring 40, with Hughes captured 4 for 34, match ended in a draw. Jeron Jones of Junie Mills 31 and cap- Jeron Jones 2 for 9, and Scotia Bank Scotia Bank Empire hit a tain, Dave Hughes, reach- Trevonson Atley 2 for 37. Empire earned first in- century to help his team ing 24. Combined Schools United Insurance Com- nings points. Over at the to amass 297 runs against Vishal Gobin picked up 6 bined Schools, behind Bethesda Cricket ground, United Insurance Com- wickets for 79 runs, while with a deficit of 162 runs, defending champion PIC bined Schools at Factory. Kenrick Scott took 3 for survived to reach 189 runs Insurance Liberta and This was a second round 51. for the loss of 6 wickets Caribbean Union Bank match in the ABCA’s In reply, Unit- when play ended. James Bethesda also played to Two-Day cricket competi- ed Insurance Combined Stevens Jr was on 66 not a draw. PIC Insurance tion played over the week- Schools was bowled out out, Tyrone Williams Jr Liberta grabbed first in- end. for 125 runs. Malachi made 36, and Ramiez nings points. Scores in the Jones hit 102 in his Abrams scored 30, and Erskine was 25 not out. match, Caribbean Union innings and was assisted Tyrone Williams Jr made Bowling a second time for Bank Bethesda 185 all out by Dion West 46, Trevon- 28. Bowling for Sco- Scotia Bank Empire, At- and 115 for 6, PIC Insur- tia Bank Empire, Dave ley took 2 for 58, and the ance Liberta 265 all out.
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