1028 SW 128th, Burien, WA 98146 www.stbernadettesea.org - St. Bernadette Parish School

Page created by Eddie Schwartz
1028 SW 128th, Burien, WA 98146 www.stbernadettesea.org - St. Bernadette Parish School
                                                                        HOLY WEEK- MARCH 31, 2021

                         ANCHORED IN HOPE
Dear Panther Families,

During this most holy week of the Church calendar, as we prepare for our risen Lord on Easter Sunday,

Holy Week concludes the forty days of Lent during which we prepare for Jesus’ coming with almsgiving,

fasting, and prayer.

To commemorate Holy Thursday we have a video presentation of our 8th graders reenacting the Last


To commemorate Good Friday, our 8th graders renact the Living Stations of the Cross.

Our students, K-8 will have the opportunity to view these presentations in their classes. Our school

community begins Easter break at noon on Good Friday, April 2nd. Students will be asked to leave in

silence in reverence for the day that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Please take time to pause,

reflect, and experience the importance of the Triduum and Easter in our lives.

                            Register here for our parish Triduum celebrations:

                                Holy Thursday Mass of Lord's Supper 7 PM

                                  Good Friday Station 3 PM with Fr. John

                                 Service of the Passion of our Lord 7 PM

                                     Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 7 PM

                                      Easter Sunday 8 AM and 10 AM

Thanks again to all those who have contributed to the Lenten Food Drive! Your thoughtful donations will

 help those struggling to put food on their tables. The students worked hard to meet their goal of over

3000 food items! They surpassed our goal by over 1,000 items, totalling 4,164 food items donated to our

St. Vincent de Paul Conference for those in need! In return, I will fulfill the promise of being slimed soon

                           after Easter Break, when students return to campus.

Finally, 5th through 8th grade Band is back! Monday, April 12th at 7:45 AM Band will resume in-person in

the parish hall! Not currently on the roster? No problem! Just email Miss McKamey,

mckameyf@kennedyhs.org, before Friday, April 9th.

Easter blessings to all our Panther Families,

Eve Ruiz


       1028 SW 128th, Burien, WA 98146                        www.stbernadettesea.org
1028 SW 128th, Burien, WA 98146 www.stbernadettesea.org - St. Bernadette Parish School
April 2 Good Friday
Calendar      April 2 Noon dismissal
              April 4 Easter Sunday
              April 5-9 School Closed, Easter Break
              April 16 Feast of St. Bernadette
              April 17 Spaghetti Dinner!! Get tickets here.
              May 14 Jog-a-Thon
              May 28 Field Day
              Dates for the school year are found on the website calendar .

                            St. Bernadette Parent Club News

               Annual Spaghetti Feed April 17

                                                               Purchase your Spaghetti Feed tickets
                                                               $15 gets you an amazing delicious dinner

                                                               prepared by Chef Mastandrea and his

                                                               talented crew.

                                                               Dinner will be picked up at school to be

                                                               enjoyed in your home, due to Covid.

                                                               Raffle tickets   and   desserts   will be

                                                               available for purchase at the dinner pick

                                                               up so plan to get a few raffle tickets and

                                                               dessert, too!

                                                               All profits benefit our students and


                                                                           Buon appetito!

                Now is the time to purchase Scrip!
                RaiseRight replaced Myscripwallet. If you       are new to scrip, download       RaiseRight   and
Information     use our enrollment code, ED47FDBC5849 .

                Reminder: All St. Bernadette families need to raise $150 in profit for school through Scrip. New
                families need to raise $40 in profit through SCRIP.
1028 SW 128th, Burien, WA 98146 www.stbernadettesea.org - St. Bernadette Parish School
Students and teachers in K-8 use their devices every day - THANK YOU to all our generous donors!

     Chromebook Help Needed, again, please.
      Thanks to our amazing community of families and parishioners, we have admitted 22
      new students since September! Great News!
      As a result, we have run out of Chromebooks. Alas, we need 15 more Chromebooks for
      our students and need your help to purchase them.
      Thanks to your generosity, in a few short months we went from a cart of 20 devices
      shared by 4 classrooms to 1 device per student. Amazing! Thank you!
      Please consider making a gift to support our brilliant students and intrepid teachers -
      every gift of any size helps.
      $293 gets us 1 Chromebook with licensing and $147 is the average gift given to St. B.
      Please prayerfully consider how you can help us meet the needs of our learners, and
      make a gift here.

      How are Chromebooks used? Glad you asked -           students use Chromebooks in the

      following ways: STEMscopes science; writing assignments; math and reading work and

      practice; religion class; free time to play games that reinforce math and reading skills,

      research and writing. Our talented teachers and students are using their new tools every

      day.   Thank you!

     Food Drive Update...Principal Ruiz to be slimed !!
     Dear St. Bernadette School Families,
     Thank you for all your help with the food drive!
     We collected 4164 items for our neighbors in need! Well done Panthers!

     Principal Ruiz will be slimed at a date to be detirmined (with her full permission and


     We need a few volunteers to make slime. You will be given a recipe using ingredients found

     in a grocery store. If you'd like to help, please contact Mrs. LaBelle at


                                            GO PANTHERS!!
1028 SW 128th, Burien, WA 98146 www.stbernadettesea.org - St. Bernadette Parish School
St. Bernadette School Information
              Reminder to those who plan to travel over break:
Travel     You may be exposed to COVID-19 on your travels. You may feel well and not have any

Quarantine symptoms, but you can still spread the virus to others. You and your travel companions
Reminder (including children) may pose a risk to your family, friends, and community after your travel.
              Get Tested and Stay Home After Travel
                 Get tested with a viral test 3-5 days after travel     AND   stay home and self-quarantine for

                 a full 7 days after travel.

                     Even if you test negative, stay home and self-quarantine for the full 7 days.

                     If your test is positive, isolate yourself to protect others from getting infected.

                 If you don’t get tested, stay home and self-quarantine for 10 days after travel.

              If you are traveling over Easter Break, inform the office: admin@stbernadettesea.org

                   St. Bernadette continues to accept      applications    for next school year. If you

Accepting          recommend a family to St. Bernadette and they enroll, you earn a $100 tuition credit.

Applications       (14 families have earned credits already this year!)     Applications are here .
PS/PK-8            General admission       information is here .
                   Contact Mrs. Flohr for admission and financial assistance: jflohr@stbernadettesea.org

                Please contact the office by 9:00 am if your student is absent, even if your student is distance

 Student        learning. Please email admin@stbernadettesea.org or phone 206-244-4934 with the following

 Absence        information: 1. Student Name 2. Parent/Guardian Name        3. Date(s) of absence and

                4. Reason for absence.

Office Hours    Office hours are 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Monday-Friday. The office is closed on holidays.

St. B Parent                           on our website - The access code was sent; contact the office if you
                 The Family Directory is

                 need it: admin@stbernadettesea.org Our Family Directory is for use by school families only.
Handbook &
                 The Handbook is found here.

                 Holy Names Academy offers summer camps for young women entering Grades 4 through 8, and
                 to any student starting Grade 9 at Holy Names Academy in the fall. The athletic camps are
Camp at          designed to offer quality instruction from the HNA coaching staff, players, and alumnae in a fun,

HNA              welcoming environment. All skill levels are welcome. HNA also offers several summer camps

                 focusing on areas of special interest. These camps are instructed by HNA faculty and staff. More

                 information is available on the HNA website.
1028 SW 128th, Burien, WA 98146 www.stbernadettesea.org - St. Bernadette Parish School
St. Bernadette Parish News
                       Help support your neighbors in need with St. Vincent de Paul Donations
St. Vincent de Paul    Donations accepted at the Parish Office on Monday mornings. Non-perishable

                       items are needed. Contact Shelly, shellyc@saintbernadette.net, with questions or

                       to arrange a time to drop donations. Many Thanks!

                       More St. Vincent de Paul information is   found here.

Weekly Mass       Weekly Mass is live streamed and you may register to attend in person,     click here    for

                  more information.

                   Looking for ways to make Sunday Mass at home more meaningful for your stucdents?

                   This article   has some great ideas.

                   CYO is open for k-3 soccer sign ups, and 4-8 kickball sign ups   here
  CYO              Parent Like A Champion Workshop Registration - Spring 2021. To register a child

  Information      athlete in a CYO Athletics sports offering (Grades K-8), it is required that one

                   parent/guardian register for and attend a   Parent Like A Champion Workshop .

                   For CYO questions contact Josh Wells at Wells.jjp@gmail.com

 Parish           School families receiving the in-parish tuition rate, need to renew their Stewardship

                  Pledge for the 2021 calendar year. You may return your pledge card in the collection
                  basket at Mass, mail or drop it off at the Parish or School Office,   or click here to
                  pledge online .   Thank you.

   FORMED    St. Bernadette Parish now has a subscription to FORMED from the Augustine Institute. This

   subscription includes a tremendous variety of resources for Catholics of all ages to grow in their


   Diving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet

   connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies...

   there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His


   Our Parish Staff hopes that all parishioners sign up for an account and take advantage of the

   resources available.

   Click here to sign up
   Enter the parish zip Code: 98146

   Enter your name & your email address

   Formed will send you an email with the link to access all content.

   For more information contact the Parish Office, 206-242-7370, or email shellyc@saintbernadette.net

       Follow us on Facebook and Instagram                          www.stbernadettesea.org
1028 SW 128th, Burien, WA 98146 www.stbernadettesea.org - St. Bernadette Parish School 1028 SW 128th, Burien, WA 98146 www.stbernadettesea.org - St. Bernadette Parish School 1028 SW 128th, Burien, WA 98146 www.stbernadettesea.org - St. Bernadette Parish School
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