10 Pillars - The Green New Deal for Europe

Page created by Ricardo Bennett
The Green New Deal for Europe

                            10 Pillars

    “It’s sloppy to call any + all climate plans
    ‘Green New Deal’ policies. Green New
    Deal policies center jobs + justice in
    frontline, working communities as we
    transition our economy + infrastructure.
    Not all climate policies are the same.”
                 Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

    The European Parliament elections               elections, several different Europarties
    delivered a clear mandate to incoming           expressed support for implementing it.
    MEPs: confront the climate and ecological
    emergencies.                                    But as AOC points out, not every
                                                    environmental policy counts as a “Green
    Millions of people marched in the streets       New Deal.”
    of Europe to demand a just transition, and
    millions more voted to deliver it.              To qualify, environmental policies must
                                                    do more than tax and tinker: They must
    Europe’s leaders now have an historic           transform, creating an economy that is
    opportunity to put forward an ambitious         more prosperous, more just, and more
    and pragmatic plan to transform Europe in       sustainable than ever before.
    the transition to renewable energy — and
    an historic obligation to make it a reality.    As the new European Parliament prepares
                                                    to take its seat, beware: a Green New Deal
    In Europe, as in the US, this plan often goes   must live up to these 10 basic pillars — or it
    by the name of the Green New Deal. And          is not a Green New Deal at all.
    in the run-up to the European Parliament

Meeting the Scale of the

            The science is clear: We must
            limit the global temperature
            rise to 1.5 degrees and
            reverse the collapse of our
            natural systems, or risk it all.

            The Green New Deal for Europe meets the          need to go beyond small-scale reforms
            scale of this challenge, investing at least 5%   to initiate a radical transformation of the
            of Europe’s GDP each year in the transition      American economic system.
            to renewable energy, the reversal of
            biodiversity loss and other environmental        The Green New Deal for Europe brings this
            breakdown, and the shared prosperity of          ambition across the Atlantic and into the
            all European residents.                          twenty-first century. It calls not only for a
                                                             reduction in carbon emissions. It demands
            It will build an economy that enables            a wholesale transformation of our systems
            Europe to flourish while respecting              of production, consumption, and social
            planetary boundaries, restoring natural          relations — rewiring our systems of material
            habitats, clean air and soil health around       production for reproduction: recycling,
            our continent.                                   reuse, repair and care.

            Responding to the Great Depression in            Nothing short of this ambition can call itself
            1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt recognized the       a Green New Deal.

Pressing Idle Resources into
              Public Service

             The Green New Deal calls
             on public institutions to
             drive the economic and
             social transformation to
             confront the climate and
             environmental crises.

             Like the US one century ago, Europe           The proposal calls on the European
             remains caught in an extended period of       Investment Bank to provide this stimulus by
             economic instability. Even in prosperous      issuing green investment bonds that can
             economies like Germany, precarity is rising   deliver a return to Europe’s ailing savers.
             and households are struggling to find a
             productive place to invest their savings.     In other words, the Green New Deal presses
                                                           Europe’s idle resources into public service —
             The Green New Deal provides the answer.       without placing the burden of the transition
                                                           on the shoulders of everyday Europeans.
             Like the original New Deal, its premise
             comes from the work of the economist
             John Maynard Keynes, who demonstrated
             that a fiscal stimulus can guide economic

Empowering Citizens &
   Their Communities

            Europe’s green transition
            will not be top-down. It must
            empower citizens and their
            communities to make the
            decisions that shape their

            The Green New Deal is infused with            In particular, frontline communities
            democracy. It provides clear mechanisms       most affected by the climate crisis must
            for citizen assemblies and local              have adequate resources to redress the
            governments to make meaningful                degradation of their living conditions.
            decisions about the development of their
            communities, municipalities, and regions.     The democratic principle of the Green New
                                                          Deal also applies in the workplace. The jobs
            And it ensures that, wherever possible,       created by green investment must protect
            Europe’s new energy systems are publicly-     worker rights and build greater control over
            owned and democratically controlled.          the firms so workers share in the value they
            Like Roosevelt’s Works Progress Agency, the
            Green New Deal for Europe will create a
            new public body that puts citizens in the
            driver’s seat of Europe’s green transition.

Guaranteeing Decent Jobs

            The Green New Deal for
            Europe provides a decent job
            to all those who seek one.

            Europe today is mired in a mix of                More than that, it will ensure a just
            unemployment and underemployment.                transition for all workers in high carbon
            Precarious jobs are on the rise, and millions    industries—promising secure employment,
            of people have been forced to leave their        well-paid training opportunities and homes
            communities in search of jobs that will          for all who need them.
            support their basic needs.
                                                             And the Green New Deal must finally
            The Green New Deal will invest in                recognise the role of care in our economy,
            communities across Europe to ensure that         ensuring not only that housework, childcare
            green investment creates high quality,           and care for the elderly are recognised
            skilled and stable jobs that enable all          and rewarded, but also that activities
            citizens to support their families, leaving no   which contribute to the regeneration of our
            community behind.                                natural systems play a central role in our

Raising the Standard
             of Living

             The Green New Deal for
             Europe creates public
             prosperity in place of
             private wealth, substituting
             consumption for what
             really matters for Europe’s

             The Green New Deal goes well beyond a         cost of living for all households.
             job guarantee. It raises the standard of      By reversing biodiversity loss and
             living across our continent in numerous       eliminating pollution, the Green New Deal
             ways, from investments in health and          will allow all communities to enjoy clean air,
             education to investments in arts and          fresh water, and local nature reserves.
                                                           And by investing in a more sustainable
             By reclaiming unused homes for public use,    economy, the Green New Deal will reduce
             the Green New Deal will address the crisis    the number of hours we work each week
             of housing insecurity that has left so many   and provide more space for community
             people homeless or at risk of eviction.       engagement.

             By rewiring Europe’s energy grids,            In the process, it will help build resilience for
             retrofitting homes with good insulation,      communities at the frontlines of the climate
             and providing clean, public transportation    and ecological crises.
             for all, the Green New Deal will reduce the

Entrenching Equality

            The Green New Deal
            combats financialization and
            entrenches equality at the
            heart of Europe.

            Social and economic inequality remains          The Green New Deal attacks the forces
            far too high — both within countries and        of inequality and builds a new society of
            between them.                                   solidarity.

            Over the last four decades, wealth              Just like Roosevelt’s New Deal, the
            inequality has dramatically increased           programme will overhaul the financial
            within European countries: the top 1%           system. Rather than privatizing the gains
            captured as much economic growth as the         from the green transition — as the Juncker
            bottom 50%.                                     Plan of 2015 has done — the Green New
                                                            Deal will ensure that public investments
            Between countries, too, the standard            build public wealth.
            of living remains extremely uneven,
            with significant variations in income,          But unlike the original New Deal, the
            unemployment rates and pollution.               programme will target social barriers,
                                                            eradicate discrimination against minorities,
            Meanwhile, our societies remain stratified      and ensure that the ecological transition is
            by race, sexuality, gender, age, and ability,   inclusive to all.
            creating durable barriers to social justice
            and collective well-being.
Investing in the Future

             The Green New Deal is more
             than an environmental
             adjustment programme. It is
             an investment in the future
             of our societies, and an
             opportunity to reimagine it.

             Repairing our environment means                   government research and funding—from
             developing radically new tools: from              the internet to touch screens, jet engines to
             new modes of public transport and more            rockets, GPS to search engine algorithms.
             efficient battery storage, to agricultural        But the way our economy is structured
             practices that revitalise our soil and forestry   means that while the state invests in
             that replenishes our forests.                     research and carries all the risk, the private
                                                               sector reaps all the rewards—and pays
             That is why the Green New Deal for Europe         almost no taxes on its profits.
             includes a research and development
             initiative that can bring together                The Green New Deal must ensure
             the scientific community to develop               that society benefits directly from the
             exciting new solutions to climate and             investments that it makes in new tools,
             environmental breakdown.                          using the proceeds to invest in further
                                                               innovation and deliver on the promise of
             Many of our greatest advancements                 greater social liberation from the working
             in technology have happened with                  week.

Ending the Dogma of
     Endless Growth

            We must abandon GDP
            growth as the primary
            measure of progress. Instead,
            we need to focus on what

            The obsession with economic growth,          that we must incorporate into our
            as measured by Gross Domestic Product        assessment of Europe’s progress.
            (GDP), is not only a primary driver of
            the climate and environmental crises,        The Green New Deal focuses Europe’s
            encouraging countries to pursue reckless     institutions on stimulating areas of social,
            economic policies while ignoring their       moral and educational improvement,
            environmental and social costs.              while designing an economy that
                                                         privileges social reproduction over material
            It is also a misguided measure of our        production.
            collective well-being.
                                                         Not only does this take pressure off our
            The Green New Deal must move beyond          living planet, it also makes it possible to
            the dogma of endless GDP growth and          accomplish the rapid energy transition we
            adopt more holistic measures of human        need.
            progress. Equality, environment, happiness
            and health: there are scores of indicators

9     Supporting Climate
Justice Around the World

            The environmental crisis is
            global in scope, and the Green
            New Deal must be, too.

            Europe has an historic responsibility to lead    continued extraction of resources from the
            this global effort. For over two centuries,      Global South. The supply chain for Europe’s
            European countries have encouraged               energy transition must be committed to
            aggressive pollution and resource                principles of social and environmental
            extraction that have directly harmed other       justice.
            countries around the world.
                                                             Even as we pride ourselves on delivering
            The Green New Deal for Europe must               aid to the Global South, European
            redress this colonial legacy.                    corporations extract much more in interest
                                                             payments, resource theft, and wage
            It must redistribute resources to rehabilitate   arbitrage. To support a global green
            overexploited regions, protect against           transition, the Green New Deal must put
            rising sea levels, and guarantee a decent        an end to these exploitative economic
            standard of living to all climate refugees.      practices and, at last, respect the rights of
            And it must ensure that Europe’s green           communities everywhere — paving the way
            transition does not simply export pollution      for environmental justice around the world.
            elsewhere in the world, or rely on the

Committing to Action Today

            The Green New Deal is not
            a framework, a treaty, or
            an agreement. It is a set of
            concrete actions that move
            us quickly toward our climate
            and ecological goals.

            Even if every country in the world fulfilled its   a piece of paper signed by participating
            commitment to the 2016 Paris Agreement,            states. It’s not a multilateral meeting or the
            we would be on course for three degrees            photo opportunity that always follows.
            of warming in this century and untold
            suffering as a result.                             The Green New Deal is a set of specific,
                                                               credible measures targeted at every
            But no country has even come close to              area of society. It is a package of specific
            honouring its promises. This is what we            measures that: rapidly transitions us
            have after nearly 30 years of global               to a sustainable economy, pushes our
            negotiations under the United Nations              democracies to new frontiers, creates
            Framework Convention on Climate                    shared prosperity, and builds a fairer world
            Change.                                            beyond our borders.

            The Green New Deal graduates us from               Nothing less will do.
            negotiations to action. It’s not a soft
            political commitment for change. It’s not

AUTHORS                               ADVISORS

David Adler                           Renata Avila
Campaign Coordinator, The Green New   Executive Director, Ciudadanía
Deal for Europe                       Inteligente
Policy Coordinator, DiEM25
david.adler@gndforeurope.com          Jason Hickel
@davidrkadler                         Anthropologist, Author and Fellow of the
                                      Royal Society of Arts
Pawel Wargan
Campaign Coordinator, The Green New   Laurie Laybourn-Langton
Deal for Europe                       Associate Fellow, IPPR
@pawelwargan                          Julian NoiseCat
                                      Green New Deal Lead, Data for Progress
#GNDforEurope                         David Powell
                                      Head of Environment & Green Transition,
www.gndforeurope.com                  New Economics Foundation

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