Your rates and charges explained 2020-2021 - Banana ...

Page created by Howard Young
Your rates and charges explained 2020-2021 - Banana ...
Your rates and
charges explained
Your rates and charges explained 2020-2021 - Banana ...
          This budget aims to deliver a record capital works
          program totalling $28,000,000 with approximately
          $11,500,000 funded through external sources.

          The Capital Program includes:
          l $415,000 on aerodomres
          l $325,000 on bikeways and footpaths
          l $1,215,200 on bridge upgrades and replacements
          l $11,870,968 on roads and drainage
          l $1,516,000 on waste transfer stations and
          l $2,643,000 on sewerage assets
          l $3,664,000 on water assets
          l $2,934,000 on plant replacements
          l $3,117,000 on building and facility upgrades
          l $460,000 on community infrastructure                                          Cr Nev Ferrier
          l $407,000 on information technology                                            Banana Shire Mayor

          Council will deliver a net result of $8,943,039 for       to develop a strategy that properly reflects the cost
          the year after accounting for operations and capital      of infrastructure to support their operations to make
          income. Council’s operating position will be brought      sure that they make a reasonable contribution to the
          back into balance within the next two budgets. A          cost of servicing our respective communities.
          relative stable cash position is anticipated over
          the next financial year with Council cash holdings        As a result of this recovery strategy the overall
          remaining between $25,000,000 and $30,000,000.            increase in rates based on the above strategies for
          Debt is expected to reduce to $4,900,000 at the end       the 2020/21 financial year is 5.3%.
          of the 2020/21 financial year.
                                                                    Key projects that are funded this financial year
          Council has maintained staff numbers and service          include:
          levels throughout the last few months and anticipates     l Extension to the Biloela Community Resource
          this will continue over the next financial year.              Centre
          Notwithstanding this Council anticipates that most        l Replacement of Taroom Sewerage Treatment
          of the financial impact related to the coronavirus            Plant
          response will be felt in the second half of the 2020
                                                                    l Moura Water Clarifier Refurbishment
          calendar year. Given this Council has adopted a
          rating strategy that seeks to minimise rate increase to   l Replacement of the Gogango Creek (Wowan
          businesses impacted by the coronavirus and drought            Westwood Road), Kariboe Creek (Aerodrome
          effected rural property owners. The vast majority of          Road) and Tualka Creek (Ghinghinda Road)
          ratepayers in these categories will not see a rate            bridges
          increase this financial year.                             l Gravel reseal of Taroom Aerodrome runway
                                                                    l Taroom Swimming Pool Amenities Block
          There will be some rural ratepayers who see a             l Theodore Moura Road upgrades
          marginal increase due to large increases in property
                                                                    l Completion of Stage 3 of the Biloela Industrial
          valuations in rural properties across the shire.
          Council has limited potential increases as a result of
          fluctuations in property values to less than 1% rates
                                                                    Council acknowledges the ongoing support of the
          paid last year.
                                                                    Queensland State and Federal Governments in
                                                                    funding much of Council’s capital budget, many of
          Council has commenced a review of its rating strategy
                                                                    these projects would not be feasible without this
          this year seeking to recover more of the cost burden
          that large industrial and resource-based ratepayers
          cost Council in terms of maintaining our assets such
                                                                    I would like to recognise the efforts of Council’s
          as the road network. Council will work with these
                                                                    finance staff in assisting with the preparation of this
          ratepayers over the next financial year

Your rates and charges explained 2020-2021 - Banana ...
Council levies rates and charges to provide                5      Other Towns - Residential                   1%
the essential services and infrastructure to the           6      Other Towns – All Other                     1%
community.     These services include, but are             7      Rural Residential                           1%
not limited to, roads, water services, sewerage            8      Rural 1 - $0 - $360,000                     1%
services, asset management, environmental health           9      Rural 2 - $360,001 - $1,000,000             1%
operations, planning and building services, parks          10     Rural 3- >$1,000,000                        1%
and gardens, community services, economic and              11     Extractive – Coal                           5%
cultural development, library services, information        13     Industrial                                  5%
management, and corporate and administration               14     Multiple Dwelling – Biloela                 1%
services.                                                  16     Multiple Dwelling – All Other               1%
                                                           18     Other                                       5%
Differential General Rate                                  19     Heavy Industrial                            20%
Council reviews its differential rate categories and       21     Taroom Town – Residential                   1%
charges each year during the budget process in             22     Taroom Town – All Other                     1%
an effort to better recognise the different levels of      24     Taroom Rural Residential                    1%
facilities and services required by different classes of   25     Taroom Rural 1 - $1,150,000                1%
                                                           28     Petroleum – > 1,000ha                       30%
Minimum General Rate                                       29     Petroleum – 1,001ha – 10,000ha              30%
The minimum amount payable of a differential general       30     Petroleum – >10,000ha                       30%
rate determined by Council, irrespective of valuation.     31     Barracks & Quarters - 250                  30%
Limitation of Increase (Rates Capping)                     43     Grain Bulk Storage                          5%
                                                           44     Water Facility/Storage                      5%
Pursuant to Section 116 of the Local Government
Regulation 2012, Council will limit the increase in the    If the general rates for the last financial year were
general rates in the following differential general rate   for a full year, the limitation of increase will be last
categories:                                                year’s general rate amount increased by the stated
                                                           percentages above.
No    Category Name                       % increase
1     Biloela Town – Residential               1%          If the general rates for the last financial year were
2     Biloela Town – All Other                 1%          not for a full year, the limitation of increase will be the
3     Moura Town – Residential                 1%          corresponding annual amount of last year’s general
4     Moura Town – All Other                   1%          rate increased by the stated percentages above.

                                                                BANANA SHIRE COUNCIL RATES AND CHARGES EXPLAINED         3
Your rates and charges explained 2020-2021 - Banana ...
Utility Charges                                            stating your objection in writing to Banana Shire
         Sewer                                                      Council within (30) thirty days after the date of issue
         Council’s sewerage charges are set to recover the          of the Rate Notice. The sole ground on which you,
         cost to Council of operating the sewerage network.         as the owner, may object is that having regard to the
         Water                                                      description determined by Banana Shire Council,
         Water charges are determined on a user pays basis          the land should have been included in another rating
         and collected to fully recover the cost of provision       category as at the date of issue of the Rate Notice.
         of infrastructure and the costs of operating and           Giving written notice of objection will not, in the
         maintaining the water supply system.                       meantime, affect the levy and payment of rates.
         The charges will comprise;                                 If your land is included in another general rating
         - an access charge for all properties, whether             category because of the objection, an adjustment of
         connected or not, to which the Council is prepared         rates will be made by Council.
         to make a supply of reticulated water available; and       Written objections should be sent to: The Chief
         - a charge for each kilolitre of water used (consumption   Executive Officer, Banana Shire Council, PO Box
         charge)                                                    412, Biloela QLD 4715 or email enquiries@banana.
         Council’s waste management charges are set to
         recover the cost to Council of providing refuse            How land valuations affect Council rates
         collection services.                                       Land values are determined by the Department of
                                                                    Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (DNRME) and
         Special Rates and Charges                                  are calculated using information from sales trends,
         Rural Fire Brigade Levy                                    physical inspections, and interviews with vendors
         Is charged on rateable land that is not serviced by        and purchasers if appropriate. They also take into
         urban fire fighting services to fund the ongoing           consideration what the land is used for, what it’s
         operation and maintenance of the rural fire brigades.      zoned for, what the physical attributes of the land
                                                                    are and what constraints it might have. A valuation
         Separate Rates and Charges                                 decrease or increase does not mean that rates will
         Environmental Levy                                         also decrease or increase by the same percentage.
         The Environmental Levy is a separate charge for all        Enquiries regarding the land valuations may be made
         rateable properties in the Shire. Funds raised from        by phoning 1300 664 217 or visit
         this levy are used to assist in defraying the cost of      au
         Council’s Shire Wide Waste Strategy (which strategy
         incorporates the operation of landfill sites throughout    Subsidy available for pensioners
         the Shire, undertaking consequential environmental         The State Pensioner Subsidy of 20% (to a maximum of
         initiatives for the purpose of environmental protection,   $200 per annum) and a Council Pensioner Remission
         sustainability and conservation).                          of 20% (to a maximum of $310 per annum) will be
         State Emergency Management Levy                            allowed on all current Council rates and charges as
         The State Emergency Management Levy is NOT a               levied (except the Taroom Rural Water Connection
         Banana Shire Council charge. Councils throughout           Special Charge).
         Queensland collect and remit this levy on behalf of the    Eligibility requirements include:-
         State Government and funds ensure a sustainable            Must be a holder of a Queensland Pension
         funding base for Queensland’s fire and emergency           Concession Card or a Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card
         services.                                                  (Senior Card holders are not eligible).
         Enquiries       regarding    the    State   Emergency      Must be the owner or life tenant of the property and
         Management Levy can be made by phoning 13                  legally responsible for paying local government rates
         QGOV (13 74 68).                                           and charges levied.
                                                                    Subsidies can only be granted on the principal place
         Supplementary Notices                                      of residence.
         Supplementary Notices may be issued at various             The State Fire and Emergency Services also allow a
         times during the year to some ratepayers to account        20% discount on the State Emergency Management
         for changes to their services or valuations.               Levy. Application forms can be obtained from Banana
         For example; sewerage pedestal rates after building        Shire Council offices and website.
         a new residence on vacant land; commencing a
         garbage service etc.                                       Can I get a copy of my Rate Notice?
         Council will also grant a 10% discount on                  Yes. Council’s Rates section can provide you with a
         supplementary levies providing all rates and charges       copy of your most recent Rate Notice, free of charge.
         are paid by the due date.                                  Please keep in mind that we may not be able to
                                                                    provide copies at short notice and a charge of $11
         Objections against categorisation                          will apply per notice to issue previous Rate Notices.
         The general rating category in which your land is          We recommend that you store your rates/water
         included was identified by Banana Shire Council (the       notices carefully as they are valuable documents that
         decision maker).                                           can be required to prove ownership of your property
         You may object to the categorisation of the land by        or for tax purposes for rental properties.

Your rates and charges explained 2020-2021 - Banana ...
Rates Notice Dates 2020/2021
               July to December 2020                                                                     January to June 2021
               Issue: 13 August 2020                                                                   Issue: 11 February 2021
              Due: 17 September 2020                                                                      Due: 18 March 2021
Your Rates Notice Explained
IMPORTANT: Council advises the discount will not be allowed after the due date shown on the Rate Notice, regardless of postage
and transfer times. Please note that Australia Post can take up to a week to deliver post depending on your location.

Please ensure that electronic transfers are received into Council’s account before the close of the discount date.
For BPAY transfers allow up to three days for transfer into Council’s account.
Please contact your financial institution directly regarding internet banking and transfer cut-off time.

                                                                                                                                                                       This is your unique
                                                                                                                                                                       Assessment Num-
                                                                                                                                                                       ber. Please use this
                                                                                                                                                                       number when mak-
                                                                                                                                                                       ing enquiries about
     Differential Rate
    Category Council                                                                                                                                                        your rates.
determines the differential
    rate category for a                                    RATEPAYERS NAME                                AREA:                                      0000m2
property according to one                                  POSTAL ADDRESS                                 ASSESSMENT NO:                             0000-00000-000
 or more of the following                                  LOCALITY QLD 0000                              DATE OF ISSUE:                             4-08-2018
          criteria:                                                                                       PAYMENT DUE DATE:                          13-09-2018
                                                                                                          FIRE CATEGORY:                             X
                                                                                                          PAYMENT REFERENCE:                         00000000
 The valuation                                                                                           RATE GROUP:                                00
                                                                                                          VALUATION:                                 $58000            Property Valuation
 The land use code           Property Location and Description
                                                                                                          VALUATION DATE:                            30-06-2018
                                                                                                                                                                        Is the unimproved
                              PROPERTY ADDRESS, LOCALITY QLD 0000

 Assessment land area                                                                                                                                                value of your land set
                                                                                                                                                                        and issued by the
 Tonnes of material                                                                                                                                                  Department of Natural
 extracted                                                                                                                                                            Resources, Mines and
 Type of material

  Utility Charges and
   Other Rates and
         Charges                                                                                                                                                       Pensioner Subsidies
Utility Charges for water,                                                                                                                                             Both Council and the
 sewerage and garbage                                                                                                                                                   State Government
services are levied where                                                                                                                                                offer a subsidy for
   a particular service is                                                                                                                                              eligible rate payers.
 available on a parcel of
 land. Other Rates and
Charges are levied on all
   assessments and the
  funds are allocated for
                                                                                                                                                                       Net Payable Amount
       that purpose.
                                                                                                                                                                        to be paid if you are
                                                                                                                                                                        paying in full by the
                                                                                                                                                                             due date.
  State Emergency
  Management Levy
                                                                                                                   Biller Code: 7278
 is collected on behalf of                                                                                                                                                Gross Amount
     the Queensland
                                                                                                                   Ref:                   00000000

                                              Billpay Code: *4056

      Government in                                                                                                                                                    to be paid if you have
                                              Ref:                  00000000
                                                                               *4056 00000000
  accordance with State                                                                                                                                                   not paid the net
        Legislation.                                                                                    Biller Code: 7278
                                                                                                                                                                        amount by the due
                                                                                                        Ref:                   00000000                                        date.

                                                                                                BANANA SHIRE COUNCIL RATES AND CHARGES EXPLAINED                                                5
Your rates and charges explained 2020-2021 - Banana ...
Your Water Consumption Advice Explained
    Rates and Charges are levied six months in advance i.e.. Issued in August for the period July to December.

    Water Consumption is charged in arrears using the read on the water meters to determine how much water was used in the prior six
    months i.e. issue on the August notice for water used from January to June.

                                                                                                                          Consumption period
                                                                                                                             that has been
                                                                                                                            charged on this

                                RATEPAYERS NAME
                                POSTAL ADDRESS

     Meter Number/Id for
     meter/s connected to      PROPERTY ADDRESS, LOCALITY QLD 0000
     property currently or
      installed during the     Lot 0 Plan 000000
         billing period                                 Read Period dates and readings captured                            determined from
                                                                                                                      readings. Consumption
                                                                                                                       is in Kilolitres (1000’s of

                                                                                                                         Water Tariff Charges
                                                                                                                               how total
                                                                                                                           consumption for
                                                                                                                           period has been
                                                                                                                         charged in correlation
      Water Tariff Steps
                                                                                                                            to water tariffs.
      indicating how total                                     Water Tariff Charges
    consumption for period                                     charge for each tariff
    has been allocated on
     the water tariff steps.
                                                                                                               Year to Date Water Invoiced
                                                                                                               The water period is for a full 12
                                                                                                                months (financial year). The
                                                                                                              second notice issued will deduct
                                                                                                              water consumption billed on the
                                                                                                                   previous Rate Notice.

Your rates and charges explained 2020-2021 - Banana ...
That in accordance with Section 81 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the following rating categories have been adopted for the 2019/2020
year. Rateable land is identified and included in its category having regard to its description, Council’s differential rating maps and the Department of
Natural Resources and Mines Land Use Codes.

  Rating Category                      Description                                                                                                 Minimum
                                                                                         Identification                         General Rate
    (s.81 (3)(a))                      (s.81(3)(b))                                                                                               General Rate
                                                                                                                                Cents in the $
1.Biloela Town -         Land used for residential purposes, other     Land with land use codes 1,2,4,5,6,8,9 or 72 and                  1.9980          $755.00
Residential              than as a multiple dwelling, and vacant       as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
                         land within the township of Biloela.

2.Biloela Town - Other   Land located within the township of Biloela   Land with land use codes 10 to 20 (inclusive), 22                 2.3590          $755.00
                         which is not otherwise categorised.           to 42 (inclusive), 44 to 48 (inclusive), 50 to 59
                                                                       (inclusive) and 96 to 99 (inclusive) and as
                                                                       identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

3.Moura Town –           Land used for residential purposes, other     Land with land use codes 1,2,4,5,6,8,9 or 72 and                  7.3300          $755.00
Residential              than as a multiple dwelling, and vacant       as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
                         land within the township of Moura.

4.Moura Town - Other     Land located within the township of Moura     Land with land use codes 10 to 20 (inclusive), 22                 5.1990          $755.00
                         which is not otherwise categorised.           to 42 (inclusive), 44 to 48 (inclusive), 50 to 59
                                                                       (inclusive) and 96 to 99 (inclusive) and as
                                                                       identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

5.Other Towns -          Land used for residential purposes, other     Land with land use codes 1,2,4,5,6,8,9 or 72 and                  4.4830          $755.00
Residential              than as a multiple dwelling, and vacant       as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
                         land located within the township of
                         Banana, Baralaba, Callide Dam, Cracow,
                         Dululu, Goovigen, Jambin, Thangool,
                         Theodore and Wowan.

6.Other Towns - Other    Land located within the township of           Land with land use codes 10 to 20 (inclusive), 22                 4.4830          $755.00
                         Banana, Baralaba, Callide Dam, Cracow,        to 42 (inclusive), 44 to 48 (inclusive), 50 to 59
                         Dululu, Goovigen, Jambin, Thangool,           (inclusive) and 96 to 99 (inclusive) and as
                         Theodore and Wowan which is not               identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
                         otherwise categorised.
7.Rural Residential      Land used for rural residential purposes      Land with land use codes 1 to 10 (inclusive) and                  2.8140          $755.00
                         other than land in the former Taroom          as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
8.Rural 1 - $0 to        Land used for rural purposes having a         Land with land use codes 11 to 13 (inclusive), 15,                1.0740          $755.00
$360,000                 value of not more than $360,000 other         17 to 20 (inclusive), 22 to 39 (inclusive), 41, 42, 44
                         than land in the former Taroom Shire.         to 48 (inclusive), 50 to 90 (inclusive), 92, 93 and
                                                                       94 and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
9.Rural 2 - $360,001 -   Land used for rural purposes having a         Land with land use codes 11 to 13 (inclusive), 15,                0.7500        $2,600.00
$1,000,000               value of $360,001 to $1,000,000 other         17 to 20 (inclusive), 22 to 39 (inclusive), 41, 42, 44
                         than land in the former Taroom Shire.         to 48 (inclusive), 50 to 90 (inclusive), 92, 93 and
                                                                       94 and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

10.Rural 3 -             Land used for rural purposes having a         Land with land use codes 11 to 13 (inclusive), 15,                0.7100        $7,500.00
>$1,000,000              value of more than $1,000,000 other than      17 to 20 (inclusive), 22 to 39 (inclusive), 41, 42, 44
                         land in the former Taroom Shire.              to 48 (inclusive), 50 to 90 (inclusive), 92, 93 and
                                                                       94 and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
11.Extractive - Coal     Land which is: -                              Assessment numbers:                                              27.1500       $39,375.00
                         -a mining lease issued pursuant to the        14299-00000-000         14299-10000-000
                         Mineral Resources Act for the extraction of   14300-00000-000         14327-10000-000
                         coal; or                                      14329-00000-000         14336-10000-000
                         -used or intended to be used for coal         14349-00000-000         14351-00000-000
                         mining or coal mining related activities.     14352-00000-000         15013-00000-000
                                                                       15030-00000-000         15064-00000-000
                                                                       15064-10000-000         15067-00000-000
                                                                       15069-00000-000         16090-00000-000
                                                                       16092-00000-000         16102-00000-000
                                                                       16103-50000-000         16103-60000-000
                                                                       16152-00000-000         16167-00000-000
                                                                       16168-00000-000         16170-00000-000
                                                                       16174-00000-000         16186-00000-000
                                                                       16324-00000-000         16324-10000-000
                                                                       16343-50000-000         16350-00000-000
                                                                       16351-00000-000         16729-00000-000
                                                                       and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
12.Large Commercial      Land used for large commercial purposes.      Assessment numbers:                                               4.9000       $19,425.00
                                                                       10457-10000-000         10567-00000-000
                                                                       and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

13.Industrial            Land used for industrial purposes other       Assessment numbers:                                               5.0950        $6,560.00
                         than heavy industrial purposes.               12177-90000-000        12177-91000-000
                                                                       12177-92000-000        12177-93000-000
                                                                       12177-94000-000        12177-95000-000
                                                                       15161-00000-000        15185-00000-000
                                                                       16056-20000-000        16185-30000-000
                                                                       and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

                                                                                         BANANA SHIRE COUNCIL RATES AND CHARGES EXPLAINED                          7
      Rating Category                        Description                                                                                                  Minimum
                                                                                                Identification                         General Rate
        (s.81 (3)(a))                        (s.81(3)(b))                                                                                                General Rate
                                                                                                                                       Cents in the $
    14.Biloela - Multiple     Land used for multiple dwelling purposes        Land with land use codes 3, 7, 21, 43 and 49 and                  3.5470        $1,250.00
    Dwelling                  within the township of Biloela.                 as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

    15.Moura - Multiple       Land used for multiple dwelling purposes        Land with land use codes 3, 7, 21, 43 and 49 and                  9.2900        $1,250.00
    Dwelling                  within the township of Moura.                   as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

    16.Other Towns -          Land used for multiple dwelling purposes        Land with land use codes 3, 7, 21, 43 and 49 and                  9.1380        $1,250.00
    Multiple Dwelling         within the township of Banana, Baralaba,        as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
                              Callide Dam, Cracow, Dululu, Goovigen,
                              Jambin, Thangool, Theodore and Wowan.

    17.Pump sites             Land used for the purposes of pumping           Assessment numbers:                                               1.1000           $85.00
                              water.                                          14103-10000-000        15298-10000-000
                                                                              15419-00000-000        16103-80000-000
                                                                              16258-00000-000        16305-90000-000
                                                                              16512-80000-000        16540-00000-000
                                                                              and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

    18.Other                  Land used for: -                                Land with land use code 91 and as identified by                   7.3800        $2,625.00
                              -the purposes of transmitting                   the Chief Executive Officer.
                              communications; and
                              -all other land not otherwise categorised.
    19.Heavy Industrial       Land used for heavy industrial purposes,        Assessment numbers:                                              29.8800       $51,000.00
                              including power generation.                     16103-30000-000        16103-40000-000
                                                                              and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

    20.Extractive - Other     Land used for mining and extractive             Land with land use code 40 and as identified by                  11.0500       $12,600.00
                              industry activities other than: -               the Chief Executive Officer.
                              -coal mining and its associated activities; &
                              -gas or oil extraction and its associated
    21.Taroom Town -          Land used for residential purposes, other       Land with land use codes 1,2,4,5,6,8,9 or 72 and                  3.8950          $755.00
    Residential               than as a multiple dwelling, and vacant         as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
                              land within the township of Taroom.

    22.Taroom Town -          Land located within the township of             Land with land use codes 10 to 20 (inclusive), 22                 2.2920          $755.00
    Other                     Taroom which is not otherwise                   to 42 (inclusive), 44 to 48 (inclusive), 50 to 59
                              categorised.                                    (inclusive) and 96 to 99 (inclusive) and as
                                                                              identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
    23.Taroom - Multiple      Land used for multiple dwelling purposes        Land with land use codes 3, 7, 21, 43 and 49 and                  4.1760        $1,250.00
    Dwelling                  within the township of Taroom.                  as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

    24.Taroom Rural           Land used for rural residential purposes        Land with land use codes 1 to 10 (inclusive) and                  1.2420          $755.00
    Residential               within the area of the former Taroom            as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

    25.Taroom Rural 1 - $0-   Land used for rural purposes within the         Land with land use codes 11 to 13 (inclusive), 15,                0.6470          $755.00
    $410,000                  area of the former Taroom Shire having a        17 to 20 (inclusive), 22 to 39 (inclusive), 41, 42, 44
                              value of not more than $410,000.                to 48 (inclusive), 50 to 90 (inclusive), 92, 93 and
                                                                              94 and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

    26.Taroom Rural 2 -       Land used for rural purposes within the         Land with land use codes 11 to 13 (inclusive), 15,                0.4480        $2,600.00
    $410,001 - $1,150,000     area of the former Taroom Shire having a        17 to 20 (inclusive), 22 to 39 (inclusive), 41, 42, 44
                              value of $410,001 to $1,150,000.                to 48 (inclusive), 50 to 90 (inclusive), 92, 93 and
                                                                              94 and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

    27.Taroom Rural 3 -       Land used for rural purposes within the         Land with land use codes 11 to 13 (inclusive), 15,                0.4790        $6,250.00
    >$1,150,000               area of the former Taroom Shire having a        17 to 20 (inclusive), 22 to 39 (inclusive), 41, 42, 44
                              value of more than $1,150,000.                  to 48 (inclusive), 50 to 90 (inclusive), 92, 93 and
                                                                              94 and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
    28.Petroleum – 0 to       Land with an area of 1,000 hectares or          Land with land use code 40 and as identified by                 126.0700       $24,050.00
    1000 hectares             less, which is: -                               the Chief Executive Officer.
                              -a petroleum lease issued pursuant to the
                              Petroleum Act 1923 or Petroleum
                              (Production and Safety) Act 2004 for the
                              extraction of gas;
                              -used, or intended to be used, for the
                              extraction, processing or transportation of
                              gas; or
                              -used, or intended to be used, for any
                              purpose ancillary to, or associated with,
                              the extraction, processing or transportation
                              of gas, such as water storage or pipelines.

  Rating Category                      Description                                                                                             Minimum
                                                                                         Identification                     General Rate
    (s.81 (3)(a))                      (s.81(3)(b))                                                                                           General Rate
                                                                                                                            Cents in the $

29.Petroleum - 1,001 –   Land with an area of 1,001 to 10,000           Land with land use code 40 and as identified by             69.0500       $47,450.00
10,000 hectares          hectares, which is: -                          the Chief Executive Officer.
                         -a petroleum lease issued pursuant to the
                         Petroleum Act 1923 or Petroleum
                         (Production and Safety) Act 2004 for the
                         extraction of gas;
                         -used, or intended to be used, for the
                         extraction, processing or transportation of
                         gas; or
                         -used, or intended to be used, for any
                         purpose ancillary to, or associated with,
                         the extraction, processing or transportation
                         of gas, such as water storage or pipelines.
30.Petroleum - >10,000   Land with an area greater than 10,000          Land with land use code 40 and as identified by             65.2000      $115,700.00
hectares                 hectares, which is: -                          the Chief Executive Officer.
                         -a petroleum lease issued pursuant to the
                         Petroleum Act 1923 or Petroleum
                         (Production and Safety) Act 2004 for the
                         extraction of gas;
                         -used, or intended to be used, for the
                         extraction, processing or transportation of
                         gas; or
                         -used, or intended to be used, for any
                         purpose ancillary to, or associated with,
                         the extraction, processing or transportation
                         of gas, such as water storage or pipelines.
31.Barracks & Quarters   Land used for the provision of long-term       Assessment numbers:                                         20.7600       $19,500.00
- 250                   accommodation predominately for persons        12548-80000-000
                         employed in or working in association with     and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
                         a particular industry in more than 250
                         accommodation rooms, suites and/or
                         caravan sites.
33.Feedlots - 20,000    Land used for the purposes of a feedlot for    As identified by the Chief Executive Officer.               34.8230       $30,187.50
SCU                      cattle with a capacity greater than 20,000

38.Extractive –          Land used for the purpose of conducting        Assessment number:                                          33.8820       $17,825.00
Quarries 1               an industry which may involve dredging,        15898-10000-000
                         excavating, quarrying, sluicing or other       and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
                         modes of winning materials from the earth
                         and having a value of not more than
39.Extractive –          Land used for the purpose of conducting        Assessment numbers:                                         17.1700       $20,375.00
 Quarries 2              an industry which may involve dredging,        14030-50000-000        15948-21000-000
                         excavating, quarrying, sluicing or other       16276-00000-000        16287-10000-000
                         modes of winning materials from the earth      and as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
                         and having a value of more than $100,000.
40.Solar Farm < or       Land used or intended for use, in whole or     As identified by the Chief Executive Officer.                 27.15       $65,000.00
equal 100 MW capacity    in part, as a Solar Farm with an output
                         capacity up to or equal to 100 MW.

                                                                                          BANANA SHIRE COUNCIL RATES AND CHARGES EXPLAINED                     9
       Rating Category                         Description                                                                                            Minimum
                                                                                                Identification                     General Rate
         (s.81 (3)(a))                         (s.81(3)(b))                                                                                          General Rate
                                                                                                                                   Cents in the $
     41.Solar Farm - 100 -       Land used or intended for use, in whole or    As identified by the Chief Executive Officer.                 27.15      $185,000.00
     200 MW capacity             in part, as a Solar Farm with an output
                                 capacity not lower than 100 MW but equal
                                 to or not exceeding 200 MW.

     42.Solar Farm - > 200       Land used or intended for use, in whole or    As identified by the Chief Executive Officer.                 27.15      $240,000.00
     MW capacity                 in part, as a Solar Farm with an output
                                 capacity exceeding 200 MW.

     43.Grain bulk storage       Land used for the purpose of grain bulk       Assessment numbers:                                         10.1500        $6,300.00
                                 storage.                                      12190-00000-000       13435-00000-000
                                                                               14896-00000-000       16440-00000-000
                                                                               And as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.

     44.Water facility/storage   Land used for the purposes of water           Land with Land Use Code 95 and as identified by              5.2000        $2,730.00
                                 storage, dams, bores or reservoirs.           the Chief Executive Officer

     45.Coal Fired Power         Land used, or intended to be used in          Assessment number:                                          38.5000      $280,000.00
     Station                     whole or in part for:                         14348-00000-000
                                 (a) the generation of electricity by coal     And as identified by the Chief Executive Officer.
                                 fired power station;
                                 (b) transmission of electricity from a coal
                                 fired power station; or
                                 (c) any purpose ancillary to or
                                 associated with (a) or (b).
     46.Wind Farm < or           Land used or intended for use, in whole or    As identified by the Chief Executive Officer.                 27.15       $65,000.00
     equal 100MW capacity        in part as a Wind Farm with an output
                                 capacity up to or equal to 100 MW.

     47.Wind Farm 100 –          Land used or intended for use, in whole or    As identified by the Chief Executive Officer.                 27.15      $180,000.00
     200 MW capacity             in part as a Wind with an output capacity
                                 not lower than 100 MW but equal to or not
                                 exceeding 200 MW.

     48.Wind Farm - > 200        Land used or intended for use, in whole or    As identified by the Chief Executive Officer.                 27.15      $240,000.00
     MW capacity                 in part as a Wind Farm with an output
                                 capacity exceeding 200 MW.

Owners' responsibility: Water & Sewer                     missing out on any discount offered.
                                                          All changes MUST be received in writing and MUST
                                                          be signed by at least one owner. Address changes
                                                          cannot be accepted over the telephone.
                                                          Change of Address forms can be obtained from
                                                          Banana Shire Council offices and website.

                                                          Council offers 10% discount if payment is received by
                                                          the due date.
                                                          In order to take advantage of the discount the full
                                                          amount, including any rate arrears and interest must
                                                          be paid on or before the discount expiry date.
                                                          Be aware that any electronic payments processed
                                                          after your financial institution or bill payment service’s
                                                          cut-off time on the due date, will not be eligible to
Please be advised that the sewer line, from the           receive the discount.
main connection, and the water line, after the water      Please note: the discount does not apply to
meter, is considered private pipeline and the owner is    Water Consumption Charges, State Emergency
responsible for the operation and maintenance costs.      Management Levy, and Rural Fire Levy.
If a property owner considers that a water meter
is not reading accurately, an application together        Can I pay my rates in advance?
with payment of the nominated administration fee          Yes, you can! For your convenience rates can be paid
will need to be submitted to have the water meter         in advance by using any of Council’s recommended
checked. Council will arrange to test the meter           payment methods.
within ten (10) working days. If the meter is found to    All payments received prior to the rates billing will
be faulty, the meter will be replaced and testing fee     appear on the Rate Notice as a balance brought
refunded accordingly.                                     forward and will be deducted off the total amount
Refer to your Water Consumption Advice, attached to       payable for that period.
your Rate Notice, for important information regarding     If you elect to pay all or part of your rates in advance,
water consumption and detecting leaks.                    you are advised that it is your responsibility to ensure
                                                          that an adequate amount has been paid to allow the
Receive your rate notices via email                       prompt payment discount to be granted.
Sign up for eNotices.
eNotices allows you to self-manage all your               Difficulty paying your rates on time?
properties, send notices to multiple email addresses,     Council is sympathetic towards ratepayers who
and print additional copies.                              have genuine difficulties in meeting their payment
You can access your account at: banana.enotices.          deadlines.                                                   If you are experiencing difficulty in paying your rates
Find the eNotices logo on your Rate Notice to register.   by the due date, a Rates Payment Commitment
                                                          Application must be submitted to Council before the
SMS mobile phone reminders                                due date stated on your Rate Notice. This will ensure
If you would like reminders sent to your mobile phone     debt recovery action does not commence.
by SMS for important dates relating to rates visit our    Application forms can be obtained from Banana Shire
website and complete the online form.                     Council offices and website.

Process if I don't pay by the due date?                   Control your bills with BPAY View
The rates and charges described on a Rate Notice are      Take control of your bills with BPAY View. With BPAY
due and payable by the due date, after which any          View, you can have your Banana Shire Council rate
outstanding amount becomes an overdue rate and            notice delivered directly to your online banking on
compound interest of 8.53% per annum will accrue          the issue date - so you can view, pay automatically
daily.                                                    or with a single click, knowing that the bill will be
If rates and charges remain outstanding, Council          securely stored in one place.
may refer overdue rates and charges to their debt         Once you've signed up with BPAY View, you'll receive
recovery agency.                                          a convenient email, SMS or bank message* when it's
Reminder letters will be issued and failure to respond    time to pay your bill.
within the time stated can result in significant costs    You can then pay the bill with one click^, schedule a
and further legal action to recover debts.                later payment and even set up automatic payment for
Council has the legal right under the Local Government    future bills**. How easy is that?
Act 2009 and Local Government Regulation 2012
to recover any outstanding balance from property          You will no longer receive paper copies of your Rate
owners.                                                   Notice if you register with this service.
                                                          *Reminder options may differ between financial
Update your mailing address today                         institutions.
If you have changed your mailing address, please          ^The process may vary slightly between financial
notify Council in writing of your new address, so that    institutions.
your details can be updated.                              **Scheduled payments are subject to systems and
Residents who have changed their postal or email          funds availability.
address and have failed to notify Council run the risk    Visit
of not receiving their Rate Notice and consequently       bills.aspx for more information on how to register for
                                                          this service.

                                                            BANANA SHIRE COUNCIL RATES AND CHARGES EXPLAINED           11
Shire of opportunity
  PO Box 412, Biloela Qld 4715

  Telephone (07) 4992 9500

  Email -
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