Page created by Timothy Kelly


                                                                                          Chief Counsel
                                                                                          Nick Kounoupias
                                                                                          becomes the 2021
                                                                                          joint British IP Day

Nick Kounoupias                          Will Butler-Adams, OBE., of        Four ACID member companies
Design - the poor IP relation in David   Brompton Bikes on the scourge of   awarded prestigious 2021 Design
& Goliath challenges.                    copycat imitations.                Guild Mark

Page 4                                   Page 6                             Page 20

    Dear ACID members
        After more than 3 decades being immersed
        in the world of intellectual property and as
        the joint architect of two major breakthrough
        changes in IP law, it was a proud moment
        when Nick Kounoupias, ACID’s
        Chief Counsel and IP Director
        was recognised by the Alliance
        for Intellectual Property as
        the Joint 2021 British IP Day
        Champion, along with Geoff
        Taylor, BPI CEO.

                                The BPI (British Recorded Music          the prison sentence from 2-10 years
                                Industry) Ltd is the British recorded    for copyright infringement.
                                music industry’s trade association. It
                                runs the BRIT Awards, The Classic        Around 2004, the IPO wanted to
                                BRIT Awards, National Album              create a UK IP Crime group and
                                Day, is home to the Mercury Prize,       Nick was one of the driving forces
                                and co-owns the Official Charts          to make this happen. The UK IP
                                Company.                                 Crime Group is a membership
                                                                         of representatives from private
                                Nick’s impressive life in the public     sector, enforcement agencies and
                                affairs side of IP really started        government departments who
                                when, in the late nineties, there        have a role in tackling IP crime and
                                was no coordinated approach to           infringement in the UK. In 2014 Nick
                                intellectual property sector groups,     was a champion in the campaign
                                so Nick, along with two others           which led to the intentional
                                set up what was then the Alliance        infringement of a registered design
                                for Counterfeiting & Piracy. This        becoming a crime in the 2014 IP
                                involved key sectors within the          Act, thus strengthening design law.
                                Creative Industries uniting as one
                                voice and so the Alliance was            Nothing could make me prouder
                                born (it latterly changed its name       that Nick’s work has been
                                to the Alliance for Intellectual         rewarded in this way. He is a true
                                Property). In 2002 Nick helped           IP Champion in every sense. ACID
                                draft the Copyright and Trade Mark       members and UK designers are
                                (Offences and Enforcement) Act           very fortunate to have him battling
                                2002 via a Private Members’ Bill         on their sides for much needed
                                (which he drafted) which increased       design law reform.


                                             Our guest editor this summer is Will Butler-Owens OBE, CEO of world-
                                             famous Brompton Bikes, who continues his lament that organisations that
                                             copy, infringe IP, are parasites, living off the toil of others and in many
                                             cases putting the customer at risk. Who could disagree? His plea is timely
                                             as Government announces its Enforcement Strategy as he urges them to
                                             understand that stronger IP protection will foster investment to nurture the
                                             next generation of innovative companies, but if there is not the protection to
                                             give those that take risks the opportunity to make a return, then innovation
                                             and all the benefits that come with it will stagnate.
                                             Will Butler-Adams OBE, CEO Brompton Bikes

                                                After an amazing 17-year career          as a treasured colleague and friend
“stronger IP protection                         with ACID, as our Operations             for all her dedication and loyal
                                                Director, we are very sad that Jane      support. No-one could have a better
will foster investment                          Banyai is leaving her role to live       wingman.
to nurture the                                  permanently in Hungary with her

next generation of
                                                husband Gyorgy. Over the years           In a packed “exhibition season”
                                                they have refurbished a home             ahead of us with an active presence
innovative companies”                           and plan to spend their retirement       at Autumn Fair, Glee at the NEC,
                                                together there. Jane will be known       and the National Bed Federation
                                                to many of you and has played an         event in Telford, we look forward
                                                integral role in ACID’s development      to the real luxury of face-to-face
                                                for which we are hugely indebted.        meetings with as many members as
                                                However, the good news is that she       possible. It’s starting to feel a little
                                                will continue to act as a consultant     normal again and will be a luxury to
                                                to ACID so we will not lose the          depart from the world of Zoom for a
                                                vast wealth of experience she            while!
                                                has gained. I know that everyone
                                                will wish Jane and Gyorgy every          Keep well and safe, best wishes
                                                success in their new home and I          Dids Macdonald
                                                would like to personally thank her       OBE CEO of ACID

I’m delighted to welcome Paul
Akerman to the ACID team,
Paul joins us from a marketing
background of 15 years across
various sectors and said on his
appointment, “Joining ACID
is my biggest career highlight
to date and I thoroughly enjoy
being part of this fantastic
organisation”. Paul is joined
by another new colleague,
Faye Meakin, as ACID’s new
Financial Coordinator – we
welcome them both warmly.
Paul Akerman, Marketing &
Communications Coordinator

    Sipping cocktails at a farewell dinner
  held at the Feathers in Ledbury- L to R
   Ann Bond, ACID’s Financial Director,
          Faye Meakin, Jane Banyai and
   Dids Macdonald OBE, CEO of ACID.

                                                                                                               ACID.UK.COM ISSUE 71   3

                           In the lead up to the Government’s next
                           Enforcement Strategy Nick Kounoupias, ACID’s
                           Chief Counsel and IP Director writes about the
                           sorry state of designs in the UK IP regime…

                           DAVID’S UPHILL BATTLE?

                           The UK is frequently touted as          And designers continue to be
                           having one of the best IP regimes       baffled by a law that makes it a
                           in the world. This might be the case    criminal offence to copy a two-
                           if you are a songwriter, inventor       dimensional design drawing but
                           or trade mark owner. It certainly       when that drawing is converted into
                           isn’t the case if you are a designer.   a 3D product there is no criminal
                           In the field of designs law, where      offence involved should it be copied.
                           David is the designer, Goliath has      This is both unfair and ridiculous.
                           the advantage every time.
                                                                   To aggravate matters it still remains
                           We have consistently pointed out        very difficult and expensive
                           the weaknesses in design laws in        for a designer to enforce his /
                           the UK. Whereas for all the other IP    her rights in an English Court.
                           rights the main campaigning issues      Despite frequent reviews and
                           concern enhancements to existing        reforms IP litigation remains an
                           laws or trying cut back the scope of    expensive exercise. Designs law
                           proposed defences, in the case of       is unnecessarily complex and just
                           design laws, the argument is about
                           preserving existing protection or
                           seeking parity with other IP rights.
                           Just within the last year because
                           of Brexit we have seen the loss of
                           protection for unregistered design
                           protection within the 27 member
      CAMPAIGNING          states of the EU where a design
                           has first been made available to the
                           public in the UK.


                                        fight their battles on a level playing
                                        field. No consideration has been
                                        given to changes to design law. The
                                        only sop to designers is the well
                                        overdue suggestion that registered
                                        design litigation could be brought
                                        within the small claims track of
                                        IPEC. But in truth it was ridiculous
                                        that this possibility was overlooked
                                        in the first place.
getting legal advice is expensive for
a sole, micro, or lone SME, which       The Davids of the design sector still
describes most designers. They          have a long way to go to be able
will simply not be able to afford the   to challenge the Goliaths who copy
typical legal costs of UK litigation.   their designs on a level playing field.
And because of the complexity of        That we know. But let’s not pretend
the laws, it is also hard to secure     then that we do have one of the           Read more
legal costs insurance or litigation     best IP regimes in the world. That        about
funding as insurers and funders         just adds insult to injury.               campaigning
remain uncertain of the strength of                                               here
any particular case.                    Nick Kounoupias
                                        is ACID’s Chief Counsel and
A recent review of enforcement          Director of Intellectual Property
options in England and Wales has
once again fallen short of giving
designers the tools they need to

                                        “if you are a designer.
                                        In the field of designs
                                        law, where David is
                                        the designer, Goliath
                                        has the advantage
                                        every time”

                                                                                        ACID.UK.COM ISSUE 71   5

    Guest Editor
    Will Butler-Adams, OBE
    CEO of Brompton Bikes
                           Thirteen years……ridicule, false        putting the customer at risk. I joined
                           starts, obsessive determination,       Brompton in 2002, we had less
                           and every penny he had; this           than thirty staff and the patent had
                           is what it took Andrew Ritchie         long expired. Twenty-one years
                           (the inventor of the Brompton          was too short for Andrew to take
                           Bicycle) to get the business off       full advantage of his invention, as
                           the ground.                            is so often the case, it took a long
                                                                  time for him to get started. But
                           By then over half of his patent        notwithstanding this we accepted
                           protection had expired and he          that others could take inspiration
                           had only just begun. The patents       from the Brompton, to stimulate
                           officially ran out in 1998 and since   more innovation and bring a greater
                           then we have been bombarded by         choice for the customer.
                           copies from across the world.
                                                                  This is not what we have seen,
                           Organisations that copy, infringe      instead it has been outright copying
                           IP, are parasites, living off the      but with a lack of understanding
                           toil of others and in many cases       of the engineering principals and




                                                                                 Will Butler-Adams

manufacturing control behind the        But we are not only protecting our       that line, we see these copies
design. There are manufacturers         business in looking for stronger         fail, causing serious injury to the
copying the Brompton in Taiwan,         IP protection, we are protecting         customer.
Indonesia, South Korea and China        the customer. The copies are not
to name but a few.                      Brompton’s, they just try to look like   Strong IP protection will foster
                                        them. We have a brand based on           investment to nurture the next
                                        performance and trust. A Brompton        generation of innovative companies,
                                        is a transport tool not a toy, and if    but if there is not the protection
                                        it breaks it can hurt. Too often we      to give those that take risks the
                                        have seen customers across the           opportunity to make a return, then
                                        world thinking they are buying a         innovation and all the benefits that
                                        cheap ‘Brompton’ and all is fine         come with it will stagnate.
                                        on the day of purchase but in one
                                        year, three years, five years down

It takes several years to develop
each improvement on the Brompton
as it continues to evolve, the recent
Brompton electric took over six. In
this period of innovation, you are
permanently failing and evolving
your design, it takes time, requires
commitment and investment to ‘find’
the solution. It is disheartening
when a few months after the
product goes live we see ‘upgraded’
copies with blunt interpretations of
our design on ‘their’ folding bikes.
But they have not employed the
engineers, they have not invested
in the mistakes, done months of
testing, produced hundreds of
prototypes……no they just copy.

                                                                                                      ACID.UK.COM ISSUE 71   7

         AND IP                         Facts and Figures for the main different types
                                        of social media:

                                                       Over 1.79bn users, 120m fake users.
    Navigating around the labyrinth
    that is social media and how
                                                       Over 1bn monthly users, 20% of
    it affects designers from an                       Instagram accounts are for business use.
    intellectual property perspective
    is a hot topic. Whether you                        187m daily users and suspended 925,700
    are creating your own content                      accounts in the first half of 2020.
    or sharing images or videos
    you need to ensure that you                        4.3m sellers on its platform in 243 countries.
                                                       In Q2 of 2020 it had over 60.2m sales.
    protect your IP rights and, just
    as important, make sure you
    are not inadvertently infringing    Photographs/                         or lend. If you see someone
                                                                             has taken your photographs
    the rights of others. In a recent   image use                            and is using them without your
    webinar, Trade Mark expert Kelly    A photograph will have               consent, you have a right to
                                        copyright protection vested in       stop them. As a rule, copyright
    Hudson, an ACID legal affiliate     it automatically upon creation.      will last for your lifetime plus 70
    and Director of McDaniels Law       If you were the photographer         years.
                                        then you were the ‘author’ of
    offers some handy tips.             the photograph for copyright
                                        purposes, therefore copyright
                                                                             Permissions -
                                        vests in you as the author. If you   read the small
                                        have employees and they take a
                                        photograph in the course of their
                                        employment, then copyright will      By agreeing to Facebook
                                        ‘vest’ or rather be owned by you     and Instagram’s terms and
                                        as the employer. Copyright is an     conditions, you agree that you
                                        automatic right which protects       provide these platforms with a
                                        your work, in this case, your        non-exclusive right to host, use,
                                        photographs. This allows you         distribute, modify, run, copy,
                                        to stop others from copying          publicly perform or display,
                                        your works, and gives you the        translate and create derivative
                                        exclusive right to adapt it, issue   works of your content. This
                                        copies of it to the public, rent     does not affect your ownership


of your work, but it is important to
know what permissions you are
                                         Ip infringements -                       Defamation -
giving to these platforms. Effectively   what can I do?                           How to avoid!
they are getting permission to do an     Often companies use others’              You can avoid allegation of
awful lot with your photos.              photographs to sell their own range      defamation by being vigilant in what
                                         of products regularly on Facebook,       you say. Make sure you control the
IP infringements on                      Instagram, Amazon, eBay, Alibaba.        narrative and only say what you
                                         Each of these platforms has its          can prove. Do no embellish the
social media and                         own take down notice procedures.         truth with lies and do not state your
what to check                            Facebook and Instagram each              opinion as if that is a fact. The truth
                                         use a tick box form which is very        can never be defamatory.
Social media platforms are rife with     efficient. Once you submit a
unauthorised content, which may          takedown notice through the tick         If you are unlucky enough to be the
include the unlawful use of other        box form, Facebook and Instagram         victim of unauthhorised use of your
people’s content including their         will determine whether the page          content, ACID members can make
photographs, videos, and text, as        does infringe upon your rights and       use of initial free legal advice which
well as counterfeit goods and the        will disable the page within 24          is usually simple common sense.
unlawful use of a brands trade mark      hours.                                   Consider the value of registering
without consent. Often some use                                                   your name as a trade mark because
unauthorised content to advertise        Alibaba’s process includes a more        if others do use it, it is a very strong
their own goods or to sell counterfeit   detailed assessment of the rights        right and, as a trade mark expert,
goods. If you are looking to upload      you are claiming and the works           look after your trade secrets and
photos to Facebook, or videos            you are claiming to have infringed       know-how. After all they are what
to Instagram which are not your          those rights. Once a takedown            sets you against a competitor. They
own content you should be aware          notice is submitted, it is sent to the   are your crown jewels. If you’ve got
of the possible dangers in doing         owner of the complained of works         a good idea keep it safe – careless
so without gaining the owner’s           who has a set period to respond. If      talk can cost the competitive edge.
consent. Remember, you cannot            no response is received the page         And of course, manage your risk
simply just take other people’s work     is taken down. Etsy offer a slightly     and keep an eye out on your
and use it for commercial purposes.      different system to that of other        competition! In a recent ACID
Do your due diligence so you stay        social media platforms and other         survey 90% said that IP theft was
on the right side of the law. Image      e-commerce websites. Etsy first          blatant and deliberate.
houses like Getty have agreement         point of call is for you to issue a
and retainers in place with lawyers      formal Notice of Infringement on
and other entities to enforce their      the business and the complained of
copyright for them, so if you do use     articles or whatever the case may
an image, you wouldn’t like to get       be. In this Notice of Infringement,
a letter from one of them (usually       you will lay out what works/
which seeks a royalty in the region      photographs etc. are infringing your
of £500 - £1000) – if that happens       works/photographs. On submission
don’t just pay, call ACID and get        of this notice, Etsy will send this
some legal advice. (Initial advice is    to the owner of the complained
free for ACID members)                   of works who can then submit
                                         a counter notice. If the alleged
                                         infringer submits a counter notice,
                                         the applicant has 10 business days
                                         to show Etsy proof that they are
                                         seeking an order from the Court

   IP is one of                          against the alleged infringer.

                                         This platform’s policies do not seem
                                                                                    Kelly Hudson
   your most valuable                                                               ACID legal affiliate and Director of
                                         to offer the best course of action for
   assets. Protect it                    protecting your intellectual property
                                                                                    McDaniels Law

   or forget it!                         rights.

                                                                                    IT REPORT

                                                                                                            ACID.UK.COM ISSUE 71   9

     Government Responds to
     the Intellectual Property
     Enforcement Consultation
                            A huge thank you to all ACID members who helped provide case
                            studies to the original Enforcement Consultation. To whom we
                            owe a great debt, details of their evidence are on our news desk.
                            Through the Alliance for IP of which ACID is a long-standing
                            member, their response to the consultation is also found on our
                            website. We submitted 10 compelling case studies and also sent
                            various comments from interviews with over 30 ACID members.

     “we would                    The full Review can be downloaded here. In summary, the
                                  Intellectual Property Office plans the following:
     prefer to                •   To work with the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and Her Majesty’s Courts &
                                  Tribunal Service (HMCTS) to consider the feedback received and identify
     see action                   where service improvements to the IP Courts can be made. Where
                                  appropriate this may also include discussions regarding the publication of
     rather than                  judgments.

     words”                   •   Develop a project to streamline the available guidance for IP Court users
                                  which is currently on several different government websites. Improvements
                                  in this area should make it easier for users to find information on available
                                  services and what to do if they believe their IP is being infringed. This should
                                  include work with HMCTS and The IP Court Users Committee to update the
                                  guidance for users of the SCT and could include provision of a selection of
                                  anonymised case studies of SCT cases.
                              •   To work with the Citizens Advice Bureau to make sure suitable IP guidance
                                  is available at all sites when enquiries are made.
                              •   Develop a project to raise awareness of the full range of options available
                                  to rights holders when they have an infringement issue including alternative
                                  dispute resolution such as mediation. It should also provide clear guidance
                                  on the mediation process, including which parts can be made public.
                              •   Research on statutory damages, which may include a comparative study
                                  of current regimes in similar common law countries. It should consider
                                  the impact the regime has had on the enforcement of IP rights and what
                                  statutory damages might look like for the UK.
                              •   Carry out further work to assess whether registered designs should be
                                  included in the small claims track of the Intellectual Property Enterprise
       IP NEWS & EVENTS           Court (IPEC).


Dids Macdonald, OBE., CEO                 an unregistered design following        an unregistered right, to have the
of Anti Copying in Design                 the loss of EU27 protection when        ultimate criminal sanction, has not
                                          we left the EU. Our resolve remains     been chilling for innovation. Far
said,                                     unchanged that until Government         from it, our copyright creators have
                                          changes its attitude to the disparity   and continue to innovate to the
“Whilst we welcome these
                                          between the protection offered to       extent that all sectors have provided
improvements, we hope that as
                                          copyright creators and those of         seismic growth to our economy. Yet
a minimum they will be included
                                          designers, UK designers remain          again, 3D unregistered designers
in the Enforcement Strategy due
                                          unsupported in this Enforcement         are short changed and under
to be published in September.
                                          Strategy as it stands.”                 protected, more especially as we
We feel, however, that the above
                                                                                  lost EU27 protection on Jan 1st,
recommendations should have
been the “given” of an operationally
efficient IP system that is cost and
                                                                                  The campaign goes on!
time effective for those who need to
take action efficiently, especially for
registered designs to be heard in
the small claims track some 8 years
after it was created.”

                                                                                  “UK designers
                                          We are consistently told by
                                          Government that design matters!

                                          Well, we would prefer to see action
                                          rather than words and we will be

                                                                                  in this
                                          continuing our various campaigns to
                                          ensure that designers are no longer

                                          treated as the poor cousins of the IP

Nick Kounoupias, ACID’s
                                          The Government’s response to
                                                                                  Strategy as it
                                          our repeated requests for criminal
Chief Counsel and IP                      provisions to be introduced for
Director said,                            the intentional infringement of an
                                          unregistered design are that this
“It is lamentable that in the main,       would be “chilling for innovation”.
our members case studies have not         We do not accept this argument nor,
been considered, the majority all         despite repeated requests, have we
rightly calling for criminal sanctions    seen the evidence to support this
for the intentional infringement of       statement. For copyright creators,

                                                                                                      ACID.UK.COM ISSUE 71   11

     Innovation v Imitation?
     Ensure you are prepared for the
     Autumn Exhibitions!

     I don’t know if you are as excited as we are                 So, the over-riding objective must be prevention and
     but actually going to live exhibitions this                  here are one or two simple things you can do to protect
                                                                  your designs:
     Autumn will be wonderful. We can’t wait!
                                                                  Exhibitions can provide a unique opportunity to get in
     So, if you are launching a new product or bringing a
                                                                  front of genuine design buyers, so taking a few steps
     new product range to market amidst the anticipation,
                                                                  to ensure you protect any new designs against being
     just dots the i’s and cross the t’s as, sadly, the copying
                                                                  copied will pay dividends. Start by being “IP SAVVY”
     and counterfeiting of products is rife. Even more
                                                                  – know your © from your design right and your trade
     important, therefore, to ensure you have a proactive
                                                                  marks from your patents!
     intellectual property strategy to help protect and prevent
     knock offs. Sending a clear message of deterrence to
     those who go deliberately to exhibitions to copy and
     steal ideas is an important element in any business          PROOF OF DESIGN OWNERSHIP
     strategy.                                                    IS CRITICAL?
     In a recent ACID survey 90% of those surveyed thought        It’s not rocket science! Make sure you have a design
     that copying is intentional. Scary!                          audit trail from the seed of an idea to marketplace.
                                                                  Signed and dated drawings do the trick. Better still,
                                                                  register your designs in the UK. Or, like the majority of
                                                                  designers, you rely on unregistered rights; send them
                                                                  to the ACID IP Databank (©™ and Designs) giving
                                                                  you independent evidence of receipt. In any dispute
                                                                  it’s necessary to provide evidence of ownership,
                                                                  originality and date of creation. The ACID IP Databank
                            ACID survey

                                                                  is supported by the Police Intellectual Property Crime
                                                                  Unit (PIPCU).

                            thought that
                            copying was


Remember with phone cameras, your designs can be
sent across the world in seconds and mass-produced
before you even pack up your stand! So take control
of who photographs your work, ask them why and
note down their contact details. Only allow authorised
photography and if it’s a problem, insist that organisers
support you. After all, you pay thousands to rent your
stand space and exhibition organisers build their
reputations on your innovation.

TO BE COPIED?                                                  FIND US Autumn Fair 5-8 September Hall 6 K34,
Well why not? There’s no more powerful message                 GLEE 14-16 September, Hall 8 C74, The Bed Event,
on your website/marketing material or a statement              Telford Hall 3 in the Lounge Area.
on your stand. Something along the lines of: “All the
intellectual property in our designs and products              Imitation isn’t flattery if it costs you your business.
belongs to (your name). Any infringements will                 Make sure it doesn’t happen to you.
be viewed seriously”. If you discover a copy of your
designs at an exhibition and you don’t have a DATED
design audit trail or evidence to support your work, it
is almost impossible to take legal action or complain             COVID 19 SAFETY – Autumn Fair – Important
effectively to the show organisers; even better if this           information.
evidence can be reinforced by a member of ACID logo.              Following the government’s latest guidance and working
The ACID community’s message resonates as YOUR                    in consultation with the Association of Event Organisers
voice against design theft, especially with the “Spot the         (AEO), it has been confirmed that this September’s
Difference” initiative.                                           Autumn Fair will ask all attendees, including visitors,
                                                                  exhibitors, contractors, venue, and organiser staff, to
                                                                  verify their COVID-19 status on arrival. This means all
TAKING SOMEONE TO COURT ISN’T                                     attendees will need to demonstrate proof of COVID-19
AS EXPENSIVE AS IT USED TO BE!                                    status for entry to the event. This will need to be one of
                                                                  the following:
For relatively small IP disputes (£10,000 or less) if you
have to take legal action it doesn’t necessarily cost             •   Proof of completion of a full course of vaccination two
a fortune and there is access to inexpensive justice                  weeks prior to arrival.
through a small claims track.
                                                                  •   Proof of a negative Lateral Flow Test taken within
The ACID team of IP specialist lawyers will be on                     48hrs of arrival (retaken and reported every 72hrs).
hand this Autumn at Autumn Fair, GLEE (both ACID                  •   Proof of natural immunity shown by a positive PCR
Accredited Exhibitions) and at Telford for the National               test result for COVID-19, lasting for 180 days from the
Bed Federation event. So, if you are unlucky enough to                date of the positive test and following completion of
be copied you can call on our help to mediate the issue.              the self-isolation period.
Out of over 4000 interventions at various exhibitions,
                                                                  Further details on how to prove your COVID-19 status and FAQs
less than 3% have reached a final Court hearing.                  can be found at
Most importantly, we will be there to give advice on              and further information for international exhibitors and visitors
any intellectual aspect of your business, registrations,          will be provided very soon.
licensing, agreements et al. So, do visit us.

        5-8 September NEC                       14-16 September NEC                                21-22 September            Telford International Centre

                                                                                                                 ACID.UK.COM ISSUE 71   13

     Promote your designs and products through ACID’s Online Marketplace and invite
     buyers to view your new products - safe in the assurance that all viewings of your images
     are tracked and recorded on your profile.

     Do you have the launch of a new product or range that you wish to make available to
     ACID members at a special discounted price? Now you can!

     ACID hosts an additional facility on ACID Marketplace, opening exciting member to
     member discount opportunities between ACID members. There is no set discount -
     it is completely up to you!

               A couple of clicks will do the trick!
               Log in to your “My Designs” area
               Upload your marketing images and choose your offer to members
               Display the ACID Member to Member discount logo
               Let us know and we will promote you to other members, as well as on social media
               Share your story with us!
               Note -The discount you select can easily be applied and/or removed so that you
               can make seasonal adjustments whenever you like!

     New to the process? No problem! Simply visit the Member Area of the ACID Marketplace
     section to see our guide on how to use the discount logo and upload your work.
     Alternatively, call the membership office and we can guide you through the process

             Make your membership work for you AND the ACID community.


                                                                          Visit the
                                                                      Member Area of the
                                                                       section to see our
                                                                         guide on how
                                                                             to use

It is an optional FREE addition to the ACID IP         We wanted to offer our members an exciting
Databank. Marketplace is an online marketing           additional benefit to the ACID IP Databank, by
platform where design buyers can register to view      creating a safe and secure online promotional
the latest designs created by ACID Members.            platform - where members can market products
After uploading your design and product files          and prospective design buyers can view at will.
to the ACID IP Databank, you can display your          Think of it as your own permanent exhibition
design images on Marketplace – supported by            zone but at a fraction of the price of an exhibition
an additional tracking system - so you can see         stand - and you get to control who visits!
exactly who has viewed your designs on your
personal online profile.

“The design sector is a really important part of the
UK’s creative economy - with billions invested in
                                                        You can also simply lodge your
designs each year. ACID has shown real initiative
                                                        designs and documents on the
in taking this bold step to develop the ACID
                                                        ACID IP Databank too!
Marketplace. This will now mean that people are
going to better understand the value of designs,
and it will also help our world class designers to
market and sell their innovative creations.”
Lord Younger, former Minister for Intellectual

“Here is another outstanding, leading initiative
from ACID which promises to provide
designers with unique and essential support
in both protecting and commercialising
their designs. I fully anticipate that ACID
Marketplace will become an effective
trading platform, with the accompanying
Buyer’s Charter building all-important trust
and confidence. This is a brand in the making.”
John Noble, British Brands Group

                                                                                             ACID.UK.COM ISSUE 71   15

     Member Profile
     CROFTS &
     Alex Crofts, CEO of Crofts & Assinder and a valued ACID Council Member was interviewed
     recently to discuss their key to longevity and success in high-end design and manufacturing of
     interior accessories. Alex said, “We have managed to stay on trend through the years, since 1875,
     by keeping style and innovation of design as a cornerstone. Supplying giants of the hospitality
     industry such as the Ritz Hotel and the Waldorf Hotel, surviving and supplying both World Wars,
     then expanding into an ever-competitive market at home and abroad, is, I believe, why we go from
     strength to strength.”

     In the ACID interview Alex highlighted Crofts & Assinder’s belief that copying is destructive to the creative industry, what
     Government should be doing to support designers and how ACID has supported them and the industry over the years.

     Crofts & Assinder has           the Cunard and White Star        fittings, fixtures and
     such a rich history of          lines. Reproduction items        related accessories for
     design. Can you tell us         in this period became a          the Furniture, Kitchen,
     a little about how the          very successful part of the      Upholstery and Wholesale
     company developed and           business.                        markets.
     the driving force behind
     its success as innovators       With the growth of cinemas       Why do you think Crofts
     in interior accessory           in the 20th century,             & Assinder have such            Did you have any
     design?                         the Company supplied             a desired brand, and            knowledge of intellectual
     Crofts & Assinder Ltd was       brassware into the               continues to thrive in          property when you
     founded in Birmingham in        emerging Odeon and the           such a competitive              started your business?
     1875 by George Crofts &         Gaumont chains and was a         market?                         To be honest, I had a very
     Frederick Assinder. In the      market leader in quality and     For me it all boils down to     basic understanding of IPR
     early years, the Company        design.                          the quality of the design       and over the years, with
     was a specialist in the                                          and product as well as          the help of Guy Crofts,
     design and manufacture of       At the outbreak of the           the high level of service       Dids Macdonald and the
     brass parts.                    Second World War, as in          provided. We have an            ACID team, I realised
                                     the First World War, the         outstanding Head of             the importance of IPR
     The Company started             company was instructed           Design, Zoran Matijevic,        protection and the value it
     making decorative fittings      to supply the war effort         who produces some truly         adds to a business.
     in the early 20th century       and avoided bomb                 wonderful designs, and our
     and was successful in           damage. After the war,           manufacturing facilities do     Copying culture is
     obtaining business for the      the company developed            a fantastic job in producing    an unfortunate but
     high-end contract market;       an extensive export              high quality goods, which       undeniable aspect of
     high profile clients included   market into North America        when combined with              design in the UK, what
     the Ritz Hotel, the Waldorf     with its reproduction            excellent work conducted        is your message about
     Hotel, the British Embassy      Lombard brand range              by our Marketing and            this culture, to those who
     in Buenos Aires, and high-      and expanded its existing        Sales Team defines our          perpetuate it?
     end fitting projects for both   handle ranges into cabinet       brand. As proven by our         Please stop. By copying
                                     and kitchen hardware with        history, everyone within        other people’s designs,
                                     the introduction of zinc         the Company and I have          you are in effect damaging
                                     diecastings.                     a very strong benchmark         their livelihood and causing
                                                                      to maintain, and this           unnecessary worry and
                                     Since 1987, the Company          is a challenge all our          concern to people who
                                     has centred on the               employees are passionate        are investing their heart,
                                     design, manufacture              about delivering.               sweat, time, and financial
                                     and distribution of                                              resources into their


designs. To see your own       good understanding of the       been second to none.             to the end and all too
creations being copied can     market and future trends.       On an educational side,          often, many withdraw
be soul destroying, yet if I   One of Head of Design’s         the seminars that have           from this process before it
went into the house of the     key mantras is to have a        been delivered to young          concludes. I would like to
Director of a Company who      distinct style that people      designers fresh out of           see government instruct
has taken the decision to      will recognise as a Crofts &    education have been vital        insurance companies
copy a design and stole all    Assinder product.               in making young designers        to offer, as part of their
their electronic equipment                                     aware of the importance of       standard terms, protection
in front of their eyes, they   Under the latest IP             IPR in relation to their work.   cover for businesses
would be furious and           Act, we have criminal                                            in relation to IPR and
call the police. I see no      provisions for intentional      As you know ACID is              infringement. I do believe
difference between the two     Registered design               the main Policy and              that when continuous
– you just do not do it!       infringement against            Government campaigning           infringing organisations are
                               the infringing company          body for Design & IP             challenged successfully
Do you think that IP           but also for individual         reform. Do you have              and when they receive
ethics, compliance and         directors. Do you               any recommendations              adverse publicity, that their
respect for intellectual       believe that if these           to Government to                 approach to copying does
property should be             criminal provisions are         stem the tide of blatant         change.
the cornerstone of the         extended to unregistered        design theft to support
industry, in terms of          designs infringements,          the interior design and
declared Corporate             it will become more of a        broader design sector?
Social Responsibility?         deterrent?                      I believe the Government
And if so, how could the       Yes, I do believe in this       can and should do more to
interior design sector         point. If infringers are        protect design theft. One
achieve this?                  aware that they may             area of concern I have
Yes. I do believe that this    face criminal sanctions         relates to the inconsistency
should form a part of a        for unregistered design         of how copyright
Company’s CSR policy.          infringements theft this        infringement and design
For me it is about guiding     will help to reduce the         infringement is applied
the design sector on how       trend. I also believe some      across different industry
you can deliver this within    well publicized examples        sectors. For example, the
a CSR message, so that         of where organisations,         music industry has very
a common consistent            directors and employees         strong protection about
approach is taken across       have been found guilty of       the duration of protection,
the design sector, with        criminal actions, it will act   yet a product designer’s
particular focus on            as a deterrent to those         protection with regard to
persuading the well-known      thinking of copying. In         duration is significantly
brands to adopt such a         my opinion, there is still      shorter. This is not right.
strategy.                      an element of people            A final concern I have
                               who have no morals              relates to the cost of
Designing beautiful,           when it comes to copying        protecting your design
classic, and luxury            designer’s work and they        when an infringement
handles, and fittings is       need to be stopped.             occurs. From personal
at the heart of Crofts                                         experience, it is typically
& Assinder design              What do you feel ACID’s         the larger organisations
principles; how do you         achievements have been          who copy or arrange for
inspire your people to         and what could we do            copies of products to be
persistently attain high       in the future to further        made - typically on grounds
standards and how              raise awareness about IP        of wanting reduced costs.
important do you think         theft?                          However, when you do
this is for the future         ACID has done a fantastic       engage with the legal
of such a trusted and          job in raising the profile      challenge route, the legal
respected British family       of IPR infringement and         costs for designers and
company?                       the impact this has on          small businesses can
For me, it is about keeping    the design community.           escalate very quickly and
the design briefs simple       The work that ACID has          can often cripple sole
and allowing the Design        done with regards to            traders or small businesses        Alex Crofts
Team to have a degree          lobbying government for         financially. The large             Crofts & Assinder
of trust and freedom           legislative changes has         companies who copy know
when working. It is also       been very impressive and        they can outspend smaller
important for the Company      I can say from personal         companies when it comes  
to aspire to be a trend        experience that the legal       to legal challenges.
setter within the market,      advice and support given        It takes a very brave and
who our peers wish to          when we have faced              principled person to see           ACID MEMBER
follow, and this requires a    design infringement has         a legal challenge through

                                                                                                           ACID.UK.COM ISSUE 71   17

                                                                 MEMBER FOCUS

        The Tiafi Conn
                    ‘Me’ Charms
     The ‘You’ and           er!
              connect togeth

                               Emma-Kate and husband, Dylan, launched Tiafi Jewellery
                               earlier this year with their debut ‘Friendship Collection’. Each
                               piece in the collection is handcrafted in the UK, made from
                               high quality recycled sterling silver and 18ct gold vermeil for
                               pendants, bracelets, and studs, along with the statement
                               signet rings.
           more of our         Having fallen in love with    I was in my workshop,        Jewellery for over 15
            Member             a Welshman, Dylan, whilst     and I found an old picture   years, so I had some
            Focuses            studying at the Royal         of my best friends from      knowledge about
                               College of Art in London      when I lived in London,      trademarks but very
              here             and now proudly based         and it made me think how     limited knowledge about
                               in Wales, the name Tiafi      I could feel connected       how to protect a unique
                               (meaning ‘You’ and “Me’       to them now that we’re       design.
                               in Welsh) fitted perfectly.   apart.
                                                                                          Which ACID
                               Beautifully gift wrapped      The concept is simple but    Membership services
                               in luxury eco-packaging,      very clever. The raised      have you used and how
                               Tiafi Jewellery pieces are    ‘Me’ charm connects with     have you benefited from
                               the perfect thoughtful gift   the indented ‘You’ charm,    being a Member?
                               for friends, family and       like they’re having a big
                               bridal.                       hug!                         We listened to an ACID
                                                                                          webinar on how to protect
                               When and why did you          Did you have any             jewellery designs and
                               first start to create your    knowledge of                 that was so helpful. We
                               products/designs?             intellectual property        then lodged the designs
                                                             when you started your        on the IP Databank and
                               I first came up with the      business?                    took advantage of the
                               unique connecting charm                                    free legal advice benefit
                               concept back in 2019.         I’ve run Emma-Kate           with one of ACIDs legal


partners McDaniel & Co.      reform. Do you have
Now that we’ve launched      any messages for
Tiafi Jewellery, we’ve       Government/Policy
used the Member of ACID      Makers on IP issues?
logo on our website.
                             It would be great if they
Have you brought             could give more protection
anything new to the          to small designers against
marketplace recently         bigger businesses
that you would like to       as design law is very
share?                       complex and apparently
                             very costly to take action.
We launched Tiafi
Jewellery earlier this
year with their debut
‘Friendship Collection’
which is inspired by
the Celtic symbol for
Friendship and features
our unique connecting
charms. We have other
collections which we’re
planning to launch later
this year and we’ll be
adding them to the IP

What is the best aspect
of ACID Membership for
your business?

Having the knowledge
that you’ve got someone
to turn to for advice on
Intellectual Property is
fantastic. The team were
incredibly helpful when
we joined, it gave us the
confidence to launch the
business knowing we’d
done all we could to
protect our idea.

What advice would you
offer to a new designer?

Have confidence in your
idea but do your research
on what other products         Tiafi Jewellery
are in the market and get
some advice on IP as it’s
important to get it right.     @TiafiJewellery
ACID values the support
of its members to
enable it to campaign          ACID MEMBER
for design law

                                       ACID.UK.COM ISSUE 71   19

                                      MEMBER FOCUS

       Four ACID Members celebrate their
      designers’ Coveted Furniture Makers’
           Design Guild Mark Awards!

     The prestigious Design Guild Mark is awarded by The Furniture Makers’ Company to
     drive excellence and raise the profile of British design and innovation. ACID is delighted
     to announce that designs by Tim Rundle, Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby, Simon Cass,
     Drew Millward, and Charlotte Raffo for four ACID members were awardees of this coveted
     recognition of excellence. We also extended our congratulations to all DGM awardees.

     Textiles, Wall Coverings,
     Surfaces, Carpets & Floor
     Hit the North: Designed by Drew
     Millward and Charlotte Raffo for
     The Monkey Puzzle Tree
     DGM 257

     See all Design Guild Mark Awardees


                                          Furniture DGM Judge Jeremy Myerson,
                                          Professor of design at the Royal College of Art
                                          “Excellence in furniture design is what the Design
                                          Guild Mark scheme is all about. This year, the
                                          judges set about examining the entrants with
                                          exacting technical criteria and commitment to
                                          rewarding creativity. We saw some great work,
                                          which was a tonic after a pandemic-ravaged year
                                          in which just sitting on a sofa with others has been
                                          out of bounds.”

                                          ACID Council Member and Design Guild Mark
                                          Chairman Rodney McMahon said,
Rakino Collection: Designed by Tim
                                          “This year we welcomed the Lighting Design
Rundle for Morgan Contract Furniture      category, with its new panel of judges and we are
DGM 237                                   delighted to have expanded the scope and reach
                                          of the Guild Marks by doing so. The three days
                                          of virtual judging were absolutely riveting, and,
                                          despite the obvious challenges, we embraced
                                          the process and achieved a very balanced and
                                          effective result. Emboldened by this, we shall hold
                                          the Awards ceremony on Instagram in June and
                                          look forward to connecting to as wide a spectrum
                                          of designers, and their admirers, as possible.”

                                          ACID CEO and Immediate Past Master of the
                                          Furniture Makers Company Dids Macdonald
                                          OBE said,
                                          “Despite the pandemic challenges, Rodney
                                          McMahon has led the Design Guild Mark into
                                          new territory with support from a much-revered
                                          judging panel who judged remotely with all the
Pi Stool: Designed by Simon Cass for      restrictions that this poses between designer and
                                          judge. So, hats off to all, for ensuring that despite
Par-avion co./Skandium DGM 253            these challenges, the Design Guild Mark goes
                                          from strength to strength as the ultimate arbiter for
                                          design excellence.”

                                          Take a look at the Design Guild Mark
                                          Judges here.


Smalto Table Collection: Designed by
Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby for Knoll
International DGM 239

                                                                            ACID.UK.COM ISSUE 71   21

                                                                     Wishing a warm welcome to new #ACID member
                                                                     Keeley Traae!
                                                                     Keeley is a design consultant and product designer
                                                                     with over 25 years of experience within the Ceramic
                                                                     Industry. Check out Keeley’s fantastic designs here:
                                                                     07968 520 326

                                   Shown here are some
                                   examples of our new
                                   members’ work as we
                                   welcome them to the ACID
                                   community on social media.
                                   To keep up to date with the
                                   latest news go to https://

       We are excited that Woodupp UK has joined ACID                A big hello to and welcome to new ACID member
       as new members! Welcome to our ACID community!                @LKGallacher! Lindsey is a qualified jewellery
       WoodUpp create remarkable products for modern                 designer who graduated from Edinburgh College
       customers who want to improve the look and acoustics          of Art with 1st class honours in silversmithing and
       of their favourite room.                                      jewellery.
       Discover more about their excellent products here:            Read more here:                               

       Ledtroniks, who work with the leading lighting                Joining from Somerset are new members @
       designers, architects, and engineers to bring the most        FlanciActive, designing activewear brand
       innovative lighting solutions to life are also new joiners,   providing fun and funky fitness leg wear for
       and we look forward to working with them and other            people who love colour. Check out their amazing
       new members on their IP strategy.                             and unique ranges here:                             

       +44 (0) 208 438 2934


@candlekitchen, creators of fantastic, customised        Creators of gorgeous designs for fabrics, wallpaper
candles for sale globally have also recently joined      and interiors, @Nuthatch_Grey are amongst our
ACID and we welcome them warmly. Check out their         exciting new members – welcome! Working in
fair trade lanterns and candle holders alongside their   pencil and watercolour, taking inspiration from the
range of candles.                                        natural world to bring the beauty of nature to your
                                                         home. Discover their enchanting work here
Read more here:                         

New ACID members also include @TheOldPipingBag,          From the bespoke furniture sector, we welcome
who make unique, award-winning silicone moulds for       Huckleberry to our ACID Community. They design and
cakes and crafts. To make beautiful bakes and tasty      make beautiful fitted and unfitted furniture for the whole
treats take a peek here:          house. Made by highly skilled artisans and built to last a
                                                         lifetime. Feast your eyes here:

And from Sussex we welcome ACID member @                 And from the Ceramics world, a big hello to new
HounddogF, a designer-maker who creates stunning         ACID member Sam Andrew who creates a stunning
interior design pieces, crafted with care from solid     functional range of ceramics, each piece handmade
timber. Take a look at some of his beautiful work here   and unique. Share their lovely collection here                         

                                                                                                   ACID.UK.COM ISSUE 71   23

     New Members
     ACID welcomes the following new members to the
     ACID Community
      Company                                     Industry                     Company                                     Industry

      Garter & Veil Ltd                           Bridal                       The Stamford Gift Studio Limited            Giftware

      Kaye Wyatt                                  Ceramics                     Design Sheep Ltd                            Graphics

      Sam Andrew                                  Ceramics                     Craftsuprint Ltd                            Greetings Cards

      Rockahula Kids                              Childrenswear                Dandy Sloth                                 Greetings Cards

      Red Betty                                   Design Agency                                                            Interior
                                                                               Keeley Traae Design

      Belfield Home                               Fabrics & Textiles                                                       Interior
                                                                               Little Shop Of Ltd.

      CINNY Papers & Linens                       Fabrics & Textiles                                                       Interior
                                                                               The Candle Kitchen

      FLANCI Ltd                                  Fabrics & Textiles           Wood Upp                                    Interior Design

      Nuthatch Grey                               Fabrics & Textiles           Cammie Toloui / UnMuted Designs             Jewellery

      Stil Haven                                  Fabrics & Textiles           Element Isle Limited                        Jewellery
                                                                                                                                             Anti Copying in Design Ltd
      The Little Cloth Rabbit                     Fabrics & Textiles           Jordan Herry Jewellery                      Jewellery         Anti Copying In Design Ltd.,
                                                                                                                                             All Mail to: Graham House,
      Amy Lianne Ltd                              Fashion                      Lindsey Gallacher                           Jewellery         Chequers Close, Enigma
                                                                                                                                             Business Park, Malvern,
      Latoyah London                              Fashion                      Sibo Daka                                   Jewellery         Worcs., WR14 1GP

      Let Us Pretend                              Fashion                      Empty State                                 Lighting          Membership Office:
                                                                                                                                             +44 (0) 845 644 3617
      MOYO BY BIBi                                Fashion                      Ledtroniks Ltd                              Lighting          Email:

      90one                                       Furniture                                                                                  Online:
                                                                               Hop Inn Limited                             Product Design

      Huckleberry Design Ltd                      Furniture                                                                                  Social Media:
                                                                               Horseology                                  Product Design
      Nick Newlands                               Furniture                    mavricsc                                    Product Design         Anti.Copying.In.Design
      Oldershaw and Clark                         Furniture                    Plumbtub Limited                            Product Design
                                                                                                                                             ACID Registered Head Office:
      Outstanding Desk                            Furniture                    The-Old Piping Bag                          Product Design    Fifth Floor, Suite 23, 63/66 Hatton
                                                                                                                                             Garden, London, EC1N 8LE
      RRUKI Group                                 Furniture                                                                                  Company Reg. No 3402512.
                                                                               Wainman Design                              Product Design
                                                                                                                                             VAT Reg. No 707 5923 23

      Sofa Source Direct Ltd                      Furniture                    Flossie and Twts                            The Arts          Nothing in this newsletter is intended
                                                                                                                                             to be a complete statement of the
      The Blighty Furniture Company                                                                                                          current law and you should always
                                                  Furniture                    Rie Designed                                The Arts
      Limited                                                                                                                                take specialist advice in respect of
                                                                                                                                             your own particular circumstances
      Urbis Design                                Garden Products              The Puzzle Factory                          The Arts
                                                                                                                                             © ACID 2021
      CountryStyle® Photography                   Giftware                     The Studio                                  The Arts

     ACID’s Joining Criteria for New Members
     In accordance with our policy that all members are provisional members for the first 6 months of their subscription period, we
     publish a list in each newsletter of companies which have recently joined ACID. In the event that there is any complaint against
     a new member, please write to the Chief Executive together with any substantiated facts. Hearsay, rumour or unsubstantiated
     facts will not be considered under any circumstances. Any complaint that should arise will be put before a panel comprising
     ACID’s legal advisor, Chief Executive and two Corporate ACID Members from a different industry sector. If the panel decides that
     a complaint should be upheld their decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

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