11-18 FEBRUARY 2023 - norwichsciencefestival.co.uk NorwichSciFest Norwich Science Festival - Amazon AWS

Page created by Alma Shelton
11-18 FEBRUARY 2023 - norwichsciencefestival.co.uk NorwichSciFest Norwich Science Festival - Amazon AWS
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11-18 FEBRUARY 2023

norwichsciencefestival.co.uk #   NorwichSciFest   Norwich Science Festival
11-18 FEBRUARY 2023 - norwichsciencefestival.co.uk NorwichSciFest Norwich Science Festival - Amazon AWS
What to expect at NSF

CONTENTS                          A message from Claire Mutimer, Producer
 Headline Events             04   I’m so excited to share this incredible week of events with
 Science After Six           08   you. This is my first year producing this wonderful festival
 Pre Festival                10   which is so full of ideas and hope for the future. I believe
 Throughout                       science is at the heart of everything we do and will hold the
 the Festival                10   solutions to many of the challenges we currently face.
 Events by date                   I’m keen to bust one myth straight off. Did you know there
 Saturday 11 February        13   are as many talks and events aimed at adults as there are
 Sunday 12 February          19   for children? This festival really is for everyone. We cover
 Monday 13 February          23   everything from the evolution of childhood and leaving the
 Tuesday 14 February         28   planet, to planetariums and vertical farming, plus much more.
 Wednesday 15 February 32         So have a good look through this programme and book a talk        During the Festival, The Forum’s Atrium and outdoor marquee will be
                                  on a subject that intrigues you. Learn something totally new,     transformed into The Explorium – a place for all to explore the world
 Thursday 16 February        36
                                  stretch your understanding and enjoy!                             through science. Drop in 10.30am–4pm (11–18 Feb) for free, hands-on
 Friday 17 February          40
                                                                                                    science fun for all ages!
 Saturday 18 February        45
                                                                                                    QUIET HOUR: For those who require a calmer, less busy experience
 Other activities
 Learning Programme          50
                                  Booking information                                               of The Explorium, book into our Quiet Hour between 9.30am–10.30am
 Young Comms Team            50   Don’t miss out, book early for our events!                        each day – booking required via norwichsciencefestival.co.uk
 Youth STEMM Award           50   Many Festival events are drop-in where booking is
 Patrons                     51
 Map                         52
                                  not required. For bookable events, please book at
                                  norwichsciencefestival.co.uk unless otherwise specified
                                                                                                   Science                                                   Family               FAMILY
 Further information
 Partners / Sponsors /
                             54   in the event listing.
                                  Refunds are not offered unless an event is cancelled or          Satellites                                                events               EVENT

 Funders                     55                                                                                                                              As well as free, family
                                  postponed. Registered carers are eligible for a free ticket.     Pop-up events                                             activities in The
                                  See norwichsciencefestival.co.uk for more information.
                                                                                                   around Norfolk                                            Explorium each day,
                                  AGE RECOMMENDATIONS                                                                                                        there’s plenty of family
                                  We’ve included suggested minimum age                                                                                       talks, shows and
Join the conversation
                                  recommendations, based on the content and level of                 FAMILY                                                  workshops
# NorwichSciFest                                                                                     EVENT                                                   throughout the
  NorwichSciFest                  understanding required. Everyone is welcome to any event
                                                                                                                                                             Festival – just
  Norwich Science Festival        (unless specified as adults only), but some will be more
                                                                                                   This year we’re taking science fun further, with          look out for
  Norwichsciencefestival          suited to the ages suggested. Children under 12 must                                                                       the Family
                                                                                                   ‘Science Satellites’ events. There’s plenty on offer at
                                  be accompanied in talks, shows and workshops with a                                                                        Event logo.
Presented by:
                                                                                                   East Norfolk Sixth Form College in Gorleston-on-Sea
                                  responsible adult. For talks and shows, accompanying
                                                                                                   (see p23) and Gresham’s in Holt (see p32). All the        We hope
                                  adults will require a ticket.
                                                                                                   Science Satellites are mini pop-up festivals, and are     you enjoy
                                  All events are subject to change but are correct at              perfect for families, with lots of hands-on activities,   the Festival!
                                  time of printing. For up-to-date listings please see             super shows and fun workshops.
  2                                                                                               Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                              3
11-18 FEBRUARY 2023 - norwichsciencefestival.co.uk NorwichSciFest Norwich Science Festival - Amazon AWS
Headline events

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Credit: Jonathan Sisson
                                                                                                                                                                              Credit: Stefan Oboski
                                                                                                        Nine Lessons                         Control: The                                             DNA Detective
                                                                                                        for Norwich                          Dark History and                                         WITH PROF TURI KING
                                                                                                        Science Festival                     Troubling Present
                                                                                                                                                                                                      SUN 12 FEB
                                                                                                        WITH DR HELEN CZERSKI                of Eugenics                                              7pm–8pm
                                                                                                        AND FRIENDS                          WITH DR ADAM
                                                                                                                                             RUTHERFORD                                               Prof Turi King is the expert
                                                                                                        FRI 17 FEB                                                                                    geneticist on the hit BBC series
                                                                                                        8.30pm–10.30pm                       FRI 17 FEB                                               DNA Family Secrets. In this
                                                                                                                                             5pm–6pm                                                  talk she will chart the rise in
                                                                                                        The Cosmic Shambles Network
                                                                                                        is excited to bring a special        Throughout history, people                               the use of DNA in genealogy
                                                                                                        edition of this science cabaret      have sought to improve society                           and forensics for everything
                                                                                                        show to Norwich Science              by controlling who can marry,                            from tracing long lost family
                                                                                                        Festival, hosted by Dr Helen         who can procreate and who                                members to catching criminals.
                                                                                                        Czerski with special guests          is permitted to live. Adam                               Her examples will include the
                                                                                                                                             Rutherford tells the story of                            first immigration case through
Lessons in Chemistry                               sexism in science, and then finds herself            including Dr Adam Rutherford,
                                                                                                                                             attempts by the powerful to                              to identifying the bones of King
                                                   the unlikely star of America’s most popular          comedian Bec Hill, Prof Chris
BONNIE GARMUS IN CONVERSATION                                                                                                                dictate reproduction, regulate                           Richard III. Turi is a scientist,
                                                   cooking show.                                        Jackson and music from Soft
WITH NAOMI WOOD                                                                                                                              the interface of genetics and                            presenter, speaker and author
                                                   Bonnie Garmus is a copywriter and creative           Lad (from Self Esteem). Expect
FRI 17 FEB                                                                                              weird science, quirky facts, lots    society, and how these beliefs                           who uses genetics in the fields
                                                   director who has worked widely in the fields of
                                                                                                        of laughter and a great night out!   paved the way to Auschwitz.                              of forensics, history, genealogy
7pm–8pm                                            technology, medicine, and education. She’s an
                                                                                                                                             Plus book signing.                                       and archaeology. She is perhaps
                                                   open-water swimmer, a rower, and mother to           Venue: The Halls
Lessons in Chemistry is the bestselling novel                                                                                                Venue: Norwich School,                                   best known for her work leading
                                                   two amazing daughters. Born in California and        Cost: £15
by Bonnie Garmus that will make you laugh,                                                                                                   Blake Studio                                             the genetics and identification of
                                                   most recently from Seattle, she currently lives in   Age: 12+
cry, and reconsider a woman’s place in the                                                                                                   Cost: £12                                                the remains of King Richard III.
                                                   London with her husband and her dog, 99.
world – especially in STEM. Translated into                                                                                                  Age: 15+                                                 Plus book signing.
forty languages, it is nothing short of a global   Plus book signing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Venue: Norwich Arts Centre
phenomenon.                                        Venue: Norwich School, Blake Studio                                                                                                                Cost: £15 + booking fee
Set in the 1960s, the novel tells the story of     Cost: £12                                                                                                                                          Age: 12+
genius chemist Elizabeth Zott, who confronts       Age: 12+                                                                                                                                           Book: norwichartscentre.co.uk

  4        Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                         VISIT norwichsciencefestival.co.uk
                                                                                                        Book  at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                                      5
11-18 FEBRUARY 2023 - norwichsciencefestival.co.uk NorwichSciFest Norwich Science Festival - Amazon AWS
Headline events

                                                                                         FAMILY                             FAMILY
                                                                                         EVENT    The biggest               EVENT                                                                            The Z list
                                                                                                  science quiz                                                                                               dead list
                                                                                                  show EVER                                                                                                  WITH ISZI LAWRENCE
                                                                                                  WITH PROF BEN GARROD
                                                                                                                                                                                                             THU 16 FEB
                                                                                                  & MARK THOMPSON
                                                                                                  SUN 12 FEB
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Who proved the scientific
                                                                                                                                                                                                             method using magic? Did
                                                                                                  Do you think you know your                                                                                 a woman really give birth to
                                                                                                  Megalodon from your T-Rex? Or                                                                              rabbits? Why did one man put
                                                                                                  what happens when you add                                                                                  trousers on frogs? Author and
                                                                                                  hydrogen peroxide to potassium                                                                             comedian Iszi Lawrence (BBC
                                                                                                  iodide? Grab your friends and                                                                              R4, Netflix) introduces you to
                                                                                                  family and head along to this                                                                              the obscure, murderous and
Credit: Philip Vanoutrive

                                                                                                  fun-packed show with two of                                                                                revolting scientists and their
                                                                                                                                                                                                             unusual hypotheses from history.
                                                                                                  our best-known presenters            Hot times in                       Physics of life
                                                                                                  Mark Thompson and Ben
                                                                                                  Garrod. Packed to the brim with
                                                                                                                                       deep time                          WITH SARAH COSGRIFF
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Venue: Norwich School,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Blake Studio
                                                                                                  explosive chemical reactions,        THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD
                                                                                                                                                                          THU 16 FEB                         Cost: £9
                                                                                                  answers to some of life’s biggest    OF EARTH CLIMATE WITH
                            The Devil                          Rude science                       questions, live experiments,         PROF CHRIS JACKSON
                                                                                                                                                                          1pm–2pm                            Age: 12+
                            You Know                           WITH GASTRONAUT                    audience participation and                                              Take a journey with Sarah
                                                                                                                                       FRI 17 FEB
                                                               STEFAN GATES                                                                                               Cosgriff to see the world of
                            ENCOUNTERS IN FORENSIC                                                tonnes of fun science!               1pm–2pm
                                                                                                                                                                          biology through the lens of
                                                                                                                                                                                                             The psychology
                            PSYCHIATRY WITH DR
                            GWEN ADSHEAD
                                                               SAT 18 FEB                         Venue: Sir Isaac Newton              The Earth is warming, with         physics. Discover how physics
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of climate change
                                                               11am–12pm,                         Sixth Form                           present and future changes in                                         WITH CAROLINE HICKMAN,
                                                                                                                                                                          allows us to see microscopic
                            TUE 14 FEB                         2.30pm–3.30pm                      Cost: £7                             our climate a global concern.                                         IRENE LORENZONI &
                                                                                                                                                                          organisms, understand how
                            1pm–2pm                            Stefan Gates’ explosive new        Age: 7+                              Geologist and 2020 RI                                                 STEPHAN LEWANDOWSKY
                                                                                                                                                                          living things adapt to their
                                                               2023 show reveals everything                                            Christmas Lecturer Professor       environments, and help
                            Join Dr Gwen Adshead, author                                                                                                                                                     FRI 17 FEB
                                                               you always wanted to know                                               Chris Jackson looks at the
                            of bestselling book The Devil
                                                               about the revolting (but vital)
                                                                                                  Big and small                        geological record of climate
                                                                                                                                                                          astronauts get to outer space.     3pm–4pm
                            You Know, and one of Britain’s                                                                                                                Where will the combined forces
                                                               science that no-one ever talks     WITH ALEX HOLMES &                   change and how this can help                                          How do we feel about climate
                            leading forensic psychiatrists,                                                                                                               of biology and physics take you?
                                                               about. Expect zits, burps,         AFFELIA WIBISONO                     us better understand our present                                      change? How can we cope with
                            for a fascinating insight into                                                                                                                Venue: The Forum, Auditorium
                                                               farts, snot, scabs, pee, vomit,    THU 16 FEB               FAMILY      and future climate. Presented by                                      the barrage of information on
                            criminal minds which argues                                                                    EVENT                                          Cost: £5
                                                               snot, blood, sweat and tears,      11am–12pm                            the Cosmic Shambles Network.                                          this emotive subject? We need
                            for rehabilitation over revenge,                                                                                                              Age: 8+
                            compassion over condemnation.      all brought to life with stunts,                                        Venue: Norwich School,                                                to understand human behaviour
                                                               rockets, fart machines, sneeze     Big and Small is an interactive
                            Plus book signing.                                                                                         Blake Studio                                                          so we can determine the most
                                                               machines and enormous              game show where you
                                                                                                                                       Cost: £7                                                              effective ways of fighting climate
                            Venue: Norwich School,             bottoms. There’s actually no       help astronomer Affelia and
                                                                                                                                       Age: 12+                                                              change. Join psychotherapist
                            Blake Studio                       such thing as rude science –       biochemist Alex settle a very
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Caroline Hickman, social
                            Cost: £10                          just science you haven’t made      important scientific argument:
                                                                                                                                                                                                             scientist Irene Lorenzoni and
                            Age: 18+                           friends with yet.                  which is superior – big things
                                                                                                                                                                                                             cognitive scientist Stephan
                                                                                                  like planets, or small things like
                                                               Venue: Norwich                                                                                                                                Lewandowsky to explore the
                                                                                                  proteins! Think you have what it
                                                               Theatre Playhouse                                                                                                                             psychology of climate change.
                                                                                                  takes to make the hard-hitting
                                                               Cost: £13 adults, £11 children     decisions?                                                                                                 Venue: Norwich School,
                                                               + booking fee                                                                                                                                 Blake Studio
                                                                                                  Venue: Norwich School,
                                                               Age: 7+                                                                                                                                       Cost: £6
                                                                                                  Blake Studio
                                                               Book: norwichtheatre.org                                                                                                                      Age: 12+
                                                                                                  Cost: £5
                                                                                                  Age: 6+

                              6       Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                             VISIT norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                 7
11-18 FEBRUARY 2023 - norwichsciencefestival.co.uk NorwichSciFest Norwich Science Festival - Amazon AWS

Science After Six                                                                                                                                                  Pint of Science
                                                                                                                                                                   SEX CELLS: LIVE FAST
For adults only, we have plenty of laugh-along lectures,                                                                                                           AND DIE YOUNG
taboo topics, deep dives and chances to get involved.                                                                                                              WED 15 FEB
Come along and learn something new!                                                                                                                                7.30pm–9.30pm
                                                                                                                                                                   Join us for an evening of talks
                                                                                                                                                                   on the topics of reproduction
                                                                                                                                                                   and ageing where you’ll hear
                                                                                                                                Superspy Science                   about the latest findings from
                                                                                                                                SCIENCE, DEATH AND TECH            UEA researchers. Learn about
                                                                                                                                IN THE WORLD OF JAMES              how frisky plants can be, how
                                                                                                                                BOND WITH DR KATHRYN               worms are teaching us the
                                    Credit Marah Bashir

                                                                                                                                HARKUP                             secrets to living longer, and
                                                                                                                                                                   finally how our environment is
                                                                                                                                THU 16 FEB 7pm–8pm
                                                                                                                                                                   affecting fertility. Doors 7pm.
                                                                                                                                Science and technology
                                                                                                                                                                   Venue: The Forum,
                                                                                                                                have always been central to
Boogie on                                                 Heartbreak:                       Science Shambles                    the world of James Bond.
                                                                                                                                                                   Café Bar Marzano                     How to leave
the brain                                                 NECESSARY PROCESS OR              podcast LIVE                        Kathryn Harkup explores 007’s
                                                                                                                                                                   Cost: £5                             a planet
                                                          BYPRODUCT OF LOVE?                                                                                       Book pintofscience
THE PSYCHOLOGY                                                                              WITH DR HELEN CZERSKI &             exploits from the practicalities                                        WITH PROF SUZIE IMBER
                                                          WITH ROSIE WILBY, PROF                                                                                   .co.uk/event/pint-of-
OF DANCING WITH                                                                             PROF MARK MIODOWNIK                 of building a volcano-based                                             AND DALLAS CAMPBELL
                                                          VIREN SWAMI & PROF                                                                                       science-special-1
DR PETER LOVATT                                                                                                                 lair, to the dangers of being
                                                          BARBARA SAHAKIAN                  THU 16 FEB                                                                                                  THU 16 FEB
                                                                                                                                covered in gold paint, and
TUE 14 FEB                                                                                  7pm–8pm                             whether bacteria, bombs, or                                             8.30pm–9.30pm
8pm–10.30pm                                               TUE 14 FEB
                                                          7pm–8pm                           Science Shambles is the             poison is the best plan for        Life after cancer                    As long as humans have
Don’t forget your dancing                                                                   podcast where world leading         taking over the world. Plus        + SPECIAL PREVIEW OF                 looked into the night sky, we’ve
shoes for this fun, interactive                           Heartbreak is a near-universal                                        book signing.                      SHORT FILM ‘ROSE’                    wondered how we might explore
                                                                                            scientists chat about science.
evening of dance, psychology                              experience, but what is it? Why                                                                                                               this most hostile of realms. Join
                                                                                            From cutting-edge research and      Venue: The Forum, Auditorium       MON 13 FEB 6.30pm–8pm
and science! Dr Peter Lovatt                              does it happen, and what can                                                                                                                  Dallas and Suzie as they take
                                                                                            big ideas to popular science        Cost: £8
(aka Dr Dance) explores why                               we do to get through it? This                                                                            Join Big C Cancer Charity and        you on the ultimate tour of the
                                                                                            books and documentaries,
we love to boogie in this                                 Valentine’s Day, neuroscientist                                                                          exclusive guests for a special       history and science of our quest
                                                                                            everything is open for
unique evening – he’ll take you                           Prof Barbara Sahakian and
                                                                                            discussion. Like everything at      Out Thinkers                       preview of short film ‘Rose’,        to explore the cosmos – from
through key ideas in cognitive                            psychologist Prof Viren Swami                                         CELEBRATING LGBTQ+                 followed by a Q&A with the           our first tentative footsteps,
                                                                                            The Cosmic Shambles Network
psychology and along the way                              join comedian and author of                                                                              Director, Charlotte Couture &        to the latest missions that are
                                                                                            the approach is fun, open and       IN STEM
teach you some fun, simple                                The Breakup Monologues                                                                                   Producer, Tom Scurr. There will      expanding our knowledge of the
                                                                                            accessible for everyone whether
dance routines! Peter is a                                Rosie Wilby to discuss these                                          SAT 11 FEB                         also be a panel discussion on        universe. Plus book signing.
                                                                                            you’ve got a PhD in astrophysics
former professional dancer                                questions and more. Plus                                              8pm–10pm                           the film’s themes, how cancer is
                                                                                            or are simply curious about how                                                                             Venue: Norwich School,
and one of the world’s leading                            book signing.                                                         Whether you’re part of the         portrayed in film, and the reality
                                                                                            this universe works. In this live                                                                           Blake Studio
Dance Psychologists; he’s                                 Venue: Norwich Arts Centre        recording, host Dr Helen Czerski    LGBTQ+ community or an             of life after cancer.                Cost: £10
spent decades studying the                                Cost: £10 + booking fee           talks to materials scientist and    ally, join us to celebrate the     Venue: NUA, Duke Street              Presented by:
science of human behaviour                                Book: norwichartscentre.co.uk     engineer Prof Mark Miodownik.       fantastic and diverse STEM         Lecture Theatre
and dancing. Come along this                                                                Plus book signing.                  community in Norfolk with a        Cost: £10 – proceeds to Big C
Valentine’s evening on your                                                                                                     series of talks and the            Age: 16+
                                                                                            Venue: Norwich School,
own or as a couple, have a                                                                                                      chance to network with             Book: big-c.co.uk
                                                                                            Blake Studio
drink, and enjoy this alternative                                                                                               local LGBTQ+ scientists.
                                                                                            Cost: £8.50
night out!
                                                                                            Presented by:                       Venue: The Forum,
Venue: The Halls                                                                                                                Cafe Bar Marzano
Cost: £15                                                                                                                       Cost: Free, booking required

  8        Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                                 Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                               9
PRE FESTIVAL                            Throughout the Festival

                          FAMILY                                 FAMILY                             FAMILY
                          EVENT                                  EVENT                              EVENT

 Inspired @ Sir
 Isaac Newton
 Sixth Form                                                                                                     Head over the road to our friends at
                                                                                                                Chantry Place for some free dinosaur
                                                                                                                action, shopping, and more.
 A free family STEMM day!
 Take part in a range of science
 and maths related activities,
 experiments and competitions.
 From bottle rockets to bath
 bombs, mini volcanoes to heart
 dissections – there is something
 for the entire family to enjoy! Join

                                                                                                                                                Credit: Killari Hotaru
 in with our science shows and
 take home your inventions.
 Venue: Sir Isaac Newton
                                        Straight up                         Decoding the
 Sixth Form
                                        farming                             DNA tree of life                                           FAMILY                                                     FAMILY
                                                                                                                                       EVENT                                                      EVENT
 Cost: Free, drop-in                    SAT 11–SAT 18 FEB                   SAT 11–SAT 18 FEB
 Age: 5+                                10am–4pm                            10.30am–4pm, 9.30–
                                                                                                                Extraordinary                                            Museum                                Plus meet our
                                                                            10.30am quiet time                  Extinct™                                                 of plastic
                                        Step into a farm of the future                                          Dinosaur Trail                                                                                 FRIENDLY DINO
 Long Covid                             where food is grown without
                                                                            (booking required)                                                                           SAT 11–SAT 18 FEB                     CHARACTERS
 REASONS, RESEARCH                      soil. Find out how vertical farms   Join the Earlham Institute to       SAT 4–SAT 18 FEB                                         10am–4pm
 & RECOVERY                                                                                                     Mon–Sat 9am–6pm,                                                                               ON SAT 11 FEBRUARY
                                        work and tell us what you think.    discover the Darwin Tree of                                                                  Imagine a future without plastic
                                                                                                                Sun 10am–4.30pm                                                                                between 10.30am and
 WED 8 FEB                              Straight up farming is a new        Life, one of the biggest DNA                                                                 pollution! Have a go at the           4pm on Chantry Square
 5pm–6pm                                installation to showcase vertical   sequencing projects in the world.   Head out on an expedition                                Fantastic Plastic Litter Arcade,
                                        farming – a new technology that     Search our interactive stand for    around Chantry Place to find                             explore the interactive exhibits,
 As the pandemic subsides,              is already changing the way we      codes to help you identify unique                                                            and contribute potential
                                                                                                                eight Extraordinary Extinct™
 millions of people around the          grow crops and promises to          species found around Britain                                                                 solutions to the plastics
                                                                                                                dinosaurs and prehistoric
 world are now left debilitated by      revolutionise food production in    and Ireland, and speak with                                                                  problem. This exhibition
                                                                                                                creatures. Discover some
 Long Covid. Our panel look at          the next decade.                    local researchers working on this                                                            explores the environmental and
                                                                                                                fascinating fossil facts,
 the possible theories behind the       Plus look out for discussions       landmark project.                                                                            social harms caused by our
                                                                                                                complete your trail sheet and
 syndrome, the latest research,         and debates in the vertical farm    Venue: The Forum, Explorium                                                                  current dependence on single-
                                                                                                                pop in the competition box
 and pathways to recovery.              on the future of food.              Cost: Free, drop-in                                                                          use plastics, and presents
                                                                                                                at The Forum to be in with a
 With cardiologists Dr Boon Lim                                             Age: 7+                                                                                      possible steps we could take
                                        Venue: The Forum, Gallery                                               chance of winning a £100 H&M
 and Prof Vassilios Vassiliou,                                                                                                                                           to eradicate them.
                                        Cost: Free, drop-in                                                     voucher, thanks to Chantry
 General Practitioner Dr Sarah
                                        Age: 5+                                                                 Place, and goodies from                                  Venue: Chantry Place,
 Glynne, Long Covid recovery
                                                                                                                Dodo and Dinosaur! Pick up                               Dining Terrace                      All the events here
 programme creator Suzy Bolt,
                                                                                                                a trail map from The Forum or                            Cost: Free, drop-in                 are sponsored by:
 and hosted by writer and
                                                                                                                Langleys in Chantry Place.                               Age: All ages
 broadcaster Vivienne Parry.
                                                                                                                Venue: Chantry Place
 Venue: Online
                                                                                                                Cost: Free, drop-in
 Cost: Free, booking required
                                                                                                                Age: All ages
 Age: 15+

   10      Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                 Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                               11
Throughout the Festival                                                                                       Saturday

                                                                           The secret
                                                                           life of ponds
                                                                                                              Bugs, Birds
                                                                                                              and Beasts
                                       MON 13, TUE 14                      MON 13–SAT 18 FEB

                                       & THU 16 FEB
                                                                           Explore the Secret Life of Ponds
                                       Calling all gamers! We’ve teamed    with us. Listen to three pieces
                                       up with OLL Games and Albion        exploring the importance of
                                       Games to bring you an esports       pond restoration for nature
                                       competition! Try your hand at       recovery in a climate change
                                       Mario Kart, Rocket League or        context. The Norfolk Ponds
                                       Smash Smash Bros Ultimate in        Project brings together three
                                       Gorleston on Monday, Norwich        sound artists and poets to
                                       on Tuesday, and if you’re lucky,    respond to their experience of
                                       the final on Thursday back in       farmland pond restoration and
                                       Gorleston. Plus hear about          the UCL research behind it.
                                       careers in gaming at the final.
                                                                           Venue: The Forum, Explorium
                                       Venue: Mon & Thu – East             Cost: Free, drop-in
                                       Norfolk Sixth Form College,         Age: All ages
                                       Tue – Albion Games Norwich                                                                     FA
                                       Cost: Free to play in the                                                                      EVEMILY
Planetarium                            morning; £4 to enter tournament
                                                                                                                                          NT      Playdough poo
                          FAMILY       Age: Under 18s
                          EVENT                                                                                                                                           WORK
SCIENCE SHOWS                                                                                                                                     SAT 11 FEB              SHOP
                                       Illustrating                                                                                               10am–11am,
Various times, see website             science                             Fabulous food!                       SAT 11 FEB
                                                                                                                                                  1pm–2pm,                FAMILY
                                       WITH REBECCA OSBORNE                                                     10.30am–4pm, drop-in                                      EVENT
Step inside the planetarium to                                                                                  Quiet Hour: 9.30am–               2.15pm–3.15pm
                                                                           SAT 11, MON 13
see shows on the wonders of            SAT 11–SAT 18 FEB                                           FAMILY       10.30am, booking required
                                                                           –SAT 18 FEB                                                            Become a poo detective to
space and the power of light!          Mon–Fri 10am–7pm,                                           EVENT
                                                                           10am–3.30pm                                                            investigate the size, shape,
Explorer Dome’s shows are              Sat 9am–5pm, Sun                                                         Get ready for a day of hands-     colour and contents of different
lively, interactive and entertaining   10.30am–4.30pm                      We are being guided by our           on fun exploring the wonders      animals’ poo. Can you tell if an   Bee biodiversity
as well as full of science, and                                            stomachs as we link up with          of the natural world, from the    animal is an omnivore, carnivore   bonanza
there are sessions suitable for        An exhibition that captures         Norwich Science Festival this        smallest bugs, through to
                                       science events in Norwich over                                                                             or herbivore by dissecting their   SAT 11 FEB
different ages and also for                                                February half term! Join us at       our feathered friends, to the
                                       the years, drawn by illustrator                                                                            (pretend) playdough poo?           11am–12pm
SEN too!                                                                   Norwich Castle to explore our        biggest of beasts in the wild.
                                       Rebecca Osborne. Rebecca’s          fabulous museum collections                                            Venue: Sir Isaac Newton
Venue: Norwich School,                                                                                          Zoom in on bugs, beetles, and                                        Learn about the beautiful bees
                                       live graphics record the essence    through the theme of food.                                             Sixth Form
Refectory                                                                                                       butterflies, discover Norfolk’s                                      found in your garden, and make
                                       of every event and distil it into   We hope you’re hungry!                                                 Cost: £5
Cost: £5                                                                                                        wonderful wildlife, visit the                                        every visit outdoors an exciting
                                       an accessible format for                                                                                   Age: 5+
Age: Shows for different                                                   Venue: Norwich Castle                bug zoo and more!                                                    safari! Come along to discover
ages, see website                      everyone to enjoy. She will be
                                                                           Cost: Activities included            Venue: The Forum, Explorium                                          more about the 270 species
                                       illustrating events during this
Sponsored by:                                                              museum admission                     Cost: Free                                                           of bee in the UK, and how
                                       year’s Festival too.
                                                                           Age: All ages                        Age: All ages                                                        scientists in Norwich are using
                                       Venue: Millennium                                                                                                                             DNA to study them, with Dr
                                                                                                                Sponsored by:
                                       Library, Foyer                                                                                                                                Will Nash.
                                       Cost: Free, drop-in
                                                                                                                                                                                     Venue: The Forum, Auditorium
                                       Age: All ages
                                                                                                                                                                                     Cost: Free, booking required
                                                                                                                                                                                     Age: 10+

  12      Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                           13

                         EVENT                                                                                                                                                         Curlews,
                                                                                                                                                                                       and cranes
                                                                                                                                                                                       SAT 11 FEB
                                                                                                                                                                                       Chrissie Kelley from Pensthorpe
                                                                                                                                                                                       Conservation Trust and Dr Sam
                                                                                                                                                                                       Franks from BTO will discuss
                                                                                                                                                                                       the amazing curlew project, the
                                                                FAMILY                                                                                                                 tracking data and what countries
                                                                                                                                                                                       the curlews have travelled to
                                   Extraordinary                                                                                                                                       since release. Plus updates on
                                   Extinct™                                                                                                                                            other projects.
                                   discovery                                                                                                                                           Venue: Millennium Library,
                                   workshop                                                                                                                                            Heritage Room
                                                                                                                                                                                       Cost: Free, booking required
                                   SAT 11 FEB                 WORK                                                                                                                     Age: 8+
                                   11am–12pm                  SHOP
A Bug’s World                                                              Animal                                  Much ado                        Wonderdog!
                                   Join authors Jill Michelle Smith        dissection live                         about mothing                   HOW THE SCIENCE OF
                                   and Jennifer Watson from Dodo
                                                                           WITH PROF BEN GARROD                    WITH JAMES LOWEN &              DOGS HAS CHANGED THE
SAT 11 FEB                         and Dinosaur for a reading of
                                                                           & DR JESS FRENCH                        HELEN PILCHER                   SCIENCE OF ANIMAL MINDS             Saving the white-
11am–12pm                          their colourful book ‘An A-Z of
                                   Extraordinary Extinct Creatures’.       SAT 11 FEB                              SAT 11 FEB                      WITH JULES HOWARD                   clawed crayfish
Did you know that flies were       Discover some of the earth’s            11am–2pm                                1pm–2pm                                                             SAT 11 FEB
detectives? A moth lives on                                                                                                                        SAT 11 FEB
                                   forgotten dinosaurs, birds,
the back of a sloth? Or that                                               Join evolutionary biologist             James Lowen undertook           1pm–2pm                             2pm–3pm
                                   reptiles and mammals, before
there is a wasp smaller than a     taking part in fun activities to fuel   Prof Ben Garrod and zoologist           an intoxicating, year-long
                                                                                                                                                   What do dogs know and               Norfolk is one of the last
full stop? Come along and hear     your little one’s fossil fascination!   Dr Jess French (Radio 4’s Wild          quest to celebrate Britain’s
                                                                                                                                                   understand of their world? And      remaining strongholds of
all sorts of stories about these                                           Inside) in this scientific dissection   rare and remarkable moths.
                                   Venue: Millennium Library,                                                                                      what do they really think of us?    white-clawed crayfish, an
fun and fascinating creatures                                              to reveal the inner workings            In this conversation with
                                   Business & IP Centre Room                                                                                       Join zoology correspondent and      incredible keystone species
from the Natural History                                                   of an animal. Please note that          science writer, presenter and
                                   Cost: £6.50 per family group,                                                                                   Guardian writer Jules Howard,       of river habitats that is listed
Museum’s Dr Erica McAlister.                                               the animal died of natural              moth-lover Helen Pilcher, he
                                   inc. free ‘An A-Z of Extraordinary                                                                              author of Wonderdog, in this        as endangered throughout its
Plus book signing.                                                         causes and has been donated             challenges our preconceptions
                                   Extinct Creatures’ book                                                                                         celebration of the role that dogs   range. Join Norfolk Rivers Trust
Venue: Norwich School,                                                     for the purpose of education            of moths as clothes-munching,                                       and the Zoological Society
                                   Age: 3+		                                                                                                       are playing in the science of
Blake Studio                                                               and research.                           plant-destroying pests. Plus                                        of East Anglia to discover
                                                                                                                                                   animal minds. Plus book signing.
Cost: £5                                                                   Venue: The Forum, outside.              book signing.                                                       why these native freshwater
                                                                                                                                                   Venue: Norwich School,
Age: 5+                                                                    Plus online                             Venue: The Forum, Auditorium                                        creatures are so special, and
                                                                                                                                                   Blake Studio
                                                                           Cost: Free, drop-in                     Cost: £6                                                            hear what’s being done to build
                                                                                                                                                   Cost: £6.50
                                                                           Age: Parental advisory                  Age: 12+                                                            resilience in local populations
                                                                                                                                                   Age: 12+
                                                                                                                                                                                       from habitat restoration to the
                                                                                                                                                                                       installation of a rearing hatchery.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Venue: Millennium Library,
                                                                                                                                                                                       Business & IP Centre Room
                                                                                                                                                                                       Cost: Free, booking required
                                                                                                                                                                                       Age: 10+

 14      Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                      Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                              15

                          FAMILY                           FAMILY
                          EVENT                            EVENT

                                                                     Credit: Adrian White
Professor Slug’s                    Animal Top                                              Urban nature:
House of Bugs                       Trumps                                                  creating a wilder
SAT 11 FEB                          WITH PROF BEN GARROD                                    Norwich for all
                                    & LIZZIE DALY                                           WITH HELEN BACZKOWSKA,
All sorts of bugs are seeking                                                               FLORENCE WILKINSON,
help from Professor Slug and        SAT 11 FEB
                                                                                            DAVID LINDO & ELLEN MILES
                                                                                                                                Tickets for                        Norfolk’s                           Beasts of the
his fellow experts (that’s you,     3pm–4pm                                                                                     the Ark                            wonderful 150                       Future Wild
the audience!) Can you help                                                                 SAT 11 FEB                          WITH REBECCA NESBIT                WITH TONY LEECH                     CREATIVE WRITING
                                    Are you team ‘living’ or team
them get as strong as an ant?                                                               3pm–4pm                                                                                                    WORKSHOP
                                    ‘dead’? Would a rhino win a
Can you teach a bee how to                                                                                                      SAT 11 FEB                         SAT 11 FEB
                                    fight with a T. rex? Which was                          Over 80% of the UK population
buzz? And help a dung beetle        the weirdest animal ever?
                                                                                                                                5pm–6pm                            5pm–6pm                             SAT 11 FEB               WORK
                                                                                            live in urban areas. This is
make a pooey perfume for            BBC Earth Unplugged’s Lizzie                                                                How do we choose which             Hear the story of Norfolk’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                       2pm–4pm                  SHOP
                                                                                            projected to rise to 92% by
its big date…? Will you solve       Daly and TV biologist Prof Ben                                                              species to save? Join Rebecca      diverse wildlife with Tony Leech,   How might our much-loved
                                                                                            2030, leading to larger cities
these buggy problems before         Garrod go head-to-head in a                                                                 Nesbit to explore how to best      from the common collared dove       animals adapt to the landscapes
                                                                                            and more challenges for
the Queen Bee arrives, or will a    bid to claim their team as the                                                              use conservation resources,        to the more obscure Breckland       of the future? How might
                                                                                            wildlife. Discover the incredible
swarm of honey-hungry wasps         winners of the animal kingdom.                                                              tackling thorny issues as we       Leatherbug! In celebration of       traditional nature writers, in
                                                                                            nature found in our towns
wreak havoc?                        Compare skeletons, teeth,                                                                   shape the future of the natural    Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists’      all their curiosity and wonder,
                                                                                            and cities, what we can do to
An interactive show packed          behaviours and lifestyles in                            help it thrive and why we need      world. Perhaps the wasps we        Society’s 150th anniversary,        investigate? In this playful
full of colourful puppets, catchy   this energetic battle between                           to make sure everyone has           hate are more valuable than the    naturalists were invited to         creative writing workshop, you
songs, and educational info         modern-day animals and                                  access to green spaces, with        bees we love. Plus book signing.   contribute images and accounts      will explore a future full of wild
about the wonderful world           dinosaurs. Plus book signing.                           Norfolk Wildlife Trust’s (NWT)      Venue: Norwich School,             of 150 species which were           surprises with UEA lecturer
of bugs.                            Venue: Norwich School,                                  Head of Conservation, Helen         Blake Studio                       special to Norfolk, resulting       Dr Jos Smith. A fantastic
Age: 3+                             Blake Studio                                            Baczkowska in conversation          Cost: £6                           in the book Norfolk’s               opportunity for all levels of
                                    Cost: £7                                                with Florence Wilkinson (Wild       Age: 15+                           Wonderful 150.                      writing ability or experience,
                                    Age: 5+                                                 City), David Lindo (Urban                                              Venue: The Forum, Auditorium        whether aspiring wordsmiths
Time: 10.30am–11.30am                                                                                                                                                                                  or established authors. Kindly
                                    Book: norwichsciencefestival.                           Birder) and Ellen Miles (Nature                                        Cost: Free, booking required
Venue: Diss Corn Hall                                                                                                                                                                                  supported by AHRC funding.
                                    co.uk                                                   is a Human Right). Plus book                                           Age: 7+
Cost: £8
                                                                                            signing. All donations will                                                                                Venue: Millennium Library,
Book: thecornhall.co.uk /
                                                                                            support NWT’s Sweet Briar                                                                                  Vernon Castle Room
01379 652241
                                                                                            Nature Reserve Project.                                                                                    Cost: £4
SECOND SHOW                                                                                                                                                                                            Age: 15+
                                                                                            Venue: The Forum, Auditorium
Time: 3pm–4pm
                                                                                            Cost: Donate What You Can
Venue: The Halls
                                                                                            (£4, £8, £12)
Cost: £8, or £25 family ticket
                                                                                            Age: 15+
Book: thehallsnorwich.com

  16      Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                                  Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                17
Saturday 11 February                                                                                       Sunday 12 February

                                                                       Wildlife fieldwork:
                                                                       the grubby and
                                                                       X-rated truth
                                                                                                           Food and
                                                                       WITH NICK ACHESON
                                                                       & DR ERICA MCALISTER                Farming
                                                                       SAT 11 FEB
                                                                       Dr Erica McAlister and Nick
                                                                       Acheson have spent years
                                                                       of their lives in the tropics
                                                                       studying wildlife. Both natural
                                                                       raconteurs, in this light-hearted
The acoustics                       Life Changing                      (at times riotous) show, they
                                                                       recount their goriest, scariest,
of musical                          HOW HUMANS ARE
                                                                       funniest and most outrageous
instruments                         ALTERING LIFE ON EARTH
                                                                       wild experiences in rainforests,
                                                                       on icy mountainsides, in
                                    SAT 11 FEB                         deserts and on ocean waves.
                                    7pm–8pm                            Plus book signing.
SAT 11 FEB                                                             Venue: Norwich School,
                                    Ever since our species evolved,
Talk: 6.30pm–7pm                                                       Blake Studio
                                    we have been tinkering with
Concert: 7.30pm–9.30pm                                                 Cost: £7                                                FA
                                    nature and altering the course
                                                                       Age: 15+                                                EVEMILY
Principal Horn, Andy Thompson       of evolution. Now we share our                                                                 NT       Trees in Winter              Super
of Adrian James Acoustics,          planet with genetically modified                                                                                                     beetles!
will give a free talk for Norwich   wolves, pizzly bears (a grizzly–
                                                                       Out Thinkers                                                         SUN 12 &                WORK
Philharmonic Orchestra concert      polar bear hybrid) and cloned                                                                           TUE 14 FEB              SHOP      THE IMPORTANCE OF
                                                                       CELEBRATING LGBTQ+                                                   10am–3.30pm                       THE HUMBLE DUNG BEETLE
ticketholders on the science        polo ponies. Join Helen as she
of sound and how instruments        explores the legacy created        IN STEM                             SUN 12 FEB                                                         WITH SALLY-ANN SPENCE
                                                                                                           10.30am–4pm, drop-in             A day course exploring the
make such stunning music.           by this evolutionary mischief-     SAT 11 FEB                                                                                             SUN 12 FEB
                                                                                                           Quiet Hour: 9.30am–              fascinating world of trees. In
50 seats available – first come,    making and how humans are          8pm–10pm                                                                                               11am–12pm
                                                                                                           10.30am, booking required        winter, trees can be identified
first served. For the concert,      changing life on Earth. Plus
                                                                       See p9                                                               by their buds, twigs and bark     Delve into the wonder of dung
Matthew Andrews conducts            book signing.                                                          Come along and discover the      and we will use these features    beetles, discover why they
music from Prokofiev, Swiss         Venue: The Forum, Auditorium                                           journey our food takes, from     to introduce you to our native    are fantastic for farming, and
composer Frank Martin, and          Cost: £6                                                               fields and farms all the way     species. This workshop includes   learn the difference between
Rachmaninov.                        Age: 15+                                                               to being on the end of our       indoor and outdoor sessions       ‘dwellers’, ‘stealers’ and
Venue: The Halls                                                                                           forks! Learn about food miles,   as we go in search of some        ‘tunnellers’. These unassuming
Cost: £13–£19 adults, £8                                                                                   meet native rare breed sheep,    Sheringham Park veterans.         beetles are hugely important,
students/Under 26s                                                                                         discover future foods such as    Venue: National Trust             acting as bio-indicators for soil,
Age: 12+                                                                                                   seaweed, and more.               Sheringham Park                   pasture and livestock health,
Book: norwichphil.org.uk                                                                                   Venue: The Forum, Explorium      Cost: £25                         and playing a major role in
                                                                                                           Cost: Free                       Age: 15+                          helping farmers revitalise their
                                                                                                           Age: All ages                    Book: nationaltrust.org.uk/       land and crops.
                                                                                                                                            sheringham-park                   Venue: Norwich School,
                                                                                                                                                                              Blake Studio
                                                                                                                                                                              Cost: £5
                                                                                                                                                                              Age: 7+

  18     Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                              Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                          19
Sunday 12 February

                     FAMILY                                                                                                        Food glorious
                     EVENT                                                                                                         food
                                                                                                                                   A SENSORY EXPLORATION

                                                                                                            Credit: Jessica Daly
                                                                                                                                   OF THE WAY WE
                                                                                                                                   EXPERIENCE FOOD
                                                                                                                                   WITH DR DUNCAN GASKIN
                                                                                                                                   SUN 12 FEB
                                                                        The secret lives                                           1pm–2pm
                                                                        of animals                                                 We all know the food we like,
What’s up with the                                                      WITH LIZZIE DALY                                           but do we know why? Join Dr
chicken’s gut?                    Paper making                          SUN 12 FEB              EVENT                              Duncan Gaskin in an interactive
                                                                        1pm–2pm                                                    sensory exploration of the
SUN 12 FEB             WORK       with the grass                                                                                   realms of taste and flavour, and
11am–12pm              SHOP       pea plant		                           Animal movement scientist                                  how they combine with our other    Super Seaweed
In this family show, Bushra                                             and wildlife broadcaster Lizzie                            senses and our mind to produce     FARMING FUTURE FOODS
                                  SUN 12 FEB                 WORK       Daly takes you on a journey                                the full food experience.
Schuitemaker, an expert in        12pm–1pm                   SHOP       following in the footprints of                                                                SUN 12 FEB
chicken poo, shares how she                                                                                                        Venue: The Forum, Auditorium
                                  An introduction into utilising the    wildlife from across the world.                                                               3pm–4pm
got interested in chickens,
and why she is obsessed with      agri-residue of the grass pea         With genuine tales of tagged
                                                                                                                                   Cost: Free, booking required                                           The Deadly
                                                                                                                                   Age: 7+                            Join us on an aquatic,
them and what comes out of        plant to make paper. Participants     and tracked species, this talk                                                                macroalgae journey, from
their bottoms! She’ll explain     will learn about the historical       will showcase some of the new                                                                                                     PREDATORS AND PEOPLE
                                                                                                                                                                      designer cosmetics to reducing
how their gut and microbiome      origins of cotton rag paper           challenges our wildlife faces                              Plant breeding                     cow burps! Discover how             IN A CROWDED WORLD
works; then get ready for her     making, and have a go at turning      in a changing world.                                       with genetic                       seaweed from our shores is          WITH PROF ADAM HART
favourite game of chickens        grass pea paper slurry into paper     Venue: Sir Isaac Newton                                    technology		                       used in a kaleidoscope of
                                  samples they can take home!                                                                                                                                             SUN 12 FEB
or Dickens!                                                             Sixth Form                                                                                    familiar products, and how it can
                                                                                                                                   SUN 12 FEB                                                             3pm–4pm
Venue: The Forum,                 Venue: Millennium Library,            Cost: £6                                                                                      help reduce greenhouse gas
                                  Vernon Castle Room                    Age: 10+                                                   2pm–3pm                            emissions, feed the land, and       The predators that can hunt, kill
Cost: Free,                       Cost: £8                                                                                         Access to the complete genome      improve our diets!                  and eat us occupy a unique place
                                  Age: 10+                                                                                                                                                                in the human psyche. In this talk,
booking required                                                        The soil factory                                           sequence of most food crops        Venue: Norwich School,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          biologist Adam Hart looks at our
Age: 10+                                                                                                                           and new DNA editing tools          Blake Studio
                                                                        WHAT IS SOIL AND CAN                                                                                                              relationship with these animals
                                                                                                                                   allow us to make targeted          Cost: Free, booking required
                                  Reduce your food                      WE MAKE MORE?
                                                                                                                                   changes to the genetic             Age: 7+                             from a conservation perspective.
Kitchen science                   waste at home                         SUN 12 FEB                                                 sequence of plants. Senior                                             He explores the complex
                                                                                                                                   Scientist Dr Penny Hundleby                                            relationships we have with
                                  SUN 12 FEB                FAMILY      1pm–2pm
SUN 12 FEB                                                                                                                                                                                                predators, and investigates what
                                  12pm–1pm                  EVENT                                                                  from the John Innes Centre
11am–12pm, 1pm–2pm                                                      Soil is fundamental to our                                                                                                        happens when humans become
                                                                                                                                   explains how these precision
                                  Find out more about reducing          existence, but what exactly is                                                                                         FAMILY     prey. Plus book signing.
Expect giggles, gasps and
                                  your food waste at home, and          soil? What does it do for us?
                                                                                                                                   breeding techniques work and       The biggest              EVENT
                                                                                                                                   how we can exploit them.                                               Venue: The Forum, Auditorium
some funny faces in these fun
                                  the best way to get rid of food       And what can we do to protect                                                                 science quiz                        Cost: £6
and simple experiments. The
experiments use ingredients and   waste without it going to landfill,   it in the face of climate change,                          Venue: Millennium Library,         show EVER                           Age: 12+
                                                                        erosion and pollution? Find                                Business & IP Centre Room
equipment commonly found          from your local council.                                                                                                            WITH PROF BEN GARROD
                                                                        out in this engaging talk with                             Cost: Free, booking required
in kitchen cupboards, with                                                                                                                                            & MARK THOMPSON
                                  Venue: Millennium Library,                                                                       Age: 15+
                                                                        Professor Brian Reid.
no elaborate or fancy science     Business & IP Centre Room                                                                                                           SUN 12 FEB
equipment.                        Cost: Free, booking required          Venue: Norwich School,                                                                        3pm–4pm
                                  Age: 7+                               Blake Studio
Venue: St Peter Mancroft,
                                                                        Cost: Free, booking required                                                                  See p6
Octagon Room
                                                                        Age: 12+
Cost: £5
Age: 5–12

 20      Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                                      Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                              21
Sunday 12 February                                                                                          MONDAY 13 FEBRUARY
                                                                                                                                                                                EVE ILY

                                                                                                            Sixth Form
Rare breed                         How do we                            Nature-friendly
sheep                  FAMILY      make farming                         grape-eating and
                       EVENT       sustainable?                         wine-drinking                       We’re taking the Festival on the road, with our Science
                                   WITH EMILY NORTON,
                                   ROSIE BEGG, NICK PADWICK
                                                                        SUN 12 FEB                          Satellites! This is a great chance for families in the Gorleston-
Join us to learn more about        & NICK HOOD                                                              on-Sea area to get hands-on with tech, and to hear about all
                                                                        In Britain, grapes and wine are
Southdown Sheep, one of the
                                   SUN 12 FEB                           popular commodities, but how
                                                                                                            things dinosaurs with expert and NSF patron, Prof Ben Garrod.
oldest British sheep breeds!
                                   5pm–6pm                              does their production affect
Learn from an expert from the
Rare Breeds Survival Trust         Farmers today face climate,          nature? Join UEA researcher         Talks:
(RBST) about the breed and their   economic and environmental           Natalia Zielonka on a journey
                                                                        through Brazilian and British       – Extinct with Prof Ben Garrod

adaptations. Plus see our rare     challenges. Can blue-sky
breed ewe and lamb during the      thinking and technology offer a      vineyards to gain an insight into   – Criminal minds talk for ages 16+
day outside The Forum.             solution? This highly experienced    the interplay between nature and
Venue: Millennium Library,
Vernon Castle Room
                                   panel will discuss ways to build
                                   resilience and productivity whilst
                                                                        farming, and to consider how
                                                                        sustainable indulgence may
Cost: Free, booking required       meeting the needs of cash-           be possible.                        – Esports tournament
                                   strapped consumers. Rosie            Venue: The Forum, Auditorium
Age: 7+
                                   Begg, fruit farmer, Nick Hood,       Cost: Free, booking required
                                                                                                            – Meccano construction challenge with RAF Marham
                                   cattle and arable farmer, Nick       Age: 15+                            – Coding and robotics with LEGO, with RAF Marham
                                   Padwick, director of Wild Ken
                                   Hill regenerative farming project,
                                                                                                            – Build your own stomp rockets
                                   and Emily Norton, Head of Rural                                          – Kitchen science fun
                                   Research at Savills, will share
                                                                                                            – Photography and art workshops
                                   their experiences in a lively        DNA Detective
                                   discussion on the future                                                 – Reach for the stars with Norwich Puppet Theatre
                                                                        WITH PROF TURI KING
                                   of farming in Norfolk.
                                                                                                            Venue: East Norfolk Sixth Form College              Supported by:
                                   Followed by Q&A.                     SUN 12 FEB
                                                                                                            Cost: £0–£4, see website
                                   Venue: Norwich School,               7pm–8pm
                                                                                                            Age: See website for details
                                   Blake Studio
                                                                        See page p5
                                   Cost: Free, booking required
                                   Age: 12+

 22      Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                               Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                     23
Tuesday 22nd
MONDAY 13    october

Innovation and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Credit: Matt Keal
                                                                                                                                                                                   The Curious Case
                                                                                                                                                                                   of the Mystery
                                                                                                                                                                                   WITH DR JESS FRENCH
                                                                                                                                                                                   MON 13 FEB               FAMILY
                                                                                                                                                                                   11am–12pm                EVENT

                                                                                                                                                                                   A mysterious animal has been
                                                                                                                                                                                   causing havoc in the library.
                      FAMI                                                                                                                                                         But can you solve the puzzles
                      EVENLY                                                                                                                                                       and crack the clues to find out
                           T                                                                             The                                   Technology in                       which creature is to blame? A
                                                                                                         disinformation                        rehabilitation,                     hands-on workshop combining
                                                                                                         game		                                sleep and caring                    spycraft, problem-solving and
                                                                                                                                                                                   some extraordinary facts about
                                                                                                         MON 13 FEB                            MON 13 FEB
MON 13 FEB                                                                                                                                                                         the natural world.
                                                                                                         11am–12pm                             11am–12pm
10.30am–4pm, drop-in                                                                                                                                                               Venue: Millennium Library,
Quiet Hour 9.30am–                                                                                       From deepfakes to fake news,          Join researcher David Young
                                                                                                                                                                                   Business & IP Centre Room
10.30am, booking required                                                                                the online world is rife with false   and Prof Chris Fox as they
                                                                                                                                                                                   Cost: £6
                                                          WORK                              WORK         information. But how does it          focus on the use of technology
                                                                                                                                                                                   Age: 7–10
Delve into the wonders of                                 SHOP                              SHOP         spread, and what is being done        and smartphone apps within
innovation, from the tiniest of                                                                          about it? Niklas Henderson dives      healthcare. They will consider
technologies to the biggest         Science on a roll                Raspberry Pi             FAMILY
                                                                                                         into the mechanisms of false          some of the benefits as well as     100 years of
builds. Take a look at the world    MAKING EDUCATIONAL               workshop		               EVENT      information online, and how           barriers to the use of technology   9.5mm film
of tech and engineering, from       BOARD GAMES LESS                                                     games can be used for people          in real-world settings spanning
                                    BORING                           MON 13 & WED 15 FEB                                                                                           MON 13 FEB
coding games and virtual                                                                                 to protect themselves.                a range of ages and health
                                                                     11am–12pm: ages 7–11                                                                                          11am–12.30pm
reality, through to an artificial   MON 13 FEB                       1pm–2pm: ages 11–16                 Venue: The Forum, Auditorium          conditions, with particular
intelligence snooker game,                                           3pm–4pm: 16+                                                              focus on rehabilitation, sleep      The East Anglian Film Archive
                                    9.30am–12pm                                                          Cost: Free, booking required
to how forces and materials                                                                                                                    and caring.                         presents an hour-long film
                                    Games can help us disappear                                          Age: 12+
shape a building.                                                    Blast off into space! Help                                                                                    compilation drawn from the
                                    into new realities, experience                                                                             Venue: Norwich School,
                                                                     astronauts take important                                                                                     film archive’s collections, with
Venue: The Forum, Explorium         the world from entirely new                                                                                Blake Studio
                                                                     measurements in outer space.                                                                                  a short introduction about the
Cost: Free                          perspectives and maybe learn                                                                               Cost: Free, booking required
                                                                     We’ll have the chance to run                                                                                  history of the 9.5mm film gauge,
Age: All ages                       something in the process.                                                                                  Age: 12+
                                                                     our team code in orbit on the                                                                                 which was first used over 100
Sponsored by:                       Come and see how board           real International Space station!                                                                             years ago. Plus exhibition in
                                    games can give you a chance      Rather have feet on the ground?                                                                               Millennium Library.
                                    to play with science, and        Programme your own Minecraft,
                                                                                                                                                                                   Venue: Millennium Library,
                                    discover something new about     lights or squishy circuits.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Vernon Castle Room
                                    the world around us!
                                                                     Venue: Sir Isaac Newton                                                                                       Cost: Free, booking required
                                    Venue: Millennium Library,       Sixth Form                                                                                                    Age: 4+
                                    Business & IP Centre Room        Cost: £4
                                    Cost: Free, drop-in              Age: 7–16,
                                    Age: 4+                          see times above

24      Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                             Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                25
Tuesday 22nd
MONDAY 13    october

                                                                           Mark Thomson’s                                                         Seeing and                         The Future
                                                                           spectacular                                                            feeling with                       of Ocean
                                                                           science show                                                           ultrasound                         Exploration
                                                                           MON 13 FEB                   EVENT                                     MON 13 FEB                         MON 13 FEB
                                                                           2.30pm–3.30pm                                                          3pm–4pm                            7pm–8pm
                                                                           You think science is boring,                                           Bats and dolphins use              Exploration of the oceans
                                                                           think again; this is science like                                      ultrasound to see and              remains the greatest frontier
                                                                           you have never seen it before.                                         communicate over long              on our planet. Today, research,
                                                                           Designed for children and adults                                       distances. High energy             expedition ships and new
                                                                           alike, this show explores the                                          ultrasound can cause objects to    technology are allowing us to
                                                                           strange and magical properties                                         levitate! These amazing effects    understand our seafloor like never
                                                                           of matter with exploding                                               can be used by engineers to        before. Join us for an exciting
Adventures                                                                 elephant’s toothpaste, vortex-                                         explore deep underground or        discussion with the scientists and
in sound		                                                                 generating dustbins and even                                           inside the human body.             explorers who are at the forefront
                                                                           howling jelly babies!                                                  Venue: Norwich School,             of exploring our oceans.
1pm–2pm                                                                    Venue: Norwich Theatre                                                 Blake Studio                       Venue: The Forum, Auditorium
                                                                           Playhouse                                                              Cost: £6                           Cost: Free, booking required
Come and join us for adventures
                                                                           Cost: £16 adults, £14 children                                         Age: 12+                           Age: 7+
in sound. Discover unexpected
                                                                           + booking fee
experiences about the world
                                                                           Age: 5+
of sound. What are acoustics?
                                      Top secret: the                      Book: norwichtheatre.org              Making sense of                  The tuneful                        Science Club: An
How can we see sound? What
                                      magic of science                                                           screen time                      electron                           introduction to
does the inside of an ear really
                                                                                                     FAMILY      WITH PROF PETE ETCHELLS          MON 13 FEB
                                                                                                                                                                                     organ donation
look like? Find out in a fun          MON 13 FEB                           Cyber                     EVENT                                                                           WITH curious directive
                                                                 FAMIL                                                                            5pm–6.30pm
interactive journey with Adrian       2.30pm–3.30pm              EVENTY
James Acoustics.
                                                                           Escape Room                           MON 13 FEB
                                                                                                                                                  Find out about the pioneers of     MON 13 FEB
                                      Experience action-packed                                                   3pm–4pm
Venue: The Forum, Auditorium          interactive science experiments      MON 13 FEB               WORK                                          electronic music and be creative   7pm–8.30pm
                                                                           2pm–4pm                  SHOP         Our screen-based lives, we       with the technology they used.
Cost: £4                              that will capture the imagination.                                                                                                             In the UK, organ donation
                                                                                                                 have been told, are              See how computers can help
Age: 10+                              Top Secret is a fast-moving          Have you ever wondered                                                                                    is now an opt-out decision.
                                                                                                                 unwholesome, unnatural, and      everyone to become involved
                                      colourful magical science show       about just how safe your data                                                                             Our fragile bodies can offer a
                                                                                                                 maybe even harmful. But what     in music creation. A talk on the
                                      filled with mystery, suspense,       is? Come along to our Cyber                                                                               future life to others. But would
                                                                                                                 does science actually have
Why do we get                         and lots and lots of mess! Doors     Escape Room to try and solve          to say about the effects of
                                                                                                                                                  history of electronic music is     you want to donate? Critical
hacking wrong?                        open 2pm.                            the mystery of who stole the          screen time? Join Professor
                                                                                                                                                  followed by a concert featuring    practical and ethical issues
                                                                           data (and what they might have                                         some of the important works in     are explored in collaboration
MON 13 FEB                            Venue: The Halls                                                           of Psychology Pete Etchells to   the genre.
                                                                           done with it!). You will have to                                                                          with the NHS. curious directive
1pm–2pm                               Cost: Child £10, adult £12,                                                investigate. Presented by The
                                                                           find the clues, solve puzzles                                          Venue: Norwich School,             offers an insightful, emotionally
                                      family ticket £35                                                          Cosmic Shambles Network.
Our academic panel will lead                                               and work together to figure it                                         Blake Studio                       intelligent introduction to organ
                                      Age: 3+                                                                    Venue: The Forum, Auditorium
you through the hidden world of                                            all out and save the day in this                                       Cost: Free,                        donation, offering no answers,
                                      Book: thehallsnorwich.com                                                  Cost: £6
computer hacking and coloured                                              thoroughly modern mystery!                                             booking required                   just questions – followed by a
hats. They will challenge your                                                                                   Age: 12+                         Age: 7+                            presentation of storyboard for a
                                                                           Venue: Millennium Library,
assumptions about who hackers                                                                                                                                                        theatre production based on the
                                                                           Heritage Room
are, what they do, and how their                                                                                                                                                     theme, led by Artistic Director,
                                                                           Cost: Free, drop-in
work is critical to the security of
                                                                           Age: 4+
                                                                                                                                                  Life after cancer                  Jack Lowe.
us all.                                                                                                                                           + SPECIAL PREVIEW OF               Venue: curious directive,
Venue: Norwich School,                                                                                                                            SHORT FILM ‘ROSE’                  49 Elm Hill
Blake Studio                                                                                                                                                                         Cost: £10
                                                                                                                                                  MON 13 FEB
Cost: £7.50                                                                                                                                                                          Age: 18+
Age: 15+                                                                                                                                                                             Book: curiousdirective.com/
                                                                                                                                                  See p9                             science-club

 26       Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                   Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                            27

 PSYCHOLOGY                                                                                                                          FAMILY

 & the mind

                                                                                                            Skin deep:                          Holiday Studio:                       Can you ‘recover’
                                                                                                            unpacking the                       Life at the                           from a dementia
                                                                                                            packaging                           Sainsbury Centre                      diagnosis?
                                                                                                            TUE 14 FEB                          TUE 14 FEB                WORK        TUE 14 FEB
     ILYT                                                                                                   10.30am–12.30pm,                    10.30am–3.30pm            SHOP        11am–12pm
  EV                                                                                                        1.30pm–3.30pm                       Who lives at the                      Dementia is a progressive illness,
                                                                                                            Our recreation of an early 20th-    Sainsbury Centre? And who             but are there better ways of living
                                 Science                            Exciting                   FAMILY
                                                                                                            century pharmacists’ shop is full   should not be living there?           despite having a life-changing
                                 discovery day                      electricity!                            of counters, drawers and shelves    Join picture-book maker Rose          condition? What does ‘recovery’
                                                                                                            packed with the most amazing        Feather for a print-making studio     here mean? Join progressive
                                 TUE 14 FEB             FAMILY
                                                                    TUE 14 FEB                  WORK        array of mysterious potions,        workshop where you’ll find out        researchers Professor Chris
                                 10am–4pm               EVENT       10am–10.45am,               SHOP        chemicals and pills, all in their   about the bugs and beasts that        Fox, Juni West and Dr Jane
 TUE 14 FEB                                                         11.15am–12pm,                           original packets and containers.    are kept at bay at the gallery.       Cross alongside those with
                                 Join us for a free day
 10.30am–4pm, drop-in                                               1.30pm– 2.15pm                          Come and discover what lies         You’ll create your own illustrated    lived experience Peter Berry,
                                 of hands-on science activities
 Quiet Hour 9.30am–                                                                                         inside the packaging with our       story book for the bugs to live in,   Deb Bunt and Geoff Fenwick
                                 covering everything from           Bring along your little ones,
 10.30am, booking                                                                                           friendly pharmacist!                bound tight with thread.              for a lively discussion on social
                                 observing bugs, handling fossils   and join in the fun as we explore
 required                                                                                                                                                                             interaction, supporting family and
                                 to discovering genetic codes!      electricity by making simple circuits   Venue: Museum of                    Venue: Sainsbury Centre
 Our brains are wonderful        Perfect half term fun for kids     and launching flying saucers!           Norwich at the Bridewell            Cost: Pay what you can –              friends, and engaging in joyful
 things – highly powerful and    ages 4 to 14. Activities last      We’ll also make a fantastic human       Cost: Activities included in        suggested donation £15 per            activities. Plus book signing.
 operating a complex body        approx 90 mins. Please book        electricity circuit.                    museum admission                    child. Covers materials and           Venue: The Forum, Auditorium
 seamlessly through the          your preferred time.               Venue: Sir Isaac Newton                 Age: 3+                             a snack                               Cost: Free, booking required
 nervous systems. Find out       Venue: Diss Corn Hall              Sixth Form                              Book: museums.norfolk.gov.uk/       Age: 7–12                             Age: 15+
 how we process language,        Cost: Free, booking required       Cost: £5                                museum-of-norwich                   Book: sainsburycentre.ac.uk
 how children learn and think,   Age: All ages                      Age: 3–5
 what happens to the brain       Booking: thecornhall.co.uk /
 when we sleep, and              01379 652241
 much more.                                                         Trees in Winter
 Venue: The Forum, Explorium                                        SUN 12 & TUE 14 FEB
 Cost: Free                                                         10am–3.30pm
 Age: All ages                                                      See p19

  28    Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                  29

 Bones and               FAMILY
                         EVENT       The Devil                                                            Family raptor                                                             Criminal Minds
 body bits                           You Know                                                             roost                                                                     ARE YOU THE NEXT
                                     ENCOUNTERS IN FORENSIC                                                                         FAMILY                                          SERIAL KILLER? WITH
 TUE 14 FEB               WORK                                                                            TUE 14 FEB                EVENT                                           STEVE GASKIN
                                     PSYCHIATRY WITH DR GWEN
 12.30pm–2pm              SHOP                                                                            3.30pm–5pm
                                     ADSHEAD                                                                                                                                        TUE 14 FEB
 Look at our natural history                                                                              Learn the difference between
 collection and learn how to         TUE 14 FEB                                                           the raptors; their different                                              7pm–8pm
 tell the difference between a       1pm–2pm                                                              behaviours, how to identify them                                          The popular media will suggest
 deer and fox skull, which           See p6                                                               and their life cycle. Afterwards                                          serial killers are intelligent,
 rodents have eaten which nuts                                                                            we’ll walk down to the raptor                                             abused in some way or there is
 and learn how to identify what                                                                           roost and find out why NWT                                                a trigger which unleashes their
 an owl has eaten.                                                                                        Hickling Broad is so important.                                           behaviour. Is this true? Mercifully
 Venue: NWT Hickling Broad                                                                                Venue: NWT Hickling Broad                                                 serial killing is very rare in the UK.
 Cost: £3 NWT members, £3.50                                                                              Cost: £3 NWT members,                                                     Let us delve into some real-life
 non-members + booking fee                                                                                £3.50 non-members + booking                                               cases and see if you could kill.
 Age: All ages                                                                                            fee (Reserve fee entry for                                                Venue: The Forum, Auditorium
                                                                                                          non-members)                                                              Cost: £9
 Book: norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk                                                                                                              Mind the gap                        Age: 16+
                                                                                                          Age: All ages
                                                                                                                                                SPEECH, LANGUAGE AND
                                                                                                          Book: norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk
                                                                                                                                                COMMUNICATION NEEDS
                                                                                                                                                TUE 14 FEB
 Women in
 science: careers                                                       Bird Therapy                                                            Connect with a Speech and
                                                                                                                                                Language Therapist (SLT) to
 WITH BRENNA HASSETT,                                                   WITH JOE HARKNESS                 Using stem                            consider the importance of
 PROF SHENG QI & DR                                                                                       cells to repair                       communication. Explore the          process or
                                                                        TUE 14 FEB
                                     Is childhood our                   3pm–4pm
                                                                                                          the heart                             role of an SLT and find out more    byproduct of love?
 TUE 14 FEB                          species’ secret                    Being in nature has been proven   TUE 14 FEB                            about the work we do with a         WITH ROSIE WILBY, VIREN
                                                                                                                                                                                    SWAMI & BARBARA
 1pm–2pm                             weapon?                                                              5pm–6pm                               wide range of children and adults
                                                                        to improve people’s mental                                                                                  SAHAKIAN
 If you can see it, you can be                                                                                                                  to improve lives. This session
                                     THE EVOLUTIONARY                   health and wellbeing, and is      Did you know that stem cells
 it. Join three super-successful                                                                                                                will be interactive, and you        TUE 14 FEB
                                     HISTORY OF CHILDHOOD               now even promoted by the NHS      can be manipulated by gene
 female scientists to hear about     WITH BRENNA HASSETT                                                                                        will discover ways to support       7pm–8pm
                                                                        as ‘green prescribing’. In this   editing technology to correct
 their varied journeys into a                                                                                                                   communication to help you to
                                     TUE 14 FEB                         talk, author and birdwatcher      disease mutations and                                                     See p8
 scientific career. Chemist Dr                                                                                                                  connect with those around you.
                                     3pm–4pm                            Joe Harkness speaks about         repurposed as new heart tissue?
 Tharin Blumenschein has                                                the therapeutic benefits of       In this talk, James Smith will talk   Venue: The Forum, Auditorium
 dreamed of being a scientist        Our species is remarkably          birdwatching, connecting with     about the future of regenerative      Cost: Free, booking required        Boogie on
 since she was 8, Sheng Qi           strange in the amount of           nature, and his personal story.   medicine treatment.                   Age: 12+                            the brain: the
 is an engineer in industrial        time we spend growing up.          Plus book signing.                Venue: Norwich School,                                                    psychology of
 pharmacy and Brenna Hassett         Anthropologist Brenna Hassett
                                     will examine some of the           Venue: Norwich School,            Blake Studio                                                              dancing
 is dedicated to highlighting the
                                     surprising evolutionary choices    Blake Studio                      Cost: Free, booking required                                              WITH DR PETER LOVATT
 contributions of women in the
                                     we have made along the way –       Cost: £5                          Age: 15+
 ‘digging’ sciences: archaeology,                                                                                                                                                   TUE 14 FEB
                                     from monogamy to the evolution     Age: 16+
 geology, and palaeontology.                                                                                                                                                        8pm–10.30pm
 Plus book signing.                  of schools – to enable our weird
                                                                                                                                                                                    See p8
 Venue: The Forum, Auditorium        babies to grow up into the most
 Cost: Free, booking required        successful primates on the
 Age: 10+			                         planet. Plus book signing.
                                     Venue: The Forum, Auditorium
                                     Cost: £7
                                     Age: 15+
  30      Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                            Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                     31

                                                                      Credit: Simon Buck
                                                            FA                                                                                       EVENT

                                                                                           Norwich                           Raspberry
                                                                                                                             Pi workshop
                                                                                                                             MON 13 &                SHOP

                                                                                                                             WED 15 FEB

                                                                                           Park Day                          11am–12pm: ages 7–11
                                                                                                                             1pm–2pm: ages 11–16

                                                                                                                             3pm–4pm: 16+
                                                                                                                             See p24

in Holt
                                                                                                                                                                 managing cancer
                                                                                                                                                                 USING GUT BACTERIA
                                                                                                                                                                 TO FIGHT TUMOURS

A day of fun, hands-on workshops and talks at Gresham’s                                                                                                          WED 15 FEB
School in Holt, including special events from CBeebies star,                               WED 15 FEB
                                                                                                                                                                 We have more bacteria in our
vet and author Jess French!                                                                10.30am–4pm, drop-in
                                                                                                                                                                 gut than cells in our body.
                                                                                           Quiet Hour 9.30am–
                                                    Supported by:                                                                                                Recent technological advances
Events with Dr Jess French                                                                 10.30am, booking required
                                                                                                                             Skin deep:                          are revealing the functional roles
– Teddy bear clinic                                                                       A day for families to explore
                                                                                           the amazing science and
                                                                                                                             natural beauty                      of these bacteria in health and
                                                                                                                                                                 disease, including surprising
– Slow down monkey                                                                        research that happens right       WED 15 FEB                          links to cancer outcomes. This
– Minibeast adventure                                                                     here in our fine city. Plus you
                                                                                           can build your own microscope
                                                                                                                                                                 talk will explore the future of
                                                                                                                                                                 bacterial therapies for cancer
                                                                                           out of LEGO, design your own      Did you know we have a              and highlight some exciting new
Workshops                                                                                  diagnostic test, and join Rebo    secret garden at Strangers’         discoveries made in Norwich.
–	Coding and robotics with LEGO, with RAF Marham                                          the NHS Research Robot on
                                                                                           an adventure!
                                                                                                                             Hall? Join us to explore how        Venue: The Forum, Auditorium
– Explore crazy chemical reactions                                                        Venue: The Forum, Explorium
                                                                                                                             people throughout history have
                                                                                                                             used their knowledge and
                                                                                                                                                                 Cost: Free, booking required
                                                                                                                                                                 Age: 12+
–	Reach for the stars with Norwich Puppet Theatre                                         Cost: Free                        understanding of plants to create
–	Make your own stomp rockets                                                             Age: All ages                     beauty products

–	Wonders of the human body                                                                                                 Venue: Strangers’ Hall

                                                                                                                             Cost: Activities included in
–	Make bath bombs                                                                                                           museum admission
–	and much more!                              !
                                                                                                                             Age: 3+
                                                                                                                             Book: museums.norfolk.gov.uk/
Venue: Gresham’s School, Dyson Building                                                                                      strangers-hall
Cost: £0–£4, see website
aGE: 3–14

  32     Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                                                                                Book at norwichsciencefestival.co.uk                            33
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