11+ ENTRY FURTHER INFORMATION 2022 - Westminster ...

Page created by Kevin Robinson
11+ ENTRY FURTHER INFORMATION 2022 - Westminster ...
11+ ENTRY FURTHER INFORMATION 2022 - Westminster ...
11+ key dates for                                                   Entry at 11+
September 2022                                                      to Westminster
2021                                                                Parents who wish to register their sons for entry in Year 7 (11+)
                                                                    should complete the online registration form, which can
       Open Days at Westminster Under School                        be found in the Admissions section of the school website:
                                                                    www.westminsterunder.org.uk/admissions. The deadline for
       Saturday 18 September
                                                                    September 2022 entry, is noon on Wednesday 13 October 2021.
       Saturday 2 October                                           Including fully completed SEND reports and Bursary
       Saturday 9 October                                           applications. In line with our Admissions Policy, late applications
                                                                    cannot be accepted.
       Deadline for all applications, including fully completed
       SEND reports and bursary documentation                                                                                                         Music
       Wednesday 13 October 2021, noon                              11+ Entrance Assessments                                                          scholarships
       ISEB Common Pre-tests                                        ISEB Common Pre-Tests                  Mathematics                                A number of awards of up to 10%
                                                                                                                                                      remission of current academic tuition
       Week Commencing 22 November                                  Due to the increasing number of        We expect all boys sitting the 11+
                                                                    boys applying for 11+ entry, in line                                              fees with free instrumental tuition are
                                                                                                           Mathematics test to have completed
                                                                    with other schools, we now make                                                   offered annually for boys at aged 11
                                                                                                           the standard programme of study
                                                                                                                                                      who show outstanding potential in at
       Invitations sent for boys to sit additional written papers   use of an electronic assessment
                                                                    in the admissions process. These
                                                                                                           contained within the National
                                                                                                           Curriculum at Key Stage Two, or its
                                                                                                                                                      least one instrument.
       Friday 10 December, by email                                 are set by the ISEB (Independent       equivalent. We would also expect that      The standard expected of candidates
                                                                    Schools Examination Board) called      these boys are able to achieve Level       will be from Grade 5 onwards and,
                                                                    the Common Pre-tests, which are        5 in their Key Stage Two SATs or           though not essential, some skill
                                                                    used by many senior schools.           their equivalent. We are particularly      on a second instrument should be
2022                                                                Boys who have registered will be
                                                                                                           interested in the boys’ ability to apply   encouraged. Orchestral instruments
                                                                                                           the mathematics they have learnt in        are preferred. Award holders will be
                                                                    invited to the School to sit these
                                                                                                           the context of problem solving.            expected to play a full and lively part
       Additional written papers                                    electronic assessments for one
                                                                    morning or afternoon during the                                                   in the musical life of the School.
       Saturday 22 January                                          second half of November at             English                                    Candidates will be required to play
                                                                    Westminster Under School or at                                                    two contrasting pieces on their
                                                                                                           Boys will be tested on their reading
                                                                    your son’s present school at any                                                  principal instrument and one piece
       Auditions for Music scholarship applications                 point until Friday 26 November.
                                                                                                           and writing skills, though the precise
                                                                                                           nature of these assessments will vary      on their second, to read at sight
       Week commencing 17 January                                   The tests will consist of papers                                                  and to attempt a few ear tests.
                                                                                                           from year to year. Examples might
                                                                    in Mathematics, English, Verbal                                                   Choristers are also invited to sing.
                                                                                                           include comprehensions, descriptive
                                                                    Reasoning and Non-verbal Reasoning                                                An accompanist will be provided by
                                                                                                           writing activities, short reviews and
       Invitations to final interviews                              and can only be taken once for
                                                                    all schools applied for.
                                                                                                           invitations to continue a passage          the School, so we ask that candidates
                                                                                                           in the voice of the author. We are         do not bring their own. Plenty of time
       Thursday 27 January, by email
                                                                    If a boy’s current school already      particularly interested in boys            is allocated for rehearsal.
                                                                    administers these assessments,         with a history of wide-ranging and         Candidates for music awards must sit
       Final interviews                                             he will be permitted by them to sit    ambitious reading, in particular those     the School’s entrance examinations
                                                                    the assessments there. Parents         with a developing awareness of             in January. Instrumental auditions
       Monday 31 January to Wednesday 2 February                                                           how great writers use language
                                                                    will need to confirm this with them                                               will also be held in January whilst
                                                                    directly and where possible should     for effect. Boys will be expected          choral auditions will be held upon
       Bursary home visits                                          contact our Registrar, Alycia Lee
                                                                    (alycia.lee@westminster.org.uk), to
                                                                                                           to display a wide vocabulary and
                                                                                                           show that they are able to write both
                                                                                                                                                      commencement at the Under School
                                                                                                                                                      in September. The closing date
       Week of Monday 7 February                                    inform her of this arrangement. The    fluently and accurately.                   for entries to these awards is
                                                                    ISEB will let us know the results of                                              Wednesday 1 December but the
                                                                    boys who are registered with us but                                               Director of Music will be pleased
       Offers sent                                                  have already taken the assessments     Interview and                              to meet prospective candidates
       Friday 11 February                                           elsewhere. Boys can only take the
                                                                    test once.
                                                                                                           place offers                               beforehand by arrangement.
                                                                                                           Based on the results of the written
       Acceptances to be received by the School                     Written papers                         papers, we will invite approximately
                                                                                                           60 boys back for interview, during
       Friday 4 March, noon                                         Approximately 100 boys are             the week commencing Monday
                                                                    then selected for the next stage       31 January 2022. They will be
                                                                    in the admissions process. They        interviewed by a member of senior
                                                                    will be invited back to the School     staff. This is a chance for us to get
                                                                    on Saturday 22 January 2022 to         to know the boys and their interests.
                                                                    take additional written papers in
                                                                    Mathematics and English. We do
                                                                    not provide past papers.

11+ ENTRY FURTHER INFORMATION 2022 - Westminster ...
                                                                                   Parents considering applying                		 Parents should consult the UKVI          • Part A (Initial Assessment)                   on the advice of the Bursar.It is not
                                                                                   for financial support for their                website for a detailed explanation       The purpose of the initial assessment           possible to give a forecast of the level
                                                                                                                                  of the criteria established by the       is for parents to provide a brief               of any bursary award in advance.
                                                                                   child, should read all the                     United Kingdom. These criteria           summary of their financial                      However, parents will be told if, based
                                                                                   information below carefully                    are used by the School. Parents          circumstances so that the School                on the Part A (Initial Assessment),
                                                                                   before proceeding with their                   who qualify under the above              can establish whether a bursary is              a bursary would not be awarded. If
                                                                                   application.                                   criteria must also live in London.       likely to be needed. It is essential            parents are asked to submit a Part B (In
                                                                                                                                  The expectation is that their child      that the Part A form is completed               Depth Assessment) this does not mean
                                                                                                                                  will commute from home to school         in full. Any relevant background                that an award will be made, merely that
                                                                                   1 The purpose of a bursary                     each day, with a maximum journey         information should be included in               the parents’ circumstances are within
                                                                                   The purpose of a bursary is to give            time of one hour door-to-door.           the ‘Additional Comments’ section               the bracket for further consideration.
                                                                                   financial support to a child who has                                                    of the Part A form.                             Completion of the applications may
                                                                                                                                – Not eligible
                                                                                   the academic ability to benefit from
After-school clubs                                                                 a Westminster education but whose           		• Bursaries are not available to
                                                                                                                                                                           The Bursar will assess the Part A
                                                                                                                                                                           and, if it is judged that the child is likely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           be time consuming and will involve a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           degree of intrusion by the School into
                                                                                   parents would not be able to afford             children of parents who are             to need a bursary, parents will be              a family’s private financial affairs, but
These clubs include activities such as fencing, judo, karate, bridge,                                                              in the UK on a visa (general,
                                                                                   the fees either wholly or in part                                                       asked to submit a more detailed                 parents may be assured that papers
chess, table tennis, LAMDA, clay and film making. Clubs finish between                                                             student, child, business,
                                                                                   without unacceptable hardship.                                                          Part B (In Depth Assessment) bursary            will be carefully handled. If a child wins
4.45 and 5.45pm.                                                                                                                   special, or medical) or entering        application form.                               a place, the application and all papers
                                                                                                                                   the UK under Tier 2 or Tier 4 of                                                        are retained for their record. If the child
                                                                                   2 Who is eligible?                              the UKVI Points Based System.           Single parents. Single parents
Games                                                                              The School does not have inexhaustible      		• Bursaries are not available to          should refer to Sections 1 to 5 of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           does not come to Westminster, papers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           will either be returned to parents if
Our main sports are football and cricket but as the boys move through              funds for bursaries and therefore               children of parents who live            the ‘Guidance for Parents’ below.               requested or shredded.
the school they will have the opportunity to compete in other sports such          the Governing Body has decided that             outside London and beyond               This outlines the information that must
                                                                                   help may only be offered to pupils who          daily commuting range to                be provided regarding the child’s
as athletics, basketball, cross country running, Fives, hockey, rowing,
                                                                                                                                                                           circumstances when completing the               Specific guidance for parents
rugby, swimming and tennis. Games takes place twice a week and PE once             live in London and who are able to              school, defined as a maximum                                                            Parents are requested to read the
a week on Vincent Square or at the Sports Centre.                                  commute daily to School.                        journey time of one hour door-          Part A form. The information is to be
                                                                                                                                                                           entered in the ‘Additional Information /        following guidance notes before
                                                                                                                                   to-door.                                                                                completing bursary application forms.
                                                                                   The Governing Body’s criteria                                                           Comments by Parents’ box located at
School fees                                                                        for the award of a bursary may
                                                                                   be summarised as follows:
                                                                                                                               iv) Parents’ financial circumstances
                                                                                                                                   There are no exact financial criteria
                                                                                                                                                                           the end of the form.                            If they have difficulty answering any of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the questions, they should consult the
The school fees for the academic year 2020 / 2021 are £6,834 per term,
                                                                                                                                   for bursaries but in judging a          • Part B (In Depth Assessment)                  Bursar, (email: bursar@westminster.
£20,512 per year. The 2021 / 2022 fees will be announced in July 2021.             i) The child’s entry point
                                                                                                                                   family’s needs, all income, essential   The purpose of Part B is to allow the           org.uk or tel: 020 7963 1028).
                                                                                        Only boys applying for entry into                                                  School to make a full assessment of
                                                                                                                                   expenditure, and all assets in
School hours                                                                            Year 7 are eligible to apply for
                                                                                        bursaries. The School does not             savings, investments and property       a family’s financial circumstances and
                                                                                                                                                                           needs. Part B will ask for several
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Parents / guardians / single parents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1 It is assumed that both parents
                                                                                        provide financial support for boys         will be assessed. Where, for
The school gates open from 8.00am. Boys are expected to arrive at the                                                                                                      pieces of information and supporting              have a joint interest in the education
                                                                                        entering Years 3 or Year 4.                example, a home is considered to
side gate in Douglas Street, between 8.00am and 8.15am. Registration is                                                                                                    evidence. It is essential that the Part B         and general welfare of the child
                                                                                                                                   be too large, in an expensive area
at 8.20am.                                                                         ii) The child’s academic ability                                                        Form is completed in full and that                and therefore both parents’
                                                                                                                                   or where excess equity could be
                                                                                        Every child who enters                     released, a family may be expected      copies of all supporting documents                financial circumstances will be
Years 7 and 8 boys finish at 4.30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays
                                                                                        Westminster Under School must              to downsize or remortgage as            required are provided. The Part B                 taken into account.
after Games and at 4.00pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
                                                                                        win their place on academic merit.         necessary to release funds. Parents     and supporting documents should                 2 In cases where parents are
                                                                                        This is determined by examination          who own a second home do not            be returned by the deadline given.                separated or divorced it is assumed
Homework                                                                                and interview.                             qualify as they would be expected       The supporting financial documents                that both parents retain joint
                                                                                   iii) Parents’ and child’s                       to release equity in order to meet      required from both parents will include           interest in their child and that
Years 7 & 8: Approximately 90 minutes per night (two or three subjects)
                                                                                        nationality and residence                  fees. It is also expected that          copies of:                                        financial provision for the child’s
                                                                                        – Eligible                                 savings in shares, ISAs, and other      • Latest 12 months’ full bank                     education remains a joint matter.
Door to door transport                                                             		 Bursaries are available where                investments will be released. The
                                                                                                                                   School will then assess what level
                                                                                                                                                                              statements for all bank accounts             3 For applications from single
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             parents, the following information
                                                                                   		 the parents and children fall into                                                      (Current, Savings, ISA, Investment
There is no official school transport, however, the following services             		 one of the following categories:             of bursary (between 10% and 100%           accounts). Please note that account            regarding the child’s circumstances
are available and are currently used by pupils. This transport is arranged                                                         of the fees) is needed. If in doubt        summary pages are not sufficient,              must be provided:
by the parents directly with the operators:                                        		• British citizens in possession of           of eligibility for a bursary, parents
                                                                                             a British passport (The United                                                   full bank statements for all accounts          a Where is the other parent now?
• Taxis, there are two external taxi providers who take several boys                                                               are encouraged to apply.                   are required.
   from school                                                                               Kingdom of Great Britain and                                                                                                    b Has the child’s other parent
                                                                                             Northern Ireland) at the time                                                 • Most recent P60s or payslips                        remained in contact?
• North West London Minibus Route
   Stanmore – Edgware – St Johns Wood – Baker Street – WUS                                   of applying for a bursary;        3 The bursary process                          (or latest company Annual Report               c If not, when did their
                                                                                   		• Citizens of the EEA or                  There are three stages to the                  and accounts if self-employed).                    contact cease?
• West London Minibus Route 1
• W2 to W8 –SW7 – SW3 – WUS                                                                  Switzerland, as defined           bursary assessments:                        • Latest mortgage statement or latest             d Does the child’s other parent
• West London Minibus Route 2                                                                by the UKVI, in possession of     • Parents’ passports                           rent statement if rent is paid.                    contribute financially for the child?
• W10 – W11 – W2 – WUS                                                                       an EEA or Swiss passport or ID,   Photocopies or scans of both parents’       • Proof of all benefits received
                                                                                             who live in London. See                                                                                                         e If not, when did they
                                                                                                                               passports must be provided as                  (e.g. child benefit, universal credit,             cease contributing?
Public transport                                                                             website: https://www.gov.uk/
                                                                                                                               evidence of eligibility to apply for
                                                                                                                               a bursary on grounds of nationality.
                                                                                                                                                                              disability living allowance, etc).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           4 Where either parent has remarried,
                                                                                             eea-commonwealth                                                              All bursary awards are decided by the             their new family circumstances and
Pimlico Tube Station, on the Victoria Line, is less than five minutes walk away.                                               If eligible, the next stage is Part A.      Master of the Under School and the                responsibilities will be taken into
Victoria and St James’s Park on the District and Circle lines are approximately                                                                                            Head Master of the Great School                   account by the School.
a ten minute walk away.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Great Geo
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ge                    Walk                                        rge Street
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Parliament                    Big Ben
5 Fully completed bursary forms           9 NO DEDUCTIONS should be made             17 The reason we collect and hold this
  and full financial declaration of all      in respect of allowances made for          information is to help the School to
  income and assets are required,            tax purposes (specifically: personal       decide whether to award a bursary                                                                                                                                                                                             Palace of
  as follows:                                allowances; superannuation, etc.           and, if so, at what level. The file                                                                                                                                                               Westminster                Westminster
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tothill Street                                           Abbey
  a A joint application from both the        contributions; mortgage interest;          record is useful because it allows us
    father and the mother of the child.      covenants; and income from                 to keep proper financial records and                                        St James’s Park
                                             abroad). The amount of tax / NI /          also helps us to monitor how we are
  b If the parents are divorced or           pension contributions or other             spending our money as a registered                                                                                                                               Westminster
    separated, a joint application from      deductions should be recorded on           charity. Details of any payments or                                                                                                                                  School
    both the father and the mother of        the form.                                  remissions we make will be held on

    the child is preferred, although                                                    our records.
    separate applications will be         10 The full amount of all welfare                                                                                                                                                                                  5
    accepted where the parents so            benefits should be declared.            18 The law requires that we hold basic                                                                                  t                                                                           6
                                                                                        accounting information on grants                                                                             t   ree
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ia S
    wish. Confidentiality will be         11 Parents should declare the gross

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 n Street
    maintained if requested.                 amount of all income received by           for at least six years. Information
                                             children who are wholly or mainly          will not be held longer than needed                                                           Vic                                                                                     Grea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         t Co
  c If the child has a single parent an                                                 and all the papers on file, other                                                                                                                                                                             Stre
    application from both the single         dependent on them, excluding only                                                                                                                                                                                                                             et
                                             sums earned from the child’s part-         than names, will usually be
    parent and from the child’s other                                                   shredded within seven years of
    parent if they are still in contact      time employment (e.g. weekend or
                                             holiday jobs). Parents should also         our last contact with you.
    with the child (see No. 3 above).
                                             declare all income received under       19 The information in a pupil’s bursary                                                                                                                          Great Peter Street
  d If one of the child’s parents is         deeds of covenant, sums received           file is entirely safe. It may be passed

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tufton Str
    deceased, an application from the        as scholarships, student awards and        to an educational charity if we
    surviving parent. If he or she has       funds held in trust for the child.         believe this may be helpful, but only
    remarried, a joint application                                                      with the parents’ permission.                                                                                                                                                7
    application from the parent and       Assets

                                                                                        Nobody else other than the Master                                                                                                                                                                             8
    step-parent is requested.             12 Parents should declare the

                                                                                        or Head Master, Bursar, Bursar’s PA
  e If the child has no parents,             value of all assets including their        and Finance Bursar will be allowed

    applications from his / her              main home, second / additional             to see the file or know about the

                                                                                                                                                                            at S
                                             properties, savings and investments                                                                                                                                                                                            Romney Street
    guardian(s) are required, or if the                                                 bursary information.

    child has no guardian, then from         in shares / ISAs, etc. Internet                                                                                                                             et                                                                                                                            Lambeth
                                                                                     20 The Bursary Application Form or                                       4                            3       Str

    the person(s) who have legal             websites such as Zoopla.com offer                                                                                                                                                           Horseferry Road
                                             property valuations at no cost.            additional papers may contain                                                                       er ton
    custody of the child.                                                               relevant personal information, not                                                             Elv                    et

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Marsham Street
                                          Expenditure                                                                                                             Vi                                      tre

Declaration Concerning                                                                  only about the parents but also                                                nc                               lS
                                                                                                                                                                         en                          e

Validity of Information                   13 Mortgage repayments should be              other people. If parents think this                                                  tS                 u

6 The declaration at the end of              shown separately from any property         may happen, they should show the                                                              are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Page Street


  bursary application forms should be        / contents insurance payments.             form / papers to the persons

  signed by both parents (see note 1      14 Documentary evidence is                    involved and make sure that they
  and 2 above) of the child for whom         required for mortgage, rent                agree that the School can store and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Regency Street
  application is made. If only one           payments and council tax.                  use the information.                                                        2
  parent signs the form, the reason                                                  21 In signing the Bursary Application
                                          Data Protection Act                           Form parents are giving their

  must be stated.
                                          15 The law demands that the School                                                                        Vi

                                                                                        explicit consent to the exchange

Income                                       tells parents what information they                                                  Va                  nc
                                                                                        of information regarding all aspects         u

7 Actual income should be declared           are holding about them concerning                                                        xh                   tS
                                                                                        of their personal data with schools              all

   for the current financial year and,       bursaries and what they are going                                                                                    ar
                                                                                        and with other charities which might                   Br                    e


   if known, for the forthcoming year.       to do with that information. The law       be able to help. This means that
   In the case of self-employed              also says that they cannot open a
                                                                                                                                                     ge                                 1
                                                                                        parents consent to our disclosing                                  Ro
   persons and others who have not           file, hold and use this information        and processing information                                            a
   finally agreed their income for the       about the parents without their                                                                                    d
                                                                                        given by them by letter or in the
   last financial year with HMRC, a          agreement. These notes make it             application form, and by the                                                                   1
   statement of income so agreed             clear what Westminster School will         School in its confidential report,
   should be given for that year,            do with the information given.             to any charity or individual who
   together with a note to that effect.   16 With the parents’ agreement, when          may provide funds for the pupil’s
   Persons who normally use an               an application is made for a bursary,      education. It also means that
   accounting year other than April                                                                                                                             1 Under School                                                                       5 Dean’s Yard
                                             the Bursar opens a file, which will        parents consent to our obtaining
   to April should state this fact and       be kept in our filing system. The          and processing similar information
   give the dates to which income            information provided will be stored        from other charities with whom                                          2 Vincent Square Playing Fields                                                      6 Great School
   declared refers.                          with any further details that may be       we are associated. Without this
8 Income from ALL sources must               required in order for a decision with      explicit consent, we will be unable                                     3 Sports Centre, Greycoat Street                                                     7 Millicent Fawcett Hall
   be included. Gross income before          regard to the bursary application to       to give any further consideration
   tax / NI / pension contributions          be made. Additional information            to the application.                                                     4 St Stephen’s Church                                                                8 St John’s Square
   should be declared. In ALL cases          may include reports received from
   income from outside the UK should         a school, a doctor, a teacher or any
   be included.                              other person.

Starting at
  Boys may enter Westminster Under
  School at ages 7, 8 and 11. They can
  enter Westminster School at 13 and
   both boys and girls may enter the
  School at age 16. Please contact the
    Registrar for more information.

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    Registered charity number: 312728
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