Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 2021 - DRAFT Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 2021 - Family ...

Page created by Dwayne Mueller
Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 2021 - DRAFT Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 2021 - Family ...
          Disability Inclusion Action Plan
                     2017 – 2021

Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021
Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 2021 - DRAFT Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 2021 - Family ...

    Acknowledgement of Country.................................................................................... 3

    Mayoral Introduction....................................................................................................            4

    Message from General Manager................................................................................                        5

    About the Plan............................................................................................................... 6

    Policy and Legislative Context....................................................................................                  8

    Community Profile.........................................................................................................          13

    Results.............................................................................................................................. 15

    Key Strategies and Actions........................................................................................... 16

    Monitoring, Reviewing and Reporting......................................................................... 23

									                                                                                       Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021
Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 2021 - DRAFT Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 2021 - Family ...
Acknowledgement of Country

             Bathurst Regional Council would like to acknowledge
             the Wiradjuri people, the traditional owners of this
             land. The Wiradjuri are of the goanna totem and “the
             people of the three rivers” – the Macquarie (traditionally
             known as the Wambool), the Lachlan (or Kalari) and the
             Murrumbidgee which has retained its original name.

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Mayoral Introduction

    It is my pleasure to present Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021. Council
    is working towards creating an accessible and inclusive city for everyone, one which
    provides equal opportunity for People with Disability to utilise and enjoy the public
    spaces and life of our region.

    Council has a key role in promoting and supporting access and inclusion by ensuring it
    is a key consideration in all areas of Council business. This includes how we develop the
    built environment, provide information and services, support employment opportunities
    and promote positive community attitudes and behaviour toward people with disability.

    The purpose of this Plan is to ensure access and inclusion is positioned as core business
    and integrated with existing planning cycles, so that employees at every level consider
    inclusion of people with disability in their business. The Plan has been informed by input
    from People with Disability, their families and carers, service providers and interested
    community members.

    The Plan sets out ways in which Council will assist in making Bathurst a more welcoming
    and accessible region for everyone, including People with Disability.

    Without an inclusive community and the opportunities that an inclusive community
    provides, diversity is not promoted, control over choice is limited and positive change
    for people with disability may not occur.

    I am proud of the diversity of our community and the positive contributions they make
    to our region. Engagement is a key part of any Plan and I would like to thank the many
    community members who took the time to contribute their ideas with the ultimate aim
    of making our region a better place for everyone to live, work, study and play.

    Councillor Graeme Hanger OAM

									                                                       Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021
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Message from General Manager

       Council is steward of a growing region and custodian of community assets for people
       from many and varied backgrounds. It is vital that we plan for the future of the region,
       not just for economic growth but also the development of services and facilities to be
       an inclusive vibrant city.

       Establishing the initial Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 - 2021 (DIAP) for our region has
       been the culmination of community consultation and research.

       The Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021(DIAP) will further develop Council’s long
       term plans which are being used to guide the future of the Bathurst region to ensure we
       are able to respond to, and indeed pre-empt the needs of all of the community moving

       The Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 - 2021 (DIAP) will provide a framework for a four
       year delivery program, to progress aims, objectives and support opportunities for People
       with Disability. Council will further report back to the community, to analyse the progress
       and achievements of the Plan and aim for quality outcomes for People with Disability.

       Council will take a leadership role in our own practice and improve Council’s internal
       systems and processes to ensure they support better access outcomes for the community.

       I would like to thank everyone who assisted with the development of the Plan and look
       forward to ongoing conversation and positive outcomes for the community as the
       delivery of the Plan occurs.

       David Sherley
       General Manager

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About the Plan

    Personal choice is only possible when communities are inclusive of all people including
    People with Disability. Real diversity is not achieved unless People with Disability are
    provided with equal opportunity to participate in community life.

    For the first time all levels of government across Australia have committed to a unified,
    national approach to improving the lives of people with disability, their families and
    carers through the development of the National Disability Strategy. In this strategy the
    State and Federal Governments have committed to an approach where the individual
    is the ‘centre’ of focus and not their disability.

    In August 2014 the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014 was passed. This Act requires Council
    to develop a Disability Inclusion Action Plan to help remove barriers and enable people
    with disability to participate equally in their communities.

    The purpose of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan is to set out the strategies and actions that
    Council will deliver in the next four years to enable people with disability to have greater
    access to the built environment and Council information, services, facilities and events.

    The Plan includes actions for all areas of Council and will guide us in making our information
    and facilities more inclusive and accessible as well as advocating for businesses to do
    the same. Implementation of the actions in this Plan will benefit many people in our
    community including older people, people with a temporary and long term disability as
    well as parents with young children. The Plan is underpinned by the following principles
    which support the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

    •     Focusing on abilities and not disabilities.

    •     Fundamental rights for all people.

    •     Genuine dialogue and participation.

    •     Provision of equitable access and inclusion for all.

    •     Prudent use of resources.

    •     Recognising the benefits of collaboration.

    •     Principles of Universal Design.

    •     Access is everyone’s business.

									                                                          Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021
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The Case for Inclusion
       •     As a community, we are poorer without a diverse range of viewpoints and
             individual perspectives.

       •     Exclusion leads to disadvantage and discrimination, which have far reaching negative
             impacts across all aspects of life, including health, welfare, education and
             employment. These impacts are felt beyond the individual, with families and the
             broader community being negatively impacted by a non-inclusive community.

       •     Employment can provide independence, reduce reliance on benefits and improve
             the living standards of People with Disability. This can have positive health impacts
             and contribute to a greater sense of self-worth.

       •     Equitable access to business benefits not only for People with Disability, but
             older people, parents with prams and business owners by expanding their business
             reach. There is a strong economic case to increase inclusion in our community.

       Consultation Undertaken
       This Plan was informed by a Community Survey and many conversations with People with
       Disability, their families and carers, industry professionals, service delivery organisations
       and Council staff.

       Community conversations took place at shopping centres and the Bathurst Library.

       Further consultation occurred at community events and meetings including:

       •     International Day for People with Disability community event,

       •     BRAC (Bathurst Regional Access Committee),

       •     Central West Disability Alliance,

       •     Councillors, and with relevant Council Managers.

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Policy and Legislative Context

    People with Disability, their families and carers have the same rights as all people to
    access services and facilities. These rights are part of Commonwealth and State policy
    and legislation which make it unlawful to discriminate against a Person with Disability.

    There is a range of Commonwealth and State legislation that actively supports access
    and inclusion for People with Disability. These are the policy settings that require Bathurst
    Regional Council to undertake its business operations in certain ways with regard to
    access and inclusion.

    Under the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA), discrimination on the
    basis of disability is unlawful. Council, along with other organisations, has an obligation
    to make its facilities, goods and services accessible.

    In 2008, the Australian Government committed to implementing the United Nations (UN)
    Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities:

    “to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and
    fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their
    inherent dignity.”

    The Commonwealth National Disability Strategy (NDS) 2010–2020 sets out a 10-year
    national plan for improving life for Australians with disability, their families and carers.
    The NDS is underpinned by the UN human rights approach.

    This approach also supports the NSW Government enactment of the NSW Disability
    Inclusion Act (DIA) 2014.

    Related Legislation and Standards

    • United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

    • Disability Discrimination Act 1992
    • National Disability Strategy 2010 – 2020
    • National Art and Disability Strategy (2009)
    • Disability (Access to Premises Standards – Buildings)Standards 2010

									                                                       Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021
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     • NSW Disability Inclusion Act (DIA) 2014.
     • Carers (Recognition) Act 2010 (NSW)
     • NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (ADA)
     • Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002
     • National Disability Strategy – NSW Implementation Plan 2012 – 2014
     • Local Government Act 1993 and Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

     The diagram below shows the Commonwealth and State legislation that informs the
     development of local government disability access and inclusion planning.

     Image source: Local Government NSW and NSW Family and Community Service - Disability Inclusion Action Plan guidelines NSW
     Disability Inclusion Act 2014

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Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 2021 - DRAFT Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 2021 - Family ...
Policy and Legislative Context

     The NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014 includes a series of principles which relate to people
     with disability and recognise the needs of particular groups. S.12 (3) of the NSW Disability
     Inclusion Act 2014 requires each public authority to prepare a Disability Action Plan. Section
     12 (3) requires councils to prepare a Disability Inclusion Action Plan which must include:

     • how the Council regards disability principles;
     • strategies for providing access to public buildings, events and facilities;
     • details about how to access information;
     • how employment opportunities for People with Disability are to be supported;
     • demonstrate opportunities for People with Disability to access the full range of services
       and activities available in the community;
     • include details of consultation about the Plan with People with Disability;
     • explain how the plan supports the goals of the NSW Government’s Disability Inclusion Plan.

     As a result, this plan sets out a series of principles, strategies and actions that will guide
     Council operations over the next four years. These align with the principles of the
     Disability Inclusion Act 2014, as well as the NSW Government’s Disability Inclusion Plan
     which specifies four focus areas.

     The four focus areas “are aimed at creating long term change and require
     consistent efforts from government and the wider community”.

     These are:

     1.    Developing positive community attitudes and behaviours
           People’s attitudes impact all aspects of community life. The attitudes and
           behaviours of the community towards People with Disability have been described
           as the single biggest barrier to participation and inclusion.

     2.    Supporting access to meaningful employment
           Employment contributes towards feelings of self-worth and provides regular social
           interaction. For most people employment and economic security are interrelated.
           Employment can increase an individual’s capacity for choice and control over
           many life decisions.

     3.    Creating liveable communities
           Liveable communities are places people can move about easily to access services
           and facilities and participate in community life.

									                                                         Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021
4.     Improving access to mainstream services through better systems
           and processes
           Ease of accessing systems, options for communicating, and information help remove
           barriers to participation and support people to live independently.

    The actions in the DIAP are aligned with the four focus areas and the plan aims to address
    community issues and move forward and implement changes where appropriate.

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Bathurst Regional Council’s
     Disability Inclusion Action Plan
     Having a separate plan is consistent with Bathurst Regional Council’s strategic planning
     framework in which Council undertakes a series of planning documents, for example,
     2036 Community Strategic Plan, Bathurst Region Heritage Strategy 2014-2017, Bathurst
     Economic Strategy 2017-2021,Bathurst Regional Community Access and Cycling Plan
     2011. From these documents, a series of action plans and masterplans are prepared
     to give more detail and structure to important aspects within our community and for
     Bathurst Regional Council. The Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) is within this suite.

     These plans are a particularly important component of Bathurst Regional Council’s
     strategic planning framework and map out the Council’s intentions for the next four

     Figure 1: The relationship between the relevant policy and legislative instruments.
     Source; Disability Inclusion Action Planning Guidelines Local Government

									                                                                                  Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021
Community Profile

     The disability prevalence in Australia has remained relatively stable over time, with 18.35%
     of people reporting living with a disability in 20151.

     There are many different kinds of disability, usually resulting from accidents, illness or
     genetic disorders. Disability may affect a person’s mobility, communication and learning.
     It can also affect their income and participation in education, social activities and the
     labour force2.

     The Australian Bureau of Statistics relates directly to the Core Activity Need for Assistance
     (ASSNP)*. A concept developed in the 2006 Census to indicate the disability status of
     people in Australia according to geographic area, and for small groups of population.
     This population is defined as people with a disability who need assistance with their day
     to day lives, with any or all of the following core activities – self-care, body movements
     or communication3.

     Data provided from the 2011 Census indicates, 4.39% of the population in the Bathurst
     Regional Council LGA reported needing assistance with core activities, compared with
     4.89% for Regional NSW4.

                                                Bathurst Regional LGA                    New South Wales

      Total population                                     38,517                            69,17656

      Need for assistance *                                 1,691                             33,8361

      % of total                                           4.39%                               4.89%

     Bathurst Regional Council area’s statistics help in understanding the prevalence of
     people who need support in the community.

         2015 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australian Bureau of Statistics
         2011 Census – Disability, Carers and Need for Assistance, Australian Bureau of Statistics

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Community Profile

                           Household type
            In Bathurst Regional Council area, 27.6% of people
            reporting a need for assistance for disability were in
                     couples with children households.

     Employment                         Unpaid care
       Status               In Bathurst Regional Council area there were
                            3,444 carers providing unpaid assistance to
          12.2% of          a person with disability, long term illness or
      people needing        old age in 2011. From 2006 to 2011, there
                            was an 11% or 400+ people increase of
       assistance due
                            care provided to a person with disability,
      to disability were            long term illness or old age.
       unemployed in
       2011. Of those                    Age Group
         employed,              11.8% of the population needing
                                 assistance was aged between
        26.5% were
                                   0 and 14, and 47.2% were
     employed full time.            aged 65 years and over.

									                                         Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021
Results Summary

       General results from the consultation include:

       Council is performing well in the following areas:

       •      Bathurst Library
       •      Bathurst Regional Art Gallery
       •      Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre
       •      Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum
       •      National Motor Racing Museum
       •      Pedestrian Access footpaths, kerb ramps, pedestrian crossings
       •      Bathurst Aquatic Centre
       •      Council domestic recycling and green waste collection service
       •      Bathurst Regional Airport
       •      Community Halls
       •      Civic Centre
       •      Bus Stops / Taxi Shelters
       •      Council’s current services in terms of ease of use and access to information are
              rated as satisfactory
       •      Current employment opportunities and working environment in Bathurst is rated
              as satisfactory
       •      Current community attitude is positive

       Priority service areas for Council to make improvements:

       •      Current community attitude is lacking awareness
       •      Bathurst Visitor Information Centre
       •      Sporting Grounds
       •      Council Parks and Children’s Playgrounds
       •      Public toilets and changing facilities
       •      Work with local businesses and community to increase awareness and advocate
              for employing People with Disability

       The findings showed there were positive areas of improvement to be made and these
       are captured in the following strategies and actions.

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Key Strategies and Actions
The key messages from the community conversations are outlined below. Key strategies and
actions from these findings have been developed through the consultation. The Action Plan
is developed in line with the four key focus areas. This Plan will be used to guide Council re-
sources and set priorities to ensure the Bathurst Regional Council area is an accessible and
inclusive community for all, including People with Disability (PwD).


 STRATEGY 1.1     Raise awareness about the positive contribution People with Disability
                  (PwD) make to the community

 ACTION                                         INDICATOR                                 TIMEFRAME

 a) Promote ‘Champions of Change’.              Promotion in a range of media             2017/2018
                                                occurs, when applicable                   Ongoing

 b) Promote positive stories of inclusion and   Stories of inclusion promoted             2017/2018
    actions taken to increase access.                                                     Ongoing

 c) Acknowledge and highlight cases where       Community acknowledgement of              2017/2018
    organisations and or individuals have       inclusion/achievements                    Ongoing
    achieved inclusion and celebration of
    PwD achievements.

 STRATEGY 1.2     Building Community Awareness

 ACTION                                         INDICATOR                                 TIMEFRAME

 a) Increase awareness of disability and        Programs and projects identified          2017/2018
    education on how to interact with PwD.      annually                                  Ongoing
 b) Education for community as a whole          Raised community awareness                2017
    focusing on ability not disability.                                                   Ongoing
 c) Connect with schools and early childhood Linkages made                                2017
    services to promote inclusion.                                                        Ongoing
                                             Improved knowledge of inclusion
                                             and accessibility
 d) Link to events and activities to promote    Involvement in annual IDPwD               2017
    inclusion such as International Day of                                                Ongoing
    People with Disability (IDPwD).

 STRATEGY 1.3       Promote understanding and positive attitudes among Council workers (which
                    includes staff, contractors and volunteers)

 ACTION                                         INDICATOR                                 TIMEFRAME

 a) Include in Bathurst Regional Council new    Accessibility information included in     2017/2018
    staff induction days, information around    induction presentation                    Ongoing
    accessibility, DDA and NSW Disability
    Inclusion Act

									                                                        Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021

    STRATEGY 2.1      Start-up businesses - advocacy

    ACTION                                            INDICATOR                                 TIMEFRAME

    a) Provide PwD with support / opportunity         Participation of People with Disability   2017
       to participate in jobs expo / forum /          at Council’s Jobs Expo.                   Ongoing
       business development.
                                                      Engagement with Disability
                                                      Employment Services.

    STRATEGY 2.2     Increase employment opportunities – “lead by example”

    ACTION                                            INDICATOR                                 TIMEFRAME

    a) Promote the processes involved in              Resource information developed            2018/2019
       employing PwD.
                                                      Reduction in fears and concerns of

    b) Advocate to local businesses what is           Businesses connect to advice              2017/2018
      meaningful employment to PwD.

    c) Generate a greater understanding of the        Businesses connect to advice              2017/2018
       different levels of disability to employers.

    d) Provide information regarding the positive Businesses connect to advice                  2017/2018
       outcomes for employing PwD.

    e) Promote volunteers and increase                Raised community awareness                2017/2018
       employer’s awareness through good
       news stories.

    f) Investigate Council’s functions to identify    Improvement in Council’s functions        2018/2019
       meaningful employment opportunities for        for building opportunities for PwD

    g) Investigate work experience opportunities Identified opportunities for work              2018/2019
       within Council for PwD                    experience within Council

    STRATEGY 2.3      Promote workplace Champions in disability employment within the
                      Bathurst Community

    ACTION                                            INDICATOR                                 TIMEFRAME

    a) Promote PwD achievements within the            Promotion occurs when applicable          Ongoing

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STRATEGY 2.4      Explore opportunity to develop sensory garden

                                                  INDICATOR                              TIMEFRAME
 a) Explore opportunities to engage with          Concept plan developed                 2018/2019
    PwD in the development of a sensory
    and/or water garden designed,
    developed and maintained by PwD.

 b) Develop links with disability providers for   Volunteer connections made             2018/2019
    volunteering opportunities.

 c) Advocate to suitable local employers to       Increased employment opportunities 2017
    identify meaningful employment                for PwD                            Ongoing
    opportunities for PwD

									                                                       Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021

   STRATEGY 3.1      Accessible Toilets

   ACTION                                            INDICATOR                             TIMEFRAME

   a) Review cleaning and maintenance            Audit complete                            2017/2018
      procedures of accessible toilets including
      Bi-Centennial and Machattie Parks.

   b) Review of access to toilets in playground      Review complete                       2018/2019
      and review width of pathways to
      accommodate wheelchairs and prams.

   c) Review opportunities to create larger          Review complete                       2019/2020
      physical space in key facilities with
      inclusion of adult change table space.

   d) Review and improve, where possible,            Review complete                       2018/2019
      lighting and signage.

   e) Review provision of accessible toilets         Review complete                       2020/2021
      around the region.

   STRATEGY 3.2           Footpaths and Pathways

   ACTION                                            INDICATOR                             TIMEFRAME

   a) Continue to implement strategies in the        Actions implemented as per plan       2017
      Bathurst Regional Council Access and                                                 Ongoing
      Cycling Plan 2011. Including with a focus:
   • Width of pathways
   • Access in and around playgrounds and
   • Pothole maintenance on existing paths
   • Development of pathways around city
   • Continual monitoring and policing of

   STRATEGY 3.3           Progressively review and upgrade Council owned assets to ensure accessibility

   ACTION                                            INDICATOR                             TIMEFRAME

   a) Audit and review height of public seating      Audit complete                        2018/2019
      and BBQ’s

   b) Audit and review Council counters              Audit complete                        2017/2018

   c) Audit and review Council Chambers eg:          Audit complete                        2017/2018
      speaker rostrum.

   d) Review/ensure all facilities and services      Review complete                       2019/2020
      are accessible

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STRATEGY 3.4        Transport (advocacy) / Parking

 ACTION                                           INDICATOR                                 TIMEFRAME

 a) Provide advocacy for improvements to          Improvements made during DIAP             2017
    Disabled Taxi service - waiting time          period                                    Ongoing
    excessive, minimal night time access,
    and need for improved ramp access at
    taxi ranks.

 b) Provide advocacy for improvements             Improvements made during DIAP             2017
    to bus services – PwD face challenges         period                                    Ongoing
    accessing buses. E.g. Routes require
    multiple change overs and minimal bus
    services at night. Areas including Raglan
    and Eglinton have no services.

 c) Continue to review and monitor the            Ongoing monitoring and response to 2019/2020
    appropriateness of accessible parking         issues
    spaces in the CBD.

 c) Audit and review bus shelters/bus             Improvements made during DIAP             2017
    stops in line with Disability Standards for   period                                    Ongoing
    Accessible Public Transport 2002.

 STRATEGY 3.5         Community Events

 ACTION                                           INDICATOR                                 TIMEFRAME

 a) Promote Council’s website capability,         Community awareness                       2017
    that has Readspeaker and enlarged font                                                  Ongoing

 b) All promotional event material to be          Community awareness                       2017
    included on Council’s Website to ensure                                                 Ongoing
    accessibility to information.

 c) Information to include access points/         Promotion of event to include             2017
    toilets locations/transport and parking for   accessibility information                 Ongoing

 STRATEGY 3.6        Parks and Recreation Areas

 ACTION                                           INDICATOR                                 TIMEFRAME

 a) Review access to parks including Proctor      Audit complete                            2018/2019
    Park and George Park.

 b) Investigate the development of Sensory        Investigation complete                    2018/2019
    garden / water play areas to be
    developed in consultation with PwD and
    services. Assist with planning, planting
    and maintenance.

									                                                          Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021
STRATEGY 3.7           Access to shops and businesses

   ACTION                                          INDICATOR                              TIMEFRAME
   a) Continue to provide Bathurst Regional         Grants provided to small businesses   Annually
      Access Committee (BRAC) with Bathurst
      Access Improvement for Small Business Grants.

   b) Continue to advocate for improved            Community awareness                    2017
      access to shops and businesses.                                                     Ongoing

   c) Provide information to business owners /     Community awareness                    2017
      employers on the benefit of improving                                               Ongoing
      access for all.


   STRATEGY 4.1           Review of Council Employment Processes

   ACTION                                          INDICATOR                              TIMEFRAME
   a) Review systems and processes.                Review complete                        2018/2019

   b) Raise awareness of disability service        Improved support for PwD in apply-     2017/2018
      providers to support PwD in applying for     ing for positions                      Ongoing

   STRATEGY 4.2       Employment / Recruitment Process

   ACTION                                          INDICATOR                              TIMEFRAME
   a) Review and improve access to online          Greater accessibility to recruitment   2018/2019
      processes (e.g. Website).                    process in Council

   STRATEGY 4.3    Promote a culture of responsive customer service

   ACTION                                          INDICATOR                              TIMEFRAME

   a) Review customer service procedures to        Review complete                        2017/2018
      identify barriers to access and

   STRATEGY 4.4    Increase access to information

   ACTION                                          INDICATOR                              TIMEFRAME

   a) Events – Provide promotional materials in    All promotional material accessible    2018/2019
      different formats.                           to PwD
   b) Enlarge font button on website.              Font enlarged                          2017
   c) Improved provision of hearing loop and       Equipment installed                    2018/2019
      speakers in Chambers.

   d) Potentially additional hearing loops to be   Review complete                        2018/2019
      provided in reception desk areas.

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Council’s Commitment to Inclusion and Accessibility
 Striving for an inclusive community through collaborations with local business,
 community, government and non-government agencies and People with

 Improving awareness of and access to Council facilities and improved
 community well-being

 Advocating for all, to ensure our region is an accessible and inclusive place.

									                                           Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2021
Monitoring, Reviewing and Reporting

  Each year, Council will report on its progress against the Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP)
  as part of its Annual Report. A summary of achievements will also be prepared annually and
  provided to the NSW Disability Council.

  The General Manager and the Senior Management Team will sponsor and promote the Plan.

  The actions in this Plan will become part of our Delivery Program and Annual Operational Plan
  will help us to deliver the Community Strategic Plan.

  An implementation plan that includes time frames, priorities, resources and responsibilities has
  been developed to help with the delivery of the Plan.

  Monitoring and Evaluation
  An evaluation framework with performance indicators has been developed to measure
  change. Data will be collected and reported throughout the implementation of the Plan. In
  the 4th year of the Plan we will measure community satisfaction through a community survey.

  Regular updates will be provided on Council’s website to report progress. Progress towards
  delivering the actions in the Plan will be formally reported as part of Council’s annual reporting
  processes. Council will prepare and submit reports to the NSW Disability Council, as required.
  The DIAP is a four year plan. In addition to the annual review process, a four yearly review will

  •      Review and evaluation of the complete DIAP
  •      Adoption and publication of an updated DIAP

  Ongoing Consultation and Review
  Council will talk with the community regularly to check that the priorities in the Plan are still
  relevant and make changes to the Plan where they are needed.

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You can also read