Your Smart Home Primer - For Homeownership Month: NOT A LAWYER? - Maryland REALTORS

Page created by Jesse Wagner
Your Smart Home Primer - For Homeownership Month: NOT A LAWYER? - Maryland REALTORS
    LEGISLATIVE SUCCESS! 8                                           ANNUAL CONFERENCE UPDATE 18
                                DON’T PRACTICE LAW! 22

Vol LVI, No 4 | Jun/Jul 2022 |

For Homeownership Month:

Your Smart Home Primer

Your Smart Home Primer - For Homeownership Month: NOT A LAWYER? - Maryland REALTORS

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Your Smart Home Primer - For Homeownership Month: NOT A LAWYER? - Maryland REALTORS
8   That’s A Wrap:
    the 2022 Legislative
12 FCAR Turns 100
14 A Smart Home Primer
16 Embracing the
    Pride Market
18 Making Waves:
    Get Ready for the

    2022 Maryland
    REALTORS Annual

 12                         16                           18
22 Contracts               29 Bright MLS
24 Housing Advocate        30 Sell More With Maryland
28 CEO Corner              32 From the Hotline

                                           MARYLAND REALTOR®   JUN/JUL 2022   |   1
Your Smart Home Primer - For Homeownership Month: NOT A LAWYER? - Maryland REALTORS

                                                                                                   Maryland REALTORS®
                                                                                    200 Harry S Truman Parkway | Suite 200
                                                                                          Annapolis, MD 21401-7348
                                                                                      443.716.3500 |
                                                                                                       Leadership Team
                                                                                            Craig Wolf | President
                                                                                       Yolanda Muckle | President-Elect
                                                                                            Chris Jett | Treasurer
                                                                                             Chris Hill | Secretary
                                                                                   Dee Dee Miller | Immediate Past President
Craig Wolf                          Yolanda Muckle                                 Chuck Kasky, RCE | Chief Executive Officer
PRESIDENT                           PRESIDENT-ELECT
American Home Shield                Long & Foster Real Estate                                                     Editor
907 Autumn View Ct.                 12220 Central Ave.                              Daniel Patrell |
Bel Air, MD 21014                   Mitchellville, MD 20721
                                                                                                   Advisory Committee
443.643.6742                        301.249.1600
                                                                                                Yulonda Campbell | Chair
                                                                                               Pamela Harrison | Vice Chair
                                                                                           Arlene Braithwaite | 410.772.0820
                                                                                                     Publication Design
                                                                         HBP, Inc., 952 Frederick Street, Hagerstown, MD 21741
                                                                                     800.638.3508 |

                                                                                                     Mission Statement
                                                                     Maryland REALTORS® exists to support all segments of its
                                                                     membership and their specialties. Maryland REALTORS®, through
Chris Hill                          Chris Jett                       collective efforts with local boards/associations and the National
SECRETARY                           TREASURER                        Association of REALTORS®:
Century 21 New Millennium           Shore 4U Real Estate                 ■ Develops and delivers programs, services and related
23063 Three Notch Road              23 Fountain Drive W 2nd                products that maintain and elevate the high standards of
California, MD 20619                Ocean City, MD 21842                   the real estate business and the professional conduct of its
301.862.2169                        443.523.2360                           practitioners;                    ■ Assists members in ethically and professionally serving
                                                                           the public;
                                                                         ■ Promotes and preserves the right to own, transfer and use
                                                                           real property; and
                                                                         ■ Protects the right of members to conduct business within
                                                                           a framework of fair and reasonable laws and government
                                                                     In principle and in practice, Maryland REALTORS® values and
                                                                     seeks diversity and inclusive participation within the field of real
                                                                     estate and recognizes each member as a unique individual.

                                                                     Maryland REALTOR® (USPS 0016-017) is published bimonthly by Maryland REALTORS®,
Dee Dee Miller                      Chuck Kasky, RCE                 Suite 200, 200 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401-7348. Periodical postage paid
                                                                     at Annapolis and additional mailing offices. Postmaster send address changes to: Maryland
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT            CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER          REALTOR®, Suite 200, 200 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401-7348.
Long & Foster Real Estate           Maryland REALTORS®               Member subscriptions of $3.81 are paid with annual dues.
541B Baltimore Annapolis Blvd.      200 Harry S Truman Pkwy.         This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information regarding the
                                                                     subject matter covered. It is offered with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged
Severna Park, MD 21146              Suite 200                        in rendering professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services
443.995.2297                        Annapolis, MD 21401              of a competent professional should be sought. Articles that appear in Maryland REALTOR® are
                                                                     an informational service to members. Their contents are the opinions of the authors alone and                      800.638.6425                     do not necessarily represent those of Maryland REALTORS®.
                                  Permission to reprint articles appearing in Maryland REALTOR® magazine must be requested in
                                                                     writing. Also include purpose for request.
                                                                     While this magazine makes a reasonable effort to establish the integrity of its advertisers, it does
                                                                     not endorse advertised products or services unless specifically stated.
                                                                     ©2022 Maryland REALTORS®, Inc.
2         MARYLAND REALTOR®      JUN/JUL 2022    |
Your Smart Home Primer - For Homeownership Month: NOT A LAWYER? - Maryland REALTORS
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Your Smart Home Primer - For Homeownership Month: NOT A LAWYER? - Maryland REALTORS

    When Homeownership is a Challenge
    June is Homeownership Month,
    a time to celebrate the work we                   …(at) our upcoming annual conference,
    do and the people we help find               Making Waves: Engaging the Future, we will offer
    their dream home. The process
    of buying a home has gotten a                for the first time in Maryland, a CE course on
    bit difficult over the last several          marketing to and working with the LGBTQ+
    months, hasn’t it? Everyone knows
    it’s a tough market. You’ve seen it in       Community. We will also offer for the first time a
    our news releases to the media, and
                                                 CE course focusing on Property Management.
    we’ve all been talking about how
    this tissue-thin inventory is pricing
    many buyers out of the market. It’s          and possible pitfalls of negotiating      keynote speakers, innovative
    tough on buyers, of course.                  strategies like foregoing an inspec-      educational sessions, a social media
                                                 tion or appraisal, while also working     bootcamp, yoga (Yoga? Yes, yoga!),
    But it’s also tough on you.
                                                 with sellers to present their homes       an opening night celebration, and
    REALTORS® are working harder                 attractively, honestly, and open to       our very own pub crawl for your
    than ever, often with less to show           anyone who qualifies financially.         own networking enjoyment.
    for all that effort. Many times, an          It is a tough market, but you as
                                                                                           There’s a lot of great content in
    offer has to start at 10 to 12 percent       REALTORS® are continuing to drive
                                                                                           this issue, including a Legislative
    over the asking price, and there’s no        Maryland’s economy forward. For
                                                                                           Wrap-up of our recent legislative
    assurance that this will be enough.          this, during Homeownership Month,
                                                                                           session. Our Director of Housing
    Multiple offers can push the price           I thank you.
                                                                                           and Consumer Affairs, Lisa May, has
    into the stratosphere, and we have
                                                 June is also Pride Month. It’s been       contributed a success story with
    buyers willing to purchase a prop-
                                                 wonderful to see the LGBTQ+               help from our friends at the Coastal
    erty sight unseen, willing to forego
                                                 community play such a posi-               Association of REALTORS® about
    inspections, willing to gamble on
                                                 tive and emerging role in the real        the City of Salisbury’s work
    a house with a very steep price.
                                                 estate profession. To learn more, I       in spurring housing starts. Great
    Between a crazy market and buyers
                                                 encourage you to turn to page 16 to       job, Salisbury!
    willing to go to extremes to get a
                                                 read an insightful story from Nico
    house, who’s in the middle? The                                                        Thanks for reading. Thanks for the
                                                 Makuch, President of the LGBTQ+
    REALTOR®, of course.                                                                   work you do. Thank you for being
                                                 Real Estate Alliance Central
                                                                                           a member. ■
    But something that always amazes             Maryland Chapter.
    me about our REALTOR® members
                                                 I would also encourage you to turn
    is their resiliency. Not only are
                                                 to page 18 and review our plans
    you sound businesspeople, you
                                                 for our upcoming annual confer-
    are also amazing entrepreneurs.
                                                 ence, Making Waves: Engaging
    Successful entrepreneurs often
                                                 the Future, where we will offer
    display a certain nimbleness in their
                                                 for the first time in Maryland a CE                         Craig Wolf
    work to achieve success. Much of                                                                         Is Maryland
                                                 course on marketing to and work-
    that success comes from manag-                                                                           REALTORS®’
                                                 ing with the LGBTQ+ community.
    ing the expectations of your buyer                                                                       2022 president.
                                                 We will also offer, for the first time,
    and seller clients and sharing
                                                 a CE course focusing on Property
    your perspective, such as advis-
                                                 Management. There will be great
    ing buyers of good opportunities

4   MARYLAND REALTOR®       JUN/JUL 2022     |
Your Smart Home Primer - For Homeownership Month: NOT A LAWYER? - Maryland REALTORS
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Your Smart Home Primer - For Homeownership Month: NOT A LAWYER? - Maryland REALTORS

            Kings and Queens of the Hill
            Forget “location, location, loca-                    of the Maryland REALTORS® was           Explains Greg Phillips, FPC to
            tion.” During the 2022 NAR                           “supply, supply, supply.”               Congressman David Trone, “Since
            Legislative Meetings, the mantra                                                             real estate affects roughly 20% of
                                                                 On May 3, state and local
                                                                                                         the gross national product, we want
                                                                 REALTOR® leadership took to
                                                                                                         to ensure that the message of the
                                                                 Capitol Hill promoting priority
                                                                                                         homeowner is heard loud and clear.”
                                                                 legislation to boost housing supply
                                                                 and enforce Fair Housing regula-        At the federal level, that message
                                                                 tions. They were led by Maryland’s      involves creating incentives and
                                                                 Federal Political Coordinators          adjusting tax policy. Senator Chris
                                                                 (FPC), who are REALTORS®                Van Hollen noted during his visit
                                                                 assigned to serve as liaisons to each   that Congress can only nibble at the
                                                                 member of Congress.                     issue; the real work of expanding
                                                                                                         housing supply comes from zoning
                                                                 Armed with the latest hous-
                                                                                                         decisions made by state and local
                                                                 ing statistics and results of the
                                                                 Maryland State of Housing
                                                                 Survey (available at opendoors-         Just one week after REALTOR® Hill
                                                       , REALTORS®                Visits, the Biden Administration
                                                                 shared personal anecdotes of            unveiled a Housing Supply Action
                                                                 massive inventory shortages and         Plan, which includes some of our
    Our GADS at work at the Legislative Meetings! Bill
                                                                 the difficulties facing first-time      federal priority issues below. Check
    Castelli, Susan Mitchell, Theresa Kuhns (SMAR),
    Susie Hayward (Mid Shore), Blair Inniss (FCAR,
                                                                 buyers. It is those personal stories    out our View From Annapolis analy-
    CCR, HCAR), Zac Trupp (GCAAR), Lisa May Colin                that set Hill Visits apart from other   sis of this plan on ■
    Zimmerman (Coastal), and Dwayne Mingo (PGCAR).               types of advocacy efforts.

    Maryland REALTORS(R) at work on Capitol Hill: Bill Castelli, Secretary Chris Hill, President-Elect
    Yolanda Muckle, Senator Chris Van Hollen, FPC Bonnie Casper, Boyd Campbell, and President
    Craig Wolf.
                                                                                                             Priority Issues:
                                                                                                               ■   The Housing Supply and
                                                                                                                   Affordability Act,
                                                                                                                   S.902/H.R. 2126
                                                                                                               ■   The Neighborhood
                                                                                                                   Homes Investment Act,
                                                                                                                   S. 98/H.R. 2143
                                                                                                               ■   The GREATER
                                                                                                                   Revitalization of Shopping
                                                                                                                   Centers Act, H.R. 5041
                                                                                                               ■   The Revitalizing
                                                                                                                   Downtowns Act,
                                                                                                                   S. 2511/ H.R. 4759
                                                                                                               ■   The Housing Fairness Act,
                                                                                                                   S. 769/H.R. 68

6           MARYLAND REALTOR®             JUN/JUL 2022       |
Your Smart Home Primer - For Homeownership Month: NOT A LAWYER? - Maryland REALTORS
Oilheat.                                                                    Know more,
                                                                               sell more.
                Energy Efficiency –                                             Let’s Talk About It!
               a key selling feature                                        Real Estate and The Energy Crisis

        When you prepare an oil-heated listing to show, you’ll              Schedule a 15-minute
                want to highlight every possible selling feature of that    PRO$ presentation
                   home, including its energy efficiency. Here’s what       during your office
                      you should find out about the home that you’re        meeting and
                        getting ready to list:                              you’ll learn:
                          Smart thermostat? Homeowners                       How to address
                           who have smart thermostats are able to             the long-term
                            moderate their energy use and reduce waste        ramifications of
                            when they aren’t at home. If your client          owning an oil-
                           doesn’t have one installed, they should —          heated home.
                           it adds a whole new dimension to the
                                                                             Foreign independence:
                          efficiency of a home.                               Where does our oil really
                         Service contracts? If your client has a service      come from?
                      contract with their heating oil company, that’s a      Bioheat® fuel and the revolutionary
                   major selling feature. Heating oil systems that are        solution to controlling oil prices.
              regularly maintained operate at peak efficiency, leading to
                                                                             The three tell tale signs that an above
    savings year over year. And, local heating oil dealers often transfer
                                                                              ground tank needs to be replaced.
    service contracts from one homeowner to the next. Buyers respond
    very favorably when they find out the heating system in their new        Tank replacement options: What are the
    home is already covered.                                                  real costs?

    Other recent home upgrades? Home upgrades have a direct                  How to help your clients reduce heating
                                                                              costs up to 65%.
    impact on the overall energy efficiency of a home. For example, if
    old windows are replaced with airtight windows, air leakage will be
                                                                            To schedule a brief, 15-minute
    reduced. This keeps more heat inside the home, leading to increased
                                                                            conversation on Zoom or in-person, visit
    energy efficiency. Find out if your client has made any recent home
    improvements to determine just how energy efficient the home
    really is.                                                              The more you know, the more you’ll sell!
                                                                            PRO$ is the national nonprofit educational
For more tips and information about highlighting energy efficiency
                                                                            program for REALTORS® selling oil-heated
during the sales process or for suggestions on how to improve the
energy efficiency in your clients’ homes, visit

 Bioheat® fuel — What does it mean
          for your clients?
Most of the heating oil                                                      
in Maryland is now
Bioheat fuel, which you
can use as a powerful selling point when you are listing and selling
oil-heated homes. It’s made by combining regular heating oil with
biofuel, which is a renewable blend of oil from materials like soybeans
and vegetables. Bioheat fuel supports more efficient equipment, reduces
emissions dramatically and eliminates a primary source of equipment
breakdowns. Visit to learn more about Bioheat fuel.                  Paid for by the National Oilheat Research Alliance and
                                                                                    the Mid-Atlantic Petroleum Distributors Association.
Your Smart Home Primer - For Homeownership Month: NOT A LAWYER? - Maryland REALTORS
REALTOR® Members Score a Win
                      with Pay at the Table
                                                             BY BILL CASTELLI, ESQ.

              aryland REALTORS® enjoyed success on                           education classes (HB 807) and legislation reforming
              its top priority, HB 568/SB 425 (Pay at the                    “partition sales” in Maryland (HB 777/SB 92). These bills
              Table legislation). This legislation clarifies                 must also be signed into law before taking effect this fall.
    that brokers will once again be able to pay real estate
                                                                             Legislation to prohibit real estate “love letters” did not
    agents at the settlement table, as directed by a written
                                                                             pass after a federal district court issued an injunction
    disbursement agreement.
                                                                             against the Oregon law on which the Maryland bill was
    This option had been in place for over 30 years but                      based. Legislation expanding accessory dwelling units
    was halted last year by the Maryland Real Estate                         (ADUs), which has the potential to add thousands of
    Commission when a question was raised about the legal                    affordable rental units across Maryland, did not pass.
    basis for such payments. HB 568/SB 425 clarifies the                     Finally, legislation bringing balance back to the law on
    current law and will allow brokers and title companies                   the return of deposit money will be worked on during
    to restart this practice. This bill does not mandate “Pay                the summer to address concerns from opponents
    at the Table” arrangements but simply makes them                         during the last session.
    available for brokers who would like this flexibility. The
                                                                             For a quick summary of other real estate bills, read
    bill must be signed into law by the Governor and takes
                                                                             below. The Legislature acted on climate change legis-
    effect October 1, 2022.
                                                                             lation affecting commercial properties, eased rules
    The Association also supported legislation to make it                    regarding applications for the homestead tax credit,
    easier for schools conducting Zoom-type continuing                       and passed several landlord-tenant bills.

                                                AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND TAXES
    HB 108/SB 524 – Public Utilities – Energy Efficiency and                 HB 204/SB 181 – Homeowners’ Property Tax Credit –
    Conservation Programs – Energy Performance Targets and                   Application Filing Deadline – Extension
    Low-Income Housing                                                       STATUS: PASSED – Effective June 30, 2022
    STATUS: PASSED – Effective July 1, 2022                                  Similar to the previous bill, this would allow a homeowner to
    Establishes a reduction target of 0.4% of gross energy savings per       apply for the Homeowner Property Tax Credit (different than the
    year for lower income individuals in Maryland. The bill charges the      Homestead tax credit) within 1 year after April 15th of the taxable
    Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)                   year in which the credit was sought. Would apply to first-time
    to work with other agencies to plan and implement assistance             applicants or applicants who have filed in each of the 3 taxable years
    programs to achieve these goals. There is also a task force created to   immediately preceding the current year.
    help create the energy plan.
                                                                             HB 449 – Property Tax- Renters’ Property Tax Relief
    HB 203/SB 197—Homestead Property Tax Credit Program –                    Program – Application Period
    Retroactive Qualification and Calculation of the Credit                  STATUS: PASSED – Effective June 1, 2023
    STATUS: PASSED – Effective June 30, 2022                                 Permits renters who are over age 70 to retroactively apply for the
    Would permit the State Department of Assessments and Taxation            Renters Tax Credit within 3 years of eligibility.
    (SDAT) to apply the Homestead Property Tax Credit retroactively in
    situations where a homeowner failed to apply for the credit in the       HB 480 – Homestead Property Tax Credit – Calculation of
    previous year.                                                           Credit for Dwelling Purchased by First-Time Homebuyer
                                                                             STATUS: NOT PASSED
                                                                             Although the Homestead Tax Credit is not typically transferable from
                                                                             a seller to a buyer, HB 480 established a process for a homebuyer
                                                                             to receive an additional amount added to the homestead tax credit
                                                                             based on the previous property owner’s assessment. The additional
                                                                             assessment amount would be phased out over a 5-year period.

8   MARYLAND REALTOR®            JUN/JUL 2022      |
HB 809/SB 976 – Property Tax Exemption – Disabled Veteran,                 HB 1186 – Property Tax Credit – Elderly Individuals, Veterans,
Active Duty, and Surviving Spouse                                          and Surviving Spouses – Alterations
STATUS: PASSED – Effective October 1, 2022                                 STATUS: PASSED – Effective June 1, 2022
Establishes a process for eligible individuals to apply for the disabled   Enables county governments to greatly expand a property tax credit
veteran property tax exemption prior to purchase. This would allow         to elderly, veterans and surviving spouses. The bill eliminates caps
a purchaser to have the benefit of the tax credit calculated in their      on how long the credit may be granted and how much the credit
loan payments and closing costs. The state is required to process the      may exceed a property owner’s current tax liability.
application within 15 days. The tax exemption applies only to 100%
disabled veterans and their surviving spouses and applies to 100% of       HB 1200/SB 818 – Accessory Dwelling Unit Authorization and
the state and local property tax.                                          Promotion Act
                                                                           STATUS: NOT PASSED
HB 927/SB 744 – Housing and Community Development –
                                                                           Would have required local governments to have a robust Accessory
Affordable Housing – Listing and Disposal of Excess
                                                                           Dwelling Unit (ADU) law permitting homeowners to establish an
Real Property
                                                                           independent dwelling unit in or on their property.
STATUS: PASSED – Effective June and October 2022 (different
provisions have different effective dates)                                 HB 1345 – Sales of Residential Real Property – Offers to
Allocates up to $30 million from the administrative income tax             Purchase and Transfer Tax
refund account controlled by the Comptroller to the Maryland               STATUS: NOT PASSED
Rental Housing Fund overseen by the Department of Housing and              Would have prohibited sellers from accepting offers from certain
Community Development (DHCD). The bill also creates a process for          real estate enterprises or institutional investors, established a 30-day
reviewing excess or surplus state-owned property that may be suit-         lock out period for those institutional purchases, and levied a 15%
able for conversion to workforce or affordable housing. The process        transfer tax on institutional purchases.
allows the sale or donation of the property to either a nonprofit
organization or developer.

                                      REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE AND CONTRACTS
HB 268/SB 274 – Property Tax – Exemptions for Business                     its application to wills and trusts and clarifying the process for
Personal Property – Alterations                                            remote ink notarizations.
STATUS: PASSED – Effective June 1, 2022, for tax years starting
                                                                           HB 720/SB 424 – Real Estate – Real Estate Brokerage
after June 30, 2022
                                                                           Services and Termination of Residential Real Estate Contracts
Increases the state tax exemption for personal business property           (The Anthony Moorman Act)
from $10,000 to $20,000 and clarifies that the state may not collect
                                                                           STATUS: NOT PASSED
personal property information from the taxpayer or require the
taxpayer to submit a personal property tax return when using the           Would have brought balance back to the return of deposit law in
exemption. Previous rules required the filing of a personal property       Maryland by allowing purchasers to receive their deposit money
tax return for any property over $2,500.                                   within 30 days after notifying an escrow holder that the purchaser is
                                                                           exercising certain contingencies in the contract. Currently, sellers can
HB 528/SB 425 – Real Estate Associate Brokers and                          deny the lawful return of deposit money to a buyer by simply not
Salespersons – Compensation – Payment from Title                           signing a deposit release.
Insurance Producer
                                                                           HB 762/SB 678 – Real Property – Residential Contract
STATUS: PASSED – Effective October 1, 2022
                                                                           of Sale – Buyer Identification
Clarifies that title companies may pay compensation to a real estate
                                                                           STATUS: NOT PASSED
licensee on behalf of the real estate broker according to a written
disbursement authorization provided by the real estate broker. The         As drafted, the bill would have permitted buyers to sign contracts
clarification seeks to continue “pay at the table” options provided        without their legal name in order to hide their protected class status.
by some real estate and title companies. Previously, the Real Estate       The Legislature considered a number of amendments to the bill,
Commission expressed concern over the statutory authority for such         including allowing buyers to sign contracts with just their initials.
transactions which had been common for over 30 years.
                                                                           HB 777/SB 92 – Real Property – Partition of Property
HB 663/SB 317 – State Government – Notarial Acts –                         STATUS: PASSED – Effective October 1, 2022
Fees and Use of Communication Technology                                   Provides additional protections to joint tenants whose property is
STATUS: PASSED – Effective October 1, 2022                                 being sold through a partition sale. The bill provides better disclo-
Increases the fees that notaries may charge based on whether the           sures, a market rate appraisal of the property, the opportunity to
notarization was in person (maximum of $25) or remote (maximum             purchase the property and a requirement that if a partition sale is
of $50). The bill also clarifies that any remote notarization conducted    ordered, the sale would be a market sale using a real estate broker.
during the Pandemic emergency order was valid. Finally, the bill
clarifies certain procedures regarding remote notarizations including

                                                                               MARYLAND REALTOR®             JUN/JUL 2022        |    9
HB 807 – Real Estate Brokers, Salespersons, and Associate                 from various real estate related businesses including REALTORS®.
     Brokers – Continuing Education Courses – Verification                     The Task Force must report its findings to the Governor and the
     of Identity                                                               General Assembly on or before October 31, 2023.
     STATUS – PASSED – Effective October 1, 2022
                                                                               HB 1457 – Real Estate Transactions – Prospective Buyer
     Establishes that Zoom-type continuing education classes may use           Communication – Personal Information
     a written affidavit to verify the identity of class participants rather
                                                                               STATUS: NOT PASSED
     than showing a picture I.D.
                                                                               Would have prohibited real estate licensees from transmitting real
     HB 1097 – Task Force on Property Appraisal and                            estate “love letters” from one party to another. These communica-
     Valuation Equity                                                          tions often contain information and sometimes pictures regarding the
     STATUS: PASSED – Effective June 1, 2022                                   personal characteristics of the sender which may violate fair housing
                                                                               laws. About a week after the bill was submitted, an Oregon Federal
     Requires the Department of Housing and Community Development
                                                                               District Court issued an injunction against a similar Oregon law.
     (DHCD) to oversee a Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation
     Equity. The Task Force would be required to include representatives

                                                  COMMON OWNERSHIP COMMUNITIES
     HB 107 – Cooperative Housing Corporations, Condominiums,                  single-family detached housing under an HOA regime. This change
     and Homeowners Associations – Reserve Studies – Statewide                 helps the marketing of Cottage home detached dwellings created
     STATUS: PASSED — Effective October 1, 2022                                under a condominium regime.
     Expands the requirement for reserve studies to housing coopera-           HB 615 – Real Property — Condominium and Homeowners
     tives, condominiums and homeowners associations outside of                Associations – Dispute Settlement
     Montgomery and Prince George’s County. The first reserve study
                                                                               STATUS: PASSED – Effective October 1, 2022
     would need to be completed by October 1, 2023, and updated every
     5 years. The bill applies prospectively to new communities estab-         Establishes a dispute resolution process for HOAs that is similar
     lished after October 1, 2022.                                             to the process for condos. It applies to complaints initiated after
                                                                               October 1, 2022, unless the bylaws state an alternative process. In
     HB 553 – Condominiums – Mandatory Insurance Coverage –                    general, the dispute settlement procedures establish that a violator
     Alterations                                                               of the bylaws must be given notice and time to correct the violation
     STATUS: NOT PASSED                                                        before fines may be imposed.
     Would have clarified that single-family, detached dwelling units
     organized under a condominium regime may provide insurance like

                                   LAND-USE, PROPERTY RIGHTS, AND THE ENVIRONMENT
     HB 318 – Environment – On-Site Wastewater Services –                      Would have established a right under Maryland’s Constitution for a
     Regulation                                                                healthful and sustainable environment which may not be infringed
     STATUS: PASSED – Effective July 1, 2022                                   by the State.
     Establishes the Board of On-Site Wastewater Professionals within          HB 1200/SB 818 – Environment – Permit Applications –
     the Maryland Department of Environment. The Board will regulate           Environmental Justice Screening
     individuals engaged in most on-site wastewater services except for
                                                                               STATUS: PASSED – Effective October 1, 2022
     inspectors engaged during a property transfer. Property transfer
     inspectors are already regulated by MDE and must have a license to        Creates an Environmental Justice (EJ) Score for projects seeking
     conduct inspections starting July 1, 2022.                                certain state permits. As introduced, the bill would have applied to
                                                                               all state permits. As passed, the bill applies to a limited number of
     HB 596/SB 783 – Constitutional Amendment –                                state permits, including air quality; landfills; incinerators; hazardous
     Environmental Rights                                                      substances; water discharge permits; storage of sewage sludge; and
     STATUS: NOT PASSED                                                        storage of nuclear waste.

                                                            PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
     HB 86/SB 6 – Landlord and Tenant – Residential Leases –                   year). Landlords must also provide an itemized list of the damages
     Tenant rights and Protections (Tenant Protection Act of 2022)             repaired when returning a security deposit or an estimate of the
     STATUS: PASSED – Effective October 1, 2022                                anticipated costs. Apartment facilities must provide tenant groups
                                                                               with free meeting space at least once a month. Finally, the bill
     Bill makes four changes to law. It requires a landlord who uses a
                                                                               expands the law allowing victims of abuse to break a lease.
     Ratio Utility Billing System (RUBS) to disclose that to a prospective
     tenant and provide a statement detailing the methodology used
     and the average monthly utility costs of tenants (for a calendar

10   MARYLAND REALTOR®              JUN/JUL 2022       |
HB 91 – Irredeemable Ground Rents – Notice and Filing                     HB 824/SB 629 – Landlord and Tenant – Eviction Data –
Requirements                                                              Collection and Distribution
STATUS: PASSED — Effective October 1, 2022                                STATUS: PASSED – Effective October 1, 2022
Gives owners of irredeemable ground rents an extension of time            Requires the Judiciary to collect eviction data every month
to renew the irredeemability of the ground rent by April 1, 2023.         and publish it on the Department of Housing and Community
Without this legislation, irredeemable ground rents which had             Development’s (DHCD) website. The data dashboard would track
not recorded their irredeemability would have been converted to           the information by zip code and census track area.
redeemable ground rents.
                                                                          HB 881 – Landlord and Tenant – Residential Leases and
HB 174 – Landlord and tenant – Repossession for Failure to                Holdover Tenancies – Local Just Cause Termination Provisions
Pay Rent – registration and License Information                           STATUS: NOT PASSED
STATUS: PASSED – Effective October 1, 2023                                Would have enabled local governments to pass “just cause” termina-
Clarifies that a landlord’s compliance with the Lead Poisoning            tion legislation that restricts landlords from terminating leases at
Prevention Program may be an issue of fact in a trial regarding           the end of the lease term. Conditions that would be considered “just
nonpayment of rent.                                                       cause” include conditions such as: a tenant committing a substantial
                                                                          breach of the contract; the landlord removing the dwelling from the
HB 521 – Landlord and Tenant – Repossession for Failure to                rental market; the tenant failing to grant access to the landlord; and
Pay Rent – Shielding of Court Records                                     the tenant engaging in disorderly conduct; etc. The bill would have
STATUS: PASSED – Effective October 1, 2022                                forced landlords to renew leases of tenants who continually pay late.
Permits the shielding of court records related to a failure to pay rent
                                                                          HB 932/SB 592 – Landlord and Tenant – Right to Redemption
on or after March 5, 2020, but before January 1, 2022. Shielding
                                                                          of Leased Premises – Form of Payment
would not apply to any actions for repossession that resulted in a
money judgment in favor of the landlord unless the judgment has           STATUS: PASSED – Effective Upon Governor’s Signature
been satisfied. In order to be granted shielding, the tenant must         Clarifies that an electronic or written check issued by a local
show the nonpayment of rent was related to a loss of income arising       government on behalf of a tenant shall have the same legal effect
out of the COVID-19 pandemic.                                             as payment from the tenant. This would allow rental assistance
                                                                          payments to be used by a tenant exercising their right of redemption
HB 674/SB 384 – Landlord and Tenant – Stay of Eviction                    when facing eviction.
Proceeding for Rental Assistance Determination
STATUS: PASSED – Effective when signed by the Governor                    HB 1110 – Environment – Lead Poisoning Prevention –
                                                                          Elevated Blood Lead Level
Establishes that a court shall stay an eviction or execution of a
warrant of restitution for nonpayment against a tenant who has            STATUS: PASSED – Effective July 1, 2022
applied for rental assistance before or within 30 days after the land-    Extends the amount of time that the Maryland Department of
lord files a complaint. The stay terminates when the application and      Environment (MDE) has to lower the elevated blood lead level to
funds for rental assistance are disbursed to the tenant or after 35       the United States Center for Disease Control level. That level is the
days whichever is sooner. However, if the tenant has received rental      trigger level at which a child will be notified about an elevated blood
assistance, it is likely the court will not grant eviction.               lead level and when remediation may be required for a property.
                                                                          Currently Maryland’s trigger level is 5 uG/DL (micrograms of lead
                                                                          per deciliter) and will drop down to 3.5 uG/DL starting on January
                                                                          1, 2024, or whatever level the CDC has set after December 31, 2023.
                                                                          The bill also makes clear that Maryland has one year to set its trigger
                                                                          level after the CDC announces any new trigger levels.

HB 27/SB 289 – Historic Revitalization and Enterprise Zone                SB 528 – Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022
Tax Credits – Alterations and Eligibility                                 STATUS: PASSED – Effective Different sections have different
STATUS: PASSED – Effective June 1, 2022                                   effective dates but generally June 1, 2022
Increases the amount of assistance that small commercial projects         Establishes broad goals for Maryland to reach net-zero green-
under the Historic Revitalization and Enterprise Zone Tax Credit can      house gas emissions by 2045, including net-zero gas emissions
access. The bill also increases the overall funding of the program.       for specified buildings by 2040. The bill also requires owners off
                                                                          affected buildings to measure and report emission to the Maryland
SB 361 – Income Tax – Carried Interest – Additional Tax                   Department of Environment (MDE) beginning in 2025. The building
STATUS: NOT PASSED                                                        requirements in the bill apply to commercial or multi-family resi-
Would have imposed an additional 17% tax on certain pass-through-         dential buildings and state buildings that have a gross floor area
entity’s taxable income. Would have levied this extremely high tax        of 35,000 square feet. The legislation permits buildings having
on many real estate partnerships despite an attempt to exempt out         trouble meeting the goals to pay a fee in lieu of meeting those
partnerships where 80% of the value was held in real estate.              requirements. ■

                                                                             MARYLAND REALTOR®              JUN/JUL 2022      |     11
FCAR Celebrates 100 Years
                                                        BY CHRIS HAUGH

            ike many associations across Maryland and           location for new business enterprises, the organization
            the nation, the Frederick County Association        sought to establish rules of conduct for real estate
            of REALTORS® (FCAR) is marking a century of         businesses and
     service to its members and the local community. A lot      developed market-
     can change in 100 years and documenting the story of a     ing focused on
     centenarian organization can feel like a herculean task.   the benefits of
     Board leadership is inherently transitory, technologi-     home and busi-
     cal innovations shift the business landscape, and social   ness property
     changes demand honest analysis and response. While         ownership.
     the world of 1922 seems (and is) more than a lifetime
                                                                Over the decades,
     away, it has been comforting to see how the association
                                                                the Board of Real
     has changed with the times (for the better) while also
                                                                Estate tackled
     holding true to its founding principles.
                                                                issues like govern-
     On February 9, 1922, real estate professionals Richard     ment-imposed
     Potts, Markell Nelson, John Clary, Noah Cramer,            rent controls in
     Alfred Gaver, David Griffin, Markwood Harp, W.N.           the 1930s, which
     Jolliffe, Grayson Mercer, J. Lee Simmons, Grayson          discouraged home
     Staley, and John Stauffer formed the Frederick Real        construction and
     Estate Board. Their mission was to promote the local       ownership. They opposed federal housing proposed for
     real estate industry.                                      Frederick and encouraged non-government housing
                                                                accommodations to be created on behalf of those in
     The Real Estate Board worked with other civic and busi-
                                                                need of affordable housing.
     ness organizations to encourage public improvements
     that would accommodate property owners. In addi-           On April 16, 1962, the National Association of Real
     tion to promoting the City of Frederick as a desirable     Estate Boards signed a one-page agreement

12   MARYLAND REALTOR®      JUN/JUL 2022   |
approving the Frederick Real Estate Board’s request
to change their name to the Frederick County Board
of REALTORS®, Inc. By signing this agreement, the
Frederick County Board of REALTORS® were granted
the right to use the word REALTOR(S)® in their name.
The Frederick County Board agreed to abide by the
Bylaws of the National Association to comply with all
terms and conditions governing the use of the term
After the Civil Rights Act of 1968 was signed into
law, the Frederick Board of REALTORS® assisted city
government and Frederick County’s Human Relations
Committee in expanding housing opportunities for the
City’s populations that needed adequate and dignified
housing solutions.
In October of 1976, Downtown Frederick City expe-
rienced catastrophic tropical storm flood damage.
In response, the Board of REALTORS® were strong
proponents of the measures taken that created the
Carroll Creek flood control project and other land-use
guidelines that helped to protect properties and reduce
future flooding risks.
On September 13, 1989, the Frederick County Board
of REALTORS® signed a new agreement with the
National Association of REALTORS®, which approved
changing the name of the organization to its pres-
ent-day form, the Frederick County Association of
Beyond its work as a professional organization, FCAR
is proud of the spirit of volunteerism and community
involvement that thrives within its ranks. Association                 FCAR is fiercely proud of 100
members serve the Frederick community through                     years of promoting the founding
participation in civic, religious, service organizations,
and fundraisers that benefit local nonprofits. Recently,          principles of the real estate profession
FCAR established a charitable endowment with the
                                                                  and fostering professional behavior in
Frederick County Community Foundation called the
FCARe Fund. The fund is FCAR’s vehicle for commu-                 its members.
nity giving, making it easier for its members to give
back to nonprofits that benefit the communities
they serve.
FCAR is fiercely proud of 100 years of promoting the        The association officially celebrated its centennial
founding principles of the real estate profession and       with a Jubilee Week earlier this year, culminating in
fostering professional behavior in its members. In 2022,    the Platinum Jubilee Gala event on April 30. Over
just like in 1922, FCAR is working to make Frederick        400 members gathered to honor past leadership,
County not only a place where everyone will want to         showcase FCAR’s rich history, and look forward to the
live, but better in every sense of the word.                next 100 years. ■

                                                               MARYLAND REALTOR®     JUN/JUL 2022   |   13
Getting Smart on Smart Homes
                                                   BY YULONDA R. CAMPBELL

     W                                                           How To Recognize Smart Features
                hat was once niche has now become main-
                stream. As the demand for smart homes
                                                                 Because smart home devices are designed to blend into
                grows, so too does the need for REALTORS®
                                                                 the home and function in the background seamlessly, it
     with the knowledge and ability to sell them.
                                                                 is easy for these features to go unmentioned in a listing
     Smart homes are packed with features that appeal to         and unnoticed on a showing. The best way to know
     buyers of all ages, from increased security to lower        if a device is smart is to ask. Request that the owner
     energy bills. Devices within these homes are getting        provides a list of the make and model of any devices
     smarter, faster, and better at communicating with each      that can be controlled through a wireless connection.
     other, making them more functional and accessible.          This will give buyers the information needed to research
     According to, the demand for smart homes       the device’s function, security, and transfer processes.
     is expected to increase from $5.8 billion in 2022 to $8.2
     billion by 2025. REALTORS® who can recognize these
                                                                 High ROI Investment
     devices, explain how they are used, and discuss their
     potential value or non-value will also be in high demand.   Because this tech is highly appealing and these
                                                                 upgrades are most often inexpensive, this investment
                                                                 can result in a higher than 100% return for sellers.
     What Is A Smart Home?
                                                                 A common and inexpensive combination of devices that
     A smart home is a dwelling equipped with technology
                                                                 meets the smart home standard is a video doorbell,
     that allows the residents to remotely control features
                                                                 smart thermostat, and a security camera, which can be
     of the house such as the temperature, lighting, and
                                                                 self-installed for under $200. With some integrations,
     security through the internet. The term “smart home”
                                                                 these devices can also be connected and grown into a
     can apply to a wide range of different setups. Still, NAR
                                                                 whole-home system of detectors, sensors, and controls
     has adopted the definition of a smart home as a home
                                                                 that attract buyers at all price ranges. Integration allows
     with internet access and at least three Wi-Fi-connected
     devices, such as a thermostat, security camera, and
     lights. At least one of these devices must be security
     or temperature control device.

     What Can A Smart Home Do?
     The potential uses for smart home technology are virtu-
     ally endless, limited only by the homeowner’s imagina-
     tion. However, devices can be grouped into three broad
     categories based on their primary function: security,
     systems, and convenience. Smart security devices
     include everything from doorbell cameras to motion-
     activated alerts that can help to deter burglars. Smart
     systems include thermostats, utility usage regulators,
     and control hubs, which can be controlled remotely or
     programmed for automation. And of course there are
     smart devices that make life more convenient, such as
     voice-activated assistants and wifi speakers.

14   MARYLAND REALTOR®       JUN/JUL 2022   |
for “if then, than that” automations that really amaze,
intrigue, and entice homebuyers. As it is with most
things, the more you build it out (with the right features)                It is important to note that not all
the more valuable the home becomes.
                                                                      devices are valued equally when
Function, Service & Installation Matter                               selling a home. Generally speaking,
It is important to note that not all devices are valued               those devices that do not need a paid
equally when selling a home. Generally speaking, those
devices that do not need a paid subscription and those
                                                                      subscription and those that have been
that have been hardwired and affixed to the home                      hardwired and affixed to the home
bring the highest values. On the other hand, devices
requiring paid subscriptions or those not permanently
                                                                      bring the highest values.
attached to the home may cost the buyer money. As
a result, these types of devices typically do not add
value to a home. Instead, they may even detract from
the overall value.                                             Learn More to Earn More
                                                               The field of home automation is constantly evolv-
Savings Beyond the Sale                                        ing, and REALTORS® who want to remain competitive
In addition to the potential increase in home value that       and most helpful to their clients need to stay current
comes with owning a smart home, there are also some            on home tech trends. While keeping abreast of every
considerable savings. For example, smart appliances,           new development can be daunting and unrealistic, it is
utility monitors, and sensors can all help to reduce your      essential to focus on the fundamentals. One of the best
long-term energy use. Similarly, leak sensors, on-off          ways stay informed is installing a few devices of your
valves, and sump-pump controllers can help to prevent          own. This will give you first-hand experience with the
water damage. Additionally, some insurance compa-              pros and cons of the technology.
nies also offer premium discounts for installing smart
                                                               To take your knowledge base to the next level, consider
prevention devices. Furthermore, smart detectors, secu-
                                                               earning NAR’s Green Designation or Smart Home
rity alerts, and sprinkler systems can help save a life.
                                                               Certification. ■

Things that can be made “Smart”
Security:                                     Utility Monitoring:                          Fun/Convenience:
  ■   Surveillance Cameras                       ■   Water Meter Monitor                     ■   Smart Car Chargers
  ■   Video Doorbells                            ■   Electrical Usage Monitor                ■   Switches
  ■   Motion Flood Lights                        ■   Leak Detectors                          ■   Faucets
  ■   Automatic Door Locks                       ■   Moisture & Temperature                  ■   Lights
  ■   Motion Detectors                           ■   Smart CO2 & Radon Detectors             ■   Speakers
  ■   Contact Sensors                            ■   Sump Pump Controller                    ■   Televisions
  ■   Smart Garage Openers                       ■   Smart Attic Fans                        ■   Appliances
  ■   Loved-One Alerts                           ■   Natural Gas & Propane Detectors         ■   Smart Action Buttons

                                                                  MARYLAND REALTOR®      JUN/JUL 2022     |   15
The Importance of Pride
                                                       BY NICO MAKUCH

         une—Pride Month—is special for the LGBTQ+               uptick in LGBTQ+ homeowners since the ruling with
         community as it dates back to June 28, 1969, when       42% noticing an increase of LGBTQ+ singles.
         police raided the Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street
                                                                 Society is overwhelmingly supportive of our community
     in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village, targeting LGBTQ+
                                                                 as the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) recently
     patrons. Only this time, the customers rioted in protest,
                                                                 reported that 79% of all Americans favor laws that
     which launched the modern LGBTQ+ movement.
                                                                 would protect the LGBTQ+ community from discrimina-
     A year later Pride Month was born when the commu-           tion in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. This
     nity gathered at Stonewall to mark the anniversary of       number has grown 8% since 2015.
     the revolt.
                                                                 You may be surprised to learn that Gallup recently
     Here we are more than 50 years later, and the fight         reported that 20.8% of “Gen Z” self-identifies as part
     continues. Thankfully so many positive things have          of the community. The younger generations are fuel-
     happened including the June 2015 Supreme Court              ing greater acceptance levels and therefore allowing so
     ruling that legalized same-sex marriage. The impact of      many more to live authentically as part of the commu-
     this has been monumental. The LGBTQ+ Real Estate            nity. Therefore, it is no wonder that the same report
     Alliance’s second annual LGBTQ+ Real Estate Report          indicated that 7.1% of the U.S. adult population
     recently shared that 64% of members have seen an            is LGBTQ+.

16   MARYLAND REALTOR®      JUN/JUL 2022   |
PERCENTAGE WHO              ■   17% cited examples from the last three years of
         AGE GROUP
                               SELF-IDENTIFY AS LGBTQ+            industry colleagues not wanting to work with them
  U.S. Adult Population                  7.1%                     because they are part of the LGBTQ+ community,
                                                                  while only 6% percent shared the same sentiment
  Gen Z                                 20.8%
  (born 1997-2012)                                                about their own company’s colleagues.

  Millennials                            10.5%              And while the discrimination against industry colleagues
  (born 1981-1996)                                          is bad enough, we really need to reflect on the fact that
  Generation X                           4.2%               20.7% of our members report that real estate agents are
  (born 1965-1980)                                          the culprit in how housing discrimination occurs against
  Baby boomers                           2.6%               the LGBTQ+ real estate home buyer.
  (born 1946-1964)
                                                            Real estate professionals are leaders in our towns and
  Traditionalists                        0.8%               neighborhoods. We can make a positive impact, work
  (born before 1946)
                                                            to understand the LGBTQ+ community, and remove
                                                            discrimination. We have to do better.
While it may be easy to say, “You already know and
                                                            And the community needs you, our allies. Your support
love us,” the truth is that members of the LGBTQ+
                                                            is crucial not only during Pride Month, but throughout
community are, literally, everywhere. When roughly
                                                            the year, as well. The good news: our base of allies
10% of society is part of the community, it means that,
                                                            is growing! Nearly 20% of the LGBTQ+ Real Estate
at the very least, in your home or your four closest
                                                            Alliance’s more than 2,200 members are allies!
neighbors, there is likely an LGBTQ+ person. And that
doesn’t even count family, friends, and colleagues.         Along with joining the Alliance and our Central
                                                            Maryland chapter, you can also participate in our next
So why does this community still face discrimination?
                                                            Alliance Certified Ally program for CE at Maryland
While real estate has been ahead of the curve with
                                                            REALTORS®’ Annual Conference this September. To
discrimination against sexual orientation and gender
                                                            find out more, please turn to page 18. You will learn so
identity through the enforcement of NAR’s Code of
                                                            much about
Ethics, concerns remain.
                                                            the community,
Despite findings in the LGBTQ+ Real Estate Report,          including the
which shows that 72% of Alliance members believe their      terms associ-                  Real estate
local real estate industry has placed increased empha-      ated with the
sis on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)—this was      LGBTQ+ acro-              professionals are leaders
slightly higher than the 69% of Alliance members who        nym and how               in our towns and
felt that way about their own company—there is still far    unconscious
too much discrimination against industry colleagues         bias and blatant          neighborhoods. We can
and LGBTQ+ consumers:                                       discrimination            make a positive impact,
  ■   Nearly 20% of respondents shared that they expe-      impacts us.
      rience high levels of unconscious bias within their
                                                                                          work to understand the
                                                            Thanks for
      local real estate industry, almost double the 11%     your support!                 LGBTQ+ community, and
      who report similarly about their own company.         Happy Pride! ■
                                                                                          remove discrimination.
  ■   While 68% of respondents reported that episodes
      of blatant discrimination against them and other
      LGBTQ+ colleagues within their company were
      extremely rare or nonexistent, only 40% shared
      similar sentiments about their local real estate      Nico Makuch is President of the LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance Central
      industry.                                             Maryland Chapter. If you’d like to be an Ally of the Alliance, please

                                                               MARYLAND REALTOR®             JUN/JUL 2022      |    17
You’re Invited to Make Some Waves!
                The 2022 Maryland REALTORS® Annual Conference
                             Returns to Ocean City

     It. Is. On.                                                 The first 250 members who register and pay for the
                                                                 conference, will be eligible to receive $100 off their
     The Maryland REALTORS® 2022 Annual Conference,
                                                                 second night’s stay at the Ocean City Fontainebleau
     Making Waves: Engaging the Future, will be held
                                                                 Resort, the Host Hotel. Members will be responsible for
     September 21-23, 2022, in Ocean City, Maryland, at
                                                                 all other taxes and room charges. To make your reserva-
     the Ocean City Fontainebleau Resort. With a registra-
                                                                 tion, call the hotel directly at (410) 524 3535. This offer
     tion fee (for members) of only $199, you can expect a
                                                                 is available to the first 250 members only. Members
     lot, including:
                                                                 will receive an email confirmation about the discount
       ■   Programming for New Licensees, Seasoned               after the close of the Early Bird offer.
           Agents, and Brokers and Managers, along with
           special programming for Real Estate Trends,           We Have CE!
           Money Matters, and Social Media
                                                                 Maryland REALTORS® will offer CE on Wednesday and
       ■   CE Opportunities with classes you won’t find          Friday. Please be advised that days and times are
           anywhere else                                         subject to change.
       ■   Outstanding Keynote presentations                                                LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance
       ■   Special Election Year Programming                                                will offer a 2-hour CE Course,
                                                                 Certified Ally Program. The CE is included in the price
       ■   Unforgettable Events, including an Opening Night
                                                                 of the conference. Certification will be available for a
           Celebration featuring the music of the Perfekt
                                                                 fee directly through the LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance.
           Blend Band on Wednesday, and a Resort Pub
                                                                 Additional information can be found at realestateal-
           Crawl happening throughout the Host Hotel
           on Thursday.
                                                                 Maryland REALTORS® has created
                                                                 the Maryland Property Management
     Special Early Bird Opportunity                              Certification program. This six-hour course
     As of this writing, more than 150 members have already      will be offered for the first time.
     taken advantage of a very special Early Bird offer. It is
     limited to the first 250 members who register, and after                       Maryland REALTORS®
     that, this special offer is GONE.                                              will offer a 2-hour Fair Housing
                                                                                    Refresher Course as well.

18   MARYLAND REALTOR®       JUN/JUL 2022   |
A Growing Line-Up of Amazing Speakers
Maryland REALTORS® welcomes not one, but two                                    We will close out our conference on
Keynote speakers to inspire your professional best in                           Friday with a Keynote from Kevin Brown.
the work you do.                                                                Kevin’s unconventional path to business
                                                                                and personal success has taught him that
                On Thursday, we welcome Molly
                                                                                winning in business and in life requires
                Fletcher. Too many leaders, teams, and
                                                                anything but conventional thinking. Kevin understands
                organizations seem to be … stuck.
                                                                what drives organizational excellence and customer
                Instead of achieving greatness, they
                                                                loyalty. He knows first-hand how great brands think,
                remain stagnant, failing to reach their
                                                                feel, and act, and as a branding and culture expert for
potential. That’s where Molly Fletcher comes in.
                                                                the past 30 years, he has created a work philosophy
Molly will share the unconventional techniques that             that Kevin calls The HERO Effect®, a simple philosophy
helped her thrive as one of the first female sports             that separates world-class organizations and high-
agents in the high stakes, big ego world of professional        performance people from everybody else. Kevin is
sports. Molly spent two decades as one of the world’s           passionate about helping people expand their vision,
only female sports agents, hailed as the “female Jerry          develop their potential, and grow their results.
Maguire” by CNN.
                                                                Our growing and incomplete list of speakers include (as
                                                                of time of magazine publication):

Harrison Beacher        Lisa Cameron,            Anita Davis,              Melanie Gamble,            Danielle Hale,
Close 50 Buyers—        Panelist                 Panelist                  Moderator                  Chief Economist
Acing the Buyers        Best Practices for the   Best Practices for the    What’s Up With             for
Consultation            Professional Agent       Professional Agent        Appraisals?                Looking Ahead at the
                                                                                                      2023 Economy

Linda Harned            Chuck Ireland,           Brenda Kasuva,            Martha Liriano             Lynn Madison,
How to Create a         Accountant               Diversity in Housing      Establishing a             Lynn Madison Seminars
Productive Office       Tax Strategies           Capturing Business        Work/Life Balance          Organizing Yourself
with 100% Retention     for REALTORS®            from a Wider Net                                     for Profit

Shar McBee,             Yolanda Muckle,          Tim Murphy,               Bill Saunders              Leisal Taylor
Author and Speaker      Maryland REALTORS®       Panelist                  Build and Influence        How to Successfully
Stretch Your Body &     President-Elect          What’s Up With            Your Brand                 Build a Team
Mind—Yoga Principles    Best Practices for the   Appraisals?
of Leadership           Professional Agent

                                                                    MARYLAND REALTOR®          JUN/JUL 2022   |   19
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