Your local magazine for Gretna, Gretna Green, Springfield, Longtown, Carlisle, Lockerbie, Langholm, Moffat, Annan and all the beautiful towns and ...

Page created by Wesley Gonzales
Your local magazine for Gretna, Gretna Green, Springfield, Longtown, Carlisle, Lockerbie, Langholm, Moffat, Annan and all the beautiful towns and ...
Your local magazine for Gretna, Gretna
  Green, Springfield, Longtown, Carlisle,
Lockerbie, Langholm, Moffat, Annan and all
the beautiful towns and villages in our area.
Your local magazine for Gretna, Gretna Green, Springfield, Longtown, Carlisle, Lockerbie, Langholm, Moffat, Annan and all the beautiful towns and ...
Our Thanks
                                               As every month, our thanks go out to
                                                all the contributors to the magazine
                                                 for their interesting and informative
                                               articles. Your hard work is always very
                                                           much appreciated

August, summer is here (I hope) and
Scotland continues to open up slowly - in
                                                 Add yourself to our newsletter and
a far more sensible and measured                make sure you are one of the first to
manner than the irresponsible                   know when each issue is published.
government in England would have us
do.. But please remember, the virus is still   Just click on the link below to register,
about and even if we have had our               all you need is your name and your
vaccinations, we can still spread it if we                 email address.
are not careful. So please keep social
distancing in place, wear masks and take                 https://www.https://
The 7th August sees Gretna FC 2008’s 1st
home game with fans since Feb 19 so
they'd like a bumper crowd. More details
on page 55 where you will also find a link              Get In Touch
to purchase your tickets - it’s a tickets   
only game.                                 
All advertising remains completely free of          Whatsapp: +447964262288
any charges and we are working on                    (Also Telegram & Viber)
keeping it this way while businesses are
still struggling to remain profitable. So 
should you or someone you know have                 Tickled-Squirrel-
any need of completely free advertising             100207221692005
that is now reaching more and more
people every month, please get them to
email us.                                       Tickled Squirrel Magazine accepts no
                                                 responsibility for the services, goods
We hope you enjoy this month’s issue              or work provided by any advertiser.
and we would love to hear from you if you          Although we do our best to ensure
have any ideas for articles or would like to     that contents is correct we accept no
contribute yourself. Just send us an           liability for any errors or omissions. No
email, or a WhatAapp message.                  part of this magazine, in part or whole,
Email:                   may be reproduced without prior
WhatsApp: +44 7964 262 288                                  written permission.
2                                                                                    3
Your local magazine for Gretna, Gretna Green, Springfield, Longtown, Carlisle, Lockerbie, Langholm, Moffat, Annan and all the beautiful towns and ...
All Paws Great and Small
In This Month’s Magazine
Help Free The Bears            6    Climate Change               52
                                                                                        07746 381 718
How Do You Feel About Being         Gretna FC 2008               56
Alone                          8
                                                                           Dog Walking ▪ 5 Pet Apartment
Mellow Musical Memories with
Vince Tracy                  12
                                    The Trouble With History
                                    Anne Germain
                                                                 69                               *
Learn Guitar With Rod          20
                                    Sudoku and Crossword         72    Training ▪ Pop-In Visits ▪ House Sitting
                                    Puzzles For Children         74
Mellow Media Budget            25
                                    Some Things To Think About   78    • Reliable and Recommended
The Devil’s Porridge Museum    27
                                    Calling All Veterans and Serving   • Dog walking
The Market Hall, Carlisle      32   Members of the Armed Forces 80     • 5 Council licenced pet apartment
The End Of Morality?           38   Do You Know A Local Hero?    81      (home from home)
A Fun Quiz                     41   Puzzle Solutions             84    • House sitting
3D Garden Design               43
                                                                       • All pet home services
Flavours and Spices of India   50
                                                                       • Canine first aid trained
                                                                       • Canine behaviour trainer (diploma)
                                                                       • Puppy trainer (diploma)
                                                                       • Puppy / Dog socialising

                                                                        Have your dog(s) be part of your
                                                                        special day with our stress-free
                                                                        We can take your dog(s) to and
                                                                        from your venue with optional
                                                                        upgrade boarding package

                                                                                 AllPawsGreatandSmall              5
Your local magazine for Gretna, Gretna Green, Springfield, Longtown, Carlisle, Lockerbie, Langholm, Moffat, Annan and all the beautiful towns and ...
Help Free The Bears
There are many ways you can              only time for a present). You can
contribute to saving these majestic      become a bear carer with a small
creatures. The first thing to do is to   subscription each month.
visit their website at https://
There you will see the many ways
in which you can help them. At the
time of writing, most of the world is
limiting travel so going along to
volunteer is not an option unless
you are already living near to a
sanctuary, but you can sponsor a
bear, make a purchase for yourself
or as a gift (Christmas is not the


                                                                             Are your carpets looking a little tired? Your chairs in need of a
                                                                             spruce up? Then get in touch and we can bring them back to life
                                                                             We pride ourselves on our workmanship, here are just a few of the
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         As life begins to return to the business world,
        now is a great time to be spreading the word that                    “Brilliant job, sofas came out like new, would definitely recommend“
           you are still here and open for business.
                                                                             “Done a brilliant job on our hand me down couch, looks brand new!
                                                                             Definitely recommend 5*”

                                                                             “Mark made an amazing job of our carpets today 100%
                                                                             recommended carpets are spotless & smell great!! thanks again
         You can advertise here for absolutely no charge                     much appreciated.“
          and no commitment. Just email us and we will
           design an advertisement and place it in the                       “Absolutely delighted, my suite is like new. Very prompt service and
               magazine. No Charges of Any Kind                              great price, thanks again.”

 6                                                                                                                                                  7
Your local magazine for Gretna, Gretna Green, Springfield, Longtown, Carlisle, Lockerbie, Langholm, Moffat, Annan and all the beautiful towns and ...
How Do You Feel About Being
                                                                              the earth……I don’t                                makes us feel deeply
                      Alone                                                   think we need
                                                                              lose any sleep
                                                                                                                                   and strongly, gives
                                                                                                                                     us the advantage
                                                                              over doing                                               of being able to
    Some people have never met          Realise that by allowing              that now!! As                                             attract and
    or married a soul mate….some        ourselves to be                       we move                                                    choose the
    people are on their own all         comfortable                           away from                                                  right people
    through their lives for some        with being                            tradition                                                  with whom to
    reason, and maybe they don’t        alone, we can                         and fall into                                              share
    appreciate the situation they       become the kind of                    more                                                       ourselves.
    are in. Are you on your             person with                           natural                                                   Choosing to
    own??Are you your own best          whom we                               cycles of                                                enjoy being
    friend?? Do you realise that        want to have                          being in the                                           alone allows us to
    you are in a position that some     a relationship.                       world today, we                                      fully explore our
    people would envy?? Have you                                              may find that there                               most important
    ever tried to see being on your     Perhaps at no other                   are times where being                        relationship—the one with
    own like that?                      time in history has it                alone nourishes us . Our              our true selves…..try to
                                        been possible for                     happiness does not depend on          appreciate the freedom and the
    The most important relationship     people to survive, and                other people. It may assist our       ability to find your own way in
    we have in our lives is with our    even thrive, while living             state of mind, but WE are             life……..some people never
    selves. And even though we          alone. We can now support             responsible for the way we feel       have that opportunity!
    are the only ones who are           ourselves financially, socially,      about everything. Loneliness is
    present at every moment of our      and emotionally without               not the same as being
    lives—from birth onward—this        needing a spouse for survival in      alone……I have felt lonelier in
    relationship can be the most        any of these realms. With this        a crowd than I have ever felt         Take care ….’Till the Next
    difficult one to cultivate and to   freedom, we can pursue our            just enjoying my own company.         time!!!
    appreciate. This may be             own interests and create              Being on your own does not
    because society places such         fulfilling partnerships with          mean loneliness.
    emphasis on the importance of       friends, business partners, and
    being locked into a romantic        neighbours. It helps us to            Being willing to know and love        Violet King
    partnership, even teaching us       discover ourselves if we move         ourselves, and to find what truly
    to set aside our own needs for      forward. Standing still doesn’t
    the needs of another person.        achieve much….you can find
    Until we know ourselves,            so many things to do and really
    however, we cannot possibly         appreciate things without being      With thanks to Violet for her interesting article once again
    choose the right relationship to    dependent on someone else..
    support our mutual growth                                                If you have a question you would like to ask her, please email us at the
    toward our highest benefit.         Male and female were told in         magazine and we will pass it on to her.
                                        the beginning to multiply and fill

8                                                                                                                                                         9
Your local magazine for Gretna, Gretna Green, Springfield, Longtown, Carlisle, Lockerbie, Langholm, Moffat, Annan and all the beautiful towns and ...
Annan Travel
                                                                                Your local travel agent

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     FB: innoscentfragrancesbyjoanne
10                                                                                                          11
Your local magazine for Gretna, Gretna Green, Springfield, Longtown, Carlisle, Lockerbie, Langholm, Moffat, Annan and all the beautiful towns and ...
Mellow Musical Memories                                                   Boys, another great family act      his right eye in a near-fatal car
                                                                          featuring three harmonising         crash in Oregon in 1967, and
        with Vince Tracy                                                  brothers. The Bee Gees' Hall of
                                                                          Fame citation says, "Only Elvis
                                                                                                              consequently always wore an
                                                                                                              eyepatch. The eyepatch led
                                                                          Presley, the Beatles, Michael       some to believe that Sawyer
Thanks once again to Vince Tracy for this wonderful jump back in          Jackson, Garth Brook and Paul       was 'Dr. Hook'. When anyone
time. You can find out more about Vince if you look at his website        McCartney have outsold the          asked the band which one of
                                                  Bee Gees." The Bee Gees are         them was 'Dr Hook' they always
                                                                          the third most successful band      directed everyone to the bus
 Hi there pop-pickers and this      star who sadly took his own life      in Billboard charts history after   driver. The humour might have
 month's ramble for Mellow          in 1996                               the Beatles and the Supremes.       been debatable but their music
 Magazine whizzes me back to                                                                                  was great and 'Sylvia's Mother
 August in 1972. We were                                                                                      was their number 8 hit in this
 coming away from the swinging                                                                                month. I was dating a girl called
 60s and our drainpipe trousers                                                                               Sylvia at the time and her mum
 were becoming a little wider at                                                                              seemed to think the song was
 the bottom and denim flares                                                                                  about her. I doubt if she had
 and bell bottoms were                                                                                        ever seen the band but it was a
 appearing in the clubs. The                                                                                  great song.
 charts didn't always reflect the
 dancing and moods on the disco                                                                               At number 7 you'd find Sir
 dance floors. I'm looking at the                                                                             Roderick David Stewart CBE
 top 10 and Faron Young at          The Bee Gees were at number                                               born 10 January 1945 and a
 number 10 was an early riser.      9 with 'Run to Me'. Dramatic or                                           British rock and pop singer,
 He sang about 'Four in the         what? I bet these guys practised                                          songwriter, and record producer.
 morning' and for my money this     their harmonies round the back                                            Born and raised in London, he is
 was a fellow with a mellow         of their mum's post office on the     At number 8 you will find Dr        of Scottish and English
 bellow who was more for the        Isle of Man. They were good but       Hook. After a network of            ancestry. With his distinctive
 radio shows than for dance         greater days lay ahead of them.       musicians working around            raspy singing voice, Stewart is
 floors. He looked more like a      I tried singing their high notes      America and including George        one of the best-selling music
 carpet salesman than a country     but suffered with a hernia as a       Cummings who eventually             artistes of all time, having sold
                                    result. The Bee Gees have sold        ended up with a band "Dr. Hook      over 250 million records
                                    over 120 million records              and the Medicine Show: Tonic        worldwide. He has had 10
                                    worldwide, making them among          for the Soul." The "Hook" name      number-one albums and 31 top
                                    the best-selling music artists of     was inspired by musician Ray        ten singles in the UK, 6 of which
                                    all time. They were inducted into     Sawyer' and the eyepatch was        reached number one. Stewart
                                    the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame        a reference to Captain Hook of      has had 16 top ten singles in the
                                    in 1997 and presented the             Peter Pan fairy tale, fame.         US, with four reaching number
                                    award to "Britain's first family of   Humorously, Captain Hook was        one on the Billboard Hot 100.
                                    harmony" by Brian Wilson. He          neither a doctor nor wore an        He was knighted in the 2016
                                    was the leader of the Beach           eyepatch. Ray Sawyer had lost       Birthday Honours for services to

12                                                                                                                                            13
Your local magazine for Gretna, Gretna Green, Springfield, Longtown, Carlisle, Lockerbie, Langholm, Moffat, Annan and all the beautiful towns and ...
great press cutting of me                                                 I'll say this quietly as some
                                  tackling Rod during the game.                                             ladies might go crazy
                                                                                                            remembering Donny Osmond
                                  At number 6 was David Cassidy                                             who was at number 4 with
                                  with the Partridge Family. They                                           'Puppy Love'. The father of
                                  revived a great Neil Sedaka                                               singer, Andy Williams, had seen
                                  song 'Breaking Up is hard to                                              the Osmond Brothers Alan,
                                  do'. The Partridge Family was                                             Wayne, Merrill and Jay perform
                                  an American musical sitcom                                                on a Disneyland televised
                                  starring Shirley Jones and                                                special as a barbershop
                                  featuring David Cassidy. Jones                                            quartet. The group was invited
                                  plays a widowed mother, and                                               to audition for the popular Andy
                                  Cassidy played the oldest of                                              Williams Show. Andy Williams
                                  her five children, in a family that                                       initially had reservations about
                                  embarked on a music career. It        This came from the album Hot        featuring children on the
                                  ran in the USA from September         Butter. This version of             programme however, he was
                                  25, 1970 until August 24, 1974,       "Popcorn" became the second
                                  on the ABC network as part of a       primarily electronic-based piece
                                  Friday-night lineup. The family       of music to reach the American
                                  was loosely based on the real-        popular music charts, three
 music and charity. This wasn't   life musical family the Cowsills,     years after "The Minotaur" by
 too bad for a young lad who      a popular band in the late            Dick Hyman & His Electric
 started busking as a harmonica   1960s and early 1970s. The            Eclectics. It peaked at No. 9 on
 player. Around this time I       song was good but the group           the Billboard Hot 100 and No. 4
 played in a charity                             was a bit              on the Easy Listening chart,
 football match                                  cheesey!               and had even greater success
 against the Jimmy                                                      in Australia, topping the charts
 Hill Goal-diggers                               An instrumental        for 8 weeks. It proved equally
 and Rod played                                  called Popcorn         as popular in mainland Europe,
 against us. He                                  was at number 5.       spending several weeks at No.
 had been                                        This was gold          1 in France and Switzerland
 associated with                                 dust to any radio      ultimately becoming the             encouraged by his father to try
 Millwall FC and                                 DJ using talkover      biggest-selling single of 1972 in   them out,. They quickly proved
 was quite a good                                techniques and         both countries. In France, this     they were to become an asset,
 player. He turned                               Stan Free, a           version of "Popcorn" is the         and soon became regulars on
 up at the Poulton                               member of the          131st best-selling single of all    the show. In 1963, Donny
 Vics club in                                    First Moog             time, with sales of                 Osmond made his debut on the
 Wallasey with                                   Quartet, re-           approximately 900,000 copies.       show at the age of five singing
 actress Britt                                   recorded               Popcorn" was also a No. 1 hit in    "You Are My Sunshine". The
 Ekland on his arm                               "Popcorn" with his     Germany, the Netherlands and        brothers continued to perform
 and I have a                                    band Hot Butter.       Norway.                             on the show throughout the

14                                                                                                                                         15
Your local magazine for Gretna, Gretna Green, Springfield, Longtown, Carlisle, Lockerbie, Langholm, Moffat, Annan and all the beautiful towns and ...
was re-issued in 1976, again in                                         both his legal name and his
                                   1978 reaching number 34 on                                              stage name, beginning his solo
                                   the UK singles charts, and once                                         career with the 1975 concept
                                   again in 1983 reaching number                                           album 'Welcome to My
                                   67 on the UK singles charts.                                            Nightmare'. Mary Whitehouse,
                                                                                                           a Christian morality
                                   At number 2 was a summer fun                                            campaigner, persuaded the
                                   song in the genre of Mungo                                              BBC to ban the video for
                                   Jerry 'In the Summertime. Keith                                         "School's Out",although
                                   Trussell played an instrument                                           Whitehouse's campaign did not
                                   called the Zobstick. He was                                             prevent the single reaching
                                   also known as Keef Trouble                                              number one in the UK. Cooper
                                   and later co-wrote Jona Lewie's                                         sent her a bunch of flowers in
                                   hit, You'll Always Find Me In                                           gratitude for the publicity.
                                   The Kitchen At Parties. The          blood, reptiles, baby dolls, and   Meanwhile, British Labour
 1960s along with a visit from     band name was just made up.          duelling swords, Alice Cooper is   Member of Parliament, Leo
 their sister Marie. I think the   The sun obviously got to them        considered by music journalists    Abse, petitioned Home
 rest is well-known about this     that summer!                         and peers to be "The Godfather     Secretary Reginald Maudling to
 tremendously likeable and                                              of Shock Rock". He got his         have the group banned
 talented Mormon family.           At number 1 was Vincent              ideas from horror films and        altogether from performing in
                                   Damon Furnier, born February         Vaudeville to pioneer a            the United Kingdom. I'll bet you
 At number 3 was a rather weird    4, 1948 with the Alice Cooper        macabre and theatrical brand of    didn't know about this!
 sound that I didn't really like   hit 'School's Out. Furnier           rock designed to shock
 and hated people asking me to     became an American singer,           audiences. Originating in          Incidentally, I hadn't
 play it at my discos. I always    songwriter, and actor whose          Phoenix, Arizona, in 1964,         remembered a lot of this detail
 played the request as it was      career spans over 50 years.          "Alice Cooper" was originally a    and thoroughly enjoyed this
 very popular but not for me. I    With his raspy voice and stage       band with roots extending back     musical ramble for Mellow
 just didn't get it. Silver        show that features numerous          to The Earwigs in 1964. They       Magazine.
 Machine"was a song by the         props, including pyrotechnics,       broke up in 1975 and Furnier
 UK rock group Hawkwind. It        guillotines, electric chairs, fake   adopted the band's name as

16                                                                                                                                           17
Your local magazine for Gretna, Gretna Green, Springfield, Longtown, Carlisle, Lockerbie, Langholm, Moffat, Annan and all the beautiful towns and ...
Look and Smell
                                                                          Amazing With Jen

Online Business in the Personal Development
          & Leadership Industry
  We are a Global Business that is currently expanding and
                                                                        FM World and Acti Labs
  looking for like-minded, driven people who want to create       You can find me at:
   success, wealth and that all-important lifestyle balance!
If you want more time for the important things in life and have
control over when & where you work, this could be for you. Be     And join my Facebook group at
      the Leader, not part of the Herd! For more info, visit
18                                                                                    19
Learn Guitar With Rod
Hi, I'm Rod                            Karel Fialka hit lyricist and singer
Since I was very young and living
in Scotland, my passion has been       As a teacher I have become a very
music.                                 patient person with a love and
                                       passion for both acoustic and
I began by learning that every
                                       electric guitar and music from all
culture around the world has
                                       around the world, and I enjoy
invented a form of interesting
                                       sharing this passion with my
music, and use it to serve many
                                       students and watching them
purposes— it can be part of
                                       evolve into the guitarists they want
celebrations, it can be a form of
                                       to be. My students are motivated
storytelling, or even an artistic
                                       people who have time to develop
Once, in France as a teenager, I
                                       By learning their favourite songs at
saw one of the best guitarists I had
                                       their own pace and with passion
ever seen in my life, I fell in love
                                       they find themselves on the road to
with this instrument and I promised
                                       becoming a good guitarist.
myself that one day I would play it
                                       I hope that with their commitment
                                       and my training they reach their
                                       goal much faster.
                                       Remember, my goal is their goal.
                                       I teach guitar for intermediate and
                                       advanced in both English and                                     
                                       Spanish. Classes take place in a

                                                                              More Than Twenty Years Experience
                                       small studio or online that has
                                       become quite popular lately.
                                       Theory is not important to begin
                                       Why not give me a call and try
just as well as he did.                your first time for FREE.
Now I teach a variety of people        Hope to meet you soon.
from all walks of life, I have my
own studio and I have worked with      Cheers,
some well-known people, such as        Rod

   My Website:

20                                                                                                                                                            21
Some of The Acrylic Art I have been working on over the past

                        Heather Berry                      month, inspired by nature, memories and Fantasy. I am looking

                                                                                                                            Heather Berry - The Painted Heart Gallery
                                                           for places and spaces that I could display and sell some of my
                                                           work, if anyone can help do get in touch.
                             Artist and Poet                          This painting is called 'Wishing Well'

                                                                      'Fond Memories'              'Dragon's Realm'

                                                                                    'Fairy Glen'

    Facebook and Twitter – The Painted Heart Gallery
     – heathermariearts17
22                                                                                                                                         23
Mellow Media Budget
            How Much Money
                                                       Few of us are in the position            accounts or credit cards which
           Will You Have At The                        where we can spend our money             does mean you might have a little
                                                       without thinking about it, so we all     extra work to do. But I like to keep
           End Of The Month?                           need to keep an eye on where our         my security and I am sure you do
                                                       money is going. But that can be          too.
                                                       easier said than done. We might          Using Budget, you can enter
                                                       have a credit card to pay off, hp or     repeating payments such as bills
                                                       other credit repayments, rent or         and loan repayments, incomes
                 Not Enough?                           mortgage payments, gas bills,
                                                       electricity bills . . .
                                                                                                such as wages or benefits, one off
                                                                                                payments such as supermarket or
       Did you know that the more you understand       It is all too easy to get lost and       clothes purchases.
              about where your money goes,             end up spending                                          Then your whole
                                                       money we really
            the more you will be able to keep?         don’t have. And I           Less  than  £1 per month     financial situation is
                                                                                   and  a free 1 month trial.   displayed on a
                                                       know, I have been
       No matter how little or how much you have       there.
                                                                                                                calendar (on
             coming in each week or month,                                                        smartphones it appears as a list).
        Mellow Media Budget can really make a          As someone who understands               You can see at a glance how
                                                       spreadsheets, I have tried to keep
        difference and even leave you better off.                                               much you will have in the bank on
                                                       records that way, but it has never       any given day in the future so you
                                                       worked for me - too much to
          Our free offer ended on the 30th April                                                can feel confident when you
                                                       remember to do.                          decide to purchase something that
           But even now it is only £10 per year.       So I looked online and found a           you will still have enough to pay
               Yes, less than £1 per month.            number of apps and sites that            the rent. Or if not, you will know
                                                       offer to manage your money, but          not to make the purchase.
          And you have a one month Free Trial.         most of them want to link to your        Peace of mind for everyone, and
                                                       bank account and I am afraid I           although our free offer has ended,
                                                       really am not sure I want a              you can try it for free for 1 month,
                                                       company I have never heard of            and then it is just £10 per year,
                                                       having such access.                      less than £1 per month.
                Find Out More                               So I developed Budget.              So give it a try, you have nothing
                                                       It is a simple to use program that       to lose and you could find your life
     To register only needs your email address and a   runs online in your browser. It has      becoming a lot simpler.
       password - no bank information of any kind.     no connection to your bank
        See the following page or have a look at              
24                                                                                                                                25
The Devil’s Porridge Museum
                                                           Did you know that the creator of
                                                           the well known Australian spread
                                                           Vegemite once worked at HM
                                                           Factory Gretna? “Neither did we
                                                           until recently!” explained Judith
                                                           Hewitt, Museum Manager. “One of
                                                           our research volunteers uncovered
                                                           the story of how Cyril Callister, an
                                                           Australian scientist who came to
                                                           work in the Factory as part of his
                                                           war work. He married a local girl
                                                           in Annan in 1919 then returned to
                                                           Australia where he invented

                   Open daily from 10am
    Café serving home cooked food (open to non-visitors)
            Fascinating history on your doorstep
       Pay once and return for an entire year for free
                 when you Gift Aid your ticket
           Free monthly online talks via Eventbrite
              (search devil’s porridge museum)
                New exhibition now on display
    Annan Road, Eastriggs DG12 6TF          01461 700021
 26                                                                                               27
The Miracle Workers
                                 research project has been
                                 underway since January is
                                 really making great strides
                                                                                                          Paws 2 Run
                                 now with new information
The Devil’s Porridge Museum

                                 coming to light about
                                 chemists, women
                                 footballers and people from
                                 overseas who worked at
                                 the greatest factory on
                                 earth in World War One.                                                Our new exercise field is
                                 Museum Research
                                 Assistant, Laura Noakes,
                                                                                                        perfect for letting your dogs off
                                 recently tracked down a                                                the lead, safe in the knowledge
                                 video of Maud Bruce. She                                               you will not be disturbed.
                                 was a munition worker in
                                 both World Wars and was                                                Perfect for nervous or sensitive dogs
                                 awarded an MBE for her                                                 who have had a bad experience. And dogs
                                 work at HM Factory Gretna                                              with poor recall who cannot be let off lead and
                                 in World War One. “It is                                               relied upon to come back
                                 amazing to hear the voice
                                 of this incredible woman at
                                 last” enthused Laura, “We’re      onto Wikipedia as possible”
                                 really looking forward to         continued Judith. “This is          Web:
                                 sharing all of these accounts     because it is one of the most
                                 in an exhibition and film later   used websites in the world so       Phone:    07444 070274
                                 this year.”                       information on there is very        Email:
                                                                   prominent. We also want to
                                 Several other events are          help address the gender             Facebook: Paws2Run2
                                 planned as part of the project,   imbalance by adding more
                                 this includes an online mini-     women’s history to this
                                 conference where                  resource and empower more
                                 researchers will share what       people to edit Wikipedia. If
                                 they have found out about         you’d like to learn – join us for
                                 and a series of Wikithons.        a free session – no prior
                                 “We’re keen to get as many        experience is needed.”
                                 people of HM Factory Gretna

                               You can book for the mini-conference and Wikithons via the
                                           Museum’s Eventbrite page here:

       28                                                                                                                                                 29
Paws 'n' Claws with                                           DW Plastering
                                                                   And Tiling
                                                              07711 830765
     We Take Your Pet's Happiness Seriously!
          We believe your Pets would prefer to be looked
          after in their own home and the less stressed
          they are the better.                                For all your plastering and tiling needs call
          We are happy to arrange their care around your
                                                              me for
          busy lives.
                                                                         Free Quotes and Advice
                    Happy to pop into your home                            A 2 Year Guarantee
                  whilst you are busy with both work
                 or play!                                       Fully insured and time served tradesman
                  Size Doesn't Matter                         I will beat most genuine written quotes. So for
                   Happy to look after all                    an honest, reliable and discreet professional
                 animals both great and small.                who takes pride in their work call me on
                 Tailored care packages built
                  around your precious pet.                                  07711 830765
      Get In Touch:                                                      or message me through
      Facebook: pawsnclawswithpowerforce
      Website:   Facebook: DW Plastering & Tiling
      Phone:    07444070274
30                                                             Email:
The Market Hall, Carlisle                                                 Pets and Plants
                                                                          Pet food, bird food, plants, garden ornaments, pet treats, hay, straw.

 Carlisle Market Hall has been in existence for more than 200 years
 and is one of the few covered Victorian markets left in the country.
 Packed full of stores of all kinds, it is well worth a visit and being
 covered you can wander at your own speed without getting wet!
                                                                          Fabrics and Threads
 We have included just a few of the many stores there, to give you a      For a wide variety of fabrics and linens
 taster of what you find when you next visit. So don’t delay, pop
 along and see them soon, it really is like an Aladdin's Cave.

32                                                                                                                                             33
Hi Fashion                      Additions
     Fashion for the mature ladies   Mobile phone unlocking & repairs , bags , shoes , slippers and
                                     artificial flowers

     Benson’s Fruit and Veg

                                     The Food Shack
                                     Home made Pies and Cakes

34                                                                                                    35
Work and Leisure
Work wear, trousers, voiles & nets, socks and much more

     The market hall is open every day (apart from Sunday when it
     is closed) from 8am to 5pm but some stalls may have different
     opening times of course.
     If you have a stall and would like to be included in the next
     issue of Tickled Squirrel, please do get in touch. Advertising is
     completely free of any charges, and we will even design the ad
     for you for free as well.
     Email us at

36                                                                       37
the thought that “we” voted for it. And the terrible government in
 The End Of Morality?                                                       Westminster which “we” apparently voted for as well.
                                                                            But the truth of it is that “we” did not vote for this government. 54% of
                                                                            those who voted did not vote for a conservative candidate. But
 As I write this, the UK government is about to break up from their         somehow the conservatives got a majority from just 46% of the votes!
 playschool and head back to wreak havoc more locally. But they
 continue to show their entire lack of moral integrity, along with their    And have you noticed that there seems to be more crime now than
 almost total lack of intellect. An example came to light today as Ms       there used to be, more violent crime like knife attacks and guns crime?
 Patel was forced to try to support her sending yet more money to           Perhaps it could be due to the reduction in funding of the police - a
 France in her absurd hatred of asylum seekers and her misguided            reduction of £1.9 billion since the conservatives came to power in
 thought that France will somehow help to stop these desperate              2010! They would rather spend £283 million on a pointless royal yacht,
 people from coming across the channel to get to what they                  many billions on HS2 (when we cannot even afford the high prices for
 mistakenly think is a safe haven.                                          rail travel anyway), heaven knows how much on a review on whether a
                                                                            bridge or a tunnel could be built between Ireland and Scotland. All
 It seems to me that a better approach could be to see why these            these vanity projects would be more in keeping in a dictatorship!
 people are coming, risking their lives and spending vast amounts of
 money to evil people traffickers. But no, this apology for a               But why have successive conservative governments been so
 government would rather sell weapons to countries that actively            absolutely useless? One theory is that they have never forgiven the
 oppress their populations, support regimes that do the same, in fact       world for their loss of their colonies. They see the rest of the world as if
 do anything that helps to bring more riches to their supporters and        they really should belong to Britain. Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland,
 themselves. And, at the same time, they reduce the foreign aid that        The Falklands, Gibraltar are seen by them as the last remaining
 they are legally obliged, and more importantly morally obliged, to         colonies which is why they are so hurt by the thought of Scotland
 give.                                                                      looking to regain their Independence, how dare they, they couldn’t
                                                                            survive without the leadership of their masters! And we all know the
 You might ask why these people coming from France do not apply             reality is the opposite.
 for asylum there. They do, France handles around 3 times as many
 as Britain does, Germany 4 times as many. But for many of these            For the survival of Britain especially England because Scotland does
 desperate people, they see Britain as a hope for a better future, little   at least have a functioning and honest government in place, it is
 do they know how bad this country has become under this and the            becoming vital that this evil, inept government is replaced by one with
 previous far right conservative governments.                               integrity, honesty, compassion, an understanding of the ordinary
                                                                            person in the street. Yet in the last election a lot of people (not a
 A new bill being debated would make it a crime punishable by up to         majority I stress) voted for them. I would love to know why? Has the
 14 years in prison if a journalist publishes a document that               UK population been completely taken in by their lies? Has the UK
 embarrasses the government. In particular it refers to leaked              population gone far right? Is it still racist? I don’t believe any of these
 documents being published. But the question is, why are things kept        things, but I really and truly do not understand how anyone with any
 secret? I understand that details of military matters might be kept        integrity, any belief in the value of humankind, any belief in honesty
 away from the general public for security reasons, and perhaps             could vote for this apology of a government.
 some policing operations, but that is all. The only reason apart from
 that for a government to keep secrets is because either what they          Please people, if you ever get the opportunity, tell this nasty, divisive,
 are doing is illegal - quite a common occurrence these days it would       racist, incompetent apology for a government to stand down and let us
 seem - or they know the public will not agree to it. But are we not a      have a proportionally represented government instead.
 democracy? Well no we are not really, but we should be.                    Better still, help us work towards regaining independence for Scotland
 I have friends in Spain and the discussion is often about Brexit, and      and let us benefit from a decent government for a change.

38                                                                                                                                                  39
A Fun Quiz
                Kirkpatrick Fleming
                                                                    1. Who wrote the 1864 novel Journey To The Centre of the Earth?
                                                                    2. In 1965, The Times They Are A-Changin’ was the first top ten hit
                                                                       for which singer/songwriter?

                                                                    3. Which Scottish engineer gave his name to the Siunit of power?
                                                                    4. Borderline was a 1983 single by which singer?
  Abi and her team welcome you to the newly refurbished             5. Which international tennis trophy did Great Britain win in 2015?
   Station the well loved village pub, restaurant and bar           6. In a 1954 song, who was entreated to “Bring me a dream”?
 located in Kirkpatrick Fleming, Dumfries and Galloway in
                the south west of Scotland.                         7. What is 3/4 expressed as a percentage?
                                                                    8. Which comedian co-presents Stargazing Live with Brian Cox?
                      OPEN AGAIN                                    9. Who sang lead vocals on the Commodores 1978 hit Three
                                                                       Times a Lady?
We are so pleased to be open again, serving food
all day in the restaurant and the beer garden                       10. What was William Gladstone’s middle name?
                                                                    11. Of which sea creature is there a variety known as Jack Sail-by-
            Come along and see us again soon                            the-Wind?
                                                                    12. Who played Lilith in the TV series Cheers and Frasier?
                                                                    13. What make and model of car was driven by the Duke boys in the
                                                                        TV series The Dukes of Hazzard?
                                                                    14. Which sport is named after the Gloucestershire seat of the Duke
                                                                        of Beaufort?
                                                                    15. Along with Gog, whhich biblical giant was associated with
                                                                        apocrolyptic prophecy?
                                                                    16. Keep On Running was a 1966 hit for which group?
                                                                    17. What term is given for a post for winding up a ship’s cable?
                                                                    18. Which country produces Bull’s Blood wine?
                                                                    19. Who was the Norse god of war and poetry?
                                                                    20. Which 1997 film featured the song You Can Leave Your Hat On?

Telephone: 01461 800410           Email:
Website:     FB      thestationkp                                      Answers can be found inside the back cover
 40                                                                                                                                    41
       For All Your Sewing Needs                             3D Garden Design
      Ann Corrie     07525280975                                                                           By Roald Goorman

Trousers and skirts shortened, curtains made and adjusted,
                                                             Do you want to design and install your own garden, but you lack;
cushions covered, special occassions such as
bride’s maid’s dresses, wedding                              •   The budget to hire a landscaper/garden architect to carry out the
dresses altered, zips replaced,                                  work for you
roman blinds made up,
                                                             •   Sufficient knowledge of plants, planting schemes and
                                                                 hardscaping elements and decoration possibilities

                                                             •   The inspiration to make a thorough, practical and unique garden

                                                             But you are good in DIY? Then you are at the right place with us for
                                                             your tailor made garden design.

                                                             We offer a complete 3D garden design, including planting schemes,
                                                             species specifications and hardscaping options. If required we can
                                                             also design an irrigation system set-up.

     49 Halcrow Crescent, Gretna DG165F
             Phone 07525280975
             Facebook ann.corrie
buildings on it. Each side of the building should be fully visible on
                                        the photo. The more information you provide us with , the better end
                                        result we will obtain!
 For that we need from you, either
 by e-mail or whatsapp, a ground        Costs range between 250 and 750 Euros for gardens between 0 till
 plan of the property, a Google Maps    1000m2 , anything larger than that will be quoted on request. To
 location also works great, together    start today with your garden, just fill out our questionnaire, which
 with all your specific requirements    you can find on the website
 of the future garden.
                                        Send us an e-mail, a WhatsApp or call us for more info at:
 Equally as important are photos - (0034) 630 477 295
 taken from different perspectives of
 the current garden and the             Mediterragarden are based in Spain but work across Europe, there
                                        is more information on the following page.
44                                                                                                             45
Roald has been a gardener for many years and started his working
 life in Northern Europe where he gained extensive knowledge of the
 best plants to use in the colder climates that we have here in
                                                                          The Visit Vet

 He moved to Spain some years ago where he has established a
 thriving business designing and building gardens across the south
 east of Spain, but he has never forgotten his roots and his new
 service, where he can design a garden for you, selecting plants that
 suit your environment, preferences and budget.

 So if you are wondering what on earth you can do with your plot,
 then get in touch with him and see how he can help you. His contact
 details are on the page before.

 Roald has been writing for our Spanish magazine since 2008 and
 we can thoroughly recommend him.

                                                                          The Visit Vet is a new concept in veterinary services for
                                                                          your pet. No stress caging or transporting your pet to a
                                                                          surgery for routine appointments, I will come to you in
                                                                          your own home. Covering Carlisle, Gretna, Annan and
                                                                          surrounding areas.

                                                                          FIND OUT MORE:
                             Gardens tailor
                              made to suit
                              your needs                                         07983834067
                                                                          OPENING HOURS:
 Roald Goorman                             630 477 295 (Tel & WhatsApp)    Advice 8am-7pm weekdays and 8.30am-12 noon Saturdays         
                                                                           Consultations Mon-Tue: 8am-8pm   Wed-Fri: 8am-4pm
46                                                                                                                                    47
Mellow Media
Accounts - Budgeting - Journal

 As well as publishing Magazines (Mellow Magazine and Tickled
 Squirrel) Mellow Media are a software house. We have been
 developing software for businesses since 1990 and we are                   Would You Like To Lose Weight?
 currently offering three products which you can use.

 All our current software runs online - meaning you can access it
                                                                                  Then NOW is the time to start
 from any computer or smartphone from anywhere you have internet                on the path to your healthy weight
 access. Free trials are available.

 • Mellow Accounts                                                        There really has never been a more important time to take
     •   Offering all the features you would look for in an accounts       control of our weight and wellbeing. Obesity and type 2
         management program, but without the complications.                   diabetes are linked and both increase the risk of
 • Mellow Budget                                                                         complications from Covid-19.
     •   Looks after your day to day money management tasks. You
         can even “look into the future” and see how much money                      Summer Is Approaching
         you will have at any time in the future
 • Mellow Journal
                                                                                  Start Your New Transformation
     •   Many of us like to keep a diary or a journal. Somewhere to
         jot down our thoughts and feelings. This free app will do just
         that with ease.
                                                                                                  Find me on Facebook at
                                                               Or call me on 07970 614763
                                                                   Unit 5 Market Arcade
                               WhatsApp +44 7964 262 288                                           Scotch Street, Carlisle
48                                                                                                                              49
Flavours and Spices of India
 Chicken and Cashew nut                                                                                                           96 685 28 46

                                                                          We are open:
                                                                                Mon to Thur: 12:00 - 15:30
Ingredients:                                                                            and 18:00 - 23:30
                                                                                Fri to Sun: 12:00 - 23:30
225g cooked chicken                                                          (Please call to check times during the
1 small can pineapple chunks
                                                                          We look forward to seeing you soon
100g cashew nuts
5 table spoons natural yogurt                                            96 685 28 46            Avda Puerto, 7 Local 6 Bajo Villajoyosa
1 table spoon coriander, finely                                                     Where a Warm Welcome Awaits You On The Sea Front in Villajoyosa


1. Combine the chicken, pineapple, cashew nuts, yogurt and
2. S�r in3 tablespoons of the pineapple juice and mix well.
3. Chill and salt just before serving.

With thanks to Anil of The Maharaja on the sea front in Vilajoyosa for
this recipe. His restaurant is always worth a visit for genuine Indian
food and a friendly welcome.

50                                                                                                                                                    51
Climate Change
 The climate is changing, there can be no argument against that.            conditioning, have a shower, we are using energy and unless this is
 Some people say it would have happened anyway, they are simply             generated using green technology, then we are adding to the
 burying their heads in the sand. It is definite that we are causing it     problem. When we get in our (petrol or diesel) car and start the
 by pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.                           engine, we are pumping pollution and CO2 into the air. When we fly
                                                                            to our long needed foreign destination holiday we are doing the
 Governments across the world, not just the excuse for one we have
 in Westminster right now, talk a lot about what they will do, but
 actually do little or nothing. In the UK, the government’s own report      But we must be realistic. We are not going to stop heating our
 says the UK is less prepared now for what is coming than it was 5          homes, cooking and making hot drinks or lighting our rooms. We are
 years ago. And while they talk:                                            not going to stop driving to the shops, and we are still going to fly to
 •   Sea levels are rising. Parts of the world are experiencing             foreign holiday destinations. But if we think before we do each of
     flooding like they have never seen before.                             these things, and ask ourselves if they are really necessary, then we
                                                                            will reduce our impact on the planet. Going by bus or train can
 •   Wild fires worse than any in living memory are happening in
                                                                            reduce our impact as well, if we can afford the high prices, since the
     America, the UK, Europe, and across the world.
                                                                            bus or train is travelling anyway and our added weight will not
 •   One part of India is now said to be at a temperature too hot for       increase the pollution by very much. Shopping locally will also help
     humans to live in.                                                     as it reduces our journey miles.
 •   Storms rage and hurricanes occur where they don’t normally.
                                                                            Changing to a vehicle with lower fuel consumption helps as well of
 •   And it will only get worse.                                            course. An electric car would be a great step in the right direction as
                                                                            long as it is charged from a renewal energy source. But do bear in
                                                                            mind that the manufacture of a car uses a lot of energy with its
 One thing the pandemic has taught me is that the most important            associated CO2 emissions, so there is the argument that keeping a
 thing people need is honest and accurate information, not the secret       car, or any manufactured item for that matter, for as long as possible
 talks, the illegal money making processes that go on in the UK             is a good thing.
 government and the lies. Only by the public knowing the truth of
 what is happening will they make proper decisions on how they              But there is one thing we can all do, and that is to demand that our
 should behave to try to mitigate the potential disaster that could         government, wherever we live, takes action and actually accepts its
 befall the Earth.                                                          responsibility to do something, rather than just talk about it. So
 But can we do anything on our own to help slow the process down?           contact your MP if you can, contact your Prime Minister, and
 With governments seemingly unable or unwilling to do what is               demand that action is taken. We have known for 50 years that we
 needed to slow the change and possibly even reverse it, it comes to        are causing climate change, but all that has been done is talk, and
 us to do something. But do we have the will? And do we have the            obviously this has not changed anything.
                                                                                Only action on climate change will do anything,
 We need to change the way we treat energy. Every time we turn on                             talk does nothing.
 the lights, heat water in the kettle, turn on the central heating or air

52                                                                                                                                                53
Felsham Planning and Development is a U.K. wide property
consultancy that advises on the use and development of land and
      provides a full range of planning and development services,

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                        Call: +44 (0) 131 337 96400
54                                                                           55
Gretna FC 2008                                                            Euan Griffiths Midfielder
                                                                          Blair Sneddon Defender from Falkirk
                                                                          Luke Holt Goalkeeper from Falkirk
                                                                          Jordan Kemoe Striker from Partick Thistle
                                                                          Matthew Connolly goalkeeper on emergency loan
                                                                          Robert Griffiths formerly of Kirkintilloch Rob Roy FC


 And so the Governments and authorities give the green light and it's
 go go go as Gretna resume football again after an 8 month break for
 Covid. Without doubt it's been a difficult time for everyone and the
 football club has probably had the hardest ever preseason with
 Covid and changed priorities having a huge impact.

 That said the club has been working hard and have put together a         Louis Jeffrey Lee Kilbride                  Gregor Donald
 23 man squad and strengthened the management team. We have
 recruited a new Head of Player Recruitment/Youth Development
 and first team coach in Eddie Warwick and a new Assistant
 Manager in Mark Shanks. As manager, Rowan Alexander stated,
 "Both are excellent additions to our backroom staff, bringing a
 wealth of experience".

 We have recruited a talented young squad and some are pictured in
 this article. We will introduce you to them all in the next few months
 but for now we have brought in

 Louis Jeffrey Midfielder from Greenock Morton
 Lee Kilbride Goalkeeper from Greenock Morton
 Connor Smith Midfielder from Broomhill
 Gregor Donald Defender has previously been with St Johnston and
 represented Scotland at youth level                                         Blair Sneddon     Luke Holt                 Aidan Duffy
 Aidan Duffy Attacking midfielder from Greenock Morton
56                                                                                                                                     57
We also have a number of Trialists that at the time of writing can't      looking penalty and made it 2-0. A third shortly followed and things
 be named we welcome all to the club and hope they enjoy their time        looked as grim as the drizzly Midlothian weather. However, Josh
 at Raydale.                                                               Cooper pulled a goal back for us and we went in 3-1 down at half
                                                                           time. Bonnyrigg took control of the second half quickly and added
 We are also pleased that Connor Liddell, Farrell O'Sullivan, Robbie       two more. Jordan Kemoe superbly rounded the keeper to get us a
 Ivison, Daniel Harvey, Colin Bell and Dean Watson have all                goal back, but Bonnyrigg had the last word with an overhead kick to
 remained at the club for at least another season.                         secure the 6-2 win.







 A great point was earned at Shielfield Park and just what was
 needed after the opening day defeat. This was a battling team
 performance where we rode our luck little bit. Jordan Kemoe led the
 front line superbly and deserved his well taken equaliser.

 MATCH DAY 3 VALE OF LEITHEN O GRETNA FC 2008 2                            NEXT GAME.....IT'S COMING HOME ALMOST....
 The team showed some excellent football at times against a                Our first "home" game of the season is to be played at Annan
 physical Vale of Leithen side. AIdan Duffy opened the scoring with a      Athletic's Galabank stadium on Saturday 7th August, 3pm against
 brilliant first goal in the 54th minute and this enabled Gretna to take   East Stirlingshire.
 control of the game with Duffy adding a second goal near the end to
 secure the 3 points.                                                               PLEASE NOTE THIS IS AN ALL TICKET GAME!
 MATCH DAY 4 BONNYRIGG ROSE 6 GRETNA FC 2008 2                             We would love a bumper crowd for this game as due to Covid we
                                                                           have had no income for such a long while.
 A tough afternoon for our young squad. The scoreline probably
 flattered Bonnyrigg a bit but they capitalised on their set pieces and    Tickets can be purchased from our Ticketing partner Fanbase at:
 showed why they are one of the favourites for the league title this
 season. Gretna were well in the game albeit 1 0 down when Jordan   
 Kemoe scored an equaliser...... Only for it to be ruled offside! Soon
 after Bonnyrigg went up the other end and were awarded a dubious

58                                                                                                                                            59


 Please follow our social media platforms and website for fixture
 updates and ticket news.


 Congratulations to the Gretna FC 2008 Walking Football team who
 recently won their latest festival.

                                                                    And thanks to our backroom staff who make it all possible as well,

                                                                       Perry Oakley
                                                                       Mark Shanks
                                                                       Eddie Warwick and
                                                                       Physio Susan Pollock

                                                                    Hope to see you all at Annan on the 7th August!

                                                                    Gretna FC 2008 Media Team

                                                                    Iain Martin

60                                                                                                                                       61
Simply Relax
                       The ‘Simply Relax’ recording is now
                                Absolutely FREE
     Gretna FC 2008             For All Readers
        New APP
                      Over the last two months I have offered the Simply Relax
                      hypnotherapy download with a discount code to make it free of
                      charge. The response has been so good that I have decided to
                      keep the free offer on permanently. Use the code mellowrelax
                      So if you are finding these uncertain times are causing you
                      stress or worry, then give it a try, Go to the website shown
                      below, go to Downloads, scroll down to Simply Relax and click
                      on See More, then click on Purchase and enter the code shown
                      below. There will be no charge,

                           Use the code mellowrelax
62                                                                                63
The Trouble With History                                                 history is that it doesn’t look to the future.
                                                       By Paul Cowan
                                                                                 For a while now the idea has been circulating around Annan
                                                                          that the town should be renamed History Town. I have been vocally
         So where do we start with history, right at the beginning?       against this idea from the start, when it was first put to me by
 There’s the first problem right there, where does it all begin and why   councillor Richard Brodie when he was coming up with the idea, he
 technically does it never end. The paragraph I am now writing and        asked me my opinion on it and I told him flat out that it was a
 you (I hope) are now reading is in fact classed as an historical         rubbish one and I set out my reasons for my stance, which I will now
 document. But if I were to move the cursor over it and wipe it out,      share with you.
 does it still constitute a part of history, a Schrodinger’s document
                                                                                   Every town has history, most of it has gone, especially in
 situation if ever there was one.
                                                                          Annan. What history Annan does have, historical buildings for
         Philosophical paradoxes aside, we have to admit that history     example, are so badly maintained that whatever historical
 is all around us, so we must now look at the quality of historical       significance they had has been seriously eroded, physically and
 events, subjects, artefacts and lore. Quality is of course another       metaphorically, there has to be something to actually see, or a book
 paradoxical and abstract concept, as brilliantly illustrated by the      would do. Even the clock tower of our town hall, the most important
 writer Robert M. Pirsig, in his sensational treatise on the subject,     building in the town, has weeds and even a small tree growing out
 “Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance“. Something of an             of it and the sandstone it is made from is badly discoloured and
 historical object in itself, especially my copy with all my added page   failing in it’s integrity, take it from a stone sculptor. Let’s not even go
 inserts in pen, that I bought in second year at the Academy, way         there with the disgraces that are the old church in Bank Street and
 back in 1976, two years after it was published. We all know that         the Central Hotel, the first thing visitors arriving by train witness.
 quality is a wholly subjective concept. Too many people are so           One of which is in a designated Conservation Area. The Annan
 obsessed with history as a whole or history in relation to a certain     museum has seen dwindling attendance figures for years now,
 subject and period, that it controls their lives and others around       strangely enough the former curator told me that the busiest it had
 them, who invariably fail to see what all the fuss is about.             been was for exhibitions of art that I put on in it. It has unfortunately
                                                                          become merely an adjunct to the main museum in Dumfries and
         Let’s look at the 1st and 2nd World wars. We endlessly trawl     basically just gets the dregs of it’s bigger brother’s displays for a
 through all the offensives, being extremely careful to get all the       couple of flea bitten months at a time. I have noticed recently that
 dates right and all the “facts” right and pat ourselves on the back      every time I drive past going down to the High Street, that the
 that we have done our duty. We tend to look at both wars from the        current “curator” is standing outside looking forlornly up and down
 perspectives of hindsight and of course the knowledge that we were       the street. So what about non-visible history, otherwise known as
 on the winning side each time - history is always written from the       the past! So we do have some but the concentration has always
 winning side. This of course gives us a skewed and ultimately            been on the wrong things, mainly with no thought or relevance to
 biased viewpoint. What I have taught my younger son recently is          the future. People even crow about our strength in the fish industry,
 more important. I showed him the build up of events to both wars         but they cite the factories and processes, we seemingly invented
 and the context of both conflicts as seen from a wider worldly           scampi. Woopedoo, that tacky ‘70s delicacy that we as children all
 perspective, so he better understands the reasons they happened in       clamoured for because it came in a… wait for it… BASKET. They
 the first place. As the saying goes - he who doesn’t learn from his      fail to talk about the ship building industry, the actual sites are of
 mistakes is destined to repeat them. So the main trouble with            course all gone, nothing to see here, move on. They also fail to talk

64                                                                                                                                                  65
about our engineering excellence and innovation, both at                   committee involved in local town running, usually containing the
 Cochranes with boilers and Boyds, crane makers and designers               usual suspects and a scattering of local councillors vying to get their
 and builders of the world’s first train turntable, currently in the        faces in the paper), is of course destined to line the pockets of some
 National Rail Museum in York. The idea behind History Town is              flash city PR company and we’ll get a couple of banners and a
 ostensibly to bring visitors to Annan, where they will spend money         handful of flyers and a raft of dubious “events”, that will invariably be
 and boost the local economy, but there has to be something to see          only enjoyed and attended by the organisers and their friends. As
 that will hold their attention for longer than 5 minutes, the average      has seen to be the case with the opening “event” at the weekend,
 attention span for most younger people in this digital age. If you         the photographs strangely contain no audience, not a single one. As
 can’t do that then you will invariably only get the same old faces         for wrapping the disintegrating historical buildings up in illustrated
 turning up - old being the operative word. Let’s face it most history is   cloth, even when I’ve seen it done in large cities by experts it looks
 for old people. They are usually tight with a pound as well, so very       terrible. Stupid idea. Really stupid idea. Amazingly stupid idea.
 little boosting going on, and let’s face it, most of them are destined
 to shuffle at any point as well. They do tend to twine a lot though,                I am of course not saying we should abandon history, or
 when they think we are ignoring our “heritage”. Look at the example        indeed the teaching of it in schools, after all where would we get the
 when it was discovered that the Savings Bank Museum in Ruthwell            next generation of history teachers from? As I intimated way back in
 was destined for closure, they twined so hard that our local MP, the       the historical context of this very article, if we don’t learn from
 Right Honourable David Mundell, heard it down in London and                history… la di da di da. However if our town and indeed any town or
 being a prize band-wagon jumper, instantly jumped on the band-             city is to survive and thrive in the future, then we, and they, must
 wagon. Trust me there isn’t a band-wagon he won’t jump on. It was          look to the future. Or find somebody that can.
 saved, but let me tell you, I have waxed lyrical-ish about the
 museum to every visitor I’ve had, but I’ve never been into it, neither                       Our thanks once again to Paul for this great article.
 have all the twiners and of course all the band-wagon jumpers,
 which is no doubt why it was ear-marked for closure in the first place
 and no doubt they all haven’t visited it now either.

         The other problem with the concept of History Town is that Mr
 Brodie’s other reason was that it would be great as other towns in
 the region had celebrity status by being called Towns. I had to point
 out to him that ALL the other towns had names based on specialities
 that were involved with the arts and that ALL had things and
 experiences that most people, including crucially, younger people,
 would be interested in, both looking at and physically enjoying. To
 no avail. There were also no old farts hobbling about wearing moth
 eaten old rags, sorry costumes, to put them off. Why does history
 and the telling of it always attract pseudo, Legz Akimbo type,
 ACTORS!!!, mainly the same old farts playing for recognition from a
 similarly old fartish audience. Throwing good money at the problem
 is also not the answer, the £19 thousand and something pounds
 that the Annan The History Town committee, (isn’t there always a

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