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YOUTH & GOVERNMENT YMCA OF THE EAST BAY SRV Valle Lobo Delegation 2018-2019 MODEL LEGISLATURE Program Guide & & COURT Registration Forms
WELCOME TO YOUTH & GOVERNMENT IMPORTANT DATES IN THE BEGINNING The YMCA Youth & Government program was August 2018 established in 1936 in New York by Clement “Pete” 22nd 1st meeting (returners only) Duran, then the Boys Work Secretary for the 29th 1st meeting (new delegates) Albany YMCA. The program’s motto, “Democracy must be learned by each generation, “ was taken September 2018 19th Registration deadline from a quote by Dr. Earle T. Hawkins, the founder 28th Financial Assistance application deadline of the Maryland Youth & Governemnt program. Encouraged by then Governor Earl Warren, Youth & October 2018 Government made it’s debute in California in 1948. 1st Payment #1 due TODAY Charted as an independent YMCA in 2001, The Payment #2 due California YMCA Youth & Government is the premier Mandatory delegation meeting organization that delivers a high-powered civic Training & Elections Conference I engagement experience serving close to 5,000 middle Fresno, CA and high school teens annually. December 2018 Middle School delegates enjoy a great experience on an 1st Payment #3 due international level solving world issues in Model United Nations. Where as high school delegtes par-take in a January 2019 model California creating and debating legislation and 1st Final payment due proposals and arguing court cases. 16th Mandatory delegation meeting 19th to 21st Training & Elections Conference II Fresno, CA February 2019 TABLE OF CONTENT 6th Mandatory delegation meeting 14th to 18th 71st Model Legislature & Court Important Dates..................................2 Sacramento, CA History of Y&G................................... 2 March 2019 6th New officer election, last meeting Adult Involement.................................3 27th Banquet School Absence...................................3 CONTACT INFORMATION Delegation Meeting Info......................4 Richard Chapin Youth & Government Coordinator Conferences.......................................5 510-542-2129 Code of Conduct.................................6 Chelsae Bilte Registration Info................................8 Lead Volunteer Advisor Registration Foms.............................10 Mitchell Rogers Delegation President 2 MODEL LEGISLATURE & COURT 2018-2019 SRV VALLE LOBO DELEGATION
WELCOME TO YOUTH & GOVERNMENT Adult Involvement YOUTH & GOVERNMENT CORE STAFF The President/CEO of the California YMCA Youth & Government is employed by a Board of Directors to administer the policies and the practices of the programs. Along with a small core staff, Y&G provides administrative services to local delegations, fundraise for financial assistance, and plan conference logistics. PROGRAM STAFF Each year over 200 volunteer program staff from across the state serve as program staff. Recruited and trainined by Youth & Government, these volunteers plan SCHOOL ABSENCE- SB 278 Lowenthal and execute each of the various program areas, perform During the Model Legislature & Court conference in logisitc duties, and provide and promote safety and Sacramento, delegates will experience school absence. wellness to all participants. They include everyone from Mainly Thursday and Friday of that conference. teachers to lawyers to public service workers. In 2008, then Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed SB 278 (Lowenthal) into law allowing Youth & DELEGATION ADVISORS Government programs to be an excused absence from Advisors provide the leadership to their own local school. The full text of the section is below and may be delegations in preparing them for their paraticipation found at by searching the education in the program. They accompany their delegation to code for section 48205. (a) (7) all conferences and various events, provide direct supervision, and seeve as parlimentarians. Each 48205. (a) Notwithstanding Section 48200, a advisors is trained in youth development and child pupil shall be excused from school when abuse prevention. We maintain a ratio of 1 advisor to the absence is: 10 delegatges. (7) For justifiable personal; reasons, including, but limited to, an appreaence in court, attendance at a funeral service, obervance of a holiday or ceremony of his or her religion, attendance a religious retreats, attendance at an employment conference, or attendance at an educational conference on the legislative or judicial process offered by a nonprofit organization when the pupil’s absence is requested in writing by the parent or gardian and approved by the principal or a designated representative pursuant to uniform standards established by the governing board. The YMCA does their best to inform every school our delegates attend to receive full cooperation and support of this program. YMCA OF THE EAST BAY WWW.SRVVALLELOBO.ORG 3
SRV VALLE LOBO DELEGATION MEETINGS OUR WEEKLY MEETINGS The delegation is ran by a delegate-lead team of officers that meet weekly to plan the evening’s agendas. Here is a sample of what an agenda looks like: 1. Invocation- Words of wisdom given by the Chaplain to set the positve tone for the meeting. 2. Family Groups- Delegates are placed into smaller groups where they develop close relationships, discuss needs, get information, and ask questions about the program. 3. Committees- Delegates lead break out groups to plan service-learning projects, research bill ideas, create fundraising strategies, etc. 4. Officer/Advisor Time- This is the time when officers and or advisors deliver important information and remind delegates of due dates, MEETING LOCATION deadlines, and other information. San Ramon Valley High School 5. Benediction- Our Chaplain ends the meetings 501 Danville Blvd with further deep thoughts leaving delegates Danville, CA 94526 with something to think about after the meeting. MEETING TIME 6:00pm to7:30 pm ANNUAL FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN MEETING DATES Our Annual Campaign takes please in the fall where August 22 (Returning delegates only), 29, 2018 we raise money for financial assistance and program stability. The SRV Valle Lobo delegation has set a goal September 5, 12, 19, 26, 2018 of $5,000 to help those who can not afford the full cost of this program. October 3, 10, 17, 24, 2018 To donate, please contact Richard Chapin at rchapin@ November 7*, 14, 28, 2018 December 5, 12, 19, 2018 January 9, 16*, 30, 2019 February 6*, 13, 27, 2019 March 6,13, 20, 27, 2019 *denotes Mandatory Meetings 4 MODEL LEGISLATURE & COURT 2018-2019 SRV VALLE LOBO DELEGATION
STATEWIDE CONFERENCES TRAINING & ELECTIONS MODEL LEGISLATURE & COURT CONFERENCES CONFERENCE The Training & Elections conferences are designed to The Model Legislature & Court conference is the give delegates the skills and knowledge to prepare final event of the program. Through the five (5) themselves for their final conference in Sacramento. days, delegatges will emulate various roles of our They learn soft skills, get information and training state government and court systems to set up a on the program areas and elect leadership roles. The model California. The weekends also provide fun weekends also provide fun social activities for delegate social activities for delegate interactions. Detailed interactions. Detailed information will be provided two information will be provided two (2) weeks prior to the (2) weeks prior to each conference. conference. Training & Elections Conference I (T&E I) November 9-11, 2018 71st Model Legislature & Court Fresno Convention Center February 14-18, 2019 State Capitol, Sacramento Convention Center, and Training & Elections Conference II (T&E II) surrounding State buildings January 19-21, 2019 Fresno Convention Center HOUSING TRANSPORTATION Delegations will be housed in hotels in the convention Transportation to and from all conferences are by center areas. Delegates are assigned four (4) to a room chartered bus. Bus pick up and drop off locations and to minimize cost. The rooms will either have one king- times vary between conferences. Information will be size bed or two queen-size beds. We do our best to made available two (2) weeks prior to each conference assign these rooms equally among the genders. Roll of the delegation web page. away beds are not always avaiable so we ask those who may have an air mattress or sleeping pad to bring them along for comfort of those in single bed rooms. The amount of single vs. double rooms are not known until we arrive at each conference. We do our best to accommodate all special requests. SAFETY AND WELLNESS For our safety and wellness, Youth & Government provides trained volunteers known was Safety & Well ness Advisors (SWA). These individuals provide us services such as security and medical attention. They creaste program boundaries, provide additional supervision, and handle minor medical needs. During the evenings, the SWA enlists the help of the delegation advisors to perform duties to monitor delegate activity. This includes but not limited to floor duties at hotels, cross walk monitors, elevator monitors, culinary assistance, etc. SWA are housed at every hotel where there are Youth & Government delegations. The more we look out for each other, the safer everyone will be. YMCA OF THE EAST BAY WWW.SRVVALLELOBO.ORG 5
2018-2019 Y&G CODE OF CONDUCT It is essential to California YMCA Youth & Government (Y&G) that each participant enjoys the right to a safe environment. Being responsible for one’s own behavior at all times is a necessary part of self-government. It is critical that all delegates, advisors and program volunteers act responsibly. The Code of Conduct shall be observed by both youth and adult participants. There will be no double standards. By choosing to participate in Y&G’s programs, each participant (and their parent or guardian, should it apply) agrees that they have read, understand, and will follow the Y&G Code of Conduct while attending any Y&G activities. Some delegations may have additional standards but all Y&G participants are held to the Code of Conduct listed below. Each participant is accountable for preserving the reputation and high expectations of their delegation as well as that of California YMCA Youth & Government. All participants share equally in the responsibility to uphold and enforce the Y&G Code of Conduct. It should be the goal of all participants to notify the appropriate advisor or staff when violations are witnessed. Participants who do not remove themselves from situations or groups which constitute violations of this code will be considered a party to the violation. I. GENERAL RULES Violations of General Rules a-j shall result in expulsion from all Youth & Government (Y&G) activities and conferences for the remainder of the program year. In order to ensure the safety of all participants, Y&G reserves the right if deemed necessary to conduct searches of baggage, rooms and persons; including the use of Breathalyzers in accordance with Y&G policy. In addition, Y&G reserves the right to refer appropriate matters concerning illegal conduct by delegates, advisors, and or program volunteers to local law enforcement agencies for criminal prosecution: a. All public and private facilities placed at the disposal of California YMCA Youth & Government are to be given the greatest care and attention by everyone. b. Any act of vandalism, destruction of property, misuse of a facility and or harassment of facility staff member is strictly prohibited. c. Possession and or consumption of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. Regardless of a medical doctor’s prescription, marijuana or any marijuana related products are still considered illegal drugs and are strictly prohibited. d. Possession and or consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of 21 is strictly prohibited. e. The consumption of alcohol by advisors and program volunteers is strictly prohibited during the entirety of every conference and/or training. This restriction is lifted only when the conference is over or your job is complete and you have checked out of the event. Advisors and program volunteers should refer to the Volunteer Handbook for additional rules regarding alcohol consumption. f. Weapons of any kind, as well as items that could cause injury to participants or damage to property are strictly prohibited. g. Any violation of local, State or Federal laws are strictly prohibited and the proper authorities will be notified. h. Conduct that endangers the health and safety of oneself or others is prohibited. i. Inappropriate or uninvited physical contact between any Y&G participants, advisors, program volunteers or guests is prohibited. Intimate sexual behavior is inappropriate and not allowed. j. Possession and or the use of any tobacco, nicotine, or vapor products or devices (including e-cigarettes, vape pens) are strictly prohibited.
Violations of General Rules k-t may result in expulsion from California YMCA Youth & Government functions and conferences: k. A badge shall only be worn by the participant whose name appears on the badge. Badge switching or sharing is strictly prohibited. Participants shall wear their assigned badges at all times when they are not in their sleeping rooms. Badges are to be worn above the waist and must be visible. Badges are not to be defaced, decorated, or altered in any way. Only advisors may request replacement badges for delegates. l. Specific rules as set by the individual facilities (i.e., YMCA, State Capitol, Convention Centers, Hotels, California National Guard facilities, etc.) are to be observed. Any violation of facility rules shall be considered a violation of this Code of Conduct. m. Participants shall be present and punctual to all meetings where their involvement is required. n. Participants shall observe all curfews and be in their own assigned sleeping rooms at the established curfew times. Participants may not switch rooms without advance confirmation from their delegation lead advisor. o. Physical, psychological, verbal, nonverbal, written, or cyber bullying is strictly prohibited. p. In conferences with hotels, no delegate shall be present in the hotel room with a member of the opposite sex unless an advisor is present in the room; or there are five or more delegates present in the room, two of which are the same gender (3-2 rule). q. Y&G does not permit delegates to drive vehicles to or from any of its related conferences. Advisors seeking to drive during a conference shall obtain clearance through Y&G. In all cases, liability is assumed by the sponsoring local YMCA or school. r. All electronic devices (except those used by the Y&G staff and program volunteers) must be turned off during all sessions, meetings, and hearings in all program areas. Advisors and program volunteers may leave devices on, but silenced, for emergency contact reasons and must leave the session/area in order to answer a call. s. Falsification of records threatens the integrity of the program and will be considered a serious breach of contract. The result will include a range of penalties up to dismissal from the program. Any act of dishonesty or fraud threatens the integrity of the program and is strictly prohibited. t. While at MUN Training, no delegate shall be in the barrack of the opposite gender while at Camp Roberts. II. DRESS RULES FOR OFFICIALLY SCHEDULED SESSIONS For each program, refer to Dress Code Supplements for specific requirements. California YMCA Youth & Government’s CEO has the authority to determine both the appropriateness of appearance and attire of participants, advisors and program volunteers. III. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS a. The Code of Conduct is binding on all delegates, advisors and program volunteers. Each person will be accountable for his/her actions. In addition, each YMCA or school and its advisors shall be held accountable for the conduct of their delegation. b. California YMCA Youth & Government’s CEO has the authority to make accommodations or exceptions with the Code of Conduct. Any delegation seeking an exception or accommodation must clear it in advance with their local YMCA Executive Director/CEO or, in school based delegations, School Principal, and must provide a written request to the Y&G CEO prior to the related conference. c. California YMCA Youth & Government’s CEO has the authority to interpret the Code of Conduct and administer any disciplinary action deemed necessary. d. California YMCA Youth & Government’s CEO has the authority to delegate his/her disciplinary powers to any person deemed appropriate. e. All expenses and arrangements related to any disciplinary action or expulsion from the program are the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian of the delegate. If a parent is unable to assume financial responsibility for the delegate, then the YMCA or school must assume responsibility. IV. LOCAL YMCA RULES Each YMCA or school may outline additional or stricter rules of conduct for its delegation as long as they do not conflict with or attempt to diminish any standard in the Y&G Code of Conduct. A violation of either the Y&G Code of Conduct or the local delegation’s rules may subject the offender to termination from the program. Delegation advisors shall be responsible for enforcing such additional rules of their local YMCA or school. Changing the world, one leader at a time. Updated 7/31/2017
REGISTRATION INFORMATION PROGRAM FEE REFUND POLICY The program fee for 2018-2019 is $1,600. It covers a Refunds must be requested, in writing, seven (7) variety of expenses such as: days prior to a payment/draft in order for all future payments to be refunded. However once a payment/ • Conference registration fees draft date has passed, the fee is no longer refundable. • Conference transportation and lodging Our expenses for the program depend on the payments • Delegation appearal from our delegates. Same process applys for those who • Delegation dinner in Sacramento pay for the program in full. • Program expenditures* RETURN PAYMENTS *Direct expenses to cover volunteer Advisor’s registration fees, transportation, lodging, and indriect administration Payments not honored by the bank for any reason will expenses. incur a $5 return payment fee. For those on credit card draft, please make sure the expiration date on the card has am expiration after 02/2019. It will be PAYMENT INFORMATION & SCHEDULE the responsibility of the cardholder to inform Richard Program fees can be paid for by using the following: Chapin of any changes in the card information. • Bank Draft/EFT • Credit Card (American Express, MasterCard, or VISA) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Here at the YMCA we do not turn away those from Personal checks or money orders will not be accepted programs who are unable to afford the full fee. Our unless it is for the full fee. No exceptions. finanical assistance (FA) program is available on a first Make checks payable to YMCA of the East Bay come, first serve basis. To qualify, applicants must attend all required program conferences. Failure to do Payments can be made for the full amount or by the so will result in loss of assistance. Please make sure payment schedule below. If a payment is missed, it will that all reqired information is filled out with backing be added to the next due date. If a participant misses documents stated on the application before you turn it two (2) payments in a row, they will be considered to in. Imcomplete applications will not be processed. All be terminated from the program with no refunds, It is are welcomed and encouraged to apply. Funds for our the responsibllity of the parent/guardian to make sure FA program are raised by the delegates, their family, and payment is received on time. friends during our Annual Fundraising Campaign. Last day to apply is September 28, 2018. Payment Amount Draft/Due Date 1 $400 October 1, 2018 2 $400 November 1, 2018 3 $400 December 1, 2018 4 $400 January 1, 2019 When paying by bank draft or credit card, we will set up an automatic payment based on the draft date above. 8 MODEL LEGISLATURE & COURT 2018-2019 SRV VALLE LOBO DELEGATION
REGISTRATION INFORMATION Please follow these steps for a successful registration in to the Youth & Government program Step #1 Please read through this guide and note important information on dates, deadlines, responsibilities and other desescriptions. Complete all registration forms at the end of this guide. Step 1. The primary adult in the household should to complete the forms. #2 2. All forms are formated as a writable PDF for your convience. 3. If you choose to handwrite, please use black or blue ink. 4. Print and sign all signature areas. 5. Return forms on the due date designated by the Lead Advisor or mail to Richard at the YMCA-PG&E Teen Center. Address is on the back cover All parts of forms and waivers need to be filled out and agreed upon in order to participate in this program. Once your paperwork has been entered in our registration system, the primary adult Step will receive an email with instructions on how to set up their My Y Account. #3 My Y Account allows the primary adult to: • Enter bank draft and credit card information • Update any change of address, phone, or email • Pay any outstanding or future balances. The YMCA can no longer take full credit card/bank draft numbers on paper for the protection of your information. Step #4 The last step is conference registration through California YMCA Youth & Government. Once the conference event is open in their registration system, all participants will receive information on how to register. Failure to do so after the closing deadline will result in removal of the program. For registration or My Y Account assistance, contact Richard Chapin at 510-542-2129 or YMCA OF THE EAST BAY WWW.SRVVALLELOBO.ORG 9
YMCA of the East Bay Youth & Government, Model Legislature & Court SRV Valle Lobo Delegation 2018-2019 FOR YMCA ADMINISTRATION ONLY: Date Received: _____________ Date Entered in DAXKO: _____________ Entered by: ______________ Member ID: _______________ Participant Name (1 person per packet) First: ____________________Last: _____________________________ Gender: ____Male ____Female____Other Address: _____________________________________________________City: _________________Zip: ________ Primary Phone: _________________Secondary Phone: ________________Email: ____________________________ Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy): ___________________Age: ____School: _____________________________Grade: ____ _____ African American_____ Asian/Pacific Islander_____ Caucasian_____ Hispanic/Latin _____Middle Eastern_____ Multi-Racial_____Native American_____ Other ___________________ Years in the Model Legislature & Court program: _____ Sweatshirt Size (Adult unisex size): _____ Parent/Guardian (Primary)Main adult contact person living with this delegate First: ___________________Last: ____________________________ Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy): ________________ Primary Phone: _________________Secondary Phone: ________________Email: ____________________________ Parent/Guardian (Secondary) Alternative adult contact person for this delegate First: ___________________Last: ____________________________ Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy): ________________ Primary Phone: _________________Secondary Phone: ________________Email: ____________________________ Family Information Main Language Spoken at Home: ________________ Main Language Spoken by Parents: ________________ Family Income: Family information collected _____Under $20,000 _____$50,001 to $60,000 here is used by the YMCA strictly for data collection to _____$20,000 to $30,000 _____$60,001 to $70,000 be used for reporting and _____$30,001 to $40,000 _____$70,001 to $80,000 funding purposes only. _____$40,001 to $50,000 _____Over $80,000 Total Number of People in Household: _____ Does the participant qualify for free/reduced lunch? _____Yes _____No
YMCA of the East Bay Youth & Government, Model Legislature & Court SRV Valle Lobo Delegation 2018-2019 YMCA of the East Bay RELEASE and WAIVER of LIABILITY and INDEMNITY AGREEMENT IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to utilize the facilities, services and programs of the YMCA (or for my children to so participate) for any purpose, including, but not limited to observation or use of facilities or equipment, or participation in any off-site program affiliated with the YMCA, the undersigned, for himself or herself and such participating children and any personal representatives, heirs, and next of kin, hereby acknowledges, agrees and represents that he or she has, or immediately upon entering or participating will, inspect and carefully consider such premises and facilities or the affiliated program. It is further warranted that such entry into the YMCA for observation or use of any facilities or equipment or participation in such affiliated program constitutes an acknowledgement that such premises and all facilities and equipment thereon and such affiliated program have been inspected and carefully considered and that the undersigned finds and accepts same as being safe and reasonably suited for the purpose of such observation, use or participation by the undersigned and such children. IN FURTHER CONSIDERATION OF BEING PERMITTED TO ENTER THE YMCA FOR ANY PURPOSE INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO OBSERVATION OR USE OF FACILITIES OR EQUIPMENT, OR PARTICIPATION IN ANY OFF-SITE PROGRAM AFFILIATED WITH THE YMCA, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. THE UNDERSIGNED ON HIS OR HER BEHALF AND BEHALF OF SUCH CHILDREN, HEREBY RELEASES, WAIVES, DISCHARGES AND CONVENANTS NOT TO SUE the YMCA and all branches thereof, its directors, officers, employees, and agents (hereinafter referred to as "releasees") from all liability to the undersigned or such children and all his personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin for any loss or damage, and any claim or demands therefor on account of injury to the person or property or resulting in death of the undersigned or such children whether caused bv the negligence of the releasees or otherwise while the undersigned or such children is in, upon, or about the premises or any facilities or equipment therein or participating in any program affiliated with the YMCA. 2. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS the releasees and each of them from any, loss, liability, damage or cost they may, incur due to the presence of the undersigned or such children in, upon or about the YMCA premises or in any way observing or using any facilities or equipment of the YMCA or participating in any program affiliated with the YMCA whether caused by the negligence of the releasees or otherwise. 3. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND RISK OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH OR PROPERTY DAMAGE to the undersigned or such children due to negligence of releasees or otherwise while in, about or upon the premises of the YMCA and/or while using the premises or any facilities or equipment thereon or participating in any program affiliated with the YMCA. THE UNDERSIGNED further expressly agrees that the foregoing RELEASE WAIVER AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the State of California and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ AND VOLUNTARILY SIGNS THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, and further agrees that no oral representations, statements or inducement apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made. Signature of Agreement I have read and understand this document and release Participant Name (Print): _______________________________________________ Participant Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Printed Name of Parent/Guardian: ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________
YMCA of the East Bay Youth & Government, Model Legislature & Court SRV Valle Lobo Delegation 2018-2019 Participant Medical Information for YMCA of the East Bay First: ________________________Last: ______________________________ Gender: ____Male ____Female____Other Address: _________________________________________________________City: _________________Zip: ________ Primary Phone: _________________Secondary Phone: __________________Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy): ___________________ Age: ______ Parent/Guardian (Primary) First: __________________________________Last: ________________________________________ Primary Phone: ____________________Secondary Phone: _____________________ Parent/Guardian (Secondary) First: __________________________________Last: ________________________________________ Primary Phone: ____________________Secondary Phone: _____________________ Emergency Contact Name: _____________________________________Primary Phone: _________________Secondary Phone: __________________ Name: _____________________________________Primary Phone: _________________Secondary Phone: __________________ Medical Insurance Carrier: _________________________________ Policy Number: ___________________________ Dental Insurance Carrier: __________________________________ Policy Number: ___________________________ Medical History (check all that apply) _____ ADD/ADHD _____ Asthma _____ Bleeding/Clotting Disorder _____ Celiac Disease _____ Chicken Pox _____ Currently under Dr. Care _____ Diabetes_____ Ear Infection _____ German Measles _____ Heart Defect/Disease _____ Measles _____ Migraines _____ Seizures_____ Sleepwalking _____ Tuberculosis List Other Medical History Here:
YMCA of the East Bay Youth & Government, Model Legislature & Court SRV Valle Lobo Delegation 2018-2019 Allergies (check all that apply) _____ Foods_____ Bee Stings _____ Hay Fever _____ Pollen _____ Penicillin _____ Other Insects Stings _____ Other Drugs _____Other Allergies List Specific Food and/or Other Allergies Here: List Dietary Restrictions Here: What (if any) medical condition(s) do you have that could affect your experience in this program? If you are taking any prescription medication, please list them. List any past serious medical treatment such as operation, injuries or restrictions. Is your teen currently involved in therapy? _____ Yes _____ No Please explain: Does your teen require special accommodations? _____ Yes _____ No Please explain: If you are taking any prescription medication, please list them.
YMCA of the East Bay Youth & Government, Model Legislature & Court SRV Valle Lobo Delegation 2018-2019 Please read the following. Every section must be agreed upon in order to participate in this program. Medical Release I hereby authorize YMCA of the East Bay and its authorized director and/or leaders (collectively the YMCA) or an authorized representative of the Y&G program in conjunction with the local YMCA to act as guardians for the above named individual. The guardianship grants authority to consent to any medical, dental, surgical or mental health diagnosis or treatments, and hospital care to be rendered to the individual under general or special supervision and upon advice of a health care provider licensed under the laws of the state or any other jurisdiction in which emergency medical care is sought. For the purpose of medical care or dental care obtained in the State of California, this authorization is given pursuant to the provisions of section 25.8 of the California Family Code, as amended. I have read and agree to these conditions. For parents or guardians with participants under 18, all efforts will be made to contact the minor’s parent or legal guardian prior to the rendering of medical or dental care. If the emergent nature of the event demands immediate attention, the above listed guardians are authorized to provide the necessary permission needed for required treatment required. The undersigned understands and agrees that YMCA of the East Bay and California YMCA Youth & Government shall not legally or financially liable for any claim arising from the medical, dental, or mental health care provided pursuant to this authorization. I hereby indicate by the signature below that I am the authorized parent or legal guardian for the above minor. The undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold YMCA of the East Bay harmless from any claim made by or on behalf of said individual arising out of any medical, dental, or mental health care provided pursuant to this authorization. This authorization is given to YMCA of the East Bay for use in conjunction with any event operated by YMCA of the East Bay including transportation to/from the event and shall be valid until revoked in writing by the undersigned. Code of Conduct Agreeance For participants: By signing, I acknowledge that I have read, understand and will follow the California YMCA Youth & Government (Y&G) Code of Conduct at all conferences or YMCA functions. For parents/guardians of participants: By signing, I acknowledge that I have read and reviewed the Code of Conduct with my child and I accept the responsibility for my child’s adherence to it. I also understand that if my child violates the Code of Conduct and is expelled from the program, that I am responsible for their immediate transport home from the conference or YMCA function. This transport shall be done at my expense. Anonymous Data Collection Release YMCA of the East Bay (YEB) continually strives to improve the program experience for participants. As part of that process, we work with other YMCA organizations as well as outside researchers to design and implement surveys to learn about experiences and growth during Y&G, as well as standard background information. The information collected is held in confidence by YEB and the researchers have no ability to identify any individual participant. Identifying information will never be released to anyone outside YEB. During the course of our study, we hope to conduct interviews with individual participants. Before that is done, the participant and their parent or guardian will be asked to sign an additional consent form. I have read and agree to these conditions. Media Release Permission is granted for photographs, DVD, video or audio recording of participants that are taken during their participation in the YMCA of the East Bay (YEB) and California YMCA Youth & Government (Y&G) program, in any format including electronic media, to be used by the program for any purpose, including publicity. The participant and his/her parents hereby waive and forever relinquish any rights to such images, waive the right to prior notice of such use, and acknowledge the right for YEB and Y&G to use such images without compensation. I have read and agree to these conditions. Participant Hotel Accommodations I understand that hotel sleeping accommodations are shared with other participants up to the maximum allowed by fire code as determined by hotel standards. Delegates seeking reasonable housing accommodations must communicate their request in advance of conferences to their local YMCA who will work with Y&G housing team. If there are any concerns or questions about housing at conferences, contact the YMCA of the East Bay. Program Guide Acknowledgement I, as the parent/guardian, hereby understand and acknowledge that I have read or in the process of reading the program guide for the Youth & Government’s Model Legislature & Court program. By signing this form, I acknowledge that I understand the provisions, and agree to abide by the rules, polices, and standards set forth in the guide. If I need further clarification, I will contact the YMCA. Signature of Agreement I have read, understand, and agree to the statements above Participant Name (Print): _______________________________________________ Participant Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Printed Name of Parent/Guardian: ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________
YMCA of the East Bay Youth & Government, Model Legislature & Court SRV Valle Lobo Delegation 2018-2019 Payment Form Participant’s First and Last Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Primary Form of Payment (Personal checks or money orders are NOT accepted unless it’s for the full fee) Credit Card OR Bank Draft/EFT Name on Account: ________________________ Name on Account: ___________________________________ Last 4 digits on card: _______________ Last 4 digits of Routing Number: _______________________ Expiration Date: __________ Last 4 digits of Account Number: _______________________ Secondary Form of Payment (Personal checks or money orders are NOT accepted unless it’s for the full fee) This account will be used when the Primary Form of payment is returned. It will be drafted automatically with a $25 fee. Credit Card OR Bank Draft/EFT Name on Account: ________________________ Name on Account: ___________________________________ Last 4 digits on card: _______________ Last 4 digits of Routing Number: _______________________ Expiration Date: __________ Last 4 digits of Account Number: _______________________ Payment Frequency _____ Fee in Full- $1,600 _____ Payment Schedule (See page 8 of the Program Guide) Financial Assistance (Optional) _____ I want to apply for assistance _____ No, thank you Assistance is on a first come-first serve basis. In order to process, the signed application and backing financial are required. Application at Incomplete applications will not be processed. Annual Campaign Fundraiser (Optional) _____ I would like to make a tax-free contribution to the Annual Campaign to help those participants who could otherwise not afford to participate. Make check payable to YMCA of the East Bay Ck# _________ Agreement- Please initial _____ Payments not honored by the bank for any reason, (including returned check, NSF, closed account, invalid expiration date, referral) will incur $15 returned payment fee. This is in addition to any fees charged by the bank. In the event a payment is returned, we will automatically redraft, using the second form of payment and will include the $15 return payment fee. _____ The YMCA has the right to initiate legal action for collection of fees or outstanding balances, and the undersigned will be responsible for all costs of collection, including court expenses and reasonable attorney’s fees. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THE ABOVE AGREEMENT AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY ALL OF ITS TERMS. Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: __________________
YOUTH & GOVERNMENT MODEL LEGISLATURE & COURT SRV Valle Lobo Delegation YMCA OF THE EAST BAY YMCA-PG&E Teen Center 2111 Martin Luther King Jr. Way Berkeley, CA 94704 510-542-2129
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