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GERD pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and clinical manifestations PETER J. KAHRILAS, MD ■ ABSTRACT the esophagus) about once every hour, such episodes Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a specific are not generally associated with pathologic signs or symptoms. Heartburn may occur, especially after a clinical entity defined by the occurrence of gastro- meal. In most cases, however, such episodes of benign esophageal reflux through the lower esophageal “physiologic” reflux are asymptomatic and character- sphincter (LES) into the esophagus or oropharynx to ized by rapid clearance from the distal esophagus.2 cause symptoms, injury to esophageal tissue, or Pathologic gastroesophageal reflux results in a both. The pathophysiology of GERD is complex and wide range of symptoms and esophageal pathologic not completely understood. An abnormal LES pres- changes characteristic of GERD. Pathologic reflux sure and increased reflux during transient LES episodes are more frequent and of longer duration, relaxations are believed to be key etiologic factors. and they can occur during the day and/or at night. Prolonged exposure of the esophagus to acid is Typically, they lead to chronic symptoms, inflamma- another. Heartburn and acid regurgitation are the tion, or esophageal mucosal damage.3 GERD, there- most common symptoms of GERD, although patho- fore, is a clinical condition in which the symptoms logic reflux can result in a wide variety of clinical of gastroesophageal reflux or its effects on esopha- geal tissue are severe enough to disrupt a patient’s presentations. GERD is typically chronic, and while it life or cause injury to esophageal tissue. is generally nonprogressive, some cases are associ- ated with development of complications of increas- ■ CLINICAL OVERVIEW OF GERD ing severity and significance. The pathogenesis of GERD is multifactorial. Patho- G astroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), logic reflux is thought to occur when the injurious as generally defined, is a common condi- properties of refluxed gastric acid, bile, pepsin, and tion that results from the reflux of gastric duodenal contents overwhelm normal esophageal material through the lower esophageal protective antireflux barriers, such as esophageal sphincter (LES) into the esophagus or oropharynx, acid clearance and mucosal resistance. The primary causing symptoms and/or injury to esophageal tis- underlying mechanism causing pathologic reflux sue.1 The term encompasses both symptoms and appears to be a defective LES, which increases the pathophysiologic changes to the esophageal mucosa, volume of acidic gastric contents that refluxes into which occur as a result of exposure of the distal the esophagus. This increase in acid volume tips the esophagus to acidic gastric contents after episodes of balance toward pathologic reflux by overwhelming gastroesophageal reflux. the normal capacity of the esophageal mucosa to While most people experience some degree of nor- tolerate acid.4 mal gastroesophageal reflux (ie, retrograde move- A minority of patients with GERD (20%) have, ment of gastric acid contents through the LES into as their primary underlying motility disorder, LES incompetence due to either decreased LES pressure (LESP), increased intra-abdominal pressure (as seen From the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, North- with obesity or pregnancy), or a shorter than normal western University Medical School, Chicago, Ill. (< 2 to 5 cm) LES.3 Many patients with GERD, how- Address: Peter J. Kahrilas, MD, Northwestern University, 676 ever, have normal LESP. In this group of patients, St. Clair Street, Suite 1400, Chicago, IL 60611–2951. frequent transient LES relaxation (TLESR) is often S4 C L E V E L A N D C L I NI C J OURNAL OF ME DI CI NE VOLUME 70 • SUPPLEMENT 5 NOV EMBER 2003
KAHRILAS found as the underlying cause of pathologic reflux.5 ically, however, GERD is a chronic condition requir- Although the understanding of TLESRs remains ing continued management using medications (see incomplete, one of the main triggers is believed to the final article in this supplement) and lifestyle be gastric distention caused by postprandial fullness modifications. Selected patients with severe disease or intragastric air. Although TLESRs are not more may benefit from surgery to prevent relapse. frequent in GERD, a higher proportion of them are A number of factors have been identified that accompanied by acid reflux. suggest early recurrence: a hypotensive LES, long- While heartburn and acid regurgitation are the standing symptoms, the need for long-term treat- most commonly reported symptoms of GERD, they ment to achieve initial symptom relief and healing, are not the only associated symptoms. Pathologic esophagitis having a high initial endoscopic grade, acid reflux can result in a wide spectrum of GERD hiatal hernia, and the presence of persistent symp- clinical presentations, including dysphagia/odyno- toms despite endoscopically documented esophagi- phagia and noncardiac chest pain. Important tis healing.8 Pharmacotherapy, particularly the use extraesophageal symptoms include laryngitis, of antisecretory agents, has probably modified the pharyngitis, chronic sinusitis, dental erosions, asth- natural history of GERD. Proton pump inhibitor ma, and chronic cough. Laryngeal or pulmonary (PPI) use, in particular, has had an enormous symptoms, such as laryngitis, hoarseness, noncar- impact on treatment, in providing significantly diac chest pain, or asthma, can occur as a result of improved erosive esophagitis healing rates and bet- gastric acid reflux into the throat and vocal cords or ter symptom control.9 down into the lungs. Pharyngitis can occur as a Without maintenance therapy, most patients with result of gastric acid reflux into the back of the erosive GERD, especially those with the greatest dis- throat, causing inflammation. Acid reflux due to ease severity, will experience relapse within 3 months. GERD can also erode teeth. Prompt recurrence has also been seen among a major- While GERD is usually nonprogressive, in a ity of patients receiving histamine2-receptor antago- minority of cases disease progression is associated nists (H2RAs) for maintenance of esophagitis heal- with the development of complications. The range ing. Among patients with more mild esophagitis, of GERD complications includes esophagitis, bleed- relapse rates of 50% to 90% have been reported. ing, esophageal erosions and ulcerations, stricture Among patients with nonerosive esophagitis but formation, Barrett’s esophagus, and adenocarcinoma frequent heartburn, a symptom relapse rate of 75% of the esophagus. Reflux-induced injury to esoph- was seen at 6 months.10 Additional data from small ageal tissue can result in tissue destruction and the studies of limited duration suggest that a minority of development of esophageal erosions or ulcerations. patients with nonerosive GERD will progress to ero- Esophageal scarring, involving fibrous tissue deposi- sive GERD. This finding needs to be confirmed, tion as a protective response to ulceration, can lead however, in larger studies of longer duration.9 to the development of esophageal stricture. Therefore, an initial negative endoscopy does not Replacement of ulcerated squamous epithelium by a preclude the development of erosive disease. metaplastic intestinal-type epithelium characterizes Compared with the pathophysiology, symptoms, the development of Barrett’s esophagus. and clinical course of GERD, the impact of GERD Barrett’s esophagus, a serious complication of re- on quality of life is perhaps less well recognized. flux esophagitis in severe, long-standing GERD, has Numerous studies have documented how GERD been linked to a significant increase in the risk of reduces quality of life and the way in which effec- esophageal adenocarcinoma.6 In fact, symptomatic tive treatment can yield significant benefit in mea- reflux has been identified as a strong risk factor for sures of patient functioning and well-being. esophageal adenocarcinoma. In a population-based case-control study, a high percentage of esophageal ■ PATHOGENESIS AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY adenocarcinoma cases were attributable to sympto- matic reflux.7 The complications of GERD are dis- A multifactorial etiology cussed in detail in the third article in this supplement. Some degree of gastroesophageal reflux occurs nor- GERD may also be a temporary condition associ- mally in most individuals (Figure 1). GERD is ated with a specific triggering factor (eg, pregnancy), thought to develop when a combination of condi- disappearing once that factor is removed. More typ- tions occurs to increase the presence of refluxed CL E VE L AND CL I NI C J OURNAL OF MED IC INE VOLUME 70 • SUPPLEMENT 5 NOV EMBER 2003 S5
G E R D PAT H O G E N E S I S , PAT H O P H Y S I O L O G Y, A N D M A N I F E S TAT I O N S 1 Acid and food reflux Acid into the Reflux Peristalsis esophagus 2 returns most acid reflux Relaxed Lower to the Esophageal Sphincter stomach 4 Saliva neutralizes 3 After peristalsis, the remaining a small amount acid in the of acid remains esophagus in the esophagus FIGURE 1. What happens during nonpathologic reflux. acid in the esophagus to pathologic levels.3 Aggres- the gastric refluxate as a contributory factor in some sive mechanisms potentially harmful to the esopha- circumstances.12 A significant defect in any one of gus overwhelm protective mechanisms such as these forces can alter the balance from a compensat- esophageal acid clearance and mucosal resistance, ed state to a decompensated one. Manifestations of which normally help to maintain a physiologically the decompensated state include symptoms and balanced state. In this way, the pathogenesis of complications such as heartburn and esophagitis.13 GERD is similar to that of other acid-secretory dis- Excessive acid reflux due to TLESRs is the most eases, such as duodenal ulcer disease and gastric common causative mechanism (Table 1).14 A patho- ulcer disease.11 logically decreased LES resting tone is more common Among the mechanisms thought to contribute to among patients with severe GERD, especially those the development of GERD are TLESRs or decreased with esophageal strictures or Barrett’s esophagus. LES resting tone, impaired esophageal acid clear- Esophageal motility abnormalities (impaired ance, delayed gastric emptying, decreased salivation, peristalsis) are also commonly associated with and impaired tissue resistance (Figure 2). Recent severe esophagitis (Figure 3).15 Among both normal data also support the importance of the potency of individuals and those with GERD, gastric disten- S6 C L E V E L A N D C L I NI C J OURNAL OF ME DI CI NE VOLUME 70 • SUPPLEMENT 5 NOV EMBER 2003
KAHRILAS Decreased Salivation 50 48 Impaired Esophageal Acid 40 Lower Clearance Esophageal Patients (%) Sphincter Impaired Tissue Resistance 30 26 (LES) 21 Transient LES Relaxation 20 Duodenum Decreased Resting Tone of LES 10 9 Delayed Gastric Emptying 0 Normal Normal Mild Severe Volunteers Esophagus/ Esophagitis Esophagitis GERD FIGURE 2. Possible etiologic factors involved in GERD. FIGURE 3. Proportion of subjects with esophageal motility abnormalities, by increasing severity of esophagitis. Reprinted from reference 15 with permission from the American Gastroenterological TABLE 1 Association. Mechanisms of gastroesophageal reflux in normal volunteers and in patients with GERD 16 TLESR Number of Acid Reflux Episodes per Hour Swallow Normal Patients Strain Type volunteers with GERD 12 Free Transient lower esophageal 94% 65% Normal Nonhernia Hernia sphincter relaxations (TLESRs) Controls Patients Patients With GERD With 8 GERD Transient increase in 5% 17% intra-abdominal pressure * Spontaneous free reflux 1% 18% 4 * Reprinted from reference 14 with permission. Copyright © 1982 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. * 0 Baseline Distention† Baseline Distention† Baseline Distention† *P
G E R D PAT H O G E N E S I S , PAT H O P H Y S I O L O G Y, A N D M A N I F E S TAT I O N S TABLE 2 Substances that influence lower esophageal sphincter pressure (LESP) Increase LESP Decrease LESP Hormones Gastrin, motilin, substance P Secretin, cholecystokinin, glucagon, gastric inhibitory polypeptide, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, progesterone Neural agents Alpha-adrenergic agonists, Alpha-adrenergic antagonists, beta-adrenergic agonists, beta-adrenergic antagonists, cholinergic antagonists, serotonin cholinergic agonists Medications Metoclopramide, domperidone, Nitrates, calcium channel blockers, theophylline, morphine, prostaglandin F2α, cisapride meperidone, diazepam, barbiturates Foods Protein Fat, chocolate, ethanol, peppermint Reprinted from reference 13 with permission from Elsevier. Normal LES function. The LES is a 3-cm to 4-cm significant diurnal variation: it is lowest in the day- segment of tonically contracted smooth muscle locat- time and during the postprandial period and highest ed at the gastroesophageal junction. It is one of two at night.3 LESP is also influenced by various drugs, muscular valves located at either end of the esopha- foods, and hormones (Table 2).13 gus that protect the airway from the reflux of injuri- Transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations. ous gastric contents. The LES is an anatomically TLESRs are brief episodes of LES relaxation that are complex zone, comprising two components: the true unrelated to swallowing or peristalsis (Figure 5).18,19 LES in the distal esophagus and the crural portion of Lasting approximately 10 seconds to 35 seconds, the diaphragm. Both the LES and the diaphragm TLESRs decrease LESP to the gastric level.3 They contribute to gastroesophageal sphincter compe- occur via stimulation of vagal sensory and motor tence. The LES must be dynamic to protect against nerves in response to gastric distention.2 Seen reflux in a variety of situations, including swallow- among individuals both with and without GERD, ing, recumbency, and abdominal straining. TLESRs do not always result in gastroesophageal In normal digestion, relaxation of the LES prior reflux. Nevertheless, they are strongly associated to contraction of the esophagus allows food to pass with both physiologic and pathologic reflux.20,21 In through into the stomach. Constriction of the LES experiments involving simultaneous measurement prevents regurgitation of stomach contents (food of LESP and esophageal pH, most reflux episodes and acidic stomach juices) into the esophagus. Tonic were found to be caused by spontaneous complete contraction of the LES is a property of the muscle relaxations of an otherwise normal LES.20 itself as well as its extrinsic innervation. Both myo- In fact, TLESRs account for the vast majority of genic and neurogenic mechanisms are involved in nonpathologic (ie, physiologic) reflux events. maintaining LES resting tone. LES tone is main- Peristalsis returns approximately 90% of refluxed tained or increased by release of acetylcholine. acidic material to the stomach, and the remaining Relaxation of the LES occurs in response to nitric acid is neutralized by swallowed saliva during succes- oxide release, as seen in response to swallowing. sive swallows. Among patients with GERD, TLESRs In the resting state, the LES maintains a high- are considered the primary underlying cause of pressure zone that is 15 mm Hg to 30 mm Hg above pathologic reflux in the presence of a normal resting intragastric pressures, depending on individual vari- tone. Patients with GERD have an equal frequency ability. Normal LESP varies with breathing, body of TLESRs compared with normal individuals, position, and movement, in response to intra- although they have a higher percentage of TLESRs abdominal pressure and gastric distention. The crur- associated with reflux.22 Thus, the time that gastric al diaphragm can augment LESP to help prevent acid remains in contact with the esophageal mucosa reflux during inspiration, when pressure in the is increased in patients with GERD, increasing their intrathoracic region decreases. LESP also exhibits risk of symptoms and esophageal injury. S8 C L E V E L A N D C L I NI C J OURNAL OF ME DI CI NE VOLUME 70 • SUPPLEMENT 5 NOV EMBER 2003
KAHRILAS The proportion of reflux episodes due to TLESRs 6 varies with GERD severity. Among healthy individ- Esophageal pH 2 uals, or those with GERD but no esophagitis, reflux Pharyngeal 40 occurs almost exclusively during TLESRs. In Pressure (mm Hg) 0 patients with erosive or ulcerative esophagitis, 80 reflux occurs during TLESRs in only about one 0 third of episodes. Data from a recent study compar- Esophageal 80 ing excess reflux among patients with GERD with Body and without a hiatal hernia show that TLESRs Pressure (mm Hg) 0 accounted for 32.8% of reflux episodes among 80 patients with a hiatal hernia, compared with 60.2% among those without a hiatal hernia.23 0 Decreased LES resting tone. A minority of LES Pressure 80 (mm Hg) patients with GERD have a constantly weak, 0 low-pressure LES, which permits reflux every time Time (min) the pressure in the stomach exceeds the LESP. Among patients with such a defect, the absolute FIGURE 5. Gastroesophageal reflux occurring during transient LESP necessary for GERD is less than 6 mm Hg.12 lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxations. Shortly before A chronically decreased LES resting tone is usually reflux occurs (white vertical line), the LES abruptly relaxes (arrow) associated with severe esophagitis. Severe impair- without an antecedent swallow. Intragastric pressure is indicated by the horizontal broken line. Reprinted from Gut 1988; ment in basal LES tone may lead to more severe dis- 29:1020–1028,19 with permission from the BMJ Publishing Group. ease by allowing gastric contents to pass freely into the esophagus when the patient is supine.8 Similarly, LES defects have been found among many patients to upright to supine to bipositional.25 with other GERD complications, such as esophageal Normal acid clearance. The process of normal stricture and Barrett’s esophagus. acid clearance involves peristalsis as well as the Factors that decrease LES tone include endoge- swallowing of salivary bicarbonate. Peristalsis clears nous hormones (eg, progesterone in pregnancy), gastric fluid from the esophagus, whereas the swal- medications, and specific foods.2 In patients with lowing of saliva (pH of 7.8 to 8.0) neutralizes any hiatal hernia, the true LES and the crural diaphragm remaining acid. Both primary and secondary peri- are separated, which impairs acid clearance. stalsis are essential mechanisms of esophageal clear- ance. Voluntary induced primary peristalsis occurs Increased esophageal acid exposure approximately 60 times per hour. Secondary peri- Esophageal acid exposure is the percentage of time stalsis occurs in the absence of a pharyngeal swallow within a 24-hour period in which esophageal pH is and can be elicited by esophageal distention or acid- less than 4. The degree of esophageal mucosal injury ification, which occurs with acid reflux.3 Salivation and the frequency and severity of symptoms such as is crucial to the completion of esophageal acid heartburn, regurgitation, and pain are determined clearance and the restoration of esophageal pH. by the degree and duration of esophageal acid expo- Gravity also plays an important role in esophageal sure. Esophageal acid exposure, in turn, is related to acid clearance. the pH of the refluxed gastric material.24 Impaired acid clearance. Ineffective esophageal Among most patients with mild disease, acid clearance increases esophageal acid exposure esophageal acid exposure occurs predominantly dur- time in patients with GERD. In experimentally ing postprandial periods.21 The pattern of induced or spontaneous reflux, patients with GERD esophageal acid exposure, in fact, has been linked to have been found to have acid clearance times that increasing GERD severity. Among 401 patients are two to three times longer than those of persons with increased esophageal acid exposure, divided without GERD.13 Impaired esophageal clearance can into four groups according to their pattern of reflux be caused by an increase in volume of the refluxate. (ie, postprandial, upright, supine, or bipositional), Rarely, impaired esophageal acid clearance may be the risk of severe GERD increased progressively due to an underlying disease such as scleroderma. In with the different reflux patterns, from postprandial some patients, esophageal body dysfunction can sub- CL E VE L AND CL I NI C J OURNAL OF MED IC INE VOLUME 70 • SUPPLEMENT 5 NOV EMBER 2003 S9
G E R D PAT H O G E N E S I S , PAT H O P H Y S I O L O G Y, A N D M A N I F E S TAT I O N S digestive juices is the primary cause of GERD symp- 70 toms and tissue injury. The longer the esophagus is 60 exposed to acid (and also pepsin), the more severe Total Time pH
KAHRILAS most injurious to esophageal mucosa.12 The intragas- tric acidity threshold of pH 4 differentiates between Surface of Gastric Mucosa aggressive and nonaggressive reflux in part because Mucous Cell gastric refluxate with a pH less than 4 contains active G Cell pepsin. The enzymatic activity of pepsin is depen- Parietal Cell dent on pH, and it is activated in an acidic environ- Enterochromaffin-like Cell ment. Refluxed bile or alkaline pancreatic secretions, however, may contribute in some cases. Increased Chief Cell amounts of bile acids have been found in the reflux- ate of GERD patients, especially those with Barrett’s esophagus.12 A recent study indicates, however, that isolated bile reflux does not result in esophagitis.31 FIGURE 7. Schematic presenting a microscopic view of the Pepsin is clearly the dominant player. The causative gastric mucosa. role of bile has not been established. These observations have immediate clinical ben- outlet obstruction.33 efit. Antisecretory drugs have become the principal Impaired mucosal resistance. The ability of the approach for treating reflux symptoms and esopha- esophageal mucosa to withstand injury is a deter- gitis because they reduce the acidity of gastric juice mining factor in the development of GERD. Age and the activity of pepsin. They also reduce the vol- and nutritional status seem to influence the ability ume of gastric juice available for reflux into the of the mucosa to withstand injury. Esophageal tissue esophagus.32 resistance to acid consists of cell membranes and The role of hypoacidity has also been demon- intercellular junctional complexes, which protect strated in new studies suggesting that colonization against injury by limiting the rate of diffusion of with Helicobacter pylori may protect against severe hydrogen ions into the epithelium. The esophagus esophagitis and Barrett’s esophagus. This protection also produces bicarbonate and mucus. Bicarbonate is presumed to occur via mechanisms that promote buffers the acid, and mucus forms a protective barri- hypoacidity. Eradication of H pylori, consequently, er on the epithelial surface. may aggravate GERD in susceptible patients.12 The sensitivity of the esophageal mucosa to Timing of esophageal acid exposure. Among the damage from acid, pepsin, or bile is rather high. majority of patients with GERD who have mild ero- The level of resistance of the esophageal mucosa to sive esophagitis or no endoscopic abnormality, most acid damage is far less than that of the stomach lin- reflux occurs after meals. Relatively little reflux ing. Esophageal damage occurs because the level of occurs during the night. With increasingly severe acid and pepsin present exceeds the level of mucos- cases of esophagitis, acid exposure progressively al protection. Pepsin in the acid refluxate can dam- increases, primarily because of an increase in noc- age the esophageal mucosa by digesting epithelial turnal reflux. Nighttime is also the longest period of protein. Enhanced mucosal sensitivity to acid can unbuffered gastric acid secretion, owing to reduced also be seen in association with chronic heartburn acid neutralization by salivary bicarbonate during symptoms.34 sleep. In addition, esophageal acid exposure clear- ance is reduced because of sleep’s effects on Gastric acid production and regulation esophageal motility.21 Acid production by parietal cells. Deep within the lining of the stomach lie collections of cells orga- Other etiologic factors nized into gastric glands, which secrete various sub- Delayed stomach emptying. Delayed gastric empty- stances into the stomach (Figure 7), including ing is present in 10% to 15% of patients with mucus, hydrochloric acid (HCl), the hormone gas- GERD.12 It is believed to contribute to the develop- trin, histamine, pepsinogen, and intrinsic factor. ment of a small proportion of cases by increasing the Mucous cells, within gastric pits that open onto the amount of fluid available for reflux and by the asso- surface of the stomach, secrete mucus. Specialized ciated constant gastric distention. Potential causes parietal cells, located in the deeper part of the of impaired gastric emptying include gastroparesis, gland, secrete HCl. Parietal cells also are thought to as seen in patients with diabetes, and partial gastric secrete intrinsic factor, which is needed for vitamin C L E VE L AND CL I NI C J OURNAL OF MED IC INE VOLUME 70 • SUPPLEMENT 5 NOV EMBER 2003 S11
G E R D PAT H O G E N E S I S , PAT H O P H Y S I O L O G Y, A N D M A N I F E S TAT I O N S the three pathways. Acetylcholine release is stimu- HCI lated by the sight, smell, and taste of food. Digested Gastric Proton Pump food in the stomach (containing dietary amino H+, K+ -ATPase acids and proteins) chemically stimulates the H+ K+ release of gastrin from G cells in the gastric antrum. An elevated gastric pH also stimulates the release of CI- gastrin.36,37 A low gastric pH inhibits gastrin release by inducing the release of somatostatin from antral D cells, which in turn reduces gastrin release from G CI- Histamine cells.38 Stomach distention, triggering the release of Acetylcholine acetylcholine, further stimulates G cells to produce gastrin. Gastrin travels through the bloodstream Gastrin and binds to the gastrin receptor on the parietal + + cells, located in the gastric body and fundus. Both FIGURE 8. The gastric proton pump. The H , K -ATPase mole- + + cule, or gastric proton pump, exchanges H for K , which, fol- acetylcholine and gastrin stimulate entero- lowed by the passive movement of Cl – into the parietal cell chromaffin-like cells to release histamine. lumen, leads to the production of HCl. Acid production within the The binding of acetylcholine, gastrin, or hista- parietal cell can be stimulated by the binding of gastrin, acetyl- mine to its receptor on the parietal cell initiates the choline, or histamine to specific receptors on the cell surface.42 process leading to acid production by altering the parietal cell’s permeability to calcium ions. The B12 absorption. G cells, located predominantly in resulting influx of calcium ions increases the intra- the antrum of the stomach, secrete gastrin. His- cellular calcium concentration, thereby activating tamine is secreted by enterochromaffin-like cells, intracellular protein phosphokinases. At the same and chief cells secrete pepsinogen. time, a membrane-bound adenylate cyclase leads to Parietal cells are stimulated to secrete HCl follow- the generation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate, ing activation of receptors for histamine 2, acetyl- which acts as a second messenger to activate protein choline, and/or gastrin. When maximally stimulated, phosphokinases. parietal cells can secrete HCl at concentrations that The final step in gastric acid production occurs can lower the pH of gastric juice to 1 or less.35 The via the gastric acid (proton) pump, in the apical stomach produces an average of 2 liters of HCl a day, membrane of the parietal cell. The low gastric pH which, in combination with the protein-splitting maintained by the proton pump allows balance enzyme pepsin, breaks down chemicals in food.35 between gastric acidity and mucosal defenses.39 During a meal, the rate of acid production by The gastric proton pump. The hydrogen-potas- parietal cells increases markedly, mediated by vagus sium adenosine triphosphatase (H+, K+ -ATPase) nerves. Stomach distention, hydrogen ion concen- molecule, or gastric proton pump, comprises an tration, and peptides send messages through long enzyme system located on the secretory surface of and short neural reflexes to increase gastrin release, the gastric parietal cell. It has two major compo- which also increases acid production. nents: a larger (alpha) subunit, containing approxi- Acid regulatory pathways. Acid secretion by mately 1,000 amino acids with both transport and parietal cells is controlled by three acid regulatory catalytic functions, and a smaller (beta) subunit, pathways: the acetylcholine, gastrin, and histamine consisting of about 300 amino acids with structural receptor pathways. These pathways, in turn, are and membrane-targeting functions.40 stimulated by food via the vagus nerve. The sight, Each gastric parietal cell contains about 1 million smell, and taste of food and its physical presence in acid pumps in its cytoplasmic membranes. Follow- the mouth, esophagus, and stomach all contribute ing the passive movement of potassium and chloride to the stimulation of gastric acid secretion. Hor- ions into the secretory canaliculus, the pumps are mones also play a role, as nervous stimulation of activated by translocation into canaliculi (resulting cells in the antrum leads to the release of gastrin, from the increase in protein phosphokinases which in turn stimulates further acid secretion into described above) and by activation of a potassium the stomach cavity. and chloride ion transport pathway.41 The primary Significant interaction and overlap occur among function of the activated pump is to exchange S12 C L E V E L A N D C L I NI C J OURNAL OF ME DI CI NE VOLUME 70 • SUPPLEMENT 5 NOV EMBER 2003
KAHRILAS TABLE 3 The spectrum of GERD manifestations Chest Pulmonary Oral Throat Ear Heartburn Asthma Tooth decay Globus sensation Earache Regurgitation Cough Gingivitis Hoarseness Chest pain Aspiration Laryngitis Dysphagia/odynophagia hydrogen ions from the cytosol of the parietal cell sents as unexplained angina-type pain that can for potassium ions from the secretory canaliculi resemble a myocardial infarction. A wide range of using energy derived from the splitting of ATP. In pulmonary and otolaryngologic symptoms can the secretory canaliculus, the chloride ions combine occur.45 In addition to laryngitis, pharyngitis, chron- with hydrogen ions to form HCl. ic cough, asthma, bronchiectasis, recurrent aspira- Regardless of the stimulus, the physical produc- tion syndromes, globus, and dysphagia, extraesopha- tion of acid from the parietal cell via H+, K+ -ATPase geal manifestations of GERD can include nausea and is the final common pathway for gastric acid secre- vomiting and erosive changes in dental enamel.6,46 tion (Figure 8).42 Symptom frequency also varies among patients. Direct inhibition of the proton pump inhibits Some experience daily or weekly symptoms, while acid secretion independent of the biochemical others have GERD symptoms a few times per pathway involved in its activation. Drugs that target month. Symptom frequency and severity do not the proton pump are therefore more effective correlate with the degree of esophageal mucosal inhibitors of gastric acid secretion than are those changes apparent on endoscopy.47 The most com- that target histamine, gastrin, or acetylcholine mon complication of GERD is esophagitis, and its receptors on the basolateral surface of the parietal severity ranges from erythema in early disease to the cell. Consequently, PPIs, which inhibit the activity development of endoscopic erosions or ulcerations of H+, K+ -ATPase, have been found to be more of varying severity. More serious complications potent inhibitors of gastric acid secretion than other include obstruction caused by esophageal stricture similar treatments (see the final article in this sup- formation, or Barrett’s esophagus (see the third arti- plement).43 cle in this supplement). Complicated GERD is suggested by a number of ■ CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS early warning signs. Slowly progressive dysphagia, particularly for solids, suggests the presence of pep- The clinical spectrum of GERD tic strictures. Liquid and solid dysphagia suggests a GERD is characterized by a wide variety of clinical GERD-related motility disorder. Odynophagia (oth- symptoms and presentations, ranging from sympto- erwise, rarely present) suggests inflammation or matic reflux without macroscopic esophagitis to the ulceration, most frequently associated with infec- chronic complications of esophageal mucosal dam- tious or pill-induced esophagitis. A GERD-related age.44 Heartburn is the most common symptom of esophageal motility disorder is more often seen in GERD. In some patients, heartburn may be accom- patients who have associated respiratory symptoms. panied by acid regurgitation, odynophagia, and dys- Occasionally, patients present with occult upper phagia. Numerous esophageal manifestations of gastrointestinal bleeding or with iron-deficiency GERD can occur. anemia. If patients have any of these warning signs, Depending on the extent to which refluxed acid they should undergo prompt evaluation to rule out reaches other nearby tissues, other types of symp- a diagnosis other than GERD.48 toms may occur. The spectrum of GERD symptoms, therefore, is diverse (Table 3). Heartburn and acid regurgitation Noncardiac chest pain associated with GERD pre- Heartburn is the most common symptom of GERD. C L E VE L AND CL I NI C J OURNAL OF MED IC INE VOLUME 70 • SUPPLEMENT 5 NOV EMBER 2003 S13
G E R D PAT H O G E N E S I S , PAT H O P H Y S I O L O G Y, A N D M A N I F E S TAT I O N S Its classic presentation is that of a retrosternal burn- impaired movement of a bolus from the oropharynx ing sensation that radiates to the pharynx. It usual- to the upper esophagus, whereas esophageal dys- ly occurs after meals (typically 30 to 60 minutes phagia is the perception of impaired transit through after eating) or upon reclining at night. It can also the esophageal body. The distinction can usually be be aggravated by bending over.33 Many patients can made from a careful history.33 Among patients with obtain relief by standing upright or taking an significant GERD, dysphagia is not uncommon and antacid to clear acid from the esophagus. may indicate esophageal stricture. Among those Heartburn is believed to be caused by acid stimu- with severe or recent-onset dysphagia, esophageal lation of sensory nerve endings in the deeper layers cancer must be ruled out. of the esophageal epithelium. If an excessive Odynophagia is a sharp substernal pain that amount of acid reflux enters the esophagus, pro- occurs during swallowing. The pain may be so longed contact with the esophageal lining will severe as to limit oral intake. The cause of odyno- injure the esophagus and produce a burning sensa- phagia is esophageal ulceration, especially in the tion. For heartburn to occur, the refluxate must be setting of infectious esophagitis. It may also be sufficiently acidic. caused by corrosive injury from ingestion of caustic Heartburn as the primary esophageal complaint substances or by pill-induced ulcers.33 has a high degree of reliability in diagnosing GERD. Many patients, however, have less-specific dyspep- Noncardiac chest pain tic symptoms and may or may not have heartburn. Noncardiac chest pain refers to unexplained sub- Increasing frequency of heartburn (from occasional sternal chest pain resembling a myocardial infarc- to occurring more than twice per week) suggests tion without evidence of coronary artery disease. GERD. When both heartburn and regurgitation are GERD is the most common gastrointestinal cause of present, a diagnosis of GERD can be made with noncardiac chest pain. The proximity of the esoph- greater than 90% certainty.48 Patients who have agus to the heart and its shared visceral enervation both symptoms and acid reflux but normal are believed to be underlying factors. Pain is esophageal acid exposure have been classified as thought to occur as a result of stimulation of having functional heartburn or “acid-sensitive chemoreceptors or by esophageal distention. Actual esophagus.” Patients with Zollinger-Ellison syn- microvascular angina independent of reflux might drome, however, may present with GERD symp- also be the cause. toms only. Both heartburn and regurgitation are Noncardiac chest pain can be sharp or dull and considered classic symptoms of GERD.49 can radiate widely into the neck, jaw, arms, or back. Acid regurgitation is the effortless return of One should also remember that substernal chest acidic gastric contents into the esophagus without pain can be caused by cardiovascular disease. The nausea, wretching, or abdominal contractions. Like patient’s response to exercise is one aspect of the his- heartburn, regurgitation usually occurs after meals, tory that can help distinguish heartburn from heart especially after large ones, and may be exacerbated disease or a myocardial infarction. Pain resulting by recumbency, straining, or bending over.50 If reflux from heart disease can be aggravated by exercise and of injurious acidic gastric contents extends beyond possibly relieved by rest. Heartburn is less likely to the esophagus to the lungs, larynx, pharynx, or oral be associated with physical activity, with the possi- cavity, extraesophageal GERD symptoms can occur. ble exception of bending over, which sometimes exacerbates heartburn. Dysphagia and odynophagia Dysphagia is the perception of impaired movement Extraesophageal symptoms of swallowed material from the pharynx to the stom- Extraesophageal complications of GERD (see the ach. It affects more than 30% of patients with following article in this supplement) have become GERD. Its possible causes include peristaltic dys- increasingly well recognized. In up to half of the function, inflammation, peptic stricture, or a Schatz- patients with such symptoms, GERD can be a ki ring.15 Alternatively, if no physical abnormality is causative or an exacerbating factor, especially if the found, the cause may be abnormal esophageal sensi- symptoms are refractory. Because many of these tivity to movement of the bolus during peristalsis.13 patients do not experience the classic GERD symp- Oropharyngeal dysphagia is the perception of toms of heartburn or regurgitation, the diagnosis is S14 C L E V E L A N D C L I NI C J OURNAL OF ME DI CI NE VOLUME 70 • SUPPLEMENT 5 NOV EMBER 2003
KAHRILAS often overlooked.33 In many cases, the diagnosis While some of these factors are thought to play a rests on the outcome of empiric treatment.2 significant and documented role in GERD patho- The most common extraesophageal symptoms genesis or pathophysiology, others, primarily dietary associated with GERD are noncardiac chest pain, and lifestyle factors, lack convincing or consistent chronic hoarseness, chronic cough, and asthma.51 documentation of a role in triggering or worsening Acid reflux into the lungs causes pulmonary symp- GERD symptoms. This is because of the nature of toms such as chronic cough, intermittent wheezing, the studies conducted, which have been generally asthma, bronchitis, aspiration or recurrent pneumo- small and inconclusive and have yielded conflicting nia, and interstitial fibrosis. Acid reflux that reaches results in different patient groups. The treatment of the mouth can erode dental enamel, causing tooth GERD, however, is oriented toward the individual decay. Other oral symptoms include gingivitis, hali- patient’s symptoms, and in practice this includes tosis, aphthous ulcers, and water brash. Acid reflux providing specific advice regarding individual into the throat causes sore throat and globus sensa- dietary intolerances and lifestyle factors.53 tion. Vocal cord inflammation can produce chronic A careful history can help to identify specific fac- posterior laryngitis and hoarseness. Otalgia and hic- tors in individual patients, to avoid unnecessarily cups are other possible extraesophageal symptoms.48 restricting patients who might not benefit from such measures. Therefore, while little consistent data Symptom relapse and chronicity support the role of lifestyle modifications alone as We know that patients with reflux esophagitis an effective treatment, avoidance of exacerbating have a high rate of endoscopic and symptomatic factors can be helpful for individual patients. relapse if therapy is discontinued or if the drug dosage is decreased. Patients with higher grades of Meals and specific foods esophagitis are particularly likely to experience a Meals are the major aggravating factor of GERD recurrence if they are not given effective mainte- symptoms, since they stimulate the production of nance therapy. Data from numerous studies have gastric acid available for reflux into the esophagus. yielded a recurrence rate of 80% or more (without Food in general (and large meals in particular) maintenance therapy) within 6 months of discon- induces TLESRs. Meals eaten within 2 to 3 hours tinuing therapy among patients with relatively of bedtime (which increase acid availability at severe esophagitis.52 nighttime), or with alcohol, can predispose Acid suppression therapy can control symptoms patients to nocturnal reflux.48 Dietary fat in the and heal erosive esophagitis. Because it cannot cor- duodenum also appears to be a strong reflux trig- rect underlying motility problems, however, relapse ger, in part by impairing gastric emptying. In a is common once treatment is discontinued. Even recent study, however, no difference in postprandi- among patients with extraesophageal symptoms, al LESP and GERD was seen among 12 healthy symptom recurrence is common within months of volunteers after consuming a high-fat meal com- discontinuing therapy. The clinical impression asso- pared with an isocaloric and isovolumetric low-fat ciated with GERD, therefore, is one of chronicity, meal.54 The study authors concluded that it was although the expression of disease chronicity differs inappropriate to advise patients to reduce the fat among patients. Most patients, particularly those content of their meals, as least with regard to with erosive esophagitis or extraesophageal disease, GERD symptom relief. require continuous medical therapy or surgery for Specific foods that have been identified as poten- adequate symptom relief.48 tially aggravating factors in certain patients include raw onions, chocolate, caffeine, peppermint, citrus ■ EXACERBATING FACTORS juices, alcoholic beverages, tomato products, and spicy foods. Peppermint and chocolate are thought Potential GERD triggers or exacerbating factors to lower LES tone, facilitating reflux. Citrus juice, include dietary and lifestyle factors (including spe- tomato juice, and probably pepper can irritate dam- cific foods, eating habits, obesity, alcohol consump- aged esophageal mucosa. Cola drinks, coffee, tea, tion, smoking, physical activity, and sleeping posi- and beer can have an acidic pH, lowering LESP to tion) as well as pregnancy, hormones, hiatal hernia, precipitate symptoms. Potential esophageal irritants and certain medications. should be restricted.48 C L E VE L AND CL I NI C J OURNAL OF MED IC INE VOLUME 70 • SUPPLEMENT 5 NOV EMBER 2003 S15
G E R D PAT H O G E N E S I S , PAT H O P H Y S I O L O G Y, A N D M A N I F E S TAT I O N S esophagitis.58 Because heartburn affects approxi- 30 mately two thirds of all pregnancies, it is considered 25 by many to be a normal occurrence during pregnan- LES Pressure (mm Hg) 20 cy. In most cases, symptoms occur for the first time during the pregnancy and subside soon after delivery. 15 Recurrence is also a possibility with subsequent preg- 10 nancies. While symptoms may occur throughout the 5 pregnancy, data are conflicting on whether they occur more frequently during the first and second 0 12 Weeks 24 Weeks 36 Weeks Postpartum trimesters or during the third.59 Duration of Pregnancy While the pathogenesis is thought to be multifac- torial, the primary pathophysiology of GERD during FIGURE 9. Effect of pregnancy on lower esophageal sphincter pregnancy is probably that of decreased LESP result- (LES) pressure. LES pressure data were recorded from 4 women during pregnancy and the postpartum period. The mean ± SEM ing from the effects of progesterone and estrogen on for each time period is represented by the horizontal bars and LES function (Figure 9).58,60 The two hormones green shaded areas. The area shaded in gold represents the range appear to act together, with progesterone acting as a of LES pressures in normal nonpregnant women. Reprinted from mediator of LES smooth-muscle relaxation and reference 60 with permission from the American Gastroentero- estrogen as a “primer” of LES relaxation.59 Mechani- logical Association. cal factors, such as increased abdominal pressure due to enlargement of the uterus, are believed to play a Body weight somewhat smaller role. In most cases, patients can be Obesity is thought to be another potential predis- treated with lifestyle and dietary modifications if posing factor to gastroesophageal reflux or GERD, symptoms are mild. Otherwise, nonsystemic medica- although data are somewhat conflicting. In a risk- tions (antacids or sucralfate) can also be safely pre- factor analysis of a random sample of 1,524 residents scribed for symptom relief. Except for severe or of Olmsted County, Minn., obesity (body mass intractable cases, systemic therapy during pregnancy index > 30 kg/m2) was found to be a strong risk fac- should be avoided.59 tor for GERD.55 In addition to obesity, other risk factors independently associated with frequent (at Hiatal hernia least weekly) symptoms included family history A hiatal hernia is frequently found among patients (suggesting a genetic component to GERD), a his- with GERD.47 The proximal stomach is dislocated tory of smoking, frequent alcohol consumption (> 7 through the hiatus of the diaphragm into the chest, drinks per week), and a higher degree of psychoso- and the crural diaphragm becomes separated from matic symptoms.55 the LES (Figures 10 and 11).12 Viewed as part of a A recent population-based study in Sweden GERD continuum, a hiatal hernia is another factor among 820 adults conflicts with these findings. The disrupting the integrity of the gastroesophageal Swedish researchers found no association between sphincter, resulting in increased esophageal acid body weight and the severity or duration of reflux exposure.61 It may be a factor in GERD pathogene- symptoms. They concluded that weight reduction sis, especially if the patient has severe symptoms. might not be justifiable as an antireflux therapy.56 Hiatal hernias are present in more than 90% of Even so, it is commonly believed that weight reduc- patients with severe erosive esophagitis, especially if tion and exercise can have a favorable impact on complications are present, such as esophageal stric- reflux in obese persons. Others have found a signif- ture or Barrett’s esophagus.33 Hiatal hernias, in fact, icant association between weight loss and improve- are found among most patients with Barrett’s esoph- ment of GERD symptoms, and recommend weight agus, and they likely contribute to its development.62 loss as a component of first-line management.57 Whether or not the hernia is an initiating factor in GERD, it clearly plays a role in sustaining GERD, Pregnancy accounting for the chronicity of the disease.63 Pregnancy is the most common condition predispos- Hiatal hernias are thought to promote GERD ing to GERD and is generally associated with symp- chronicity via anatomic changes to the gastroesoph- tomatic GERD (typically heartburn) rather than ageal junction that ultimately result in reduced S16 C L E V E L A N D C L I NI C J OURNAL OF ME DI CI NE VOLUME 70 • SUPPLEMENT 5 NOV EMBER 2003
KAHRILAS LES Crural Diaphragm Hiatal Hernia LES Crural Diaphragm FIGURE 10. Normal antireflux barrier containing the lower FIGURE 11. Hiatal hernia characterized by separation of the esophageal sphincter (LES) and the crural diaphragm.12 lower esophageal sphincter (LES) from the crural diaphragm. esophageal acid clearance and increased esophageal result of toxicity from the medication itself as well as acid exposure.63 Depending on their size, hiatal her- from nonspecific irritation caused by contact nias can displace and disable the diaphragmatic between the pill and the esophageal mucosa, as seen sphincter (the crural diaphragm) to increase suscep- in other cases of pill esophagitis.66 tibility to reflux during sudden increases in intra- abdominal pressure. Large hiatal hernias also impair Smoking esophageal emptying during swallowing, thus pro- The relationship between cigarette smoking and longing acid clearance time.61 Esophageal acid clear- GERD is somewhat unresolved. It has been contro- ance might also be impaired by diaphragmatic con- versial for decades, since a high statistical associa- tractions.3 tion was reported and subsequently challenged.67 A number of potentially contributory factors Medications have been identified. Studies show that smoking A wide variety of medications can promote GERD decreases LESP, thereby promoting reflux, and pre- symptoms as a result of their effects on gastric empty- disposes to strain-induced reflux. Indeed, smoking ing of acid or by reducing LESP to promote reflux.64 has been found to be related to an increased num- The use of hypnotics, neuroleptics, or antidepressants ber of reflux events in association with deep inspi- that affect wakefulness, LES tone, salivation, or ration and coughing. Smoking might promote the esophageal motility may induce or exacerbate symp- movement of bile from the intestine to the stomach, toms. Medications that can decrease LESP, leading to which would increase the harmful properties of the reflux, include anticholinergics, sedatives or tranquil- refluxate. Smoking also prolongs acid clearance by izers (particularly benzodiazepines), tricyclic antide- inhibiting the secretion of saliva.67 This increases pressants, theophylline, prostaglandins, dihydropyri- the risk of direct esophageal injury, given that saliva dine calcium channel blockers (such as diazepam and secretion is normally a crucial component of the alprazolam), alpha-adrenergic blockers, beta block- esophageal mucosal defenses. ers, and progesterones. Potassium tablets, non- Nevertheless, smoking is not considered a major steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and risk factor for GERD, despite the impact of both alendronate can also cause esophagitis.48 smoking and nicotine on major GERD pathophysi- NSAIDs disrupt tissue resistance, and more- ologic factors. However, patients should be cau- severe cases of esophagitis might be more common tioned against smoking regardless of its possible among chronic NSAID users. In fact, a small but sig- contribution to GERD. Smoking cessation, in com- nificant odds ratio of 1.4 for development of reflux bination with appropriate pharmacologic therapy, esophagitis has been seen among patients with dis- could be beneficial.67 eases commonly treating using NSAIDs, such as osteoarthritis, back pain, and tension headache.65 ■ REFERENCES Ingestion of alendronate by patients with osteoporo- 1. Spechler SJ. Epidemiology and natural history of gastro- esophageal reflux disease. Digestion 1992; 51(suppl 1):24–29. sis can be associated with esophagitis and esophageal 2. Szarka LA, Locke GR. Practical pointers for grappling with ulcer. Damage to the esophagus might occur as a GERD. Postgrad Med 1999; 105:88–106. C L E VE L AND CL I NI C J OURNAL OF MED IC INE VOLUME 70 • SUPPLEMENT 5 NOV EMBER 2003 S17
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