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CONTENTS Message from the editors..................................................4 Climate change and environment ................................6 Health.......................................................................................8 A stronger economy, social justice and jobs............ 10 Digital transformation...................................................... 12 Values and rights, rule of law, security........................ 14 Migration............................................................................... 16 Education, youth, culture and sport .......................... 18 EU and the world ............................................................. 20 European democracy........................................................ 22 Other....................................................................................... 24 Youth Ideas report 3
MESSAGE FROM THE EDITORS In 2021, we all ask the same collective question: what now? What is the next piece of history going to look like? Europe has faced enormous challenges in the past three years. Across our diverse continent, our citizens have faced floods, forest fires, economic downfall, human rights violations, threats to their livelihoods, and lives. Each of us has lived through a global pandemic that has shown us just how fragile our economies and health services can be, and how important it is to protect and support each other. Our unity is more valuable than ever. The Conference on the Future of Europe has the potential to change the direction in which we are heading. It has made it more important than ever to collect, shape and voice the visions of those who are and will continue to be at the centre of Europe’s future: young people. What policies and laws can younger generations advocate for to ensure a safe and vibrant future? That’s where this Youth Ideas report comes in. Youth Ideas report This report is the result of the youth consultation process organised by the European Parliament in the framework of the Conference, contributing to 4
the citizens’ consultations process happening at local, national and European level and online on The collection of young people’s ideas culminated in EYE2021: the fourth edition of the European Youth Event that brought together at the European Parliament in Strasbourg thousands of young people from all over the European Union and beyond, to shape and share their ideas on the future of Europe. Since the last EYE report was published following EYE2018, young people have made their voices heard by demanding climate policies that can ensure our future; educational policies that offer fair chances to everyone; social policies that support where support is needed and much more. There is no doubt that Europe has an active young generation eager to shape the future, which was also showcased by a sharp increase of young people’s participation in the last European elections. Over the past six months, the European Parliament collected over 1500 ideas and proposals from young citizens around the continent on The most popular ideas from the youth consultations, chosen by us, the EYE editorial team, were taken to EYE2021 and further developed by participants during ideation sessions. Out of these, 20 ideas were selected and all EYE participants, onsite and online, voted to choose the top 5 ideas, presented at the closing of the event. This document collects the 20 final ideas developed at the EYE, highlighting in colour the most supported proposals discussed at the closing plenary of EYE2021. Many more youth ideas from the consultation process can be found on We believe these most voted ideas are a true and fair representation of young people’s top expectations for future policymaking. A report like this would not have been possible without all the young people who participated in the youth consultations and made the effort to share with the world the changes that they would like to see happen. Neither would it have been possible without the many young people who joined EYE2021 to further develop the most popular ideas - thank you! This report is more than just a collection of ideas, it’s a voice of many, with a concrete vision for our shared future. It will be uploaded to the Conference platform as part of EYE2021, and presented to the Conference on the Future of Europe plenary and the Members of the European Parliament to serve as inspiration for the political debate and future Youth Ideas report policy proposals. The EYE2021 Editors team 5
CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENT MAKE RECYCLING EASIER ACROSS THE EU Borders should not interrupt our back into these vending machines. efforts to reduce waste and tran- In order to make this work across sition to green and circular econ- the EU, it is critical that manufac- omies. Member States currently turing and material use are unified. have diverging approaches to re- Additionally, simplifying the com- cycling policies, which results in position of packaging will ensure disruption to recycling habits and that every single scrap can be ef- huge amounts of waste. This is why fectively recycled everywhere. This it is important to come up with a system should be implemented standardised recycling system with a significant transition period, that applies to the whole conti- to allow adjustments in produc- nent. A good approach can be seen tion, and time to educate people in the system of ‘reverse vending on new practices and expecta- machines’. Citizens will pay a small tions. Mandatory labels could also fee whenever they buy packaged empower and inform customers goods that will be returned to them about this new system and where when they deposit the packaging to recycle their waste. Youth Ideas report 6
GREEN EQUALITY WITHIN BUSINESS The empowerment of eco-friend- can make access to credit more flex- ly, small businesses is a key tool to ible for smaller companies who re- achieving a green transition. Large, spect green trends and practices. less sustainable corporations remain Additionally, it is important that the dominant in the market, leaving al- European Union encourages and most no room for greener companies subsidises the creation of local mar- to compete. To ensure that economic kets, where small business farmers growth is ecological, EU institutions can sell local produce to nearby con- should remove all incentives to use sumers, shifting the focus from large fossil fuels, immediately. These funds supermarket consumption and mak- can then be repurposed to develop Youth Ideas report ing local consumption more attrac- eco-friendly initiatives within small tive for families and customers. business ventures. For example, we 7
HEALTH HOLISTIC APPROACH TO HEALTH We need to take a more holistic ap- • Lessons on eating a healthy diet and proach to health on an institutional the importance of exercising, for level. A new EU health pact would schools to employ educate people on the importance • Mental health safe spaces in cities of eating a balanced diet, exercising, and towns, where people can seek and employ mental health experts refuge in busy areas if they suffer a within schools. COVID-19 has shown panic attack or other symptoms of a us that we must educate and em- mental illness power people to take better care of their mental and physical health. • An information campaign which signposts citizens to reliable infor- New legislation should include: mation on eating well and looking • Support to train and empower men- after your mental wellbeing tal health experts within schools Youth Ideas report 8
HOLD COMPANIES ACCOUNTABLE Climate change is wreaking havoc general healthcare and welfare. on our and our planet’s health, and We need to immediately come up the problem is becoming more ur- with a strategy to measure com- gent. Floods, droughts, toxic waste pany waste and pollution in cities; and air pollution within cities is we can look at rising chronic dis- damaging the health of European ease and allergy rates as markers populations. for local pollution and damage to population health. We need to hold companies ac- countable to the damage they Additionally, employers must facil- do to our lakes, oceans, air and itate the use of sustainable trans- land for the sake of our wellbeing. port, such as public railways and Companies should be sanctioned bicycles via subsidies or appropri- for damage to the environment, ate storage facilities. These choic- and subsequent consequences on es not only better the planet, but public health. Often it is the pub- better our physical health. Youth Ideas report lic and public funds that pay for 9
A STRONGER ECONOMY, SOCIAL JUSTICE AND JOBS QUALITY START TO WORKING LIFE Reducing youth unemployment • Create a platform in coordination should be a primary EU priority, espe- with youth organisations and em- cially in a post-pandemic economy. ployers (companies, institutions, The Union should allocate more fi- and NGOs) to help young people to nancial resources to initiatives which find paid internships according to facilitate new jobs for young peo- their preferences across a range of ple and assist young people in enter- industries. ing the job market. • Create a network of mediators with- We need to: in Member State schools, to reach potential “early school leavers”, and • Establish specific funds to end un- educate them on their options. This paid internships, regardless of edu- is especially important for underde- cation or social status. veloped countries. Youth Ideas report 10
FISCAL AND POLITICAL INTEGRATION WITHIN THE EU To ensure better integration within underdeveloped Member States. the Union, now is the time to apply • It would lead to a larger budget and one fiscal system across the EU, common fiscal policy legislation. in order to achieve Member State equality. • It would minimise bureaucracy. This fiscal integration would have • We could develop investments for many advantages: other proposals, such as common wage policies, a joint action against Youth Ideas report • It would result in fairer distribu- unemployment and a consistent re- tion of funds between wealthy and tirement age. 11
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION EDUCATION ON THE SAFE USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA Education on safe social media use • Integrate digital literacy into the should be a priority in 2021, as plat- school curriculum. forms come to dominate our per- • Celebrate international digital sonal and professional lives. Digitally days, during which children will be literate people will not only be better provided with practical and theo- equipped to deal with cyber threats, retical lessons. but will also use social media plat- forms with respect and tolerance. • Use interactive games as learning tools. No one should be left behind in the digital world; we must educate all • Create a simulated social media plat- generations to use their digital form, so children can learn about the presence with care. For children in danger of cyber attacks and avoid particular, we can: the real life consequences. Youth Ideas report 12
STRENGTHEN EU LEGISLATION ON CYBERSECURITY In our increasingly digital world, we cybercrime is, and what legislation need a greater level of cybersecu- we should adopt. Such an institution rity by strengthening international needs to be shielded from potential legislative frameworks. An EU-wide lobbying and large corporations. legislation is needed in order to en- Legislation should also guarantee sure that citizen privacy and digital that online platforms verify user ID rights are more effectively protected. in order to fight online anonymity, The EU should create a committee which can lead to online abuse, inva- Youth Ideas report of experts who will represent all lid information and cyber attacks. Member States and define what a 13
VALUES AND RIGHTS, RULE OF LAW, SECURITY THE RULE OF LAW The EU is a union of values. We timelines. The Court of Justice want binding mechanisms to must remain the only competent uphold the Union’s values ex- court to adjudicate EU law, includ- pressed in Article 2 of the Treaty, ing matters concerning rule of law. such as rule of law and respect We must give full effect to the for minority rights. The treaties rule of law conditionality clause should be changed so that the attached to the EU budget and unanimity rule in Article 7 is re- the Next Generation EU fund. The placed by a qualified majority Commission must adopt relevant rule. Moreover, the European guidelines now. Commission and the Parliament should have a vote in the process, In addition, the EU must assess included in the calculation for the Member States’ respect for the EU’s qualified majority. Once launched, fundamental values, modelled on Article 7 processes must have clear the pre-accession reporting pro- cesses for candidate countries. Youth Ideas report 14
EQUAL RIGHTS FOR LGBT + The EU should embrace dignity, fair- initiatives, by promoting awareness ness and respect as recognised and of LGBT+ issues, and empowering re- shared values. We must ensure that gional and national activist groups. LGBT+ communities across the EU This support should take the form enjoy equal rights. The EU can and of an action plan, event production, should define attacks against the new LGBT+ publications and funded LGBT+ community as hate crimes. group initiatives. Our communities need to be better informed about the Real change begins in collective at- rights that LGBT+ people are current- titudes, and top down initiatives on ly lacking, and struggles that LGBT+ their own, without support from the communities face. Empathy and un- Youth Ideas report ground, can be counterproductive. derstanding is the first step in em- The EU needs to support bottom-up powering others. 15
MIGRATION SUPPORT FOR YOUNG REFUGEE SCHOLARS The EU should fund a program which scholars should have access to pre- gives access to EU universities to paratory training if needed. refugee students and scholars. It A central European fund would be should identify European universities the best way to sponsor universities interested in hosting refugee schol- that accept refugee students, sup- ars, and liaise with the UNHCR to porting primary needs such as ac- identify and contact refugee scholars. commodation, food, and language Universities could set some require- courses. Such a program would help ments for scholars, such as specific the EU to respond to the challenge of knowledge criteria, but should not be an ageing population; strengthen EU allowed to discriminate on grounds values of solidarity and human dig- of origins in any way. Interested can- nity; allow refugees to gain skills in didates should receive support from return for contribution to host coun- the EU, which would provide fund- tries, allow host countries to gain a ing for NGOs that in turn supports new, skilled workforce; and, impor- candidates throughout the applica- tantly, reduce mistrust of migrants tion process. Once accepted, refugee and populist rhetoric. Youth Ideas report 16
BETTER SUPPORT TO ASYLUM SEEKERS The accommodation of asylum seekers medicine and infant needs; for long periods in camps in Member • support integration in destination States is inhumane and unsustaina- states, reducing unwillingness to ac- ble. Improving this situation must be cept migrants; a priority. The EU should strengthen centralised funding which incentivis- • provide technical support and ad- es Member States to accept migrants. vice across the EU. Funding should be used to sponsor • Assistance should also be given to states’ acceptance of migrants, and to states to set up apprenticeships for streamline bureaucratic and integra- asylum seekers, and accelerate inte- tion processes. It should be used to: gration; enabling them to contrib- • immediately recruit translators and ute to their host countries; and re- immigration lawyers to be present ducing host communities’ mistrust in Mediterranean countries, reduc- of migrants. This may be comple- ing processing times for asylum re- mented by increased recognition quests; of migrants’ previous qualifications, and by assigning processed asylum • provide for migrants’ initial needs in seekers to Member States according Youth Ideas report countries of immediate reception; to their skills and states’ needs. and cover the cost of food, shelter, 17
EDUCATION, YOUTH, CULTURE AND SPORT NON-FORMAL EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS The EU must provide more funding responsible, and conscientious citi- to enable all young Europeans to par- zens and non-formal education is a ticipate in non-formal education. The great place to allow for a more holistic mechanisms already exist: Bridging education. Education, Study and Training (BEST) In addition, a European non-formal would easily fit into the Erasmus+ education program could create a programme alongside actions such as platform bridging the gap between eTwinning and staff exchanges. What school teachers and service providers we need now is the political will. that can provide expertise on topics Non-formal education can have relevant to contemporary life. The many different faces - among them platform would also feature informa- voluntary services, youth exchang- tion on innovative, interactive and es and sports programmes. Young engaging learning methodologies as Europeans need to learn practical well as networking opportunities. skills to grow into well-rounded, Youth Ideas report 18
BETTER SCHOOL CURRICULA Let’s rethink school curricula! If schools help to strengthen both, European schools need to offer a we could create a more vibrant, di- more useful and practical educa- verse and engaged society in which tion, and include subjects relevant we are one Europe, working towards to life in the contemporary world, common goals and actively engaging such as mental health awareness, sex with the world. We can respond to education, digital and financial liter- challenges on a political and personal acy, environmental education and level, effectively. intercultural skills. Schools need to Creating these new school subjects continuously reevaluate what their is beneficial to young people and students need in order to facilitate a Europe as a whole in several ways. generation that is prepared for the Exposing young Europeans to topics workforce. with modern and practical implica- Furthermore, in an increasingly glo- tions will help nurture a citizenry that balised world, both intercultural skills is open-minded, inclusive and toler- and knowledge about the opportuni- ant. It will build empathy and bring Youth Ideas report ties and benefits that Europe brings Europeans closer together. become more and more important. 19
EU AND THE WORLD FEDERAL EUROPE Climate change, COVID-19 and governments will allow us the op- international security concerns portunity to invest in health policy represent significant challenges to and climate change. the European Union, its Member Furthermore, a federal Europe can States and citizens. To tackle them, unify people from all backgrounds we need to commit to a federal and ideologies, and strengthen state. European identity by bridging This way, we can become a greater internal gaps, which, in turn, will global force to be reckoned with – then make the State of Europe a economically, politically, militarily, strong, resilient player. This gives and culturally. A federal Europe is us the ability to speak with a com- by no means an easy task, but a mon voice and enables us to pro- long-term project with great pros- mote European values and peace pects: cutting costs to national in an international arena. Youth Ideas report 20
STRONGER COMMON FOREIGN POLICY A more effective common foreign • Promote values, for example by ef- policy could give the European Union fectively banning any trade of goods a stronger presence in world nego- which supports forced labour. tiations, and eliminate the need for • Strengthen a European identity – several bilateral agreements between and build trust from citizens in this Member States and third party coun- new power. tries. As a strong, multilateral and non-hegemonic power, our Union • Improve resistance vis-à-vis and re- can address global challenges and act appropriately to undemocratic react more quickly and efficiently to powers and security threats international security threats both in • Assure our voices are heard in in- Europe and worldwide. ternational negotiations and world Youth Ideas report By adopting a common foreign policy, politics we can: 21
EUROPEAN DEMOCRACY A SINGLE STANDARDISED EU PASSPORT Let’s unlock the potential of EU citi- all EU countries: it should be as easy zenship! As a first step, we can create to move within the EU as it is to move a single, standardised EU passport within a Member State. and ID card for all EU citizens, which When designing such policies and would be valid for entry and resi- processes, we must ensure every- dence within all Member States. one is treated equally. Therefore, we Secondly, we must experience should make EU-wide rules for relo- Europe in order to feel European. For cation to and registration in different that, it is important to make it easier Member States. For example, EU citi- for citizens to live in different Member zens should be allowed to vote in all States and move between them. elections of the country they reside That’s why we need standardised re- in - regardless of their native country. location and registration processes in Youth Ideas report 22
TRANSNATIONAL LISTS AND “SPITZENKANDIDATEN” FOR EU ELECTIONS The EU has a problem: its citizens are elections truly transnational, forcing still not properly represented, which politicians to take the opinions of all affects their trust in politics and Europeans into account. their level of engagement with poli- The same should apply to the can- cy-makers. didates for the President of the To change this, the European Commission who should not be elect- Parliament elections need to be more ed in backroom negotiations among European, and not 27 elections hap- winning parties. We should enforce pening at the same time. We should the so-called “Spitzenkandidaten” use transnational lists, where voters system, where each party announces would be given a list of national can- their candidate for the President of didates, and an additional list with the Commission before the election candidates from all Member States. campaign in the case that this party This way, a voter could vote for both gains a majority. Through active par- - their country candidate and anoth- ticipation in the campaign and direct er country’s candidate, creating two interaction with the citizens, the fu- different ways for politicians to be ture President could become more elected. With this, we can make sure closely connected to the European Youth Ideas report that candidates still represent all re- population. gions, and at the same time make the 23
OTHER UNITE IN MULTILINGUALISM Let’s unite for multilingualism! to use their native tongue. More funding must facilitate language More EU funding should be used classes and train teachers who can to support multilingualism. As a promote multilingualism in the first step, language learning in education system. schools needs to be reformed: whereas many students get to As a next step, we can enhance study languages spoken in larger youth exchanges such as study EU countries, only few get to study trips aimed at learning a foreign languages spoken by fewer EU language, as well as changing offi- citizens, even though those lan- cial communication. Some events guages might be spoken in coun- and programs targeted at young tries much closer to them. Many Europeans are already carried out bilingual students are also unable in multiple languages: more EU to study their native language in funding could enable even more school, and many languages spo- events and programs to provide ken by national, ethnic and lin- such language learning opportu- guistic minorities are not offered nities to young Europeans. to them, threatening their right Youth Ideas report 24
PRIORITISE TRANSPARENCY IN EU POLITICS All European policies need to be eval- decisions in elections. uated in a transparent way. Some of Secondly, the work of lobbyists in the them may not reach their goals or EU must be made more transparent. target communities: they might, for Lobbyists must be regulated more example, forget to take the specif- strictly to make sure that politicians ic situation of citizens living in rural listen to their voters. Over the past areas or economically weaker coun- few years, there have been some in- tries into account. To learn from the itial efforts to strengthen regulation. mistakes we have made in the past These are a step in the right direction: and create better policies in the one way to further foster transparen- future, citizens must be able to un- cy would, for example, be to expand derstand why individual policies are the scope and use of transparency created and reformed: transparent registers. Such measures will addi- and understandable evaluations will Youth Ideas report tionally increase citizens’ trust in the enable them to make well-informed Union and in its policies. 25
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