NewNew APRIL 2023 - Scholastic Australia

Page created by Phillip Conner
NewNew APRIL 2023 - Scholastic Australia

NEW WEIRDO                                                    by

                                               © Dav Pilkey
NewNew APRIL 2023 - Scholastic Australia
                                                                                                                         Piggy is back, and his newest plot is his most diabolical yet. Dog Man and the rest of your
                                                                                                                         favourite characters must join together in this heroic and hilarious, ALL-NEW adventure.
                                                                                                                         WHAT new villains are on the horizon? WHERE are they all coming from? And WHO will
                                                                                                                         step forward to save the city when scoundrels sabotage our Supa Buddies? Find out in
                                                                                                                         DOG MAN #11—there’s so much more than ever before—it’s EPIC!
                                                                                                                         SALES POINTS:
                                                                                                                         • The eleventh book in the best-selling Dog Man series by superstar author, Dav Pilkey.
                                                                                                                         • Over 30 MILLION copies of Dog Man in print worldwide!
                                                                                                                         • The world’s most popular children’s book series!
                                                                                                                         • Dav Pilkey’s wildly popular Dog Man series appeals to readers of all ages and explores
                                                                                                                           universally positive themes, including empathy, kindness, persistence, and the
                                                                                                                           importance of being true to one’s self.
                                                                                                                         • Reluctant readers continue to learn to love reading with this heavily illustrated series.

                                                                                          32-COPY BIN *
                                                                                           AU RRP: $633.63
                                                                                           NZ RRP: $729.63                                                                     Marketing
                                                                                                                                                                              and Publicity
                                                                                          ISBN:         9781760261481
                                                                                          Twenty Thousand Fleas                   12-COPY STOCK PACK *
TWENTY THOUSAND FLEAS UNDER THE SEA (DOG MAN #11)                                         Under the Sea (Dog Man #11)
                                                                                                                                  AU RRP: $227.88                        Contains:
                                                                                          ISBN 9781338801910 x 32
AU RRP: $18.99             Author:      DAV PILKEY       Type:         GRAPHIC NOVEL                                              NOT AVAILABLE IN NZ
                                                                                          AU RRP $18.99                                                                  Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea

       ª|xHSLDNIy801910z                                                                                                                   ª|xHSLHQAy261474z
NZ RRP: $21.99             Publisher:   SCHOLASTIC INC   Age Level:    7+                                                         ISBN:       9781760261474
                                                                                          NZ RRP $21.99                                                                  (Dog Man #11)
                           ISBN:        9781338801910    Dimensions:   210 X 140 MM
 QTY                                                                                                                                QTY                                  ISBN 9781338801910 x 12
                           Format:      HARDBACK         Page Count:   240 PP             8-Pocket Bin
                                                                                                                                                                         AU RRP $18.99
                                                                                          AU RRP $25.95
                                                                                                                                                                         * See Ordering Information on final page.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     © Dav Pilkey

                       April 2023 Trade Parade                                    Australian author          Australian printer           Australian printer and paper             New Zealand author                        2
NewNew APRIL 2023 - Scholastic Australia

   AU RRP: $18.99         Author:      DAV PILKEY       Type:       GRAPHIC NOVEL
   NZ RRP: $21.99         Publisher:   SCHOLASTIC INC   Age Level: 7+
                          Format:      HARDBACK         Dimensions: 210 X 140 MM

                DOG MAN                                         DOG MAN UNLEASHED                                  A TALE OF TWO KITTIES                                DOG MAN AND CAT KID
                ISBN:       9780545581608                       (DOG MAN #2)                                       (DOG MAN #3)                                         (DOG MAN #4)

                Page Count: 160 PP                              ISBN:       9780545935203                          ISBN:       9780545935210                            ISBN:       9780545935180

                                                                        ª|xHSKFOFy935203z                                     ª|xHSKFOFy935210z                                    ª|xHSKFOFy935180z
                    QTY                                         Page Count: 224 PP                                 Page Count: 256 PP                                   Page Count: 256 PP
                                                                  QTY                                                   QTY                                                QTY

                LORD OF THE FLEAS (DOG                          BRAWL OF THE WILD (DOG                             FOR WHOM THE BALL                                    FETCH-22 (DOG MAN #8)
                MAN #5)                                         MAN #6)                                            ROLLS (DOG MAN #7)                                   ISBN:       9781338323214

                ISBN:       9780545935173                       ISBN:       9781338236576                          ISBN:       9781338236590                            Page Count: 240 PP

                          ª|xHSKFOFy935173z                             ª|xHSLDNIy236576z                                     ª|xHSLDNIy236590z
                Page Count: 256 PP                              Page Count: 224 PP                                 Page Count: 256 PP                                      QTY

                    QTY                                           QTY                                                   QTY

                GRIME AND PUNISHMENT                            MOTHERING HEIGHTS                                  CAT KID COMIC CLUB                                   PERSPECTIVES (CAT KID
                (DOG MAN #9)                                    (DOG MAN #10)                                      ISBN:       9781338712766                            COMIC CLUB #2)

                                                                                                                              ª|xHSLDNIy71276 z
                ISBN:       9781338535624                       ISBN:       9781338680454                          Page Count: 176 PP                                   ISBN:       9781338784855

                          ª|xHSLDNIy535624z                             ª|xHSLDNIy680454z                                                                                          ª|xHSLDNIy78485 z
                Page Count: 240 PP                              Page Count: 240 PP                                      QTY
                                                                                                                                                                        Page Count: 224 PP
                    QTY                                           QTY                                                                                                      QTY

                                                                                                                                                                       JOIN NOW!
                ON PURPOSE (CAT KID                             COLLABORATIONS
                COMIC CLUB #3)                                  (CAT KID COMIC CLUB #4)
                ISBN:       9781338801941                       ISBN:       9781338846621

                          ª|xHSLDNIy801941z                             ª|xHSLDNIy846 21z
                Page Count: 224 PP                              Page Count: 224 PP
                    QTY                                           QTY

                                                                                                                                                                                                   © Dav Pilkey

                          April 2023 Trade Parade                              Australian author   Australian printer          Australian printer and paper   New Zealand author                          3
NewNew APRIL 2023 - Scholastic Australia

   AU RRP: $16.99         Author:      DAV PILKEY       Type:       GRAPHIC NOVEL
   NZ RRP: $19.99         Publisher:   SCHOLASTIC INC   Age Level: 7+
                          Format:      HARDBACK         Dimensions: 210 X 140 MM

                THE ADVENTURES OF                             CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS                             CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS                                CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS AND
                CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS                            AND THE ATTACK OF THE                          AND THE INVASION OF                               THE PERILOUS PLOT OF
                (CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS #1                        TALKING TOILETS (CAPTAIN                       THE INCREDIBLY NAUGHTY                            PROFESSOR POOPYPANTS
                COLOR EDITION)                                UNDERPANTS #2 COLOR                            CAFETERIA LADIES FROM                             (CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS #4
                ISBN:       9780545499088                     EDITION)                                       OUTER SPACE (CAPTAIN                              COLOR EDITION)

                          ª|xHSKFOFy49 08 z
                Page Count: 144 PP                            ISBN:       9780545599320                      UNDERPANTS #3 COLOR                               ISBN:       9780545871877

                                                                      ª|xHSKFOFy59 320z                                                                                 ª|xHSKFOFy87187 z
                                                              Page Count: 160 PP                             EDITION)                                          Page Count: 160 PP
                                                                QTY                                          ISBN:       9780545694704                           QTY

                                                                                                             Page Count: 160 PP

                CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS AND                        THE NIGHT OF THE NASTY                         THE REVENGE OF THE                                CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS AND
                THE WRATH OF THE WICKED                       NOSTRIL NUGGETS (CAPTAIN                       RIDICULOUS ROBO-                                  THE PREPOSTEROUS PLIGHT
                WEDGIE WOMAN (CAPTAIN                         UNDERPANTS AND THE BIG,                        BOOGERS (CAPTAIN                                  OF THE PURPLE POTTY PEOPLE
                UNDERPANTS #5 COLOR                           BAD BATTLE OF THE BIONIC                       UNDERPANTS AND THE BIG,                           (CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS #8
                EDITION)                                      BOOGER BOY, PART 1 COLOR                       BAD BATTLE OF THE BIONIC                          COLOR EDITION)
                ISBN:       9781338216233                     EDITION)                                       BOOGER BOY PART 2 COLOR                           ISBN:       9781338271515

                          ª|xHSLDNIy21623 z                                                                                                                             ª|xHSLDNIy271515z
                Page Count: 176 PP                            ISBN:       9781338271492                      EDITION)                                          Page Count: 176 PP

                    QTY                                       Page Count: 176 PP                             ISBN:       9781338271508                           QTY

                                                                QTY                                          Page Count: 176 PP

                CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS AND                        CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS AND                         CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS                                CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS AND
                THE TERRIFYING RETURN                         THE REVOLTING REVENGE                          AND THE TYRANNICAL                                THE SENSATIONAL SAGA OF
                OF TIPPY TINKLETROUSERS                       OF THE RADIOACTIVE                             RETALIATION OF THE TURBO                          SIR STINKS-A-LOT (CAPTAIN
                (CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS #9                        ROBO-BOXERS (CAPTAIN                           TOILET 2000 (CAPTAIN                              UNDERPANTS #12 COLOR
                COLOR EDITION)                                UNDERPANTS #10 COLOR                           UNDERPANTS #11 COLOR                              EDITION)
                ISBN:       9781338347210                     EDITION)                                       EDITION)                                          ISBN:       9781338347258

                          ª|xHSLDNIy347210z                                                                                                                             ª|xHSLDNIy347258z
                Page Count: 304 PP                            ISBN:       9781338347234                      ISBN:       9781338347241                         Page Count: 224 PP

                                                                      ª|xHSLDNIy347234z                                ª|xHSLDNIy347241z
                                                              Page Count: 224 PP                             Page Count: 224 PP                                  QTY
                                                                QTY                                             QTY

                                                                                                                                                                                            © Dav Pilkey

                          April 2023 Trade Parade                             Australian author   Australian printer        Australian printer and paper   New Zealand author                      4
NewNew APRIL 2023 - Scholastic Australia
‘Hello, stars. I thought I heard you calling me.’ A mysterious voice has been speaking to Louise in her dreams. She and her
brother Merwin are Sycamore seeds, who hope to one day set down roots and become big trees. But when a fire forces
them to leave their mama tree prematurely, they find themselves catapulted into the unknown, far from home. Alone and
unprepared, they must use their wits and imagination to navigate a dangerous world—filled with dinosaurs, meteors, and
volcanoes!—and the fear of never finding a safe place to grow up. As the mysterious voice gets louder, Louise comes to realise
their mission in life may be much bigger than either of them ever could have imagined! Brimming with humour, wonder,
mystery, and a profound sense of hope, Big Tree is a trailblazing adventure, illustrated with nearly 300-pages of breathtaking
pictures. It is Selznick’s most imaginative and far-reaching work to date and a singular reading experience for the whole family!
• Selznick’s industry-changing trilogy, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Wonderstruck and The Marvels were major award-
  winners and New York Times bestsellers, with the first two claiming the #1 spot.
• Filled with humour, adventure, and heart—reads like an instant classic!
• Vivid, enchanting storytelling and hundreds of pages of original art make Big Tree a visual feast for the whole family,
  truly a book for all ages.
• Selznick is a true pioneer whose work has revolutionised bookmaking and the reading experience. Once again, he has
  created a unique form in his most playful and ambitious work to date.
• Not since his Caldecott Honor Book, The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins, has Selznick delved into natural science,
  presenting meticulously researched, complex scientific concepts with simplicity and inventive storytelling that will
  appeal to a huge age range and wide audience. Big Tree is STEM candy!
• Selznick’s books are international bestsellers, treasured around the world, and appear in over 35 languages.                                BIG TREE
                                                                                                                                              AU RRP: $39.99                 Author:       BRIAN SELZNICK
                                                                                                                                              NZ RRP: $39.99                 Publisher:    SCHOLASTIC INC

                                                                                                                                                       ª|xHSLDNIy18063 z
                                                                                                                                                                             ISBN:         9781338180633
                                                                                                                                                QTY                          Format:       HARDBACK
                           12-COPY STOCK PACK *                                                              EXTENSIVE                                                       Type:
                                                                                                                                                                             Age Level:
                           AU RRP: $479.88                   Contains:                                       MARKETING                                                       Dimensions:   210 X 140 MM
                           NOT AVAILABLE IN NZ               Big Tree                                       AND PUBLICITY                                                    Page Count:   528 PP

                           ISBN:       9781760261498         ISBN 9781338180633 x 12
                             QTY                             AU RRP $39.99                                    CAMPAIGN
                                                             * See Ordering Information on final page.

                           April 2023 Trade Parade                                                   Australian author   Australian printer   Australian printer and paper        New Zealand author        5
NewNew APRIL 2023 - Scholastic Australia
                                                                         AU RRP: $18.99                  Author:        MEGAN WAGNER LLOYD        Type:         GRAPHIC NOVEL

                                                                         NZ RRP: $21.99                  Illustrator:   MICHELLE M. NUTTER        Age Level:    8+
                                                                                                         Publisher:     SCHOLASTIC INC            Dimensions:   203 X 140 MM
                                                                                                         ISBN:          9781338568936             Page Count:   256 PP
                                                                                                         Format:        PAPERBACK

Eleven-year-old Avery Lee loves living in Hickory Valley, Maryland. She loves her neighbourhood, school, and the end-of-summer fair she always goes to with her two best          12-COPY STOCK PACK *
friends. But she’s tired of feeling squished by her six siblings! They’re noisy and chaotic and the younger kids love her a little too much. All Avery wants is her own room—
her own space to be alone and make art. So she’s furious when Theo, her grumpy older brother, gets his own room instead, and her wild baby brother, Max, moves into the           AU RRP: $227.88
room she already shares with her clinging sister Pearl! Avery hatches a plan to finally get her own room, all while trying to get Max to sleep at night, navigating changes       NOT AVAILABLE IN NZ

in her friendships, and working on an art entry for the fair. And when Avery finds out that her family might move across the country, things get even more complicated.           ISBN:         9781760261504
Megan Wagner Lloyd and Michelle Mee Nutter have once again teamed up to tell a funny, heartfelt, and charming story of family, friendship, and growing up.                           QTY

• Allergic was an instant bestseller and has sold more than 300, 000 copies across all channels since its release in Spring of 2021.                                              Contains:
• Powerhouse duo Megan Wagner Lloyd and Michelle Mee Nutter return with another commercial middle-grade graphic novel exploring themes of family,                                 Squished
  friendship, and growing up.                                                                                                                                                     ISBN 9781338568936 x 12
• We won Squished and Allergic in a seven-house auction, and two more standalone middle-grade graphic novels are forthcoming.                                                     AU RRP $18.99
• Michelle’s perfectly adorable and expressive illustrations bring this rambunctious cast of characters to life.
                                                                                                                                                                                  * See Ordering Information on final page.

                           April 2023 Trade Parade                                           Australian author           Australian printer     Australian printer and paper    New Zealand author                            6
NewNew APRIL 2023 - Scholastic Australia
pictures by
                                                                                                                 JULES FABER

                                                                      !           a way! Weir
                                                          ving away
                                               Bella’s mo
                                                                       ell be flying to
                                                                                          the                    MOON!
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                                                              ey’re busy
                                                 For now, th                 lp . C a n they st
                                                                 FiDo’s h  e
                                                      play, with
                                                                           F U  R  - E  V E  R?!
12-COPY STOCK PACK *                                          FRIEN’tDbSe easy ... but it will be                                                                                )
AU RRP: $191.88                                                   It won                                                                               FOREVER WEIRD! (WEIRDO #20
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ANH DO
NOT AVAILABLE IN NZ                                                                                                                                    AU RRP: $15.99

          ª|xHSLHQAy26151 z                                                                                                                                      ª|xHSLHQBy202964z
                                                                                                                                                                                     Illust rator : JULES FABER
ISBN:         9781760261511                                                                                                                            NZ RRP: $16.99                Publisher: SCHOLASTIC PRESS
  QTY                                                                                                                                                     QTY
                                                                                                                                                                                     ISBN:          9781761202964
                                                                                                                                                                                      Format:       PAPERBACK
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CHAPTER BOOK
Contains:                                       SALES POINTS:                                                                                                                         Type  :
                                                                                                                                                                                      Age Level: 7+
                                                 • Epic Book #20!
Forever Weird! (WeirDo #20)                                                            ss the series!                                                                                 Dimensions: 198 X 140 MM
ISBN 9781761202964 x 12                          • Over 3 MILLION copies in print acro                                                                                                Page Count: 160 PP
                                                                                   p, fami  ly, illness, resilience, support,
AU RRP $15.99                                    • Themes: moving house, friendshi
                                                                                        ly, creativity, humour, plays
 * See Ordering Information on final page.         school, teamwork, competition, fami

                                April 2023 Trade Parade                                      Australian author          Australian printer   Australian printer and paper      New Zealand author                   7
NewNew APRIL 2023 - Scholastic Australia
                                                                                                            MAC BARNETT & SHAWN HARRIS

                                                                       THE FIRST CAT IN SPACE ATE PIZZA                                                          EXTENSIVE
                                                                       AU RRP: $22.99                  Author:        MAC BARNETT                                MARKETING

                                                                       NZ RRP: $24.99                  Illustrator:
                                                                                                                      SHAWN HARRIS
                                                                                                                      SCHOLASTIC AUSTRALIA                      AND PUBLICITY
                                                                                                       ISBN:          9781761298608
                                                                                                       Format:        PAPERBACK
                                                                                                       Type:          GRAPHIC NOVEL
                                                                                                       Age Level:     8+
                                                                                                       Dimensions:    209 X 153 MM
                                                                                                       Page Count:    320 PP

Something terrible is happening in the skies! Rats are eating the MOON! There’s only ONE hero for the                                                                         12-COPY STOCK PACK *
job, a bold and fearsome beast bio-engineered in a secret lab to be the moon’s saviour and Earth’s last
                                                                                                                                                                              AU RRP: $275.88
hope! And that hero is ... a cat. A cat who will be blasted into space! Accompanied by the imperious Moon
Queen and LOZ 4000, a toenail clipping robot, the First Cat in Space journeys across a fantastic lunar                                                                        NOT AVAILABLE IN NZ

                                                                                                                                                                                        ª|xHSLHQBy29 087z
                                                                                                                                                                              ISBN:         9781761299087
landscape in a quest to save the world. Will these unlikely heroes save the moon in time? Can a toenail-
clipping robot find its purpose in the vast universe? And will the First Cat in Space ever eat some pizza?                                                                       QTY

• A hilarious, action-packed new graphic novel series by New York Times best-selling author Mac                                                                               Contains:
  Barnett and Caldecott Honoree Shawn Harris!
                                                                                                                                                                              The First Cat In Space Ate Pizza
• Inspired by Barnett and Harris’s massively popular The First Cat in Space Ate Pizza live cartoon series                                                                     ISBN 9781761298608 x 12
  as first posted on Instagram.                                                                                                                                               AU RRP $22.99
• Perfect for fans of Dav Pilkey, Raina Telgemeier and Jeff Kinney!                                                                                                           * See Ordering Information on final page.

                          April 2023 Trade Parade                                           Australian author           Australian printer   Australian printer and paper   New Zealand author                            8
NewNew APRIL 2023 - Scholastic Australia
                                                                                                                                                                               OB FEVE
                                                                                                                                                                   FLASH M               7 )
                                                                                                                                                                      L L A D IA RIES #2
                                                                                                                                                                   AU RRP:
                                                                                                                                                                   NZ RRP: EREDITH COSTAIN
                                                                                                                                                                                    M                         D
                                                                                                                                                                    Author:                          CDONAL
                                                                                                                                                                             to r:  D  A NIELLE M        T R A LIA
                                                                                                                                                                    Illustra                    STIC AUS
                                                                                                                                                                         lis h er : SCHOLA
                                                                                                                                                                     Pub                         07914
                                                                                                                                                                     ISBN:                  R B A  CK
                                                                                                                                                                      Format:               P T E R BOOK
                                                                                                                                                                                      CH  A
                                                                                                                                                                       Age Level:                   MM
                                                                                                                                                                                        190 X 150

                                                                                                                                                                        Dimension           P P
                                                                                                                                                                                     t: 144
                                                                                                                                                                        Page Coun

Ella wants to do something FANTABULOUSLY fabulous for her mum on MOTHER’S
DAY! Perhaps BREAKFAST in bed? Bake a cake? No, it’s all been done before. So Ella
asks her best friends, ZOE AND AMMY, for their ideas. Together, they come up with
the perfect plan to surprise ALL their mums.                                                                                                                       12-COPY STOCK PACK *
SALES POINTS:                                                                                                                                                      AU RRP: $179.88
• Ella’s diary explores the daily dramas of being an 11-year-old girl in primary school.                                                                           NOT AVAILABLE IN NZ

                                                                                                                                                                   ISBN:         9781760261528
• Colourful, giggle-worthy illustrations on nearly every page.
• Beloved Australian series—over 1 MILLION books in print!
• Perfect for girls who love animals, fun friendships, caring for the environment
  and having adventures.                                                                                                                                           Contains:
                                                                                                                                                                   Flash Mob Fever (Ella Diaries #27)
                                                                                                                                                                   ISBN 9781761207914 x 12
                                                                                                                                                                   AU RRP $14.99
                                                                                                                                                                   * See Ordering Information on final page.

                          April 2023 Trade Parade                                          Australian author   Australian printer   Australian printer and paper     New Zealand author                              9
NewNew APRIL 2023 - Scholastic Australia
                                                                                                             NOTICED (BIGFOOT
                                                                                                             AND NESSIE #1)
                                                                                                             AU RRP: $12.99
                                                                                                             NZ RRP: $14.99
                                                                                                             Author:        CHELSEA M. CAMPBELL
                                                                                                             Illustrator:   LAURA KNETZGER
                                                                                                             Publisher:     SCHOLASTIC AUSTRALIA
                                                                                                             ISBN:          9781761299704
                                                                                                             Format:        PAPERBACK
                                                                                                             Type:          GRAPHIC NOVEL
                                                                                                             Age Level:     6+
                                                                                                             Dimensions:    216 X 165 MM

                                                                                                                      ª|xHSLHQBy29 704z
                                                                                                             Page Count:    64 PP

                                              Meet Bigfoot and Nessie! Yes, that Bigfoot and Nessie. Only ... Well, things are a little complicated
                                              right now. Bigfoot is having trouble fitting in with his family. He can never quite manage to get
                                              himself into the picture, much to the disappointment of his mum, dad, and sister, who always want to
                                              be in the spotlight. When he meets Nessie, who’s equally desperate to get away from the cameras,
                                              he begins to ask himself the ultimate question: What’s the price of fame after all? Big-hearted and
                                              clever, The Art of Getting Noticed by Chelsea M. Campbell and Laura Knetzger invites us to explore
                                              our most tender selves through friendship and creativity — and have quite a bit of fun in between!
                                              SALES POINTS:
                                              • A new hilarious and heartfelt graphic novel in which an unlikely pair of cryptids meet up and find
                                                friendship, creativity and just the right amount of attention.
                                              • A self-conscious Bigfoot and a quick-witted Scottish celebrity Nessie help each other work
                                                through their anxieties, really accept themselves and have quite a bit of fun on the way!
                                              • Adorable, full-colour illustrations bring these famed mythic creatures to life.
                                              • Themes: family, friendship, getting recognition, fame, anxiety, living up to family expectations,
                                                creativity, freedom, belonging.

April 2023 Trade Parade   Australian author          Australian printer       Australian printer and paper        New Zealand author                  10
• Created in collaboration with talented debut
  author Marc Colagiovanni and international
    best-selling creator, Peter H. Reynolds.
 • Inspirational picture book about optimism,
   overcoming adversity and forging your own
     path despite what others may tell you.
• Themes include identity, self-confidence and
     the importance of letting things go.

                                                    WHEN THINGS AREN’T GOING RIGHT, GO LEFT
                                                    AU RRP: $19.99               Author:        MARC COLAGIOVANNI                  Type:         PICTURE

                                                    NZ RRP: $22.99               Illustrator:   PETER H. REYNOLDS                  Age Level:    3+
                                                                                 Publisher:     SCHOLASTIC AUSTRALIA               Dimensions:   250 X 250 MM
                                                                                 ISBN:          9781761294310                      Page Count:   32 PP
                                                                                 Format:        HARDBACK

    April 2023 Trade Parade                      Australian author       Australian printer         Australian printer and paper          New Zealand author    11
                                                                                                                             David Campbell Samar Kabir

                                                                                SHORTEST BEDTIME
                                                                                STORY EVER
                                                                                AU RRP: $18.99
                                                                                NZ RRP: $22.99
                                                                                Author:        DAVID CAMPBELL
                                                                                Illustrator:   SAMAR KABIR
                                                                                Publisher:     SCHOLASTIC PRESS
                                                                                ISBN:          9781761203435
                                                                                Format:        HARDBACK
                                                                                Type:          PICTURE
                                                                                Age Level:     3+
                                                                                Dimensions:    280 X 210 MM

                                                                                Page Count:    32 PP

Once upon a time there was a Prince and a Princess, and they lived happily ever after. THE END.
This is the shortest bedtime story EVER. Seriously. As long as there are NO interruptions—like sneezy
dragons, or alien goo, and especially NOT monkeys with lasers on their heads—this story will be all finished,
just in time for bed. Sounds perfect ... right?
• An all-new picture book written by favourite TV presenter and performer, David Campbell!
• It’s nearly bedtime! Luckily this is a very short book and will be read in no time ... or is it?!
• A hilarious bedtime story that gets completely out of control! Perfect for shared reading, which will
  make the whole family laugh!
• THEMES: humour, bedtime, reading, fairy tales.

                            April 2023 Trade Parade                                               Australian author   Australian printer   Australian printer and paper   New Zealand author   12
WHEN ICE CREAM HAD A MELTDOWN                                                                                   THE LOST UNICORN (PEARL #11)
AU RRP: $19.99               Author:        MICHELLE ROBINSON       Type:         PICTURE                       AU RRP: $14.99                 Author:        SALLY ODGERS          Type:         CHAPTER BOOK

        ª|xHSLHQAy2601 8z                                                                                                 ª|xHSLHQBy201349z
NZ RRP: $22.99               Illustrator:   TOM KNIGHT              Age Level:    3+                            NZ RRP: $16.99                 Illustrator:   ADELE K. THOMAS       Age Level:    6+
                             Publisher:     SCHOLASTIC UK           Dimensions:   250 X 240 MM                                                 Publisher:     SCHOLASTIC PRESS      Dimensions:   190 X 150 MM
  QTY                                                                                                              QTY
                             ISBN:          9781760260118           Page Count:   32 PP                                                        ISBN:          9781761201349         Page Count:   128 PP
                             Format:        HARDBACK                                                                                           Format:        PAPERBACK

Life inside the ice cream van is full of excitement – the ice creams and lollies can’t wait to be picked!       Pearl and Olive discover a magical new place — Pink Valley! They can’t wait to show their
But­—oh no!—no-one wants a plain ice cream, and that’s exactly what our friend Ice Cream is. As she sees        best friend, Tweet. But when they try to return to the valley, they get terribly lost! Can
friend after friend being picked instead of her, Ice Cream has a MELTDOWN! Will Ice Cream be stuck in the       Pearl and her friends find the way back? Or will the tricky gobble-uns ruin their adventure?
freezer for ever, or is her happy ending just around the corner ... ?
                                                                                                                SALES POINTS:
SALES POINTS:                                                                                                   • A brand-new charming and magical story in this much-loved popular series!
• A laugh-out-loud picture book from master storyteller, Michelle Robinson, and illustrator                     • Pearl is a clever and determined unicorn who, with the help of her friends, discovers
  extraordinaire, Tom Knight!                                                                                     her magical abilities.
• Lively rhyming text by Michelle Robinson makes this funny and heart-warming picture book the perfect          • Featuring beautiful 2-colour illustrations by Adele K Thomas.
  way to talk to children about their emotions.
                                                                                                                • Over 400, 000 copies in print across the series!
• Humorous illustrations by Tom Knight bring plenty of warmth and personality to these tasty treats.
                                                                                                                • Themes: unicorns, adventure, magic, friendship and humour.
• From the talented team behind When Cucumber Lost His Cool, When Jelly Had a Wobble and The Day the
  Banana Went Bad.

                          April 2023 Trade Parade                                        Australian author   Australian printer       Australian printer and paper       New Zealand author                      13

FARMER                    Ever wonder what life is like for a Minecraft
                             Zombie? Zombie and his family are having
                        fun at the Rotten Pumpkin Patch festival. But
                          disaster strikes when a bunch of evil Zombie
                          clones magically appear and mess up all the
                         pumpkins. Zombie gets punished because his
                        parents think he did it! The look-alike Zombies
                          hide in the nearby hedge maze—the biggest
                      maze in Minecraft! Zombie has to capture all the
                        clones so he can clear his name. But when his                                                                            12-COPY STOCK PACK *
                       friends encounter the clones, can they tell the
                                     difference or will they be tricked?                                                                         AU RRP: $119.88
                                                                                                                                                 NOT AVAILABLE IN NZ
                                                    SALES POINTS:

                     • The Diary of a Minecraft Zombie series is ever
                                                                                   FARMER FREAK-OUT (DIARY OF A                                  ISBN:         9781760260484

                                                                                   MINECRAFT ZOMBIE, BOOK 39)

                        popular, with over 3 MILLION copies in print                                                                                QTY

                                   across Australia and New Zealand.               AU RRP: $9.99                QTY

                      • Fast-paced adventure stories in diary format,              NZ RRP: $11.99                                                Contains:
                            crammed with laugh-out-loud situations.
                                                                                                                                                 Farmer Freak-Out
                     • Gives young gamers a break from screen time                 Author:      ZACK ZOMBIE      Type:         CHAPTER BOOK
                                                                                                                                                 (Diary of a Minecraft Zombie, Book 39)
                        and encourages them to love reading as well.               Publisher:   KOALA BOOKS      Age Level:    8+
                                                                                                                                                 ISBN 9781761207297 x 12
                            • Easy to read and high interest topics –              ISBN:        9781761207297    Dimensions:   198 X 128 MM
                                                                                                                                                 AU RRP $9.99
                         perfect for both reluctant and avid readers.              Format:      PAPERBACK        Page Count:   144 PP
                                                                                                                                                 * See Ordering Information on final page.
                              • New releases regularly feature in the
                               Books+Publishing Fastest Movers list.

    April 2023 Trade Parade                                    Australian author           Australian printer   Australian printer and paper   New Zealand author                            14
                                                                                                        Zombie Invasion
                                                                                                                               Ari Avatar
                                                                                                        Jez has discovered a new portal, but
                                                                                                        when she goes to check it out with Ari
                                                                                                        and Zeke, things get serious real quick. A
                                                                                                        zombie army breaks through the portal
                                                                                                        and tries to eat the brains of Ari and his
                                                                                                        friends! And when the zombies turn their
                                                                                                        sights on the town, Ari knows they have
                                                                                             CK *
                                                         12-COPY STOCK PA                               to do everything they can to stop the
                                                                                                        zombies from invading all of Blockville!
                                                         AU RRP: $119.88
                (DIARY OF A                              NOT AVAILABLE IN

                                                                                                        SALES POINTS:
               OK 5)                                     ISBN:
ROBLOX PRO: BO            ATAR
                                                                                                        • Perfect for fans of Diary of a
                            Author:      ARI AV            QTY
                                                                                                          Minecraft Zombie.
AU RRP: $9.99               Publisher:   SCHOLASTIC                                                     • Based on the immensely popular

NZ RRP: $11.99                           AUSTRALIA                                                        online game platform, Roblox, which
                                         9781761293238   Contains:
  QTY                       ISBN:                                                                         has over 202 million active users a month.
                            Format:      PAPERBACK        Zombie Invasion
                                          CHAPTER BOOK                          : Book 5)               • Fast-paced adventure stories in diary format.
                             Type:                        (Diary of a Roblox Pro
                                                                       612 93238  x 12                  • Easy to read and high interest topics—perfect for both reluctant and avid readers.
                             Age Level: 8+                ISBN 97817
                                                    MM                 .99
                             Dimensions: 198 X 128         AU RR  P $9                                  • Gives young gamers a break from screen time and encourages them to love reading.
                                    Co unt : 128 PP                              tion on final page.
                              Pa ge                        * See Ordering Informa                       • Can Ari and his friends stop the zombie army from invading all of Blockville? Or will they
                                                                                                          also become brain-eating avatars?

                       April 2023 Trade Parade                                      Australian author     Australian printer        Australian printer and paper     New Zealand author                15
We are exceptionally proud to continue our support of ALIA as the official publishing partner for National Simultaneous Storytime 2023

               NKIDSRE                                                                                                                        The Speedy Sloth by aw

                                                                                                                                                                       ard-winning creators Re
                                                                                                                                                                                                   becca Young and Heath

                                                                                                                                             McKenzie, is the officia
                                                                                                                                                                        l storytime book for NS


                                                                                                                                                                                                  S 2023.

                                                                                                                                             It was finally time for the

                                                                                                                                                                           event of the year, Spike

            Simultaneous                                                                                                                    GREAT RACE was here!                                     couldn’t believe it—TH

              Storytime                                                                                                                                                   The other sloths said it                           E

                                                                                                                                            didn’t care, she was rea                               couldn’t be done, but Sp
        IA       2023


             .o r         ss   n                                                                                                                                       dy to run!
                    g . a u/

                                                                                                                                            The Speedy Sloth is a de

                                                                                                                                                                      lightful story of courage
                                                                                                                                           a celebration of all win                                and tenacity, participatio
                                                                                                                                                                     ners! Spike is proud to                                  n and
                                                                                                                                                                                               run her own race!

                                                                                                        n g
                                                                                                                                           Join us at 11am AEST/1pm

                                                                                                                                                                           NZST on Wednesday 24

                                                                                                   a Y
                                                                                                                                           to register at www.alia.                                 th May 2023. Don’t for

                                                                                                                                           SALES POINTS:

                                                                                                                                           • A brand-new pictur
                                                                                                                                                                  e book by award-winn
                                                                                                                                              illustrator Heath McKe                      ing author Rebecca Yo
                                                                                                                                                                      nzie!                                        ung and
                                                                                                                                           • Meet Spike, the spe
                                                                                                                                                                  edy sloth — the most ado
                                                                                                                                             book heroine, who rea                             rable and inspiring pic
                                                                                                                                                                     ders will be cheering all                         ture
                                                                                                                                          • Yes, Spike is slow, bu                              the way to the finish line
                                                                                                                                                                   t for a sloth she is FAST
                                                                                                                                             stop her finishing the                          ! And there is nothing
                                                                                                                                                                    race!                                            that will
                                                                                                                                          • Told in upbeat rhymi
                                                                                                                                                                   ng text, perfect for rea
                                                                                                                                            diverse collection of ani                       ding aloud, with a wond
                                                                                                                                                                      mal characters and cap                          erfully

                                                                                                                                          and Publicity

                                                                                                                                                                               12-COPY STOCK PACK *
                                                                                                                                                                               AU RRP: $239.88
                                                                                                                                                                               NOT AVAILABLE IN NZ

                                                                                                                                                                                          ª|xHSLHQBy29530 z
                                                                                                                                                                               ISBN:          9781761295300

    AU RRP: $19.99                           Author:        REBECCA YOUNG      Type:         PICTURE

    NZ RRP: $24.99                           Illustrator:   HEATH MCKENZIE     Age Level:    3+                                                                                 The Speedy Sloth
                                             Publisher:     SCHOLASTIC PRESS   Dimensions:   250 X 240 MM                                                                       ISBN 9781760974893 x 12
                                             ISBN:          9781760974893      Page Count:   24 PP                                                                              AU RRP $19.99
                                             Format:        HARDBACK
                                                                                                                                                                                * See Ordering Information on final page.

                                       April 2023 Trade Parade                                   Australian author   Australian printer       Australian printer and paper          New Zealand author                                16

         LIO                                                                                                                                   National Simultaneous Storytime is an

                                                                                                                                             important annual campaign that aims to encourage

                    th        ING
                                                                                                                                          young children to read and enjoy books as well as teach


                                                                                                                                            them the value of literacy. Now celebrating its 23rd


          .o r              n                                                                                                               successful year and coming off the back of our most

                 g . a u/

                                                                                                                                          successful year yet, we have no doubt that the reading

                                                                                                                                            of Rebecca Young’s The Speedy Sloth will continue to
                                                                                                                                           build this wonderful campaign. Registration for NSS is

                                                          n n i n g author                                                                  free and open to all. Register now to receive regular

                                                    ard-wi th McKenziE!
                                                                                                                                                updates and resources directly to your inbox.
                                              b y aw      a
                             pi ctu re book lustrator He
                       d-new           an d i l
                                                                                                                                                   Hold an event in your store.
                 A bran becca Young                                                                                                           In-store Marketing support available,
                       Re                                                                                                                            speak to your TM today!

                                                                                                                                           Wednesday 24th of May 2023
                       Wednesday 24 May 2023 | #NSS2023 #2MillionKidsReading                                                              at 11:00 AM AEST / 1:00 PM NZST

                       It was finally time for the event of the year,
                    spike couldn’t believe it the great race was here!
                         the other sloths said it couldn’t be done,
                       But Spike didn’t care, she was ready to run!

                                         Rebecca Young is an                                   Heath McKenzie is an
                                         award-winning picture book                            award-winning children’s book
                                         author from Sydney. She won                           illustrator who has written and
                                         the Patricia Wrightson Prize                          illustrated countless books
                                         for Children’s Literature, in                         for children. Heath lives in
                                         the NSW Premier’s Literacy                            Melbourne with his wife, two
                                         Awards, for Teacup, illustrated                       kids, dog and a fish that he
                                         by Matt Ottley. Her books have                        considers more of a lodger
                                         been published internationally.                       than a family member.

                                    April 2023 Trade Parade                Australian author          Australian printer    Australian printer and paper    New Zealand author                      17

BOWERBIRD BLUES                                                                                                  THE GREAT RABBIT CHASE
AU RRP: $26.99                      Author:      AURA PARKER           Type:         PICTURE                     AU RRP: $26.99                   Author:      FREYA BLACKWOOD           Type:         PICTURE

         ª|xHSLHQBy205637z                                                                                                ª|xHSLHODy81 641z
NZ RRP: $29.99                      Publisher:   SCHOLASTIC PRESS      Age Level:    3+                          NZ RRP: $29.99                   Publisher:   SCHOLASTIC PRESS          Age Level:    3+
                                    ISBN:        9781761205637         Dimensions:   270 X 230 MM                                                 ISBN:        9781743811641             Dimensions:   230 X 280 MM
  QTY                                                                                                              QTY
                                    Format:      HARDBACK              Page Count:   32 PP                                                        Format:      HARDBACK                  Page Count:   32 PP

I am a collector. Always looking, finding ... and keeping!                                                       Gumboots is a beautiful pet rabbit, but he likes to escape. A story that celebrates what it means to
                                                                                                                 live in a community and a reminder that life is full of surprises.
Bowerbird loves BLUE. Magnificent colbalt. Brilliant, vibrant BLUE! But something is missing. What
could it be? This new picture book from Aura Parker stars a beautiful bowerbird on the search for                SALES POINTS:
BLUE! It’s a moving story of longing and connection, that unfolds as the bowerbird’s search sends                • Freya loves creating characters, giving them emotions and their own small world to live in.
him soaring across the sea, sky and city. He swoops and snatches vibrant treasures for his collection,
                                                                                                                 • A beautiful picture book illustrated and written by Freya Blackwood.
and soon his bower – a mix of natural and unnatural objects—attracts something greater and more
fulfilling than he could ever have imagined.                                                                     • The Great Rabbit Chase is her most personal picture book yet.
                                                                                                                 • Includes endpapers that are a board game and a map of the great rabbit chase.
• A gorgeous and moving story about patience, persistence, and searching for fulfilment.
• Perfect story for nature lovers, that subtly touches on environmental themes.
• Filled with tiny details to discover on every page.
• Look-and-find items hidden throughout the endpapers—discover them all!
• Themes: longing, searching, patience, isolation, environment, waste, nature, bowerbirds,
  mateship, connection.

                             April 2023 Trade Parade                                         Australian author    Australian printer        Australian printer and paper       New Zealand author                       18
NEVER TOUCH THE STINKY PIGLETS                                     NEVER TOUCH A CROCODILE!                                                       NEVER TOUCH A KOALA!
AU RRP: $14.99               Author:        CHRISTIE HAINSBY       AU RRP: $14.99                 Author:        ROSIE GREENING                   AU RRP: $14.99                 Author:        ROSIE GREENING

        ª|xHSLIKDy371672z                                                  ª|xHSLIKDy37 261z                                                                ª|xHSLIKDy37 278z
NZ RRP: $16.99               Illustrator:   STUART LYNCH           NZ RRP: $16.99                 Illustrator:   SHANNON HAYS                     NZ RRP: $16.99                 Illustrator:   STUART LYNCH
                             Publisher:     MAKE BELIEVE IDEAS                                    Publisher:     MAKE BELIEVE IDEAS                                              Publisher:     MAKE BELIEVE IDEAS
  QTY                                                                QTY                                                                             QTY
                             ISBN:          9781803371672                                         ISBN:          9781803377261                                                   ISBN:          9781803377278
                             Format:        BOARD BOOK                                            Format:        BOARD BOOK                                                      Format:        BOARD BOOK
                             Type:          PICTURE                                               Type:          PICTURE                                                         Type:          PICTURE
                             Age Level:     1+                                                    Age Level:     1+                                                              Age Level:     1+
                             Dimensions:    210 X 176 MM                                          Dimensions:    166 X 166 MM                                                    Dimensions:    166 X 166 MM
                             Page Count:    14 PP                                                 Page Count:    10 PP                                                           Page Count:    10 PP

Find out why you must Never Touch the Stinky Piglets in this       You must never touch a crocodile ... except in this book! This                 You must never touch a koala ... unless it’s in this book! Meet the
hilarious addition to our popular Never Touch Series, inspired     wild-animal-themed touch-and-feel book is perfect for young                    Australian animals in this new addition to our popular ‘Never
by messy play! Practice counting down from five as the piglets     children. They will love reading the funny rhyme about not                     Touch ... ‘ series. Adults and children alike will love reading the
disappear one by one. Bumpy silicone touches feature on the        touching the animals ... and then doing it anyway! Fun touches                 rhyme which warns of the dangers of touching the creatures ...
cover and every spread, creating an engaging and tactile reading   feature throughout the book, with a different texture for children             and then ignoring the advice! Fun touches feature on the cover
experience.                                                        to explore on every spread. A touch-and-feel book filled with wild             and every spread, creating a truly tactile reading experience.
                                                                   animals.                                                                       Australian-themed rhyming board book with fun touches.
• A counting-down board book.                                      SALES POINTS:                                                                  SALES POINTS:
• With five bumpy silicone touches.                                • Fun touches throughout.                                                      • Fun touches throughout.
• A fun addition to our Never Touch range.                         • Hilarious rhyming text.                                                      • Engaging funny rhyme.
                                                                   • Amusing illustrations.                                                       • Warm, colourful illustrations.

                          April 2023 Trade Parade                                  Australian author         Australian printer         Australian printer and paper        New Zealand author                          19
ABC (RAINBOW ROAD)                                                                                               THERE WAS AN OLD LADY WHO SWALLOWED A FLY (RAINBOW ROAD)
AU RRP: $16.99                Author:        ALEXANDRA ROBINSON          Type:         PICTURE                   AU RRP: $14.99                Author:        HOLLY LANSLEY              Type:         PICTURE

        ª|xHSLIKDy378459z                                                                                                  ª|xHSLIKDy371450z
NZ RRP: $18.99                Illustrator:   DANIELLE MUDD               Age Level:    1+                        NZ RRP: $16.99                Illustrator:   DANIELLE MUDD              Age Level:    1+
                              Publisher:     MAKE BELIEVE IDEAS          Dimensions:   254 X 254 MM                                            Publisher:     MAKE BELIEVE IDEAS         Dimensions:   210 X 194 MM
  QTY                                                                                                              QTY
                              ISBN:          9781803378459               Page Count:   10 PP                                                   ISBN:          9781803371450              Page Count:   12 PP
                              Format:        BOARD BOOK                                                                                        Format:        BOARD BOOK

Introduce the alphabet with this addition to our Rainbow Road series! With soft felt-and-card pages              There was an old lady who swallowed a fly ... then wanted it gone straight away! Read the rhymes, then
and rainbow-coloured plastic loops to explore, children will love learning the alphabet with this book.          guess who the old lady will swallow next! Little ones will love this fun addition to our Rainbow Road series,
                                                                                                                 with soft felt and card tabs to explore Rainbow-coloured plastic loops hold the pages together, creating
                                                                                                                 a tactile and durable spine.
• Part of our Rainbow Road series.
                                                                                                                 SALES POINTS:
• Soft felt-and-card pages.
                                                                                                                 • A twist on the well-known nursery rhyme.
• Rainbow-coloured loops.
                                                                                                                 • A fun addition to our Rainbow Road series.
• Introduces the alphabet. *Develops first words.
                                                                                                                 • With felt-and-card tabs throughout.

                           April 2023 Trade Parade                                           Australian author           Australian printer      Australian printer and paper        New Zealand author                          20
                                                      NEE NAW AND FRIENDS                                                                                                   NANAS WITH NO MANNERS
                                                      AU RRP: $16.99                                                                                                        AU RRP: $16.99
                                                      NZ RRP: $21.99                                                                                                        NZ RRP: $21.99
                                                      Author:        DEANO YIPADEE                                                                                          Author:        JUSTIN CHRISTOPHER
                                                      Illustrator:   BRUCE POTTER                                                                                           Illustrator:   MINKY STAPLETON
                                                      Publisher:     SCHOLASTIC NEW ZEALAND                                                                                 Publisher:     SCHOLASTIC NEW ZEALAND
                                                      ISBN:          9781775438120                                                                                          ISBN:          9781775438045
                                                      Format:        PAPERBACK                                                                                              Format:        PAPERBACK
                                                      Type:          PICTURE                                                                                                Type:          PICTURE
                                                      Age Level:     3+                                                                                                     Age Level:     3+
                                                      Dimensions:    250 X 240 MM                                                                                           Dimensions:    250 X 240 MM

                                                               ª|xHSLHRFy438120z                                                                                                       ª|xHSLHRFy438045z
                                                      Page Count:    24 PP                                                                                                  Page Count:    32 PP
                                                        QTY                                                                                                                      QTY

Singer-songwriter Dean O’Brien has produced yet another toe-tapping, sing-along song, this time                 Three nanas, who lived in the City of Seas, NEVER said ‘thank you’ and NEVER said ‘please’ ... And when
about about Nee Naw’s friend, Dusty the Digger. When goats Plinky and Plonky snatch buckets of                  these nanas go away on holiday and find that the resort doesn’t serve their favourite chocolate nachos
jelly powder and fall into a swimming pool, they soon become stuck in jiggly, wobbly jelly. When Nee            with cheese … uh-oh! You’d better look out, as rude nanas become hangry nanas! But will they find their
Naw’s ladder can’t reach them and Grandma’s spoon can’t scoop jelly out of the pool fast enough,                manners when they find themselves in trouble ...?
Dusty the Digger takes action and saves the day.
                                                                                                                SALES POINTS:
SALES POINTS:                                                                                                   • An irreverent and outrageously funny picture book from talented author, writer, TV producer and
• The second character spin-off in the Nee Naw and Friends series after Ellie Copter.                             former breakfast radio host Justin Brown, writing as Justin Christopher.
• Cleverly illustrated by the talented Bruce Potter, based on characters by Paul Beavis.                        • Great fun to read aloud and a not-so-gentle reminder of the importance of using manners!
• Song with an easy-to-sing melody and a catchy refrain available for download or streaming.                    • Minky Stapleton has created three marvellously rude characters that children will find hilarious.

                                                                                                               NEE NAW AND FRIENDS
                                                                                                               Author:      DEANO YIPADEE                      Format:       PAPERBACK        Dimensions: 250 X 240 MM
                                                                                                               Illustrator: PAUL BEAVIS                        Type:         PICTURE          Page Count: 24 PP
                                                                                                               Publisher: SCHOLASTIC NEW ZEALAND               Age Level:    3+

                      ELLIE COPTER: NEE NAW                                 NEE NAW THE LITTLE FIRE                                    NEE NAW AND THE
                      AND FRIENDS                                           ENGINE                                                     COWTASTROPHE                                                 NEE NAW GOES BANANAS
                      ISBN:     9781775437048                               ISBN:    9781775433927                                     ISBN:    9781775435174                                       ISBN:    9781775436195
                      AU RRP: $16.99                                        AU RRP: $18.99                                             AU RRP: $18.99                                               AU RRP: $18.99

                              ª|xHSLHRFy437048z                                      ª|xHSLHRFy43 927z                                           ª|xHSLHRFy435174z                                            ª|xHSLHRFy436195z
                      NZ RRP: $21.99                                        NZ RRP: $21.99                                             NZ RRP: $21.99                                               NZ RRP: $21.99
                        QTY                                                    QTY                                                         QTY                                                        QTY

                          April 2023 Trade Parade                                          Australian author          Australian printer          Australian printer and paper           New Zealand author                       21
                                                                                              THE FALL OF T ANE
                                                               By Mark Abnett
                                                                                                                Book Two
                                                              Art By P.R. Dedelis

                                                                                                                                                                                            THIS LAND, BOOK
                                                                                                                                                                                            ONE: THE SEARCH
                                                                                                                                                                                            FOR MĀUI
                                                                                                                                                                                            AU RRP: $19.99
                                                                                                                                                                                            NZ RRP: $24.99
                                                              THIS LAND, BOOK TWO: THE FALL OF TĀNE                                                                                         Author:      MARK ABNETT
                                                              AU RRP: $19.99                  Author:      MARK ABNETT         Format:       PAPERBACK                                      Illustrator: P.R. DEDELIS

                                                              NZ RRP: $24.99                  Illustrator: P.R. DEDELIS        Type:         GRAPHIC NOVEL                                  Publisher: SCHOLASTIC
                                                                                              Publisher: SCHOLASTIC            Age Level:    10+                                                         NEW ZEALAND
                                                                                                           NEW ZEALAND         Dimensions:   229 X 153 MM                                   ISBN:        9781775437697
                                                                                              ISBN:        9781775437925       Page Count:   88 PP                                          Format:      PAPERBACK
                                                                                                                                                                                            Type:        GRAPHIC NOVEL
With the heart-racing conclusion of THIS LAND Book One The Search for Māui leaving mysteries to be solved and questions to be answered, Book Two takes readers on an                        Age Level: 10+
adrenaline-pumping journey to uncover Māui and defeat the evil god, Whiro. But a battle with Shepherd and her mercenaries is imminent ... will Hell’na and her ragtag crew live             Dimensions: 229 X 153 MM

to see another day?                                                                                                                                                                         Page Count: 88 PP
SALES POINTS:                                                                                                                                                                                 QTY

• Scholastic is excited to publish Book Two of this graphic novelisation following the October 2022 release of Book One, The Search for Māui.
• Arising out of the history and heritage of Aotearoa, the concept and original story of THIS LAND was written by Mark Abnett, with the assistance of his Māori cultural
  advisors, and brought to life in graphic format by his team of letterers, artists and colourists, led by P.R. Dedelis.
• An action-packed story peopled with fascinating characters and told with humour.

                          April 2023 Trade Parade                                          Australian author        Australian printer         Australian printer and paper       New Zealand author                       22

                                                                    TELL ME NO LIES                                                                                              TWO DEGREES
                                                                   AU RRP: $26.99                                                                                                AU RRP: $19.99
                                                                   NZ RRP: $29.99                                                                                                NZ RRP: $21.99
                                                                   Author:       ANDREA CONTOS                                                                                   Author:       ALAN GRATZ
                                                                   Publisher:    SCHOLASTIC INC                                                                                  Publisher:    SCHOLASTIC INC
                                                                   ISBN:         9781338726206                                                                                   ISBN:         9781761293375
                                                                   Format:       HARDBACK                                                                                        Format:       PAPERBACK
                                                                   Type:         NOVEL                                                                                           Type:         NOVEL
                                                                   Age Level:    14+                                                                                             Age Level:    8+
                                                                   Dimensions:   210 X 140 MM                                                                                    Dimensions:   208 X 135 MM

                                                                             ª|xHSLDNIy726206z                                                                                           ª|xHSLHQBy293 75z
                                                                   Page Count:   384 PP                                                                                          Page Count:   384 PP

                                                                      QTY                                                                                                          QTY

Nora and Sophie Linden may be sisters, but they’re not friends. Not since the party last month. Not                  Fire. Flood. Ice. Three forces of nature. Three kids swept up in a looming global catastrophe. Can they
since the night Sophie’s boyfriend, Garrett, disappeared. Half the town thinks Garrett is dead, the                  survive? In California, Akira Kristiansen is driving through the mountains with his dad when a wildfire
other half believes he ran away, but Sophie knows something no one else does—Garrett left that                       sparks — and grows scarily fast. In just moments, Akira and his family have to evacuate but which way is
party with Nora. And straight-A, Ivy-league-bound Nora had never been to a single party before                       safe with fire all around them? In Churchill, Manitoba, Owen Mackenzie is running a tour for travellers
that night. Then Nora withdraws, barely coming home anymore, right when Sophie starts receiving                      who’ve come to see the polar bears. Lately the bears show up more and more as the ice thins. When
messages from someone who claims to be Garrett, promising revenge—for what happened to him                           Owen and his friend see a bear much too close for comfort, they end up in a fight for their lives. In
that night, and for the lies both girls told to the police about it. With the sisters’ futures—and lives—in          Miami, a hurricane bears down on Natalie Torres. That’s not so uncommon ... but everyone’s saying this
jeopardy, they’ll have to decide whether to trust each other again, or risk their secrets leading them               could be it. The Big One. Natalie and her mum don’t have anywhere to run to, so they hunker down to
to their graves.                                                                                                     ride out the storm. Separated by hundreds of miles, Akira, Owen, and Natalie each struggle to survive
                                                                                                                     against seemingly insurmountable odds. What ultimately connects the three kids is both surprising and
                                                                                                                     hopeful: a commitment to changing the world, however and wherever they can.
• Andrea is a star on the rise. Her first book was a Kirkus best of the year and was named best YA
  by the International Thriller Writers.                                                                             SALES POINTS:
• Move over WE WERE LIARS!                                                                                           • A new action-packed novel from Alan Gratz, the #1 New York Times best-selling author of Refugee
                                                                                                                       and Ground Zero.
• This atmospheric thriller has one of the most shocking endings of all time.
                                                                                                                     • Just as Refugee brought awareness of the refugee crisis to young readers, Two Degrees will shed
• A twisted love letter to the special bond between sisters.
                                                                                                                       light on the increasingly urgent threat of climate change.
                                                                                                                     • A breathtaking story that will keep readers turning pages while making their own plans to better
                                                                                                                       the world.

                            April 2023 Trade Parade                                              Australian author      Australian printer        Australian printer and paper       New Zealand author                         23

                                                          Jűmes Nicol

      Most things
     can be mended-                                                                                              THE SPELL TAILORS
                                                                                                                 AU RRP: $18.99

    dresses, shirts,                                                                                             NZ RRP: $19.99
                                                                                                                               JAMES NICOL
                                                                                                                               THE CHICKEN HOUSE

      friendships ...                                                                                            ISBN:

      even family.                                                                                               Type:
                                                                                                                 Age Level:
                                                                                                                               198 X 129 MM

                                                                                                                          ª|xHSLJLDy32 861z
                                                                                                                 Page Count:   352 PP


                                              Hen dreams of becoming a spell tailor, stitching spells into clothing. But when he stumbles upon a new
                                              kind of stitch, he’s banned from sewing. What is the power of the stitch that can sew memories into
                                              clothes—and could it be the very thing to save the family business?
                                              SALES POINTS:
                                              • A spellbinding new fantasy from the author of the Apprentice Witch series.
                                              • Explores the real magic of clothes as Hen, a spell tailor’s apprentice, struggles to master his family
                                                craft—and discovers a new kind of stitch in the process.
                                              • Combines James Nicol’s trademark cosy fantasy with an enchanting mystery.
                                              • A warm hug of a book – one to curl up with in your favourite old jumper!

April 2023 Trade Parade   Australian author      Australian printer       Australian printer and paper       New Zealand author                          24
                                  AU RRP: $26.99                    Author:      SARAH MLYNOWSKI                Type:         NOVEL

                                  NZ RRP: $26.99                    Publisher:   SCHOLASTIC INC                 Age Level:    8+
                                                                    ISBN:        9781338628258                  Dimensions:   210 X 140 MM
                                                                    Format:      HARDBACK                       Page Count:   192 PP

                                  Becca Singer is having the Worst Day Ever. Her best friend, Harper, dumped her, and Becca is totally
                                  friendless and alone. Then the box arrives in the mail. Inside the box? One bracelet, plus a mysterious note
                                  telling Becca to make a wish. So Becca puts on the bracelet--why not, right?--and wishes to have friends.
                                  Lots of friends. So many friends. And just like that, the magic works. Suddenly, EVERYONE wants to be
                                  Becca’s BFF, from all the kids at school to the teachers (!) to her own mum (!!). As things spin out of control,
                                  Becca starts to wonder: Is this wish a curse? And stay tuned for Book Two, co-written by Sarah Mlynowski
                                  and Debbie Rigaud, when a girl in Ohio gets the bracelet in the mail and makes a new wish! This series is
                                  perfect for fans of Whatever After, Upside-Down Magic, Twisted Tales, The Baby-Sitters Club, and all stories
                                  told with warmth and sparkle.
                                  SALES POINTS:
                                  • This book marks the launch of a new multi-author series from the mind of New York Times bestseller
                                    Sarah Mlynowski (Whatever After and Upside-Down Magic)! Each book will be written by a new author
                                    (with Sarah listed as a co-author), allowing the series to feature a diverse cast of girls from across the
                                  • In each book, a new girl receives a magical bracelet to help them solve relatable problems. Each book
                                    will have a strong sense of character and place, a joyful spirit, and a fast-paced plot. Will appeal to
                                    anyone who loves empowerment, magic, and fun.
                                  • Best-selling author Debbie Rigaud is signed on for Book 2, and Newbery Honor author Christina
                                    Soontornvat is signed on for Book 3!
                                  • The Whatever After series is a New York Times, USA Today and Publishers Weekly bestseller. The series
                                    has over 8 million copies in print across all channels and has been optioned by Imagine Entertainment
                                  • Mlynowski co-authors our New York Times best-selling Upside-Down Magic series, which was adapted
                                    into a tent pole Disney Channel movie.

April 2023 Trade Parade   Australian author          Australian printer          Australian printer and paper           New Zealand author           25
                                     AU RRP: $26.99                      Author:      RYAN LA SALA               Type:         NOVEL

                                     NZ RRP: $29.99                      Publisher:   SCHOLASTIC INC             Age Level:    14+
                                                                         ISBN:        9781338745313              Dimensions:   210 X 140 MM
                                                                         Format:      HARDBACK                   Page Count:   352 PP

                                     Mars has always been the lesser twin, the shadow to his sister Caroline’s radiance. But when Caroline
                                     dies under horrific circumstances, Mars is propelled to learn all he can about his once-inseparable
                                     sister who’d grown tragically distant. Mars’s gender fluidity means he’s often excluded from the
                                     traditions—and expectations—of his politically-connected family. This includes attendance at the
                                     prestigious Aspen Conservancy Summer Academy where his sister poured so much of her time. But
                                     with his grief still fresh, he insists on attending in her place. What Mars finds is a bucolic fairytale not
                                     meant for him. Folksy charm and sun-drenched festivities camouflage old-fashioned gender roles
                                     and a toxic preparatory rigour. Mars seeks out his sister’s old friends: a group of girls dubbed the
                                     Honeys, named for the beehives they maintain behind their cabin. They are beautiful and terrifying—
                                     and Mars is certain they’re connected to Caroline’s death. But the longer he stays at Aspen, the
                                     more the sweet mountain breezes give way to hints of decay. Mars’s memories begin to falter,
                                     bleached beneath the relentless summer sun. Something is hunting him in broad daylight, toying with
                                     his mind. If Mars can’t find it soon, it will eat him alive.
                                     SALES POINTS:
                                     • Heathers meets Midsommar in this bougie summer camp nightmare. It’s YA horror unlike
                                       anything out there.
                                     • Dark in tone, but wrapped in a deceptively bright package, this is a story of corruption festering
                                       just beneath the illusory perfection of the uber-rich and well-connected.
                                     • The story also poignantly explores themes of grief and guilt. Mars’s experience with mourning
                                       comes from a very personal place for Ryan.
                                     • Ryan is something of a self-made star. He has a devoted online following and is an extremely
                                       talented public speaker. He’s brimming with promotional ideas.
                                     • There isn’t a ton of queer-focused horror out there right now, especially by queer authors.
                                       Scholastic has an opportunity to lead the pack.

April 2023 Trade Parade   Australian author         Australian printer            Australian printer and paper            New Zealand author        26
                                                                 PUPPY TREAT TRUCK                                                                                               SEW MINI CUTE
                                                                 (KLUTZ)                                                                                                         THINGS (KLUTZ)
                                                                 AU RRP: $32.99                                                                                                  AU RRP: $29.99
                                                                 NZ RRP: $37.99                                                                                                  NZ RRP: $34.99
                                                                 Publisher:    KLUTZ                                                                                             Publisher:    KLUTZ
                                                                 ISBN:         9781338826173                                                                                     ISBN:         9781338896015
                                                                 Format:       NOVELTY BOOK                                                                                      Format:       NOVELTY BOOK
                                                                 Type:         ACTIVITY                                                                                          Type:         ACTIVITY
                                                                 Age Level:    8+                                                                                                Age Level:    10+
                                                                 Dimensions:   266 X 215 MM                                                                                      Dimensions:   267 X 216 MM

                                                                          ª|xHSLDNIy826173z                                                                                               ª|xHSLDNIy896015z
                                                                 Page Count:   32 PP                                                                                             Page Count:   48 PP
                                                                   QTY                                                                                                             QTY

Order up! Tiny clay puppies enjoy treats in a retro-fabulous food truck. The next in Klutz’s beloved              Stitch and stuff adorable plushies like a calculator, camera, and bag of chips. Beginners will find
line of tiny, adorable shops. Sculpt a variety of clay dogs plus artisanal clay doggie treats! Includes           everything they need, including a 48-page book with step-by-step instructions, tips, and techniques.
five colours of clay for such pun-tastic, puppy-fied treats as pupperoni pizza, pupcakes, and more!               The kit comes with all the supplies to get started from sewing patterns, stuffing, 2 embroidery
Use mixed-media supplies to create easy yet realistic details that bring your doggie dining franchise             needles; plus embroidery floss and felt in multiple colours. No trip to the craft store is required!
to life!
                                                                                                                  SALES POINTS:
SALES POINTS:                                                                                                     • A follow-up to the best-selling Sew Mini Treats and Sew Mini Animals.
• Includes a 32-page book of illustrated step-by-step instructions with size guides to roll the right             • 48-page book includes easy-to-follow instructions complete with pictures.
  amount of clay every time.
                                                                                                                  • Small-scale projects take the intimidation out of sewing.
• Learn how to customise a puppy to look like your favourite animal friend, with a menu of choices
                                                                                                                  • 18 projects provide hours of screen-free pastime.
  to create a variety of poses, ear shapes, fur texture, and accessories like collars and sweaters.
                                                                                                                  • Plushie designs are both on-trend and unexpected, like a video game console, toilet paper, and
• Serve up super-cute hand-sculpted treats from a trendy, colourful chipboard truck that’s easy
                                                                                                                    cute school supplies.
  to assemble and durable enough for imaginative play.
                                                                                                                  • The kit includes essential craft supplies to get started.

                           April 2023 Trade Parade                                            Australian author    Australian printer        Australian printer and paper       New Zealand author                       27
                                                                      How Far

© 2023 MARVEL                                                                                                                          © 2023 Disney

                April 2023 Trade Parade   Australian author   Australian printer   Australian printer and paper   New Zealand author        28
                         GRAIN EMBOSS
                          AND GLITTER
                           ON COVER!

                                                                          HOW FAR YOU’LL GO (DISNEY)

How Far
                                                                          AU RRP: $19.99                  Author:        TIM McCANNA                 Type:         PICTURE

                                                                          NZ RRP: $21.99                  Illustrator:   GRACE LEE                   Age Level:    3+
                                                                            QTY                           Publisher:     SCHOLASTIC AUSTRALIA        Dimensions:   279 X 229 MM
                                                                                                          ISBN:          9781761297465               Page Count:   40 PP
                                                                                                          Format:        HARDBACK

                                                                          When you set off on a new adventure, the journey ahead can seem dark and scary. But no matter
                                                                          the obstacles you face, you have what it takes to be brave and keep moving forward! And when you
                                                                          need a little inspiration, your favourite Disney and Pixar characters can offer wisdom from their own
                                                                          journeys. From the Darling children learning to fly with some faith, trust, and pixie dust, to Moana
                                                                          finding the courage to lead her people on a voyage across the sea, the moments of Disney magic

                                                                          within this book will inspire readers to believe in themselves and keep chasing their dreams, no matter
                                                                          where their paths lead them. With resilience, love and a little bit of magic, who knows how far you’ll go!
                                                                          SALES POINTS:
                                                                          • Featuring beautiful, original watercolour art, readers of all ages can enjoy their favourite Disney
                                                                            characters as they’ve never seen them before.
                                            SAME                          • With grain embossing and glitter detailing, this very special gift book will be cherished for years
                                            DELUXE                          to come.
                                            FORMAT AS                     • The inspirational message in this book is perfect to encourage young ones to take a leap of faith
   By   Ti m McCanna                         THE BESTSELLER                 when they come across challenges and crossroads.
                                             THE MAGIC IS IN YOU
              Grace Lee
 Illustrated by                                                                                                                                                                        © 2023 Disney

                  April 2023 Trade Parade             Australian author           Australian printer       Australian printer and paper        New Zealand author                             29
                                                                                                                                                   THE GUMNUT LAND
                                                                                                                                                   ADVENTURES: THE
Written and Illustrated by                                                                                                                         DELUXE EDITION
       MAY GIBBS                                                                                                                                   (MAY GIBBS)
                                                                                                                                                   AU RRP: $29.99
                                                                                                                                                   NZ RRP: $31.99
                                                                                                                                                   Author:     MAY GIBBS
                                                                                                                                                   Publisher:  SCHOLASTIC
                                                                                                                                                   ISBN:       9781761203275
                                                                                                                                                   Format:     HARDBACK
                                                                                                                                                   Type:       PICTURE
                                                                                                                                                   Age Level: 3+
                                                                                                                                                   Dimensions: 280 X 229 MM

                                                                                                                                                   Page Count: 208 PP


                                           This is the story of Scotty the Scottish Terrier. It tells how he went to Gumnut Land and what befell him there ...
                                           Scotty wasn’t very happy in his home in the Big Bad City. It was very dull sitting about for hours and hours, always
                                           on the wrong side of the gate. Then on one fateful day, the gate was left open. This was Scotty’s chance! Out of the
                                           garden he ran and into magical world of Gumnut Land. Scotty’s adventures take him all around the Australian Bush,
                                           into the Valley of the Caves, the friendly hustle and bustle of Gumnut Town and beyond! Join Scotty on his journey
                                           and meet a fantastical cast of creatures: Mr and Mrs Bear, Bib and Bub, Old Bill, the terrific Tiggy Touchwood and
                                           Miffrend of Squeaking House.
                                           SALES POINTS:
                                           • May Gibbs and her beautiful illustrations and stories are still hugely popular for children and adults alike.
                                           • Published for the first time in over 20 years, The Gumnut Land Adventures: The Deluxe Edition is a special
                                             collection of two classic May Gibbs tales sure to delight with her iconic illustrations and Australian folk magic.
                                           • The May Gibbs brand continues to embrace current fashion, homewares and publishing trends in order to
                                             secure its spot as one of Australia’s leading homegrown licensed children’s brands.
                                           • A portion of all the May Gibbs titles’ proceeds is donated to the Cerebral Palsy Alliance and Northcott Society.

                                           © in original May Gibbs’ illustrations, The Northcott Society and Cerebral Palsy Alliance 2023.

      April 2023 Trade Parade     Australian author              Australian printer                 Australian printer and paper             New Zealand author                 30
                                                                                      AU RRP: $18.99
                                                                                      NZ RRP: $21.99

                                                                                                                      ª|xHSLDNIy84 7 1z    Author:
                                                                                                                                                        JENNA BALLARD
                                                                                                                                                        SCHOLASTIC INC
                                                                                                                                                        NOVELTY BOOK
                                                                                                                                                                                   Age Level:
                                                                                                                                                                                   Page Count:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   280 X 216 MM
                                                                                                                                                                                                   32 PP

Are you ready to cast spells, brew potions and reveal secrets? Pop on your magic-revealing glasses and join your favourite witches and wizards in this spellbinding
interactive activity book! With three pairs of magical glasses that will reveal over 20 hidden images from the films, every Harry Potter fan needs this book!
• Includes three pairs of magic glasses to help readers search and find their way through this spellbinding book!
• The Harry Potter series is one of the highest-selling series of novels ever, with over 500 million copies sold worldwide!
• With over 20 years of powerful storytelling, the Wizarding World has enchanted the hearts and imaginations of fans around the world and is one of the
  most successful franchises of all time, beloved by both literature and film fanatics.

                                                                                                                                                                         © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s23). WB SHIELD: © & ™ WBEI. (s23)

                           April 2023 Trade Parade                                          Australian author         Australian printer       Australian printer and paper           New Zealand author                                      31
                                                Collector's Edition                                                  INTRICATE
                            GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: MOVIE NOVEL
                            (MARVEL: COLLECTOR’S EDITION)
                            AU RRP: $29.99                Author:      CHRIS WYATT                     Type:         NOVEL

                                      ª|xHSLHQAy260 19z
                            NZ RRP: $31.99                             & ALEX IRVINE                   Age Level:    10+
                                                          Publisher:   SCHOLASTIC AUSTRALIA            Dimensions:   198 X 128 MM
                                                          ISBN:        9781760260019                   Page Count:   192 PP
                                                          Format:      HARDBACK

                            Before they were the Guardians of the Galaxy, Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket and
                            Groot were just a group of cosmic misfits. They must put aside their differences and band together
                            to protect a mysterious Orb from a powerful villain with ambitions that threaten the entire universe.
                            In doing so, they learn more about themselves than they ever thought possible. Relive the space
                            adventure of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy in this cinematic retelling.
                            SALES POINTS:
                            • Experience the epic adventure of the Guardians of the Galaxy in this retelling of the first movie!
                              This 2014 film made over USD $773 million at the box office worldwide.
                            • The main cast is returning for the third film in May 2023, and we will also be introduced to Will
                              Poulter’s take on Adam Warlock. When this was first announced at Comic Con 2022, fans were
                              super excited about this new addition to the beloved franchise.
                            • This is the latest instalment in our popular Mavel Collector’s Edition. Featuring a
                              wibalin cover with delicate foil, this series is perfect for any Marvel fan.

                                                                                                                                     © 2023 MARVEL

April 2023 Trade Parade   Australian author       Australian printer        Australian printer and paper        New Zealand author          32
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